
From residue coevolution to conformational ensembles and functional dynamics

Ludovico Suttoa,1, Simone Marsilib,1, Alfonso Valenciab,2, and Francesco Luigi Gervasioa,c,2

aInstitute of Structural and , University College London, London WC1H 0AJ, United Kingdom; bStructural Biology and Biocomputing Programme, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), 28029 Madrid, Spain; and cDepartment of , University College London, London WC1H 0AJ, United Kingdom

Edited by Michael L. Klein, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, and approved September 23, 2015 (received for review May 2, 2015) The analysis of evolutionary correlations has recently joint distribution (the partition function, in the language of attracted a surge of renewed interest, also due to their successful statistical mechanics) is impracticable. Previous works in the use in de novo protein native structure prediction. However, many literature focused on efficiency, circumventing this problem by aspects of protein function, such as substrate binding and product adopting different, approximated solutions (12, 17–19, 22–26), release in enzymatic activity, can be fully understood only in terms generically based on tractable approximations of the likelihood of an equilibrium ensemble of alternative structures, rather than a function. However, given the success and the number of potential single static structure. In this paper we combine coevolutionary data applications of coevolutionary analysis, the study of reference and and molecular dynamics simulations to study protein conformational more quantitative approaches is necessary. In this regard, the heterogeneity. To that end, we adapt the Boltzmann-learning algo- Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC)-based, maximum-likelihood rithm to the analysis of homologous protein sequences and develop approach, albeit computationally demanding, is in principle exact a coarse-grained protein model specifically tailored to convert the given a sufficient sampling at each minimization step. In this work resulting contact predictions to a protein structural ensemble. By we adopt the Boltzmann learning algorithm (11, 27), whose accu- means of exhaustive sampling simulations, we analyze the set of racy in inferring the parameters of the pairwise model, at variance conformations that are consistent with the observed residue corre- with all of the previous approaches in the literature, is not biased a lations for a set of representative protein domains, showing that priori by the choice of a particular approximation scheme. (i) the most representative structure is consistent with the experi- ii The second step is a direct problem: after translating the prob- mental fold and ( ) the various regions of the sequence display abilistic model for sequences into an energy potential for protein different stability, related to multiple biologically relevant conforma- structures, we can explore the resulting energy landscape using tions and to the cooperativity of the coevolving pairs. Moreover, we molecular dynamics (MD). After extensive sampling, we can show that the proposed protocol is able to reproduce the essential characterize the folding reaction and find the best candidate for the features of a protein folding mechanism as well as to account for regions involved in conformational transitions through the correct native fold as well as metastable intermediates and conformers that sampling of the involved conformers. may have a functional role. Moreover, we can spot flexible regions, directly connecting coevolution to function and dynamics. With coevolution | network inference | coarse-grained | protein folding | this goal in mind, we introduce a coarse-grained model particu- protein dynamics larly apt to translate predictions of contacts to a structural en- semble. Thanks to the great reduction in the number of degrees of freedom, coarse-grained models have been widely used to study airs of positions along a protein sequence can show strong Pcorrelations arising both from functional and structural constraints (1–9). Earliest approaches for detecting interdependent Significance residues and predicting 3D contacts in (1–4, 8) analyzed alignments containing from tens to a few hundreds sequences. Evolutionary-related protein sequences have been selected to Given the small size of available sequences datasets, these works preserve a common function and fold. Residues in contact in this relied on an independent pair approximation: a “coevolutionary conserved structure are coupled by evolution and show correlated coupling” between two residues was estimated independently for mutational patterns. The exponential growth of sequenced ge- each pair, ignoring the rest of the network of residues. The number nomes makes it possible to detect these coevolutionary coupled of known protein sequences, however, has grown