A Practical Practical A Guide

Turstické informační centrum | City Info ° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A 120 km km 120 km 250 km 50 Krumlov Český Lázně Mariánské Prague from: Distance km² 59,10 l. Rolava Ohře, Teplá.s. and rivers the a. m 600 – 370 000 10 than more confl the at islocated Vary 000 town ofKarlovy The 50 uence of the second half of the 14th century výška nadmořská beds of number area population founden numbers in Vary Karlovy and meet to predetermined are services excellent and all ofyour expectations. surpass infrastructure developed unique a Its with activities. hand different in of hand options with going stays atmosphere relaxation and care of combination unique a offers Vary Karlovy already. centuries meeting six for fi prominent where been and have people, gures to health returning been have springs curative hot the where place a is it modern period and amenities its on any without the negativeunique effect genius loci of this place. From times immemorial, the with combinesjewels, today architectural its and town’s the atmosphere from emanates still which town, the of history the capital of Prague. The spa is accessible not only by car, is but also by It plane thanks to . the local The international airport. rich Central from in km confl the about 120 on situated Republicrivers, Czech Ohře the is the and of Teplá of uence part tradition, western-most the spa in located of years 600 with town, spa Czech largest the – (Carlsbad) Vary Karlovy privilegesofaroyal the town. Vary 1370,In Karlovy granted Emperor the maladies, he ordered the foundation of a insettlement the area of the spring, and thus began the era of the famous local spa. his cured hadwater the water, limbsthe hisdippedmiraculously healed.After into and was place that body hiswentto and he this, of informed was Emperor the When healed. were wounds its scalded, being than rather But Vřıdlo. the – rises now when they saw the spectacle before them. The dog had fallen into a boiling pool, at the point where the eyesmost own believetheirabundant not geyser could they But heard. be could barking its of sounds the where place the to rushed immediately chase the ininjured been had it thinkingwailing, dog and the heard suddenly deer. a hunters The Emperor the that Charles IV and his entourage says went on a legend hunting trip inA River.the local Teplá The forests. Emperor’s hunting the dog was chasing of valley the in arisen have springs immemorial, time From Vary Karlovy Karlovy ° Frankfurt 380 km 380 km 2100 Moscow km km 460 320 Frankfurt Vienna Munich


Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A effects are proven by centuries-oldpractice. Karlovy Vary mineral water was, isandwillremain thebasisoftraditional Karlovy Vary treatment, whose The usageofKarlovy Vary mineral water hasevolvedwiththecenturies, butitsqualityhasnotchanged. elements. trace and ofgases in quantity and the in temperature, ofvariations because of each spring isdifferent effect The cholesterol. reduces also civilization. stimulates drinkingcure insulinand in The diabetics secretion of stress the and disorders genetic to regard improve with also They immunity overall increase and health benefi Their analysed. disease. periodontal and metabolism, tract, digestive the entire be seen on can cialeffects commonly are human the body for necessary elements over and springs, 40 Vary inKarlovy the present are table periodic ofthe elements ofthe mineral ofthe waterAmajority over isunchanged centuries. the quality The treatment. spa ofthe part important whichmost drinking, isthe for used and drinkingstands into fed are yields,fi ofdifferent springs approximately 80 the Of dioxide content. carbon and mainly in temperature fteen of15.3 isinrange the ofsprings have springs °C. Individual temperature 73.4 asimilar to differ and composition, The values mg/l. pH of6.8–7.0 250–1600 g/l, 6.4 mineralization between ofaround ofdissolved CO2 content and spring water, thermal total The with unique inworld, ischemically the bicarbonate-chloride-sulphate-sodium, Thermal Water Thermal Spa Musculoskeletal systemproblems Periodontitis–dentalgumdisease uricacidmetabolism) - andobesity, lipidmetabolismdisorders, disorders of - Metabolicdisorders (diabetesmellitus, excess weight Digestivetract disorders - - Indication forSpa Treatment inKarlovy Vary Karlovy Karlovy VARY° procedures provided in spa resorts of Karlovy Vary. Karlovy of resorts spa in provided basic the procedures of overview an present we orientation, better a body. For human the on effect different a has procedure Each week fourth the possibly week, third the of end the – phase Downward • week) 3rd and (2nd phase treatment Custom • day) 10th to (1st adaptation or phase Input phases: • several through goes patient the treatment, During physician. a by prescribed of treatments variety a undergo patients treatment, spa the During


Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A 7. Pramen Rusalka | Rusalka Spring – 60,2 °C 60,2 – Spring Rusalka | Rusalka 7.Pramen °C 56,6 – Spring Mill | pramen Mlýnský 6. °C 65,2 – Spring Market | pramen Tržní 5. °C 55,9 – Spring Castle Upper | pramen Zámecký Horní 4. °C 55,6 – Spring Castle Lower | pramen Zámecký Dolní 3. °C 64,4 – Spring IV Charles | IV. Karla Pramen 2. °C) (30 C Vřídlo and °C) (50 B Vřídlo °C), (70 A Vřídlo used cure trinking for °C 73,4 temperature – spring Hot | 1.Vřídlo waterComposition ofthethermal inKarlovy Vary springs Spring Thermal waterwith thermal atthetemperatures of72, 50and30°C. containers contains area Colonnade The Votruba. J. architect an built intheso-calledFunctionalist style, anditsauthoris was colonnade The century. Vřídlo 20th the of 70’s the late the from dates surrounding structure recent wooden most temporary The a colonnades. or cast-iron Empire-style, the as well as building, Baroque a structures: many by covered been has water Since the16thcentury, thespringandgeyserofhot mineral Vřídelní kolonáda | The HotSpringColonnade, 1969–1975 Mlýnská kolonáda isoneofthegemsKarlovy Vary. The month. calendar a represents statues the of Each Balustrades of the rooftop terraces are decorated with 12 statues. sculptures. allegorical with decorated is space inner Its springs. fiand mineral stage ve orchestral an is columns, Corinthian 124 by supported is roof,which its Under metres. 132 measured has centre.1893,Since wasit when extended pramenthe to Skalní, it great with received spa characterthe enthusiasm. the of with go not not did Apparentlyit was colonnade the sumptuous. completion, more Upon even been have would that structure storey The famous architect Zítek originally intended to build it as a two- Mlýnská kolonáda | The MillColonnade,1871–1881 Colonnades

Karlovy Karlovy VARY°

27% Na 15. Hadí pramen | Snake Spring – 28,7°C – Spring Snake | pramen Hadí 15. °C 14,2 – Spring Štěpánka | Štěpánka Pramen 14. 41,6 °C – Spring Park | pramen Sadový 12. °C 62,4 – Spring Freedom | Svoboda 11.Pramen °C 46,9 – Spring Rock | pramen Skalní 10. °C 63 – Spring Libuše | Libuše Pramen 9. °C 64,3 II. °C; 65,6 I. – I Wenceslas Prince | Václava knížete Pramen 8. converted into the Zámecké lázně Wenzel(Castle Hejda. Spa) In Spa2000 andand 2001,Wellness the dilapidated reliefCentre. of Castlethe Spirit Colonnade of the was Springs carved complemented monumentalCastle Spring was into Nouveau a Art with sinter by Viennese sculptor singlea promenade. 1913,In therearsidetheseep oftheLowerof abovethe Castle Spring with the Market Colonnade inorder tocreate Bath, and the Upper Castle Spring Colonnade, separatewas to structures,connect the i.e.Lowerareathe Castle Spring Colonnade, Sunthe on the site in the years 1910Viennese and architect1912. JohannThe colonnadeFriedrich OhmannnewconsistingNouveauArtA colonnade was accordingconstructed ofdesignthe renownedtoof three Zámecká kolonáda, The CastleColonnade, 1911–1913 of theMunicipalBuildingOffi ce, Franz Drobny. seep oftheMarket SpringbasedonthedesignofDirector was structure, the cover to prolonged was Vienna. 1905, colonnade temporary and the 1904 During from Oesterreicher a carpenter master as to commissioned intended colonnade, the of construction own The 1879. and 1882 years the between Hermann Helmer and Fellner Ferdinand architects Viennese famous of style onthesiteofold Town Hallaccording tothedesign Swiss in built was colonnade wooden carved richly current The Tržní kolonáda | The Market Colonnad, 1883 HCO3 34% Mg K Ca 9% Cl 26% SO4 4/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A Havel, or Gerard Depardieu. Havel, Gerard or and social scene common spa guests, e.g. Charles IV, Peter the Great, J. W. Goethe, A. Dvořák, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Václav many creative minds. and composers The prominent genius fi makesVary Loci of artists, rulers, Karlovy gures ofthe political attract beauty, natural the wellas town’sas history, the of years of hundreds the and architecture cakes”.of of wealth The Andrew, etc., are among the other jewels.architectural The French architect Le Corbusier called the local “astyle convention Magdalene byChurch Mary I. Dientzenhofer,the famous St. K. church Peter of and the Paul St. Orthodox or the of Church St. Zítek, J. by Colonnade Mill The Colonnade. Park the or Colonnade, Market the Theatre, Municipal the Spa, Imperial the e.g. the monuments, local were of number a Vary of building the in Karlovy involved were who Helmers, F. H. contemporary F. and architects Viennese of signifi creators most cant The Nouveau. Art the of onset the in and at the end activity of the and 19thin century the beginning of century, the bearing 20th the mark of Historicism inflbuilding was the by part, mostly spa uenced its especially Vary, Karlovy of appearance contemporary The a dsge b inee rhtc Kr Hyäk I te early the In Haybäck. Karl architect Viennese by designed was historical centre of the town. The impressive Art Nouveau building the in in TržištěStreetsalon (Market) fashion his for 1900 in built house Nouveau beautiful Art this had Zawojski Felix tailor Master Dům FelixZawojski (KarlHaybäck) therapeutic gymnasticsaccording tothemethodofDr. Zander. Swedish for equipment exercise mechanical with furnished was and gymnasium, own its had also complex The comfort. unusual as well as amenities, and conveniences contemporary latest the of Karlovy Vary. The interiorsofthespacomplex offered part inthesouthern burgher brewery on theplotofformer renowned of design Viennese architects Helmer Ferdinand FellnerandHerman the to according 1895 and 1893 constructed between was building spa Pseudo-Renaissance stately The Císařské lázně–LázněI.