Development of Dholera Greenfield Intemationallitt Airport in Village Navagam of District Ahmedabad Tcu:Arati UV Tirpg{^Athgrjty of India (AAI)
F.No. 1O_85/20l 1_rA.Irr Government of India Ministry of Environment, porests & Climate Change (IA-III Section) Indira paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 3 Dated: 2Ta November, To 2015 The Joint General Manager (C&C), Airport Authority of India, Rajiv_Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 3 Subl 'Developmeat of Dholera Greenfield International Altport, ln Village Navagam of District Ahmedabad (cujaratl by Akport authority "of Iadia - Environrnental Clearance - reg. Sir, This has reference to your application No. AAI/C&C/ WR_3L /2015 /627 dated o8'06.21015 and subiequenl- letter dated st.oe.zois, above-mentioned it" proposal to this Ministry for gra.rl of Environment""u-itti"g cleaiance (-OCJ- in prm- the provisions of the Enviroriment Impact Assessrn"rrt piaj Notification, -of 2OO6 under the Environment (protection), Act, 19g6. ?'- The proposal for 'Development of Dhorera Greenfierd laternational *.Ll{j-j" ylr".g" .{1"_1e"m of Dt"tri"t Ahmedabad (c"ja*ailt Afr;; o{ (AAI) was considered by the Expert Appraisal io--itt". l"^lo,":rqAU) ln the Jngia [t Mlnlstry for Inlrglfucture Development, Coastal Regulation Zone, Building/ Construction and Miscellaneous projects,'in its 150u,-m";tilt;"1; on 29ft - 31st July, 2015. 3. The delails of the project, as per the documents submitted by the project proponents (PP), and a.lso as informed during the above said EAC meetlng, are reported to be as under:- The project was accorded roR vide letter No.10-gs/201 1-IA.IiI dated o1.10.2014.!i) Brlef:. The project involves development of Dholera Greenfield Intemationallitt Airport in Village Navagam of District Ahmedabad tCu:arati UV tirpg{^Athgrjty of India (AAI).
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