dramatically in pairs and to infer three-dimensional folds from predicted contacts. the past few years (10). Such a large increase in the size of datasets But how far can we push the prediction of native folds? Can we has allowed to fit—either explicitly (11, 12) or implicitly (13, 14)— predict the conformational heterogeneity of a protein directly from sequences? We address these questions developing an pairwise models for protein sequences that take into account the accurate contact prediction algorithm and a protein coarse- whole network of correlated residues simultaneously, and are able grained model, and exploring conformational landscapes to disentangle correlated positions from “interacting” positions by congruent with coevolution. We find that both structural and identifying the parameters of the model with the coupling con- dynamical properties can be already recovered using evolu- stants in an Ising-like Hamiltonian (15, 16). Despite their sim- tionary information only. plicity, these models have had remarkable success in the design of

synthetic sequences preserving natural function (13, 14) and in the Author contributions: L.S., S.M., A.V., and F.L.G. designed research; L.S. and S.M. performed BIOPHYSICS AND prediction of interacting pairs of residues from the knowledge of research; L.S. and S.M. analyzed data; and L.S., S.M., A.V., and F.L.G. wrote the paper. COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY their sequence alone (12, 17–21). The authors declare no conflict of interest. In this paper, we tackle the problem of sampling an ensemble This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. of structures compatible with the observed coevolution between Freely available online through the PNAS open access option. protein residues. We will follow a two-step procedure. The first 1L.S. and S.M. contributed equally to this work. step corresponds to an inverse problem: from a set of homolo- 2 To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or f.l.gervasio@ gous sequences to the parameters of a model. Inverse problems ucl.ac.uk. are notoriously computationally hard. For large sets of variables, This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. an exact evaluation of the normalizing constant of the variables’ 1073/pnas.1508584112/-/DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1508584112 PNAS | November 3, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 44 | 13567–13572 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 many aspects of proteins (28–34). Due to their simplicity, Cα AB models in particular have already been used to predict protein folds from coevolutionary data (35–37). Here, in the same spirit as the model presented in ref. 35, where coevolutionary information is used with a Cα coarse-grained protein model, we present a higher- resolution coarse-grained model that combines the pairwise pre- dictions with an adapted all-atom force field for the heavy backbone atoms, similar to the approach used in ref. 38. The predicted con- tacts are introduced as favorable interactions between Cβ atoms of a coarse-grained side-chain, whereas the protein backbone is modeled C D with all of the heavy atoms to capture the secondary structure conformation with high resolution. Indeed, we show through ex- tensive molecular dynamics simulations on a set of 18 proteins that the final accuracy of structure prediction, measured as root-mean- square deviation (RMSD) from the native experimental structure, is determined solely by the accuracy of contact predictions. However, besides recovering a protein native fold, the main advantage of the proposed approach is its ability to capture the conformational heterogeneity and the thermodynamical features Fig. 1. (A and B) Energy surfaces obtained projecting sequences from the of the folding reaction as implied by coevolutionary information ADH_zinc_N domain family (A) and sequences sampled from the model only. In contrast to more expensive approaches like all-atom MD (B) over the first two principal components of the MSA (7), and taking the or more refined coarse-grained potentials (39), we can afford an negative logarithm of the resulting distribution. High-probability regions in extensive equilibrium sampling of the conformational space. We sequence space are in dark blue. The cluster structure of the alignment is illustrate this point by applying our approach to analyze two clearly reproduced by the simulated trajectories. (C and D) Mean precision of energy landscapes related to the folding of the Ras protein and the top-ranked predictions for different values of the scaled rank (rank/total number of contacts), and the mean true positive rate for different values of the conformational dynamics of a tyrosine kinase. As expected, the false-positive rate (ROC curve). The color bands show the SD and the Ras folds cooperatively, and we find and characterize