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v. 25
















CHICAGO, U.S.A. 1959









PREFACE Because many topics and names of species or of groups occur in two or more (often many) places in the Subject Index, a Finding

Index is essential. In it, we have one continuous alphabetically arranged list. Thus references to the ear, eggs, or Anas occur in many parts of the Subject Index. One of the main sections is devoted to the ear, but references to the ear occur in other sections. Not all topics involving birds are in these indices, in spite of great efforts to secure completeness within the limitations of the work (see second paragraph of the Preface to Part 3 and paragraph G, page 9 of Part 3). Furthermore, special topics are often treated in publications under more general headings. The ear, for instance, is also treated in some general works or in treatises on comparative anatomy, sometimes extensively.

Grateful acknowledgement is expressed here to the generosity of my old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Gamble of New York, for financing the publication of this Finding Index.

The friendly interest of Mr. Stanley Field, President of Field (Chicago) Natural History Museum, of Dr. Clifford C. Gregg, Director of the Museum, of the late Dr. Karl P. Schmidt, and of Dr. Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology, has been much appreciated.

Miss Lillian A. Ross has been helpful with her excellent judg- ment and great knowledge of printing policy. She did editorial work on the first half of the manuscript for this volume as well as for Part 3, and she gave careful consideration to all details. R. M. Strong RULES AND SYMBOLS EMPLOYED

A. When a main topic is followed directly by a page number, that page (or pages) has more than one subtopic, in the Subject Index (Part 3), as for instance: Alimentary Canal, pages 23-33 and 117-118. Subtopics are listed only when they involve other pages than those following the main topic. Bold-faced type is used for topics which head main sections of the Subject Index and for their page numbers. Important divisions of a subject like the Alimentary Canal, as for instance Esophagus, are entered in their alphabetical order as main items.

B. In the case of species that occur many times in the Subject Index, as for instance, Anas, Anser, and Gallus, it did not seem essential to have entries as detailed as those for species occurring infrequently. More general entries are used when the species occurs two or more times on the same page or on succeeding pages. Thus Anas appears six times on pages 76 and 77 of the Subject Index, but only two entries for these pages occur under Anas in the Finding Index.

C. Because taxonomic names often have more than one spelling, this index sometimes has more than one main entry for the same species or group (see E, page 8 of Part 3), as for instance, Dromaeus, Dromaius, or Dromiceuss. Differences only in final letters ex- pressing gender are set off in parentheses. Species or genera having more than one name are entered as they appear in the Subject Index, as for instance, Habia ludovicianus, Hedymeles ludovicianus, and Zamelodia ludovicanus.

D. Taxonomic names of non-avian species or groups are followed by a name in parentheses, as, for instance, (parasites) after Acaridae or (plants) after Daubentonia. E. Though numerous taxonomic names occur in this index, many publications mentioned in the author catalog include species which are not cited in either of the indices. Such are, for instance, entries in the subject index with "many species" indicated (see H, page 9 of Part 3). If all of the publications involved in Part 3, especially those listed on pages 11-20, were consulted by the reader, all named species and subspecies of birds would be encountered.

F. Trinomial taxonomic names are used, but the middle name is omitted when it is duplicated by the third name and no ambiguity RULES AND SYMBOLS 5 arises from the omission. In the case of one subspecies of Tympa- nuchus, repetition is essential.

G. A hyphen is used between page numbers when all items on the pages indicated involve the topic they follow. When the topic is only one of many topics on these pages, a comma is used. For instance, Coloration occurs continuously on pp. 92-110 of the Subject Index (Part 3), but Cystine occurs only once each on pp. 68- 69, and a comma is used.

H. Several items that were overlooked in the Subject Index are entered with the author's name following. FINDING INDEX feeding habits, 249 fledging periods, 281 Abdimia, syrinx, 468 flight muscles, 316 Abdomen, pathology in, 351, 368 growth variation, 231 Abdominal cavity, ectopic development ovaries, paired, 343 in, 156, 422 pectoral 451 yolk absorption, 151 girdle, Abnormalities see Anomalies and Ter- sternum, measurements of, 405 stomach 211 atology contents, visibility at high altitude, 286 Abrolhos Isls., fauna, 196 habits, 236 Accipiter cooperi, feeding young, 243 Absorption, 371 incubating eggs of Gallus, 56 511 from egg air sac, 426 kidneys, of food, 32, 115 ovaries paired, 343 of iodine, 69 recognition of eggs, 56 Abyssinia, fauna, 177 scutes, obliteration of, 278 Acanthidositta, , 475 Accipiter gularis, molt, 309 Acanthidositta chloris, anatomy, 36 sequence of , 380 Acanthis, Accipiter leucosomus, mutation, 163 color change, 106 Accipiter nisus, habits, 236 egg envelopes, 413 breeding, 240 follicular epithelium of ovary, 342 feeding young, 243 food, 208 incubation period, 244 hybrids, 59, 262, 264 migrations, 301 temperament of, 59 ovary, 342 migrations, 299 paired ovaries, 343 nest in sheep fleece, 308 persistent right oviduct, 510 sense of smell, 460 polygamy, 247 sex behavior, 56 variation in growth, 231 463 voice, Accipitres, bone structure, 447 Acanthis 96 cannabina, , myology, 314 264 hybrids, 263, nestling , 383 tailfeather 497 anomalies, ossification, 340 511 urinary organs, skeleton, 443 Acanthis flavirostris, hybrids, 263, 264 development of, 448 Acanthis 264 linaria, hybrids, 263, syrinx, 468 insects as 213 food, taxonomy, 474, 476 unusual 304 migrations, based on skeleton, 449, 477 Acanthis linaria 263 cabaret, hybrids, tongue, 25 Acanthis spinus, erythrism, 101 Accipitridae, anatomy, 36 Acanthisitta, anatomy, 36 economic relations, 135 Acanthorhynchus, skull, 455 migrations, 297, 303 tongue, 25 Accipitrinae, sequence of plumages, 380 muscles of, 315 132 Acaridae (parasites), 346 Acclimatization, 23, 41, 42, Acarina (parasites), 346 Accommodation, in eye focus, 167, 518 Acarnania prov., fauna, 194 apparatus, 167-168 Accentor, eggs, measurements of, 403 nerve fibers, 83 weights of, 407 Acetylcholin, 60 hybrids, 266 role in nervous impulse, 324 , 101 Acheen, Sumatra, fauna, 197 reproductive system, male, 510 Acid avique, 164 salivary glands, 227 of feathers, 66 tongue, 25 Acorns, dispersal by birds, 134, 141 Accidents, 21, 312 as food for birds, 214 as cause of death, 312 storing, 51 to ear, 121 Acoustics, of voice, 465 Accipiter, albinism, 96 Acredula, food, 208 antibrachium, ossicle of, 454 Acredula caudata, insects as food, 213 FINDING INDEX Acridotheres

Acridotheres, skin coloration, 95 Aepyornithes, 344 variation, 513 Aeronauies, alimentary canal, 24 Acridotheres tristis, adaptation, 23 anatomy, 36 as introduced pest, 134 eyes, 165 economic relations, 135 flight muscles, 316 feeding young of other species, 242 myology, 314 social relations, 460 nervous system, 322 Acrocephalus, spleen, 293 urogenital system, 508 Acrocephalus palustris, ecology, 125 Aeronautical observations, of flight, 286 natural history, 321 of migrations, 302, 303 Actitis macularia, communal relation- Aeronautics, artificial construction 133 ships, useless, 288 291 diving, Aesthetic sense, 49 21-23 Adaptation, Aesthetic value, of birds, 308 24 in alimentary canal, of bird form, 214 in egg shell to respiration, 413 Aestrelata, coloration of eyes, 94 in form, 22, 214, 215 embryology of, 144 in gizzard, 31 oil from, 64 in middle ear, 21, 122 Aestrelata aterima, coloration, 92 in stomach, 22, 29 coloration, 92 in tongue, of cross beak, 494 eye color, 94 protective, 242 Aestrelata kssoni, stomach, 30 to arboreal life, 133 content 30 to burned over areas, 22 vitamin of, to darkness, 519 Aethiope, economic relations, 135 28 to flight, 23, 215, 283, 288 Aethopyga, stomach, absence of in skeleton, 445 Aex galericulata, congenital visual, 517 kidney, 498 Aden, fauna, 189 Affection, 52 Adipose tissue, 110 Afghanistan, fauna, 189 cytology of, 114 Africa, 216 see also Fat tissue banding, 44 Adrenal glands see Suprarenal glands recoveries, 46 Adrenalin, 61, 362 check list, 476 action of, 67 climate, adaptations to, 23 on blood circulation, 72 changes in, 132 on metabolism of nitrogen, 375 distribution, 120 on excretion of urine, 64 effects, of rainfall, 132 Adriatic Sea, migrations, 301 of temperature, 132 Aechmophorus, eating feathers, 252 ecology, 126, 130, 132 Aechmophorus major, anatomy, 35 economic ornithology, 136, 137, 138 Aechmorhynchiis canceUatus, anatomy, evolution, 160 35 fauna, 175-179 pterylosis, 378 food, 206 Aederhinus, alimentary canal, 24 locusts, 140 Aedon, stomach, 29 general works, 216 Aegean Sea area, fauna, 193 habits, 234 Aegialitis, color pattern, 109 breeding, 239 heredity of, 221 iconography, 271, 272 nestling color, 94 life histories, 279 pharyngeal operculum, 158 migrations, 296-297, 303 Aegithalos, hybrids, 262 natural history, 321 salivary glands, 227 parasitology, 347, 348 taxonomy, 475 plumages, 376 Aeginthidae, change in color, 105 sequence of, 380 sequence of plumages, 380 population, 384 Aegithognathae, skull, 455 speciation, 466 Aegithognathous birds, conchae, 256 stomach contents, 211 Aepyornis, abnormal eggs, 488 taxonomy, 470 egg shell, 413 trapping methods, 296 fossil species, 344 variation, geographic, 516 478 Aepyornis maximus, egg-shell striae, 414 vernacular names, Aftershaft BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 8

Aftershaft, 204 Aggressins, 275 on taxpnomic value, 477, 514 Agriculture, effects population, 112, variation in, 514 385 Agapornis, experimental feeding, 107 exportation of birds, 142 Agapornis cana, abnormal eggs, 487 useful birds, 141-142 Age, as factor, in fecundity, 422 Agriocharis ocellata, albinism, 96 in fertility, 387, 388, 422 skeleton, 443 at laying first egg, 392, 401 Aidemosyne modesta, hybrids, 263 at sexual maturity, 205 Aimophila aestivalis bachmani, voice, determination of, 386 463 effects on, body temperature, 483 Air, in bone air cells, 60 on color of eggs, 93 in plumage, 376 on plumage, 382 volume in body, 403 estimation of, 302 Air pressure, in experimental embry- in confinement, 41 ology, 153 indication of, 93, 308 in flight, 288, 289, 290 in feathers, 199 effects on altitude, 286 of eggs as factor in hatchability, 388 fluctuations in, ear adaptation to, 122 of parents, as factor, in hatchability low, hemorrhage effect in bone, 447 of eggs, 389 measuring technic, 481 of some races, 478 resistance to, 218, 372 of spermatozoa, fertilizing power, 420 Air sacs, 427-429 relation, to blood sugar, 66 action in voice, 465 to heat production, 372 amputation of, 353 to iodine content of thyroid gland, anomalies, 492 503 as oxygen reservoirs, 291 to molt, 310 aspergillosis in, 355 to weight, 406 breathing through, in ruptured hu- Age cycles, in growth, 233 merus, 426 Agelaioides, social parasitism, 461 contraction of in diving, 291 territorialism, 461 courtship use, 58 Agelaius, albinism, 96 dilation, 353 courtship, 57 display inflation, 429 eating corn boll worm, 140 edema of, 353, 360 ecology, 131 gangrene of, 353 economic relations, 135, 138 gas exchange in, 426 feeding habits, 249 injection technic, 480 food, 208 innervation of, 333 instinct, 51 lining epithelium, 38 migrations, 297 parasite, (Aspergillus) in, 348 nest sanitation, 245 mite, 347 sequence of plumages, 380 pathology of, 355 sexual behavior, 56 smooth muscle of, 319 voice, 463 contractions in tissue culture, 506 Agelaius floridanus, sequence of plum- soot inhalation, 426 ages, 380 tuberculosis of, 367 Agelaius phoeniceus, communities, 133 Aix, covert feathers, 202 ecology, 125 cubital feathers, 203 habits, 236 eclipse plumage, 382 learning to sing, 54, 466 habits, 236 life history, 280 incubation period, 244 migrations, 298 Aix galericulata, hyperdactylia, 495 molt, 309 Aix sponsa, arrhenoidy, 437 reproductive system, seasonal changes care of young, 243 in gonads, 509 conservation, 112 song, inheritance of, 224 decreasing population, 385 territorialism, 461 eclipse plumage, 382 vocal instinct, 52 ecology, 125 Agglutination, 74, 356 Alabama, conservation, 111 of bacteria, 275 economic ornithology, 136 of sperm, 424 fauna, 181 test for B. pullorum, 275 habits, 235 FINDING INDEX Alanin

Alanin, 61 as tissue culture medium, 505 action of, 67 assimilation of, by embryo, 152 Alario alario, hybrids, 267 chemistry of, 69, 70 Alasks, clearing, 479 climatic effects, 163 experimental removal from egg, 153 conservation, 111 glucose content, 69 destruction of birds, 112 hydrogen-ion concentration, 146 ecology, 126 incubation, changes, 69 economic ornithology, 137 injections during, 153, 154 fauna, 179 nitrogen content, 68 habits, 234 effects of quinine on, 68, 423 iconography, 272 of storage eggs, 70 life histories, 280 polarization, 68 natural history, 321 preserving methods, 294 parasites, Mallophaga, 347 secretion of by oviducal glands, 423 population, 384 weight of, 408 taxonomy, 471 Albumin, 60 variation, 516 action of serum on, 275 Alauda, albinism, 96 antitryptic action, 68 anomalies of beak, 493 embryonic, physico-chemical changes bone brittleness, 354 in, 145 ceca, 33 of blood, 65 coloration, 108 of egg, 69, 70 variation in, 516 Albuminoids, in egg, 70 ecology, 125 Albuminuria, in birds, 354 economic relations, 138 in man, 118 eggs, triple-yolked, 489 Alca, acquired characters, 220 environmental relations, 134 body temperature, 482 extra skull bones, 457 bursa Fabricii, 92 melanism, 101 coloration, 93 migrations, 301 variation in, 93, 513 molt, environmental effects on, 310 eyes, measurements of, 165, 403 voice, strength of, 464 structure of, 166 Alauda alpestris, insect food, 251 lymphoid tissue, 292 Alauda arborea, hybrids, 263 molt, 309 voice, 463 myology, 314 Alauda arvensis, albinism, 96 nerve plexuses, 330 breeding in captivity, 43 rib anomaly, 498 food, 208 sequence of plumages, 380 hibernation, 261 tongue muscles, 315 hybrids, 263 variation, 513 insectivorous habits, 139 Alca impennis, skeleton, 443 introduction of, 174 Aka torda, feeding habits, 249 melanism, 101 molt, 309 migrations, 301 sequence of plumages, 380 nocturnal singing, 253 Alcae, evolution, 160 song periods, in autumn, 254 skeleton, 443 Alauda calandra, anomalies of beak, 493 taxonomy, 475 Alauda cristata, isabellism, 100 Alcedinidae, anatomy, 35 Alauda graeca, hybrids, 263 atavism, 218 Alaudidae, bastard primary, 203 diastataxy, 199 migrations, 299 eutaxy, 377 molt, 309 habits, 233 sequence of plumages, 380 iconography, 273 Albania, fauna, 196 molt of remiges, 310 Alberta, Canada, ecology, 126 myology, 314 fauna, 180 plumage, 376 Albinism, 96-101 taxonomy, 474, 475 Albumen, 413 Alcedo, alimentary canal, 24 absorption of, 335 blue color, 102 analysis of, 68, 413 economic relations, 135, 139 as poison for man, 118 eye, anatomy of, 166 Alcedo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 10

Alcedo Continued Alisterus, hybrids, 42, 262 physiology of, 166 Alisterus amboinensis, care in captivity, feathers, pigments of, 103 42 structure of, 201 Alix Lake Dist., Canada, fauna, 180 food, 208 Alkalies, metabolism of, 374 gizzard, 30, 31 Alkaline Lake, ecology, 130 gynandromorphism, 436 "All or none" law, 440 habits, 236 Allantoic fluid, 151 singing, 253 chemistry of, 70 stomach, 28 physical properties, 151 vision, binocular, 517 uric acid in, 71 Alcedo attis, food, 208 Allantois, 150-151 vision, 517 anomalies, 491 Alcedo hispida, alimentary canal, 24 capillaries of, 89 anatomy, 35 grafts into, of gonads, 433, 509 myology, 314 of mesonephros and gonads, 512 tongue, 25 perivascular lymphatic vessels, 90, Alcedo ispida, velocity of flight, 289 151 Alcidae, behavior, 47 Allegany County, Maryland, ecology, esophagus, 28 127 molt of beak covering, 311 Almonds, bitter, as poison for birds, 313, sequence of plumages, 380 365 skeleton, 445 Almorah, India, fauna, 191 stomach, 28, 29 Alor Isl., Malaysia, fauna, 197 taxonomy, 475 Alpine valleys, migrations, 308 viscera, 38 Alps, fauna, 196 Alcinae, Mallophaga (parasites) of, 347 Altai Mts., fauna, 192 Alcohol, effects, on behavior, 47 Altitude, adaptation to, 23 of daily inhalation, 371 determination of, 294 on embryo, 153, 492 effects, on food consumption, 212 on gizzard cuticula, 31 on heart, 261, 408 on instinct, 51 on migrations, 303 on progeny, 163 on population distribution, 132, on yolk size, 419 173, 384 use in embryo fixation, 480 on respiration, 425 Alcoholism, 354 on thyroid gland, 503 Alderney Isl., fauna, 193 of flight, 40, 286, 305 Alectons, molt, 309 measuring technic, 295, 481 variation, 513 use of telescope, 40, 482 Alectoris barbara, hybrids, 263 Altmann's granules, 29, 115 Alectoromorphae, distribution, 119 evolution of, 162 Aleutian Isls., fauna, 180 Altricial birds, albumen, comparison Alexander Dist., Australia, fauna, 196 with precocial birds, 68, 413 Alfalfa, as food, 336 egg chemistry, 68 Alfalfa weevil, as food for birds, 140 Amadina, melanism, 101 Algeria, artificial incubation, 399 Amager Isl., Denmark, fauna, 195 fauna, 175 Amazilia, banding, 44 typhus, 370 Amazilia tzocatt, breeding habits, 240 Alighting, 288 ecology, 125 Alimentary Canal, 23-33, 117-118 feather growth, 201 anomalies, 499 incubation period, 244 castration effects on, 85 life history, 280 development, 157 Amazon R. basin, fauna, 188 drug effects on, 67 taxonomy, 472 enzymes, 62 Amelia, 495 glands, 24, 225 America, economic ornithology, 137, lactose content, 63 141 measurements of, 24, 405 fauna, 179-189 motility of, 67 general works, 216-217 pathology of, 351 habits, 234-235 transmission of pseudo-tuberculo- breeding, 239 sis, 367 feeding, 249 11 FINDING INDEX America

America Continued Anagallis arvensis phoenicea, (plant), iconography, 271, 272 pharmacology, 67 life histories, 279, 280 Anambas Isls. fauna, 197 migrations, 297, 304, 306, 307, 308 Anaphylaxis, 274, 355 natural history, 321 Anarhynchus, beak anomalies, 493 paleontology, 344 Anarhynchus frontalis, cross beak, 494 photography, history of, for birds, 481 Anas, adaptation, 21 voice, 462^463 functional, 23 Amino acids, 61, 71, 232 air sacs, 428 of embryo, 70, 145 fungi in, 353 toxitity for cells in tissue culture, 506 physiology of, 428 Amino sugars, 60, 142 albinism, 97, 100 Aminopropionic acid, 61 amnion, 151 Amitosis, 114 anatomy, 34 in spermatogenesis, nuclear function, pathologic, 355 420 anthrax, 355 in tissue culture, 506 aortic arches, 159 Ammodramus, adaptations in beak, 22 apnea, 425 to flight, 23 experimental, 409 environmental effects, 163 postural, 324, 425 nocturnal singing, 253 apoplexia, 351 Ammonia, 61, 63, 64, 71 arrhenoidy, 437 effects on embryo, 153 following ovariotomy, 438 in egg, 69 arteries, 87-89 production by embryo, 145 splenic, 293 Ammonium carbonate, 164 asphyxia, 67 Ammospixa, albinism, 99 resistance to, 21 Amnio-allantoic wall, mucoid cyst in, biliary ducts, 284 368 bird pox, 357 Amnion, 151 blood, 65 anomalies, 170, 491 chemistry of, 65, 66 65 protrusion into lens vesicle, 494 manganese content, lesions, experimental, 151 osmotic pressure, 65, 71 perivascular lymphatic vessels, 151 oxidase reaction, 71 removal, experimental, 152, 154, 491 pH measurement, technic of, 480 smooth muscle of, 319 physiology of, 72 studies of development, experimental, pressure, 65 155 urea and uric acid content, 64, 66 Amniotic fluid, absorption of, 152 blood islands, 157 chemistry of, 70 blood vessels, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 Amoebae, in cecum, 348 of ear, 122 Amoy, China, fauna, 190 of eyes, 87, 168 Ampelis, albinism, 97 of skin, 87 anatomy, 37 of spinal cord, 87 care in captivity, 41 body temperature, 482 color of nestling mouth parts, 95 age effects on, 483 feather shafts, terminal, dilation of, bone, 87 204 marrow, 75 Ampelis cedrorum, feeding habits, 249 vacular supply, 447 Ampelis garrulus(a), anatomy of, 37 brain, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, care in captivity, 41 84, 85 color pattern, 109 chemistry of, 66 feathers, platelet appendages to, 204 corpus callosum, 77 variation in, 514 corpus striatum, 81 habits, 236 correlations with body weight, 401 migrations, 301, 304 diencephalon, 82 Amphipoda, as food for birds, 213 optic lobes, 83, 84 Amputations, 21 breathing, 426 Amylase, in crop, 62 bursa Fabricii, 91, 82 Amylolysis, 60, 284 castration, 86 Anadidymus, 486, 487 effects on secondary sex characters, Anadyr region, fauna, 192 86, 440 Anas BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 12

Anas Continued fecundity, 205 ceca, 33 feet, development of, 281 digestion in, 64, 117 femur, relation to dinosaurs, 449 celom, 157 fibrocartilage, 111 cerebellum, 84 filum terminale, 324 cholera, 357 flight muscles, 316 chondocranium, 456 flight reflexes, 290 choroid plexus, 294 food, 208, 337 circulatory system, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 fossil species, 344 atrio ventricular system, 258 fruit eaten, 212, 214 claws, development of, 277 gas metabolism, 374 cloaca, 91, 92 gastric secretion, 60, 64 color change, 105, 106 gizzard, 30, 31 coloration, abnormal, 95, 96, 97 glands of, 226 conchae, 256 gland cells, 116 connective tissue, 110 glands of tongue, 227 fibrocartilage, 111 Golgi apparatus, 226 corpuscles, Grandry's, 331, 404 gout, 64, 361 lamellar, development of, 331 grafts, 228, 229 histology of, 331 Grandry's corpuscles, 331 red blood, 73, 74 growth, 230 tactile, of beak and tongue, 331 correlations, 231 of palate, 331 growth rate, of feathers, 233 cytology, 115 of organs, 233 diabetes mellitus, 350 head process, 150 diets, effects of, 31, 208, 335 healing of wound, 371 on color, 107 hearing, 257 on fecundity, 336 heart, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261 on weight, 406 pathology of, 351 digestion, 116, 117 hemapoiesis, 74 ear, 121, 122, 123 heredity, 220, 222, 223 glands of, 22, 226 Mendelian, 223 vestibular apparatus, 403 heterotaxis, 146 economic relations, 137 hybrids, 262, 263, 264, 265 ectopic development, 156 experimental, 269 egg, genetic potencies, 412 incubation period of, 244 measurements of, 403 weights of, 406 melanism, 93 hydrophobia, 354 osmosis, 68 hyoid apparatus, 457 resistance, to humidity, 417 hypophysis, 269, 270 to freezing, 417 development of, 159, 269 size, effects of length of day, 417 effects, on gonads, 270 weight loss during incubation, 156 on thyroid gland, 271 egg tooth, 150 immunity to snake venom, 274 electrocardiogram, 260 incubating habits, 243 embryo, biochemistry of, 145 incubation, artificial, 399 effects, of morphine, 492 period of, 244 of radium, 373 instinct, 51 of thyroid gland tissue, 503 integument, development, of, 276 respiration of, 426 intelligence, 53 embryology, 144, 147, 149, 150, 151, intersexuality, 435 152, 154, 155, 156, 157 intestine, 32, 33 evolution, of pineal body, 161 iodine content of thyroid gland, 63 of wing bones, 162 iris, 169 eye, 165, 166, 168, 170, 171, 172 coloboma of, 494 optic nerve and chiasma, 328 isabellism, 100 eyelids, 168 in winter, 383 fear, 50 kidneys, development of, 512 feathers, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202 veins of, 512 development of, 202, 377 lacrimal glands, 226 growth rate, 201, 233, 403 larynx, development of, 429 oil of, 199 learning, 53 13 FINDING INDEX Anas

Anas Continued relation of vestibular apparatus, 340 leukocytes, 75 ossification, 340 cytology of, 115 of pericardium, 351 limberneck, 361 Roentgen rays studies of, 341 liver, 284 osteo-arthritis, 354 lungs, 429, 430 ovaries, paired, 343 lymph nodes, 292 oviduct, physiology of, 423 lymphatic system, 90 pancreas, ablation effects, 346 manganese content, of organs, 63 development of, 345, 514 of blood, 65 inanition, effects of, 338 measurements, 402, 403, 404, 405, 425 pancreatic islets, 345, 346 meninges, development of, 293 parthenogensis, 150 mesonephric duct, 512 pecten, 171 mesonephros, 512 pectoral girdle, development of, 451 metabolism, 373, 374 pennamotor cortical center, 333 of embryo, 155, 374 pericardial cavity, 157 mitochondria, in spermatogenesis, 420 peritoneal canals, 157 molt, 309 pharyngeal operculum, 158 morphine, effects of, 351, 492 pharynx, 26 muscles, 170 pineal body, 375 cardiac, 258, 318 plague, 364 flight, 316 pleura, 430 infrahyoid, 315 pleuroperitoneal cavity, 157 of limbs, development of, 317 plumage, eclipse, 382 pelvic, 316 effects of ovarian extract on, 376 skeletal, histogenesis of, 318 of thyroid gland, 384, 504 of trunk, 316 sequence of, 380 nasal gland ducts, 226 variation in color of, 515 nasal region, 256 premandibular cavities, 157 nasolacrimal duct, 256 primordial germ cells, 411 nerve endings, 330 primitive streak, 149 in beak, 331 proctodeum, 159 nerve plexuses, 330 proventriculus, 30 nerves, cerebrospinal, 328 pulse rate, 375 ciliary, 333 Rathke's pocket, 157 cranial, 327 reflexes, 159, 409 nuclei of, 78 in flight, 290 facial, 327 pupillary, 370, 409 glossopharyngeal, 328 regeneration, of beak, 410 hypoglossal, 328 of nerves, 410 trigeminal, 328 reproduction, effects, of cholesteremia, vagus, 329 421 intercostal, 330, 426 of length of day, 421 nerves, splanchnic, 67 erection of penis, 511 nervous system, 322, 323, 324, 325, periodic reproductive instinct, 52 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, reproductive system, 508, 509, 510, 511 333, 334 seasonal changes in gonads, 424 neuroblasts, 323 respiration,, 425, 426 neuroglia tissue, development of, measurements of, 425 323 of gases in, 403 neurons, preganglionic, 334 of embryo, 155, 426 nestlings, color of, 94 respiratory organs, 427, 428, 429, 430, down feathers, 202 431 plumage, 381, 383, 384 retina, 171, 172 nictitating glands, 226, 227 salivary glands, 227 nitrogen excretion, 61, 66 sarcoma, experimental studies, 369 notochord, 159 scutes, 278 oblique septum, 430 Seesel's pocket, 157 olfactory epithelium, 338 serum, 65 olfactory organs, 328 sex characters, in plumage, 383 oral cavity, 25 secondary sex characters, changes orientation, 340 in, 86, 439 Anas BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 14

Anas Continued veins, 89, 90 sex hormones, 440 cardinal, 159 sex physiology, 434 vertebrae, development of, 454 sex ratio, 223 vertebral articulations, 447 sexual behavior, 56, 57 vision, 517 size, inheritance of, 220 related movements of head, 517 skeleton, 443 voice, 462 development of, 452 in great pain, 466 pneumaticity of, 448 weights, 406 skin, cooling of, 483 wing bones, development of, 450 histology of, 276 wings, 282 skull, 454, 455 arteries of, 89 smell, 460 development of, 152 spermatogenesis, 420 yolk, development of, 419 spermatozoa, 419, 421 yolk sac, postembryonic, 151 fertilizing power, 420 xenia, 225 spinal cord, 87, 324, 325 Anas acuta see also Dafila acuta blood vessels of, 324 banding, 44 central canal, 403 ligaments, 446 spleen, 293 locking wing joints in flight, 283 sternum, 452 wing, articulations, 446 ossification of, 341 bones, 450 stomach, 28, 29 Anas boscas, eclipse plumage, 382 innervation of, 332 food, 212 measurements of, 405 hybrids, 263, 267 pyloric glands, 29 longevity, 292 surface area of 405 mucosa, Anas boschas, abnormal coloration, 95 408 variation in, albinism, 97 correlations with 401 weight diet, change in color, 105 63 sugar excretion, copulation, 58, 422 467 suprarenal glands, courtship, 57 468 syrinx, fecundity, 204, 205 variation 514 tail, in, habits, 236 taste, 469 breeding, 242 491-499 teratology, 485-489, hybrids, 263, 264, 267 500 testes, changes in, fertility of, 269 501 hyperplasia of, gonads of, 268 extract effects 500 hypophysis on, hyoid apparatus, development, 458 interstitial tissue 499 of, iconography, 274 353 pathology of, isabellism, 100 thalamus connections, 78 melanism, 101 502 thymus gland, development of, ovary, 342 503 thyroid gland, sequence of plumages, 380 effects of 505 hypophysis on, 271, sex hormone effects on eclipse plum- tissue with culture, embryonic tissue, age, 441 508 sex reversal, 437 heart tissue 506 growth in, teratology, 485 26 tongue, 25, double monsters, 486 of development tongue muscles, testes, 499 316 Anas clangula, hybrids, 264 trachea, 431 Anas clypeata, breeding in captivity, 43 enlargements of, 431 Anas 97 tuberculosis, 366 crecca, albinism, 48 tumors, 367, 368 autosurgery, 57 urinary organs, rudimentary, 511 courtship, 264 urine, 64 hybrids, of 380 chemical and physical properties, sequence plumages, 513 testes, periodicity in activity of, 500 Anas in urogenital system, development of, gakriculata, breeding captivity, 508 43 uropygeal gland, 227, 228 Anas magallanica, tracheal loops, 431 variation, 513 Anas marila, color change, 105 15 FINDING INDEX Anas mollissima

Anas mollissima, food, 208 feathers, nestling down, 202 fungus parasites, 348 primary, lateral extension of vane, in air sacs, 353 377 habits, 236 tail down, specialized, 202 Anas rrwschata, hybrids, 264 feeding, experimental, 33 Anas niger, food, 208 fertilization, artificial, 269 Anas obscure rubripes, sequence of field identification, 294, 308 plumages, 380 flight, 285 taxonomy, 478 velocity of, 289 Anas penehpe, amelia, 495 food, 208 one wing absent, 496 insect, 213 banding, 46 general works, 215, 217 hybrids, 264 genetics, 218 Anas platyrhyncha, sex reversal, 437 habits, 233, 236 Anas platyrhynchos, feeding habits, 249 breeding, 240 hybrids, 264 feeding, 249 migrations, 307 hybridization tendency, 219, 268 Anas platyrhynchus, sexual behavior, 56 hybrids, 262 Anas poecilorhyncha, hybrids, pictures eggs of, 269, 412 of, 274 weights of parts, 407 Anas punctata, bulla ossea, 438 experimental, 218, 269 sternum, 452 fertility of, 269 syrinx, 468 germ cells, 268 trachea, 431 ovaries, 269 Anas rubripes tristis, habits, 236 testes, 499 incubation period, 244 iconography, 272, 273, 274 Anas sponsa, breeding in captivity, 43 incubation period, 244 Anas superciliosa, hybrids, 264 India, distribution in, 191 Anas tadorna, breeding in captivity, 43 iris, physiology, 167 duration of mating, 59 locomotion, 284 Anostomus, anatomy, 35 measurements, 402 myology, 314 melanism, 101 syrinx, 468 Mendelian heredity, 223 Anostormis oscitans, intestine, 31 migrations, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, stomach, 28 301 Anatidae, adaptation, 21 failure in, 302 albinism, 97 molt, 309, 310 anatomy, 34 natural history, 320, 321 arrhenoidy, 437 nestlings getting to water from tree banding, 44 nests, 247 behavior, 47 North America, distribution in, 179 body temperature, 482 oogensis, 416 botulism, 357 in hybrids, 268, 416 carcinoma, 368 ossification, 340 care in captivity, 41 ovary, phytogeny of, 342 castration, effects on sex, 433 parasites of, 346 ceca, 33 plumage, discoloration of, 96 cholera, 357 eclipse, 382 109 effect 281 color pattern, of, variation in, 515 sequence of, 380 white spotting, 221 poisoning, 313 coloration, abnormal, 95 reproductive system, copulatory or- communal relationships, 133 gans, 511 conservation, 114 gonad histology, 509 corpuscles, Grandry's, 331 sex, dimorphism, 435 lamellar, 331 ratio, 442 courtship, 57 skeleton, 443, 445 distribution, 119, 174 smell, sense of, 459 diving, 291 social relations, 460 ecology, 125 speciation, 466 esophagus, 28 spermatogenesis, 420 evolution, 160 in hybrids, 268, 420 Anatidae BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 16

Anatidae Continued recognition, of eggs and nest, 55 stomach, 28, 29 of young, 56 swimming under water, 291 Anoxemia, 29 syrinx, 468 effects on gizzard, 31 taxonomy, 474, 475 Ansa intestinalis, 334 testes, seasonal changes in, 501 Anser, accessory spleen, 293 trachea, enlargement of, 431 adaptation, in feeding, 23 loops of, 431 in stomach, 22 tracheal bulb, 431 adipose tissue, 110 trapping methods, 295 chemistry of, 66 traps for, 46 of dermis, 277 typhoid fever, 369 air sacs, inflammation of, 353 uropygeal gland secretion, 227 albinism, 97 voice, 463 alimentary canal, 24 weights, 406 measurements of, 405 Anatinae, spermatozoa, 419 anatomy, 34 Anatolian Plateau, fauna, 192 arteries, 87, 88 Anatomy, 33-39 see also under various articulations, 446, 447 organs asphyxia, 67 pathologic, 355 basal metabolism, 374 taxonomic characters, 39, 476, 477 bird pox, 357 Ancre Valley, France, fauna, 193 blood, 65, 66 Andalusian Sierras, fauna, 195 corpuscles, red, 73, 74 Andaman Isls., fauna, 189 osmotic pressure of, 65, 71 Andes Mountains, ecology, 131 physiology of, 71 Androglossa, esophagus, 28 blood vessels, 86, 87, 88 esophageal glands, phytogeny of, 28, of ear, 122 226 of eye, 168 taste buds and nerve endings, 469 body temperature, 482, 483 Anemia, 355 bone, mineral content of, 447 Anencephalia, 497 brain, 76, 77, 78, 80, 83, 84 Anesthesia, effects on ear, 124 breathing rate, 426 Aneurisms, 351 bursa Fabricii, 87, 92 Angola, fauna, 177, 178 care in captivity, 41 Anhalt, fauna, 194 ceca, 33 Anhimidae, anatomy, 34 cholera, 357 Anhinga, anatomy, 37 cloaca, 91, 92 ceca, 33 crop, 27 color, of eyes, 94 dancing, 58 of gular sac, 95 diabetes mellitus, 350 of skin, 95 digestion, 116 feather eating, 252 domestication, 43 Anhydremia, 83 effects, on interstitial cells, 500 Anideus, 486 on reproduction, 411 Annam, fauna, 190 ear, 121, 122, 123 Ann Arbor, migrations, 298 environmental effects on gonads, 509 Anomalies see also Teratology eggs, chemistry of, 67 heredity of, 220, 221 osmotic pressure of, 68, 412 in blastoderm, 149 structure of, 418 arrested development of, 491 study of, with polarized light, in egg tooth, 150 414, 480 in embryos, 156 embryology, 144, 147, 156 in lens invagination, 151 endoparasites of, 347 in plumage, 376 epidemic diseases of, 360 absence of feathers, 163, 224 eye, 87, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, Anous, behavior, 47 173, 315 courtship, 57 pathology of, 352 learning, 53 fat, 66 Anous stolidus, food, 208 feathers, chemistry of, 66 habits, breeding, 240 growth, measurements of, 403 feeding, 249 rate of, 201, 233 orientation, 340 monoamino acids of, 199 17 FINDING INDEX Anser

Anser Continued nervous system, 323, 324, 325, 326, structure of, 201 327, 328, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334 food, 208, 394 nuclei of cranial nerves, 78 value of corn, 337 nitrogen excretion, 63, 66 foot, connective tissue of, 282 notochord, 159 furcula, 451 olfactory epithelium, 338 rate 422 cerebrospinal, 326 oogenesis, changes, 416, ganglia, 328 ciliary, 334 optic chiasma, 83, ossification, 340, 341 gizzard, 30, 31 osteo-arthritis, 354 adaptation in, 22 ovary, 343 glands, of mouth, innervation of, 226 oviduct, physiology of, 423 nasal, innervation of, 226 pancreas, effects of ablation, 346 nictitating, 226, 227 periorbital fascia, 165, 171 salivary, 227 periorbital region, 254 environmental effects on, 509 gonads, pigments of skin, 103 408 weight loss, pineal eye homology, 157 361 gout, 64, plague, 364 236 habits, pulse rate, 375 257 hearing, reproductive system, 508, 510, 511 260 heart, 257, 258, 259, respiration, 425, 426 innervation 333 of, respiratory organs, 427 nerve action 260 vagus on, sex hormones, effects of, 441, 442 heat production, 60, 73, 372 role of interstitial tissue, 442 hemolymph nodes, 292 skeleton, 443, 449, 451, 454 histology, 38 skull, 455, 458 hybrids, 262, 263, 264 fontanelles, 457 hydrophobia, 354 os interparietale, 457 hypnosis, 50 smell, 459 hypophysis, 269 spermatogenesis, 420 incubation period, 244 spinal cord, 324, 325 intestine, 31, 32 blood vessels of, 324 kidneys, 511 spleen, accessory, 293 renal corpuscles, 513 sternum, 452 lactic acid formation, 66 stomach, 28, 29 leg muscle mechanics, 319 sugar, excretion of, 67 leukemia, 361 hydrolysis of, 66 leukocytes, 72 tendon of anterior patagial muscle, leukocytozoa of, 348 317 limbs, variation in, 514 teratology, 487, 488 liver, cytology of, 116 amnion absent, 491 development of, 284 beak anomalies, 493 extirpation effects on metabolism, double embryos, 487 284, 374 egg in egg, 489 fat formation in, 66 eye anomalies, 494 pathology of, 352 foot anomalies, 496 silicic acid content of, 284 incomplete webbing of toes, 496 longevity, 292 plumage, anomalies of, 497 lungs, 429, 430 spurs on head, 493 lymph, 75 supernumary limbs, 496 lymph hearts, 91 testes, histology of, 499 lymph nodes, 292 seasonal variations in, 500 of esophagus, 292 weight of, 408 lymphatic system, 90, 91 thyroidectomy, effects on plumage preparation technic, 480 384, 505 lymphoid tissue, 292 toe connective tissue, 111 melanophores, 105 tongue, 25 memory, 54 urea, 66 mesonephric ducts, 512 uric acid, 66 mouth, innervation of, 331, 332 urinary organs, development of, 511 nasal chambers, innervation of, 332 renal corpuscles, 513 natural history of, 322 urine, 61 Anser BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 18

Anser Continued migrations, 296, 301 uropygeal glands, 227 sequence of plumages, 380 veins, 89 social relations, 460 vertebrae, number of, 405 taxonomy, 470 weather forecasting, 59, 308 Anthochaera carunculata, skeleton, 443 weights, of various organs, 406 Anthoscopus, breeding habits, 240 wing bones, development of, 162, Anthracoceros, embryology, 144 450 Anthrax, 355 Anser aUnfrons, albinism, 97 transmission of by birds, 118, 138 hybrids, 264 Anthropoides, brain arteries, 88 migrations, 297 furcula, 451 Anser anser, migrations, 301 leg muscle mechanics, 319 Anser brachyrhynchos, webless toes, 496 migrations, 297 Anser cinereus, autonomic nervous sternum, 452 system, 332 tracheal loops and pouch, 431 hybrids, 264 Anthropoides paradisaeus, traches, 431 regeneration of beak, 410 Anthropoides virgo, anatomy, 36 Anser cinereus domesticus, hybrids, 265 trachea, 431 Anser fabalis, hybrids, 264 Anthropomorphic writing, 48, 308 pectoral girdle, 451 Anthus, albinism, 97 measurements of, 405 carrying young, 243 variation, 513 hybrids, 262 Anser gambensis, syrinx, 468 migrations, 307 tracheal coils, 431 orientation, 340 Anser hyperboreus, albinism, 97 skeleton, 443 Anser neglectus, pectoral girdle, 405, measurements of, 404, 445 451 Anthus cervinus, migrations, 300 Anseranas, gradual molt, 310 Anthus pratensis, albinism, 97 Anseranas semipalmata, anatomy, 34 fecundity, 204 Anseres, behavior, 47 hybrids, 264 tameness, 49 number of eggs in clutch, 412 habits, 234 Anthus spinoktta, albinism, 97 hybrids, fertility of, 269 Anthus trivialis, albinism, 97 life histories, 280 hybrids, 264 migrations, 299 Antibodies, 274 skeleton, 443 Antibrachium, 454 Anserifprmes, anatomy, 34 Antigens, 274 care in captivity, 41 Antigone, tracheal coils in sternum, 432 Anserinae, breeding in captivity, 43 Antigua Id., fauna, 186 distribution, 120 taxonomy, 472 economic relations, 138 Antipathy to purple, 47, 518 flight, velocity of, 289 Antrostomus, voice, 463 food, 208 Antrostomus carolinensis, eating other Grandry's corpuscles, 331 birds, 251 habits, 236 Ants, as food for birds, 140 hybrids, 262, 269 Anus, doubling of, 486 injuries to, 21 Aorta, 88 291 longevity, innervation of, 329 301 migrations, 300, variation in, 514 altitude, 303 Aortic arches, 88, 153 mortality from lightning, 313 anomalies of, 490 orientation, 340 431 Aphelocoma californica, feeding habits, trachea, 249 voice, 463 woodhousei, mor- weather forecasting, 132 Aphelocoma californica tality from rattlesnakes, 313 Antarctic Ocean, ecology, 129, 131 fauna, 174 Aphids, as food for birds, 140 habits, 236 Aphriza, food, 208 Antarctic region, fauna, 175 migrations, 297 life histories, 279 Aphriza virgata, skeleton, 443 Antarctica, fauna, 175 taxonomy, 475 iconography, 271 based on skeleton, 449 19 FINDING INDEX

Apnea, 324, 409, 425 eyes, 165 reflexes of, 409 habits, 233, 236 Apoplexia, 351 in captivity, 247 Aporia, pupa of as food for birds, 213 incubating, 243 Apparatus, 39-40 heart, 257 electrical, for hearing tests, 257 valves of, 258 thermostat, 399 hybrids, 262 for filtering chicken plague virus, 364 hyoid arch extension, 158 for measuring sternum, 482 muscles, 314 for recording voice, 464 smooth, 319 for viewing nests in tree cavities, 479 nasal chambers, 256 Appetites, 47 oblique septum, 430 Apple blossoms, eaten by birds, 139 olfactory epithelium, development of, Aptenodytes, albinism, 97 338 anatomy, 37 olfactory nerves, 328 arteries of limbs, 89 olfactory organs, 338 ciliary muscle, 168 ossification, 340 connective tissue, 110 of skull, 341 feathers, structure of, 201 pectoral girdle, 451 food, 208 plumage, 376 habits, 236 reproductive system, copulatory or- molt, 309 gans, 508 pectoral girdle, 451 ovary, 342 sequence of plumages, 380 oviduct, 509 skeleton, pneumaticity of, 448 skeleton, 443 skull, 455 development of, 448 sternum, 452 evolution of, 162 syrinx, 468 skull, 454, 457 tongue, 25 development of, 456 trachea, 431 evolution of, 162 wings, 282 smell, 460 Aptenodytes demersa, air sacs, 428 sternum, measurements of, 405 Aptenodytes longirostris, breeding hab- phylogeny of, 452 its, 240 Aptosochromatism, 106 Aptenodytes patachonica, alimentary Apure, fauna, 189 canal, 24 Apus, histology of hypophysis, 270 anatomy, 37 phalanges, 451 bursae, 445 Apus apus, as food for birds, 140 eyes, 165 migrations, 301 fascia, 110 Aquatic birds, domestication, 43 ligaments, 446 of British Isles, 193 myology, 314 Aqueductus ampullae posterioris, 124 skeleton, 443 Aquila, albinism, 97 measurements of, 404 alimentary canal, 24 pneumaticity absent, 449 anatomy, 36 Aptenodytes patagonica, anatomy, 37 involved in flight, 288 blood vessels, 86 arteries, 88 Aptenodytes pennanti, molt, 309 brain, 76 Apterygidae, anatomy, 35 conservation, 112 Apteryx, air sacs, 428 economic relations, 134, 137 albinism, 97 eyes, 165 anatomy, 35 bony plates in sclera, 173 body temperature, rectal readings, sclerotic rings, 173 483 feather development, 200 bones, carpal, 451 flight, 285 of hand, 451 anatomy involved, 288 brain, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 mechanics of, 287 claws on wings, 277 muscles of, 316 cloaca, 91 food, 208 conchae, 256 gastric glands, 30, 226 egg shell, 413 geniculate ganglion, 328 embryology, 144 habits, 233 Aquila BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 20

Aquila Continued Aramus pictus, breeding habits, 240 hybrids, 262 ecology, 125 larynx, 429 Aramus scolopaceus, anatomy, 36 leg bones, 449 tracheal loops, 431 lifting child, 288 Aramus vociferus, skeleton, 443 ligaments, 446 taxonomy, 475 longevity, 292 Arbor Day, 113 measurements, 402 Arboricola, skull, 455 migrations, 297 Arboriculae, supraorbital ossicles, 458 myology, 314, 317 Archaeopteryx (fossil), 344 olfactory organs, 338 brain, 76 pelvic girdle, 453 carpal bones, 451 proventriculus, 30 claws, 277 pupillary reflexes, 409 flight, 285 sequence of plumages, 380 habits, 237 skeleton, 443 limb bones, 449, 450, 451 sternum, 452 relationships to dinosaurs, 478 taxonomy, based on anatomy, 476 remiges, 203 tongue, 25 skeleton, 443 vertebral column, 453 taxonomy, 478 weights, 406 wings, 282 Aquila chrysaetos, albinism, 97 claws of, 345 behavior, 47 Archaeornis, skeleton, 443 food, 208 Archaeornithes, brain, 76 growth, 230 Archibuteo, banding, 44 habits, 233 regurgitated pellets, 212 breeding, 240 stomach contents, 211 life history, 279 Archibuteo ferrugineus, breeding habits, measurements, 402 240 sequence of plumages, 380 feeding habits, 249 weights, 406 Archibuteo lagopus, teratology, 495 of brain, 407 albinism, 97 Aquila glitchii, food, 208 Archilochus, albinism, 97 growth, 230 experimental diets, 208 habits, 236 intestinal villi, 32 voice, 463 intestine, 32 Aquila pennata, sequence of plumages, pollination of flowers, 250 380 Archilochus akxandrii, flying habits, Aquintocubitalism, 199, 377 253 Ara, accessory vena cava, 90 Archilochus colubris, breeding habits, 240 brain, arteries of, 88 color 518 brain stem nuclei, 78 vision, gizzard, 31 feeding habits, 249, 250 hybrids, 262 Architectural ability, 48 spinal nerves, 329 Architecture, of bone, 447 sympathetic and vagus nerves rela- of nest, 245 tions, 332 Arctic birds, food of, 206 natural 320 Arabia, fauna, 189 history, 447 habits, 236 osteology, sexual 56 taxonomy, 472 behavior, Arctic 192 of coast, fauna, Arachnecthra, sequence plumages, Arctic North 175 380 America, fauna, Arctic Ocean region, fauna, 174 Arachnothera skeleton, 443 magna, habits, 236 36 Aramidae, anatomy, sexual behavior, 56 fossil 344 species, Arctonetta, sequence of plumages, 380 443 skeleton, Ardea, albinism, 97 taxonomy, 475 anatomy, 35 Aramus, skeleton, 443 arteries, 87, 88 skull, 455 aviculture, 42 taxonomic anatomy, 39, 476 behavior, 47 Aramus giganteus, anatomy, 36 biliary ducts, 284 21 FINDING INDEX Ardea

Ardea Continued Ardea minuta, nestling plumage, 383 blood vessels, 87 sequence of plumages, 380 brain, chemistry of, 66 Ardea purpurea, food, 208 medulla oblongata, 85 Ardea stellaris, syrinx, 468 breathing, 426 Ardeae, breeding behavior, 49 through broken bone, 448 breeding in captivity, 247 cataract, 352 dichromatism, 108 ceca, 33 habits, 235, 236 cloaca, 91 Ardeidae, ecology, 125 cochlea, 123 feathers, growth measurements, 403 courtship, 57 nestling down, development of, 202 crop contents, 211 powder-down, 203 domestication, 43 food, 208 flight, muscles of, 316 insects, 213 posture in, 289 habits, 235 velocity of, 289 intestine, 32 food, 208, 213 liver, 283 quantity of, 212 luminosity, 308 furcula, 451 measurements, 402 gizzard, 30 migrations, 301 habits, 237 myology, 314 feeding, 249 pterylosis, 378 hyoid apparatus, 457 sexual behavior, 56 intestine, 31 skeleton, 443 larynx, 429 syrinx, 468 lymphatic vessels, 90 tendons in surgery, 141 luminosity, 308 Ardeinae, food, 208 migrations, 301 skeleton, 443 nervus facialis, in ear, 123 Ardetta, unusual food, 212 pancreas, ducts of, 345 Ardetta cinnamomea, number of rectri- patagium, 283 ces, 203 powder-down, 203 Ardetta involucris, instinct, 51 proventriculus, 30 Ardetta minuta,, food, 208 respiratory organs, 427 habits, 237 sexual behavior, 56 Arenaria, food, 208 skeletal adaptations, 22 spermatogenesis, 420 skull, 455 Arenaria interpres, adaptation, 21 spleen, 293 gonads, histology, in summer, 509 sternum, 452 habits, 237 stomach, 28, 30 sex ratio, 442 contents of, 211 Argas americanus, parasites of, 347 syrinx, 468 Argas persicus, infection of, 370 tongue, 25 Argentina, fauna, 188 trachea, 431 habits, 235 vertebral column, 453 iconography, 272 adaptation in, 22 migrations, 298 weights of viscera, 408 paleontology, 344 zygodactylism, 496 taxonomy, 472 434 Ardea cinerea, banding, 44 Arginase, 62, of 433 development of beak, 255 content, effect castration, of 512 habits, breeding, 240 kidneys, of male internal 511 feeding, 251 genitalia, 499, feather structure, 201 migrations, 306 Argus, argus, courtship, 57 nestling plumage, 380, 383 Argusianus display, 58 pancreas, histology of, 345 Arizona, distribution, 120 physiology of, 346 ecology, 120 Ardea garzetta, melanism, 100 fauna, 181 Ardea 97 herodias, albinism, general work, 216 112 Ardea ibis, conservation, migrations, 306 economic relations, 137 paleontology, 344 insectivorous habits, 139 taxonomy, 471 Arkansas BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 22

Arkansas, economic ornithology, 136 habits, breeding, 240 fauna, 181 eating other birds, 251 population, 385 feeding, 249 red-rice scavenger service by ducks, Muskeget Isl., 183 143 rearing by Callus, 411 voice, 463 territorialism, 461 Armenia, fauna, 192 voice, 463 Arquatella, food, 208 Asio otus, albinism, 97 Arrhenoidy, 437-438 food, 208 Arsenic, action of, 67 vertebrae, action of, 453 as poison, 365 Asio mlsonianus, food, 209 for grasshoppers, 313 Askold Isl., fauna, 191 Art, methods, 294 Aspergillosis, 355 in ornithology, 308 Aspergillus (fungus), 348 Artamidae, hybrids, 262 in air sacs, 428 Artamus, feeding habits, 249 Asphyxia, 425 Arteries, 87-89 effects of atropine on, 67 celiac, 159 mortality from, 312 coronary, 258 of embryos from, 313 measurements, 405 in oviduct, 422 pulmonary, 159, 490 resistance to, 21 Arterioles, development of, 87 Asthenia, 354 Arteriosclerosis, 351 Astragalinus, banding, 44 Arthropods, as food for birds, 142 gregariousness, 461 Articulations, 446-447 sequence of plumages, 380 Aruba Isl., ecology, 130 Astrakhan Prov., fauna, 195 fauna, 189 Astur, albinism, 97 Ascaridia perspicillum (parasite), 349 autonomic nervous system, 332 Ascaris, (parasite), 349 blood vessels, of eye, 87, 168, 518 Asia, banding, 44 of spinal cord, 87 ecology, 128 economic relations, 135 economics, 136 eyes, 87 fauna, 189 food, 209 food, 207 heart ganglia, 258 general work, 217 migrations, 304 habits, 236 orientation, 340 breeding, 240 paired ovaries, 343 iconography, 272 sequence of plumages, 380 migrations, 298 visibility at high altitude, 286 natural history, 321 Astur gentilis, economic relations, 135 oology, 338 incubation period, 244 sequence of plumages, 380 Astur palumbarius, habits, 237 taxonomy, 472 natural history, 322 Asia Minor, fauna, 192 vision, accommodation in, 518 Asio, arteries of brain, 88 Asturinus, ear glands, 226 ecology, 125 Asymmetry, 214 gizzard, 30 heredity of, 221 habits, 237 in amnion, 156 nuptial song flight, 59 in coloration, 102 oviduct, histology of, 510 of eyes, 95, 100, 169 regurgitated pellets, 212 of skin, 164 sense of smell, 460 in plumage, 376 stomach, contents of, 211 in testes, 501 proventriculus, 30 Atavism, 160, 218 variation in plumage color, 515 Ataxia, hereditary, 77, 326 Asio accipitrinus, albinism, 97 motor, 325, 372 Asio brachyotus, mortality from starva- Athabaska, fauna, 180 tion, 313 Athene, albinism, 97 Asio flammeus, albinism, 97 connective tissue, of foot, 282 economic relations, 135 of toes, 111 eggs, recognition of, 56 eye, anatomy of, 166 food, 208, 213 physiology of, 166 23 FINDING INDEX Athene

Athene Continued feeding, 249 fontanelles, 457 hematozoa, 348 hypnosis, 50 iconography, 273 iris, coloboma, 494 incubation, artificial, 399 pigment of, 170 insectivorous birds, 139 reflexes of, 409 migrations, 301 mandibular articulations, 447 natural history, 321 medulla oblongata, 85 oology, 338, 339 skull, 455 parasites, 346 spinal cord, blood vessels of, 87, 324 Mallophaga, 347 nuclei of, 325 plumage, 376 sternum, measurements of, 452 sequence of, 380 vision, 517 population, 384 Athene noctua, color vision, 518 stomach contents, 211 eyes, 65 taxonomy, 473 reactions of iris, 518 weights, 406 feeding habits, 249 Austria, economic ornithology, 136 food, 209 fauna, 193 incubation period, 244 food, 207 vision, 517, 518 migrations, 299, 303 retinal action current, 517 stomach contents, 211 Athiospar cristatellus, economic rela- Autointoxication, 144, 232 tions, 141 Automobiles, mortality from, 312 Atlantic coast, distribution, 120 Autopsies, 311, 355, 356 Atlantic Ocean, ecology, 129, 130, 131 Autosite, 486 fauna, 174, 175 experimental production, 491 Atlasses, 271, 522 Autosurgery, 48 Atropa belladonna, (plant), not eaten by Aversions, 48 birds, 250 Aviaries, artificial light in, 305 Atrophy, of eggs, 352 Aviculture, 40-43 of eye, 352 domestication, 43 of gonads, 208 exotic birds, 40 of ovary, 353, 438 exportation, 144 of testes, 353 food, 43 of muscle, 319 hybrids, 40 of oviduct, 510 cage, 268 Atropine, action of, 67, 329, 425 Avitaminosis, 65, 71, 362, 519 Attagis, alimentary canal, 24 Aythya ferina, hybrids, 264 taxonomy based on, anatomy, 476 Azores Isls., fauna, 175 on myology, 314 taxonomy, 470 on skull, 457 on syrinx, 469 B Attentiveness, 48 Atthis calliope, hybrids, 267 Babylonia, ancient records of jungle Attitudes, in captivity, 49 fowl, 224 on land, 253 Bacillary white diarrhea, 355-356 Attracting birds, methods of, 294 agglutination test, 275 Au Sable Valley, Michigan, ecology, 127 effect on egg production, 393 fauna, 183 immunological studies, 275 Audubon Societies, 141 susceptibility to, 222 Austin, Texas, fauna, 185 Bacillus acidophilus, effect on hydrogen Australia, banding, 44 ion concentration, 397 check list, 476 Bacillus aertrycke, infection with, 370 climatic effects, 132 Bacillus avisepticus, immunization conservation, 112 against, 358 ecology, 128 Bacillus cloacae, epidemic of, 370 economic ornithology, 137, 138 Bacillus gallinarum, in epidemics, 360 fauna, 196 Bacteria, in albumen, 413 food, 207 in dressed fowl, 386 general work, 217 in egg collections, 339 habits, 236 in eggs, 413, 414, 415 breeding, 240 permeability of shell, 414 Bacteria BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 24

Bacteria Continued Barometer, use of in physiology, 479 in old eggs eaten by Chinese, 417 Barometric fluctuations, adaptation to, infections with, 370, 389 21 in paratyphus, 364 effects on ear, 122 in tuberculosis, 366 Barr Lake Dist., fauna, 182 of intestine, 32, 347 Barro Colorado Isl., habits, 235 Bacteriological technic, 479 Bartramia longicauda, migrations, 301 Bacterium pullorum, 356 Barussan Isls., fauna, 197 agglutination test, 275, 356 taxonomy, 474 relation to typhoid fever, 369 Bashehr, India, fauna, 191 Bacterium sanguinarium, 356 Baton Rouge, fauna, 183 Baeolophus, plumage discoloration, 96 Bats as food for birds, 213 geographic variation, 516 Bavaria, check list, 476 hybrids, 262 Bawean Isl., fauna, 197 Baffin Land, fauna, 180 Bay of Fundy, migrations, 304 Bahama Isls., evolution, 160 Bay of Honduras Isls., fauna, 187 fauna, 186 Bayberries, eaten by birds, 252 migrations, 298, 304 Beak, 255, 457-458 population, 384 adaptation of, 22, 23 Bahrein Isl., fauna, 189 to feeding, 255 Balabac Isl., fauna, 197 blood vessels of, 87 Balaeniceps, plumage, 376 color of, abnormal, 95 skull, 455 seasonal changes in, 107 syrinx, 468 variation in, 515 taxonomy, 475 crossing of horny sheaths, 494 Balaeniceps rex, anatomy, 35 adaptation of tongue to, 494 intestine, 32 development of, 255 skeleton, 443 environmental effects on, 163 pneumaticity of, 448 evolution of, 161 skull bones, 457 feeding effects on, 252 Balance of nature, 140 form of, 214 Balanosphyra formicivora bairdi, storing changes in, 255 acorns and almonds, 252 fractures, 21 Balbiana, vitelline body of, 416 growth of, 231, 255 Balearic Isls., fauna, 196 horny sheath, 255, 279 Balearica, bristle feathers, 202 molt of, 311 skull, 455 length, inheritance of, 220 Balearica pavonina, anatomy, 36 motility of upper mandible, 256 heart, 257 muscles, 315 Baltic Sea, mortality of migrating nerve endings in, 330-331 birds, 313 pneumaticity of, 459 Baltic Sea region, fauna, 193 regeneration of, 410 Baltimore, fauna, 183 sex hormone, effect on color, 1091 Baluchistan, fauna, 189 structure of, 255 Bambusicola thoracia, erythrism, 101 tendons, 315 Banding, 44-46 teratology of, 493, 494 in migration studies, 303 tumor, 368 in poultry culture, 390 Bear Isl., ecology, 129 methods of, 295 fauna, 175 Bands, 39 Bear Mt., fauna, 184 Bantams, culture of, 387 Bechuanaland, fauna, 178 Baram Dist., Borneo, fauna, 197 Bee moths, as food for birds, 213 Barbados Isls,, fauna, 186 Bees, behavior towards, 49 habits, 235 as food for birds, 140, 213, 251 Barbuda Isl., fauna, 186 Beetles, as food for birds, 140 taxonomy, 472 Behavior, 46-60 Barium, action of, 67 aggressive, 49 on blood circulation, 72 booming, 58, 464 Barnardius, color change, 105 cackling, 59, 238, 464 erythrism, 101 care of young, 242, 243 geographic variation, 516 effects of castration, 86 plumage, 376 effects of sex hormones on, 441 25 FINDING INDEX Behavior

Behavior Continued in egg-shell formation, 392 methods of study of, 294 metabolism of, 520, 521 on diet of wheat and corn only, 374 influence of thymus gland, 502 Belgian Congo, ecology, 126 calcium salts, growth effects, 233, 432 fauna, 176, 177 carbohydrate metabolism, 146 habits, 234 carbon dioxide production, tempera- taxonomy, 470 ture effects on, 484 Belgium, economic ornithology, 138 catalse activity in polyneuritis, 521 fauna, 193 chemical synthesis, 60 migrations, 299 cholesterin, 362, 363 taxonomy, 473 cholesterol, formation in tissue cul- Belostomidae (insects), as food for birds, ture, 505 213 metabolism of, 374 Benguet Prov., fauna, 197 creatine, 374, 492 Benzoic Acid, 60 glycogen, 284, 324, 336 Berhala Strait, fauna, 197 deficiency effects on liver weight, Beriberi, 61, 62, 362-363 408 blood calcium, 74 in beriberi, 362 diastatic ferment content of pancreas, in Mstologic study, 60 346 in poisoning, 364, 365 effects on mitochondria of ganglion in rachitis, 363, 364 cells, 326 in tuberculosis, 366 Bering Sea, fauna, 179 iodine content of thyroid gland, 503 sanctuary, 113 effect of hypophysis on, 505 taxonomy, 471 iron and copper in hemoglobin forma- Berkshire, banding, 46 tion, 208 Bermuda Isls., ecology, 129, 130 lactose, 336 fauna, 174, 186 lipoids, in interstitial cells of testes, habits, 235 500 paleontology, 344 metabolism of, 374 Bermudez, Venezuela, ecology, 128 mineral content of tibiotarsus in fauna, 189 slipped tendon disease, 450 Bernicla, albinism, 97 nests, edible, 142 care in captivity, 41 nitrogen, metabolism of, 375 domestication, 43 nitrous acid, 520 hybrids, 262 nucleoproteid-like granules in embry- Bernicla brenta, hybrids, 264 onic cells, 324 Berries, as food for birds, 214 of adipose tissue, 110 Bible references to birds, 215, 261, 271, of allantoic fluid, 151 296, 320 of amniotic fluid, 151 Bigamy, 58 of blood, 64-66 Bile, action in digestion, 117 of bone, 447 color of, 93 of connective tissue, reticular 111, excretion or resorption of, 284, 372 of crop secretion, 27 osmotic pressure of, 375 of diet, 232 Bilharziasis, 356 of digestion, 117 Bill see Beak of egg, 67-70, 142, 388, 412, 413, 414, Biochemistry. 60-71 see also under 417, 419 Nutrition cholera infected, hydrogen sulphate action of adrenalin in nitrogen formation in, 358 metabolism, 375 powders, 142 air composition in asphyxia, 425 shell pigments, 94 alkali metabolism, 374 of embryo, 70, 71, 145, 146 amino acids, 145, 232 of excrement, 164 arginase content, 434, 499, 512 of feathers, 199 effects of castration, 433 of gizzard lining, 31 calcium, 335 of gonads secretions, 508 assimilation of, 61 of liver, 284 blood serum content in vitamin B of organs and tissues, 64-67 deficiency, 520 of ovary, 342 effect on gout, 361 of pigments, 103, 104 factor in egg production, 392 of reproduction, 421, 422, 424 Biochemistry BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 26

Biochemistry Continued centrifuging, 71, 479 of reproductive tissues, 425 changes following repeated bleeding, of respiration, 425, 426 71 of reticular connective tissue of chemistry of, 64-66, 71 spleen, 293 cholesterin content of, 362 of skeleton, developing, 448 circulation of, 39, 67, 72, 479 of stomach oil, 29 action of barium on, 67, 72 oxygen, castration effects on survival speed of, relation to pulse rate, 375 at various pressures, 433 time, 402 phosphorus, metabolism of, 335, 375, cytology of, 114 520, 521 effects of feeding experiments, 397 sex variation in, 424 electrolytic conductivity of, 65 potassium nitrate, 400 extraction from heart, 71, 479 proteins, foreign, 371 fat content, 65, 392 stearin, as source of vitamin D, 521 sex variation in, 424 thyroxine, 374, 504 flow in kidney, 512 tyramin, 362 hemoglobin, 65 uric acid, elimination of, 372 hemolysis, 74 production of by embryo, 146 in eggs, 415 Biometry see Quantitative works infections, in chicken sarcoma, 369 Biophysics, of eggs, 412 with Salmonella pullorum, 356 of incubation, 146-147 injected into albumen, 153 Bird day, 113 injection studies, 275 Bird houses, construction of, 479 molecular concentration, 65 wasp pests of, 133 osmotic pressure, 65, 71, 375 Bird liming, 296 pathology of, 351 Birds as food for birds, 213 study technic of, 479 Birds of prey, care of in captivity, 40 temperature of, 483 economic relations, 137 test for sex, 434 longevity, 291 thyroxin in, 504 Bismarck Archipelago, fauna, 198 urea content, 66 taxonomy, 474 uric acid content, 64 Biziura, anatomy, 34 weights, 407 skeletal adaptation, 22 variation in, 517 syrinx, 468 Blood corpuscles, 72-74 taxonomy, 475, 476 effects of tuberculosis, 366 Black head, 358 heat production, 483 Blanquilla Isl., fauna, 189 injection into rabbits, 72, 371 Blastoderm, 149 red, 40, 73-74, 116 anomalies of, 490-491 supravital and vital staining technic, anidean, 487 481 without 149 embryo, Blood fat, content of, 392 area arrested 156 opaca, development, sex variation in, 424 technic, 480 electrolysis Blood islands, 62, 74, 87, 157, 159 experimental sectioning, 153 Blood pigments, 65, 73, 103 false, 491 Blood action on ansa intesti- glycogenic bodies in, 145 plasma, nalis, 334 glycogenic tissue, 62 coagulation of, 64, 402 glycogenesis in, 372 separation of, 71 grafts of, 228, 229 Blood see growth of, 232 platelets Thrombocytes irradiation of, 373 Blood pressure, 60, 72, 372 measurements of, 403 of decerebrate birds, 80 nutrition of, 335 diencephalon center for, 334 preparation technic, 480 inanition, effects of, 337 Blastopore, 149 regulation of, 82 Blindness, to blue, 518 effects of thalamic lesions, 83 Blinds, 39, 40, 294 Blood serum, 61, 65, 74 Blood, 71-75 calcium content, in vitamin B de- albumin, 60 ficiency, 520 calcium, changes in reproduction, 421 effects on chicken sarcoma, 369 content of, 61, 65, 362 foreign proteins, 63 27 FINDING INDEX Blood serum

Blood serum Continued hypophysis extract, effects of, 270 inorganic phosphorus of, 63 inanition, effects of, 337 pigment of, 74, 104 of decerebrate birds, 80 Blood-sucking birds, anatomy of head, regulation of, 82 254 sex, effects of, 483 adaptations, in beak, 22 thyroid extract, effects of, 483, 504 in tongue, 22, 25 Body weight, at sexual maturity, 231 myology, 314 castration effect on, 433 Blood sugar, 65-66 changes, 406 relation to ovulation, 424 correlations, 81 values, heredity of, 220 with blood weight, 71 Blood vessels, 86-90 with brain weight, 81, 401 aortic arches, 159 with flight area of wings, 283 coronary arteries, 258 with flight muscle size, 401 development of, 87, 88, 89, 90, 149, with flight power, 402 153, 159 with liver weight, 401 embryonic, demonstration technic, with tail length, 401 480 with wing area, 402 elastic tissue of, 111 diurnal loss, 406 extraembryonic, 159 effects of diet, 336 in tissue culture, 507 of inanition, 337 innervation of, 332 loss during gonad hypertrophy, 508 of alimentary canal, 24 relation to flight area of wings, 283 of allantois, 151 thymus and thyroid gland, an- of beak, 255 tagonism in effects on, 503 of crop, 27 variation in, 516 of double embryos, 487 Bohemia, fauna, 193 of ear, 122 history of ornithology, 261 of esophagus, 27 migrations, 300 of eye, 168 Bolivia, fauna, 188 of feather germs, 200 Bombycilla, breeding, late, 242 of head appendages, 278 economic relations, 135 of integument, 276 growth, 230 of pecten, 171 platelet appendages to feathers, 204 of skin, 50, 277 regurgitation in feeding young, 410 of spleen, 293 Bombycilla cedrorum, behavior, 47 of spinal cord, 324 care in captivity, 41 of suprarenal glands, 467 economic relations, 135 smooth muscle of, 319 food, 209 teratology, in umbilical hernia, 498 habits, breeding, 240 Blue Andalusian fowl, Mendel's law, feeding, 139, 249 223 of young, regurgitative, 243 Blushing, 50, 278 life history, 280 Bocche di Cattaro, fauna, 193 Bombycilla garrula, anatomy, 37 Bodo, fauna, 195 migrations, 301, 304 Body, growth of, 231 Bonaire Isl., ecology, 130 Body cavity see Celom fauna, 189 Body fluids, osmotic pressure of, 375 Bonasa, albinism, 97 Body form, 38 connective tissue of foot, 282 adaptations to flight, 23 of toes, 111 effects of captivity, 41 drumming, 58 Body righting, 371 epidemics, 360 Body size, castration effects on, 86 food, 209 climatic adaptation of, 23 in winter, 214 correlations, 401 gregariousness, 461 with brain weight, 81 innervation of air sacs, 333 with egg size, 401 intestine, 32 dimensions of, 402 measurements, 402 reproduction variation effects on, 425 molt of claws, 277, 311 Body temperature, 482-484 parasitology, 346 experimental poikilothermism, 270 pathology, 350 heat-regulating center, 484 poisoning, 364 Bonasa BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 28

