Multilingualism and Language Shift in a Malaysian Hakka Familiy

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Multilingualism and Language Shift in a Malaysian Hakka Familiy Grazer Linguistische Studien 89 (Frühjahr 2018); S. 89- 110. 0 0 1:10.25364/04.45:2018.89.5 Multilingualism and language shift in a Malaysian Hakka family' Ralf Vollmann & Tek Wooi Soon University oJGraz , Institute oJ Linguisti cs; ralfvollmann@uni-gra Abs tract. Background.In multiethnic and mul tilingual Malaysia, four sta n­ dardized languages (Malay, English,Ch inese, Tami l) and a number of spo ken languages (e.g. Hakka, Bahasa Pasar , Malaysian Eng lish) serve pluriglossic purposes. Today, Standard (Malays ian) Chinese is used by ethnic Chinese not only at th e acrolectal, but also at th e me­ solectal (inter-gro up communication) and basilectal level (fa mily, friends). Studies have obse rved lan gu age shift of th e family lan gu age fro m a sma ller Chinese lan gu age to Malays ian Ma nda rin. Ma teria l & method. This study investi gat es th e lan gu age use in one Hakka family livin g in Peninsul ar Malays ia (KL, Penan g) and mainland Chi­ na. Spec ific focus lies on Hakka as th e famil y lan guage and its in ter­ generational development. Ana lysis. All family mem ber s are multi­ lingu al, th e older and middle ge ne ra tions use va rious lan gu ages be ­ side th eir family lan gu age, Hakka. The middle-aged spea ke rs cons i­ der th eir ow n Hakka 'impure'; code-s witching and multilingu al con­ ver sati ons are a regu lar occ ur rence. Int ereth nic marriages and school educa tion make Mandarin the most suitable lan gu age for corn muni­ cation even in the famil y. Thus, Hakka is no lon ger actively acquired by th e yo ungest family mem bers. Conclusions. Hakk a is viewe d as the fami ly langu age and still wid ely used, but its position is substan­ tially weake ne d in th e youngest ge nera tion. Keywords. Hakka, Malaysia, min ority lan gu age, multilingu alism , lan gu age loss TI1e autho rs want to th ank Dörte Borch ers for comme nts on an earlier version of th is pap er. 90 Ralf Vollmann & Tek Wooi 500n 1. Background 1.1. The linguistic situation in Malaysian Chi­ nese Malaysia is a multi-ethnic soc iety w ith man y lan gu ages (Asmah 1992; Vikar 2004). Mal ay (Ml.) is the nationallan guage, En glish (EN), Mandarin Chinese (IvlC), and Tamil are also used in th e media. Ther e are mor e spo ke n lan gu ages (er. Vollmann & Soon 20 18); th e ethnic Chinese usually spea k South Chines e lan gu ages/: peop le will also use Malaysia n English ("Ma ng lish", ME) and Bahasa Pasar (BP), creolized forms of the respective lexifier languages . All speake rs are mul ­ tilin gual and choose their lin guisti c resou rces in depend ence of th e situa tion and com munica tion partner s. Amo ng th e va rious ethnic Chines e lingui sti c groups, th e Min (Ho kkien, HO ), Yue (Can to nese, CT), and Kejia (Ha kka , HK) spea­ kin g comm unities are th e most numerous in Malaysia (er. Platt 1977: 365). 111e speake rs of Teochew (TC), Taish an , Hainan ese, and othe rs form sma ller groups. When differ ent Ch inese sub-groups meet , a sha red lan gu age is need ed for com munication. 111is problem has tra­ dit ion all y been so lve d throu gh multilingu al com pe tence , but in recent tim es, Mandarin is reported to pr ogr essively taking thi s role, eve n in th e famil y dom ain, e.g. in Kuching (er. Ting & Cha ng 2008). 1.2. Hakk a 111 e Hakkas (t: ~ Keji ä), rep ortedly coming from th e North of Ch i­ na, se ttle d in South Jian gxi, West ern Min (Fujian), or Eastern Gu an g­ dong. Their lan gu age is close to the Gan dialects (Sagart 2002) and has converg ed w ith Guangdo ng varieties. Fro m her e, man y Hakk as migr ated to South and South- Eas t Asia, Taiwan, and othe r places such as Sur ina me (er. Leo 20 15). In Peninsu lar Malaysia, th e Hakka speech co mmunity is concen­ tr at ed in Kuala Lumpur, Kajan g, Serdang (Seri Kemban gan ), along th e road to Titi Jelebu, Pu sin g (near Ipoh ), also in Bukit Mertajam These lan gu ages or Chinese dialects (7J 1; fängyan ) are not n1U ­ tu ally under st andabl e; non et heless, th ey are viewe d as bein g Han (ix.). Multilingualism and lan guage shift 91 and Balik Pulau (Pen an g). In Sarawak , Hakk a is the largest Chinese sub-g roup (with 160.000 spea kers), conce ntra ted in Kuching (Ting & Cha ng 2008). In Sabah , Hakka even serves as lingu a [ra nca (Leo 2015: 76). 