|ImperialSpa(1895, FellneraHelmer) stayed at the house nine times between the years 1806 and 1820. World-renowned German poet and writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe Dům utřímouřenínů |Houseatthe Three Moors(1910, F. ruins. into changed and ground the to burned castle the 1604, fi in re devastating a During 1358. around probably IV Charles Emperor of order the upon built was that castle, Gothic small original the of remnant standing last the is city the of centre historical the in (Castle věž ZámeckáTower) above rock a Tržištěon seated Street Zámecká věž|Castle Tower the forestage andpaintingsonthevaulted ceiling. above fresco a by complemented is magnifi art The of work cent a hand-painted curtain with a motive celebrating the art of poetry. a permanent hallmark in the form of a monumental masterpiece – The trio of young artists (aged between 22 and 25 years) left behind artists, brothers Gustav and Ernest Klimt along with Franz Matsch. Viennese renowned to entrusted were decorations painting The Městské divadlo | Town Theatre (1886, FellneraHelmer) Architecture Karlovy Karlovy VARY° Ohmann) tl as, seily n h itro. ic ta tm te Postal Court alsobecameanimportantsocialandcultural centre. the time that Since interior. the in especially also, style in the Classicist style. But you can come across some Romanticism Originally served as a stall for postal horses. The building was built Poštovní dvůr| The PostalCourt(1791) reconstruction oftheBaroquehousetookplace. another 1923, and 1922 Between Matusch. Johann architect by plans to according expanded and rebuilt was house the 1896, In and 1709 just behind the town gate in present-day Vřídelní Street. „U the to zlatého vola“ (At the Golden home Ox) Inn and it was built between 1706 is house half-timbered terraced, Baroque The Dům Petr|PeterHouse(1706-1709) was building corner Nouveau Art created 20th by younglocalarchitect OttoStainl. the early of the design in The Bank century. Savings Municipal the of Directors of the cast-ironHotSpringcolonnadewas madeby theBoard of vicinity the in building stately new a construct to decision The Steinl) Městská spořitelna|MunicipalSavings Bank(1904-1906, Otto efforts. immense his awardsfor severalreceived he and construction the expedite to property his all institution,donated the of founder the of architect Wenzel Hagenauer. Dr. Hochberger, a great patron and ústav lázeňský SpaInstitution)was(Army builtaccording tothedesign Vojenský of building Pseudo-Renaissance The Wenzel Hagenauer) Vojenský lázeňský ústav | SpaInstitution(1852–1855,Army in Karlovy Vary was installedinthisbuilding. Eddin, ShahofPersia...)In1910, fi thevery rstburgher houselift clientele from all over Europe (English King Edward VII or Muzaffar exclusive very a enjoyed It Vary. Karlovy in studio fashion stylish most and popular most the was salon Zawojski‘s century, 20th 5/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A (Postal Court Park) > Park za letním kinem (Park behind the Open-Air Cinema). Karla IV. (Charles IV Park) > Goethova stezka >(Goethe Trail) - Japonská zahrada (Japanese Garden) > Sady u Poštovního(Smetana dvoraPark) > Dvořákovy sady (Dvořák Park) > Skalníkovy sady (Skalník Park) > SmetanovyDivadelníSmetanovy Restaurant: sadyin Court) náměstí (Postal Vary Dvůr Poštovní the to (Theatre next inpark the km 4.5 Square)Karlovy after ends and Park) (Smetana of sady > Sady centre the in begins parks spa the of aspects botanical the and history the on focused trail dendrology educational The treatment. spa the affect favourably and Vary Karlovy of atmosphere pleasant the to contribute parks were founded across the town. These islands of greenery in the centre of the city along with the surrounding spa woods Pupp Alley planted. It consisted of twelve lines of lime trees that were later replaced by Presently,chestnuts. other municipal famous the things, other besides had, Pupp Georg Hall,Johann Czech then valley. the the inof town overlookingthe front In fipromenade the forest also a Teplá was River. the create He of to bank rst the on planted alley chestnut Chotek promenade Rudolf a had Count 1756, in Already relax. appear and stroll to could guests began spa the gardens where refuges green and as town parks the fi throughout municipal springs, rst thermal the by colonnades public buildings, ostentatious and new of hotels construction the from Apart world. the around from visitors of number the in increase unprecedented an enjoyed Vary Karlovy of town spa growing rapidly the century, 18th mid the From you can observe manytypes offorest gamefromsuspensionbridges. you canobserve the Rusalka Cabin, or to the St. Linhart natural high-ropes centre. The St. Linhart Game Enclosure is also worth seeing, where The trails willleadyouto, forexample, theDianaObservation Tower, thefavourite placeofthewriter Vladimír Páral – The trails are intertwinedwithgazebos, simplecabinsorwith lookouts, invitingyoutovisitandrest duringlonghikes. Spa Forests have more than 120 km of marked hiking trails and invite you to relax by taking walks, including Nordic walking. in 1963. A four-rowed alley of shaped lime trees forms a green wall may seeafountainwithnudegirlmadeby Břetislav Benda you which of front in Baths, Elisabeth of building Pseudo-Baroque the by dominated after is It Smetana. named Bedřich composer later Czech famous was layout, and form original its in park, The Smetanovy sady |SmetanaPark of