The UCSD Guardian Volume 49, Number 13 University of , Monday, May 16, 1983

... and the walls came down fh TIIO:\IAS RANI\lN Fund.., for n('\\ con--I rucllOIl. ('nl\ l'r .... 11 \ olfltl.tls h;1\ l' o :\"" ~ Ediwr al/\ nt·\\ constnltllOI1. ha\t' b l' l' 11 d n.'r yin g I) u d g (' t S('c'()}u! of t/('(} f)fI rls, \ It t uall} dril'd LIP, rlw nt'\\ pr()bll'Ill~ for ) l'ar~. :-;Incl' c1assnxHll under COlhl rUCI ion (;C)\L'rnllr (;(~Ir~t' IkuhIlll'Jldll I C~() .... onginal plan called al ThIrd is ilell1g built. l10t flul :tnnoullcl,d hi" blld.~l'l for a total (If 12 colkgl ..... a of a 11\' .... pecia I budgt'I, hll I III amendIllt'nt III tnl,lo.\prrl .... dll'l11l' t ha t \\ mIld ha \ l ' made lhe fenl'nl h()J)l Ihal \'t·\ \·nut· ... tdlt'Cll\d) l'illnll1;tlln~ n, "l Ll'nlral Llbran' Il'ul\ in lhe from Iea..,ing t he ~Iabll' ... land I han . ~:i() 1l1l1l1011 frolll I l " tl'nler of I'hl' c'al11 pus \\e .... t ofT(lrn'\ PI Ill", I~()ad \\ III hudgt,t I, h(m l'\ t'I, 11ll' I;IJ'( ) eIlO\\t·c! arthh' rendel'lllgs In C()\l'r clIn ... t rlKlloll cost ". J\t !tnt' r1lt'lorlc (If tlllh'~ pa", h.l' Ihl' I'~ .... rh()log~ and I. II1gUl so be .... t. l'C~J) 111Ighl hOi "I !tH'O! i>l'l'on1l' "ll pt'rll Ut)U": I htll' I ICS BuIlcling ... h()\\ grandiose a "'1' colll'ges In tl;I'Ill';tr IUlurl'. nll\\ "l'un.., I I) Ill' .~l·lHlllh c:t U'l' .... prl'ilci of high 'll'ch archllec ;\t \\ or",!, un I\t·r .... II \ offiCIal" It.r alarm III til( Ilt·,1 It\\ lure ra III Illi ng ano"s the III a \ hl' fon'ed 10 1111111 \\l'eb, 11ll' 1v.~I"latlln · and, blufl.." gleamIng ol)('llsks ('nroll llH'1l I and fight 10 Ilt del on lIlt iIllatl'I), t Itt' gll\ vrn{ r \\ iii 10\\ l'rt n g 0 \ l' r I () Ull t a Ins to \\ hallhv\' alread\ 11:1\('. tll'lt'rmll1l' \\ hl'llkr III nol l 'l bet \\'l'en t·"IKln .... l\e 1(1\\ Ils. Thl' probll'm I~ rlll1lple\. and \\" III rl'l a III I hl' P!'l'S t I~l" :1 nd Tht' n'alll\ of Ihe ... Ilualion got' ... far be\ ond whel 11('1' t 1(" nllt Il'\('1 Clf .~rcl\\th Ihat 1\ htl" IS thaI Thlnflollt·gl·\\a .... built Ihl "chool will v\.pO" ... liJlt· S:!(1ti 1l1i1!t .. ll Ih I ~l~:!, hd~\ cI (In lolll·ge IS sttll hou .... ed In \\ or Ie! 10 ("OIll!:' 11\. I 'l SI) !t hl' I Ill' thl' l'tll)-..llllll·r l'llll' Intlt'" \\'ar II 'l'ra quon .... l't huts a nd l: nl\cr"II\' cd C:i1llorllla I(PI ), PrIll· ... had IIlliall'd ""~) clapboard .... heds, a utilit \ ,are! statl'\\ Id l'°, IS III .... l· rltlu.., percellt t 'C SI )'" blld.l!l'! .... IIClng il In hall. . I wulJk.

California Condors Fight for Survival. Page 3. Cure for Word-Crossed Lovers. Page 11. Golfers Go On Glorious Trip to Wooster. Page 15. Monday, May ] 6, 1983 2 The UCSD Guardian Monday, May 16, ]983 The lJCSJ) Guardian