Bonasa Continued supraoptic canal, 77 scutes of toes, 278 voice, 462 sexual behavior, 56 Botaurus lentiginosus, concealing habits, stomach contents, 211 238 voice, 463 display, 58 weights, 406 nuptial feathers, 202 Bonasa betulina, hybrids, 267 sexual behavior, 56 Bonasa umbellus, crop contents, 211 syrinx, 468 gizzard contents, 212 vocal organs, 464 habits, 237 Botaurus stellaris, behavior, 47 drumming, 248 powder-down feathers, 203 life history, 279 Botulism, 357 mortality from forest fires, 312 Brachydactyly, 495 population fluctuation, 385 Brachyrhamphus, anatomy, 35 Bonaventure Isl., fauna, 180 Bradypterus, flight muscles, 316 Bone (Bones), 447-448 see also Skele- leg muscles, 317 ton and Skull pterylosis, 378 air in, 60 Brain, 34, 75-85, 323, 324 blood vessels of, 87 anomalies of, 494, 497 chemistry of, 61, 66 blood vessels, 87 composition of, 447 arteries of, 77, 81, 88 deformities of, 354 cerebral cortex, pennamotor center, developing, in tissue culture with 333 thymus gland extract, 505 cerebral lesions effects on ovary, 343 effect of fat diet, 335 chemistry of, 66 in eggs, 415 cortical optical centers of, 519 embryonic, measurement of, 405 cranial nerve nuclei, 78-79 feeding experiments, effects on, 397 cytology of, 114 malformation prevention, 397 degeneration effects, 124 fossil, 345 development of, 77, 158 fractures of, 21 in cyclops, 494 growth, effects of thymus gland diencephalon, 82 feeding, 502, 506 eaten by birds, 251 parietal, double, 459 evolution of, 162 regeneration of, 410 experimental extirpation, 80 in sclera, 173 experimental lesions, 59, 79, 80, 285 specific gravity of, 447 gray and white matter, 77 Bone marrow, 75 growth of, 231 blood corpuscles in, 73 rate, 233 blood vessels of, 87 weight comparison, 406 in tissue culture, 507 hernia of, 456 reaction to immune plasma, 274 in tissue culture, 507 regeneration of, 410 measurements of, 403 Booming, 58, 248 medulla, pennamotor center, 333 action of esophagus, 465 metameres of, 76, 152 Boric acid, in liquid eggs, 400 mitosis, 114 Borneo, fauna, 197 of Polish fowl, 220 taxonomy, 474 olfactory lobes, 338 Boron, in egg, 68 parasites of, 349 Bosnia, fauna, 194 regeneration of, 410 Botaurus, behavior, in captivity, 49 regulation of body temperature, 483, booming, 27, 464 484 use of esophagus in, 465 relation in activity to suprarenal brain development, 77 glands, 468 bursa Fabricii, 91 size of, correlation with body size, 401 concealing coloration, 108 teratology, experimental, 491 diencephalqn, 82 tumors in, 368, 369 "freezing" in danger, 51 rat sarcoma grafts, 230 mimicry, 54 weights, correlations with body size, plumage, effects of thyroid gland on, 81, 401 384, 504 effects of castration, 433 nuptial, 383, 439 of chemical compounds, 407 29 FINDING INDEX Brain

Brain Continued British Guiana, ecology, 128, 132 sex differences, 407 fauna, 188 variations in, 517 habits, 235 Brain stem, histology of, 77 iconography, 272 lesions of, effects on blood tempera- natural history, 321 ture, 483 taxonomy, 472 nuclei of, 78, 79 British Honduras, fauna, 187 Branchial arches and pouches, 158 British Isles, communal relations, 133 Brandenburg Lowlands, fauna, 194 ecology, 128 Branta, albinism, 97 economic ornithology, 136, 137, 141 gregariousness, 461 fauna, 193 hybrids, 264 food, 207 leg muscle mechanics, 319 in winter, 214 migrations, 297 general works, 217 Branta bernicla hrota, conservation, 112 habits, 236 population fluctuation, 385 breeding, 240 Branta canadensis, abnormal colora- feeding, 249 tion, 95 iconography, 271, 273 banding, 44 migrations, 299, 303, 304, 307, 308 hybrids, 264 oology, 339 migrations, 297, 298 plumage, 376 behavior in, 48 sequence of, 380 Branta canadensis minor, banding, 44 taxonomy, 473 migrations, 301 vernacular names, 478 Branta leucopsis, breeding habits, 240 voice, 463 hybrids, 264 Brittany, fauna, 193 Brazil, ecology, 128 Bromine, absorption, in egg, 68 fauna, 188 Bromism, 354 oology, 339 Bronchitis, 353 taxonomy, 472 Brood intervals, 246 Breathing, 426 Brood patch, 277, 421 action of spinal nerves, 329 Brooders, 39, 390 sound effects on, 257 Brooding, artificial, 41, 398 through broken wing bones, 426, 448 by birds not parents, 461 Breeding, adaptation in, 23 by foster mother, 49 climatic effects, 132 by male, 242 experimental, 162, 218 crop, histology during, 27 for fecundity, 204, 205, 218, 219 fecundity correlation, 205 for plumage, 42, 199, 218 habits, 242, 243 in captivity, 40, 41, 42, 43, 247-248 instinct, 52, 223 in first season, 242 Broods, 411 in inmature plumage, 411 Brotogerys, beak anomalies, 493 influence of food on, 133 Bryce Canyon, fauna, 181 of canaries, 41 Buarremon, mutation, 163 of poultry, 387-388 speciation, 466 unusual, 245 variation, 513 Breeding behavior, 49 Bubalornis, copulatory organs, 511 Breeding habits, 51, 239-247 Bubo, alimentary canal, 24 adaptation in, 23 anatomy, 37 evolution of, 161 breeding in captivity, 43 parasitic, 23, 246-247 eyes, 165, 167 Breeding methods, 295 Crampton's muscle, 168 muscles 171 for poultry, 398 extrinsic of, Breeding period, acceleration of by use myology, 314 of artificial light, 421 flight muscles, 316 British Columbia, ecology, 126, 130 nervous system, 322 economic ornithology, 136 pupillary reflexes, 409 fauna, 180 retina, 172 migrations, 297 sequence of plumages, 380 taxonomy, 471 skeleton, pneumaticity of, 448 British Empire, extinction of species, thyroid gland, effect on plumage, 384, 165 504 Bubo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 30

Bubo Continued tendons of patagium, 283 urogenital system, 508 vertebral column, 453 vision, accommodation in, 518 Bucorvus abyssinicus see also Bucorax Bubo bubo, breeding habits, 240 abyssinicus 88 Bubo ignavus, economic relations, 135 arteries, 87, flavus, albinism, 97 Bubo virginianus, behavior, 47 Budytes color 105 docility, 49 change, Buffalo Lake 180 body temperature, 482 Dist., fauna, Bulgaria, fauna, 193 breeding habits, 240 insectivorous 139 ecology, 125 birds, 300 feeding habits, 249 migrations, Bulla 452 food, 209 ossea, 438, growth, 230 Buphaga, feeding habits, changes in, 252 life 280 history, Burhinus Bubonic 118 gallarius, dancing, 58 plague, 240 dissemination 138 Burma, breeding habits, by birds, check 476 443 lists, Bubonidae, skeleton, fauna, 191 Bubulcus ibis see Ardea ibis general work, 217 Buccal pouch, 25 473 number 454 taxonomy, Bucco, vertebrae, of, vernacular names, 478 Bucconidae, anatomy, 37 Bursa 91-92 273 Fabricii, iconography, blood vessels 87 378 of, pterylosis, castration effects on, 92 taxonomy, 474 glands of, 226 57 Bucephala, courtship, growth in weight comparisons, 406 382 eclipse plumage, hemapoiesis in, 75 451 pectoral girdle, function, involution of, 92 431 trachea, irradiation of, 373 of, 450 wing bones, development lymphatics of, 90 264 Bucephala clangula, hybrids, lymphoid tissue in, 92, 293 Buceros, gizzard, 30, 31 relation to testes activity, 500 habits, 237 to thymus, 92 breeding, 240 Bursae, 445 myology, 314 "Bush-birds," habits, 236 nasal gland ducts, 226 Butalis grisola, incubation period, 244 nasolacrimal ducts, 256 training, 54 pneumaticity in all limb bones, 449 Buteo, air sacs, 428 pterylosis, 378 cooling by, 429 regurgitation, 31 albinism, 97 skeleton, pneumaticity of, 448 alimentary canal, 24 stomach, 28 bursa Fabricii, 92 453 vertebral column, lymphoid tissue of, 293 Buceros cavatus, alimentary canal, 24 chondroid bodies, 111 anatomy, 35 color change, 106 Bucerotidae, anatomy, 35 digestion, 117 habits, 237 ear, 121 iconography, 273 experimental lesions of, 124 myology, cervical, 315 economic relations, 135, 138 skeleton, 443 eye, 166 cervical, vertebrae, 454 pupillary reflexes, 170, 409 articulation of, 446 feathers, interlocking emarginate pri pneumaticity of, 448 maries, 203 syrinx, 468 food, 209 muscles of, 316 insects, 203 taxonomy, 474 foot, ligaments of, 446 Bucorax, hollow-shafted feathers, 199 mechanics of, 282 Bucorax abyssinicus, gizzard obstruc- tendons, 318 tion, 351 habits, 237 Bucorvus, anatomy, 35 hypophysis, histology of, 270 arteries, 87 intestine, 31, 32 carotid, 88 iris, 169 31 FINDING INDEX Buteo

Buteo Continued Buteo vulgaris, food, 209 lungs, histology of, 430 incubation by both sexes, 245 marital relations, 58 reproduction, 411 melanism, 101 remating, 58 migrations, 301 vision, experimental studies, 517, 518 muscles, infrahyoid, 315 Butorides, diving for food, 250 of flight, 316 Butterflies, as food for birds, 140, 212, of leg, 317 213, 251 nasal gland ducts, 226 mimicry, 133 nasolacrimal duct, 256 palatability, 469 519 notpchord, 159 warning colors of, 110, optic chiasma, 83 ossicle of antibrachium, 454 pleura, 430 proventriculus, 30 Cacatua, brain stem nuclei, 78 pulse rate, 375 cranial nerve nuclei, 79 rachitis, 363 Cacatua ophthalmica, iris color di- 212 regurgitated pellets, morphism, sexual, 169, 434 respiratory organs, 427 Cacatuinae, hybrids, 262 skeleton, development of, 448 Caccabis, abnormal coloration, 95 social relations, hostility between breeding in captivity, 43 species, 460 Cachexia, infectious, 355 speciation, 466 Caffeine, injections into albumen, 154 sternum 405 measurements, Cagayancillo Isl., fauna, 197 29 stomach, Cage birds, care of, 41 contents of, 211 iconography, 274 teratology, 495 infectious diseases, 370 effect on thyroid gland, plumage, 384, migratory instinct in, 51 504 pathology, 350 trachea, 432 Cage^-bird traffic, 112 uriniferous 513 tubules, Cairina, bursa Fabricii, 91, 92 513 variation, copulatory organs, 511 of 289 velocity flight, hybrids, 264 at 286 visibility high altitude, incubation period, 244 visual le- apparatus, experimental parthenogenesis, 150 518 sions, secondary sex character changes, 439 Buteo borealis, albinism, 97 Cairina moschata, hybrids, 264 blood corpuscles, 72 gonads of, 268 eating snakes, 214 ovary, 342 Buteo 97 buieo, albinism, taxonomy, 476 211 crop contents, testes, 499 117 digestion, variation, 513 eggs, measurements of, 403 Cairns region, fauna, 196 weights of, 407 Calaenas, gizzard, 31 Buieo 298 lagopus johannis, migrations, Calaenas nicobarica, gizzard, 30 Buteo latissimus, hyperdactylia, 495 Calamodus, albinism, 97 melanism, 101 Calamophilus biarmicus, sternum, 452 Buteo pennsylvanica, feeding young, 243 Calamospiza, albinism, 97 Buteo platypterus, food, 209 Calao rhinoceros, air sacs, 428 habits, 237 Calcarius, migrations, 298 life history, 280 nocturnal singing, 253 molt, 309 Calcarius lapponicus, mortality from sequence of plumages, 380 storms, 312 voice, 463 Calcification, 61, 341 Buteo regalis, habits, breeding, 240 relation to lipoid metabolism, 505 Buieo solitarius, dichromatism, 108 Calcium, 60, 61, 66 sequence of plumages, 380 assimilation of, 335 Buteo swainsoni, feeding habits, 249 by embryo, 71 food, 209 effects on egg production, 392 migrations, 298 effects on gout, 361 sequence of plumages, 380 effects on growth, 232, 233 Calcium BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 32

Calcium Continued breeding, 239 effects on heart contractions in tissue feeding, 249 culture, 507 iconography, 272 in blood, 65 life histories, 280 changes in vitamin B deficiency, migrations, 297 520 molt, 309 with beriberi, 74, 362 mortality from fumigation, 312 in eggs, 412 natural history, 321 in shell, formation of, 424 paleontology, 344 incubation changes, 413 population changes, 385 role in development of skeleton, taxonomy, 471 448 voice, 463 transfer to embryo, 71, 145, 413, Callipepla, albinism, 97 422 hybrids, 264 in nutrition experiments, 335 Calliphorinae (parasites), 347 injection of, 61 Calliste, stomach, 28 metabolism of, 61, 374-375 Callosities, heredity of, 220 influence of thymus gland, 502 Calodromas, alimentary canal, 24 of calcium and phosphorus, ir- Calopelia, voice, 463 radiated ergosterol effects, 373, Calopezus, breeding in captivity, 43 521 habits in captivity, 247 ratio to phosphorus, 395 polyandry, 247 secretion of, 372 Calophasis ellioti, hybrids, 265 serum reserve in rachitis, 363 Calornis, food, 209 Calcium carbolate as poison for birds, Calory quotients, 73, 483 364 Calurus, red lipochrome pigment, 104 Calcium carbonate, 61, 63 Calypte, albinism, 97 effects on development of skeleton, growth, 230 448 of feathers, 231 of egg, 69 incubation period, 244 Calcium citrate, 61 life histories, 280 Calcium salts, effect, on heart contrac- nuptial flight, 59, 285 tion rate, 260 Calypte anna, insect food, 213, 251 on reproduction, 421 Camargue Isl., fauna, 193 sex difference in effect on growth rate, Camera shutter, electric control of, 40, 432 481 Calcium sulphate, effect on bone de- Cameroons, fauna, 176, 177 velopment, 448 Campephilus, beak anomalies, 493 Calcutta District, fauna, 191 danger of extinction, 164 Calidris see also Tringa Campephilus principalis, ecology, 125 color change, 105 habits, 237 courtship, 57 natural history, 322 display, 58 rarity, 384 molt, 309 voice, 463 sequence of plumages, 380 Campethera, hyoid apparatus, 457 spermatogenesis, 420 sterno-tracheal muscles, 315 Calidris arenaria, molt, 309 tongue, 26 sequence of plumages, 380 Canada, communal relationships, 133 spermatogenesis, 305 conservation, 111 relation to migration, 420 ecology, 126, 129 Calidris canutus, gonads, histology in economic ornithology, 136, 137, 141 summer, 509 fauna, 180 seasonal changes in, 509 food, 206 habits, 238 general work, 216 sex ratio, 442 habits, 234 in a population, 442 breeding, 239 California, ecology, 126, 130 iconography, 272 economic ornithology, 136, 138 insectivorous birds, 139 fauna, 181-182 migrations, 297, 307 food, 206, 208 natural history, 321 general work, 216 stomach contents, 211 habits, 235 taxonomy, 471 33 FINDING INDEX Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies, fauna, 180 reproductive instinct of, 52 Canal of Petit, 170 sex hormone effects, 440 Canal of Schlemm, 173 on feathers, 201 Canalicular apparatus, 116 spur grafts, 230 Canaries, care and breeding, 41, 42 Capri Isl., fauna, 194 origin of, 160, 225 Caprimulgi, humerus, 450 Canary Isls., ecology, 129, 130 pterylosis, 378 fauna, 175 Caprimulgidae, anatomy, 35 iconography, 271 hyoid apparatus, 457 Cancer, 368 sexual behavior, 56 Cancroma, skeleton, 443 skeleton, 443 Cane molasses, as food for poultry, 396 skull, 455 Canker, 359 syrinx, 468 Cannabina, albinism, 97 taxonomy, based on anatomy, 476 hybrids, 264 tongue, 25 Cannabina flavirostris, hybrids, 264 Caprimulgus, conchae, 256 242 Cannabina linota, care of young, ear development, 121 hybrids, 264 food, 209 244 incubation period, skull, 455, 456 of 380 sequence plumages, ossifi cation of, 341 54 training, Caprimulgus europaeus, behavior, 47 48, 250 Cannibalism, concealing coloration, 108 in 398 brooders, food, 209 Cantabrian 195 Mts., fauna, habits, 237 188 Cantagallo, Brazil, fauna, breeding, 240 Canton, China, fauna, 190 incubation 244 185 period, Cape Disappointment, fauna, molt, 309 188 Cape Horn, fauna, skeleton, 443 Cape Province, Africa, banding re- vision, 517 coveries, 46 voice, 463 179 fauna, 178, Captive birds, effects of temperature, migrations, 297, 303 484 Cape San Antonio, Argentina, fauna, iconography, 274 188 incubation period, 244 Cape Verde Isls., fauna, 175 voice, development of, 464 taxonomy, 470 weaving nests, 245 Capella delicata, breeding habits, 240 Captive predatory birds, natural his- nuptial song-flight, 59, 242 tory, 322 voice, 463 Captivity, 40-43 Capillaries, 89 adaptation to, 23 of bone marrow, 75 breeding in, 247-248 vitelline, 152 cannibalism in, 250 Capim River region, fauna, 188 changes in singing, 466 Capitonidae, anatomy, 37 effects, on behavior, 41, 49 foot pads, 278 on hemoglobin, 73 gall bladder, 284 fecundity in, 205 general work, 215 food in, 43, 208 heel pads, 278, 281 habits in, 247-248 iconography, 273 hybrids bred, 268 taxonomy, 474 longevity in, 292 Caponizing, 398 reproduction in, 411 voice 464 Capons, 386 in, feathers of, sex hormone effects on, Capturing birds, methods, 41 441 Carabideous larvae, killing birds, 311 food consumption, 233, 394 Carbo, color change, 105 forced feeding, effects of, 336 oviduct, 509 gonad grafts, 229 Carbohydrates,' 61, 336 growth rate, 233 digestion of, 117 metabolism, changes in, 374 in egg, 68, 69, 412 molt, 309 metabolism of, 61, 375 ovary grafted into, 439 embryonic, 69, 146, 155 Carbon dioxide BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 34

Carbon dioxide, 60 rachitic short neck, 363 amount of in incubator and under respiration, 425 hen, 156 skeleton, 443 effect on hydrogen ion concentration suprarenal glands, capsule of, 467 of albumen during incubation, 69, veins of, 89, 467 413 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 477 excretion of, 83 Cariama crisiata, anatomy, 36 formation in embryo, 71, 156, 427 growth, 230 in asphyxia, 425 of young, 281 measurement in respiration, 426 Cariamidae, anatomy, 36 production, in incubator, 156, 399 Caribbean Sea, ecology, 129, 130 temperature effects on, 484 fauna, 175 Carbonic acid, in embryo, 155 Carinatae, hand bones, 451 Carcinoma, 368 Carine, immunity to snake venom, 274 fault 497 Cardinally, feather bars, molt of beak covering, 311 longevity, 291 mortality from, 313 singing habits, 253 vitality, 309 skull, 455 Carine noctua, feeding habits, 309 development of, 456 retina, physiology of, 167 ossification of, 341 Carlsbad Cavern, fauna, 181 structure of, 456 Carmarthenshire, banding, 46 Cardiocephalia, 490, 498 Carnivorous birds, experimental feed- Carduelinae, economic relations, 141 ing, 208 Carduelis, abnormal coloration, 95 Caroline Isls., fauna, 198 albinism, 97 Carpococcyx, pterylosis, 378 basal metabolism, 374 skeleton, 443 breeding in captivity, 43 measurements of, 445 combustion in respiration, 426 syrinx, 468 culture of, 40 ^ Carpococcyx radiatus, anatomy, 35 food of nestlings, 208 Carpodacus, albinism, 97 gizzard, 30 banding, 44 gonads, activity of, 508 color change, 106 of hybrids, 268, 509 dichromatism, 108 hatchability of eggs, 148 economic relations, 135 267 hybrids, equilibrium in flight, 283 experimental, 269 evolution of color pattern, 161 reproduction, 411 feathers, abrasion of, 106 sexual 57 behavior, growth of, 201 spermatogenesis of, 420 food, 209 499 testes of, gregariousness, 461 101 melanism, r habits, 237 from 313 mortality staryation, intelligence, 53 period between laying and brooding, life history, 280 411 secondary sex characters, 439 skeletal muscle fiber measurements, speciation, 466 404 318, variation, 513 460 smell, voice, 463 326 spinal ganglia, Carpodacus cassini, eating salt, 214 28 stomach, Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis, band- 513 variation, ing, 44 38 viscera, egg weights, 407 Carduelis carduelis, albinism, 97 growth, 230 hybrids, 264, 267 incubation period, 244 melanism, 101 life history, 280 Carduelis elegans, albinism, 97 Carpodacus purpureus, banding, 44 beak anomalies, 493 economic relations, 139 hybrids, 264 feeding habits, 139, 249 Carduelis spinus, hybrids, 264 hybrids, 267 Cariama, brain arteries, 88 longevity, 291 digestion, 116 sequence of plumages, 380 ear, 121 Carpophaga, gizzard, 30 labyrinth, measurements of, 403 intestine, 31 35 FINDING INDEX Carpophaga

Carpophaga Continued ceca, 33 stomach, 28 cerebral cortex, 81 syrinx, 468 cloaca, 91 Carpophaga latrans, myology, 314 coloration, of head, 95 Carpophaginae, intestine, 31 of skin, 95 stomach, 28 egg, infection with fungi, 351, 415 feather 201 Carrier pigeons, 112, 340 structures, 209 Carrion feeders, 143 food, 212 Cartagena Lagoon, fauna, 187 minimum, 447 Carter Co., Mo., ecology, 127 foot, articulations, 226 Cartilage, 447 gastric glands, 237 adipose tissue in, 110, 115 habits, 233, 240 cells in tissue culture, 516 breeding, 43, in 247 cytology of, 115 captivity, 75 in eggs, 415 hemapoiesis, 457 in heart valves, 258 hyoid apparatus, 446 of feet, chondroid plaques, 282 ligaments, 315 ossification of Meckel's cartilage, 341 muscles, 458 incubation, artificial, 43 Cartilago acrochordialis, 245 Caruncle, 278 by male, period of, 244 pathology of, 352 larynx, 429 Casarca, eclipse plumage, 382 myology of, 315 sequence of plumages, 380 lymph nodules, aggregated, 292 Cassidix, 411 polygamy, 247, natural history, 320 Cassidix mexicanus 57 major, courtship, nerve canals in humerus, 450 Castrated birds, experimental feeding oology, 339 effects on, 336 pectoral girdle, 451 Castration, 27, 52, 85-86, 218, 229, 232, pigment, formation in skin, effects of 340, 354, 440, 442, 509 sex hormones, 440 effects, on comb size, 441 melanin, development in feathers, on egg weights, 433 104 433 on growth rate, proventriculus, 30 on heat production, 372, 483 sexual behavior, 56 on interstitial cells, 500 skeleton, 443 374 on metabolism, skull, 456 on 305 migrations, ossification of, 341 on nervous motor energy, 440 sterno-tracheal muscles, 315 383 on plumage, 377, 378, sternum, variation in position, 452 on resistance to oxygen pressure, syrinx, 468 433 muscles of, 316 on sex, 433, 438, 440 taxonomic anatomy, 38 secondary sex characters, 441, tongue muscles, 315 500 trachea, 431 on syrinx, 469 urogenital system, 508 on thymus gland, 502 voice, 463 experimental intersexuality, 435 wings, 282 467 incomplete, Casuarius australis, skeleton measure- methods 479 of, ments, 404 regeneration of ovary, 410 Casuarius bennetti, habits, 237 of testes, 410 Casuarius emeu, anatomy, 35 regression changes, 86 Casuarius 24 regression of erectile tissue resulting, galeatus, alimentary canal, 511 Casuarius novae-hollandiae, reproduc- tive of 509 sex chord origin in subsequent re- system female, generation, 411 Catalase, 62 in 521 Casuarius, air sacs, 428 activity polyneuritis, anatomy, 35 egg content, 69 relation to work 319 body temperature, 483 done, brain stem nuclei, 78 Cataract, 352 bursa Fabricii, 75, 91, 92 Catarrh, 353 care in captivity, 41 of eye, 352 Catarrhactes BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 36

Catarrhactes, albinism, 97 Cayenne, fauna, 189 wing, arteries of, 89 Cayman Isls., fauna, 186 bones of, development of, 450 Cayuga Lake Basin, fauna, 184 ossification of, 341 Ceca (caeca), 32-33, 117 Caterpillars, as food for birds, 140, 213, abligated, 33, 351 251 development of, 33 Catharacta, habits, 237 experimental diet, effects, 336 Catharista, claws on wings, 277 histology of, 33 Catharistes, brain stem nuclei, 78 hydrogen ion concentration, 62 cerebellum, 85 lymph nodes, 33 Cathartes, air sacs, 428 lymphoid tissue in, 292 albinism, 97 measurements, 405 anatomy, 36 parasites in, 349 behavior, 47 pathology, 351 brain arteries, 88 supernumary, 499 claws on wings, 277 tuberculosis of, 367 eye, 165 Cecropians, as food for birds, 140 habits, 237 Ceiba, Honduras, fauna, 187 hypnosis, 50 Celebes Isls., breeding habits, 240 hypoglossal nerve, 328 ecology, 129 myology, 314 fauna, 197 olfactory organs, 338 taxonomy, 474 olfactory sense, 460 Celeus, damage to fruit, 139 taxonomy, 474 Cells see also Blood corpuscles and tongue, taxonomic characters, 476 Cytology vision, experimental, 517 binucleate, 114 Cathartes aura, albinism, 97 continuity of, in cleavage, 148 feeding habits, 250 division of, 69, 114 feeding young, 243 giant, 115 food, 213 in tissue culture, 506 found by sight, 250 growth of, 231 olfactory sense, 460 intercellular connections in cleavage, vision, 517 148 Cathartidae, breeding habits, 240 luteal, 342 claws on fingers, 278 multinucleate, 114 olfactory sense, 460 spindle cells, 74 Celom oral cavity, 25 (coelpm), 157 pharynx, 26 diverticuli of, 511 skeleton, 443 evolution of, 161 skull, 455 function, 38 syrinx, 468 Celosomia, 491, 499 tongue, 25 Centrocercus, courtship, 57 trachea, 431 display, 48 Catherpes, protective coloration, 22 plumage of, 377 Catheturus, mound building, 245 Centrocercus urophasianus, air sacs Catheturus lathami, breeding in cap- inflation in display, 429 tivity, 43 breast feather loss, 204 mound building, in captivity, 248 gizzard musculature, 31 sexual Catoptrophorus semipalmatus, behavior, behavior, 56 47 strutting, 248 ecology, 125 Centropus, bursa Fabricii, 91 Cats (domestic), destruction of bird parasites of, 346 population, 112, 385 syrinx, 468 mortality from, 313 testis, single, 501 431 Caucasia, iconography, 272 trachea, Cavities, premandibular, 157 Centropus ateralbus, sequence of plum- Cavity, abdominal, ectopic develop- ages, 380 ment in, 156 variation, 515 lesser peritoneal, 157 Centropus sinensis, pterylosis, 378 pericardial, 157 in embryo, 379 tympanic, 459 Centrosomes, 115, 150 37 FINDING INDEX Centurus aurifrons santacruzi

Centurus aurifrons santacruzi, nestling- Certhidia, intestine, 32 down feathers, 202 pterylosis, 378 Ceophloeus, drumming with beak, 462 skull, 455 food, 209 tongue, 25 pterylosis, 378 Ceryle alcyon, at sea, 134 Cephalopterus, alimentary canal, 24 ecology, 125 trachea, 431 feeding habits, 249 Cephalopterus penduliger, esophagus, 27 food, 209 stomach, 28 skeleton, 443 tongue, 25 skull, taxonomic bearings, 457 trachea, 431 Ceryle stellata, alimentary canal, 24 Cepphus, economic relations, 135 anatomy, 35 eggs, color of, 93 myology, 314 recognition of, 56 tongue, 25 habits, 237 Cestoda (parasites), 349 sequence of plumages, 380 Ceylon, ecology, 129 Cerchneis, adipose tissue, 114 fauna, 191 mimicry, 54 habits, 236 240 velocity of flight, 289 breeding, Cerebellum, 84 iconography, 272 destruction of, 80 taxonomy, 473 development of, 84 Chaco region, fauna, 188 fossil 344 extirpation of, 59, 84 Chaemepelia, species, 204 granule cells, 84 Chaetura, aftershaft, lesion, effects on, 124 orientation, 340 Cerebral cortex, 81 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449, evolution of, 162 477 295 experimental lesions of, 59, 80 Chaetura pelagica, banding, 44, pennamotor center, 202, 319, 333 gregariousness, 461 removal of, 59 Chalaza, 413, 418 host 247 Cerebral hemispheres, development of, Chakococcyx, species, 77 Chamaea, skeleton, 443 taxonomic of 379 lesions of, 59 bearing, pterylosis, of 449 regeneration of, 410 skeleton, 475 relation to body temperature, 483 taxonomy, Chamaepelia, sternum, 452 Cerebral hernia, heredity of, 221 Channel Isls. (British Isls.), fauna, 193 Cerebro-spinal fluid, 294 Charadrii, anatomy, 35 Cereopsis, anatomy, 34 of 380 copulatory organs, 511 sequence plumages, Charadriidae, color pattern correlations, Cereopsis novae-hollandiae, intestine, 31 109 liver, 283 coloration, 108 skeleton, 443 concealing 163 stomach, 28 evolution, habits, 237 syrinx, 468 molt, 309 trachea, 431 pterylosis, 378 Ceriornis, blue skin, 103 skull, 455 courtship, 57 Charadriiformes, anatomy, 39 head appendages, 278 behavior, 47 secondary sex characters, 439 egg, measurements, 403 Ceriornis satyra, display, 58 weights, 407 108 Certhia, coloration, habits, 234, 235 262 hybrids, migrations, 299 habits, sleeping, 239 taxonomic anatomy, 39 516 variation, geographic, taxonomy, 474 Certhia brachydactyla, dermoid cysts, based on skull, 457, 477 368 variation, 514 Certhia familiaris, concealing coloration, Charadrioidea, conservation, 112 108 extinction, danger of, 164 Certhia familiaris americana, breeding food, 213 habits, 240 migrations, 297, 298, 301 ecology, 125 North American, 179 Charadrius BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 38

Charadrius, color pattern, 109 Chen, economic relations, 137 heredity of, 221 Chen rossi, breeding habits, 240 concealing coloration, 108 Chenalopes aegypticus, hybrids, 264, 267 follicular epithelium of ovary, 342 Chendytes, fossil species, 344 gizzard, 30 Chenopsis, adaptation, 23 migrations, 300 care in captivity, 41 nasal glands, 226 Chenopsis atrata, atrioventricular sys- nestling color, 94 tem, 258 retina, 171 hybrids, 264 teratology, 495 syrinx, 468 yolk nucleus, 418 Cherries, as food for birds, 214 Charadrius apricarius altifrons, effect of Chester Co., Pa., ecology, 127 temperature on breeding, 242 Cheyletus heteropalpus (parasite), 346 Charadrius auratus, carrying young, 243 Chicago region, fauna, 183 Charadrius curonius, incubation period, migrations, 297-298 244 Chicken pox, 357 Charadrius dominicanus fulva, sequence relation to diphtheria, 359 of plumages, 380 Chihli prov., China, fauna, 190 Charadrius d. dominions, food, 209 Chihuahua, fauna, 187 Charadrius hiaticula, food, 209 Chile, fauna, 188 rearing young artificially, 41 food, 207 Charadrius melodus, behavior, 47 migrations, 306 ecology, 131 Chilliwack District, fauna, 180 Charadrius melodus circumcinctus, China, distribution, 120 breeding habits, 240 ecology, 128 voice, 463 fauna, 190 Charadrius pluvialis, migrations, 300 habits, 236 Charadrius squatarola, habits, 237 breeding, 240 voice, 463 incubation, artificial, 399 Charitonetta albeola, velocity of flight, migrations, 298 289 taxonomy, 473 Charity Isls., fauna, 183 Chinese cotton scale, destruction by Charts, 271 birds, 140 Chasmorhynchus, caruncle, 278 Chinese goose, genetics of, 160, 218, 224 voice, 463 Chinese old eggs, 142, 417 Chaulelasmus streperus, hybrids, 263 Chinine, in treatment of cholera, 358 Chauna, alimentary canal, 24 Chinkiang, China, fauna, 190 digestion, 116 Chionididae, skeleton, taxonomy, 449 respiratory organs, 427 Chionis, anatomy, 35 skeleton, 443 embryology, 144 pneumaticity of, 448 measurements of digestive organs, skull, 455 405 stomach, 28 skeleton, 443 teratology of plumage, 497 sternum, taxonomic bearings, 452 Chauna chavaria, anatomy, 34 Chionis minor, taxonomy, based on Chauna derbiana, myology, 314 skeleton, 449, 477 Cheboygan Co., Michigan, ecology, 127, Chiriqui, fauna, 187 131 Chlamydera, play, 55 Check lists, 174, 476 Chlidonias nigra surinamensis, incu- Ethiopian region, fauna, 176 bating habits, 243 U. S. National Parks, fauna, 181 migrations, 304 Chefoo, China, fauna, 190 sequence of plumages, 380-381 Chelidon, albinism, 97 Chloral hydrate, use in experimental banding, 44 embryology, 154 fovea centralis, 173 Chloretone, use in experimental embry- double, physiology of, 167 ology, 153, 154 oviduct, histology of, 510 Chloris, albinism, 97 Chelidon rustica, migrations, 306, 307 atrioventricular system, 258 orientation, experimental studies on, blood, oxidase reaction, 71 340 gizzard musculature, 31 Chelidon urbica, care in captivity, 41 hybrids, 262 Chelidonaria urbica, migrations, 301 muscle, skeletal, 318 FINDING INDEX Chloris

Chloris Continued Chromosomes, 433 smooth, in stomach and intestine, fixing technic, 480 319 number, variations of, 150 Chloris chloris, hybrids, 264, 265 sex, 222, 433 spermatogenesis, 420 Chrysococcyx, ceca, 33 Chloroform, clotting effect, 72 Chrysococcyx luddus, feeding habits, effects on embryo, 153 249 use in 482 operations, Chrysolampis mosquitus (plains), brain, 378 Chlorophonia, pterylosis, 76, 77, 81, 82, 83, 84 455 skull, Chrysomitris, concealing coloration, 108 28 stomach, Chrysomitris spinus, hybrids, 264 variation in Chloropsis, plumage color, Chrysopterus, esophagus, 27 515 larynx, 429 76 Chloroslilbon, brain, trachea, 431 Cholelithiasis, 352 Chrysotis, color change, 106 Cholera, 62, 118, 275, 357 gizzard, 31 role of leukocytes in, 72 hearing, pitch perception, 257 virus 62 of, mimicry, 54 Cholera morbus, 118 muscles, depressors of mandible, 315 Cholera vibrio, in egg, 68, 415 infrahyoid, 315 Cholesteremia (cholesterolemia), 62, 465 354 speech, spinal nerves, 329 effects on reproduction, 421 Chrysotis aestiva, muscles of flight, 316 Cholesterin (cholesterol), 60, 62, 363 Chunga, anatomy, 36 blood content in, beriberi, 362 down and definitive feather conti- in egg, 68 200 formation of, 505 nuity, metabolism 374 powder-down, feathers, 203 of, 378 Choline, in 68 pterylosis, egg, 443 Cholornis, toes, 282 skeleton, Chondestes, albinism, 97 Chunga burmeisteri, myology, 314 Cicada as food for Chondriosomes, as heredity units, 222 (insect), birds, 139, 251 in epidermal fibrillae, of beak, 115, 255 140, of feathers, 200 Cicinnurus regius, display, 58 in germ cells, 411 Ciconia, adventitious coloration, 96 Chondrocranium, 456 air sacs, histology of, 428 Chondrodystrophia, 363, 490 alimentary canal, 24 hormone effects, 160 anatomy, 35 heredity of, 220 arteries, 87 Chordeiles, feather growth, 201 atrioventricular system, 258 feeding on mosquitoes, 251 banding, 44, 303 gall bladder, 284 recoveries, 46 habits, 237 bastard wing, function of, 283, 288 breeding, 240, 246 brain, 77, 78, 82, 83 insectivorous, 139 cloaca, 91 life history, 280 color vision, 518 migrations, 301 cranial nerve nuclei, 79 sequence of plumages, 381 defecation, 371 taxonomy, 475 ecology, 125 variation, 513 emotions, 50 volplaning, 285, 462 fear, 50 Chordeiles popetue, voraciousness, 251 flight, mechanics of, 287 Chorion, 150 foot, articulations of, 447 Choroid layer of eye, 168 gout, 361 in tissue culture, 507 habits, 237 post mortem melanin pigment forma- hyoid apparatus, 457 tion, 103, 170 life histories, 279 Choroid plexus, 294 longevity, 292 Chromaffin System, 86 medulla oblongata, 85 development of cells, 467 migrations, 300, 301, 302, 306, 307 Chromatophores, see Melanophores molt, 309 Chromophages, 104 red blood corpuscles, 73 Ciconia BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 40

Ciconia Continued Circulatory System, 86-91 respiration, 425 anomalies of, 498, 499 high altitude effects on, 425 in bone, 447 sequence of plumages, 381 pathology of, 351 social 460 relations, Circus, color pattern, 109 28 stomach, feathers, adaptation in, 199 syrinx, 468 interlocking emarginate primaries, veins, 89 203 vitality, 309 powder-down, 203 Ciconia alba, banding, 44 food, 209 breeding habits, 240 melanism, 101 feather growth, 201 molt, 309 food, 209 ossicle of antibrachium, 454 migrations, 301, 306 paired ovaries, 343 wing artery anomaly, 498 pterylosis, 378 Ciconia ciconia, economic relations, 135 sequence of plumages, 381 extension of range, 385 uropygeal gland, 227 301 migrations, 299, 300, Circus aeruginosus, albinism, 97 natural 322 history, "formenkreis" theory, 467 Ciconia leucocephala, hybrids, 267 sequence of plumages, 381 Ciconia 44 nigra, banding, Circus hudsonius, behavior, 47 color 106 changes, care in captivity, 41 209 food, economic relations, 135 natural 322 history, growth, 230 worm in 349 parasitic heart, habits, 237 musculus 318 Ciconiae, ambiens, breeding, 240 of 410 regeneration beak, life history, 280 air 428 Ciconiidae, sacs, paired ovaries, 343 45 banding, skeleton, 443 301 Ciconiiformes, migrations, tameness, 49 molt, 309 Cirrhosis, of liver, 352 sequence of plumages, 381 Cissilopha yucatanica, sequence of plum- Cinclus, anatomy, 37 ages, 381 care in captivity, 40, 41 . on 132 fecundity, exceptional, 205 Civilization, effects, birds, on 174 food, 209 fauna, on 248 habits, 237 habits, on 385 bathing, 239 population, on 467 diving, 248, 291 speciation, swimming, 239 Clangula, anatomy, 34 243 skeleton, measurements of, 404, 445 carrying young, pneumaticity absent, 449 courtship, 57 swimming power, 291 diving, 291 voice, 463 hybrids, 268 volplaning, 285 trachea, enlargements of, 431 in 268 Cinclus aquaticus, swimming under hybrids, water, 291 measurements of, 405 velocity of flight, 289 Clangula americana, ecology, 125 Cinclus britannicus, swimming, 291 habits, 237 Cinclus cinclus, singing in autumn, 466 breeding, 240 Cinclus mexicanus, skeleton, 443 Clangula hyemalis, food, 209 Cinematography, 40, 289 habits, 237 methods, 295, 481 sequence of plumages, 381 records, of growth and cell move- Clasmatocytes, 110 ments, 505 Classics, migration references in, 296 of head movements, 517 Classification, see also Taxonomy use in embryology, 144 behavior criteria for, 48 Cinnyris, ecology, 125 of embryos, 144 fertilization of flowers, 133 of feathers, 199 Circaetus, arrangement of toes, 282 of races of fowls, 224 Circaetus gallicus, rotator tendons of of song birds, 40 foot, 281 systems of, 478 41 FINDING INDEX Claws

Claws, 277 albinism, 97 abnormal, 496 alimentary canal, 24 asymmetry of, 214 bosses, on mandible, 22, 457 curvature of, 255 on palate, 457 molt of, 311 cytology of germinal disc, 418 on wings, 277, 345 economic relations, 138 evolution of, 162 eye color, 94 use of in oiling feathers, 376 follicular epithelium of ovary, 342 variation in, 514 foot, anomalies, of, 496 Cleavage, of eggs, 114, 148 mandibular articulations, 447 compared in male and female eggs, mitochondria, 116 148, 412 molt, 310 Climate, adaptations to, 23 nuptial plumage, 383 as distribution factor, 173 pied coloration, 39 correlations with body size, 401 pigmentation changes, 103 effects of, 132 regeneration of striped muscle, 410 on color, 107 salivary glands, 227 of eggs, 93 skin, histology, of, 276 on iridescence, 102 spleen, 293 on egg size, 417 Coccothraustes vespertina, behavior in on evolution, 163 captivity, 49 on growth, 42, 233 breeding habits, 240 of feathers, 201 care in captivity, 41 on nest building, 245 food, 209 on pigmentation, 108 molt, 309 on plumage, 382, 515 Coccothraustes vulgaris, mimicry, 54 on population, 385 Coccyx, tumors of, 368 see also pygo- on skeleton, 445 style on song impulses, 465, 466 Coccyzus behavior, 47 on speciation, 467 feathers, development of, 200 on thyroid gland, 503 nestling down development, 202 variation factor, 516 food, 209 Climbing, 285 habits, breeding, 240 Clipperton Isl., ecology, 129, 130 parasitic, 246 fauna, 174 instinct, 51 Clivicola, rib anomaly, 498 migrations, 301 Cloaca, 91-92, 156, 423 nocturnal singing, 253 abnormal separation of oviduct ori- voice, 463 fice, 498 Coccyzus americanus, life history, 280 doubling of, 486, 487 Coccyzus erythropthalmus, life history, inflation of lining of, 58, 245 280 Clostridium botulinum (parasite), 361 Cochin, China, fauna, 190 Clutch, size of, 339 Cochlea, 123 daylight effect on, 421 form of, 214 sex ratio in, 442 physiology of, 123 Cnemiornis, fossil bones, 345 Cochleariidae, alimentary canal, 24 Coagulation, 68, 74 feathers, 198 of blood, 72 powder-down, 203 of plasma, 64 heart, 257 of egg, 417 hyoid apparatus, 457 of albumen, 413 integument of foot, 278 Coasts, ecology, 130 pterylosis, 378 Cobb's Isl., Va., fauna, 185 tongue, 25 Cocain, effects on Grandry's corpuscles, trachea, 431 331 Cock feathering, 225 Cocain hydrochloride, effect on embryo, castration effects on, 378 154 sex hormone effects on, 440 Coccidiosis, 358 Cock fighting, 268 quantitative study, 401 Cocornis, intestine, 32 Coccidium (parasites), 349 pterylosis, 378 Coccothraustes, adaptations in mandible skull, 455 and palate, 22 tongue, 25 Cocos Isls. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS

Cocos Isls., ecology, 129, 130 voice, 463 fauna, 187 Colaptes cafer collaris, roosting habits. taxonomy, 472 239 Cod liver oil, 232, 395, 519 sequence of plumages, 381 effect on flavor of chicken flesh, 395 social relations, 460 use in prevention of rachitis, 363 Cold see also Temperature vitamin content, 395 effects of, 305 Vitamin A content, 520 on molt, 310 Vitamin D content, 521 resistance to, 41 Codeine, effect on embryo, 154 Colinus, abnormal coloration, 95 Coefficients, quantitative, 401 albinism, 97 Coenogenesis, 145 body and brain weights, 81 Coereba, sequence of plumages, 381 breeding in captivity, 43 skull, 455 castration effect on brain weight, 433- stomach, 28 conservation, 111, 112, 114 taxonomy, 475 ecology, 125 tongue, 25 economic relations, 134, 135 Coereba coerulea, muscles of tongue, 315 eggs, destruction of, 252 Coereba cyanea, color change, 106 gregariousness, 461 muscles of tongue, 315 iconography, 273 Coerebidae, anatomy, 37 incubation period, 243 pterylosis, 378 intestine, 32 skeleton, taxonomy of, 449 longevity, 291 Colaeus, behavior, 47 mortality, 133, 311 flight, velocity of, 290 natural history, 320 phylogeny of ovary, 342 parasitology, 346 seasonal changes in oviduct, 510 plumage, 376 in spermatogenesis, 420 reproduction, 410 in testes, 500 sex ratio, 442 weights of testes, 408 unusual nest sites, 246 Colaeus monedula, corpus luteum, 342 voice, 463 oogenesis, 416 winter care, 41 spermatozoa, 419 Colinus virginianus, food, 206, 209 testes, measurements of, 406 habits, 234 Colaeus monedula collaris, interstitial hybrids, 264 cells of testes, 499 Colius, anatomy, 35 Colaptes, adaptation, 23 intestine, 32 beak anomalies, 493 myology, 314 behavior, 59 pterylosis, 378 care in captivity, 41 skeleton, 443 evolution of color 161 skull, 455 exceptional fecundity, 205 syrinx, 468 gymndromorphism, 436 taxonomy, 475 habits, 237 Collecting methods, 294, 295 hybrids, 262 Collections, care of, 294, 470 incubation period, 244 of skeletons, 445 intersexuality, 435 Collocalia, mucus-secreting glands, 142; life histories, 280 nests, chemical composition of, 142 migrations, 297 Collyriclum faba (parasite), 349 recognition of sex, 56 Coloboma, 494 regurgitation in feeding young, 410 of iris, 352, 494 sequence of plumages, 381 Coloeus, velocity of flight, 289, 290 sexual selection, 442 Colombia, ecology, 128 velocity of flight, 289 fauna, 188 Colaptes auratus, iconography, 272 courtship, 57 taxonomy, 472 crossbeak, 494 Colon bacilli infection, 370 dancing, 58 Color, Coloration, 92-110, 120 drumming, 48, 58 adaptation in, 22, 92 feeding effects on beak, 252 antipathy to purple, 47, 518 feeding habits, 249 appreciation of, 49 sexual behavior, 56 association of, 53, 101, 102, 519 43 FINDING INDEX Color

Color, Coloration Continued Colorado, 316 blindness to blue, 518 conservation, 111 change in, 105-107 ecology, 127 effects of climate, 107 fauna, 182 in unfeathered areas, 107 food, 206 relation to molt, 311 general work, 216 seasonal, 107 habits, 235 charactere, phylogenetic value, 163 migrations 297 climatic effects, 107, 132, 163 Colorado Desert, fauna, 187 concealing, 55, 107-108 Colorado River delta, fauna, 187 failure 251 in, Colorado River valley, ecology, 132 or 55 confusing warning, fauna, 182 dimorphism, 108 Columba, adipose tissue, 114 sexual, 434 agglutination tests, 274 evolution of, 161 air pressure, in flight, 288, 290 mutation in, 164 air sacs, 428, 429 genetic basis, 218 parasitic fungi of, 348 heredity of, 221 albinism, 97 mimicry in, 108-109, 250 70 of beak, 93 albumen, secretion 423 effects of male sex hormones on, of, 256, 442 alimentary canal, 24 405 of bile, 284 measurements of, of blood corpuscles, red, 73 almond, effects on absorption by in- of serum, 74 testinal epithelium, 371 of egg shell, 339, 413-414 amino-acids, 61 atavism in, 218 amylolysis, 60, 284 development of, 424 anaphylaxis, 274 of parasitic birds, 247 anatomy, 34, 35 variation in, 515 anthrax, 355 of feet, 95 antigens, 274 effects of male sex hormones, 282, apnea, 425 442 arrhenoidy, 437 of gizzard cuticula, 31 asphyxia, resistance to, 425 of iris, 169 association, 53 of liver, 283 ataxia, hereditary, 77, 354 of plumage, 94, 95, 96-102, 103, 104, avitaminosis, 65, 71, 362 110, 245 banding, 45 in gynandromorphism, 436 behavior, 47, 48 male sex hormone effects on, 442 fidelity of mates, 58 thyroid gland effects on, 504 beriberi, 62, 74, 362, 363 of skin, 94-95, 107 biochemistry, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, in 436 gynandromorphism, 66, 67, 70 222 genes for, bird pox, 357 of 26 tongue, blastoderm, grafts of, 228 of 419 yolk, blood, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 effects of 397 feeding, bacteriocidal power of, 275 or 102 optical physical, chemistry of, 64, 65 in 268 green hybrid canaries, manganese content, 65 39 pattern, technic, 479 evolution 161 of, 109, blood in cere- 221 pressure, regulation heredity of, brum, 372 sex-linked, 224 blood vessels, 87, 88, 89 induced intermediate, 378 86, of ear, 122 phytogeny of, 163 of spinal cord, 324 sex differences, 439 effects of sex hormones 441 bone marrow, 75 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, thproid gland effects, 441 brain, 85 red reaction, 50 84, relation to function of variation in, 515 activity of, warning, 251 suprarenal glands, 468 Color vision, 518-519 chemistry of, 66 Columba BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 44

Columba Continued center for regulation of blood pres- breathing, experimental studies of, sure and body temperature, 83 426 lesions of, effects on body tempera- rate of, 426 ture, 483 breeding, late, 242 diet, 60, 208, 363 brooding and feeding by birds not synthetic, 519 461 parents, digestion, 61, 62, 63, 116, 117 bursa 92 Fabricii, 87, 91, diphtheria, 359 callus formation in bone fractures, dissection technic, 479 447 ear, 121, 122, 123, 124 care 41 of, glands of, 226 352 caruncle, pathology of, lesions of semicircular cnals, 85, 124 castration, effects of, 85, 383, 433 eating cherry stones, 214 on feathering of foot, 440 ecology, 125 catalase, relation to work 319 done, egg, cleavage of, 148 33 ceca, envelopes, 413, 414 84, 85 cerebellum, fertilization of, 147, 148 cerebral 82 cortex, 81, maturation of, 416 294 cerebro-spinal fluid, polarity of, 417 357 cholera, 275, size, effect, of climate on 417 dissemination of 138 hog cholera, of length of day on, 417 cholesterin study, 362 yolk, 70, 419 45 chondrocranium, electrocardiograph studies, 260 choroid 294 plexus, elimination of water, 372 chromaffin 86 system, embryology, 144, 145, 156 90 circulatory system, 86, 87, 88, 89, early embryonic coelom, 157 91 cloaca, irradiation of embryo, 373 blood vessels 92 of, emotions, 50 358 coccidiosis, enteritis due to parasitic wounds, 360 cochlear 79 nuclei, epidemics, 360 effects on 286 cold, flight, epidermis, comparison with guinea color, 95 abnormal, pig, 277 causes of, 102 epiphyses, pressure, 447 change of, 106 epiphysis, 77 evolution of, 109, 161 epithelioma contagiosum, 360 pattern, heredity of, 221 erythropoiesis, 75 vision, 518, 519 esophagus, 27, 28 coloration of eye, asymmetrical, 169 eyes, 114, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, connective tissue, 110, 111 171, 172, 173 of cornea, 168 anomalies of, 221 conservation, 112 effects of extirpation of, 328 cornification, 145 muscles of, innervation, 333 of integument, 276 pathology of, 352 58 courtship, 57, pupillary reflexes, effects of drugs, crop, 27, 60, 87 409 fistula of, 351 feathers, abnormal, 199 innervation of, 332 degeneration of, due to disease, 199 oxidases in glands of, 62 depigmentation by thyroid gland secretion of, 64 extract, 505 cytology, 116 114, 115, development of, 200 of autonomic 332 ganglia, effects of thymus gland feeding, of germinal disc, 418 502 of skeletal muscle, 318 down and definitive feather con- of 420 spermatozoa, tinuity in molt, 204 of 326 spinal ganglia, fault bar development, 199 death from cutting vagus nerve, 312, fluids in lumens of quills, 199 329 growth, rate of, 201, 233, 403 decerebration, 80, 167 heredity of tail feathers, 223 decortication, 58, 59 injuries to, 199 deficiency diseases of, 336, 362 muscles, innervation of, 333 diencephalon, 82 nestling down, 202 FINDING INDEX Columba

Columba Continued hydrocyanic gas, use in detecting, ruffling mechanism, 199 479 structure of, 201 hydrophobia, 354 filum terminate, 324 hyperglycemia, 66 flight, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290 hyperthyroidization, 200 muscles of, 316 hypnosis, 50 tumbling, 51 hypophysis, 269, 270 food, 209 effects, on reproductive system, 270 consumption of, 212 of extracts, 270 foot, ligaments of, 446 immunity, to anthrax, 355 mechanics of, 282 to hemoproteus infection, 275 tendons of, 318 to malaria, 275 furcula, development of, 452 to snake venom, 21, 274 gall bladder, absence of, 284 inanition, 65 gastric secretion, 117 effects, on body temperature, 337 gastrulation, 149 on body weight, 337 genetics, 218 on digestive organs, 338 gizzard, 30, 31 on muscle tissue, 319 glands, 226 on pancreas, 345 chemistry of, 66 on testes, 500 parathyroid, 349 inbreeding, 219 glycemia, 66 instinct, 50, 51 glycogen content, 62 insulin, resistance to, 160 of liver, 284 intelligence, 53 of retina, 172 intersexuality, 435 glycogenesis, 372 intestine, 31, 32 gonads, activity relation to supra- smooth muscle of, 319 renal glands, 468 iridescence, 102 histology in sex reversal, 437 irradiation with Roentgen rays, of grafts, integumental, 230 embryo, 373 gregariousness, 461 kidneys, 512 growth, 230, 231 histology of, 513 of internal organs, 233 lactic acid formation in muscle of skeleton, 231 tissue, 63, 319 rate of, 233 labyrinth studies, 54 gynandromorphism, 436 larynx, development of, 429 habits, 237 lead poisoning, 364 swimming, 59, 291 learning, 54 healing, of broken legs, 21, 281 leg fractures, 21 of wounds, 371 leukocytes, 72 hearing, 123 development of, 75 electrical apparatus tests, 257 liver, 62, 284 of decerebrate bird, 257 longevity, 291 heart, 257, 258, 259, 260 lungs, 429, 430 ganglia of, 258, 333 lymph, 75 pathology of, 351 lymphatic system, 90 recording contractions of, 482 lymphoid tissue, 292 technic for extracting blood from, in bursa Fabricii, 293 479 in pancreas, 345 irradiation 373 heat regulation, 83 of, hemapoiesis, 74, 75 Mallophaga (parasites), 347 hemoglobin, 103 mandible, 458 heredity, 220, 221, 222, 223 manganese content, 63 histology, 38 marital relations, 58 human disease transmission, 119 measurements, 402 hunger center in brain, 371 of respiratory surface of lungs, 405 hybridization, 218, 219 of skeletal muscle fibers, 404 hybrids, 262, 264, 267 of vestibular apparatus, 403 eggs of, 412 meninges, 293 experimental, 218, 219, 269 mesenteries, 24 ovaries of, 269 development of, 156 Columba BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 46

Columba Continued pleuroperitoneal cavity, 157 metabolism, 373, 374, 375, 421 plumbism, 355 of cardiac muscle, 259 poikilothermism, 270, 483 migrations, 307 polyspermy, 148 mitoses, number of, in proliferating pouting, 51 epidermis, 401 precipitation tests of race relation- molt, feather continuity at, 310 ships, 218 precocious, 505 protein specificity, 63 muscle tissue, 318, 319 proventnculus, 30 tonus, 330 psychic development, 48 specific gravity of, 318, 406 Purkinje fibers, 258 muscles, 168, 258, 315, 318, 319 rachitis, 363 natural selection, 164 rat carcinoma, grafts of, 368 nervous system, 322, 323, 324, 325, rat sarcoma, grafts of, 230 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, reflexes, 82, 408, 409 334 pupillary, 167, 170, 409, 518 ganglion cells, 116, 151, 172, 325 regeneration, 410 neuroglia, 77, 323 regurgitation, 31 nutrition, 335, 336 reproduction, 421, 422 nutritional deficiency diseases, 336, suprarenal gland activity in, 424 362 reproductive system, 508, 509, 510. nystagmus, 124 511 oblique septum, 430 smooth muscle of, 319 olfactory organs, 328, 338 resistance to low air pressure, 372 oogenesis, 416 respiration, 425 optic chiasma, 83, 328 artificial, 425 optic lobes, 83 combustion in, 426 optic nerves, 83, 328 emotional effects on, 50, 426 optic nerve reflexes, 409 respiratory center, 426 optic tracts, 83 respiratory organs, 427, 428, 429, 430, orientation, 339 432 castration experiment in, 340 reticular fibres, 111, 284 ossifi'ation, 340, 341 retina, 172 ova, 412 physiology of, 167 degeneration of, 413 pigment epithelium of, 172 ovarian extract injection, effects of, red oil globule of, 172 57 rods and cones of, 172 ovary, 342 stimulation of, 167 ovulation, 66 reversion, 225 pancreas, 345, 346 salivary glands, 227 paraganglia, 86 sarcoma, experimental studies, 369 paraphysis, 77 secondary sex characters, 438 parasites, 347, 348 development of, 439 parathyroid glands, 349 seed dissemination, 140 paratympanic organ, 122, 290 senses, 432 parietal eye, development of, 254 sex, chromosomes, 434 parthenogenesis, 150 determination by eggs, 433 pathologic anatomy, 355 identification, 479 pathology, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355, hormones, 441 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 363, 365, effects, on behavior, 441 366, 369, 370, 371 on plumage, 383 pecten, 171 ratio, aberrant, 219 pectoral girdle, 451 in clutch, 442 penis, 511 reversal, 437 pennamotor cortical center, 333 sexual behavior, 56, 57, 58

pericardial cavity, 157 sinus rhomboidalis, 326 . pericardium, 258 skeleton, 443, 446, 448, 449, 450, 451 pharmacologic studies, 67 452 pigments, of feather, 103, 104 development of, 448, 452 plague virus, 364 limb bones, 449, 450, 451 plethysmographic records, 425 pneumaticity of, 448, 449 pleura, 430 variation in, 446 47 FINDING INDEX Columba

Columba Continued tissue proliferation, 231 skin, grafts, 230 tissue respiration, 425 innervation of, 276 trachea, 432 skull, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459 tuberculosis, 365, 366 pathology of, 354 tumbling, 51, 161 smell, 460 tumors, 367 social relations, 460 grafts of, 228 space sense, 308, 518 tympanic cavity, 459 spermatogenesis, 420 typhoid fever, 369 spermatozoa, 419, 420 unnary organs, 511, 512, 513 spinal cord, 87, 324, 325, 326 urogenital system, 508, 509, 510, 511, diameter of central canal, 403 512 effects of extirpation of, 80, 325 vagus nerves, 329 variation in, 514 action on heart, 329 spleen, 293 pathology of, 351 chemistry of, 64 thoracic ganglia of, 332 hemapoiesis, 75 variation, 513, 514, 515 spurs, development of, 279 in spinal nerves roots, 329 sterility, 424 in vertebrae, 454, 514 sternum, 452 veins, 89 stomach, 28, 29 vertebral articulations, 447 Altmann's granules, 162 vestibular apparatus, 124 innervation of, 332 physiology of, 124 smooth muscle of, 319 relation to orientation, 340 suprarenal glands, 467 vibrio infection, resistance to, 276 glycemia and hyperglycemia in- viscera, 38 volvement, 468 growth rate of, 233 nutrition of, 335 vision, 517, 518, 519 physiology of, 468 visual purple, 172 swimming, 59, 291 vitamin B deficiency, 60, 208, 520, 521 temperature, external, effects, on ear vitamins, 519, 520, 521 labyrinth, 484 water, absorption in embryo, 146 on heart contractions, 259 elimination of, effect of brain stem on muscle contractions, 319 lesions, 372 on nutrition, 335 weather effects, on altitude of flight, temperature, of body, 482 286 effects of brain stem lesions on, on orientation, 340 483 weights, 406 regulation in brain, 483 of chemical compounds in brain, variation in, 483 407 teratology, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, wings, bastard, function of, 288 490, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, bones of, 450 499 498, mechanics of, 283 testes, 499, 500, 501 xenia, 225 lesions 270 thalamus, of, 83, yolk sac recession, 151 effects, on metabolism, 374 Columba fasciata, breeding habits, 242 on 426 respiration, conservation, 112 thermal stimulation of N. acusticus, economic relations, 138 166 egg carrying, alleged, 320 thrush 355 (disease), extinction danger, 164 thymovidin function in development Columba frugilegus, late breeding, 212 of egg envelopes, 502 Columba leuconata, hy- thymus gland, 501, 502 experimental bridization, 219 feeding extract of, 200 264 function in ovulation, 502 Columba livia, hybrids, 219 sex comparison, 502 fecundity of, 269 thymus and thyroid feeding effects, fertility of, 374 Columba livia dakhloe, speciation, 466 thyroid gland, 107, 502, 503, 504, 505 taxonomy, age of races, 478 effects on molt, 310, 504 Columba oenas, communal nesting, 248 grafts of, 228 hybrids, 264 tissue culture, 505, 506, 507, 508 late breeding, 212 Columba palumbus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 48

Columba palumbus, albinism, 97 bursa Fabricii, 92 autonomic nervous system, 332 glands of, 226 beak, anomalies of, 493 care in captivity, 41, 42 coloration, 93 castration, 85 abnormal, 95 color pattern, 109 diphtheria, 359 crop, 27 food, 213 digestion, 117 habits, 237 ecology, 125 breeding, 240 economic relations, 135 50 hybrids, 264 emotions, 209 pathology, 350 food, 215 regurgitation of pellets, 410 general work, 30 swallowing potato, 251 gizzard, absence or reduction 508 swimming, 59, 291 gonads, of, seasonal 509 testes, periodicity in activity, 500 changes in, grafts, integumental, 230, 269 Columba turtur, breeding habits, 240 of glands, 228 hybrids, 264 suprarenal growth of body, 231 Columbae, behavior, 57 growth rate, 233 ceca, 33 of gonads, 233 color, heredity of, 223 habits, 237 variation in, 515 drinking, 249 57 courtship, hybridization, experimental, 218 199 diastataxy, hybrids, 262, 268 50 emotions, experimental, 218, 269 eutaxy, 377 gonads of, 268 evolution, 162 experimental sex chromosomes of, 222 food, 214 of, 268, 420 234 spermatogenesis habits, effects on basal 240 hypophysectomy, breeding, metabolism, 270, 374 sleeping, 239 hypophysis, effects of, on testes, 270 218 hybridization, experimental, iconography, 273 hybrids, 218, 269 identical twins, 411 416 oogenesis, incubation period, 244 271 iconography, life histories, 280 incubation 244 period, limb muscles, 317, 318 51 instinct, learning to drink, 54 314 myology, male stimulating female to lay eggs, 318 m. ambiens, 57, 423 natural history, 320 male sex hormones, 441 nerves, cranial, 327 Mendelian heredity, 223 ovary, compensatory right, 343 metabolism, 373 powder-down feathers, 203 measurements of, 402 quintocubitalism, 282 migrations, 301 rectrices, 203 natural history, 320 172 retina, oyulation, 66, 424 sex, 225 pigmentation, heredity of, 222 sex-linked genes, 224 physiology of reproduction, 421 sex ratio, 442 secondary sex characters, 439 skeleton, 443 sex, 432 skull, nerve foramina in, 459 determination of, 433 spermatogenesis, 420 of hybrids, 434 testis, right only, 501 sex chromosomes of hybrids, 222 uropygeal gland, 227 skeleton, 443, 445 vision, 517 spermatogenesis in hybrids, 268 voice, 463 spermatozoa, giant, 420 Columbidae, age, at maturity, 281 spleen, 293 relation to blood sugar, 66 taxonomy, 475 albinism, 97 temperature, effects on metabolism, alcohol, effect on size of yolk, 419 484 behavior, 47, 59 of body, experimental modification, sexual, 56, 57 483 49 FINDING INDEX Columbidae

Columbidae Continued Colymbus arcticus (Colymbo), esophagus, testes, relative size of right and left 28, 29 in hybrids, 501 pterylosis, 378 thymus gland, function in formation stomach, 28 of egg envelopes, 502 Colymbus auritus, incubation period, 244 thyroid gland, seasonal changes in, 503 Colymbus cristatus, territorialism, 462 size relation to ovulation, 505 Colymbus glacialis, color pattern, 109 309 weights, 406 molt, sequence of plumages, 381 of body, changes in, 406 hab- 47 Colymbus septentrionalis, breeding Columbiformes, behavior, 240 communal 133 its, relationships, 461 190 territorialism, distribution, 119, 237 234 Colymbus stellatus, habits, habits, 240 natural 321 breeding, history, 278 443 Comb, skeleton, of 441 social 49 castration, effects, 440, behavior, 278-279 taxonomy, 474 development of, evolution of, 161 phylogenetic relationship, 478 gelatin casts of, 470 voice, 463 grafts of, 230 social significance of, 464 growth of, 231 Columbina 101 picui, melanism, after ovariotomy, 86, 442 122 Columella, heredity of, 222, 224 Colymbidae, claws on fingers, 278 hypertrophy after pineal gland ex- diving, 291 tirpation, 375 feathers in gizzard, 31 in poultry judging, 386 food, 209 ovariotomy, effects on, 86 skeleton, 445 red pigment of, 104 Colymbus, albinism, 97 sex hormone effects on, 279, 441 anomalies of beak, 493 size, 439 articulations, 446 castration, effects on, 441 brain, 76, 78 spur grafts on, 230 ceca, 33 sunshine, effects of removal, 439 courtship, 57 testes, effects of extract of, 501 eye, 165, 166 variation in, 514 measurements of, 165, 403 vitamin effects on, 519 fibula, 449 Combatiyeness, 49 foot bones, 450 Combustion, measurement of in respira- Grandry's corpuscles, 331 tion, 426 habits, 237 Commensalism, 132 eating feathers, 252 Communication to man, 53 hand bones, development of, 451 Communal nesting, two or more species lamellar corpuscles, 331 in one nest, 248 locomotion on land, 290 Communities, 132-133 molt, 309 relations to biota, 133 muscles, 314 roosting, 133 anal, 316 wading birds, 112 caudal, 316 Competition, among ova, 416 depressor of mandible, 315 of spermatozoa in fertilization, 419 nerves, cranial, 327 Compsothlypidae, distribution, 119, 179 plumages, sequence of, 381 at sea, 173 variation in color of, 515 in winter, 302 posture, 253 economic relations, 141 proventriculus, 30 habits, 234 respiratory organs, 427 heredity, Mendelian, 223 skeleton, 443 hybrids, 268 skull, 455 iconography, 272 voice, 463 migrations, 297, 301, 306 wings, 282 mortality from storms, 312 position in diving, 249 sucking juice, of unripe grapes, 252 use of, in diving, 291 voice, 463 Compsothlypis am. pusillaBlBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 50