1.3. Standard and non-standard languages In modern societies , it is mandatory for educa tiona l and eco nomic success to gain access to an elabora ted and reliable lingui sti c register (cf. Maas 2008, 2010). Usually, a "language" is recogni zed as such through a pr ocess of standardization and pr opagati on of a cano nical and elabora ted form . All deviation from thi s cano nical form is then called a "dialect", In a mod ern society, dialects turn into sociolects re­ pr esenting a sma ller identity beside the wid er identity represented by the standard lan guage. In traditi on al societies, the written stan­ dard lan guage is distant to all (or most) spo ken vari eties, used on ly by few wr iters (clergy , officials), and ther efore does not influ en ce th e spoke n lan guages very much; the spea kers will simply ada pt to corn­ municative needs by learning othe r varieties, but will usu ally be ex­ cluded fro m the acrolectal level. A modern standardized spoken lan guage in combi na tio n with schoo l educa tion leads to widesprea d bilingu alism (standard/d ialec t), access to acrolectal uses and writte n inform at ion , and will gra dually take over functions of the spoken varieties, fro m acrolectal to meso­ lectal levels. Spoken varie ties will be influ en ced by th e standard lan ­ guage and undergo dialect levellin g; their usage will be confined to a basilectallevel. In the case of plur icentric lan guages, alterna tive stan­ dard s may develop. In the case of Chinese, the writing sys tem pr ovides lingui sti c unity since long. With the definition of modern Spoken and Written Standard Chinese in the 20th century (* 1& 11; p ütonghu« ' the com­ mon lan guage'; Mand arin Chinese, MC), a pow erful new lingui stic resource becam e ava ilable through schoo l education to the spea ke rs of the various Chinese dialects and was readil y adop ted also in Ma­ laysia. The substra tic linguistic situa tion has influ en ced the stan dard lan guage (Malays ian Mand arin, IvlM), but w ill also weaken the posi­ tion of the spoken Chinese va rieties. 92 Ralf Vollmann & Tek W ooi Soo n While lan gu ages such as Hakk a may be considered abstand lan­ guages, i.e., varieties too distant to th e standard lan gu age to be con­ sidered a dialect, Chinese identity is inclusive of these spea kers. 1.4. Chinese identities For ethnic Chinese , identity is construe d as famil y member s (ances ­ tor worship , tradition al famil y structure) , as people spea king a 'dia­ leer (e.g., Hakka) and bein g descend ants of a coun ty (e.g., Dabu, in the pr ovin ce Gua ng do ng/Canton ), as Chinese Ux.. ,Han ), and as state citizens of a country (Malays ian) - whi ch is summed up as "Overseas Chinese ". In Malaysi a, it is a pr actical necessit y (and pr esti gious ) to speak languages in addit ion to the one spoken by the group one identifies with, i.e. othe r Chinese dialects, Mandarin Chinese, and English). The Chinese dialects are neit her dialects in the Euro pea n se nse (as a geographica l ph en om en on ) nor sociolects on a social scale (as in urb an lan guage resear ch); th ey are based on th e family lineage, ancestry. The Chinese culture (outside of China) is (ofte n) different from wha t has been disc ussed for Wes tern cultures in that ethnic identity (race) is mor e imp ortant tha n language, religion , or culture (cf. Clam­ mer 1982); th er e are "ethnic Chinese" peo ple who do not speak Chi­ nese' or who speak a "Chinese dialec t" which is not un derstan dable by other Chi nese peopl e, but they all adhe re to the eth nic group of Chinese, feeling related to Chinese culture. Identity for Malays ian citizens with Chinese background is th e­ refore layer ed. Spea kinglreading Mandarin refer s to their Chinese ­ ness, speaking/understanding Cantonese is a useful resource (in Kua­ la Lumpur; but also with (Hong kong) dram a series, movi es, music, new s, wri tten texts). Spea king Hakk a (0 1' any other Sout hern Chinese lan guage) refer s to a patri mony/ki nship lregional identi ty.
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