Western North American Naturalist

Volume 64 Number 1 Article 11


Habitat of three rare species of small in juniper woodlands of southwestern Wyoming

Kevin M. Rompola University of Wyoming, Laramie

Stanley H. Anderson University of Wyoming, Laramie

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Recommended Citation Rompola, Kevin M. and Anderson, Stanley H. (2004) "Habitat of three rare species of small mammals in juniper woodlands of southwestern Wyoming," Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 64 : No. 1 , Article 11. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/wnan/vol64/iss1/11

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Kevin M. Rompola1,2 and Stanley H. Anderson1

ABSTRACT.—Southwestern Wyoming constitutes the northern limit of the ranges of the cliff chipmunk (Tamias dor- salis), pinyon mouse ( truei), and canyon mouse (P. crinitus). In addition to trying to determine their presence in the region, we wanted to identify habitat characteristics commonly used by each of these species. We used Sherman live-traps to sample 14 sites representing 2 distinct habitat types in 1998 and 1999: juniper-rocky slopes and juniper cliffs. Seventeen habitat characteristics were measured at capture locations for each species and compared with ran- domly located points. Best subsets multiple logistic regression was used to construct models that distinguish between used and available habitat for each species. The cliff chipmunk occurred in both rocky slopes and cliffs. The pinyon mouse was also captured in rocky slopes and cliffs and was most often captured in locations in the interior of the juniper woodland with high tree canopy cover, high forb cover, and low density of rock outcrops. The canyon mouse was cap- tured only in cliffs at sites consisting of high forb cover, high rock cover, and high tree density.

Key words: juniper, cliff chipmunk, Tamias dorsalis, pinyon mouse, Peromyscus truei, canyon mouse, Peromyscus crinitus, habitat, logistic regression, information theory.

Effective wildlife management and conser- ern Wyoming (Clark and Stromberg 1987), and vation rely on biologists’ understanding factors they may have experienced some habitat loss that influence the distribution of species in- as a result of construction of Flaming Gorge cluding those at the periphery of their range. Dam and the subsequent creation of Flaming Research focusing on the ecology of game Gorge Reservoir in the early 1960s. species has given biologists considerable Our objectives were to determine occurrence knowledge of the factors affecting their num- of the cliff chipmunk, pinyon mouse, and canyon bers and distribution, thus enabling managers mouse in the juniper ( Juniperus osteosperma) to make informed decisions on management. woodlands of southwestern Wyoming and pro- However, this information is largely unavail- vide data on habitat association. To do this we able for many nongame species. For instance, measured variables representing microhabitat small mammals are an important prey compo- characteristics at capture locations and com- nent of most ecosystems in which they occur pared them with randomly located sites. The (Vaughan 1986), but we often do not have ade- results provided information on their distribu- quate information on such species to make tion and factors influencing the distribution of informed management decisions (Gibson 1988). these 3 small species at the edge of The cliff chipmunk (Tamias dorsalis), pinyon their range. mouse (Peromyscus truei), and canyon mouse (P. crinitus) are found throughout the Great MATERIALS AND METHODS Basin (Burt and Grossenheider 1980). While populations of these species are considered The study area is in southwestern Wyoming stable throughout their geographical distribu- in south central Sweetwater County. Trapping tion, they are considered rare in Wyoming, the took place south of Rock Springs, Wyoming, to northern extent of their range (Fertig 1997, the east of Flaming Gorge Reservoir and north Luce and Oakleaf 1998), which constitutes the of the Utah and Wyoming border. A “naturally northern limit of their geographical distribu- patchy” juniper woodland and sagebrush-grass- tion (Burt and Grossenheider 1980, Clark and land mosaic characterize the landscape. In Stromberg 1987). The species are known to general, big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) occur only in Sweetwater County in southwest- dominates the lower elevations (1860 m, near

1Wyoming Cooperative Research Unit, Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071-3166. 2Corresponding author.