... S" .....,.. ~~~'S_... ~ The UCSD Guardian U(~r; The California Condor: A Struggle for Survival Bv LISA LAPIN "eals in Canada, monkc\'s in t m Iron men t gr()u p... In, II/!/JO}/ h<,\e a ju\('mll' to (art' fOI Ihetll on thl'lrf)\\ n,/)I:;! h" an' "'Ol>inion Editor South Al1lcrica. vt?[- the Df the Califoll1la Londor \\ hich mean ... one condor l'\ I'r\ grealer than birth ... and \~e Animal lo\'ers ha\e had damage done \\ it hm -our own Project: US Fish and \\'ildlife t\\O \ear". fh Illculiatlllg tilt, need tomakl'lhl'I11""t ofC\lf\' cause for jubilation \\ith the countr\, is t rcmenclous. We Ser\'icc. California lJepart, l'gg" ;md ra I... i·ng the ('ondor .... In off "PrJ ng." - recent blrlhs of t\\'O of the hil\'(' 'almost broughl the nwnt of Fish ancl Came, the captIvIty, reproduction I" When a~ked a t)()U t til(' (1/..,1.., uglie:-t babie~ l'\ er 10 gran.' the grinly bear. thl' sea ot ter, and IIKIl'a ... ecl :WO pl'ITCnl. III the I'rlljcl't , he replll'd "'I he Opinion 111IjlllnanCf' h not tlwe" ... t, litH San Diego Z(X). LillIe Si"CJuoc the whoopIng crane to One of tIll' larw' It'ar, \\ ith and TecU\'a a re result s of the extinction. The great tIll' 10 ... '" of \\ i ld Ilfl a !lei ha Ilit a I 11Igh I ~ I)U bl ici zed. hIgh I ~ Amertcan bIson no longer WI' ... hould take til<' mUlle) Unsigned editorials represent the opinions of tilt editorial board oj the UCSD Guardian. The editorial board is composed of Lisa LApin, Tom Rankin and Caty contro\ersial California extists. Tinkle. All olher arlicles In this seelion are solely theol'inion of the wriler and do not COlldor Projeci . A project Thi rd World count ries onlv n«essarily represent the views of the Guardian, its edItorial board, its advertisers or which has had conserva, follow I he bad l'xample ~et by Ihe University of California. lionish arguing O\'er the be'it the United Stales. The\' rcfu~e Illean~ for condor sur\'i\'al, and to set a~ide land for '\\ ildllfe a project which has been ref uges, or (0 crack do\\ n on O\'er look ed a sam aj or the cle\ a:-tal ion of IX)aching, MEChA's praiseworthy I;~ accomplishment in American claiming \\ hat we ha\'e done . t>AM ' WCi\'( FOR US I WI>$. CARR'fING MY ~ UR8AN I1UNTlNG WEAR)N wildlife efforts. no better, " There is no argument over The CalIfornia COl1dor Cinco de Mayo party the bird's endangered status. provides an opport unity for Letters to the Editor The California condor i" the Ihe l iS to finally do something By D'ARC\' SWARTZ l1lost endangered species in the right in the way of wildlJfe 1 Friday, ~ay 6 was thedayof racIsm In America. The L nited States. Estimates of consen ation. The condor is " the twelfth annual Cinco de speakers told uf struggle - not remallling individuals range symbol of American wildlife Mayo celebration put on b) \'Iolence - but Intellect ual and On Guardian Journalism and Libel from 19 to 23. There are on lv a-nd its sur\'i\'al is crucial. MEChA (Movmiento Estudi· moral st ruggle a" a means of four breeding pairs. . There are two conflicting Editor: stepping Iheir ethical bounds. (;/((/rdiuJI stafi to \\'rite to antal Chicano de Aztlan) or the hfting poor ChlCano~ out of The condor once flew from opinions as to how best sa\'e Unfortllnatel~ it is the reading \\ ithollt opinion~, on "ubjech Chicano Student Movement of urban poverty. and gi\'ing Before [ "tart. I \\ auld like to Canada to Mexico. It possesses the condor from extinction. make :.omf' comments on the public'sjobtocorrect them,no that directly il1\'ol\e them, vet. the second largest wingspan of The first. to leave the birds the Southwest. The celebra· them t he mean" for cult ural mat t e r \\' hat po s sib Ie the\, IJIllsf realize this it their tion. which took place on the self'expression. The metaphor exchange between 1\11'. Savage, any hiI'd on earth with its alone in their habitat. and retribution we may receive, nspolISibififyl Too often this capt I\l' bn'('ding In\Dh e... the spent III fJt her ('oU nt rie .... on Hump from midday until six of re\'olutionary struggle helps and Dean Varga. First, I would majestic black wings hope that they can naturally NatIOnal Audubon Sucicl\', the like to compliment Mr. Sa\'age After all, papers cont inue 10 paper is used as a toy for condors' adjlhtment to \\'Ilcillfe and get out. We haH' 0' clock, was an interesting Chicanos to achieve solidarity, stretching nine feet. Like increase their numbers. Part San DIego Zex> and the Los print, so writers can always somebody's publicit y game or cnptl\·IlY., ('C~l) Qudl'l1t JlIll nl) bu"ine"., being Iliac \\ hen com bi nation of a cu It ural because the Mexican Re\'olu' for finally putting his feelings many birds of prey it peforms of this plan would include Angeles Zoo. reply to criticism. as is Iheir Bl'rk-ion, a IX'ha\ loral intern \\t' can t e\'l'n protelt our uwn theme, polit ical expression, tion is een as part of their (however childish ' "Don't opinion. (U..,ing it a" a to), can the necessary function of purchasing \'ast amounts of The California Project IS the right. But. all too often papers and has hurt people involved. at the San DIego loo \\ hl> \\ a" an I mills." and good fun. The importance heritage. rt must be stressed, harass .... c()ver your behind?") ea t i ng disease, bea ri ng ca rrion, land to pre\'ent CI\ dization alternate plan to ... a\'ing the ignore these mistakes b~ In charge ot ... t ud~ Illg t hl' ~u rel:-, fJeclgIJng I,.,quoc of the annual Cinco de Mayo however. that it is a metaphor. where they belong, in the and Ihe paper's reputation in and needs an extensive from further encroaching condor. whICh has thLl:; far hiding behind the "fmding the genera\.) Art Ides are written jU\enile condor', adju,tl11l'nt 'mel Tl'l'U\ a would agree to celebration is that it smashes The struggle of the Chicanos is opinion section, Second, [ amount of territory to roam upon Iheir territor). proven successful. The idea i" truth." and "freedom of Ihe to to Cilptl\l!y', an..,\\er ... tht' that stereotypes which Americans a cultural struggle. not a would like to point out that so as present a "black and and hunt. The cundor's Thl.., is the option with to mO\'e III \\ it h management with the '·cute." and desperate press" banners, Believe me, I \\'hile" story, examples of this natural habItat has been \\ hlCh t he SIerra Club. Friends techniques. Tills include" the nit IC~: Dr, I'hJlllp En"lcy. an commonly harbor towards violent one, really didn't want to jump on ",\ppl';Jrar1l'l oi t hl'l'\Pl'('ll'd ,·'tant \etennanan at thl' Chicanos, and it allows Aside from its cultural and reply that Dean Varga are the piece on R, Williams se\'erh limited with the urban of the Earth. and a fe\\ other capti\ l' breeding currentl~ the "down wit h the (;/((( rdiau" hl'llil\'Jor" Illdic:1tl'd th"1 1(, I )ll'gU /:1)(1 \\ dl 'p( ak on Chicano students at UCSD to pol it ical s ignlflca nee, the received from Sa\'age, it would earlier this year and the recent gnm th In Vent lira, San cm imnmentalist groups "ide. unden\'ay at t he San Diego bandwagon. as did so many -by 'a\'age on the capti\ it\' lild not put untio 'nt In' l ondur - ProJt'(t express their unique cultural Cinco de Mayocelebration was tend to make one believe she "analysi~" Fernando ancl Sant a Barbara They oppose any human Zex>, the nail on the head. (In during the R. Williams fiasco, llni\'ersitv Center. These areas. The ... iluat IOn for t he .... e Intercession in reaction to an The met hod be1l1g l'111 plon:d str;Jm on the bird. Th('crmdor pr(l(l'S"', from the bIrd, in tIll-II heritage. good. clean fun. All attending but, since so much injustice h Iblta!. to trl'lr lapt.lre ,md On this fine afternoon, tudent enjoyed entertain, other words. someone got were so black and while yOU o\er... ized \ ull II res is gra\ e. aCCIdent uccuring sc\ eral I.... termed "douhle c1utchmg." IW""l'd tit thl' handler ... and h;ld has been done by so few, it is thl'lr IJfe 111 captl\ It\ The about three hundred students menl ranging from traditional caught.> have to wonder aboul how t\merlcan ... are ~pl'J1(i1ng ) cars ago 10 \\ hich a condor meaning that a fertllizpd egg IS an l'l1orll1l1l1" tippet Ill' time to respond.' Il'l"lu I'l' (Ill \\\odnL',da\ \/:1\ and other members of our Mexican folk·dancing and NO\\', on with the busine"s of open the wrilers' minds were. \ ast amounts of mone\ and cgg was dropped while be1l1g rCI1l()\ ed from t he nest m In n'''pl'l't to the rl'cent thIS letter. Sometime:.. it To sa\' that the Gllardiall is That 1:-. nOI considered good energ~ in effort ~ to' sa \'e snatched from the ne~l. hope ... Ihat a mallllg pair \\ ill hatchIngs at the l,MI, Iink ... on I~ al r p1l1 It' Tl.I( HI' h community gathered on the good food. to a dance with a a lihelo-lls paper IS far too Hump to see Mexican dancing live band. I talked with many "eem" we have so much journalism. You sec. the R. ~ndangered species In foreign While opposit ion is .. t rung, la\ anothl'r. Condors onh ,.,tatt'S. "That track rl'cord 'plln"orl'd In thl' [l /) st rang. Yet t hey seem to find It's Fril·nd,., "I' t' l '""':lTd (lul and to hear speakers from the students who felt the respect for journalism. we Williams piece had been based count rie:-: Rhinos in Africa, t here are also fi\'e pro, rc'produce \\ hen t hey. don't ,a\S It all. trK' lalL- to ';'\e forget t hat writers are human great need for the lI:-.e of half, too much on judgement prior Chicano mO\'ement in San celebration was as much or truths. Whether this is for Diego. Beer and food were more fun than the TGIFs. too, and therefore make to Writ 109 to be a good story. ml;,takes. such as over, "intere ·t ing'· journali"m I and at t he same time it had too served and the afternoon was The Clncl) de Mayo don't kllOW, In Ihe past, It topped off with a IJ\'e band and celebration is an example of much fact to be an op1l1lOn. seems to have been the way of That "analysis" by Savage dancing. the type of event which would writers to slant articles the One organizer of the event be excellent for the AS Council was so drenched by personal Writer way they want - examples of opinion that it should have told me that It ~hould not be to fund in the future. The I his pract ice wi 11 follow Ia ter. I been lisled as an editorial. referred to a~ a part\ but a~ a u!ll\'er~lt~ I~, among other realize it i::-; hard for the celebratIOn. Festl\'lty was part things. a communIty of Clarifies please turn to (lage ,I of all the acti\'itie~, but the intellectuab, and a place j:~~~{':mr&}mC{(H:>Si.UX'~;~·";:::·c.:.:: ...... ~ ... . event's real pu rpose was to where student~ can grow Objectivity celebrate the dav :\1exlco won intellectually and culturalh. The UCSD GUARDIAN • Its independence from the Editor: Il:--I) 1\0 IIi I.a .I"lIa l \ ~):!(rl.: 1111'/1 I.)~.; Ih( i More AS f unded e\'l~nts shouid :':::':'.. ~::: ::,:' ..... 0 • " colonial French, and alsu to include cultural or political In m~ latest article (May 9) celebrate Chicano heritage theme~, or allow cultural - dealing with t he pros and :'I.'c\\" Editof'!o, Staff WJ"i t t'I'~: l at 11\ o The cdehra rion em phasized mInoritIes on camplJ~ to cons of permanent (non· Th"111ih Ran kill \lg'lIIlI. ~,I\ dl'll' .. \, dll\ ;11. • the nchnes~ and uniquenessof expre'i~ themseires. This type ..;tuctent I "taff posit IOns for co' l ill' '1lnkll' \ I II", Bl'l'dll', I'al 1l'·lgl11an. Chicano cu lture. while it m ops - I of progra \\'fIU Id "l'n'e the tned to be a" objectl\'e OpilliO:l EdilOl' 1;l'I It Bingham. Juhn I :ncl'. attempted to era~e common entertaln1llt'!lI and ,,"cial as pOSSIble. Though unmten, Lha l.apl11 l;m,tt'. 1\1)1J11l Ik;II'I~JlI1.J III' American stereotypes of purp ;11110\11. ,kIf :-.a\;lg It I riders was to break down the t hl' C lIleo dt' ,\1"'0 cclebratlOn mem bers of hO\\ e~sentla I a I ,"" 1t;'I11I I, 'I \ IIdll :-''''11111<11 stereotype of Chicanos In Oncorganlzl'l If thl'l'\l'nt told ..;taff member would bp m I'hoto Editor .11111 "dlili / \llltl, "",.,n'I , I lill 1(\ ()ml'r ~\: \0~'0 o .. shabb~ dress driving old. beat· Ille that ('xl('I1,..I\,' lohb\lng furthering the t'ducatlOnal \1;llIrl't'll Tl;lllill1 \llkl'l up Chevy~. The car" were all t'llort" and long Ill'anng'" \;'TIl' l'xperJtnce of co ops and (,('nCI'al :\I;magcf' 'I ""mh, cu"tom decorated. and each nece~~ar~ to gam lundmg I'n maIntaIning the level of L hn, \lllk,' expre~sL'd the personality of this \ car\.. cclebratlon. WIth a sen ict' "t uden'" hav(' come to I Ill' l CSJ) (;u;lnlian IS A .. ..,Ol'. (;('l1eral :\lanagcr~ jlllllh,h"d \l<>I1c!;lh and Il!-. owner Together. the low llH)re con,.,pl'\ all\'e ~Iatl' expect. I.ll1da I.l'\\ IS 'I h\ll,d;I\· ... dUling I 'H' riders are an expre" ..;ion of winning I hl<; \ ear's A~ The present slatus of thc \ all'lll \It \lull 111 I, adl'lIIl<' \ (';11 ill 'llId('l1h l''''l'IIl'r ... (,lIardiall ltiNTIIJL" I" IIll' 0 11'11l" ~I part Ilular. bsues ral"'l'd de \1<1\ (J ,'ell'hrat lon, ,>\S 1I1iorlTled. vet !'odi\ldt'd on th~ \l1ril'llt,I'L I \11(!,ll" ndl' .tIt Included t he net'" lor people (ound 'llll'lllhel"-. haH' lold h!'>Ul', thai Ix)th ,.,1l:lllllll till • debra t 1111' dill'" not ,('n t· \\ant 10 Illake ;] Judgment of f 1m "III,'", I""ill'" " .... IXI· h,II' I hurnl' j ('c!ue,llL'clITl flnlt::' 10 It'ad ITl t hl' the rn,lInst rCilnl" III "I Uclt'nb m\' 1)\\ 11 I