Compsothlypis americana pusilla, nat- Conurus carolinensis, color change, 105 ural history, 322 extinction of, 164 Conchae, 256 molt, 309 Concrescence theory, 149, 150 rarity, 384 Conditioned reflexes, 409 skeleton, 443 Conditioning, sexual, 439 Cook town, fauna, 196 Confinement, effects, on growth, 232 Coordination, 372 on 343 ovary, development of, 124 388 rearing poultry in, in reflexes, 409 470 Congo, taxonomy, Copper, experimental feeding of, 208 361 Congo trypanosomiasis, relation, to hemoglobin 65 Conjunctiva, cytology of, 114 Copulation, 58, 422 157 development of, factors, 148 Conjunctivitis due to parasite, 352 fecundity, relation to, 205 182 Connecticut, fauna, of hybrids, 268 general work, 216 organs of, 508, 511 migrations, 306 position of hen, 242 Connecticut River valley, migrations, Coracias, 198 297 feathers, feet, 281 Connective tissue, 110-111, food, 209 of areolar, development leukocytes habits, 237 in 75 : hyoid apparatus, 457 in heart 258 cartilage, valves, skull, 455 cell types in inflammation, 361 sternum, 452 chondroid bodies, 111, 282 stomach, 28 collagenous fibers, 110, 349, 503 Coracias garrulus (a), anatomy, 35 of cornea, 168 early embryology, 147 114 cytology, myology, 314 259 elastic, Coraciidae, anatomy, 35 in oviduct, 510 habits, 234 of 169 eye, 166, iconography, 273 of 258 heart, taxonomy, 474 of 342 ovary, tongue, 25 in 277 fibers, arrangement dermis, 37 in tissue Coradna, anatomy, growth, culture, 110, 231, 443 507 skeleton, 506, 468 in 415 syrinx, eggs, Coracoid 451 of 172 bone, retina, inflation of 103 Coracopsis vasa, cloaca, 58, pigments, 245 reticular, 64, 284, 293 Coracornithes, brachial plexus, 330 histochemistry of, 111 flight muscles, 316 skeleton 443 Conophaga (Conopophaga), structure of wings, 282 sternum, 452 Coragyps, cerebellum, 85 syrinx, 468 Coragyps atratus, regurgitative feeding taxonomy, anatomic characters, 476 of young, 243 Consanguinity, in poultry, 389 Corcorax, skeleton, 443 141 Conservation, 111-114, Cordentery, 490 Audubon 141 Societies, Corn, feeding effects on yolk color, 397 376 millinery trade, as food for birds, 212, 337, 397 143 teaching in, Corn boll worm, as food for birds, 140 196 Constantinople, fauna, Corn smut, pathologic effects, 397 Contagion, feather-borne, 118 on blood, 71 Conurus, corpuscles of Ruffini in Cornea, 168 tongue, 330 Cornification, of egg tooth, 150 gout, 361 of embryo, 145 pathology, of skin, 354 Coronados Isl., taxonomy, 472 77 tumors of, 368 Corpus callpsum, pupillary reflexes, 170, 409 Corpus geniculatum, 82 sympathetic and vagus nerves, rela- Corpus luteum, 342 tions of, 332 effects of feeding, on egg production, vision, after experimental lesions, 518 392 51 FINDING INDEX Corpus luteum

Corpus luteum Continued blood, red corpuscles of, 74 on growth, 233, 397 pigments, 103 on ovulation, 424 breeding in captivity, 43 Corpus striatum, 81-82 bursa Fabricii, 91 experimental lesions of, 59 chondroid bodies, 111 Corpuscles, chyle, 117 cloaca, 91 for general sensation, 331 cochlea, 123 measurements of, 404 coloration, 92, 93 of blood, 72-74, 355 abnormal, 95 of Ruffini, in tongue, 330 communal relation?, 133 thymic, 502 conchae, 256 Correlations, embrylogic, 152, 155 destruction of other birds, 112, 138 growth, 231, 232 digestion, 11 / in poultry culture, 204, 205, 389, 390, dissemination of anthrax, 355 391, 392, 515 ear, 121 of body weight, with brain weight, 81 facial nerve in, 123 with heart weight, 260 ecology, 134 with size, 260 economic relations, 135, 137, 138, of color pattern with diversity in 139 structure, 109 egg, color origin, 93 of egg and human skull measure- polarity of, 417 404 shell 94 ments, pigments, 70, of flight area, with heart weight, 283 embryology, 144 with weight of pectoral muscles, early, 147 283 epidemic diseases, disseminated by, of flight power with organ weights, 360 289 esophagus, 28 of geographic distribution with color evolution, of voice, 161 and size variations, 516 excrement, contents of, 212 of wing strokes with breathing, 426 eye, 165 Corrosion preparations, 479 foves centralis, 173 Corsica Isl., fauna, 196 muscles of, 315 Corvidae, abnormal coloration, 95 sclerotic rings, 173 47 behavior, eyelids, histology of, 168 55 moral, feathers, 198 communal relationships, 133 feces contents, 136 125 ecology, flight, muscles of, 316 economic 137 relations, 135, position of feet, 282 209 food, 206, velocity determinations, 290 237 habits, food, 209 feeding, 249 foot, mechanics of, 282 53 language, tendons, 318 migrations, 307 fossil species, 344 skeleton, 443 gastrulation, 149 taxonomy of, 449 gizzard, 30 skull, 455 Grandry 's corpuscles, 331 nerve foramina, 459 gregariousness, 461 social relations, 460 habits, 236, 237 speech, 465 feeding, 249 spermatozoa, 419 carrying food with feet, 250 stomach, 29 opening moHusk shells, 252 contents of, 212 incubating, 243 vagus nerve influence on, 329 heart, 257 territorialism, 461 220 innervation of, 258, 333 Corvus, acquired characters, 259 aesthetic sense, 49 mesentery, development of, between 460 air sacs, 428 hostility species, 262 cooling action of, 429 hybrids, 218 albinism, 97 experimental, amnion, 151 hyoid apparatus, 457 arteries, 87, 88 muscles of, 315 behavior, 47, 48 hypnosis, 50 Corvus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 52

Corvus Continued skin, blood vessels of, 78 inanition, effects of, on muscle tis- skull, 455, 456, 458 sue, 319 ossification of, 341 on striped muscle, 338 smell, exp & imental, 460 iinstinct, 51 social relations, roosting, 460 ntelligence, 53 spermatogenesis, 420 intersexuality, 435 spermatozoa, 419 intestine, 32 spleen, 293 innervation of, 332 stomach, 29 isabellism, 100 measurements of, 405 lacrimal glands, 226 syrinx, innervation of, 328 469 larynx, 429 taxonomy, 475 learning, 45 temperament, 59 leg muscles, function of, 319 temperature, effect on nest building, ligaments, 446 245 ligamentum pectinatum, 169 teratology, anideus, 486 light, effects of, on migrations, 305 anopia, 494 liver, histology of, 284 beak anomalies, 493, 494 lungs, 429 blastoderm without embryo, 491 lymphatic vessels, 90 double eggs, 488 melanism, 101 extra testes, 498 mesencephalon, 83 spur on head, 493 mesenteries, 24 testes, interstitial cells of, 499, 500 migrations, 299 thyroid gland, effects of climate, 503 effects of castration on, 305 race differences, 503 mortality from epidemic disease, 311 seasonal size change, 503, 505 myology, 315, 316 trachea, 431 nerve endings, proprioceptive, 330 tuberculosis, 366 nervous system, autonomic, 332 tympanic cavity, 459 cranial nerves, 327, 328 urinary organs, renal corpuscles, 513 obturator nerve, 330 variation, 93, 513 spinal cord, structure of, 324 visibility at high altitudes, 286 spinal ganglia, 326 Corvus americvnus see also Corvus nestling pterylosis, 379 brachyrhynchos optic chiasma, 83 behavior, 47 optic lobes, 83 feeding habits, 249 orientation, 340 Corvus brachyrhynchos oviduct, 423 albinism, 97 pancreas, physiology of, 346 communal relationships, 133 pecans, damage to, 139 courtship, 57 perception, 55 ecology, 125 periorbital fascia, 165, 171 economic relations, 135 periorbital region, 254 habits, feeding, 249 pharyngeal operculum, 158 roosting, 248 pharynx, 26 Corvus corax, healing of injured beak, 371 poisoning methods, 479 regeneration of, 410 polygamy, 247 feather structure, 201 primitive streak, 149 food, 209 proventriculus, 30 habits, 237 pulse rate, 375 breeding, 240 Purkinje fibers, 258 intelligence, 53 reproduction, physiology of, 421 myology, 314 reproductive system, of female, 509, scavenger service, 143 510 voice, 463 respiration, in tissues, 425 Corvus corax principalis, breeding hab- retina, 172 its, 240 fovea centralis, 173, 519 Corvus comix, abnormal coloration, 95 roup, 365 albinism, 97 salivary glands, 227 anatomy, 37 seed dissemination, 141 banding, 45, 46 skeleton, 443, 453 brachial plexus, 330 pneumaticity of, 448 eating mollusks, 251 53 FINDING INDEX Corvus comix

Corpus cornix Continued daubing eggs with clay, 108, 242 economic ornithology, 138 food, 209 feeding habits, 249 habits, 237 hybrids, 264 Corpus splendens, albinism, 97 egg shell structure, 414 isabellism, 100 isabellism, 100 variation in plumage color, 515 nervous system, 332 Corythaix, intestine, 31 accessory nerve, 327 pancreas, 345 position of legs in flight, 288 sternum, taxonomic bearings, 452 Corpus corone, abnormal coloration, 95 stomach, 28 adaptation, 21 trachea, 431 albinism, 97 turacin pigment, 105 ecology, 125 fading of, 107 economic relations, 135 Corythaix buffoni, liver, 283 evolution, 160 viscera, 38 facial feathers, loss of, 279 Corythaix porphyreolopha, alimentary food, 209 canal, 24 habits, 237 anatomy, 36 breeding, 240 Coryza, 353 hybrids, 264 Cosmetornis vexillarius, unusual length egg shell structure, 414 of primary feathers, 203, 377 eggs of, 269 Costa Rica, fauna, 187 myology, 314 taxonomy, 472 sex, 432 variation, 516 skeleton, 445 Cotinga, feather structure, 201 teratology, beak anomalies, 493 red lipochrome pigment, 104 territorialism, 461 Cotingidae, tarsal scutes, 163 voice, 463 Cotton boll weevil, as food for birds, Corvus crytoleucus, brain parasites, 349 140, 142 Corvus frugilegus, abnormal coloration, Cotton seed meal, as food for poultry, 95 396 97 albinism, Coturniculus, adaptation, in beak, 22 banding, 45 to flight, 23 anomalies of, 494 beak, 493, environment, effects of, 163 255 pouch, evolution, of beak, 161 distribution, 119 of 161 125 tail, ecology, 97 137 Coturnix, albinism, economic relations, 149 147 blastoderm, embryology, early, color 107 209 change, food, effects on 377 237 humidity, plumage, habits, melanism, 101 breeding, 239, 242 molt of claws, 277, 311 feeding, 249 optic chiasma, 83 insectivorous, 139 optic lobes, 83 roosting, 239 salivary glands, 227 incubation period, 243 speciation, 466 isabellism, 100 spleen, 293 life history, 280 teratology, 495 measurements, 402 supernumary limbs, 496 molt, 309 of tongue, 495 of head feathers, 310 thyroid gland, effects on plumage, 504 nudity, of forehead, 379 variation, 513 of throat, 279 Coturnix communis, melanism, 101 regurgitated pellets, 117, 212 Coturnix of rodent destruction, 143 japonica, sequence plum- 381 sequence of plumages, 381 ages, variation in throat 515 stomach contents, 212 color, 456 territorialism, 461 Cotyle, skull, development of, structure 456 variation in plumage color, 515 of, 53 vestibular nucle , 78 Counting, Corvus monedula, beak anomalies, 493 Courtship, 57-58 cross beak, 494 evolution of, 161 Cracidae BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 54

Cracidae, distribution, 119 Crotophaga, fossil species, 344 taxonomy, 475 oviduct, 509 Cracticus torquatus, longevity, 291 taxonomy, based on anatomy, 39, 476 Crampton's muscle, 167, 168 Crouching habits, 238 Cranioscope, 39 Crowing, of rooster, 253, 464 Cranorrhinus, development of beak, 255 heredity of, 220 Crateropus canorus, social behavior, 49 Crowing hen, 436 Crax, copulatory organs, 508, 511 Cryptoglaux acadica, breeding habits, tracheal loops, 432 240 Crax yarrelli, sterno-tracheal muscles, feather growth, 201 315 food, 209 tracheal loops, 432 life history, 280 Creatine, 62 migrations, 301 effect on embryo, 154, 492 Cryptorchids, 432 excretion of, 63 Crypturiformes, body temperature, rec- metabolism of, 284, 374 tal readings, 483 Creatinine, in egg, 68 egg shell, 413 Creatophora carunculata, plumage, 376 skeleton, 444 Creeper fowls, atavism, 218 Crypturus, habits, 237 heredity, 220 life history, 280 Crest, hypochordal, 159 skeleton, 444 Crested fowl, development, of beak, 255 Crypturus brevirostris, Juvenal plumage, of head, 254 383 of skull, 456 Crypturus tataupa, breeding in captiv- of brain and 492 teratology, skull, 77, ity, 43 Crests, use in alluring insects, 377 food, 209 in courtship, 58 incubation period, 244 Crete 196 Isl., fauna, Crypturus variegatus, syrinx, 468 97 Crex, albinism, Crystal balls, gizzard action on, 118 color change, 105 Cuba, fauna, 186 molt, 309 taxonomy, 472 443 skeleton, Cuckoo, recognition of eggs, 56 Crex crex, feeding habits, 249 Cuculi, ecology, 125 food, 209 Cuculidae, anatomy, 35 Crex pratensis, gizzard, 30 distribution, 119 migrations, 301 expulsion of host eggs and young, 246 Crickets, as food for birds, 140 food, 209 Criminology, feather studies, 136, 201 instinct, 51 Crinoids, analogy of plates with bird toe myology, 314 scutes, 278 leg muscles, 317 Cristae acusticae, 124 oology, 339 Croatia, migrations, 301 ossification of trachea, 341, 431 Crocethia alba, color change, 105 pterylosis, 378 444 Crocuses (plants), damaged by birds, skeleton, 139 syrinx, 468 475 Crooked Lake region, fauna, 183 taxonomy, 463 Crop, 27 voice, blood vessels of, 27, 87 Cuculiformes, skeleton, 444 circular muscle of, 274 Cuculinae, food, 209 effects, castration, 85 parasitic breeding habits, 246 of extract of hypophysis on, 270 Cuculus, albinism, 97 enzymes of, 62 alimentary canal, 24 fistula of, 351 banding recoveries, 46 glands of, 27, 62, 226 behavior, 47 innervation of, 27, 332 breeding, 49 lymphatics of, 27, 90 breeding, late, 242 muscle reaction in anaphylactic bursa Fabricii, 92 shock, 355 lymphoid tissue in, 293 regeneration of, 410 connective tissue of foot, 282 saccharose content of, 60 courtship, 57 secretion of, 27, 64 economic relations, 135 55 FINDING INDEX Cuculus

Cuculus Continued subspecies, 478 eggs, color of, 93, 94, 247 voice, 463 destruction of, 252 Cuculus poliocephalus, feeding young, evolution of, 161 246 genetic potencies in, 412 Cuculus saturatus, habits, 237 hatching own, 245 secondary sex characters, 438 mimicry in, 23, 93, 94 Culebra Isl., ecology, 129, 130 recognition of, 56 fauna, 187 shell structure, 414 Cupidonia cupido, hybrids, 266 size, correlations with host species, Curasao Isl., ecology, 130 401 fauna, 188, 189 measurements of, 403 taxonomy, 472 relation to species parasitized, Curare, effects, on autonomic nervous 417 system, 334 variation in, 516 on embryo, 154 variation in, 93, 515 Curruca, play, 55 eye, 165 Cursores, lymphoid tissue, 292 fecundity, 204 in bursa Fabrici, 92, 293 exceptional, 205 Cuyo Isl., fauna, 197 fledging periods, 281 Cyanecula, arrhenoidy, 437 food, 209 Cyanistes, hybrids, 262 gizzard, 30, 31 Cyanistes cyaneus, albinism, 97 growth, 231 hybrids, 264 habits, 337 Cyanocitta, albinism, 97 breeding, 23, 240, 246, 247 feeding habits, 249 heredity, 220 food, 209 of eye color, 221 temperature, effect of on nest build- host species, 247 ing, 245 incubation period, 244 variation, geographic, 516 instinct, 51 Cyanocitta cristata, economic ornithol- lamellar corpuscles, 331 ogy, 138 learning, 54 feathers, function of, 199 life history, 279 structure of, 201 longevity, 291 pterylosis, 378 migrations, 299, 300, 301 Cyanops, heel pads, 281 mortality of young birds, 313 Cyanosis, 364 muscles, 316 Cyanospiza, color change, 105 natural history, 322 nocturnal singing, 253 oology, 339 voice, 463 ovary, 342 Cyanospiza cms, feeding effects on oviposition, 247 color, 103 plumage, hepatic, 382 Cyclades Isls., fauna, 194 sequence of, 381 Cycles, of egg production, 392 reared, in same nest, two cuckoos, 411 in growth, 233 with swallow, 247 embryonic, 232 reproduction, 411 of seminal vesicles, sex hormone sex ratio, 442 effects on. 511 sexual behavior, 56 Cyclopia, 491, 494 social relations of voice, 464 olfactory chambers in, 490 speciation, biometric study of eggs, Cygninae, food, 209 467 form adaptation in, 22, 215 stomach, 28 habits, 237 contents of, 212 feeding, 249 tameness, 50 hybrids, 262 territorialism, 461 marking, 45 testes, 499 skeleton, 444 464 . voice, musical analysis of, taxonomy, 475 voraciousness, 251 Cygnopsis cygnoides, hybrids, 264 Cuculus canorus, anatomy, 35 Cygnus, air sacs, 428 60 parasitic breeding habits, 246 air, composition of, skeleton, 444 albinism, 97 measurements of, 404 anatomy, 34 Cygnus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS

Cygnus Continued Cygnus olor, hybrids, 264, 265 apnea, postural, 425 teratology, 485 88 Isl., 196 artery? tracheal, Cyprus fauna, behavior, 47 migrations, 307 cartilage, interarticular, 447 Cypselidae, food, 209 cholera, 357 humerus, 450 copulatory organs, 508, 511 pterylosis, 378 ecology, 125 skeleton, 444 eyes, 166 skull, 455 ferruginous stain, 96 taxonomy, 475 fronto-nasal joint, 256 Cypseloides, habits, 237 genetics, 218 Cypselus, aftershaft, 204 habits, 237 air sacs, histology of, 428 hybrids, 264 alimentary canal, 24 hyoid apparatus, 457 anatomy, 36 incubation period, 244 eggs, measurements of, 403 instinct, 51 weights of, 407 intestine, 32 eye, 165 lymph nodes, 292 iris, 169 lymphatic system, 90 fasting, 337 measurements, 402, 404 mechanics of flight, 288, 289, 290 medulla oblongata, 85 migrations, 300, 301 migrations, 306 nerve endings, in ear, 330 mortality at Niagara Falls, 312 night soaring, 253 mouth, pathology of, 352 pigmented testes, difference in right myology, 314 and left, 501 pelvic girdle, 453 proventriculus, 30 pleura, 430 rib anomaly, 498 postural apnea, 425 salivary glands, 227 respiratory organs, 427 skeleton, 444 sequence of plumages, 381 skull, 455 sexual behavior, 56 development of, 456 skeleton, 444 ossification of, 341 pneumaticity of, 448 structure of, 456 skull, measurements, 457 stomach, 29 sternum, 452 Cypselus apus, anatomy, 36 articulations of, 447 brain, 76 stomach, 28, 29 gular pouch, 25 syrinx, 468 mechanics of flight, 288 taxonomy, based on anatomy, 476 migrations, 299, 301 teratology, cross beak, 494 myology, 314 egg in egg, 489 old nests used, 246 triple-yolk eggs, 489 pharyngeal pouch, 26 trachea, 431 spermatozoa, 419 coils of, in sternum, 432 stomach contents, 212 tuberculosis, 366 Cypselus melba, development, of foot vertebral column, 453 bones, 450 vocal organs, 464 of limbs, 157, 281 voice, 463 of limb bones, 449 wing, length of, 283, 404 ossification, 340 measurements of, 404 phalanges, 451 strength of, 283 skeleton, development of, 448 Cygnus albus, hybrids, 265 wing bones, proportions of, 450 Cygnus atratus, fecundity, 204 Cyrtonyx, molt, 309 hybrids, 265 Cystine, in egg, ' 8, 69 incubation by male, 245 requirements during molt, 337 Cygnus buccinator, syrinx, 468 Cysts, 368 trachea, 431 of skin, 354 coils in sternum, 432, 452 ovarian, 353 Cygnus columbianus, natural history, parthenogenesis in, 150 320 1 144 Cytology, 14^-116, Cygnus musicus, hybrids, 264, 265 adaptation in, 23 57 FINDING INDEX Cytology

Cytology Continued ligaments of, 446 Golgi apparatus, in oviducal gland mechanics of, 283 cells, 423 Dafila acuta tsitzihoa, banding, 45, 303 granules, acidophil, 75 longevity, 291 Altmann's, evolution of, 162 Dahomey, fauna, 176 in parthenogenesis, 150 Dakota, ecology, 130, 131 in tissue culture, 505, 506, 507 economic ornithology, 136 of cerebral cortex, 81 habits, 235 of connective tissue, 110 Dalmatia, migrations, 300 of cornea, 168 Dancing, 48, 124 of egg, 147 Danger, behavior in, 48 of epidermis, 277 reaction to, 55 of ganglion cells, 79 Daphne berries, as food for birds, 214 autonomic, 332 Darien, fauna, 188 in spinal ganglia, 326 Darkness vision, 519 of germ cells, 411, 416 Daubentonia (plant) poisoning, 313 Golgi bodies in, 411 Dead Sea, fauna, 192 of germinal disc, 418 Dead Sea region, fauna, 189 of intestinal epithelium, 32 Deafness, in sexual excitement, 57, 257 of lungs, 430 temporary, 121 of mandibular glands, 226 when vocal, 322 of muscle, cardiac, 258, 318 Death, from asphyxia, 425 skeletal, 318 causes of, 311-313 smooth, 31 Death rates, 311 of neurons, 323, 324 Death Valley, California, adaptation, 23 in retina, 172 ecology, 127, 130 of pancreas, 345 fauna, 182 of red blood corpuscles, 74 introduced species, 120 of sex organs, in sex reversal, 437 weights, 406 of testes, 500 Decerebrate bird, 59, 80, 83, 167 of stomach, 29, 30 behavior of, 80, 81 of uropygeal gland, 228 body temperature of, 483 tecnic of, 480, 481 hearing of, 257 Cytotoxin, 274 olfactory sense of, 460 Czechoslovakia, migrations, 300 reflexes of, 409 pupillary, 167 D vision of, 517 Declimatization, 23, 132 Dacelo, regurgitated pellets, 212 Decoying, 294 sense of smell, 460 Defecation, 371 taste, 469 reflexes in, 409 Dacelo gigas, alimentary canal, 24 Defense, communal, 49, 133 anatomy, 35 reactions, 49 niyology, 314 use of one wing, 283 tongue, 25 Deformed birds, sacrificed by parents, Dacnis, green color, 102 311 gynandromorphism, 436 Degeneration, 80, 160, 218 Dafila, banding, 45 caseous, 366 functional ductus arteriosus, 258 cellular, 144 eye, measurements of, 165 experimental, 84 hybrids, 265 of cerebellum, 84 experimental, 218 of cerebrospinal nerves, 327 Dafila acuta see also Anas acuta of optic chiasma, 328 abnormal coloration, 95 of optic lobes, 328 banding, 44 of optic nerves, 328 hybrids, 265, 266 of spinal cord, 325 fecundity of, 204 fatty, of liver, 352 fertility of, 269 of aftershaft, 204 iconography, 274 of axis cylinders in tissue culture, plumages, sequence of, 381 507 wings, articulations of, 446 of muscle, embryonic, 319 bones of, 450 skeletal, 318 Degeneration BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 58

Degeneration Continued incubation period, 244 of ova, 352, 413 life history, 280 of ovary, 343, 353 nest sanitation, 245 of plumage, 376 sequence of plumages, 381 of rectrices, 162 territorialism, 461 of unlayed eggs, 423 voice, 463 of vertebrae, 162 Dendroica ceruka, breeding habits, 240 of vestibular apparatus, 124 Dendroica coronata, breeding habits, 240 of vestibular nuclei, 79 migrations, 304 Delaware, ecology, 127 territorialism, 461 fauna, 182 winter food, 214 Delichon, eating flowers, 214 Dendroica kirtlandi, breeding habits, late breeding, 242 240 migrations, 300 ecology, 125 Delichon urbica, albinism, 97 food, 209 migrations, 307 migrations, 306 tenacity of life, 372 voice, 413 teratology, 485 Dendroica magnolia, breeding habits, syndactyly, 496 240 Dendragapus, age indication, 308 nest building, 245 feathers as, 199 sexual behavior, 56 care in captivity, 41 territorialism, 461 color change, 105 voice, 463 courtship, 57 Dendroica striata, albinism, 97 feeding habits, 249 Dendroica tigrina, economic relations, in captivity, 250 139 migrations, 301 tongue, 25 sequence of plumages, 381 Dendroica virens, breeding habits, 240 sexual behavior, 56 incubation period, 244 Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus, hab- territorialism, 461 its, 237 voice, 463 breeding, 240 Dendropicus, hyoid apparatus, 457 hybrids, 265 sterno-tracheal muscles, 315 Dendrocopus, albinism, 97 tongue, 26 beak, anomalies of, 493 Dendropicus major, storing acorns, 252 color change, 107 Denmark, conservation, 112 economic relations, 141 distribution, 120 Dendrocopus major, variation in plum- ecology, 128, 130 age color, 515 fauna, 195 Dendrocopus minor, vibrating sounds, food, 207, 208 462 general work, 217 Dendrocygna, albinism, 97 habits, 236 incubation period, 244 breeding, 240 malposition of, heart, 499 iconography, 273 sequence of plumages, 381 migrations, 300, 304 taxonomy, 475 natural history, 321 of skeleton, 449 oology, 338 Dendroica, albinism, 97 taxonomy, 473 hybrids, 262 vernacular names, 478 sap-drinking, 252 Deradelphus, 486 sequence of plumages, 381 Dermatitis, caused by feathers, 118 skull, 455 vesicular, 354 tongue muscles, 315 Dermatomeres, 327 unusual food, 212 Dermatomycosis, 348, 359 Dendroica aestiva, incubation period, Desecheo Isl., ecology, 129, 130 244 fauna, 186, 187 natural history, 322 Descemet, membrane of, 168 Dendroica caerulescens, development of, Desert North America, ecology, 126 plumage, 376 Deserts, ecology of, 127, 130 habits, 237 fauna of, 182 breeding, 240 population of, 385 feeding, 249 Despotism, 461 59 FINDING INDEX Destruction of birds

Destruction of birds, 112-113 carnivorous, 335 Development see organ affected and effects, on egg production, 395 Embryology, 143-159 on fertility and hatchability of Dextrose, in egg, 70 eggs, 395 effects on embryo, 154 on kidneys, 395, 513 Diabetes mellitus, effects of ablation of on molt, 395 pancreas, 346 on tuberculosis, 367 Diaminic acid, in egg, 68, 70 correlation, with stomach weight, 401 Diaphragm see also Oblique septum effects, on beriberi, 363 evolution of, 161 on blood phosphorus, 65 DiardigaUus diardi, hybrids, 265 on body weight, 406 Diarrhea, 351 on color, 107 bacillary white, 355-356 on developing skeleton, 448 agglutination test, 275 on egg production, 392 effects on egg production, 393 on fertility, 422 heredity of immunity to, 222 on hatchability of eggs, 389 immunological studies, 275 on kidney, weight of, 408 Diastase, 62 on molt, 310 Diastataxy, 199, 379 on pigmentation, 104 Diatonic scale, in describing voice, 464 on sex, 433 Diatryma, plumage, 376 forced feeding, 85 Dicaeidae, alimentary canal, 24 grain, 335 Dicaeum, hybrids, 262 inadequate, 60, 62 Dicephalus, 486 effects on blood, 71 Dichoceros bicornis, feeding habits, 249 of glycogen deficiency on liver food, 209 weight, 408 natural history, 322 on bone, 447 Dicholophus, skeleton, 444 on growth of internal organs, 232 skull, 456 rachitic, 61 Dicholophus cristatus, alimentary canal, scorbutic, 521 24 significance in flight, 285 anatomy, 36 synthetic, 519 respiration, 425 vitamin free, effect on carbohydrate Dichromatism, 93, 108 metabolism, 519 Dictionaries, 215 Digestibility, of ant pupae, 43 Didunculus, flight muscles, 316 coefficients of, 336 habits, 237 of food for poultry, 394 sternum, 452 Digestion, 116-118 Didunculus strigiroslris, adaptations, beriberi, effects of, 362 23 cell changes, in intestine, 32, 115 habits, changes in, 248 in pancreas, 346 skeleton, 444 coefficients, calculation of, 481 Didus, anatomy, 35 effects, of beriberi on, 362 extinction of, 164 of cutting vagus nerve, 329 feather structure, 201 of carbohydrates, 61 foot bones, 450 of egg proteins, 142 fossil species, 344 rapidity of, 305 general work, 215 Digestive system, 117, 118 natural history, 320 adaptation in, 23 pterylosis, 378 chromaffin tissue in, 86 skeleton, 443, 444, 453 effects of inanition, 338 pneumaticity of, 448 measurements of, 405 skull, 455 Diglossa, evolution, 160 taxonomy, 474, 475 variation, geographic, 516 Diencephalon, 82-83 Dimorphism, in crossing of mandible, center for regulation of blood pressure 214 and body temperature, 334 in sex, 434, 435 development of, 82 Dinitrophenol, calorigenic action of, 60 ependymal grooves, 82 Dinornis, bones, embryonic, measure- lesions, effects of, 483 ments, 405 Diet, experimental, 24, 29, 31, 32, 33, specific gravity of, 447 61, 62, 107 egg shell, structure of, 414 Dinornis BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 60

Dinornis Continued Diptera (parasites), 347 feathers, structure of, 201 Direction perception, 55 fossil embryo, 345 Dirk Hartog Is!., fauna, 196 fossil species, 344 Discrimination, 53, 55 skull, development of, 456 in color, 519 Dinornithidae, fossil species, 344 in form and size, 517 Dinosaurs, relation to birds, 163, 478 Disease dissemination by birds, 138 Diomedea, "acid avique", 66 Diseases of birds see Pathology air sacs, 428 Diseases of man, 118-119 banding, 45 Disgorgement, 212, 252 beak, 255 Dispharagus (parasite), in epidemics, behavior, 47 360 dancing, 48 Display, 48, 58 sexual, 56 communal, 460 bones, of limbs, measurements, 405 in plumage, 377 of wings, 450 Disposition, 48 cerebellum, 84 Dissections, methods of, 294, 479 epiglottis, 429 Dissoura, anatomy, 35 esophagus, 27 oblique septum, 430 feathers, chemistry of, 66 pterylosis, 378 flight, 285 syrinx, 468 mechanics of, 288, 290 Distomum ovatum (parasite), in eggs of muscles of, 316 Gallus, 416 habits, 237 Distribution, 119-120 heart, hypertrophy of, 261 accidental, 173, 174 humerus, 450 adaptation in, 21, 22 inanition of young, 337 changes in, 134, 173 larynx, 429 extension of range, 120 longevity, 291 geographic, 101 lungs, 430 significance of parasites, 346 nasal glands, 226 geologic factor, 174 pectoral girdle, 451 introduced species, 134, 141 red lipochrome pigments, 104 of water birds, 132 rudimentary hallux, 282 relation to altitude, 384 skeleton, 444 vertical, 131 trachea, 431 District of Columbia, fauna, 182 variation, 513 migrations, 297 vitality, 309 Diuresis, 83 voice, 463 Diving, 51, 248, 291 Diomedea albatrus, breeding habits, 240 adaptation of skeleton to, 22 Diomedea brachyura, growth of beak, air sacs as oxygen reservoirs, 429 255 use, of plumage, 378 trachea, enlargements of, 431 of wings, 291 loops of, 432 with young, 249 Diomedea exulans, distribution, tem- Diving birds, habits, 233 perature factor, 120, 132 molt of flight feathers, 310 ecology, 125 natural history, 320 habits, 237 sequence of plumages, 380 mechanics of flight, 120, 288 Diving period, 249 migrations, 301 Docility, 49-50 sequence of plumages, 381 Doggersbank, migrations, 299 Diomedeidae, ecology, 125, 129 Dogs, immunity to avian tuberculosis, food, 209 276 voraciousness, 251 Dolichonyx, albinism, 97 Dipththeria, 118, 359 changes in color, 105, 106 immunity to, 275 distribution, 120 heredity of, 222 sequence of plumages, 381 relation to epithelioma contagiosum, wing spurs, 279, 496 361 Dolichonyx oryzivorous, albinism, 97 Diplogenesis, 486 economic relations, 135 Diplosomes, 115 instinct, 51 Diprosopus, 486 learning to sing, 54, 466 61 FINDING INDEX Dolichonyx oryzivorous

Dolichonyx oryzivorous Continued larynx, 429 migrations, 301 ligaments, 446 song, inheritance of, 224 lungs, 429 vocal instinct, 52 pectoral girdle, 451 Domestic birds, classification of, 40 precaval homologies, 258 evolution of, 160 rachitis, 363 hybrids of, 262 skeleton, 444 incubation period of, 244 skin, 276 instinct of, 51 skull, 456 origin of, 219 ossification, 341 pathology of, 350 spinal cord, blood vessels of, 324 Domestic fowl see also Gallus nuclei of, 325 origin of, 224 segments of, 324 Domestic geese see also Anser spinal meninges, 294 genetics of, 218 superior vena cava, 90 origin of, 160, 224 syrinx, 468 Domestic pigeon see also Columba tracheal pouch, 431 origin of, 224 Dromaeus novae-ho'landiae, body tem- Domestic turkey see also Meleagris perature, 482 origin of, 225 incubation, 43 Domestication, 43, 112 muscles, of leg, 317 effects, on interstitial cells, 500 pelvic, 316 on ovary, 343 oil, 64 on reproduction, 411 pelvic girdle, 453 of Phalacrocorax, 143 reproduction, 411 Dominican Republic, ecology, 129, 130 young at two months, 281 "Dopa", in melanin pigment develop- Dromaius novae-hollandiae, kidney fr.t, ment, 104 66 Dorsosacrum, 220 Dromiceius see also Dromaeus and Douglas Lake region, fauna, 183 Dromaius Dove culture, 42 alimentary canal, 24 Down plumage, color of, 94 anatomy, 35 taxonomic characters, 477 body temperature, 482 Downlessness, 497 breeding in captivity, 247 Dragon flies, as food for birds, 140, 213 care in captivity, 41, 43 Draining lakes, effects on birds, 114 ear labyrinth, 122 Drepanididae, adaptation, 21 feathers, structure of, 201 ecology, 125 flight muscles, 316 evolution of, 160 food, 209 habits, 237 habits, 234 taxonomy, 475 breeding, 240 tongue, 26 in captivity, 247 voice, 463 incubating, 243 Dromaeus see also Dromaius and heart, 257 Dromiceius valves of, 258 alimentary canal, 24 hippocampus, 81 arteries of brain, 88 incubation period, 244 behavior, 56 legs, bones of, 449 biliary ducts, 284 muscles of, 317 bones, carpal, 451 attachments of, 317 of hand, 451 mechanics of, 319 of leg, 449 lungs, 429 brain tumor of embryo, 368 parahippocampus, 81 breeding in captivity, 43 pelvic girdle, 453 copulatpry organs, 511 pelvic muscles, 316 domestication, 43 rachitis, 363 ear labyrinth, 122 reproduction, 411 embryology, 144 reproductive system, 509 eye, 165 sexual behavior, 56 habits in captivity, 247 skeleton, 444 heart, 257 skull, 456 incubation period, 244 ossification of, 341 Dromiceius BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 62

Dromiceius Continued Dupetor flavicollis nesophilus, albinism, spinal cord, 324 97 nuclei of, 325 Dura mater, sinuses of, 89, 293 syrinx, 468 Durango, fauna, 187 telencephalon, 81 Dutch East Africa, natural history, 321 trachea, 431 Dutch East Indies, breeding habits, 240 Dromo cm, albinism, 97 taxonomy, 474 Drouth, effects of, 132 Dwarfishness, 485, 491 Drugs, effects of, 67, 162 heredity of, 220 on progeny, 162, 163 origin of, 224 on uric acid secretion, 64 , 362 on vagus nerve, 329 Dysentery, 351 Drumming, 48, 58, 248 Dystrophia, 362 with beak, 248, 462 Dryobates, albinism, 97 E with 248 drumming beak, Ear, 34, 120-124 food, 209 adaptation to barometric changes, 21, eating cecropians, 140 122 natural selection, 164 bones or ossicles, 157, 341, 459 plumages, sequence of, 381 466 development of, experimental studies, speciation, 155 variation, geographic, 516 effects of temperature on labyrinth, Dryobates major, habits, breeding, 240 484 285 climbing, evolution of, 161 in captivity, 247 glands of, 226 sex Dryobates major pinetorum, reversal, in dissections of skull, 254 437 innervation of, 323, 327, 328 265 Dryobates nuttalii, hybrids, lymphatics of, 90 265 Dryobates pubescens, hybrids, lymphoid tissue of auricular folds, 293 237 Dryobates villosus, habits, measurements of, 403 513 variation, reflexes of, 409 Dryocopus, development of beak, 255 Earth worms transmission of gapes, 361 function of 256 beak, East Indies, f auna, 198 Dryocopus martius, unusual nest cavity, iconography, 273 246 Easter Isl., fauna, 174 Ducks see also Anas and Anatidae Eclectus, nestling color, 94 culture of, 114,387 secondary sex characters, 439 feeding, 394 sequence of plumages, 381 shooting records, 113 sex differences in coloration, 102 Duct(s), biliary, 284 Eclectus roratus, gynandromorphism, of Botalli, 258 436 contractions of, 225 intersexuality, 435 cystic, 284 Ecology, 124-134 hypobranchial, 158 Economic Ornithology, 133, 134-143 nasolacrimal, 170 education in, 143 Ductuli efferentes, 511 Ectoderm, 170 Ductus, arteriosus, functional, 258 amniotic, cytology of, 114 endolymphaticus, 123 in tissue culture, 116, 507 thyreoglossus, 158 Ectopia, 156, 352, 422 Dumetella see also Galeoscoptes Ectopistes migratorius see also Columba banding, 45 migratorius ecology, 125 anatomy, 35 marital relations, 58 behavior in captivity, 49 Dumetella carolinensis, economic rela- brain, histology of, 77 tions, 135 extinction of, 164 food, 209 food, 209 habits, breeding, 240 general work, 215 nocturnal, 253 habits, 237 incubation period, 244 in captivity, 247 territorialism, 461 flying, 253 voice, 463 healing of wound, 371 FINDING INDEX Ectopistes migratorius

Eciopistes migratorius Continued colored plates of, 271 methods, collecting, 295 commercial, 388 decoying, 294 chemical analysis of, 388 hunting, 294 examination technic, 481 migrations, 304 comparison with mammalian ova, natural history, 322 412 neuroglia, 77 cooking, 68, 388 pterylosis, 378 covering eggs when leaving nest, 242 Purkinje cells, 85 cytology, 115, 116 skeleton, 444 crystals developed, 417 spinal cord, histology of, 325 daubing with clay, 242 voice, 463 decomposition of, 68 Ectromelia, 495 dessication of, 146 experimental production, 491 defense against, 417 Ecuador, ecology, 128 destruction, by crows, 388 fauna, 188 by wood ashes, 68, 412 food, 207 disease transmission, 118 migrations, 298 electrical condition, 417 taxonomy, 472 evolution of, 161 variation, 516 expulsion by parasitic birds, 246 Edema, of air sacs, 353, 360 effects of castration, 433 of wattles, 352, 360 effects, of feeding, 397 Edibility, of flesh of birds, 142 of jarring, 155, 492 of peculiar food, 213 on production of saliva, in man, 30 Education, 143 fertility of, 422 conservation, 113 fertilization of, 147-148 of decerebrate bird, 59 food reserve in, 411 of nestlings, 54 foreign, reaction to, 242 teaching-mounts, 470 form of, 339 Egg(s) see also Embryology and Ova compared with skeleton, 214 abnormal, 339, 404, 422, 487-489 effects of temperature on, 484 accidents to, 21 formation of, 416 adaptations of, 22 fossil, 345, 412 air space, 414-415 genetics of, 218 albumen of, 68, 70, 413 grafts on, 228, 500 albumin of, 60, 68, 70 hatchability of, 148 arrangement in nest, 245, 312 heredity of, 220 as food for man, 142 heat production in, 68 bacteriologic examination of,[479 heredity of characters, 222 biometric analysis of, 404 hiding, 242 biophysics of, 412 iconography, 272 brooding of, 242 immunological studies, 274 care of, in collections, 339 inclusions of abnormal objects, 415- carrying of, 242, 320 416 chemical composition of, 61, 68-71, incubating, 64, 69 412, 419 effects, of coating egg shell, 427 effects of castration on, 433 of injecting toxic substances, 492 Chinese preserved, 68 metabolism of, 374 weights of parts, 407 multiple turning, 480 cleavage, 148 infections of, 351, 389 clutch, number in, 339 laying of, 423 effects of daylight on, 421 time of, 242 sex ratio in, 412 luminous, 308 color of, 93, 94, 339 luster of, 219 anomalies, 100-101 male producing, 223 atavism in, 218 measurements of, 40, 402-404 concealing, 108 before and after boiling, 404 correlations, 94 capacity of, 482 effects of feeding on, 414 correlations with human skull, 404 evolution of, 161 mimicry, 23 experimental coloring, 56 mineral composition, 412 inheritance of, 221 mitochondria of, 116 Egg(s) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 64

Egg(s) Continued loss, by evaporation, 339, 412 natural selection of, 164 during incubation, 335 nitrogen content of, 67 yolkless, 488 number in nest, 412 Egg-eating chickens, 388 of altricial species, 68 Egg envelopes, 413-415 of hybrids, 269, 412 adaptation of, 22 of parasitic birds, 247 albumen, in anaphylaxis, 274 of poultry, 388, 390 injection of creatine, 492 of hybrid fowls, 219 development of, function of thymus of precocial species, 68 gland, 502 osmotic pressure of, 68 lesions of, 155 parasites of, 415 measurements of, 404 pathology of, 351, 352 teratology of, 488 pharmacology of, 67 Egg in egg, 489 physical characters, 401 production of, 422 powdered, 388 Egg inclusions, 415-416 preservation of, 68, 399, 400, 481 cholera organisms, 358 putrefaction of, 389, 400, 417 Egg laying, 423 radio-sensitivity of, 483 stimulation of, 57 recognition of, 56 Egg membranes, use for granulation recording methods, 295 tissue, 142 resistance to freezing, 417 Egg poisoning, 118 sex of, 39 Egg powders, 142 sex hormones, effects of, 440, 441, 442 analysis of, 68 shape of, 22, 339, 423 Egg production, 204, 387, 389, 391-393, cause of, 516 422 size of, 339, 417 antecedent, sex ratio correlation, 442 as factor in sex determination, 433 by Struthio, 42 correlations, 401 correlation with fertility in winter, effects of castration, 433 401 factors, 390 correlation tables, 401 nutritional, 338 decline with age, 281 temperature, 390, 484 effects, of feeding, 397 variation in, 516 of increased light absorption, 421 specific gravity of, 406 of irradiation, 373 sterility of, 389, 417 of molt, 310 storage of, 70, 400 of thyroid gland, 504 storage quality, feeding effects on, 397 of vitamins, 519 structure of, 418 inbreeding for, 387 surface area, 482 in winter, 223, 398 taxonomic character, 476, 477 periodism in, 424 technic, measuring, 40, 482 quantitative study, 401 oological, 295 by Struthio, 42 testing methods, 295 weighing methods, 482 transfer of, 59 Egg proteins, metabolism of, 374 turning of, 389, 480 Egg shell, 153, 413^14 unfertilized, 417-418 action in production of abnormal variations in, 339, 515, 516 embryos, 492 in rate of loss of weight, 515 adaptation in, 22 vertical position, effects on embryo, calcium of, 61 492 transfer, 71 vitamin B source, 520 use in development of skeleton, 448 vitamin C content, 521 changes in incubation, 152, 413 voice of young birds in, 466 chemistry of, 70 weighing methods, 482 development of, 423 weight, 407-408, 485 dissolution of, 413 changes during incubation, 418 experiments on, 153, 155, 156 correlations, with age at first lime content of, 413 laying, 401 membranes of, 414 with body weight, 402 filtration properties, 415 with weights of parts, 401 physical properties of, 414 factors, 390 pigments of, 70, 94 65 FINDING INDEX Egg shell

Egg shell Continued Electric wires, avoiding, 53 removal from nest, 242 Electrical condition of egg, 417 round worm parasites, 349 Electrical stimulation, effects of, 409 structure of, 22, 269, 414 Electrocardiograph, 146, 260 polarized light, use of, 480 Electrolysis, of blastoderm, 480 teratology of, 100, 422, 488, 489 of early embryo, 152 viewed with ultraviolet light, 414 Electrolytes, effects on embryo in tissue weight before and after hatching, 408 culture, 505 Egg tooth, 150 Electrolytic conductivity, 65 Egg yolk, absence of, 488 Elephantiasis, 354 amyloid substance in, 70 Elimination, 372 as food for chicks, 388 of embryonic wast products, 145 color of, 94, 104 Elk Co., Pa., ecology, 127 coloring of, 479 Elk Mt. region, fauna, 182 monoaminodisulphate in, 68 Elm aphis, as food for birds, 213 starch in, 70 Elm tree beetle, as food for birds, 213 white and yellow yolk compared, 70 Elseyornis melanops, color change, 105 Egret farms, 42 sequence of plumages, 381 Egretta, banding, 45 Emberiza, abnormal coloration, 95 conservation, 112 albinism, 97 taxonomy, 475 arrhenoidy, 437 variation, 513 courtship, 57 Egretta alba, breeding habits, 241 cross beak, 494 natural history, 322 cytology of germinal disc, 418 Egypt, artificial incubation, 399 follicular epithelium of ovary, 342 banding, 45 heart, 257 bird liming, technic, 296 hypophysis, histology of, 270 ecology, 126, 130 mitochondria, 116 economic relations, 137 optic chiasma, 83 fauna, 175 optic lobes, 83 habits, 234 proventriculus, 30 iconography, 271 sex reversal, 437 migrations, 297 spleen, 293

origin of poultry, 224 . stomach glands, 30 ovens as incubators, 399 testes, periodicity in activity, 500 taxonomy, 471 variation in plumage color, 515 trapping methods, 296 Emberiza amazona, phosphorus poison- Eimeria avium (parasite), 349, 358 ing, 365 Eimeria pfeifferi (parasite), 349, 358 Emberiza canneti, sex reversal, 437 El Salvador, fauna, 187 Emberiza cirltis, autumn singing, 466 Elainea, variation, 513 care of young, 242 Elanus, breeding habits, 241 incubation period, 244 food, 209 training, 54 Elaphes, skull, 455 Emberiza citrinella, abnormal colora- fontanelles, 457 tion, 95 Elastic tissue, 110 courtship, 57, 58 of eye, 166 hybrids, 265 of iris, 169 incubation period, 244 of heart, 258 training, 54 development in, 259 voice, 463 Elbe Valley, fauna, 194 Emberiza hortulana, breeding habits, Elbow, 446 241 Elburg Mts., fauna, 192 breeding in immature plumage, 411 natural history, 321 nestings per season, 246 Electric control of camera shutter, 40, Emberiza kiicocephala, hybrids, 265 481 Emberiza miliaris, albinism, 97 Electric light, effects on migrations, 305 Emberiza poliopleura, long filo plumes, mortality from, 312 202 stimulation of reproductive organs, Emberiza schoeniclus, hybrids, 265 509 Embryo (s), abnormal, 489^-492 Electric recording apparatus, 39 ectopic development in abdominal Electric thermostat, 40 cavity, 156 Embryo (s) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 66

Embryo (s) Continued Emotions, 50 sticky, 61, 71, 341, 375 blushing, 50, 278 calcium metabolism in, 375 color effect, 106 air hunger, 389 effects on breathing, 426 allantois, contractile fibers of, 151 Emphysema, 360 amitosis, 114 Empidonax, geographic variation, 516 anemia, 114 Empidonax trailii alnorum, breeding anomalies of, 86, 485-487, 489-499 habits, 241 chemistry of, 61, 70, 71 life history, 280 ammonia production, 63 Ems River region, Germany, fauna, 194 calcium transfer from egg shell, 413 Encephalitis, 352, 354, 360 chloride concentration of, 145 Encephalocele, 497 cholesterin content of, 62 Encyclopedias, 215 effects of antipyrine, 153 Endocarditis, 351, 360 gaseous environment, 133 Endocrine effects, gynandromorphism, hemoglobin formation, 65 436 osmotic pressure, 375 Endocrine secretion, effects of castra- urea formation, 63 tion, 85 uric acid content, 64 Endocrinology, 160 see also Hypophy- cytology, 114, 115, 150, 418 sis, Ovary, Pancreas, Parathyroid damage to, by loud noises, 155, 243 Glands, Reproduction, Sex, Supra- digestion, 117 renal Glands, Testes, Thymus effects, of dessication, 146, 153 Gland, and Thyroid Glands of hypophysis, 271 grafting experiments, 229 of mechanical vibrations, 155 sex hormone production, 401 incubator for, 40 Endocyma, 486 irradiation with radium, 375 Endoparasites, 347-349 life in tissue culture after incubation Endosmosis, in shell membranes, 415 stops, 505 Endothelium, 75 malposition of, 156, 490 development of, 152 measurements of, 403 embryonic, experimental studies of, metabolism of, 374 155 mortality of, 313, 400 of embryonic liver, 114 movements of, 155 in tissue culture, 507 nutrition of, 335 origin of, 87 reactions to, ether, 67 phagocytosis by, 276 experimental temperatures, 484- Endurance, in flight, 285 485 in polar conditions, 120 67 morphine, Enemies, effecting breeding habits, 242 red blood corpuscles of, 74 Energy, 375 respiration in, 154-155, 426-427 nervous, sex hormone effects on, 440 vital staining of, 481 sources in embryo, 146 406 weights of, transformation of, 146 Embryology, 40, 143-159 see also England, ecology, 128 under various organs, economic ornithology, 136, 138 apparatus for, 39 fauna, 193 cinematography in, 295 general work, 217 taxonomic characters, 477 life histories, 280 143 teaching of, migrations, 299, 303, 304, 306 technic of, 480 unusual, 304 Embryonic cells, effects of ether on, 60 stomach contents, 211 Embryonic extracts, in anaphylaxis, Eniconetta, sequence of plumages, 381 274 Enneoctonus, connective tissue of foot. effects on blood pressure, 60 282 toxicity of, 60 Entanglement, 21 Embryonic inclusions, 485 Enteritis, 360 Embryonic membranes, 150 infectious, 351 anomalies of, 491 Enterohepatitis, 358 demonstration technic, 480 Enterokinase, 117 blue stain trypan for, 481 Entero-proventriculitis, infectious puru- Embryonic tissue, 67 lent, 351 67 FINDING INDEX Environment

Environment, adaptations to, 22-23 intestinal, 32, 115 effects, on color, 108 of villi, 32 on evolution, 163 Paneth cells of, 115 on feeding habits, 251 of air sacs, 428 on molt, 310 of amnion, 151 on population, 385 of epididymis, 511 on reproductive system, 509 of gizzard, 31 on size of intestine and stomach, of iris, 169 405 of kidneys, 513 on song impulse, 465, 466 of lungs, 430 on variation, 516 of stomach, 29, 162 Environmental relations, 133 of yolk sac, 151 to vegetation, 134 pavement, 38 Enzymes, 62, 335 pigment of, in tissue culture, 507 "artificial", 335 proliferation of, in abnormal embryos, in poultry food, 395 491 in eggs, 69, 412 regeneration of, 410 157 Eos fuscata, variation in plumage color, Epitrichium, 515 Epoopheron, 512 344 see also Eosinophils, 72 Epyornis, Aepyornis fossil 412 development of, 75 eggs of, 345, for 390 Ependyma, 77, 82 Equipment poultry culture, 511 Epidemics, 360 Erectile tissue, effects of castration 86 with Bacillus cloacae, 370 on, in head 278 Epidermal structures, physiology of, fleshy appendages, 371 innervation of, 333 food in Epidermis, 277 Eremophila alpestris, captivity, 43 before and after hatching, 278 skeleton, 444 cytology of, 114, 115 Ereunetes, albinism, 97 development of, 157 Ergosterol, irradiated, 61, 63, 364, 373, growth of, 231 521 of beak, 255 for 396 of foot, abnormal, 496 poultry, use of, for prevention of rachitis, 363 proliferating, number of mitoses, 401 Pa., fauna, 185 regeneration in wound healing, 410 Erie, Erie 127 transmission of heat, 482 Isles, Pa., ecology, Erismatura, down and definitive feather Epididymis, 511 continuity, 200 Epiglottis, 429 Erismatura jamaicensis, air sacs, 428 Epilepsy, 118, 352, 360 tracheal, 429 content Epinephrin, suprarenal gland courtship, 57 in 362 beriberi, larynx, 429 Epiphyses, 448 secondary sex characters, 438 ossification of, 341 sterno-tracheal muscles, 315 pressure, 447 Erithacus, albinism, 97 Epiphysis, 77 see also Pineal body banding, 45 Epistropheus, 454 bigamy, 58 Epithalamus, 82 erythrism, 101 Epithelioma contagiosum, 360 jugular veins, 89 immunity to, 275 migrations, 299 relation, to diphtheria, 359 multiple nests, 245 to faulty nutrition, 336 sex reversal, 437 Epithelium, ciliated, 33, 270 teratology, 489 cytology of, 115 territorialism, 461 Golgi apparatus, 116 Erithacus phoenicurus, bigamy, 58 staining technic for, 481 Erithaciis rubicola, albinism, 97 differentiation in tissue culture, 507 experimental acceleration of breeding feathered, of eye, 171 period, 421 follicular, mitochondria in, 116 migrations, 299 germinal, in tissue culture, 507 effects of light on, 305 of testes, 499 testes, effects of artificial light on, intercellular bridges, 38 501 Eritrea BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 68

Eritrea, fauna, 177, 178 wing bones, 450 natural history, 321 wings, 282 Erythacus, double-yoked egg, 489 Eudyptes ardicus, molt, 309 Erythrism, 100, 101 Eudyptes chrysocome, beak, develop- Erythroblasts, 75 ment of, 255 Erythrocytes, changes in anaphylaxis, eye, anatomy of, 166 355 leg bones, 449 development of, 75 melanin pigment, development of, embryonic, experimental studies, 155 104 Erythromelana, gynandromorphism, 436 molt, 309 Erythropoiesis, 75 pelvic girdle, development of, 453 experimental studies, 75 Eudyptida, albinism, 97 in tissue culture, 507 sequence of plumages, 381 Eryihropygia, albinism, 97 variation, 513 Erythrura psittacea, color of nestling Eugenics, 220 mouth parts, 95 Eunetta falcata, courtship, 57 Erz Mts., Germany, fauna, 194 display, 58 Erzerum, Turkey, fauna, 192 Euornithae, taxonomic characters, 477 Esbjerg region, Denmark, fauna, 195 Eupetes, taxonomic anatomy, 39 Esophagus, 27-28 Euphagus, albinism, 98 atresia of, 490 Euphagus cyanocephalus, eating young dilation of, 499 goldfinches, 252 function in booming, 58, 465 economic relations, 135 glands of, 226 eye color, 160 nerve endings in, 331 feeding habits, 249 taxonomic value, 477 Euphones, intestine, 31 Essences, effect of, on embryo, 153 Euphonia, gizzard, 30 Essex County, Mass., ecology, 127 intestine, 32 Ester, of hemin, 70 pterylosis, 378 Ether, 60 skull, 455 action of, 67 stomach, 28 effects of, on cells in tissue culture, 60, Euplectes franciscanus, epithelium of 505 kidneys, 513 on embryo, 153 Euplectus hordeacea, polygamy, 247 Ethiopia, fauna, 177, 178 temtorialism, 461 taxonomy, 471 Euplocamus, color pattern, 109 Ethiopian region, fauna, 176-178 hybrids, 218, 262 Eudromias morinellus, habits, 237 Eupodotis, display, 58 migrations, 301 gular pouch, 25 Eudynamis, parasitic breeding habits, Eupodotis denhami, inflation of proximal 246 esophagus, 27 Eudyptes, alimentary canal, 24 Europe, 217 arteries, 88 banding, 44, 46 of leg, 89 conservation, 112 embryology, 144 distribution, 120 feathers, development of, 200 ecology, 128 nestling down, 202 economic ornithology, 136, 137 structure of, 201 fauna, 192 leg bones, 449 food, 207, 208 metatarsal, 450 habits, 236 molt of beak covering, 311 breeding, 240 muscles, 314 feeding, 249 flight, 316 iconography, 273 of leg, 317 insectivorous birds, 139 pelvic, 316 life histories, 280 nerve plexuses, 330 migrations, 298-299, 304, 306, 307 oblique septum, 436 natural history, 320, 321 skeleton, ossification of, 340 oology, 339 pelvic girdle, 453 plumage, 376 skull, 455 sequence of plumages, 380 taxonomy, 449 stomach contents, 211 vertebrae, development of, 453 taxonomy, 473 69 FINDING INDEX Europe

Europe-^Continued Excrement, 96, 164 variation, 516 identification of food, 212 vernacular names, 478 parasites in, 347 voice, 463 weight of, 308, 407 European corn borer, eaten by birds, Excretion, 63-64, 513 140 effects of carnivorous diet on, 395 Europyga, breeding in captivity, 247 embryonic, 145 Eurylaemidae, myology, 314 of iodine, 69 skeleton, 44 of nitrogen, 61, 63, 67, 71 syrinx, 468 of sugar, 61, 63, 67 taxonomy, based on anatomy, 476 of uric acid, 64 on skeleton, 477 Exencephalia, 490, 493, 494 Eurylaemus, arteries, 87 experimental production of, 491 color, causes of, 102 Exercise, 55 change in, 105 lack of, causing degeneration of optical, 102 ovary, 343 pigmental, 103 for poultry, 389 egg shell pigments, 94 Exhaustion, effect on color, 106 myology, 314 Exotic species, care in captivity, 40 skeleton, 444 introduction of, 174 taxonomy, 475 learning, 53 Eurynorhynchus, alimentary canal, 24 resistance to cold, 41 habits, 237 Expeditions, 308 breeding, 241 Experience, relation to instinct, 52 liver, 283 Exportation, 41 sequence of plumages, 381 Extermination, 385 skeleton, 444 Extinction, 164-165 Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus, pterylosis, danger of, 113 378 effects of hybridization on, 268 Eurypygidae, alimentary canal, 24 restoration of nearly extinct species, feathers, 198 112 powder-down, 203 Extirpation, of bursa Fabricii, 92 heart, 257 of middle ear, 122 hyoid apparatus, 457 of motor cortex, 80 integument of foot, 278 of pineal body, 375 pterylosis, 378 of semicircular canals, 80 tongue, 25 Extremities, laminated corpuscles in, trachea, 431 331 Eustachian tube, 122 Eye, 34, 165-173 Eutaxy, 377, 379 anomalies of, 490, 494, 495 Evolution, 160-164 heredity of, 221 of autonomic nervous system, 332 atrophy of, 352, 494 of bird fauna, 186 autonomic innervation, 333 American, 174 blood vessels of, 87, 168 of color pattern, 109 choroid sarcoma, 369 of egg color, 93 ciliary body, 167-168 of egg shell, 413 changes in accommodation, 518 of membranes, 414 color of, 94, 95 of feathers, 199 in albino birds, 100 of flight, 285 inheritance of, 221 of lacrimal bones, 458 connective tissue of, 110 of mesencephalon, 83 development of, 157 of races, 478 eye muscles, 315 of red blood corpuscles, 73 dilator pupillae, smooth muscle of, of secondary sex characters, 439 319 of skeleton, 445 evolution of, 161 of suprarenal glands, 467 in experimental embryology, 156 of syrinx, 469 extirpation of, 80, 328 of thalamus, 83 grafts of, 228 of voice, 464, 465 growth rate of, 233 of wings, 162 in experimental embryology, 156 role, of subspecies, 467 in tissue culture, 507 Eye BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 70

Eye Continued pursuit of prey, 285 lens, fixing technic for, 480 red blood corpuscles, 73, 74 lymphatics of, 90 regurgitated pellets, 212 measurements of, 403 respiration, 425 muscle, ciliary, 168 sequence of plumages, 381 innervation of, 333 sesamoid bones, 454 extrinsic, 315 spleen, 293 parasites of, 349 stomach, 28, 29 pathology of, 352 supernumary limbs, 496 pigment epithelium of, 103 trachea, 431 reflex movements, 409 variation, 513 regeneration of, 410 in size of eggs, 516 relation to habits, 239 veins, 89 retina, foveae of, 167 vision, 517 fovea centralis, 173, 519 worm parasites in eye, 349 fovea lateralis, 519 wounded bird fed by another bird, Eyelashes, 168 461 Eyelids, 104, 168 Falco aesalon, breeding habits, 241 myology, 315 incubation period, 244 Falco altaicus, sequence of plumages, 381 Falco ekonorae, habits, 237 molt, 309 Face, absence 494 of, natural 322 abnormal 95 history, Falco, coloration, sequence of plumages, 381 accommodation apparatus, 167 Falco lymnaetus, anatomy, 36 albinism, 98 Faico mexicanus, habits, 237 anatomy, general, 36 voice, 463 arteries, 87 Falco 348 of brain, 88 nisus, leukocytozoa of, 348 bursa Fabricii, 91 trypanosomes of, cannibalism, 250 Falco niveus, anatomy, 36 Falco ciliary body, 167 palumbarius, ovary, 342 cloaca, 91 paired, 343 cochlea, 123 persistent right oviduct, 510 color vision, 518 Fako peregrinus, feeding habits, 249 crop contents, 212 food, 209 ear, 121 habits, breeding, 241 evolution, 160 incubation, by male, 245 eye, 165 period of, 244 flight, mechanics of, 288 marital relations, 58 food, 209 oology, 339 insects, 213 sequence of plumages, 381 gizzard, 31 rapid remating, 58 adaptations of, 22 Fako peregrinus anatum, habits, 237 hearing, 257 Fako peregrinus peaki, banding, 45 heart ganglia, 258, 333 Fako sacer, food, 209 hostility between species, 460 Fako sparverius, economic relations, hybrids, 262 135 incubating habits, 243 egg weights, 407 intestine, 32 food, 209 killing instinct, 51 growth, 231 lacrimal glands, 226 habits, breeding, 241 leg muscle mechanics, 319 feeding, 251 life history, 280 incubation period, 244 lungs, 429 migrations, 304 molt, 309 sex alternation in brood, 432 nerves, cerebrospinal, 326, 327 weights, 406 otoconia, 124 Fako subbuteo, crop contents, 211 pathology, 350 feeding habits, 249 pecten, 171 food, 209 proventriculus, 30 stomach contents, 212 71 FINDING INDEX Falco tinnunculus

Falco tinnunculus, albinism, 98 renal blood vessels, 87 beak, fractures of, 21 retina, 172 regeneration of, 410 of Russia, 195 ligamentum pectinatum, 169 skeleton, 443, 444 retina, fovea centralis, 519 pneumaticity of, 448 fovea lateralis, 519 skull, development of, 456 sequence of plumages, 381 taxonomic bearings, 457 vision, experimental, 517 taxonomy, 474, 475 reactions of iris, 518 based on skeleton, 477 variation in eggs, 515 tuberculosis, 366 Falcones, aviculture, 40 Falconinae, destruction of, 112 coloration, 109 Falconoidea, conservation, 111 directive, 108 dichromatism, 108 crop, 27 economic relations, 137 diabetes mellitus, 350 migrations, 297 economic relations, 135, 137 of North America, 179 eye, 165 Falconry, 173, 271 anatomy of, 166 Falkland Isls., fauna, 188 cornea, 168 habits, 235 flight area, 283 Farms, for birds, 42 food, 209 Fame Isl., banding, 46 gregariousness, 461 Faroe Isls., economic ornithology, 136 growth, 231 food, 207 of feathers, 231 iconography, 273 heart contraction rate, 259 Fars, Persia, fauna, 192 iris color, 94 Farsistan, Persia, fauna, 192 migrations, 298, 300, 306, 307 Fascia, 110 nestling down feathers, 202 of wings, 283 of Ontario, 180 periorbital, 165, 171 paired ovaries, 343 Fascination, by snakes, 48 reaction to heat, 55 Fasting, 337 sequence of plumages, 381 Fat, 64 see also Adipose tissue stomach, 28 absorption of, 146 taste, 469 chemistry of, 66 taxonomy, 475 oxidation, 66, 479 Falconidae, digestion, 116 color of, 93 hyoid apparatus, 457 combustion of, 146 interlocking of primaries in flight, 288 excessive, 354 mesonephric duct, 512 effects of feeding of, on bone, 447 of North America, 179 in chordoid tissue, 111 paired ovaries, 343 in diet, 336 pelvic girdle, 453 in egg, 68, 69 pubis, 453 in testes, 499 tongue, 26 in tissue culture, 507 muscles of, 315 metabolism of, 374 155 Falconifprmes, anatomy, 36 in embryo, behavior, 47 of blood, 71, 392, 424, 439 bursa Fabricii, 92 secretion of, in dermis, 277 of Europe, 192 periodic, 500 evolution of head crests, 162 serum content of, 74 food, 206, 209 synthesis of, 66 habits, 234, 236 yellow pigment of, 104 iconography, 273 Fatty acids, concentration of, 60 life history, 280 Fauna, 173-198 lymphoid tissue, 292 Favus, 354 in bursa Fabricii, 293 Fear, 50 male feeding young, 243 Feathers, 198-204 see also Molt and mechanics of flight, 288 Plumage migrations, 299 absence of, 224, 497, 514 natural history, 321 bifurcation of, 199 plumage, 376 chemistry of, 66 pterylosis, 378 fluorine in, 60 Feathers BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 72

Feathers Continued wooly, 497 iron content of, 63 development of, 200 silicic acid content, 63 heredity of, 221 221 defects of, 42 Featherless fowls, fault bars, 199, 497 origin, 224 experimental production, 491 Feces, 63-64, 136 see also Excrement 407 dermatitis caused by, 118 weights of, Fecundity, 204-206, 391-393, 422 see development of, 199-201, 202 antagonism of thymus and thyroid also Egg production 401 glands, 502, 503, 504 correlations, with 103 effects, of diet on, 336 yellow pigmentation, decline with 281 of feeding thymus gland, 502 age, of calcium 61 of feeding thyroid gland, 504 effects, on, 397 of female sex hormones, 441 of diet on, 336, 354 of vitamin B, 520 of disease on, of 270 in skin grafts, 230 hypophysis, of irradiation, 378 disease transmission, 118 of proteins in diet, 337 eating of by birds, 252, 294, 386 of selective breeding, 219 electrically charged, 199 evolution of, 161, 164 evolution of, 164 heredity of, 223, 224 fossil, 202, 345 sex ratio correlations, 442 frizzled, 376, 497 variation in, 514 in grafts, 230 Feeding, experimental, 27, 31, 107, 200, in industry, 42, 142 203, 232, 335, 336, 519 in regurgitated pellets, 117 of fat, on bone, 447 in sex 437 effects, feeding reversal, on 402 in 212 intestine, stomach, 31, on 513 in 368 kidneys, teratoma, experimental, 94 231 on yolk color, growth of, 42, 43, 249-253 measurements 403 habits of, of, 23 rate 233 adaptation in, of, 22 376 adaptations to, hairy, in 253 225 flight, heredity of, 223, 51 101 instinct, histology of, of wounded bird another 461 294 by bird, measuring methods, of 53 347 young, mites, quill inhabiting, birds not 461 319 by parents, muscles of, 82, 202, older 243 376 cooperation by young, nestling down, persisting on'legs, 410 335 by regurgitation, nutrition of, 409 on 227 reflexes, uropygeal gland, Feet see Foot oiling, 277 Feminization due to ovary graft, 229 104 papilliform, Femur, 449 pathology of, 352 22 103-105 adaptation in, pigments of, 63, 64, marrow 75 203 of, primary, bastard, Fenestra rotunda, 123 emargination of, 23, 303 Feni Isl., fauna, 198 in 288 interlocking flight, taxonomy, 474 410 regeneration of, Ferments see also Enzymes effects, of sex hormones, 441 absence of, 62 of vitamin 520 B, diastatic, 346 removal by dry method, 479 effects on chicken sarcoma, 369 selection, effects on structure, 164, in egg, 69 442 of pancreas in beriberi, 362 silky, 497 uropoietic, 62 spiny, 497 Ferns, as food for birds, 214 tactile, development of, 202 Ferrous sulphide, in egg, 68 innergation of, 202 Fertility, of eggs, 148, 388-389, 422 teratology of, 497 age as factor in fowls, 387 unusual length in tail, 377 correlation with winter egg produc- vestigial, 157 tion, 401 weights of, 408 duration after copulation, 148, 388 73 FINDING INDEX Fertility

Fertility Continued Fistula, of crop, 351 effects of inbreeding, 219 Flandreau, S. Dak., fauna, 185 of irradiation, 373 Flathead Lake, fauna, 184 heredity of, 220, 222 Flavism, 100 of hybrids, 269 Flavor, of chicken meat, cod liver oil, maximum, 148 effect, 395 methods for maintaining in transpor- of waterfowl, fishy, 142, 308 tation, 294 Fleas (parasites), 347 311 relation to mortality, Fledging periods, 281 417 resistance to cold, Flesh, "fishy" taste, 308 in case of 438 retained arrhenoidy, odor of, 308 398, 479 testing methods, 295, Flies, as food for birds, 243 Fertilization of egg, 147-148 Flight, 40, 260, 285-290 artificial, 147-148, 269 adaptation to, 23, 215 failure of, as cause of anomalies, 485 in skeleton, 22 period after copulation, 148, 422-423 altitude of, 40 Fertilization of flowers, 133, 136 420 telescopic observations, 295-296, Fertilization power, of spermatozoa, 482 of stale 148 spermatozoa, backwards, 285 Fever, 354 copulation in, 422 metabolism in, 374 correlations, 401, 402 paratyphoid, 364 evolution of, 161 serum, 74 produced by function, of air sacs, 429 369 typhoid, of joints, 446 in 70 Fibrinogen, egg, 68, of pectoral muscles, 319 Fibroblasts, 110 glycogen content in, 62 effects, of and hypertonic hypotonic habits of, 253 solutions 260, 507 on, heaviest flying bird, 406 of 484, 506 temperature, in gale, 253 in tissue culture, 506 growth mode of, 317 111 Fibrocartilage, nocturnal, 285 Fibrosarcoma, 369 organs of, 162 449 Fibula, measurements of, 404 49 Fighting, position of legs, 253 use of one wing, 283 253 386 posture, Fighting cocks, recording methods, 295 Isls., conservation, 112 Fiji relation of ears to, 122 fauna, 198 respiration in, 425 habits, 236 singing in, 465 474 taxonomy, soaring, 283, 286-288 Filaria 349 (parasites), relation to olfactory sense, 460 202 Filoplumes, use of telescope in study of, 295-296 Filum terminale, 324 velocity of, 40, 289, 290 N. 127, 130 Finger Lakes, Y., ecology, wing area, 283 fauna, 184 285 44 Flightless birds, Finland, banding, 21 128 adaptation in, ecology, economic 135 193 relations, fauna, evolution 160 207 of, food, taxonomy, 475 habits, 236 wings of, 283 300, 304, 307 migrations, 461 natural 321 Flocking, 248, history, 127 taxonomy, 473 Florida, ecology, 182 Finmarken, fauna, 195 fauna, food, 208 Fishes, as food for birds, 213, 251 enemies 139 habits, 235 of, 272 habits compared with birds, 238 iconography, life 280 migrating, 302 histories, stomach contents, 211 Fishing, 53, 251 as food for 214 use of sea bird, 143 Flowers, birds, of Phalacrocorax, by Chinese and in nest, 245 Japanese, 294 Flukes (parasites), 349 Fluorine BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 74

