WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 PAGE FORTY HanrljMtfr Ettftitng Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock

’The Hartford County Amateur A bout Tow n Radio Association will present Average Daily Net Press Run a progrram, “ 120 Years of Brass The Weather The North Manchester Al-Anon For The jWeek Ended Pounding,’’ with a film on April 4, ion Clear and cool tonight; low family group will meet tonight technical operational instruc­ M orrell and 25 to low 30s. Tomorrow sunny, at 8 in the Parish House of tlie tion tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at pleasant; high in 60s. Zero SecSnd Congregational Church. the Veterans Memorial Club­ 15,695 chance of precipitation through­ The Thursday group will meet house, Sunset Ridge. out. at 8:30 p.m. at the Pathfinders 1st P rize Manchester— A City of Village Charm Club at 102 Norman St. Both The Rev. and Mrs. Koichl RARE TREA’TS INHAMS ’THE LAND OP HAMS groups meet weekly and are Kitano of Japan, instructors in VOL. LXXXX, NO. 160 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (OfaMslHed Advertisiiig on Page 26) open to friends and relatives the Far East Advanced School The family expects festive food for Easter, but the choice is up to you. MANCHESTER, CONN., ’THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS living with a drinking problem. of ’Theology of Manila, Philll- While ham seems to be the favorite, you can’t go wrong if you prefer to piiies, will speak and report on have Fresh Chicken, Rib Roast of Beef or Pork. If your traditional Easter The First Church of Christ, missions in the Orient at the feast calls for the Finest Fresh GENUINE SPRING LAMB, we have Scientist, will have its regular Mis.slonary service meeting at Lamb Legs ready for your order. Not every store has'this wonderful Wednesday testimony meeting Meskill Not 7:30 p.m. at the Calvary Church. Morrell Ham . . . it’s good news to find it 20c lb. below last year. Shank­ State House tonight at 8 at the church, M7 Assemblies of God. less . . . hockless . . . fat removed . . . it’s the ultimate in Flavor and fine N. Main St. The meeting is Pardue Shot open to the public. eating ham value for Easter. The loyalty day committee of ^Intimidated^ Kills Issue » the VF\V Post and Auxiliary will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at .the Post home. B y Threats Of Abortion Charles F, J. Morse Robert H. Franklin Gold Mine of ■HARTFORD (AP) —- Gov. HARTFORD (AP) — The In Bridgeport Miss Jane E. Hicook, a fresh­ man at Middlebury (Vt.) Col­ CBT Finance Forum Panelists ’Ihomas J. MesklU said ’Ihurs- abortion on Issue in the Con­ Bargains Direct day he will not be "intimidated" necticut Legislature died Wed­ lege. and David Hlcock, a jun­ BRIDGEPORT (AP)—John R. Pardue Jr., on trial ior in tlie Syracuse (N.Y.) Uni­ ’Two Manchester residents, tel. ’The forum is presented by threats of disorders In the nesday,- shot down in a House acting under threat of a guber­ From versity School of Art. have been Robert H. Franklin of 63 Arvlne every spring to bring Connecti­ ciUes this summer. for a series of bombings and a bank robbery in Dan­ cut town officials up to date on He made the comment when natorial- veto. bury last year was shot today as he attempted a daring named to the deans’ lists for PI. and Charles F. J. Morse of Manufacturer the first semester. 'They are the issues of local and national asked about a meeting he had ’Ihe rc41 call vote was 132-28 escape from the U.S. marshal’s office. 31 Princeton St., will participate daughter and son of Mr. and prominence. Wednesday with Ben Andrews to accept the Public Health and Pardue was shot twice by An------ROCKVILLE, Conn. — Is Mrs. H. Burton Hicock of 83 in a p>ahel discu.ssion, “ Govern­ of Danbury, state president of Safety Committee’,). unfarovable thony Dlrlenzo HI, the son of the yers_ Michael Koskerff, said. there anything more appeal­ the Naiional Association for the report on the measure liberal­ ing to a woman, especially at Phelps Rd. ment Services: Who Pays the U.S. marshal, Anthony Dlrlenzo ’John is In very bad shape.’' Piper?" at the Connecticut Advancement of Colored Peo­ izing Connecticut’s ancient abor­ Jr. Here is how the elder Dirienzo this exciting Springtime of Free Pap Test ple." . tion statute. the year than a big beautiful 'The Five Point Club, Temple Bank and Trust Co.’s annual Pardue was rushed to a hos- reconstructed the scene: Andrews called for continued Unless a -virtually imposslbile selection of spring sweaters Chapter, OES, will meet tonight Municipal Finance Forum, pital, and authorities took his Mrs. Pardue talked with her Slated May 4 state funding of summer pro- series of reversals occurs, the and sportswear? at 7:30 at the. home of Mrs. April 14. wife into custody. She was husband through the bars of a While the trim has been In gframs In the innter cities and House action means Connecticut Yes, there’s one thing that’s John VonDeck Jr. of 70 Gerald Franklin, who is executive di- A uterine cancer deteetion found, dressed in a miniskirt small cell In the marshal’s of- warned that "this could be a ■women -will have to live with even more inviting than that. Dr., Vernon. Hostesses will be recter of the Connecticut Public changed to give you very and Ught sweater and carrying ice, and then she left, It’s a big beautiful selection program will be held in town very bad summer" if the pro­ the law that permits abortion Mrs. Wilbur Chadwick, Mrs. Expenditure Council Inc., is a the Pardue one-year-old child, A few moments later, about of sprl^ sweaters and on May 4 at a time and place little waste. . . . No change ni grams are cut off, said Meskill, only to save their lives. Harry Case a.nd Mrs. Mary member of the Criminal Justice in a motel parking lot near the 10:16 a.m., as the cell door was sportswear at honest to good­ "I did not take his remarks ■^e vote killing the measure Beauregard. Information ’Task Force, serv­ to be announced. ’The Manches- has been made in it’s .proc- ;i: By Tobin of Albany federal building. opened to lead Pardue to the ness bargain prices. Not just as a threat,” said the g;aver- was the most resounding defeat 1 or 15 per cent off. but 30 ing as chairman of Its legis- ter Unit of the American Can- essing methods in 25 years iii Another Fine Ham nor. ever given abortion reform. U.S. District Court Judge Rob- courtr^m for resum p^ his . . . 40 . . . even 60% below Members of Campbell Council, lative working group. He has society urges women of ert C. Zampano immediately de- trial, he wheeled a i^ n d with a FIRST PRIZE HAMS MesklU said he was disappoint­ Similar bills were rejected in regular retail. KofC, will meet tonight at 7 :30 been a frequent speaker at na- _ . , because no better way has iij sawed-off shotgun in his hand ed by Andrews’ comments about the House on a 73-69 vote in dared a mistrial. Where can you get up to at the KofC Home and proceed ticnal coherences on govern- area who have n e v j had a and yelled, "Freeze." 60% off on smart sweaters mental reform. He has been P»P ‘ «st to take part in the been found to produce a iii the meeting, which he thought 1967 and 89-49 in 1969. The hospital did not immedi­ The young Dlrlenzo pulled his and sportswear . . . only one to the Qulsh Funeral Home, 225 ------— ---- , _ _ Whole or Butt Half, Short Shank "had been a good session.” ately issue a report on Pardue’s Main St. for a recitation of the associated with the Commission program. true fully-baked ham. Republican Gov. Thomas J. place . . . direct from the Meskill indicated that he is Meskill has stated flatly he will condition, but one of his law- (8«o Page Biglit) rosarv for the late Robert J. on Governmental Efficiency, The Mobile Cancer Control actual manufacturer . . . 14 to 16 Lh. Size exploring ways to get more help veto any major abortion reform from New Englands’ largest Campbell, a member. conducting research on the op- Unit of the Connecticut Division 1 .1 9 l b . to the cities, including a hous­ blU that gets to his desk. sweater mill . . . ROOSE­ erations of municipal, county of the American Cancer Society 11 to 13 lb. size 9 9 ^ II>- VELT MILLS. and state government in Mary­ will bring the supplies and ing program which he could not ’Die RepuMicans Wednesday ’Their doors are open to the land. equipment for the examinations. Buy a whole or half Morrell Hockless 1st Prize i b . yet disclose. 'He emphtusiced that lined up 61-19 against the abor­ public and they offer true he did not want to raise the tion bill. In 1967 and 1969, GOP mill savings on American Fire C alls Morse joined the Hartford Uterine cancer will kill over Ham in 13 to 15 lb. sizes, ii: Ham lb. 9 1 .0 9 hopes and expectations of poor representatives voted over- Weekly Death Toll Made sweaters. Here is the Courant in 1963. He spent six 13,000 women this year,’ ’ Mrs. people If he could not deliver. wdielmlngly in favor of similar greatest gold mine of sweater years in basic training in gov­ Herbert L. Snyder, chairman of Andrews said after the meet­ legislation. value you’ve ever found. Town firemen put out a rub­ ernment covering Hartford’s the detection program, said. ing that he had gotten no satis­ Leading the attack on the bill What do you care if they’re bish barrel fire at the Manches­ City Hall before joining the Cou- "There will be an estimated 400 faction from the governor. was John F, Papandrea, D- samples or odd lots or one-of- Of GIs in Vietnam ter Paint Store at the Manches­ rant’s Capital Bureau in 1963. new cases in the state this year. " I told the governor that the' Meriden, who salff nurses In a-kind . . . the ridiculous Since 1964, he has served as the Firsf Prize Pinehursf Fresh Fish Hams in cons little price tag on all these ter Green yesterday about 4 Deaths from uterine cancer NIAAOP this Ume wild' not try New York reported being sick- p.m.. and responded to a box newspaper’s Capitol reporter could almost be eliminated by to st<^ the explosion," he said. ehed by the sight of six-month beautiful sweaters will have and'chief of its legislative bu- 11/ 2. S and 5 lb. your eyes bugged out like 193, set off by arcing power use of the simple painless test TENDER TINY BAY "We are crippled. We can’t say old fetuses being killed after be­ At Nine-Month High organ stops. Remember, shop wires tangled in a tree on Dover reau known as the pap test that is EASTER sizes from ’cool it, you’re going to blow a ing puled "kicking and scream­ direct at ROOSEVELT St. at 11:54 p.m. Over 600 municipal officials designed to detect cancer of the program or more fluids, because ing” from the -womb. By GEORGE E8PER MILLS of Rockville with OSCAR MAYER Eighth District • firefighters representing Ocnnectlcut’s 169 uterus at its earliest stages.’’ FRESH SCALLOPS v,H> 98 there are no programs or funds Rep. Jean 'niomton, R- Glas­ Associated Press Writer branches in Avon, Say brook. pulled the plug on a smoking cities and towns are expected to Other members of the proj­ KIELBASA for the urban crisis,” he said. Wallingford, Agawam, and lb. $1.95 DUBUQUE and tonbury, sponsor of the legdala- Shot during escape bid, John Pardue is wheeled to waiting ambulance in Bridgeport. (AP Photo) washing machine at 40 Colum­ attend the event, which will be ect committee are Mrs. Norman Andrews said he was "not tion, was absent for the roll SAIGON (AP)—^The U.S. Command announced to­ Springfield. This fine KIELBASA has bus St. yesterday afternoon. held at the Hartford Hilton Ho- Comollo, Mrs. Jack Hunter, Customers say they are "out of this world” HAFNIA (Imported) predicting long, hot summers as call because of Illness. day that 88 Americans were killed in Indochina last Mrs. Kenneth Wigren, Mrs. Wil­ REALLY FRESH FLOUNDER FILLE’TS - a threat or a weapon, but just She had Rep. Ruth Truex, R- gone on to become the num­ SOLE FILLETS - HADDOCK FILLETS - week, the highest weekly toll in nine months. lard Horton, Mrs. Stanley Bates, dealing with the reality.” Wetherafield, convey a message OYSTERS LEAN CHUCK On the battlefields, waves of ------Mrs. Joseph Halaburdo Jr., Dr. ber one KIELBASA for "I went in with nothing and to the House asking for her bill GROUND lb. OT U.S. planes attacked North Viet- Highway 4 and foUowed Herbert L. Snyder, Dr. Edward Easter in the Northeast, CENTER SLICES left with nothing,” Andrews said to be recommitted to commit­ Nixon Announces Pullout Hike n ^ e s e forces besieging a Souto „p ^ that A PATTIES of his visit with the governor. tee. Sulick and Dr. Don Guinan. By FRED 8. HOIBTMAN candidate for the White House, American prisoners ot war; we tional release of all prisoners of Vietnamese artillery base In the jhe paratroopers back, just as First Prize ham has “At least we used to have "She feels the 'poeslbility of Hoover VcKuimi Cleaner | SWORDFISH 9SF AP Military Writer was typical of those in Congress would remove the enemy’s war throughout Indochina.” central highlands the La«v Highway 4 is the supply route become an Easter best with LEAN ROUND A (See Page Seven) (See Page ’Hilrteen) who indicated Nixon didn’t go strongest incentive to end the 'While Nixon did not say just tlan-Camb^an border, ^ d between Phnom Penh and Cam- Rotary To Run ’Try Libby’s new GROUND lb. T WASHINGTON (AP)— far enough. Muskle said he was war sooner by negotiations; and where the end of the tunnel lies, Ctormnunlst for^s ^bushed a bodla’s only deepwater port, consumers. All 1st Prize strike force o f ^ l^ a n pa^ Kompong Som. It Is frequ^Uy PRICE-BREAK! President Nixon has in­ "very disappointed." we will have given enemy com­ he did say “ I can assure you meats Gov’t inspected since FROZEN FISH SCANDIA 99c Obviously anticipating criU- manders the exact information troopers on the highway ^ ^^ttack. Glass Pickup ii CHOPPED SIRLOIN . . . with confidence that Ameri­ rather like a souffle of tender fish 1 0 0 creased slightly the pace cism, Nixon told his nationwide they need to marshal their at­ tw^n Phnom Penh and the The aitack occurred about 66 1924. and whipped potatoes PA’TTIES lb. can involvement In this war is JUST IN TIME FOR YOUR The Manchester Rotary Club audience; tacks against our remaining coming to an end.” of U.S. troop withdrawals ‘'“Despite ^sirlte theme hlehnign American ^ southwest Cambodian of govem- ITmom will run the third townwide Sources Say Russia Sends "If the United States should forces at their most vulnerable SPRING HOUSECLEANING! And with an apparent refer­ death toll last week, tabulations oa ^ tu from Vietnam, ordering announce that we will quit re­ time.” P glass collection April 17 from 9 ence to the 1972 presidential from the U.S. Command showed another 100,000 men home gardless of what the enemy Once again, Nixon urged Ha­ More Men, Arms to Egypt election, he invited the Ameri­ that the total American batUe- a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Municipal by Dec. 1. But he rejected does, we would have thrown noi "to engage in serious nego­ SAVE UP TO ^16.95 on COME TO PINEHURST FOR THE FRESHEST GRADE AA EGGS can people to "hbld me ac- fields deaths In the first three Building parking lot. Arthur tiations’’ and especially to a^ee AND BUT THEM AT Oim SPECIAL HOLIDAY LOW PRICE By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ning up to 160 MIG21J jets at six appeals to set a date for away our principal bargaining months of this year were about Brand New Cleaners! Holmes, president of the club, EgypUan airfields last Decem­ ending U.S. involvement. counter to win the releeise of to "tile immediate and uncondi­ (Sse Page Two) 50 per cent le L than in the the ene»ny MUed. will be drive chairman. STRICKLAND FARMS ' ’Die So-viet Union Is sending ber. Nixon’s announcem ent same period last year and 80 Various civic organizaUons more men,- jet fighters and President Anwar Sadat of Wednesday night r&lsed the per cent less than in the first ^P^dent for United Press Inter- # Guaranteed by Hoover and Marlow's! take turns providing volunteer arms to Egypt, and a new mis­ Egypt said recenUy that April monthly troop pullout average quarter of 1969. naUonal. a Japanese newsman workers for the monthly drives sile buUdup is suspected, West­ will be a decisive month for the to about 14,300, well below the GIs Would Like Faster Pullout President Nixon in his broad- ^mbodlan photographer # Choose from 4 Uprite Models with Rug-Beater Action! started by the Conservation doz. ern diplomatic sources in Lon­ Middle East and warned that hopes of some for a dramatic cast Wednesday night said the missing In the ambiuii. Fresh WHITE EGGS Americans shoidd pull out Of Nixon’s announcement Commission. Funds from the don report. fighting could resume if Israel rise over the current 12,600 By RICHARD PYLE reduction in U.S. casualUes was ’Hie missing newswoman was # Choose from 4 Powerful Canister Portable Models! immediately while others ex­ Wednesday night that American sale of glass goes into the Case SINGLE DOZEN 6 5 ^ 3 Doz. Lots Increased air shipments were refused to respond favorably to monthly average rate. Associated Press Writer one indication of the progress Webb, UPI’s representa- # Buy from Your Reliable Local Dealer! pressed doubts about the ability forces would be reduced 100,000 Mountain Fund. first detected 10 days ago, they Egypt’s peace proposals. The new will drop the to­ his administration has made in bi FTinom Penh, while the # We Service and Carry Genuine Hoover Parts and Bags! said, and Soviet military man­ Egypt refused last month to SAIGON (AP) — A number of of the South Vietnamese to re­ men in the next seven months, disengaging American forces J^ponese was Toshlichl Suzuki A drive for newpapers, mag­ tal U.S. troop commitment to GIs in 'Vietnam who heard Pres­ sist the enemy without U.S. sup­ Spec. 6 James Osteen of Cor- power In Egypt has increased extend the cease-fire that went from battle in Indochina. azines and telephons books will When the lettuce about 184,000 men, lowest in six ident Nixon’s broadcast don't port. dele, Ga., said: "I think it’s (See Page Seven) NO LIMIT — BUY MORE - SAVE MORE lately by 2,000 men. The author- into effect last August. But It Thirty-three of the Americans “ DEPENDABLE SINCE 1911!” ^ be held in conjuction with the years and 359,400 below the share his faith in the South 'Viet­ An exception was a sergeant good, but it should be more. ’The 600 cans of the famous is this large, atative British Institute for has continued on a~de facto ba­ killed last week, or more than a glass drive. Kim McCaughey of peak two years ago. namese army. But many think who has been In service 19% sooner we all get out, the bet­ crisp and fresh Strategic Studies reported about sis. third, died in the North Viet­ 382 E. Center St. and Matt Hen- However, this Is unlikely to he should nevertheless speed up years and is due to retire in six ter." nigan of 232 Ralph Rd. are co- 16,000 were there last yeeu-. Meanwhile, a British Foreign namese sapper attack March 28 mollify antiwar critics In Con­ the withdrawal of American months. He said he would “ go "W e ought to pull out now, chairmen of the paper drive. ’The report came Wednesday Office spokesman reported that on Fire Base Mary Ann, 60 Terrorists GEISHA gress who have been pressing forces more than he promised. along with President Nixon.” right now,’’ said Sgt. Jack Sil­ $1.69 That's A Bargain! from diplomats whose govern­ Soviet and British experts met miles south of Da Nang. The to­ Rotarlans will sort, smash the for a final U.S. disengagement, Most enlisted men questioned But " I ’ve been In the service too ments are represented in Cairo. unannounced In Lond<»i last Fri­ vers, 21, of Anchorage, Alaska. tal of 88 dead was 30 more than glass and load it on trucks to perhaps by the end of this year. at random said the President’s long to make my opinions Informants said it g;ave these day to discuss the Middle East "The Viets don’t give a damn If the toll the week before and the In Vietnam be transported to Dayvllle to be PINEHURST TOP OF THE GRADE Sen. Edmund S. Muskle of speech contained nothing new or known,’ ’’ he added, refuring to FURNITURE DEPARTMENT — 649-5221 crlris. The meeting was pre­ highest since the week of Jime , sold. The town has donated the other details; unexpected. Some said the be quoted by name. (See Page Four) CRAB MEAT Maine, a potential Democratic 21-27, 1970, when 104 Americans Downtown Main St., Manchester • OPEN 6 DAYS • Thursday Nights till 9 | use of dump trucks. 1 —^The number of surface-to- sumably called by the British. SPECIAL OZ. CAN USUALLY 1.86 air missiles, SAM2S and SAM3s, The Foreign Office souf^t to were killed. Set Off Blast “ Charge It” . . . with your Master Charge Card! For more information on the ICEBERG has increased, although by how stress that the meeting was a The U.S. Command also re­ drive, call Mrs. Theresa Parla, ported 347 Americans wounded SAIGON (AP) — An explosion 66 Bruce Rd. much Is not certain. Last month routine affair even while mak­ \ the Institute estimated So-vlet ing clear It was the first of its last week and 22 American serv- wrecked a popular discotheque LYSOL SPRAY $ 1 19 LETTUCE forces were manning up to 80 kind. Nixon Turns icemen dead from such nemhoe- crowded with U.S. soldiers and tile causes as accidents and ill- Vietnamese on the Saigon (large) 14 OZ. can | ^ L SAiMS sites 'and an unspecified A form er U.S. ambassador to ness. It said American casual­ wi and Pinehurst has the low price on number of 3AM2s. the United Nations, Arthur J. Now, a vast new antiaircraft Goldberg, stopped in London on Spotlight On ties for the war now total 44,876 ast two and injuring about 40 KING SIZE IVORY FOR DISHES 6 9 « FRESH SPINACH 29c defense complex has been de­ his way home from a private killed, 6,408 dead from nonhos- persons. 15c off pack tected ' along the Nile Valley visit to Israel and contended tile causes and 297,258 wounded. It was the first major terror­ from Cairo to the Aswan Dam The South Vietnamese com- WELCH’S TOMATO JUICE qt. jar 29tt that the U.N. Security Council Heroes Son ist incident directed against Ripe Yellow and along the Mediterranean which laid down guidelines for a mond said 523 of Ite troops were Americans in the coital since seaboard as far west as Libya, peace settlement after the 1967 killed last week and 1,178 were last December, —Soviet jet fighter deliveries By GARY MmOCES wounded, and the allied com- u.S. authoriUes said the dead war did not expect a total Israe­ Associated Press Writer Totem Yard Glean Up large have been increased along with li -withdrawal to the borders that man da claimed a total of 3,087 included one American soldier BANANAS 2 29 amphibious trucks and other eShsted before the six-day war. A'VELLA, PA. (AP) — Four- North Vietnamese and Viet and a Vietnamese woman. equipment. The institute esti­ Cong killed. of the wounded, 12 were year-old Kevin Taylor stood P U S T IG B A G S 79c mated Soviet pilots were man­ (See Page Seven) In the central highlands, Americans, authorities said, re- great big juicy seedless Easter ramrod straight in his cowboy meanwhile, American planes in- vising an earlier report- that Special Size - (25 feet FREE) CALIF. NAVEL ORANGES 6,.. 89t and Indian pajamas and eluding B62 bombers were most of the wounded were U.S. 100 FOOT ALCOA WRAP smq>ped the same crisp salute bombing enemy positions within soldiers. The wounded were J S t he used to touch the heart of the a mile of the South Vietnamese treated at two U.S. miUtary hos- FRIENDS BEANS 22 oz. pot 3 for 8 9 « GREEN BEANS . . . CUKES . . . TOMATOES President o f the United States. army’s Fire Base 8, about 300 pltals in Saigon PEPPERS . . . AVOCADOS . . . CELERY Bid To Hike Governors Pay Later, in the living room of miles no^ of S^gon It has discotheque is located ROMAINE . . . BROCCOLI. . . CAULIFLOWER his grandparents’ home, he been under attack dally since to the South Vietnamese Stirs Much Talk^ No Action flashed an apple-cheeked grin March 31. navy headquarters. SNOW CROP ORANGE JUICE ^ and seemed at ease for a lad Heavy fighting was reported a I ^ V -nr J known whether the who had just been thrust into and Potatoes at a low price HARTFORD (AP) — With a and the'CapltoI. 12-01. 49c 6-01. 2 for 53c the national spotlight. *260 miUion state deficit In sight He did not cite a proposed "I saluted President Nixon and commuiUque S ed 3»Xrth ^ Vle^e« and higher state taxes almost figure as did the L'WV, which Vietnamese were killed, Includ- POTATOES z«.n> b .,X Q * a foregone conclusion, much suggested the $12,600 per-term he saluted me too," Kevin said 8 matter-of-factly In recounting ing 220 by U.S. air strides. The Capitol talk Wednesday was salary. oscu mm M«oH .»■ 1 0 LB. BAG S9e the story Nixon told a few hours communique said 13 South Viet- about raising salaries for the “ We really have to move to- earlier Wednesday night in a namese troops were killed and govemor and Connecticut law- ward a profesalonalizaUon of television-radio address.- "I did 48 were wou^ed. makers. legislative services," he said, it when we went to the White Despite the heavy air strikes, WITH ANY 10.00 PURCHASE 1 OR ALL S OF THESE TTiere was, however, no firm adding that he knew la-wmakers the North Vietnamese gunners were about 60 to 75 p ^ le i^ d e House.’ ’ the discotheque, most of them action on a proposal to hike the who were "tom In pieces by the That was last February when shelled the base again before NEWJ^ ^ SCOTT WHITE governor’s pay by $16,000 a necessity to ctxiUnue their in­ the President posthumously dawn today with 20 rounds of re- MIRACLE Bumble Bee year—to $60,000. Another plan come” during legislative ses- coilless rifle and______mortar_ shells. went off In front of the band- JljMBO SIZE awarded the Medsil of Honor to stand. The band, a popular Viet­ SOLID WHITE to raise the pay ot the legisla- sions. Kevin's father, Marine S. Sgt. No CELSualties or damage were JS&CiicReri tors to $12,600 a year was like- "There are a lot of people of reported. namese rock group, was per­ WHIP Karl Taylor, killed Dec. 8, 1968, forming at the time. The crowd FROZEN TOWELS ■wise only talked about. talent -vriio, simply because of In South Vietnam while charg­ Heavy fighting also was re- __ j by Kraft TUNA But the higher legislative pay the nature of their occupaUems, porM ,or a. „c»d ing a machine-gun bunker in an is a Saigon law that bars danc­ Is necessary, the League of couldn’t dream of running for around a fire base called Lonely PREFARED 7 O Z. • attempt to rescue wounded com­ ing. Women Voters told the Rules the legislature," he said. rades. in the southern central high­ 4 9 ^ Q T . C A N * The discotheque, called the FISH FILLETS M n r 29 Committee, so senators and rep- The proposal to hike the gov- lands, about 80 miles south of Quick, delkiout, imaginative. Nixon had just given the med­ C.B.C., is a popular gathering resentatives will not be tempted emor’s pay came from Rep. al to Kevin’s mother, Shirley Fire Base 6. Saigon headquar­ Limit 1 please Limit 2 please Limit 3 please place for American scddlers and to rely on “ a particular interest John A. Carrozzella, D-WaUlng- Taylor, when the youngster ters said 68 North Vietnamese „ , or giim p" for financial support, ford, who testified before the came to attention and saluted. were kiUed, 30 of them by air “ S l e X h e ^ T f u Mortem (Tenzer of Storrs, rep- judiciary Committee, "I found It rather difficult to strikes, while South Vietnamese resenting the ConnecUcut «U- supported would get my thoughts together for the casualties were one killed and Army prlvatQ has hccil char^od «ns C^erence ^ the^neral effective during the S T e w o L iZ l murdering two UeutenanU Pinehurst next presentation,” Nixon said in his artillery unit by throwing OPEN AssemWy, aj^eed lectors ^ Thomas J. In Cambodia, Associated Wednesday Night. a fraginentatlcm grenade Into should be pedd more than the Press correspondent Robin open Thurs. As the P^resldent spoke, Kevin their quarters while they were A U D A Y $4,000 per term they now get. carroszeUa claimed the gov- Mannock reported that the and F r i. sat watching the TV set in the sleeping, a spokesman of the 1st The lowmakere are aUowed an- gmorshlp has become a "214- North Vietnamese and Viet 8 aun. till FRIDAY living room of his grandparents’ Cavalry Division announced to­ 9 p .m . other $1,600 for each two year and that the man In home where he, his mother and Cong opened up with heavy day. Pinehurst Grocery term for expenses plus mileage Kevin Taylor sits with his mother after hearing President Nixon mention him mortar fire Wednesday on Cam­ AND Saturday CORNER MIDDLE ’TURNPIKE AND MAIN . . . for travel between their homes (See Page Seventeen) (See Page Seven) on television last night. Picture of his dad sits in foreground. (AP Photo) bodian . paratroopers moving (See Page Twenty) all day PARKING . . . CARRY OUT... SAT. