DEC 1 4 1998 AFBCA/DR 1700 North Moore Street, Suite 2300 Arlington, VA 22209-2802

Mr. Stanley A. Burger Chief, Division of Administrative Services Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20210

Dear Mr. Burger

On April 6,1994, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) submitted a request for the transfer of eight (8) parcels referred to as Parcels B, and B-l through B-7, consisting of 42 acres and containing eleven (11) buildings located on Loring Air Force Base, for the establishment of a Job Corps Center. This property was part of the property at Loring that was declared excess to the needs of the Department of the Air Force on October 14,1991.

Accordingly, pursuant to the Authority vested in the Secretary of the Air Force, acting under and pursuant to the FPASA of 1949, as amended, 40 U.S.C. § 471 et seq., and the delegation of authority to the Secretary of Defense from the Administrator of the General Services Administration, dated March 1, 1989, pursuant to Title II, Section 204, of Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Act, and in line with the Air Force Record of Decision (ROD) signed on April:! 1,1996, (Attachment 2), I hereby.transfer the above described property to the Secretary of Labor subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, and restrictions set forth below. In accordance with Section 4467(f)(l) of the National Defense Authorization Act for 1993, the transfer is at no cost;

In compliance with CERCLA Section 120 (h) and in order to document the environmental condition of the property, a Basewide Environmental Baseline Survey (Basewide BBS) was prepared for Loring AFB, which is provided as Attachment 6, along with a Supplemental Environmental Baseline Survey (Supplemental BBS) as Attachment 4Kwhich address the property that is the subject of this transfer. A Decision Document is provided as Attachment 5. BK3233PG 158

The description of the property for Parcels B, B-l through B-7 set forth in this conveyance is based on a Survey conducted by Doody, Blackstone, and Bubar, dated=> December 1,1995, Sheets 1-6, said Plan and Survey recorded in the Southern Aroostook Registry of Deeds in Book of Plans 39, Pages 23B-26A. Excepting and reserving, however, any portion of such parcels as depicted in the Record of Decision as have already been transferred by an Economic Development Conveyance (EDC) and accompanying Lease to the Loring Development Authority of , or to other parties or such portion of the depicted premises in which the Air Force does not have any right, title, and interest as would be revealed by a competent property survey. Also excepting and reserving the utility system on the premises and rights of access thereto as well as other easements which may have been transferred to the Loring Development Authority of Maine by EDC and Lease dated April 4,1997, a Memorandum of Lease has been recorded in the Southern Aroostook Registry of Deeds hi Volume 3001, Page 221. Copies of the above referenced documents are also available for inspection at the offices of the Loring Development Authority of Maine, 5100 Road, , Limestone, Maine. A complete real property package is included as Attachment 3, which includes Parcel Survey, plat map, and legal description of each parcel being transferred.

The Air Force reserves a right of access to any and all portions of the herein described tracts of land for purposes of environmental investigation, remediation or other corrective action. This reservation includes the right of access to and use of, to the extent permitted by law, available utilities at reasonable cost to the Air Force. These rights shall be exercisable in any case in which a remedial action, response action, or corrective action is found to be necessary after the date of conveyance of the herein described tracts of land, or such access is necessary to carry out a remedial action, response action, or corrective action on adjoining property. Pursuant to this reservation, the Air Force and its officers, agents, employees, contractors, and subcontractors shall have the right (upon reasonable notice to the Beneficiary or the then owner and any authorized occupant of the property) to enter upon the herein described tracts of laud and conduct investigations and survey, to include drillings, testpitting, borings, data and/or record compilation, and other activities related to environmental investigation, and to carry out remedial or removal actions as required or necessary under applicable authorities, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells, pumping wells, treatment facilities, and wetland impact mitigation projects.

Other Restrictions and Notifications: reference Attachment 5, Decision Document, Section 5. Particularly, note that a remedial system is in place at the Auto Hobby Shop, which cannot be disturbed without Air Force coordination and use of groundwater within the Parcels is not permitted without Air Force approval.

By your concurrence and acceptance at the bottom of this letter, the Air Force considers the transfer of excess real property complete for Parcels B, B-l through B-7, as identified in the Air Force Record of Decision, dated April 11,1996, and your General Services Administration (GSA) Form 1334, dated April 6,1994. The transfer letter, legal description and survey will be recorded in the Aroostook County Registry of Deeds, Houlton, Maine, upon receipt of your original signature and return to this office. BK3233PG 159

' Should you require additional information or have any questions, please contact Ms. Andrea Ziemian at (703) 696-5255 or Mr. James Galletta at (207) 328-7075.


ALBERT F.LO Director

Attachments: 1. Excess Property Transfer Request 2. Disposal ROD 3. Real Properly Package A. Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map B. Exhibit 2 Parcel Description C. Exhibit 3 Parcel Map D. Exhibit 4 Legal Description E. Exhibit 5 Survey Map F. Exhibit 6 Facility Listing G. Exhibit 7 Personal Property H. Exhibit 8 Physical Condition Report 4. Supplemental BBS 5. Decision Document 6. BasewideEBS BK3233PG 160

•. Custody of and accountability for the property is hereby transferred to your agency. Please I acknowledge acceptance by signing in the space provided on the attached copy of this letter and return it to this office.