Fluorine, absorption in egg, 68 taxonomic character, 476 effects, on calcification, 341 tendons of, 111, 318 on growth, 232 use in diving, 291 on nutrition, 335 variation in, 514 on ossification, 341 Foot and mouth disease, 138 on parathyroid glands, 350 Foot disease, 353 on poultry feed, 395 Foramen oyale, 259 feather content of, 60 Foramina, in pneumatic bones, 449 Fokien, China, fauna, 190 of skull, 459 Foliage, as food for birds, 250 for cranial nerves, 327 Folk lore, 320 Forest fires, mortality from, 312 Fontanelles, 457 Forests, economic relations of birds, Foochow, China, fauna, 190 138-139, 141 Food, 33, 113, 116-118, 206-214, 243, effects of clearing on populations, 385 adaptation to, 24 Form, 38, 214-215 see also asym- , for poultry, 394-395 metry, hypertrophy, and symmetry chemical composition of, 60 adaptation in, 22 choice of, 48 asymmetry, in double monster, 486 determination of, 211-212 of skull, 456 effects, of castration on utilization of, of testes, 442, 501 433 correlations with length of migra- of temperature, 484 tions, 304 on eggs, 417 differentiation of, in embryo, 145 on fecundity, 397 evolution of, 161 on spermatogenesis, 420 of beak, 255 on yolk color, 419 of body, 38, 41, 402 estimating stomach contents, 211-212 of eyes, 165 finding of, 48 of gall bladder, 284 for man, 136, 142 of gizzard, 30 for poultry, 393-397 of red blood corpuscles, 73 for ducks, 114 perception of, 55, 517 for prevention of rachitis, 363 recognition of, 56 in captivity, 43 Formenkreis theory, 467, 478 for cage birds, 41 Formicariidae, heterogynism, 467, 476 of nestling birds, 208 Formosa Isl., fauna, 191 relations, to breeding habits, 242, 245 general work, 217 to length of intestine, 405 iconography, 272 to tongue form, 22, 26 Forrester Isl., breeding habits, 239 unusual, 251 fauna, 180 value, 212, 336 Fort Buford region, 184 Foodstuffs, irradiation effects, 373 Fort St. Michael region, fauna, 179 Food supply, 133 Fort Sisseton, S. Dak., fauna, 185 effects, on bird population, 385 Foster mothers, 461 on migrations, 305 Foster parents, 49, 246 Foot (or feet), 281 Fowl pox, 357 adaptation in, 22 Fowls see Gallus and Poultry anomalies of, 496 Fractures, 21 arteries of, 89 of bones, 354, 447 arterio-venous anastomoses, 281 air-containing, marrow regenera- articulations of, 447 tion, 410 bones of, 450 of leg bones, 281 coloration of, 95 of wing, 448 effects of male sex hormone on France, ecology, 128 color, 109 economic ornithology, 136, 137, 138, disease of, 365 141 evolution of, 162 fauna, 193 growth rate of, 233 food, 207 integument of, 278 habits, 236 ligaments of, 446 feeding, 249 muscles of, 318 insectivorous birds, 139 " pigments of, 103 migrations, 300, 307 position in flight, 253, 288 mortality, 311 75 FINDING INDEX France

France Continued feet, development of, 281 natural history, 321 fibrocartilage, 111 paleontology, 344 formenkreis theory, 478 population loss through rodents, 385 gizzard, 31 stomach contents, 211 habits, 237 vernacular names, 478 heart, 257 voice, 463 development of, 259 Francolinus, albinism, 98 myocardium of, 258 Francolinus clappertoni, in captivity, hybrids, 262, 265 breeding in, 43 experimental, 269 care in, 41 hyoid apparatus, 457 Fratercula, acquired characters, 220 muscles, 315 bursa Fabricii, 91 hypophysis, histology of, 270 coloration, 93 inferior olivary nucleus, 85 egg pigments, 94 learning to sing, 54 molt, of beak covering, 311 longevity, 291 of palpebral ornaments, 311 mandibular articulations, 447 oblique septum, 430 melanism, 101 sequence of plumages, 381 mitochondria, 116 skeleton, 444 natural history, 322 variation, 513 nerve endings in ear, 330 in color of eggs, 93 nerves, cranial, nuclei of, 79 Fraterculinae, metatarsal bones, 450 hypoglossal, 328 skull, 455 optic, 83 Fregata, pectoral girdle, 451 neuroglia, development of, 323 Fregata aquila, habits, 237 nictitating glands, 227 life history, 280 oogenesis, 416 pectoral girdle, 451 orbital sinus, development of, 171 plumage, development of, 376 ovary, interstitial cells of, 342 Fregata, minor, feeding habits, 249 oviduct, egg position in, 423 Fregilupus varius, evolution, 160 pericardial cavity, 157 skeleton, 444 pharynx, 26 Fregilus, healing of bone fractures, 354, pleuroperitoneal cavity, 157 447 polygamy, 411 French Alps, adaptation, 23 red blood corpuscles, 73 population decrease, 385 reproduction, physiology of, 421 French Guiana, fauna, 189 gonad hypertrophy at mating time, taxonomy, 472 509 French Indo China, fauna, 190 retina, 172 poultry culture, 387 rods and cones of, 172 French Isls., taxonomy, 474 reproductive system, 508 fauna, 198 sex hormones, 440 French West Indies, ecology, 130 skeleton, 444 Fresno Dist., California, fauna, 182 skin, histology of, 276 Fright, 29 smell, 460 from loud noise, 257 spinal ganglia, 326 Fringilla, abnormal coloration, 95 stomach, 28, 29 air sacs, histology of, 428 tendons, 111 albinism, 98 teratology, double eggs, 488 brain, anatomy of, 76 anomalies of beak, 493 chemistry of, 66 supernumary limbs, 496 development of, 77 triple-yolk eggs, 489 bursa Fabricii, 91 testes, development of, 499 cochlea, 123 interstitial cells of, 439, 500 early embryology, 147 periodicity in activity, 500 egg, envelopes of, 413 thyroid gland, development of, 503 measurements of, 403 tongue, 25 weights of, 407 muscles of, 315 eye, 165 weights of various organs, 406 fovea centralis, 173 Fringilla bengalus, breeding habits, 241 feathers, abrasion of, 199 feeding offspring, 243 fecundity, 204 glycogen reserve limitation, 62, 335 Fringilla canaria BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 76

Fringilla canaria, pneumaticity of skull, taxonomy, 474 459 voice in captivity, 466 Fringilla carduelis, hybrids, 265, 267 Fringilliformes, body temperature, rec- isabellism, 100 tal readings, 483 economic 137 Fringilla chloris, albinism, 98 Fringillinae, relations, as food for 212 hatchability of eggs, 148 Frogs birds, as host for bird skin 230 hybrids, 265 grafts, 139 period between laying and brooding, Fruit, damage to, by birds, 411 as food for birds, 212, 214, 243, 252 protection of, 294 Fringilla coelebs, arrhenoidy, fertility Fujiyama, fauna, 191 retained, 438 Fulica, albinism, 98 brain, 76 anatomy, 36 stem nuclei, 78 arteries, 87 tracts of, 78 behavior, 48 castration, 85 measurements 82 bones, histologic of, corpus striatum, 404 cranial nerves, nuclei of, 78 cloaca, 91 damage to horticulture, 139 cranial nerves, 327 diencephalon, 82 248 139 diving depth, economic relations, 135, 249 limited reserve 62 diving period, glycogen, of, egg color anomalies, 100 gynandromorphism, 436 epiglottis, 429 hybrids, 265, 267 fat chemistry, 66 incubating by male, 245 feeding habits, 249 intersexuality, 435 flesh, odor and taste, 66 mortality, 311 larynx, 429 optic lobes, 83 migration failure, 302 speciation, 466 nestling down feathers, 202 stomach contents, 212 respiratory organs, 427 temperature, effect on carbon dioxide tongue muscles, 315 production, 426 ultimobranchial bodies, 158 98 Fringilla linaria, albinism, Fulica americana, abnormal eggs, 487 Fringilla montifringilla, hybrids, 265 courtship, 57 Fringillidae, aggressive behavior, 49 migration delay, 303 albinism, 98 young, returning to nest, 242 care in captivity, 40, 41 Fulica atra, albinism, 98 color change, 105 double eggs, 488 combativeness, 49 embryology, 144 digestion, 117 hatching, 423 economic relations, 135, 138 hybrids, 265 erythrism, 101 instinct, 51 feeding habits, 249 pappiliform feathers, 202 gonads, histology of, 509 pigments, red lipochrome, 104 hybrids, 262 respiratory organs, 427 experimental, 218, 269 Fulica cristata, albinism, 98 gonads of, 268 Fuligula, anatomy, 34 oogenesis of, 416 of eye, 166 integumental grafts, 230, 269 color of eye, 169 intersexuality, 435 hybrids, 263 Mendelian heredity, 223 measurements, of eye, 165, 403 molt, relation to color change, 311 stomach, 28 natural history, 322 Fuligula baeri, courtship, 57 parasitology, 346 Fuligula cristata, hybrids, 265 parthenogenesis, 150 Fuligula ferina, hybrids, 265 play, 55 Fuligula nyroca, eye color, 94 rearing by foster parents, 411 hybrids, 265 sequence of plumages, 381 longevity, 291 sex, identification of, 434 Fulix, albinism, 98 skeleton, measurements of, 404 Fulmarus, courtship, 57 social relations, 460 foods, 209 spermatogenesis, 420 fossil species, 344 77 FINDING INDEX Fulmarus

Fulmarus Continued oogenesis in, 268 habits, 237 spermatogenesis in, 268 flying, 253 periodic changes in secondary sex osmotic pressure of body fluids, 71, characters, 439 375 salivary glands, 227 sequence of plumages, 381 sex-linked inheritance, 224 skeleton, 444 sex hormones, 440 Fulmarus glacialis, chemistry, 60 skeleton, 444 olfactory lobes, 338 spur development following ovariot- stomach oil, 64 omy, 279 Fumigation, mortality from, 312 taxonomy, 475 in air 428 Fungi (us), sacs, 353, Gallicolumba jobienis, hybrids, 265 415 in eggs, 351, Gallicolumba xanthonura, hybrids, 265 for 214 as food birds, , French Indo China, 190 of 370 infection lungs, habits, 234 transmission 139 of, hybrids, 262 Funk 234 Isls., Quebec, habits, life histories, 280 451 Furcula, sexual behavior, 56 measurements 405 of, skeleton, 444 Furfurol, 60 taxonomy, 474 in 374 metabolism, variation, 514 Furnarius, unusual nests, 246 Gallinae, arrhenoidy, 437 Furnarius rufus, nests sites in telegraph comb, histology of, 279 poles, 246 eating insects, 140 fibrosarcoma, 369 G head appendages, 278 hybrids, 262 Gabon, Africa, fauna, 176 innoculation with mammalian tuber- Galapagos Isls., ecology, 129, 130 culosis, 367 fauna, 188 molt, 309 habits, 235 347 muscles, 316 Mallophaga (parasites), 320 298 natural history, migrations, 451 of 380 pectoral girdle, sequence plumages, 381 472 sequence of plumages, taxonomy, 437 516 sex reversal, variation, 444 463 skeleton, voice, 455 Galbulidae, anatomy, 37 skull, sternum, 452 iconography, 273 stomach, 28 plantar tendons, 318 378 syrinx, 468 pterylosis, tumors 368 taxonomy, 474 testis, of, throat, breathing-movements of, 426 Galeoscoptes, economic relations, 135 209 tuberculosis, 366 food, measurements rib anomaly, 498 uropygeal gland, of, 403 Galerida cristata brachyura, speciation, 466 Gallinago, albinism, 98 beak 493 Gakrida cristata nigricans, age of races, anomalies, 478 ectotympanic muscle, 256, 315 285 speciation, 466 flight, upside down, 344 Galenta, albinism, 98 fossil species, 237 Galicia, Spain, fauna, 195 habits, 248 Gall bladder, 284 drumming, 250 Gall stones, 352 feeding, life 280 Galli, artificial fertilization, 269 histories, comb, development after ovariotomy, migrations, 299, 301 279 myology, 314 444 tetronerythin of, 279 skeleton, mandible 256 epiphyses, 448 upper motility, hybrids, 262 Gallinago gallinago, banding, 45 artificial fertilization, 269 behavior, 47 Gallinago gallinago BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 78

Gallinago gallinago Continued albinism, 98 natural history, 322 albumen, assimilation of, 152 syrinx, 468 alimentary canal, development of, voice, 464 157 Gallinula, abnormal eggs, 487 innervation of, components, 332 albinism, 98 allantoic fluid, chemical composition carrying young, 243 of, 151 color, change in, 107 allantois, 151 diving, 291 vascular system of, 151 eggs, abnormal, 487 Altmann's granules, evolution of, 162 measurements of, 403 amino acids, in diet, 232 weights of, 407 of embryo, 145 fruit eaten, 212 amnion, 151 hairy feathers, 202 amniotic folds in lens invagination, innervation of heart, 333 151 molt, 309 anaphylaxis, 274 ovary, 342 anatomy, 36, 38 oviduct, 509 anemia in embryo, 144 pigmentation of periosteum, 103, 447 aneurysms, 351 respiratory organs, 427, ansa intestinalis, 334 salivary glands, 227 antibodies, 274 sequence of plumages, 381 antigens, 274 skeleton, 444 aortic arches, 159 spleen, 293 development of, 153 syrinx, innervation of, 469 apoplexia, 351 teeth, embryonic, 25 arrested development, 156 ultimobranchial bodies, 158 atavism, 218 voice, 463 autopsy studies, 311 Gallinula chloropus, behavior, 47 bacillary white diarrhea, resistance

development of nasal chamber , 256 to, 222, 275 eating fruit, 214 heredity of resistance to, 222 habits, 237 beak, anomalies of, 493 hairy feathers, 376 development of, 255 hybrids, 265 structure of, 255 instinct, 51 behavior, 47, 57, 59 Jacobson's organ, 256 biochemistry, 60, 71 locomotion on land, 290 of embryo, 145, 146 shield, color of, 107 biophysics, of embryo, 146, 147 unusual nest sites, 246 bird pox, 275 Gallinula porzana, habits, 237 blood, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 molt, 309 antisheep amboceptor in, 274 natural history, 322 injection studies of, 275 Gallopavo, copulation position of hen, blood islands, 159 242 blood pressure, 372 courtship, 57 blood vessels, 87, 88, 89, 90 eggs, 412 arteries, 88, 89 abnormal, 487 of brain, 77 sexual behavior, 56 development of, 159 Galloperdix, carriage of tail, 253 in feather germ, 200 tail folding, 215 of ear, 122 Galloperdix spadiceus, spurs, 279 of head appendages, 278 Gallus, acquired characters, 220 splenic, 293 adaptations, 22, 23 blushing, 278 age, at sexual maturity, 148, 231 body form, development of, 214 changes with, 281 body temperature, 482, 483, 484 estimation of, 294 bone marrow, 75 of parents, relation to fecundity, brain, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 205 84,85 relation to fertilizing power, 148 apertures of ventricles, 294 agglutination tests, 274 development of, 158 air sacs, 427, 428 brain and cord dissection, 324 79 FINDING INDEX Callus

Gallus Continued death from cutting vagus nerve, 312, branchial arches, 158 329 breed, new, production of, 164, 219, dermis, 277 223 adipose tissue in, 277 breeding, experimental, 218, 219, 269 diarthrodial articulations, 446 pure stock, 219 diets, experimental, 208, 335 brood patch, 277 gritless, 232 brooding instinct, 205, 223 rachitic, effects of, 336 bursa Fabricii, glands of, 226 disease, effects on fecundity, 205 calcium assimilation, 335 immunity to, 222 cardiac jelly, 156, 259 transmission of, 119 cartilage in heart valves, 258 dorsosacrum, 220 in tendons, 282 drug effects, on heart, 260 castration, 85, 86 on progeny, 163 incomplete, 467 ear, 119, 121, 123, 124 effects on plumage, 383 glands of, 122, 226 celiac plexus, 334 innervation of, 121, 328 celom, 157 ecology, 125 cerebral hernia, 221 reversion to wild state, 126 cerebrospinal fluid, 294 economic relations, 135 chicken sarcoma grafts, 230 egg (s), chemical composition of, 412 cholera, 275 color of, 93, 94, 414 chondriosomes, 222 cytology of, 114, 115, 116, 418 chrondrodystrophia, 220 effects, of movement on, 153 hormone effects on, 160 on production of saliva in man, chondroid bodies, 111 308 choroid fissure, 166 envelopes of, 413, 414 choroid plexus, 294 experimental incubation of, 153, chromaffin system, 86 154, 155 circulatory system, 86, 87,88, 89, 90, fertility of, inheritance of, 220 91 in various seasons, 148 claws, development of, 277 maximum time, 148 on fingers, 278 fertilization of, 147, 148 cloaca, 91, 156 hatchability of, 148 cochlea, 123 hiding, 242 cock feathering, 225 immunological studies of, 274 color, 94 inclusions of abnormal objects, 415 assymmetrical, 100 infection of, 351 causes of, 102 luminosity of, 308 heredity of, 221, 223 pied, 164 mimicry of, 108 variation in production of, 204, 223, color pattern, 109 391, 514 comb, 278, 279 weight of, 204 effects of freezing, 279 egg tooth, 150 heredity of, 224 elastic tissue, development of, 110, 111 inhibitors of, 222 of heart, 258, 259 necrosis of, 279 of iris, 169 conchae, 256 electrocardiogram, 260 connective tissue, 111 embryo, alcoholized, 47 of foot, 282 autointoxication of, 144, 232 constitutional vigor, heredity of, 220 bulbus cordis, 259 copulation, 148 effects of suffocation, 232 position of hen, 242 elimination by, 372 corpus luteum, 342 growth, measurements of, 403 effects on growth, 233 rate of, 232 courtship, 57 nomenclature of, 143 crop, 27 embryology, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, crowing of rooster, 220, 253 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, culture of, 386-400 157, 158, 159 cytology, 114, 115, 116, 150 embryonic cells, 114, 115, 116 chromosomes in heredity, 222 enzymes, 62, 69, 335 Gallus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 80

Gattiis Continued experimental race formation, 269 epidermis, 277 selective breeding, 387, 388 before and after hatching, 278 germ cells, 116, 411, 412 differentiation of, 277 giantism, 220 epitrichium, 277 gizzard, 30, 31 erectile tissue in fleshy appendages of dilation of, 351 head, 278 glands of, 226 326 esophageal glands, 226 Golgi apparatus, 208 eugenics, 220 gonads, atrophy of, of 232 evolution, 160 effects, extirpation, of 160 of ear, 161 extracts, 230 of comb, 161 grafts of, 228, 229, into ovariotomized of fecundity, 161 hen, effects, 383 of limbs, 162 on plumage 230 of pineal body, 161 grafts, 228, 229, 229 of skeleton, 162 chorioallantoic, 154, 284 of wing bones, 162 of liver, of 229 170, 171, mesonephros, eyes, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 154 172 of metanephros, of neural tube, 154, 229 muscles of, 171, 315 of embryonic eye, 166 eyelids, histology of, 168 of ovaries, 222, 383 innervation of, 167 230, 231, 232, 233 featherless 224 growth, race, 163, curve 403 224 of, feathers, abnormal, 202, 436 200 gynandromorphism, development of, 241 con- habits, breeding, down and definitive feather 249 200 drinking, tinuity, 139 201 insectivorous, growth of, of 148 403 hatchability eggs, measurements of, 220 224 heredity of, heredity of, 221, 222, 223, in various seasons, 148 of with 278 homology scutes, 202, hatching power of hen, 205 in 230 grafts, hatching time, 233 nestling down, 202 head, development of, 157, 254 on 223 toes, muscles of, 315 203 powder-down, hearing, 257 fluids in lumen 199 quills, of, heart, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261 of, 201 regeneration electrical stimulation of, 260 silky and wooly, 200 ganglia of, 258, 333 structure 201 of, heat production, 372 219 fecundity, 204, 205, hebin, effect of, 270 224 heredity of, 205, 223, hemagglutinin production, 274 feeding experimental, 208, 232, 233, hemapoiesis, in embryonic liver, 284 335-336 hemilateral hypertrophy, 215 fibroblasts, effects of solutions on, 260 hemoglobin formation, 208 flight reflexes, 290 hemolysin production, 274 fluorine, effect on calcification, 341 hemolytic sera, 275 food, snakes as, 214 immune, 274 furcula, development of, 452 hen-feathering of male, factors in, 225 gall bladder, 284 heredity, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224 ganglia, cerebrospinal, 326 of form, 215 ciliary, 334 of resistance to diphtheria, 275 of heart, 258 study methods, 294 spinal, 324, 326 heterotaxia, 156 spiral, 123 hybridization, experimental, 218, 219, thoracic, 334 269 ganglion cells, in ovary, 342 hybrids, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268 gastrulation, 149 hydrogen ion concentration in em- genes, crossing over of, 116, 222 bryo, 146 genetics, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, hyperdactylia, heredity of, 221 224, 225 muscles and tendons in, 282 81 FINDING INDEX Callus

Gallus Continued mimicry in coloration, 109 hyperthyroidism, 200, 274 mitochondria, of lens, 170 hypobranchial groove and duct, 158 molt, 309, 311, 504, 505 hypophysectomy, effects of, 270 induced, 310 hypophysis, development of, 159, 269 rate for wing, 310 effects of, 205, 270 mongrel stock improvement, 164 on growth, 271 mortality, causes of, 311, 312, 313 on sex characters, 270 in incubator, 311 histology of, 270 muscle, of iris, 169, 170 two infundibula, 82, 270 physiology of, 319 immunology, 274, 275. 276 skeletal, histogenesis of, 318 heredity of immunity to disease, muscle fibers, 404 222 myofibrillae, development of, 259 inbreeding, effects of, 219 muscles, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319 incubation, electrical phenomena in, cardiac, 258, 259 146 cerebral cortex center for, 81, 202 experimental, 153-154 ciliary, 168 habits of, 243 feather, innervation of, 333 period of, 244 mutations, 163, 220 physics of, 146, 147 myenteric plexus, 334 innervation, of mouth and nasal nasal chambers, development of, 256 glands, 226 nasal gland ducts, 226 instinct, 51 nasal region, 256 integument, development of, 157, 276, nasolacrimal duct, 256 277 natural selection, 164 intestine, epithelium of, 115 neck posture, 215, 285 length of, 405 neck region development, 158 irradiation, 372, 373 nervous system, 322, 323, 324, 325, Jacobson's organ, 256 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, lacrimal glands, 226 333, 334 lamellar corpuscles, histology of, 331 development of, 147, 158 language, 53 neural plate, 158 larynx, 429 neural tube, 158 learning, 53 neurofibrillae in retina, 172 legs, 281 neuroglia, 323 leukocytes of stomach, 29 neurohumors, 372 ligamentum denticulatum, 294 neurons, 323 limb bones, 449 new breed production, 164, 219 development of, 157, 449 nictitating glands, 227 liver, 283, 284 nuclear changes in fertilization, 147 longevity, 291 nutrition, of pecten, 171 long-tailed race, rectrices of, 203 nystagmus, 124 lungs, 429, 430 olfactory epithelium, 338 luteal cells, 116 oology, 339 lymphoid tissue, 292, 293 optic nerve, insertion of, 172 in bursa Fabricii, 293 papilla of, 169 in pancreas, 345 optic nerves and chiasma, 83, 328 melanin pigment, 104 orbital sinus, development of, 171 meninges, 293, 294 orientation, 340 mesenteries, development of, 156 origin, 224, 274 mesoderrn, 149 osmotic pressure, effect of, 335 mesovarium, smooth muscle in, 342 of egg, 146 metabolic rate, 231 of embryo, 375 metabolism, 374, 375 ossification, 340, 341 calcium-phosphorus, experimental, hormone effects on, 160, 341 335 otoconia, 124 of cardiac muscle, 259 ova, 115, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, of developing retina, 167 418, 419 of embryo, 155 ovary, right, 342, 343 metamerism, 152 oviduct, 509, 510 of head, 152, 254 ruptured, 21 Gallus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 82

GaKus Continued reticular tissue, 111 ovulation, inhibition of, 277 fibers, 284 pancreas, 345, 346 reversion, 225 parasites of, 346, 347, 348, 349 to wild state, 126 parathyroid glands, 349, 350 Roentgen ray studies, 341 paratympanic organ, 122 salivary glands, 227 parietal eye, development of, 254 sclera, 173 parthenogenesis, 150 scutes, 278 pathology, 350-351, 352, 353, 354, secretion of lime, 372 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, Seesel's pocket, 157 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, senescence, 281 369, 370, 371 senses, 432 pectoral girdle, 451 septum transversum, 157 pennamotor center, in cerebral cortex, sex, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 319, 333 439, 440, 441, 442 in medulla, 333 determining factors, 222 pericardial cavity, 157 identification of, 39, 295 pericardium, development of, 259 sex differences, in growth, 232 171 periorbital fascia, in ossification, 341 254 periorbital region, sex hormones, 225, 440, 441, 442 220 phylogenetic characters, effects, on comb, 279, 441 162 phylogeny, on growth, 231, 441 of sclerotic 173 ring, on plumage, 383, 384, 441 physiology, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375 sex ratio, 205, 223 pigment cells of ectoderm, 166 sexual behavior, 56 of pigment epithelium retina, 172 sexual maturity, relation to weight, pigmentation, 205 406 of silky fowl, 222 sinus rhomboidalis, 157, 326 yellow, 104, 205 skeleton, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, pigments, 172 development of, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454 melanin, 104, 504 skin, development of, 276, 277 plant carotinoid, 205 histology of, 276 pile breed, production of, 223 skull, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459 pineal body, 375 sleep, induced, as cause of death, 312 pineal 157 eye, smooth muscle, 318-319 plumage, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, in stomach and 319 384 intestine, 382, 383, of amnion, 151 color, 108, 109 somatic segregation of genes, 222 pattern development, 109, 200 spermatogenesis in hybrids, 268 frizzled, 221 spermatozoa, 419, 420, 421 weight of, 376, 408 competition of, 147 poisoning, 313 longevity of, 148 polyspermy, 148 cord, 324, 325, 326 precipitation reactions, 218, 276 spinal diameter of central canal 403 ptilopody, 377 of, arteries Purkinje fibers, 258 spleen, of, 293 279 quantitative studies, 401, 402, 403, spurs, in 220 404, 405, 406, 407, 408 female, reflexes, 408-409 suprarenal glands, 467 pupillary, 167, 170, 409 syrinx, 468, 469 regeneration, 410 taste, 469 reproduction, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, taxonomy, anatomic characters, 476 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, technic, 479, 480, 481, 482 423, 424, 425 temperature effects, on contractions reproductive instinct, 52 of heart, 259 reproductive system, 508, 509, 510, on embryo, 146-147 511 on growth, 232 on muscle 319 inneryation of, 333 contractions, respiration, 155, 425, 426 tendon cells, 115 respiratory organs, 427. 428, 429, 430, tendons of foot, 318 431, 432 cartilage in, 282 83 FINDING INDEX Callus

Gattus Co ntinued Gallus ferrugineus, hybrids, 268 teratology, 485, 499 Callus sonnerati, hybrids, 265 abnormal races, 224, 225 platelet appendages to feathers, 204 abnormal spurs, 279 Gallus stanleyi, hybrids, experimental, multiple spinal canals, 326 219, 269 rumplessness, 220 Gallus temminckii, genetics, 218 tendency to lay double-yolked eggs, hybrids, 263 221 Gambia, fauna, 176 twin-embryo membranes, 150 Game birds, of Africa, life histories, 279 testes, 499, 500, 501 alien, 136 development of, in ovary grafts, as food, for man, 136 229 conservation of, 111, 113, 114 grafts of, 230 ecology, 125 Ugation effects on plumage, 377 economic relations, 135 pathology of, 353 edibility of flesh, 142 pigments of, 103 extinction, 165 Thebesian veins and sinusoids, 258 habits, 234 thymus gland, 309, 501, 502, 503 breeding, 240 effects of extract feeding, 200 feeding, 249 thyroid gland, 503, 504, 505 hybrids, 268 effects, on molt, 310 iconography, 274 on plumage, 377, 384 introduction of, 174 effects, of extract, 233 methods, of propagation, 295 on thyroidectomized birds, 384 of trapping, 296 grafts of, 228 mortality of, 311 tolerance to nicotine, 232 of Burma, 191 tumors, resistance to, 276 of India, 191 ultra-violet light, effects of, 233 pathology, 350 urogenital system, 508, 509, 510, 511, Game Laws, 141 512, 513 Ganglia, of acoustic nerve, 327 uropygeal gland, 227, 228 autonomic, 332 variation, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517 cranial, 333, 334 vasoligation of senile male, 372 dorsal sympathetic, 426 vesical plexus, 334 in gland ducts, 332 vestibular apparatus, 124 of heart, 258, 333 viscera, 38 of Remak, 332 vision, 517, 518, 519 superior cervical, 334 vitamins, 519, 520, 521 thoracic, 334 wattles, development of, 279 cerebrospinal, 326 weight at sexual maturity, 231 of cranial nerves, 326, 327 relation to fecundity, 205 ectomammilar, 82, 326 wings, anatomy of, 282 Gasserian (semilunar), 326 xenia, 225 geniculate, 328 x-rays, effects of, on embryo, 146 spiral, 123 on lymphoid tissue, 292 vestibular, 124, 326 yolk, absorption of, 335 spinal (dorsal root), 324, 326 assimilation, of, 152 anomalies of, 497 color of, 94 Ganglion cells, 323, 325 elements in blastoderm cells, 149 cytology of, 115 in position changes, 152 of ovary, 342 resorption of, 151 of retina, 172 yolk sac, 151, 152 Gangrene, in air sacs, 353 Gattus bankiva in legs, 353 ancient records, 224 Gan-su, China, fauna, 190 cackling of hens, 238, 464 Gapes, 361 hemolymph nodes, 292 Garrulinae, mortality from, 313 hybrids, 265 Garrulus, anomalies, of beak, 493 pigments of feathers, 103 of tongue, 495 skeleton, 444 color of iris, 169 measurements of, 404 connective tissue of foot, 111, 282 spermatogenesis, 420 ear, 121 Garrulus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 84

Garrulus Continued Gecinus, economic relations, 141 economic relations, 138 foot pads of young, 278 food, 209 proventriculus, 29 eating butterflies, 140 salivary glands, 227 hyoid apparatus, 457 skull, 455 innervation of intestine, 332 tongue, 26 kidneys, 512 Gecinus viridis, abnormal coloration, 141 learning, 53 anomalies of beak, 493 migrations, 299, 301 food, 209 molt, 309 Geese see also Anser oviduct, egg position in, 423 culture of, 387 of physiology reproduction, 421 domestication of, 43 skin, histology of, 276 feeding, 394 toes, connective tissue of, 111 Gelochelidon, food, 209 variation, 513 General works, 215-217 in tail color, 515 Generic names, 476 Garrulus glandarius, albinism, 98 Genes, 222 autonomic nervous system, 332 crossing over, 116 economic relations, 135 for inhibition of comb development, migrations, 302 279 Gas (gases), content in eggs, 412 sex-linked, 224 effects, on embryo, 146 Genetic potencies, in eggs, 412 on preservation of eggs, 68 Genetic relations, 476 exchange, in blood, 73 Genetics, 217-225 in lungs and air sacs, 426 egg production, 393 metabolism of, 374 growth, variation in poultry, 397 volume in body, 403 of plumage, 377 of 434 Gastornis, fossil species, 344 sex, of tibiotarsus, 450 sterility, 424 Genital 498 Gastric glands, 226 papilla, persistence of, Genital system, 508-511 Gastric epithelium, cytology of, 115 Genitalia see also Testes, and Gastric juice, technic of removal from Ovary, stomach, 479 Urogenital System anomalies of, 498 Gastric motility, 334 male external, 510, 511 Gastrin bodies, 29 Tannenberg bodies, 90 Gastrulation, 149 Gennaeus, experimental breeding, 218 Gavia, albinism, 98 genetics, 218 cross beak, 494 habits, 237 behavior, 47, 48 heredity, experimental, 222 diving habits, 290, 291 hybrids, 263 eclipse plumage, 311 experimental, 219 eye, 166 anatomy of, inversion of 223 measurements 403 dominance, of, 165, mutation, 163 food, 209 secondary sex characters, develop- locomotion on land, 290 ment of, 439 migrations, 297, 302 sex determination, 433 molt, 309 sex hormones, 225, 440 of primaries, simultaneous, 311 female, effects of, 441 posture, 253 Gennaeus melanonotus, hybrids, 265 skull, development of, 456 Gennaeus nycthemerus, interstitial tis- ossification of, 341 sue, 509 structure of, 456 Genotypes, 477 swimming under water, 291 sex differences, 220 Gavia 302 adamsi, migrations, Geneva Lake, fauna, 196 Gavia 304 immer, migrations, Genyornis, fossil vertebrae, 345 Gavia stellata Geococcyx, eating caterpillars, 140 breeding habits, 241 eyes, 165 incubation 244 period, flight muscles, 316 Gaviidae, skeleton, 445 fossil species, 344 diving, 291 habits, 237 85 FINDING INDEX Geococcyx

Geococcyx Continued fauna, 194 carnivorous, 251 food, 207 hybrids, 265 general works, 217 myology, 314 habits, 236 nervous system, 322 breeding, 240 pterylosis, 378 feeding, 249 running speed, 291 history of ornithology, 261 skeleton, 444, 450 iconography, 273 measurements of, 404 insectivorous birds, 139 urogenital system, 508 migrations, 300, 303, 304, 306, 307, Geococcyx californianus, food, 209 308 346 parasitology, natural history, 321 444 skeleton, oology, 339 120 Geographic distribution, stomach contents, 211 22 adaptation in coloration, taxonomy, 473 effect on Geographic location, migration temperature, effects of, 484 urge, 305 voice, 463 of 161 Geographic origin birds, Germinal disc, 418 516 Geographic variation, Germinal epithelium, in tissue culture, Geology, distribution relation, 120 507 Geopelia, hybrids, 263 Gerontiacus eremita, food, 209 sternum, 452 Giantism, 485 Geopsittacus occidentalis, anatomy, 37 heredity of, 220 taxonomic, 39 origin, 224 Georgia, breeding habits, 239 Giardia (parasites), 348, 349 ecology, 127 Gilgit, fauna, 191 fauna, 182 Gill arches, phylogeny of, 163 feeding, 249 Gill filaments, vestigial, 158, 163 migrations, 297 Gizzard, 30 Geospiza, in 22, 255 adaptation beak, action of, 118 intestine, coils of, 32 chemistry of, 64 pterylosis, 378 chitin of, 64 skull, 455 contents 212 26 of, tongue, cuticula of, 31 Geothlypis, aerial song, 465 feeding effects on, 208 125 ecology, glands of, 226 209 food, muscle fibers, measurements of, 404 237 habits, pathology of, 351 309 molt, regurgitation of lining, 410 of 381 sequence plumages, smooth muscle of, 319 475 taxonomy, teratology of, 499 513 variation, Glacial period, effects on evolution, 163 Geothlypis trichas, breeding habits, 241 Glacier National Park, fauna, 181 Geranoetus, fossil species, 344 Gland cells, in tissue culture, 506 Germ cells, 85, 411 reticular apparatus of, 116 cytology of, 115, 411, 424 Glands, 225-228 see also kidneys, of 115 hybrids, liver, pancreas, parathyroid glands, 268 maturation, seminal vesicles, suprarenal glands, of sterile 115 birds, and thyroid glands. Germ layers, experimental studies, 152 carotid, 225 formation of, 149 endocrine, weights of, 407 Germ plasm, stability of, 412 ganglia, in ducts of, 332 German-Bohemian Mts., fauna, 193- nerve endings in, 330 194 of alimentary canal, 24 Germany, banding, 45, 46 cecal, cytology of, 115 conservation, 112 of stomach, 29, 30, 226 duck culture, 387 of ear, 122 ecology, 128 of edible-nest birds, 142 economic ornithology, 136, 137, 138, of esophagus, 28 141 of eye, 169 Glands BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 86

Glands Continued in germinal disc, 418 of head, 66, 226 in oocytes, 416 of nasal chambers, 256 in oviducal gland cells, 423 nictitating, 169 Golgi bodies, 174 salivary, 142, 227 Gonads, 508 oviducal, 225, 423, 510 atrophy of, 208 secretion of, vitamin B influence, 520 effects, of castration, 86 secretory, of shell, 424 of extirpation on growth, 232 absence of, 498 of hybridization, 268 uropygeal, 227 of hypophysis, 270 Glandular extracts, growth effects, 232 on courtship, 58 Glareola melanoptera, hybrids, 265 on migrations, 305 Glareola pratincola, albinism, 98 on secondary sex characters, 509 hybrids, 265 in plumage, 383 Glaucidium, food, 209 extracts of, 160 habits, 237 effects on reproduction, 423 carnivorous, 50, 251 fixation of thyroxin in, 504 Glaucidium nanum, hypnotism, 50 grafts of, 228, 229, 435, 438 Glaucionetta islandica, eclipse plumage, effects on plumage, 229, 383 382 growth, rate of, 233 Glaucopis, albinism, 98 weight comparisons, 406 Globicera pacifera, gizzard, 30 hemapoiesis in, 75 Globulins, 62 histogenesis of, 509 Glossoptila, skull, 455 in sex reversal, 437, 438 tongue, muscles of, 26, 315 involution of, 502 Glucose, in eggs, 69, 70, 412 relation to thymus gland, 502 effects on embryo, 154 relation in activity to suprarenal injections into albumen, 154 glands, 468 Glutathione, content, in normal tissues, right in female, structure of, 509 60 seasonal changes in, 424 in tumors, 60, 368 summer condition, 509 determination of, 63 weights of, 408 Glycemia, 354 Gophers, destroyed by birds, 143 relation to suprarenal glands, 66, 468 Gough Isl., breeding habits, 240 Glycerine, injections into albumen, 154 fauna, 174 Glycin, experimental feeding of, 208 taxonomy, 470 metabolism of, 336 Goura, accommodation in vision, 167 in nutrition, experiments, 60, 208, 336 hybrids, 263 use in vitamin B deficiency, 520 sternum, 452 71 Glycogen, 62, Gourds, as bird houses, 113 in 145 blastoderm, 71, Gout, 361 in 65 blood, effect of calcium, 61 effects of testes on 284 production of, relation to uric acid, 64 in egg, 68 Gozo Isl., Mediterranean Sea, fauna, in liver, 284, 501 196 in nervous system, 324 Gracula, anatomy, 37 in retina, 172 for butterflies, 469 liver content on deficient taste, diet, 336, measurements 405 408 viscera, of, reserve 335 Graculus, air sacs, 428 of, 448 Glycogenesis, 62, 372 skeleton, pneumaticity of, Goats, as destroyers of birds, 385 Graculus carbo, trachea, 431 infection of with avian tuberculosis, Gradient, of embryo temperature, 146, 367 484 Gobi, Mongolia, fauna, 191 Grafts, 154, 228-230 Goiter, 361 action of lymphocytes in tissue grafts, Golf courses, conservation on, 113 72 economic ornithology, 141 chorio-allantoic, 154, 229, 284, 323, Golgi apparatus, 116, 226 500, 512 fixing technic, 481 of blastoderm containing heart, 259 in ganglion cells, 326 of gonads, 509, 512 87 FINDING INDEX Grafts

Grafts Continued ecology, 127, 131 of kidney, use in taxonomy, 477- Great Slave Lake, migrations, 307 478 Greece, fauna, 194 of liver, 229 migrations, 306 of mesonephros, 512 Greek classics, references to birds, 215 of ovary, 500 to nests, 245 of pancreas, 229 Green decomposition, in dressed fowl, of suprarenal glands, 467 386 of testis, 432, 500 Greenland, ecology, 129 of eye, 166 fauna, 180 of feather germs, 200, 230 general works, 216 of gonads, 228, 229, 433, 435, 439 habits, 234 into ovariotomized hen, effects on iconography, 272 plumage, 383 natural history, 321 of hypophysis, 270 taxonomy, 471 of kidneys, embryonic, 512 vernacular names, 478 of limb 153 buds, Gregarinida (parasites), 349 of ovary, 222, 269, 343, 438, 500 as cause for epithelioma contagiosum, effects on plumage, 383 360 of 369 sarcoma, Gregariousness, 133, 248, 461 of 355 skin, 225, 269, flock formations, 286 sex characters retained, 383 roosting, 253 of into castrate testicular tissue, male, 194 441 Greifswald, Germany, fauna, Grit, eaten by birds, 251 into ovariotomized hen, 376, in gizzard, 31, 118 effects, on plumage, 376, 377 in poultry food, 396 on sex, 432 starvation, 337 of thyroid gland, embryonic, 503 Growth, 230-233 of tumors, 368 assimilation of 335 of chicken sarcoma into calcium, embryos, 61 369 effects on, of calcium, of feeding experiments, 397, 502 GraUina, skeleton, 444 of gonad extracts, 160 Gran Chaco, Paraguay, ecology, 128 of 271 fauna, 189 hypophysis, of 397 Grand Canyon, fauna, 181 rachitis, of sex hormones, 441 Grand Cayman Isl., West Indies, of ultraviolet light, 398 ecology, 129, 130 in tendon 364 fauna, 186 slipped condition, in tissue culture, 506 Grandala, skull, 457 mathematical analysis of, 403 taxonomic bearings, 457 measurements of, 403 Grandala coelicolor, ear, 121 nutrition studies, 337 skull, 455 of allantois, 151 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 477 of 2 55 measurements beak, Grandry's corpuscles, of, of 149 404 blastoderm, of brain in weight, 406 Granulation use of mem- tissue, egg of comb, 279 branes 142 on, of embryo, 145, 152, 153 Granulocytes, 75 of feathers, 43, 201, 218 Graphophasianus soemmeringi, hybrids, of 229 265 grafts, of neural tube in chorio-allantoic Grapes, destruction of by birds, 139 grafts, 154 Grasshoppers, as food for birds, 140, of poultry, 397 213, 251 of primitive streak, 150 Gravity, center of, 215, 406 of seminal vasicles, cyclic, 511 in flight, 288 of tibiotarsus, 450 Great Britain, fauna, 193 of 281 fledgling bird periods, 281 young, life histories, 280 significant numbers in quantitative Great Salt Lake, Utah, conservation, studies, 401 113 weight comparisons, 406 Growth rate BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 88

Growth rate, 233 migrations, 298 changes in oogenesis, 422 taxonomy, 472 effects, of climate on, 132 weights, 406 of thyroid gland on, 504 Gubernatrix crisiata, hybrids, 266 heredity of, 220 Guiana see also British, Dutch, and Gruidae, iconography, 273 French Guiana intelligence, 53 general, 217 natural history, 320, 322 natural history, 321 taxonomy, 474 Guinea pig, epidermis comparison, 23 1, tendons in surgery, 141 277 Gruiformes, myology, 314 as host for bird skin grafts, 230 remiges, 203 innoculation with avian tuberculosis, skeleton, 444 367 taxonomy, 475 skin grafts to Colurnba, 230 based on skeleton, 477 Guinean Forest Prov., Africa, fauna, Gruinae, habits, 237 176 Grus see also Megalornis Guinean Isls., Africa, fauna, 176, 177 altitude of flight, 286 Guinean Savanna prov., Africa, fauna, cranial nerves, 327 176 habits in captivity, 247 Gular pouch, 25 incubation period, 244 Gulf of St. Lawrence Isls., fauna, 180 lamellar corpuscles in uropygeal Gyantse region, Tibet, fauna, 192 331 gland, Gymnogyps, air sacs, 428 291 longevity, destruction of, 112 302 migrations, flight, altitude of, 286 of small 302 alleged carrying birds, mechanics of, 288 309 molt, high altitude effect on respiration, 425- nuclei of 325 spinal cord, life history, 280 sequence of plumages, 381 measurements, 402 453 skeleton, of wing spread areas in flight, 404 431 trachea, smell, experimental, 460 tracheal coils in 432 sternum, Gymnorhina, arteries of brain, 88 measurements 405 vertebrae, of, molt, 309 visibility at high altitudes, 286 pterylosis, 378 vocal organs, 464 skull, 455, 456 Grus canadensis tabida, behavior, 47 ossification of, 341 habits, 237 syrinx, 468 302 migrations, 436 Grus care 41 Gynandromorphism, 383, montignesia, of, sex hormones, 440 Guadaloupe (Guadalupe) Isl., Lower Gynandromorphous male, antiovarian California, ecology, 129 serum effect, 384 fauna, 187 discoloration of 96 taxonomy, 472 Gypaetus, plumage, feathers, iron content of, 199 Guadeloupe Isl., West Indies, ecology, 129 pigments of, 103, 104 at 286 fauna, 186 visibility high altitudes, 36 habits, 235 Gypaetus barbatus, anatomy of, taxonomy, 472 change in color, 106 125 variation, 516 ecolory, environmental 133 Guam Isl., Micronesia, fauna, 198 relations, 209 Guanico Lagoon, Puerto Rico, fauna, food, 187 habits, 237 314 Guanidine, origin in egg, 68 myology, Guanin, effects on embryo, 154 natural history, 322 Guano, 164 sequence of plumages, 381 Guanta, Venezuela, fauna, 189 Gypagus, albinism, 98 Guara, growth, 231 feeding habits, 250 sequence of plumages, 381 syrinx, 468 Guara alba, anatomy, 35 taxonomy, 474 Guarico, Venezuela, fauna, 189 Gypogeranus, conchae, 256 Guatemala, fauna, 187 Gypoictinia, habits, 237 89 FINDING INDEX Gyps

Gyps, anatomy of eye, 166 spleen, 293 ear, development of, 121 vertebrae, development of, 454 economic relations, 138 Haematopus ostralegus, albinism, 98 feeding habits, destructive, 252 courtship, 57 flight, 285 territorialism, 461 separate control, of outer primaries, Haematozoa see Hematozoa 203 Hail stones, mortality from, 21, 313 of outer 203 rectrices, Hainan Isl., fauna, 190 skull, 455, 456 Haiti, ecology, 129, 130 ossification of, 341 fauna, 186 Gyps kolbii, economic relations, 135, 138 habits, 235 ^ food, 209 iconography, 272 Gypsy moth, as food for birds, 140 paleontology, 344 taxonomy, 472 H Hakodadi, fauna, 191 Halcyon, molt, 309 Habia see also and Hedymeles of 310 Zamelodia remiges, variation in color, 515 eating potato beetles, 140 Halcyon chloris, speciation, 466 skeleton, 444 "formenkreis" theory, 478 skull, 455 Halcyon smyrnensis, speciation, 466 Habia ludovicianus, abnormal colora- "formenkreis" theory, 478 tion, 95 Halcyones, skeleton, 444 Habitats, 134 taxonomy, 475 ecology, 129-132 evolution 161 Haliaeetus, anatomy, 36 of, 112 Habits, 233-254 see also Behavior and conservation, ear 122 Economic Ornithology labyrinth, economic 137 breeding, 133, 239-247 relations, 135, of climate on 417 carnivorous, 138, 251-252 effects, eggs, of of on 417 carrying young, 243, 322 length day, egg size, on 421 change in, effects on skeleton, 445 reproduction, 281 color association, 101 feet, 285 comparison with instinct, 51 flight, habits, 234 evolution of, 161 (parasites) of, 348 feather eating, curing of, 294 leukocytozoa 297 feeding, use of crest feathers in allur- migrations, natural history, 320 ing insects, 377 444 relations to intestine length, 405 skeleton, 404 harmful to man, 137-139 measurements of, of sternum, 405 heredity of, 220 of 497 insectivorous, 139-140 teratology plumage, 98 migratory, 306 Haliaeetus albicilla, albinism, 241 variation in, 516 breeding habits, 346 Habropyga cinerea, hybrids, 265 effects of pancreas ablation, 28 Habropyga melpoda, hybrids, 265 esophagus, 27, 165 Hackleless fowl, origin, 224 extinction of, of cells in pterylosis, 379 measurements epithelial 405 Haematopus, albinism, 98 alimentary canal, cytology of germinal disc, 418 Haliaeetus indus, breeding habits, 241 ear, 121 Haliaeetus kucocephalus, behavior, 47 eating mollusks, 251 breeding in captivity, 43 ecology, 125 food, 209 embryonic teeth, 25 habits, 237 environmental relations, 133, 251 breeding, 241 feeding habits, 250 methods for studying, 39, 294 follicular epithelium of ovary, 342 incubation period, 244 life histories, 280 life history, 279, 280 opening mollusk shells, 21, 252 sexual behavior, 56 skull, chondocranium, 456 variation in tarsal scutes, 514 ear position in, 459 voice, 463 Haliaeetus leucocephalus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 90

Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus, life Head, 254-257 history, 280 anomalies of, 221, 493-495 Halieus, siphonoma (tumor) in tym- in embryos, 490 panic cavity, 368 appendages, fleshy, 278, 439 Halmahera, ciliary muscle, 168 color cause, 102 iris muscle, development of, 169 growth of, 231 Halodroma, embryology, 144 arrested development of beak, 494 Halteridium (parasites), 348 blood vessels of, 87 Hamlin Lake region, fauna, 183 development of, 157 Hand, evolution of, 162 glands of, 226 Hand digits, evolution of by natural grafts on, 154 selection, 164 integument of, 278 Hand lists, 476 movements of, 48 Hapaloderma, fading of color, 106 ornamentation of, 278 352 Harder, glands of, 169, 226-227 pathology of, in 288 Harelda, sequence of plumages, 381 position flight, Head crest, of, 220 change in color, 105 heredity Head process, 150 Harelda glacialis, molt, 309 Healing, of bone fractures, 354 sequence of plumages, 381 of wounds, 371 Harelda 237 hyemalis, habits, Hearing, 257 see also Ear 493 Harelip, Heart, 38, 257-261 Hariab Dist., Afghanistan, fauna, 189 accessory, 88 Harriman Park, New York, fauna, 184 adaptation in, 22 Hasa, Arabia, fauna, 189 anomalies of, 498-499 486 Hassall's corpuscles, 502 doubling of, 491 Hatchability of eggs, 148, 387, 388, 389 experimental production of, blood extraction 479 correlations, 389, 390, 391 from, cardiac 258, 318 effects of feeding, 397 muscle, nerve 330 factors, 389 endings in, contractions in 260 nutritional, 335 of, embryos, in abnormal 490 of ultraviolet light, 398 embryos, initiation of contraction wave heredity of, 220, 222 507 methods for improving, 398 chronicity, of contraction im- relation to winter egg production, 392 myogenic origin variation 515 pulse, 507 in, 479 in various seasons, 148 observing technic, recording methods, 482 Hatching, 423 relation to respiratory rhythm, 426 behavior, 48 reversal of, 156 correlation between time of and egg temperature effects on rhythm, 260 production, 391 development of, 153, 259 egg weights before and after, 407 elastic tissue of, 111, 258 function of M. complexus, 423 grafts of, 229 mortality in, 311 growth of, 231 power, of hens, 389 growth rate, 233 time, significance of, 386 in tissue culture, 506, 507 of shell before and after weight, with Salmonella 408 infections pullorum, hatching, 356 of unassimulated yolk, 152, 408 innervation of, 329, 333 Hatley, Quebec, fauna, 180 measurements of, 405 129 Hawaii, ecology, melanin pigment of, 104 208 food, pathology of, 351 introduced 134 species, size of, correlation with work per- Hawaiian feather work, 142 formed, 22, 401 Hawaiian Isls., ecology, 129 synchronous pulsation of fragments, fauna, 196 507 general work, 217 tuberculosis of, 367 habits, 236 weights of, 408 feeding, 249 correlation with flight power, 402 iconography, 273 Hearts, multiple, 498 91 FINDING INDEX Heat

Heat, 484 Hematopoiesis, 74-75, 293 absorption of in incubation, 146 in embryonic spleen, 293 effects of, 71, 484 in liver, 284 embryonic, 146 in tissue culture, 507 radiated, transmission by epidermis, Hematozoa (blood parasites), 348, 370 483 Hemihypertrophy, causes of, 214 reaction to, 55 lateral, in sex reversal, 437 tropical, 102 Hemin, 70 Heat production, 73, 372, 483 Hemiplegic epilepsy, 360 in cells, 60 Hemipodius, anatomy, 36 in metabolism, 374 skeleton, 444 in oxidation, 427 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449, in egg, 68 477 in vitamin B deficiency, 520 Hemiprocne zonaris, flight muscles, 316 measuring technic, 482 leg muscles, 317 Heat regulation, 83, 372 Hemoblasts, 75 by plumage, 378 Hemoglobin, 62, 65, 72, 73, 103 Hebin, effect on ovariotomized bird, 86, decomposition in dressed fowl, 386 270 effect of confinement on, 388 Hedge birds, economic relations, 138 formation of, 208 Hedymeles see also Habia and of muscle tissue, 62, 319 Zamelodia sex hormone effects on, 440 anomalies of beak, 493 staining technic, 481 behavior, 47 Hemogregarina (parasites), 348 inheritance of song, 465 Hemogregarinidae (parasites), 348 Hedymeles ludovicianus, abnormal colo- Hemolysins, 74 ration, 95 preparation technic, 479 learning to sing, 54, 465, 466 production of, 274 molt, 310 Hemolytic sera, 65, 74, 275 nest-building instinct, 223 Hemoproteus (parasites), 348 sequence of plumages, 382 injection with, immnnity to, 275 singing in thunderstorm, 466 Hemorrhage, in bone, 354, 447 voice, inheritance of, 52, 224 effects of, on bone marrow, 75 Heel pads, 281 pulmonary, 354 Heinasaaret Isl., fauna, 193 Hemorrhagic septicemia, 357 Helgoland, fauna, 194 Hemosporidia (parasites), 348 migrations, 300, 303 Henderson Isl., Polynesia, fauna, 198 weights of migrating birds, 406 Henfeathering of male, 225, 376 Helias, taxonomy, based on anatomy, effects, of thyroid gland, 377, 504 39, 476 of thyroidectomy, 440, 505 Heliodilus, plumage, 376 relation to luteal cells, 500 taxonomy, 475 testes of, 501 Heliornis, pterylosis, 378 Hensen's knot (node), 150 skeleton, 444 experimental studies of, 155 Heliornis surinamensis, myology, 314 role in development, 155 Helminthophila, hybrids, 263 Hepatic plumages, 382 Helminihophila chrysoptera, hybrids, Heredity, 219-224 265 as factor in hatchability of eggs, 389 Helminthophila leucobronchialis, hy- of brachydactylia, 495 brids, 265 of brooding instinct, 52 Helminthophila pinus, hybrids, 265 of chicken sarcoma, 369 Helminthophila ruficapilla gutturalis, of egg weight, 390 breeding habits, 241 of form and function, 215 discovery of first nest, 242 of growth rate, 220 ecology, 125 of hyperdactylia, 495 Helotarsus, arrangement of toes, 282 of resistance, to diphtheria, 275 rotator tendons of foot, 281 to typhoid fever, 276, 369 Hemagglutinins, preparation technic, of singing, 465, 466 479 of spurs, 279 Hemansioma, 368 of syndactylia, 496 Hematin, 65, 73 study methods, 40, 294 Hermaphroditism BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 92

Hermaphroditism, 435 care in captivity, 41 sex hormones, 440 edible nests, 60 Hernia, 354 feeding habits, 250 abdominal, experimental production food, 209 of, 491 eating, bayberries, 252 of skull, 492 insects, 139 umbilical, 498 fright from noise, 257 Herodias, sequence of plumages, 381 hibernation myth, 261 Herodii, genetic relations, 476 hybrids, 263 taxonomy, 475 iconography, 273 Herodiones, habits, 234 instinct, 51, 52 skeleton, 444 migrations, 298, 300, 302, 303, 305, Herpetomonas (parasites), 349 306 Hesperiphona, breeding in captivity, mortality, from bad weather, 312 248 nocturnal soaring, 253 care in captivity, 41 old nests used, 246 migrations, 302 semihibernation, 261 molt, 309 skeleton, 444 sequence of plumages, 381 taxonomy, 474 skull, 455 velocity of flight, 290 taxonomy, 475 Hirundo, albinism, 98 Hesperiphona vespertine, breeding hab- banding observations, 46 its, 241 care of young, by older young, 243 distribution, 175 by other species, 59 ecology, 125 diencephalon, 82 environmental relations, 133 eggs, cleavage of, 148 skeleton, 444 measurements of, 404 Hesperocichla, skeleton, 444 feet, development of, 281 measurements of, 404, 445 fovea centralis, 173 Hesperornis, (extinct genus) bones, 345 double, 167 brain, 76 habits, 237 teeth, 25, 344 breeding, 241, 242 Hessen Nassau Prov., Germany fauna, hybrids, 263 194 melanism, 101 Heteractitis incanus, breeding habits, migrations, 300, 301, 306 241 North America to Chili, 286 Heteralocha, anomalies of beak, 493 molt, 309 habits, 237 natural history, 322 measurements, 402 optic chiasma and lobes, 83 Heterodactylia, 495 physiology of double fovea, 167 Heterogynism, 467, 476 preganglionic neurons, 334 Heteromorphae, distribution, 119 reaction to noise, 50 Heteromorphic type (anomaly), 487 red blood corpuscles, 74 Heteromorphism (anomalies), 490 sterility, 424 Heteroscelus incanus, breeding habits, taxonomic anatomy, 39 241 velocity of flight, 290 Heterotaxia, of embryo, 146 Hirundo erythrogaster, banding, 45 experimental production, 156, 491 body temperature, 483 Hexadactylia (anomaly), 495 food, 209 Hibernation, 261 growth, 231 Hierofako, viscera weights, 408 in weight, 406 Hierophasis, mutation, 163 hybrids, 265 Hildesheim Prov., Germany, fauna, 194 sequence of plumages, 381 Himalaya Mts., fauna, 189 Hirundo fulva, migrations, 302 Himantopus, food, 209 Hirundo melon, wing bones, propor- Hippocampus, 81 tions, 450 Hippolais, anomalies, of beak, 493 Hirundo rupestris, habits, 237 Hirundinidae, albinism, 98 Hirundo rustica, albinism, 98 anatomy, 37 anatomy, 37 banding, 45, 46 banding, 45, 46 bed bugs as parasites of, 347 hibernation myth, 261 93 FINDING INDEX Hirundo rustica

Hirundo rustica Continued of skull, 457, 458, 459 hybrids, 265 of tarsal bones, 450 orientation, experimental, 340 of thymus gland, 502 pterylosis, 378 Homosexuality, 432 retina, fovea centralis, 519 Homotyposis, 476 skeleton, 444 Honduras, fauna, 187 velocity of flight, 290 taxonomy, 472 Hirundo serripennis, habits, 237 Honey, as food for birds, 250 Hirundo urbica, albinism, 98 Honey guides, 136 habits, changes in, 248 Hongkong, fauna, 190 hibernation myth, 261 Hoplopterus, albinism, 98 hybrids, 265 Hormones, 160 skeleton, 444 effects, on feathers, 200-201 His, bundle of, 258 on seminal vesicles, 511 Hispaniola Isl. see Haiti hypophyseal effects, 270 Histamine, 117 on oogenesis, 416 effect on gastric secretion, 60 on ossification, 341 Histiocytes, 73, 110 on ovulation, 424 Histology, 38 see also under various sex, 225, 228, 229, 230, 233, 254, 269, organs 305, 384, 423, 424, 432-442, 501, Histolysis, in development of neural 510 tube, 323 effects, on comb, 279 History, of artificial incubation, 399 of gonad grafts, 228, 433 of banding, 45-46 of placental hormone injections, of migrations, 302 441 of ornithology, 261 on growth, 231 economic, in America, 136 on migrations, 305 of photography in America, 481 on plumage, 200, 201, 378, 383, of taxonomy in America, 476 384 of territorialism, 462 on secondary sex characters, 441 Histrionicus, behavior, 47 gonadotrophic, 438 food, 209 inhibitor of male plumage, 440 Histrionicus histrionicus, eclipse plum- role of interstitial tissue, 442 age, 382 threshold of, 440 Histrionicus torquatus, syrinx, 468 thyroid, 504 trachea, 431 Horticulture, damage to, by birds, 139 Hoarding, 238 Houbara, hybrids, 263 Hog cholera, dissemination by birds, House fly, as carrier of coccidiosis, 359 138 Houtmans Rocks, Australia, fauna, 196 Hole drilling, 238 Hovering, 288 Holland, fauna, 194 Huachuca Mts., Arizona, fauna, 181 migration, 300 Humerus, 450 taxonomy, 473 breathing through, 426 Hollyberries, as food for birds, 214 measurements of, 405 Holy Isl., England, migrations, 307 Humidity, effects, on eggs, 22 Homing instinct, 51 see also Orienta- on growth, 152 tion on metabolism of embryo, 374 Homologies, of allantois with mam- on mortality of embryos, 313 malian placenta, 151 on plumage, 377 of carpal bones, 451 resistance of egg, 417 of conchae, 256 variation factor, 516 of developing feathers, 278 Humming birds, eating insects, 213 of ear, 121, 122 sap sucking, 252 of mesencephalon, 83 Humming noise, 464 of pectoral girdle, 451 Humor, 50 of phallus, 511 Hungary, banding, 46 of pineal eye, 157 conservation, 112 137 of precayal valves, 258 economic ornithology, 136, of seminiferous tubules and medullary fauna, 194 cords of ovary, 500 food, 207 of skeleton, 445, 453 migrations, 300, 307 Hungary BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 94

Hungary Continued Hydrogen sulphide, formation of in egg, natural history, 321 68 paleontology, 344 products in dressed fowl, 386 taxonomy, 473 Hydrophasianus chirugus, skeleton, 444 Hunger center, in brain, 371 Hydrophobia, 354 Hunting methods, 294 Hydroprogne, banding, 45 Hupeh prov., China, fauna, 190 Hydroprogne caspia imperator, incubat- Hybridization, 218, 222 ing habits, 243 effects of, on eggs, 93, 219 Hygiene, in aviculture, 40 on testes, 499 Hygienic significance of birds, 136 on Sertoli cells, 500 Hylocichla, behavior in captivity, 49 experimental, 42, 218-219 breeding habits, 241 Mendel's law, application in, 223 growth, 231 new race, development of, 219 life histories, 280 parthenogenesis, 150 song, 465 species formation, 467 variation, geographic, 516 Hybrids, 102, 261-269, 411 weight, 406 care of, 40 Hylocichla guttata, habits in captivity, comb of, 278 247 fecundity of, 204 Hyoid apparatus, 457 germ cells of, cytology, 115 ligaments of, 446 gonads, activity of, 508 Hyoid arch operculum, 158 histology of, 509 Hypercapnia, 31 iconography, 274 Hyperchromism, 94 in Berlin Zoological Gardens, 262 Hyperdactylia, 282, 495 incubation period, 244 heredity of, 221 measurements of skeleton, 404 muscles and tendons, 318 refractive index of blood serum, 74 Hyperencephalia, 498 reproductive system of, 508 Hyperfecundation, as cause of anom- testes, 499 alies, 465 relative form and size, 501 Hyperglycemia, relation to suprarenal sex chromosomes of, 222 glands, 66, 468 sex of, 434 Hypermasculinization, 432 sex ratio of, 442 Hyperplasia, subcutaneous, 355 sexual behavior, 56-57 of testis, 353, 501 Hydrakctor gallinaceus, intelligence, 53 of thyroid gland, 505 Hydrobatidae, variation, 513 Hyperthermia, from destruction of Hydrocephalus, 352, 493 thalamus, 270, 371 Hydrochelidon, brain, 76 effect, of pituitary extract, 371-372 olfactory lobes, 338 Hyperthyroidism, 503-505 Hydrochelidon kucoptera, albinism, 98 causing sex reversal, 437 Hydrochelidon nigra, albinism, 98 effects, 504 Hydrochloric acid, 117 on immunity, 152, 274 formation of, 29, 60 on plumage, 105, 200, 361, 384 Hydrocolaeus ridibundus, albinism, 98 on sex hormones, 440 Hydrocorax, stomach, histology of, 29 in thyroidectomized chick, 505 molt of lining, 311 Hypertrophy, of gonads, 508 Hydrocyanic acid, effects on embryo, of kidney, 498, 513 153, 154 of liver, 352 Hydrocyanic acid gas detection, 479 of ovary, 353 Hydrogen-ion concentration, in ceca, of spurs, 496 effects of Bacillus acidophilus on, of suprarenal glands, 468 397 of testis, 353, 501 in embryo, 146 after extirpation, of pineal body, in intestine, 62, 336, 395 375 of albumen during incubation, 69, 413 of other testis, 500 of yolk during incubation, 69, 418 of thyroid gland, 505 Hydrogen peroxide, in oxidation of fat, of uropygeal gland, 354 66, 479 Hypervitaminosus, 354 Hydrogen sulphate, formation in egg by Hyphantornis, hybrids, 267 cholera organism, 358 Hypnotism, 50 95 FINDING INDEX Hypochera

Hypochera, content of cholesterin, 62 habits, 237 fatty acid concentration, 60 skeleton, taxonomy of, 449 Hypochera ignestii, taxonomy, 475 skull, nerve foramina of, 459 Hypolais, hybrids, 263 palate, 458 Hypolais salicaria, albinism, 98 Icterus, color vision, 518 Hypoleucus, body temperature, 483 eating flesh of birds, 213 food, 209 habits, feeding, 250 measurements, 402 singing, 253 weights, 406 Icterus galbula, sequence of plumages, Hypophysectomy, effects of, 270 381 Hypophysis (Pituitary gland), 269-271 Icterus spurius, sequence of plumages, cell types, 439 381 development of, 159, 269-270 Idaho, fossil birds, 344 double infundibulum, as anomaly, Ideation, 53 497 Iki Isl., Japan, fauna, 191 effects on thyroid gland, 505 Ilium, 453 of extract on egg production, 393 Illinois, ecology, 127, 131 evolution of, 161 economic ornithology, 136, 141 extirpation with castration, 509 fauna, 182-183 mucoid cysts in, 368 food, 206 pars anterior, 270-271 habits, 235 effects of feeding of, on body iconography, 272 weight, 406 migrations, 297 on egg production, 392 population, 384 on growth, 397 sequence of plumages, 380 effects of feeding extract of, on taxonomy, 471 growth, 232 Illumination, in poultry culture, 398 on testes, 500 Imbros Isl., fauna, 192 on thymus gland, 502 Imitation, 239 on thyroid gland, 505 compared with instinct, 51 effects of injection of extract of, on of voice, 464, 465 ovulation, 424 Immune plasma, in tissue culture, 507 pars posterior, 271 Immunity, heredity of, 222 relations to suprarenal, thymus, and of embryo, effects of hyperthyroid- thyroid glands, 502 ism, 152 Hyporhachis, 204 to anthrax, 355 Hypothalamus, 82 to bird pox, 357 Hypoxanthin, 64 to coccidiosis, 358 to human tuberculosis, 367 Immunization, against chicken plague, 364 Ibididae, food, 211 against cholera, 358 leg muscle function, 319 against epithelioma contagiosum, 361 Ibis, elastic ligaments of neck, 446 Immunology, 274-276 Ibycter, medulla oblongata, 85 antigenic properties of Bacillus psit- Iceland, banding, 44 tacosis, 365 ecology, 130 cytotoxic action of immune rabbit economic ornithology, 136 serum, 505 fauna, 194 hereditary resistance to diphtheria, habits, 236 359 natural history, 321 precipitation method in taxonomy, taxonomy, 473 478 Ichthyornis, fossil species, 344 resistance, to anthrax, 355 skeleton, 444 to bacillary white diarrhea, 356 Iconography, 271-274 to heredity of typhoid fever,'^369 Icteria, nocturnal singing, 253 to spirochaete infection, 370 ft sequence of plumages, 381 thyroid gland feeding, producing re- Icteria virens, breeding habits, 241 sistance to infection, 504 Icteridae, courtship, 57 Impaling, instinct for, 51 distribution, 119 mortality from, 312 economic relations, 138 Impennes, skeleton, 444 Importation of birds BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 96

Importation of birds, 136 food, 207 Inanition, changes in muscle tissue, 319 general work, 217 effects, on beriberi, 363 habits, 236 on blood pressure, 337 breeding, 240 on body temperature, 337 hand list, 476 on body weight, 337 iconography, 272 on digestion, 117 migrations, 298 on digestive organs, 338 oology, 338 on docility, 50 taxonomy, 473 on nutrition, 337 variation, 514 on ovary, 343 India-runner duck, chromosomes of, on pancreas, 338, 345 115, 116 on residual oxygen of blood, 65 Indian Ocean, ecology, 129, 130 on sex characters, 337, 439 fauna, 174 on sex ratio, 337, 442 Indian Ocean Isls., iconography, 271 on striped muscle, 338 Indiana, economic ornithology, 137 on suprarenal glands, 338 food, 206 on testis, 338, 500 Indicator, anatomy, 37 on tissue, 337 carotid arteries, 88 with flesh diets, 337 myology, 314 with grain diets, 337 pterylosis, 378 Inbreeding, 218, 219, 387, 402 skull, 455 as factor in hatchability of eggs, 389 syrinx, 468 effects, on fecundity, 205 taxonomy, 475 on fertility, 219 Indicator xanthonotus anatomy, 37 for winter egg production, 392 sternum, 452 Incubation, 43, 145, 146, 147, 148, 152, Indicatorinae, honey guiding, 51 153, 154, 243-245, 399 Indigestible objects, as cause of death, artificial, 43, 69, 243, 399, 480 312 cooling eggs, 399 Individuality, of cells, 144 turning eggs, 148, 155, 389 of tissues, 144, 228 without brooding, 147 Indo-Australian Archipelago, taxon- at high altitudes, 399 omy, 474 changes in shell during incubation, Indo-China, duck culture, 387 152, 413 iconography, 272 duration of life after interruption of, unhusked rice used in incubation, 399 in tissue culture, 505 Inflammation, 361 egg weights during, 335, 407 in air sacs, 353 loss during, 335 Infusoria (parasites), 349 experimental, 153-155 Inheritance see also Heredity habits of, evolution of, 161, 243 of anomalies, 494 in ant hill, 242 of acquired characters, 163 in foreign nests, 245 of resistance to disease, 274 of abnormal eggs, 488 sex-linked, 434 of double eggs, 489 of standard poultry strain disqualifi- period of, 156, 243-244 cations, 386 pH changes, 413 Inhibition, of respiratory muscles, by retarded, experimentally, 492 vagus nerve, 329 temperature of, 483 Injection, apparatus for, 39 effects of experimental tempera- intraperitoneal, of anterior lobe sub- tures, 146-147, 484 stance, 270 yolk position changes, 152 methods, 480 Incubators, 40, 390, 399 of testes extracts, 501 mammoth, 399 subcutaneous, effect on embryos, 492 mortality in, 311 Inkerman Station, Australia, fauna, 196 pullorum disease transmission in, 356 Innervation see also under various ventilation of, 399 organs Index lists, 476 of alimentary canal, 24, 28, 332 India, ecology, 128 of crop, 27 economic ornithology, 136 of stomach, 29, 31, 332 fauna, 191 of breathing organs, 426 97 FINDING INDEX Innervation