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 p X g e t h r e e ^AGCi TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTCJR. CONN.. THURSDAY; APRIL 8, 1971 Tolland Play Tim e Canaan Mt, Power Plan reach the 284,000 mark. As of F e m o fi original dance drama for chil­ SheinYvold on Bridge Pullout Hike last week, the total stood at Idea of God ' dren, will be available at Sage- MOMERAnNOS $20,950 Low Bid for Work COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — 301,900 and Pentagfon officials Alien store at the Tri-CSty Shop­ FOR PARENTS AND World heavyweight boxing Faces Ecology Warriors have predicted the target will ping Plaza on April 10 and at. -7EVEN VERY HIGH ODDS champion Joe FYazler says LONDON (AP) — On the YOUNG p e o M NORTH HARTFORD (AP)—The presi­ be hit before May 1. Model Ships Hartmann’s Super MSiTket, ARE NOT A CERTAINTY On Crandall’s Park Dam the nation’s problems could ’’We’re opposed to the~ entire Announced eve of Good Friday a Londmi Ita ratfnft if to MIoflii 4 106 S3 White House officials said the April 14. be solved If blacks and dent cf a conservation group concept of hydroelectric pump­ newspaper, the Daily Sketch, ^ewmafcevf toeewWaWK «l By ALFRED SHEINWOU) A K Reconstructiem of the Cran­ ard size poodle from an Island President in effect shortened The drama will be presented whites alike ’’would play to­ said Wednesday the g;roup will ed storage plants, not just this talked to several children CsnfWW Vpr rwwm g O f m O w C f W W f . O A 2 dall’s Park dam will cost the In the Charter Marish game By Nixon the next pullout period when he On Exhibit by the Hartford Junior Ballet When only one of the oppo­ gether, work together and particular project’ at Canaan about their ideas of God. •4 Q J 10 9 5 town about $20,960, excluding prese^e in the Skungamaug fight the proposed construction raised the average by about Company on April 17 at the Ver­ nents has bid, the odds are pray together.” Mountain. We believe they ir­ “He’s 1,000 years old,” AU MU AOMinU engineering fees and scraping o^ section of town over the week­ of a huge hydroelectric project (Ck>ntlnued from Page One) 1,800 men a month. non Center Middle School. There Gunnl Audltncn rather high that he will have WEST EAST BYazier, one of the first revocably ruin the countryside. D o u U e D D a ^ said Nan, 6. "He has lovely At Library s llf from the pond bottom. end. They took the dog to vet­ on Canaan Mountain in the As a result, they said, the ad­ will be. two performances, one any missing high card. Still, ♦ Q 2 4 AJ987 blacks to address the South ’There are other types of power countable if I fall." golden slippers with nice bits First Selectman Charles Thl- erinarian Dr. Douglas Fenity ministration will ^ able to take The Rockville Public Library at 1 p.m. and the second at 3 high odds are not a certainty. 7 4 3 2 109 8 5 Carolina Legislature in more Northwestern corner of Connec­ generation available that don’t There are indications from of fur around the edge- and «U M U MHITTtO fault announced the low a look at enemy infiltration lev­ is currently featuring an exhibit 0 9854 0 QJ 10 imtil the owner claimed the than a century, told the leg­ ticut. cause the same amount of dam­ other administration officials he decides when we are go­ p.m. ParMtil Sgltfann Favorites don’t always win. els and other activity in Novem­ of model ships loaned by Daniel K42 * 6 bidder for the crmstruction of the animal. islators Wednesday It is time Donald Warner, president of age,” Warner said. that Nixon expects to reduce the ing to be bom .” The show is being sponsored There’s no denying that it pays ber, when the new dry season Sanders of Hany Lane. Sand­ SOUTH dam is G and O Construction Oo. Several fires were extinguish­ for all people to ’’quit think­ the Berkshlre-Litchfield, En­ State Rep. BYank Clampl, D- American troop presence in Billy, also 6, said: "He by the Vernon Jaycee Wives to go with the odds, but there’s sets in, and Judge what threat K 4 of Wethersfield, who submitted ed over the weekend by the de- ing about who is living nekt Waterbury, also criticized the lives up in the sky and He’s ers Is a member of the Oonnec- proceeds will be used for icm icno no harm in making some pro­ 4 vironmental Conservancy Coun­ Vietnam to a "residual force” QJ 6 the $20,960 bid. paitment' Including a truck fire power company’s decision. ^emon may be faced by the shrunken got a gold throne. Well, it’s Ucut Marine Model Society. Campershlps for children in I IMar 17 raqul'n ■cci>iiiyHi vision for the unexpected. After door. Quit thinking about cil, said the council wlU inter­ of below 80,000 advisers and se­ U.S. .forces still in the country O K763 Six bids were received last on Gdulng Rd. and brush fires ”As we increase our aware­ silver and gold really, but His most recent completed yem on, Tolland and ElUngton. Pmnl tr A4nlt Cmriiai all this sermonlzii]g, let’s take who your child is playing vene If Northeast Utilities ap­ curity troops to guard them by year' 4k A873 night in time for the bid open­ on Baxter St., Kozley Rd., ness of the 'harmful effects of most of all it’s gold. And model made for the Historical Tomorrow, Good Friday, a a look at the bridge hand that with. Quit worrying about plies to the Federal Power Com­ the time he goes to the voters j^en, presumably, ing ranging from G and G's low Goose Lane, Grahaber Rd. and ill-conceived power plants, we Nixon will He’s got a long becmd’ right Museum of ’Truro, Mass, is the y,ree-hour service will be held provoked it. East South West who your daughter is sitting mission for a permit to build again in November 1972. determine whether to speed the bid to a high of $51,900 submit­ Crystal Lake Rd. find it increasingly difilcult to down to his tummy and he "E^hol” a small ^ e r built ^ j^^n’s Episcopal Church, , M m uNon 17 « n m a North dealer. 1 4 2 NT Pass next to In school.” the project. The President said he was an­ (Aft (lain m y wry ted by Annum Construction Oo. ■ VFW Officers tolerate arbitrary location de­ withdrawal or keep it at the new eats loaves and fishes. in the middle of the 19th cen- Rt. 30. Ministers from area North-South vulnerable. All Pass The power company had ear­ nouncing an increase in the rate beyond December. A slow­ la caruin (KM) of Mwchester. VEW Post 241 of ’Tolland re­ cisions made by the utilities,” "And He’s got a shower t u ^ and used in the North At- churches will participate in the Opening letid — Queen. of lier said it considers the Canaan withdrawal rate between May 1 down seems unlikely. lantlc whaling Industry. Bid specifications for the proj­ cently elected Ernest G. White he said. like the one in our bathroom service, which will begin at Spades. diamonds and three hearts. Mountain site the ’’better suit­ and Dec. 1 "because of the in­ In his TV speech Wednesday Two historic models are the « . ■ BB m ■ aufia ect were taken out by 22 con­ as Its commander. Consumer Unit A bill sponsored by damp! Ch(X)se a Dodge (X)prpact. Aixl get a d x ^ and when He turns it on it noon. West opened the queen of This line of play falls only if ed” of two sites for the con­ creased strength of the South night, Nixon alluded indirectly "E ssex,” first of the wooden struction flrnvi, according to Other ijfflcers elected to which woull create a council to rains all over the place.” Communion Service spades. East signaled encour­ East has bid on a four-card serve during the ensuing year struction of the $273.3 million Vietnamese, because of the suc- to the My Lai massacre, saying navy and the "Congress," a James Thompson of Buck and Names Counsel evaluate power plant plans was A service of Holy Communion agement by |>laying the nine, spade suit without the king of are David Williams, senior vice hydroelectric power plant. given a favorable report ’Tues­ Pick a sporty liHlo Dodgo cess of the Cambodian opera- what he called "isolated pre-Civll War heavy frigate Buck, consulting engineers for BRIDGEPORT (AP)—T.F. Gil SEE THE and reception of the Confirma­ and South won with the king. clubs, but this is extremely un- commander; Geoiige Sargent, The other main potential site day by the legislature’s En­ Domon. Or ono of Amorica's tlon; and because of Ui® acta of cruelty" should not. rub which was sunk by the "Mer- the town. Thom pson attended roy Daly Thursday was appoint­ Columbia tion class will be held tonight South hadn't thought much likely since if West had Q-x-x junior vice commander; ker- is Shenob Brook in Sheffield, vironment Committee. favorito compact hordtops, achievements of the South Viet- niilllon "fine rimac ’ before that ship’s fa­ last night’s bid opening cere­ ed legislative counsel to the Con­ Mass. at 7:30 at Union Congregatl„ ,i, .f soldiers killed in ac- The argument was a welcome Ck^yrlght 1971 Tuesday: Hamburger . on , East Hartford Drive-In— Re­ tion C o ., $24,890; Della, Bitta, the post’s Loyalty Day queen WASHINGTON (AP) — The A I ‘V a plus. Speaking in measured President told of irlvlmr Prwement in physical education about his hobby, diversion for South, who knew General Features Corp. roll. potato chips, carrot sticks. VasoUa Inc., $26,925; and Bing­ will be selected. * Air Force awarded a $is.8-million tones and with a large chart be- tn Mm Karl Ti^ accepted by Principal Sunrise Service that he should have made the ham and CiUcott, 1^,000. Dancing will follow the crown­ supplemental c<»itract to the // hind his right shoul^r, ^ ^r. wh^ ZAne^usLd died The annual ^ter Sunrise ^ e ^ e ^ y : Chicken and Windsor Drive-In- Re­ contract regardless of which op­ Pratt and Whitney Division of 1 ^ / The town allocated $28300 ing ceremony from 9 p.m. until outlined these conclustons based an enemv mach- Education, however, took a dim service sponsored by the Rock- gravy on buttered rice, broc- *>P®ns FYiday ponent had the king of clubs. United Aircraft Co. in Bast Hart­ IN- r wlTt he ^ d T ^ assess- while charging an enemy mach for the project at a town meet­ 1 a.m., with music provided by ' inegun. view of the award, expressing vllle Area Oergy Council wUl coli, biscuit squares and butter, ' South should simply refuse THEATRE EAST ford Wednesday. ment: the opinion that it had poUtical ing held last faU. Billy Williams, a local resident "After presented be held a.m. on Fox peach and cookie. . . , _ the first trick. -Blast will win the The latest award Is to supple­ “ First, the South Vietnamese .iV overtones Firemen’s Heport and former member o( the Ink demonstrated that without medal, Nixon said, I shook ...... Hill. Thursday: Italian spaghetti Animal LiOVer next trick with the ace of Sports of radio and television ment a previous contract of $70.2 Kells has now contacted the Five members of the Tolland American advisers they could hands' with their two children, The following churches have .with meat sauce, g re e e n salad. Dies Under Car spades, and South's king will ELUOTT GOULD fame. million for development of the club and withdrawn his accep­ Volunteer Fire Department’s fight effectively against the best Karl Jr. he was 8 years old young people representing them roll and butter, fruit never win a trick, but then dum- Donald Sotfaerland Among the old favorites made engine for the PH aircraft. tance. Rescue Squad joined with mem­ troops North Vietnam could put and Kevin, who was 4. As I was on the committee First Congre­ marshmallow topping. GLEINDALE, Calif. (AP) — my’s ten of spades will repre- in [R ] popular by the Ink Spots and bers of the Wethersfield Depcot- in the field about to move to the next reel- The deficit in the school lunch gational Church of Vernon, Friday: Tomato soup, tuna Charlie Chaffin, a 12-year-old sent a stopper in the suit, WilUama were ’’Paper Doll,” Lin iE MURDERS ment, to proivlde instruction on “ Second, the South Viet- plent, Kevin suddenly stood at program fell to $118 last month United Methodist, Rockville; salad roll, pickles, cole slaw boy who loved animals, was re- when South regains the lead, ”If I Didn’t Care” and ’’May­ attention and saluted. I found it Imm a prevlws high of $737, Talcottvllle, E llin g ton and and brownie. extricating techniques to about be.’” turning home from a movie with he can enter dummy with a Join our Academy ' mther 'drifrcult to get my even thou^ the number tatog union Congregationals 200 men attending the WUllman- and his mother and older brother heart to try the club finesse. Award Sweepstakes! WllUams, who In addition to Spring Is Here live estimates the casualties thoughts together for the next hot lunch hM draped. The United Methodist, Vernon, a*en he saw a car hit a dog in ^est can take the king RAIN"^ ALBERT & LARRY'S ...... ® $25. Wig be In before the end of the , N A G E E " ^ ★ fiscal year. EASTER EGG SAFARI! SUPER FINAST ...... $35. Groceries Hey, Kids, f Easter E gg Hunt 8 EASTER tm n lo iliw m Sal* b r in g W. T . G RA N T C O ...... $50. Certificate The Volunteer Firemen will sponsor an Etister EJgg Hunt at OMdhrMom and Dadt A. C. PETERSON ...... $25. Ice Cream Cert. 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Fire­ TELSA SATURDAY,APRiUOthl“4 P.M. ^ men’s Field. The age groups M A M 'SELLE ...... $25. Certificate FLOWERS are one to five; six to nine and “A STATEWIDE TELEVISION SERVICE ASSOCIATION” FEATURING: EM'S BAKE SHOP ...... $25. Certificate 10 to 12. “ Formed to give the public reliable, dependable, fair and honest PEOPLE'S SAVING BANK . His & Hers Bunny Banks Mancheater Evening Herald Sales and Service in their Television needs.” YOUNGER GENERATION. Crib, $60. Value Columbia correspondent Virginia Ride all the rides EASTER BUNNY and CARNATIONS Carlson Tel. 223-9224. as many times as CAROUSEL ...... Choice of Hallmark Pen & you want __ fRlE ADMISSION FREt PftRKING Pencil or Poly-optic Light DAFFODILS Punchy Pachydertn F^O U TP l ')0 • AGAWAM. MASS LOCAL CHAPTER MEMBERS WINF Radio Personality TRI-CITY CLEANERS'...... $25. Box Storage

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) ATKINS TEIiEVISION fiEBVlOE STAN’S TBLiEVlSION SERVICE VERNON DRUG ...... $25. Certificate — Tla, a 3,000-pound baby ele­ '"^RESTAURANT MANCHESTER MANCHE8TEUI and Other Varieties of phant at the Albuquerque Zoo, ART MORGEN SA G E A L L E N ...... $25. Certificate TONISHT AT BABIXIW’S TEUIVISION got in a fight with her room­ WAL.NTIT EL£OTBONIOS M ORSE S H O E ...... $25. Cisrtificate mate. The result was an Injured WELCOMES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY MANCHESTER Flowers at Popular Prices MANCHESTBIR DIAMOND SHOWCASE...... $25. Tovyards Watch head zoo keeper. Qifliteriioaiiliu MANGHESTEB TEUCV18ION 8EBVIOE Gene Gonzales, 35, was pre­ ON EASTER SUNDAY MANCHEBTEIR of Choice LOCATED IN FRONT OF GRANTS paring to operate on the baby SNOW’S TEliEVlSION CENTER, INC. elephant, Tla, after Tla received Eliilnelloy. SPECIAL MENU FOTTEKTON’S, INC. ROCKVnJLE a deep gash near the base of the • BAKED FLEUR-DEl-LIS HAM - • U.S. CHOICE FILETT MIGNON MANCHESTER AT MANCHESTER PARKADE • NATIVE ROAST TURKEY (WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE) neck. • BAKED S'TUFFED SHRIMP STANBK ELDCTBOiNlC u n iv e r s a l TELEVISION But the elephant, groggy from h m M ’ p • THICK JUICY m P STEAK • (DRAWN BUTTER) • -VEAL CUTLET PARMEiSAN ITALIAN SAUCE IAB0SAT0BIE8 SALES * SERVlOE 11 lOAK till TO Ill-CIIY m u - P1IIIN6 FOI 0V» 1200 (US tranquilizers, pitched forward coun (3PEX3IAL CHILDREN’S MBINU) MANCHESTER ROCKVILLE and pinned Mm against a wall. COCKTAILS SE3LVED SUNDAYS Friday & Saturday Only Gonzales suffered a dislocated BURNSIDE LOVEa^Y COLONIAL DECOR right knee and a bruised arm. FOR RESERVATIONS — CALL 872-0069 Both keeper and elephant ; i.’T [ p.'.Tk '1,0 -1333 YOUR HOST: ROBEgtT P. GALETT ROUTE 83, BXLLING’rON. CONN. were rejwrted doing well today.

^ Ai3:ivs oaDnw t rni V

MANCHHST]ER EVENING HERA.LD. MANCHElllPftR, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE F IVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. M ANCHESim CONN.. THURSDAY, APRIL 8. 1971 PAGE POUR Bolton Tolland held the finEds fo r the "REiln David Hydock and Bruce Hall, Drug Center Gutter Regatta," with Board of both of Den 3. oi the country, and varied reac- Recreation members WllIlEim BeEU* betoges went to Steven t.ons. The Drug Advisory Oenter, Holley and WilllEim Baker serv­ NEingle, David Aigento, both of GIs Want Capt. Tom Wallace, 27, of Co­ Study Group Proposes Lottery Will Pass, SI Russell St, is observing Construction ing as judges for the event. Den 1 and;to Raymond Dwyer, lumbus, Miss, said: "I expected A NEW RADIO TIME SLOT FOR the foUowUig schedule: The top eight runoffs were Den 6. Speedier to h e v morp on the prisoner of Gold arrow points were pre­ Addition to High School Monday throu|^ Friday, Activity On Dennis Dlmmock, Den-4; Scott war Issue. The over-aU teiior of sented to David Hydock and h's speech, however, was much 8:30 a.m. to 6 pjn. HubbEud, Webeloe Den 1; Jim­ Collins Tells GOP Baskin's Wine Cellar A prolimlnEiry meeting of the resulted from a gaa leEik in the B ruce HeUI o f Den 3 Eind to Den­ Pullout the same as his previous A telephone bEUikup ser­ my Thayer, Den 5; Donald N m s kitchen stove. There were no The Upswing nis 'Dim^iuwk, Den 4. speeches on Vietnam.” group estabUahed by the Board Thibeault, Den 2; Russell Isch, By roL R. COHEN EVERYTHING YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED injuries. Heavy snow Euid high vice Is avEdlable Mmidsy. Silver Eirrow imints were pre­ w i i (Continued from Page One) "My reacUon is favorable,” of Education to study eui addi­ through Sifiurday from 6 Den 6; Jimmy Spruell, Den 4; (Herald Reporter) TO KNOW ABOUT WINE, BUT WERE winds hEunpered the efforts of Home building and remodel­ sented to B ruce Halt and (Todd stld Maj. Richard Miles, 3S, of tion to the high school wEts held p.m. to S a.m. • Ted WiEinleskl, W ebelos Den 1 House^ Minority Leader Francis J. Collins p ^ ic t e d we're here or not. lliey don’t AFRAID TO ASK the firemen, who were not able ing activity ccmtlnued to In- and Richard Carlson, Den 3. Wilson, Den 3 and to Dennis Morgfan, Utah. "T he P i^ d e n t last week, according to high For drug advisory infor­ Dlmmock, Den 4. last night that “ a lottery bill will be en a ct^ in Con­ care who rules them, Comnunu* to leave the scene until after creEuse lEut month els Building Winners of the Regatta were pointed out that the Laotian op- NOW school principEd Nornuui Shaw. mation, caU: 647-9022. necticut in the next 45 days,” and that “it will pass by midnight. Richard CEirlson, first plEice; LEist Saturday the Chib Scouts nlsts or whatever. We haven't eraUon had an effect on the to- Those present expressed the Inspector ChEirles Schutz Issued large margins in both the House and Senate.” Chief Harlow commended the Ted WTEOiieski, second pUice; visited the Rockville Memorial accomplished anything, just got tal program in Vietnam. This feeling thal eui addition to the perm its totalling $234,530. Nursing Home, singing songs Oollins, a Uiree-term state THURSDAY EVENINGS department for Ein excellent job Doimld Thifeault, third place, a lot of our gu)rs killed.” was the first experience by the high school should be given top Emd giving out Esmter favors. representative from Brookfield, ARVN and 'they showed they under extremely adverse Ten new home construction Emd Russell Isch, fourth place. Sgt. Craig Kinney, 24, of Og­ priority in the town’s construc­ weather conditions; Eind SEdd it This Saturday Chib Scout PEick spoke to the Manchester Repub­ were ahio to hold their own.” AT7:30PA4. O N W IN F permits were issued, totEillng Chib awards presented during Party Plans den, Utah., said he thought the tion program. WEIS a “ reEiI example of team­ 916 will attend the Shrine Cir­ lican Town Committee. A sampling of GI reaction at $222,000. MlsceilEmeous permits the meeting were Steven Shack­ United States "should have gone It was felt that the facility work.” cus. The cubs will meet at He declined to predict wheth­ THIS WEEK'S GUEST way, Den 7, Eidvanced to Webe- should provide seating for at Voter Registration ARRESTS for remodeUng totaled $12,530. 11:46 a.m. at St. Matthew’s er horse-racing for Connecticut To Sponsor f^ rcimpute ™ lo Den 1. will bo approved this year. "It in the beginning. But ’^ ^ ^ 'Goorjie Gibson, 3 2 .-Uonis. Miss Susan Berfe lealst 200 as a cEifeteria and Saturday will be the lEiat op­ Alfred J. Trombley, 64, of New home construction per­ Church Pairking lot. we’re not, let’s get out right * should convert into an Euiditorl- portunity for registration by East HELTtford, charged’ with in­ m its were Issued to WiUl Klr- Larry Lozo Em d Scott Hubbard Pack leEiders have asked par­ appears to have wide appeal in ville, Ky.: "To me it’s just a aw ay.” um holding between 400 and 600 those 'who wish to vote in the toxication, yesterday afternoon stein, house on Rt. 30, $15,000. of Webelo Den 1 received ents to meet all cubs on time the state and in the General As­ Four Interns bunch of hogwash. It struck me ...... I ... I I I persons. May 3 electims, according to at a Center St. apartment craftsm en awards while Eirtists Eifter field tripe and after den sembly, but I don’t want to "T he only thing Nixon’s puU- as a poUticail speenh. He may be Bilow Builders, house on The group felt that addlthmal ElEiine Pottertm , RepublicEm house. Court date April 19. awEirds went to R ichard Bow- meetings. guess what will happen at this .The Manchester Republican out announcement helps is the __sending __ some people home, but Grandview T errace, $20,000. storage space should also be in­ Salvatore CaritU, 24, o f East ering, David IifAlson, James The scouts will participate in BE SURE . . . BUSS hEis been EMrviiig the Home point,” he said. "I can say. Town Committee voted last guys in the States who won’t others”are condng'ln.’ registrar of voters. A final vot­ Paul Ridzon, house on Baxter Owner for 89 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN­ cluded in the plEUi, ELS weU els at Hartford, charged with KEilEiger, Ralph Hernberg Emd however, that chances are good night to sponsor four local r^ have to come over here,” said william Stroh, 24, New er making session will be held St., $20,000. a town cleanup campaign; two SPECTION of your home by a Termitp Control Ex­ that a pari-mutuel commission youths in a sununer intern pro- least me music room for both at Community Hall from 9 a.m. RlchEird Bruns of Webelo Den 2. Webelos dens will ELsslEit the Spec. 5 M ichael Lavin o f Sha- KhoxvUle, f ■their parents. in the central hlg^^ltunds, 9p ec. 6 as containing anything new.” Yost Construction, three Light awEmd, the highest award 649-9240 MeskUl’s tax and spending pro- Capital. Firemen’s Project S tei*en Quackenbush, 22, o f gpgc 4 (Barry GwizdaSa, 22, three teaching stations included In this mc^th, but only those night, a coUislcHi involved cars Bulletin Board posals, remarked, “We in the The program, conceived by O F NISW YORK In the overall piEui. whose righU mature after April driven by Normsm C. Nicholas houses in VEilley View at $20,000 a boy cEm EfitEiin in Cub Scouts. The Town Offices will be clos­ Andover Volunteer Fireman Kirk McKinney dem­ Oneonta, N.Y. "It wouldn’t be Richmond, lU.: ‘T don’t resHy BARiCiNi candy each ($60,000). Ted Wisnleskl Emd DEinny Republican IParty in the state U-S. Sen. Lowell Welcker, U.S. that long before it’s over with, he s^d a lot. It’s no major The need for expanded li­ 10 will be able to register at of 87 Tudor Lane Eind Dennis ed tomorrow in observance of BLISS TERMITE CONTROL CORE have a warm place in our Rep. Robert Steele and U.S. onstrates the. efficacy of the fire extingniishers But it’s been said before. With- brary facilities at file hlgii that session. M. Burns, of 34 McKinley St. Albro Construction, house on Dlmmock were Eiccepted into Good Friday. hearts for Manchester. You Hep. Stewart McKinney, aU Re­ being sold by the Fire Department both as a serv­ out us here, I don’t think the ______school Was Eilso considered, aifd Hot Lunch Hilltop Dr., $38,000. the Boy Scout program by scout OlV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 gave us Nate Agostinelli, Dave publicans, will permit S16 Oon- ice to townspeople and a fund-raising project. The South Vietnamese will really ^ v i • FANICT SHNIATURE it was decided tlut this Edtmld Bolton high' school students On W. Middle Tpke. nesir Alteration permits were issu­ leader Fred Frey and will be Manchester Evening Herald pEirt of Webelo Den 1. Odegaid and Don Genovesi. necUcut youth, in 9 groups of firemen, who are now canvassing the town, recom­ make it.” Encyclopedia of Israel A SSO R 'm SN T lb. $2.90 be discussed with the llbrEuy will have a cluince to get a hot Downey Dr. yesterday morning, ed to Lester Babin, Edteration to Tolland correspondent Bette The Oldest & Largest in Conn. You should be proud of them." 3® each, to spend a week in Sgt. Gerald Taylor, 23, of NH5W YORK (AP) — A two- study committee. lunch in the school cEifeteria a car driven by Miriam S. garage on R t. 196, $2,000; Mike Wolf badges were given to Quatrale, Tel, 876-2846. mend a five-pound ABG-type extinguisher for use s. • OVRR 00 D E U d O U S Washington, to attend sessions Salt Lake Qty, Utah, comment- volume Elncylopedia of Zionism t ' ' Shaw sEild that no further starting Mmday. Through Ein Thayer of East Hartford hit a OitoEnevich Emd Ken Lobdell, Challenges Democrats in the home and a 2V4-pound ABC-type extinguish­ VARIEmXiS Then, in a prepared state­ of Congress, to sit in on com­ ed: "I thought it was interesting and Israel, the first work of its meetings will be held unUl the aiTEingement made with a com - uUUty pole. Gehring Rd. gEunge, $2,600; mittee meetings and hearings, er for the car, small boat, motorcycle or snow­ com m ittee has contEtced the merclEil company in East Hart­ ment, he challenged the legis­ to hear him raUonalize adiat kind, has been issued by the • CnOOOlATB MATZOH ft • A lAfON D JIACS lb. $2JW John and Laura PemokEia, lature’s Democratic majority to and to m eet OcmgresslonaU lead­ mobile. really appears to be desperate McGraw-IDll Book Co. and NUT B AJJA lb. $2.80 BoEurd ot Education, iPlEumlng ford, the CEifeteria w ill be sup­ At Oenter Emd Broad Sts. yes­ Crestwood, Edteration, $3,000. ers. ------attempts to give the South '\4et- Henl Press under the . patron- • AJ9BORTBD CHOC. Oommisslon end other interest­ plied with infra-red ovens, a terday afternoon, a collision In­ act on Gov. Meskill’a fiscal pro- • SEDER MINTS lb. $1.09 A lso, JEimes Hail Emd Anthony MANCHESTER PARKADE They will stay at the Oon- sonal and political advisor to namese more time. age of Israel’s President Zal- COOKIES. lb. $S.TO ed citizens to determine their warming tray, and a supply of volved cars driven by Alex- Murska, Rt. 30, repEdr service feelings on the proposed Euldi- prepared foods. Emder A. PEione o f 44 Prince­ Asking, “What are you wait­ greesional Hotel and will be Gaffney Aim the governor. I bob they didn’t succeed man Shasar. station, $2,000; Hugh Taggsirt, chaperoned by addes of Welker, . He said last night that he re- making a base area to stop In a foreword to the 1,800 tim . Students wHl operate the pro­ ton St. and Raymond GEigne R t. 74, deck, $800; Rayntond ing for?” he insisted, “Your de­ Athletic Association gram during free periods and Jr. of Hartford. lay in taking any action on the Steele and McKinney. signed only three ago movement on the trail . . .Once page work, vdiich includes 8,000 M itchell, yirginia. Lone, elec- The Manchester RepuWlcan GOP Control as New Britain GOP town chair- Pm®. without the articles on persons, places and Gift RaJph Dmohue of Tolland Rd. any profits from the progrEun trtcEii work, $360; Em ery governor’s fiscal measures, or was elected president of the will go to their class or club producing constructive alterna­_ Town Committee already has 11 man “because it took too much continued air support, the North toiHcs, Dr. Emanuel Neuman, Gins Wrapped COMPLAINTS Clough, Old Stafford Rd., roof the tipplicaiits. The four to be se- of my time and because I had Vietnamese will be rigflit back chairman of Herd Press, said it F or Boltm Athletic AssoclaUon at treasuries. A CELT pEirked Tuesday night repair, $300. tives to them, is forcing Of Assembly its aimual meeting Tuesday. He Items that will be offered dur­ Connecticut taxpayer to lected will be screened and promised my wife I’d give It ” combines the history of Zionism Giving w as ransEmked, a tape player, , A lso, NormEm D o w d 1 n g named by the committee’s exe­ U*8. succeeds John Whitham, me of ing the first week will be beef- tapes, two wheels and tires and w all.” up officers questioned Ed with the history of Israel since Crestwood, wood roof over door, cutive board. J. Brian Gaffney of New Bri­ the gitoup’s orgEtnlzers who has buigers, frankfurters, pizza Emd a pair of sunglasses stolen. The Collins baulked Gov. Mesklll's He brought howls of laughter northern end its establlahment in 1948. $130; R oy Luginbuhl, MountEiln ^ , The $600 for their tran^qwrta- tain, in his first public aiq^ear- gald, "I told my wife then served els president for two ham Emd cheese grinders. Those left side window was ' Eilso proposal for a 7 per wnt lodging and meals win ycEua. foods which prove popular with Spring Rd.,. pEmel basement, ance since being elected Re- that it would be a snowy day in smashed. tax and for wiping out nie $2W come out of the committee’s Three present members of the the students will be available at $1,000; Henry MllEinese, Eaton million anticipated deficit in treasury, which has a publican state chairman, said April before I’d be elected to Board of Directors were re­ all times, but an effort will be Rd., electrical work, $176, Emd A jacket was stolen from a FrEmcis BonEinno Emd Donald SANDRA one year. $1,200 as o f today. in last night that another poUtical chairmanship. elected and two new members made to have at least one dif­ car parked last night in a Bol­ R N t H T ... My wife reminded me of thfd Gray, Mountain Spring Rd., He criticized the Democrats The only requirements of the his priority goal “is to build w ere Eidded, bringing totEtl ferent item on the menu eEmh ton St. driveway. IN CRINKLE for Ignoring MesklU’s request Intern program are that those Tuesday night” SHOES boEud membership to nine. week. electrical service $176. FOR STYLE... a Republican leglslatura.” N A V Y - W H ITE - for implementing the 7 per cent selected may not be over 21 TuesdEty n ig h t” Those re-elected are Richard . Elementary School Menu A car parked on Main St. in Candle U ght BaU sales tax as of April 1, saying, years of age and that they must £^>eaking to the Manchester Hoiccmbe, Bill Oavanagh EUid MondEiy, ju ice, hot dog on front o f St. jEimes’ CSiurch yes­ The TollEmd Junior Women’s j FOR VALUE... "It vrould have reduced me have . parential permission. OOP Town Committee, he CEdl- WhlthEun. A1 H elper weis re­ roll, fruit crisp; Tuesday, terday afternoon was stolen. Club EinnuEd spring formal din­ ‘a. BLACK ■ BUTTERSCOTCH deficit by $27 million. Party affiliation is not a re- ed on Connecticut RepubUcfuis In Committee For The elected treELSurer Euvd Cava- AmericEm chop suey, green ner dEmce, "CEmdle Light B all,” Then, he called on the Dem- quirement and will not be con- to “heEU' with the administra­ HARTFORD (AP)—Four bills (Jiihlor nagh, secretEuy. beans, applesauce; Wednesday, will be held April 24 at the | SIZES 12 Vz ocrats to honor MeskUTs new sldered in the screennig. tion, bear with the state central concerning working hours for CHARGE The. two 'new directors Eire baked sauEiage, applesauce, MEmchester Ctountry CHub. 4 request, for Implementing the 7 ------Slate Elected * 14.00 committee. There’s a lot to be women which lute EdreEuly been ITI Joan Laius and MEuy G roves. whipped potatoes, weix bCEins, Reservations for the event | per cmt shies tax as of May 1. pEmsed by the Senate were re­ Easter Parade This is the first time wom­ jello; iniursday, juice, meat SIZES 4Vz T o Com pete done, to really do the job and By Waddell PTA may be made by calling Mrs. “It would stUi wipe out about to really carry through our Re­ ferred to the Labor Committee en have served m the Etssocla- grinder, fruit cup; Friday, Mo­ James Bolduc or Mrs. Richard I simplex 9 $18 million of the deficit,’’ he FAYETTBVILLB, N.C. (AP) publican programs. Tlud’a what WednesdEiy by the House. tim board. by Dick cm roll, cole slaw, Mrs. Raymond (Bovich of 62 Stoeffler. 