Refinements to the stratigraphic nomenclature of the Santa Fe Group, northwestern Albuquerque Basin, New Mexico Sean D. Connell, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Albuquerque Office, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2808 Central Ave. SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106,
[email protected] Abstract face constrains the distribution of component Peak Member for the upper part of the Arroyo depositional belts across much of the basin Ojito Formation; elevate the Ceja Member of Recent geologic mapping refines the strati- and resolves a long-standing problem with the Arroyo Ojito Formation to formation rank graphic nomenclature of the Santa Fe Group stratigraphic correlations within the Albu- and locally divide it into the Atrisco, Santa in the Albuquerque Basin of the Rio Grande querque Basin. Ana Mesa, and Rio Puerco Members. The rift of central New Mexico. Discovery of an Revisions to the Santa Fe Group strati- Pantadeleon Formation has similar composi- unconformity requires modifications to the graphic nomenclature in the northwestern tion to, and occupies the same stratigraphic stratigraphic nomenclature of the Santa Fe Albuquerque Basin are intended to aid in position as, the Ceja Formation and should be Group in the western Albuquerque Basin. future geologic mapping activities and in the abandoned as redundant to the senior term The Rincones paleosurface represents a tec- interpretation of geologic compilations of the Ceja Formation. tonostratigraphic boundary that separates Albuquerque Basin. Use of the term “middle slightly tilted, upper Miocene sediments of red formation” (or member) should be dis- the Arroyo Ojito Formation from overlying, continued because it is ambiguously defined.