Innervation Continued migratory, 305, 306 of ciliary muscle, 168 sexual, in castrated males, 435 of ear, 121, 122, 323, 327 Insulin, effects, on avitaminosis, 362 of eye, 169 on reproduction, 421 of feather muscles, 202, 333 resistance, to lethal dose of, 160 of glands of mouth and nasal cham- Integument, 276-279 bers, 226 adaptation in, 22 of head integument, 278 development of, 157 of heart, 258, 260, 333 evolution of, 161 of iris, 169 grafts of, 230 of kidneys by vagus nerve, 513 papillae of, 103, 278, 434 of larynx, 429 pigments of, 103, 278, 434 of lungs, 333, 430 sex differentiation, 433 of membranous labyrinth, 123 smooth muscle of, 319 of mouth, autonomic, 332 Intelligence, 52-53 of nasal chambers, 332 Intercalated discs, of heart muscle, 318 of oblique septum, 430 Intercentra, 454 of ovary, 342 Intersexuality, 435-439 of reproductive system, 510 ovary of cock-feathered females, 342 of respiratory organs, 333, 427 Interstitial calls (tissue), 434, 439, 499- of skeletal muscle, autonomic, 332 500, 501, 509 of skin, 276 correlation with body size, 401 of spleen, 333 effects on plumage, 378 of stomach, 29, 31, 332 following ovariotomy, 438 of suprarenal glands, 333, 467 sex hormone production, 384 of syrinx, 328, 333, 469 Intestinal coils, taxonomic value, 477 of tactile feathers, 202 Intestine, 31-33 of trachea, 330, 432 anomalies of, 499 Inoculations, with cholera, 358 passing through sternum, 498 experimental, 351 atresia of, 490 from tubercular fowls, 355 carcinoma of, 368 Insect larvae, as food for birds, 213 development in, of Coccidium (para- distastefulness, 469 site), 349 Insect parasites, 347 of Hemoproteus (parasite), 348 Insectivorous birds, 139-140 effects, of experimental feeding, 33, mortality of, 311 208 regurgitated pellets, 212 of malnutrition, 336 winter distribution, 120, 302 histopathology in baccilary white Insects, alluring by crest feathers, 377 diarrhea, 356 as food for birds, 22, 139-140, 213, hydrogen ion concentration, 62 243, 251 infections of, 370 for fish-eating birds, 251 innervation of, 332 coloration, concealing, 108 measurements of, 405 protective, 22 surface area of mucosa, 405 distastefulness, 22, 469 pathology of, 351 distribution comparison, 120 physiology of, 117 mimicry, 109 sex difference, 270 noxious, as food for poultry, 395 smooth muscle of, 319 warning colors of, 110 trichomoniasis of, 370 Insemination, artificial, 148, 421 tuberculosis of, 367 Insessores, taxonomy, 475 variation in, 515 Insight, 53 weights, 408 Instinct, 50-53 Intoxication by poisonous berries, 67 brooding, 52 Intraocular pressure, effects on accomo- by castrated male, 52, 435 dation, 518 effect on egg production, 392 Introduced species, 113, 120, 134, 141, relation to fecundity, 422 174, 179, 181 heredity of, 223 dangers, 136 hormone effects on, 160 effects on biota, 134 impaling, 250 Involution, of bursa Fabricii, 92 maternal, castration effects on, 433 of capillaries, 159 Involution BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS

Involution Continued in egg, 69 of corpus luteum, 342 in liver, 284 of diverticulum ilei, 33 in yolk, 419 of notochord, 159 Iron compounds, effects on beriberi, of oviduct, 423 363, 520 of pancreatic islets, 346 Irradiation, 372-373 of thymus gland, 502 effects, on chicken sarcoma, 369 Iodine, absorption of, 68 on growth, 233 content in thyroid gland, 63, 271, 503 in poultry culture, 398 effects of hypophysis on, 63, 505 in treatment of rachitis, 363 excretion of through egg, 69 of embryo, 146 use, as vermicide, 398, 479 of ergosterol, 61, 364 in determination of glutathione, 63 of food stuffs, 373 Ionian Isls., fauna, 194 of lymphoid tissue, 292 lonornis, fossil, 344 in poultry culture, 398 lonornis martinica (us), breeding hab- of respiratory organs, 373 its, 241 of sarcoma, 369, 373 claws on wings of nestlings, 278 Irrigation, as distribution factor, 174, food, 209 385 instinct, 51 Irrisor, taxonomy, 475 measuremants, 402 tongue, 26 sequence of plumages, 381 topographic anatomy, 38 voice, 463 Isabellism, in winter, 383 weights, 406 Ischiodidymis (Ischiopagus), 487 Ions, transmissibility of ovum for, 417 Island of Mellum, Europe, natural Iowa, ecology, 127 history, 321 economic ornithology, 137 Islands, fauna, of, 174 fauna, 183 Isle, of Cozumel, Yucatan, fauna, 187 habits, 235 of Gottland, Sweden, fauna, 195 migrations, 298 of Man, ecology, 128, 130 Ipswich, Massachusetts, fauna, 183 fauna, 193 Iran, fauna, 192 life histories, 280 Iraq, ecology, 128 of May, Scotland, migrations, 299 fauna, 191 of Pantelleria, Italy, fauna, 194 Ireland, 217 of Pines, Cuba, fauna, 186 fauna, 193 Isle Royale, Mich., ecology, 127, 131 habits, 236 migrations, 298 iconography, 273 Isolation in evolution, 164 migrations, 299, 304, 307 Italy, 217 taxonomy, 473 breeding habits, 240 vernacular names, 478 conservation, 112 Iridescence, 102 ecology, 126, 128 evolution of, 161 economic ornithology, 136, 141 feather structure involved, 201 fauna, 194 Iridoprocne bicolor, winter food, 214 food, 207 Iris, 169-170 hematozoa, 348 coloboma of, 352, 494 migrations, 301, 303, 307 reflexes of, 409 oology, 339 color of, 103, 169, 434 taxonomy, 473 variation, 515 variation, 516 dilator muscle of, 169 vernacular names, 478 effects of drugs, 67, 409 Ixobrychus, attitudes in captivity, 49 innervation of, 167, 333 natural history, 322 physiology of, 167 Jzorews, abnormal coloration, 95 reflexes of, 409, 518 feeding habits, 250 smooth muscle of, 319 mutation, 163 Iron, 63 secondary sex characters, 439 blood content of, 65 Ixus hainanas, leukocytozoa of, 348 with spirochaete infection, 370 lynx see also Jynx experimental feeding of, 73, 208 adipose tissue, 114 feather content of, 199 exceptional fecundity, 205 99 FINDING INDEX lynx lynx Continued fovea centralis, 519 feet, 281 gregariousness, 461 hyoid extension, 458 variation, 513 orientation, 340 geographic, 120, 516 skeleton, 444 Junco hyemalis, hybrids, 268 taxonomy, 475 teratology, 495 Jungle associations, 132 Jungle fowl, egg color, 339 iconography, 273 Jabrin, Arabia, fauna, 189 origin, 224 Jacana, breeding habits, 241 Jungles, ecology, 128 sexual behavior, 56 Juniper seed, dissemination of, by birds, Jacanidae, myology, 314 141 skeleton, 444 Jutland, Denmark, migrations, 300 Jacobson's organ, 256 Jynx see also lynx homologies of, 226 lamellar corpuscles, 331 Jafura, Arabia, fauna, 189 mandibular glands, 226 Jamaica, fauna, 186 stomach, 29, 30 habits, 235 tongue, 26 Janowitz region, Poland, fauna, 195 Japan, ecology, 126, 128 fauna, 191 hematozoa, 348 Kainogenesis, 145 iconography, 273 Kaiser Wilhelm Land, New Guinea, insect food, 213 fauna, 198 migrations, 298 Kamerun, Africa, ecology, 126 natural history, 321 Kangra Distr., India, fauna, 191 taxonomy, 473 Kansas, breeding habits, 239 Japanese long-tailed fowls, 162, 224, 377 ecology, 127, 134 molt, 310 economic ornithology, 141 Japanese silky fowl, pigments of, 103 fauna, 183 Jasper Park, British Columbia, fauna, migrations, 298 180 natural history, 321 Java, ecology, 129, 130 Kansas City region, fauna, 184 economic ornithology, 137 habits, 235 fauna, 197 Kansu prov. China, fauna, 190 food, 208 Kara-Kum Desert, Turkestan, fauna, natural history, 321 190 stomach contents, 211 Karyosomes, 115 Java Sea Isle., fauna, 197 in germinal disc, 418 Jaw mechanism, 255 Kashmir, India, fauna, 191 Jehol, China, fauna, 190 Keam Canyon, Arizona, fauna, 181 taxonomy, 473 Kent, England, ecology, 128 Jemtland Prov., Sweden, fauna, 195 fauna, 193 Jerusalem, fauna, 192 Kentucky, feeding habits, 249 Jhang Distr., India, fauna, 191 Kenya, Africa, fauna, 177, 178 Jhelum Distr., India, fauna, 191 Keratinization, of epithelium, in tissue Jidda, Arabia, fauna, 189 culture, 507 Joints see also articulations, Kerguelin Isl., breeding habits, 240 coracoscapular angle, 405 fauna, 174 elbow, 283 taxonomy, 470 lamellar corpuscles in capsule, 331 Kermadec Isls., fauna, 198 tumors of, 368 Kerr Co., Texas, fauna, 185 Juan Fernandez Isls., Pacific Ocean, Kerville, Texas, fauna, 185 fauna, 174, 188 Kidney, 66, 511-513 Jugoslavia, fauna, 194 congenital absence, 498 migrations, 301 development of, 512 Junco, albinism, 98 in tissue culture, 507 banding, 45 forced feeding effects, 336 courtship, 57 grafts of, 154, 229, 477 distribution, 120 pathology of, 352 Kidney BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 100

Kidney Continued food, 209 weights of, 408 general work, 215 effects of experimental nutrition, grit in gizzard, 31 336 habits, 237 Kiev Prov., fauna, 195 feeding, 249 Killing instinct, 51 heart, effects of high altitudes on, 22, Kirghiz Steppe, fauna, 190 261 446 Knee, on weight, 408 Kohat, fauna, 191 measurements 405 Kola 194 of, Peninsula, fauna, hybrids, 263, 265, 266 195 Kolguev Isl., fauna, intestinal glands, 226 191 Korea, fauna, migrations, 302 273 iconography, molt, 309 Kotzebue Sound 179 Region, fauna, of claws, 277, 311 Kumaon, India, 191 fauna, mortality, 311 Kuril Isls., fauna, 191 parasitology, 346 Kurram, fauna, 191 protozoa of, 348 Kwangsi, fauna, 190 pathology, 350, 351, 358 sequence of, plumages, 381 skeleton, 443 Lagopus albus, hybrids, 265, 266 Labrador, banding recovery, 46 Lagopus lagopus, hybrids, 265, 267 conservation, 111 Lagopus lapponicus, hybrids, 265 ecology, 126 Lagopus mutus, fossil bones of, 344 fauna, 180 hybrids, 266 habits, 234 molt of rectrices, 310 migrations, 297 sequence of plumages, 381 taxonomy, 471 Lagopus scoticus, anatomy, 36 Labyrinth, of ear, 122-123, 459 body temperature, 482 destruction of, technic for, 479 coccidiosis in, 358 extirpation of, 80, 257, 325 color pattern, 109 ossification of, 341 ectoparasites, 346 reflexes with lesions of, 409 erythrism, 101 tracheal, 431 food, 206, 209 Lacrimal apparatus, 170 grit starvation, 118, 337 glands of, 226 grouse disease, 361 Lacteals, 90 hybrids, 265, 266, 267 Lactic acid, in embryo, 145 iconography, 273 formation of, 66 physiology, 371 in egg, 68, 69 pterylosis, 381 in muscle tissue, 63, 319 reproductive system, 508 Lactose, 63 sequence of plumages, 379, 381 in poultry feed, 395 variation in color, 515 utilization of in nutrition, 336 weights, 406 worm 371 Ladak, India, fauna, 191 infections, Lagena see Cochlea Lagopus urogallus, hybrids, 265, 266 Lagopodes, taxonomy, 475 Laguayra, Venezuela, fauna, 189 191 Lagopus, air sacs, physiology of, 428 Lahul, India, fauna, anatomy, 36 Lake associations, 130-131 behavior, 47 Lake Burford, New Mexico, fauna, 184 blood, 71 habits, 235 breeding in captivity, 43 Lake Cayuga, freezing as cause of ceca, 33 death, 312 coccidiosis in, 358 Lake Crescent, Wash., ecology, 131 color, abnormal, 95 Lake Erie, ecology, 131 albinism, 98 migrations, 297 erythrism, 101 Lake Geneva, Switzerland, fauna, 196 changes in, 105, 106 Lake Michigan, ecology, 131 concealing, 108 Lake Nyasa region, ecology, 339 conservation, 111 Lake Owen, Wisconsin, fauna, 186 ecology, 125 Lake Umbagog region, fauna, 183 101 FINDING INDEX Lampornis

Lampornis, brain, 76 orientation, experimental studies of, corpus striaturn, 82 340 telencephalon, 81 spermatozoa, 419 Lampornis magna, cerebral cortex, 81 Lanius cristatus, "formenkreis" theory, Lamprocolius, change in color, 106 478 Lampronessa, sex reversal, 437 migrations, 302 Lampronessa sponsa, habits, 237 Lanius dichrourus, hybrids, 266 natural history, 322 Lanius erythronotus, food, 210 sequence of plumages, 381 Lanius ludovicianus voice, 463 change in color, 105 Lancaster, Pa., fauna, 185 food, 210 Langerhans, islets of, 345 molt, 309 Langkawi Isl., Siam, fauna, 192 pterylosis, 378 Language, 53 sequence of plumages, 381 Laniidae, food, 210 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, bone skeleton, 444 fractures, 21 Lanius, abnormal coloration, 95 skeleton, 444 albinism, 98 Lanius minor, sequence of plumages, basal metabolism, 374 381 in 43 breeding captivity, Lanius senator, hybrids, 266 109 color pattern, Lapland, ecology, 128 evolution of, 161 fauna, 194 57 courtship, La Plata River region, South America, digestion, 116 fauna, 188 125 ecology, life histories, 280 160 evolution, Laridae, banding, 45 feet, 281 47 285 behavior, flight, body 483 237 temperature, habits, conservation, 112 250 feeding, distribution, 119 impaling instinct, 51, 250 gradual molt, 310 52 intelligence, life histories, 280 juvenal plumage, 383 migrations, 297 life 280 histories, molt, 309, 310 migrations, 300, 302 nest robbing, 251 309 molt, nocturnal habits, 253 311 mortality, opening mollusk shells, 252 natural 322 history, position of feet in cold weather, 253 of 421 physiology reproduction, relation to wind, of flight, 290 of 417 polarity egg, sequence of plumages, 381 401 quantitative study, stomach, 28, 29 of 381 sequence plumages, vertebrae, number of, 454 speciation, 466 Larus, air sacs, of, 428 293 physiology spleen, albinism, 98 stomach, 29, 30 24 478 alimentary canal, taxonomy, 475, anatomy, 35 teratology, double 488 eggs, articulations, diarthrodial, 446 in 489 egg egg, banding, 45 territorialism, 461 beak, color of, 93 510, 514 variation, behavior, 48, 59 velocity of flight, 290 50 463 sexual, voice, body temperature, 483 Lanius 210 borealis, food, brain tract lesions, 80 Lanius collurio, albinism, 98 breeding in captivity, 248 egg color, 93 bursa Fabricii, 91, 92 variation in, 93, 515 cannibalism, 250 erythrism, 100 castration, effects on migrations, 305 food, 210 chondro cranium, 456 habits in captivity, 247 color, change in, 105 hybrids, 266 of feet, 95 melanism, 101 courtship, 57 Larus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 102

Larus Continued spastic paralysis, 364 eating, corn, 212, 252 sternum, 452 starfish, 213 taste, 469 economic relations, 139 taxonomy, based on foot color, 476 embryology, 145 teratology, 485, 495 early 147, 149, 150 cross beak, 494 eye, color changes, 169 skeletal anomalies, 497 iris reactions, 315 variation, 514 muscles of, development of, 315 in color, 476, 515 worm parasites in, 349 in eggs, 515 eyelids, histology of, 168 veins, 89 family units, 133 vertebrae, development of, 453, 454 flight, 285 voice, 463 illustrations of, 289 Larus argentatus, banding, 45, 46 mechanics of, 288, 289, 290 behavior, 47, 48, 49 muscles of, 316 communal relationships, 49, 133, 248 relation to wind, 290 crop contents, 212 food, 206, 210, 213 fighting, 49 furcula, 451 flight, 285 habits, diving, 248, 291 mechanics of, 288 feeding, 139, 250, 251 food, 210 roosting, 239 habits, 141, 237 hatching, 423 breeding, 241 head, development of, 254 feeding, 250 heart, development of, 259 nocturnal, 253 effects of high altitude on, 261 hearing, 257 hybrids, 263 hybrids, 266 hypophysis, 269, 270 killing instinct, 51 insect food, 139, 213 life history, 280 instinct, 51 longevity, 291, 292 limb bones, 449 migrations, 297, 302 measurements, 402 molt, 309 melanism, 101 mortality of young birds, 49, 51, 313 migrations, 297, 304, 305 parasitology, 346 molt, 309 population, 385 natural history, 322 reactions to wind, 49 nervous system, 323 sequence of plumages, 381 cranial nerves, 327 social relations, 49, 460 fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis, tameness, 50 78 taste, 469 obturator nerves, 330 temperature, effects of, 484 ooporphyrin, 70, 414 territorialism, 49, 461 osmotic pressure, of blood, 71 vision, 517 of body fluids, 375 voice, 463 opening mollusk shells, 252 Larus atricilla, molt, 309 pancreas, development of, 345 Larus canus, anomalies, albinism, 98 pathology, 350 of spinal cord, 490 pectoral girdle, 451 banding, 45 perching, 308 eating frogs, 212 pineal eye, homplogy of, 157 molt, 309 position of feet in flight, 282 pectoral girdle, 451 postural reflexes, 409 measurements of, 405 proyentriculus, 30 Larus delawarensis, incubating habits, pupillary reflexes, 170, 409 243 respiration, in tissues, 425 Larus dominicanus, mechanics of flight, rodent destruction, 143 288 salivary glands, 227 Larus franklinii, breeding habits, 241 scavenger service, 143 Larus fuscus, communal nesting, 248 sequence of plumages, 381 hybrids, 266 skeletal muscle, innervation of, 332 metamerism in head, 152, 255 social relations, 460 migrations, 302 somites of head, 152 Larus glaucescens, bandng, 45 103 FINDING INDEX Larus glaucus

Larus glaucus, hybrids, 266 iconography, 273 Larus hyperboreus, breeding habits, 241 tameness of birds, 50 Larus leucophaeus, albinism, 98 Lead, poisoning by, 313, 364 Larus leucopterus, hybrids, 266 Learning, 53-54 plumages, sequence of, 381 to sing, 54, 466 Larus marinus, albinism, 98 Lecithin, action on nervous system, 67, Larus melanocephalus, change in color, 71, 323 105 Leech Lake region, Minnesota, fauna, feathers, 198 183 molt, 309 Leeward Isls., fauna, 186, 197 Larus minutus, color, change in, 105 habits, 236 of feet, 95 taxonomy, 472 sequence of plumages, 381 Legs, 281 Larus pipixcan, distribution, 119 ligaments of, 446 habits, 237 ppsition in flight, 288 Larus ridibundus, abnormal eggs, 488 tendons of, 318 banding, 45, 46 Leg feathering, 225 behavior, effected by weather, 59 heredity of, 223 development of head muscles, 315 Leg weakness, 353, 397, 398 eating cherries, 214 effects of sunlight, 398 eye, color of, 94 nutrition factor, 336 muscles of, 315 Legislation, for conservation, 113 food, 210, 212 Leipoa, body temperature, 483 insect food, 251 incubation period, 244 habits, 237 sequence of plumages, 380 male sex hormone effects, on color of Leipoa ocellata rosinae, breeding habits, beak, 109, 256 241 on 442 plumage, 110, 384, Lemnos Isl., Turkey, fauna, 192 mesoderm, 149 Lena R., Mouth region, Siberia, fauna, molt, 309 192 of 310 remiges, Lens of eye, 170 natural 322 history, anomalies of, 494 parietal eye anlage, 157, changes in accommodation, 518 pectoral girdle, 451 116 measurements 405 cytology, of, fixing methods, 480 sequence of plumages, 381 in embryo, 491 sex of 432 inyagination late broods, mitochondria, 116 social 460 relations, sensitized fowl serum, 274 unusual food, 212 Lepidoptera, as food for birds, 251 variation in eggs, 515 Leprosy, relation to tuberculosis, 366 Laryngotracheitis, 353 air sacs, 428 effect on egg production, 393 Leptoptilus, altitude of 286 Larynx, 429 flight, articulations, action of, 446 muscles of, 315 of foot, 447 reduction of, 161 cloaca, 91 Las Vigas, Mexico, fauna, 187 organs, 511 Lassen Peak region, ecolgy, 127, 131 copulatory contents, 211 fauna, 182 crop flight, 285 Lateral line system, vestigial, 158, 254, 323 posture in, 288 210 hyoid apparatus, 457 Lathamus, food, 353 skeleton, 444 pathology, tarsal bones, 450 Latitude, as distribution factor, 173 effects, on resistance to cold, 484 Leptoptilus crumeniferus, gular pouch, 25 on song impulse, 465 314 Latium, Italy, ecology, 131 Leptosoma, myology, Latvia, fauna, 194 Leptosoma discolor, anatomy, 35, 39 Laying of eggs, 423 feathers, 198 polarity during, 417 powder-down feathers, 203 Laysan Isl., ecology, 129, 130 pterylosis, 378 fauna, 196 skeleton, 444 habits, 236 syrinx, 468 Leptosoma discolor BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 104

Leptosoma discolor Continued of oviduct, 510 taxonomy, 475 of wing, 283, 446 tongue, 26 Ligamentum denticulatum, 294 in wild Lesions, accidental, birds, 354 Ligamentum pectinatum, 169 effects on embryo, 154-155 Light, artificial, 372 experimental, of amnion, 151 electric, acceleration of breeding of brain, 285, 343, 409, 424, 426, period, 421 483 continuous, 372 of ear 409 labyrinth, 319, effects on egg production, 393 of visual 518 apparatus, 439, 517, on gonads, 509 in 351 ceca, on increase in spermatogenesis, of egg envelopes, 423, 492 421 of 352 trophic, extremities, on migrations, 305 366 tubercular, on retinal action current, 167 318 vestibular, on testes, 501 Lesser 157 peritoneal cavity, use in viewing nests in tree cavities. Lestris, body temperature, 483 479 227 salivary glands, polarized light, in study of egg shells. Letter 143 carrying, 414, 480 379 Leucolepis thoracicus, ptilosis, sensitivity of eye to, 167 382 Leucophaeus, eclipse plumage, sunlight, effects, with comb and wattles Leucosarcia, sternum, 452 removed, 439 Leucosticte, sequence of plumages, 381 on embryo, 146 weed seed as 142 food, on feathers, 199 Leucosticte be- tephrocotis littoralis, on fecundity, 205, 398 47 havior, on growth, 232 237 habits, of comb and wattles, 279 241 breeding, on migrations, 305 244 incubation period, on plumage, 382 life 280 history, on pupillary reflexes, 167 302 migrations, on retina, 172 seasonal in 107 changes color, on structure of neurons, 167 social 460 relations, ultraviolet, effects on nutrition, 335 463 voice, transmission of, 390 variation 466 in, use, in poultry culture, 398 winter 214 food, for prevention of rachitis, 363, Leucosticte t. tephrocotis, breeding hab- 364 241 its, for viewing eggs, 414 ecology, 125 312 361 Light-houses, mortality from, 21, Leukemia, use in observations of 72 migrations, 294, Leukocytes, 304 cytology of, 115 Light periodicity, 133 acidophil granules, 65, 115 relations to reproduction, 421 development of, 75 observations 294 (parasites), 348, 370 Light ships, at, Leukocytozoa influence on Leukosis, 355 Light towers, migrations, 306 Liberia, ecology, 126 fauna, 176 Ligurinus, beak, anomalies of, 493 Lice (parasites), 347 eggs, measurements of, 404 Life Histories, 279 weights of, 407 methods, of recording, 482 hybrids, 264 of study, 294 testes, histology of, 501 Life period, 311 weather, effects of, on altitude of Life zones, 120 flight, 286 Ligaments, 446 xanthochroism, 101 adipose tissue in, 110 Ligurinus chloris, breeding habits, 241 elastic, of neck, 446 hybrids, 264 of ear, 122, 257 incubation period, 244 fat in cells of, 115 spermatogenesis, 420 lamellar corpuscles in, 331 Lihir Isls. Group, East Indies, fauna, of feathers, 203 198 of leg, 446 Lilac seeds, as food for birds, 214 105 FINDING INDEX Limb bud>

Limb buds, experimental extirpation of, Liver, 283-284 155 color of, 93 grafts of, 154, 228, 229 cytology of, 115, 116 growth in tissue culture, 506 effects, of castration on, 85 Limb muscles, taxonomic considera- of extirpation on metabolism, 374 tion, 318 of feeding on plumage, 107, 377 Limberneck, 361 of forced feeding on, 336 Limbs. 281-283, 429 of hypophysis on, 270 anomalies of, 495 of testis on, 500 blood vessels of, 87, 89 embryonic, in tissue culture, 507 bones of, 449-451 glycogen production, 501 correlations, 401 grafts of, 229 development of, 157 hemapoiesis in, 75 evolution of, 162 hypertrophy of, 352 measurements of bones, 405 infection with Salmonella pullorum, muscles of, 317, 318 356 pathology of, 352-353 iron content of, 63 quantitative studies, 401 measurements of cells, 405 supernumary, 496 of chickens fed on scorbutic diets, 521 variation in, 514 parasitic protozoa in, 348 Limicolae, intestine, 32 pathology, 352 life histories, 280 sarcoma of, due to trichosomes, 369 molt, 309 phagocytosis of old red blood cor- myology, 314 puscles in, 73, 276 nestling plumage, 383 physiology of, 284 sequence of plumages, 381 relation to persistent right ovary, 343 skeleton, 444 reticular connective tissue of, 111 Liming methods, 296 sex differences in weights, 439 Limnocryptes gallinula, syrinx, 468 silicic acid content of, 63 Limosa, extension of migration, 302 tissue culture of, 114, 506 teeth, embryonic, 25 tuberculosis of, 367 winter plumage, retained in summer, uric acid formation in, 64 383 variation in weight of, 517 Limosa haemastica, motility of upper weights of, 408 mandible, 256 correlation with body weight, 401 Limosa melanura, albinism, 98 on diet deficient in starch, 336 Linaria, innervation of heart, 333 yellow, 352 effects of weather on altitude of Liver cells, measurements of, 405 flight, 286 in tissue culture, 506 Linota, development of ear, 121 Lobipes, food, 210 ossification of skull, 341 Locoism, congenital, 355 sequence of plumages, 381 Locomotion, 284-291 skull, 455, 456 mechanics of flight, 286-290 vocal instinct, 52 organs of, evolution of, 162 Linota cannabina, abnormal coloration, reflexes, 409 95 use of claws on wings, 278 hybrids, 264 Locustella naevia, albinism, 98 uropygeal gland, histology of, 228 Locusts, as food for birds, 140, 213 secretion of, 227 Lomblen Isl., Malaysia, fauna, 197 Lipemia, 355 Lomvia, ear, 101 Lipoa ocellata, mound building, 245 position of in skull, 459 Lipochrome pigments, 103-104 Longevity, 291-292 Lipoids, in egg yolk, 419 correlation with constitutional fitness, in interstitial cells, 500 292, 401 metabolism of, 374 of spermatozoa, 421 Liquid egg preparations, 388 Longipennes, habits, 234 Lithium salts, effect on embryo, 67, 153, life histories, 280 154 Long Island, N. Y., fauna, 184 Lithuania, fauna, 195 habits, 235 migrations, 301 migrations, 298 taxonomy, 473 Longtailed fowl, Japanese, 162, 224, 377 variation, 516 molt, 310 Lonicera tartarica BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 106

Lonicera tartarica (plant), intoxication Loxia, albinism, 98 from eating berries of, 67 beak, dimorphism of, 214 Lophoceros, breeding habits, 241 muscles of, 315 structure 255 Lophophanes, variation, 514 of, teratology of, 494 Lophophanes bicolor, albinism, 98 brain weights in saline solutions, 407 Lophophanes cristatus, hybrids, 266, 267 change in color, 105 47 Lophophorus, behavior, cochlea, 123 57 courtship, ecology, 125 58 dancing, food, 210 57 Lophorina superba, courtship, gizzard lining, 31 dancing, 58 habits, 237 Lophorina superba, smooth muscle, in breeding, 241 integument, 319 feeding, 22, 250 Lophortyx, accidental poisoning, 113 insectivorous, 139, 213 albinism, 98 histology, 38 chasing a weasel, 49 migrations, 299, 301, 303, 304 conservation, 112 nuptial plumage, 383 ecology, 125 oxidase reaction of blood, 71 economic relations, 135 pied varieties, 93 epidemics, 360 pigmentation, changes in, 103 habits, 237 pterylosis, 378 hybrids, 264, 266 pupillary reflexes, 170, 409 incubation period, 244 reproduction, 411 life histories, 280 in immature plumage, 411 population, 385 sequence of plumages, 381 Lophortyx californica (us), acclimatiza- sex reversal, 437 tion, 41 tumor of coccyx, 368 economic relations, 135 uropygeal gland, 228 food, 210 variation in weight of brain, 517 habits, 237 vision, experimental studies, 518 hybrids, 264, 265, 266 Loxia bifasciata, migrations, 303 life history, 280 Loxia coccothraustes, anatomy, 37 mortality from strychnine, 313 feather structure, 201 Lophortyx gambeli, hybrids, 266 skeleton, 444 Lord Howe Isl., Polynesia, fauna, 198 Loxia curvirostra, albinism, 98 iconography, 273 breeding habits, 241 Loriidae, iconography, 273 sequence of plumages, 381 Loriinae, general work, 215 Loxia leucoptera, migrations, 304 taxonomy, 474 Loyalty Isl., Melanesia, fauna, 197 Lorius, hybrids, 267 Lubang Isl., Philipines, fauna, 197 spinal nerves, 329 Lucknow, India, fauna, 191 Lorius flavopalliatus, measurements, 402 Lullula, effects of weather on altitude' skeleton, 447 of flight, 286 Lorius ruber, flight muscles, 316 Lumbidan Prov., Borneo, fauna, 197 Los Coronados Isls., Mexico, fauna, 187 Luminosity, 308 molt, 309 Luminous papillae, of mouth, 256 Loud sounds, effect on embryo, 155 Lunda, metatarsal bones, 450 Louisiana, conservation, 111 Lungs, 429-430, 452 ecology, 127 air sac connections, 428 economic ornithology, 137 correlation with flight power, 402 fauna, 183 development of, 147 habits, 235 effects of temperature on lung breeding, 239 diverticulum, 147, 484 migrations, 298 fungus infections of, 348, 370 Lower California, Mexico, ecology, 128 gas exchange in, 426 fauna, 187 injection technic, 480 molt, 309 innervation of, 333 taxonomy, 472 measurements of respiratory surface,. Lower Pilcomayo, Argentina, fauna, 188 405 Lower Suwanee River region, Florida, mite parasites in, 347 fauna, 182 pathology of, 354 107 FINDING INDEX Lungs

Lungs Continued Lyrurus tetrix, abnormal molt, 310 phagocytosis of old red blood cor- albinism, 98 puscles, 276 ceca, 33 soot, inhalation of, 426 hen feathering of male, 377 taxonomic value, 477 hybrids, 266, 267, 268 weights, 408 intersexuality, 435 Luring intruders from nest, 242 intestine, 32 Luscinia, migrations, 302 pathology of ovary, 353 spleen, 293 sex reversal, 437, 438 voice, inheritance of, 224 variation, geographic, 516 origin of, 464 in plumage color, 515 Luscinia vera, albinism, 98 Luteal cells, 500, 509 M color association, 101 effects, on plumage, 378 Macao, China, fauna, 190 on sex dimorphism, 434 Macedonia, fauna, 196 in testes of hen feathered cock, 437 life histories, 280 mitochondria of, 116 migrations, 301 Luxemburg, ecology, 128 molt, 309 Luzon Isl., Phillipines, fauna, 197 sequence of plumages, 380 Lymph, 75 variation, 516 of internal ear, 122 Machaeramphus, pectoral girdle, 451 Lymph hearts, 91 syrinx, 468 Lymph nodes, 292 Machetes, variation in plumage color, in bursa Fabricii, 92 515 leukopoiesis in, 75 Machetes pugnax, breeding habits, 241 of ceca, 33 plumage, 376 of ear, 121 sequence of plumages, 381 scrofula in, 364 sexual selection, 164, 442 Lymph nodules, aggregated, 292 Mackenzie R. Valley, migrations, 297 esophogeal, 28 Mackinac Isl., ecology, 127, 131 intestinal, 292 fauna, 183 Lymphatic system, 90-91, 156 Macrochires, nerve canals in humerus, demonstration technic, 480 450 of allantois, 151 wings, anatomy of, 282 of crop, 166 Macrodactylus (insect), poisonous to of ear, 90, 121, 122 birds, 365 of eye, 166 Macrodipteryx, migrations, 297 Lymphocytes, amoeboid movements of, Macrodipteryx macrodipterus, primary in thymus gland, 502 feathers, enormously elongated, 203, in resistance to tumors, 367 377 role, in grafting, 228 Macroglossus, development of lens, 170 in tuberculosis, 366 Macrophages, 110, 276 110 293 Lympho-granulopoiesis, in spleen, Lymphoid organs and tissue, 292-293 in tissue culture, 506 hemapoiesis in, 75 Macroplankton, effects on distribution in bursa Fabricii, 92 of birds, 129 in 345 pancreas, Macropterygidae, plantar tendons, 318 373 irradiation of, taxonomy, based on anatomy, 477 Lyrurus, early embryology, 147 Macropteryx, leg tendons, 318 blood vessels of head appendages, 87, limb tendons 317 278 muscles, of, 210 comb, 278 Macrorhamphus, food, Macula 173 communal nesting, 248 lutea, female plumage acquired by male, 437 Maculae acusticae, 124 flight, determination of velocity, 290 Madagascar, fauna, 179 food, 210 food, 206 hybrids, 263, 265, 266 general work, 216 intersexuality, 435 habits, 234 molt of claws, 277, 311 iconography, 271 pectoral girdle, 451 migrations, 297 reproduction, 411 natural history, 321 Madagascar BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 108

Madagascar Continued Mammals, as food for birds, 213 taxonomy, 471 innoculation with avian tuberculosis, vernacular names, 478 367 Madder, feeding effect, on egg color, 414 migration comparison, 303 as bone stain, 447 Mammalian blood injections, 72 Madeira Isl., fauna, 176 Mammalian tissue, grafts of, 228 Magdalen Isls., Canada, fauna, 180 Man, see also Diseases of Man habits, 234 dove tick as parasite of, 347 Magdeburg Prov., Germany, fauna, 194 eggs of infected birds as menace to Magdelena R. region, Colombia, fauna, man, 356 188 susceptibility to avian diphtheria, 360 Magnesium carbonate, effect on de- Mancalla, humerus, 450 velopment of skeleton, 448 Mancalla californiensis (fossil species), in poultry feed, 395 344 Magnesium chloride, effect on embryo, Manchukuo see Manchuria 154 Manchuria, fauna, 189 Magnesium salt solution, effect on iconography, 273 embryo, 153 Mandible, 458 Magnetism, effect on sterile eggs, 417 articulations of, 447 in embryo, 146 bosses on, 457 Maine, economic ornithology, 137 development of, 255 fauna, 183 ossification of, 341 food, 206 Mandibular glands, 226 habits, 235 Mandibular pouch, 255 iconography, 272 Manganese, 63 migrations, 298, 304 in blood, 65 natural history, 321 Manitoba, ecology, 126 Maize, digestion of, 117 fauna, 180 as food for birds, 337, 520 habits, 234 Majorca Isl., Mediterranean Sea, fauna, migrations, 297 196 Mannheim, migrations, 300 117 Malaga, Spain, fauna, 195 Mannpgalactanes, digestion of, Manoilov reaction 479 Malagasy, Africa, fauna, 179 test, 39 vernacular names, 478 Manometer, use of, Manucodia, esophagus, 27 Malaria, 118, 275, 361 140 furcula, 451-452 prevention of, 429 129 larynx, Malay Archipelago, ecology, sternum, 452 taxonomy, 473 trachea, 431 Peninsula, 189, 191, 192 Malay fauna, loops of, 432 273 iconography, Marcus Isl., Micronesia, fauna, 198 473 taxonomy, food, 207 Malaysia, fauna, 197 Mareca, hybrids, 268 Mallophaga (parasites), 347 Mareca americana, hybrids, 266 phylogenetic significance, 163 Mareca penelope, albinism, 98 Mallorca Isl., Mediterranean Sea, banding, 45 fauna, 196 eclipse plumage, 382 Malnutrition, 336 food, 210 effects on feathers, 202 habits, 237 hybrids, 266 Malpelo Isl., Middle America, fauna, 187 taxonomy, 472 mimicry, 54 sex reversal, 437 Malpositions, of embryos, 490 Margarita Isl., Venezuela, fauna, 189 Malta Isl., Mediterranean Sea, fauna, 472 196 taxonomy, Marila, abnormal coloration, 95 migrations, 306 food, 210 309 Malurus, molt, Mariposa, pupillary reflexes, 409 of 381 sequence plumages, Marital relations, 58, 246, 247 Malurus gouldi, molt, 309 Marketing of poultry products, 398 Malurus superbus, sequence of plum- Marne Dist., France, fauna, 193 ages, 381 Marquesas Isls., Pacific Ocean, ecology, Mamie Lake, Wise., fauna, 186 130 109 FINDING INDEX Marshes

Marshes, ecology, 131 Medullary cords, of ovary, homology Maryland, breeding habits, 239 with seminiferous tubules, 500 ecology, 127 Megacephalon, pterylosis, 378 economic ornithology, 137 Megacephalon maleo, myology, 314 fauna, 183 skeleton, 444 migrations, 298 syrinx, 468 see Maryland farm, feeding habits, 249 Megaceryle, Ceryle 249 population, 384 Megaceryle alcyon, feeding habits, food, 209 Mashonaland, Africa, taxonomy, 471 210 111 Megalaema, food, Massachusetts, conservation, 237 131 habits, ecology, 127, 456 economic 141 skull, ornithology, 137, hab- 183 Megalaema marshallorum, breeding fauna, 241 235 its, habits, muscle 319 272 Megalornis, leg mechanics, iconography, 47 306 Megalornis grus, behavior, migrations, 298, in 106 385 change color, population, communities, 133 taxonomy, 471 plumage stain, 96 Mast 110 cells, Megapodidae, alimentary canal, 24 Mating, 247 anatomy, 36 outside of species, 59 circulatory system, 86 388 preferential, habits, 237 song period, 466 breeding, 239, 241, 243 Matto Grosso, Brazil, ecology, 128 mound building, 245 fauna, 188 myology, 314 taxonomy, 472 natural history, 322 Maturation, of egg, 416 pterylosis, 378 Maturity, age of, 281 respiratory organs, 427 sexual, 270, 434 skeleton, 444 egg production correlations, 392, measurements of, 404 393 Megapodius, embryology, 144 Mauritius Isl., avifauna, 174 feathers, development of, 200, extinction of species, 165 nestling down, development of, 202 fauna, 174 structure of, 201 May Isl., Scotland, fauna, 193 growth rate of foot, 233 Measurements, 402-406 leg muscles, 317 of blood pH, 480 mound building, 245 of embryonic respiration, 427 pterylosis, 378 of eye ball, 165 Megascops, change in color, 106 of red blood corpuscles, 73 dichromatism, 108 of skull, 457 economic relations, 135 of spleen, 293, 405 evolution of plumage, 162 of sternum, 452 hyoid apparatus, 457 of tissue variation in breeding season, Megascops asio, habits, 237 500 Megascops flammeolus, habits, 237 Measuring apparatus and methods, 40, Megaspheres, in germinal disc, 115, 418 294 in yolk, 63, 69, 419 Mechanics, of foot, 282 Melampitta, syrinx, 468 of wings, 283 Melanerpes, acorn storing, 51 Meckel's cartilage, 458 communal relationships, 133 ossification of, 157, 341 cross beak, 494 Meckel's diverticulum (Diverticulum damage to oranges, 139 ilei), 33 drumming with beak, 248 lymphoid tissue in, 293 economic relations, 139 Medical use, of birds, 320 hole drilling, 238 of eggs, 412 insect food, 213, 251 Medieval and classical literature, 261, unusual food, 212 389 Melanerpes erythrocephalus, eating, Mediterranean Sea region, fauna, 196 grasshoppers, 251 migrations, 301, 306 shelled corn, 253 Medulla oblongata, 85 young ducks, 252 Melanerpes erythroceph. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BlRDS 110

Melanerpes erythrocephalus Continued despotism, 461 feeding habits, 250 digestion, 116 migrations, 304 domestication of, 43, 225 Melanerpes formicivora, storing, acorns, ear, 121 252 glands of, 226 almonds, 252 labyrinth of, 123 Melanerpes torquatus, anatomy, 37 muscle of, 121 378 pterylpsis, early egg production, 392 Melanesia, fauna, 197 ecology, 125 taxonomy, 474 economic relations, 135 Melanin pigment, 104-105 see also embryo, biochemistry of, 70, 145 under Pigments physiology of, 152 of climate 163 effects, on, erectile tissue, in fleshy head ap- 86 of ovariotomy, pendages, 278 163 Melanism, 101, experimental, culture, 386 in 93 eggs, hybridization, 219 Melanitta, larynx, 429 race 269 468 formation, syrinx, 165 taxonomy, 475 eye, anatomy of, 166 trachea, 431 muscles of, 171, 315 variation, 514 fertilization 148 Melanocorypha, albinism, 98 interval, filum 324 melanism, 101 terminale, muscles, 316 Melanonyx segetum, hybrids, 264 flight fluids in lumen of 199 Melanophores, 104, 105 quills, 457 Melanoptila, rib anomaly, 498 fontanelles, food, 210 Meleagridae, nerve foramina in skull, 459 ganglion, ciliary, 334 328 skeleton, 444 geniculate, genetics, 218 albumen, of, 413 Meleagris, weight 408, 118 anal muscles, 316 gizzard action, 31, 231 anatomy, 36 growth, rate 233 artificial incubation, 399 of, 243 blood, chemistry of, 64, 65 habits, incubating, 139 red corpuscles of, 73 insectivorous, 148 blood vessels of head appendages, 278 hatchability of eggs, 254 brain, 76 head, anatomy of, crest 202 breathing rate, 426 feathers, bursa Fabricii, 91 hearing, 257 cardiac muscle, 258, 318 heart, ganglia of, 258 care of, 387 physiology of, 259 castration, 435 hemolymph nodes, 292 effects of, 48, 440 hybrids, 265, 266 on reproductive instinct, 52 hypophysis, 269 on secondary sex characters, 86, histology of, 270 440 innervation, of air sacs, 333 caudal muscles, 316 of eye, 169, 333 cecum digestion, 33, 117 of eye lids, 167 cerebro-spinal ganglia, 326 of feather muscle, 202, 319 chromosomes, 115 interarticular cartilage, 447 ciliary muscle, 168 iris, 169 of 325 167 coccygeal vestiges spinal cord, innervation of, colon bacilli infections, 370 muscle of, 169 comb, 278 lamellar corpuscles in mouth region, combustion in respiration, 426 331 conchae, 256 leg muscles, 317 copulation, 148 lymph hearts, 91 position of hen in, 242 lymph nodes, 33, 292 courtship, 57 lymphatic system, 90 cranial nerves, 327, 328, 329 lymphoid tissue, in auricular folds, canals and foramina for, 327 293 crop, 27 meninges, 293 Ill FINDING INDEX Meleagris

MekagrisContinued intestine passing through sternum, metabolism, 373 498 of embryo, 155 sternopagia, 486 natural history, 320, 322 supernumary limbs, 496 nerves, cranial, 327, 328 thymus gland, change in, with age, olfactory organs, 338 501 oogenesis, rate changes, 416, 421, 422 variation, in feather structure, 514 oviduct, histology of, 510 in skull, 514 oxidase reaction of blood, 71 veins of suprarenal glands, 467 parasites, 346, 348, 349 vision, 517 pathology, 350, 351, 364 voice, 463 abligated ceca, 351 weights, 406 anthrax, 355 of various structures, 406 apoplectiform septicemia, 365 of yolk, 408 bird 357 pox, Meleagris gallopavo, habits, 237 coccidiosis, 358, 359 hybrids, 266 gout, 64, 361 incubation by male, 59 363 rachitis, instinct, 51 swollen head, 355 Meleagris ocellate, habits, 237 483 tuberculosis, 366, taxonomy, 475 inoculation with mammalian tu- 210 367 Meliphagidae, food, berculosis, spermatozoa, resemblance to typhus, 370 spirachaetes, 420 periorbital fascia, 165, 171 variation in pleura, 430 Melizophilus, plumage color, 515 plumage, inheritance of, 221 Mellum 181 pneumaticity, of skeleton, 448 Isl., Greenland, fauna, blood of skull, 459 Melopelia, parasites of, 348 463 proctodeum, 159 voice, remiges, 203 Melopelia asiatica, economic relations, reproduction, 411 135 respiration, of embryo, 155, 426 feeding habits, 250 in tissues, 425 Melopstittacus, beak, anomalies of, 493 retina, red oil globules in, 172 development of, 255 reversion to wild state, 126 mesodermal papillae of, 255 Roentgen ray studies of ossification, corpus geniculatum, 82 341 commissure of Gudden, 76 saccus endolymphaticus, 123 embryology, 144, 147 sex, 432, 433 egg tooth, 150 effects on blood temperature, 483 feathers, development of, 200 relation to utilization of food, 394 form perception, 517 sexual behavior, 56 glands of tongue, 227 shaft and quill, development of, 200 heredity of color, 221 shell, weight of, 408 limb bones, 449 skull, 455, 458 liver, development of, 284 extra bones, 457 measurements of embryos, 403 smell, 460 natural history, 322 social relations, 460 optic nerves and tracts, 83 122 spinal cord, nuclei of, 325 paratypanic organ, sinus rhomboidalis, 326 sexual behavior, 56 spleen, 293 sexual selection, 164, 442 sternum, 452 stomach, 28, 30 suprarenal glands, capsule of, 467 suprarenal glands, 467 surface tension of serum, 74 teeth, in embryo, 25 sympathetic nervous system, 333 tongue muscles, development of,^316> syrinx, 468 tracts of brain, 78 temperature, factor in hatchability, variation, in color, 515 r 389 Melopsittacus undulatus, albinism, 98 in tuberculosis, 366, 483 color association, 53, 519 teratology, 486 color vision, 518 egg in egg, 489 incubation period, 244 of embryos, 490 number of eggs in clutch, 412 Melopsittacus undulatus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BlRDS 112

Melopsittacus undulatus Continued Menura superba, hybrids, 265 pedunculated hydatids, 510 Mercury, effects on embryo, 153 yellow pigment, absence of, 100 Merganser, sequence of plumages, 381 Melospiza, banding, 45 Merganser senator, edibility of flesh, 142 evolution, 160 Mergellus albellus, hybrids, 264 experimental coloring of eggs, 56 Mergulus, myology, 314 feeding offspring, 243 nerve plexuses, 330 habits, 237 Mergus, albinism, 98 inheritance of song, 465 arrhenoidy, 437 , life histories, 280 care of young, 243 methods of study, 294 change in color, 106 migratory instinct, 51 courtship, 57 natural history, 322 habits, 237 song, development of, 465 hybrids, 266 undeveloped, 465 environmental effects, on color, 108 stomach contents, 212 on molt, 310 territorialism, 49, 462 environmental relations, 134 variation, geographic, 516 furcula, 452 weights of stomach contents, 406 locomotion on land, 290 Melospiza georgiana, albinism, 98 natural history, 322 Melospiza melodia, banding recoveries, pectoral girdle, 451 46 phylogeny of ovary, 342 breeding habits, 241 plumage, 376 ecology, 125 sequence of plumages, 381 migrations, 302 sternum, 452 recognition of eggs, 56 measurements of, 405 sexual behavior, 56 syrinx, 468 voice, recording of, 464 tongue muscles, 315 Melospiza melodia beata, mortality, 311 trachea, 431 population, 386 in hybrid, 268 reproduction of, 385 measurements of, 405 reproduction, 411 voice, 462, 463 sexual selection, 442 wing bones, development of, 450 Melville Isl., Australia fauna, 196 Mergus albeUus, hybrids, 264 Membrana tympanica secundaria, 123 tracheal labyrinth, 431 Membrane, of Bruch, 169 Mergus castor, trachea, 431 of Descemet, 168 Mergus merganser, hybrids, 263 interdigital, healing of wounds in, 371 sequence of plumages, 381 nictitating, 167, 171 Mergus serrator, breeding habits, 241 Membrane formation, in tissue culture, care in captivity, 41 506 communal nesting, 132, 248 Membranes, atlanto-occipitalis, 447 food, 210 embryonic, cytology, 115 habits, 237 of double embryos, 487 life history, 280 Membranous labyrinth, 123 migrations, 302 innervation of, 123 partial submergence in water, 291 Memory, 54 tracheal labyrinth, 431 heredity of, 220 Mermqt, Australia, fauna, 196 Mendelian inheritance, 268 Meropidae, habits, 234 variation in, 514 iconography, 273 Mendel's law, 223 taxonomy, 474 Meninges, 293-294 Merops, change in color, 106 pathology of, 352 feeding habits, 250 veins of, 89 migrations, 302 Meniscus, of mandibular articulation, Merula, abnormal coloration, 95 458 commensalism, 132 Mental attributes, 54 hybrids, 263, 267 Mental inferiority, of female sex, 53, 439 regurgitation of gizzard lining, 31 Menura (us), habits, 234, 237 skeleton, 444 breeding, 241 measurements of, 404, 445 plumage, 376 skull, 455 voice, 462 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 477 113 FINDING INDEX Merula atrigularis

Merula atrigularis, hybrids, 266 of carbohydrates, in avitamininosis, Merula boulboul, food, 210 362 Merula migratoria, breeding habits, 241 in embryo, 146 instinct, 51 influence of vitamin free diet, 519 of 62 Merula nigra, albinism, 98 creatine, of embyo, 155 Merula ruficollis, hybrids, 266 of minerals, 397 Mesenchyme, 110, 149 of muscle tissue, 319 in tissue culture, 507 of phosphorus, 63 Mesenteries, of alimentary canal, 24 of retina, 167 development of, 156 of tumors, 368 of heart, 259 rate significance in reproduction, 421 post caval, 90, 159 451 Mesites, 36 Metacarpal bones, anatomy, 327 down and definitive feather con- Metameres, 77, 152 tinuity, 200 Metamerism, of 76 powder-down feathers, 203 brain, of 254-255 pterylosis, 378 head, of 328 skeleton, 444 olfactory nerves, of 458 syrinx, 468 skull, 456, 457, taxonomy, 475 Metamorphosis, of beak, 255 Mesoderm, hemapoiesis in, 75 Metamephros, 512 Mesoenas, anatomy, 36 chorio-allantoic grafts of, 154 pterylosis, 378 Metaphan, as internal disinfectant, 371 skeleton, 444 Metaplasia, myeloid, 355 taxonomy of, 449, 477 Methoda, 294-296 syrinx, 468 banding, 46 Mesonephric duct, 512 biometrical, 398 experimental obstruction of, 152 chemical, 68 Mesonephros, 512 for attracting birds, 113 development of suprarenal glands for clearing albumen, 413 from, 467 for description of voice, 464 grafts of, 229, 512 for estimation, of distance of flight, Mesopotamia, ecology, 128 290 fauna, 191 of velocity of flight, 290 natural history, 321 for increasing fecundity, 204 Mesothelium, in tissue culture, 507 for indicating abundance or rarity, Mesovarium, smooth muscle of, 342 384 Metabolic gradient, 374 for measuring forces in flight, 288 Metabolic rate, significance in repro- for sex identification at autopsy, 295 duction, 421 for transmission of sunlight by glass variations in embryo as cause of substitutes, 448 anomalies, 490 for vital staining, 153 in economic 136 Metabolism, 61, 519 ornithology, in 398 change in, at ovulation, 424 poultry culture, reaction 374 effects, of castration, 85 Manoilpv test, 402 of extirpation of liver, 284 measuring, of humidity, 374 quantitative, 401 in 478 of sex hormones, 440 taxonomy, 482 of temperature, 484 recording, 295, 477-478 of testes, 500 taxonomic, 482 of thyroid gland, 504 weighing, 486 of vitamines, 335, 520 Metopagus, in fever, 374 Metopia peposaca, hybrids, 266 in inanition, 374 Mendelian heredity, 223 in vitamin deficiency, 520 Mexico, ecology, 128 measurements of, 402 fauna, 187, 491 of calcium-phosphorus, 521 habits, 235 influence, of cereals and vitamins, molt, 309 395 taxonomy, 472 of irradiated ergosterol, 521 Mice, as food for birds, 213 of vitamin A, 520 Michalaski, Alaska, fauna, 179 Michigan BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 114

Michigan, ecology, 127, 131 of war, 306 fauna, 183 orientation, 340 food, 206 velocity of flight, 40, 289-290 migrations, 298, 304, 307 Migration (s), 296-308 Micranous worcesteri. breeding habits, as check to variation, 514 241 effects of wind, 290 Micrastur, taxonomy, 475 habits of, correlation with age, 401 Microcarbo, body temperature, 483 evolution of, 161 food, 210 impulse, effects of female sex hormone measurements, 402 on, 441 weights, 406 molt in, 311 Micrococcus (bacteria), infection with, nocturnal, 304-305 370 relation, to interstitial cells, 500 Microeca, sequence of plumages, 381 to outer primary feathers, 203 Microfilaria (parasites), 349 to periodism in reproduction, 424 Microglossa alecto, nasal chambers, 256 to plumage, 382 skeleton, 444 to population, 384 Microglossus, stomach, 28 to spermatogenesis, 420 Micrognathia, 494 return to same territory, 462 Micronesia, fauna, 198 sex differences in, 307, 439 Microphthalmia, 494 significance in weather forecasting, Micropodi, eating bees, 213 322 Microppdidae, claws on wings, 277 singing on, 59, 254, 466 deltoid muscle, 317 study methods, 294 migrations, 299 velocity of, 290, 307 pterylosis, 378 Miliaria, abnormal feathers, 199, 376 tongue, 26 Miliaria calandra, anomaly in plumage, Micropodiformes, pterylosis, 378 497 Micropterus, skeleton, 444 variation in feather structure, 514 stomach, 28 Military use, of carrier (homing) Mic opterus cinereus, respiratory or- pigeons, 143, 340 gans, 427 Milk, as food for poultry, 395 Micropus, altitude of flight, 286 Millinery trade, 43, 112, 376 lungs, development of, 430 Milos Isl., Turkey, fauna, 192 Micropus apus, banding recoveries, 46 Milvus, double eggs, 488 breeding habits, 241 eye, anatomy of, 166 copulation, 58, 422 physiology of, 166 food, 210 flight, 285 incubation period^ 244 Milvus govinda, breeding habits, 241 migrations, 302, 305, 306 Mimicry, 23, 133, 250 Micropus melanoleucus, habits, 237 in coloration, 108 plumage, 376 in eggs, 93, 339, 412 Micropus melba, anatomy of wings, 282 evolution of, 161 Microscelis leucocephalus, dichromatism, of voice, 253 108 Miminae, skeleton, 444 Microtarsus melanocephalus, absence of Mimus, banding, 45 yellow pigment, 100, 104 behavior, 47 Microzymas, in eggs, 415 breeding habits, 241 Middle America, ecology, 128 digestion, 117 fauna, 187 ecology, 125 general works, 217 effects of changes in temperature, 466 habits, 235 food, 210 iconography, 272 incubation period, 244 Mallophaga (parasites), 347 mocking, 465 migrations, 298 nocturnal singing, 253 natural history, 321 seed dissemination, 140 taxonomy, 472 singing habits, 253, 466 Midway Isl., fauna, 197 territorialism, 462 Migrating birds, altitude of flight, 40, voice, 463, 466 286, 303 Minus carolinensis, mocking, 54 effects, of castration, 85 Mimus polyglottos, distribution changes, of temperature, 484 120, 174 115 FINDING INDEX Mimus polyglottos

Mimus polyglottos Continued Mold infections, 370 effects of temperature on singing, Molluscum contagiesum, 360 254,484 Mollusks, as food for birds, 212, 213-214 Mindanao, Philippine Isls., fauna, 197 shell opening, 252 Mindoro Isl., Philippine Isls., fauna, Molothrus, albinism, 98 197 economic relations, 134, 135 Minerals, availability for ossification, food, 210 341 habits, 234, 237-238 metabolism of, 374 incubation period, 244 requirements, for growth, 232, 336 instinct, 50, 52 in poultry food, 396 learning, 53 Minerva (fossil species), 344 parasitic breeding habits, 246, 247 Mingan Isls., Quebec, habits, 234 host species, 247 Minnesolta, ecology, 127 oviposition, 247 economic ornithology, 137, 141 sex, 432 fauna, 183 skeleton, 444 general work, 216 skull, 455 iconography, 272 social parasitism, 461 migrations, 298 territorialism, 461 taxonomy, 471 Molothrus bonariensis, parasitic breed- Minorca Isl., Mediterranean Sea, fauna, ing habits, 246 196 Molpastes, albinism, 98 Mirror, use in viewing nests in tree incubation period, 244 cavities, 479 Molt, 134, 200, 309-311, 400 Mississippi, breeding habits, 239 cystine requirements, 337 ecology, 127 effects, of carnivorous diet, 395 fauna, 183 of thyroid gland, 504 migrations, 298 on blood chemistry, 65 Mississippi Valley, migrations, 297 on egg production, 393 Missouri, conservation, 111 on endogenous nitrogen, 63 ecology, 127 on migration, 303 fauna, 183 induction of, 378 migrations, 298 of claws, 277 Missouri Valley, migrations, 297 of flight feathers, 310 Mistletoe, dissemination of, by birds, of remiges with loss of flight, 288 134, 141 precocious, induction of by thyroid Mites (parasites), 347 extract, 505 Mitochondria, 116 Molucca Isls., Melanesia, fauna, 197 in epidermal fibrillae of beak, 255 taxonomy, 474 in oogonesis, 416 Momotidae, racket feather formation, in spermatogenesis, 420 204 in tissue culture, 506 syrinx, 468 of ganglion cells, with beriberi, 326, taxonomy, 475 362 Momotus, racket feather formation, 204 of lens, 170 skeleton, 444 vital staining of, 481 taxonomy, 475 role in yolk development, 419 Mona Isl., West Indies, fauna, 186 Mitogenetic rays, effects on embryo, 146 Monachiis, anomalies of beak, 493 Mitosis, 77, 114 Monakow's bundle, 78 carbon dioxide relation, 69, 156 Monasa, skeleton, 444 in tissue culture, 506 vertebrae, number of, 454 irradiation, susceptibility to, 373 Monastir Prov., Turkey, fauna, 196 number in of, proliferating epidermis. Monedula, lymphoid tissue in bursa 401 Fabricii, 293 x-rays, effects 146 of, Mongolia, fauna, 191 Mniotiltidae, migrations, 302 iconography, 273 Mocking, 54, 239, 253 Mongrel poultry, improvement, 219 Models, embryonic, 40, 147, 480 Manias, skeleton, 444 Of flying bird, 40, 288 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 477 of red blood corpuscles, 40, 73 Monkeys, immunity to avian tubercu- Modoc Co., California, fauna, 182 losis, 276 Monoamino acids BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 116

Monoamino acids, content, in feathers, Mosquito larvae, as food for birds, 140 66, 199 Mosquitoes feeding on birds, 133 in eggs, 70 transmission of bird pox by, 357 Monoamino diphosphatides, of eggs, 70 Motacilla, albinism, 98 Monocephalus, 487 allantois, 151 Monogamy, 247, 411 color change, 105 Monosomus, 486 courtship, 57 Monsters, double, 485-487 see also embryology, 144 Teratology isabellism, 100 experimental production of, 491 migrations, 299, 307 triple, experimental production of, molt, 309 492 nestling down feathers, 202 Montana, ecology, 127 nestlings, pterylosis of, 379 economic ornithology, 141 pathology, 350 fauna, 184 bird pox, 357 Montane Prov., Africa, fauna, 177 sequence of plumages, 381 Montenegro, fauna, 193 yolk sac, exclusion of, 423 Montrose Co., Colo., fauna, 182 Motacilla alba, "formenkreis" theory, Monuments, 308 478 mortality from, 312 hybrids, 266 Moods, 53 migrations, 302 Moon, use of in studying flight at night, variation, geographic, 516 290 Motacilla boarula, albinism, 98 Moral behavior, 54-55 Motacilla cinerea melanope, migrations, Moray Basin, fauna, 193 302 Moris, see also Sula, Motacilla flava, hybrids, 266 fossil species, 344 Motacilla lugubris, display, 58 Moris bassana see also Sula bassana Motacilla melanocephala, hybrids, 266 absence of nostrils, 257 Motacilla yarrelli, courtship, 57 adaptation to flight, 288 display, 58 conservation of, 111 hybrids, 266 distribution of, 119 migrations, 302 respiratory organs, 427, 428 Moths, as food for birds, 140, 213, 251 vision, 517 Motor end plates, 330 voice, 464 Moulds, in egg collections, 339 Mormon, body temperature, 483 Mound building, 245 myology, 314 in captivity, 248 nerve plexuses, 330 Mount Dulit Dist., Borneo, fauna, 197 skeleton, 444 Mount Mansfield, Vt., fauna, 185 Mormonidae, molt of beak covering, 311 Mount McKinley National Park, fauna, Morocco, fauna, 176 181, Morpheus daggetti, fossil species, 344 Mount Rainier National Park, ecology, Morphine, 351 127 effect on embryos, 67, 492 fauna, 181, 185 Morphine hydrochlorate, effects on Mount Robson, Brit., Col., fauna, 180 embryo, 154 Mount Sanhedrin, Calif., fauna, 182 Motor vehicles, as cause of population Mount Shasta, Calif., ecology, 121 decrease, 385 fauna, 182 Mortality, 311-313 Mountain Co., Va., ecology, 127 age as factor in fowls, 387 Mouth, 24-25, 256 during incubation, 243 buccal pouch, 25 from bacillary white diarrhea, 356 glands of, 226 from cutting vagus nerve, 329 innervation of, 332 from poisoning, 364-365 pathology of, 352 in artificial incubation, 399 Mouth parts, ornamentation of, 108, in coccidiosis, 358 256 of embryos, 152, 400 tactile corpuscles of, 331 of abnormal embryos, 490 Moving picture methods see cine- of poultry, 400 matography significance of in initial weight of Mucoid cysts, 368 poultry, 397 Mucor in air sacs, 428 ticks, as cause, 347 Mulberries, as food for birds, 214 117 FINDING INDEX Mullcrian ducts

Mullerian ducts, 510 of Breschet, 121 relation to pronephros, 512 of ear, 121 Miinster Prov., Germany, fauna, 194 of eye, 167, 168 Mullerornis (fossil species) 344 of feathers, 169, 202 Mummies of birds, 176, 308, 345 cortical center for, 82 Munia, color change in, 105 innervation of, 333 development of feathers, 200 of flight, 289, 316-317 hybrids, 267 of jaw, evolution of, 161 melanin pigment, development of, of oblique septum, 430 104, 105 of respiratory organs, 427 Munia flaviprymna, variation, 514 influence of vagus nerves, 329 Muonio River, Sweden, fauna, 195 of skin, relation to pterylosis, 379 Murman coast, Lapland, fauna, 194 of syrinx, 316, 469 Muscicapa, albinism, 98 of tongue, 315-316, 458 abnormal eggs, 488 of wings, 283, 316-317 cytology of germinal disc, 418 pectoral, correlations, with flight food, 210 power, 402 heart ganglia, 258, 333 with wing area, 289 hybrids, 263 with weight, 402 oogenesis, 416 effects of vestibular lesions, 124 ovum, 115 heart embedded in, 499 plumage, arrangement of, 377 weights, 407 variation, 514 taxonomic value, 477 Muscicapa fusca, banding recoveries, 46 temporal, ossification of attachments, Muscicapidae, allantois, 151 458 amnion, 151 Museum methods, 480 food, 210 Musical analyses of voice, 464 insect food, 213 Musical scale, use in recording song, 482 of British Isles, 193 Musk, effects on embryo, 153 skeleton, 444 Musket Isl., Mass., ecology, 129, 130 Muscle tissue, catalase content of, 62 fauna, 183 chemistry of, 64 Muskoka, Ontario fauna, 180 hemoglobin content, 62, 65 Musophagidae, iconography, 273 measurements of fibers, 404 os infraorbitale, 458 varieties of, 318-319 plumage, 376 cardiac, 258, 259, 260, 318 change in color of, 107 cytology of, 114, 318 skeleton, 444 myofibrillae, in tissue culture, taxonomy, 475 506 Mustard seed, as poison, 364 effects of temperature, 484 Mutation, 163-164, 220, 478 skeletal (striated), 318 Mycosis, of lungs, 354 autonomic innervation of, 332 Mycteria, skeleton, 444 effects of temperature, 319 tuberculosis, 366 in eye, 168 Mycteria americana, food, 310 metabolism of, 319 Myelination, 324 regeneration of, 410 Myialges anchora (parasite), 347 specific gravity of, 406 Myiarchus, food, 210 spindles, 410 injury to, 21 smooth, 318-319 sexual behavior, 56 in air sacs, tissue culture of, 506 Myiarchus crinitus, behavior, 47 in crop, 27, 355 snake exuviae in nests, 245 in dilator pupillae, 319 Myiochanes, twilight song, 466 in gizzard, 31, 319 variation, in song, 516 in mesovarium, 342 voice, musical analysis, 464 in ovary, 342 Myiochanes wrens, voice, 463 in tissue culture, 506 Myoblasts, cytology of, 116 of feathers, 201, 202, 319, 333 Myocarditis, 351 Muscles see also Myology Myofibrillae, 318 anomalies of, 496 development of, 259 esophageal, 28 in tissue culture, 506 growth of, 231 Myology, 313-319 see also Muscle in hyperdactylia, 495 Mythology, 320 Mytilus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 118

Mytilus, as food for birds, 251 habits, 234 Myxedema infantilis, 355 honey eating, 250 measurements of skeleton, 404* iconography, 273 Myxosarcoma, 369 plumage, 376 grafts of, 228 pollination of flowers, 250 taxonomy, 474, 475 N tongue, 26 Neighing, 464 361 Nagana, Nelson Prov., New Zealand, fauna, 198 Nanism, 492 Nematoda (parasites), 349 Nannus, albinism, 98 in eggs, 416 Nannus hiemalis, nocturnal singing, 253 in nictitating membrane, 352 Nanodes discolor, hyoid apparatus, 457 Neognathae, cubital feathers, 203 Nanopterum horrisi, habits in captivity, 247 hand bones, 451 458 skeleton, 444 palate, 168 Naples dist., fauna, 194 Neophron, ciliary muscle, 285 Narcotics, effects on embryo, 153 flight, Nasal chambers, 256 Neossoptyles, 202 glands of, 226 Nephoecetes niger borealis, gregarious- innervation of, 332 ness, 461 Nasal region, 256 habits, 238 Nashville, Tenn., fauna, 185 migrations, 302 Nasiterna, anatomy, 37 secondary sex characters, 439 taxonomic anatomy, 39 Nerve (s) abducent, 327 Nasolacrimal duct, 226, 256 accessory, 327 Natal Colony, fauna, 178 acusticus, 123, 327 National Park, Switzerland, ecology, reflex eye movements following 128 stimulation of, 409 National Parks, U. S., 113 thermal stimulation of, 124, 166 ecology, 127 canals for, in humerus, 450 fauna, 181 chorda tympani, 327 Natuna Isls., Malaysia, fauna, 197 ciliary, 333 taxonomy, 474 cranial, 323, 327-329 Natural History, 320-322 nuclei of, 78-79 Natural selection, 164 development of, 79, 152 Naturalization, 174 evolution of, 162 Nautilornis (fossil species), 344 effects of cutting, on Grandry's cor- Navarre, Spain, fauna, 195 puscles, 331 Navigation, sea bird use in, 143 facial, 327 Nayarit, Mexico, fauna, 187 distribution in ear, 123 Nearctica, economic relations, 136 hypoglossal, 328 feeding habits, 249 inferior laryngeal, 329 adaptation in, 23 function, in breathing, 426 Nebraska, ecology, 127, 131 in physiology of larynx, 429 economic ornithology, 137, 141 intercostal, 330 fauna, 184 experimental cutting of, 426 feeding habits, 249 olfactory, 328 food, 206, 208 effects of cutting, 338 migrations, 298 optic, 169, 172, 328 paleontology, 344 epithelial vestiges in, 172 Neck, absence of feathers, 514 reflexes after transsection of, 409 posture in locomotion, 289 of pelvic region, 330 Neck mechanism, relation to habits, regeneration of, 410 239, 429 spinal, 329-330 Neck region, development of, 157, 158 relation to vertebrae, 454 Necrosis, 362 splanchnic, action of pilocarpine on, of comb, 279 67 of foot, 353 components, 332 Nectar, as food for birds, 214 vagus, 260, 329, 513 Nectariniidae, effects of confinement on atropine, effect of, 329 color, 106 experimental cutting, 117, 351, 426 119 FINDING INDEX Nerve (s)

