Portico: May 1994
This is a milepost. Eve17 Sunday morning, CBS newsman Charles ICuralt selects a milepost for the weekjust ended. He usually holds in his hand an object rhat repi-esents the milepost, and: before he speals. pauser in a \jzv that seeins to sus- pend die iiioiiitii~.This ii a moineiit Ior La!i 1y5 10 c 1:. Sometimes die milepost is a majoi- ei'ent that the whole world is aTvai-e ot: sometimes it's an item of lesser significance that nevertheless seems to be a sign of the times in its o~iiquiet way, eiidence of a shift in attitudes, perceptions, realities. Tl'ithout this pause to reflect on the item Kuralt is holding in his hand, we might miss it. That's the way I see Poitico. I've been around campus long enough noli to gain some perspective, I was a student at Indiana Central College. I graduated from Indiana Central University. I'm an alumnus of the Uniyersitj- of Indianapolis. Except for one year, I've been on campus since 1973. And fi-om my perspective, things are different now Like those represented by so many SUJ~~O) ~~21o777ingiiiileposts,the changes here are of !',, leader. TVe began to attract ~ The sate-of'tlie-81-t Cliristel ~--~-~-~-/ IkHaan Fkie Ai-tz Center. \vlircii opened just last month, is the pi-ide of the universin7ancl the anchor $:,,??>,',, ..,, .,, . I ol'an zmbitious 10-vear cainpu' beautifica- the lciid that inigbt e'L5iIy be overlooked iion and expansion plan. Significant calli- as ire go 011 with our claily lives.
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