Hebrew Language 11/14/2005 03:41 PM
Henry Hollander Bookseller - Catalogue No. 10 - Hebrew Language 11/14/2005 03:41 PM Henry Hollander, Bookseller CATALOGUE NO. 10 HEBREW LANGUAGE Art : Children : Education : History : Israel : Language : Literature : Religion : Literature in Translation : Drawing by Enrico Glicenstein fromThe Tree of Life: Sketches from Jewish Life of Yesterday and Today in Drawing, Prose and Verse, L.M.Stein, Chicago, 1933. Art 1. Narkis, Bezalel. "Kitvei-Yad Ivrim Metzuyarim/ Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts." Preface by Cecil Roth. Jerusalem, Keter Publishing House, 1992. Quarto, dj creased with some tears, ffe creased, 223 pp., b/w photos and 60 color plates, bibliography (in Hebrew and English), notes, index. $50.00 2. "Elsa Pollak: Auschwitz 5170." Israel, Ghetto Fighter's House and HaKibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, 1979. Large square quarto in worn dj, 52 pp., b/w and color photos, bilingual Hebrew-English text. $25.00 Children 3. Banai, Maragalit. "Ben HaSheikh." Tel Aviv, Karni, 1958. Children's book with photos throughout. Small squarish octavo, white cloth spine over photo illustrated boards, 79 pp., file:///Users/metafo/Polis/Clients/Henry%20Hollander/HOLLANDERCATS/Cat%2010/cat10.htm Page 1 of 88 Henry Hollander Bookseller - Catalogue No. 10 - Hebrew Language 11/14/2005 03:41 PM spine over photo illustrated boards, 79 pp., every other page a photo. $25.00 4. Tanai, Shlomo. "Gavoha, Gavoha." Tel Aviv, N. Tverski, 1967. Royal octavo in dust jacket with a few short tears, 80 pp., illustrations by Tirzah. Children's book written by popular post 1948 Hebrew poet. $15.00 Education 5. Halaf, Yitzhak. "Sefer LeHoraat HaLashon LeMevugar." Tel Aviv, Yehoshua Chechik, n.d.
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