a folding interval between the minimum and maximum values. intermediate. The protein kinase correctly samples an ensemble of active-like and inactive-like structures that are biologically relevant for its function and shows a flexibility pattern compat- the size of the protein sequence, we obtained mean absolute rel- ible with experimental observations. ative errors h Fi,j − fi,j =Fi,ji between the model pair frequencies f and the empirical F ranging from 1% to 3% (0.2–2% for Results i,j i,j Fi,j > 0.01) for the different protein families. Being that our ap- Contact Predictions via Boltzmann Learning. Entropy maximization proach is based on importance sampling, the presence of many provides a simple procedure for building a probabilistic model that isolated modes in the distribution of sequences could lead to poor is consistent with a set of available measures. If we know the av- mixing of the Markov chain and, consequently, to a large error in erage values fF g of a set of variables fx g, the associated maximum i i P the estimate of the gradient of the likelihood function. Indeed, entropy distribution is given by P ∝ expð λ x Þ, with a Lagrange i i i clusters of sequences in multiple sequence alignments are common multiplier λ for each variable x (40). Fixing the frequencies for single i i and are known to reflect potential functional subfamilies among and pairs of amino acids in a multiple sequenceP alignmentP (MSA), −1 the members of a single protein family (7). As a cross-check, we P takes the form (11): PðfagÞ = Z exp½ hiðaiÞ + < Ji,jðai, ajÞ i i j verified that the fitted models capture the organization of the over protein sequences. The parameters hiðαÞ and Ji,jðα, βÞ are the Lagrange multipliers that fix the averages of the model, f ðαÞ and original alignment in clusters of sequences (Fig. 1 and SI Appendix). i “ ” — fi,jðα, βÞ, to the empirical frequencies FiðαÞ and Fi,jðα, βÞ computed We point out that external sources of variation such as changes from the MSA, where α and β denote two particular amino acids and in functional requirements within the same protein family—should i, j two particular residues along the protein sequence. Due to the be explicitly taken into account in future, improved models to Boltzmann-like form of the previous equation, the parameter discriminate between intrinsic and extrinsic correlations in the Ji,jðα, βÞ can be interpreted as the direct interaction between amino sequence alignment. acids α and β at positions i and j, after the contributions from the For each protein, from the estimated set of fJg we computed a interaction with other positions through indirect pathways have been matrix of coevolutionary couplings using a protocol first proposed disentangled (11, 12, 22). by Ekeberg et al. (25). Assuming that a strong, direct coevolution To our knowledge, since the early work of Lapedes et al. (11), is an evidence of physical contact between two residues, we finally the numerical route of likelihood maximization via importance ranked the pairs of residues using the value of coevolutionary sampling, or Boltzmann learning (27), has not been explored, coupling as a score. The accurate determination of couplings probably due to its computational complexity. As outlined in the through the Boltzmann learning algorithm resulted in high-quality introduction, this approach [see, e.g., Roudi et al. (41) for an predictions. Fig. 1 summarizes the performance in terms of mean extensive comparison between Boltzmann learning and various precision against the top-scoring predictions rank, and as mean approximated schemes] has the advantage of having unbounded true positive rate as a function of false positive rate. We defined a precision in retrieving the parameters of a maximum-entropy model. We tested Boltzmann learning on an assorted set of 18 pair of residues to be in contact when the distance between their proteins with varying length, from 63 to 216 residues, and dif- Cβ atoms (Cα in case of GLY) is smaller than 8 Å (42, 43), and ferent secondary structure composition (Table 1). For each align- included in the analysis all of the pairs with a sequence separation ment, we inferred a pairwise model by maximizing a regularized larger than four. For the top N predictions, where N denotes the version of the log-likelihood of the sequences with respect to pa- number of amino acids in a protein structure, the algorithm ob- rameters fhg and fJg (see Materials and Methods for details). In all tained a mean precision of 0.67 ± 0.03, with a maximum of 0.89 for 18 cases, we were able to reproduce the empirical frequencies fFg the cNMP_binding domain (PDB ID code 3FHI). A comparison within a reasonable error, as we checked through extensive sam- with predictions obtained through a more standard mean-field pling from the final models (SI Appendix,Fig.S1). Depending on solution (18, 19) is included in SI Appendix.