'nckets are available | The bills had been given favor­ peach cobbler. pointed out. — A wmnen’s Ubei^on organi­ I’m working for and that’s what The assoclatim was formed Brent Rd. was elected president for $16 per couple and must be { Calls ReapporUonment able r^iorta by the Human Bulletin Board zation has won the right for I want you to work for. Lets Buckles for Boys to i>romote EUid Eissist athletic of the Waddell School PTA for reserved by Monday. The dsmee Crucial Rights and Oi^rtunlties Com­ The Ways and Means Com­ three giria, two aged 10 and the aim fo r a RepubUcEui leglsU- program s in the to\yn. During 1971-72 at lEist night’s meeting. is open to the public. Collins spent som e tim e on other 11, to com pete In the 8oiq> mittee before being approved by Monk strap with leather uppers, long mittee of the Bolton Junior Other officers Eire Mrs. Joseph ture Emd let’s put the state the past year it has cmtrtbuted Old-FEwhioned F eUf the steps the stEde is following Box Derby in Fayetteville on the Senate. wearing soles. Elasticized buckle for Women’s Club will meet to­ Aniello, 37 Bilyeu Rd., first bEMk where It belongs.” to the midget foothaill orgEuiiza- An "Old-Fashioned Fair" In reapportioning the State Sen- July U. However, it remains to be easy fit. Antique brown. night at the home of Mrs. Rlch- 1 tlm, the cheerteadere, and to vice prcEiident; Mrs. David Kell- will be held May 15 at the TAC j ate Euid the House of Represen-' Miss Cared Forioes, president Gaffney, in his third term as seen wdiether the Labor Com­ Eird Noren on South Rd. sey, of 99 Pond Inne, second Sizes 3Me t o 6 ...... 6 .9 9 5.991 the town’s little league, Euid Building on Rt. SO from noon \ tatlves. "Reapportionment,” he of the IocelI wom en’s Ub orgEuil.__ a stEde representative from New mittee wrlU approve them. Sim- Sizes S'A to 3 The Grange will meet tomor­ vice- president; Mrs. Louis fEum teEun bEisebaJl program s. until 7 p.m. SEdd, “is very important to our zatlon, kdd: "If little gills' are Britidn, wrea elected GOP state llEur meEisures have died in the It has supported adult basket­ row night at 8 at Community Dell’'Angela, 11 Grant Rd., re­ party, especially fo r the next not Edlowed to aggressively chEdrman Tuesday nlgiit. He Labor Committee in previous ball -equipment for the Center Hall. cording secretary; Mrs. PeU- The fair, sponsored by the decade. How it is done wdll de- compete with boys on eui equal succeeds Howard Hausman, al- sesnions. School athletic progrEun. The All town offices will be dos­ rlck Mitchell, 148 Broad St., TollEmd Junior Women’s Club I term ine whether our pEuty Euid level while they sire young, they so o f New BritEdn, who weis The bills would lift current J B o y s ’ A n k l e B o o t 'asBociEfiim Eilso cm tri'buted to ed Good Friday. corresponding secretary; and will feature booths with white our progTEtms wrill flourish or will not be able to Eiggresslvely a^Kjlnted by Gov. ThomEUS Mes- restrictions on night work by elephant items, baked goods, HT ^ ' All A 11 lAO#t$AVleather boot in smart antique the D ia f Winter CXtymplcs William Bryce, 173 Irving St., whether they will perish.” compete when they are worn- kill to the Public Utilities Com- women and repeal the 48-hour Fund. MEUichester Evening Herald treasurer. children’s gEunes and a craft He scored file Democrats for en.” mission. Gtaffney is a close per- work week for women. brown flnish. Side zipper. 7.99 The group hopes to investi­ Bolton correspondent Judith PTA Council delegates Eire exhibition. CANDY Donohue, tel. 649-8409. Alan Waich, 30 Frederick Rd.; coming In with "a wmtered- ______Sizes 3Ms to 6 ...... 9 .9 9 Sizes ^2'^ to 3 gate new Eireas where support The ToUander Square Danc­ dowm EUid eniEusculEded” wrire- is needed, such as the hockey Mrs. Joseph Tulley, 16 Seymour ers and the high school bEmd BLACK PATENT PRANNIE tap btU. "tlheir Eunended hill,” program which was stEirted this St.; Emd Mrs. Patrick Cunning­ will entertain, and the day will j WHITE PATENT he said, "hEis Efimost no teei& year Ett H errick PEirk. Mayor’s W ife ham, 482 W. Middle Tpke. end with a chicken barbecue. BLACK PATENT It almost seems like H’s meant The Bcdton Athletic Assocla­ Earns Ticket Any other orgEinlzatlons or I to say, ‘We’re interested only (, tim Is financed by donations * 11.00 SIZES 5Vz • Quiet Dorms individuals wishing to sponsor 8 in protecting the ciiminals.* ” Girls’ Dress Shoes from townspeople. CHIOAGO (AP) — LltUe did MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) a booth are invited to do so. j He F ire Call the policemEm know when he predicted fiud the governor — West Virginia University Iiels Arrangements may be made by Boltm firemen were CEilled to ticketed the auto at O’Hare In­ ■ r* * 12.00 wrill sign "the wreEficened bill,” received a $16,300 grant from contacting Mrs. Michael Vem- j on the theory that "it is better Spring Fashion French Rd. during Tuesday ternational Airport that license the national Science Foundation quenza. than no bill Ed Efil.” nigh’s snowstorm to extinguish plate HD 3036 stood for the inl- for rescEirch on noise abatement Cub Pack 916 Oollins generally bEu;ked all of w \ a fire Eit the Jeske home. They tlais Emd home Eiddress of in college dorms. Cub Scout Pack 916 recently I the proposEds mEule by Gov. Y0l)R • EUTived at the scene within ElcEinor Daley, wife of Mayor Mesklll, including the recom­ Wonderlon® Nylon five minutes Etfter the CEill was Richard J. DEiley. mendation that ADM (average CHOio; received, but flames were Efi- Patrolnum Wilfred Julian is­ dEdly membership) grants to reEidy pouring from the win­ sued a ticket Wednesday for the towns remEdn at the $200 per dows Eind back of the four room 'Mrs. Daley’s cEir when he fotmd pupil level. Panty Hose Sale! * 5 house, according to Chief Mort it in a no-parking zone In front ‘"niere appcEtrs to be no in­ Straps and stepins in fashions leading crinkle Harlow. of Em airline terminEil. dication now on whether it can Manufactured for Caldor by one patent. Sizes 8V4 to 3. Trucks from Andover Eind He- The Daleys had left from come out higgler,” he said. brm Euudsted the 25 BoUm fire­ O’HEire for a vacaticsi in Flori­ Oollins SEdd he is more opti­ of America’s Leading Hosiery Mfrs. men Eit the scene, vdiile a truck da. A family member reported­ mistic about Republican pro- from Vemm covered file Bolton ly left the auto in the no-parking posEds in the current legislature zone while drcqiplng off Mrs. Our Reg. station. SATURDAY BANKING 9 a.m.-12 noon Uuin he WEIS In fonner legisla­ According to Harlow, the fire Dsiley. tures. ^Wonderlon® Knee Hi 99e Ladies^ Dress Shoes Have Veto Power “This session is unlike previ­ Sheer Opaque Hose 4 ous sessions,” he insisted. “Even though we d(»i’t have a For pant suits and slacks. RepubllcEUi legislature, w o do Sizes PeUte, Medium, Medium TaU have a RepubllcEui governor. We ^ve veto power and we Our Reg. { a m t...T IM E T 0 GIVE have bEUYaining power — som e­ W onderlon Petite 1.39 thing we haven’t had for too MANCHESTER STATE BANK mEUiy years.” Panty Hose In answer to a question from A ll the n ew est fashion features, up front the floor, "Considering the ava­ Miracle fit for the petite figure. 5.99 treatment. Buckles and bows adorn these Easter 1041 MAIN STREET lanche of bills in this session Fashionable shades. MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 TELEPHONE (203) 646-4004 (about 7,000), how do you feel favorites. Choice o f colors. Sizes 5 to 10. about filing bills by title EUtd Our Reg. -l--h purpose and about multiple Wonderlon® Miracle Fit 1.49 “THE BANK THAT PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER” sponsorahip?" CoUlna. re­ plied, "I see no other way." One Size Panty Hose Men’s Dress Shoes 43 Rankins' Hours Per Week He SEdd that a 4-member com­ 7 Days Per Week Depository mittee is studying the problem Fits 5’ to 5’10” with never a wrinkle. HOURS: DRIVE-IN TELLER: now — seeking solutions. Navy and wanted colors. "We could be in a real mess Monday thru Wednesday Monday thru Wednesday trying to get out from under Our Reg. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, the incredible pEqier work those . 1.79 Thursday bills have produced,” he Wonderlon® Non-Run Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. agreed. “WeTl have to devise a ‘ UP better way. It seems to me fiud All Nude Panty Hose 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 pirn. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday Friday multiple sponsorship Emd filing Great for short fashions! Available by title and purpose would help. 9.99 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in two sizes. Here we Eure, well Into April, Leather uppers, polished hardware trim. Soft CASH AND CARRY Saturday Saturday and some of those 7,000 whh 1.37 tricot lining. Black or brown, or 2 tone. 7 to 12. 9 :00 a.m. to 1 2 :00 noon 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon haven’t even moved as yet.’ ’ Our Reg. Wonderlon® Queen 1.79 That’s Kismet TULIPS • REGULAR BOUQUETS KUSMEyr, Kan. (AP) — Fred Size Panty Hose Footer a c o r ^ a dwUe vlctosy. Fits extra tall, extra large. Beige, Famous Label Men’s Socks AZALEA PLANTS # ORCHIDS Foster defeated Louise Atwell for a school boEird position Tues­ cinnamon, off-white, white. HYDRANGEAS # GARDENIAS MUNICIPAL PARKING day and defeated Richard Dirks 1.37 56 to 4S to become Kismet’s new MUMS • HYACINTHS • CCRSAGES mayor. Special! Cantrece II Panty Hose Legal Notice pair McCONVILLE’S BBSTAUBANT BEEB UQVOB FEBMIT One size fits all. Choose beige, cinnamon, NOTICE OF APFUCATION MAIN STREET This is to elve notice that I, taupe, brown. Banlon, nylon, Orion'*' acrylic or Orion® wool. Greenhouses and Florist litCHAEL OVIAN of Tripp Rd.. El- Ribs, flat Icnits, dress or casual. Black to pastels. linston, have filed an appUoation 302 WOODBRIDGE ST. — 649-5947 dated 26 March, 1971 with th« Liquor 51.27 One size fits 10 to 13. Cbotrol Onniniseion for a Restau­ rant Beer for the sale of alcoholic OPEN EVENINGS MUNICIPAL PARKING liquor on the premises Rte. 85 North. Hebron. ^ . 1145 Tolland Tpke. The bualneaa will be OOTOd„to SALE: THUBfi: SALE; Open Easter Sunday until 3 P.M. TALLWOOD COUNTRY CLUR DfC. ttuu SAT. 1145 'Folland Tpke. Manchester, THURS. thrul Tripp Rd.. Open Late Every Night Manchester, Dated 29th March 1971 SAT. ^ \

MANCHESTER EVBNIKG HERALD. MANOTfiSfEH. CONN.’S THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971, PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY', APRIL 8, 1971 confUct between King Hussein’s prouder than for them to go to army and the guerrillas. Annapolis and become offi­ a non-American war in Vietnam, which Soviets Seen Death Toll Yortv Diets Nixon Turns IKmtrl^pBtpr Connecticut A government statement said cers.” said Mrs. Taylor. "This is by now a moral impossibility anyway, the attacks came from guerrilla LOS ANGELES (AP) — la something that Karl really but peace for the people with whom we In cre a sin g bases in southern Syria. One xx>- H its H ig h Rather than dine on beef Spotlight On wanted.” €ttpmtt0 Ij^raUi Ureman and one villager were bourguignon and hear an ad­ ■‘President Nixon’s had these have been Involved in this war. Yankee , killed and two policemen and a hopes for youngsters like Kevin FDBUBHBD BY 'niB Aid to Egypt In Vietnam dress by Vice FTesident Heroes Son HBRAUD FRDrnNO OO.. INC. civilian were wounded, thfe Spiro T. Agnew, Mayor Sam and Karl Jr: la BiaeU Street statement Sold. (Continued from Page One) Yorty ate soup at his desk (Continued from Page One) "... I want to end this war in ]CeBobe0t4^_ Oom. By A .H .O . (OooMsned trom Page Om ) The official Syrian news agen­ r a O K a S T. itolQ PBON of the Denpa News Service. and worked. an older brother and sister live, a way that is worthy of toe sac- NOTICE WAUTBR R. nOtOUBON Campaign Tirfcyo Style cy. however, gaVe a different _ . ^ ^ j FulrilSieri "There was agreement, that account of the border fighting. down the ro^ Yorty said he stayed away "He looked at President Nix- rlflce of Karl Taylor, and I Founded Oetol>er l. UBl The members of the Trans­ something better was required from the (Chamber of Com­ Appeal to the voter’s senses rather It said three Syrian farmers on and said I know him, mon,” think he would want me to end MANCHESTER WATER CO. portation Committee itself were than what existed before,” merce luncheon Wednesday Mrs. Taylor said. It in a way that would increase FuMMxtd E rery Sreninc BzoeiA Suadnya than waste time sdmlng at his intelli­ were wounded by Jordanian t?*® paratroopera and BMldays. Entered at Ihn PoM Offlee at too young to remember; the Qoldbeig told a news confer­ guns firing at guerrilla positions puUed back, to dramatize his opposition Posing later for a jdiotogra- toe chances that Kevin and ICalicbeBter, O ooa, aa Second Claas Kail gence — that seems to be the technique to federal grand Jury indict­ WILL BE CLOSED state olflclala Involved were too ence. He was the American rjese to the border Mannock was among the her, Kevin pointed to toe plC' Karl, and all those children like member of the council then. ments of three Los Angeles them here and around toe __0N RATES being employed in the election campaign young to remember; the repre­ The agency Implied the com- wounded, being peppered In the tore of a square Jawed Marine. _ ^ _ S e tn Adranoe Israel has said repeatedly It manda positions were on the face with tiny mortar policemen, not as a snub to "That’s my daddy,” he said. world, could grow up in a world ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY One '¥anr ...... 00 now in progress in Tokyo. sentatives of the railroad were would not give \q> such strategic Agnew. where none of them will have to Jordanian side of the line. fragments. But he said the cuts Holding to both hands a frame Six XoBlha ...... 11.80 That city is about to elect itself a new positions as the Golan Heights “I personally like him,” die, in a way that would in­ ...... sg hopelessly young and modein. It quoted Syrian farmers as were “nothing serious.” containing toe Medal of Honor, , One Moanir...... s.k Yorty said, but doubted that crease toe chance for America APRIL 9th governor. One candidate happens to be taken from Syria, the Gaza saying the Jorrtanlana opened Mannock reported the enemy he explained, “President Nixon And yet, except for the one Agnew had full Information to have what it has not had in MEMBER OF much more liberal than the other, but Strip and Sharm el Sheikh, at every tmifi they tried to struck behind the para- gave this to me. It’s my dad’s.” EMBJBOENCY TELEPHONE 649-0857 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS unsettling fact that the turn­ the foot of the Sinai peninsula work their land close to the troopers, destroyed a number of on the indictments. this century—a full generation n>e Aaaoontad Preaa la exeluatrely en- neither candidate seems to be willing The officers were indicted The salute during toe award „ UMd to the uae of repaMtcatlao of all table had been reversed, so overlooking the Titan Strait. frontier. trucks and blew up ammunl- ceremMiy caught Mrs. Taylor peace. nawa dIapatolMa credited to It or not oth^ Goldberg said if total with­ .m tion supplies. on civil rights violation in wlae craotted in tbla paper and alao the to rest his case on the anything so dull that the vdiole train o< events Guerrillas also fired on 3 by surprise. ______local nears puhUaiied here. drawal had been demanded, the army, officers’ housing coni- The paratroopers retreated the slayings of two Mexican AU rlM^ of repubUcatlon of apeclaf. dla- as a mere discussion of the lames. was heading in a completely nationals in an apartment. "He learned it from his older patobea nareln are alao reaeryed. council would have adopted a So­ P3u.nd in Amrnan and on a po- t"to a defensive perimeter dur- brother Skipper (Karl Jr.)” she Instead, the main thrust of each can­ opposite direction, it might viet resolution calling for Israel lice post on vbc airport road. **’8^ the hight and U.S. gunshlpe The Herald Printing Oompany Inc., aa- said. aumea no financial reapcaialDlllty Cor typo- didate’s effort is being directed into wdiat have been happening way back to withdraw from “all” territo- The Syrians, led by Army helped hold off the enemy imtll “But I never dreamed he craphloal errora appearing in a d reit^ ry taken from the Arabs in the chief of Staff MaJ. Gen. Musta- artmored unit broke through menta and . other readtnc . matter hi Hie is being caped a "feeling campaign,” in 1980. Nurse Explains would do it to toe President.” Mancfaeeter Erenhig; Herald. war. He said instead a vaguer fa TTas, met for one hour with ®“ '*y today to rescue them. The Karl Jr., 7 and Kevin still called that because the object is to en­ There were other differences wording was adopted, calling Prime Minister Wasfl Tell and Ca»"hodlans abandoned a two- s nhacriber to Los Angelea Tlniea-WaaWng- Lemaze Method have a lot of growing up to do in too Post Nawa Servlee. tice the voter through appeals to his besides those of directlcn. In for wlUwbtewal from” territories lunched with King Hussein. No "*“ ® ®tretch of the road to the this southwest Pennsylvania niU aerrice client of N. E. A. Senrlce. Inc. occupied,” but not "all territo- details of the talks were re- ®*'®*^y* PuhUatierB Repreaenlattrea — MatiiewB, senses. 1971 the issue Involved la a Mrs. Roland Eckstrom of town. But both, as sons of a so- Bhimnoii and Cullen me., Stoeehd A g e ^ *’*®*'” leased.’ Glastonbury will present a talk dier killed to action, are entU- — New York. Chicago. Detiw and Boaton. ’There is a heavy employment of mere fringe Issue, on the outer edge of much more dramatic ______.... A government spokesman and fUm on toe Lemaze method «®d to enter service academies MEMBER Ain>IT BUREAU OF CIRCULA- colors designed to catch the eye of the NEW YORK (AP) -—Admh^ gy^ian visit is a Syrian Meskill Not J when they come of age. n O N B . of prepared childbirth to toe voter. More attention is- paid to cam- questions In state life. In 1980 ^flon InlUatlve, proposing to super­ Oigiiay advetUslng d o a ^ houra the issue was In the headlines, States plans substantial In- Ladies of St. James’ Monday at ______p€dgn music than to party platforms. vise toe relocation of commando intimidated^ MANCHESTER FCTNIAM BRIDGE PLAZA Ixir Monday — l p.m. niday. and It somehow managed to cream In mlUtery aid to Jor­ bases and establish provisions 8 p.m. at toe St. James’ School ^ r Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. Buxom bbautles display their charms in gather enough importance to dan, including more modern PARKADE EAST HARTFORD Wedneaday — l pi.111. Monday. for their resupply. Hall. For Hiimday — 1 p.m. Tlieaday Influence the whole political tanks and possibly four-engine For IWday — 1 p.m. Wadneaday. a way which suggests that life ■with their , The Syrian ’bid may be suc­ By Threats Ten months ago Kim Eck­ OaaalfiM deadline 4:80 pm. d S b e- future of the state. transport planes, the New York cessful because Damascus can strom was bom by toe Lamaze Style" EASTER CARDS fpre wihHeatkai 4:80 pm. Tiliei tor candidate tn office would be an earthly (Continued (rom Page One) Times reported today. exert heavy pressure on toe childbirth Dellcatesseii &i ResIRestaurmt Saturday and Monday puhUeaUon. paradise. The Issue, both in 1930 and "At last we used to have ^ t. , EASTER PARTYWARE In a story from its Wsushing- guerrillas, who are massed 1971, concerned the elimination ton bureau, toe Times said Sec­ tokenism. Now we haven’t even and Sandy E cks^. Beyond this, it is conceded that one of close to the Syrian border and got that,” he said Since that time, Mrs. Eck- CUPS — PLATES - Thursday, April 8 of grade crossiqgs on the retary ot Defense Melvin R. the most Important factors In the cam­ state's railroad lines. receive their supplies from com­ Andrews said toe NAACP was “■ Laird outlined toe plans in re­ mando dumps Inside Syria. PMturilM • Fun UR* of paign is the way the women of ’Tokyo setting up an “urban criaU com- qua^‘®propriated. to be conducted raday, has ’Hie next Ume the KremUn passes out Republican State Conventlan 4 be designed to alert them to every lost minute eoster needs! Laird told Hussein that toe been moved to Saturday with __ our assortment to the most complete ever! ly reduced the amount of American mill- Hero Medals R might save a few for the and trying to reach up high United States was prepared to ». ho,» ttU .< t». taiy manpower in Vietnam. American politicians who think we are enough to beard the awesohie so they cannot say after such discuss the .poesibUlty o t sup­ will be melted from the fields strengthening U.S. Security by beating Y esterdays situations happen toot ‘we did grass 8 l « - Even those who question his motives, J. Henry himself, Levitt kept plying CISO transport planes at Henry Park where toe hunt up on little countries in Southeast Asia. not know It was going to happen agitating the headlines enough from funds fOr the next fiscal will be held, baskets M . 1 and his capacity to reach his own an­ , At their most coherent, the ardiitecta H erald to attract to himself a small or else we could have done of this policy argue that we have to save Inside year, depending on the amount More than 1,000 colored eggs nounced policy goals, find themselves following of Independent Re­ South Vietnam to dhsmarte China from Congress appropriated, toe have been hidden by members jelly bean eggs ^ ^ muted when they confront the elemental Democrat Mills 2 5 y«o r« Ago publicans, and it was his abil­ Times sold. • ot local Girl Scout Troops. They We Imow««'■ what toe frustra- unleashing the awesome military power are,” Andrews said. Joseph Rollason, noted cob­ ity to sw ^ these few thousand _____ were decorated by several local tions chocolate bunntesfromlOe oai^ fad that this President is taking Ameri­ that, after buffing and puffing for 20 We’re Just putting it on pa- bler in the North End lo r 89 votes to Wilbur L. Cross that can forces out of the combat zones in­ years, can’ t even cross 2,300 yards of AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — A women. years, sells shop and retires. resulted, in 1980, in the eloeUon Palestinian guerrilla rocket and CSiUdren in grades and 2 P®.r- solid chocolate eggs doL stead of sending more in. water to Nationalist-held Quemoy Island. Report of the first Demoeratle Oovor- ’Ihe Russians, on the other hand, can nor in 16 years, and the begin­ For the second, part of his defense incinerate our clUes before tomorrow’s 10 Years Ago teges and a police post to north- ^ggs and ktodei^arteneia By Rowland Eyans Jr. and Robert D. Noyak ning of the end o t the Rorahack em Jordan today WUed two per- pre-schoolers wlU meet at 11.30 test night. President Nixon reached out, breakfast if they are crazy enough to try United Fund adopts bylaws machine. said. — and who says they aren’t ? But we sons and lujured three othsrs, a a.m. __ _ "Our situation today is very in a moving passage about the sorrows and elects 33 o f 36 d irectois. government omnmunlque said. Those finding toe ^ d have chosen to gut our armed forces WASHINGTON — The remark­ pendent children and a complete Hill trying to share In the mak­ OOnnectieut today has Just slmHar to toe situation back to of being a war-time President, for the against an Imaginaiy danger while the Federal takeover of the unccn- ing of party policy was rare elected its first Ropublioan The pre-dawn Incidents came eggs” wUl be P *****^ ^ ^ “ ’65—that was when Watts ex­ able closM-door Capitol Hill as Syria de^tched a top level Easter basket. All children will sympathetic emotional support of his fel­ only country thai can really hurt us gets troverslal aid to the blind, aged, Indeed. Rep. (Jeorge Mahon of Governor in 16 years, one sign ploded.” luncheon of the Democratic mlUtery mission to mediate too receive a candy egg. low countrymen. stronger and stranger. Consider: and disabled. The overall price Texas, \riio as the conservative A Thooght for Today of bow the times have changed. Our military budget for research and party’s WaMilngton hierarchy tag is about $2 billion. chairman of the Appropriations The General Assembly long ago These were Uie strong, effective points Sponsored by the Manchester development has held around $7 billion two weeks ago pointed up the No. 2: Greatly stepped up ap- Committee hcus seldom flashed Council of Churches got around to repealing the law of his appearance. annually, while we have thrown away crucial political fact that, de- proprlatlona for Federal aid to his Democratic credentials, ac­ which required the railroads to The minds and hearts of his country­ |10S bllUon on killing Viet Cong. That’s educaticm, thereby relieving in­ tively engaged in the conver- "I received from the Lord eliminate so many grade cross- like ^xRting the Russians 15 years in the snlte his sklmny welfare reform tense pressures on local school satian (particularly regarding what I handed on to you, name­ ings a year. And as for the men did not find It easy to Join him in arms race, and their Intercontinental- bill. Rep. Wilbur D. Mills has districts. As a start. Congress school appropriations). ly, that the Lord Jesus on the mighty utility J. Henry Rora- his proctemation that Vietnamization ballistic missUes now outnumber ours. not abandoned efforts to shape could make up the roughly $2 Even Sen. Mike Mansfield, night in which he was betrayed back protected, it has been al­ alternatives to President Nixon’s had now proved a success. On that point, Our Navy has had to scrap 20 per cent bllUon difference between school the mild-mannered Montanan took bread, and after he had ternately plundered and mis­ of its ships for economy reasons, while revenue-sharing. who in 10 years as Senate Ma­ given thanks, broke it and said, managed into a helpless bank­ almost everyone else is still conceding aid funds authorized but not the Russians have sent brand new fleets Far from it. The chairman of appropriated. jority Leader has come to look ‘This is my body, which Is for ruptcy which. Instead of defy­ Quality Candy • that the real tests of that theory still lie into our old Mediterranean aqd Carib­ the House Ways and Means No. 3: Substantial Federal upon himself as a non-party you. Do this in remembrance ing the stete, politely beseeches ahead. bean stamping grounds. Committee dominated the help to states on the runaway institution, showed sparks of of me.' In the same way, after Its alms. ’The war has brought the hitherto hon­ luncheon with Democratic Na­ program of Medicaid to Jhe partisanship. the supper, he took the cup, On another point, many of the Presi­ And what happened at the orable profession of arms into such con­ tional Chairman Lawrence F. m edically indigent. This But most important was Mills. saying, *17118 cup is the new for EASTER Transportation Committee hear­ dent’s hearers found themselves want­ tempt that the arms forces must at­ O’Brien and Congressional could yet be added to the wel­ Contrary to published reports, covenant in my blood. Do this, ing the other day was that Just ing to know and go beyond the state­ tract new recruits by offering them non- leaders by spinning out a series fare reform bill but will prob­ he is realist enough to know whenever you drink it, in re­ about everybody, except (or one com batant Jobs, and keep them by i>rom- of revenue-sharing alternatives. ably be attached to the health that his chances for a Vice membrance of me.’ Every time, SOUD CHOCOLATE ment of his own Vietnam goals he mayor and one selectman who ising beer in the barracks and go-go These ranged far beyond the insurance bill to be drafted in Presidential nomination are then, you eat this breeid and Bunnies - Crosses - Ducks reiterated last night — to get every wanted to be sure the burden girls. Jurisdiction ot the Ways and the Mills committee this year. miniscule. What is significant to drink this cup, you proclaim the Smooth... MUk Chocolate and White fell on the state and not on American soldier out of Vietnam, but ’The Arm y concedes that 80 per cent of Means Committee. ’This could provide the states his party and bad news for Mr. death of the Lord until he their own local budgets, was its “ vohmteers’ ’ have Joined to beat the Indeed, the luncheon in Speak­ with another two to three bil­ Nixon is that, this IsRe in his com es!” to do it in a way which would give the wlUing to agree that the public, draft. It is so swollen with these mm- er Carl Albert’s dining room lion dollars. career, he is emerging as First Letter of Paul to the South Vietnamese a chance to defend henceforth, and not the rail­ EASTER BASKETS com botants that its 1,300,000 men form raised possibilities transcending ’Typically, Mills did not lay Democrat Mills. Corinthians, 11,23-20 themselves. To end the war otherwise, up into only 14 2-3 divisions, compared Mr. Nixon’s revenue-sharing. It O^yrigfat ■ 1971 Field Enter­ Submitted by: road, should assume not only filled with our own quality candy out a closed-end program. He the expense of grade crossing the President truthfully said, would be with more than 100 in ihe Red Army. raised the possibility of the par. stressed that his committee’s prises, Inc. Rev. Joseph E. Vujs ’Ihoee volunteers may someday form ty’s National Committee and St. James’ Church removal when that happens, but to “plunge from the anguish of war into hearings on Nixon revenue­ of grade crossing malntenanoo our cadre of noncommissioned officers. Congressional leadership collab­ sharing would deeply probe So Y O U But while they are greasing trucks, a On n ils Date anyway. FOIL WRAPPED a nightmare of recrimination.’’ orating on Issues with a Repub­ alternatives. He added that none suUen slave arm y o f 300,000 conscripts lican In the White House. In an Jerboa Defies Thirst Here the President was exhibiting the of his program did all that We are merely making an ob­ CHOCOLATE provides two thirds of the rifle men who even deeper break with preced­ In 1730, the first Jewish con­ much for the grave financial CAIRO — The ratlike greater servation, not declaring a right kind of sensitivity, but not carry­ do the fighting. So the lessons of this war ent. it portrayed Wilbur KQlls as gregation in America conse­ BUNNIES in all sizes and ootore plight of the big cities, which crated its synagogue in New Egyptian Jerboa, found in the moral, when we point out that, ing it far enou£^. are being wasted on the men least likely partisan Democrat for the first need special help. ’There was York City. The congregation Sinai Peninsula, can survive for in the best Rorahack days, both to use them in the future. time in his 22 Congressional We Americans are going to have our some talk of interest-free loans dated back to 1655. three years on a diet of dry the stete and the railroewl were WATER BAU BANDEAU Our Navy’s punch depends on the skill years. See Our 75 Lb. Solid White Bunny nightmare of recrimination if we leave of the pilots and submariners whose fin­ to city hall. In 1826, secretary of Stete barley and wheat containing on­ solvent, and rihat today they It was Mills who worked out However much legislation this Henry Ctey fought a duel with ly 10 per cent water. An ordi­ both agahLdnare the same fi­ Finest cotton that drips dry quick­ any kind of war still going on, still gers are on its nuclear trigger. ’These the luncheMi. On excellent terms hands have grown increasingly inexperi­ finally produces, the sight of Sen. John Randolph of Virginia' nary rat on this diet dies after nancial status, that of bank­ ly, white, amooth-as- B A C T B P B 4IY F C regular, miniature and black pectin Jelly claiming Asian lives, after we ourselves with O’Brien since his davs as Democratic grandees of Capitol Neither was hurt. three days. ruptcy. enced as the retention rate for such offi­ President Kennedy’s chief lob­ ironed and ready for action. Ftet 1’E IL iy il^ E »9 beaaa, aioo coconut egga, butter cream eggs, step out of the fighting. For, although dock egga, butter egga. cers hsis dwindled to less than half of byist, Mills told the NaOonal ribbon wiring under the cups for the President last nig^ ctelmed that what tt was before the war. The Navy Chairman it was high time to perfect support, anchorage ^d we have been fighting in Vietnam "only must now pay up to $15,000 in bonuses to breach the traditional gap be­ a e^ tion . Shirred underarms for FOIL EGGS keep an officer aboard his Polaris sub­ fo r the right of x>eople fa r away to tween Capitol Hill and the Na­ no-gap smoothnem. marine. tional Committee. choose the kind of government they Most of our officers have traditionally The meeting came at a time Chocolate Botkole — Hollow Gbooolato Eggs want,” we know very well, we Ameri­ com e from the nation’s campuses of intense disappointment by Fischetti An Blaster TradlUon A t MUneon’s through the ROTC jaugram. ROTC en­ Democrats that Mills’ welfare cans, that we have also been fighting rollment has plunged to its lowest level *1971 Chicago Dailjr Nows reform bill, tehtatively approv­ for the kind of government we ourselves since 1047. At prestige cam puses like Foaehod Eggs ^ Coconut Nests — Papier Machs Eggs| ed by Wiay and Means, had not, would choose to have these people have Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, as Mills hinted for weeks, pick­ and Stanford, some programs fua being ed up the state share of all on this strategic place on the power closed down entirely. EASTER ECeS | FLOWER POTS welfare costs. Rep. Hale Boggs politics map. The young men who do become offi­ of Louisiana, House Majority ICmtanaUaw, BkutbKut, cers, and who will command our battal­ EASTER CENEYAS Neither Mr. Nixon, with his g^m in­ Leader, did not hide his chagrin Fudge Ma|)ie Peooa, ions in future wars, are leaniing to In conversations with colleagues. OooDBUt, aryrtaltoed Milk ChOQotote and White tention to press on with his promise of "command’’ in an atmoephere where or­ ^Helen of GUtxiei^s Says: ending American involvement by those ders are debated instead of obeyed, Presidential aiidea exulted that revenue-sharing now had a new timetables he considers safe, nor his where a hard-driving commander won­ Don^t settle for ju sf^ b ra . . . insist on a bra tlua is YOU . . • ders whether his pot-smoking troops will lease on life. Choose from a large selection of dove-critics, with their demand that we “frag” him, and where avoidaiu:e of What the chairman’s critics professionaUy fitted to your figure. Spend five » « « “»■/ ' Our Freshly Mode Chocolates. simply cut out now, without any reg^ard casualties takes precedence over the ag­ were saying was that here was Each Pieco A Delicious Taste Treat! the old Wilbur Mills. Facing ting room and let me shmv you the *~~***‘^'^ to what happens next, face up to the gressive virtues that mean victory in war. Presidential opposition and un­ fj^ m d fU makes in shaping the most of you. AUeratums and fu- most difficult and yet truly mandatory certainty in the House, he trim­ The prospect of sending these forces tings are free o f chmrgm, o f course. UNIQUE EASTER CANDIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY obligation of all, which is to negotiate an for the first time in a generation against med. In fact. Just such cwisl- end to the whole war rather than merely enemy soldiers who also have Jets, heli­ deration were at work in his drafting of a generally con­ try to extricate ourselves from it. copters, and shoes must be dispiriting to anyone this side of the Iron Curtain. servative welfare reform most We would all rather have him pulling 'Ihe financial damage that the war has pleasing to the Administration. troops out than putting them in. We .can done to our armed forces may be made But at the Albert luncheon, Mills emphasized he has certain­ all credit the moving sincerity with for Mdien the war is ended. But their real strength must finally lie tn the spir­ ly not given up his attempt to which he addresses himself to his hopes it of their men, the quality of the com­ shape a politically viable alter­ for peace. He deserves our support, manders, and the support they get from native to revenue-sharing and was now looking toward a three- rather than our attack. But we must, if the pubUc. UNIFORM SHOP It may take years to restore the dam­ step program. we are to be realistic, hope for him one age that the war has inflicted on those No. 1: The welfare reforih Munson's Candy Kitchen additional proportion of courage and vital qualities. Whether we win, lose, or bill, which even In its tentative 63^ RAIN’ ST./MANCHESTER t e l e p h o n e 6 4 3 -0 3 4 8 vision — that he can see and try to act draw in Vietnam, the Russians will be version does provide some extra ROUTE 6, BOLTON OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY TILL 9 PJl. the real winners. — THE NATIONAL “ ' Federal help (particularly to on the necessity of leaving not merely OBSERVER. Southern states) for aid to de­ '‘•mrnexTMS m cnesM m ?--iM ,RirciiTs, oirettm. ^ MANCHESTER EVENING-HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 1971 PAGE NINE Army Engineer Reforms 26 Applications on File Street of Sorrows People-to-People Obituary Permits Ready S jc c n s L jc x L i h j L For Post Lockwood Vacated TV Tonight H is Aim After Adopted for Oomploto Liatiags. For Refuse Flow The town has received 29 ap- The treatment plant operator I>onard B. Roby .. A will be In charge ot the new fa- S«e Saturday’s TV Waok Military Years VERNON — Leonard B. plications for the position of ju„e. The 20th Century Bazaar WALTHAM, Mass. (AP) In Brazil GROTON (AP) — WllUam E. OUlLin 0Rs:(O NJM( MERCKSROISf OKU Rbby. 72, of Wethersfield, father .n water and sewer administration turn out water which 5:M (1 ) Pern Q a p iJ b a L By HAL McCLURE folding stools to catch (heir (U) WU< WUd Wait (C) Buell has given up a job he held of Mrs. Willis E. Shaw Jr. of plications for discharges .!?:Into A i - ’ By GEOROE HAWRYLYSHYN and 18 applications lor an ig gq per cent free of Its breath. a u B eiiart (C) cause he is disenchanted with and three grandchildren. neers announced Wednesday. Voting against the abortion— Former Manchester State Sen. BrazlUan military are adopting Pontius Pilate’s court to the “Kl«®‘’ PLEMTT 01 EREE PIRIIMG application deadline for each next week. If there are a large rocky hill where he died, is only Horse” and “Hell Commandos.” ■ :M (344S-4*) Waatkar — Speito toe military. P^neral services will be Sat- The engineers said the per- reform bill In the State House David Barry lost his bid last some of the social reforms position. number of applicants for each A lemonade seller, bells tink­ a a d Nawa (C) 1 ,(KM steps. (M> O aadid C am ara Buell, 36, a veteran of Korea urday at 2 p.m. at the Methodist ^re required under the 73- of Representatives yesterday June for the Democratic nom- which led them to throw out the The water and sewer admlnls- position who are qualified, ling, offers them a cooUng Salat objector. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. presidential order issued Dec. whose S2nd District includes charter member In the Repub- workers. Past toe eighth station, inhere 08) Wkat’a My LlaeT been vacant since Feb. 1 ,when probably make up and admlnls- larism. (8Z-38-M) N awa — W aatk ar * ' He said a lot of thinking led The family suggests that any 23. Columbia and Hebron. llcan Congressional Club. Only two weeks before the a^ Ghiydon Lockwood reUred. ter an examination of Its own. Jesus spoke to the daughters of Sporta (C> to his decision that toe military memorial contributions may be The Engineers New England Voting In favor of the abortion ^ accompanying letter asks cent to power by the armed Prior to this vacancy, the Wa- Director of Public Works Wil­ Too often toe visitor, remem Jerusalem, and toe ninth, where 7:88 (S> Family Allair was not ‘"toe right thing to do bering his early Bible training, jje tell toe third time, a standup (8-48). AUaa Smitk aad Joaaa made to the Memorial Fund ot division headquarters said per- bill were .State Reps. Dorcthy - donation "as a contrlbu- forces, on March 31. 1994, Presl- ier and Sewer Department was Ham O’Neill says he hopes the (18) 1 Spy (C> any more because of toe current the Methodist Church of Weth- mit applications for existing dls- Miller of Bolton and Robert tlon for re-electing ’ Republican "« Brazil. At the Ume the cer's warning signals, says the cloud-ahroud'ed mountain. mouthpiece vdien he s te ^ up (88-88) Sw iay O at, Sw eat L a a d all, was given an honorable dis­ nalinn thA pnmn Rnlrl ____ .______i______■ club intends tO glV arpe _mAnai.pao fi«Ilnn*a IpAflinir miintrv and the Board of Directors. They ter and sewer administrator Is 8:88 (8) Mavle Mrs. Margaret Renken Web­ nation, the corps said. were by women legislators and f A „nppioi Renub- military called these measures nation’s leading country and It Is far from that. for several puffs. 8:88 (8) Hard Ckaryara (C) charge this week “at toe discre­ w.. o,...... treatment to our special K epuo-____ _ wppIpp,. “and It makes voiced no opposition to the 311,447 to $13,860. The range for er. ’78, of„ New______Britain,, ___ former- Permit applications lor new jg jjy legislators. Six wcm- , >• part of a leftist plot to install western singer, “and it makes to The Via Dolorosa is a narrow, Ihe crowds begin to thicken (48) Baa Aayaat (C) tion of toe chief of naval opera­ idea so he Is proceeding with Ihe plant operator Is $7,321 twisting, cobbled alley leading 18:88 (8»38) Deaa Martin Skew (C) ly of 96 Foster St, died last discharges must be filed 120 g„ House members voted * w- u-- „„ inten- communism In Brazil. sense to give to the American this plan. $8,673. cn the Christian Quarter Road (18) Cn-abridzad (C) tions.” He said toe Navy prob­ Tonight — Tomorrow — Saturday night at a New Britain convales- before the discharge can against the bill and two were “I ^ n iy in e <‘i have always Medici was one of the gener- Cancer Society." Johnny Cash, from toe Lion’s Gate In Jerusa­ just outside toe (tourch of toe 18:88 (8) Tka Savaatiaa (C) ably was reluctant to discharge lem’s eastern wall through toe (18) Hartlord Talk-In (C) cent home alter a long Ulness. t ^ i ^!>®cnt. n ^ m ^ a t and I always who supported the move star of his own TV show and top Holy Sepulriier. Gino’s Snack (48) F o lk a l him as a conscientious objector and teeming heart of toe Holy City Bar, advertising spaghetti and 11 :N (S-8-18-888848)( 8- 8-11 New. — because of his long service. Mrs.jvira. Weber wBuor waswan bom uwm Inui theu.b „ . ' - . ^ a . ™ Rcp-B«P- Miller, who was one of . „ Democrat,” he re- against t^e civilian gov recording artist, says, “Prompt 2 GOP Leaders Wootkor wd Sport. (C) Bronx N. Y., and Uved In Man- Environmental I^tecUon Agen- thg gponaors of thq bill, spoke wHl be a emment In 1964. to toe Church of the Holy pizza, is doing a brisk business, 11:8S (8) Movie . "A lot of things led to my de­ . . • V ” w - _ cy and other federal depart- i- marked. action in seeing your doctor, if pulcher, marking toe traditional Outside toe church courtyard, 11:88 (tM8> Toolckt Skow Jokw Chester lor 10 years before go- ^ —view each aooUca- AborUon, she In- Last week, on the occasion of Court Cases S tallin g Nixon cision,” said toe father ot three Inir to New Britain 16 years I? . win review eacn appuca g ^ g j ..|g ^ personal thing— you spot one of these signals, site of Calvary and toe entomb- the owner of toe Express Laun- C a m m (Ih who lives in Baltic. mg TO «ew oniam lo ycaia ngn ^ ggg jf ^ compliqs with ex- House ^^Ginocrsttfl jjgyg the seventh anniversary of the can help save your life." Ask (8-48) Dick Cavett Skew (C) SLg'o. StiG w&s the widow of i_».i___ 4.____ »i4„ __>__z_ between a woman and her doc* . . MANCHESTER SESSION Health Program ment. ‘ dry takes a ncxinday 'nap, his (18) Merv Oriftta (C) "I don’t think our mlUtary pos­ TUES. - WED. ago. one was uie wmow ua igtlng water quality standards. — " " — ““ “ “ "V, — , scheduled a Dutch-treat dinner revolutloiv the president htoself your'local ACS Unit for a copy It is lined with countless shops head on an Ironing board. Be- 1:88 (8-S8-U) New. — Prayer aad Charles Weber Sr., and the gp^ucktiona must in- mr April W. It will be at Car- ‘announced that toe fed eral^v - A hearing on probable cause . a . ture Is toe way to solve toe of these life-saving signals. was set today in Manchester WASHTNG’TON (AP) — Two bearing such Impious names as side toe church entrance, an Is- S:»* ^(ST New. — Prayer aad Sl»a problems of the world any more. mother of toe late Charles Web- gjude detailed Information on f ^ H a r t f o r d . 0 > HO er Jr. She was a member of the type and amount of dls- °"® viewpoint or toe bone s Kesiau___ , kilometers or 62% Circuit Court for April 22 In toe powerful Republicans In Con- Bighth Station Souvenir Bazaar, raell pdlice sign warns visitors If we are ever to get straight­ $A VE An AMitional $ 2 Q 0 0 Peace Land Souvenir Shop or that inside they can’t eat, EdacatloBol TV (Z4) ened out, we must have peciple- toe St. Matthew’s Lutheran ghoige, toe corps said. ” f ® Former New Haven Police !?“®® ‘*®®P ®“®“ ®“® ^ Sress, fearing-toe Nixon admln- Church In New Britain. Public hearings will be held ‘*'® unfavorable report by toe Former JMew^^ Transamazon Highway, as weU 23, of East Hartford, charged a , -e . j .Holy Land Exhibit. emoke, play transistor radios or ' T k a rid a y , A pril 8 to-people contact, not govern- On Any with robbery with violence in Istratlon’s program for broad- Eager shopowners, who have speak loudly. Babies and anl- PM Pardue 8:88 Y o b b z People.’ FUm Competl- ment-to-government,” he said. She is survived by her daugh- on those appllcaUons th at'® ^ ?"‘«®e ‘'® ^ .“>® “ *!; Sd«d to toe Ust of speaker at “ °**'®*‘ '^® " '‘"® l(x>ked forward to toe Easter mals are forbidden. tloa B ter-ln-law, Mrs. Charles Weber arouse sufficient public Interest, Jbe report. Is discriminatory,” •J'® “ ®P j designed to prevent land specu- connection with toe Nov. 14 ened health Insurance would Buell said he hasn’t decided k r o e h ^ ^ Week bonanza for a year, beck- The old Crusader Church ot 8:84’. Cklldrea B (C) what he is going to do, but add­ Jr. of Wethersfield; six grand- the engineers said, and permits ®be charged. at Kent State University form a base for holdup of toe MAR Package hurt small employers, have de- 7:18 Freaek Ckel B (C) Shot In Store on Tolland Tpke legislative introducUon, It on from doorways importun- the Holy Sepulcher, badly darn­ 7:88 Contemporary ed, "I don’t want to stay in children, a great-granddaughter, can be revoked or suspended If . ,,_j -_a_ viiioH innt oSTarlan reform. ing toe pilgrim to buy souvenirs aged In an earthquake in U27, "New Music in Brass and several nieces and nep- toe holder violates conditions "Pbe bill concerning youthful or n„fronlntlon be "Pbe decree also established Bengston Is being held In Ueu ^ ' , , 8:88 WasklBfton Week la Bevtew electronics.” of $5,000 bond. bas been learned. —olive wood crucifixes, mother Is still under repair. Work Is not 8:88 Foreln P dln Debate "We want to get back to a hews provided to maintain water offenders that passed toe House May 4 In a toe first rtUrement pensions. Bridgeport 9:88 Tkey Wemt TkaPA Way B Private funeral services wUl quality standards. yesterday, contained several tween toe ^lo National Guam benefits for rural Two other men were arrested Administration health officials of pearl Bibles, rosaries, bro- expected to be finished for 6 or "Tex Hitter" fundamental way of Uving, rath­ in toe case previously, and one said Wednesday they still hope. cades, maps, guidebooks. 10 years. The delay is blamed 18:88 CoBBeeUeat Newsroom er than being dependent on tech­ be held at toe Carlson Funeral provisions contained in a si’ni* and students. workers. The benefits are small (Continued from Page One) Sleep • orLounges lar bill Introduced by Rep. Ma- Ahem, 39, served on toe bto the first received by^^ ' ” awaits disposition of his case to win over Rep. John W. The truth Is. toe old-walled on church groups quarreling nology,” he said. “We’re not In Home, 46 Franklin Square, New honey. The Mahcney proposals Scranton Commission that gg^j^r of toe BrazlUan popula- revolver and fired five Umes, In Superior Court. Byrnes, R-Wls., and Gerald R. city of Jerusalem Is not unlike over ^how toe restoration must complete agreement with toe Britain. Burial will be in Ridge- Britain Battles were Incorporated Into toe bill studied campus unrest. He now' largely In striking Pardue two or three Police say two men, one hold- Ford, R-Mlch., and avoid a pol- any other Arab quarter of toe be accomplished. Masons Agree technological way of life. There’s lawn (Cemetery, Clifton, N. J. approved. The final version sets works as an InvesUgator con- conditions. times. Pardue did not fire a ing a pistol, robbed toe store of Ttlcally damaging contraction of Middle Bast—filled with toe Saladin, the Arab conqueror a/ different world of personal On Our Display Floor . . . Friends may call at toe fu­ Menace of Oil up a special system for han- sultant for an insurance associ- ,pjjjg mlUtary about-turn ®bot. $800 and fled with another man coverage. same sights, sounds and smells, of Jerusalem, taking note of the On IFoi*fe Pact contact.” ’ neral home tomorrow from 7 , _ Idtter feuding, turned the key to to 9 p.m. LONDON (AP) - TVgs and d»ng youthful first offenders aUon. g rings from a growing feeling Mrs. Nancy Pardue, his vrife, in a car. President Nixon 1 ^ proposed Nine of toe 14 Stations of toe ------of ^ ^ i^ ls m ^JTtof aiw bad been out on a $60,000 bond After a pursuit by areh po- all employers provide a feder^- Cross—^triilch toe Bible and toe church over to a Moslem NORWIALK (AlP) — A union THE BED MEN OFFER YOU A CHOICE The family suggests that In tiawlers spraying detergent into eten ^ toe u l t m L , ^ : after being charged with at- Uce toe car was found In a ly pre^ribed package of me«U- Christian tradition say mark guard centuries ago. A Moslem spokesman Wednesday an- family stlU has toe key. Dad Arrested coastal waters of toe English lives ^ racouuerva husband Windsor swamp, toe occupants cal and hospital insurance to all crucial events along Jesus’ path noimced a tentative agreement I NSaMM a ilT IMURM trlbuUans may be made to toe Area Tackling Ecology Wl^n Goulart tried to Imole- escape by smuggling a gun gone. workers. Excluded would be —are on toe Via Dolbrosa. The A flight of steep stairs just in­ Mansfield State Training School. channel today were reported Wlmn Goulart tried toJmple- ^ ^ “ea o finding fingerprints domesUcs and migrant workers, side the door leads to toe rocky to end a strike by Fairfield In Abduction OR winning their battle to save rest are inside toe Church of toe ment changes he blocked ^^^® b® ^ ^ Holy Sepulcher. Without a guide summit where traditi(xi says County plasterers, bricKlayers WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — Mrs. Hyman Rashall Britain’s southern beaches from Bent on Massive Cleanup by bureaucracy, a hostUe Con- O^due, 28, of D^bui^, ^ employers to pay 65 per cent in­ (Jhrlst died on toe erms In toe 3 CUSHION MODERN massive crude oil slicks just off­ most of the stations are difficult and masons. State police arrested a ycxing Mrs. Emma Cantor Rashall, grpssgress andana toeme military.miiiuiry. The ine mU-mu- beingoemg trieduibu onuu chb.uaabbo afes ot . . evidence evidence led led to to toe toe iH»iiw ^ enH then 7K n«r rent of to find as they are protected be­ company of two thieves. shore. The Hockanum Unear Park servatlon will meet at toe rally jtary now have no such obsta- robbery and illegal tra n s p o ^ arrests. the inanmnne em>t ^ Albert Sanpangelo, chief nego­ Meriden man as he was about 76, of 76 Scott Dr., wife of Hy­ toe Insurance cost. hind thick church walls dotting A bearded mcxik gives a can­ tiator for toe union’s Local , man Rashall, died yesterday at Victory depended In part on Coordinating Committee will after completing ten - mile gigg^ (don of explosives In toe Feb dle to one of toe devout, an eld­ 6 to board a plane at Bradley In­ (SLEEP OR LOUNGE) ______toe current brisk northeast wind meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. In walks. (They will collect a dol- measures announced by 13, 1970, Incident at Danbury. Byrnes, ranking minority toe Way of toe Cross. said most of toe 276 striking Manchester Memorial Hospital member of toe House Ways and The names of some of these erly women in black. She lights ternational! .Mrport with his 18- Funeral services were *held stoved toe oil leaking from the Municipal Building. The ter for each mile of toe walk to Qoulart’s government . just be- Bombs went off In toe Dan- Pire Victims it and places It on toe altar, craftsmen would be back on toe tols afternoon at toe Weinstein ® ®*ii“ en ship away from Kent g;roup consists of represents- raise funds for Nader’s action revolution were bury police station before toe Means Committee, said he was shrines . must ’ be Christianity’s job Thursday and that an offi­ monto-old son ’Tuesday nig;ht. afraid some employers might most colorful: toe Prison of closing her eyes In prayer. cial ratification vote would be Ramon Rodriguez, 22, was Mortuary 640 Farmington Ave., coMts. lives of several town organlza- group. more ambitious In that they did bank was robbed. In toe bank Accounted For "because of toe Insurance re- Christ Monastery, toe Sanc­ To her and others like her this Hartford.'Rabbi Morris Silver- be winning,” tlons and departments working Cleanup Manual limit toe expropriations to as toe bandits fled and In toe Is toe only meaning of the Via taken Monday. charged with "abduction ot child said Capt, Thomas Fields, com- to clean toe river and to estab- ^ HOLYOKE, 'Mass. (AP) — quirement decide not to hire tuary of toe Flagellation, toe by either parent" after he al­ m&n of Hartford and Cantor Is- ...... ‘Blueprint -w-for Beauty, ^a vssvone area of toe country, butvwv abandoned ggetaway------^ car mo-- - rn-v officialsumcituo saidimuu Wednesday wcun«»ufiLy that oneona extraaxtra man.”man " Dolorosa—toe Street of Sorrow. The strike began last Thurs­ Holy Face. day over wages and working legedly took toe child from his rael Thbatsky of Temple Beth ^ ^ f f l s ^ b ^ ^ d eovem' f** manual highlighting selected were designed to be appUed na- ments after toe holdup. ^11 24 tenants were accounted AdmlnlstraUon officials said Ironically, toe first station, home following a dispute with Sholom officiated. Burial was. along Its banks. cle^u p projects which can Uonwlde; Pardue’s brother. Jamas, 23, of for foUowlng -Tuesday night’s Byrnes and Ford are advocating ccouUtlons and halted work on a toe praetorium where Jesus was Rapid Raiefing number of projects, including his wife, police said. In the Ellington Jewish Ceme- briirht *’* committee will make earned out by local groups in Goulart also sought to extend Lusby, Md. was also charged in general alarm fire that de- ^ subsidy for small employers, condemned, is inside a Moslem LOGAN, Utah (AP) — Stu­ Rodriguez, who was boarding tery. HeUcrotera scouted toe chan intensive survey their communMes, Is being dls- to toe countryside the benefits cbnnecUon with toe Danbury stroyed a downtown apartment But toe officials feel this would new high ■ schools In Norwalk, boys’ school and toe pilgrim dents at Utah State University Ridgefield and Wilton. a flight to San Juan, Puerto Ri­ Mrs. Rashall was bom In „ an advance guard. Cross- ‘**® ®*«>'‘es of toe river Md ^ aW ^ e ^ s granted urban laborers, shch as bombings and robbery. The .house. gost toe government too much must wend his way through are phoning the alumni all over co, was turned over to Meriden Minsk, Russia, and lived In Ell- channel craft reoorted toev ®®® an*^ movies of toe week by toe Citizens Oommlttee retirement pensions and medi- younger Pardue was ruled In- One resident, Andrew Lennl- money. crowds of shouting boys. The the country seeking donations to authorities and held under $2,000 Ington from 1910 until coming fresli oil t S ^ t s to Rrlt. Vemon and Manches- to Keep Cormectlcut Clean and gjQ care, and to establish a min- competent to stand trial last .all, was hospitalized with bums. ______. ■ third station, where Jesus fell toe university’s development Extended Fore<»8t bond. to Manchester 10 years ago. She ^ . g already-polluted beaches ■ Beautiful. Imum wage for peasants with year and Is being held dn a city officials said they under toe weight of the cross for fund. Hie result is $10,640 In less was a member of Temple Beth ..