The Argentina
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Protocol of Olivos FOR DISPUTE SETTLEMENT IN MERCOSUR The Republic Argentina, the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Republic of Paraguay and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, hereinafter "States Parties"; HAVING REGARD to the Treaty of Asuncion, the Protocol of Brasilia and the Protocol of Ouro Preto; RECOGNIZING that the evolution of the integration process in Mercosur requires the improvement of the system solution of disputes; CONSIDERING the need to ensure the correct interpretation, implementation and enforcement of the fundamental tools of the integration process and the set of rules of Mercosur, in a consistent and systematic manner; CONVINCED the desirability of making specific changes in the settlement of disputes in order to consolidate the system legal certainty within Mercosur; HAVE AGREED as follows: CHAPTER I DISPUTES BETWEEN STATES PARTIES Article 1 Scope 1. Disputes arising between States Parties concerning the interpretation, application or non- compliance with the Treaty of Asunción, the Ouro Preto, protocols and agreements Protocol within the framework of the Treaty of Asunción, the Decisions of the Common Market Council, the Resolution of Market Group and the Joint Guidelines Committee of Commerce of Mercosur will be subject to the procedures set out in this Protocol. 2. Disputes within the scope of application of this Protocol that may also be subject to the dispute settlement system of the World Organization of Trade or other preferential trading schemes that are part of the individual member states of MERCOSUR may be subject to one or other jurisdiction, the choice of the complainant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties to the dispute may, by mutual agreement, set the forum. Once initiated proceedings for settlement of disputes in accordance with the preceding paragraph, neither party may have recourse to dispute settlement mechanisms established in other forums regarding the same object, defined in accordance with Article 14 of this Protocol. Nevertheless, within the framework of established this numeral, the Council of the Common Market shall regulate matters concerning the choice of forum. CHAPTER II MECHANISMS FOR TECHNICAL ASPECTS Article 2 Establishment of mechanisms 1. 1.When deemed necessary, expedient mechanisms could be established to resolve disputes between States Parties on technical aspects in regulated instruments of trade policycommon. 2. The rules of operation, the scope and nature of these mechanisms statements to be issued on the same will be defined and approved by Council Decision of Market Common. CHAPTER III COMMENTS ADVISORY Article 3 Regime request The Common Market Council may establish mechanisms for request advisory opinions of the Permanent Review Tribunal defining their scope and procedures. CHAPTER IV DIRECT NEGOTIATIONS Article 4 Negotiations States parties to a dispute attempt to resolve it, first of all, through direct negotiations. Article 5 Procedure and deadline 1. Direct negotiations shall not, unless otherwise agreed between the parties to the dispute, exceeds a period of fifteen (15) days from the date on which one of them informed the decision to start another controversy. 2. The States parties to a dispute inform the Common Market Group, through the Mercosur Administrative Secretariat, about the actions that are undertaken during the negotiations and their results. CHAPTER V INTERVENTION GROUP COMMON MARKET Article 6 Optional procedure before the GMC 1. Whether through direct negotiations do not reach an agreement or if the dispute is resolved only partially, any of the States parties to the dispute may directly initiate the arbitration procedure provided for in Chapter VI. 2. Without prejudice to the preceding paragraph, the States parties to the dispute may, by mutual agreement , submit it to the Common Market Group. i. In this case, the Common Market Group will assess the situation, giving opportunity to the parties to the dispute to present their respective positions, requiring, when necessary the advice of experts selected from the list referred to in Article 43 of this Protocol. ii. Expenses relating to such advice shall be borne in equal amounts by States parties to the dispute or in the proportion determined by the Common Market Group. 3. The dispute may also be brought to the Common Market Group is another state that is not party to the dispute, justifiably ask such a procedure at the end of direct negotiations.In this case, the arbitration proceedings initiated by the State Applicant will not be interrupted, unless otherwise agreed by the States Parties to the dispute. Article 7 Assignments GMC 1. If the dispute is submitted to the Common Market Group by States parties to the dispute, this issue recommendations that, if possible, should be specific and detailed, aiming at solving the dispute. 