Flaming Gorge Reservoir), with juniper wood- Traps that we found closed but without a cap- lands occupying ridges and slopes. Pinyon pine ture were considered half a trap night. Traps (Pinus edulis) occurs at very low densities in remained closed during the daylight to pre- the southern portion of the study area. In vent small mammals from being captured dur- addition to sagebrush, true mountain mahogany ing periods of high temperatures. (Cercocarpus montanus) is another common We identified captured to species; shrub species found throughout the study area. each was sexed, examined for reproductive The primary land use is cattle grazing and rec- status, weighed, and marked with a uniquely reation activities such as hunting and camping. numbered ear tag (Monel size 1, National Band Juniper-dominated rocky slopes and cliff and Tag). All captured individuals were re- areas were identified as 2 dominant habitat leased at the point of capture. components of the probable landscape for these We measured 17 habitat variables (Table 1) species. Low-gradient slopes characterize the at 21 randomly located points within each trap- rocky slopes with their moderate to high juniper ping grid and at the 1st trapping location of tree canopy cover and variable amounts of her- each individual cliff chipmunk, pinyon mouse, baceous understory ground cover. Isolated and canyon mouse. Locations of 3 random rock outcrops are found throughout the rocky points were determined on each row of traps slope habitat. Cliffs occur in areas characterized within the grid. A 3-digit random number was by high-gradient slopes, with juniper as the used to determine the location of the random dominant vegetation component, and shrubs, point along the length of the row of traps, and grasses, and forbs common in the understory. a 2-digit random number indicated direction After an initial review of the area, we selected and distance of the point from the row. Even the sites so that they represented the habitat numbers placed the random points to the right groups and the area. of the row, and odd numbers to the left. This From May through August 1998 and 1999, point, marked using a fluorescent flag, indicated we conducted small mammal surveys. Mammal the center of a circular sampling plot with an trapping was conducted at 7 rocky slopes and 8-m radius encompassing 0.02 ha. 7 cliff sites using 7-cm × 9-cm × 23-cm Sher- We used the criteria of Dueser and Shugart man-live traps, arranged in grids consisting of (1978) to select habitat variables that were 49 traps with 15-m spacing between traps. measured: (1) each variable should provide a The exact configuration of the trapping grid measure of the structure of the environment often depended on size and shape of the habi- which is either known or reasonably suspected tat patch being sampled. In general, we estab- to influence the distribution and local abun- lished 7 × 7-m grids; however, cliff sites often dance of small mammals; (2) each variable were too narrow for such configurations. In should be quickly and precisely measurable these areas, to maintain a more or less equal with nondestructive sampling procedures; effort at all sites, our grids consisted of 3 rows (3) each variable should have intraseason vari- of 12 traps and 1 row of 13 traps. Trap grids ation that is small relative to interseason varia- ranged from 0.74 ha to 0.81 ha because of this tion; and (4) each variable should describe the variation in trap grid configuration. environment in the immediate vicinity of the Traps were baited with a combination of capture. The variables selected represent 3 rolled oats and peanut butter, and to each trap strata: tree overstory, understory, and ground we added polyester bedding for thermal insu- cover. lation to decrease the mortality rate of cap- From the center of each habitat sampling tured individuals exposed to low overnight plot, we measured distance to the nearest log, temperatures. Each trapping session consisted diameter of that log, distance to nearest barren of 4 consecutive nights. Traps were opened in expanse of rock, and distance to the nearest the evening at approximately 1900 hours and edge of juniper vegetation type. Tree and shrub checked and closed beginning at 0700 hours. density as well as average tree diameter for Trapping was performed at 4 sites (2 of each the random point and capture location was habitat type) simultaneously with 1 session of determined using the point-quarter method 2 grids only. Two trapping sessions were con- described by Cottam and Curtis (1956). Height ducted at each site: 1 between 18 May and 30 of the nearest shrub in each quarter was also June, and again between 7 July and 12 August. measured to estimate average shrub height. 88 WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [Volume 64

TABLE 1. Mean values for each habitat variable measured at random points in rocky slope and cliff habitat types and at cliff chipmunk, pinyon mouse, and canyon mouse capture locations in southwestern Wyoming in 1999. Values with the same superscsript letter are significantly different (P < 0.05). Random Cliff Pinyon Canyon Variable plots chipmunk mouse mouse % tree canopy cover 17.0b 17.0 25.9 13.1 % grass cover 5.6a,b 3.5a 3.2b 4.1 % forb cover 2.2a,b 1.7a 1.0b 3.7 % shrub cover 4.6 4.8 2.9 5.3 % litter cover 19.1 20.5 21.4 13.6 % bare ground 56.3a,c 50.8a 58.0 42.2c % rock cover 13.1a,c 18.2a 13.9 35.6c Shrub density (no. ha–1) 2879 1981 2563 2052 Average shrub height (cm) 48.3a 58.9a 46.9 62.4 Tree density (no. ha–1) 251 310 386 232 Distance to nearest tree (m) 4.6a,b 3.6a 2.7b 3.8 Distance to nearest shrub (m) 2.4b 2.2 1.8b 2.1 Distance to nearest log (m) 7.8a,b,c 4.6a 3.0b 3.5c Diameter of nearest log (cm) 17.0a 17.9a 19.2 21.8 Distance to nearest rock outcrop (m) 10.9a,b 6.6a 15.8 2.1c Distance to juniper woodland edge (m) 47.8a,b 68.7a 237.7b 77.4