Custody and Accountability Accepted as of:

Date: //

Stanley A.Bnrger Chief, Title: Division of AHurliHst-ratlve Services BK3233PG 161


Property Conveyed To Department Of Labor *»

Parcel B (Job Corps Site)

Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the westerly side of Georgia Road, northerly side of Montana Road, easterly side of Cupp Road, and southerly side of Kentucky Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being Parcel B according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1, 1995, Sheet 3 of 6, being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at (1) an iron pipe set on the westerly line of Georgia Road, said pipe being on a Maine State Grid North bearing of South 0° 29' 25" East 2898.5 feet from Station Loring; Station Loring is a standard disk set flush in a 12 x 12 inch concrete monument which monument is now flush with ground; the disk is stamped LORING 1960; Thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Georgia Road (road width being 66 feet wide) following a curve to the left having a Radius of 978.81 feet and a central angle of 22° 36' 55" to (2) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (1) and (2) being South 13° 51' East 383.8 feet; Thence along the westerly line of Georgia Road South 25° 09' East 376.5 feet to (3) an iron pipe set; Thence southwesterly along the northerly line of Montana Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 253.61 feet and a central angle of 17° 05' 50" to (4) a railroad spike set, the bearing and distance between (3) and (4) being South 55° 02' West 75.4 feet; Thence along the northerly line of Montana Road South 46° 29' West 100.5 feet to (5) a railroad spike set; Thence southwesterly along the northerly line of Montana Road following a curve to the right having a Radius of 560.32 feet and a central angle of 21° 05' 26" to (6) a railroad spike set, the bearing and distance between (5) and (6) being South 57° 02' West 205.1 feet; Thence along the northerly line of Montana Road South 67° 34' -West 273.8 feet to (7) an iron pipe set; Thence southwesterly along the northerly and westerly line of Montana Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 208.71 feet and a central angle of 74° 41' 04" to (8) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (7) and (8) being South 30° 14' West 253.2 feet; Thence along the westerly line of Montana Road South 7° 07' East 63.0 feet to (9) an iron pipe set; Thence South 82° 53' West 14.1 feet to (10) a railroad spike set; Thence North 24° 01' West 120.5 feet to (11) an Iron pipe set; Thence North 67° 44' East 18.2 feet to (12) an iron pipe set; Thence North 22° 32' West 665.8 feet to (13) an iron pipe 8K3233PG 162

set; Thence North 79° 45' West 146.4 feet to (14) a railroad spike set; Thence I northeasterly along the easterly line of Cupp Road following a curve to the lefUiaving a Radius of 3122.64 feet and a central angle of 8° 57' 07" to (15) a railroad spike set, the bearing and distance between (14) and (15) being North 2° 56' East 487.4 feet; Thence along the southerly line of Kentucky Road North 87° 58' East 66.3 feet to (16) an iron pipe set; Thence northeasterly along the southerly line of Kentucky Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 363.67 feet and a central angle of 20° 02' 42" to (17) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (16) and (17) being North 77° 57' East 126.6 feet; Thence along the southerly line of Kentucky Road North 67° 55' East 266.6 feet to (18) an iron pin set without an identification cap; Thence northerly 'along the southerly line of Kentucky Road following a curve to the right having a Radius of 240.70 feet and a central angle of 41° 34' 42" to (19) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (18) and (19) being North 88°43' East 170.9 feet; Thence along the southerly line of Kentucky Road South 70° 30' East 113.3 feet to (20) an iron pipe set; Thence southeasterly along the southerly line of Kentucky Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 276.19 feet and a central angle of 21° 14' 41" to (21) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (20) and (21) being South 81° 07' East 101.8 feet; Thence along the southerly line of Kentucky Road North 88° 15' East 32.8 feetto (1) the point of beginning. Containing 20.43 acres, Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan. / V Parcel B-l (Job Corps Site)

Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the easterly side of Georgia Road and southerly and westerly side of Montana Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being Parcel B-I according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to United States Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1, 1995, Sheet 4 of 6, being further more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at (22) an iron pipe set on the intersection of the easterly line of Georgia Road (road width being 66 feet wide) and southerly line of Montana Road (road width being 66 feet wide), said pipe being on a Maine State Grid North bearing of North 18° 38' East 363.6 feet from (1) an iron pipe set at the northeast corner of Parcel B; Thence along the southerly line of Montana Road South 69° 53' East 350.8 feet to (23) a railroad spike set; Thence southeasterly along the southerly line of Montana Road following a curve to the right having a Radius of 234.84 feet and a central angle of 55° 38' 18" to (24) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (23) and (24) being South 42° 04' East 219.2 feet; Thence along the westerly line of Montana Road South 14° 15' East 170.2 feet to (25) an iron pin set; Thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Montana Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 1588.58 feet and a central angle of 3° 18' 19" to (26) V.... 2 BK3233PG 163

an iron pin set, the bearing and distance between (25) and (26) being South 15° 54' East 91.6 feet; Thence South 65° 37' West 521.8 feet to (27) an iron pipe set; Thence along the easterly line of Georgia Road North 25° 09' West 71.0 feet to (28) an iron pipe set; Thence northwesterly along the easterly line of Georgia Road following a curve to the right having a Radius of 912.81 feet and a central angle of 44° 25' 10" to (22) the point of beginning, the bearing and distance between (28) and (22) being North 2° 57' West 690.1 feet. Containing 6.89 acres

Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B-I to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan.

