RETRO3 Cover UK 29/03/2004 11:18 AM Page 1 ❙❋❙P✄❍❇N❋❙ ❚❏❖❉M❇❏❙•❉PNNP❊P❙❋•❚❋❍❇•❖❏❖❋❖❊P•❇❇❙❏•❇❉P❙❖•✠✄NP❙❋ * ❏❚❚❋✄I❙❋❋ * ❙❋❙P✄❍❇N❋❙ £5.99 UK • $13.95 Aus $27.70 NZ ISSUE THREE ❇❉P❙❖✄❇❙❉I❏❋❚ HIGH SCORE CALL 01625 850 565 8✏❈❏✄N❏❉❙P❚✎✄❙❏❚❉✄N❇❉I❏❖❋❚✄✠✄❙❋◗P❖ ❙❋❙P✄❙❋❏❇M ❉M❇❚❚❏❉✄❍❇N❋❚✄◗❊❇❋❊✄GP❙✄2004 ❇❙❉❇❊❋✄❇✄IPN❋ >SYNTAX ERROR! >MISSING COVERDISC? <CONSULT NEWSAGENT> ❉PMM❋❉✄❇❖❊✄❙❋❚P❙❋✄❉P❏❖✏P◗❚ 003 Untitled-1 1 1/9/06 12:55:47 RETRO3 Intro/Hello 31/03/2004 11:00 PM Page 3 hello <EDITORIAL> >10 PRINT "hello" Editor = >20 GOTO 10 Martyn Carroll >RUN (
[email protected]) Art Editor = Mat Mabe Additonal Design = Roy Birch + Craig Chubb Wendy Morgan + The Beast Sub Editors = Katie Hallam + Rachel White Contributors = Aaron Birch + Anthony Buckley Richard Hallas + Paul Loughrey John Southern + Iain Warde Dan Whitehead + Kim Wild <PUBLISHING & ADVERTISING> Operations Manager = Debbie Whitham Group Sales & Marketing Manager = Tony Allen Advertising Sales = hello Linda Henry Accounts Manager = elcome to Retro Gamer we’ve done with our Gremlin’s retro gaming message board Karen Battrick issue 3. I’d be temped Greatest Hits collection. We’re while you’re there? Circulation Manager = Wto say Retro Gamer dedicated to making Retro Gamer Before I stop banging on, I’d Steve Hobbs Marketing Manager = mark III, because we’ve once bigger and better, so please keep like to let you know that Retro Iain "Angry" Anderson again made changes to the sending in your feedback. For Gamer will now be published on Editorial Director = magazine based on your reasons beyond our control, the a six-weekly schedule.