1I!F"""""""""""'UCSD's University [nnts Office presents ==="""'ID

Resnals' first English language film IS a MEChA The UCSD Guardian Page 5 brilliant probe Into the mind of a novelist Caty Tinkle, News Editor May 16,1983 and a visual tour de force . Go! conlinued from p.a~t' :,! Nevvs A film I will long remember With minorities who Wish to warm feelings . The writing is express Ihemselves cu lturally. StyliSh, the performances Impeccable, More politically and cu ll urally Profile Two UCSD favorites the photography glOriOUS. ,_",s"" •• ' 'Y orIented events would sene Ihe whole student bod) by Dave Awaits A rare and wonderful work of art. conlributing to amon' Chosen to be Honored WHAT'S THE It IS powerful, enrtching and cu ltu rally integrated and mind -expanding. •...... intellectually stimu lating Med School Roger Revelle Daniel Donoghue DIFFERENCE? Ala", R(".nal; environment on campus. The difference: A Written If students would li ke to see Acceptance Given Honorary Named One of 19 Guarantee. We have student Pro,rldenee,td""1!\ more culturall y diverse events Degree in Miami Searle Scholars discounts, and evening hours, lll"l1 Bursty". D.ri, BogMdp john CIl'lgud D."ld IVdfl1pr at UCSD, they should tell their By SHARON HARRISON clnd [Idllll' \t.nlth \Hltten b} Oal.ld ""PH pr trom ( IrWf11il:; I{ Slall Writ er just like many other shops. But, newly elected AS council Dave is tinkering in hi s By CL YDENE NEE By BETH BINGHAM unlike others, we back up all our members. It would be a '>Ial! ~ rile r "laIC Wrll"r work in writing. If, after we've cut, shameful lo ss to our garage again, Clothed in baggy Dr. Roger Revelle IS know n An assIstant professor here permed, or colored your hair, you're coverall s ~ta in ed in grease, he university if next year's Cinco is attempting to restore hi s to most students as one of the at l'C~D. Damci Donoghue, not completely happy, call us within founders of UC 'D, the father ha~ de Mayo celebration cou ld not that was all but recentl\' been named as ~even days. We'll redo your hair at no get AS funding. It is true that motorcycle of Revelle College. the guest of one of the i9 Searlt Scholars extra charge. That's a big difference. dest royed ina bad accident honor and the man \\ hopas ... es students want more social last year. Patiently, with what for 198:l. 9AM to 9PM Mon . • Tues · Wed . • Thurs. event~ at UCSD. I would out cake and ice cream at hIS Each of the ... chular ... WIll 9AM to 7PM Frt. • 9AM to 6PM Sat. advise students to think about one might ca ll a physician's birthday celebratIOn. rerel\e a three-year grant of the benefits of having events care, he goes over every inch of Re cently, the faculty :31:l7,50(J to .,uppor\ hiS the machine. Which make members of the I{o~enfleld r(,search The 19K:~ Scholars on campus which integrate l HAiR 5t udents and lead to a more ots of sense - Dave is (hool of Martne and \\ere ... elected from J1lore than G~?HiCS awaiting his acceptance letter culturally rich envtr()J1ment. Atmospheric Scil'nu'~ ilt I hl' no appltcanl-; frllm 76 May 19, Thursday, 8 p.m. to med school. P nJ\er'>lt \ of :\11 3 milO L orill Unl\cr ... IlIl'''' alTO"'" the \'mted UCS D has a reputation as a La lalla Village COni entence Center Gables , -Flortda. "l'let ted ~tates. Mandeville Auditorium hea\y pre-med campus, and in Ne\/ 10 RJlphs and Sav-On Guardian Re\ elle to rl'ct'l\ l:' an honoral!­ "It', rl'alh a \\ondtrful 457-]3]4 $2.00 fact 20.6 percent of our present ))octor of SCience dcgrel', program.' [)'onoghUl' "tated. undergraduate st udents are \~ hlCh \\'a" d\\'ardl'1'lJl\ar\' ("AnalysIs Implies bOlh SIdes more t h(1n one acceptance to an' being considered. Yes :vJanne and Atl11osphl'rtc research tnten· ... t h I he blO­ medical schcKll, allowing them SCiences f\ reporters are supposed to relav IS one of I he lOp I hrl'l' Cht'ITlI"'1 and lI1oll'L'ular to choose a campus they mighl schools of tH'canographic blOlog\ oj" gent'" : h;,t UI,I"l' fach and ye .... the) C 10 m<1kl' them Dave went to LICSB right "Ill 01 biased story. - to Re\ elle recognitIOn maltgnanl. after high school. "College was his achiewment s in ocear.o­ Donoghue satd that ,etllng My cxperience on the just a place to be after high Regi stration Fee COlTlmittee graphy and use of science and up a lah I'" not c'heap and mc)"t school." Dave admits, smiltng. III I this year has given lTle There is a Difference technology aid dncioping of the mont'\ \\'tli be ,pent on SALE LP "My grades were mostly S '!:, countnes." l' q II I )l m l' n t I () r t' p I " that I had taken Between Sexes at UCSD profe'>'>or of sClpnC(' and pu bill' piece of l'q:liplJ'ent hl \\:1nt" , example. during this }'ear's incomplete" in and ne\'er made h\l\ \\ III co,1 appr\J\lllldtlh di'>cusslon on the inlercol­ policy. and dlrl'clor CJ11entu'" up." B\ ;\-IARGO KELLY ,~O.(J()O. leglale budget (fall quarter). of Ih(' Scnpp" In ... t111l110n of "'fter t\\O ,ears at l 'CSR, . SI,,(( \\ "iler Oceanography. I Ie began ht ... f)onoghul' ha" bll'n .1: FRIEND reporters Crel'nberg and »aH' left schciol. \\ orked for a ('arL1.~r in Ihl' t'lll\l'r"lt\ of l'l:fl Ie'" than ,I \l'ar and I' OR FOE Savage appeared al a meet ing II 'Jill I .\1'/)([ /'{/ Ics I h (' fico ,('Xl'S The jil'sl arl'lI 10 ('XlIII/iII!' IS 111 .'I(h,JdIP)CJ while In a computer assembl) III {-('SIP ThO'£' (/1'1' tJm'( tlYCUS sllld('lIls. "j)arl Iwo" ill 1111.' laltforma S\~tl'm back tri 1he current 1\ tLlthl'I).!.t l(lllht' Hf"fID I lIM' You \\'It h I he oplJ1lons of st udl'nls plant. t ra \l'lled l'xtensi\ely 0/ II 19:1CJ's: he recel\'ed hl .... l'hlJ In the Blf)-~\ntht'"I''' ,.f \ldCru· O .... pPf"tl' ~,' "*)1 Is {('here I h is If lies I iOIl ('{/ II /II' (I.,kerf scril's rt i('I/'.\ IIho/{ I II/( s('n's 'l.Pf1Ol.r. and t he pads and penn 01 through Eu roPt'. ('\ en spent (I lid S/lIII(' illleYcslillp ({Im/Hll'i fll ('CSf) 1/'111 ('xlimill€' I(,OIlll'/1 lmfi. ~l oleL'lIll''''.· Ill' gr;tdll,lll'd ! '"(1'11 r"f>ooOr "1"11' Journalist';. l'/ms£' dra\\ a line ... ome IIIlll' dn\lllg (1 dump RP\l'lIe >.,en ed 111 the t the (' nl\l'r~lt \' 01 \\' '101l"1Il CoQOI1y Two Sho.>r ... SOllle\\ here! SOliS (1111 be ji)/lIId. Firs/. I'mpluyed iii jacliity fllld sllljj .s ~Qm(>'th'"(J C.""" t rllck ... a nd t hen he deCIded to ;-.Jm·al Reo.;en e" durtng World and Ilwn rl'lt'iH'd 1'1'" PhD III In another inslance, it s l/tll/jim III d Wi n'w('.' ({/II he l}(Jsilivlls lit l·eS/). ll1j(1/'I1/1i get senous about a medical War II. and la ter helped to bIology from 11ll' ,\I.!"".tlhll· EPIC photographer who had Iaken jlll(J/(/ ht/II'f/'1I 1111' StXI'S ill Ilu' lioll obillilled //'011/ IIIl kl'lfi,/r(1I RCA C;tr('CI. Four year... had pas"ed eslabllsh I he Offin' of '.J;t\·al "ell" In~tltlltl' 01 Tl'thlCl' ,\.,'\' numerous pictures (with d I .; I rib III i () II /I" .\ 11111 !'III S by I hL' (;11(/ rc/ ill II is Ii i'/lh/l'ill~ iii "'1I1Ct' he'd bt'cn at l '(SR. Re"l'arch, l1l'ading Ihe III 1~17~. III till' lalx ',iI,'1 1·1 MICHAEL nash) during a meet ing \\'as, as IIlrollpllolll IIiI' 1'(lriolls lite lisled labies (11/ /J{/J.{(' 6. MI:N AT \\'OI~I, PINK FLOYD ge(lph~ ... IC .... branch I'mfc"'"ol' 1'1'11111) ,\ :... arp CARGO JACKSON THE FINAL CUT the Gllardiall put it "asked to lJl'( laring a double major in t/e/J({rlll//'JIls (II ('CSf), Snolld. As can be -;CL'1l 111 I he 100IUCilng \flcr lea\lng thl' :\a\\ he I'nor to JOlnlll).! ihl t l <';0 ,d,""q mRILLER leave." Sorry )X.'ople, she was Blolo).,'y and l he1l1htry. Dave Ihl' 1111111/1('1' of It'OIllI'II 1('(11 hilllf act'()mpaJl~ Ing lable ... , \\Olllen , vi'" 'A M .t,l~ '11 ".; 'f' YoU! Poulble PastsJ The Gunner, Dream 'he Fk>lcht'f ~emofl.' Home \\a .... dIrector of ~\'IIPP'" faLu 11\ mt,llllwr ... . 11<' hI hl·t·n 11,1-"+, "t'''' ''' ,. GIrt '" asked, " lIo\\' manv more dra-;tlcall) impnl\'ed hIS III (/i/k/'( III deparl/lIl'lIls {II predominate In thl' Itberal all" ';t-tl"o Ot., . .,ow ., f.~. 80 ... 'two M,';~'!"'~~l.\.I ' ~cCil"neV I No! Now John/The Final Cut T hrllJrf Baby fk Mine BIUte Jean ,ll pictures will you be -laking." gradcs at t -CSD. In his ('C.'i/) mrrilS witJl il SOIll!' areas and are con"plcuou~l~ In ... tltUl1on of (kt'anograph~, a \\orkli1g tIlt' Sal]" In .. lltult' I Wann.l ()(> 51'}rll" Somelh.,.. po ... It Ion he 1ll'ld from 19:10 to In I he rumor \'irolog\ ,. Pictures arc fine, but when Medilal C()lle~e AdmISSIons ill ll'J'es I illp illlplimliolls. Third. absent from thE' hard ~Cll'nn' I %-\. Ill' gUldl'd I he grm\ t h 01 11\ .,J.. alxlut a dozen are laken when Tl'~ts, :\o1C AT~, ))(\\ e did lire dislribulioll 11/ 1t'lIlIIell areas. For example, onl) abolll Laboralon \\It h Ill' '1' .. the 111'" t II U tilln I () I he furl'! ron I Huntcr. [);,noghlil' I" hapl)\ ti) you're trying to lalk. II prell) \\'ell. II i~ 10\\ e ... t tl'~t I'II/ployed ill sl(l)) IIl1d 2;) percent of the l'ngineenng bccomes obnoxious. Yet. was in the 70th pen:cntile, adlllillislralil'l' posiliolls iiI majors and 18 percent of Ihe of Int('rnatlonal Oll'anlC .... ay that hl' I' l'PJ1lllllll1lg tht, e\ploratlOn, and led a number \\or\.; t hat hI ,1 ;lrlt'd al ~ .. Ik r,\ . . because .of our request for \\ hill' his highest \\as In Ihe l 'es/) is ill s/wrp culllra.'illo Ihl' ph ysics majors at I I C S)) are (If J1luitlcilsclpilnan l'\j)l'lil The ~e.lrll "Lh"lar' --.::,. <~ ~-- ---, courtesy we were made to look 90th percentile ranking. dislrihllliollof III I'll l'lII/)loyed ill female. I n contra~t. 6~) p<'lcent ~ pl~' a"l' lurn III paJ.!l' I () plt-:."'l' turn tn P,I!-!l' 6 COLUMBIA -.'" like a committee trying to hide I'k'a.,e lunt til pagC J () l/rose areas al tJ,is Cflllllms pJ(.'ast' IlIrl1 to pagl' Ii ,.., -~ somelhing . .' ... These are just two examples Offer good through May 16, 1983. of problems the Reg Fcc Committee has had, and I'd be AFFORDABLE willing to bet that other people EUROPE! intosimtlartrouble. All we "Budget Fares to mosl readers want is Ihl' Jill! !/'/(Ih deslinahons" fmlll Ihis paper, not bia,>ed 200/0 OFF ALL MUSIC ,----LONDON --~ arl ieles. 5355 ow 5649 rl Present a valid Student 1.0. and get 20% off all regular priced albums and This, by the wa\'. is not loall AMSTERDAM prerecorded cassettes in stock. .. no limit. (Sale items not included.) 1Ill' slafr: but. a~" usual. a ll 5344 ow 5638 rt lI1\.ol\ed get the heat for \\ hat PARIS Offer good through May 21 , 1983. it few do . Alii ask is t hat before 5399 o.w 5789 r I anyon(' there does call o hlm /her"df a journaitst (and FRANKFURT Ia ke upon t hemseh es t hl' 5379 0 w 5689 r I associated responSIbilities) MADRID 5435 ow 583", rl Ihal they ask thl'm~l'hl''' II La Jolla Village Square they can control thciroplnlons ATHENS until the proper time and 551S ow 5899 rl We Bring Entertainment to Ute! placc, and if they can pre~enl TELAVTV I he whole, un biased,t wo-sicied 5579 ow 51049 rl- Iruth. Unti l certain rcportl'r~ - wallpc!~,es l$luedon the.poll 430075-{)43 - - ~ ~ und('r~1 and the I rue meaning . Cbecll out ow I>ooltsalel .. - of I hes(' l'1 hlCs. and emplo\ CONTACT: I hem. 11 would be IX'IIer lor I hl' ..... I .1' ~"h n', II I'" lit ,11\1 COUNCIL papPI' 10 dls('onIIIlU(' I hell • articles ralh,'f Ihan ,dlm\ University Bookstore . q{Jt . TRAVEL 1111'111 10 gl\ l' Ill(' (,I/II/"{t/(Il/ a May 16 - 18 10-2 pm (fll( n~ "452-0630 had I('put" tlllll ~ Gar~ GIl' .. "on 6 Monday, May )6, 1983 The UCSD Guardian Monday, May 16, 1983 The (JCSD Guardi.ID 7