Parcel B-2 (Job Corps Site)

Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the westerly side of Georgia Road, northerly side of Kentucky Road, and southerly side of Taft Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being Parcel B-2 according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to United States Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1, 1995, Sheet 5 of 6, being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at (29) an iron pin set on the intersection of the westerly line of Georgia Road (road width being 66 feet wide) and northerly line of Kentucky Road (road width being 66 feet wide), said pin being on a Maine State Grid North bearing of North 0° 36' West 66.0 feet from (1) an iron pipe set at the northeast corner of Parcel B; Thence along the northerly line of Kentucky Road South 88° 15' West 34.1 feet to (30) an iron pipe set; Thence northwesterly along the northerly line of Kentucky Road following a curve to the right having a Radius of 210.19 feet and a central angle of 21°14' 41" to (31) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (30) and (31) being North 81° 07' West 77.5 feet; Thence along the northerly line of Kentucky Road North 70° 30' West 113.3 feet to (32) an iron pipe set; Thence northwesterly along the northerly line of-Kentucky Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 306.69 feet and a central angle of 6° 39' 13" to (33) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (32) and (33) being North 73° 51' West 35.6 feet; Thence North 6° 15' West 420.8 feet to (34) an iron pipe set; Thence North 49° 45' West 211.3 feet to (35) an iron pipe set; Thence North 36° 33' East 197.7 feet to (36) an iron pipe set; Thence North 77° 00' East 63.8 feet to (37) an iron pipe set; Thence southeasterly along the southeasterly line of Taft Road (road width being 66 feet wide) following a curve to the left having a Radius of 392.39 feet and a central angle of 44° 45' 12" to (38) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (37) and (38) being South 39° 48' East 298.8 feet; Thence along the southeasterly line of Taft Road South 62° 10' East 234.7 feet to .(39) an iron phi set; Thence southwesterly along the westerly line of Georgia Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 978.81 feet 3 . BK3233PG 161* and a centra] angle of 27° 22' 49" to (29) the point of beginning, the bearing and distance between (39) and (29) being South 15° 01' West 463.3 feet; Containing 4.96 acres

Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B-2 to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan. ^

Parcel B-3 (Job Corps Site)

Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the southerly side of Weinman Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being Parcel B-3 according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to United States Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1, 1995, Sheet 6 of 6, being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at (40) an iron pipe set on the southerly line of Weinman Road (road width being 100 feet wide), said pipe being on a Maine State Grid North bearing of South 51° 49' West 526.8 feet from (9) an iron pipe set at the southern extremity of Parcel B; Thence southeasterly along the southerly line of Weinman Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 1522.45 feet and a central angle of 2° 11' 35" to (41) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (40) and (41) being South 79° 39' East '58.3 feet; Thence South H°45' West 158.1 feet to (42) an iron pipe set; Thence South 22° 50' East 361.8 feet to (43) an iron pipe set; Thence South 49° 06' West 147.0 feet to (44) an iron pipe set; Thence North 75° 44' West 234.0 feet to (45) an iron pipe set; Thence North 14° 27' West 256.5 feet to (46) an iron pipe set; Thence North 64° 44' East 216.1 feet to (47) an iron pipe set; Thence North 11° 45' East 200.8 feet to (40) the point of beginning; Containing 2.76 acres.

Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B-3 to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan.

Parcel B-4 (Job Corps Site)

Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the westerly side of Pennsylvania Road and northerly side of Weinman Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being" Parcel B- 4 according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to United States Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1, 1995, Sheet 6 of 6, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BK3233PG !65

Beginning at (48) an iron pipe set on the westerly line of Pennsylvania Road,, said pipe being on a Maine State Grid North bearing of South 37° 53' East 1459.0 feet from (26) an iron pin set at the southeast comer of Parcel B-l; Thence along the westerly line of Pennsylvania Road (road width being 100 feet) South 1° 08" East 263.5 feet to (49) and iron pipe set; Thence northwesterly along the northerly line of Weinman Road (road width being 100 feet) following a curve to the right having a Radius of 1655.80 feet and a central angle of 5° 10' 12" to (50) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (49) and (50) being North 85° 02' West 149.4 feet; Thence North 82° 27' West 40.7 feet to (51) an iron pipe set; Thence North 4° 05' East 242.8 feet to (52) an iron pipe set; Thence North 88° 57' East 166.6 feet to (48) the point of beginning; Containing 1.04 acres.

Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B-4 to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan.

Parcel B-5 (Job Corps Site) -a- Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the westerly side of Montana Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being Parcel B-5 according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to United States Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1, 1995, Sheet 6 of 6, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: <* a Beginning at (53) an iron pipe set on the westerly line of Montana Road, said pipe being on a Maine State Grid North bearing of South 7° 07' East 54.0 feet from (9) an iron pipe set at the southern extremity of Parcel B; Thence South 7° 07' East along the westerly line of Montana Road (road width being 66 feet) 115.6 feet to (54) and iron pipe set; Thence South 58° 41' West 227.1 feet to (55) an iron pipe set; Thence North 23° 37' West 96.9 feet to (56) an iron pipe set; Thence North 76° 30' East 215.6 feet to (57) an iron pipe set; Thence South 52° 38' East 65.1 feet to (53) the point of beginning; Containing 0.72 acres.

Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B-5 to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan.

Parcel B-6 (Job Corps Site)

Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated on the westerly side of Georgia Road and northerly side of Taft Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being Parcel B-6 according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to United BK3233PG 166

States Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1,1995, Sheet 5 of 6, being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at (58) an iron pipe set on the intersection of the westerly line of Georgia Road (road width being 66 feet wide) and northwesterly line of Taft Road (road width being 66 feet wide), said pipe being on a Maine State Grid North bearing of North 30° 38' East 66.1 feet from (39) an iron pin set at the intersection of the westerly line of Georgia Road and northwesterly line of Taft Road; Thence along the northerly line of Taft Road North 62° 10' West 238.0 feet to (59) and iron pipe set; Thence northwesterly along the northerly line of Taft Road following a curve to the right having a Radius of 32j£?39 feet and a central angle of 47° 55' 44" to (60) an iron pipe set, the bearing and distance between (59) and (60) being North 38° 13' West 265.1 feet; Thence North 75° 09' East 301.1 feet to (61) an iron pipe set; Thence South 51° 26' East 307.0 feet to (62) an iron pipe set; Thence along the westerly line of Georgia Road South 38° 33' West 156.3 feet to (63) an iron pipe set; Thence southwesterly along the westerly line of Georgia Road following a curve to the left having a Radius of 978.81 feet and a central angle of 5° 58' 08" to (58) the point of beginning, the bearing and distance between (63) and (58) being South 35° 33' West 101.9 feet; Containing 2.71 acres.

Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B-6 to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan.

Parcel B-7 (Job Corps Site)

Being a certain lot or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situated westerly of the Taft Road on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Aroostook County, Maine and being Parcel B-7 according to a plan of survey entitled: Standard Boundary Survey, Property to be Conveyed to United States Department of Labor by United States Department of Defense, Job Corp Site, Former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine, December 1,1995, Sheet 5 of 6, being more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at (36) an iron pipe set near the southerly edge of pavement of Northcutt Road and being an angle point on the northerly line of Parcel B-2; Thence .along the northwesterly line of parcel B-2, South 36° 33' West 197.7 feet to (35) an iron pipe set, said pipe being an angle point on the westerly line of Parcel B-2; Thence South 76° 02' West 244.8 feet to (64) an iron pipe set; Thence North 13° 09' West 302.0 feet to (65) an iron pipe set; Thence North 43° 03' East 59.8 feet to (66) an iron pipe set; Thence North 37° 12' East 101.7 feet to (67) an iron pipe set; Thence South 52° 31' East 56.4 feet to (68) an iron pipe set; Thence North 37° 22' East 35.8 feet to (69) an iron pipe set; Thence South 52° 36' East 321.2 feet to (36) the point of beginning; Containing 2.52 acres. BK3233PG 167

Reserving to the grantor, its heirs and assigns, the right to enter upon Parcel B-7 to maintain, repair or replace any existing utilities or roadways, whether on, above or below the ground, which utilities were existing as of the date of this plan.

The premises herein excepted and reserved as Parcels B, B-l, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6 and B-7, are the same premises depicted in the aforesaid Record of Decision for the Disposal of Loring AFB, Maine, Dated April 11, 1996 as Parcels B through B-7, inclusive, identified and intended for conveyance to the Department of Labor for utilization as a Job Corps Center. Said Parcels B through B-7, inclusive, consist of 42.03 acres, more or less.




1.1 The purpose of this Decision Document is to document environmentally-related findings and the suitability to transfer of real property and any improvements at eight separate parcels (Parcels B, Bl, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, and B7 on the former Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, Maine) to the Department of Labor's Job Corps. The properties are described in Section 2 below. The properties have been under continuous Permitted use since December 1995 and will be conveyed through a federal-to-federal transfer. The use of these properties are for technical training of Job Corps' students. During Permitted use, the Transferee performed the following modifications to facilities on the subject parcels: installation of a ball field on Parcel B-l, renovation of dormitories and classroom building, installation of individual heating systems at various facilities on the subject parcels, and construction of a new masonry shop building on Parcel B-2.

1.2 This Decision Document is a result of a thorough analysis of information contained in the following documents: (1) the Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement (RFEIS) for the Disposal and Reuse of Loring AFB, October 1995; (2) the Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement (RFEIS) Record of Decision (ROD), 11 April 1996; (3) the Basewide Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS) for Loring AFB, December 1993; (4) the Supplemental BBS (SEES) for Permitted use of the subject parcels, September 1995; (5) Visual Site Inspections (VSIs) conducted in September 1994, July 1995, summer 1996, and September 1998.

2. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 2.1 The property to be transferred is shown on the map (Attachment 1) and is comprised of 42.03 acres that are subdivided into the following parcels:

B Dormitory Complex 20.43 B-l Asbestos Waste Disposal Area (buried dormitories) 6.89 B-2 Gymnasium, Arts & Crafts Center 4.96 B-3 Housing Maintenance 2.76 B-4 Auto Hobby Shop 1.04 B-5 Dormitory Storage 0.72 B-6 Community Recreation Center 2.71 B-7 Headquarters/Admin 2.52 TOTAL 42.03

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, B-l. B-2. B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, and B-7 to Job Corps, Oct 98 2.2 Property that will be transferred to Job Corps includes the following facilities: liif^/Sl^trJT SSI?Jw mlWKfflSMjt8$8r33fjj$&&JEf!!l$iSm& 4000 1 B-3 Housing Maintenance 3,729 5000 B-7 Headquarters/Admin 30,557 5900 B-2 Gymnasium 23,888 5903 B-6 Flammable Storage 80 5904 B-6 Community Recreation Center 26,303 5906 B-2 Arts & Crafts Center 7,200 6251 B-5 Dormitory Storage ,;" 4,000 6350 B Dormitory 84,952 6525 B Dining Hall 17,900 6550 B Dormitory 62,461 6551 B Volleyball Court 0 6570 B^ Auto Hobby Shop 10,149 TOTAL 271,219


In compliance with NEPA, the environmental impacts of this proposed lease have been analyzed and disclosed in the Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement (RFEIS), Disposal and Reuse ofLoring Air Force Base, Maine, October 1995. The proposed reuse of this property by this transfer is consistent with recommended Proposed Action evaluated in the RFEIS, and the signed NEPA ROD, April 1996. No adverse impacts are expected due to similar land use (administrative and light industrial). Based on this analysis, there are no significant impacts expected from the proposed transfer on human health and the environment.

4. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY 4.1 Based on a review of the Basewide BBS and SEES, each parcel of the subject property has tiie following Department of Defense Environmental Condition Category:

B Dormitory Complex B-l Asbestos Waste Disposal Area (buried dormitories) B-2 Gymnasium, Arts & Crafts Center B-3 Housing Maintenance B-4 Auto Hobby Shop B-5 Dormitory Storage B-6 Community Recreation Center B-7 Headquarters/Admin

4.2 Explanation of Department of Defense Environmental Condition Category ratings:

Category 1. This category means that no storage, release, or disposal of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred (including no migration of substances from adjacent areas).

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, B-l, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-, B-6, and B-7 to Job Corps, Oct 98 Category 2. This category means that only release of petroleum products has occurred.

Category 4. This category means that storage, release, disposal, or migration of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred, and all remedial actions necessary to protect human health and the environment have been taken. «> Category 5. This category means that storage, release, disposal, or migration of hazardous substances or petroleum products has occurred, and removal or remedial actions are underway, but all required remedial actions have not yet been taken.

4.3 The condition of property has changed from conditions identified in the September 1995 SEES:

• Bioventing systems were installed and are currently in operation behind Bldg 6570 (Auto Hobby Shop) and on adjacent base properties to remove petroleum contamination from subsurface soils (see Section 5.2).

• The Flight Line Drainage Ditch (FLDD) site located west of Bldg 6570 adjacent to Parcel B- 4 was cleaned up and there are no further human health concerns with this site.

• Smaller underground storage tank systems (USTs) previously used at buildings by the Air Force for domestic hot water during summer months when the Base Central Heat Plant was inactive were replaced by the Job Corps with larger USTs to provide year-round domestic hot water and individual facility heating.

• Additional facility heating oil USTs were installed by the Job Corps and registered with the State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP).

• Major facility renovations/modifications to most buildings were performed byjthe Job Corps prior to opening in order to accomplish specific Job Corps requirements such as student living arrangements, classrooms, craftsman shops, etc. A new masonry shop building was constructed in the gymnasium's parking lot.

• Ball fields, light poles, backstop fence poles, and miscellaneous ball field support items were installed on and near the former asbestos disposal area on Parcel B-l in coordination with the Air Force to ensure integrity of the asbestos covers was not compromised.


The environmental documents listed in Section 1.2 were evaluated to identify environmental factors that require specific restrictions to preclude threat to human health or the environment or require notifications to the Transferee. The factors that require either restrictions or notifications are identified in Attachment 2 and are explained in this section.

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, B-l. B-2, B-3. B-4, B-, B-6, and B-7 to Job Corps. Oct 98 The Ak Force has determined the factors listed in Attachment 2, and not discussed in this section, pose no threat to human health or the environment and therefore require neither restrictions nor notifications to the Transferee.

5.1 Hazardous Waste Accumulation Points. Former Ak Force hazardous waste satellite accumulation point areas in the former Auto Hobby Shop (Bldg 6570) were cleaned by contract project NRCH 94-0030, Remediate and Close Hazardous Waste Accumulation Pofnts, awarded by the US Army Corps of Engineers' New York District office under contract #DACA51-95-B- 0060 in September 1995. Scope of work included: (1) cleaning of two accumulation point areas inside of the Auto Hobby Shop building, a former paint waste area (confirmed) and a former petroleum waste area (suspected); (2) confirmatory sampling and analysis; and (3) certification as officially closed ("clean"). The Air Force submitted documentation for RCRA closure to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection on 31 October 1996.

