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[7PIW6.ebook] Zen Heart, Zen Mind: The Teachings of Zen Master Ama Samy Pdf Free

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#3492519 in Books 2016-03-14Format: Large PrintOriginal language:English 8.50 x .48 x 5.50l, #File Name: 1530443210212 pages | File size: 45.Mb

Ama Samy : Zen Heart, Zen Mind: The Teachings of Zen Master Ama Samy before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Zen Heart, Zen Mind: The Teachings of Zen Master Ama Samy:

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. "Heart Broken, Heart of Love"By OlafI started reading this book while on my first retreat with Ama Samy in Belgium and found the writing and teaching very creative, compassionately provoking and transformative. Going through some tumultuous times, I particularly remember being touched by the chapter "Heart Broken, Heart of Love," illustrating first steps of Enlightenment as "brokenness" (kkaech'im in Korean Zen tradition). "One's heart has to be broken for true love to be born. Betrayal, abandonment, misunderstanding, failure and brokenness are the doors to the heart of love."I would recommend the book to newcomers and longtime meditators alike. Ama Samy's discussion of the Zen proverb "Before Enlightenment, mountains are mountains, rivers are rivers. During Enlightenment, mountains are not mountains, rivers are not rivers. After Enlightenment, mountains are mountains, rivers are rivers." helps clarify the relationship between Zen unitive experience and down-to-earth just-being. He encourages his readers, "We need to penetrate deeply into the experience of just-being to enter the dimension of beyond-just-being. As you deepen your Zen practice, you enter this dimension of beyond-just-being, Emptiness." When thoroughly steeped in that dimension, he continues, "there is a further step, which is the revelation that comes as an 'overturning of the base,' a world-shattering moment when the old world order passes away and a new world is born. We re-enter the dimension of just-being. It is in that instant that our Original Face is revealed to us."

Zen Heart, Zen Mind is a compilation of various dharma talks delivered by Zen Master Ama Samy to his students during Sesshin, periods of intensive Zen practice. Addressing beginners as well as advanced practitioners on the Way, the book gives a full taste of Zen, with emphasis on Zen in our every day lives. "What is most important," he says, "and what we are called to do, is to live from the Realization of oneness and non-duality in our ordinary life. In ordinary, daily life, Realization of Emptiness is a matter of living and loving wholeheartedly---seeing, hearing, and responding to life and reality... it is a way of being present to ourselves and others and the world; being aware, accepting to live life fully, responding to the call of love and life."

About the AuthorAma Samy was born to Christian parents in Burma, 1936. There, early on he had some contact with Burmese . Driven by poverty, his parents put him in the care of his maternal grandfather in India, who was a devotee of a Muslim saint. Soon after, his grandfather died in an accident, leaving him as a young boy without support and guidance. Nevertheless, he finished school and joined the Jesuit order. After becoming a Jesuit priest, his heart was still restless after God. He began visiting Hindu ashrams and Buddhist meditation centers. He was introduced to by Swami Abhishiktananda and was moved by Ramana's vision. His searching led him to become a wandering beggar for a period and to settle down as a hermit near a holy shrine where the village people fed him. In time, it was the Zen way which drew him most. With the help of Father Enomiya Lassalle, he visited Japan and trained with Roshi of . In 1982, Yamada Roshi authorized him to teach Zen. Ama Samy later founded his own Zen school, Bodhi Sangha. His method of teaching embraces both Soto and Rinzai Zen traditions and draws from the resources of and other religions. He is rooted in Christianity and in Zen. Standing in- between Buddhism and Christianity, he remains true to Christ, true to Zen and true to the human heart-mind. He lives and teaches at Bodhi Zendo in Southern India and spends several months leading retreats in Europe, Australia, and the US.

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