Sexes are Different at UCSD Tolal enlollmenl \0 In~lllullllns of higher education In ~e l l'Cll' impact on faculty he was one of the winners, he conditioning that cause male illustrated through a salaries," according to t he Chancellor ..... offICe. replied, "I wa ab olutely and females tochoo edifferent breakdown, by sex, of students Psychology 14 56 41 59 35 65 AlklOson. "(JCS]) has already Non·competltl\e .... alaries lost a few or il s very best promise to d"'ert 1110re th a!1 thrilled, I knew I had a chance areas of study. in the different major areas. Soclulogy 3:1 67 26 74 26 74 r of winning, but I wanted it so Sex role conditioning takes The situation is improving raeultv and is in danger or faculty talent a\-'va~ rrom L C: 37 63 :11 69 43 57 losing- ot hers." students seeking the best badly that r was afraid to think place from the time one i some, but gross disparity still Visual Arts quotes "conser\atl\e quarter. In Ie" t hd n 1\\ ( decadt',. If Deukmejian 's cuts are not education possible will istrar had pre\ lOusl~ equal-. I he curren! allnual ['l~]) .... abtln \. to mamtaln (Enroll in the Integrat~d Science Sequence) Last year. one-third of those was facilities maintenance. heen directl\' labelled a l'CSD allocation f(lr ,ill ARE YOU SET FOR NEXT YEAR? orrered faculty positions in Repairs were delayed on stuctent sen'lce anct, had Ins I rue t ion a I l' qUI P Il1l' n t Ih .... levcl 01 cti ... tlnL·tlon .... engineering. physics. and buildings, research and student-paid fees been used fOl n('(·d~. threalenl'd I)\' Ihe l·,1I11InUl)u .... chem istry declined the orfer. teaching equipment, phYSical its budget. those fee" \\ould :-'CrlPPS IIl~tltutlon of reduction .... that Ihl' ['lll\t'I' Science lOA - B - C sll v's budget h:h ab"orb,'CI In This is a reminder to all who want to be considered ThIS year. more than one half plant (heat i ng, air condit ion­ have legally been reqtllred to () l' e a n (J g rap h ~'. \\ 0 rid - or the orren; in the same i ng, water, etc.), and any ot her be labelled t uit ion. The bottom reKnowned for It:o; ('e"earch reCt:'nt \ far ... and b\ I hl' fun her Modern Society for financial aid for 1983-84. The deadline to depart ments have been existing raci lit y. The idea was line IS that student-paid rees capabIlities. I' IllJ\\ 1111 Ihe reduct ions belOg- \'lJn'lctl'l't'

I Recreation I MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:3~4pm - OASIS Writing Center offers free seNice for all UCSD students who need pre-Writing help, conferences on drafts. and lUESDAY editing advice. We engage any kind of writing Services 1-)pm - Mr. Joe S ITerry) Bain III Will be and any kind ofwnting problem. Conferences defending hiS dissertation on thiS day and at are by appointment only. Evening thiS ome. In HSS 5086. appointments are now also available In OASIS Third Place at Third College. IFor the full range FRIDAY of seNlces, see back of fall schedule). Call 452- L..______..., 1~12pm - Dissertation defense for Ms. 22B4 or come by USB 4010 to make an Gudrun RIChmond. Ms . RlChmond's 3-4pm - Resume-Writing Workshop Learn Io.-M_,__·s_c_e_"_a_n_e~o_u_s~L appointment. ThiS service IS available 2-4pm - How To Concentrate at Will - Lack dissertation title IS : "Dlalektlk In der Lynk of concentration IS frequently the most dlHicult how to wnte an effeclNe resume Start the throughout the quarter. .··;.::,r Bertolt Brechts." In TCHB 119. and persistent prOblem college students face process here then have your resume Cfltlqued 8:3~4pm - PAL Conferences - Don't This workshop Identifies the psychological. by a Career Planning and Placement advisor A lUES DAY SAlURDAY spend more time studying than necessaryl phySical. and enVIronmental factors that must for on-campus InteNlewlngl In the Schedule a one-to-one PAL IPersonal 6:30pm - Outing Club meeting In the Rec. 6:30pm - ASian and South Seas Theme disrupt learning. and prOVides proven Revelle Formal Lounge Dinner - join us for an evening of a great ASSIStance for Learning) conference to Conference Room. techniques for combaUlng 'these problems. 3:30-Spm - Assertiveness Training Asian experience. Multi-course meals from streamline your studying. The conferences Will Learn how to put out your maximum ettort WorkShops - For all UCSD students 1N'1O are FRIDAY China. Korea. Japan. and South Seas will be deal With your course mater/als and Include Nhen you want to I Sponsorea by the OASIS aware that they could De getting more out of seNed. Following the dinner. there will be hula reading comprehension. memory contrOl. 9-1 Oam - Career Optlors AdvISing l),..llelt ("..0 Reading and Study Skills Center At OASIS life If they were more assertive Offered by danCing and martial art demos for lecture notetaklng. and test preparation. as you want to te wrl:'n you grow JP? Dor : Thlfd Place Hugh Pates. Counseling and Psychc.oglCal wa,t till the las t mlnu[pl 'ilgn up elt Caree' entertalnmentl Sign up In advance at the Int'l well as how to manage your time. handle 3:3~4:30 pm - \XIhat do you want to De SeNlCes First meeting NIII De <'t 1003 stress. concentrate bener. and overcome Plarnlng & PlaCerJ1Mt lur ?n ?opo:n'."'1ent tC Entertainment Center office. Sponsored by the International Nnen you grow up? Dont walt till the last Hum"nltel-l!brilry Bid Re·,t'tle Campus ine Club. In the International Center. proaastlnatlon Sponsored by [he OASIS explore :1".1" Ci'lreer con5eQuf"KeS 0' you' 'Tllnure! Sign up at Career Planning ,1110 group /' = ')/25. 6/1. Reading and Study Skills Center Ir USB 4010. fTldlOr r hl '058 Placement for an clppolntment to explore me nd -up',cav. Jure 7 Call 452 l7S5 tor 'l'"Ort' 9-4pm - Grammar Moses Hotline - A 9-; Oam - A r epre~er,t. call 452-2284 "1 ''ie'"'' Ir rtle ~tude"t Ce":e' "00\" ISCURI,s rOldlng a Grant-Writing Worksrcp Caree t Patr;ng The thlre:' 'f 'r.,- I ertes musical and dance troupe. performing and rruSIC Sponsored by the VedIC Cultural 1--.....-- .....- .....------______.. between trle hours 01 9-4 :\i!onday-Fnday A.' Irt Jinvl for 'ho~e Interested In ilpplylng !Or a SCURI exar'une< sohdllylng long- te"T -..a 'I''' , ard acoustlc/electnc spatial mUSIc and modern SoCiety In the North Conference Room. plans for next year. Everyone welcome In the Sponsorro by OASIS Writing Ce'1ter SeNlCe 1~3pm - docKsd-!' ill, IX ~I« "',(eQ Su' MONDAY Gr,lnt for Summe' 1983 All are welcome (., the pel

