Kenya Past and Present Issue 44 Kenya Past and Present Editor Peta Meyer Editorial Board Marla Stone Kathy Vaughan Patricia Jentz Kenya Past and Present is a publication of the Kenya Museum Society, a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1971 to support and raise funds for the National Museums of Kenya. Correspondence should be addressed to: Kenya Museum Society, PO Box 40658, Nairobi 00100, Kenya. Email:
[email protected] Website: Statements of fact and opinion appearing in Kenya Past and Present are made on the responsibility of the author alone and do not imply the endorsement of the editor or publishers. Reproduction of the contents is permitted with acknowledgement given to its source. We encourage the contribution of articles, which may be sent to the editor at
[email protected] No category exists for subscription to Kenya Past and Present; it is a benefit of membership in the Kenya Museum Society. Available back issues are for sale at the Society’s offices in the Nairobi National Museum and individual articles can be accessed online at the African Journal Archive: Any organisation wishing to exchange journals should write to the Resource Centre Manager, National Museums of Kenya, PO Box 40658, Nairobi 00100, Kenya, or send an email to
[email protected] Designed by Tara Consultants Ltd Printed by Kul Graphics Ltd ©Kenya Museum Society Nairobi, June 2017 Kenya Past and Present Issue 44, 2017 Contents The past year at KMS ..................................................................................... 3 Patricia Jentz The past year at the Museum .......................................................................