Buddhashowing thecorrect pathoflife. A stonelantern, which provides suffi cientlight, isaparable represents Hana Bälz – the Good connecting the East and the West. middle out the in protruding sets stone direction.A westward ship the in sea a to of shape the in stone a shore, eastern the From represents the sea between the eastern and western hemispheres. yang.and gravel yin White of principles the symbolizing arch inner an with layout circular a on founded is garden Zen the rock temple,Japanese natural unique A Kusatsu. of town Kenji the from architect Nomura landscape Japanese renowned of design the to The Japanese Zen meditation garden was created in 1998 according Japonská zahrada |JapaneseGarden The oldestcross–dating back to 1561, a so-called reconciliation cross. It was built at the site of the tragic death of a butcher’sThe mostvisitedlookout –1804,apprentice. Gloriette, Mayer’s jettingoutabove islocated ontherockycity. promontory The oldestgazebo–theDorotheaGazebo, 1791, builtinthehonourofDuchess ofCourland. The oldestreligious building– the Church of St. Linhart (St. Leonard) – was built by early settlers in the forests of the royal game enclosure. Forests Spa Parks Spa Karlovy Karlovy VARY° 7 c tuk icmeec ad egt f bu 2 mte has been growinghere formore than200years. metres 22 about of height and circumference trunk cm 472 with TreePlane Dvořák‘s and years 200 almost for here growing been has metres 23 about of height and circumference trunk cm 452 Treewith Plane Park The grounds. park the on growing trees Kuneš was erected in the park. Karel You sculptor may also admire local two monument by Dvořák Antonín to dedicated monument A (Dvořák Park)inhonourofthefamousCzech composer. was redesigned by architect Adolf Peter and named Dvořákovy Colonnade sady Park the and Hotel Thermal the between zone spa the of edge the on park the 1974, In Colonnade. poor Park present-day the its of because down pulled technical condition, leaving onlyapartofthepromenade, was restaurant the 1966, In Dvořákovy sady |Dvořák Park with lined are benches, invitingvisitorstositdown andrelax. park the in paths The centre. its in daily updated entrance, you may fi nd a distinctive owerbedfl with the current date that stretches towards the forefront of the spa building. At the park 6/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A to thepublicinspaseasonof1877. lookout The Germany. tower was namedafterEmperorFranz Josephanditwas opened northern in Schleswig in standing tower a minaret with two lookout galleries was built as a copy of a lookout in 1876. The Pseudo-Gothicbrick lookout tower resembling pointinthespawoodson apopularobservation above thetown The oldeststandinglookout tower inKarlovy Vary was erected Vyhlídka KarlaIV. |Lookout ofCharlesIV gloriet (Mayer‘s Gloriette). Mayerův as known also is arbour the whom to according native, lookout oldest the order of Mr. the Mayer, a wealthy probably Viennese merchantand a is centre structure in Karlovy Vary. The arbourwas builtin1804upon spa the above Jump) (Deer skok directly Jelení near bill rock a on arbour wooden The Vyhlídka Jelenískok |DeerJumpLookout tower.instead ofclimbingthestairstotopobservation from funicular the by Karlovylift Vary. of the Youcentre use the may in Pupp Grandhotel travel to is Tower Observation Diana the to way easiest The century. 19th the throughout spa the of view best the with lookout a as site the promoted guides Contemporary Diana |Observation Tower were laterfollowed by orlookout stoneobservation towers withadjoiningrestaurants andcafésforexcursionists. landscaped andmadeaccessibletothewidepublic. Wooden lookout arboursstartedappearinginthespawoods andthey ofthe19thand20thcenturiescomingRomanticism,turn theoriginallookouts were remodelled, walks andoutingsof thespaguestssincebeginningof 19thcentury. With theboomoftourismat The topsofthehillsandheightsinsurroundingsKarlovy Vary have becomeapopulardestinationofthe Towers Observation and Lookouts Karlovy Karlovy VARY° Mobile guide Mobile Fellner and Hermann Helmer betweentheyears 1888and1889. Fellner andHermann Ferdinand architects Viennese reputed of design the to according built was tower lookout a with excursionists for restaurant stylish the surroundings of the spa town. The ostentatious structure of the had been captivated by the amazing view during one of her walks in Stephanie of Belgium, the wife of života Austrian Crown Prince Rudolf, věčného who Výšina on tower(Height of Eternal lookout Life) rising above a Karlovy Vary building came from Princess of idea The Goethova vyhlídka even today. station and torsos of older structures are upper visible in the the surroundings of foundations the with along unfi funicular the nished of bed The I. WarWorldby halted was work all Unfortunately, hill. the on hotel planned newly a to funicular a of construction the of the spa guests of Karlovy Vary. The year a comfortablepathbeganspreading amongtheinhabitantsand 1912 saw the commencement magnifithe of deforested then the from view accessible cent hill by of the town and its surroundings. In the early 19th century, fi rstCrosses Hill)incommemoration ofthesuccessfulrecatholization news (Three vrch Tříkřížovýof top the at erected were Golgotha the at crosses the symbolising crosses wooden large 1640s,three the In Vyhlídka Tři kříže| Three CrossesLookout 