l I Roger Revelle cOlll il1l1l'd frolll IW~(: ,) The UCSD Guardian Page 11 I lions, During lhl .... tl111(, he J .R. Papp, Features Editor 1\1av 16, 1983 served on !'omc committees Features concerned with oceanographic affairs, and founded the UNESCO Int ergovernmental European Travel Oceanographic Commission. The Year of the Vegetable From 1964 to 1975, 1 ~('\'e1I(' A.... . \v as t he director of the N OW the Seamy Side First bzslallme1l1 of a Sixty Part Ser;e~ 909.. . I larvard Center for Population B) !\lJRBIN ZOGO It feels to be droPPl'd on tilt' B ~ :-.;(:-.; ,\ \1 \:-';Z( Studies, and focused his By SCOT RHOADS some th1l1gs I hadn't ... een I \\<1" bOln a menial f11 lor:' I t fed" bad - It fl'eb II ke I knt·" at onL'l tl' L \ \\ l'rt: t he 9 ••' .. research on the management I began my trip Ihrough before: S0111e art building and Spain at one of that count ry's an interesting statue to "the vegetable. Our ... <)( iety ha~ no "h It. /ucLhinl" of Ill': drt'am-, ane! of the en\'ironment and respec t for \ egetable .... Wh en I \\'a,> "I \, m \' be,> t \\,h d(·ter11l1f1ccl 10 makt' tht· resources, as related to most popular tourist spots, Fallen Angel." Someho\\ this ,\1 a d rJ d . The 0 n h J'l' a I didn 't see111 wurth the prill' bpeclally kid .... I mean, kids fl1t'nd was a t ret' :\l\' mom reliillon"hip la~1 ing and Preventative core will shield population growth in the attraction I could fmd' 1I1 this (whICh had to be expre ...... t·d 111 won't e\ en eat \ egetable ,> - didn't think thl~ \\,i1~ cI.ol and worl h \\' hilt·. '-,0 I pu I I hem 111 you from tooth decay and countries of East and South they sort of pu"h them around she took me to a chile! t he ground and "ioaked them other dental problemsl Asia, Africa, and Latin city was the thrill of the nigh "clentiflc notatIOn), but I did on thell' plate... and drop them lI"ychologlst I tnee! to rea.~t)n du ring t hl" cool e\ l'n mg h()ur~ . Protect yourself With America. Impos ... ible challent'l' of \\ rea k m y l' e \' eng e - complete dental 5eNICeS attempting to disco\er \\hy pka .... c lurn to I} a~c I H on the floor. J)o you kllo\\' how plea"l' lurn to IJa~l 1 H ,\" Chanct" tht· gardener \\ (uld Revelle rctu rned to the available on campus. any tourist would want so ...<1\, ",\11 \\(1 .. well m the Including examinations, I fniversity of Califonia in ga;den .' cleanings. f.llings 197:>, and has remained at much as change plane" here. Bu I peace of a ll\ ... ort h extraclions and dental UCSD where he continues to :\Side from the excitement of the occasIOnal coup and the general I) a temporal"\ emergencies Students and teach classes 111 science and spouses only; student rates no\,elty of observing an open phenomenon Ont' mornmg I public polic} and to re~earch and thri\ing neu· Nazi found uneof m:- dIJg"'ln"idl' the UC Son Diego Health his ~pecial projects. Other garden enLiI)"ure, mnocl'ntl~ recipients of honorary de).,'Tees mO\'e111ent, Madrid ha s lit tie to Center recommend it. If you want to "mifing the Ill! chim". I pICked Dental Group from the LJni\ersitv of .\1iami hllll up b\ the ..,lTuff of hi" For appointment call 452- know w hat the Cit \. is like. I at Coral Cables: florida, neck, adillonhhmg, 'Sta~' 2080 Monday · Friday 8:00 oj Imagine Tijuana in the 1990's, include: Pedro Grases a\\av trom nl\ lucl'hini~, am to 4:00 pm at the UC Venezuela; Dr. Rosalyn Sumehov>, all I benan CIt ies Son Diego Health Center J louk the same from a distance. dWlct ." I wa-- u'p .. et but not Yallo\\', former Nobel Pri ze "u rpn;,ee! to f md gapmg hule;, Laureate: j ames L. Knight, But I did not go there to admire the incompleted yet in the IUcchlf1l ... · lea\t~" chairman of the Board of 'I here \\ a", of cou r ... c, no one Knight Ridder News-wire; Dr. decaying buildings. After taking in the oneortwosights, a\ ailable at SaY-On to john Sia ughter, chancellor of dlagno-,e the problem and the LJnl\'ersity of Maryland . foolish ly buying some canned food at a corner grocery and recommend t rcatmen!. -'0 I ruining a pair of pants at a \\andered through the al ..;Je" 01 nearb y laundromat, I garden "upphe", occa"ionall~ Med School wondered \\ hat other marvels stopping to e\amlne a continlled fnllli IJagc .3 lay in store for me in this prumi"ing label Someone Unfortunately, hi s o\'erall exciting city. Goggle·eyed, 1 must have fun nammg thu~e G PA suffered due to his UC B read the remains of my travel products - Deadline: Snar·()1. records. book. Surely, I thought. there [)Inrom .t.'\er notice thai lie applied right away to the must be more to see m such an Dibrom I" "morbid" "pt'lled med schools of h is choi ce, an noyingly large city! In order backward..,? . but n1O ... t of their favoring a 'ic hool in Pomona to discover the hidden sights, I label;, onl\ It"t what Iht'\ klll. STUDt:NT that offers his specialty. unwisely signed up for a not the \;'arf1lng "ign .... I~f Ihe I Following the t\ICATs there guided bus tour for the second creaturl' .. t(l be clllnmated. I are cent rali zed applicatiuns to and last time that summer. picked ou t a bolt It· of On ho many schools, as many as one The bus dro\'e past the t\\'o (;arden Pe"t Killer \\' 11 h a label I can afford to apply to, then sight I had already seen while featUring draWing" ot a su pplement ary acceptances the tour guide gesticulated pronll"ing a ... -;orJ T1ll·nt 01 dead OR fro min d i \' i d u a I s c h 00 I ~. wildly in order to try and help or dymg pl'>t s IZATIONS Still. before pa~mg ,_~:m I !laving passed the fi rst cu t off her narrative come out in six point, one is invited to an di fferent languages at once, wanted to be certan that the inten'iew \\ ith the representa­ Furtunately, I did get to see Ort ho product \\'Ould "a\ e m~ tive from the school. The last IUcchllll". so I a ... ked about It at the checbtand. The clerk step is acceptance to the ACROSS DOWN school. dldn't know, but I \\<1" m luck. Apply for funding for the first Dave ha s passed the I. Happily read Fil1Jl egans Wake again (7) I. Fixing up worn Elizabelhan literature (II ) "i, man In 11I1t' ()\ erheard m\' interview stage at his number 5. Fashionable color for cohort of wolf· Iike Assyrian (6) 2, Debt to poetry (3) questlon~ and a"ked one of his one choice school...for three 8, Things which gang aft agley (7) 3. Russian who mistook tragedies for comedies (7) own: "Are the hole" m the 1111ddle of the leaves or around years in a row . The sc hool 9. Essayist whom one often goes out like (4) 4. Affliction of progressing pilgrim~ (6) five weeks of next year beginning Dave is most interested in the edge::.?" At la st I'd tound received fifteen times as many It. America's best humorist, or possibly its two best (5) 6. Standard to measure 20th century poetry by (5) my expert, and he soon applicants as spaces, and 13. Leading man and lady of English pONry (4,3) 7. Englbh poet's mother George (5) explalf1ed the situatIOn. My interviewd three candidates 16. Poetry's second favorite word to 'oh' (2) 10. How Vi ctorian poetry got overdone (8) Zllcchif1ls, it seemed, were being eaten by ::.nalls and or May 12 and ending May 23. per space. For two years, Da ve 17. King Arthur on his days off (5) 11. Prostituted himself to English literature (8) has been on the school waiting siugs. Slugs and nails eat li s t. Should an accepted 18. At the door of 20th century literature (5) 12. Gave birth to nQvels (7) holes 111 the middle of leaves, student relinquish his spot, 20. Term o(endearment remaining at the end in jane Austen 14. In common to Holl ywood and ancient Greece (4) while bug chomp the out. ide perhaps to ta ke an accceptance letters (3) 15. Veronese gent lemen as well (3) mward. at a preferred school, Dave 22. Wh y English writers are so fond of Italy (4) 16. Frequency with which things gang agley (3) I was ' haken, , es, but not Hearings on these applications could be notified of hi s deterred ThiS 'Ia test turn 23. Female writer breaking into a male domain (9) 18. The manner of Dorian Gray's parties (5) acceptance up to the end of the "1111ply meant rd ha\'e to fight second week of instruction. 27. Narrator's first person to see through (3) 19. A daughter's look at a Shakespeanan klf1g (4) the "Iugs on more pnmltive Dave works now at a 29. The co lor of parting day in cou ntry ch urchyards (4) 21. Creates a winter Wonderland (6) terms. That night. at 10:00- will be held May 25, 26 & 27. biotechnical research corpora­ 30. Used at the end of detective ~tories and from the begi nning by 24 . Macbeth a:ld hakespeare both put one on se\'eral time" in a which, as even' Bdl Cosb\' fan tion in La lalla. "It 's a good job Dickens (5) play (3) know", is \\ hen t he monsters with good people, and has lots l1J1l1e out - I \l'ntured forth 3 1. The state pen name (3) 25. Rate of the best 18th century ~atlre (5) of potent ial." Dave laughs. .\n,","er... on \\Ith a flashlight (l nd a paper 32. Comics to be given to a coy mistress (7) " Well , it's tops of the second 26. lIeady wine of comedy (,I) pa~{' I I to\\el. I'd I'l'mem be red heari ng choices. " :33. I/elped to usher in modern literature (6) 2R The hot st u ff of Rront e's nowl ( II of t\\O qua"i·organlC metho(b For further information or forms So why is Dave willing to go ph.'"'''' I urn to lJalolt.· I I through all this frustra tion to pursue a career in medicine? Va \'e's t'x pIT<.,SlOn and tone to apply, contact the Student lefll'ci t hl' "en()usne.... s or this MANAGEMENT PO ITION '>Ubjl'ct to hllll. "f\lllenC! \ . \.11 (lilidl to dra ~t Il'alh lllll'r\ ('n(' \\ hen the mdl \ Idu ;t! IS "id, I fed IH"III1I11-. 111\ ,,1\ 1111, Organizations Office, upstairs in -Financial \lanag(' IlH.' l1t -1'1I1'dl,l,illJ.( that "llOti It! Ill' l'ha ngl'd 111 1\\ () fundamental \\a~ ''': flr"t , help -111\ l'llton Cont rol -1),11.\ I'ro~l"'ll1g the people IllHmt;lin thclr -:\ll·IThan·di .... ing -s) 'I<.' m" \Ilal~ ,I" the Student Center. Or, call health Ihrough l'durallOn and ~ ALL DEPARTMENTS ~ -TnmspOl" at ion -I'l'r-.olllll'i \ l ,lIl,lgl'lIIl' llt I r{'at 1l1l'nt. and ... el'Clnci, \\ hen -Operat ion .... Research - \clllIini,t rat lOll the mdl\ lciual doe" bl'l'ollle 111. U.C.5.D. purchase orders accepted I d \lC; I t 1.)11 III t'\ \11'1'1('11< ~ 111 till' ,\ h(l\ \' ;1 I'l',h 11, ,I 'l",lll IeI'I JIJ I to treat hllll With ll's s dlao.;11C dl'!'olrabil' m l'astl rl'''. Ql ALIFICA TlONS: B \ n..; Ol')"'T'l'l' or rnlk~t' "'l'11111r, \\'Ith tIll' "<1 111(' ml'llluIIlLl~ RUSH ORDERS AVAILABLE - PICK·UP AND DELIVERY t' ~. llll'llI"hll1, qllalll~ Ing "'~'tlrl' nn "Cll'l"lling tt"t patH'lll't' /) ol\ (' " h()\\ ~ In rt '''tolll1g hi " i11otorcycle, Ill' S,\L,\RY: "I.lltlllg '11,1\)1111'\1111,111.1\ ':-17,1)00, •1l'1l1 l'l It'd ·:?I.O()(lllllnlll \l',\1 452-4083. I ('\hil)lh great 0.;(' 11 con t 1'01 and 11689 Sorrento Valley Road 1827 Fifth Avenue 1 pal 1('11 (' (' ;J\\a llll1g Ihl' I'HOl'EIH IH.:': Lilli \ '\~ ()lllll'l 1111'1;1.1111-', l~UI; ; I:" San Diego, California 92121 San Die 0 California 92101 an'('pl

