Venom Week VI
Toxicon 150 (2018) 315e334 Contents lists availableHouston, at ScienceDirect TX, respectively. Toxicon journal homepage: Venom Week VI Texas A&M University, Kingsville, March 14-18, 2018 North American Society of Toxinology Venom Week VII will be held in 2020 at the University of Florida, Gain- Abstract Editors: Daniel E. Keyler, Pharm.D., FAACT and Elda E. Sanchez, esville, Florida, and organized by Drs. Alfred Alequas and Michael Schaer. Ph.D. Venom Week VI was held at Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas, and Appreciation is extended to Elsevier and Toxicon for their excellent sup- was sponsored by the North American Society of Toxinology. The meeting port, and to all Texas A&M University, Kingsville staff for their outstanding was attended by 160 individuals, including 14 invited speakers, and rep- contribution and efforts to make Venom Week VI a success. resenting eight different countries including the United States. Dr. Elda E. Sanchez was the meeting Chair along with meeting coordinators Drs. Daniel E. Keyler, University of Minnesota and Steven A. Seifert, University of New Mexico, USA. Abstracts Newly elected NAST officers were announced and welcomed: President, Basic and translational research IN Carl-Wilhelm Vogel MD, PhD; Secretary, Elda E. Sanchez, PhD; and Steven THIRD GENERATION ANTIVENOMICS: PUSHING THE LIMITS OF THE VITRO A. Seifert, Treasurer. PRECLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF ANTIVENOMS * Invited Speakers: D. Pla, Y. Rodríguez, J.J. Calvete . Evolutionary and Translational Venomics Glenn King, PhD, University of Queensland, Australia, Editor-in-Chief, Lab, Biomedicine Institute of Valencia, Spanish Research Council, 46010 Toxicon; Keynote speaker Valencia, Spain Bruno Lomonte, PhD, Instituto Clodomiro Picado, University of Costa Rica * Corresponding author.
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