7/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A activities forbothchildrenandadults. The LázněI(SpaI), whichisworthvisitinginitself, offers interestingexhibitions. of production the on Absinthe.offexhibition which observatory, astronomical local the Youat fun of lot a have also will regular ers Karlovy Vary Gallery of Art, the Christmas House, the Wax Figure the Museum,Vary,Karlovy the of Supermarket WC Gallery Gallery, or,Municipal the Gallery, for example,Interactive Villa the Becher history the Vary,Karlovy visitors of Museum to the presented in also are Vary Karlovy of present and history the museums, or Becher Jan the from Aside Choose amuseum, gallery, orexkursionsaccordingtoyourinterestsandmoods. They areopenyear-round. Excursions and Galleries Museums, Jan Becher Museum Mary Magdalene Mary Exkursion UndergroundofSt spring thermal Exkursion Undergroundofthe Supermarket WC Galerie umění Městská galerie Porcelain factory Thun |Observatory Hvězdárna house Vánoční dům| The Christmas Galerie Becherova Villa Museum HOUSEOF WAX Muzeum voskových fi gurín| Museum Karlovy Vary Museum Moser contact T 359578142 T. G.57, Masaryka Karlovy Vary; Vary churche ofSt..MáříMagdaleny, Karlovy Vřídelní kolonáda, Karlovy Vary T +420774232048 náměstí Republiky 1, Karlovy Vary; T +420353224387 Goethova stezka6, Karlovy Vary; T +420353223641 Stará Louka26, Karlovy Vary; T +420776205010 Tovární 252, Nová Role; T +420357070595 K letišti144, Karloyv Vary; T +420353220091 Studentská 73, Karlovy Vary; T +420354224111 Krále Jiřího 1196/9, Karlovy Vary; vrch, Karlovy Vary; T +420730154806 Anglikánský kostel sv. Lukáše, Zámecký T +353226252-253 Nová louka23, Karlovy Vary; T +420353416132 Kpt. Jaroše46/19, Karlovy Vary –Dvory; Karlovy Karlovy VARY° opening hours daily 9:00a.m.–5:00p. m. detailed inthe Tourist Centre Information from MaytoSeptember. The dateandtimewillbe detailed inthe Tourist Centre Information from MaytoSeptember. The dateandtimewillbe each working day1:00p.m. –6:00p.m. from Tuesday toSunday10:00a.m.–5:00p.m. reservation necessary daily10:00a.m.–8:00p.m.expect 1stofjanuary daily 9:00a.m.–6:00p.m. temporarily closed museum 9:00-17:00, glassworks 9:00a.m.–2:30p. m. daily expect 24, 25.12.a1. 8/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A convince yourselfandenjoy wonderful momentsinaplacewithuniqueGeniusLoci. – today even culture and festivals of city the called be can Europe.”which of city salons The “the called was people to health since time immemorial, where famous personalities restoredhave met havefor six centuries springs – the mineral city which hot where City,course. of age modern our of conveniences the and city the of Karlovy Vary is a city which combines the unique natural wealth with unique architectural treasures, rich history Events Antonin Dvorak´s SingingCompetition Best Fest JAZZFEST TOURFILM & TOURREGION FILM Dvorak´s Autumn festival The Karlovy Vary Folklore Festival Beethoven Days fiInternational lmfestival Karlovy Vary carnival Foodfestival Opening ofthespaseason November October October October October – September September August July June May May Karlovy Karlovy VARY° practically from the whole world, in the fi eldsrecognized OPERA, JUNIORinternational and SONG. competition. Every year there are partThe 80–110competition, singers, initially for students of art schools, overThis Competitionthe years became has been established in K. Vary more than 45 years ago. Vary represent. Republic,CzechKarlovy the of of also productions but theater best the only not which region,to the overlapping parade a is Fest Best Festival Theatre in theCzech Republic. in , andalsooneofthemostpopularjazzfestivals Due totheartisticlevelitisoneofmostimportantcultural events has taken placehere since1974. fiThe oldestinternational lmfestival oftourism lmsinthe worldfi TOURFILM since and death his of September 1959, anniversary thefestival hasregularly taken placeinautumn. 50th the to festival second the held was 1954, In fi 1951. was in outreach world held with rst composer Czech A varied show of classical music, composed mostly of pieces this outstanding the festival. during stage on costumes folk of variety a in dancers the watch and world the around from melodies and rhythms the to listen just or sing dance, to opportunity the have citizens, senior to children from ages, all of Visitors in 1812. in Karlovy Vary since 1992 as commemoration composer’s stayfestival in spa towndays have been an important part of the summerBeethoven’stokenof Karlovycultural inmusicinAugust Vary.TBeethoven’s is season music who alsodancedhisscenesfromGrease, andothers. Robert Redford, Sharon Stone, John Malkovich, Susan Niro,Sarand, de John Robert Travolta,meet could you years, recent In 1946). in held was edition Karlovy Vary fi lm festival is one of the oldest lmfi festivals of all ime (thefi rst to watch and to dance inhabitants, visitors and all the city for several hours.pass through the center of the most beautiful spa townprofessional of eachperformers,spectatorsthousands andofmasks hundreds year.of A lot of things Carnival in June? Yes, precisely in Karlovy Vary since 2008. Dozens chase “false” waiter alongthecolonnade. famous scene from the movie of the same name, when Karlovy Vary waiters race “Vrchni,fun traditionalprchni” a (Run, Waiter,the with inspired – Run) and bartenderskillcompetition. The