Two transects, 1 going north–south and the the number of variables to be used in multi- other east–west, were established through variate analysis. Variables with a univariate each plot center point. Along each transect we significance of P < 0.25 were considered sig- established Daubenmire quadrats at the cen- nificant and were included in the full model ter point and at 4 m and 8 m from the center while the others were discarded. Hosmer and point for a total of 9 quadrats (Daubenmire Lemeshow (1989) suggested using this level of 1959). On each quadrat we estimated the pro- significance because lower levels of significance portion of ground cover by grass, forbs, shrubs, may eliminate variables that may increase the litter, bare ground, and rock. Because of the goodness-of-fit of a reduced model to the data. small stature of juniper trees, we were unable Best subsets multiple logistic regression to use an ocular tube to measure tree canopy was used to determine which combinations of cover. Instead, we used a 5-m pole placed per- the variables identified in the univariate analy- pendicular to the ground at 1 m apart along ses provided the best model for predicting the both transects. Tree canopy cover was measured occurrence of each species. Best sub- in 3 strata (Gilbert and Allwine 1991; 0–2, 2–4 sets is an effective model-building technique and 4+ m) using the pole marked in 2-m seg- that identifies collections of variables, all of ments. Tree canopy cover in any of the 3 strata which could possibly be weakly associated was recorded when a tree branch touched the with the response variable but are important predictors when taken together (Hosmer and pole within the respective 2-m intervals. Lemeshow 1989). We used the Akaike’s Infor- Habitat data collected at random points mation Criterion (AIC) to determine the best were combined across grids for each habitat model from the larger set. The AIC scored type. In addition, data collected at all capture each model according to number of parame- locations were combined across grids for each ters and goodness-of-fit of the model, the model rodent species. To eliminate multicollinearity with the lowest AIC value being considered the in multivariate analyses, we used Pearson pro- most efficient. However, final model selection duct moment correlation analysis to test for was also based on biological interpretability. linear correlation between all possible pairs of variables measured. In cases where the corre- RESULTS lation coefficient (CC) was >0.625, the vari- able perceived as having the least biological In 5397.5 trap nights, we captured 113 in- significance was eliminated subjectively from dividual cliff chipmunks, 19 pinyon mice, and further analyses. Univariate binary logistic re- 13 canyon mice. The cliff chipmunk was cap- gression analysis was used to further reduce tured in 13 of 14 sites sampled, the pinyon 2004] RARE MAMMALS AT RANGE LIMIT 89

TABLE 2. Univariate significance (P-values) of each habitat variable measured in predicting cliff chipmunk, pinyon mouse, and canyon mouse occurrence in rocky slope and cliff habitat types in southwestern Wyoming in 1999. Signifi- cant at P ≤ 0.05.

______Species Cliff chipmunk Pinyon mouse Canyon mouse Variable (n) (119) (19) (13)

DISCRETE Shrub density Low Medium 0.98 0.84 0.43 High 0.57 0.57 0.36 Tree density Low Medium 0.02* 0.64 0.30 High 0.09 0.63 0.23 Average tree size Small Medium 0.95 0.47 0.47 Large 0.59 0.89 0.89

CONTINUOUS Canopy cover 0.25 0.00* 0.58 % grass cover 0.00* 0.10 0.60 % forb cover 0.08 0.02* 0.00* % shrub cover 0.77 0.37 0.77 % litter cover 0.44 0.41 0.22 % bare ground cover 0.02* 0.66 0.02* % rock cover 0.01* 0.51 0.00* Average shrub height 0.00* 0.50 0.32 Distance to nearest tree 0.04* 0.05* 0.33 Distance to nearest shrub 0.71 0.66 0.66 Distance to nearest log 0.08 0.05* 0.30 Diameter of nearest log 0.63 0.21 0.23 Distance to nearest rock outcrop 0.03* 0.04* 0.07 Distance to juniper woodland edge 0.00* 0.00* 0.16

*Significant values at 0.05 level.