^yg are ev id en t we caii Saturday at 1 p.m. com- Assembly Watched union organization. federal medical center. p’anned to bring In a crane to Killer Handed toe first time, was once a Turk- than two weeks. PaiAly cloudy and mild Satur- Sholom. Its Sisterhood, Man- vrtto any oil that may be ™***®® m®mt>®>’s will survey toe Dozens of groups concerned In one northeastern state, to Danbury on toe morning knock down toe last remaining Ish bath. A tiny chapel run by Students groups are taking day with a chance of a few Chester Chapter of Hadassah, found,” said Fields. land arcund Union Pond, with toe environment have been Pernambuco, former Gov. Mi- ot Feb. 13, 1970, a bomb ex- wall. 2,500-Year Term PoUsh Catholics marks toe spot. turns caUlng for two hours each scattered showers followed by PASSPORT PHOTOS Ben Ezra Chapter of B’nal night long toe emergency through which toe river flows, closely following toe action of guel Arraes, one of toe first to ploded In toe Danbury Police Fire Chief William Mahoney A combination museum and night. sunny with near seasonable tem- IDENTIFICATION B’rlto, toe Albany Cultural Club crews sprayed detergent and '” *® comn^lttee Is concentraUnf' the General Assembly and mak- be ousted and arrested by toe Station just before two men credited firefighters cf two lad- DALLAS (AP) — Convicted souvenir shop is at toe rear. The gofd of toe telephone and peratures Sunday and Monday, SALEM NASSIPP. of Hartford and toe Sisterhood hesed beaches PolluUon of toe efforts this year on ing recommendaUons. mlUtary, applied such measures rot>b®d the Union Savings Bank der companies with rescuing ™ .. Near toe sixth station, where letter-writing campaign is DaUy highs generally in the of Knesseto Israel Synagogue gands and toe death toll of sea ^®^ ^ recreaUen ^ ^ ^ ^ few months before toe mil- n®“ -by of $26,366. many tenants from fire escapes, murderer Robert Floyd Angle, Veronica wiped toe face of Je­ $30,000 for scholarships, student 60s and overnight lows from the COIMNI SIWMB A fM lA in Ellington. ■■ Peasants Moments after toe robbery. Several firefighters suffered 28, faced a record 2,600-year KB Main St., Manchester birds varied from heavy ’ to f*"®® *>® cr®®ted and re^ parUcularly Interested in c«i- Itary intervention. .. vi sus, two Greek Cypriot matrons, loans, Ubrary books, or any pur- 30s inland to near 40 along toe 643-7369 tOMPARE Survivors, besides her hus- light. tor use by toe summer of 1972 protected river systems, were being organized, landown- exploahm In toe minor Injuries batUlng toe blaze prison sentence today. oted In austere black, sit on pose designated by toe donor. coast. band, are a son, Bernard The-The government said • toe oil ^on town-owned pond property, environmental standards for ers were being forced by law to toUowed by another In a but none was hospitalized. a ^ jury of^ 11 men„ „ „ and one AT Rashall of Ellington; two was coming from one pf three ^ ^ pubUc uUliUes, creation of a De- pay a minimum wage to their station wagon, believed u s ^ m There w-m no Immediate Indl- deliberated SO minutes daughters, Mrs. Ben Relchlln of ships that sank In toe Dover ®«®rt «>e town and various pj^^n^gnt of Environmental Pro- workers, and toe peasants were *^® »®t®-way car. In a nearby cation of toe cause. Wednesday before assessing toe 95 SEE Manchester and Mrs. Sol Baron Strait In January and February volunteer p^ ot. tection. Inland wetlands protec- being brought Into towns and shewing ®®2“ *; sentence, longest In Texas histo­ ’ 2 9 9 couroN of Ellington; a brother. Max with toe loss of at least 39 Uves. Odegard Joins hontiin,» ..itioD po,> i-hp ^ ® P®bce station was de ry. state Smljarid-Od-egard «- P'>®®P‘-t®s from •ELOW Cantor of Ellington; a slater, About Town Angle, of Dallas, was convict- Mrs. Sylvia Melsner of Brook­ cently spoke to toe HUHard ® _® 'Talers. . . . SOnosoas Were were injureduijuivsvi Inut toe uie blasts. other Items would ask a Gen- ®“ °a a buying spree. At ^^gi, police said were set off The choir of toe Trinity Cov- ed In toe 1969 shooting of Jack Bedding Barn AHD line, Mass.; and nine grand­ Pond Conservation Committee « • * « - TnAV 1 a m j4a««vm awa ampI ^ ^ Seven Words on Dollcy and procedures of ®ral Assembly vote on use of t*'® landowners and distract authorities from toe enant Lutheran Church wUl Katz, 64, during an auto parts AQUARIUM DECOR SAVE children. V ^ ____ «_*> . « . . . . _ c n i o s o i * VM a * 1 1 1 # A AfaiW AV W I . ___meet —. . a tonight ata A O8:80. > 0 A w itore.^a m a «robbery.p a W.1%a p m * YOUR A memorial period will be Service Theme town government. pubUc lands for highways. Some manufacturers organized robbery. Announces ITS EASTER SALE — Wed., April 7th - Sun., April 11th Low-Low observed at toe home of her The committee Is one of sev- groups are concerned with pop-' “ ^(nselves In paramlUtary ----- State law makes toe length of CHOICE daughter, Mrs. Sol Baron, ijiaf t T ®™^ town, vdilch because of ulation control, banning dlspos- fashion and s t^ e d clamouring Frank GabrielU of 117B g, sentence subject to toe jury’s Set-up Includes: Fine quality Stainleaa Steel DISCOUNT PRICE Seven Last Words of Jesus interest In conservation, has able containers, DDT and other military Intervention to safe- Couch Burns, Downey Dr. was among 86 per- discretion. Angle could be ellgl- 10 Gal. SET-UP $14.95 Tank, Light, Pump, Filter, Heater, Ther­ 20 H. SET-UP $24.95 *^'^e'^am l^^ggB 8ts'toat any Cross” will be toe theme become Involved In seeking chlorinated hydrocarlxm pest- i'rivate property.^ sons ^lo became natursJlzed ble for parole after 20 years, with all Glass Tank $18.95 mometer, Cltercoal, Fluff, Tubing, Gravel with all Glass Tank $29.95 memorial contributions may be ^® Friday worship g;overnmental funds. In Influ- icides and regulating snowmo- citizens this morning at cere- The previous record was an and Instruction booklet. Man Charged monies In the U.S. District 1,800-year sentence given a man made to a charity of toe donor’s service of toe South United enclng zoning regulations and bile use. Set-up Includes: Tank Stand, Fluorescent Re­ choice. Methodist Church tomorrow In research. ------A fire yesterday evening was court In Hartford. Judge M. in Odessa recently for seillng 15 Gal. Set-up $64.95 Phones Doubled extinguished by toe Eighth Dls- Joseph Blumenfeld presided. heroin. 15 Gal. Set-up $59.95 _____ from noonloon tolo 3a p.m. «»uorNader Effortsuuuris a w 'T ' t* * 1* 20 GaL H Set-up 69.95 trict firemen at 1108 Tolland ^ ------Katz died of a bullet wound In flector, Aquatiqi Power Filter, Supreme Heat­ James V. Oddo The following ministers and Ralph Nader Is on tour ot the A F f. LicCUSiUff ^ ^ Hi£l8l 001*11]]. 20 Gal. H Set-up 64.95 20 Gal. L Set-up 74.95 embers of toe church will state today and tomorrow mak- fe Tpke., and a resident there, Wll- O utput to Zoom toe head two days after he was er, Bag of Fluff, Charcoal, Thermometer, 3-D 29 Gal. Set-up 89.95 ^ '" '^ Id P^^clpate and speak: Martin Ing several speeches for a Con- D e n i e d G n l l l T u b l J I BERLIN (AP) East Ger- Plantaus, 46, w m arrested ^PERTH, ...... Australia...... — The..... shot Dec. . 23, , 1989. His wife, He- 20 Gal. L Set-up 69.95 Background, Gravel, Food and Booklet. WITH ALL GLASS Spring Dr who died Tuesday Klederilng, "Father Forgive neoUcut Earth Action Group In „an y connected 10 more tele- **ount Newman Mining Co. has len, 67, was shot In toe mouth 29 Gal. Set-up 84.95 S I lL ^ h u I ^ ^ ta ^ n e S Hc^ Tham” ; toe Rev. Carl W. Saun- an effort to help raise $ 2 6 0 ^ WASHINGTON lAPI _ a nhene lines beto,een n-.»si snS begun a major expansion pro- duri_ng toe holdup but recov TANK h r‘ton^^^-^“ at*"°2 d®r®- “Today Thou Shalt Be to establish a permanent, full- ^ between East and ggy an’Intoxicated condltlim increase Its Iron-ore ered. WITH STAINLESS ^Fluorescent Stow-A- pltal, will rn, r Naza^ With Me In Paradise” ; Paul time staff of professional en- mree-man Atomic Energy Com- West Berlin today, doubUng to in his driveway after police and production fivefold to 26 mllUon Angle was assessed a 26-year p.m. at toe STEEL TANK PET SUPPLY Light with bulb rene In ™ ^ The ”^ Rev. v Wlllhlde, "Woman, Behold Thy vlronmentaHsts to counter bal- mlsslcn licensing b o ^ has re- 20 the connections between the firemen responded to a call of g yggr by early 1972. The prison term on an assault to WTlliam A^^T^vtor'^oastor will Edward Macauley, "My ance pro-pollution pressures on fused to let CcCumbla University divided city authorities report- ***'® “ unidentified worn- present work force of 679 men murder charge In toe shooting SPECIAL Biirim 'wm b^ I n God, My God Why?” ; Hilllp the state’s decision makers, start Its new mlnl-reactor on Its ed an. will be nearly doubled. cf Mrs. Katz. 3 piece set-ups EXTRA SPECIAL-- all glass officiate. Joranson, "I Thirst” ; the Rev. One ot his representatives, ______A spokesman from the fire d e------LARGE TANKS G ^ " ’oo m e \r" It’l s “^ S i : Atty. DonairK. "PP®’’ Manhattan. Ten lines, five In each dlrec- partaTent said the fire was in a Tank, Stand, Full Combo Hood CAT & DOG BEDS Tank, Stand, Full Combo Hood Mr. Oddo WM toe husbMd j,,g intoxication case was con- live (Ml love RED VELVET SWORDS 3 for 1 RED WAG SWORDS 3 for 1 KISSERS 3 for 1 Green, Gold, Tan, Blue, Brown . . . The fabric is of a high grade burlap ’Tuesday in Southampton. He consequences of toe worst possi- East and West BerUn officials unued to April 26 In Manches- ZEBRAS 6 for 1 TIGER BARBS 4 for 1 PLATIES 4 for 1 was toe husband of Mrs. Mar­ Monaco and Sons Construction cf Pine St. wlU be lessened and ble accident or enough guide- failed last week to reach agree- Sorry No Splits! weave for lasting durability . . . See them todonuN at maturity, applies to all 20 LONG ALL GLASS TANK, STAND, AQUA TOP, FLUORESCENT REFLECTOR, UNDER GRAVEL I On Any Kreehler 7 Structlon Co. cf Enfield - $241,- tlcn on toe West side of Broad P o U r I i H l i a o k e r It's for when you're old (/ you can Bonds issued since June 1, 1970... to Herbert K. and Angela M. home of Anthony GigUo of Rt. FILTER, HYDRO-METER/THERMOMETER, P.H. PEBBLES, GRAVEL, MARINE SALT, CHEMI- charf,*^.; a brotoer, J^eph on.26; King Construction Co. cf st. to allow for toe widening ^ 0 1 1 8 1 1 I H j a C K C r afl^ord it. with a comparable improvement for ..Sleep or Loung on Smith o HazardviUe; and six g io o m fla i^ - $244,946.20; a n d .there, Sargent, property at 73 Milford 6, Bolton. The building, owned 'I'lic kind of retirement you're after all older Bonds. PURE and BAG. Regular $107.50 SALE $89.95. POWER FILTER grandchildren. Gom PAvlmr Co of Newliurton » j. -'-*.1.. .u I j l V e n ] - j O n g J . e m i r c dreams? Not if you pre­ 7/8 oz. TeTra-Min ’ Reg. 89c SALE 69c ea. be in ThompsonvUle. pare now. STAR Pumps Reg. 7.50 SALE $5.49 DIATOM Auxiliary Power Filter laved construction will be ^**® ■^“*>’ 1®’ ®y® Prank Carl MagnoU of Ken- Les Harlow, no estilhate could There's an easy, painless way to Qtiolity For Quality — Prie* For Prie# Th» (MHONOR Friends may call at toe awarded within 46 days accord. East year, toe project was let and a hand In toe attempt. slngton and Cynthia Louise be made of toe damage at press 15% OFF DRIFTWOOD CENTER PIECES 200 gal. per hr. Reg. 84.95 SALE $29.95 make your retirement dreams a real­ Bed Mm i Of Bedding Born Beat ’em All . . . Brockett Funeral Home, 203 11ing tolu juiiu-'JuliUEi Via..Garbus, I..AO ...... chief — of *>ld and a contract The 28-year-old Wjacker de- wahnqulst of 270 Autumn St., time since toe firemen were ity. Join the Payroll Savings Plan Hampton Rd., Southampton, JI*® c’gnti^*rdlvirion'*of toTstate awarded to toe King Construe- manded that toe Katowlce-to-April *24, 8t. Mary’s Church. still chopping holes In toe roof where you work. That way, an amount MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS L.I., tomorrow from 7:30 to 10 ugggrt^ent gf Transportatlcn. U®n Co. at a price of $199,000. Warsaw flight change course for BuUdlng Permits to let out toe smoke. He guess- you specify will lie set asitle from each CHECK and COMPARE!! p.m. The Rosary wUl be re- ^g yg„g includes Before toe state could begin Vienna. The explosive he used Belcon Associates, change ed that toe building would be paycheck and used to buy L’.S. Sav ­ ON FISH AND HARDGOODS! H.mi.1- arr vair l> in4ni, <« ,lr>it>nr.l. cited Sunday at 8 p.m. at the y / Center St to three Ita work, however, toe town as a threat blew up, and he and door and flnlrfi interior at 316- a total loss, however, ings Bonds. It’s an easv way to save. •ar rrt^acr ihnn tVKrn (Iw< .1 last Ta« aa< t<« .kitrmi YOU! funeral home. lanes with two foot shoul- had to lower the sewer lines on nine other passengers were In- 19 Green Rd., $3,000. Firemen at toe scene said And now there's a liunus interest uBtil rr.lrmpfhai 4n.l aiaav. rvMWialar*. 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SERVE ----1------ders on each aide from Cooper Bine St. and complete other jured. The plane returned safely Peter R. Gavello, convert car- that this Is toe second time fire rate on all U.S. Savings Bonds—for Trap Termites st to pine st ■ widening Center utility work. The town had to Katowice. port into family room at 133 has broken out In toe cottage, AQUARIUM DECOR 804 FARM INGTON AVE. BERLIN TURNPIKE 284 BROAD ST. NAIROBI Kenya — Dried St to 60 feet from Cooper St. some difficulty getting reason- The court also sentenced Brent Rd., $600. toe first time being last fall, CONNECnCUrS MOST ELEGANT AQUARIUM ^ NEWINGTON MANCHESTER termites considered highly nu- to Pine St. widening. Pine St. able prices for toe work, so toe Otma’s brother Leon to a four- , U and R Housing Corp., No cause for today’s fire was TVike stock in A m erica. 980 SULLIVAN AVKNUE, ROUTE 194E trltlous 'are used for seasoning to three 12 foot lanes with two contract had to be bid three year term and his girl friend house at 316 Kennedy Rd., $28,- dUcovered Immediately, but N()vv B()nds oav a bonas at maturit V. many African dishes In some foot shoulders for 625 feet from times. Maria Kanlkula to two years for 000. toe buUding does contain a pot- SO. WINDSOR, OONNECnCUT , TELEPHONE 644-2077 Tc L 5 m T i 20 Tel. 666-5854 Tel. 646-6262 parts of Africa, termite hunters the Intersection; widening By toe time this work was helping In toe hijack attempt. Phillips Construction Co. of bellied, wood-burning stove, OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK • MON.-8AT. 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. - SUN. 1 - 9 P.M. dance and sing aUm 12-foot-hlgh Broad St. to five 12 foot lanes completed, the 46 day limit on The 25-year-term is toe maxi- Berlin for John F. Barry, bath- A Vernon fire truck stood by J 5!.*/r'iMarr^*TTw**jUf«!a Open Mon. thru Fri., 10 to 9 Sot. 'til 5:30 Acres Of Free PorkParking termite mounds to lure toe In- with two fcot shoulders in the the contract with King had run mum prison sentence given In room and open porch at 36 Bar- toe Bolton firehouse vdille toe Ampte Free Paridng, Master Charge and CAP, Gift Certlflcates, Layaway Plan sects out into grass traps. area of the corner. 'Ihe curve out. Poland. ry Rd., $7,000. fire was going on. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE ELEv^'J PAGE TEN MANOHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 1^1 Andover liXAR GA*ElC*V Post Would Publish Agenda - hv c l a v r . p o l l a x - LIIRA lO ), ARIES MX*. 21 Your Da'iiy Activily Guide SBPT. 23 Brood Street, Manchester 82 Stores Streef, Monchester A c c o rd in g to the Stars. Ocf. 22 ALSO Before Selectmen Sessions To develop message for Frldoy, 5-15-26-37^^ Across |>v 8-12-23-34 read words corresponding to numbers PROSPECT AVE. AND KANE ST., WEST HARTFORD Republican Candidate for First perintendent of Schoeds Aram 57-67-79-84 51-60-81-90^ PROSPECT AVE. AND KANE ST., WEST HARTFORD of your Zodiac birth sign. 82 Stores Selectman Robert H. Post has Damarjlan, stated that the lat­ TAURUS SCORPIO the Nation } Business 31 Holds 61 Inferiority stated that one of his major ter has received some 34 In­ -• X M .-2 0 62 Worm ocr. 23fZ Across / 2 Conditions 32 In concerns with local government quiries into the position of prin­ ( M X Y 20 3 You 33 In 63 Heod NOV. 21’^- 64 Legol the Nation 9-20-31-42 4 Mote 34 Or Open Daily is to see that it is open to all cipal of the Andover Elemen­ 5 Meet 35 Cosh 65 W oy 11-14-25-36i .^45-56-80-88 V. of the people, with everyone tary School. 6 Greater 36 Get 66 Aside 48-59-70 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 10 P.M. GEMINI 7 Moon 37 Ar>d 67 For SAGITTARIUS OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. T 0 10 P.N. aware of the problems confront­ Of these 34, appointments 6 Produce 38 Suffering 68 The NOY. 22 A j Open haily iota 10 ing the town and the action be­ 69 Merrily CMRKIMNn were made with 23 applicants 9 Someone 39 Mood ing taken regarding such prob­ y d ^ J U N C 20 10 You’ll 40 About 70 Nothing Dec. 21 f g . 1 nwneii*— .r i SELF-SERVICE DERT STORES for interviewing on April 20 and r ? \ 4-17-28-39 i I Remember 41 Distont 71 Complex 10-22-33-44^ USE YDIiR C.A.P. OR lems. 22. C3ut-off date for receiving 72 Affection 10 to 10 USE YOUR C.A.P. OR ; ^ 4 9 - 6 2 - 7 2 12 A 42 The 154-65-74 SELr»*SillVICE DEPT STORES >409 In a statement yesterday. further applications Is tomor­ 13 Speeds 43 Your 73 Motters MASTER CHAROE CARD MASHR CHARGE CARD CANCER 14 You 44 A 74 Todoy CAERICORN 1rife! Post said that he Intends to row. 15 New 45 Answer 75 Terxlency DEC. 22. n notify townspeople of meeUngs The board, together with 76 To 1 — » < ^ J ^ ^ J U L Y 22 16 M a y 46 Register JAN. )> of the Board of Selectmen ahead Damarjlan, and principal Mrs. 17 In 47 From 77 Express Do Your Spring Thing and Save at King's, Your Family Fashion Store! 55-66-68-75,^ of time, and to publlsh-the •0^ 2-1^29-^ 18 Could 48 Something 78 M eons Doris Chamberlain, who retires ,A^5(W3«-89 19 Signs 49 Show 79 Your 76-77-84-85V agenda which will be covered June 30, will interview all the 20 Neorby 50 Your 80 Loqking AQUARIUS K/ng's Puts It AH Together... The Styles, The Shapes, The Colors! LEO 81 Influence during these meetings. qualified appUcants and pre­ 21 Knowledge 51 Extend JAN. 20 j JULY 23 22 Shine 52 Affoirs B 2 B e Post stated that rather than sent a recommendation short­ \_^AUG.22 23 Gift 53 Field 63 Greoter fti. It simply saying anyone can at­ ly. It Is expected that a new 24 Up 54 Big 84 Negotive a.16-27-38 85 Thoughts 6-21-32-431 tend all the meetings, towns­ principal will actually be hired 25 C o n 't 55 Put- 53-78-83-871 Spring Faishions •. • at King^s D '47^171 26 People 56 You're 86 Portner people should have the right of effective July 1, so that there PISCES VIRGO 27 Be 57Treot 87 Income 88 For §ipi*iii^ Fashion Bnys for M en Boys knowing In advance what will may be continuous supervision 28 Hoppy 58 Rings & fit. If y > - i 29Crosh 59 For 89 Coreful be discussed. At present, there at the school. m S :". 30 Spotlight W Y o u r 90 Now M X * . 20 Is no way of knowing what mat­ 7-19-30-41 i 1- 13- 24-35 pi^(^Good (^Adverse (JjNcutral ters will come up at a select­ Manchester Evening Herald 52-64-73 1 . ^ 46- 58-69 men’s meeUng, or of how a Andover correqwndent Anna matter may be decided upon Frisina, tel, 742-9847 YOU'RE ALL GIRL IN OUR until after the fact. Post states that on certain matters, it is More Own Two Homes Egyptian Government THE W hite imperative that the opinions and WASHINGTON—About 2 mil­ BOYS PERMANENT PRESS concerns of the people be known lion U.S. families own second before decisions are made. homes, not including trailers, To Rescue Old Temple WESTERN INFLUENCE IN New Principal houseboats or cabins. Ttiere Polyester The Board, of EducaUon Tues­ were only about 550,000 second By ELIAS ANTAR The Aswan High Dam day night heard a report from homes before World War n, but AMOclated Press W riter checked the annual floodwaters Shirts and Chairman Mrs. Beatrice Kowal­ they are now increasing at the and stabilized the water level Dresses ski, who In the absence of Su­ rate of 200,000 a year. ASWAN, Egypt (AP) — In around Philae, leaving it half M e n s one o< the most heavily defend- underwater but still in danger, ed spots in Egypt, a 2,300-year- with Pastel Lace Trims The rescue project, sponsored Tie Sets old temple of the goddess of life by the United Nations Educa­ is to be rescued from slow tional, Scientific and Cultural death. S p o r t Organization is to begin in July The Philae temple of the an­ and will take four years to com- U 9 7 cient Egyptian goddess Isis, a , ^ . complex of eight rock-buUt P has soured 2 9 9 s t r u ts . Is half submerged In Coats For Easter, graduation or par­ the Nile below the Aswan High the $l2.6-mllllon cost. SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORES ties, when you want to look Dam. The Egyptian govern- Egyptian engineer WlUlam your prettiest. Lino polyester ment, with International help, Hanna, who worked out the plan BROAD STREET, MANCHESTER has decided to save It from the for UNESCX), said the temple crepe you can wash by hand or river’s erosion. complex will be tom down sttme Sculptured fab­ machine. Jr sizes 7 to 15. rics combined fihe bUUon-dollar dam and a stone and moved to a tw ky smaller 70-year-old Britlrfi-bullt ya^^ds away. This Is with fashion Tremendous Selections color solids for Others In Petite dam three miles downstream, *eet above the present site, Sizes 5 to 13 are protected against poesiUe steel cofferdam will be 19 a brand new> at King's Low Prices! attack by a formidable defense around Philae and ithe Nile look. Also regu­ system of antiaircraft guns, ma- waters pumped out, dryhig out lation dress chine guns, barrage balloons the temple,” Heuuul explained. shirts with con­ r "It will then be dismantled and and—reportedly—ground t o air trast ties. Poly­ missiles. moved by barge to the new Is­ ester-cotton. In the center pf this ring of land.” The new site, a jumbled pile steel stands the Philae temple, The newest fashion trend for of granite rocks called AgiUda, its uppermost ramparts and men, rugged western styling hieroglyphic inscriptions mir­ will be reshaped to look like Sizes 8 to 18. PhilEte Island. in single breasted sport rored in the serene waters of coats with the new casual, the lake formed between the bold look. Fancy patterns, two dams. way-out solids of blue, tan, A Isis was worshiped by the e u i- State Will Get rose, peach and navy. In reg- clMit Egyptians as the goddess COLORFUL ACETATE PRINT of life. The Elgyptlans built the $1.6 Million In ulat sizes 36 to 46. first temple of Isds at I^iUae t v -. i 1 ? J around 360 BJC., and it quickly H l^ tlW d V X UUQS Tuilie Tops became aji important center of FASHION FLARESI pilgrimage and worship. HARTFORD (AP) — ConnecU- tor All Your PantsI The Greeks, who came to cut Is eligible for $1.6 million In Egrypt in the dying years of the federal funds to Improve heavily- ani^ent ElgyptlEui clvUlzEdlon, P B o y i S associated Isis with one of their traveled roads between cities, own goddesses and continued to State Transportation Commis­ 4 9 9 worship her at Philae, adding a sioner A. Earl Wood announced few monuments of their own. Wednesday. ' Slacks The complex w e i s later expfuid- Versatile belted pant tops in jac and "These are the roads where^ ed by the Romans, who found it MENS HIGH FASHION button front styles with fashion col­ our Investment In highways ctin expedient to worship the local lars, two button barrel cuffs. 100% ^ produce the best return for the gods. The Emperor Trajan built m,™ , acetate in an array of patterns. Sizes j . T . motoring public, said Wood, his own temple dedicated to Isis ^ 32 to 38 and 40 to 44. next to the Egyptaln and Greek Some 70 Connecticut communi­ Sport hegular and s structures. ties are eligible for the aid, said Slim Sizes 4 5 Others from Wood. The program Is 50 per When the British built the old 3.99 to 5.78 Aswan Deim In 1902 the accumu­ cent funded by the federal gov­ lated waters pertly submerged ernment, with state and local Shirts the temple. Only between July govemmepts providing the rest ahd September, when the of the money. Permanent press poly­ 100% Polyester sluices were opened to let the Among the eligible cities are ester and cotton in annual Nile flood throughi was Hartford, Bridgeport, New Ha­ stripes and geomet­ Easter Baskets the temple in full view. ven, Waterbury, Stamford, New ries. Four pockets. Double Knit... The yearly rise and fall of the Britain, Norwtilk, Danbury, Textured surface treat­ Super Stretch ENKASHEEfT waters speeded the erosion of Greenwich, Bristol, Manchester, ments. Regulars 8 to the gray rock slabs of Pbilae, Vernon, Ansonia, Merldefl, and 18, slims 6 to 16. Hus­ suburbs surrounding the major Fashion's Foremost Fabric in threatening the temple Mdth kies in waists 27 to 34. eventual coUttpse. cities. Paiity Hose Gail/ decorated, chock full of delectable candy treats. Fashion at its most ex­ citing for tjie "under 30" crowd! Up-to-the- Husky Sixes 4 . 9 9 3 Pe Pant Bresses Sizes Small minut^ puHover and Med, Tall. cardfean models with X-Tall long ^ e v e s , 3-button Jr. Boys 4 to 7 3 . 7 S Easter Flowers cuffs. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Enka* nylon yarn with super stretch for per­ SfLF-SERVICE DEPT STORES fect fit. Beige, cinna­ MUMS 3.17 mon, taupe, coffee, I BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER ~1 Pantdressing at its best in washable double knit polyester that needs navy or white. no special care, packs perfectly, stays fresh and wrinkle free! Shown are just two of several all-occasion styles in spring’s prettiest pastels. TULIPS ond Mothers Day Values from King's Super Stretch Panty Hose Petites 3 to 13 Juniors 7 ,to 15 in Extra Sizes lx to 4x HYACINTHS 2.39 Jewelry Dept NEWS IN COMFORT, Misses 10 to 20 Half Sizes 14Vt to 24V2 4 7 8 WESTERN Beautiful, Healthy Plants FIT AND EASY CARE! STYLED From Local Greenhouses! MENS 100% DACRON TODDLER BOYS GIRLS BONDED POLYESTER KNIT Boys LIHLE GIRLS Dress & 2 Piece 3 Bud Suits 2 Piece Potted 8 Flared Pant Set Vest Suit Choice of 3 Styles Slack Set Easter iSlaeks « 14k Gold Rings IS 9 9 Q 9 7 Lilies for Mother and Grandmother 2 9 9 The very popular west­ 1 4 . 9 9 W esr the Dress Alone Sleeveless Vest ’ ern look in a smartly 2.37 ONE or with the Sleeks / end Flered Sleeks tailored single breast­ Tunic Top with STONE ed coat with 3 patch 18^ bellows pockets, Sleeveless or short Mstching Sleeks 4 and 5 Bud Smart new dress-up matching flared slacks. sleeve styles, some 3 Slacks a man can move in! suits in cotton den­ 2.50 ADDITIONAL FOR EACH BIRTHSTONE Full-bodied twilled fab­ piece looks. Bonded For dress or play, im or blends. Belted Texturized Dacron poly­ ric in tan or blue. L i l i e s acetate and nylon. .tunic pantsets in fronts. Stripes and ester knit refuses to wrin­ A meaningful personal history of love for Mother Belts and novelty 100% cotton. Prints, solids. 2-3-4. kle, snaps back into shape. or Grandmother! A birlhstone to represent each trims. Sizes 7 to 14. polka dots, navy and 2.97 member of her family . . . con be added to os the Machine washable! Navy, pastels. Fringe, ap- Others from 5.97 to 8.97 family grows. tan, olive, chocolate or Others from 5.99 to 8.99 lique trims. 4 to 6x. burgundy. Waist sizes 29 Beautiful and frogrontl Please Allow 2 Weeks for Delivery to 38, inseams 29-30-32. Lovely gifts for the home. 6 and 7 ...... 3.17 USE YOUR C.A.P. or WCHONni 8 and up ...... 3.47 'EASTER CHARSE SARD

o PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING- HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN-, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HRlftAU). MANCTS!ST|^. .(j6im .. IftCRSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN The leglslaUon Is sptxisored I livelier—are -what— some ec It puts in through spending and grants. Gim& O utdraw by Sen. Alden Ives, the Senate GLASTONBURY nomlc doctors are ordering. Republican leader. He said his and will feature five soloists the Community House, and wiU added, will depend on the' profit More Changes in Works Normally the payroll tax is, (But old-line fiscal conserva­ Corenfcn presenting the prominent por­ be followed by 9:30 and 11 a.m. realized from the ball itself. tives' like Chairman George H. Liquor Issues, bill also Includes provisions for on balance, a restraining factor greater responsibility for 18- tions with choral accompani­ worship services. Tickets are still available, State House Good Friday an'd Easter at in the economy. Each year It Mahon, D-Tex., of the House travel agency ment. On Social Security Benefits Lawmakers Find year-olds. Matchliig Grants and Ben ZoUo is in charge of produces more revenue than Is Appropriations Committee, say Glass Pickup Soloists include Lunn Donald Kingsley, chairman this. Cost of the tickets includes that such a budget is deceftful. — Ives is a resident of Morris, Kills Issue By EDMOND Ve BRETON up trust funds that now own a needed to pay benefits for that HARTTORD (AP)—Guns ore yjg Tork-Cbnnectlcut Charies, tenor; Rodman Stew­ of the Fife and Drum Ball light refreshments and aet-upe. ST. MARYS EPISCOPAL CHURCH year. The surplus goes Into trust and dangerously so, Associated Press Writer significant part of the national bigger issue than liquor, If border. There has^ been pres- RCLAX! Proposed By art and Everett IFrost, bari­ Steering Committee, has an­ Once tickets are purchased, PARK AiND CHURCH STREiErrS UANCHESTER, CONN. debt. funds intended to make sure If Social Security plies up a tones; Lois Calase and Shirley nounced that matcMng grants table reservations should be Of Abortion that the system will be able to *3.5 billion surplus and the gov- turnouts fpr legislative public sure on both sides of the state Your Travel Dreams Edmondson, sopranos. are to be awarded to the Cov­ made with Mrs. Paul Board- WASHINGTON (AP) - The when S o cial Security started, emment promptly borrows It hearings are any Indication. **"® Connecticut to drop its chances are 10 o one ^t tax was *30 a meet future obllgratlons to its' FISH Chief On Sunday, an Easter Sun­ entry High School Boosters man, Main St. (Continued from Page One) — — growing number ,cf beneficiar­ Are Practically Good Friday and spends It, **®hon M g u ^ ^ hearing on lowering the n, I rise Service will be held on the Club and the ' Beautification Tickets are also available at gathering enough support to 10:00 AM. — CHKCREN’S 8BRVIOB, "THE CROSS” has assets^ off *« ^ b - ^year each on worker and em- ies. the surplus should not be used Earlier Thesday, three other Thanks to the cooperative ef­ to reduce the government’s red “"nklng age to 18 In Connect!- uje Senate were hill behind the church parson­ Committee at the Sixth Annual Melody Music Store In Hart­ override a veto is extremely un­ 1 •;o 7*A'. — ’T tt; T,7nwT»riV FOR GOOD FRIDAY on and d ^ s close to a *40 bll- Social Security, obviously, W ithin The forts of FISH and TIRASH (the age, Grant HiU Rd., to be fol­ Ball, set for May'8 at the Man­ ford, according to Kingsley. 7 d 0 P jM. — THE 8TATTONB OF THE CROSS ink column in the budget. The cut drew a scant crowd of 12 referred to committee, likely,” Mrs. Truex said. 11^ ^ u a l business-and does not keep its surplus in high school Ecology Club) Cbv- lowed by a breakfast at 6:15 chester Armory. Of the 18 women in the House, shoeboxes. By law, the funds loan, he says, continues to be an Tuesday night. It had been One would ' allow women to Reach of entry residents may soon be sponsored by the Junior and Music for the annual charity Manchester Evening Herald there^ a good congress makes no more ooiigacion the government may scheduled for the House Hall— stand—as well as sit—at bars, 10 voted for the bill, six against ycm soon be putting more ^ ^ are invested In government able to deposit their used glass Sen'T-T- ■PUgrim FeUowships of event will be provided by Har­ Coventry correspondent Holly It. Two were abeent. — Easter Services — into It or getting more out of it. ® ^ bends. In effect, the government have to pay some day, and by where 3,600 or so persons attend- Another would delete from the bottles at various points cireund the church. ry James and his Orchestra. Onntner, tel. 742-8796. recording Uie transaction in a ed a gun law hearing 24 hours code a requirement that only Your Several legislators said their EASTER EfiTE., SATURDAY, APRIL. 10, 1971 ■mat undertaking Is the Social SocW Security a P ^ e ^ e n berrows the surplus as fast as it town for recycling at the Day- Thoee interested In attending Kingsley said that the match­ mall was running heavily 8:00 PJM. — THE FIRST SERVIOE OF E1A8TER which has ®^y that, In terms of protection accumulates, paying on each In­ way that makes the deficit ap- earlier. wives and daughters of permit- viUe plant. You will find that brass wlU (BAPTUOC AND HCK.Y EfiXSARlST) Security system. pear smaller, the government liquor session was moved tees be allowed to work in tav- Phone! the breakfast should note ttiat ing grants are being made this against abortion law reform, for departments and the t ros crement an interest rate based ■The ’Town Council has re­ the hour was incorrectly stated year in place of the Queen Con­ tranish less quickly In damp even though a peril last year S^g*Xrii^g toe'"^preMio^^ ultimate payout on re- orSrcureent'c'M rof'^rr^ ^ public Into complacen- to a smaller room, and six per- ems ceived an outline proposal from EASTER SUNDAY, A PR IL U , 1971 in Uie church paper and bul­ test that has been held In pre­ weather If it is rubbed after claimed 55 per cent of the 6:00, 7:80, 9:30, 11:00 AM . — THE HCNL.Y EUCHARIST S' g g P tirement, the payroll tax paid y^g open market. *^y continued spending gonsanna taatiriaHtestlfled he/nrebefore the TJnuorUquor ThThe third would kill a pro- CALL FISH Coordinator PhilUp Arra polishing with a cloth slightly the 1930’s into a huge, tax-sup- . Control Committee. vision in the law allowing the letin as being 8 a.m. vious years. state’s residents were for It and (OOlCBINED CHOIRS AT 7:30 AND 11:00 AM. SERVICES) ported umbrella over more than by a worker is a bargain. Nev- At the end of 1970 the Social receipts. TODAY with the stated purpose of ac­ The breakfast will be held in The amount of the grants, he 'moistened with olive oil. only 29 per cent opposed. The argument is not likely to ^ opposed the Liquor Control Commission to cumulating “as much discarded nlne out of 10 working people in ® Security . trust funds totaled end soon. Neither is the unified drinking deny a liquor permit to a woman JUST THINK OP ALL the United States, and more that starts with the Irst *41.6 billion. Invested at an av­ glass as possible from the Cov­ than nine out of 10 persons 65 or the payroll levy budget practice. Together they y^^ present 21 years. « her duUes as a\ permittee THAT VACATION entry community.” erage rate of 5.2 per cent. The help $33-4666 gjjjgj. can be a heavier burden for major funds, for retirement and illustrate the major role y^^ert Bruzas, a PlainvUle "may Interfere with the care t im e YOITLL SAVE Arra Is proposing that loca­ ,, , some low-lncoem families than Social Security, sUll little more tions be establlriied where resi­ c^rse, the working people disability, are expected to earn designer, said he was her family.” than 30 years old, now plays in against it because alcohol is a __J______dents coul^ on a bi-monthly or and their employers pay the mere than *2 billion Interest for the national economy. taxes that hold up the umbrella. The congressional decision to the system during 1981. Tlie poison to the nervous system; monthly basis, drop their bot­ Congress, which has added Increase benefits this year but funds are expected to grow by because it Increases confidence; Glastonbury Travel Agency tles. Arra would like to “main­ tain a dependable glass pickup benefits or coverage to the sys- «»e t^ about *3.8 billion during the 2 Annunziatos because it is an escape device; SUEDEClEANWe and because it is a depressant. DOM ON PKNSIS 270 New London Turnpike schedule so as to eatabUah the Vaklo! tern more than a dozen Umes '^as cHUclzed by President Nix- year. Easter Fashion Savings When the President makes up The other opponent was a miH 10X on Glastonbury. Conn. separation of glass from all since the first Social Security bad recofnmended si- Freed on Bonds other refuse as an everyday bill was passed In 1935, has just multaneous ' adjustments. But j,ls annual budget, should he to- Stamford real estate agent, John PAHAK OIANNS there Is reason to believe it was tal in with other receipts the NEW HAVEN (AP)—Two East McLaughlin. He said drinking Is WEST MIDDLE. TtigNPIKE practice of the town residents.” done it agsdn. It enacted a 10 Such a program would also per cent across-the-board_ __ __ bene-_ not wholly unwelcome through- yield cf the payrol tax and llert Haven men ccMivlcted of con- harmful to the national economy fit* increase and a tax stepup to administration, con- benefit ouUays along with other spiracy to murder. In what au- because It causes hangovers and eliminate the need to bury glass cemed with an pconomy that re- expenditures even though So- thorltles said was a gangland alcoholism. These In turn lead containers at the town dump, finance it. Arra pointed out. ■The benefit Increase, mains sliiggi^ and unemploy- dfQ Security is, in a real sense, incident, were freed Wednesday to absenteeism, manufacturing tho inonma n f more than 26 2 that Continues high despite distinct from other government from prison on *160,000 bonds mistakes and other problems, The system could also provide m llll^ persons and sluicing an relaUvely operaUons? Since midvmy In the each he said. the town’s volunteer and service extra *3 4 billion purchasing ®®®y "’®"®y- Lyndon B. Johnson admlnlstra- Salvatore "Midge Renault” Much of the argument In fa- organizations with a method of power Into the still-sluggish Precisely such moves as the tion this has been done and it Annunzlato, 51. and his son, vor of the bill centered arouad supplementing their revenue ecOTomy is retroactive to Jan. Social Security benefit increase has been argued over, mainly FYanclsco, 27, were reteased the problem of 18, 19 and 20- while performing a dvlc func- 1 1971 ^The recipients will not —putting out 3.4 bMlon quickly because the result Is to show after the state’s attorney’s office year-olds driving to New York tiem. This would be accom­ actually have the cash in hand, sp®nt dollars and postponing the smaller budget deficits than cleared the property they offered state where they may legally plished by the various organiza­ however, until June because of countervailing tax increase until would have resulted from the as ball while they appeal the drink, and then driving home tions taking turns on policing the time required to adjust the n®*t y®®^ when things may be old system of separating trust convlctiwis. under the influence of their llba- ' and supervising the pick-up lo­ mammoth computerized payout livelier-are what—some ec- funds operations fro mthe gen- n ie Annunziatos were convict- tlons. cations, and actually carting the machinery nomlc doctors are odering. eral operating budget. ed by a Superior Court jury of Joseph Bengal of Waterbury, glass off to DayviUe. The increased tax bite will be NormaUy the payroll tax Is, Economists say the new "uni- cMisplracy to murder Edward representing retail liquor Inter­ The main raeponsiblllty of the felt only next year and Initially on balance, a re fled budget” provides the best Gould of New Haven, who tesU- ests. said he favored the bUl Save an Extra residents themselves would be Crinkle Patents to store their glass, then sep­ Our Rag. 6.99 - 7.99 only by persons earning mor^ I^recisely such moves as the measure of the ^ e m m e n t’s fled against the pair at their and would oppose lowering ,toe Shoulder bags, pouches and arate it by color when they de­ swagger bags, especially suited than *7,800 a year and their em- Social Security benefit Increase role In either stimulating or re- trial. drinking age only for beer. He posit at the pick-up points. Plovers The payroll tax. cur- -putting out 3.4 blUlon quickly straining the economy, because Salvatore Annunzlato w m sen- g^id It would be difficult to keep to pantsuits. White, bone, navy, Details of the program are re‘d, d. I'black. ■ 6.44 V oluel rently 5.2 per cent each on em- spent doUars and postponing the It reflects the totai’i amount of tenced to a tenn ^ the younger ImWblers on ^ e r still being worked on, with more j ----- 1— ---- - countervailing tax Increase until money the government takes years inI prison, and^ms seal wm gjone once they got Into the bar. Fan*®***® ploye and employer, applies announcements expected short­ next year when things may be out of the economy and the total given a sentence of 5-to-lO years. only to earnings up to *7,800. ly- dibU V alue J Next year the base goes to __ Church Services Girls’ Easter Handbags In c re *9,000. Later the rate goes up. to The Lenten season Is drawing Rag. le 2.99 a top of 6.05 per cent by 1987, Vinyl or straw bags in various to a close, and local churches novelty styles. Bead and fringe but Congress almost certainly are planning special services In will have made more changes 0170^»OFF trims. Choice of Spring colors. honor of the approaching Eas­ 1.66 by then. ter Sunday. sndZ44 In fact, more changes already Our Original prices on a — / w s / ( At Prince of Peace Lutheran are in the works. A better break Church, Maundy ’Thursday will Girls’ Easter Gloves for widows and for retired per­ Tremendous Selection of be miarked with an 8 p.m. serv­ sons .who continue to earn some Our Rag. $1 D ice; a Good Friday service Is Nylon stretch fabrics, some with money is considered almost cer­ also wheduled for 8. tain. And there is much senti­ embroidery trims. Sparkling Easiest Care There will be an Easter Eve white! * ■ Peasant and ment for another benefit in­ m Famous Brand Toys service a t 8 p.m. on Saturday, 66 crease, or else a provision for and on Sunday, an Easter Ma­ ArneP Print Dresses future automatic Increases tied tins service at 6:80 aim., Eeui- Frontier Dresses ^ to he cost of living. • MATTEL • IDEAL • TOPPER • REMCO ter Breakfast at 7:30 a.m., and New Spring Scarves Knit Rag.m $( Holidiy ■The 1938 Social Security act Easter Festival at 10:16 a.m. ' Pricad Colder Priced 12.88 provided only for payments to THE At the Second CongregaitlonaT Pantsets R ^ . 6.99 retired workers 66 or older, and ’KENNER • BRADLEY • AND MANY MORE! 54 inch squares, oblongs in geo­ Church, Dubois’ Canata. “The metries, dots or stripes. Stunning step out smartly in one of these teS.99 Choice of styles in this popular only those who had been in com­ PANEL Seven Last Words of Christ,” fabric. Machine wash and ary. 5 merce or Industry. It imposed a colors! knit fashions! Tweeds, space wlU be presMifed by the church 1.99 dyes in acrylic or cotton. S, M. L. Calico, mosaic and other prints. Washable cottons. P, S, M, L. to 13. 1 per cent tax on earnings up to SPECIALIST choir at 7:30 on Friday eve­ *3,000. The first benefit pay­ DELIVERIES ning. ments were to be made in 1942. ARRANGED The cansda depicts the last But even before the first bene­ three hours of the life of Christ, fits flowed Congress liberalized the system, providing for pay­ 40% OFF 1 I 70% OFF SAVE 2 5 % O FF Isk d^1 ments to aged wives, widows Our OriBinal Pricei on All I I Our Original Prices on All and children of deceased work­ "" THi BEs” pIACe"S TOWN f OR PRICIS Legal Notices Our Regular Low Prices ers, and moving the first pay­ MINIS Probate Court outs up to 1940. The average AiV. ARE CLAIM LIMITA’nO N DECREE payment that year was *22.10 a ESTATE OF Now in Time for the ' IN MfKT CLARENCE N. LUPIEN month for an individual. Reci­ • Weal S.T.A.R. 11 'Johmif District of Manchester pients totaled 113,000. ONLYTNRU The fiduciary. la Elizabeth L. Juul Easter Fashion Parade By 1970, there were 26,230,000 locate at 181 Oak Street, East Hart­ PANEL SAVINGS! | 4/14/71 ford, Connecticut 06118. beneficiaries. The average indi­ Team Sp ace " ■ It la DECREDSD that all claima • Boys’ Jackets vidual monthly payment now is agalnat the above estate be pre­ sented to the fiduciary on or before Our Reg. 11.99...... *131. A 65-year-old wife gets, in July a. 1971. Shag Pocketed addition, 50 per cent of her hus­ Attest: JOHN J. WALLETT. Judse S u ed e B elt • Jr. Boys’ Suits band’s basic benefit. Probate Court 5 .9 9 Successive changes have ex­ Tejs II MotlWieel CLAIM LIMITATION DECREE Bright pastel suede belt fits all sizes. 4 attached Our Reg. 10.99...... 0 . 2 5 ESTATE OF ELSIE R. BROWN tended the coverage of the sys­ District of Manchester snap close pockets. Great for hot paiits or casual tem, taking in many farm em­ RANDOM The fiduciary La Robert E. Brown wear. • Jr. Boys’ Vest Suits « '•Suiy Homemakery located at 21 Harlan St., Manches­ ployes, domestics, self-em­ ter, Conn. 06040. Our Reg. 8.99...... ployed professiuials such as It la DECREED that all claims against the above estate be pre­ doctors, clergymen, employes of Appliances I sented to the fiduciary on or before 14 K Gold Charms nonprofit organizations and, on July 1, 197L Incredible T/ an optimal basis, employes of Attest: JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge the Perfect Remembrance! state and local governments. SAND ^ ' Probate Court Low Prices Now the system embraces near­ By Topper I L29 to 32.99 ORDER OF NOTICE OF HEARING Exam ples of Savings: ESTATE OF ly 94.5 million workers, more lU.emoteyibay>em»ey^^ |0 9.99 CATHERINE A. LANAOAN Reg. Sale than 9 out of lO jobs in the coun­ District of Manchester Girls’ Blouses or It la ordered that a hecuing be held Girls’ Coats try. The only large groups omit­ by the Court on the allowance of the Sailboat 5.59 ted are federal employes, who administrator's administration ac­ 4.48 Girls’ ^ Long Our Reg. 13.99...... 1 U .5 U count with said estate, ascertain­ Scooter Skirts have their own retirement and Here are just a few of our ment of heirs and order of distribu­ health system, and sotane state •FIRST QUAUTY tion at the Probate Court located at • Girls’ Ensembles Municipal Bldg., 41 Center St, Man­ Typewriter 13.59 Peasant Dresses and local government workers, chester, Conn, on April 19, 1971 at 10.88 Our Reg. 16.99...... 1 2 . 7 5 similarly covered. Of the per­ • pre-finished w o o d Tremendous Savings in the Toy Dept.! 11 am . Your 99 It la further ORDERED that, on or sons reaching 66 in 1971, 93 per Originally Now before the CbmpUance Date fixed Choice aoch cent are eligible to receive cash U DENS, SPARE-ROOMS by the Court a copy of this ORDER Ballet Slippers 8.59 ^ 4.44 be published one time ki a news­ 6.88 benefits from Social Security. LIM IT so paper having circulation in this Pro­ Many more sale items at similar savings! Dressy or tailored blouses, white, Besides, broadening the cov­ • REC. ROOMS Lego Starter Construction S et...... i r.— 8 8 ' bate District Girls love the ruffles, long skirts! Not all styles in all sizes. No Rain Checks! pastels. Wrap panel and front AUeot: JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge others include bell, gavel, telephone, dog, cat, fish, Assorted prints in sizes 7 to 12. scooters. Each 7 to 14. erage, Congress repeatedly PER baby shoes — and otheh e rs . raised benefits—and taxes. In • FAMILY ROOMS Probate Court 9 9 ORDER OF NOnCB OF HEARING addition, it created vdiole new CUSTOMER Remco Adventure Boy______> — 1.27 EBTATE OF components of the system. Thus CHARLES ANTHONY LANAOAN A-K-A CHARLES A. LANAOAN in 1966 retirement for the first 3 99 District of Manchester time was provided for workers Ideal Mini Matic Appliances...... 1.33 It Is ordered that a hearing be held by the Court on the allowance of the disabled before reaching pen­ TAKE A WALK administrator’s administration ac­ <" a- sion age. And in 1966, after 4’xir REDSTONE count trith said estate, ascertain­ THRU OUR "WOODS" Ideal Chips are Down Game ______4 5 9 — 1.33 ment of heirs and order of distribu­ years of argument. Medicare, tion at the Probate Court located at the plan under which Social Se­ Municipal Bldg., 41 Center St. Man­ COPPERTONE AND SAVE! chester. Com. on April 19, 1971 at curity pays much of the health Ideal Power Mite Tools______3 79 — 2.33 11 a m . care ertienses of elderly ret­ It Is further ORDERED that on or OVER 150 VARIETIES before the Compliance Date fixed irees, came into being. by the Court, a copy of this ORDER The family insurance factor of Ideal Kaboom Game ______.....4 5 9 — 2.27 be published one time in a news­ Social Security, the protection IN STOCK - YOU GET paper having clrculaUon In this Pro­ bate District. < guaranteed to wives and chil­ WHAT YOU SEE! Ideal S.T.A£. Team Space Gripper Device— 4 9 9 2.87 Attest: JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge dren in case of a breadwinner’s Probate Court death, now reaches 95 out of ev­ NO WAITING! CLAIM UMITATTON DECREE ery 100 children under 18 in the ESTATE OF Remco Mystery Zodiac Game______.2.84 OTHMAR H. TYRRELL country. Social Security says, District of Manchester and is equivalent to insurance The fiduciary Is Grace I. Moore located at P.O. Box 734. Manches­ with a lace value of more than Ideal 8.T.AJ4. Team Space Boots------3 69.....:2.93 ter, Connecticut 06040. It Is DECREED that all claims *1 trillion. BARN against the above estate be pre- From the start, the financing WHITE WALNUT SUSPEN DED senud to the fiducthry on or before 7 3 9 July 2. 1971. of Social Security has caused BOARD Snzy Homemaker Regular Oven______3.91 Attest: JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge F antastic controversies. There was a sen­ CEILING TILE Meu’s timent for a three-way split of OBDEB OF NOTICE COMP. 9 9 9 DISTRICT OF ANDOVER, S.S. W ig Jr. Boys’ (> Q Q the cost among employers, em­ Kenner Light ’n Go Puppy______4.44 PROBATE COURT, April 2 A.D. Dress ployes and the general funds of ' AT t.95 197L Girls’ Stretch 2'x4' EISTATE OF Wallace J. Bolkus. Sale Dress ^ * 0 0 S hirts ^ 9 9 the Treasury. But President ( 9 9 Sr. late of Bolton in said DIatrIct, de- Men’s Color Mated Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Remco Talk & Play Cradle______. — 4.99 Dobby, stripes, floral, solids advisers decided the system had 4' X 8' Upon the appllcaUon of Ruth A. Tops or Shorts Slacks including purple. 1414 to 17. Great value, only Balkus, preykw that letters of ad- in Time for a better chance if self-financed. 9 9 mlnistrauon may be granted on said No-iron poly blends. Solids, Shirt and Tie Set le per >q. (t. Ideal Mini Matic Kitchen______n __ 5.99 estate represented Intestate of Wal­ Size 4 to 6x stripes, flare legs. Band or So the payroll tax on worker lace J. Balkus, Sr. deceased, it Is The boxer waist. 4-7.- Spriueweisht and employer has been used ORDERED.' That said application Our Rag. 1.49 1.22,. VINYL C L A D be heard and determined at the Pro­ Holiday Faniastic ever since, with only ,minor gen­ Ohio Art Astroscope______..... 6.99 bate Office, In Bolton In said Dis­ Jr. Boys’ Dress/Sport Sbirts eral fund infusions to take care trict, on the 14th day of April 1971, SIza 7 to 14 at 3.99 at 1:00 o’clodc in the afternoon, and Our Rag. 1.79 of special groups. that public notice be given of the Rag. Prica 1.44.. Poly/cotton — no KZ 7.99 Congress and Social Security |Many More Sensational Savings In Each Store] pendency of said application and the Carnaby Drape. ___ 2LK Your Choice Nylon stretch tank tops or nylon ironing! Short Slimcuts, cuffs, flares — all No-iron poly/cotton. Solid with time and place of heeulng thereon, sleeves, long never-press. Solids, fancy, redi- new jacquard stripe wide tie. S, actuaries alike have insisted by publishing a copy of this order Eve------Jl/M knit shorts, color matched. Easy 1.27 that the rates set, and reset 65 TOLLAND TURNPIKE one Ume in some newspaper having point collar. 4 to 7. Rag.1.S9 to-wear 29-42. M, L, XL. short sleeves. from time to time, have pro­ ' t f t i S t t X MAJiOHEfii’raat/VBHNON TOWN UNB a circulation in said District. — and Mad Cap___ $' Qkam H 1145 Tolland Tpke. sale: by mailing — letters, postage pre­ Wind M i l l - duced a sound fund, capable of Next to Western Beef — Across from 8unoco Station ^ THURS. thru paid, addressed to each of the fI I^K— • Co., who now want to write off In other business last night, Fenante, Deborah EUssa, daughter of Michael and murder mystery set in a guest School Lunches a fence, Danbury police said. one of the lew in the country ^ ^ announcing the appointment to- "The party is not falling Carol Ddltlchele Perrante, RFD 3, Kelly Rd., Vernon. She work remaining on the project MHA Ebcecutive Director Leon which has been successful in house Isolated by a snowstorm. Monday - hot dog on a bun, said Miss Uccello’s office ” theTtettcr said. “ It’s just by ’’monetizing” it. Enderlin reported that Nation- was bom March 26 at IManchester Memorial Hospital. Her ma­ A guest is murdered ai^ since mustard, relldi, catsup. French ...^^11 direct ite concerns to the EldricUre Cleaver has per- treating children who are un­ ternal g^randmother Is Mrs. Amelia Pina, Johnston, R. I. Her ’Though the interiors of the 76 nl Shawmnt Bank of Boston ------no one- noncan ioov«leave n or r arrive be-be­ /HoHfried potatoes, nn*ofneo carrot-cabbage individual user and purchaser of tonally delated his own self out able to communicate or relate paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perrante, Prov­ apcurtment units are complete was low bidder for $1,226,000 in cause of the weather, one of the slaw, milk and apricotsnrinn*o in

N A13JVS 05SD IW I rfli r