annualculminationoftheeventis The gastronomic event is associated with a parade of arts culinary and chef which are intended for the citizens and visitors of city of all age brackets. the city. Karlovy Vary comes alive with cultural events paradethroughout led by the founderthe of theweekend, town, King Charles IV, comes into A celebration of the natural ealth - the springs. Dignitaries bless the springs, a 9/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz Guide Practical A Sport Events Sport Horse Racing City Triathlon Tournament International Women‘s Basketball Half Marathon Colonnade concerts Caminos festival September – April August May May September – May November Karlovy Mile, Karlovy Vary CityCuportheMASISPrize. are thefilliesSummerCupRace, Karlovy Double Vary among highlyprestigious enterprises, amongthemostpopular Events heldattheracetrack inKarlovy Vary are ranked includesassociatedevents. itinerary cycling circuits passthroughtheshoppingandbalnealdistricts. The stage takes placeatthenatural bathingarea Rolava. Runningand The wholecompetitionunwindsallover thecity. The swimming City Triathlon istraditionally heldonthethird weekend in August. prepared by organizers. annual sportsmeetingisanopportunityformanyassociatedevents An attractive setofmatches showcases elitefemaleplayers. The the cityincitesaspecialatmosphere. runners. The runningrouteleadingthroughthehistoricalcentre of provided to RunCzech seriesofrunningeventsassuringtopservice belongsintothe turn-out Half Marathon runwithaninternational of Europeanmusic, e.g. P. andR.Strauss. celebrities famous with work to started and level art remarkable on Manzer appeared at the head of the orchestra, he raise the orchestra World Symphonyin1894.During theperiodof1911–1941Robert New- Dvorak’s of premiere (European) continental the performed that orchestra this was with It repertoire. universal orchestra and symphony activities many constant a into it changed August son Joseph Labicky as a seasonal spa orchestra. 40 years later Labicky´s to spring Orchestra. Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra from was founded in 1835 by colonnades Symphony Vary Karlovy the by interpreted through are songs Most autumn. sounds music the permit, conditions weather If colonnades. Vary Karlovy at than better this songs oftheworld andCzech masters. Where else experience What aboutgiveKarlovy Vary drinkingcure andlistentothe drawing experiences, exchange people, inspiration andacquisitionofimportantinformation. meeting festival especially travelling of is element important most The continents. all of countries nearby and exotic the of showing and telling a offers show the year Each while. a for regions chilling or climate warmer the to come around Vary Karlovy November travel from and days to three within world visitors allows festival Caminos Travelling

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Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A also enjoy thehorsesby watching themduringraces orshow jumping. ride.horse Youa can on it relish also can you rest; to you invites region Karlovy Vary the of nature beautiful yearround. The River (Eger) Ohře navigable The practically ground. Litoměřice and between river above the on skills canoeing your metresfl test can you well, and as thirteen town the through ows or eight hanging obstacles rope of circuits overcome Centre,and Ropes High Leonard St. the in courage your test also Youcan trails. marked of km 120 Besides golf, you can enjoy the spa woods, which are sought out by Karlovydirectlyin courses vicinity,golf Thereareclose 10 facilities. its golf in severalindoor or as Vary well as both hikers and cyclists for their approximately deer dybovský andwildboar. deers, fallow kept is preserve the In Vary. Karlovy in woods spa the in located is It Linhart. St. preserve the in observatories from observed be can enclosures in animals Wild Linhart. park Rope and manyotheroptions.–Plynárenská 1603/2, Karlovy Vary of attractions for children, a pétanque fi eld, an in-line skating trail Leisure area Meander Ohře situated on Ohře river offers a number Karlovy Vary; www.koupaliste-rolava.cz activity. other some for decide or pool swimming kids will appreciate the playground and you can relax by the natural Leisure area Rolava KV° Leisure Areas levels. diffi culty desired Walking to tour guides are handed according out at the local Information tours centre. walking 21 from choose can Youfeeling. relaxed right the you give will ambience A walk intheromanticwoods embosomingthespa’shistorical KV° Hiking shaped golfcourses. the immediatevicinitytocityyouwillfi ndatleastfourhigh- of thecoursesingolfarea boastingalong-timetradition. In a highconcentration ofgolfcoursesinthearea. You canvisitany Karlovy Vary region hasbecomeaparadise forgolfi ststhanksto KV° Golf Karlovy Vary Actively Vary Karlovy is an ideal place for recreation and relaxation; – Čankovská, – Karlovy Karlovy VARY° http://www.kr-karlovarsky.cz/cyklo/ centre orpublishedontheKarlovy Vary region website. Reliable cycle mapsare available atthelocalInformation and toČeský Lesforest.) from Trianglestretches Border,trail the Trojmezí,Republic, Czech at Aš the town, In through Karlsbad region Bulgaria. in coast Sea by 16 European states, starts at Barents Sea and ends at the Black along Ohře river. EuroVelo (The route section cycle known European as the Iron on Curtain situated Trail,is resort spa developed The tours. cycling your for point starting convenient a is Vary Karlovy KV° Cycling of ageandphysical fi tness.