5.2 Installation Restoration Program (QtP) and Areas of Concern (AOG)

5.2.1 There is one IRP site (Bldg 6570, Auto Hobby Shop) and one AOC (asbestos disposal area) located within the parcels of property to be transferred. The Auto Hobby Shop was used to perform maintenance and repair activities on privately owned vehicles (POVs). An underground storage tank for the collection of waste oils was located on the southwest corner of the parcel until 1992. Surface soils around the tank inlet are stained and the waste oil tank is suspected to have leaked prior to its removal in 1992. Exposure threats to personnel working in and around the Auto Hobby Shop are minimal. IRP investigations arc currently in the Removal Action phase (treatment of petroleum contamination in soil to levels acceptable by MEDEP). Removal activities for petroleum contaminated surface soils located in the ditch north of Bldg 6570 were performed in fall 1995. Bio venting and monitoring wells for removal of subsurface petroleum and solvent contaminants were installed in summer 1996. No impact is expected to personnel working in or around the Auto Hobby Shop due to the operation of bioventing systems or monitoring activities. IRP documents and other information regarding the nature and extent of contaminant^ at this site, the investigative results to date, and planned cleanup actions are available in the environmental section of AFBCA/DA Loring and the Administrative Record for Loring AFB, ME. A dormitory with asbestos containing materials (ACM) used to stand on Parcel B-l. The facility was demolished, covered in place, and is now an asbestos waste disposal area. The asbestos disposal area is officially classified as a closed site. The site was capped with soil and vegetative cover to State of Maine standards and no airborne hazards currently exist.

5.2.2 There are three IRP sites located on property adjacent to the Auto Hobby Shop that may impact the property to be transferred. These sites are: (1) the Flight Line Drainage Ditch (FLDD) located west of (behind) the Auto Hobby Shop; (2) the Power Plant Drainage Pipe (PPDP) and (3) Former Vehicle Motor Pool (FVMP) near Bldg 7270 located east across Pennsylvania Road from the Auto Hobby Shop. One IRP site, the Base Exchange Service Station (BXSS), is located on property northwest of and within 1/4 mile of Bldg 5000 on Parcel B-7.

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, B-l. B-2, B-3. B-4. B-, B-6, and B-7 to Job Corps, Oct 98 The Flight Line Drainage Ditch (FLDD) is located adjacent to the Auto Hobby Shop's west parking lot, approximately 300 feet from the facility. Past fuel, oil, and solvent releases from industrial areas of the base were transported through storm water collection systems to this open drainage ditch and these releases contaminated the sediments that line the ditch. IRP actions are currently completed for the FLDD. Exposure threats to personnel working in and around the Auto Hobby Shop have been mitigated. IRP documents and other information regarding the nature and extent of contaminants at this site, the investigative results to date, and planned IRP activities actions are available in the environmental section of AFBCA/DA Loring and the Administrative Record for Loring AFB, ME. «, The Power Plant Drainage Pipe ran from the base power plant, Bldg 7240, under Pennsylvania Road, and then discharged into the wet forested area on the north side of the Auto Hobby Shop. Contaminants include petroleum products and solvents. Exposure threats to personnel working hi and around the Auto Hobby Shop have been mitigated. IRP actions are currently in the Removal Action phase. Bioventing and monitoring wells for removal of subsurface petroleum contaminants were installed in summer 1996 and operation of bioventing systems has recently concluded. IRP documents and other information regarding the nature and extent of contaminants at this site, investigative results, and results of cleanup actions are available in the environmental section of AFBCA/DA Loring and the Administrative Record for Loring AFB, ME. The Former Vehicle Motor Pool (FVMP) near Bldg 7270 had floor drains, storage sheds, and a possible oil trap that may have been sources for soil and groundwater contaminants beneath the site. Contaminants include waste petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, and antifreeze. Exposure threats to personnel working in and around the Auto Hobby Shop are minimal. IRP actions are currently in the Removal Action phase. Bioventing antf monitoring wells for removal of subsurface petroleum contaminants were installed in summer 1996 and operation of bioventing systems has recently concluded. IRP documents and other information regarding the nature and extent of contaminants at this site, investigative results, and results of cleanup actions are available in the environmental section of AFBCA/DA Loring and the Administrative Record for Loring AFB, ME. The Base Exchange Service Station (BXSS), Bldg 2510, is located northwest of Bldg 5000 at the intersection of Texas Road and Cupp Road. The service station is very similar to typical civilian service stations that had older single-walled underground storage tanks for gasoline, fuel oil, and waste oil. The former single-walled tanks were installed in 1957. New tanks were installed in the early 1970s and original USTs taken out of service. The three original gasoline USTs were abandoned in place and filled with sand. IRP investigations identified petroleum contaminants in soils and groundwater table downgradient of Bldg 2510. Bioventing of soil contamination is currently in operation. IRP documents and other information regarding the nature and extent of contaminants at this site, investigative results, and results of cleanup actions are available in the environmental section of AFBCA/DA Loring-and the Administrative Record for Loring AFB, ME.

5.2.3 The Air Force has evaluated the risks associated with these sites and has determined that this property can be used pursuant to the proposed Transfer, with the specified

Decision Document, Loring AFB. Parcels B. B-I. B-2, B-3, B-4. B-. B-6. and B-7 to Job Corps. Oct 98 use restrictions identified below, with acceptable risk to human health or the environment and without interference with the environmental restoration process.

