May 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2687 Koreans
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May 15, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2687 Koreans. I even had the privilege to work EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE RE- (2) has characterized Iran as the ‘‘most ac- closely with the late Congressman Solarz, who GARDING IMPORTANCE OF PRE- tive state sponsor of terrorism’’; was Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific VENTING IRAN FROM ACQUIRING Whereas Iran has provided weapons, train- Affairs, the same subcommittee of which I am A NUCLEAR WEAPONS CAPA- ing, funding, and direction to terrorist the Ranking Member today. I am grateful for BILITY groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Shi- ite militias in Iraq that are responsible for his leadership and understanding of the Asia Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I the murders of hundreds of American forces Pacific region. move to suspend the rules and agree to and innocent civilians; Just as Ambassador Lilley and Congress- the resolution (H. Res. 568) expressing Whereas, on July 28, 2011, the Department man Solarz worked hard to protect the human the sense of the House of Representa- of the Treasury charged that the Govern- rights of the North Korean people, we must re- tives regarding the importance of pre- ment of Iran had forged a ‘‘secret deal’’ with main vigilant in helping the people of North venting the Government of Iran from al Qaeda to facilitate the movement of al Korea who struggle daily to escape the op- acquiring a nuclear weapons capa- Qaeda fighters and funding through Iranian pression and tyranny of the North Korean re- bility, as amended. territory; gime. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Whereas in October 2011, senior leaders of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Again, I thank Chairwoman ROS-LEHTINEN tion. (IRGC) Quds Force were implicated in a ter- and Ranking Member BERMAN for their leader- The text of the resolution is as fol- rorist plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s Am- ship and I urge my colleagues to pass H.R. lows: bassador to the United States on United 4240. H. RES. 568 States soil; Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I have no Whereas since at least the late 1980s, Iran Whereas, on December 26, 2011, the United further speakers. I yield back the bal- has engaged in a sustained and well-docu- Nations General Assembly passed a resolu- ance of my time. mented pattern of illicit and deceptive ac- tion denouncing the serious human rights tivities to acquire a nuclear capability; abuses occurring in Iran, including torture, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Whereas the United Nations Security cruel and degrading treatment in detention, have no further requests for time. I Council has adopted multiple resolutions the targeting of human rights defenders, vio- yield back the balance of my time. since 2006 demanding the full and sustained lence against women, and ‘‘the systematic Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in suspension of all uranium enrichment-re- and serious restrictions on freedom of peace- support of H.R. 4240, the Ambassador James lated and reprocessing activities by the Ira- ful assembly’’, as well as severe restrictions R. Lilley and Congressman Stephen J. Solarz nian Government and its full cooperation on the rights to ‘‘freedom of thought, con- with the International Atomic Energy Agen- North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization science, religion or belief’’; cy (IAEA) on all outstanding issues related Whereas the Governments of the P5+1 na- Act of 2012. I commend Chairman ROS- to its nuclear activities, particularly those tions (the United States, the United King- LEHTINEN and Ranking Member BERMAN and concerning the possible military dimensions dom, France, Russia, China, and Germany) the members of the House Foreign Affairs of its nuclear program; have made repeated efforts to engage the Ira- Committee for bringing this important measure Whereas Iran remains in violation of all of nian Government in dialogue about Iran’s to the floor. the aforementioned United Nations Security nuclear program and its international com- Ambassador Lilley, as director of the Com- Council resolutions; mitments under the Treaty on the Non-Pro- Whereas, on November 8, 2011, the IAEA mittee for Human Rights in North Korea and liferation Nuclear Weapons; issued an extensive report that— Whereas talks between the P5+1 and Iran Congressman Solarz, as chairman of the (1) documents ‘‘serious concerns regarding regarding Iran’s nuclear program resumed on House subcommittee on East Asia and later possible military dimensions to Iran’s nu- April 14, 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey, and the as co-chairman of the Committee on Human clear programme’’; (2) states that ‘‘Iran has carried out activi- parties agreed to meet again on May 23, 2012, Rights in North Korea, refused to stand by si- in Baghdad, Iraq; lently as the North Korean government op- ties relevant to the