Is There a Pre-Romanesque Style in Architecture'?
Having analysed the essential characteristics of the archi• Is There a Pre-Romanesque tecture of ćhe Christian West between the 8th and ćhe llth c ent«ry, the a u thor p t>ts foru'ard hi s c onviction t hat a Pre-Ro»>anesque expression is preceding the Romanesque Style in Architecture'? style. The distingt>ishing features of the Pre-Romanesque architecture are biwxiality, the absence of correspondence between the interior organization of space and that of the Dr. Vladimir P . Goss exterior u>all-surfaces, the presence of hidden inćerior t<nits undistinguishable from the outside, and spatial discontinui• Foll professor of M i chigan university, t y. The author enu»>eraćes and exarnines in d e tail t h e Ann Arbor examples from Dalmatia, Switzerland, Spain, England, and Moravia, but he finds tl>e Pre-Ro»>anesque traits parćially in the architecture of the Eastern Christianićy too. From his Original scientific paper pape>' e»>erges a picture of a s lon>, gradual and tortuous ćransition of the Medieval World from ićs childhood and youth to full maturity. As we all k n ow , t h e n a mes of m e d ieval ar t s t y les the way in c h ich the architect communicates his con• are rather arbitrary. But, while we more or less under• cepts to his public. Definitions of the Romenesque em• stand what we mean when we use the word » R omanes• phasizing the points brought up i n t h e fe w p r eceding q ue« o r » Gothic«, there does no t s eem t o b e m u c h lines have been forwarded by scholars such as Baum, a greement as t o t h e m e aning anđ scope
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