13568 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1508584112 Sutto et al. Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 Table 1. Sum up of protein domain features and main results only is the global fold correctly predicted, but also most of the secondary structure elements are present and correctly packed. Pfam_ID Meff Class PDB ID Precision dRMSD, Å N=Ng For domains of similar size, we found a clear correlation be- α β Thioredoxin 4,388 / 1RQM 0.75 1.9/2.2 6362 tween the precision of the contact predictions and the final α HTH_31 2,901 3F52 0.69 1.3/1.9 6449 dRMSD values (e.g., domains Trans_Reg_C, CMD, and PAS have α Sigma70_r2 8,008 1OR7 0.74 1.0/1.9 6853 lower precision in contact prediction and higher dRMSD values α β RRM_1 7,076 / 1G2E 0.80 1.2/2.0 7150 than other domains with a similar number of amino acids; Table 1), α Trans_Reg_C 6,458 1ODD 0.55 2.1/3.1 7665 confirming that the precision of contacts prediction is the main α β cNMP_binding 7,539 / 3FHI 0.89 1.6/2.1 8172 determinant of the quality of the final fold reconstruction. How- α CMD 1,488 3D7I 0.39 2.4/3.8 8561 ever, all 18 proteins fold within 3 Å to the native protein, except for α HxlR 1,674 3DF8 0.48 2.2/2.6 8777 the 2GJ3 structure (PAS domain), which performs worse (Table 1 β fn3 8,862 1BQU 0.58 2.1/2.9 8857 and SI Appendix,Fig.S6). We found that the model is tolerant to β Cadherin 6,219 2O72 0.69 2.5/3.1 9066 both a conspicuous presence of nonnative contacts among the set α β OmpA 4,081 / 1OAP 0.63 1.8/2.4 9678 of predicted contacts as well as to the absence of a large proportion α β Response_reg 36,372 / 1KGS 0.70 2.5/3.1 11199 of native contacts among the predicted ones. α β PAS 3,350 / 2GJ3 0.58 3.6/7.3 11280 To have a reference baseline to compare with, we also simu- β Peptidase_M23 2,975 3NYY 0.71 2.7/3.5 11282 lated the proteins using the same conditions but replacing the set α β TrkA_N 2,630 / 3FWZ 0.73 2.1/3.0 116100 of predicted contacts with the set of native contacts (see details α β ADH_zinc_N 5,932 / 1A71 0.66 2.9/3.6 11999 in SI Appendix). The best dRMSDs obtained in this case are al- α β Ras 2,528 / 5P21 0.73 2.7/3.3 160144 ways below ∼2Å(SI Appendix,Fig.S6, black curve). These values β Trypsin 4,703 3TGI 0.78 2.8/4.0 216167 quantify the theoretical limit of the present model with perfectly Each of the 18 protein domains analyzed in this work is marked by its predicted contacts. The quality of the predicted structures is as Pfam identifier (Pfam_ID), and the domains are ordered by size. Shown in good as those predicted by the structure-based reference simula- columns from left to right are (i) the number of effective sequences in the tion in several cases (HTH_31, Sigma70_r2, RRM_1, Ras). In- corresponding family MSA (Meff); (ii) the fold class according to CATH clas- terestingly, the dRMSD of the minimum energy structure (dashed sification (54) (Class), (iii) the PDB identifier for the representative structure curve in SI Appendix, Fig. S6) does not deviate much from the of the family; (iv) the precision for the top N predictions, where N denotes absolute minimum dRMSD structure sampled in the trajectory. the number of amino acids in the corresponding protein structure; (v)the dRMSD to the native conformations of the best (on the left) and minimum Indeed, for 17 of 18 proteins, the minimum energy structure is energy (on the right) sampled structure. The dRMSD are calculated from the below 4 Å to the native structure, which indicates that the model coordinates of the Cα atoms corresponding to positions with less than 5% and the contact predictions are sound and lead to a funnel- gaps in the (reweighted) MSA; (vi) the number of amino acids in the struc- shaped energy landscape whose minimum corresponds to the ture (N) and the number of positions with less than 5% gaps (Ng, as a sub- crystallographic structure. script) that were included in the dRMSD calculation. In the single case of the PAS domain, we observe a larger deviation, 7 vs. 3.6 Å for the dRMSD of the minimum energy structure and the absolute minimum, respectively (Table 1), A Coarse-Grained Model for Structure Prediction and Conformational Sampling. To take full advantage of the accurate contact pre- dictions resulting from the Boltzmann learning algorithm, we propose a coarse-grained model that combines an all-heavy-atom description of the protein backbone with a Cβ description of the side chains (Materials and Methods). Similar coarse-grained ap- proaches have already been successfully applied to study the thermodynamics of model proteins (30). Because we expect the residues to be evolutionary coupled through their side chains, we set the predicted interactions to act between the Cβ atoms—i.e., the first atom to branch out of the main chain. More precisely, in Thioredoxin HTH_31 Sigma70_r2 our model we used the N best-predicted contacts, where N is the number of residues (Materials and Methods). Moreover, the in- clusion of all of the heavy atoms of