mouse in 5 sites in both habitats, and the can- significant (univariate significance < 0.25) pre- yon mouse in only 2 of 7 cliff habitat sites. dictors of the occurrence of cliff chipmunks, Habitat data were collected at 294 random plots, pinyon mice, and canyon mice. This was accom- and 113, 19, and 13 centered plots for cliff plished by comparing used sites (capture loca- chipmunks, pinyon mice, and canyon mice, tions) with available habitat (random plots). respectively (Table 1). These analyses indicated that 12 variables were Pearson product moment correlation analy- significant predictors of the occurrence of the sis showed that 4 variables exhibited linear cliff chipmunk, 8 for the pinyon mouse, and 7 correlation: tree canopy cover in low strata, tree for the canyon mouse (Table 2). These vari- canopy cover in middle strata, and tree canopy ables were then used to construct full regres- cover in upper strata were highly correlated sion models for each species. (CC > 0.725) to overall tree canopy cover. Best subsets logistic regression constructed Therefore, the 3 strata of canopy cover were 14 reduced models for the cliff chipmunk, 9 removed and only overall canopy cover was for the pinyon mouse, and 8 for the canyon included in further analysis. Height of the mouse. For the cliff chipmunk there were 3 nearest shrub was also eliminated, which was models within 2.5 AIC units. The lowest-AIC correlated (CC = 0.644) to average shrub model (296.7) was a 4-variable model. The 2nd height. best model included 5 parameters, and the From the remaining variables, univariate 3rd model consisted of 3 parameters. The 1st binary logistic regression analysis was used to model was discarded because the data did not determine which microhabitat variables were fit the logistic regression model (P < 0.05). 90 WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [Volume 64

TABLE 3. Parameter estimates (β), standard error, and odds ratios for the best multivariate model for distinguishing between cliff chipmunk, pinyon mouse, and canyon mouse capture locations and random sites in the rocky slope and cliff habitat types in southwestern Wyoming in 1999. β β Species sx– ( )Odds ratios Cliff chipmunk % grass cover –0.133 0.017 0.876 % bare ground cover –0.023 0.002 0.977 Average shrub height 0.013 0.060 1.013 Pinyon mouse % canopy cover 0.029 0.014 1.030 % forb cover –0.482 0.167 0.618 Distance to nearest rock outcrop 0.050 0.031 1.051 Distance to juniper woodland edge 0.016 0.004 1.016 Canyon mouse % forb cover 0.362 0.178 1.436 % rock cover 0.076 0.024 1.078 High tree density 1.186 0.415 3.275