–www.svatosskeskaly.cz All attractions are designed to meet the visitor‘s desire, regardless technology. modern without day fi all relax to time there have nd family resort in the valley of the Eger near Svatošské skály. You will The area Svatošky dětský ráj (children’s paradise) isanatural stezka, Sovova Karlovy Vary; www.llkv.cz – frames. wooden over walking or rope, swing a on jump to liana bridge, familiar Burma the i.e. already The challengers, experienced obstacles ground. high-rope the 23 above counts m circuit 13 braver new or 8 on at venture suspended hurdles may and adults while height entertainment and take the challenge to overcome rope obstacles m 3 at circuit The Svatý LinhartNature RopeCentre offersachildren’s 11/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A Sinter serving to imitate expensive porcelain, and then in the early 19th early the in then porcelain,and expensive imitate glass,to serving frosted of out manufactured later were They stoneware. century the cups began to be manufactured out of a new material, 17th the In wet. and burnt getting from clients protect to holders 16th century, whenthewater was ladledintosimpleglasseswith cup, spa A centre. Traditionalinformation manifold. old the of Karlovy Vary stony souvenirs remains can be purchased at the Karlovy Vary the and corridors of walls the on deposits sinter hotspring the into insight an tour offers guided a souvenirs, stony producing opportunity of process unique the the see to to addition In kolonáda. Vřídelní the of to thisprocessduringtheexcursion routeintotheunderground souvenirs stony producing manufacture of the Karlovy Vary stone rose. You of will be introduced process The with thesepisolites. together.inlaid is Magdalene Mary St. the of crypt the in altar The which are aragonite granules or beads of various sizes, cemented – Pisolite century. 18th manufacture and the to since used souvenirs theatre been various also the has It between St. kolonáda. the houses Mlýnská the kolonáda, the and Vřídelní the Magdalene under Mary located up The thick, sinter, of m layer 16 sediments. the is to activities thermal such of of power the of formation proof the by accompanied Do you know... you Do –

the activity of the Karlovy Vary thermal springs is springs thermal Vary Karlovy the of activity the aragonite in Karlovy Vary creates so-called „pisolites“, so-called creates Vary Karlovy in aragonite n seta to fr vr vstr oiiae i the in originated visitor, every for tool essential an s sd n the in used is Karlovy

VARY° indicator onthedial. art madefrombronzeandstone, andthemanhimselfisan sundial nearthe Vřídelní kolonáda. The sundialisapieceof If itisn’tcloudy, hecanusetheremarkable analemmatic realizes thathedoesn’thave awatch, heshouldnotdespair. When amaniswalking inthespaarea ofKarlovy Vary and water. Vary Karlovy traditional The and massagelotion. cologne de eau salts,toothpaste, bath as such products of range wide water,a mineral include use which cosmetics, Vary Karlovy waterThermal isalsousedinthemanufacture ofspawafers. oxalate urolithiasis. disease,and gout prevent to also liver and disorders, metabolism lipid obesity, diabetes, disease, pancreatic dyskinesia, biliary of thestomach, gastricandduodenal ulcers, bowel obstructions, disorders functional for used be can It pancreas. and bladder gall liver, intestine, small stomach, the of activity the influencing for effect suitable a has salt Vary Karlovy Today’s 1764. since sold so-called and produced been water),has to adding Becher,(by bath spa a replaces Dr. of initiative the On their present form. into evolved and produced, be to began cups porcelain century, coffee with mineral with prepared also is which salt, thermal 12/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A Karlovy Karlovy

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Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A Public transport – transit map transit – transport Public

Otovice, KARLOVY VARY ČANKOV panelárna Nádraží Otovice, Dalovice 9 u Kovárny Plán městské hromadné dopravy Rosnice Otovice, pošta 19 DENNÍ LINKY SEDLEC Na Pasece 5 Rosnice rozcestí DALOVICE Platí od 1.1.2015 Letná - Dykova Na Stezce 17 13 Vančurova Sedlec Elektrosvit zahrádky Dalovice, náměstí STARÁ ROLE Dubová 3 15 Dalovice, Kamenického Růžový Vrch Všeborovice sídliště GARÁŽE MHD Školní Bohatice Sportovní Karlovy náměstí 18 Karlovy Fričova 5 Svobodova Mlýnská Sedlecká 13 KREMATORIUM BOHATICE Orlov Mattoniho Krátká STARÁ ROLE 21 nábřeží SÍDLIŠTĚ Koupaliště Konečná Vítězná Prašná

