“A TERRIFIC ACHIEVEMENT!” “ASTONISHING!” - LA TIMES (THE GREAT FLOOD) - SIGHT & SOUND (THE MINERS’ HYMNS) 16 FILMS BY BILL MORRISON IN ONE LANDMARK BOX SET! “THE MOST WIDELY accLAIMED American avant-GARDE FILM OF THE FIN DE SIÈCLE.” - J. HOBERMAN, THE Village VOICE (DECASIA) DISC 1 BLU-RAY (75 minutes) • DECASIA (67 minutes, 2002) • LIGHT IS CALLING (8 minutes, 2004) DISC 2 DVD (107 MINUTES) • CITY WALK (6 minutes, 1999) This landmark box set comprises 16 works by • PORCH (8 minutes, 2005) filmmaker and multimedia artist Bill Morrison, • HIGHWATER TRILOGY (31 minutes, 2006) called “one of the most adventurous American filmmakers” by Variety. Morrison’s work is char- • WHO BY WATER (18 minutes, 2007) acterized by his original approach to found, of- • JUST ANCIENT LOOPS (26 minutes, 2012) ten decaying film footage, and his close collab- oration with leading contemporary composers, • RE:AWAKENINGS (18 minutes, 2013) including Vijay Iyer, Jóhann Jóhannsson and Bill Frisell. Among other films this set includes his DISC 3 DVD (107 MINUTES) acclaimed masterpiece DECASIA (2002), a col- • THE MESMERIST (16 minutes, 2003) laboration with the composer Michael Gordon, • GHOST TRIP (23 minutes, 2000) selected to the US Library of Congress’ 2013 Na- tional Film Registry, now on Blu-ray, and nine • SPARK OF BEING (68 minutes, 2010) films never before available on DVD, including his most recent film RE:AWAKENINGS, with DISC 4 DVD (86 MINUTES) historic footage of Oliver Sacks and his “Awak- • THE MINERS’ HYMNS (52 minutes, 2011) enings” patients, and a score by Philip Glass. • RELEASE (13 minutes, 2010) BILL MORRISON: COLLECTED WORKS • OUTERBOROUGH (9 minutes, 2005) 1996 TO 2013 • THE FILM OF HER (12 minutes, 1996) 4 DVDs + 1 Blu-ray Booklet with articles and filmmaker’s interviews DISC 5 DVD UPC # 8-54565-00172-5 / SRP: $49.98 • THE GREAT FLOOD (80 minutes, 2013) Pre-book: August 19 • street DAte: sePteMber 23 http://HomeVideo.IcarusFilms.com • Tel: (800) 876-1610 • Email:
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