5.2.4 Restrictions are required to ensure that environmental investigations and remedial activities will not be disrupted at any time. Such restrictions include, but are not limited to, prohibiting activities that could disrupt any remediation activities or jeopardize the protectiveness of those remedies, such as: (1) subsurface drilling or use of groundwater unless the Air Force determines that there will be no adverse impacts on the cleanup process; or (2) construction that would interfere with, negatively impact, or restrict access for cleanup work. The Mi Force reserves a non-exclusive easement to allow continued access for the Air Force (or its designated contractor) and regulatory agencies to monitor the effectiveness of cleanup, perform five-year reviews, and take additional remedial or removal actions.

5.2.5 Notice is provided to ensure that any response or corrective actions that are the responsibility of the Air Force, found to be necessary after the date of delivery of the transfer documents, will be conducted by the Air Force. Provisions are included in the transfer documents to allow the Air Force access to the property in any case in which any such response or coirective action is found to be necessary, or where such access is necessary to carry out a response or corrective action on adjoining property.

5.3 Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks (USTs and ASTs)

5.3.1 There are 10 active USTs and 2 active ASTs on the property to be transferred. The Transferee will be responsible for complying with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws relating to the use of these tanks. Refer to the SEES Section 3.2.5 for more information. There are no inactive, abandoned, or closed-in-place tanks on the property. igffijsii 'H^W^^im^@^^i 4000 13303-398 UST 2,000 Housing Maintenance May 92 No 5900 19349 - 1 UST 10,000 Gymnasium Summer 96 No 5900 None AST 1,000 Gymnasium 1953 No 5904 19350-1 UST 4,000 Recreation Center Summer 96 No 5906 19351 - 1 UST 2,000 Arts & Crafts Center Summer 96 No 6350 19345 - 1 UST 6,000 Dormitory Summer 96 No 6350 13303-408 UST 1,000 Dormitory Jun93 No 6525 19348-1 UST 6,000 Dining Hall Summer 96 No 6525 13303-2 UST 1,000 Dining Hall Jul91 No 6550 19344 - 1 UST 6,000 Dormitory Summer 96 No 6570 19347 - 1 UST 2,500 Auto Hobby Shop Summer 96 No 6570 None AST 550 (2x275) Auto Hobby Shop 1986 No* The Basewide EBS reported stains on the floor beneath the AST in the Auto Hobby Shop but no notable petroleum stains were observed during the July VSI or a separate follow-up VSI on 21 Sep 95 specifically to assess this observation.

5.3.2 All tanks are used to store heating oil and meet State of Maine regulatory requirements. There are no reports or evidence of leaks from any other tanks. All USTs meet or exceed State of Maine regulatory requirements.

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, /?•/, B-2, B-3, B-4. B-. B-6, and B-7 to Job Corps, Oct 98 5.4 Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)

5.4.1 ACM on the property is in good condition and not damaged or deteriorated to be a potential source of airborne fibers. Analysis results are provided in Appendix A of the September 1995 SEES.

4000 Housing Maintenance Roof drains, ventilator duct, pipe insulation, pipe joints 5000 Headq uarters/Admin Floor dies, wall paneling, pipe insulation 5900 Gymnasium Pipe joints, tank insulation, pipe insulation 5904 Recreation Center Wall & ceiling sheet rock, floor tiles, ducts, and adhesive 5906 Arts & Crafts Center Roof shingles, floor and ceiling tiles 6350 Dormitory Floor and ceiling tiles (assumed) 6525 Dining Hall Floor and ceiling tiles (assumed) 6550 Dormitory Floor and ceiling tiles (assumed) 6570 Auto Hobby Shop Pipe joints (confirmed), floor & ceiling tiles (assumed)

5.4.2 Inactive above ground steam lines, some insulated with ACM, exist on the subject parcels. These steam lines were used to support facility heating from the former base Central Heat Plant. ACM steam lines are currently being properly removed and disposed by Air Force contract in accordance with federal and state standards. Work is planned for completion in July 1999. There is no adverse impact or threat to human health due to the removal of these ACM steam lines.

5.4.3 The Transferee will be responsible for complying with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws relating to remaining asbestos.

5.5 Lead-Based Paint (LBP) - Non-Child Support Facilities

5.5.1 LBP might be present in and on Buildings 4000 (Housing Maintenance), 5000 (Headquarters), 5900 (Gymnasium), 5904 (Recreation Center), and 6570 (Auto Hobby Shop) since they were built prior to 1978. Refer to SEES Section 3.3.5 for more information.

5.5.2 The Transferee is notified through the BBS and SEBS of the possible presence of LBP in and on these facilities. The Transferee will be responsible for managing all LBP and potential LBP in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

5.6 Radon

5.6.1 In 1992, the Air Force tested for radon gas in Buildings 6350 and 6550 on the property to be Transferred and found levels of radon gas to be above the Environmental Protection Agency recommended action level of four picocuries per liter (pCi/L). The greatest concentration, 10.9 pCi/L, was found in Room #119B of Dormitory #6550.