12 VARY° Rolava Růžový Vrch Východní STARÁ VARY° Truhlářská KYSIBELSKÁ Borová U Kostela Horní nádraží HORY, Počernická Okružní Drahomíra Blahoslavova 3 6 RESTAURACE 7 8 9 12 Čankovská Na Kopečku 1719 2223 22 Jenišov, Elite Nemocnice Slavie Gagarinova rozcestí Chodovská Chebská TRŽNICE Havlíčkova Národní LIDICKÁ 15 Dvory II V Aleji Sklářská Keramická Pivovar U Jara 23 Jenišov, 22 TESCO Rozcestí škola kompostárna u Koníčka DOLNÍ NÁDRAŽÍ I.P.Pavlova DVORY 21 - TERMINÁL Moser Panorama HŘBITOV DRAHOVICE 18 Hlavní 1 4 Tašovice Doubský GLOBUS pošta Pod Hůrkami rozcestí most Říční LÁZNĚ III Černý Kůň OC VARYÁDA Dolní nádraží 1 Západní Na Vyhlídce Na Pražské K Letišti U Kapličky Krajský Závodiště 2 Náměstí Libušina úřad Dr. Horákové Slovanská Kpt. Jaroše 16 Svahová Hůrky LANOVKA 16 Plzeňská Stadion ZM Moskevská IMPERIAL Sanssouci TAŠOVICE KV Arena Jízdárenská Obřadní síň U Hájovny Šumavská 13 U Zámečku Na Ostrůvku DIVADELNÍ Švýcarský Krále Golf OLŠOVÁ NÁMĚSTÍ dvůr DOUBÍ Jiřího VRATA Svatošská 2 LÁZNĚ I Na Krachu 6 Olšová Vrata U Jezírka Richmond střed 8 KŘIŽÍKOVA Motýlek 4 Vítkova autobusová linka Gejzírpark hora lanová dráha Březová, Březová, 8 zastávka Staromlýnská rest. St.Michael LETIŠTĚ 7 Letiště jednosměrná zastávka rozcestí BŘEZOVÁ, Březová, Březová, 6 konečná zastávka PIRKENHAMER rest. Slunce hotel Alice © DPKV, a.s. 14/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A Základní fráze | Grundphrasen | | Grundphrasen | fráze Základní Můžete mitoukázatnamapě? Kde jeWC? Kde najdutaxi? Kde jehotel...? Potřebuji ubytovánívhotelu. Jaký jekurz? Kde simůžuvyměnitpeníze? Mohl bysteprosímmluvitpomalu? Kde jevlakovénádraží? Kde jeautobusovázastávka? Nerozumím. Kde jepramenč.…? Jak sedostanuk…? Kolik tostojí? Ne Ano Prosím Děkuji Jak semáte? Jak semáš? Ahoj! Na shledanou Dobrý večer Dobrý den Dobré ráno Stadtplan... Zeigen Siemirbitteaufdem Wo istdie Toilet? Wo isteine Taxi? Wo istdasHotel? Ich braucheeinHotelzimmer. Was istderUmtauschkursfür...? Wo kannichGeldumtauschen? KonntenSie bittelangsamsprechen? Wo istZugbahnhof? Wo istdieBusHaltestelle? Ich verstehenicht Wo istdieQuelleNummer… Wie kommeichzu…? Wie vieleskostet? Nein Ja Bitte Danke Wie gehtesIhnen? Wie geht´s? Hallo! Auf Wiedersehen Guten Abend Guten Tag Guten Morgen Karlovy основные фразы основные

VARY° Покажите накарте,пожалуйста. Где уборная? Где можнонайтитакси? Где гостиница? Мне нуженномерв гостинице Какой курсвалюты? Где можнообменятьвалюту? Говорите, пожалуйста,медленнее. вокзал? Где находитсяжелезнодорожный остановка? Где находитсяавтобусная Я непонимаю Где источникномер…? Как добратьсядо…? Cколько стоитьетo? Нет Да Пожалуйста Cпасибо Как дела? Как дела? Привет! До свидания Добрый вечер Добрый день Доброе утро | basic phrases basic | please? Can youshowitonthemap, Where‘s thetoilet? Where canIfindataxi? Where isthehotel? I needhotelaccommodation What‘s theexchangerate? Where canIchangesomemoney? Could youspeakmoreslowly? Where istthetrainstation? Where isthebusstop? I don´tunderstand. Where isthespringnumber… How doIgetto…? How muchdoesitcost? No Yes Please Thank you How areyou? How areyou? Hello! Goodbye Good Evening Good Morning Good Morning 15/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz A Practical Guide Practical A Useful Information and Tips and Information Useful the Infocentre, withoutexchange fees. You canchange thecurrency alsoattheexchange deskof exchanging moneyare banks which offeraminimumfee. castles andchateaux admissionfees). The bestoptionsfor minimum amountofmoney(refreshments, toilets, galleries, another currency. We recommend exchanging atleasta Crown. Some shopswillthusnotacceptpaymentin The Czech Republicusesitsown currency –theCzech Slovakia, Austria. Officiallanguage: Czech. Capital: Prague; neighbouringcountries: Germany, Poland, republic, –parliamentary EUmemberstate. the springstone. Typical Karlovy Vary souvenirs–spawafers, Becherovka liquor, Moserglass, spadrinkingcups, itemscovered by Tourist Information Tourist Republic Czech Embassies andconsulatesintheCzech Republic–www.mzv.cz. Municipal Police Police oftheCzech Republic Medical emergency emergencyInternational phonenumber Important phonenumbers the Infocentre branches. by theMunicipalPolice, ontheparkingspacesisavailable Moskevská 34(contacttel.+420353118917).Information from load andyourluggage. The carmustthenbeparked inthedesignatedparkinglots. isissued permit A one-timeentry tothespazoneonarrival ofyourstaywillallowanddeparture foraone-timeentry daytooff- A writtenconfirmation afterpayingtheaccessfeeatMunicipalPolice”)andwithhighlylimitedparkingpossibilities. vehicles withpermit sign withadditionalinformation “MIMO VOZIDEL SPOVOLENÍM A POZAPLACENÍPOPLATKU NAMĚSTSKÉPOLICII” – “except Karlovy Vary isatown withregulated traffic access–thespazoneisstrictlyaccess-limited(marked witha “Zone” traffic and alsosouvenirs.Comevisitus–weare lookingforward toseeingyou! a town tourguide, materials are available Otherusefulinformation mealsandaccommodation forgroups. inourbranches, culture orgoforatrip, where you can enjoy a goodmeal, wewillhelpyoufindthe most suitableaccommodationorarrange In caseofanyquestionspleasecontacttheKarlovy Vary INFOCENTRE. We willbehappy toadviseyouwhere toenjoy 156, +420353118911 158, +420974366111 155, +420353232000 112 Karlovy Karlovy www.karlovyvary.cz [email protected] Czech Republic 360 01Karlovy Vary Lázeňská 14– T +420355321176 T. G.53– Masaryka T +420355321171 City Info

VARY° VARY° with Opava (131km). km) andDyje(306inSilesiatheriverOdra (135km) Vltava (433km), inMoravia theyare theriversMorava (246 The mainriversinBohemiaare Labe(370km)alongwith indicated onitsentrance door. If anestablishmentofferscard paymentitisusually about 1€=CZK27.Paymentcards are regularly accepted. The exchange rate oftheCzech Crown (CZK)to EUR is Dialling code–Czech Republic Phone numbersinformation Town Hall Fire Brigade(reporting fire) +420 1180, 1188 +420 353118111 150, +420950371111 16/16

Turistické informační centrum | city info° www.karlovyvary.cz