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[email protected] Key projects powering Kenya’s economic growth BY CYRUS OGUNA greater control over their lives and to a projected annual growth rate jects around the country geared criticism on the financing of these the economic stability to support of 7% per annum. towards enhancing production, projects, it must be appreciated he Government, under the themselves. According to the World Bank, trade and the ease of movement of that countries the world over have Tleadership of President Uhuru The government is on course in the past 5 years, the economy people and goods. developed through borrowing. Kenyatta, has consistently pur- in actualizing the President’s has been growing at an impres- These projects include the ex- In the Coast Region, the con- sued an aggressive industrialisa- Big Four Agenda: Manufactur- sive average of 5.7 %, save for the pansion of ports, rehabilitation of struction of the Dongo – Kundu tion agenda. ing, Universal Health Coverage, last half of the FY 2019/2020 due railways and construction of road bypass, Magongo – Miritini, Air- The agenda is underpinned by Affordable Housing and Food to the Covid -19 pandemic where networks countrywide. port and Port Reitz roads are some national security, increased en- Security, as envisioned in the Vi- the growth was 1.5%. This shows In particular, President Keny- of the notable projects with direct ergy generation, transport in- sion 2030.