Zuckerberg Visits CMU on Tour
Research suggests smart Penn State needs to ‘clean ArtHang group promotes government regulation house’ after sexual abuse student artwork around fosters innovation • A5 scandal • A7 campus • B9 SCITECH FORUM PILLBOX thetartan.org @thetartan November 14, 2011 Volume 106, Issue 12 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 Zuckerberg visits CMU on tour JACKSON LANE “We beat them,” joked As- egie Mellon tens of thou- memes ... and I just really like Senior Staffwriter sociate Dean of the School sands of dollars each year. Facebook,’ ” he explained. of Computer Science Mark Yet, over 90 percent of the During the event, Zuck- Mark Zuckerberg, the Stehlik, who moderated campus doesn’t have any erberg frequently stated that founder and CEO of Face- Zuckerberg’s talk. chance to hear Mark Zucker- the future of Facebook and book, spoke to and answered Although Facebook em- berg speak while he’s on our social media would be the questions from approximate- ployees had requested that campus,” read the website’s application of the consumer ly 900 Carnegie Mellon stu- description. “Not offering all knowledge gathered by social dents on Tuesday in Wiegand members of the campus com- media to other industries. Gym at the University Center. “The students munity the opportunity to “We’re just starting to get The students in atten- watch the talk isn’t right.” to a place where everyone dance were mostly from the at Carnegie At the event, Stehlik fi rst has these advanced smart- School of Computer Science Mellon who asked Zuckerberg some ques- phones, and we recently just and the department of elec- tions about Facebook’s his- got to a place where you can trical and computer engi- have come tory with Carnegie Mellon assume that everyone has a neering; however, his talk to Facebook and recruiting, and then he Facebook or Twitter account was later uploaded to the opened the fl oor to pre-se- internet via an unauthorized are among lected student questions from See ZUCKERBERG, A3 live-stream video for all to the audience.
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