Franz Cornelsen Education Group sells Academic Publishers Oldenbourg and

 IEG – Investment Banking Group organized the international sales process as exclusive M&A advisor to Franz Cornelsen Education Group  Sale is in line with Franz Cornelsen Education Group’s concentration on its core business

Berlin, 26 February 2013 Franz Cornelsen Education Group, the leading publishing group and provider of education services with headquarters in , has signed an agreement for the sale of its two academic publishers Oldenbourg (Munich) and Akademie Verlag (Berlin) to Berlin-based Walter Group. Both academic publishing houses enjoy a long lasting and high reputation for their publications in the fields of humanities, natural sciences, engineering, economics and social science. Together, Akademie and Oldenbourg Academic Publishers published 44 scientific journals and some 400 books in 2012, including the complete works of Marx and Engels, the collected letters of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the ‘Goethe Briefe’, several recognized classics in business administration and economics, and the renowned Tusculum collection. The entire backlist of both academic publishing houses comprises some 4,000 titles.

For further information concerning the transaction please contact Rene Griemens (Managing Director) or Bernd Osswald (Director) at IEG.

About Franz Cornelsen Education Group Franz Cornelsen Education Group is one of 's largest publishing groups and a leading provider of education services, creating and distributing educational materials for a market which extends from pre-school education to vocational training. The publishing programmes of the individual companies in the group are coordinated such that the group is today able to offer the ideal educational material for every learning situation. The group is, furthermore, active beyond Germany's borders.

About IEG – Investment Banking Group Founded in 1999, IEG – Investment Banking Group is a leading, independent investment banking house with a focus on small and medium-sized transactions. With its local presence in 12 countries around the globe and proven expertise in cross-border transactions, especially in growth markets, IEG is a strong international partner in the areas of Mergers & Acquisitions, Financing and Financial Strategy. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, IEG is solely owned by its employees.