2. If the dispute is brought to the Common Market Group at the request of a State which is not part of it, the Common Market Group may provide comments or recommendations. Article 8 Deadline for intervention and pronouncement of the GMC The procedure described in this Chapter shall extend for a period exceeding thirty (30) days from the date of the meeting at which the dispute was submitted to the Common Market Group. CHAPTER VI ARBITRATION PROCEDURE AD HOC Article 9 Top of arbitration stage 1. Where it has not been possible to resolve the dispute by applying the procedures referred to in Chapters IV and V, any State Party to the dispute may notify the Administrative Secretariat of Mercosur its decision to resort to the arbitration procedure established in this Chapter. 2. The Mercosur Administrative Secretariat shall, immediately, communicating to each other or to other states involved in the dispute and the Common Market Group. 3. The Mercosur Administrative Secretariat will handle the administrative steps that may be required for the operation of the procedures. Article 10 Composition of the Ad Hoc Arbitration Court 1. The arbitration procedure will be tried before an ad hoc tribunal composed of three (3) arbitrators. 2. The arbitrators shall be appointed as follows: i. Each State party to the dispute shall appoint one (1) head arbitrator from the list provided for in Article 11.1, within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the Mercosur Administrative Secretariat has communicated to the States Parties to the dispute one decision to resort to arbitration. Simultaneously appoint the same list, one (1) alternate to replace the head referee in case of disability or excuse this at any stage of the arbitration proceedings arbitrator. ii. If any State party to the dispute does not appoint their arbitrator within the time specified in item 2 (i), they will be chosen by lot by the Mercosur Administrative Secretariat for a period of two (2) days from the expiration of that term among the referees that State from the list provided for in Article 11.1. 3. The President arbitrator shall be appointed as follows: i. The States parties to the dispute shall appoint by common agreement the third arbitrator, who shall chair the Ad Hoc Arbitration Court, the list provided for in Article 11.2 (iii) for a period of fifteen (15) days from the date in the Mercosur Administrative Secretariat has notified the States parties to the dispute to the decision of one of them to resort to arbitration. Simultaneously, the same list designate an alternate to replace the head referee in case of disability or excuse this at any stage of the arbitration proceedings arbitrator. The President and his deputy may not be nationals of the States parties to the dispute. ii. If there is no agreement between States Parties to the dispute shall choose the third arbitrator within the time allowed, the Mercosur Administrative Secretariat at the request of any of them, proceed to designate by lot from the list of Article 11.2 (iii), even excluding the nationals of States parties to the dispute. iii. The appointed arbitrators to act as third parties should respond within a maximum of three (3) days of notification of his appointment, on his acceptance to act in a controversy. 4. The Mercosur Administrative Secretariat shall notify the arbitrators of their appointment. Article 11 Lists of arbitrators 1. Each State Party shall designate twelve (12) arbitrators, who will join a list that will be recorded in the Mercosur Administrative Secretariat. The appointment of the arbitrators, together with detailed curriculum vitae of each of them, shall be notified simultaneously to the other States Parties and the Mercosur Administrative Secretariat. i. Each State Party may request clarification of the persons designated by other States Parties for the list referred to in the previous paragraph, within thirty (30) days from such notification. ii. The Mercosur Administrative Secretariat shall notify the States Parties to the consolidated list of arbitrators of Mercosur and its subsequent amendments. 2. Each State Party shall, in addition, four (4) candidates to join the list of third umpires. At least one of the arbitrators appointed by each State Party to this list will not be a national of any of the States Parties of MERCOSUR. i. The list shall be notified to the other States Parties, through the Chair Pro Tempore, accompanied by the curriculum vitae of each proposed candidate. ii. Each State Party may request clarification of persons proposed by the other States Parties or submit justified objections to nominees, according to criteria established in Article 35, within thirty (30) days of notification of such proposals.Objections must be communicated through the Chair Pro Tempore proponent to the State Party. If, within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days of notification of failure to reach a solution, we consider the objection. iii. The consolidated third-party arbitrators list and subsequent amendments, together with a curriculum vitae of the arbitrators, shall be communicated by the President Pro Tempore of the Administrative Secretariat of Mercosur, the record and notify the State Parties.