Cosla Gavras has dlfeued une of Ihl' mosl r ontlO\ I'rslal films of recenlllmes In State of Siege This lensed'dnl.l15 ba,edon IhI' ilclual KSDT "Rave Up" Party k,dnapping of a US off,c,alll1 Latin Amenca a f,,\~ years ago Piece by Get In volved in AS UCSD! p,ece, re\.olul,onanes uncover Ihe d,scfI?elly concealed funcllon of the -- -- "spec,al adv,sor" In their countr •. and a gnpplng POrtrdlt of Ihl' U S role In the Pub Friday 6 pm to close 111 Latm Amenca lakes shape * 3 biJ!-screen TVs - Music VidJ!os * Applications for the Live KSDT DJ's - Dancing and ... GIVEA W A YSm following AS Committees ------are now being accepted: Judicial Board Appointments and Evaluations Student Center Board Lobby Annex Directur Building Adoisory Cum m i!tee for College AparlnleJlts Project ------Search Committee for of Fmrn h! (hector, I Z dl1C Missing. Co:;,ti.l Gal. ri:1 S The Musicians Club presents ... Campus Jledia Center State of Siege llledia Policy Committee & Thursdays at the Che Contact Craig Leupold at x4450 or Special Section This week Stop by the AS Office Friday May 20th 7:00 p.m. Free Various Recording Artists USB 2722 NoNatnes Applications are }lOW (ll'ailable for the ------, plus Public Relations Committee Don't forget the THE tL-A-M!N~ Ht~"' Pick one up no later t han Thur ~ d a \ ". :\1 ,1\ 19. Outing Club Meeting! 10:30 to 12 am * Admission is $1.00 19R:~ in the A.S. Office. - - Tuesday at 6:30 pm in the ------Media Board Rec. Conference Room Che Cafe sponsors another . .. College Counci ls an: nm\ acceptlllg ------applications for 3ppointl1lent :-; to thE A~ :\ledia ReveIle Program Board and Hall Program Ad visors announce, , , All You Can Eat - $3.00 Board. If you are inten'sted in becoming a ------member conct3ct your college council or T im ENDANGERED SPECIES: The Revelle Semi-Formal Boston baked beans, rice and alad Pickwell. Comm. of Communication:-; at x..t.·L,)() Dinner from 5 to 7 pm ... •••••••••• .. •••••• .. •••••• .. ••••••• •• .,...... 111* ... .. "A Royal Affair" THE CALIFORNIA CONDOR Featuring Dancing to the Snail Tonight. * Live music by Rushing Water ------A STRCGGLE FOR Sl1{VIVAL May 21,1983 * 9: 00 -1:30 * $6.50 a person Stay for concert and refreshments at 7:30 ...... _ ...... , ...... " .... . Sheraton Inn , Harbor Island LAGO Annual Mandator,r I)r. Philip Ensley Hors d 'Oellvres - Door Prizes Thursday, May 19 General Meeting · \ ~ 1Il Dieg() I()n Dine in the 1"c1axin~ atmosphere ofChe Cafe Tuesday, ~ 'l ay 17 at 7' p.m. 111 thl~ \:-,,< )ciatc \ l·ler11l~lriall ------Live nlllsic by John & Loie. SuIn t. e nl r. :\ Iulti-purpose Noonl (OtL II Lcdurc, ..,Iick "h< )\\ International Fireside Ch<.'ap, II ealthy Eats qlll·..,ri< )11.'> ~ lI1d ~lIl-;\\"l'r.., (Abo\"c I he ~l dnt. (nt r. (,alllt' PO()11) "The 1983 Nuremburg Tribunal: Against First Strike and Mass Des truction Weapons of All sludl JlI.' .. I(W. I([mlt, Olld /JIll /( II d pal/it. III the East and West " Friday, May 20 .,{roJl.!!!.' (JI(o/!}'([!!( tilt) Ill/I lid {/.' {I', g( Ilugllizl I /0 Illll ( \\ 11 h Dr Robert Ll\lng~lOn, :'1-1.1) " Profes ... or of Ncuro"C1enn.''', member of " Ph",c,an, for ~Ilcla l Rc"\>on ... lhlltt v" and Dance, Party and Good Times j)/ellstlJlI tiis({I/{}sl tllld plllli J(Jr }/f 1/ \('(/1, I', 1 \ 'Tht' \\ orin ( ount'll for lIumdn Sur\"l\"al" /111 {JJII rl (/ HI !,'.' MAY 18 fue.,day. ~Ia y 17 7 pm Music by the Answers from H - 12 Che Cail' 8e There! 8:00 p.m. ":\Iica ra~ua' s Revolution: A means to '''''hat end? * Le,,.biall (lml Gay OrWIlI;znliflJl (1/ l C,,'J) .\ Look Within" \\11 11:\1r .1"'1 ,\ 111\;1. !->tilllfnrd (,rildU;lIl' 111Intl'rn;lIl1mallll'\t'I" Plll1llldl ------hll, .. I"'tl \\ lI h f1 " ,'anh n 1,,1 111 \n1<"H dlll1lhl' 1'II111Hai E Clln ll t11 \ ------TI111\ 1 c( )Ikgc fhur ... clah \1 :1) l H 7 pm Raza Pre-Meds Warren Student !,vc t lire I !all 10- "n'(' \dnll~~I()1I S.A. T .C.H. Medical School Fn·t' Rt'fn'-.hnH'nt., Application Workshop Application~ for \\'arten College \ '1 l' ,\ l"n Iw Ilr tl ,. I l " II Inl. TIl, .I'''Il.lll " ,,[,-, I "' r'~ . Com ll1U t er Intern Pos i t ion (1983-( ..f) wi 11 be '.'110 \ 1 1,.-1 'It \1 ,,,d"\"ilk \ l1dl'III1l 111 Saturdav, Mav 21. 19 R~~ at 1:00 + {) l i( }k 1(\, In~ 1~\\11 \1 ( + Nort h COli f ('renee Hoolll accepted unt 11 noon l\Ja) 20. Call · J ;)2-17~H, "I"" "n'd I \ It I I I ) Inl' '1\"I'IIl." l ill 14 The UCSD Guardian Monday, May 16, 1983

