and the Walls Came Down Fh TIIO:\IAS RANI\Ln Fund.., for N('\\ Con--I Ruclloil
The UCSD Guardian Volume 49, Number 13 University of California, San Diego Monday, May 16, 1983 ... and the walls came down fh TIIO:\IAS RANI\lN Fund.., for n('\\ con--I rucllOIl. ('nl\ l'r .... 11 \ olfltl.tls h;1\ l' o :\"" ~ Ediwr al/\ nt·\\ constnltllOI1. ha\t' b l' l' 11 d n.'r yin g I) u d g (' t S('c'()}u! of t/('(} f)fI rls, \ It t uall} dril'd LIP, rlw nt'\\ pr()bll'Ill~ for ) l'ar~. :-;Incl' c1assnxHll under COlhl rUCI ion (;C)\L'rnllr (;(~Ir~t' IkuhIlll'Jldll I C~() .... onginal plan called al ThIrd is ilell1g built. l10t flul :tnnoullcl,d hi" blld.~l'l for a total (If 12 colkgl ..... a of a 11\' .... pecia I budgt'I, hll I III amendIllt'nt III tnl,lo.\prrl .... dll'l11l' t ha t \\ mIld ha \ l ' made lhe fenl'nl h()J)l Ihal \'t·\ \·nut· ... tdlt'Cll\d) l'illnll1;tlln~ n, "l Ll'nlral Llbran' Il'ul\ in lhe from Iea..,ing t he ~Iabll' ... land I han . ~:i() 1l1l1l1011 frolll I l " tl'nler of I'hl' c'al11 pus \\e .... t ofT(lrn'\ PI Ill", I~()ad \\ III hudgt,t I, h(m l'\ t'I, 11ll' I;IJ'( ) eIlO\\t·c! arthh' rendel'lllgs In C()\l'r clIn ... t rlKlloll cost ". J\t !tnt' r1lt'lorlc (If tlllh'~ pa", h.l' Ihl' I'~ .... rh()log~ and I. II1gUl so be .... t. l'C~J) 111Ighl hOi "I !tH'O! i>l'l'on1l' "ll pt'rll Ut)U": I htll' I ICS BuIlcling ..
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