1 HOUSING POLICY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES THE IMPORTANCE OF THE INFORMAL ECONOMY Richard Arnott* March 9, 2008 Abstract: All countries have a formal economy and an informal economy. But, on average, in developing countries the relative size of the informal sector is considerably larger than in developed countries. This paper argues that this has important implications for housing policy in developing countries. That most poor households derive their income from informal employment effectively precludes income-contingent transfers as a method of redistribution. Also, holding fixed real economic activity, the larger is the relative size of the informal sector, the lower is fiscal capacity, and the more distortionary is government provision of a given level of goods and services, which restricts the desirable scale and scope of government policy. For the same reasons, housing policies that have proven successful in developed countries may not be successful when employed in developing countries. Please do not cite or quote without the permission of the author. *Department of Economics University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521 951-827-1581
[email protected] 2 Housing Policy in Developing Countries The Importance of the Informal Economy1 1. Introduction In the foreword to The Challenge of Slums (2003), published by the United Nations Settlements Programme, Kofi Annan wrote: Almost 1 billion, or 32 percent of the world‟s urban population, live in slums, the majority of them in the developing world. Moreover, the locus of global poverty is moving to the cities, a process now recognized as the „urbanization of poverty‟. Without concerted action on the part of municipal authorities, national governments, civil society actors and the international community, the number of slum dwellers is likely to increase in most developing countries.