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 1971 PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 11 in Tow n Pay Hike Bid Trudeau Tour Muskie Endorses Plans Get Aw ards PLAZA DEPT. STORE South Windsor Man Named For Meskill S (We Have A Notion To PleM ) OTTAWA (AP) — Prime For Capital Peace Rally B. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popnlar Market) Minister Pierre Elliott Tru­ For Science Stirs Talk S deau will visit the Soviet FAMOUS OPEN W ED ., THUB8., F B I. tiU • By WALTER R. M|LARS cry out against” in administra­ Union for 11 days beginning Eleven student, from three (OonUnned trom Page One) 9 Grand Master of Masons May 17, a spokesman in his WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. tion war policy, listing the inva­ OPEN TONIOHT 'nu. 9 Edmund S. Muskie ot Maine has sion of Laos, stepped-up bomb­ Manchesler schools received the chief executive’s chair de­ Masonic fraternity, where she office said Tuesday night. Merle P. Tapley of 157 endorsed a planned April 24 ing, "neglect of the talks in Par­ awards at the Connecticut State serves the extra money. hEid been employed for 41 yeas, Trudeau was to have visit­ SEE OUR SELECTIONS FOR Newberry Rd., South demonstration in Washington as is,” and "a confusing and shift­ He also noted that the com­ ever since graduating high ed Russia last fall but the Science Fair held recently in / "an effective, impassioned and ing rationale for developments BRAND mittee is considering a bill to Windsor, today was install­ trip was postponed because school. Her retirement was rec­ West Hartford. hike the pay of Superior Court EASTER of the terrorist crisis in Que­ yet peaceful protest” against in Indochina. ed as the 125th grand mas­ ognized during the Grand Mas­ East OothoUc IDgh School stu­ judges from $27,600 to $36,000. bec. the war in Southeast Asia. ‘"nie result is a frustration ter of Masons in the state, ter's Banquet Tuesday night at that has now cut across divi­ dents who received first honors Carrozzella bald it would be as the 183rd annual con­ the Hartford Hilton, which open­ Muskie, rated the leader SWEATERS wrong for the governor to be among prospective candidates sions of age w d occupation, re­ In the senior physical science vention of the Grand ed the Grand Convention. gion and party,” he said. "Emo­ division were (Michael Parker, paid no more than the judges. Tapley was bom Feb. 10, for the Democratic presidential Another bill discussed in the Lodge of Connecticut came House Approves nomination in 1972, added his tions run high, at times erupting, third place; Steirfien BVdey, The Fifty-fourth to a close at the Hartford 1920, at BrooksvlUe, Maine, His in ways that are uncomfortably fourth place; and John Pow­ Judiciary Committee would shift father, a farmer, painter and endorsement to that already ah* determination of some salaries New System On nounced by Sen. George Mc- or dangerous. ' ers, six ^ irface. Hilton Hotel. He succeeds paperhanger, died in 106S. His from the Commissioner on High­ Ciovem of South Dakota. Mc­ ‘,^But while such emotion can Annual Carl 0. Carlson of Deep mother’s an ex-schoolteacher, Parker also was the recipient er Education to the state Per­ Young Offender Govern is a declared candidate be deeply unsettling,” he said, of the U. S. A npy Award for River. and at 83 lives alone and re-. sonnel Policy Board. for the White House. "it also has the potential for the best physics project, the In­ mains active In church and HARTFORD (AP) — The “In some cases salaries in th'e Convention of Christians He had served as grand senior productive activity, for chal­ ternational Electrical and Elec­ fraternal work in Maine. Muskie, in a statement en­ area of higher education soar warden last year, and was elect­ House overwhelmingly approved lenging the best that is wltRtn tronics Engineers Award, and Tapley. served as worshipful tered in the Ccmgresslonal well beyond the maximum ed grand master due to the ill­ Wednesday and sent to the gov­ our people to find solutions to was named alternate for the ness of the 1970 deputy grand master of Evergreen Lodge in Record Wednesday, said the or­ such problems as the spreading limits imposed on other depart­ ernor a bill thalt would set up Navy Cruiser Award. His entry master, Philip C. Rouleau of 1905 and as chaplain from 1006 ganizations planning the demon­ war in Indochina.” ments for comparable poel- stration "intend that it be a was “Proton Particle Accelera­ Bristol. Rouleau was elected an to 1909, when he was appoint­ a special system of handling tor.” tions,” said Rep. Francis J. peaceful auid constructive Varb 3caua (St{rint. 18:20 honorary past grand master of ed a deputy for the Sixth Ma­ "youthful offenders”—youngsters Collins, the House Minority expression ot concern.” Hopes for China Foley also received awards the Grand lodge. sonic District. He is both a of 16 and 17 who get into trouble leader. Scottish and York Rites Mason. with the law for the first time. The People’s CooBUon for PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) — from the Hartford Engineeera He noted that the chancellor In his long Masonic history Club and the Instrument So­ His ScotUsh Rites afflliaUons The only lawmaker to speak Peace and Justice is sponsoring Shirley Temple Black says she of higher educotfon now gdla that began in Evergreen Lodge ciety of America for "Optical Merie P. T^>ley are with Charter Oak Lodge of against the bill was Rep. Joseim the Washington demonstration is "pretty certain” Red China $1,000 a year more than the at South Windsor in 1948, Tap- Pumping of Organic Dyes.” Perfection of which he is a past T. Gormley, R-Falrfleld, who as one in a series in what it de­ will join the United Nations and governor and that the president GOSPEL HALL ley includes charter member­ his lodge next year celebrates thrice potent master and direc­ read a Bridgeport Post editorial scribes as a spring offenqlve. that she hopes it will. • For “ Ammlnization of the of the University of Connecticut, ship in Friendship Lodge of its 100th anniversary. 415 CENTER STREET tor of its ninth degree; Hart­ denouncing the bill. Announced goals are immediate The former diild movie star TransltiMi Metal Sulfates,” Homer D. Babbldge Jr„ gets $39, Masons of Manchester. Tapley has used his writing ford Council, Princes of Jeru- But when the roll call was U.S. withdrawal from South who served as a U.S. represent­ Powers also received the USAF 140 a year, $4,140 above the Tapley, who is a senior author skills to serve as a town report- Cyrus Goodell Chap- taken, Gormley was joined by Vietnam, a 36,500 guaranteed ative to the U.N. General As­ Award for excellence In chem­ governor. . ______A.1 ______J ______AM ^ 4 MAvara #A«a r af F sembly said Wednesday in an WE HONOR in the publications department er of South Windsor news for ter of Rose Croix, all of the only six other representatives— annual income, and release of istry, the U. S. Army Award, "Governor Meakill believes The Herald, the Hartford >Oour- interview that if China asks to at Hamilton Standard Division Valley of Hartford. .He also is all Republicans—in voting what the organization called po­ . mastef charge the Society of Manufacturing that fairness and accountability Thursday, April 8 join, the only prerequisite rw WTfflUMtCAJIO 9ALB STAR7« ot United Aircraft Corporation, ant and the Hartford Times. editor of the Scottish Rite News against the bill. It passed 152-7. litical prisoners. Engineers Award, a Hartford require that all state employes His wife, the former Dorothy should be the nation’s willing­ Courant Award, and a «*nph be compensated and evaluted 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting is the first man from UAC to Dispatch. He is a 32nd degree The measure was praised by Muskie and McGovern men­ ness to demonstrate it is a FRIq 9:30 AJL award from the American head the fraternity. He is also L. Parker of Hartford, retired Mason, Norwich Consistory. leaders on both sides of the aisle. tioned only the objective of end­ according to the same stand­ the first member of Evergreen last week as office manager of Including Majority Leader Carl ing U.S. Involvement in the war. peace-loving nation as required Chemical Society. ards,” Collins said. In York Rite Masonary, he by the U.N. charter. MASONIC TEMPLE Lodge to become grand master; the Grand Lodge Office of the belongs to Gideon Welles Chap­ Ajello, who said the editorial Muskie said the right of citi­ Second honors went to XDss ter, of Royal Arch Masons, was "nonsense.” zens to assemble and petition Marian Tomuslak for “Investi­ Keeping Count EAST CENTER STREET Minority Leader Francis J. the government carries with it gating AnUbacterisa Effects of Wolcott Council of Royal and LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — obligations: Citrus Fruits on Fermentative Research Agency’s Fate Select Masters, and Washington Collins said the bill "fills an ROOSEVELT Mrs. Lou Wickliffe interrupted Bacteria"; and to the team of Commander of I&iights Temp­ existing gap” in state laws con­ ‘'For the demonstrators to her birthday celebration to Friday, Saturday, Sunday Opening Soon Philip Hanlon and Jamea Mc­ lar, all of Hartford. cerning young people accused of dissent peacefully and responsi­ boast that she’s seen 21 presi­ bly; Veigh for ‘"Ihe Significance of Questionable After Battle He is a past right worshipful crimes. dents of the United States come A pril 9, 10, 11 master of the Hartford County And Rep. James Bingham, R- "For us, as members of gov­ Ozone in the Heterotnxrff Hy­ By DAN HALL universities, industry and other CHEFS MILLS pothesis.’’ into power. 10:30 A.M. 2:30 and 7:00 P.M. Lodge ot Actual Past Masters. Stamford, said it was "not an ernment, to listen without preju­ She was 104 Wednesday. HARTFORD (AP)—A public “’e^S- ^ ^ easy bill,” meaning one which dice to the voices of dissent. ■Miss Lisa Perreault’s proj­ hearing before a General As- As an example of Jobs crea t^ Tapley was appointed to the Grand Lodge line in 1964 and is soft on youngsters who com­ ‘"niese ore minimal ground 215 E. M A IN ST., ROCKVILLE ect, "The Effecto of Vitamin A sembly committee Wednesday r^eerch suppor^ by Restaurant Deficiency in Mice,” received has served on many of its com-' mit crimes, but a measure rules for democratic decision- became a batUeground over comnrdsslon. Dr. 8 ^ third honors and the Hartford mittees, several as chairman. which "is seeking to get them making, and within the frame­ 527 M A IN ST. Exit 98 off Rt. 15-86 T u-.,»>iriu'a T»nr,. iew, Uic director, cited a $67,(XX> on the road to becoming uacful work they provide, I endorse the Oourant trophy for clarity of ex­ ‘*h^^Siecllcut “i® Anaconda American His work with Masonic pubUca- efforts of those who are coming At The Center pression; and (Bruce Belfiore re­ ^ findings, tlons, and culture and pubUc members of society.” "Our present law has been to Wadiington on April 24,” ceived a special USAF award WOODLAND of Ham available to other companies, relaUons, brought him oppor- found wanting,” said Rep. How­ Muskie said. Orlando and Rose for "Swamp Scum to Space dej a c(^tesi“ member and ^ V* ‘l ’ ard Newman, R-Norwalk. Muskie said there is "much to Snack.” a federal governmental adviser, work ^ n $2 million treat- ^ e w n ce s on Masonic Educa- Chris Hwerman, Bling Junior Uan and Libraries. Tlie bill would keep the rec­ told the Committee on Govern- "i®"' High ScluM seventh grade stu­ Gardens He was awarded the I^erpont ords of youthful offenders secret, ment Administration and Policy Other examples of the com- and it emphasizes rehabilitation dent won third hoM»a for “Con­ that abruptly ending the agency mission’s assistance were In fhe Edwards Medal for Distin­ necticut River Pollution.” guished Masonic Service in through probation. would be “ unconscionable and creation of antipolluticm devices, St. Bridget School eighth 1963. "It is not a new idea,” said the biggest piece of boobery.’’ development of a rat-control Bingham, who noted that New grade students honored were 'DIRECT FROM THE GROWER TO YOU— !" Mesklll proposed in his budget phjgrnm and experimentation During the modernization pro­ Kevin Scholsky, who received a gram for the Masonic Home York has a similar system. message thdt the commission be that led to a process to make Joining Gormley in voting step into red ribbon and |10 for "Laser dlacontinued as part of his plan building "bricks’’ from gar- and Hospital at Wallingford, Germination of Seed,” which Tapley served as chairman for against the measure were Re­ to cut certain areas of state bage. 'took first honors in Ae junior the Sixth District. He also has publican Reps. Roy Ervin and high MtKxrf bicdoglcal division; ending. The ag«icy had re- Spokesmen for United Aircraft been __ program coordinator ^ In Harry Wenz of Fairfield, George celved an estimated »1.8 million Corp. and both labor and man- .H^oJd'oounty tor ttr^'roth- Johnson of Trumbull, Peter and StevMi Galvin, who re­ tor the cuirent fiscal ye^ and agement organ^Uons - repi^ erhood-in-AcUon movement, Locke ot Stafford, William Lyons ceived third honoi^ for "Radio Easter Lilies Amidlfier and Receiver.” had asked for |6 million for the sented toy the Onmeotlcut State During World War n, Tapley of Norwalk, and Nicholas Panu- something MCC Interim Campus Taking Form next year. Labor Council, AFLrCIO, and was a sergeant major with an zio of Bridgeport. 900 parking stalls tor faculty, fixed equipment. Assistant Seriate Minority the Connecticut BuMness and Army hospital as an adminis­ Ttie KCanchester Community ed this summer and will ac- students, and visitors; intertqr (HSerald photos by Pinto and Leader Geoige L. Gunther, R- industry Association — also trative NCX), anesthetist, and College interim campus begins commodate 1,500 full-time driveways; carpeting; and all Leggitt) Stratford, speaking for Mesklll, urged the committee to give an X-ray technician, serving in Eu­ Stock Market to form as employes of the equivalent stud^ts at the open- *niie True Symbol o1 Eaetoi” told the conunlttee the governor unfavorable report on the bill rope, Africa and the kDddle NOTICE NBW YORK (AP) — After National Homes Corp. of Lafa- ing of the 19T1-72 academic felt the commission was "an that would eliminate funding East. ADMISSION beautiful.^ cUmbliig for the previous two y®‘^> ^“<1. lower a panel of the year. Other buUdings are ad- unnecessary middleman” in its from the resesueh conunlsslon. oB u ia .. tho building Into place to- mlnlstraUon, two fausulty of- (le has degn:ees in EbigUrti OF ELECTORS aessloiia, the stock market jg^ju^e hall and lltUe nrte providing research grants, ------and arts from the University of The Board of Admission of paused to catch its breath to- j^e background Is the theater, general, purpose class- which constitute most of com- Hartford. Electors of the Town of Hebron, niission’s budget, for other state day, building that will house locker rooms, special purpose class- LARGE 6 In South Windsor, he belongs Conn., will be in session in the agencies and was charged with School Menus to the Abe E. Miller American Town Office Building on Tues­ Hie noon Dow Jemes average room and shower facilities, The rcoms, science building and lav- the job of attracting industry Legion Post, was a Republican day, April 13th, 1971, from 6 to erf 30 Induatrials was up 0.60 at structures are at the west atory facilities, library, student W ^ t t o t a l k to Connecticut that could be Town Oommittee member for 8 p.m. to administer the elec­ 918.99t Advances led declines on ®***1 ^ t**® •nterlrn campus, activities center, and mainte- done by the State Develc^ment The cafeteria menu for Man­ nance. several years, was active in tors oath to those who shall be the New -y^ork Stock Exchange *s located ott Mdwell St, FLOWER POTS CoanmlsBion. chester public schools April 12- in the northeast sector of the Ground bracking for the cam­ boy scouting, is a charter mem­ found qualified. by a 4 to 3 margin. ’ home improvement? "Perhaps at another time, im- 16: 160-acre Hlllstown Rd. — Weth- pus took place on Dec. 3. Hie ber of the Historical Society, Naturalization papers proving Turnover on the Big Board ' der different clrciunstances the Monday: Sloppy Joe on a roll, erell St. tract. $3,740,894 National Homes Corp. and a charter member and past citizenship should be presented was active, though not as brisk \ state of Connecticut could af­ buttered green beans, bread, president of the Art League. ■me 12-buiIdlng modular com ­ low bid Includes landscaping butter, milk, apple crisp. by naturalized citizens. as on Wednesday, when volume ford the luxiury of ah agency He belongs to the United plex is expected to be complet- and utility work; eqipraximately Tuesday: Baked meat loaf, Dated at Hebron, Conn., April swelled to 22.27 tnilUon shares. vidu»e functions to a great ex­ Oiurch of Oulst, has been a Aircrafts and farm Imple- . Regular *5.50 tent overiap other departments, mashed potato, buttered beets, 7th, 1971. choir member for 20 years, was James L. Derby Jr., ments were higher. Building but with the fiscal crisis we are bread, butter, mUk, fruited a Sunday school teacher and its Joseph J. Fill, materials were lower. All other facing today, it simply isn’t fair jello. superintendent, and has served Wednesday: Frankfurt on a Registrars of Voters groups were mixed. to ask the taxpayers to belt- on many church committees. Analysts said some investors tlghten without reciprocal sacri­ roll, baked beans, cole slaw, Attest: Gladys T. Miner, might have been dlsai^xrfnted fices within the government,” milk, ice cream. Thursday: Oven fried chick­ Town Clerk that President Nixon did not set •odf It Gunther said. INVITATION a definite date tor final U.S. Warren C. Stoker of Windsor en, cranberry sauce, parsUed po­ tato or candied sweet potatoes, withdrawal from Vietnam in his Locks, chairman of the com­ T O BID speech Wednesday. mission, disagreed that the agen­ whole kernel com, bread, but­ ter, milk, mixed fruit. Sealed bids will be received It was partly investor antici­ * cy’s efforts duplicated those by Friday: ’’itoia" on a roll, *^® °"‘®« “>® Director of pation ot that speech that had, 4.35 ------another ------arm ---- of Bgovernment------but—V Btipks buttered nens General Services, 41 Center according to analysts, been re­ said Ite coordinaUon of govern- m im ^pricoTuD sldr^^ c ^ ’ Street, Manchester, Conn., unUl mental research was Imnortent apricot upside down cake. >k-. sponsible tor sharp and broadly mental research was important. based gains in the two previous "To my knowledge we have PAINTING POLICE DE­ sessions. During the advance every lost minute easier needs! never found evidence that there our assortment,1s the most complete ever! Sidewalk Bikes PARTMENT-EXTERIOR. H appiness is.... the Dow Jones industrial aver­ ★ TULIP5 has been overlapping,” he said. INSTALLATION OF STORM age climbed a total of nearly I srass pkc. 29ft Stoker and Martin were joined HARTFORD (AP)—A bill al- DRAINAGE, ( SANITARY SEW- 13H points to reach a 22-month by two erf the mmission’s ★ DAFFODIL5 lowlng bicycles and tricycles to ER AND WATER MAIN IN Royal Pools Introduoos... *Hio Royal closing high Wednesday. baskfttf HL 10ft other eight commission mem­ take to the sidewalks—^wfalch SHELDON ROAD, S pringtime .. Profit taking, which>some ob­ We’ll listen. It’s one of our bers, none of whom receive a they are doing anyway, despite Bid forms, plans and specifi- servers detected in the final favorite subjects. sEdary for their services. jelly beae agRt bag 89ft ★ HYACINTH5 the law—was passed without cations are available at the CELEBRATING OUR 10th ANNIVERSARY Blue” Inground pool to Now England half-hour of trading Wednesday, Get a home improvement They argued tl^ eUminaBcm comment by the House Wednes- General Services Office, 41 also may have eroded prices to­ ehocalatft buaalftftffnHiilOft fta® ALL oolxm s — LABOE, HEALTHY, OOLOBFUL PLANTS! of the agency without another day. Center Street, Manchester, Con- ENJOYING OUR NEW SALON DECOR ...Special 8' wide walk In flops, day, brokers said. Ct^iacrfldatlmi loan quickly . . .• group to replace it would The measure also applies the nectlcut. could be expected in view of the folM fthDftolatft ftggi daL 23ft' from the listeners. remove a necessary control of maximum 10 m.p.h. speed limit Town of Manchester, maricet’s advance this week, For Easter Gifts, We Suggest W e Are Headquarters state research and abolish a for bikes and trikes to sidewalks, Connecticut and introducing widost In the Industry. . . Sso H to­ they added. •we ftsttets Y***®*t body that had been effective in as well as streets and highways. Robert B. Weiss, The three-day Easter week­ THE CONNECTICUT BANK African Violets 1.19 For All Your drawing on the "brainpower” The bill was sent to the Senate General Manager day ^ the fnll size pool on display end may have Induced some in­ AND TRUST COMPANY available - throughout state in for final action. vestors to lighten their portfo­ The bank that listens. Azaloao 3SJ8 al our Indoor showroom. lios, according to analysts. Ex­ changes will be closed Good Fri­ Bed, White, Pink scons ® day. Among individual issues, Gen­ Geraniums 31-19 PRODUCTS eral Electric, which reported a AU Colors! SPECIAL OFFER first-quarter profit as against a Parkade strike-affected loes a year ago, BUY 6 PANELS GET 1 PANEL FREE Hydrangeas 3195 SPECIAL ON CHEVRON'S* was off % at 116%. GE stock Pink, Blue ORTHO GROW LAWN FOOD! Royal Pools offers the <‘WALK-IN’> pool, had cUmtoed 3% Tuesday and % SPEOiaL KRO M If bwi KORMA PMFIO NATURAL HEALTH Wednesday because of what ob­ Chrysanthemums 34.75 with eight foot wide steps at fhe same servers said was anticipation of bUY 1 RAfi - RET NEXT FOOD SHOPPE price as our regular rectangular :1b the earnings report. eaMPlinLT w AHuni I VINYL Roses, Patted and In Bloom! Westinghouse, which report­ $SJt ee. $5JP ea. BAR FOR Vi PRICEI -Open Sunday ground pool... a fantastic S450 sav­ edly expects to report a rise in m t M M S a wttNIQT I WALNUT \ 35J95 a n n e -marie first earnings over last year, See Us For AE of Yodr Lawn, All Day ings, For a limited time onlyl 1 was up % at 82'%. Gardenias, ^ rg a Size 35iA8 Garden ond Plant Food; We Have Prices on the Big Board’s » v > * 2.00 PBRPAMRL. iUBG. P U C I STAS The Products and The "Know- W HO HAVE JOINED THE STAFF OF most-active list Included Grum­ Pansies basket 99e TIRED OF INSECTICIDES man Corp., off 1% at 21%; In* AU Colors ! How!" IN YOUR FOOD? temational Paper, off 1% at URR HAZA Rk. fres chic hair stylists OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-8 f.M. 33% ; Comsat, off 1% at 77; Tel­ ex, up 1% at 21%: and J. P. Vitmoip, CdDii ONCE A YEAR SALE LIM E. - 50 lbs. 85* - 3 Bogs for -2J0 TIRED OF ADDITIVES AND CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! DAILY 10-9 P.M. Mwgan, up '% at 72%. 875-4304 fCASH AND CAIIRY ONLY) “Dolometio” Is Special For Our 8oU! FIHESERVATIV'ES IN YOUR FOOD? pricies on the American Stock Exchange’s most-active list in­ "Tres Chic for the Discriminating Woman" Now Beady and On Display: Evergreens, Tree^ 8hnil». ^ e s L Bhododendrons. cluded California Computer, up 1% at 82%; Felmont Oil, up 1% INADERA RED MOON OAK Perennials, Potted Boses and Bhubarb, and much, much more . SUGAR SALT at 14'%; Canadian Javelin, off VENUS OAK f r e e Ye. - Plant them out now! Onion S®*-- f r e e NATURAL VITAMINS 1% at 14%; and Computer Soft­ 4 x 8 4 x 8 FOODS FOfMIS Tuberous Begonia Bulbs, SoU Po^ fields!, Many are now available! Royal, ware, up 2% at 44%. 4 x 7 Seed. We're digging evergreens fresh from the fields. Many are now avaua»______

• CEREALS $ C . 9 S $ e .9 s \ #HIGH PROTEIN Clearing Bill • HIGH WHEAT GERM • SUNFLOWER SEEDS HARTFORD (A P)—A blU giv­ • LARGE LIBRARY Poo! Reg. $7.88 Reg. $7.88 • BREWERS YEAST POWDER ing the state Consumer Protec- Uon Commissioner power to # 10 VARIETIES OF NATURAL HONEY clear store shelves of dangewMs WOODLAND Gardens toys was passed by the Hous LET JOHN, LEON, OR PHIL ZAPADKA ASSIST YOU! LOCATED IN LIGGETT PHARMACY 1535 RT. 5 SOUTH WINDSOR Wednesday and sent to the Sen­ 168 WOODLAND STREET • OPEN DAILY tUl 9 •! 643-8474 ate for final acUon. Reg. $3.50 BUY 6 GET 1 FREE! TELEPHONE 646-8178 •nie bill governs hazardous, Tol. 5284111 polgonourf, corrosive. Irritating AT THE PARKADE ONLY — 404 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE and flammable substances. J MANCHESTER EVENIl^G HERALD. MANClifigTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE NINETEEN

PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, AMlTL 8, lOTl Socialist Fromr Your Business M irror Jaguar Loose Meany in Sharp Attack In State NEW LONDON (AP) — A On Nixon Wage PoKcies Cam paign Sm aller Hornes^ Cars Shaiki thief broke into an automo­ COUPON NeighbOT’s Kitchen bile showroom during (he By DICK WARNER WASHINGTON (AP) — AFLr dorsed the provisions In-the bill night and drove a 1871 Ja­ Staff Writer CIO President George Keany, before the subcommittee to ex­ '^ L Shift in Consumer Behavior guar worth 16,177 right off sf ref ch-a-buck The Bristol Press tend the President’s standby au­ By dOHN CtINNIFF should wear. It Is to be found, in the showroom floor. in a sharp attack on administra­ By VIVIAN F. FERGUSON BRISTOL (A P ) — Henning A. thority to stabilize prices, rent, AP Business Analyst the robust sales of men’s casual Police said T N M liathrop tion economic policies, said yes­ Blomen is a frail and friendly wages and salaries. "Liet every person, in every wear side by side with a virtual Die., which sells mainly terday wage restraints on one man who Just turned 60. He “ We believe the Congress NEW YORK (A P ) — This is a ooUapse in sales of regultu: busi- sports cars, waS' broken into Industry are unfair and tmwork- generation, think of himself as wears eyeglasses and a hearing must make it abundantly clear story that might help explain suits.” ' Monday nl|^t or early Tues­ able. a former slave, freed from aid in his left ear. His hetul la why many business and govern­ He called on the administra­ that this authority is for over­ Gaines isn’t sure the case can day morning. Arby's bondage in Elgypt.” crowned with a full mane of ment forecasters could be very, all, across the board and even- be proved, but maintains that if Ehnployes «dio arrived at tion to “ stop playing with mis­ wavy steel-grey hair. very wrong about the eocmomy handed measures, rather than So it shall be said in every he is correct “ the ani4>back the store early in the morn­ guided game plana and take the COMPLETE LUNCHEON for only In 1968, 82,000 Americans vot­ this year. for singling out one industry or from present stagnant levels of ing noticed that the lock on necessary actions to restore the Reotl B*«f Sandwich, Crlip French Frie*, ■ Jewish household around toe ed for him for President of the Conceivably, it m l^ t also busintss activity w ill continue the showroom door was economy to health. one group of workers,” Meany Choice of Coffee, or ofhor Boverago (15*) ^ ^ world on toe festival of Pesach United States. help reaffirm your faith in the to be far slower than most econ­ “It is time for the administra­ sfdd. broken. and Detfort or Passover. This festival com­ • Blomen has been a member mental capacity of consumers, omists predicted. tion to cease its double standard He said Congress also should of toe Socialist Labor Party memorates toe exodus of toe and shake up some overly confi­ Once the adjustment to the —one for workers and another immediately adopt tax meas­ ABBT'B t n BBOAD ST., BfANOBBSIXiB since 1932. In 1964, he ran for Jewish people from Egypt. For dent theoreticians and clever new standards is completed, for the banks and big business ures to control profits, dividends vice president with Eric Hass this reason, many non-Jews mis­ marketing men. It begins with a "and it should be completed this State Population — and pursue even handed, and capital gains. and in 1968 he headed his party interpret the meaning Passover. little background. year is occurring, there is equitable policies,” Meany said. He s^d the AFLi-dO also en­ ticket, which was on toe ballot It does not refer to toe “ passing- Most economists are general­ every reason to think that sav­ GroM ^ Slowing Meany commented in testimo­ dorses the bill’s proposed exten­ in 18 states. Coupon expires April 14, 1971 out” ' or leavlt^f of Egypt with ly agreed that it is the consum­ ings and spending ny before a Senate Banking sub­ sion of authority to the Presi­ Now he is on si>ec(al assign­ er who must lead the nation out Mioses as leader. During toe patterns., .will return to their HARTFORD (AP) — The committee vdtich is looking into dent to establish selective credit ment for toe party working to of the economic wilderness into historic norms, state's population growth proposals to extend legislation controls. final plague, toe Angel of Death build toe socialist labor which it receded in 1970. “ passed over” toe houses of toe In summary, the consumer slowed during the past year be' giving the President and the movement organization in They reason that the consum­ seems to be thinking rather cause of a slight “ net outflow” E^ederal Reserve Board a freer Israelites when he smote toe Connecticut. er has been able to save more than mindlessly responding to of petple from Connecticut, the hand to stabilize the economy. first-born of the Egyptians. “ Most of our members are than 7 per cent of his take-home fiscal, monetary and marketing State Hesdth Department report­ Meany, however, used the Ancient Jewish history begins getting on in years,” Blomen pay for more than a year and stimuli. It's worth thinking ed Tuesday. hearing to mount a broad attack with toe settlement of a group said in a recent Interview with that, based on prior experience, in Northeast Egypt, in Goshen. about. The state agency said that (or jjjj recent administration moves The Bristol Press. “ But we feel V lb i* M avor.. .ond tHmndly eoyrfow s « r v k « the time has come for him to the first time in 26 years more curb wage increases in the Where The people were terribly perse­ toe Socialist Labor Party offers spend those savings. people are leaving Connecticut ccnstnicUon industry. cuted under Rameses n until toe serious young people of this Slight fluctuations In the sav­ than • are moving to the state, Late last month President Growing Things Moses finally led his people into country a valid alternative to ings rate can have enormous R o c k v ille and the birth rate has not been created a Construction the desert. There, they wander­ our present political system SPECIALS EFftCriVE APRIL7-/0 Impact) and could even be the high enough to sustain the Industry StabiUzatlon Commit­ A G W A Y is Our Business ed for many years until they of government.” difference between boom or Hospital Notes The appeal, cuscordlng to Blo­ growth rate. tee to oversee construction in­ conquered Canaan. bust. men, is summed up In toe single Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 The average annual increase dustry labor bargaining with a The housewife begins her In the last half of 1968 add the plank of toe Socialist Labor Par­ &REV LtPfrfFR I^H p.m. in all areas exc:ept ma­ from 1960 to 1960 was 3.6 per view to keeping increases in preparations for Passover by first half of 1969, for example, ty platform—"Abolishment of ternity where they are 2 to 4 cent; from 1960 to 1970 it was contract settlements at no more eUminating ail hametz (leaven) the rate of savings drc^ped capitalism and the establish­ and 6:30 to 8 p.m. two per cent^ but toe esUmated than e per cent a year. from the home. She will use from 7.4 per cent to 8.6 per cent, year ment of a socialist-industrial increase during toe post That 12-man committee, rep­ special dishes used only for tols resulting in an 811 billion In­ republic.” Admitted Monday: Gloria 'was only one per cent. holiday. The Seder is toe most crease in spending. Something resenting labor, management This month Blomen, a resident Conary, Loveland HUI, Rock­ The health department said toe und the public, met Monday for impressive family meal of toe of the same was forecast for April 1, 1970, federal census SPRING of Ipswich, Mass., is spreading NAM l year. The best china and silver 1971; it hasn't arrived. ville; Linda Prucker, West WU- toe first time. his message in lectures and count for the state was 3,032,217 'Will be used. Certain symbols 10- Tilford Gaines, vice president lington; Eva Kustowsky, Hart­ ... Although 17 unions agreed to study group discussions through­ •