to him. He took it , the corners Hitting the Jackpot of hi s eyes wrinkling wiLh TheUCSDGuardian Pagel5 amusement. barely visible at Snorts PHARMACY. t he perimeter of those glasses. _P_h_il_L_a_u_d_e_r_,_S_p_Q_r_ts__ E_d_it _o_r ______~______~__ a_y_l_6 _,_l_9_8__ 3 with Officer Jitn "Thank you," was all J cou ld A Challenging Career think to say, but I think he For Biology and Chemistry Majors understood. By THOMAS RANKIN "Sure can't. mallest I got is Men Finish Fourth News Edilor Pharmacists are in high demand, a twenty." "Just between you and me," 1 Homer stood up and moved • 1 h.I!R1 .• , " .. pt",.. .1,- \,1,1, Irul,j ,1 •• "n"I,(,n ,,\ 1"1."'" " the cop asked, sliding hi s towards the door, sLopping to sungla se up onto hi s hand my twent y to Officer Jim . In Div. III Tennis fore head, "how fast were you "Why don 't you take him over Zucchini By MIKE GREENBERG Pharmacists have a wide variety of job choices. Staff Wril"r going before I pulled you to the casino and get him some continucd fro III page I I • C Itdl ,.I,d /1""t'\ull\-\' ...... ,!.~ K. ~.'pl/ill "What are you writing me "Sure thing." The first involved forcing up for?" I asked. more than a Homer left without a team in the nation, Swarth­ suffered h ea rt breaking • RI'''''' lit h ,Ind Rl"~ul.ll' 'fl,. them to crawl over ashes . more, in the NCAA Di vision III Alia,,· little suspicious. backwards glance, back, r defeats in matches four and • Intaft \"'riler Officer Jim was in his natural him, the nati\'e San Diegan another major. who have satisfied course jones. jus/ice tJze Peace. Playing for third place Kramer had anticipated big Spendtng four days and round total ot 1-1:1. a'" I L~)) 0/ environment. li e stroll ed made Alamo work \erv hard, pre-requisites, It was hot. my nerves were across the floor like a ship's The second night I was tired of against Kalamazoo College, things from hi:-. lads in the nIghts in Wm ... ter, Ohio ran't fiJ1lshed 17 "trokt:s ahead of lfCSD performed brilltantl) tndi\lduab, but it \\as "imply extendmg (he match Into the frayed, and I was stuck with a captain, waving and nodding walking to the fence, and be am hod, \., Idea of a dream Rt'CIlands t I qualtl\' for Ihl' Students interested in an AMES major or minor garrulous backwoods deputy from the outset. taking a not to be. Ho\\e\'er, Eugene third set before Alamo put hll11 vacation, . In fact. .... ending Woo"ler appl'3ranCt', to t he dealers, change-makers, began hah'ing the slugs on the awa) \\ ith some de\'astating must make an application to the AMES Depart­ who. I mused, might have commanding :3·(} lead as Jones, Jone" and Dave Sider die! -.omeol1e \0 \\'ooster. OhIO Along wil h S\\{'L'nf'\·. the and prostitutes who smiled c hi cken·wire around the shot:-.. ;\[ean\\,hile, SIder, ment prior to the Preferred Enrollment period for possesed some not-so·pleasant and called out, "Hey, Jim" or garden. the third night I Lareau. and Dave SIder all ad\'ance to the quarterfinal:... might be conSIdered cruel and 'I ntnns fl'rtl \ ed , t rung won convincingly. Rut in..,tead \ ...:hom Kramer had high hopes Fall Quarter 1983. To be eligible for the 1983-84 ideas of the American judicial "Ho\\,;'s it hangin' today?" One discarded the paper towel as but the rest of the squad unusual punIshment. In " h () \\ i n g s f r () m J-\ rue t' of \\inning the next t\\'o \\'a~n 't qu ite as fort unate. plea;,(' tun1 to I)age I () year. you must have completed the math 2B. 2C, system. of the whores, heavily made· being too much trouble. and fairne:-.s to Wooster though, \;akamura la t\\() tlllll' .\11 \nwrican), Ian Langdlln. Paul 2DA and Physics 2A with a GPA of 3.0 or better Ju st as he seemed ready to up and obviously drunk, held began to accustom myself to let\ Just say It'" a great place launch into a conversation, to come back from At it'ast the [)ommguez, ~ltkl' O'Laughhn. and AMES 10 with a grade of A or B and anticipate out a welcoming arm to him as the feeling of s lime on however, a bright red Blazer he approached. He gave one uf fingertips. The fourth night Dodgers Roll-Padres Sliding CCSD golf team ,eems thrilled dnd RIck Graher, a" I T~» completion of all lower-division prerequisites four·wheel-drive pulled up her buns a cursory squeeze the feeling wasn't bad. and by to be going. There has to be an po;..t ed a s~ason record ot 1;;-7 Spring Quarter 1983. ou tside, disgorging an obese without breaking st ride. the fifth night I was By JOE FALLETTA think, "Wow, the Dodgers are hIS 17th against five explanatIOn. Thl" Isn·1. after gOIng Into the fmal L'\'ent last Beginning with the 1984-85 year, students will be redneck in a flannel shirt. A Officer Jim reached th e alternately sq ueezi ng them to Sl3ff Wf'it('r going to be m the lower lifetime against ,an Diego, all, Wooster, f1au 'ail - it's Frida\,. admitted to AMES majors based on their massive revolver hung from a cashier's booth before I did. death with my bare hands and Those of us approaching the di\ ision until the cows come pitching perfect ball through Woo"ter, OhIO. So why arc Refilre that match \\'lIh Cal performance in: Math 2B. 2C. 2DA Physics 2A 2B, gun belt across hi s belly. leaning insolentl y against the breaking t hem in t \VO on the pnme of life - whatever that home. Tommy Lasorda should three innings and to only three Coach Mike Wydra and hl~ Lutheran and POInt toma, the Tritons were \ ery hopeful of 2C; Chemistry 7A or 6A 6B; AMES 10 and available dangling alm ost parallel to the counter and tossing the bill at rock border to the garden. The is - still recall the hue and cry .:ome up \\.),th some sort of five more batters than the Tritons looking forward to ground beneath a roll of flab. guing? l'arnmg a b{'rth to thl' :\\1\ Departmental resources, the young woman behind the nightly slug-killing became an of the 19605 to "break up the year plan, mtnimum throughout the The cop cleared his throat register. "Change," he said. anticipated e\'enl, prmiding a Yankees." It seems New York Rut no. Greg Brock. Steve nine. He gavc up fivc hil s and The answer lies In t he fact :-:allilnal l hampionshlP"- as ApplicatIons may be obtaIned from Denise Cope In Rm and dropped his sunglasses hIS head making a practiced socially acceptable outlet for had such an exten"ive farm Sax. and Pedro Guerrero take st ruck out SIX. that hegmnll1g \1 a) Hi and \\ell \'me strohl'S "'l'parattx! 5229 Urey Hall Students who have not met these back down onto his nose. They turn as he ran hi:-. gaze acrus~ mv latent tendencv to system back then that there owr In field chores and once The Padres garnered thell cont lI1uing through ~1 a\ ~O, frnnt runnmg l al I.uthl'ran requirements may petition for exception, wert' mIrrored: cold and silver the roolll. She handed hIm a \ ie·llenee. - was always some super talent agall1 it'" \.... omen and children lone marker in the iourth th(' slxth·rankl,d Triton ... WIll and t'CSI), and. (I .... tine team Itke a 'iUb'7ero morning. ten and two fivc s. one of\\ hlch Imagine my chagrin on ready lu take the limelight as off the streets. Thl!-' ~ea~on, \\ hen, \\' 1\ h one (Jul. Gene be colllpctll1g 111 the :\CA·\ I11l'mIX'r put II. "~IT'l' ... trokl',.. "lIello, Homer." said the he held out to me. :-.eeing the front half of a ~U()1l a-, another wa:-. fading Da\e Anderson i:-. being RIchard sent a high boullccr I)I\I:-.ion III \'at lOnal can dl.;aPlwar pn'ttyqulCkl) .. cop. When I grabbl'CI it he did not previously thought dead "lug oul. There were Ruth and groomed for Rus~ell's spot at o\er third. Guerrero called for Champllll1'>hips. It Just .,0 Perhaps the) can. uut thl'~ "ll'lo Jim." He regarded me Imm ed iately release hl~ grip. crawl happily off towrads the Gehrig followed by DiMaggio :-.hort. They can only Impn)\'e the faIr catch and RI chards happens that thl"; champIon dldn·t. a:-. l'CSI> Inst bv four casually, In~tead, he rolled hi~ ht'ad zlIcchinis. I did theonly thingl followed by !Vrant Ie and Maris. there. was on . Juan Bonilla doubled ship tournament \\ III be ,..trokes out ()f t1()()·plus, "This our suspect?" back slight Iy and we stood for could do: I went inside and got Fans just gOl tired of seeing The latest episode of The him 10 third and Ste\'c Garvev pla}l'(l on th~ faln\.ay!-, and .111()\\mg (1.( (617 ) to sneak ECS ___-..... "Yep. Here's th' paper." a fraction of a second. just like the :-.alt. Now I sa lt t hem on the pinl>tripes in the World Serie;... Blue Monster that Devoured grounded out Sax to Brock til green:-. of a gol f l'OUhe IJ1 pa ... t l'( 'D 16~ll and 11110 the Officer JIm had siJpped eastly that. HI S mirrored "hades rocks, \\atch them froth and The 19HOs \'ersion of this the National League came send Richards in. beaullful Wooster. OhIO. nallllnal tourney III Ft. Worth. into t he sagebrush vernacular. were no longer dead ~tlver lea ve t hei r ea rcasses to rot as should be " Break l ip the from San Diel!o where th e It could have been worse for The Tritons earned thi ... f'l',\a..,. 1'0ll1t .Lorna. pret t y PROGRAMMER TRAINEE J lomer tm)k the report and orbs. They had come alive warl1lng for others of theIr Dodgers." Lopes, (;an't'y, and Padres dropped three of our Reuss except for a fine fielding appearance by \,Irtue of an 111 uch out of t heru nn 111):; before walked to the "bench," fallmg with Ihe neon and fla"ihing kind. The glory days of ten to Cey depart and leaw the four In a series with the gem by Sax at this point. With excItIng cOllle fr0 111 behInd Frida\,. 1:-' e\'en mort' so todav ElectroniC Data Systemc Corporation, an inter­ hea\lh Into hl!-' chair. lights. reds and blues and fifteen "lugs a night are gone: IIlfleld ~\'Ith Btil f\u :-.~ell. Los Dudgers. losing Thursday ,0, Bonilla at third" ixto Lezcano \ ictorv mer I{ edlands in the after 'concecltng ~~ "trohes tt) national computer services company, has im­ "Wayall, lessee .. ." Ilomer green~ and all t he co lors of the these d,lV:-' ('Ill luck\ to find Angeles' an!:>wer to Joe aturday 4·1. and unday 3-2, sent a hard grounder through Poinl -Loma Tournamenl on the \Ictors, !-'huffled through the paper· 29. So the Tritons, no\\ 16-8, mediate openings in our entry-level train ing pro­ rainbow danCIng WIth three, ,inc! that -inriucies Schlabotni ck, the Peanuts while tak ing their lone win 6·4 the hole toward right field . ax Apnl Freshman Ren work for a fe\\ Illlnutes, finally themseh·cs. searching Ihe bell peppers. /\ s character who turns routine behind six game winner Dave dove, scr:lm bled after t he ball. Sweeney led the Tntons b\ \\ til not need to worn' about gram due to expansion, looking LIP at me. head ~lIli He let go, and I pocketed the of this Writ ing, I ha\(' made t h(' plays into incredible diving Dravecky on Frida y. and threw nut Lezca no to capturing hIS first college Ft. Wort h, Tc'\as. For nO\\, II's Our Systems Engineering Development (SED) tipped dr)\\, nand eye!-' rolled bill and held my hand back out garden safe for ZlIcchinis. catches. Meanwhtle. we a ll Saturday, Jerry Reuss won plt.·a"c turn to page IS \ ictory \\ htle "h(Xlt 1111-:' a two Wooster, OhIO. EnJoy. program is a model for the industry in developing upward ~. "Plea?" data processing professionals. "e; utlt} ." .. Awrigh t...l hereby fmd you t\ IISII ' ('r,~ /f'" Crussu'ord Desired qualifications are a Bachelor's or in nolation of !-'ect ion ... er, ~TI'·PACKARD CALCULATOR SPECIAL Medical-School O-penings --- -, Master's Degree, with 9-1 2 hours' data processing well. spel'CIingon a publtc road. ACROSS MODEL FUNcrJON LIST SPECIAL exposure and above average academic standing, Fine will be in the amount of. HP- IOC Pocket ScI 570 554 Immediate openings available in foreign medical school. ahh, say fifteen dollars." I. "'('Joyce S. Purple H. Schemes 9. Lam b II. T \~ ;lIn I :~. HP-IIC ScI Prag 590 570 Flexibility to relocate and travel is essential. Adam. - Eve Hi. Ah 17. Id yll IH. Woolf Etc. 22. I dug mto my wallet and ~(J. HP-12C Adv Fman Prag SI20 S92 • Fully accredited An EDS Recruiter will be on campus May 24_ Any pulled out a twenty do ll ar bill. Lira 2:3. :Ylansfield 27. Eyc 29. (;ray :lO. '1'\\ ist :11. HPI5C Adv ScI Prog 5120 S92 r interested candidates should sign up with the handing it to him across th AK ,\ :~2. Marvell :n Butler HP- 16C Adv C Sci Prog Sl20 S92 • Also for dental and vet school Career Planning and Placement OffIce. table. He drew a large wad of HP41C Alpha Num Prog 5195 Sl 49 • Loans available bills from hi~ breast pocket HP 41 CV Full Memo ?rog S275 S209 and began searching through UOWN • Interviews beginning immediately An Equ.1 Opponunlty Employ., it . All I cou ld see were fifties I; !{l'storatlon 2. 0cie :1. Chekhov .1. Runyan 6. Pound 7. Olher models and accessories are 01 spflClal pnce For further details and/or appointment, call All solution books are 50% ott list price and h LI nd rcds. ~llot ~O; , Rr()\v~lng II. T roll ope 12. Maugham I I. Call me collect 10 place order <11 438-9696 Young Dr. Manley at (716)832-0763/882-2803 ECS "Sheeit." he muttered. "e'n [~PI(, b . I wo Ih. i\ft IX, Wtlcle m Lear 21. Clrroll 2. 1. you break a t\l,entv.Jlm?" Au 2:>. SWI ft 21i. S" k I 2H. Ey I' • 16 The UCSD Guardian :\1onday, May 16, 198:J Monday, May 16, 1983 The UCSIJ Guardian ]7