the main chain allows use of a transferable potential that acts on the actual degrees of freedom of the backbone enabling the correct reproduction of the experi- mental population of Ramachandran backbone angles. To com- plement long-range predictions, we estimated the helical propensity of each residue solely from the predicted contacts and translated it RRM_1 Trans_Reg_C cNMP_binding in a stabilizing hydrogen bond-mimicking interaction between res- idues i, i + 4 (see SI Appendix for details). For all of the α and α=β proteins, all of the helices are correctly predicted with the exception of h1 for 3D7I, h5 for 2GJ3, and h2 for 5P21 structures (SI Ap- BIOPHYSICS AND pendix,Fig.S2). COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Using this simplified model, we investigated the conforma- tional space accessible to the protein domains in Table 1. The nine best-predicted structures obtained in the folding runs are HxIR fn3 OmpA shown in Fig. 2 superimposed to their respective native folds. Fig. 2. The nine best-predicted protein structures of the 18 simulated are Those structures correspond to the conformations with minimum shown in blue, overlaid to the native conformation in cyan (transparent). distance RMSD of the α carbon atoms (Cα-dRMSD; Materials The proteins are disposed with increasing size from left to right and from and Methods) to the native conformation. For all of them, not top to bottom. Their Pfam identifier is shown below.

Sutto et al. PNAS | November 3, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 44 | 13569 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 active structure where the A-loop is in an extended conformation. X-ray Model The A-loop is known to be flexible to the point of being invisible in αC helix many crystal structures. It is thus interesting to see if traces of this conformational transition can be observed by an exhaustive sam- G-rich loop pling of the native fold basin with our model. We performed a 298-303 500-ns-long parallel tempering (PT) simulation of the 250 residues B B 1.00 1.00 CD starting from the inactive conformation with the A-loop in the A-loop so-called “half-closed conformation,” corresponding to the struc-

0.75 0.75 ture with PDB code 2SRC. We used the 250 best-predicted con- tacts calculated over 3,812 effective sequences from PFAM

0.50 0.50 Pkinase_Tyr family, without adding any structure-based bias. In- deed, only 130 of the 250 contacts are native contacts (where a 0.25 0.25 native contact is defined between CB atoms within 8 Å in the native structure). Consistent with the fact that no contacts have 0.00 αG helix 0.00 been predicted for the A-loop, we observe an extensive sampling of the conformational space available to the loop while the rest of Fig. 3. Comparison of the fluctuations of the SRC catalytic domain. The the protein correctly maintains the native fold. experimental X-ray structure (PDB ID code 2SRC) is shown (Left) with the In Fig. 3 we compare the experimental and simulated structural normalized B-factor color and thickness coded. The same structure with flexibility of different positions along the chain. Even though we the B-factor calculated from the simulation of the SRC catalytic domain expect a sequence-dependent effect on structural order/disorder, (Right). For easier comparison, the scales have been normalized. Higher we note that flexible regions (A-loop, 298–303 loop and αG-helix) values correspond to larger fluctuations. are captured by our model with few exceptions (αC-helix, G-rich loop), suggesting that chain flexibility itself is partially encoded in which can be only partially explained by the presence of an as- the sequences of the kinase protein family (SI Appendix,Fig.S8). sociated cofactor in the experimental structure. Such a large Indeed, these regions are known to be involved in the activation or in protein–protein interaction (45). We note that flexibility cannot difference indicates that though the minimum dRMSD structure be trivially deducted from the number of predicted contacts in- still belongs to the native basin, it does not coincide with the volving each residue, as shown in SI Appendix,Fig.S8, but is rather minimum energy structure, which is the defining property of the a consequence of the whole fold and network of interactions. native fold. Inspecting the set of predicted contacts, we found that Moreover, both the active and inactive conformations of the five of them are in the dimeric interface of the corresponding A-loop are repeatedly sampled within 5 Å Cα-RMSD to the crystal homodimer (SI Appendix,Fig.S7). After removing these inter- structure (SI Appendix, Fig. S8). The ability to reach both end- domain contacts, the minimum energy dRMSD of the monomeric points of the complex conformational transition in the catalytic structure decreases to 4.7 Å (SI Appendix,Fig.S6), showing that domain is very encouraging. these few contacts were responsible for a large displacement from The Ras protein