Regional digital market Strategic aspects Project Documents Regional digital market Strategic aspects Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean This document was prepared by Jorge Alejandro Patiño and Edwin Fernando Rojas of the Production Productivity and Management Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and Mauricio Agudelo of the Development Bank of Latin American (CAF). The support of Tanía García-Millán, Valeria Jordán, Wilson Peres, Laura Poveda and Sebastián Rovira of ECLAC is gratefully acknowledged. ECLAC is also grateful for the support provided under the project "Innovations for sustainable structural change" of the programme “Structural Change for Sustainable and Inclusive Development in Latin America and the Caribbean” of ECLAC and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). The opinions expressed in this document, which is an unofficial translation that has not undergone formal editorial review, are the exclusive responsibility of the authors and may not necessarily coincide with those of the Organization. Publication of the United Nations LC/TS.2018/30 Distribution: Limited Original: Spanish Copyright © United Nations, June 2018. All rights reserved Printed at United Nations, Santiago. S.18-00569 Applications for authorization to reproduce this work in whole or in part should be sent to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Publications and Web Services Division,
[email protected]. Member States and their governmental institutions may reproduce this work without prior authorization, but are requested to mention the source and to inform ECLAC of such reproduction. ECLAC Regional digital market… Contents Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 5 I. Connectivity in the countries of the region ...........................................................................................