Nerye(s) Continued unusual, 246 influence on metabolism, 374 variation in, 516 respiratory function, 426 weaving, in captivity, 245, 248 variation in, 514 Nestling birds, accidents to, 21 vestibular, 327 concealing coloration of, 108 Nerve cells, see also neurons food, 208 cytology of, 115 in Europe, taxonomic characters, 476 Nerve endings, 330-332 natural history, 320 of taste, 469 Nestling down see also under feathers, trigeminal, in nasal chambers, 338 202 Nerve fibers, pupillary, experimental color of, 94 lesions of, 518 development of, 202 in tissue culture, 507 Nestor, anomalies of beak, 493 Nerve foramina, 459 tongue, 26 Nerve plexuses, 330 Nestor meridionalis, hyoid apparatus, Nervous impulse, 324 457 Nervous System, 322-334 Nestor notabilis, economic relations, anomalies of, 497 134, 135 in embryos, 490 habits, 238 autonomic (sympathetic), 167, 168, feeding, 250 202, 331, 332-334 sheep killing, 138, 212, 252 effects of drugs, 67 evolution of, 161 evoluton of, 162 Mallophaga (parasites) of, 347 in chorio-allantoic grafts, 154 natural history, 322 of embryonic intestine in tissue skeleton, 444 culture, 507 Netherlands, fauna, 195 of trachea, 432 general work, 217 relation to suprarenal glands, 468 habits, 236 role claimed in spastic paralysis, iconography, 273 364 oology, 338 splanchnic components, 332 plumage, 375 158 central, development of, Netta, gonad grafts, 229 effects of 357 cholera, lamellar corpuscles in uropygeal lesion^ 124 of, gland, 331 life with brain and cord re- upper secondary sex characters changes, 86, moved, 372 439 351 pathology of, Netta rufina, hybrids, 266 effects on temperature, of, develop- Mendelian heredity, 223 ment 147 of, Nettapus, locomotion on land, 290 Nervous in tissue 507 tissue, culture, Netting methods, 296 Nest boxes, 113 Nettion, hybrids, 268 Nest building instinct, 223 Nettion carolinense, hybrids, 264 Nests, artificial, 113, 242 supernumary wings, 497 color association, 102 construction 245-246 Nettion creca, migrations, 306 of, 323 domed, 245 Neural crests, 158, dummy, 245 Neural tube, 158, 323 229 edible, 142 grafts of, 154 chemical composition, 60 chorio-allantoic of, 154 evolution of, 161 growth of, mitosis 114 fauna, of, 132 in, 150 parasitic, 132, 346, 347 primitive knot, 490 in sheep fleece, 308 teratology, 487 luminous, 308 doubling, 492 multiple, 245 experimental anomalies, as cause of anoma- old, 246 modifications, 485 robbing of, 251 lies, 492 sanitation of, 245 multiple, central 490 singing on, 254 multiple canals, 105 sites of, 246 vestige, size of, 245 Neurenteric canal, 158 transfer of, 245 persistent portion, 490 Neuritis BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 120

Neuritis, 364 New Mexico, artificial incubation, 399 multiple, 362-363 ecology, 127, 130 Neurobiotaxis, 79 fauna, 184 Neuroblasts, 158 food, 206 cytology of, 115, 325 habits, 235 differentiation of, 154 taxonomy, 471 Neuroepithelium, vestibular, 124 New Pomerania Isl., Melanesia, tax- Neurofibrillae, 324 onomy, 474 in retina, 172 New Providence Isl., Bahama Isls., Neuroglia tissue, 77, 323 fauna, 186 Neurohumors, 372 New South Wales, fauna, 196 Neurolymphomatosis, 355 food, 207 Neuron theory, 330 habits, 236 Neurons, 323 iconography, 273 cytology of, 115 insectivorous birds, 140 degeneration and regeneration of axis stomach contents, 211 cylinders in tissue culture, 507 Newark marshes, fauna, 184 development of, 158 New York, ecology, 127, 131 histogenesis of, 329 economic ornithology, 137 preganglionic, 334 fauna, 184 retinal, 172 food, 206 of spinal cord, 329 habits, 235 Neuropore, 158 iconography, 272 Neurotoxin, 313 migrations, 298 Neutrophil leukocytes, 72 voice, 463 Neu-Vorpommern, Germany, fauna, 194 New Zealand, conservation. 112 Nevada, ecology, 127 ecology, 129, 130 fauna, 184 economic ornithology, 137 New Britain, fauna, 198 extinction of species, 165 New Brunswick, fauna, 180 fauna, 198 migrations, 297 habits, 236 New Caledonia, fauna, 197 iconography, 273 taxonomy, 474 introduced species, 120 New England, economic ornithology, life histories, 236 136, 137 natural history, 321 fauna, 181 paleontology, 344 food, 206 taxonomy, 474 general works, 216 Niagara Falls, mortality from, 312 migrations, 297 Nicaragua, fauna, 187 natural history, 321 Nicotine, effects on embryo, 153, 154 population, 385 tolerance to, 67, 232 Newfoundland, fauna, 180 Nictitating glands, 226-227 habits, 234 Nictitating membrane, 171 taxonomy, 471 nematode worm infestation, 352 New Guinea, fauna, 198 Nigeria, fauna, 176, 177 iconography, 273 oology, 339 food, 208 taxonomy, 471 sequence of plumages, 380 Nisagtus pennatus, sexual variation in taxonomy, 474 plumage, 383 New Hampshire, insectivorous birds, Nissan Isl., Melanesia, fauna, 198 140 Nissl bodies, 115, 323 New Hanover, fauna, 198 Nisus, development of skull, 456 New Hebrides, fauna, 197 ossification of, 341 taxonomy, 474 Nitrogen, 63, 64, 67, 69 New Jersey, cretaceous fossil birds, 344 availability of, 337 ecology, 127, 130, 131 excretion in embryo, 71, 145 economic ornithology, 137 expiration of, 426 fauna, 184 in excrement, 164 habits, 235 metabolism of, 61, 375 migrations, 298, 306 Nitrogenous food, for poultry, 336, 395 population changes on coast, 385 Nitrous acid, effect on vitamin B, 520 taxonomy, 471 Noctua, posterior epithelium of iris, 169 121 FINDING INDEX Nocturnal birds

Nocturnal birds, color vision, 519 Norway, 262 pupillary reflexes, 167, 409 fauna, 195 vision compared with diurnal birds, food, 207 517 speciation, 466 Nocturnal flying, 253, 285 Nostrils, 257 Nocturnal habits, 253 absence of, 257, 427 Nocturnal migrating birds, 304, 305 Nothamn, Finland, fauna, 193 voice of, 462 Nothocrax, air sacs, 428 Nocturnal singing, 253, 466 tracheal loops, 432 Nocturnal soaring, 253 Nothoprocta perdicaria, breeding in Nodular taeniasis, 362 captivity, 43, 248 Nodules, in skin, 354 Nothura, myology, 314 Nomenclature, of color, 93 Nothura maculosa, food, 210 of plumages, 382 skeleton, 444 of topographic anatomy, 38 Notochord, 159 Norfolk Isl., fauna, 198 teratology of, 490 iconography, 273 Notornis, alimentary canal, 24 North America, banding, 44-45 fossil species, 344 breeding habits, 239 intestine, 32 check lists, 476 larynx, 429 conservation, 111-112 skeleton, 444 distribution, 119, 120 skull, development of, 456 ecology, 126, 130 structure of, 456 economic ornithology, 136-137 sternum, 452 extinction of species, 165 syrinx, 468 fauna, 179-187 taxonomy, 475 food, 206-207 Nova Friburgo, Brazil, fauna, 188 general works, 216 Nova Scotia, fauna, 180 geographic origin of birds, 161 migrations, 297 habits, 234-235 Nova Zembla, fauna, 175, 180, 195 feeding, 249 Noxious , 112, 134, 143 iconography, 271, 272 Noxious birds, 137-139 insectivorous birds, 140 Noxious insects, as food for poultry, 395 introduced species, 120 Nubia, habits, 234 life histories, 280 Nucifraga, alimentary canal, 24 Mallophaga (parasites), 347 connective tissue of foot, 111, 282 migrations, 297, 304, 306, 307 food, 210 natural history, 321 heart, 257 oology, 339 hybrids, 263 plumage, 376 migrations, 300, 302 sequence of plumages, 380 pericardium, 258 stomach contents, 211 Nucifraga caryocatactes, buccal pouch, taxonomy, 471-472 25 of song birds, 475 migrations, 302, 304 variation, 514, 516 Nuclear changes in fertilization, 147 voice, 462-463 Nuclease, influence on spermatozoa, 62, North Atlantic Ocean, food, 207 Nuclei, of brain, 78-79 325 habits, 236 of spinal cord, North Carolina, fauna, 184 Nuclei acid, 60 food, 207 Nucleoprotein formation, 60 general work, 216 Nucleus of Balbiani, 418 habits, 235 Numenius, banding, 45 iconography, 272 chondroid bodies, 111 migrations, 298 conchae, 256 North Dakota, ecology, 127 embryonic teeth, 25 fauna, 184 excrescence on beak, 493 North Pacific Ocean, ecology, 129 flight, visibility at high altitudes, 286 North Queensland, fauna, 196 foot, ligaments of, 446 food, 208 mechanics of, 282 habits, 236 tendons of, 318 410 North Sea, migrations, 299 regurgitatipn of gizzard lining, 31, migrations, 306 ricin in quills, 66, 199 Numenius BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 122

Numenius Continued of feathers, 199 skull, 455, 457 of pecten of eye, 335 evolution of, 162 Nyasaland, Africa, fauna, 177, 178 Numenius arquatus, albinism, 98 habits, 234 anomalies of beak, 493 breeding, 239 migrations, 302 taxonomy, 471 Numenius longirostris, skeleton, 444 Nyctale, asymmetry of skull, 214 Numida, aftershaft, 204 Nyctea, breeding in captivity, 43 anatomy, 36 migrations, 297, 302 atavism, 218 Nyctea nyctea, cyclic variation in blood vessels, of eye, 168 population, 385 of head appendages, 87, 278 economic relations, 135 of spinal cord, 87, 324 food, 210 color pattern, 109 migrations, 304 development of, 200 winter population, 120 evolution of, 161 Nyctea scandiaca, habits in captivity.. comb, 278 247 embryo, chemistry of, 70 Nycthemerus argentatus, hybrids, 266 physiology of, 152 Nyctiardea, breeding habits, 241 metabolism of, 155, 374 Nyctibius jamaicensis, posture, 253 respiration of, 155, 426 Nycticorax, behavior, 47 feather growth, rate of, 201 diphtheria of intestines, 359 measurements of, 403 ecology, 125 furcula, 452 food, 210 hybrids, 263, 265, 266 in captivity, 208 experimental, 219 foot, muscles of, 318 testes of, 268 tendons of, 318 incubating habits, 243 functional ductus arteriosus, 258 mimicry in coloration, 109 migrations, 297 mutation, 163 parasites of, 346 nervous system, thoracic and ab- plumage, 376 dominal autonomic, 334 spleen, 293 oogenesis, rate changes, 416, 422 variation, geographic, 516 origin of, 225 Nycticorax naevius hoactli, color of skin, oviduct, histology of, 510 95 precipitation reactions, 218 communal relationships, 133 red blood corpuscles, 73 copulation, 58 sex chromosomes, 116, 434 courtship, 58 sexual selection, 442 food, 210 spermatogenesis, 420 growth, 231 sternum, 452 habits, 238 trachea, 431 breeding, 241 transitory excretory organs, 511 homosexuality, 432 trophic lesions of extremities, 352 incubation period, 244 Numida meleagris, early embryology, life histories, 280 147 measurements, 402 hybrids, 265, 266 migrations, 302 Numida ptilorhyncha, hybrids, 266 pecking order, 461 Nuptial feathers, 202, 439 powder-down feathers, 203 Nuptial flight, 59, 285 pterylosis, 378 Nuptial plumage, 383 secondary sex characters, 438 Nutrition, 334-338 see also Food and sequence of plumages, 381 Feeding Habits, sexual, recognition, 56 as factor in hatchability of eggs, 389 selection, 442 deficiency diseases, 362 social behavior, 49 effects, of castration on, 85 territorialism, 49, 462 on color of eggs, 93 voice, 463 of experimental feeding, 232, 335 Nyctinomus, wings, 282 of embryo, 152, 335 Nynee Tal, India, fauna, 191 faulty, 360 Nyroca, banding recoveries, 46 effects, on bone marrow, 75 color of iris, 169 on nestling down feathers, 383 courtship, 57 123 FINDING INDEX Nyroca

Nyroca Continued Odontoglossae, habits, 234 nestling plumage, 94, 383 life histories, 280 tracheal enlargements, 431 Odontophorinae, economic relations, Nyroca affinis, courtship, 57 135 melanism, 101 Odontornithes (fossil birds), brain, 344 Nyroca africana, sequence of plumages, Odor, of flesh, 308 381 Oedicnemus, arteries, 88 Nyroca americana, banding, 45 crouching habits, 238 Nyroca ferina, eclipse plumage, 382 embryonic pharyngeal operculum, eye color, 94 158 hybrids, 265 teeth, 25 Nyroca fuligula, incubation period, 244 transitory knobs on beak, 255 unusual nest sites, 246 Oedicnemus crepitans, habits, 238 Nyroca leucophthalmus, alimentary ca- Oedicnemus Oedicnemus, courtship, 57 nal, measurements of, 405 incubation period, 244 trachea, 431 smell, 460 loops of, 432 Oenanthe, albinism, 98 Nyroca marila, eclipse plumage, 382 care in captivity, 41 Nyroca nyroca, hybrids, 264 melanism, 163 Nyroca valisineria, banding, 45 Oenanthe leucopyga eagra, natural his- Nystagmus, 80, 82, 124, 167 tory, 322 Oenanthe opistholeuca, mutation, 163 O Ohio, conservation, 111 ecology, 127 Oak-borer, as food for birds, 140 economic ornithology, 137 Oberholseria, albinism, 98 fauna, 184 Oblique septum, 430 food, 207 muscles of, 316 habits, 235 Occipital condyle, 458 feeding, 249 region, 458 iconography, 272 style, 458 migrations, 298 Oceanic birds, ecology, 128, 129, 130, population, 384 133, 174 Oidemia, albinism, 98 flight, 285 courtship, 57 mechanics of, 287 habits, 238 gizzard contents, 212 heart, 257 habits, 236 knees, 446 breeding, 240 larynx, 429 life histories, 280 locomotion, 285 measurements of flight organs area, migrations, 297 404 molt, 309 of South America, 188 pericardium, 258 Oceanic currents, relation to migrations, sequence of plumages, 381 306 sexual behavior, 56 Oceanic Isls., taxonomy, 472 syrinx, 468 voice, 463 taxonomy, 475 431 Oceanica, economic ornithology, 137 trachea, 366 fauna, 196 tuberculosis, 514 food, 207 variation, in 105 habits, 236 Oidemia nigra, change color, 64 iconography, 273 Oil(s), on 376 migrations, 301 plumage, 199, from as cause of 312 natural history, 321 ships, death, taxonomy, 473 from stomach, 29-30, 64 Oil in retina, 172 Oceanodroma, skeleton, 444 globules, Okefinokee 131 Oceanodroma 463 Swamp, ecology, leucorhoa, voice, Oklahoma, 384 238 campus population, Ocydromus, habits, conservation, 112 265 hybrids, distribution, 120 life 280 Ocydromus auslralia, history, ecology, 127, 133 Ocydromus earli, hybrids, 266 economic ornithology, 137 Ocypterus, skeleton, 444 fauna, 184 Oklahoma BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 124

Oklahoma Continued inheritance of acquired characters, food, 207 163 habits, 235 life histories, 280 migrations, 298 muscles, of flight, 317 taxonomy, 471 odor of flesh, 308 Oland Isl. of Sweden, fauna, 195 Mallophaga (parasites), 347 Old eggs, of Chinese, 417 sternum, 452 Olfactory, lobes and bulbs, 82 syrinx, 468 Olfactory mucosa, nerve endings in, 330 taxonomy based, on anatomy, 39 Olfactory nerves, diameter of, 403 on skeleton, 477 Olfactory organs, 338, 490 vestigial wing claws, 163, 277 Olfactory sense-^-see Smell evolution of, 162 Olives, destruction of by birds, 139 voice, 463 Olor, mortality at Niagara Falls, 312 wing bones, 450 pectoral girdle, 451 Opisthocomus cristatus, anatomy, 36 trachea! coils in sternum, 432 egg shell structure, 414 Olor buccinator, conservation, 112 esophagus, 27 Olygyps, heart, 257 fourth finger, 451 pericardium, 258 habits, 238 Olympia Mts., Wash., fauna, 185 integument, 276 Omphalitis, 364 intestine, 32 Omphalocele, 86, 498 leg muscles, 317 Omphalocephalia, 495 myology, 314 experimental production, 492 pterylosis, 378 Omphalosite, 485 skeleton, 449 Oneida Lake region, ecology, 127, 131 development of, 444 habits, 235 ossification of, 340 migrations, 298 trachea, 431 Ontario, ecology, 126 variation in muscles, 318 economic ornithology, 137, 141 wing, anatomy of, 283 fauna, 180 Opodidymus, 486 general works, 216 Oporornis agilis, breeding habits, 241 habits, 234 voice, 463 breeding, 239 Optic chiasma, 328 Ontogenesis, 401 see also Embryology Optic lobes, 80, 83 chance in, 401 chemical stimulation of, 517 Oocytes, 416 degeneration of, 328 cytology, 116 Optic nerves, 80, 83, 169, 172, 173, 328 Oogenesis, 416 coloboma of papilla, 494 in hybrids, 268 measurements of, 403 hypophysis, effects of, 271 Optic tracts, 80, 83 rate changes, 416 Optic vesicles, accessory, 157, 494 Sjovall's method, 481 Oral cavity, 24-25 utilization of calcium, 61 Orange Free State, fauna, 178, 179 Oogonia, 416 Oranges, as food for birds, 212 cytology of, 116 Orbiculus ciliaris, 168 Oology, 338-339 Orbit of eye, 171 technic, preserving, 481 muscles of, 315 removing embryos, 479 Orbital region, 458 Ooporphyrin, 70, 94, 414 Orchard community, 133 Operculum, pharyngeal, in embryo, 158 Oregon, ecology, 127 Ophthalmoscopic observations of eye, economic ornithology, 137 166 fauna, 185 Opisthocomus, alimentary canal, 24 habits, 235 beak, 255 breeding, 239 behavior, 47 migrations, 298 195 claws on wings of nestlings, 162, 163, Orenburg Proy., Russia, fauna, 277, 278 Oreopelia, fossil species, 344 27 120 crop, Oreophasis derbianus, distribution, ecology, 125 fossil species, 344 habits, 238 natural history, 322 diving, 248, 291 voice, 463 FINDING INDEX Oreortyx

Oreortyx, food, 210 Osteology, see also Skeleton and Skull hybrids, 266 comparative, 447, 448 Oreortyx pictus, variation, sexual versus of wing, 450 geographic, 516 Ostinops decumanus, variation, 514 Oreoscoptcs, skeleton, 444 Ostrich feather industry, 42, 43, 143 measurements of, 404, 445 Ostrich farming, 42 Otis, 36 Oreoscoptes montanus, eating fruit, 139, anatomy, 252 cross beak, 494 58 economic relations, 139 display, economic 135 feeding habits, 250 relations, food, 210 Organ of Corti see Spiral organ foot, articulations of, 447 Organ forming substance, 149 gular pouch, 25 276 Organ specificity, 68, habits, 238 Orientation, 124, 303, 339-340 in captivity, 41, 247 in blastoderm, 149 late breeding, 242 in migrations, 303 measurements, 402 on nest, 242 molt, 309 terrestrial magnetism, relation to, 340 oral cavity, 25 Origin, of domestic fowl races, 161 salivary glands, 227 Orinoco River region, fauna, 189 smooth muscle, 318 habits, 235 sternum, measurements of, 405 taxonomy, 472 tarsal bones, 450 Oriolus, cranial nerves, 327 tongue, 26 eye, 165 trachea, 431 Otis tarda, 36 Orizaba, volcano of, humming birds, 120 anatomy, habits, 238 Ornithuric acid synthesis, 60 longevity, 292 Orphans, fed by other birds, 243 of legs, in 288 163 position flight, Orthogenesis, sex reversal, 437 Orthonyx, syrinx, 468 weight, as heaviest flying bird, 406 taxonomic anatomy, 39 Otoconia, 123, 124 Orthorhamphus magnirostris, skeleton, Otocoris, economic relations, 135 444 food, 210 Orlygospiza polyzona, mouth parts, 256 gregariousness, 461 color of, 95 incubation period, 244 Osmosis, in eggs, 68, 146, 375 velocity of flight, 290 Osmotic pressure, 375 Otocoris alpestris praticola, anomalies of effect on nutrition, 335 beak, 493 in culture media, 507 breeding habits, 241 of blood, 65, 74 Otocorys, albinism, 98 of eggs, 68, 412 Otocorys alpestris, food in captivity, 43 incubating, 146 Otogyps, flight, 285 of embryo, 70 Otoliths, 124 Ossicle(s), of antibrachium, 454 Otomela karelini, hybrids, 266 supraorbital, 458 Otus, albinism, 98 see also Megascops Ossification, 340-341 breeding habits, 241 centers in sternum, 452 ciliary body, 167 effects of hormones on, 160 color vision, 519 of ear bones, 157, 341 economic relations, 135, 137 of ligaments, 446 eye, anatomy of, 166 of mandible, 157, 458 extrinsic muscles of, 171 of Meckel's cartilage, 157 physiology of, 166, 167 of muscle attachments, 458 facial nerve, in ear, 123 of pericardium, 351 food, 210 of testis, 353 gizzard, 30 of trachea, 431 incubating habits, 243 precocious from thyroid extract, 504 life history, 280 sex differences, 439 lymphoid tissue, in bursa Fabricii, Ossifraga, air sacs, 428 293 Osteoarthritis, 354 proventriculus, 30 Osteochondrosarcoma, 369 pupillary reflexes, 167 Otis BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 126

Otis Continued medullary cords of, 500 retina, 172 one sided reduction of, 161 spinal ganglia, 326 pathology of, 353 vision, telescopic, 517 regeneration of, 410 Otus asio, death caused by automobiles, senility of, 342, 438 312 tumors of, 368 habits, 237, 238 weights of, 408 mortality from starvation, 313 Oviducal glands, 225 Otus asio kennicotti, economic relations, Oviduct, 509-510 135 anomalies of, 498 Otus asio naevius, brooding strange antiperistalsis of, 422 young, 59 chemistry of, 64, 66 dichromatism, 108 cyst, 353 Otus flammeolus, habits, 237 ectopic development of embryo in, Otus vulgaris, albinism, 98 156 vision, experimental studies of, 517 effects of atropine, 67 iris reflexes, 518 of hypophysis, 270 Oudh, India fauna, 191 of ligation, section or removal, 423 Ourax mitu, sterno-tracheal muscles, of placental hormone injection on, 315 441 trachea, 431 eggs retained abnormally, 353 Ourenteria, 490 elastic tissue of, 111 Ova, 412-419 see also Eggs innervation of, 333 cytology of, 115, 116 occlusion of, 353, 510 Ovarian acitivity, effects of suprarenal pathology of, 353, 356, 510 glands on, 468 persistence of right, 343, 510 Ovarian-egg membrane, permeability to physiology of, 423, 510 urotropin, 416 pigment formation in, 94 Ovarian extract, antagonism to thyroid, ruptures of, 353, 510 503 secretory activity of, 423 effects on plumage, 376 speed of spermatozoa in, 420 Ovarian follicles, atresia of, 413 viability of spermatozoa in, 421 Ovarian operations, effect on egg pro- Oviposition, 421 duction, 393 for parasitic birds, 247 Ovaries, asymmetry of, 214 Ovitegous habit, 243 509 teratology, two present, 498, Ovomucoid, in albumen, 413 86, 148, 230, 376, 435, 438, Ovariotomy, Ovoteste?, in sex reversal, 437 439 438 510 right, following ovariotomy, effects of, 343, 442, 424 on comb, 279 Ovulation, blood sugar increase 66 on plumage, 383 during, into body cavity, 353 with grafts of testis, 376 coincident with hypertrophy of su- on sex characters, 439 prarenal glands, 468 testis like gonads resulting, 500 function of thymus gland, 502 spermatogenesis, following, 343, inhibition of 270 438 by hypophysis, Ovulation relation to size of Ovary, 342-343 rate, 505 antagonism to thyroid gland, 105, 503 thyroid gland, in 62 atrophy of, 353, 438 Oxidases, crop glands, in condition in sex reversal, 437 reaction blood, 65, 71 degeneration of ova, 413 Oxidation, 60, 483 elastic tissue of, 111 heat production in, 427 ganglion cells in, 333 in egg, 68 grafts of, 229, 383, 435 of fat, 479 into capon, 439 regional rate in blastoderm, 149 into male, 229 Oxyechus vociferus, growth, 231 breeding habits, 241 hybrids, 269 courtship, 57 hypophysis, effects of, 270 eggs, arrangement in nest, 245 in hermaphroditism, 436 fecundity, 204 in sex reversal, 437 incubation period, 244 infection of, 353 voice, 463 127 FINDING INDEX Oxygen

Oxygen, consumption by embryo, 427 Palawan Isls, Pacific Ocean, ecology, deficiency of, in embryo, 156 129, 130 measurement of, in respiration, 425 fauna, 197 residual, in blood, 65 Palearctica, altitude in flight, 286 storage in air sacs, 291 distribution, 119, 120 for diving, 429 ecology, 125, 129 Oxygen exchange, in vitamin deficiency, fauna, 175 520 habits, 234 Oxygen pressure, experimental, re- iconography, 271 sistance to asphyxia, 425 insectivorous birds, 140 unusual survival in, 433 migrations, 296 Oxyhemoglobin, 65 oology, 339 dissociation in respiration, 73, 426 taxonomy, 470 Oxyruncus, anatomy, 37 velocity of flight, 289 Oyster shells, in poultry food, 336, 396 Paleogeography, significance of para- sites, 346 Paleognathae, see also Palaeognathae evolution of, 160 Pachycephala, sequence of plumages, hand bones, 451 381 ossification of skull, 341 Pacific coast, fauna, 179 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449 Pacific Isls., iconography, 273 Paleontology, 343-345 Pacific Ocean, ecology, 129, 130, 131 fossil feathers, 202 fauna, 174, 175 Pakornis, iconography, 273 Pacific States, fauna, 181 Palestine, ecology, 128 Pacinian corpuscles, measurements of, fauna, 192 404 habits, 236 Padua, fauna, 194 Palisades Interstate Pk., fauna, 184 Pagophila eburnea, natural history, 322 Pallium, 81, 82 Pain, 100, 320 Palpebral fissure, 169 voice in, 466 Palpebral ornaments, molt, 311 Paiute Indian names, 479 Paludicolae, habits, 234 Palaearctic region, taxonomy, 470 Pamir Mts., Turkestan, fauna, 190 Palaeochenoides (fossil genus), 344 Panama, ecology, 128 Palaeognathae, see also Paleognathae fauna, 187 copulatory organs, 511 food, 207 habits, incubating, 343 habits, 235 incubation period, 244 inconography, 272 male external genitalia, 510 taxonomy, 472 pterylosis, 378 Panama Canal Zone, fauna, 187 skeleton, epiphyses of, 448 Pancreas, 345-346 skull, development of, 456 amylolytic action-of, 60, 346 syrinx, 469 development, in tissue culture, 507 of ventral 514 Palaeoplaneus sternbergi (fossil species), pancreatic anlage, 344 effects on, of inanition, 338 229 Palamedea, anatomy, 34 grafts, 117 skeleton, 444 physiology of, 468 teratology, ventral anlage missing in syrinx, 490 taxonomy, 475 embryo, 408 based, on anatomy, 38, 476 weights, Pancreatic 345-346 on skeleton, 477 islets, Pandion, arrangement of toes, 282 Palamedea chavaria, taxonomy, 475 bursa Fabricii, 92 based on skeleton, 449 ear labyrinth, 123 Palamedea cornuta, habits, 238 449 on 279 fibula, spurs wings, interlocking emarginate primaries, Palamedeidae, taxonomy, 475 203 Palapteryx (fossil genus), 344 lymphoid tissue, 292 skull, 456 natural history, 320 Palate, 26, 254, 458 rotator tendons of foot, 281 bosses on, 457 skeleton, pneumaticity of, 448 color of, 93 skull, 455 Pandion BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 128

Pandion Continued Parasitic diseases, 355 stomach contents, 212 Parasitic wounds causing enteritis, 360 viscera, weights of, 408 Parasitism, effect on thymus gland, 502 Pandion haliaeetus, skull, 455 social, 461 Pandion haliaeetus carolinensis, fishing Parasitology, 346-349 habits, 251 Parathyroid Glands, 110, 349-350 life history, 279 enlargement in rachitis, 363 Paneth, cells of, 115 irradiation with selective solar light, Pantelleria Isl., Italy, migrations, 301 372 Panyptila, architecture of nests, 245 with ultraviolet light, 373 Papua, New Guinea, fauna, 198 Paratympanic organ of Vitali, 122 Parabiosis, 486 innervation of, 323 Parablast, 149 relation to flight, 290 anomaly of, 491 Paratyphoid fever (paratyphus), 364 Parabuteo unicinctiis harrisi, food, 210 Paria peninsula, Venezuela, fauna, 189 Paradisea, courtship, 57 Paridae, anatomy, 39 display, 48 salivary glands, 227 hybrids, 263 skeleton, 444 molt, 309 taxonomy, 475 plumes, 377 Parietal eye, 157 pterylosis, 378 development of, 254 scutes, 278 Paroaria, sequence of plumages, 381 sequence of plumages, 381 Paroaria cucullata, hybrids, 266 sexual selection, 442 longevity, 292 smooth muscle, in integument, 319 melanism, 101 Paradisea apoda, habits in captivity, Parovarium, 512 247 Parra, skeleton, 444 molt, 309 Parridae, myology, 314 Paradisea minor, display, 58 pterylosis, 378 Paradiseidae, display, 58 skeleton, 444 doubling of middle rectrices, 497 Parrots, care of, 42 habits, 238 Parry Sound, Ontario, fauna, 180 iconography, 273 Parthenogenesis, 115, 150 natural history, 320 origin of dermoid cysts in ovary, 368 plumage, 376 Parus, albinism, 98 taxonomy, 474, 475 banding, 45 Paradoxornithinae, molt, 309 cytology of germinal disc, 418 sequence of plumages, 381 eating nectar, 214 Paraganglia, 86 economic relations, 135, 138 Paraguay, ecology, 128 egg, cleavage of, 148 fauna, 189 fertilization of, 147 taxonomy, 472 maturation of, 416 trypanosomes, 348 epidemics, 360 Parahippocampus, 81 follicular epithelium of ovary, 342 Parakeets, care of, 42 food, 210 Paralysis, 364 hyoid apparatus, 457 from coccidiosis, 358 muscles, 315 Paranasal chambers, 256 melanism, 101 Paraphysis, 77, 158 migrations, 301 Parasites, 346-349 mitochondria, 116 as causes of death, 312 nestling pterylosis, 379 as food for birds, 141-142 oogenesis, 416 dissemination by birds, 138-139 oology, 339 external, 346-347 optic lobes, 83 in eggs, 415 ovum, 115 microorganisms, 389 pathology, 350 intestinal, 479 regeneration of striped muscle, 410 of blood, staining technic, 481 retina, fovea centralis, 519 of poultry, 400 macula lutea, 173 protozoan, 348-349 salivary glands, 227 Parasitic breeding habits, 246-247 singing habits, 253 Parasitic dermoid cysts, 368 skeleton, 444 129 FINDING INDEX Parus

Parus Continued distribution, 120 skull, development of, 456 extension of range, 385 ossification of, 341 ear, physiology of, 121 temperature, effect on nest building, eating, insects, 140 245 termites, 140, 251 teratology, 485 ecology, 125 anomalies, of beak, 493, 494 economic relations, 134, 135, 137, 138 tongue muscles, 315 eggs, cleavage of, 148 tracts of brain, 78 destruction of, 252 tuber cinereum, 82 fertilization of, 147 variation, in eye color, 169, 515 maturation of, 416 veins, 89 measurements of, 402, 404 weights of various organs, 406 weights of, 407 winter food, 214 embryology, 144, 145, 147 yolk, development of, 419 epidemic of Baccillus cloacae, 370 Parus ater, distribution changes in, 120 epididymis, 511 natural history, 322 epithelium of intestine, changes with Parus atricapillus, ecology, 125 absorption, 32, 371 muscles, or leg, 317 eye, 166, 168, 170, 171, 172 Parus biarmicus, sequence of plumages, eyelids, 168 381 fatty secretions of testes, 500 Parus borealis, hybrids, 266 fecundity, 204 Parus caudatus, taxonomy, based on food, 210 skeleton, 477 of nestlings, 208 Parus coeruleus, melanism, 101 foot, ligaments of, 446 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449, mechanics of, 282 477 tendons of, 318 variation in habits, 239 gastrulation, 149 Parus cristatus, ecology, 125 genetics, 218 hibernation, 261 gizzard, 30, 31 unusual nest sites, 246 glands of tongue, 227 Parus major, abnormal coloration, 95 Golgi apparatus, 116 banding, 45 gonad hypertrophy at mating time, taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449, 509 477 gregariousness, 133, 461 unusual nests, 246 gynandromorphism, 436 Passer, abnormal coloration, 95 habits, 238 albinism, 98, 100 feeding, 250 allantois, 151 carnivorous, 138 arrhenoidy, 437 insectivorous, 139 alanto-occipital articulation, 446 roosting, 239 atlas vertebra, 454 head muscles, development of, 315 atrioventricular system, 258 hearing, 257 autonomic nervous system, develop- heart, 258 ment of, 332 development of, 259 behavior, 47, 49 ganglia of, 258, 333 brain, tracts of, 78 histology, 38 weight, of, 407 hostility towards other species, 460 castration, effect on body to brain hybrids, 263, 266 weight ratio, 433 hyoid appartus, 457, 458 ceca, 33 hypophysis, histology of, 270 cerebellum, 84 insect food, 139, 213, 251 chondroid bodies, 111, 282 intelligence, 53 choroid plexus, 294 interstitial cells, of testis, 439, 499, claws on wings, 277 500 cochlea, 123 intestinal epithelium, cytology of, 115 coccidiosis, transmission of, 359 introduction of, 174, 179 coloboma, 494 into North America, 120, 134 connective tissue of foot, 282 jugular veins, 89 corpus striaturn, 81 karyosomes in germinal disc, 418 cranial nerves, 327 lacrimal apparatus, 170 nuclei of, 79 lamellar corpuscles, histology of, 331 Passer BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 130

Passer Continued seminiferous epithelium, 420 learning, 53 Sertoli cells, 421, 500 lens, histology, of, 170 sex differences in weight, 81 longevity, 292 sex dimorphism, 434 lungs, 430 sex hormones, 440, 442 lymph nodules, intestinal, 292 skeleton, 445 lymphatic system, 90 measurements of, 404 male internal genitalia, 511 skin, 276 measurements, 402 skull, 455 medulla oblongata, 85 development of, 456 melanism, 101 smell, 460 memory, 54 spermatogenesis, 420 mesonephros, function of, 512 Weigert stain, technic for study of, metabolism of embryo, 155, 374 481 methods, for destroying, 295 spermatozoa, 419, 420 for poisoning, 479 spinal cord, 325, 326 for trapping, 296 spleen, 293 mites, dissemination of, 138, 347 stomach 28, 29, 30, 31, 212 mitochondria, 116 suprarenal glands, development of, in oogenesis, 416 467 muscle, skeletal, 318 taste, 469 smooth, 319 temperature, effect of, on carbon muscles, of thigh, 317 dioxide production, 426 of tongue, 316 teratology, 485, 495 mutation, 163 anadidymus, 486 natural history, 322 anomalies, of beak 493 natural selection 164 of eye, 494 nerve endings, 330 double monsters, 486 nerves, cranial, 327, 328 supernumary limbs, 496 insertion of optic nerve, 172 testes, 499, 500 nervous system, 323, 324, 325, 326, thymus gland, 501, 502 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 thyroid gland, 503 neurons, 323 tissue respiration, 425 preganglionic, 334 tongue, 26 of retina, 172 uropygeal glands, 227 nuclear changes in fertilization, 147 use in hydrocyanic gas detection, 479 olfactory organs, 338 variation, 514 oogenesis, technic for study of, 481 in eggs, 515 optic chiasma and lobes, 83 in skeleton, 514 ova, 115 new and old world comparison, 516 degeneration of, 413 vertebrae, development of, 454 pancreas, 345 vision, 517, 518 pancreatic islets, 345 weather, effects of, on altidude of parathyroid glands, 350 flight, 286 persisting right ovary rudiment, 342 weights of stomach contents, 406 persisting right oviduct, 510 yolk, development of, 419 pharynx, 26 yolk sac, exclusion of, 423 pharyngeal pouch derivatives, 158 Passer chloris, hybrids, 265 poisoning methods, 479 reproductive system, 508 population decrease, 385 Passer domesticus, adaptation, 23 position sense, 340 hybrids, 266 primitive streak, 150 methods for destroying, 295 Rathke's pocket, 157 natural history, 322 red blood corpuscles, 73 thigh muscles, 317 regeneration of striped muscles, 410 Passer italiae, albinism, 99 reproductive system, 509, 510 spermatogenesis, 420 retina, 172 Passer luteus, hybrids, 266 sarcoma, 369 Passer montanus, albinism, 99 sclera, 173. hybrids, 266 secondary sex characters, 439 ligamentum denticulattum, 294 secretion of semen, 500 natural history, 322 Seesel's pocket, 157 skull, 455 131 FINDING INDEX Passer montanus

Passer montanus Continued incubation period, 244 spinal cord, 324 learning, 54 spinal meninges, 294 molt, 311 Passerculus, adaptation, in beak, 22 oblique septum, 430 to flight, 23 plumage, 376 albinism, 99 vernacular names, 478 environmental effects, 163 warning colors, 110 Passerella, albinism, 99 Passerina, arrhenoidy, 437 migrations, 302 change in color, 105, 106, 107 Passerella iliaca, ecology, 125 feather development, 200 environmental effects, 133 melanin pigment formation, 104, 105 habits, 238 molt, 309 feeding, 250 Passerina ampena, hybrids, 266 measurements, 402 Passerina cms, melanin pigment forma- migrations, 297 tion, 104 natural history, 322 molt, 310 skull, 455 sequence of plumages, 381 voice, 463 Passerina cyanea, hybrids, 266 musical analysis of, 464 sequence of plumages, 381 variation, 514 snake skin in nest, 245

Passeres, albinism, 99 Pasteurella avisepticum (microorganism) , change in color, 105 infection with, 370 economic relations, 135 Patagium, muscles of, 283, 317 feeding on trout fly, 251 Patagonia, fauna, 188 hyoid apparatus, 457 taxonomy, 472 integument of foot, 278 Patagona gigas, pterylosis, 378 isabellism, 100 Patella, 454 muscles, taxonomic consideration of, Pathology, 294, 311, 350-371 314 corn smut, effects of, 397 number of primaries, 203 deficiency diseases, 519, 520, 521 of Brazil, 188 dermoid cysts, 150, 368 position of feet in flight, 282 effects, on egg production, 393 pterylosis, 378 on fecundity, 205 taxonomic bearings, 379, 477 on weight, 406 sequence of plumages, 380, 381 heredity of, 220 skeleton, 444 intussusception, 351 taxonomic bearings, of sternum, nutritional deficiency diseases, 336 452 of eggs, 412 skull, 455 of feathers, 199 taxonomic bearings, 457 of ovary, 353, 435, 438 syrinx, 468 of oviduct, 353, 510 muscles of, 316, 469 of testis, effects on plumage, 377 ossification of, 341 of thyroid gland, cause of hen- taxonomy of, 469 feathering of male, 377 taxonomy, 475 polyneuritis, 521 Passerherbulus, albinism, 99 polyneuritis columbarum, 116 banding, 45 poultry race characters, 386 gregariousness, 461 rachitis, 227, 363-364 Passerherbulus caudacutus, breeding vitamin D effect on, 521 habits, 241 transmission to man, 118-119 ecology, 125 tuberculosis, 138, 365-367 voice, 463 amyloid infiltration in, 366 Passeriformes, body temperature, rectal vitamin B deficiency, 520 readings, 483 Pavo, anal muscles, 316 British Isles, 193 arrhenoidy, 437 conchae, 256 behavior, 47 directive coloration, 108 caudal muscles, 316 first primaries, 203 claws on wings, 277 food, 210 color of iris, 94, 169 fossil species, 344 courtship, 57 habits, 238 depigmentation of feathers by thyroid iconography, 274 gland extract, 505 Pavo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 132

Pavo Continued Pedioecetes phasianellus, hybrids, 266, despotism, 461 268 double shafted feathers, 199 Pedioecetes phasianellus campestris, ec- embryo, chemistry of, 70 ology, 125 metabolism of, 374 feeding habits, 250 physiology of, 152 Pedionomus torquatus, taxonomy, based respiration of, 155, 426 on anatomy, 39, 476 habits, 238 Pedunculated hydatid, 510 heredity, 220 Peiping, China, fauna, 190 hybrids, 263, 266, 268 Peking, China, fauna, 190 hyperthyroidization, 200 Pelagic birds, migrations, 306 328 hypoglossal nerve, Pelagornis (fossil genus), 344 incubation, habits of, 243 humerus, 450 244 period of, limb bones, measurements of, 405 intersexuality, 435 Pelagosa, Isl. of, Italy, migrations, 301 function 319 leg muscles, of, Pelargi, genetic relations, 476 163 mutation, taxonomy, 475 320 mythology, axial 453 150 Pelecanidae, skeleton, parthenogenesis, care in 41 sex 437 captivity, reversal, 436, 47 social 460 Pelecaniformes, behavior, relations, 216 effects 503 general work, thyroid gland, of, 234 on melanin pigment development, habits, 504 Pelecanoides, leg muscles, 317 455 on plumage, 504 skull, ossification 341 vagus nerves, 329 of, Pavo cristatus, hybrids, 266 Pelecanoididae, evolution, 160 Pavo nigripennis, color of Juvenal food, 210 plumage, 94 habits, 238 Pavoncella, nuptial plumage, 383 molt, 310 Pavoncella pugnax, habits, 238 sequence of plumages, 381 display plumage, 377 taxonomy, 475 Peacock parrot, breeding in captivity, variation, 514 43, 248 Pelecanus, air sacs, 428 Peafowl, culture of, 387 altitude of flight, 286 Pearl Isls, Panama, fauna, 187 anatomy, 37 taxonomy, 472 banding, 45 Pecan culture, damage by Corvus, 139 brain, 76 Pecan Insects, as food for birds, 140 arteries of, 88 Pecking instinct, 51 breeding in captivity, 43 economic 139 Pecking order, 461 relations, 135, 250 Pecten, 171 see also under Eye habits, feeding, flying, 253 blood supply, 518 horny process on beak, 255 nutrition of, 335 longevity, 292 ophthalmoscopic demonstration of, 479 mandibular pouch, 255 muscles, of feather, 201 Pectination, of middle claw, 277 hyoid, 315 Pectoral girdle, 451 (shoulder) of leg, 317 articulations 447 of, natural history, 322 214 asymmetry of, olfactory lobes, 338 evolution 162 of, oviduct, 509 446 ligaments of, pharyngeal pouch, 26 measurements 405 of, skeleton, 444 Pedigree poultry breeding, 387, 390, measurements of, 404 399 pneumaticity of, 448 Pedioecetes, conservation, 112 pneumatic foramina of, 449 ecology, 125 self injury, 48 habits, 238 skin, 276 skeleton, of hybrids, 268, 445 stomach, 29, 30 taxonomy, 475 syrinx, 468 Pedioecetes campestris, hybrids, 268 tuberculosis of air sacs, 367 133 FINDING INDEX Pelecanus (Moris) bassanus

Pelecanus (Moris) bassanus, see also mimicry, 54 Moris and Suto bassana social relations, 461 absence of nostrils, 257 Penthestes atricapillus, economic rela- air sacs, 428 tions, 135 respiratory organs, 427 Penthestes hudsonicus nigricans, migra- Pelecanus (Phalacrocorax) carbo, esoph- tions, 298, 302 agus, 28 Peptone, content, in egg, 68, 69, 419 muscle attachments to ziphoid bone, effects, on circulation of blood, 72 319 on embryo, 154 skull, 455 Perc6 Isl., Quebec, fauna, 180 Pelecanus conserva- erythrorhynchus, Perception, 55, 517, 518 113 tion, Perching, 239 Pelecanus 210 occidentalis, food, in trees by Larus, 308 Pelecanus air 428 rufescens, sacs, mechanism of, 281 37 anatomy, muscles, action of, 319 skeleton, 448 , food, 210 syrinx, 468 Perdix, aftershaft, 204 Pelidina alpina, change in color, 105 air sacs, 428 Pelionetta, larynx, 429 468 albinism, 99 syrinx, 47 taxonomy, 475 behavior, blood of, 348 trachea, 431 parasites bone, mineral content of, 447 Pellagra, 154, 363 breeding in captivity, 43 Pellets, regurgitation of, 117, 410 444 coloboma, 494 Peltops, skeleton, communal 248 taxonomy, 475 nesting, commensalism, 132 Pelvic girdle, 453 concealing coloration, 108 sex differences, 439 487 conservation, 114 teratology of, 486, 359 Pelvic 377 diphtheria, wing 120 evolution 162 distribution, of, 382 domestication 43 eclipse plumage, Penelope, of, economic 135 511 relations, phallus, mechanics 288 stomach, 28 flight, of, velocity, determination of, 290 throat, breathing movements of, 426 food, 210 trachea, 431 insects, 139, 213 loops of, 432 234 insectivorous habits, 139 Penguin Isls., Quebec, habits, 170 Penis see Phallus lens, histology of, of, 170 Pennamotor center in cerebral cortex, suspensory ligament lungs, 429 202, 319 male brooding, 242 Pennsylvania, breeding habits, 239 melanism, 101 conservation, 112 oblique septum, 430 ecology, 127, 129 carrying young, 322 economic ornithology, 137 parent retina, 172 fauna, 185 sex ratio, 442 food, 207 216 smell, 460 general work, 355 235 subcutaneous hyperplasia, habits, 496 272 teratology, iconographv, 493 307 anomalies, of beak migrations, 298, 304, 305, 306, 486 natural 321 doubling, history, of 384 folding of suspensory ligament population, 494 taxonomy, 471 lens, variation in feather structure, 514 voice, 463 voice, in great pain, 466 Pentadactylia, 495 Perdix cinerea, albinism, 99 Penthestes, banding, 45 of beak 493 eating oak-borer, 140 anomalies, transfer of 59 feeding habits, 250 eggs, 99 food, insects, 213 Perdix grisea, albinism, in winter, 214 Perdix montana, erythrism, 101 weed-seed, 142 variation, in plumage color, 95, 515 Perdix perdix BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 134

Perdix perdix, ecology, 125 Pezophaps solilarius, grit in gizzard, 31, feeding habits, 250 118 food, 210 measurements, 402 introduction into North America, 134 skeleton, 444 mutation, 163 vertebrae, number of, 454 sequence of plumages, 381 Pezoporus, flight muscles, 317 Periblast nuclei, origin of, 148 pectoral girdle, 451 Pericardial cavity, 157 wing bones, 450 Pericarditis, 351 Phaeopus hudsonicus, habits, 235 Pericardium, 258 migrations, 302 development of, 259 Phaethon (Phaeton), anatomy, 37 Pericrocotus, intelligence, 53 behavior, 47 Perilymph, movements of, 124 ecology, 125 Periodism, causes, 239 food, 210 in reproduction, 424 hyoid apparatus, 457 Periorbital region, 254 intestine, 32 Periosteum, nerve endings in, 330, 331 larynx, 429 pigmentation of, 447 limb muscles, 317 Perisoreus, food, 210 sequence of plumages, 381 Perisoreus canadensis capitalis, habits, skull, 455 238 tongue, 26 Peristalsis, 24, 29 variation, geographic, 516 Peritoneal canals, 157 Phaeton flavirostris, habits, 238 Peritoneal cavity, lesser, 157 Phaeton phoenicurus, embryology, 144 Peritoneum, anatomy of, 38 Phaethornis, ecology, 125 pathology of, 351 sexual behavior, 56 carcinoma of, 368 voice, 463 Permiability, of egg shell, 414 Phagocytosis, 73, 276 Perm's, breeding habits, 241 of muscle fibers following injection of melanism, 101 chicken sarcoma, 369 sequence of plumages, 381 Phainopepla nitens, breeding habits, 241 sternum, measurements of, 405 male sex hormones, 441 Pernis apivorus, food, 210 migrations, 297 habits, 238 molt, 310 Peron Peninsula, Australia, fauna, 196 secondary sex characters, 438 Perosis, 353 sequence of plumages, 381 Persia, fauna, 192 Phalacrocoracidae, body temperature, natural history, 321 483 taxonomy, 473 breeding in captivity, 248 Persian Gulf, fauna, 189 natural history, 322 Perspiration, 372 patella, 454 Peru, coast population, 384 swimming under water, 291 conservation, 112 Phalacrocorax, accomodation in focus, ecology, 128, 130 167, 518 fauna, 189 air sacs, 428 guano isls. of, 164 albinism, 99 habits, 235 alimentary canal, 24 taxonomy, 472 anatomy, 37 Pests, see under Economic ornithology bursa Fabricii, 92 Pete"n, Guatemala, fauna, 187 economic relations, 139 Petit, canal of, 170 embryology, 144 Petra, Asia, fauna, 189 eye, ciliary body, 167 Petrochelidon, albinism, 99 anatomy of, 166 mortality from starvation, 313 habits, 238 restoration, attempt at, 113 in captivity, 247 Petrochelidon albifrons, hybrids, 265 high soaring, 285 Petroselinum sativum (plant), toxicity of isabellism, 100 studied, 67 larynx, 429 Petroeca, sequence of plumages, 381 limb bones, measurements of, 405 Peucaea, distribution, 119 lymphoid tissue, 292 Peyer's patches, 292 measurements of wing areas in Pezophaps, 522 flight, 404 135 FINDING INDEX Phalacrocorax

Phalacrocprax Continued respiration, 425 mortality from telephone wires, 312 urogenital system, 508 nasal chambers, 256 Phalaenoptilus nutalli californica, breed- natural history, 322 ing habits, 241 nestling down feathers, 202 Phalanges, 450, 451 nostrils absent, 257, 427 anomalies of, 496 occipital style, 458 vestigial phalanges, 163 sequence of plumages, 381 Phalaropodidae, distribution, 119 sesamoid bones, 454 food, 210 skeleton, 444 migrations, 302 pneumaticity of, 448 Phalaropus, luteal cells, 509 skull, 455 absence of, 500 development of, 456 Phalaropus fulicarius, migrations, 299 smell, 460 Phalaropus lobatus, feeding habits, 250 spinal cord, histology of, 325 Phaleris, air sacs, 428 use, by man in fishing, 143, 294 skeleton, 444 of wings in diving, 291 Phallus, 511 wing bones, 450 reduction of, 424 Phakrocorax atriceps georgianus, ossifi- Phaps elegans, food, 210 cation, 340 habits in captivity, 247 Phalacrocorax auritus, ecology, 125 Pharmacology, 67 environmental relations, 133 effects, of drugs, on accomodation in habits, 234 vision, 167, 518 life history, 279 on blood pressure, 372 migrations, 302 on heart, 260 natural history, 320 on progeny, 163 population, 385 on pupillary reflexes, 167, 170, territorialism, 461 409 Phalacrocorax bicristatus, occipital style, on sex reversal, 438 458 on uric acid excretion and pectoral girdle, 451 secretion, 513 skeleton, 444 on vagus nerve, 329 skull, 455 of alcohol on size of egg yolk, 419 sternum, 452 of atropine on asphyxia, 425 Phalacrocorax carbo, change in color, of cocaine on Grandry's corpuscles, 105 331 esophagus, 28 of curare on autonomic nervous muscles attached to xiphoid bone, 319 system, 334 sequence of plumages, 381 of calcium and potassium salts on Phalacrocorax carbo subcormoranus, be- heart contractions in tissue cul- 47 havior, ture, 507 Phalacrocorax dilophus, food, 210 of ether on cells in tissue culture, habits, 235 505 Phalacrocroax incubation graculus, pe- of inhalation of ethyl alcohol, 371 244 riod, of morphine, 351 Phalacrocorax area of harrisi, flight of quinine on 416 283 pogenesis, wings, iodine as vermicide, 479 Phalacrocorax nigrogularis, nestling plu- metaphan as internal disinfectant, mage, 383 371 of 381-382 sequence plumages, Pharomacrus mocinno, natural history, Phalacrocorax penicittatus, chromophil 322 323 substance, Pharyngeal membrane, perforation of, courtship, 57 26, 158 Phalacrocorax perspicillatus, skeleton, Pharyngeal pouches, derivatives of, 158 444 histology, 26 skull, 455 Pharyngeal sac, 157 measurements of, 404 Pharynx, 26 sternum, 452 color of, 93 measurements of, 405 development of, 158 Phalaenoptilus, alimentary canal, 24 , albinism, 99 behavior, 47 atrophied ovaries, 438 limb muscles, 317 care of, 42 Phasianidae BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 136

Phasianidae Continued germ cells, 115 economic relations, 137 gynadromorphism, 436 epidemics, 360 habits, 238 evolution, of color pattern, 161 feeding, 250 experimental hybridization, 219 heart, pathology of, 351 fossil species, 344 hen feathering of male, 377 general work, 215 heredity, 220 genetics, 219 hermaphroditism, 436 habits, 238 hybrids, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268 hybrids, 42, 219, 262 experimental, 219 experimental, 269 fertility, 269 fertility of, 269 gonads of, 268, 509 oogenesis, 416 spermatogenesis of, 269, 420 spermatogenesis, 268-269, 420 sterility of, 268 iconography, 274 testes of, 499 lead poisoning, 364 incubation period, 244 molt, 310 infectious diseases, 370 natural history, 320, 322 intelligence, 53 ovary, histology of, 342 intersexuality, 435 pathology, 350 interstitial tissue of testes, 499 sclerotic rings, 173 learning, 54 sequence of plumages, 382 melanism, 101 sex, effect on blood temperature, 483 Mendelian heredity, 223 taxonomy, 474, 475 molt, 310 territorialism, 461 mutation, 163 thyroid gland, experimental studies oogenesis in hybrids, 416 of, 503 optic chiasma and lobes, 83 tuberculosis, 366 ovary, development of, 342 Phasianoidea, ecology, 125 disease of, 438 evolution, 160 ovariotomy, effects on plumage, 383 gynandromorphism, 436 papillae about eye, 278 intersexuality, 435 pathology, 350 pterylosis, 379 pigmentation of integumental papil- taxonomy, 475 lae, 434 Phasianus, albinism, 99 rectrices, 203 arrhenoidy, 437, 438 renal corpuscles, 513 atavism, 218 reproductive system, 508 behavior, 47 retina, 172 blood vessels of head appendages, secondary sex characters, 223, 438, 87, 278 439 body temperature, 483 sex hormones, 440 brain, 76 effects, on development, 441 441 chemistry of, 66 on sex characters, breeding in cativity, 248 sex ratio, 223 bursa Fabricii, 92 of hybrids, 442 castration, 435 sex reversal, 437, 438 effects on plumage, 383 smell, 460 catarrh of eye, 352 spermatogenesis, in hybrids, 269, 420 cause of color, 102 of sterile birds, 420 color pattern, 109 spurs in arrhenoidy, 438 comb, 278 sterility, 416 commensalism, 132 germ cell cytology, 424 communal nesting, 248 stomach, 28 conservation, 114 syrinx, 468 double monsters, 486 teratology, 495 ear glands, 226 abnormal eggs, 488 evolution of plumage, 162 anomalies of beak, 493 erythrism, 101 double monsters, 486 feathers, 198 feathers inverted 497 female plumage acquired by male, 437 x-ray picture of supernumary hind food, 210 limbs, 496 FINDING INDEX Phasianus

Phasianus Continued habits, 238 testes, effects on secondary sex breeding, 241 characters, 501 incubation period, 244 modification of Sertoli cells in, 500 sexual behavior, 56 thoracic and abdominal autonomic Phlogoenas crinigera, breeding habits, nervous system, 334 241 thymus gland, striated cells of, 502 pectoral girdle, 451 thyroid gland, effects of, on plumage, Phodilus, plumage, 376 504, skeleton, 444 on sex development, 505 Phodilus badius, measurements of tuberculosis, 366 skeleton, 404 of liver, 367 Phoenicopteri, behavior, 47 tumors of ovary, 368 general work, 216 variation, 514 Phoenicopterus, alimentary canal, 24 in feather structure, 514 anatomy, 35 weights of chemical compounds in of eye, 166 brain, 407 brain weight, 407 Phasianus colchicus, arrhenoidy, 438 ciliary muscle, 168 hybrids, 266, 267 fungus infection of lungs, 354, 370

sex reversal, 437, 438 , hand bones, 451 zoonerythrin, 104 horny covering of beak, 279 Phasianus cokhichus torquatus, habits, inferior olivary nucleus, 85 238 migrations, 302 as introduced species, 179 myology, 314 life history, 280 parasitic fungi of, 347 Phasianus formosanus, hybrid eggs, 269 pterylosis, 379 Phasianus pictus, parthenogenesis, 150 skeleton, 444 Phasianus reevesi, hybrids, 266, 267 syrinx, 468 Phasianus torquatus, conservation, 112 taxonomic anatomy, 39, 476 habits, 238 tongue, 26 hybrids, 265 vertebrae, action of, 453 sex reversal, 437 Phoenicopterus ruber, habits, 238 incubation 244 Phasianus versicolor, ciliary muscle, 168 period, 280 hybrids, 267 life history, of 382 eggs of, 269 sequence plumages, Phoenicopterus ruber antiquorum, migra- Pheasants, care of, 42 302 destruction of by Quiscalus, 138 tions, Phoenicurus, banding, 45, 46 Philadelphia, migrations, 298 natural history, 320 observations at, City hall tower 304 Phoenicurus ochrurus, hybrids, 267 Philepitta, anatomy, 37 Phoenicurus ochrurus 468 gibralteriensis, syrinx, molt, 310 Philippine Isls., conservation, 112 sequence of plumages, 382 ecology, 129, 130 Phoenicurus phoenicurus, hybrids, 267 economic ornithology, 137 sex reversal, 437 197 fauna, Pholeoptynx cunicularia, habits, 238 217 general work, Phonygama, tracheal loops, 432 habits, 236 Phosphate, in urine, 64 140 insectivorous birds, Phosphatids, in yolk, 419 mammoth incubators, 399 Phosphorescence, 308 population changes due to clearing of Phosphorus, as poison, 365 385 forests; calcium ration, 61 474 taxonomy, effects on embryo, 153 Philohela, albinism, 99 in nutrition studies, 335 brain, 76 metabolism of, 63, 335, 375 conservation, 112 effects of cereals and vitamins, 395 motility of upper mandible, 256 of vitamin A, 520 olfactory lobes, 338 of blood, 65, 74 Philohela minor, carrying young, 243 of egg, 69 decreasing population, 385 serum reserve in rachitis, 363 eating ferns, 214 sex difference in blood content of, 439 ecology, 125 sex variation in content, 424 Photodilus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 138

Photodilus, anatomy of, 37 cytology of germinal disc, 418 pterylosis, 379 economic relations, 135, 137, 138 skeleton, 444 eggs, measurements of, 404 Photodilus badius, taxonomy, 475 weights of, 407 Photography, 261 feathers, growth of, 201 apparatus for, 40 flight, velocity of, 290 methods, 295 follicular epithelium of ovary, 342 of sound, 482 food, 210 technic, 481 habits, 238 Photoperiodism, as migration factor, heart ganglia, 258 305 innervation of intestine, 332 Phototropism, 55 instinct, 51 Phyllopneuste trochilus, albinism, 99 intelligence, 53 Phylloscopus, as host species, 247 natural history, 322 breeding habits, 126 nest robbing, 251 eating nectar 214 nests used by Gallinula, 246 ecology, 125, 126 pancreas, physiology of, 346 mocking, 54 pectoral girdle, 451 orientation, 340 salivary glands, 227 Phylloscopus inornatus, migrations, 304 sexual behavior, 56 Phylloscopus rufus, hybrids, 267 Pica caudata, anomalies of beak, 493 mocking, 253 banding, 45 song in autumn, 254 development of feathers, 200, 201 Phylloscopus trochilus, flavism, 100 incubation period, 244 hybrids, 267 learning, 54 territorialism, 462 Pica rustica, albinism, 99 Phylogeny, 81, 145, 162-163, 220 isabellism, 100 as factor in anomalies, 491 Picarian birds, position of feet in flight, of cerebellum, 85 282 of color, 102 Pici, arrangement of toes, 282 of corpus striatum, 81 conchae, 256 of esophageal glands, 28, 226 economic relations, 137 of feathers, 199 feeding habits, 141 of remiges, 203 food, 210 of vestigial feathers, 157 iconography, 274 of fossil birds, 345 metamorphosis of beak, 255 of limbs, 281 palate, 458 of ovary, 342 pterylosis, 379 of pelvic girdle, 453 skeleton, 444 of phallus, 511 taxonomy, 475 of salivary glands, 227 tongue, 26 of sclerotic rings, 173 Picidae, abbreviated inner primaries,. of skeleton, 445 203 of sternum, 452 adaptation, 21, 22 taxonomic use, 478 color of iris, 169 value of precipitin reactions, 276 ear, 121 vestigial mass of cells, 157 ecology, 125 Physical chemistry of yolk, 419 economic relations, 135 Physiological zero, in embryo, 147, 485 embryology, 144 Physiology, 371-375 see also under food, 210 various organs foot, anatomy of, 281 Physostigmine, influence on vagus mechanics of, 282 nerve, 329 general work, 215 Phytotoma, skull, 455 habits, 234, 235, 238 Phytotoma rara, sternum, 452 breeding, 241 Pia mater, 293 feeding, 250 Pica, albinism, 99 changes in feeding habits, 252 anomalies of beak, 493 heel padis, 278, 281 autonomic nervous system, 332 larynx, 429 breeding in captivity, 43 limb bones, 281 carnivorous habits, 251 molt, 310 killing other birds, 313 mortality from automobiles, 312 139 FINDING INDEX Picidae

Picidae Continued Pigments, chemistry of, 63 muscles, 314 development of, in egg shell, 424 of foot, 282 in skin, effects of sex hormones, 440 ossification, of auditory ossicles, 341 inhibitors of, 222 of skull, 341 lipochrome (carotinoid, carotenoid) pigment of iris, 170 pigments, 103-104, 205, 231, anomalies 100 pterylosis, 379 of, absence of, 100, 103 red head-patch in juvenal females, 383 inheritance of, 221 tetronerythrin in comb, 279 sap sucking, 252 visual purple of retina, 172 sequence of plumages, 382 yellow pigments in blood, 74 skeleton, 444 melanin pigments, 104-105 skull, 455 development of, 104-105, 504 development of, 456 effects of ovary versus thyroid structure of, 456 glands, 503 stomach contents, 212 in sarcoma of eye, 369 taxonomy, 475 wandering epidermal pigment cells, tongue, 26 166 tree boring, 250 of blood, 65 vision, darkness, 519 of corpus luteum, 343 voice, 463 of eye, 168, 169, 170, 172 Picinae, of Oklahoma, 184 of feathers, 64, 66, 102-105, 204, 503 Picoides 304 arcticus, migrations, of neurons, 323 Picumnus, hyoid apparatus, extension storage in liver, 284 of 458 horns, Pigmental colors, 102-105 99 Picus, albinism, Pigmentation, egg production correla- anomalies 494 beak, of, 493, tion, 392 255 development of, genes for, 222 248 drumming with, head patch, 157 285 climbing, heredity of, 222 cranial 327 nerves, in integumental papillae about eye, double eggs, 488 434 354 elephantiasis, influence, of thymus gland on, 503 165 eyes, of thyroid gland, 504, 505 290 flight, velocity of, of body, 205 210 food, of heart, 257 238 habits, of periosteum, 447 250 feeding, of skin, of bald red-headed fowls, 276 extension of hyoid apparatus, horns, relation to speciation, 467 26, 458 Pilocarpine, influence, on splanchnic infrahyoid muscles, 315 nerves, 67 lamellar corpuscles in mouth region, on 329 331 vagus nerves, Pimiento pepper, effects, on hatcha- optic chiasma and lobes, 83 of 389 ossification of tendons, 341 bility egg, on yolk color, 397, 419 regeneration of beak, 410 Pineal or 375 tongue, 26 body gland, 158 Picus epicthonius, food, 210 development of, evolution 161 Picus major, natural history, 322 of, experimental technic for, 479 Picus martins, economic relations, 135 extirpation of, 232, 375 food, 210 relation to hypophysis, 270 Picus anomalies of 493 viridis, beak, Pineal 157 drumming, 248 eye, as food for 136 food, 210 Pine-seed, birds, hyoid 457 Pines, Isle of, West Indies, taxonomy, apparatus, 472 mesentenc nerves, 332 tongue, 26 Pinicola, care in captivity, 41 variation, 515 change in color, 105 Pied plumage, heredity of, 221 fecundity, 204 Pigeons, care of, 42 molt, 310 Pinicola enucleator BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 140

Pinicola enucleator, abnormal colora- esophagus, 27 tion, 95 nerve endings, in beak region, 330 hybrids, 267 syrinx, 468 sequence of plumages, 382 tracheal coils in sternum, 432 Pipilo, albinism, 99 Plalycercus, change in color, 105 intersexuality, 435 erythrism, 101 musical appreciation, 49 food, 210 skeleton, 444 geographic variation, 516 skull, 455 hybrids, 263 Pipilo erythrophthalmus, sexual be- plumage, 376 havior, 56 Platycercus auriceps, albinism, 99 Pipilo fuscus, albinism, 99 Platycercus elegans, hybrids, 267 Pipra, anatomy, 37 Platycercus eximius, hybrids, 267 Piranga, behavior, 47 Platypus niger, molt, 310 hybrids, 263 Plautus impennis, anatomy and history, insect food, 213 165 molt, 310 beak, 255 skeleton, 444 extinction of, 164 skull, 455 habits, 234 Piranga flava, taxonomy, 475 natural history, 320 Piranga rubra, sequence of plumages, skeleton, 445 382 taxonomy, 475 sex reversal, 437, Play, 55 shadow boxing, 48 Plectrophanes, albinism, 99 Pisobia bairdi, habits, 238 Plectrophenax, change in color, 106 natural history, 322 migrations, 302, 306 Pithecophaga jefferyi, skeleton, 444 sequence of plumages, 382 Pitta, carotid arteries, anomaly of, 498 Plectrophenax nivalis, change in color, evolution of voice, 161 106 feather structure, 201 habits, 238 Pittidae, iconography, 274 molt, 310 taxonomy, 474, 475 Plegadis, medulla oblongata, 85 Pituitary gland, 269-271, 421 see also tongue, 26 Hypophysis Plegadis autumnalis, habits, 238 effects, of extract on body tempera- Plethysmographic records, of respira- ture, 371-372, 483 tion, 425 on fecundity, 205, 393 Pleura, 430 on growth, 232 Plexuses, autonomic, 334 sex differences in size, 439 vascular, 87 Pituitrin, effects on embryo, 154 Pleuroperitoneal cavity, 157 on circulation of blood, 67, 72 Plictolophus, optic chiasrna and lobes, 83 Pitylus, stomach, 28 oviduct, egg position in, 423 Pityriasis, 354 physiology of reproduction, 421 Pityusae Isls., Mediterranean Sea, fauna, Ploceidae, breeding habits, 241 196 parasitic, 246 Placental extract, effects on migrations, color, 94 305 change in, 106 Plague, 364 directive coloration, 108 immunity to, 275 "formenkreis" theory, 467 Planesticus migratorius, see also Tur- hybrids, 262 dus migratorius luminous mouth parts, 95, 256 supernumary hind limbs, 496 mutation, 163 Plants, as food for birds, 214 sequence of plumages, 382 Plasma, 71 skeleton, 445 foreign, as' tissue culture medium, skull, 455 505 speciation, 466 of doves, as tissue culture medium, sternum, 452 506 taxonomy, 474, 475, 478 Plasmodium (parasites), culture of, Ploceus franciscanus, epithelium of kid- sporozoites of 479 neys, 513 Plalalea, anatomy, 35 Plotiis, alimentary canal, 24 beak, histology of, 255 carotid arteries, 88 141 FINDING INDEX Plotus

