UPDJC Finalizes Part III of Union Accord to Be Signed at 4Th Session
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STAY AT HOME, AVOID PANIC AND DON’T SPREAD RUMOURS! PAGE-8 (OPINION) PARLIAMNET PARLIAMNET Second Pyithu Hluttaw convenes 10th day meeting Amyotha Hluttaw discusses report on uncovering of 17th regular session methods to reduce and protect cancer PAGE-2 PAGE-2 Vol. VII, No. 127, 3rd Waxing of Wagaung 1382 ME www.gnlm.com.mm, www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 21 August 2020 UPDJC finalizes part III of Union Accord to be INSIDE TODAY th st signed at 4 session of 21 Century Panglong NATIONAL Myanmar Press Council presents media guide– books for 2020 General Election PAGE-6 NATIONAL Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee discusses controversial bills PAGE-6 NATIONAL Part III of Union Accord approved at 20th UPDJC meeting PAGE-7 LOCAL NEWS About 9,000 smart cards issued to YBS drivers PAGE-10 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi makes the opening remark at the 20th meeting of UPDJC in Nay Pyi Taw on 20 August. PHOTO: MNA BUSINESS Exports top $14.84 bln HE Union Peace Di- The meeting was to ap- The UPDJC is proportion- State Counsellor Daw as of 7 August alogue Joint Commit- prove the proposals of UPDJC ally comprised three groups— Aung San Suu Kyi, in her capac- tee organized the 20th secretaries for the Part III of the government side includes ity as the Chairperson of UPD- Tmeeting yesterday at Union Accord which was slated the officials from administra- JC, made an opening speech. the Ruby Hall of Myanmar In- to be signed at the third and tive sector, the Hluttaw and the (Speech of State Coun- ternational Convention Centre final day of the Union Peace Tatmadaw; the NCA-S EAOs sellor is covered on page 4) I (MICC-I) in Nay Pyi Taw yes- Conference—21st Century Pan- group and the political parties terday afternoon. glong today. group. SEE PAGE -3 PAGE -11 Five new cases of COVID-19 in Myanmar reported on 20 August, total figure reaches 399 MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases reached 399 after 5 new cases were reported on 20 August according to Ministry of Health and Sports. The case No. 395 had contact with case-375 and case-398 with case-395. The case Nos. 396, 397 and 399 had no contact with positive cases and overseas travel history. Out of the 399 confirmed cases, six died, 333 have recovered, 331 have been discharged from hospitals and 24 were held under investigation.—MNA Updated at 8 pm, 20 August 2020 New Persons under Investigation from the Total Cases Total Death past 24 hours to 12 noon of 20 August 2020 399 New Cases 5 Tally 6 Recovery Update on 20 August 2020 after two consecutive tests New PUIs 24 Total New Discharged Recovery 333 Recovery 0 from Hospital 331 SEE PAGE-6 21 AUGUST 2020 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR PYITHU HLUTTAW Second Pyithu Hluttaw convenes 10th day meeting of 17th regular session THE 10th-day meeting of the 17th further contemplation, which the the livelihoods of farmers and regular session of the Second Py- Speaker approved. cultivators. ithu Hluttaw was held yesterday The Speaker announced that Tatmadaw representative with two committee members the Amyotha Hluttaw had sent Lt-Col Zayar Min said central- substituted, two bills and a mo- back the bill to amend the 1959 ization should be reduced and tion approved for further debate, Defence Services Act with their a policy to include cooperation and a motion on alleviating agri- own amendments. The Speaker from farmers should be imple- cultural debt of farmers put on called for the assembly’s deliber- mented to resolve the practical record. ation, received no opposition and requirements in existence. announced it has been approved The motion was further de- Substitution of committee for further action. bated by MP U Khin Maung My- members int from Yaksawk constituency, Speaker U T Khun Myat Motion MP Dr Maung Thin from Meiktila announced the substitution of MP Dr Aung Tun Khaing (a) constituency, MP U Nan Mon two Tatmadaw members from U Chain Win from Ye constitu- Htin from Machanbaw constitu- two Pyithu Hluttaw committees. ency tabled a motion urging the ency, MP U Tun Mya Aung (a) U Maj-Gen Tin Swe Win will be re- Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA Union Government to upgrade Saw Tun Mya Aung from Papun placed with Maj-Gen Aung Myo and reinforce Myanmar’s police constituency, MP U Khin Maung Tun as a member of the Hluttaw consider adding the remaining posal of K316.9 million has been force. He said the police are a T from Loilem constituency, MP Rights Committee while Colonel roads of Bamauk Township to submitted to the Union Budget security force that has the most U Aye Maung from Bawlakhe Khin Maung Soe will be replaced the official list for rural roads and for 2020-2021FY and appropriate daily interaction with the public constituency and Tatmadaw rep- with