5.6.2 Radon assessment results for dormitory units detected above the EPA recommended threshold of four pCi/L (based on a 95% confidence level) were provided at Appendix B of the September 1995 SEBS. This data was supplemented with a comprehensive

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, B-l, B-2, B-3. B-4, B-, B-6. and B-7 to Job Corps, Ocl 98 list of results for all the subject dormitory housing units. The Transferee is notified through transfer documents of all available and relevant radon assessment data.

5.7 Hazardous Waste Management (by Transferee). The Transferee is anticipated to use hazardous materials in the Auto Hobby Shop (Bldg 6570) for maintenance and repair of automobiles and small trucks. In compliance with the Resource Recovery and Conservation Act (RCRA), the Transferee will be required to obtain and use an EPA hazardous waste identification number for all management, manifesting, tracking, and disposal of all hazardous wastes generated by the Job Corps activities.

5.8 Radioactive Signs. There were a total of 24 radioluminescent exit signs in two dormitories, Bldg 6350 (23) and Bldg 6550 (1), on the parcels to be transferred. A listing of the these signs, providing location and specific data about each sign, was provided hi Appendix D of the September 1995 SEBS. These signs contained low levels of radioactive substances that pose no exposure hazard when left undisturbed. These signs were officially transferred from the Air Force to the Department of Labor in a separate transfer document dated 1 December 1997.

5.9 Floodplains and Wetlands. Portions of the Flight Line Drainage Ditch, East Greenlaw Brook, West Greenlaw Brook are within 1/4 mile of the Job Corps parcels. These drainage ditches are considered a wetland and also part of the 100-year floodplain. Forested wetlands are located on the south side of Weinman Road, across from the dormitory complex and the Auto Hobby Shop, between South Wherry housing area (west) and Pennsylvania Road (east). The wooded area west of Cupp Road and north of Northcutt Road is also suspected to be a forested wetlands. However, because of their location, these conditions do not pose a concern to the transfer of Job Corps parcels.

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, B-l, B-2, B-3. B-4, B-, B-6, and B-7 to Job Corps, Oct98 8. FINDING OF SUITABILITY TO TRANSFER

The transfer proposal has been adequately assessed and evaluated for: (a) environmental hazards; (b) environmental impacts anticipated from future use of the property; and (c) adequate notice of disclosure resources. The future use of this property does not present a current or future risk to human health or the environment, subject to inclusion and compliance with the appropriate covenants as addressed above. The property, therefore, is suitable for transfer.

Date ALBERT F. LOWAS, JR. Director Air Force Base Conversion Agency

Attachments: 1. Site and Adjacent Property Maps 2. Environmental Factors Considered

Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B. B-l, B-2. B-3, B-4, B-. B-6. and S-7 to Job Corps. Oct 98 ATTACHMENT 1

«i PARCELS B, Bl, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, AND B7





Decision Document, Loring AFB, Parcels B, B-]. B-2, B-3. B-4, B-. B-6, and 3-7 to Job Corps, Oct 98 \ • Stockholm Connor FHU —X—r"\ »-t Utfow^towsAaflw" WconnorjJ Madawaska Dam.—A « Westmanland ^ \

\ ">. r X ~ISt ) Fort Fairfiel d^ A

EXPLANATION Regional Map (T) U.S. Highway FHU Family Housing Unit

(ra) Stale Highway C£ VC Combat Evaluation Group

• Off-Site Parcel

^ Airport

0 2.5 10 Mites Loring AFB EXPLANATION \ 6-3 • Railroad O Gate (ea) State Highway

I... Base Boundary nrn 0 950 I90O 3800 Feet


Restriction or Notification Environmental Factors Considered Required? No

HazardoLis Substances (Notification) Hazardous Waste Management (By the Air Force) Installation Restoration Program (IRP) and Areas of Concern Medical/Eliohazardous Wastes Oil/Water Separators (OWSs) Unexploded Ordnance Petroleum Products and Derivatives Radioactive & Mixed Wastes Storage Tarks (USTs/ASTs)

Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) Drinking Water Quality Indoor Air Quality. Lead-Based Paint (Child Support and Housing Facilities) Lead-Based Paint (Other Facilities) Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Radon

Air Conformity/Air Permits Energy (Utilities) X* Floodplains Hazardous Waste Management (By Transferee) Historic Property (Archeological/Native American, paleontological) OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) X Outdoor Air Quality Prime/Unique Farmlands: Radioactive Signs Sanitary Sewer Systems (Wastewater) Sensitive! Habitat Septic Tanks (Wastewater) Solid Waste Threatened and Endangered Species X Transportation X* Wetlands

Related to adjacent property.

Decision Document, Loring AFB, ParctU B, B-l. B-2. B-3, B-4. B-, B-6, ondB-7 to Job Carps. Oct 98 U.S. Deportment of Tfonsportotion federal AvtaHon Region 12 Now Engtand Bwcudvo Pcufc Adminbliullon Burtinotco. MA 01803-52S9 APR 3 0 2004

Mr. Albert F. Lowas, J Director AFRPA/DR 1700 NormiooreSlicct, Suite 2300 Arlington, VA 22209-2802

Dear Mr. Lowas:

Enclosed please find a fully executed copy of the real transfer for Caribou, Maine. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Amy L. Corbett Regional Administrator


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