tirade in person, or will have to the media . Thp Pad re" r ead a b o ut it in th e ;-,argea nt uses the media wi th Guardian Sports Line newspapers the next day. In such j.,trea t influence that he Running Thoughts hi s short tenure as ma nager (a ca n lit era ll y talk to h is platoon TRITON SPORTS SHORTS ~ The Padre-Dodger series Ol'er tlie /j'eckelld Iypijled S tili Diego's early seasun lIIiseries. lalf wriler ,\Iikl' lJ } J EF F SA Vt\ (a~ and MIKE G J{E EN HEI{(, Creel/berg olIo s his explal/alion of Ihe shaky slar!. little over 15 months) . through the press. Most Sla ff \\'ril,'r , GOLF- UCSD lost it s chance to make the NAIA Nat ional s by losing to Cal Lutheran by four By MIKE GREENBERG the reason. Simply because the proven superst ars IS unpar­ William s has found a way to players I've talk cd with have WHAT'S GOING ON HERE DEPT. t\ few SpringT lwughh Staff Writer literally destroy many of hi s said "off the record " that ~ troke s Friday. Indi viduall y, Tritons Ben Sweeney, Bruce Nakamura, and Rick Graber answer does not lie on the alleled. But what about after So much for our I'reakncss choice: \Ve pegged Caw'at. the third took fourth through sixt h places respectively a t the tournament in Rancho California. When called upon, baseball , but instead in the young talent is developed pla yers careers. That is not to Williams is the toughest place fi nisher in the Kentucky Derby, but hehasn'\ been eating purists can always come up say that the careers of Salazar, manager to play for because The team has alread y travell ed to Woo'iter, Ohio - making it theenvyof thecampus­ the clubhouse, a place seen and the team is ready to win? well and has lost too much weight, therehy being forced to drop for this week's NCAA Di vision £II National Championships. with a logical excuse for why a only by the media, the Williams (the same can be said Jones, Richards, and Lucas are "you can't talk to him_" He out of the race. Our new winner? Derl>\ win ner will take ;-,econd team is not doing well. At manager, and the ballplayers for Yankee manager Billy over, but the odds of them expects a great deal from his leg of thc crown by fi\'e lengths. He'll be just in time to SOFTBALL- Saturday's Padre-Dodger themselves. During the recent Martin) carries around with becoming the players they players, and thus puts an create a ruck us, though by pas~i ng on t he chance for the t nple The Tritons posthumously received four more "wins" on the ba sis of f(Ju r fo rfeits 10 game I visited with a variety of homestand that concluded him an ugly defect that will once were or the performers inordinate amount of pressure crown by clecting not to run in the third leg of the Cr

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.., .. ... , .' ".' .' ...' ...... -_ ...... \. AN .~~ OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN

PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENT~ A IORIMAR MARTIN ELFAND I'RODU(,TK)N A TAYLOR HACKFORIJ FILM RICHARD GER E DEBRA WINGER AN OFFICER A '10 A GENTI f-MAN \I", 'tMnn~ DAVID KEITH dnd LOll iS GOSSFTl .JR d' f'ok>y On~ln,'1 \111"C by JACK :-IITZSCIIE Written by DOlI(;I.AS DAY STEV.ART Pmdu< ed by "IARTI!'I ELFAND Directed by TAYLOR IIAC'KFORD ~ UCSD Undergraduate ..."UCUD :: A PARA"0C~T Pl\TLRt:. r; ~ ~ .DI~ . ' Iu ' l l 'tC;.f""., ...... • ...... 1 _ R h'l l '. ,.",, 1 h U O· 1I - Arts Festival

May 20, friday I 8 p.m. Mandeville Auditorium June3-12 $2.00 SPRING 1983 11;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ticktets at UCSD Central Box Office, 452-4559 -----..., You Are Invited to Join our distinguished guest-author Dr. Jonas Salk

lfl the University Bookstore u'here he will be autographing his new book "Anatomy of Reality" Thursday, May 19, 1983 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. University Bookstore Administrative Complex

ANATOMY OF REALITY The ~lerging of Intuition and R<.'ason jllJIf" ""//..

If \\ e are Informed about what nll'l' han i"l11 , there t'\I"1'- cn'atl\-l' ()f th em changed our cannot bl' sl'parau:d Into I" taking place In our age. then mind" c1l'''lIneci to countcr the unciehtanrllng of the naturc of unrelated pan". "0 \\e haw at a~ lllem ber ~ of the powerf ul "l'lfclt,,,trUt tiH' and nature and of the nature of man. la"t become aware that all orgam"m kno",n a~ humankind. c1e\olut !Onary Influ 'nce" 111 the th many "l'Icnt ISis and matter, organic and inorganic. we rna) to choose the most culture" of the world. In thl" humanl~t" b ,fore him have emerges from a common source. ad"antageou" evolutIOnary path. \olume he attempb to re\eal the Indlcatt'd, and a~ Salk. frolll the ThiS startling and profoundly anatom~ of n:allty and It" per"pectlve~ of today's SCIentific Jonas Salk. physician, excilll1g lhesls emerges 111 the merging with II1tuitlon and discoveries sho,,"s, the organic biologist. and humanist, is the course of thl" Ix)ok by the notl'd rea"c)I1 rrlation..,hip in the Ix}d y Founding Director and a Fellow phYSICian, bJOI(Jgi~t, and ThiS reality may be compared (biologi cal) and the unity of the at tht' Salk In..,titute for humantst \\Ith the meanll1g of unit) as mind, Including the brall1 HlOloglcal Studie" in an Diego, 'alk\' the"l~ IS ba"ed on the gra"pcd by ElI1stcin, of (meta biological) reconn Ie man Cahfornia. He is abo an Adjunct assumptIOn that. either I cause romplementant~ Cl" defined by ""'ith the universe. Ju st a" the Prof ('ssor 111 I he I ft>alt h Sciences of gen 'tiC dl'termll1atlOn or II cN'nberg, and of II1dctermll1ary hnes and ve ll1 .., 111 t hl' anatomy of at Ihl' (lnner"lty of'Cahfornia, becaus' of "om' auxtll3T) <1" pn'''cntl'd by Bohr 1\11 thrc(' all 11\ Ing and non It\ Ing form" Sa 11 Diego.