Colonel Than Hlaing as a from the remaining townships to action will follow once it has been and their main duty is to con- resentative Major Moe Oo Kyaw. member of the Agriculture, Live- the national list for rural roads. approved. serve the environment. He said Deputy Minister for Plan- stock Breeding and Rural Devel- Deputy Minister for Construction they are formed democratically ning, Finance and Industry U opment Committee. Dr Kyaw Lin replied that the de- Two bills set for further dis- and need to respect democratic Maung Maung Win responded partment will consider and follow cussion frameworks while building trust that while the motion displays Q&A session regulations to add the remaining Bill Committee member with the public and following reg- the positive concern for farmers, In the Q&A session, MP U rural roads if the relevant state Daw Mar Mar Khine submitted ulations. it would be more constructive to Win Win from Minbu constituen- or regional government brings a report on the microfinance bill The motion was seconded support farmers in paying back cy raised a question on whether a it to light. that had been sent back with by MP U Tin Soe from Phakant their debt rather than consider- sluice gate can be installed on the MP U Ohn Lwin of Nyaung- amendments from the Amyo- constituency and approved for ing to wipe it clean. He said it is a Kyauk Nwar Thoe dam (a) Mahn don constituency asked whether tha Hluttaw. The report stated debate by the assembly. The practically challenging proposed dyke during the next summer. there were plans to compensate 12 of the amendments should be Speaker called for MPs inter- course of action and should just Deputy Minister for Agriculture, the local residents who had their accepted and 10 left unchanged ested in discussing the motion be kept on record. Livestock and Irrigation U Hla land damaged during the con- as previously approved by the to enrol their names. MP U Thein Tun asked the Kyaw replied there is current- struction of the railway bridge, Pyithu Hluttaw while the Bill Hluttaw representatives Speaker to approve the motion ly no plan to build a sluice gate part of the Ayeyawady Bridge Committee makes one more debate a motion tabled by MP and the Speaker called for a vote. there but feasibility study will be (Nyaungdon), during the 2020- amendment. U Thein Tun from Kyaunggon Of the 364 MPs in attendance, 124 conducted and a budget proposal 2021FY. Deputy Minister Dr The Speaker asked for the constituency urging the Union agreed with the motion while 240 will be submitted in the appropri- Kyaw Lin replied that the cen- opening of the Ministry of Plan- Government to implement a disagreed and thus, the motion ate financial year depending on tral farmland management com- ning, Finance and Industry and course of action to acquire in- was merely put on record. the result. mittee decided on 3 July 2019 to then the deliberation of the Hlut- ternational financial support or The 11th-day meeting of the MP U Kyaw Soe from compensate the 167 local resi- taw. Bill Committee secretary U long-term loans with no interest Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 17th Bamauk constituency then dents in Nyaungdon Township Kyaw Soe Lin motioned for the 11 rates to lessen the debt accrued regular session will be held on asked if the Department of who lost a combined 126.76 acres. disagreed facts to be submitted through various agricultural de- 25 August. -Aye Aye Thant (MNA) Rural Road Development will The compensation budget pro- to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw for velopment projects for improving (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) AMYOTHA HLUTTAW Amyotha Hluttaw discusses report on uncovering methods to reduce and protect cancer THE 10th-day meeting of the squatters in Kyaiktiyo’s wildlife State, and to swiftly implement Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 17th sanctuary will be dealt with in a IDP camps. Deputy Minister for regular session convened in Nay legal manner. Deputy Minister Social Welfare, Relief and Re- Pyi Taw yesterday. for Natural Resources and En- settlement U Soe Aung replied vironmental Conservation Dr Ye that the Department of Disaster Q&A on construction, squat- Myint Swe responded that squat- Management has given out K380 ters, IDPs ters and poachers were dealt million in financial assistance to MP U Hla Oo from Sagaing with by the joint management displaced persons in Kyauktaw Region constituency 4 asked group consisting of members Township between December whether there were plans to from the forestry department, 2018 to 30 July 2020. expand the road from milepost the police, Kyaiktiyo’s board of The Deputy Minister said 8 to 14 of the Monywa-Thazi- trustees, firefighters, the Gen- they are planning to construct Naung Gyi Ai-Mu Kam Gyi-Seik- eral Administration Department, 4 rows of accommodation and kun-Shwebo road from 12 feet to and the regional military group.