is a α=β globular protein and is a crucial the native conformation. This result is also corroborated by the mediator of cellular proliferation and differentiation involved in fact that when five randomly chosen false-positive contacts are several signaling pathways (46, 47). We performed a 180-ns-long removed, the dRMSD of the minimum energy structure does not PT simulation to explore a wide range of temperatures and to improve, which we verified running 20 independent simulations have a solid sampling. The simulated folding transition is highly (SI Appendix). As far as we know, the effect on fold reconstruction cooperative with a clear peak in the heat capacity at constant of strongly coupled pairs of residues at homodimeric (or homo- volume at the folding temperature Tf (SI Appendix, Fig. S9). In oligomeric) interfaces, when incorrectly classified as contacts in Fig. 4, we show the free energy as a function of dRMSD at three the monomeric structure, have not been described before. Here different temperatures: Tlow < Tf , T ≈ Tf ,andThigh > Tf .Inthe we show that this effect can be large, depending on the relative β β β unfolded state (U), the -strands 2 and 3 are unfolded and lead position of the pairs of residues at the dimer interfaces. Reason- to an extended tail departing from a rather structured core around ably, similar but weaker effects are present for other cases, being the partially formed α3 and α4 helices. The collapse of this un- that 10 over 18 proteins in our set were homodimeric in the cor- folded tail and its correct positioning lead to an intermediate, responding PDB structure. The analysis demonstrates that the partially folded state (I, dRMSD = 6.5 Å), where helices α4 and α3 ability of PAS domains to form homodimers (44) is subjected to are formed. Eventually, the native basin (N, dRMSD = 3.8 Å) is evolutionary pressure, and identifies a set of five pairs of positions reached with the formation of helices α3 and α5 and their correct involving the N-terminal helix (I40-F27; Y49-F27; A117-P35; packing by crossing a free-energy barrier of 4 kJ/mol. These L130-Q29; M132-A34 in the 2GJ3 PDB numbering) that emerge features are not simply encoded in the native fold, because a as crucial for the stabilization of the PAS homodimer across the coarse-grained Cα structure-based model (48) is unable to capture protein family, as supported by their proximity in the crystal them (SI Appendix). It is interesting to note that the existence of a structure, strong coevolutionary coupling, and simulation. folding intermediate has been reported at high pressure and in denaturing conditions (49). Though we cannot directly compare Conformational Heterogeneity and Residue Coevolution. To investigate our result with the experimental structures and the different ex- the ability of coevolutionary couplings to also encode for dynamical perimental conditions, it is promising to observe the emergence of and functional information, we analyzed the conformational space typical folding features, such as intermediate folding states, close to the native fold in the case of the catalytic domain (CD) of from a genomic-derived coarse-grained model. SRC tyrosine kinase and characterized the full folding reaction of the Ras domain from a thermodynamical point of view. Discussion and Outlook Protein kinases are known to undergo a large conformational Among proteins sharing a common ancestor, secondary and rearrangement of a centrally located loop during activation, called tertiary structure is generally much more conserved than protein activation loop or A-loop. In the case of the CD of the SRC ty- sequence (50). As a result, a protein family is free to explore a rosine kinase, the A-loop spans more than 20 residues, and the large space of possible sequences while at the same time pre- structural rearrangement moves the backbone across ≈25 Å from serving a common structural framework. As shown by previous the inactive conformation where the A-loop is folded, to the fully works (3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 17–26), the information contained in

13570 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1508584112 Sutto et al. Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 two significant cases that coevolutionary information can be used to reproduce and predict increasingly complex protein features: from identifying flexible regions, as in the case of SRC, to the sampling of conformers crucial for the kinase activation and function up to a full characterization of the folding reaction as in the case of the RAS protein. It is worth noting that in all these cases, the recovered information is not easily accessible by other approaches, such as elastic-network models or without explicit knowledge of the structures involved. The approach we propose paves the way to further development in combining experimental and genomic data, going beyond the rigid structure paradigm and taking on the exploration of a