John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 3-7-1991 The aC rroll News- Vol. 80, No. 8 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 80, No. 8" (1991). The Carroll News. 979. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Serving the John Carroll University Community Vol. 80, No. 8 John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio 44118 March 7,1991 Carrolrs Owen chosen as national Fulbright scholar According to Dr. Elizabeth ing a project to work on 1n a Bridget McGuinness by Tara Schmidtke by Swenson, the John Carroll desired foreign country. The StaftReporter .. Staff Reporter Fulbright Program Dtrector. the prOJects proposed depend only . Yfi~· John CarroU Univet sitt,;·r :t: Senior Michael Owen was one opportunity to study and work in a upon the students' mtcrcsts and MeUen Series will be offering an ';' of twenty students chosen in the foreign country is the basic pur cover a wide range. opportunity for JCU StUdents to nauon to rcce1vc the national Ful· pose of the nauonal Fulbnght "Qualificauons,"accordmg to question corporate decision bright Scholarship this year. Grant. the Fulbright Grant Handbook. maker, .Pal).!,_ Scllloemcr, chief Recently there have been two "The Fulbnght Grant," said Dr. "include academtc record, lan execulive officer of Parker~ JCU rccipicntsofthisgrant.