Ultimately, the model consisting of 3 parame- distances to rock outcrops and the woodland ters was chosen (Table 3) because it was the edge best distinguished pinyon mouse capture simplest with regard to the fewest parameters, locations from random sites. and the data fit the logistic regression model The model that best distinguished canyon (P > 0.05). Once this model was selected, tests mouse capture locations from random sites were conducted for interaction effects between was a 3-parameter reduced model with an variables included in the reduced model. All AIC value of 80.63 (Table 3). According to the potential 2-way interactions (%Grass cover * AIC, the next best model had a value of 82.32 %Bare ground cover, %Ground cover * Aver- and 4 parameters. While this 2nd model had a age shrub height, and %Bare ground cover * slightly better goodness-of-fit (P = 0.32 com- Average shrub height) were tested, and none pared with 0.29), the predictability between were found to be significant (Ramsey and the 2 was virtually identical (88.5% for the 3- Schafer 1997). The final model indicates that parameter model compared with 88.4% for the cliff chipmunk capture locations consisted of 4-parameter model). It appears that the addi- lower grass cover, lower bare ground cover, and tional variable in the 2nd model does not in- taller shrubs than random sampling plots. crease its predictability over the 1st model. Of the 9 models constructed by best sub- The 3-parameter model was selected as the sets logistic regression for the pinyon mouse, better model for distinguishing between can- 3 combinations of variables had AIC values yon mouse capture locations and random plots. within 1 unit of each other. The model with Tests were conducted for all possible 2-way the lowest AIC value (109.85) was reduced to interactions (%Forb cover * %Rock cover, %Forb a 4-parameter model. The other models con- cover * High tree density, %Rock cover * High sisted of 3 parameters and 5 parameters with tree density) between the variables included AIC values of 110.65 and 110.70, respectively. in the model (Ramsey and Schafer 1997). None Once this model was selected (Table 3), of these interactions proved to be significant we tested for all possible 2-way interactions (P < 0.05). The final model indicates canyon that were considered biologically important mouse capture locations are characterized by (%Canopy cover * %Forb, %Canopy cover * greater forb cover, rock cover, and bare ground Distance to juniper woodland edge, and than random plots in the cliff habitat type. %Forb cover * Distance to juniper woodland edge) between the variables included in the DISCUSSION model (Ramsey and Schafer 1997). None of these interactions were found to be significant The cliff chipmunk, pinyon mouse, and can- (P > 0.05). The final model indicates that greater yon mouse were considered rare in Wyoming canopy cover, lower forb cover, and greater because there were fewer than 5 documented 2004] RARE MAMMALS AT RANGE LIMIT 91 occurrences of each species in the state (Fertig have greater amounts of forb cover and a 1997) prior to our study. Clary (1917) first de- shorter distance to the woodland edge, both of scribed the cliff chipmunk and canyon mouse which the pinyon mouse selected against. in Wyoming as “among the characteristic Thus, neither rocky slopes nor cliffs provide Upper Sonoran mammals of the Green River an optimal combination of microhabitat char- Valley.” The canyon mouse was known to occur acteristics for the pinyon mouse. This is con- only in northeastern Arizona, southeastern sistent with Brown’s (1984) theory that the Utah, and adjacent parts of Colorado and New limit of a species distribution occurs where Mexico (Osgood 1909). In 1929, Svihla and environmental requirements for that species Svihla (1929) collected 1 cliff chipmunk in are not met. Wyoming near the Utah border. At the same During our investigation the canyon mouse time they collected 3 canyon mice near the was found only in the cliff habitat type, which Utah border (Svihla and Svihla 1929, 1931). is consistent with the common description of The earliest published account of the pinyon canyon mouse habitat (Hardy 1945, Hall and mouse in Wyoming appears to be 1942 (Hoff- Hoffmeister 1946, Baker 1968, Clark and Strom- meister 1951). During an expedition through berg 1987, Johnson and Armstrong 1987). Our the area in 1959, Durrant and Dean (1960) results contradict Egoscue’s (1964) idea of the collected 3 cliff chipmunks and 5 pinyon mice importance of vegetation on the distribution of in Utah but found none in Wyoming. canyon mice. On average, canyon mice were Surveys have also been conducted in more captured at sites in the cliff habitat type with recent years. During an intensive sampling higher tree canopy cover and very dense trees, effort in 1979, cliff chipmunks were captured along with higher rock cover. While cliff sites at 1 site located approximately in the center of in the study area consisted of high rock cover, our study area (Belitsky 1981). Canyon mice the rocky slope type had higher canopy cover also were captured north of our study area and tree density. Similar to the results of the (Belitsky 1981). pinyon mouse, this may indicate that available We found that the cliff chipmunk is distrib- cliffs provide only marginal canyon mouse uted throughout the juniper woodland in our habitat. However, because it was found to study area. Of 14 juniper woodland, rocky occur only in the cliff habitat type, and assum- slope, and cliff sites, this species occurs in 13 ing Johnson’s (1986) suggestion regarding inter- of them. The cliff chipmunk is commonly asso- specific effects applies to this part of its range, ciated with cliffs and rocky outcrops in juniper it is likely that a combination of competition woodlands throughout its distribution (Hart and habitat quality is important in determin- 1971, Belitsky 1981). Apparently, it uses cliff ing the canyon mouse distribution in this area. structures for den sites and some foraging, pri- It is also likely that cliffs provide some other marily in the early spring. requirement or that slopes lack the factor. The cliff chipmunk’s diet comprises almost Hedderson (1992) suggested that “periph- exclusively vegetation, primarily forbs and eral populations may include genotypes which grasses. We found grasses and forbs to be are unique for any given species. Protection of more abundant in the rocky slope habitat type. such populations is thus thought to deserve Juniper tree density was also higher in the priority equaling that granted other types of rocky slope habitat type than in cliffs; thus, rare species.” These comparisons may provide foraging may require less effort to harvest insight into which habitat or environmental more juniper berries. factors are influencing the distribution and Our analysis suggests that habitat in south- abundance of these species, particularly as western Wyoming may be suboptimal for the they approach the limit of their range. pinyon mouse. Pinyon mice commonly occurred in sites of higher canopy cover and lower forb ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cover than was available throughout the rocky slope and cliff habitat types. Pinyon mice se- We thank the Wyoming Game and Fish lected against proximity of rock outcrops and Department for financially supporting this pro- avoided the edge of the juniper woodland. ject, the United States Department of the Rocky slope habitat type may be better suited Interior Bureau of Land Management for logis- for the pinyon mouse. However, rocky slopes tical support, R. Olson and N. Stanton for their 92 WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [Volume 64 support throughout this project and their com- and small mammals. United States Department of ments that dramatically improved this manu- Agriculture, Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-166. script, L. Neasloney for Geographic Information GILBERT, F.F., AND R. ALLWINE. 1991. Small mammal com- System data of the study area, and M. Neigh- munities in the Oregon Cascade Range. Pages 257– bors for providing data regarding historical 267 in L.F. Ruggiero, K.B. Aubry, A.B. Carey, and locations of the species of interest. 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