development of a nuclear device’’; and Whereas in the 2006 State of the Union Ad- pressed, abused and murdered its own peo- (3) states that the efforts described in para- dress, President Bush stated that ‘‘The Ira- ple. Their leadership and advocacy helped to graphs (1) and (2) may be ongoing; nian Government is defying the world with raise awareness about the deplorable condi- Whereas as of November 2008, Iran had pro- its nuclear ambitions, and the nations of the tions endured by the North Korean people, in- duced, according to the IAEA— world must not permit the Iranian regime to cluding the government’s practice of executing (1) approximately 630 kilograms of ura- gain nuclear weapons.’’; on-the-spot attempted defectors. nium-235 enriched to 3.5 percent; and Whereas, on March 31, 2010, President (2) no uranium-235 enriched to 20 percent; Obama stated that the ‘‘consequences of a This resolution encourages the United Whereas as of November 2011, Iran had pro- nuclear-armed Iran are unacceptable’’; States government to continue working with duced, according to the IAEA— Whereas in his State of the Union Address foreign governments and with the Peoples Re- (1) nearly 5,000 kilograms of uranium-235 on January 24, 2012, President Obama stated, public of China in particular, to help resettle enriched to 3.5 percent; and ‘‘Let there be no doubt: America is deter- refugees who escape North Korea. Addition- (2) 79.7 kilograms of uranium-235 enriched mined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear ally, the bill recognizes the efforts undertaken to 20 percent; weapon, and I will take no options off the in North Korea by the Broadcasting Board of Whereas, on January 9, 2011, IAEA inspec- table to achieve that goal.’’; tors confirmed that the Iranian Government Governors and encourages the board to meet Whereas Secretary of Defense Panetta had begun enrichment activities at the stated, in December 2011, that it was unac- its goal of broadcasting 12 hours of daily radio Fordow site, including possibly enrichment transmissions into that country. ceptable for Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, of uranium-235 to 20 percent; reaffirmed that all options were on the table The United States has the largest inter- Whereas Iran has repeatedly refused re- to thwart Iran’s nuclear weapons efforts, and national refugee resettlement program in the quests by IAEA inspectors to visit its vowed that if the United States gets ‘‘intel- Parchin military facility, a suspected site of world. Since this Act was originally passed, ligence that they are proceeding with devel- Iranian activities related to testing of a nu- 128 North Koreans have been successfully re- oping a nuclear weapon then we will take clear weapon; whatever steps necessary to stop it’’; settled, including 23 in the last year. The suc- Whereas if Iran were successful in acquir- Whereas, on December 1, 2011, Deputy Sec- cess of this program is a fitting tribute to the ing a nuclear weapon capability, it would retary of State William J. Burns and Israeli memory and work of Ambassador Lilley and likely spur other countries in the region to Congressman Solarz. consider developing their own nuclear weap- Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon issued a joint statement in Washington, DC, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ons capabilities; Whereas, on December 6, 2011, Prince Turki which emphasized that ‘‘Iran is the greatest question is on the motion offered by challenge we face today in the Middle East’’ the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia stated that if inter- national efforts to prevent Iran from obtain- and that ‘‘[c]ontinued efforts by the inter- ROS-LEHTINEN) that the House suspend ing nuclear weapons fail, ‘‘we must, as a national community are critical to bringing the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4240, as duty to our country and people, look into all about change in Iranian behavior and pre- amended. options we are given, including obtaining venting Iran from developing a nuclear The question was taken; and (two- these weapons ourselves’’; weapons capability.’’; thirds being in the affirmative) the Whereas top Iranian leaders have repeat- Whereas the Department of Defense’s Jan- edly threatened the existence of the State of uary 2012 Strategic Guidance stated that rules were suspended and the bill, as United States defense efforts in the Middle amended, was passed. Israel, pledging to ‘‘wipe Israel off the map’’; Whereas the Department of State— East would be aimed ‘‘to prevent Iran’s de- A motion to reconsider was laid on (1) has designated Iran as a ‘‘state sponsor velopment of a nuclear weapons capability the table. of terrorism’’ since 1984; and and counter its destabilizing policies’’; VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:29 May 16, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MY7.023 H15MYPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 15, 2012 Whereas, on March 4, 2012, President the type needed for nuclear arms-re- we have passed five bills expressing Obama stated that ‘‘Iran’s leaders should un- lated tests.