Plotus Continued hen feathering of male, 225 cervical vertebrae, 454 effects of hormones on, 160 fibula, 449 pathology of thyroid gland as habits, effected by neck mechanism, cause, 505 239 heredity of, 223 medulla oblongata, 85 in gynandromorphism, 436 molt, 310 in poultry judging, 386 induced, 310, 378 in sex reversal, 438 myology, 314 mutation of, 163 cervical muscles, 315 oil of, 227 regurgitation of gizzard lining, 31 porcupine, heredity of, 221 skeleton, 445 relation to migrations, 303, 382 vertebral column, 453 sequence of, 379-383 length of vertebrae, 454 sex differences in, 439 Plotus anhinga action of vertebrae, 453 sex dimorphism, 434 measurements of, 405 taxonomic characters, 477 Plotus kvaillantii, anatomy, 37 variation, 514 skeleton, 445 in color, 51 5 Plotus melanogaster, anatomy, 37 weights of, 408 molt, 310 Plumbi nitrate, effects on embryo, 154 plumage, 376 Plumbism, 355 Plum Isl., Massachusetts, ecology, 129, Plumes, 377 see also Feathers 130; breeding for, 43, 218, 219 Plumage, 375-384 Pluvialis apricaria, albinism, 99 abrasion as source of taxonomic error, migrations, 300 477 Pluvialis aegypticus, habits, 238 anomalies of, 497 Pluvialis dominica, migrations, 298, 302 heredity of, 221 Pneumaticity of skeleton, 448-449 bleaching as source of taxonomic of skull, 459 error, 477 Pneumonia, 355 cock feathering, 225 Podargus, conchae, 256 effects, of castration, 378 ossification of skull, 341 of sex hormones, 440 powder-down feathers, 203 color of, 94 pterylosis, 379 effects of abrasion on, 515 sclerotic rings, 173 in gynandromorphism, 436 Podasocys montonus, cranial nerves, inheritance of, 221 canals and foramina for, 327 relation to nest, 245 skeleton, 445 contraction of in diving, 291 skull, 455 cubital coverts as taxonomic charac- nerve foramina of, 459 ters, 477 Podica, anatomy, 36 discoloration of, 96 pterylosis, 379 eclipse, 288, 311, 382 syrinx, 468 effects of sex hormones on, 441 Podiceps, albinism, 99 iconography, 274 anomalies of beak, 493 effects, of castration on, 85, 86, 383 arteries, 88 of goiter, 361 cloaca, 91 of nutrition, 338 color of skin, 95 gonad grafts, 229, 230 development, of eye, 166 into ovariotomized hen, 439 of pecten, 171 of ovarian extracts, 343 digestion, 116 of senile ovary, 342 display, 58 of sex hormones, 441 diving, 291 of thyroid gland, 504, 508 eating feathers, 252 of thyroidectomy, 505 eclipse plumage, 382 evolution of, 162 evolution of voice, 161 female, acquired by male, 437 feathers, in stomach, 212 food, adherence to, 250 structure of, 201 frizzled, heredity of, 221 fecundity, 204 function in heat regulation, 372 food, 210 genetics of, 225 late breeding, 242 head creasts, evolution of, 162 locomotion on land, 290 Podiceps BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 142

Podiceps Continued directive coloration, 108 natural history, 322 mutation, 163 obturator nerves, 330 Poikilothermism, from lesions of di- optic nerves, insertion of, 172 encephalon, 483 pterylosis, 379 experimental, 270 rectrices, 162, 203 Point Pelee, Canada, ecology, 126, 130 reproductive instinct, 52 fauna, 180 resistance of egg to humidity, 417 migrations, 306 skeleton, 445 Poison gas, detection of, 135, 479 stomach, 28 Poisoning, 67, 113, 313, 364, 365 swimming, 291 from hyperthyroidation, 504 tongue muscles, 315 methods of, 479 wings, 282 of poultry by Daubentonia, 313, 400 Podiceps cristatus, courtship, 57 Poisonous fruits, eaten by birds, 212 ecology, 125 Poisonous plant, not eaten, 250 habits, 238 Poland, economic ornithology, 137 breeding, 241 fauna, 195 secondary sex characters, evolution migrations, 301 of, 161 oology, 339 sexual behavior, 56 vernacular names, 478 sexual selection, 442 Polar regions, ecology, 129 territorialism, 462 fauna, 175 Podiceps fluviatilis, degeneration of Polarity, of egg, 417 caudal vertebrae, 162 of embryo, 146 retrograde evolution of rectrices, 162 Polarized light, use in studying, al- sexual behavior, 56 bumen, 68, 70 Podiceps nigricollis, abnormal colora- shell structure, 480 tion, 95 Polioptila caerulea, breeding habits, 49, sequence of plumages, 382 241 Podiceps rubricollis stomach contents, care of young, 242 212 incubation period, 244 Podicipes see also Podiceps nest construction, 245 change in color, 106 tirritorialism, 462 habits, 238, 242 Polish fowl, brain, 220 sequence of plumages, 382 cerebral hernia, 221 Podicipides, ossification of skull, 341 feather development, 200 Podicipedidae, stomach contents, 212 origin, 161 Podilymbtis, eating feathers, 252 Pollination of flowers, by birds, 250 parathyroid glands, 350 Polyandry, 58, 247, 411 thymus gland, development of, 502 Polyborus, arrangement of toes, 282 ultimobranchial bodies, 158 fossil species, 344 281 Podilymbus podiceps, diving with young, rotator tendons of foot, 55, 249 Polydactylia, 495 504 habits, 238 Polydipsia, 411 Podoa, alimentary canal, 24 Polygamy, 58, 247, 495-496 skeleton, 445 Polymyelia, 483, 198 syrinx, 468 Polynesia, fauna, habits, 236 Podoa surinamensis, anatomy, 36 taxonomy, 474 myology, 314 Polyneuritis, 362-363, 410, 504, 521 Poecilc borealis, hybrids, 264, 267 Polyneuritis columbarum, 116 Poephila, breeding in captivity, 43 504 hybrids, 263 Polyphagia, 514 luminous papillae of mouth, 256 Polyplectron, progressive variation, melanism, 101 sexual selection, 225 sequence of plumage, 382 Polyplectron cristata, courtship, 57 Poephila gouldiae, change in color of display, 58 plumage, 106 Polypkctrum (Polyplectron), progres- gynandromorphism, 436' sive variation, 514 longevity, 292 Polyspermy, 148 Peophila mirabilis, color of skin of as cause of double monsters, 486 head, 95 Polytelis, hybrids, 263 143 FINDING INDEX Potnatorhina (us)

Pomatorhina (us), damaged feathers, Potassium iodide, effects on embryo, 199 153, 154 insectivorous habits, 139 Potassium nitrate, toxicity, 67, 365, 400 sequence of plumages, 382 Potassium sulphate, 164 Pomerania, Germany, fauna, 194 Potassium sulphocyanide, effects on Ponape" Isl., Micronesia, fauna, 198 embryo, 154 Pond associations, 131 Potassium thiocyanate, effects on em- Pooeceies, intelligence, 53 bryo, 154 learning, 54 Potato beetles, as food for birds, 140 Pooecetes gramineus, albinism, 99 Potencies, of blastoderm parts, 155, 228 breeding habits, 241 of testis-like gonads after ovario- growth, 231 tomy, 442 life history, 280 Pouch, palatine, 159 weights, 406 Seesel's 157 Population, 384-386 Poultry, classification of, 224, 387 change in, 112 development of new varieties, 387, decrease in, 173 388, 467 Porphyrinuria, 64 judging, 386 Porphyrio, anatomy, 36 origin, 224 exceptional fecundity, 205 parasites of, 346, 347, 348, 349 fecundity in captivity, 205 pathology of, 350 Porphyrio coeruleus, breeding in cap- varieties or races, 387-388 tivity, 43 with teratologic characters, 492 Porphyrio melanonotus, claws on wings, Poultry Culture, 386-400 of nestlings, 277 education in, 143 Porphyrio pulverulentus, skeleton, 445 methods of, 204, 479 Port Henderson, Jamaica, fauna, 186 use of vitamins, 519, 520, 521 Porthetria dispar (moth), eggs of, as Poultry houses, 390-391 food for birds, 208 Pouting instinct, 51 Portland, Oregon, fauna, 185 Powder-down, 203 Porto (Puerto) Rico, ecology, 130 Power, of muscle, 319 economic ernithology, 137 in rowing flight, 289 fauna, 187 Pox, bird, 357 food, 207 immunity to, 275 paleontology, 344 Prairie associations, 131, 133 Portugal, fauna, 195 population, 384 leukoctyozoa (parasites) of birds, 348 Pratincola, allantois, 151 Portuguese East Africa, fauna, 178 exclusion of yolk sac, 423 Porzana, albinism, 99 Precipitation (precipitin) reactions, 276 sternum, 452 of sex cells, 68 Porzana Carolina, skeleton, 445 race relationships, 218 Porzana jamaicencis, habits, 241 use in taxonomy and phylogeny, 276, voice, 463 478 Posen, fauna, 194 Precocial birds, albumen comparison Position sense, 48 see also Orientation with altricial birds, 413 Postorbital plate, 458 Predaceous birds, crop, 27 Postural apnea, 324, 425 economic relations, 137 208 Postural reflexes, 409 food, 253 holding booty in flight, 285 Posture, 274 concealing, 48 iconography, mechanics of flight, 286 in flight, 253, 288-289 hand 283 mortality from, 313 position, 320 of 215 natural history, neck, 212 in locomotion, 289 regurgitated pellets, stomach contents, 211 Potassium, 60, 413 action 60 Predaceous mammals, mortality from, antagonistic of, 313 deficiency in diseases, 362 Premandibular 157 salts of, action on heart contractions cavities, in tissue culture, 260, 507 Premaxilla, 457 Potassium bromide, effects on embryo, Prcsbyornis (fossil genus), 344 154 Preserving technic, 481 Presque Isle BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 144

Presque Isle, Pa., fauna, 185 ecology, 125 ecology, 127, 131 food, 210 Prey, holding in flight, 253 habits, 235 Pribilof Isls., fauna, 180 incubation period, 244 food, 206 migrations, 297 taxonomy, 471 Progne subis, communal relationships, Primary feathers, 203 133 taxonomic characters, 477 egg substitution, 411 Primitive knot, see Hensen's knot food of nestlings, 208 Primitive streak, 149-150, 158 habits, 238 anomalies of, 487, 491 migrations, 298, 302 Primordial germ cells, 411^12 Prolactin, effects of, 27 Prince Edward Isls., avifauna, 174, 180 production of, 270 migrations, 297 Promeropidae, taxonomy, 475 Prince William Sound, ecology, 126 Pronephric duct, 512 fauna, 180 Pronephros, 512 Prinia gracilis natronensis, age of races, Propagation of game birds, 40, 113 478 Proprioceptive mechanism, 324 speciation, 467 tracts of, 78 Priori, embryology, 144 Proteins, 63, 337 Prioniturus, racket-feather formation, absorption of, 146 204 combustion of, 146 Pripet River Swamps, Russia, fauna, 195 concentration in embryo, 145 Proamnion, 151 digestion of, 117 Problem solution, 53 effects on egg production, 393 Procellaria, behavior in captivity, 49 foreign, 63, 371, 384 body temperature, 483 in blood sera, 65 care in captivity, 41 in egg, 68 salivary glands, 227 in nutrition, 335, 337 Procellariidae, distribution, 175 in poultry food, 396 habits, 238 metabolism of, 71, 374 taxonomy, 475 in embryo, 155 wing, bones of, 450 sex differences, 63, 439 sesamoid, 454 Protocalliphora, (parasites), 347 muscle tendons, 317 Protonotaria citrea, breeding habits, 241 Procellariiformes, see also Tubinares ecology, 125 alimentary canal, 24 Protozoa, parasitic, infections with, anatomy, 37 348-349, 370 beak, taxonomic anatomy, 255 lice as carriers, 347 behavior, 47 Protozyme (Aspergillus orizae), in poul- body temperature, 483 try feed, 395 distribution, 119 Proventriculus, 30 flight muscles, 317 cytology, 115 food, 210 feeding effects on, 208 general work, 216 Prunella, hyoid apparatus, 457 habits, 234 Prunella modularis, albinism, 99 breeding, 241 incubation period, 244 life histories, 281 infection with epithelioma contag- limb muscles, 317 iosum, 360 mechanics of flight, 288 learning, 54 migrations, 298, 302 Pruritus, 355 rudimentary hallux, 282 Prussia, fauna, 194 skeleton, 445 migrations, 300 skull, 456 Psaltriparus, behavior, 47 taxonomy, 474, 476 fear, 50 variation, 516 gregariousness, 133, 461 wing, anatomy of, 283 social relations, 460 Procniatidae, pterylosis, 379 tameness, 50 skeleton, taxonomy of, 449 Psarisomus, arteries, 88 Proctodeum, 159 myology, 314 Progne, communal relationships, 133 skeleton, 445 cross beak, 494 Psephotus, beak of nestling, 255 145 FINDING INDEX Pseudencephalia

Pseudencephalia, 497 language, 53 Pseudocalyptomena, anatomy, 37 learning, 54 hyoid apparatus, 457 mandible, 458 myology, 314 mimcry, 54 skull, 455 musical appreciation, 49 syrinx, 468 myology, 314, 318 taxonomy, 475 natural history, 320 Pseudochromospmes, 116, 416 pathology, 350 in germinal. disc, 418 pelvis, secondary sex characters of, 439 Pseudogerygone, taxonomy, 475 sex, differences in skeleton, 453 Pseudogryphus, claws on wings, 277 identification of, 434 Pseudogyps, flight, 285 skeleton, 445 Pseudoinfluenza, 355 skull, 455 Pseudotuberculosis, 367 extra bones of, 457 Psendotantalus, sequence of plumages, speech, 54, 465 382 syrinx, 468, 469 Pseudota.nta.lus ibis, proventriculus, 30 taxonomy, 474, 475 Psittaci, air sacs, 428 based, on anatomy, 39, 476 albinism, 99, 100 on skeleton, 477 anomalies of beak, 493 on uropygeal gland, 227 arrangement of toes, 282 tendons of depressor muscles of man- arteriosclerosis, 351 dible, 315 blood vessels of spinal cord, 87 tuberculosis, innoculation with, 367 carotid arteries, 88 vision, 517 eating feathers, 252, 294 Psittaciformes, neurons, pigment of, 323 eye, anatomy of, 166 Psittacosis, 119, 365 fossil species, 344 immunity to, 275 hyoid apparatus, 457 Psittacula, abnormal eggs, 488 iconography, 274 Psittacus, air sacs, 428 infection with Bacillus aerirycke, 370 anatomy, 37 ligaments of ear, 122 behavior, 47, 49 longevity, 292 brain, 80 lungs, 429 bronchi, 430 physiology of, 430 carotid arteries, 88 melanism, 101 cochlea, 123 myology, 314 conchae, 256 natural history, 320 ear, injury to, 121 pterylosis, 379 economic relations, 138 senility, 308 embryonic teeth, 25 skeleton, 445 epilepsy, 119 taxonomy of, 449 erythrism, 101 skull, 455 feathers, electrically charged, 199 susceptibility to mammalian tubercu- loss of, 352 losis, 367 feeding habits, changes in, 252 taxonomy, 474, 475 lamellar corpuscles in mouth region, telencephalon, 81 331 thyroid gland, 503 longevity, 292 tongue muscles, 315 medulla oblongata, 85 typhus, 370 melanism, 101 variation in plumage color, 515 molt, without replacement, 310 Psittacidae, anatomy, 39 mimcry, 54 behavior, 47 muscles, of flight, 317 care of, 42 of leg, function of, 319 coloration of, 92 nasal gland ducts, 226 domestication of, 43 masolacrimal duct, 256 ear, 121 otoliths, 124 early embryology, 147 pitch discrimination, 53 emotions, 50 renal corpuscles, 513 evolution, 160 scrofula in lymph nodes, 364 furcula, 452 skull, 455 gall bladder, 284 spinal cord, blood vessels of, 324 hybrids, 262 stomach, histology of, 29 Pstitacus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 146

Pstitacus Continued Ptilorhis magnifica, courtship, 57 syrinx, 468, 469 display, 58 taste, 469 Ptilosis, 379 teratology, abnormal Mullerian ducts, Plilotis, sequence of plumages, 382 510 Pubis, 453 double feathers, 497 Puerto Rico see Porto Rico egg in egg, 489 Puffinus, albinism, 99 trachea, 431 breeding habits, 241 vocal ability, 53 caudal and anal muscles, 316 Psittacus chinensis, flight muscles, 317 dichromatism, 108 Psittacus erithacus, anomalies, of beak ecology, 125 493 fossil species, 344 measurements, 402 salt water drinking, 249 skeleton, 447 skeleton, 445 Pstitacus indicus, food, 210 wings, 282 habits in captivity, 247 Puffinus anglorum, food, 210 Psophia, anatomy, 36 habits, 238 arteries of brain, 88 Puffinus brevicaudus, incubation period, down and definitive feather conti- 244 nuity, 200 Puffinus major, habits, 238 powder-down feathers, 203 Puffinus opisthomelas, feeding habits, pterylosis, 379 250 skeleton, 445 voice, 463 taxonomy, 475 Puffinus puffinus, food, 210 Psophia agami, sternum, taxonomic Puffinus tenuirostris, olfactory organs, bearings, 452 338 Psophia crepitans, air sacs, 428 Puget Sound region, fauna, 185 alimentary canal, 24 Pullorum disease, 355-356 larynx, 429 immunity to, 275 myology, 314 serum tests for, 74 respiratory organs, 427 Pulmonary artery, anomaly of, 490 sequence of plumages, 382 Pulo Taya Isl., fauna, 197 skeleton, 445 taxonomy, 474 syrinx, 469 Pulse rate, 260, 375 trachea, 431 effects of temperature on embryo, 146 Pterocles, ear labyrinth, 123 of arteries, 88 integument, 276 relation to breathing, 426 myology, 314 Punjab, fauna, 191 nestling down feathers, 202 Pupil of eye, 167, 170 skeleton, 445 Pupillary reflexes, 167, 170 taxonomy, based on anatomy, 477 Pure line concept, 219 based on skeleton, 449, 477 Purkinje fibers, 258 Pterocles senegallensis, nestling plumage, function of, 260 383 Purkinje phenomen, 518 sequence of plumages, 382 Purulent abdomen, 355 Pterocles setarius, change in color, 106 Putrefaction, 73 Pteroclidae, taxonomy, 474, 475 of eggs, 417 Pterylae (Pterylosis), 378-379 Putrid eggs, as food for man, 142 taxonomic characters, 477 Puszta-Hortobagy, Hungary, fauna, 194 Ptilocorys cristata, beak anomalies, 493 Pycnonotus, longevity, 292 Ptilogonys, skeleton, compared with Pycnonotus hemorrhous, behavior in reptilian, 447 captivity, 49 Ptilonorhynchidae, courtship, 58 Pycnoptilus floccosus, habits, 238 habits, 238 incubation period, 244 iconography, 274 Pygmornis, ecology, 125 plumage, 376 sexual behavior, 56 taxonomy, 474 voice, 463 Ptilonorhynchus, color vision, 518 Pygomelus, 486 cubital coverts, 377 Pygopodes, behavior, 47 play house construction, 55 habits, 234 Ptilopody, 377 life histories, 280 Ptilopus, taxonomy, 474 skeleton, 445 147 FINDING INDEX Pygopodes

Pygopodes Continued intersexuality, 435 skull, 455 learning, 54 taxonomy, 475 melanin pigment, 104 Pygoscelis, behavior, 47 melanism, 101 doubling of parietal bones, 486 natural history, 322 evolution, 160 optic chiasma and lobes, 83 feet, bones of, 450 reproductive system, 508 development of, 281 secondary sex characters in nestling habits, 238 plumage, 383, 439 incubation period, 244 smell, 460 nasolacrimal duct, development of, taxonomy, 475 256 thyroid gland, effect on change of ossification, 340, 341 color of feathers, 107, 504 parietal bone, 459 influence, on melanin pigment wing bones, development of, 450 development, 504 wings, 282, zoonerythrin (zooerythrin), 104 arteries of, 89 Pyrrhula canaria, hybrids, 267 development of, 152 Pyrrhula coccinea, intersexuality, 435 Pygoscelis adeliae, albinism, 99 Pyrrhula europaea, eating lilac seeds, embryology, 144 214 Pygoscelis papua, adaptation in feet, 22 gynandromorphism, 436 nasal glands, development of, 226 Pyrrhula germanica, voice 463, nictitating glands, development of, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, gynandromorphism, 227 436 Pygostyle, 162, 454 hybrids, 264, Pyramid Peak, CaL, ecology, 131 intersexuality, 435 Pyrenees Mts., fauna, 193 sex reversal, 437 Pyrenees-Orientales, fauna, 193 Pyrrhulopsis spendens, albinism, 99 Pyrenestes, food, 210 variation in size, 514 Q Pyrgita, albinism, 99 anomalies of beak, 493 Quail disease, 355 spinal ganglia, 326 Quangtri, Indo-China, fauna, 190 Pyromelana, seasonal changes in color, Quangtung coast, China, fauna, 190 106 Quantitative Works, 400-408 sequence of plumages, 382 counts of lamellar corpuscles, 331 Pyromelana franciscana, castration ef- fecundity, 204 fects, 85 food estimates, 212 on secondary sex characters, 440 measurements, 215, 231, 402-406 sex hormone effects, on plumage, 378 of accomodation in diopters, 518 on regenerating feathers. 441 of body temperature, rectal read- Pyrrhocorax, anomalies of beak, 493, 494 ings, 483 habits, 238 of egg production, 399 irregular breeding, 245 of embryonic respiration, 427 sexual behavior, 56 of feet, 281 Pyrrhocorax alpinus, habits, 238 of flight conditions, 288 breeding, 241 of flight mechanism, 288 Pyrrhocorax graculus, habits, 238 of gases in respiration, 425, 426-427 Pyrrhopicus, hyoid apparatus, 458 of gonads, 509 Pyrrhula, albinism, 99 of Grandry's corpuscles, 331 breeding habits, 241 of heart, 260 care of young, 242 of lamellar corpuscles, 331 castration, 435 of muscle power, 319 change in color, 106 of red blood corpuscles, 73 food, 210 of respiration, 425, 426, 427 Grandry's corpuscles, 331 of skeletal muscle fibers, 318 gynandromorphism, 436 of skeleton, 404^05, 445 habits, 238 of skull, 391, 404 hermaphroditism, 435 of spleen, 293 hybrids, 263 of testes, 501 spermatogenesis, 420 of wings, 282, 283 incubation period, 244 of work by flight muscles, 289 Quantitative Works BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 148

Quantitative Works Continued fauna, 180 methods, 294, 481 taxonomy, 471 for weighing food, 295 Quelea, nest weaving in captivity, 245, in taxonomy, 478 248 number of contour and primary Querquedula, evolution of color pattern, feathers, 377 109 on brain, 80-81 hybrids, 267 significant numbers, 401 leukocytozoa of, 348 size, increase northward, 516 plumage, discoloration of, 96 of cells, 114 variation in color, 515 of eggs, 390, 516 teratology, heart embedded in pec- of gall bladder, 284 toral muscles, 499 of hypophysis, 270 Querquedula circia, migrations, 303 of liver in embryo, 283 failure in, 302 of nest, 245 Querquedual crecca, hybrids, 264, 265, of thyroid gland, 505 267 stomach capacity, 117 Querquedula cyanoptera, plumage, 382 weights, 205, 220, 231, 232, 289, 401, Querquedula discors, breeding habits, 241 406-408 Querquedula fakaia, hybrids, 267 of body, 212, 406, 516-517 Quetta, fauna, 191 correlations, 392 Quinine, 67, 68 in inanition, 337 lethal dose, 67, 313, 416 in of of eggs, 204, 219, 269, 390, 485 treatment cholera, 358 282 changes during incubation, 418 Quintocubitalism, correlations, 392 Quiscalus, albinism, 99 76 of egg parts, 156 brain, in hybrids, 269 cannibalism, 250 communal 133 heredity of, 222 relations, loss of weight, 515 eating young pheasants, 252 economic 138 during incubation, 156, 335 relations, 213 taxonomic use, 477 food, 210, 55 of excreta, 308 phototropism, 247, 411 of flight mechanism, 288 polygamy, 253 of gonads, 270, 509 roosting habits, 239, rib 498 of heart, 283, 289 anomaly, of hypophysis, gonad effects on. 270 R of internal organs, 289, 397 Raasay Isl., Scotland, fauna, 193 of kidneys, 336, 513 Rabbit lungs reaction to pigeon red of liver, 270, 284 blood corpuscles, 275 on starch deficient diet, 336 Rabbits, 70, 222 of liver and spleen, sex differences, as food for 251 439 birds, as host for bird skin grafts, 230 of 430 lungs, effects of injecting chicken blood of 270 oviduct, corpuscles into, 72, 371 of pectoral muscles, 283, 289 infection with avian tuberculosis, 367 of plumage, 202, 203, 376 Rabies, 354 of 293 spleen, Races, geographic, 467 of 270 suprarenal glands, origin of, 478 of thymus gland, 271, 501 Racket feathers formation, 204 of thyroid gland, 271 Rachitis, 363-364 of wings, 282 blood chemistry, 65 of yolk at hatching, 152 embryonic, 490 relations, 317 irradiation effects on, 373 to incubation 244 period, prevention feeding, 336, 397 Quebec, ecology, 126 use, of salmon oil, 395 fauna, 180 of ultraviolet light, in prevention habits, 234 of, 479 migrations, 297 Radium irradiations of embryo, 146, 373 Queen Charlotte Isls., British Colum- use in producing experimental anoma- bia, ecology, 129 lies, 492 149 FINDING INDEX Rainfall

Rainfall as factor in distribution, 120 Rat carcinoma, transplantation to brain effects, on evolution, 163 of Columba, 368 on speciation, 467 Rat embryo tissue, in chorio allantoic Rallidae, distribution, 119 grafts, 154, 228, 229 infectious diseases, 370 Rat sarcoma, grafts into birds, 230, 369 migrations, 297 Rathke's pocket (pouch), 157 taxonomy, 475 Ratitae, claws on wings, 277 Ralliformes, skeleton, 445 copulatory organs, 511 taxonomy, 475 feather structure, 201 Rallinae, respiratory organs, 427 hand bones, 451 voice, 463 muscles, of leg, 317 Rallus, albinism, 99 pelvic, 316 melanism, 101 skeleton, 445 migrations, 302 skull, 456 pathology, 350 spinal nerves, 329 platelet appendages to feathers, 204 swallowing unusual objects, 251 skeleton, 445 syrinx, 469 Rallus aquations, food, 210 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449 Rallus crax, hibernation, 261 Rats, as food for birds, 251 wing spurs, 279 Rattle snakes, mortality from, 313 Ralltts longirostris crepitans, intelli- Rawal Pindi dist., fauna, 191 gence, 53 Reason, 53 162-163 Ramphastos, feeding habits, 250 Recapitulation theory, food, 210 Recessus perilymphaticus, 124 vascularity of beak, 255 Recognition, 55-56 Recognition 93, 460 Ramphastos brevicarinatus, see also marks, 384 Rhamphastos brevicarinatus Recolonization, 112, 482 food, 210 Recording methods, 295, for 482 function of beak, 256 voice, 39, 464, Rectrices, 203 habits, 258 anomalies 497 breeding habits, 241 of, heel 278 evolution of, 162 pads, molt 310 life history, 280 of, Recurvirostra sexual be- sound production, 463 americana, havior, 56 Ramphastos carinatus, see also Rham- Red blood corpuscles, cytology of, 115 phastos carinatus development of, 75 mortality, 311 effects, of castration, 433 pathology of feathers, 352 of ovariotomy, 86 toco see also Ramphastos Rhamphastos of sex hormones, 440 toco evolution of, 161 anatomy of beak, 255 measurements of, 403 of head, 254 phagocytosis of old, 276 nasal chambers, 256 Red rice, destruction Anatidae, 143 338 by olfactory organs, 328, Reel foot Lake, fauna, 185 birds see also Rapacious predaceous Reflexes, 80, 408-409 birds conditioned, 82, 409 curvature of beak and 255 claws, flight, 290 206 food, lumbar, 325, 409 235 habits, vestibular, effects of lesions, 124 of 183 Iowa, Refuges and sanctuaries, 113, 141 of Pennsylvania, 185 Regeneration, 410 of in 288 position legs flight, in crop, 27 Rapid peering, 250 of axis cylinders in tissue culture, 507 Raptores, conchae, 256 of embryonic eye, 167 feeding habits, 250 of extirpated ovaries, 229 genetic relations, 476 of feathers, 199, 201 migrations, 299 of limb bones, 449 muscles of esophagus, 28 of ovary, 343 origin of secondary sex characters, 439 of sex cords after castration, 411 taxonomy, 475 of shell membranes, 415 based on esophageal muscles, 477 of testes, 85, 86 Regression BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 150

Regression, of secondary sex characters, Respiratory organs, 427-432 86 blood vessels of, 87 of testes, seasonal, 501 innervation of, 333 Regulation, in ontogenesis, 401 irradiation of with x-rays, 373 Regulus, albinism, 99 pathology of, 353 alimentary canal, 24 respiratory surface of lungs, measure- ecology, 125 ments of, 405 egg, cleavage of, 148 Rest, in incubation, 153 fertilization of, 147 periods of, 372 maturation of, 416 Restoration, 160 mitochondria in yolk, 419 Rete mirabile, 89 hyoid apparatus, 457 Reticular apparatus, 74, 116 larynx, 429 Reticular connective tissue, 111 salivary glands, 227 chemistry of, 64 tongue, 26 of spleen, 293 variation, geographic, 516 Retina, 80, 171-173 weights of various organs, 406 action current of, 517 Regulus regulus, leg muscles, 317 coloboma of, 494 Regurgitation, 117, 410 measurements of, 403 in feeding of young, 243, 410 metabolism of, in embryo, 374 of cherry stones, 410 pigment of, 103 of poisonous substances, 212 physiology of, 167 pellet contents, 212 post mortem melanin pigment forma- Reissner's fibers, 326 tion in, 170 Rejuvenation, 372, 511 sharp vision regions, 519 artificial, 505 Return, to same territory, 462 by feeding thyroid gland, 504 Reversion, 225 Remiges, 203 to wild state, 126 molt of, 310 Rhabdomyosarcoma, 369 variation, 515 Rhamphastidae, behavior in captivity, in color, 476 49 Remiza, breeding habits, 241 gall bladder, 284 Renal calculus, 352 gastric (stomach) glands, 226 Renal corpuscles, 512, 513 habits, 234 Reproduction, 410-425 iconography, 274 effects, of gonad extracts, 160 skeleton, pneumaticity of, 448 of vitamin D, 521 taxonomy, 474 erection of penis, 511 Rhamphastos, see also Ramphastos of population, 385 anatomy, 37 Reproductive system, 435, 508-511 sense of smell, 460 in sex reversal, 437 Rhamphastos carinatus, see also Ram- innervation of, 333 phastos carinatus pathology of, 353 pathology, 350 smooth muscles of, 319 Rhamphastos toco, see also Ramphastos weights, 408 toco Resistance, to cold, 484 anatomy of foot, 281 to heteroplastic tissue, 228 brain, 76 Resourcefulness, 53 Rhamphotheca, 255 Respiration, 425-427 Rhea, action, of atlanto-occipital articu- barometer, use in study of, 39, 479 lations, 446 blood pressure relation, 372 of pelvic bones and muscles, 319 in vitamin B deficiency, 520 alimentary canal, 24 influence of vagus nerves, 329 anatomy, 37 measurements of, 403 bones of leg, 449 of embryo, 155-156, 413, 426, 427 bursa Fabricii, 91 skeletal structures involved, 446 care in captivity, 41 Respiratory apparatus, use of x-rays in carotid arteries, 88 study of, 479 cholera, 357 Respiratory center, 426 ciliary muscle, 168 Respiratory exchange, 83 cloaca, 91 Respiratory movements, visual effects columella, 122 on, 518, 519 copulatory organs, 511 151 FINDING INDEX Rhca

Rhea Continued pterylosis, 379 digestion, 116 sequence of plumages, 382 ear, 122 skeleton, 445 egg color, 93 topographic anatomy, 38 egg shell, structure of, 414 Rhinochetus jubatus, anatomy, 36 thickness of, 414 habits, 238 eye, structure of, 166 hyoid apparatus, 457 feathers, 198 intestine, 31 foot, articulations of, 447 liver, 283 gastric (stomach) glands, 30, 226 pancreas, 345 girdle, pectoral, 451 powder down feathers, 203 pelvic, 453 skeleton, 445 habits, 234, 238 measurements of, 404 in captivity, 247 spleen, 293 heart, 258 syrinx, 469 hyoid appartus, 457 Rhinolophus, wings, 282 integument, 276 Rhinoplax vigil, development of fea- measurements of shell thickness, 404 thers, 200 medulla oblongata, 85 molt of rectrices, 310 muscles, 314 sequence of plumages, unusual, 382 cervical, 315 Rhinorchilus, ptilosis, 379 of leg, 317 Rhipidura flabellifera, hybrids, 267 mechanics of, 319 Rhipidura fuliginosa, hybrids, 267 osmotic pressure, of blood, 71 Rhode Island, habits, 235 of eggs, 68, 412 Rhodesia, fauna, 177, 178, 179 pectoral girdle, 451 general work, 216 pelvic girdle, 453 iconography, 272 muscles of, 316 Rhodinocichla, anatomy, 37 mechanics of, 319 pterylosis, 379 polyandry, 247, 411 Rhodostethia rosea, sequence of plum- pterylosis, 379 ages, 382 rachitis, 363 Rhone River delta, fauna, 193 respiratory organs, 427 Rhynchaea, anatomy, 35 skeleton, 445 syrinx, 469 measurements of, 404 Rhynchaea capensis, syrinx, 469 tarsal bones, 450 tracheal loops, 432 276 skin, Rhynchops, anatomy, 35 455 skull, skeleton, 445 development of, 456 taxonomy, 449 structure of, 456 Rhynchops nigra, habits, feeding, 250 stomach, 28 fishing, 251 thymus gland, development of, 502 shape of pupil, 170 thyroid gland, development of, 503 Rhynchotus, breeding in captivity, 248 tuberculosis, 366 incubation period, 244 wings, 282 skull, 455 Rhea americana, development after suprarenal glands, 467 hatching, 281 veins of, 89, 467 incubation of eggs, 43 in Rhinochetidae, alimentary canal, 24 Rhynchotus rufescens, breeding cap- 43 feathers, 199 tivity, 203 limb muscles, 317 powder-down, 228 heart, 257 uropygeal gland, 424 hyoid apparatus, 457 Rhythm, of reproduction, of 465 integument of foot, 278 song, pterylosis, 379 Rhytidoceros, articulations of neck, 446 scutes, 278 cervical muscles, 315 syrinx, structure of, 469 habits, 238 tongue, 26 breeding, 239 trachea, 431 movements of neck, 319, 372 Rhinochetus, nestling down and de- pterylosis, 379 finitive feather continuity, 200 Ribs, 453 nestling plumage, 383 anomalies of, 498 Ribs BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 152

Ribs Continued Rumpless fowl, vertebral column anom- articulations of, 446 aly, 498 variation in, 514 Rumplessness, 493 Rice, as food for birds, 520 heredity of, 220 effect on beriberi, 363 skeletal modifications, 445 Richmond dist., Australia, fauna, 196 Rupicola, taxonomy based on anatomy, Richmondena cardinalis, behavior, 47 39, 477 courtship, 57 Ruptured yolk, 352 longevity, 292 Rupununi dist., British Guiana, fauna, singing habits, 253 188 Ricin in quills, 66, 199 Russia, banding, 45 Rickets, 227 see also rachitis breeding habits, 240 Right-handedness, 48 exportation, of birds and feathers, 142 Ring dove, origin of, 225 of poultry, 386 Ringworm disease, 365 fauna, 195 Rio de Janeiro, fauna, 188 food, 207 Rio Grande R. Valley, fauna, 185 general work, 217 Riparia, breeding in first season, 242 iconography, 273 marital relations, 247 migrations, 301, 306, 307 Riparia riparia, banding, 45 taxonomy, 473 life period, 311 Ruticilla, abnormal eggs, 488 Rising time, 239 albinism, 99 Rissa, banding, 45 hybrids, 263 natural history, 322 Ruticilla phoenicura, intersexuality, 435 sequence of plumages, 382 Ruticilla tethys, hen feathering of male, Rissa tridactyla, gonad effects on 377 plumage, 382 sex reversal in male, 437 radim?nta r y hallux, 282 sequence of plumages, 382 sex characters in plumage, 383 S Rivers, as factors in distribution, 120 251 Sabaragamuwa prov., Ceylon, fauna, Robbing, 191 Rock scratches, 308 Saccharose, in crop, 60 Rocky Mt. National Park, fauna, Saccus endolymphaticus, 123 181, 182 Safety, devices in wings, 288 Rodents, as bird enemies, 385 of sea birds, 322 noxious, destroyed by birds, 143 Saginaw Bay, Mich., ecology, 127, 131 Roentgen (X) rays irradiation, 373 Sahara Desert, ecology, 126, 130 effects on lymphoid tissue, 292 fauna, 176 in studies of ossification, 341 migrations, 297 Rold forest, Denmark, fauna, 195 St. Croix, West Indies, breeding habits, Roosting habits, 248, 253, 460 186, 240 damage to residential property, 138 St. John Valley, Canada, fauna, 180 Roosts, 133 St. Kilda Isls., Scotland, iconography, Rose chafer 313 beetle, mortality from, 273 Rossitten, 300 Germany, migrations, St. Lawrence Isl., Alaska, fauna, 180 210 Rostrhamus, food, St. Matthew Isl., Alaska, conservation,. Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus, breed- 113 ing habits, 241 fauna, 180 courtship, 57 St. Lucia Isl., West Indies, fauna, 186 Rotation, of earth, effects on migration, habits, 235 303 St. Vincent Isl., West Indies, fauna, 186 of embryo in egg, 146 habits, 235 Rough leg, 365 Salang Isl., Siam, fauna, 192 Roumania, fauna, 195 Salasphorus rufus, hybrids, 267 migrations, 301 Salivary glands, 227 Roup, 365 evolution of, 161 diphtheric, 359-360 Salmon oil, use for rachitis, 336 effect on egg production, 393 Salmonella gallinarum (parasite), 356 Rous chicken sarcoma, 369 Salmonella -pullorum, 355-356 Riigen Isl., Germany, fauna, 194 in egg infections, 398, 415 153 FINDING INDEX Salpinctes

Salpinctes, skeleton, 445 Sardinia Isl., Mediterranean Sea, fauna, measurements of, 404, 445 196 Salt, eaten by birds, 214 Sark Isl., British Isls., fauna, 193 toxicity for poultry, 400 Saskatchewan, fauna, 180 Salt Lake, Utah, food, 207 Saurognathism, skeleton, 446, 458 Salt solution, injected into embryo, 154 Savannas, British Guiana, fauna, 188 Salt water, drinking, 249 Saxicola, albinism, 99 effect on nasal gland, 226 arrhenoidy, 438 Salta, Argentina, fauna, 188 sequence of plumages, 382 Saltator, pterylosis, 379 variation, 514 skull, 455 Saxicola melanoleuca, abnormal colora- Salton Sea, breeding habits, 239 tion, 95 fauna, 182 Saxicola stapazina, albinism, 99 Samoa, habits, 236 Saxony, fauna, 194 Samoan Isls., fauna, 198 Sayornis, death from over feeding, 312 taxonomy, 474 food, 210 San Bernardino Mts., Calif., ecology, Sayornis phoebe, banding, 46 127, 131 Scab (disease), 365, 370 San Clemente Isl., Calif., fauna, 182 Scabies, 118, 365 San Diego Co., Calif., fauna, 182 Scale insects, as food for birds, 140 San (Santo) Domingo, Haiti, fauna, 186 Scaly leg, 365 iconography, 272 Scandinavia, fauna, 195 San Francisco Bay region, fauna, 182 general work, 217 San Jacinto area, Calif., ecology, 127 taxonomy, 473 fauna, 182 Scavenger service, 143 San Jos6 scale, as food for birds, 140 Scansores, skeleton, 445 San Miguel Isl., Calif., fauna, 182 Scent, absence in brooding birds, 460 San Miguel Isl., Panama, fauna, 187 Scheldt River region, Belgium, fauna, Sand dunes associations, 131 193 Sandwich Isls., fauna, 196 Schizorhis, antigenic properties of B. general work, 217 psittacosis, 365 Sanitation, 371 Schizura, food, 210 in nest, 245 Schlegelia, cubital coverts, 377 of preserved eggs, 400 Schlegelia vnlsoni, courtship, 57 Santa Barbara Isl., Calif., ecology, 127 display, 58 fauna, 182 Schlesien, fauna, 194 molt, 309 Schweigger-Seidel sheaths 293 Santa Cruz Isl., Philippine Isls., tax- Sclera, 173 onomy, 474 connection with cornea, 168 Santa Marta region, Colombia, ecology, Sclerotic rings, 173 128 Scoliosis (disease), 354 fauna, 188 Scolopacidae, syrinx, 469 Sap drinking, 214, 252 Scolopax, banding, 45, 46 Sarcoma, 369 beak, structure of, 255 chicken, 369 upper mandible, motility of, 256 in tissue culture, 508 blood vessels of eye, 168 resistance to, 276, 369 brain, chemistry of, 66 irradiation with x-rays 373 chondroid bodies, 111 248 Sarcomatosis, 369 communal nesting, display, 58 Sarcops calvus, skeleton, 445 epiglottis, 429 Sarcoptes (parasites), 347 fecundity, exceptional, 205 heart, 257 Sarcorhamphus, foot, tendons of, 318 syrinx, 469 ligaments of, 446 474 taxonomy, habits, 238 trachea, 431 drumming, 248 91 Sarcorhamphus gryphus, cloaca, larynx, 429 high altitude of flight, 286 mandibular articulations, 447 sense of smell, 460 migrations, 299, 301, 304 stomach, 28 natural history, 322 Sarcorhamphus papa, habits, 238 nerve endings, in ear, 330 Sarcosporidia (parasites), 349 in mouth region, 331 Scolopax BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 154

Scolopax Continued Seasonal changes, in gonads, 424, 501, pterylosis, 379 509 skull, 455 in reproductive system, 510 position of ear, 121, 459 in song, 254, 466 tongue, 26 in spermatogenesis, 420 Scalopax gallinago, albinism, 99 in thyroid gland, 503 bone fracture, 21 taxonomic importance, 478 Scolopax rusticola, albinism, 99 Secondary sex characters see Sex banding, 45 characters carrying young, 243 Secretion granules, 115 food, 210 Secretions, gastric, 60, 64 isabellism, 100 of gonads, chemical properties, 508 lamellar cropuscles, 331 of lime, 372 migrations, 299, 300, 302, 307 of oviducal glands, 225 monogamy, 247 of uric acid, 64, 67, 513 polygamy, 247 of urine, 513 sex determination, 433 Seeds, digestion of, 117 syrinx, 469 dispersion of, by birds, 134, 138, 140, Scolt Head, England, migrations, 307 141 Scops, dichromatism, 108 in excrement, viability of, 117 posterior epithelium of iris, 169 Sessel's pouch, 157 Scopus, anatomy, 35 Segmental duct, 157 limb muscles, 317 Segmentation, of egg, 148 pterylosis, 379 Seiurus, (Siurus) nocturnal singing, 253 Scopus umbrella, skeleton, 445 skeleton, 445 Scotch Dumpie fowls, 221 measurements of, 404, 445 Scotland, ecology, 128 Seiurus aurocapillus, habits, breeding, economic ornithology, 136 241 fauna, 193 feeding, 250 food, 207 natural history, 322 iconography, 273 nest building instinct, 52 life histories, 280 voice, 463 migrations, 299, 307 Seiurus motacilla, fishing habits, 251 molt, 309 Selasphorus, reaction to new situations, Scotopelia peli, anatomy, 37 55 sternum, 452 Selasphorus rufus, ecology, 125 Scrofula, 364 habits, 238 Scutes, 278 hybrids, 267 evolution of, 161 Selection, by male, as factor in low homology with feathers, 202 fertility, 422 patterns as taxonomic characters, for egg production, 393 477 natural, 164 Scythrops, anatomy, 35 of good laying hens, 398 ear, development of, 121 of nest locality, 246 skull, 455 of poultry, 388 development of, 456 sexual, 164, 442 ossification of, 341 as factor in singing, 465 structure of, 456 Selective breeding, 219 Seabirds, collecting methods, 295 Seknidera, heel pads, 278, 281 feeding habits, 249 Selenka's pharyngeal sac, 157 food, 208 Seleucides, syrinx, 469 incubation period, 244 Semen, effects on egg color, 94 migrations of, 296 secretion of, 500 safety of, 134, 322 Semicircular canals, see also Vesti- use, in fishing, 143 bular apparatus in navigation, 143 developmental relation to coordina- Sea coast, Peru, ecology, 128 tion, 372 Sea water, use in tissue culture, 506 lesions of, 80, 124, 319, 325 Seabright bantam, 225 pathology of, 352 Season, as fertilization factor, 148 Seminal epithelium, 500 relation, to glycogenesis, 372 Seminal vesicles, 511 to molt, 310 sex hormone effect on growth of, 441 155 FINDING INDEX Seminiferous tissue

Seminiferous tissue, correlation with fertility of, 269 body size, 401 gonads of, 268, 509 Seminiferous tubules, 114, 500 ovaries of, 269 epithelium of, 420 reproduction by, 114 Senescence, 281 spermatogenesis in 420 Senility, 308 testes of, 499 relation to thymus gland, 309, 502 hydrophobia, 354 Sense of position, 340 hypophysis, development of, 270 Senses, 432 iconography, 274 Sensitization of fowl serum, 274 infection with Bacillus aertrycke, 370 Septicemia, 365 infectious diseases, 370 experimental, 358 infertile ovary, 342 Septum transversum, 157 learning, 54 Sequence of plumages, 379-383 measurements of intestine, 405 Sequoia National Park, Calif., fauna, mimcry, 54 181 molt, 310 Seritulus, sex reversal, 437 natural history, 322 Serinus, banding, 45 oviduct, histology of, 510 beak, anomalies of, 493 pathology, 350, 364 behavior, 47, 48 paratyphoid fever, 364 care in captivity, 41 plague, 364 cleavage of egg, 148 pericardial cavity, 157 color, feeding effects on, 107 pharynx, 26 heredity of, 223 pleuroperitoneal cavity, 157 color vision, 519 poison gas, detection of, 135 death caused, by bitter almond pure stock breeding, 219 poisoning, 365 regeneration, of leg, 410 by carabideous larvae, 311 of striped muscle, 410 development of brain, 77 sex chromosomes, 434 ear, 121 sex determination, 433 early embryology, 147 sex ratio factors, 442 ecology, 125 stunted rectrices, 497 evolution of head crests, 162 testes, modifications of Sertoli cells by mutation, 163 in, 500 experimental breeding, 218 thymus gland, development of, 502 fecundity, 204 thyroid gland, development of, 503 furcula (clavicles), development of, experimental studies of, 503 452 tongue, 26 ossification of, 341 tuberculosis, 366 gallstones, 352 tumors, 367 genetics, 218, 225 variation, 514 experimental hybridization, 219 vision, 517 gonads, activity of, 508 form perception, 517 grafts of, 229 voice, evolution of, 161 green color, causes of, 102, 268 heredity of, 224 habits, 238 xenia, 225 hearing, 257 Serinus canarius, hybrids, 265 hemiplegic epilepsy, 360 pneumaticity of skull, 459 heredity, 219, 222 Serinus canarius serinus, 119 Mendelian, 223 Serinus canicollis, hybrids, 267 of head crest, 220 Serinus flaviventri, longevity, 292 of pigmentation, 222 Serinus hortulanus, albinism, 99 of red eyes, 221 Serology, of incubating egg, 145 of sex, 223 Serresius galeatus, foot bones, 450 of song, 224 sternum, 452 of white plumage, 221 Sertoli cells, 421, 500 sex linked, 224 Serum of blood, 65, 74, 274, 275 hybridization effect on egg color, alkaline reserve, 65 93, 414 in rachitis, 363 hybrids, 57, 219, 263, 267, 500 antiovarian, 384 eggs of, 269, 412 effects on gynandromorphism. 384, experimental, 269 436 Serum of blood BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 156

Serum of blood Continued in feeding experiments with poultry, bacteriocidal power, 275 397 cytotoxic action of immune rabbit in intelligence, 53 serum, 274, 505 in iodine content of thyroid gland, in 274 503 * anaphylaxis, injections into blood, 275 in measurements, 402 surface tension of, 74 in migrations, 307, 401 test for cholera, 358 in ossification, 341 Sesamoid bones, 454 in plumage, 376, 383 of wing, 283 in proteins, 63 Sex, 225, 432-442 in size and composition of tibiotarsus comparison with body and brain during growth, 450 weights, 402 in skeleton, 446, 448, 453 determination of, 433 in suprarenal glands, 467 for eggs, 39 in thymus glands, 502 determining factors, 222 in weight, 406, 407 dichromatism in, 108 of brain, 81, 407 differentiation of in skin grafts, 230 of spleen, 293 effects of, on blood temperature, 483 sex hormones, 228, 229, 230, 254, of gonad grafts, 229 269, 401 on heat production, 372 effects, 441 growth, correlations with 232 on color, of beak, 256 heredity of, 219, 223, 224 of feet, 282 identification of, 295, 302, 434, 479 on feathers, 109, 200 in chicks, 398 on growth, 231, 233 male characters inhibited by sex significance of, 225 hormones, 384 Sex-linked inheritance, 224, 434 of incubating bird, 245 Sex ornamentation, evolution of, 161 race differences in male plumage Sex passion, revival in autumn, 434 only, 376 Sex potentiality, in transplanted ovary, recognition of, 432 438 relation, to blood sugar, 66 Sex ratio, 223, 442 to food utilization, 394 aberrant, 219 to glycogenesis, 372 effects on, of inanition, 337 to intestine length, 270 egg production, 391 to molt, 310 genetics of, 223, 442 to red blood corpuscles count, 73 in hybrids, 268 reversal of, in graft of skin, 230, 437 in migrations, 307 selection of nesting locality, 462 in mortality, 311 influence of thyroid gland, 505 Sex reversal, 86, 436-438 Sex characters, 86, 109, 223, 230, 435, feathers of, in skin graft, 225, 230 438-440 in plumage, 383 effects, of castration on, 85, 86, 500 ovary grafted into capon, 439 of gonads, 509 Sexograph, 39 of hypophysis on, 270 Sexual activity, 434, 435, 441 of inanition on, 337 of male, maximum period of day, 411 of lesions of visual apparatus, 517 Sexual cycle changes, effects of arti- of testes on, 501 ficial light, 501 of thyroid gland, 505 Sexual excitement, 91, 245 evolution of, 161 Sexual maturity, 92, 205 relation to interstitial tissue, 500 age of, 231 Sex chromosomes, 115-116, 222, 434 effects on, of hypophysis, 270 crossing over, 222, 434 thymus gland condition 502 Sex differences, biochemical, 60 Sexual selection, 164, 225, 442 effect of calcium, 61 effects on structure of feathers, 164 in blood fat and phosphorus, 65, relation to singing, 254 74, 424 Sexual variation versus geographic in blood temperature, 483 variation, 516 in eggs, 148, 390, 412 Shadow boxing, 48 weight correlation with body Shan States, Burma, fauna, 191 weight at hatching, 402 Shannon Co., Mo., ecology, 127 in eye color, 169 Shantung prov., China, fauna, 190 157 FINDING INDEX Shape

Shape, see Form Sinaloa, Mexico, fauna, 187 Sheep killing, 138, 212, 252 Sind prov., India, fauna, 191 evolution of, 161 Singing tree, 462 Shell, measurements of thickness, 404 Sinus, orbital, 171 taxonomic characters, 477 rhomboidalis, 110, 157, 326 weak, 488 terminalis, 149 weights of, 408 venosus sclerae, 173 Shell glands, 424 Sinuses, of dura, 293 absence of, 498 Sinusoids, 87 Shell membranes, anomalies of, 488 Siphonoma (tumor), in tympanic cavity, grafts of, 228 368 osmosis, 375 Siskiyou Co., Calif., fauna, 182 Shield, changes in color of, 107 Siskiyou Mts., fauna, 182 Shioctan, Wise., fauna, 186 Sitta, beak anomalies, 493 Shore birds, conservation of, 114 care in captivity, 41 food poisoning, 364 feeding habits, 250 winter distribution, 302 food in captivity, 208 Shrews as food for birds, 213 melanism, 101 Si Kiang river region, China, fauna, skeleton, 445 190 stomach contents, 212 Sialia, albinism, 99 weights of, 406 economic relations, 135 Sitta caesia, opening nuts, 51 experimental coloring of eggs, 56 Sitta carolinensis, economic relations, feathers, structure of, 201 135 food, 210 Sitta cinnamomeiventris, beak anomalies, insects, 140, 213, 251 493 melanism, 101 Sitta homeyeri, abnormal coloration, 95 skeleton, 445 variation, 514 measurements of, 445 Sittace, spinal nerves, 329 Sialis sialis, abnormal coloration, 95 Situs inversus viscerum, 499 mortality, 311 Siurus see Seiurus population changes, 21, 384 Size see also under Quantitative works Siam, fauna, 192 climatic effects on, 163 taxonomy, 473 of egg, 516 Siberia, ecology, 128 factors in, 417 fauna, 175, 192 perception of, 517 food, 207 Sjovall's method, in study of oo- migrations, 298 genesis, 481 taxonomy, 473 Skeleton, 443-454 Sicalis, pterylosis, 379 adaptation in, 22 Sicily, migrations, 301 air sacs in, 429 Sidney, Australia, fauna, 196 asymmetry of, 214 Siebenbiirgen, fauna, 194, 195 bones, involved in breathing, 427 Sierra de las Minas, Guatemala, fauna, chemical composition of, 66 187 development of limb bones, 157 Sierra Leone, Africa, fauna, 176 egg production correlations, 391 taxonomy, 471 evolution of, 162 Sierra Nevada, Colombia, fauna, 188 form of, 214 Signalling, with tails, 461 compared with egg, 415 Sikkim, India, fauna, 191 fractures of, 354 Silence, during breeding, 242 growth of, 231, 406 Silicic acid, in feathers and liver, 63, 66 inbreeding effects on, 219 Silky feathering, heredity of, 221 in rachitis, 363 Silky fowl, origin, 161 malformation of, 354 Silla de Caracas, Venezuela, fauna, 189 measurements of, 404-405 taxonomy, 472 technic of, 294, 482 Silver-spangled fowl, feather develop- of feet, 281 ment, 200 of hybrid, 268 Simalu Isl., Sumatra, fauna, 197 neck bones, action of, 319 taxonomy, 474 ossification of, 340-341 Simorhynchus, molt of beak covering, pathology of, 354 311 preparation technic, 479 Skeleton BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 158

Skeleton Continued Smell, sense of, 250, 459-460 sex differences, 434, 453 comparison with vision, 517 study collection, 143 Smooth muscle fibers of amnion, 151 taxonomic use, 477 Smut, pathologic effects of, 397 teratology of, 497-498 Snails, as food for birds, 214 doubling, 486 Snake skins, in nests, 245 of wing, 496 Snake venom, immunity to, 274 tuberculosis of, 367 Snakes, as food for birds, 214 uncinate processes, muscle attach- mobbing of, by birds, 49 ments to, 316 Snaring methods, 296 variation in, 454, 514 Snow storm, mortality from, 313 wing bones, 283 Soaring flight, 286-290, 338 sesamoid bones of, 283 Social Relations, 48, 460-462 Skin, 276 of voice, 464 blood vessels of, 87 Society Isls., ecology, 130 color of, 94, 102, 107 Sodium bromide, effects on embryo, 154 genes for, 222 Sodium chloride, toxicity of, 67 inheritance of, 221 Solar eclipse, behavior during, 59 cooling of, 483 Solar irradiation, effects of, 372 grafts of, 225, 229, 230, 269, 355 Solomon Isls., fauna, 198 retain sex characters, 383 taxonomy, 474 sex reversal in, 437 Somaliland, fauna, 177 hematozoa of, 348 Somateria, albinism, 99 lesions caused by round worms, 349 breeding habits, 241 lymphatic vessels of, 90 in captivity, 43 parasites in, 349 carrying of young, 243 pathology of, 354 coloration, 92 pigments of, 103, 104, 278 conservation, 112 relation to egg laying, 422 courtship, 57 tuberculosis of, 367 economic relations, 135 tumors of, 368 food, 210 unfeathered, 50 nestling down feathers, 202 Skin muscles, relation to pterylosis, 379 pectoral girdle, 451 Skokie Marsh, 111., ecology, 131 sequence of plumages, 382 Skull, 454-459, 492 tamenesa, 50 air sacs of, 429 Somateria dresseri, food, 210 asymmetry of, 214 habits, 238 canals and foramina, 327 Somateria mollissima, habits, 236 doubling of parietal bones, 486 hybrids, 267 ear labyrinth, 122, 123 life history, 280 ear position, 459 mutation, 163 egg production correlation, 391 sequence of plumages, 382 evolution of, 162 variation in plumage color, 515 exostosis, 354 Somateria spectabilis, coloration, 92 eye position, 173 feathers, 199 hernia, in crested fowls, 492 hybrids, 267 identification methods, 294 sequence of plumages, 382 ligaments of, 446 Somatopleure, 147, 150 measurements of, 404, 457 Somites, 152 metameres of, 152, 456, 457 Song, 50, 218, 465, 466 ossification of, 341 as criterion for territory, 462 pathology of, 354 color association, 102 piercing of by carnivorous birds, 251 correlation with reproduction, 422 variation in, 457, 514 diagrams of, 482 Skunks, as food for birds, 213 effects, of latitude on, 132 Slavonia, migration, 301 of temperature on, 484 Sleep, 375 of weather on, 60, 132 induced, followed by death, 312 factors in, 254 Sleeping habits, 239 habits of, 253-254 Sleeping sickness of man, 119, 370 heredity of, 224 Slipped tendon, 364 in flight, 254 mineral content of tibiotarsus, 66, 450 learned or inherited, 54, 466 159 FINDING INDEX Song

Song Continued South Orkney Isls., ecology, 129 location of, 254 fauna, 175 on nest, 242, 254 sequence of plumages, 380 periods of, 254, 466 South Pacific Isls., ecology, 129 relation, to sexual selection, 442 Southern Oceans, habits, 236 seasonal decline in, 466 Soy beans, as food for poultry, 337, 397 variation in, 516 Space sense, 55, 308, 518 of British 193 Song birds, Isls., Spaces, of Fontana, 169 care of, 40 Spain, banding, 44 domestication of, 43 128 evolution 160 ecology, of, fauna, 195 habits of, 236 stomach contents, 211-212 hybrids, 262 Spangling, heredity of, 221 pathology, 350 for, 136 Song flight, nuptial, 242 Sparrow nuisance, remedy Song impulse, 254 Spatula, albinism, 99 Sonora, Mexico, fauna, 187 beak as filter, 22, 256 taxonomy, 472 eye, anatomy of, 166 Sound-conduction apparatus, 121 measurements of, 165 Sound, location of, 257 hybrids, 267 Sound Production, 53, 59, 60, 462-466 sequence of plumages, 382 by beak, 49 Spatula clypeata, coloration, 92 by wings, 285 feeding habits, 250 gular, 333 hybrids, 264 Sounds, effects on embryo, 155 Speciation, 466-467 methods of recording, 295, 482 formenkreis theory, 467, 478 South Africa, migrations, 297 race formation, 269 role of 268 South America, conservation, 112, 114 hybrids, ecology, 128 Species, relations, to blood sugar, 66 economic ornithology, 141 to subspecies, 478 fauna, 187-189 specificity, in chorio-allantoic grafts, general works, 217 154, 477 geographic origin of birds, 161 Specific gravity, 406 habits, 235 adjustments of, 288 iconography, 272 changing, by contracting air sacs, life histories, 280 291, 428 migrations, 298 by plumage adjustment, 291, 378 natural history, 321 of blood, 72 oology, 339 of bone, 447 taxonomy, 472 of eggs, 231,389, 406, 412 variation, 516 variation in, 515 voice, 463 of skeletal muscle, 318, 406 South Australia, fauna, 196 Spectral analysis, of egg shell pigments, temperature, 482 94 South Carolina, ecology, 127, 130 of oil globules of retina, 172 fauna, 185 Spectrum, of yolk, 419 habits, 235 Speech, 53, 465 breeding, 239 Speotyto, eating horned larks, 213 migrations, 298 fundus of eye, 166 population crowding, 385 habits, 238 sequence of plumages, 380 feeding, 250 variation, 516 myology, 314 South Dakota, ecology, 127 pterylosis, 379 fauna, 185 retina, 171 South Dalmatian prov., Austria, fauna, vision, 517 193 Speotyto cunicularia, breeding habits, South Georgia Isls., fauna, 174 241 habits, 235 Speotyto cunicularia floridano, ecology, breeding, 240 125 natural history, 321 habits, 238 taxonomy, 470 voice, 463 Speotyto cunicularia BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 160

Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, ecology, Spheniscus, anatomy, 37 125, 134 arteries, of brain, 88 nasal chambers, 256 of wings, 89 skeleton, 445 behavior in captivity, 49 urban adaptation, 23 breeding habits, 241 Sperm nuclei, in germinal disc, 418 diencephalon, 82 Spermatogenesis, 420-421 ear labyrinth, 122 after ovariotomy, 438 incubation period, 244 as cause of migrations, 305 lamellar corpuscles in uropygeal in hybrids, 268 gland, 331 Spermatozoa, 419-421 loss of flight, 285 agglutination of, 424 mechanics of flight, 288 competition in, 147 molt, 310 efficiency of, 148 sequence of plumages, 382 in tissue culture, 506 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449 longevity of, 148 uropygeal gland, 227 stale, 148 variation in ribs, 514 as factor in sex determination, 433, vertebrae, action of, 453 442 Spheniscus demersus, brain, 76 variation, in activity and production, cerebrospinal nerves, 326 424 myology, 314 Spermophila, eclipse plumage, 382 Sphenura, pterylosis, 379 Spheniscidae, circulatory system, 86, 88 Sphyrapicus, care in captivity, 41 degeneration, 160 economic relations, 138, 139 domestication of, 43 food, 210 ecology, 126 in captivity, 208 embryology, 144 liver, pathology of, 352 feather structure, 201 sap drinking, 249 fossil species, 344 Sphyrapicus varius, economic relations, habits, 235 135 head muscles, 315 habits in captivity, 247 intestine, 32 sap sucking, 252 limb bones, 449 Spiders, killing birds, 312 liver, 283 Spina bifida, 498 locomotion on land, 291 experimental production, 492 molt, 310 Spinal cord, 157, 324-326 myology, 314 blood vessels of, 87 natural history, 322 central canal, diameter of, 403 nestling down feathers, 202 growth of, 231 pterylosis, 379 growth rate of, 233 skeleton, 445 reflexes, 409 skull, 455 teratology of, 486, 487, 490 syrinx, 469 experimental anomalies, 491 webbing of toes, 282 tissue culture of, 507 Sphenisciformes, communal relation- variation in, 514 ships, 132 weights, in development, 407 175 distribution, Spinal ganglion cells, cytology of, 116 147 early embryology, mitochondria in, 116 egg color, 93 Spinal nerves, 329-330 evolution, 160 Spindalis, anatomy, 37 feathers, 199 pterylosis, 379 development of, 200 cells, 74 muscles of, 201, 319 Spindle of 25 habits, 234, 238 Spines, mouth and tongue, in captivity, 247 Spinus, cochlea, 123 life histories, 279 hearing, 257 migrations, 296, 301 hybrids, 263, 264, 267 myology, 314 sclera, 173 plumage, 376 vestibular apparatus, 124 rock scratches, 308 Spinus pinus, foliage eating, 250 skeleton, 445 molt, 310 social relations, 460 sequence of plumages, 382 161 FINDING INDEX Spinus spinus

Spinus spinus, food, 210 Splenectomy, effects of, 293 hybrids, 267 on hemopoiesis, 75 Spinus tristis, food, 210 on oxygen carrying capacity of Spiral organ, 123 blood, 73 Spirillum (parasite) infection, 370 Spongioblasts, 172 Spirochaetes (parasites), effects on Sporadinus, care in captivity, 41 chicken sarcoma, 369 Sporaeginthus, content of cholesterin, 62 of intestine, 347 molt, 310 resemblance to spermatozoa, 420 sequence of plumages, 382 Spirachaeta anserina (parasite) infec- Sporozoa (parasites), 349 tion, 370 Spruce tree insects, as food for birds, 140 Spirochaeta gallinarum (parasite), 347, Spurs, 279 355 grafts of, 230 infection with, 72, 370 growth after ovariotomy, 442 resistance to, 274, 276 heredity of in female, 220 Spirpchetosis, 370 hypertrophy of, 491 Spiti, Ceylon, fauna, 191 in arrhenoidy, 438 Spitzbergen, ecology, 129 in sex reversal, 437 fauna, 175 on beak, 494 food, 207 on head, 493 habits, 236 on wings, 279, 496 Spiza, breeding habits, 241 preventing development of, 398 ecology, 126 Squatarola (Charadrius), habits, 237 economic relations, 135 sequence of plumages, 382 life histories, 280 sex determination, 433 migrations, 297 voice, 463 nocturnal singing, 253 Squatarola squatarola, migrations, 298 Spiza americana, distribution, changes sequence of plumages, 382 in, 120 Squirrels, mortality from, 313 habits, 238 Stains, for blood, 72, 481 incubation period, 244 in tissue culture, 506 sequence of plumages, 382 vital, 153, 481 voice, 463 Stalked parapineal vesicle, 77 Spizella, albinism, 99 Staphylococcus (parasites), infection, feeding offspring habits, 243 370 intelligence, 53 Starch, in eggs, 68, 70 nocturnal singing, 253 in testes, 60 Spizella passerina, banding, 45-46 Starfish, as food for birds, 213 habits, feeding, 250 Starna, conservation, 114 insectivorous, 139 Starvation, 305 see also inanition mated for two seasons, 59 from nestling competition, 313 scabies infection, 365 mortality from, 313 winter food, 214 Statistics, in poultry culture, 389 Spizella pusilla, albinism, 99 of fecundity, 223 voice, 463 of right and left crossing of beak, 494 Spizella socialis, longevity, 292 Stearin, use in rachitis prevention feed- Spleen, 293 ing, 363, 397 chemistry of, 64 vitamin D source, 521 cholesterin formation in, 62 Steatornis, alimentary canal, 24 effects, of castration on, 85 digestion, 116 of forced feeding on, 336 food, 210 grafts of, 229 myology, 314 growth of, 231 pterylosis, 379 in tissue culture, 506 skull, 455 hemapoiesis in, 75 syrinx, 469 inneryation of, 333 taxonomy, 475 irradiation of with x-rays, 373 based on anatomy, 38, 477 measurements of, 293, 405 Steatornis caripensis, anatomy, 35 phagocytosis of old red blood cor- taxonomic, 38 puscles, 73, 276 eye, 165 sex differences in weight, 439 nasal glands, 226 weights, 293, 408 natural history, 322 Steatornis caripensis BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 162

Steatornis caripensis Continued pharynegal operculum, 158 nictitating glands, 226 pineal body, 375 pterylosis, 379 pineal eye, homology of, 157 syrinx, 469 primitive streak, 150 trachea, 431 sequence of plumages, 382 Steganopodes, genetic relations, 476 sharp vision regions, 519 habits, breeding, 241 somites of embryonic head, 152 incubation period, 244 teeth in embryo, 25 life histories, 280 ultimobranchial bodies, 158 skeleton, 445 variation in eggs, 515 skull, 455, 459 Sterna anglica, banding, 45 taxonomy, 475 Sterna cantiaca, banding, 45 Steganopus, food, 210 Sterna caspia, breeding habits, 241 Steganura paradisea, regurgitation of Sterna dougalli, color pattern, 109 gizzard lining, 31 recognition of nest, 55 Stelgidopteryx (Hirundo) ruficollis serri- Sterna fuliginosa, experimental coloring pennis, habits, 237 of eggs, 56 migrations, 302 recognition of young, 56 Stellula calliope, architecture of nests, Sterna fuscata, food, 210 245 habits, breeding, 241 ecology, 126 feeding, 250 Steppes, fauna, 195 orientation, 340 Stercorarius, acquired characters, 220 Sterna hirundo, banding, 45 variation, 514 breeding habits, 241 in color, 93 color pattern, 109 Stercorarius crepidatus, variation in development of wings, 282 plumage, 515 exceptional fecundity, 205 Stercorarius parasiticus, feeding habits, homotyposis, 476 250 migrations, 302 Stereotropism, 372 recognition of nest, 55 of embryonic cells, 506 recolonization, 112, 384 Sterilization of eggs, 398 spinal cord anomalies, 490 Sterility, 389, 416, 424 Sterna macrura, early embryology, 147 of hybrids, 268 Sterna paradisaea, ecology, 126 of male, 353 habits, 238 small size of phallus, as cause, 511 life history,-280 Sterilization of eggs, 398 natural history, 322 Sterna, banding, 45, orientation, 340 behavior, 47, 48 Sterna sandvicensis, natural history, 322 breeding habits, 241 ecology, 126 bursa Fabricii, 92 habits, 238 change in color, 106 life history, 280 courtship, 58 orientation, 340 cranial nerves, development of, 327 Sterna wilsoni, development of wing destruction of, 112 bones, 450 development of color pattern, 109 Sterninae, concealing coloration, 108 eggs, measurements of, 404 food, 210 egg tooth, 150 Sternopagia, 486 embryonic head, section figures, 157 Sternum, 452 evolution of pineal body, 161 adaptation in, 22 feathers, development of, 200 anomalies of, 452, 498 nestling down, 202 articulations of, 447 fovea centralis, 173 measurements of, 40, 405, 482 food, 210 ossification of, 341 insect, 251 tracheal coils in, 432 learning, 54 Sticky embryos, hormone effects on, 160 melanin pigment, development of, metabolism of, 61, 71 104, 105 Stictonetta, tracheal enlargements, 431 molt, 310 syrinx, 469 mortality of young birds, 313 Stictonetta naevos, trachea, 431 motor end plates, 330 Stikine River region, Britis^ Columbia, pathology, 350 fauna, 180 163 FINDING INDEX Stimulation