protein energy landscape and its biologically relevant conformations. Materials and Methods Inference of Coevolutionary Couplings and Contact Predictions. Full MSAs for Fig. 4. Folding free energy of Ras protein at three different temperatures the 18 families were downloaded from the Pfam database (10). The around the folding temperature T = 317K as a function of the Cα-dRMSD. f alignments were filtered, removing unaligned insertions and keeping the Representative structures of the native (N), intermediate (I), and unfolded remaining aligned positions. Repeated sequences, sequences containing (U) states are shown above with the secondary structure elements labeled. nonnatural amino acids, or those with a fraction of gaps greater than 0.2 were removed. The empirical frequencies for single and pairs of amino acids were computed from the final alignments as weighted averages to sequence variability can be translated to a series of couplings account for sampling biases (see SI Appendix for details). The parameters between protein residues, restraining the set of conformations fJi,j ðα, βÞg were obtained by finding the maximum of the (l2-regularized) compatible with the observed protein sequences. The main ob- likelihood of the parameters as discussed in SI Appendix.Numericalmax- jective of this paper is to study such an evolutionary-restrained imization of the likelihood requires the calculation of the model frequencies, space of conformations. We extracted the optimal couplings by which we estimated through multiple (20–64) parallel Metropolis Monte Carlo forgoing unnecessary approximations and using a standard refer- simulations, and a number of sweeps per gradient estimation ranging from 104 ence algorithm, Boltzmann learning (51), based on MCMC sim- to 105 per simulation, depending on the system. The final coevolutionary ulations of trajectories in sequence space. This scheme allowed us couplings Ci,j between each pair of residues were calculated from the estimated α β to verify, at variance with previous works, the simple but important coupling parameters fJi,jð , Þg using a protocol proposed by Ekeberg et al. (25) fact that the fitted maximum-entropy models reproduce the ob- (see SI Appendix for details). served correlations between residues in multiple sequence align- Protein Coarse-Grained Model. The protein chain is described by the heavy ments. We developed a simplified physical model for protein atoms of the backbone plus the Cβ atoms of the side chains. See SI Appendix, dynamics, showing that the combination of accurate contact pre- Fig. S5, Inset for a schematic illustration of all of the nonbonded potentials and dictions and a coarse-grained yet biologically meaningful protein the protein coarse-graining. The complete potential is fully described in SI model allows for a full sampling of the structural ensemble as- Appendix and comprises contributions from the AMBER99SB-ILDN force field sociated to a protein family. Our simulations support the finding (53) to account for a correct backbone geometry, a nonbonded term in the (19) that the structural landscape dictated by residue coevolution form of a 12-6 Lennard–Jones function between Cβ atoms with parameters is dominated by the energy minimum corresponding to the native (rββ = 0.55 nm, e = 15 kJ/mol), which accounts for the coevolution predictions fold, which we recover with high accuracy for a set of unrelated and an hydrogen-bond mimicking potential between O and N atoms in the form – = e = protein domains. We show that the presence of conserved ofa12-6Lennard Jones function with parameters (rON 0.3 nm, 15 kJ/mol), quaternary structure in the family, as a biologically relevant derived from the sequence analysis, to stabilize the helices. The simulation protocols and the analysis methods are detailed in SI Appendix. homodimer or homooligomer, can lead to misclassification of coevolving residues at the dimeric interface as contacts in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank the following for computing time: Partner- monomeric structure, compromising the quality of the folding ship for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) Research Infrastructure Re- reconstruction. sources MareNostrum at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and the Furthermore, the main end of our protocol is to explore the Institut Curie Paris at the Très Grand Centre de Calcul-CEA (FP7 RI-283493), connection between coevolutionary couplings at the residues PRACE-3IP Project FP7 RI-312763 Resources, and the HECBioSim Resource Ar- — cher. Support for this work was provided by Engineering and Physical Sciences level and protein dynamics an issue that has been mentioned in Research Council Grant EP/M013898/1 (to F.L.G.) and the Spanish Ministry of the literature (18, 36, 52) but not directly addressed. We show in Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) Grant BIO2012-40205 (to A.V.).

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