Stimulation, of acoustic nerve, 166 fault bars in, 491 electric, 124 produced experimentally, 497 of Grandry's corpuscles, 331 structure of, 201 optical, 55 food, 210 thermal, 124 hatching movements, 48, 423 of eyes, 409 hybrids, 263 Stimulus, rhythm of, 319 experimental, 219, 269 strength of, 54 spermatogenesis in, 420 Stomach, 28-31 testes of, 499 270 capacity of, 117 hypophysis, 59 contents of, 141, 211 intergeneric mating, technic for estimating, 294, 481 incubation period, 244 54 cytology of, 115 learning, 223 digestion in, 117 Mendelian heredity, as factor in evolution of, 162 metabolic rate, reproduc- feeding effects on, 208, 336 tion, 421 variations in as cause of gastric juice removal, 479 embryo 490 glands of, 29, 226 anomalies, in 374 canaliculi, 29 metabolism, inanition, in 374 influence of vagus nerve, 329 basal, as factor breeding, effect on feather innervation of, 332 nutrition, faulty, leukocytes of mucosa, 72 development, 336, 383 nerve stimulation effects lymphatic vessels of, 90 oviduct, on, 423 measurements of, 405 150 molt of lining, 311 parthenogenesis, of nerve endings in, 331 pigment epithelium retina, 103, 170 nutrition, experimental effects on, 336 sex hormones 441 oil of, 29-30, 64 placental injected, melanin forma- pathology, 351 post mortem pigment 170 smooth muscle in, 319 tion, 103, taxonomic consideration, 29 prolactin production, 270 on 68 tumor of, due to nail penetration, 368 quinine, effects, egg albumen, 416 weights of contents, 406 on oogenesis, resistance to 425 correlation with diet, 401, 408 asphyxia, respiration, 425 Stony nodules, in liver, 352 seasonal differences, in liver weight, watch in 482 Stop use, recording voice, 284 of 400 Storage, eggs, in spleen weights, 293 Storms, effects on birds, 132, 322 secondary sex characters, 438, 439 effects on 308 migrations, Sertoli cells, modifications of, 500 312-313 mortality from, sex, determination of, 433 thunder, singing in, 466 differences, in intestine, 270 Strait of Bosporus, migrations, 306 in liver weight, 284 Straits of Gibraltar, fauna, 196 in spleen, 293 iconography, 271 sex hormones, 440 Stream lining, 215 sex linked inheritance, 224, 434 Strepera, myology, 314 smell, 460 pterylosis, 379 stale sperm, effects on sex ratio, 442 Streptococcus, infection with, 354, 370 power of, 148 Streptopelia, abnormal feathers, 202 thymus gland, function in ovulation, blastoderm, development of, 149 502 blood calcium changes in reproduc- sex comparison, 502 tion, 421 thymovidin production, 422 blood sugar value, heredity of, 220 vision, Purkinje phenomenon, 518 bursa Fabricii, 92 voice, 464 castration effect on survival in low Streptopelia douraca, hybrids, 267 and high oxygen pressures, 433 Streptopelia risoria, albinism, 99 color vision, 519 heredity, 220 crop, 27 hybrids, 264, 267 feathers, 497 origin, 225 continuity at molt, 310 temperament, 59 development of, 200 Streptostyly, 459 Striges BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 164

Striges, ear, external, 121 flight muscles, 317 eye, anatomy of, 166 pectoral girdle, 451 foot bones, 450 skeleton, 445 ossification, 340 wing bones, 450 skull, 455 Stringops habroptilus, natural history, syrinx, 469 322 Strigidae, anatomy, 37 skeleton, 445 asymmetry, 214 99 cannibalism, 250 Strix, albinism, color, 94 cannibalism, 48, 250 fed free destruction of, 112 captives by birds, 461 care in 41 digestion of vegetable matter, experi- captivity, mental 117 color vision, 519 cranial 327 directive coloration, 108 nerves, 121 ear, 121 ear, economic bony layrinth, 459 relations, 135 144 economic relations, 135 embryology, 165 egg size, 333 eye, 166 eye, 165 anatomy of, 166 extrinsic muscles of, 171 aqueous humor, 334 iris, 169 ciliary ganglion, color function of choroid lymphatic vessels of, 166 layer. 168 melanin pigment of, 170 fovea cen tralis, 173 nervous elements of, 172 iris, 169 feathers, structure of, 201 posterior epithelium of, muscle 169 filoplumes, 202 of, 166 food, 210 physiology of, facial in 123 habits, breeding, 241 nerve, ear, 457 feeding, 250 fontanelles, in 208 leg muscle function, 319 food, captivity, 212 longevity, 292 quantity of, of Europe, 192 fossil species, 344 habits in 247 pterylosis, 379 captivity, 258 Purkinje fibers, 258 heart, liver, cells 284 regurgitated pellets, 212 epithelial of, retina, 172 measurements of, 405 293 neurons of, 172 meninges, development of, 293 physiology of, 167 histology of, 373 skeleton, 445 metabolism, 314 development of, 448 myology, chiasma skull, 455 optic and lobes, 83 510 auditory apertures, 459 oviduct, histology of, 375 structure of, 456 pulse rate, 409 stomach contents, 212 pupillary reflexes, of syrinx, 469 regurgitation gizzard living, 31 taxonomy, 475 respiratory organs, 427 227 variation in age of nestlings, 411 salivary glands, voice, 464 skeleton, 445 456 Strigiformes, anatomy, 37 skull, os 457 behavior, breeding, 49 interparietale, 459 sexual, 56 tympanic cavity, 460 color vision, 519 smell, 31 eye, anatomy of, 166 stomach, 30, contents 212 anomalies of, 494 of, 29 retina, 172 histology of, vestibular 78 food, 210 functions, 517 Infusoria (parasites) of, 349 vision, 519 male feeding young, 243 experimental studies, 518, 517 variation in skull, 457, 514 telescopic, vision, 517 Strix asio, sequence of plumages, 382 Stringops, adaptation to flight, 23 Strix flammea, abnormal coloration, 95 crop, 27 economic relations, 135 165 FINDING INDEX Strix flammea

Strix flammea Continued digestion, 116 electrical characteristics of uropygeal ear, 121 gland, 227 columella, 122 food, 210 labyrinth of, 122 eating shrews, 213 measurements of, 403 habits, 238 ecology, 126 luminosity, 308 edibility of flesh, 142 mortality from disease, 311 egg shell, structure of, 414, 480 natural history, 322 study with polarized light, 414 nestling plumage, 383 egg tooth, 150 plumage, use of daws in oiling, 376 eggs, double, 488 pectination of middle claw, 277 fungus inclusions in, 415 population, food supply control, 385 laying of, 423 sequence of plumages, 382 embryology, 144, 145 Strix noctua, oxidation, 60 early embryology, 147 water and ash content of feces, 64 primitive streak, 150 Strix novaehollandiae, nestling down erectile tissue, 511 persisting on legs, 376 evolution, 160 Strix passerina, plumage, 376 experimental, 162 pterylosis, 379 of feathers, 199 Strix pratincola, late breeding, 242 of foot, 162 Strix varia, sequence of plumages, 382 parallel mutation, 163 165 Strobophotography, 295, 464 eye, sclerotic rings, 173 Strongylus (parasites), 349 structure of, 166 infections in Lagopus scoticus, 371 eye lids, 315 Strontium, 60 feathers, 199 Strontium bromide, injections of, into abnormal, 199 154 albumen, climatic effects on growth of, 201 Struma Plain, Greece, fauna, 194 devlopment of, 200 Struthidea, skeleton, 445 experimental modification of, 200 Struthio, acquired characters, 163, 220 fault-bar development, 199 inheritance of, 163 feeding effects on, 200 acclimatization, 132 growth rate, 201, 403 adaptation, 21, 22 nestling down, 202 air sacs, 427, 428 structure of, 201 albinism, 99 fecundity, 204 alimentary canal, 24 food, minimum, 212 anatomy, 37 foot, 281,282 arrhenoidy, 438 articulations of, 447 articulations, action of, 446 bones of, 450 of vertebrae, 447 structure of, 282 tibio-tareal, 446 fossil species, 344 aspergillosis, 348, 355 gastrulation, 149 atrioventricular system, 258 genetics, 218 axial skeleton, 453 glands, stomach, 226 behavior, 47, 59 lacrimal, 226 body temperature, 483 glandular bodies in omentum, 225 breeding, experimental, 218 growth, 231 for plumage, 42, 199, 218 habits, 234, 238 bursa Fabricii, 91 breeding, 241 callosities, of ankle, 161, 278 feeding, 250 inheritance of, 220 in captivity, 247 care in captivity, 41, 42 hatching, 423 357 cholera, heart, 257 choroid 294 plexus, valves of, 258 claws on 277 wings, heredity, 220 cloaca, 91 hybrids, 263 coloration, 108 concealing 457 copulatory organs, 511 hyoid apparatus, habits 245 courtship, 58 incubation, of, 243, dancing, 48, 58 hyperdactylia, 495 Struthio BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 166

Struthio Continued taste, 469 incubation, 43 taxonomy, based on anatomy, 477 by both sexes, 245 teeth, embryonic, 25 period of, 243 tela chorioidea, 294 instinct, 50 toes, degeneration of, 282 intersexuality, 435 tuberculosis, 366 intestine, 32 tumors, 367 life history, 280 urine, 64 ligaments, 446 urogenital system, 508 limb bones, 449 variation, in plumage, 514 longevity, 292 in skeleton, 514 lungs, 429 veins of kidney, 512 male reproductive system, 510 vertebrae, action of, 453 mortality from indigestible objects, morphology of, 454 312 vertebral arteries, 89 muscles, 314 vestibular functions, 78 mechanics of, 319 vestigial phalanges, 163, 282, 451 of flight, 316, 317 viscera, 38 of tongue, 316 measurements of, 405 pelvic, 316, 319 vocal sac, 464 natural history, 320 wings, 282 neurenteric canal, 158 xenia, 225 ossification, 341 Struthiones, paleontologic relationships pathology, 350 to dinosaurs, 345 pectoral girdle, 451 skeleton, 445 pelvic girdle, 453 Struthionidae, axial skeleton, 453 mechanics of, 319 economic relations, 135 phalanges, 450 red blood corpuscles, 73 phallus, 511 Struthioniformes, bursa Fabricii, 91 pharyngeal operculum, 158 extinction, 165 phylogeny, 162, 220 Strutting, 248 plumage, anomalies of, 497 Strychnine, injections of into albumen, degeneration of, 376 154 pterylosis, 379 poisoning, 313 rachitis, 363 Strychnine sulfate as cause of bird de- red blood corpuscles, 73, 74 struction in poisoning mammals, 113 renal portal veins, 89 Sturnella, albinism, 99, 100 scutes, loss of, 161, 278 alimentary canal, 24 selective breeding for plumes, 219 eating crickets, 140 sequence of plumages, 382 economic relations, 135 skeleton, 445 food, 211 pneumaticity of, 448 insect food, 139, 213 processus pectinealis, 453 habits, feeding, 250 sternum, 452 insectivorous, 139 measurements of, 405 intelligence, 53 tarsal bones, 450 rib anomaly, 498 wing bones, development of, 450 skeleton, 445 vestigial phalanges, 451 skull, canals & foramina, for cranial skin, 276 nerves, 327 skull, 456 stomach, 28 metamerism of, 457 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449 smell, 460 voice, 464 spermatozoa, 419 Sturnella magna, learning to sing, 52, 54, spinal cord, 324 466 histology of, 325 Sturnella neglecta, insect food, 213 meninges of, 294 Sturnus, autonomic nervous system, 332 nuclei marginales, 325 change in color, 106 sinus rhomboidalis, 326 celom, 157 spleen, 293 cloaca* 91 stomach, 28, 31 distribution extension, 173 peculiar contents of, 212 ear, injury to, 121 syrinx, 469 ecology, 125, 126 167 FINDING INDEX Sturnus

Sturnus Continued learning, 54 embryology, 144 metabolism, 373 early, 147 migrations, 299, 300, 302, 304, 307 fledging periods, 281 unusual, 304 gregariousness, 461 mimicry, 54 hypolemmal nerve endings, 330 molt, 310 innervation of heart, 333 nestings per season, 246 interstitial cells of testis, 439 orientation, experimental studies of lens, histology, of, 170 340 optic chiasma and lobes, 83 ovary of unmated birds, 342 ossification of skull, 341 sequence of plumages, 382 pericardia! cavity, 157 speech, 54, 465 pleuroperitoneal cavity, 157 spermatogenesis, effects of light on, proventriculus, 30 421 regurgitation of gizzard lining, 31 sterility, 424 reproduction, 411 stomach contents, 212 roosting habits, 239 unmated birds, 248 sex hormones, 440, 441 voice, 462, 464 sexual maturity, 434 Subarachnoid space, 294 skin color, 94 Submarines, detection of, 141 skull, 456 Subspecies, climatic effects on differenti- spermatogenesis, 420 ation of, 163 spinal cord, development of, 325 evolution of, 163 stomach contents, weights of, 406 hybrids of, 268 syrinx, innervation of, 469 relations to species, 478 tendons of depressor muscles of Subs t ant ia gelatinosa Rolandi, of spinal mandible, 315 cord, 325 teratology, anadidymus, 486 in sinus rhomboidalis, 326 double monsters, 486 Sudan, Africa, ecology, 126 of plumage, 497 migrations, 297 albinism, 99 taxonomy, 471 spina bifida, 498 Sudan III, effect in food on yolk testes, effects of artificial light on, 501 color, 419 interstitial cells of, 500 transmission to offspring, 422 seasonal changes in, 500, 501 Sudanese Prov., Africa, fauna, 177 variation, 514 Suffocation, effects on growth, 232 vision, related movements of head, Suffolk County, England, fauna, 193 517 Sugar, excretion of, 61, 64 Siurnus vulgaris, air sacs, 428 effect of adrenalin, 67 albinism, 99 hydrolysis of, 66 banding, 45, 46 in egg, 68, 69 beak, anomalies of, 493 Suicide, 48, 59, 311 periodic changes in form, 255 Sula see also Moris breeding period, experimental accele- abnormal coloration, 95 ration of, 421 absence of nostrils, 257 communal nesting, 248 albinism, 99 damage to olives, 139 anatomy involved in diving, 22, 291 dissemination of disease by, 361 banding recoveries, 46 distribution, 120 breeding habits, 241 ecology, 126 chondroid bodies, 111 economic relations, 134, 135, 137, conservation, 111 138, 139 distribution, 175 flocking, 248 economic relations, 135 food, 206, 211 eye, extrinsic muscles of, 171 insect, 251 physiology of double fovea, 167 "formenkreis" theory, 467, 478 fibula, 449 habits, 234, 238 foot, ligaments of, 446 breeding, 241 mechanics of, 282 feeding, 250 tendons of, 318 hermaphroditism, 436 fossil species, 344 introduction, 174 oviduct, 509 iridescence, 102 skeleton, 445 Sula BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 168

Sula Continued Surface tension of serum, 74 skull, 456 Surgery see also Grafts ear position, 121, 459 egg membranes for granulation tissue, sternum, 452 142 variation, in plumage color, 515 end to end anastomosis of oviduct Sula bassana see also Moris bassana without loss of function, 510 abnormal coloration, 95 technic of, 482 adaptation to flight, 288 use of tendons, 141 air sacs, 428 Surnia, regurgitation of gizzard lining, changing specific gravity by con- 31 traction of, 428 Survival of population, 386 communal relationships, 133 Suspensory ligament of lens, 170 distribution, 119, 180 anomalies of, 494 diving, 291 Sussex, England, fauna, 193 ecology, 126 iconography, 273 edibility of flesh, 142 Sutures, in skull, 457 habits, 238 Swallow stones, 320 on locomotion land, 290 Swallowing, 372 101 melanism, Swallow's herb, 320 methods for capturing, 294 296 Swamp associations, 131 natural history, 322 Swan Lake, Montana, fauna, 184 parasites of, 346 190 skeleton, pneumaticity of, 448 Swatow, China, fauna, vision, 517 Sweden, fauna, 195 voice, 464 general work, 217 Sula leucogastra (leucogaster), develop- iconography, 273 ment of plumage, 376 migrations, 301 habits, 238 plumage, 376 life history, 280 taxonomy, 473 Sulidae, hybrids, 262 vernacular names, 478 Sulphuretted hydrogen in egg, 68 Swimming, 291 Sulu Archipelago, Philippine Isls., unusual, 59 fauna, 197 use of plumage, 378 Sumatra, fauna, 197 Swimming birds, culture of, 40 taxonomy, 474 natural history, 321 to 303 Sun spots, relation migrations, Swimming habits, 234, 239 Sunflower seed, effect on beriberi, 363 Swimming organs, measurements of, 403 Sunlight, in poultry culture, 398 Swine, infected, with avian cholera, 357 Supernumerary limbs, 495-496 with avian tuberculosis, 138,^367 Superstitions, 320 226 protected against parasites by birds, Supraorbital glands, 141 Suprapericardial bodies, 158 Switzerland, ecology, 128 Suprarenal (Adrenal) Glands, 66, 85, 467-468 economic ornithology, 141 424, 196 action in vitamin B deficiency, 520 fauna, migrations, 301, 303, 306, 307 blood vessels of, 87, 467 stomach contents, 211 capsule, pathology of, 351 Swollen 355 chemistry of, 66 head, 300 effects, of cortex on sex, 433 Sylt Isl., Germany, migrations, of hypophysis on, 270 Sylvia, abnormal eggs, 488 of inanition on, 338 albinism, 99 on glycemia and hyperglycemia, 66 blood pigments, 103 epinephrin content in beriberi, 362 brain, 76, 78 grafts of, 228 development of feet, 281 innervation, 333 eating nectar, 214 measurements of, 405 egg shell pigments, 94 nutrition of, 335 hypophysis, 270 relations to hypophysis, to thymus melanism, 101 and thyroid gland, 502 parathyroid glands, 349 sex differences in, 439 polygamy, 411 veins of, 89, 467 thyroid gland, 503 weights, 408 voice, 464 169 FINDING INDEX Sylvia atricapilla

Sylvia atricapilla, albinism, 99 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449, 477 erythrism, 100 variation, 514 taxonomy, 475 in color, 93 Sylvia borin, care in captivity, 41 Syrrhaptes paradoxus care in captivity, food, 211 41 Sylvia caligata, taxonomy, 475 conservation, 111 Sylvia communis, migrations, 305 economic relations, 134 Sylvia horiensis, pathology, 350 food, 206, 211 Sylvia rubecula, care in captivity, 43 habits, 234 Sylvia undata, ecology, 126 life history, 279 Sylvia undata dartfordiensis, territorial- migrations, 300, 302, 303, 304 ism, 462 Szechwan prov., China, fauna, 190 Sylviidae, iconography, 273 taxonomy, 474 territorialism, 461 Sylviinae, taxonomy, 475 Taccocua, display, 58 Symmelia, 495 Tachybaptus, rectrices, 203 Symmetry, of eyes, 165 Tachybaptus philippensis, skeleton, 445 Synadelphus, 487, 496 Tachycineta, skull, 456, 457 Syncephalus, 487 Tachypetes aquilum, air sacs, 428 Synchronous action, 49, 461 inflation of, 58 Syndactyly(ia), 496 throat pouch, 429 heredity of, 221 habits, 238 Synoecus australis, breeding in captiv- skeleton, pneumaticity of, 448 ity, 43 Tachyphonus, stomach, 28 habits, 241 Tactile corpuscles, 331 Syngamus trachealis (parasite), 349, Tactile feathers, 202 361, 371 Tactile sense, 432 Synsacral vertebrae, 454 Tadorna, breeding in captivity, 43 Synthetic diets, 336 change in color, 106 Synthliborhamphus, anatomy, 35 communal nesting, 248 Syria, fauna, 189 eyes, pathology of, 352 natural history, 321 mesonephros, 512 Syrinx, 464, 468-469 migrations, 303 evolution of, 161 Miillerian ducts, 510 innervation of, 328, 333 sequence of plumages, 382 muscles of, 316 Tadorna casarca, hybrids, 267 ossification of, 341 Tadorna serrator, commensalism, 132 267 taxpnomic value, 477 Tadorna vulpanser, hybrids, Syrmien, Jugoslavia, fauna, 194 Taeniopygia, hybrids, 267 arteries of 88 Syrnium, brain, Tahiti Isl., Polynesia, fauna, 198 in 43 breeding captivity, Tail, adaptation in, 23 color 519 vision, as stabilizer in flight, 289 166 eyes, carriage of, 253 169 posterior epithelium of, environmental effects on, 163 211 food, evolution of, 161 effects on hyperthyroidation plumage, form of, 215 384 variation in color of, 515 hypophysis, histology of, 270 Tail area, correlation with wing area, skull, 456 402 fontanelles of, 457 Tail length, correlation with body thyroid gland, effect on plumage, 504 length and weight, 401 Syrnium aluco, captives fed by free 493 birds, 461 Taillessness, 225 dichromatism, 108 origin of, food, 211 Talaut Isls., Melanesia, fauna, 198 habits, 238 Takgatta(us), breeding habits, 241 sternum, anomaly of, 498 care in captivity, 41 Syrnium nebulosum, feeding offspring, hybrids, 267 243 incubation period, 244 Syrrhaptes, acquired characters, 220 skeleton, 445 skeleton, 445 syrinx, 469 Talegalla lathami BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 170

Talegalla lathami, breeding in captivity, field characters, 302 248 significance of parasitology, 346 mound building, 245 Technic, 479-482 Talking birds, culture of, 40 vital stains, for blood, 481 Talien Bay, China, fauna, 190 for embryo, 153 Tambelan Isls., Malaysia, fauna, 197 in tissue culture, 506 taxonomy, 474 Tectum opticum, 78 Tameness, 21, 49-50 Teeth, of fossil birds, 344 Tanah Jampea Isl., Melanesia, fauna, Tegmentum vasculosum, 323 198 innervation of, 123 Tanganyika, Africa, fauna, 177, 178 Tela chorioidea, 294 taxonomy, 471 Teleoptyles, 202 Tangavius, social parasitism, 461 Telephone wires, mortality from, 312 territorialism, 461 Telescope, in observations of flight, Tantalus, arteries of brain, 88 40, 286, 295-296, 482 esophagus, 27 in studying migrations, 303 stomach, measurements of, 405 Telegraph wires, injuries from, 21 syrinx, 469 mortality from, 312 trachea, 431 Telmatodytes palustris, breeding habits, loops of, 432 241 measurements of, 405 courtship, 58 Tantalus ibis, hybrids, 267 life history, 280 ova, 412 migrations, 302 Tapajos River region, Brazil, fauna, 188 multiple nests, 245 Tapeworm, in egg, 416 nocturnal singing, 253, 466 56 Tapeworm disease, 362 sexual behavior, territorialism, 462 Tarsal scutes, reptilian pores in, 163 voice, 464 variation in, 514 Temperament, 59 Tasmania, breeding habits, 240 relation to voice, 464, 465 fauna, 196 Temperature, 482-485 oology, 339 changes in, effects, on embryo, 492 469 Taste, on growth of teratoma, 368 distasteful insect 213 larvae, on song impulse, 466 taste buds, 469 effects of, on ovulation, 424 469-470 Taxidermy, on ampullae, 124 Taxonomic anatomy, 38-39 on breeding, 242 Taxonomy, 102, 201, 470-479 on brooding, 242 based, on alimentary canal, 24 on carbon dioxide production, 426 on beak structure, 255 on cardiac muscle metabolism, 259 on ceca, 33 on distribution, 120 on eggs, 414 on egg size, 390, 417 on color of, 93 on embryo, 146-147 on structure of, 418 on feeding habits, 250, 251 on feathers, 203 on flight, 286 on aftershaft, 514 on velocity of, 290 on development of, 200 on food consumption, 212 on innervation of heart, 258 on hatchability of eggs, 389 on patagial muscles, 317 on heart contraction, 259, 260, 907 on precipitation tests, 218 on lung development, 430 value of, 276 on metabolism, 484 on pterylae, 379 on migrations, 302 on quadrate bone, 458 on nest building, 245 on skeleton, 449, 477 on nutrition, 335 on sternum, 452 on parthenogenesis, 150 subspecies distinctions, 448, 467 on plumage, 377 on skull, 457 on pulse rate, 375 on stomach, 29 of embryo, 146 on syrinx, 469 on pupillary reflexes, 167 on uropygeal gland, 227 on shape and physical constitution on wings, 282 of eggs, 417 disassociation of characters, 219 on singing, 254 171 FINDING INDEX Temperature

Temperature Continued of Mullerian ducts, 510 on susceptibility to irradiation persistence in females, of mesonephric by X-rays, 373 duct, 512 low temperature, effects of 132 of right oviduct, 510 in tissue culture, 506 rumpless fowls, 387 on migrations, 306 sebaceous excresence of uropygeal on molt, 310 gland, 227 on yolk, 419 spur dichotomy, 442 of body, 270, 482-483 vestigial structure, 157 cooling action of air sacs, 429 Teratoma, experimental production of, diencephalon center for, 334 368 effects, of destruction of optic Termites, as food for birds, 40, 213, 251 thalamus, 270, 371 Terrestrial magnetism, relation to orien- of excessive doses of thyroid tation, 340 gland extract, Territorialism, 49, 461-462 of pituitary and thymus gland Terutau Isl., Siam, fauna, 192 extracts, 270 Testes, 499-501 egg production correlation, 391 ablation of, 85 heat production, 372 asymmetry of, castration effects, 433 hyperthermia, 270 cystic, 353 in tuberculosis, 366 effects, of changes in on sex hormone of egg, 418 production, 442 of nonincubating egg, 404 of extract of on comb, 441 of incubation, 399 of hypophysis on, 270 incubation experiments, 146-147 of inanition on, 338 resistance of egg to variation in, 417 of lesion of visual apparatus on thermal stimulation of acoustic nerve, function of, 517 166 of ligation of, on plumage, 377 Temporal region, 459 of thymectomy, on 502 Tenacity of life, 372 of vitamin B deficiency on, 520 Tenasserim, Ceylon, fauna, 191 on sex characters, 440 Tendon, slipped, 364 grafts of, 229, 230, 435 Tendons, 315 in ovariotomized hen, effects on connective tissue of, 111 plumage, 376 development of tendon cells, 110, 115 in ovary, development of, 229 in hyperdactylia, 495 hypertrophy of, 501 nerve endings in, 330 after pineal body extirpation, 375 of foot, 281-282 in hermaphroditism, 436 of limb muscles, 317, 318 interstitial tissue of, 439, 499-500 of wings muscles, 283, 317 measuring technic, 482 ossification of, 341 involution of, on vitamin deficient taxonomic value, 477 diet, 520 Tennessee college campus population, irradiation with x-rays, 373 185, 384 measurements of, 405-406 Tenuirostres, tongue, 26 nerve endings in, 332 Teratologic races, of domestic birds, 492 of hen-feathered cock, 377 Teratology, 78, 485-499 see also of hybrids, 268 Anomalies pathology of, 353 abnormal eggs, 339, 422 penetrating suprarenal glands, 467 shell membranes, 414 pigmentation of, 501 weight of, 407 regeneration of, 85, 410 abnormal development of skull, 456 size of, 501 abnormal feathers, 199, 202 starch in, 60 nestling down, 383 tumors of, 368 abnormal yolk, development of, 419 weights of, 408 anomalies, in ear, 122 Tetanus, 355 of celom, insufficient division, 510 Tetragonops, pterylosis, 379 creeper fowl, 281 Tetrao, abnormal coloration, 95 crested fowls, 492 albinism, 99 in embryos, 156, 490, 492 anatomy, 36 malposition of embryo, 423 arrhenoidy, 438 in molt, 310 arteries, 88 Tetrao BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 172

Tetrao Continued variation, 514 beak anomalies, 493, 494 voice, 464 ceca, 33 Tetraonidae, abnormal eggs, 488 chondroid bodies, 111 albinism, 99 connective tissue of, 111, 282 ceca, 33 domestication of, 43 change in color, 106 eclipse plumage, 382 food, 211 foot, ligaments of, 446 hybrids, 262 mechanics of, 282 iconography, 272, 273 tendons of, 318 molt, 310 gizzard, 30 of claws, 277, 311 glands of external auditory meatus, reproductive system, 508 122, 226 secondary sex characters, 438 lacrimal, 226 secretion granules, 115 hen feathering of male, 377 sequence of plumages, 382 histology, 38 sex reversal, 437 hybrids, 263, 265, 266, 267, 438 skeleton, 445 innervation of air sacs, 333 skull, 456 integument, 276 Tetrastes, ceca, 33 intersexuality, 435 hybrids, 265, 266 Ihymphoid tissue in auricular folds, Tetrastes bonasia, abnormal coloration, 293 95 measurements, of sternum 405 Tetronerythrin, in comb, 279 of viscera, 405 in naked skin, 104 molt of claws, 311 Texas, ecology, 127 natural history, 322 economic relations, 137 posture, 253 food, 207 scoliosis, 354 migrations, 307 seasonal changes in color, 107 Texel Isl., Netherlands, fauna, 195 sequence of plumages, 382 Textor, hybrids, 267 sex behavior, 56 Textor niger, phallus, 511 sex reversal, 437 Thalamus, 83 sleeping habits, 239 effects of lesions, 371 trachea, 431 on body temperature, 270, 483 voice, 464 on metabolism, 371 Tetaro alba, hybrids, 267 on respiration, 426 Tetrao intermedius, habits, 238 evolution of, 83, 162 Tetrao lagopoides, hybrids, 267 reflexes, 409 Tetrao medius, hybrids, 267, 268 tract connections, 77, 78 Tetrao tetrix, albinism, 99 Thalassidroma, alimentary canal, 24 crop contents, 211 anatomy, 39 fossil species, 344 embryology, 144 hybrids, 265, 266, 267 myology, 314 sequence of plumages, 382 trachea, 431 sex reversal, 437 Thalurania, hybrids, 263 Tetrao urogallus, arrhenoidy, 438 Tharrhakus modularis, commensalism, courtship, 58 132 deafness of male in sexual excitement, Thaumaka picta, hybrids, 266, 267, 121-122, 257, 322 269 display, 58 Theelin, negative effects, 160 ear, 121, 122, 254 Therapy, use of birds by ancients, 308, hen feathering of male, 377 320 hybrids, 265, 266, 267 Theristicus, loss of wattles, after breed- hyoid apparatus, 457 ing season, 279 intersexuality, 435 Thinocorus, taxonomy, based, on ali- ovarian disease, 438 mentary canal, 24 sequence of plumages, 382 on anatomy, 477 sex reversal, 437, 438 on muscles, 314 skeleton, 445 on skull, 457 skull, 456 on syrinx, 469 tongue, 26 Thoracic duct, 91 trachea, 431 Thoradelphus, 487 173 FINDING INDEX Thorax

Thorax, parasitic fungi of, 348 on plumage, 378, 384 Thraupidae, taxonomy, 476 on sex characters, 440 Threskiornithinae, food, 211 Thyroxin, effects, on basal metabolism, Thripias, hyoid apparatus, 457 374 sterno-tracheal muscles, 315 on color, 109 tongue, 26 on sex differentiation, 433 Throat, movements in breathing, 426 fate in blood and tissues, 504 Thrombocytes, 72 negative effects, 160 change in anaphylaxis, 355 Tibet, fauna, 192 Thrush (disease), 355 Tibiotarsus, 450 Thryomanes hewicki, taxonomy, 476 anomaly of, 496 Thunder effects of, 60 Tichodroma, plumage, anomaly of, 497 Thymectomy, effects of, 502 skin, histology of, 276 Thymovidin (hormone acting on ovi- Ticks (parasites), 347 422 ducal glands) , as cause of death, 312 function in development of egg enve- as food for birds, 142 lopes, 502 of doves, parasitic on man, 347 Thymus gland, 501-503 Timor Isl., Maylay Archipelago, ecol- antagonism to thyroid gland, in ogy, 129 influence on development of feath- fauna, 197 ers, 502-504 Tinamiformes, pterylosis, 379 effects, of ablation of, on testes, 500 Tinamus, copulatory organs, 508, 511 of castration on, 86 ligaments, 446 of hypophysis on, 271 penis, well developed, 511 of round worm parasites, 349 skeleton, 445 of senility, 309 skull, development of, 456 on basal metabolism, 374 taxonomy, based on skeleton, 449, 477 on calcium metabolism, 61 Tinnunculus, heart, 257 extract effects, on development of mandible, development of, 458 bone in tissue culture, 448, 505 mechanics of flight, 290 on feathers, 200, 378 nerve endings in ear, 330 on young chicks, 270 oral cavity, 25 weight of, 408 pericardium, 258 Thyroid gland, 110, 503-505 skull, 456 antagonism to thymus gland, 502, 504 stomach contents, 212 effects, of castration, 86 weather, effects of on altitude of of decerebration, 80 flight, 286 of experimental feeding, 200, 233, Tinnunculus alaudarius, skull, 456 395 Tinnunculus naumanni, gynandromor- hen feathering produced, 344, phism, 436 438 Tinnunculus tinnunculus, sex reversal, of hypophysis on, 271 437 of removal on hen feathering, 225 Tishoming Co., Miss., ecology, 127 on basal metabolism, 374 Tissue, differentiation of, 149 on egg production, 393 elastic, 166 on molt, 310 growth of connective tissue in tissue on ossification, 341 culture, 231 342 on plumage, 105, 109, 384 interstitial tissue of ovary, on sex characters, 440 Tissue culture, 60, 67, 114, 116, 145, extract of, effects, on beriberi, 363 428, 505-508 373 on body temperature, 483 irradiation of tissues in, 374 grafts of, 228 metabolism in, 116 iodine content of, 63, 271 mitochondria in, ovarian antagonism, relation to mela- mitosis in, 114 nin pigment formation, 343 of amniotic ectoderm, 116 of cardiac 318 pathology of, effects on plumage, 437 muscle, 231 relations to suprarenal gland, thymus of connective tissue, 110, gland, and hypophysis, 502 of cytotoxin, 274 448 weights of, 407 of developing bone, Thyroidectomy, 60 of developing eye, 166 effects of, 505 of fibroblasts, 506 on growth, 232 of gonads, 512 Tissue culture BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 174

Tissue culture Continued Totanus pugnax, position of feet in of heart, 259, 260 flight, 282 of spleen macrophages, 293 Totanus solitarius, see also Tringa of spermatozoa, 420 solitaria technic of, 479 breeding habits, 241 staining, 481 discovery of first nest, 242 Tobago Isl., West Indies, economic sternum, 452 ornithology, 137 Touch, epidermal modification for, 277 fauna, 186 Towering, 49, 290, 354 habits, 235 Towers, observations from, of migra- Tobolsk, Siberia, fauna, 192 tions, 304 Tocantins River region, Brazil, fauna, mortality from, 312 188 Toxic substances, effects on embryos, Toccus, esophagus, 27 492 taxonomy, based on esophagus, 477 Toxicity, of a-amino acids, 61 Todidae, anatomy, 35 of eggs, for man, 142 taxonomy based on anatomy, 477 of parts injected into mammals, 70 Todus, anatomy, 35 412 pterylosis, 379 of embryonic extracts, 60 skeleton, 445 of sodium chloride, 67 measurements of, 404 Toxins, of diphtheria, 359 taxonomy, 476 injected into albumen, 154 based on anatomy, 477 Toxostoma, ecology, 129 Toes, 282 nest sanitation, 245 anomalies of, 221, 496 variation, geographic, 516 arterio-venous anastomoses in, 87, Toxostoma redivivum, distribution, 120 372 feeding habits, 250 connective tissue of, 111 stomach contents, 212 heat regulation, 372 Toxostoma rufum, economic relations, Tolmarchus, fossil genus, 344 135 Tonga Isls., Polynesia, fauna, 198 food, 211 Tongking, see Tonkin Trachea, 430-432 Tongue, 25-26 innervation of, 333 adaptation in, 22 measurements of, 405 anomalies of, 495 of hybrid, 268 glands of, 227 ossification of, 341 muscles of, 26, 315-316 taxonomic value, 477 nerve endings in, 331 Tracheal artery, doubling of, 486 tactile corpuscles of, 331 Tracheal bulb, 431 taxonomic characters, 476 Tracheal pouch, 431 variation, in color markings, 26, 515 Tracts, of brain, 77-78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85 Tonkin, French Indo China, fauna, 190 of spinal cord, 326 Tonsils, 292 Tragopan, care in captivity, 41 Tonus, of muscle, experimental modi- caruncle, 278 fication of, 330, 334 courtship, 58 Topaza pella, ecology, 126 habits in captivity, 247 habits, 238 Training, 54 sex ratio, 442 Trains, mortality from, 312 territorialism, 462 Transbaikalia, Asia, fauna, 192 Topographic anatomy, 38 Transcaucasia prov., Russia, fauna, 195 189 Tornadoes, effects on migrations, 308 Transjordania, Asia, fauna, Transplantation see Grafting Torsion, in embryo, 156 Transvaal, Africa, fauna, 178 of humerus, 450-451 migrations, 306 521 Torulin, Transylvania, Hungary, fauna, 194 communal 248 Totanus, nesting, Transylvania, Roumania, fauna, 195 cross 494 beak, Trap nests, 390, 400 205 exceptional fecundity, Trapping methods, 295, 296 250 feeding habits, Traps, 39 on 477 taxonomy, based skeleton, 449, mortality from, 312 Totanus calidris, courtship, 58 Tree boring, 250, 252 Totanus flavipes, habits, breeding, 241 Tree diseases, dissemination of, 138-139 175 FINDING INDEX Trematoda

Trematoda (parasites), 349 in California, 182 in eggs, 416 in Colombia, 188 Tres Marias Isls., Mexico, ecology, in Ecuador, 188 128, 130 drinking sap, 214 fauna, 187 eating fruit, 214 Trichoglossus, hybrids, 267 ecology, 126 Trichomonas (parasites), 349 eye lashes, 168 Trichomoniasis, intestinal, 370 fertilization of flowers, 136 Trichosoma (parasites), 349 flight, 285 sarcoma of liver due to, 369 general work, 215 Trichosoma contortum (parasite), 349 generic characters, 476 Tringa, see also Calidris habits, 238 albinism, 99 hybrids, 262 anatomy, 35 hyoid apparatus, 457 brain, 76 iconography, 271, 274 change in color, 106 insect food, 213 dancing, 58 iridescence, 102 flight, velocity determination, 290 life histories, 280 food, 211 melanism, 101 head muscles, 315 migrations, 297 incubation period, 244 natural history, 320, 321 motility of upper mandible, 256 plantar tendons, 281, 318 weights, 406 pterylosis, 379 Tringa alpina, feeding habits, 250 sap drinking, 249 Tringa canutus, habits, 238 skeleton, 445 sequence of plumages, 382 humerus, 450 spermatogenesis, 420 skull, 456 winter plumage, retained in summer, taxonomy, 470, 474, 475, 476 383 teratology, 485 Tringa pusilla, egg tooth, 150 territorialism, 462 Tringa solitaria see also Totanus soli- tongue, structure of, 26 tarius muscles of, 316 discovery of first nest, 242 variation in nest, 516 old nests ued, 246 vertical distribution, 120 Tringa subarquata, sequence of plu- voice, 463 mages, 382 wing stroke rate, 289 Trinidad Isl., Brazil, ecology, 128, 130 Trochilus, cardiac muscle, 258, 318 fauna, 188 change in color, 106 Trinidad Isl., Venezuela, fauna, 189 food, 211 Trinidad Isl., West Indies, economic furcula, 452 ornithology, 137 intercalated discs, 318 fauna, 186 rib anomaly, 498 food, 207 tongue, function of, 251 habits, 235 Trochilus colubris, albinism, 99 taxonomy, 472 alimentary canal, 24 Trinidad (Cuba), evolution, 160 anatomy, 36 voice, 463 feeding habits, 250 Tristan da Cunha Isls., fauna, 174 myology, 314

. Trochalopteron, anatomy, 37 trachea, 431 plumage, 376 Troglodytes, banding, 45 Trochili, humerus, 450 behavior, 48 Trochilidae, albinism, 99 ear, development of, 121 anatomy, 36 food, 211 bathing habits, 239 insect, 213 beak, structure of, 249 orientation, 340 care in captivity, 41 preganglionic neurons, 334 color vision, 518 pterylosis, 379 death caused by spiders, 312 reflexes, 409 display, 58 skeleton, 445 communal, 460 skull, 456 distribution, 119 ossification of, 341 at sea, 134 weights of various organs, 406 Troglodytes aedon BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 176

Troglodytes aedon, body temperature, Tuberculosis, 119, 365-367 control in nestlings, 483 body temperature in, 483 communal relationships, 133 causing sex reversal in male, 437 ecology, 126 dissemination by birds, 138 economic relations, 135, 138 mammalian, in birds, 367 eggs, destruction of, 252 human, immunity to, 276, 367 feeding offspring, 243 Tubinares, see also Procellariiformes habits, 238 behavior, 47 breeding, 241 habits, 234 destructive, 138, 252 breeding, 241 incubation period, 244 life histories, 281 light, effects of on singing, 254, 466 migrations, 298, 302 marital relations, 247 muscles, of flight, 317 social relations, 460 of limbs, 317 territorialism, 462 skeleton, 445 Troglodytes albinucha, taxonomy, 476 skull, 456 Troglodytes parvulus, albinism, 99 taxonomy, 476 Troglodytidae, feeding on moths, 251 variation, 516 Trogon, habits, 238 Tucuman, Argentina, fauna, 188 vertebrae, number of, 454 Tumbler pigeon, origin, 224, 290, 492 Trogonidae, iconography, 274 "Tumbling" flight, 492 palate, 458 evolution of, 161 pterylosis, 379 instinct for, 51 taxonomy, 474 Tumors, 367-369 Trombicula akamsushi (parasite), dis- chicken sarcoma, in tissue culture, 506 semination of infection by birds, 138 glutathione content, 60 Trophospongia, 116, 323 grafts of, 156, 230 Tropical Africa, ecology, 126 rat sarcoma, 230 Tropical birds, coloration, 92, 94, 102 mixed with embryonic tissue in tissue habits, 233, 234 culture, 508 insectivorous, 140 ovarian, 438 resistance to low temperature, 484 resistance to, 276 sexual behavior, 56 Tundra region, fauna, 192, 195 stomach size, 405 Tuning fork, in experimental enbry- voice, 462 ology, 155 Tropicoperdix, skull, 456 Tunis, Africa, fauna, 176 as food for 251 216 Trout fly, birds, general work, Trupialis, albinism, 99 Tunisia, Africa, ecology, 126 Trypan blue, injections of, into al- iconography, 272 bumen, 154 Turacoena, alimentary canal, 24 into embryos, 480 Turacin, 105 in staining technic, 481 Turacus, feathers development of, 200 Trypanocorax, anal and caudal muscles nestling down, 202 316 structure of, 201 featherless areas on head, 279 pterylosis, 379 natural history, 322 turacin pigment, 105 Trypanosoma (parasites), 348, 370, 420 Turacus porphyreolopha, anatomy, 36 Trypanosoma gallinarum (parasite), 348 Turbinates, 256 Trypanosoma gambiense (parasite), 348, Turbo (mollusk), mythology, calcareous 370 operculum as swallow stone, 320 Trypanosoma paddae (parasite), 275 Turdidae, color pattern phylogeny, 163 effects of serum on, 275 food, 211, 213 Trypanosoma rhodesiense (parasite), genetics, 218 349, 370 habits, 234 250 Trypsin, 117 feeding, hybrids, 262 Tryptophan, in egg, 68, 69 iconography, 274 Tsetse fly, as food for birds, 140 migrations, 300 Tsetse 361 fly disease, plumage, 376 191 Tsushima Isl., Japan, fauna, pterylosis, 379 Tuber cinereum, 82 regurgitated pellets, 212 Tuberculin, 366, 367 skeleton, 445 177 FINDING INDEX Turdidae

Turdidae Continued voice, 462 syrinx, 469 yolk, 419 taxonomy, 474, 476 Turdus aenalaschkae pallasii, albinism, voice, 462 99 Turdus, albinism, 99, 100 Turdus cyaneus, beak anomalies, 493 anomalies of hind limbs, 496 Turdus iliacus, habits, nocturnal, 253 blood changes in carcinoma, 368 singing, 465 blood pigments, 103 hybrids, 267 bone, lack of mineral matter, 354, 447 voice, 464 brain, 76 Turdus merula, albinism, 99 nuclei of, 78 breeding in captivity, 43 tracts of, 78 cell types in hypophysis, 270, 439 cross beak, 494 feeding habits, 250 double eggs, 488 food, 211, 214 eating termites, 140, 251 hybrids, 267 economic relations, 135 polyandry, 247 eggs, cleavage of, 148 sequence of plumages, 382 experimental coloring of, 56 vitelline membrane, 419 fertilization of, 147 voice, musical analysis of, 464 maturation, 416 Turdus migratorius, see also Merula measurements of, 404 migratoria and Planesticus migra- shell pigments, 94 torius weights of, 407 abnormal coloration, 95 eye, development of, 166 albinism, 99 feet, development of, 281 communal relations, 133 filarian parasites of, 349 economic relations, 135 food, 211 death from eating twine, 312 gregariousness, 248 distribution, 120 insects, 213 food, 211 homology of feathers with scutes, 202 caterpillars, 140 hybrids, 263, 267 of nestlings, 208 hypophysis, histology of, 270 growth, 231 infectious diseases, 370 habits, breeding, 241 instinct, 51 roosting, 239 intelligence, 53 longevity, 292 interspecific mating, 59 melanism, 101 learning, 54 migrations, 302 life histories, 281 mortality from storms, 313 longevity, 292 notochord, relations of, 159 measurements, 402 scute pattern, 278 melanism, 101 shadow boxing, 48 migrations, 302 third hind limb, 496 mimicry, 54 water for young, 243 nocturnal singing, 253 Turdus musicus, banding, 45 pterylosis, of nestlings, 379 breeding in captivity, 43 regeneration of striped muscle, 410 care in captivity, 41 regurgitation of gizzard lining, 31 dichromatism in color of eggs, 93 retina, fovea centralis, 519 hybrids, 267 salivary glands, 227 migrations, 302 scutes, 278 variation in egg color, 515 skull, development of, 456 Turdus musicus clarkei, mimicry, 54 ossification of, 341 Turdus obscurus, hybrids, 267 smell, 460 Turdus philomelos, migrations, 305 spleen, 293 Turdus pilaris, abnormal coloration, 95 spinal cord, blood vessels of, 324 albinism, 99

stomach , 30 effects of temperature on breeding, syrinx, 468 242 toe connective tissue, 111, 282 feeding habits, unusual, 59, 252 trypanosomes of, 348 hybrids, 267 twilight song, 466 Turdus torquatus, economic relations, variation, 514 135 veins, jugular, 89 migrations, 302 Turdus viscivorus BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 178

Turdus viscivorus, albinism, 100 habits, 238 melanism, 101 life history, 281 Turkestan, fauna, 190 mortality, 311 iconography, 273 sequence of plumages, 382 parasitology, 346 Tympanuchus cupido americanus, breed- taxonomy, 473 ing habits, 239 Turkey, ecology, 128 conservation 112 fauna, 192, 196 ecology, 126 Turkeys, see also Meleagris and Melea- food, 206 gris gallopavo habits, 234, 238 culture of, 387 hybrids, 268 Turnix, breeding habits, 241 incubation period, 244 Turpentine, effects on embryo, 153 life history. 279 Turtur, albinism, 100 parasitology, 346 anatomy, 35 pathology, 350 basal metabolism, 374 Tympanum, 122 eggs, sterile, structure of, 417 innervation of, 323 excessive fat in viscera, 354 Typhoid fever, 118, 369 feathers, fault bars in, 199 immunity to, 276 continuity of at molt, 310 relations to leukemia, 361 hybrids, 263, 267 resistance to, heredity of, 222 experimental, 218 Typhus fever, 118, 369-370 late breeding, 242 Tyramin, action in beriberi, 61, 362 leukocytozoa, 348 Tyrannidae, food, 211 longevity, 292 skeleton, 445 oviduct, histology of, 510 Tyrannus, albinism, 100 suprarenal glands, histology of, 467 behavior, 47 physiology of, 468 eating fruit, 214, 243 thymus gland, histology of, 502 egg substitution, 56, 411 zygodactylism, 496 insect food, 211, 213 Turtur auritus, hybrids, 267 Tyrannus tyrannus, food, 211 Turtur ferrago, longevity, 292 habits, feeding, 250 Turtur risoria (us), color vision, 519 singing, 253 feathers, development of, 200 voice, 464 fault bars in, 491 Tyroglyphinae (parasites), 347 hybrids, 267 Tyrosin, in egg, 68, 69 secondary sex characters, 438 in melanin pigment development, 104 temperament, 59 Tyto, economic relations, 135 vision, Purkinje phenomenon, 518 destruction of rodents, 143 voice, 464 fossil species, 344 Turtur tigrinus, albinism, 99 habits, in captivity, 247 Turtur turtur, hibrids, 267 feeding, 250 212 Twine eating, as cause of death, 312 regurgitated pellets, sexual 56 Twins, embryonic, 150 behavior, skeleton, 445 identical, 411 Tyto alba pratincola, behavior in captiv- Tympanic cavity, 122 ity, 49 tumors of, 368 food, 211 123 Tympanic membrane, habits, 238 41 Tympanistria, care in captivity, late breeding, 242 Tympanuchus, bone, vascular supply of, regurgitated pellets, 212 447 "booming" habit, 248 erythrism, 101 U , 268 hybrids, Savanna sex 56 Ubangi Dist., Africa, fauna, behavior, 176-177 skeleton, 445 Africa, fauna, 177 Tympanuchus cupido, breeding habits, Uganda, 241 Ultimobranchial bodies, 158 decreasing population, 385 Ultramicroscope, 39, 480 ecology, 125 use in study of blood, 71, 72, 74 extinction, 113, 164 Ultramicroscopic organisms, 370 179 FINDING INDEX Ultraviolet light Irradiation

Ultraviolet light irradiation, 373 Una, acquired characters, 220 effects, in development of skeleton, albinism, 100 448 alimentary canal, 24 in 479 preventing rachitis, body temperature, 483 of lack of, on parathyroid glands, bursa Fabricii, glands of, 226 350 lymphoid tissue, 92, 293 on growth, 232, 233 melanism, 101 on nutrition, 335 molt, 310 of embryo, 146 osmotic pressure, of blood, 71, 375 transmission of, 390, 391 of bile and body fluids, 375 use in viewing eggs, 93 pleura, 430 Ultra virus, 274 retina, 172 of 382 Umbilicus, anomaly of, 491 sequence plumages, 419 Uncinate processes, 453 spermatozoa, trachea, 431 United States, breeding habits, 239 variation, 514 cage bird traffic, 112 in egg color, 93 conservation, 111-112 Una aalge, sequence of plumages, 382 sanctuaries, 113 Una lomvia, migrations, 304 ecology, 126-127 economic 136-137 Una mandtii, sequence of plumages, ornithology, 382 extinction of game birds, 165 Una troile, molt, 310 fauna, 181 sequence of plumages, 382 food, 206 Uric acid, 64, 66 general works, 216 effects of drugs, 67 habits, 235 elimination of, 64, 372 feeding, 249 embryonic, 64, 71, 146 iconography, 272 secretion of, 513 introduced distribution species, of, transformation of ammonia 61 120 into, Urinary organs, 511-513 306 migrations, 297-298, Urinary passages, pathology of, 352 natural 321 history, Urinator arcticus, ecology, 126 of 380 sequence plumages, food, 211 471 taxonomy, habits, 238 vernacular 479 names, natural history, 322 United States National Parks, fauna, Urine, chemical and physical properties, 181 61, 64, 67, 513 Upupa, abnormal eggs, 488 foreign proteins in, 63, 371 albinism, 100 secretion of, vagus nerve influence fetid secretion of uropygeal gland, on, 329 227 Uriniferous tubules, 513 oviduct, egg position in, 423 Urinogenital system see Urogenital physiology of reproduction, 421 system taxonomy, 476 Uroaetus, albinism, 100 tongue, 26 Uroaetus audax, skeleton, 445 topographic anatomy, 38 measurements of, 404 breed- Upupa epops, albinism, 100 Urodynamis taitensis, parasitic anatomy, 35 ing habits, 246 brain, 76 Urogallus, anatomy, 36 myology, 314 molt of claws, 277, 311 system. 508-513 Upupidae, skeleton, 445 Urogenital anomalies 498 taxonomy, 476 of, Uropygeal gland, 227-228, 277 Uraeginihus, breeding in captivity, anomalies of, 498 43, 411 electric characteristics, 227 feeding habits, 250 excrescence 354 243 of, regurgitation, feathers of, 202 Ural 195 region, Russia, fauna, hypertrophy of, 354 parasitology, 346 inheritance of characters, 220 Urea, embryonic, 145, 146 lamellar corpuscles in, 331 formation of, 63, 71 measurements of, 403 Ureters, 513 pathology of, 354 Uropygeal gland BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 180

Uropygeal gland Continued veins, 89 secretion by, 66 vertebral articulations, 447 smooth muscle of, 319 yolk weight, 408 weights of, 407 Vanellus cristatus, albinism, 100 Urotropin, permeability of ovarian egg banding, 45 membrane for, 416 embryology, 144 Uruguay, fauna, 189 aortic arch derivatives, 159 Ushant Isl., France, fauna, 193 pharyngeal pouch derivatives, 158 Utah, ecology, 127 thymue gland, development of, fauna, 185 502 Uterus, 510 thyroid gland, development of, effects of extirpation on ovary, 343 503 pronephros, 512 Vanellus 238 V yulgaris, habits, territorialism, 462 Vaccination, for bird pox, 357 Var Dist., France, fauna, 194 for epithelioma contagiosum, 361 Variation, 513-517 in tuberculosis, 366 geographic, migration effects, 302 Vaccines, 371 in age of young, 411 Vagina, absence of, 424, 498 in behavior, 49, 59 Valencia, Venezuela, fauna, 189 in blood, 71, 72 Valley associations, 132 in chemical composition of, 65 Valves, of vascular system, 87, 88, 90 in body temperature, 483, 484 of heart, 258 in breeding habits, 242 Vancouver Isl., Canada, fauna, 180 in center of gravity, 288 food, 206 in chromosome number, 115, 150 habits, 235 in color markings, 93, 476, 515 taxonomy, 471 in egg production by fowls, 391, 392 Van Dresser method of inducing molt, in eggs, 339, 417 295 in color of, 93 Vanellus, albinism, 100 in egg weights, of successive layings, albumen, weight of, 408, 413 407 amputation of toes, 21 in embryo polarity, 146 banding, 45, 46 in fecundity, 204 beak, development of, 255 in feet, 282 brain, development of, 77 in growth, 231 carrying young, 243 in tissue culture, 506 cloaca, 91 in habits, 239 courtship, 58 feeding, 251 cranial nerves, development of, 327 in migrations, 303 embryology, 144, 149 in nest building, 245 heart, development of, 259 in nitrogen metabolism, 375 interarticular cartilage, 447 in nutrition, 338 lens, histology of, 170 in osmotic pressure, 74 limbs, development of, 281 in plumage, 377, 515 melanism, 101 in pneumaticity of skeleton, 449 membranous labyrinth, development in reproductive cycle, 60, 424, 425 of, 123 in skeleton, 434, 446 meninges, development of, 293 in skull, 457 mortality from storms, 313 in song as territory criterion, 462 necrosis, of legs, 21, 362 in spinal cord, 326 of foot, 353 in spinal meninges, 294 ossification, 341 in spinal nerves, 329 shell weight, 408 in sternum position, 452 skull, 456 in temperature, 80, 484 somites of embryonic head, 152 in tongue color, 26 sternum, measurements of, 405 in vertebrae, 454, 514 syrinx, 469 in voice, 466 trachea, 431 in weight, of eggs, 390, 407 uropygeal gland, anomaly of, 498 of liver, 408, 517 hornshaped excrescence of, 227 of plumage, 517 pathology of, 354 in yolk color, 94 181 FINDING INDEX Variola

Variola, 359 physiology of, 124 Varying hare, bird enemies of, 143 relation to orientation, 340 of nasal 256 Vascular system, development of, 159 Vestibule, chambers, in tissue culture, 507 Vestiges, 157, 163 of esophagus, 27 coccygeal, of spinal cord, 325 epithelial, 172 Vas deferens, ligation of, 501, 511 of mesonephros, 512 Vasoligation of senile male, 372 of Miillerian ducts, 510 Vasomotor functions, influence of in- of uriniferous tubules, 513 ferior laryngeal nerves, 329 Vestigial phalanges, 451 89-90 Veins, Viability of spermatozoa, 421 159 cardinal, (parasites), in eggs, 415 90 Vibripnes caval, resistance to infection with, 276 of J. R. 1918 head, Slonaker, Victoria, Australia, fauna, 196 of 512 kidneys, natural history, 321 of 467 suprarenal glands, Vidua paradisiaca, specialized feathers, postcaval, 159 203 159 pulmonary, Vigor, of artificially hatched chicks, 399 renal 512 portal, 89-90, color association, 102 258 thebesian, heredity of, 220 152 vitelline, in hybrids, 268 Veldt Dist., Africa, fauna, 178 of egg, 412 Venezuela, ecology, 128 of male, as factor in fertility, 422 fauna, 189 of poultry, 400 habits, 235 of progeny, effects of experimental taxonomy, 472 feeding, 397 Venice, fauna, 194 relation to reproduction, 425 Venom, injections into albumen, 154 selection for, 388 immunization to, 274 Villi, intestinal, 32 Ventilation, of brooders, 398 Vireo, mimicry, 54 of cages, 41 molt, 310 Ventriloqual power, 464 sequence of plumages, 382 Vera Cruz, Mesico, fauna, 187 sexual behavior, 56 Vermicide, iodine, 398, 479 spurious primary feathers, 377 Vermivora, hybrids, 263 voice, 464 Vermivora chrysoptera, food, 211 Vireo belli, breeding habits, 241 hybrids, 265-268 incubation period, 244 voice, 464 voice, 464 Vermivora leucobronchialis, banding, 45 Vireo olivaceus, behavior, 47 breeding habits, 241 breeding habits, 241 heredity, 220 double nests, 245 Vermivora pinus, hybrids, 265, 268 economic relations, 135 Vermont, ecology, 127 Vireo philadelphicus, food, 211 fauna, 185 habits, 238 Vernacular names, 470, 478-479 breeding, 242 Vertebrae, 453-454 incubation period, 244 air sacs of, 429 voice, 464 measurements of, 405 Vireoninae, feeding habits, 250 ossification of, 341 Virgin Isls., West Indies, fauna, 186 taxonomy, based on numbers of, 477 Virginia, ecology, 127 variation in, 514 fauna, 185 Vertebral column, 453-454 food, 207 adaptation in, 22 habits, 235 anomalies of, 498 iconography, 272 articulations of, 447 Virginia creeper berries, dissemination evolution of, 162 by Passer, 141 ligaments of, 446 as food for birds, 214 Vertebral elements, in skull, 456 Virginia Mt. County, ecology, 131 Vestibular apparatus, 76, 123-124 Virus, of bird pox, 357 effects of artillery fire on, 124 of cholera, 62, 358 lesions of, 124 of plague, 364 measurements of, 403 Virus disease, 355 Viscera BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 182

Viscera see also various visceral organs heredity of, 224 anatomy of, 38 psychological analysis of, 59, 465 anomalies of, 499 recording methods, 464, 482 effects, of climate on coloration of, seasonal changes in, 424 132 variation in, 466, 516 of forced feeding on, 232 vocal behavior, 59 growth rate, 233 Volga River delta, Russia, fauna, 195 inversion in embryo, 156 Volplaning, 285, 462 measurements of, 405 Vulpanser tadorna, albinism, 100 variation in, 514-515 Vultur, anatomy, 36 weights of, 408 flight, mechanics of, 288 Visibility, distance of, 285, 286, 308 ligaments, 446 Vision, 517-519 structure of tongue, 26 adaptation in, 22 Vultur aura, feeding habits, 250 effects of decerebration on, 80 smell, 460 use in finding food, 250 vision, 517 Visual cortex, 82 Vultur bengalensis, sequence of plum- Visual purple, 172 ages, 382 Visual reflexes, 409 Vultur fulvus, anatomy, 36 Vitali, paratympanic organ of see myology, 314 Paratympanic organ of Vitali Vultur gryphus, stomach, 28 Vitality, 309, 372 Vultur papa, habits, 238 duration of, in tissue culture after vision, 518 incubation ends, 505 Vultures, mechanics of flight, 290 of egg, 412, 418 Vulturidae, sequence of plumages, 382 of embryo, 145 sternum, 452 of spermatozoa, 420 Vulturinae, egg shell structure, 414 unusual, 372 feeding habits, 250 Vitamins, 519-521 smell, 460 effects, on calcium and ph >sphorus metabolism, 395 W for poultry, 396 Wading birds, culture of, 40 in nutrition studies, 337 ecology, 133 vitamin A, 61, 337, 520 migrations of, 307 content in cod-liver oil, 395 swimming, 291 deficiency of, 362 Waigats IsL, Russia, fauna, 175, 195 vitamin B, 337, 520-521 War, banding records, 46 deficiency of, 208, 362 effects, on behavior, 49 effects on activity of suprarenal on bird population, 193, 385 glands, 468 on habits, 239, 242 effects on feathers, 200 on migrations, 303, 306 on heat production, 483 increase in tuberculosis, 366 vitamin C, 337, 521 letter carrying, 143 vitamin, D, in calcium metabolism, Warning colors, 55, 110, 519 61, 521 Washington, ecology, 127 content in cod-liver oil, 395 fauna, 185 effects, on egg production, 393 habits, 235 on hatchability, of eggs, 389 iconography, 272 in eggs, 363 Washington, D. C. region, fauna, 182 in treatment of rachitis, 363 migrations, 297 Vitelline area, of blastoderm, 149 Wasps, as bird house pests, 133 Vitelline blood vessels, 152 as food for birds, 213, 251 Vitelline body of Balbiani, in oocytes, Water, absorption of in incubating egg, 416, 419 146 Vitelline duct, 151 effects on evolution, 163 Vitelline membrane, 419 elimination of, 372 capillaries of, 89 injections of into albumen, 154 Vitreous body, 173 supply of, 112, 243 Vocal organs, 464, 465 Water birds, conservation of, 114 Voice, 462-466 habits, 234 effects of sexual selection on, 465 of North America, 179 evolution of, 161, 465 poisoning of, 313 183 FINDING INDEX Waterfowl

Waterfowl, conservation of, 114 Willow Creek Valley, Ore., ecology, 127, ecology, 125 132 environmental relations, 133 Wilsonia citrina, sequence of plumages, food, 208 382 natural history, 320 Wind effects, on distribution, 120 of North Dakota, 184 on migrations, 308 Waterglass preservation of eggs, 481 reactions to, 49 Wattles, 279 relation to flight, 286, 290 edema of, 360 Wing area, 317, 404 growth of, 279 correlations, 402 pathology of, 352 relation to sternum, 452 removed, effects of sunshine, 439 Wingless fowls, myology, 314 vitamin effects on, 519 Wingra Springs region, Wisconsin, Weather, effects of, 132 ecology, 127 on behavior, 59-60 Wings, 282-283 on breeding habits, 242 acuity of, 404 on flight, 286 adaptation in, 23, 215 on integument, 276 anomalies of, 496 on orientation, 340 arteries of, 89 on pigmentation, 108 articulations of, 446 on population, 385 bones of, 450 on singing, 254, 466 color pattern, 109 pathology from, 355 correlations, 402 severe, mortality from, 312 development of, 152, 282 Weather forecasting, 60, 132, 308, 320, evolution of, 162 322 feathers of, sex differences in, 439 Webbing of toes, 282, 496 as taxonomic characters, 477 Weddell Sea, Antarctic Ocean, ecology, growth of, 231 129, 131 length ratio to tarsus, 215 fauna, 174 measurements of, 404 Weepecket Isls., Massachusetts, ecol- pelvic, evolution of, 162 ogy, 129, 130 safety devices, 288 Weights, 406-408 sex difference in, 434, 439 at hatching, 402 strokes of, correlation with breath- loss in incubation, 156 ing, 426 of brain, 81 use in swimming under water, 291 of spleen, 293 Winter, distribution in, 120 of sternum, 452 food, 214 variation in, 516-517 habits, 239 Wei Hai Wei, China, fauna, 190 plumage, 383 West Guinea, South America, fauna, protection in, 114 189 rainfall, effects on reproduction, 422 West Indies, breeding habits, 240 singing in, 466 ecology, 129, 130 Wire worms, as food for birds, 140 economic ornithology, 137 Wisconsin, ecology, 127, 129 fauna, 186 economic ornithology, 137 habits, 235 fauna, 186 inconography, 272 migrations, 298 paleontology, 344 sequence of plumages, 380 taxonomy, 472 taxonomy, 471 voice, 463 Wissahickon Hills, Pa., ecology, 127 West Virginia, conservation, 112 habits, 235 ecology, 127 natural history, 321 economic ornithology, 137 voice, 463 fauna, 186 Work, in flight, measuring technic, 481 food, 207 Worms (parasites), 349, 371 habits, 235 in eggs, 415-416 iconography, 272 Wounds, 48, 371 migrations, 298 healing of, 410 Wheat, as food for birds, 520 mortality from, 311 White spotting, heredity of, 221 Wrangell Isl., Arctic region, fauna, 175, Whiteness, 102 192 Wyoming BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BIRDS 184

Wyoming, agricultural development, unassimilated portion at hatching, effects on population, 385 408 ecology, 127 value in sex determination, 433 fauna, 186 weight of, 408 iconography, 272 percentage of body weight, 401 migrations, 298 white and yellow compared, 419 Yolk nucleus (i), 151, 418 Yolk sac, 151-152 anomaly of, 496 Xanthocephalus, food, 211 exclusion in hatching, 423 mortality, 311 hemapoeisis in, 75 Xanthocreatinine, injected into al- leukocytes of, 72 bumen, 154 Yosemite National Park, ecology, 127 Xanthophyll, 104 fauna, 181 Xema, sequence of plumages, 382 life histories, 280 Xenia, 94, 225 natural history, 321 Xenicus, taxonomy, 476 Ypsilanti, Mich., ecology, 127 Xenorhynchus, syrinx, 469 Yucatan, Mexico, ecology, 128 Xiphoid bone, 452 fauna, 187 X-rays, 496 taxonomy, 472 effects, on bursa Fabricii, 92 Yungidae, ossification, of ear ossicles, on embryo, 146 341 on sarcoma, 369 of skull, 341 technic of, 479 skull, development of, 456 Yunnan Prov., China, fauna, 190 taxonomy, 473

Yakima Valley, Wash., ecology, 127, 132 Z Yangtse Valley, China, fauna, 190 Zamelodia, food, 211 Yaruca, fauna, 187 Honduras, Zamelodia ludoviciana see also 239 (us) Yawning, Habia and Hedemeks ludovicianus effects on 232 Yeast, growth, anomalies 493 food 337 beak, of, value, 47 for 397 behavior, poultry, inheritance of 465 as source for vitamin B, 520 song, learning to sing, 54, 466 in treatment of beriberi, 363 molt, 310 Yellowhead Pass, British Columbia, nest building instinct, 223 fauna, 180 of 382 Yellowstone National sequence plumages, Park, ecology, 466 127 song, development of, 465, voice, inheritance 224 fauna, 181 of, Zanzibar, Africa, fauna, 178 Yemen, Arabia, fauna, 189 Zarafschan Basin, Asia, fauna, 190 Yenisei River region, fauna, 192 Siberia, limb 317 Yolk, Zeledonia, muscles, 4187419 Zeledonia 476 absorption of, 335, 397 coronata, taxonomy, effects of experimental feeding on, 397 Zenaida zenaida, feigning injury, 51 assimilation of by embryo, 152 Zenaidura, basal metabolism, 374 in blastoderm cells, 149 behavior, 47 changes in incubation, 152 diphtheria, 359 color of, 94 ecology, 126 effects of experimental feeding on, fecundity, 204 397 food, 211 hydrogen ion concentration, 146 growth, 231 infection with Salmonella pullorum, habits in captivity, 247 356 light, effects of, 133 injections of, effects on plumage of on migrations, 305 ovariotomized hen, 343, 383, 440 on reproduction, 421 iron content, 63 scabies, infection with, 365 mesoderm relations, 149 sexual behavior, 56 position changes, 152 tumbling, 51 resorption of, 151 voice, 464 185 FINDING INDEX Zenaidura graysoni

Zenaidura graysoni, care in captivity, life history, 281 41 molt, 310 habits in captivity, 247 voice, 464 Zenaidura macroura, crop contents of Zonotrichiae, evolution, 160 nestlings, 211 Zonula of Zinn, 170 Zenaidura macroura marginella, breed- Zooerythrin, 104 ing habits, 242 Zoogeographic areas, 120, 126 Zion National Park, fauna, 181 Zoological Gardens, mortality in, 311 Zobten, Germany, fauna, 194 Zoologies, 521-522 100 Zonotrichia, albinism, Zoorubin, 104 banding, 45 Zooxanthin, 104 change in distribution, 173 461 Zosterops, death caused by spiders, 312 gregariousness, economic 135 voice, 464 relations, seasonal changes in color, 107 Zonotrichia albicollis, banding, 45 26 hybrids, 268 tongue, of territorialism, 462 Zosterops caerulescens, sequence plum- 382 habits in winter, 239 ages, Zonotrichia querula, breeding habits, 242 Zygodactylism, 282 ecology, 126 as anomaly, 496 food, 211 Zygomatic arch, 457 CORRIGENDA PART 2.

Keyes, Charles Rollin (1864-) should be Keyes, Charles Reuben (1871-1951)

PART 3. p. 26, paragraph 7, and p. 475, paragraph 5, Drepanidae should be Drepanididae p. 98, Haematopus astralgus should be Haematopus osiralgus p. 99, Poocaetus gramineus should be Pooecetes gramineus p. 129, under West Indies and 3rd line, right hand paragraph, p. 130, Desecho Isl. should be Desecheo Isl. p. 242, paragraph 11. Totanus (Tringd) so itarius should be Totanus (Tringa) solitarius P. 247, last word. Europyga should be Eurypyga p. 267, first column, Salasphorus rufus should be Selasphorus rufus p. 273, last paragraph, Coracidae should be Coraciidae p. 320, 13th paragraph Turba should be Turbo p. 349, right column, 6 pt. heading Filiaria should be Filaria P. 395, Transpose paragraph 4, right column, "Thyroid gland . . ." to p. 397 as a fourth paragraph under Feeding experiments p. 433, All paragraphs under CASTRATION, EFFECTS ON SEX, except for the first, fourth, tenth and eleventh, should be under a different heading COR- RELATIONS WITH SEX. p. 461, fourth paragraph, second column, Sylvidae should be Sylviidae