oon toe marmalade or ment committees in each plant of toe savings rate, and there­ RockvUle; John Shores, F ro - Today’s wigiiHgfct in HtotoiT materials and services it buys formula contains 75% Nitrogen. | on a large special plate re­ sought asylum In Holland and preserves over and top with re- and all other personnel holding fore of consumer q>endlng hab­ from other industries, whose f r o m * 2 « 9 spect St., Coventry; James For- On this date in 1618, toe Span- served for this yearly event: the Turkish possessions. Mona’s maining batter. Combine re- positions within toe Industry. its, it is quite obvious that prices are free to rise?” for 50 lbs. In addition, each industry HAMS , tin, Windermere Ave., Rock- ish explorer, Ponce de Leon, The same high quality as Agway's Royal A roasted bone, u su ^ y lamb ancestors sought Turkey. maining sugar, cinnamon, nuts spending habits are not Just au­ " It Just can't be done.” would elect representatives to a vUle; Michael LeDuc, Griffin landed In Florida for hto search Circle roses. or beef, in remembrance of toe Foods of Sephardic Jews dll- and toe melted margarine and tomatically adjusted to influ­ national industrial congress Rd., South VTndsor; Kathleen for toe fountain of youth. Meany said government re­ W T FORTIOM ences coming from toe inde­ F m PACKET OF sacrificial lamb offered by toe fer from the Ashkenaz, toe Ger- pour over top of batter. Bake which ^ would replace toe exlst- _ MUbury and daughter, Storrs. In 1862, President Harry S. ports in the past few weeks re- pendent or exogenous variables AGWAY STANDARD ROSES IsraeUtes and eaten on toe eve man or Eastern European Jews, at 380 lor 30-36 minutes. ^ ; ; ” brj[ii5ieB' of "lederal ------Truman seized the steel indus­ vetd that stagnaUon persists in Ensy Grow Plant Food THISWEKEND ONLY to which economists have attrib­ most parts of the naUonal econ­ of their departure from Egypt, a . favorite dish of Mona’s fam- and cut into appro ma e y eovemment.government. Anyone elected to SHANKfORTION try to foreatall a general strike. with every Royal Circle and Royal A vtAAolllnaR fh A ii . . 1.,. A.w«<«l64Avia11«r agkvnroH nt. cf/viiav*oa ^ . . . ute so much importance.” f r o m * 1 5 9 A roasted egg, recalling toe lly Is traditionally served at squares. this congress co^d be replaced In 1964, the body of Gen. omy. He sold luiemployment is Legacy Rose you buy! One packet REG.PRICE$4.29 The paragraph is worth re­ b m all year. individual festival offering of luncheon during Passover. It is Chocolate Nut Squares any time a majority o t those Holmes’ Rights Douglas Mac Arthur was lying up and has spread to 60 major Choose from hybrid teas, climbers and ^ reading, but simplified, it sug­ one application does iti Temple days. accompanied by hard-boiled 2 ozs. Pareve bittersweet electing him wished to take such CemterCw 1 ^ slices A in state in the rotunda of toe industrial areas. floribundas. ^ gests that an understandable Are for Sale Bitter herbs, usually horse­ eggs followed with fresh fruit— chocolate action. Capitol in Washington. "Y e t toe administration per­ failure of forecasters is that sists in its optimistic rhetoric,” radish root, as a reminder of melons, grapes or whatever is %. lb. margarine Capitalism has served social­ they tend to overlook toe free GENEVA (A P) — ’The Sher­ Ten Tears Ago toe -bitterness of bondage. in season. This is a pleasant 3 eggs ism, according to Blomen, by The British liner Dara caught Meany said. L 0 - will of customers and view them lock Holmes copyrights are up A green vegetable, vegewAMw, usually aisn,dish, simuttrsimilar in iiaflavor w i tow thatvas«- 1 cup sugar creating toe mass production fire 'in the Persian Gulf and He said toe AFL-C30 en- instead as puppets whose ac­ for sale at toe request of toe «. j reg. parsley or lettuce, suggesting of quiche lorralne but more del cup cake meal tcols and the industrial cai>eLclty tions respond mechanically to three heirs to toe Estate of Sir EVERGREEN the firstM . green ____^ of spring. TIt f 4ais icate. t *. _ WAIt t is - ______somethingT Ka II a Iv z beUeve 2 tablespoons potato starch to produce an abundance for toe There were 212 fatalities. l Y o s i NOT 100 un 10 w n **»a • $195.95 tugs on the strings. Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of also said to represent a first could be served any time M d 1 teaspoon liqueur (kosher) nation. VJE WlU ALM HAVE TOR. YOUR HOLItAY NEED^ Five Yean Ago YMk aOTMS CUAMO fOI PUNT FOOD “Consumers obviously have toe legendary detective. course in toe meal, which in would be excellent cut in small­ % cup chopped nuts But capltaUsm needs waste for Fire swept toe cruise riiip minxls of their own,” Gaines Fldes Union Flducialre, toe ancient times only free men en­ er squares fortor horsnors d’oeuvres.a oeuvres. Melt together chocolate and survival, aurvivm, nehe says, mmand toeum oyo-sys- Viking princess off Cuba, Two 5hp. concluded. Geneva trustees of toe Conan $ 1 4 5 The recipe, for toe benefit of margarine over low heat. Beat tern is now in a very precari- P joyed. persons died of heart attacks. for sissit fesr-pEttr w He suggests that forecasters Doyle Estate trust, tie re d toe “GREEN THUMB" 10 Hit. ---- Jewish readers, is, of eggs and sugar until light and qus state. Blomen says only A swift rescue operation saved ROTO Salt water, in which toe ------, —. — may be overlooking a funda- copyrights, including film, GLOVES greens are dipped, as a symbol course, kosher, as are all toe fluffy Sift together cake meal huge military expenditures have mental shift In consumer behav- broadcasting and trievision 4»4. TILLER $350 and potato starch. Add dry in- enabled toe system to survive for 50 lbs. of tears shed for persecution ing^redients. lor and that tols shift probably rights, for sale today through an tCredlento alternately with tols long in America, Features include heav/ duty gear and suffering. „ . explains why savings remain advertisement in major world ^ 7 9 pair • DUTCH BULBS Helps prevent yellowing (chlorosis) Haroset, a mixture of chop- Meat Mina chocolate mixture to egg mix- Under a social industrial re- GROCiRY high and spending lags on big newi^»apers. case. 4-cycle rewind starter. 16 of rhododendron, azaleas, holly, lure beginning and ending with pubUc, he says, people would VE9T. Home and garden gloves are vinyl Imported Dutch Bulbs are now in! unbreakable tines, depth adjusts ped apples, nuU, cinnamon (pronouiu^ mee-nah) yew. etc. Contains 50% organic drv ’imrredlents. Stir in toe produce for their own needs „ Interested parties are invited impregnated to repel dirt. In as­ Choose from Gladiolas, Peonies, 0" to 8 6-position wheel adjust­ and wine, reminiscent of toe F®' nitrogen for slow. safe, steady mortar used in toe bricks which 1% D>s- chopped beef liqueur and nuts. Pour mixture rather than lor a p ^ t . This ■thif h to submit a down payment of 2 sorted sizes. Dahlias and Begonias. ment. 26" wide path. growth. that has come to be per cent of toe amount of their toe IsraeUtes made for toe 3 medium onions, chopped into greased 9-lnch square pan. would create a ^ r t e r work- MOTTS ^ taown as the ‘new lUe-riyle’ is offer to toe Geneva trustee by Pharooh of Egypt. 10 eggs Bake^28 minutes at 360. Frost week and enable toe worker to being reflected in a major way jja y 21 ^ potatoes for boiling as follows and refrigerate hut devote more of his hours to en­ Each family member will 2 riching the sjUritual and aesthet­ in consumer SDendlmr.”spending,” one­ ^ spokesman for Fldes said matzoh serve at room temperature. FANCV SNOW W h ite pect of which is to buy down SAVE ON Save on liave a wine cup and there will 2 ic aspects of life, he maintains. toe sale is being made at toe re­ fresh chopped parsley Makes about 26 squares. OVIER iie a p ' rather than up, to seek the mod­ be one additional wine goblet, Blomen admits his reenUtment quest o f the three heirs. They PARK HILL- Turfood salt and pei'per to taste Frosting el at toe lower end of the line, in GRANULAR designated toe Cup of Elijah. is slow work—there are only 10 tablespoons cooking oil » Qzs. bittersweet chocolate cars, ai^liances, clothes and are Sir Arthur’s surviving with LOW COST Legend states that toe project 2 members In toe Hartford study tablespoons strong coffee or other categories. daughter, Dame Jean Bromed; LAWN & GARDEN Elijah may arrive unexpectedly Soak matzoh in hot water. group viMch meets every sec­ toe widow of his son Denis, Mrs. Crabgrass to drink from toe' cup. Jewish Drain. Press water out well the same liqueur used in toe Americans, it seems, are not JOYCE CRABGRASS PLASTIC ond Hiursday. trying as they did to keep up Harwood, and toe widow of his 5000 sq.ft. Killer faith proclaims him as toe mes- bottom of a glass. Brown squares "SoclaUsm is a science em­ LIME KILLER GRANULES GARDEN MULCH senger of toe Messiah who one unions and then meat together; At50 AtgORTEPTO- ■ with toe Jones nor are they, for ^*^an, Anna Conan Doyle. % lb. margarine * bracing economics, sociology, RROGRESSO guilt or other reas^®® leavened bread) plays an Im- on ti^ of sUwe and h ^ t oil. frosting squares. my appliances, smaller automo­ tem in toe world is being con­ country begins in your own BACKY/i portanl role in this hoUday. Taking a small amount ®f mte- You may have noted that In biles. structed to carry raw phosphate Hautiiig Horses -fURM OllEKlfca: When toe IsraeUtes fled from ture, place In pan. If oil siz- toe recipe I have marked toe ■"It is to be found in the lack from a mine in toe Sahara 60 BALTIMORE—More than 60 Egypt, there was no time for zlea, pour all of mixture Into liqueur — •-— kosher. ■ --At Passover,.-—- hi of concern that young women miles to the Atlantic coast. U.S. firms specialize in hauling GWEET LIFE torir bread dough to rise, so It pan but do not keep on heat, a ll liquids which cve» the wonderful addlUon to my re­ elfcst son is chosen for this spe- ' Froin her friend Gladys Peck, search library. Also, “ The Jew­ clal honor. The head of the Mona gives us ^ o m i^elously FORD ish Cookbook" by Beilin, inter­ household. Dr. Alan M. Kemp, rich cookie recipes wlUch con- national cooking according to a Manchester dentist, wlU lead tain koriier ingredients for Pass- HOME dietary laws. toe family in toe joy and fun of over: To all of our friends of all the occasion. Like all other Orange Marmalade Bars faiths, we ■wish Joy and best Jewirii homemakers, his wife. % cup margarine wishes to you and your families Mona, will have pr^peu-ed toe Our FINEST Selection Ever of— TRACTOR 1 cup sugar during toe coming holidays. special hoUday meal. BEAUTIFUL PLANTS 1 cup cake meal In addition to toe banning of % cup plus one tablespoon • LOVELY CUT FLOV^ERS leavening agents for Passover, potato starch HICHILIID Model 140 combines power, weight and traction to give you the best year-round other foods such as dried beans • CORSAGES for the finishing touch 2 eggs service. Electric safety start works instantly, even in cold weather. Electrome­ or peas, rice and wheat are MISS SHARON We Suggest You Order Yours ^rly! chanical switch raises and lowers equipment. Hydrostatic (automatic) transmission 1 cup orange Juice prohibited. All foods, of course, % cup orange marmalade or , ♦ eliminates gear shifting. Equipped to operate over 40 optional attachments. must be “ Kosher L ’Pesach,” SPECIAL PARK (82-2007) strawberry preserves OPEN THURS.. and FRI. NIGHTS which means ‘'kosher for Pass- FOR THIS WEESCEND ONLY . . . 1 teaspoon cinnamon Cosmetics Heir Cut 2-50 — LAST MINUTE ITEMS — over.” H ie word kosher means T/TAISK E 'T' Prices good through weekend only. % cup chopped nuts Shampoo Set 3M Free Delivery—Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere! “ ritually proper” ■when used in 1 tablespoon melted marga­ ITS 317 HIGHLAND STREET • BARS •PIPES •MUFFLERS connection with food. It stems He ir Color rine MANCHESTER CONN. ALL IN STOCK OPEN SAT.. T I L 4 PM from toe Hebrew word “ ko­ fermenent Waves $10 up PARK HILL-JOYCE BUCKLAND STORE sher” which means “ properly Cream margarine and % cup [HE (' H 0 ! (■ E S [ MEATS ' fJ f 0 W f. sugar until light and fluffy. Sift Liggetts VenM Csilfms FLOWER SHOP 1310 TOLLAND INPK MANCHESTER 643-5123 ^*h^a**Kem p is a Sephardim, toe cake meal and potato At The Parkade H O U It u FREE “ YOUR M AIN STREaET FLORIST!” The Sephardim are Jews of starch and add gradually to MANCHESTER BIG BIKE MAGAZINE WITH $5.00 PURCHASE 601 MAIN ST. — 649-1443; 619-0791 OTHER STCXIES CALL NORTH HAVBM 239-1687 ELLINGTOH 875-3355 Snanlsh or Portuguese descent margarine mixture. SUr genUy 875-9716 Next to First Hartford National Bank AGWAY - MIDDLEPTBIJ) UILLlMAMTIC 423-293L InMema’s case, Spanish. During until smooth. Beat OR MORE • FREE MAIN STREET PARKINO • the I6to century, 100,000 Jewseggs and orange Juice adding FRANK GAKBLER, Pn^uietor 479 E. MIDDLE TURNPIKE MANCHESTER MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APfeft 8, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-ONE PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,. MANCHESTER. CPNN,. THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hobby, 126 A ndover Hospital Phone Blssell St. _____ G>ast Guard . DISCHARGED TUESDAY: Fire CaDs Pakistanis Join YEWS The telephone number for Mrs. Patricia A. White, 12 Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Westfield St. Reservists ’Ihe town firemen put out a UPRIGHT 8-31/2 ft. High ...... • S 4 .7 S Reading Programs Reviewed tal was changed a few DISOHAiRGElD YESTER­ months ago, hut too late to DAY: Mrs. Beverly Schwab, small car (Ire In Mott’s parking • S 4 e 7 8 lot on E. Middle Tpke. yester­ D efended ROUND 20-24” Dia...... be listed correctly in the new East Haddam; Mrs. F ^ e J. In Major Battle ROUND 18-20” Dia...... 8 4 .2 8 phone books. The hospital Mott, 69 TUmblebrook Dr., Ver­ day at about 4 p.m. WASHINGTON (AP) — The NEW DELHI (AP) East Pakistan government chargeO SPREADING 10” Dia. - 4 Yrs. O ld ...... ■ 8 1 .2 8 On Fifth, Sixth Grade Levels number Is 646-1222. non; Mary E. Chase, 169 Wood­ Nixon administration stuck .by land St.; Mrs. Jean L. Bartlett, Pakistani resistance fighters ^hat Indian armed forces are its proposal Wednesday to phase At the Board of Elducation’s the average reader. Today, she out what he should be gaining FULL AND NICELY SHAPED PLANTS South Glstonbury; Mrs. Mar­ Ceylon Bombs P.M .U41 .0. out Coast Guard reservists who Tuesday night meeting, the fifth sfJd, science, social studies and from the story. He will increase guerite Patterson, 36 McGuire would take over port security in Manchester day in a fierce fight for control Indian fighters and transport 12 YEARS AND OLDER. and' sixth grade Jeachers at the other texts all have different his attempts at retaining what Lane. Rebel Havens Ume of war despite Navy tesU- Grade 6 editions, all teahhing he is reading the first time and of the important industrial town planes have been deployed 44 BALDWIN ROAD, MANCHESTER 644-8049 Andover Elementary Schoed Also, Mrs. Elizabeth Bau­ mony no other force would be the same material, on the same his comprehension of what he Hospital Notes of Khulna, about 40 miles from along the border and that (our presented a re'vlew of the read­ man, Storrs; M rs. Barbara COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP) readily available for the job. interest levels, but at a dif­ reads will Increase. ing programs in those grades. VniTUK) BOUTO ten's: L®S^n,7M'E“ Sidme Ceylon ^ forie planes bombed toe Indian frontier, the United iX But Secretary of ’Transporta­ ferent reading level. Martineau showed the board Mrs. Marsha HUsenrad, fifth Inteimedlate Oaie Bend- News of India reported. operations. tion John A. Volpe told a House In this way, although A young­ a series of books called the “ pi­ Tpke,; Elwood G. Zopfi, 48 Al- *»^rgents holding out in a grade teacher, said that the private, noon<2 p.m., and 4 p.m.- subcommittee. the final decision ster m a y . be ahead or behind lot series,” small books with ten Dr., Vernon; Caudstine E. school and a textile factory, toe In a dispatch from toe border, India has denied massing clans is generally dl'vlded into 8 pan.; private rooms, 10 san.- will be up to Congress and the rest of the class in actual stories adapted from fuU-length toe agency said one of its corre- troops at toe border. A senior three groups as .far as reading 2 pan., and 4 p.m.-8 pan. Ponticelli, 33 Primer Rd.; Rob- government announced today, promised to study the Navy tes­ reading ability and readiness, books or specially written spondents talked with a leader official said Tuesday that the is concerned, the average read­ Fedtadrlos: Paiento allowed ert I. Armstrong, 64 Hemlock brief broadcast by toe g;ov- timony with an open mind. he can hold his own in the other stories. These pro'ride many of the Bengali independence only armed forces along toe DRIVEWAYS er, the below average reader, St.; Dana L. Harmtm Jr., 22 emment radio said toe school any ttane except noon-2 p.m.; At the same Ume Volpe subjects. Previously, If a child children with a sense of accom- forces in toe area and he seiid: border were toe regular border and the above average reader. Canterbury St,; Roger P. Mel- factory were 40 'miles from conceded he could be faulted for for some reason was not read- pUshment by reading a "book” ottwra, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. “The tide has now turned ih our security forces who "are car- Residential Specialists She stated that although^ jjig ^3 weU as the average, he Self Service: 10 a-m.-2 pan., 1®!!’ 36 Falknor Dr. Colombo. The communique said not following Congress’ man­ Instead of Just a story, who favor. We nipped in toe bud rying out their routine duties.’’ <‘We arc no prond o^ onr wo*-k as you every attempt is made to pro- ^ 3 3 either retained, or would Also, J* ^igeron, factory was financed by date to keep the reserve force would find it difficult to get 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Storrs; Charles D. McKean, Pakistan’s attempts to send lO-TON R O IX £R OOMPAOTION e MACHINB S P B E ^ vide a personal reading pro- 1033 comprehension of all the intensive Care and Coronary above 16,(KX> men, but said Con­ through a full-length book. gunboats from Oialna port.” ------: I have over S5 years’ experience In Besidentiw Paling gram, the three broad cate- other subjects. f a i S^was made of cas- gress’ mandate was not clear. Quotations by Mr. Bayco — No Estimator or Salesmen Sixth graders are taught how Cate: Immediate family ne Jones, nlso a to make reports and outlines, ^sjeunw 31 ^r^t St.; Wednesday. But toe also have said that toe East V e r n O T l Uons of general mobilizaUon for Phone WeHiersfielcI 529-7416 Maternity: FatiMrs, U a.m. Joanne______M. Evangelista, 47 Sage ' „ '' Pakistanis were shelling naval Mrs. HUsenrad said that requiring ' them to organize oonvenUonal warfare or large- school, continued the review by 12:46 p.m ., and 8:80 p.m.-8 i>r.; Mrs. Barbara B. F a r ^ ^ gunboats in toe river ports of when younj^sters come Into the their thoughts, assimilate all Budget Review scale sabotage in and around stating that upon entering the that they read and rate the p.m.; oflien, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and Westwood St.; Robert F. Blan- K®"^® teen klUed. Earlier it the rebellious province. our home ports are highly un­ RAYCO PAVINO CO. fifth grade, they begin to ex­ 6 :3 0 p.m.-8 p.m. chard, 252 Bush HIU Rd. reported 18 18 insurgents insurgents kilted fifth grade, chUdren are given Ideas In their proper perspec­ The Indian news agency said likely,” Volpe told the House pand their . vocabularies con- and many others injured. Sessions Set ail kinds ot tests to evaluate tive. Age Untits: 16 In matomlty, Also, Mrs. Kathleen Wick- one of the leaders of toe East Armed subcommittee. slderaUy, study the formations Reinforcements were sent to S e n s e s their reading. nielr records Youngsters are also drilled in 12 in other areas, no limit In ham. East Hartford; Mrs. Jan ------_ is Sheik Nasi If the unlikely need did occur, and uses of prefixes, suffixes, The Town Council will hold are studied, and recommmenda- sight vocabulary, learning thor­ Volpe said, I other Coast Guard syllable work and other word the first of a series of meetings tions of their' previous teachers oughly those words ' which do IS reservists. Navy reservists and forms. Before they are ready D » t . c M M y , pmuc Ool.mbla;^l 'Newcomb, « MuwM aollvlty. an ^ lONLY 8 DAYS LEFT1» and their reading history not lend themselves to phonetic to review toe proposed town acUve Navy and Coast Guard to take' on this kind of work, (or emergencies Is severely re- Wilson Lane, RockvlUe; Mrs. spokesman maintained Awaml League leader reportea taken into account. understanding. Consonant forms "scat- to have teen arrested two budget, including toe education personnel all would be available >1MC 093* they mudt be comfortable with strioted. The pobllo Is urgently Diane L. Bluto, Lebanon; Mrs. ^® r®**®' attacks were Armed with this kind of in­ and inflected forms of words weeks ago by the Pakistan portion. to take over the port security their reading, and the prime reanetttod not to park near 111© Andre Blais and daughter, East tered'and sporadic. ’ formation, the teacher then are Investigated. All of toe scheduled meetings mission. target at the beginning of the ^ 2 ^ ^ y entrant except to Hartford. Prime Minister Slrimavo Ban- army. ■will be held at 7 p.m. unless tries to place the child in a David Turklngton and George daranlke announced the rebel- '"rhough lame. Sheik Nasirud- He acknowledged President year Is to motivate the young­ discharge emergenc:y or wheel announced otherwise. Budgets NlxMi’s decision to phase out sters to want to read. reading group where his inter- Lange, both sixth grade teach llon Tuesday and blamed it on din has proved himself a lead- 1 est will be kindled, where he g „ explained that they have chair admlaelona. To fdek up dla- scheduled to , t e reviewed at the Coast Guard Selected Re­ This can be done in many charged patlenta, pleaae parii in 12 Airlines Ask an organization of young leftist er,” a fellow officer told the Monday’s meeting are: ’Town serve, which is trained for port ways, using games, songs and wlU attain a measure of sue- divided their two classes Into militants known as Che Guevar- agency. cess, and where he will m ^e reading groups, with each the general lota drat and the Council, executive and admin- security, by June SO, 1972, to cut SERVICE other methods. Bargaining Unit ists after toe Latin-American All India Radio said toe army istrative, judicial, elections and O N Y O U R BecEuise of the coming Earth "'o®^ rapid advance possl- teacher having two of the nurse will Instmct yea where to costs was opposed by the Na'vy, INSTAHT drive to pick up the paOent. revolutionary. troops from West Pakistan were finance. Coast Guard and Joint Chiefs of Week activities, Mrs. HUsenrad _ - * j -v. i 4.1. broad groupings, 'ITie Guevarists, said to num- experiencing logistics problems Plans are to hold ■ as many StaN. has chosen to read a number Hi® Correlation of Materials — ^ ter about 20,000 are dissatisfied throughout toe eastern province meetings a week as possible Vice Adm. iDlck H. Ghilnn, of particular stories In the read­ most i m i w ^ t function of the indicated the cor- teacher at this point Is to com- , ADMITTED YESTERDAY: f , , establish toe Indus- because Mrs. Bandaranaike and because of a breakdown in road, until all town budgets are re- deputy cheif of Naval Opera- ers which refer in some way bat disinterest In reading. One Mrs. Leona F. Bombard, 22E f,collective bargahilng her leftist coalition government rail and river communication. viewed. The education budget Uons for Manpower, told the to the preservation of wildlife, cf the best ways of doing this ° ” ® ^ n Case Dr.' Mrs. Anne G. Chap- “ years, hM fll^ a f^ - have not carried out their prom- n said several ships have left is always scheduled at the end subcommittee earUer the Navy conservation and other ecolog­ is to provide the children with there Is very little duplication, man 53 Deerfield Dr.; William ^ ® “*?i®®"*D ised program of socialism. Karchi with troop reinforce- of toe series of meetings and 1s does not have the manpower or ical matters. such a wide range of materials ®nd said that there is also con- T^jblp ^ ^ _ Hteh a • MellLa Board establishing The radio said that armored ments. usually spread over two meet- INCOMENow H & R BLOCK oHers Cole. 261 , tte Airline Industrial Relations busy flushing out In expertise to train a force for Since the school 'wlU design that there are at least some ttnulty with the program w en Qe^lQJ„JJe^ The Indian radio said East ings. port security and that it would something new—INSTANT Conference. NOWI a number of posters for Earth subjects of interest to everywic. the youngster proceeds on to Russell E. Desrocher, East surgents on toe main road te- Pakistani officers and sailors ’ The public hearing will be thus cost the Navy more than SERVICE. Just walk into Spokesman Everett M Gou­ COMPLETI Week, Mrs. HUsenrad Is also Technology of Words *tham High ^hool. Hartford; Lisa J. GlgUo, RFD tween toe capital and central i^ng withdrawn from na- held on April 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Coast Guard’s $26 million a any local H & R BLOCK lard said toe object is to “pro­ RETURNS correlating this portion of the Mrs. Jones pointed out that Lange said a , 2. Bolton: Mrs. Ellen S. Gould, Ceylon. yjj merchant ships because the Vernon Center ADddle year to take over thie mission. office with your tax rec­ PREPARED mote uniformly good employe pupils’ art program with the In the fifth gi^e, children (or wealth of materi^ Marlborough; <3hrlstlna L. Colombo remained under were no longer trusted by School. It is expected that toe V

GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN ’’And Their Voices Prevailed.” Coventry. 8 p.m. Serv- ^ S^„allzation^ sometime arm and injured nose in a two- pleasure car acncldent on Mill Stream isNTiTAGiJeflr Trinity Covenant Church, 7:30 q g „ r g e’ s Episcopal ^ o r e October t^ps, eight hours “e^h .^;vlirbe ^ . . “^H^b.;;;: y^si^rtay.' She p.m. Good Friday service. PAY ftjp A WALK (SRAMPAW INTHePApK? sni(ZLgv:..Ler's Zion EvangeUcal f:;iheran Bolton,>n, 2 p.m. Dev(LDevo- gT'^.l^^'wrvice gorvlL at determined by “*®the residents, was charedcharged ^thwith f^lurefallui to Se^IPkl^ CAM Chii^h T-sn nm rvxmmiintnr. Uons. , “ “ 1 D79 Mondes said. grant one-half the highway and FLOOR COVERmG PIMP ANY Sri2AM6e Vespers with German devotion Titnlty Lutheran Church, Week Another facet of the program is scheduled to appear In O r- PIPP^-. KELLV ROAD f t f f f f l f SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL S ^ M a ^ ^ S s c o p a l ^ i ^ h ! Vernon. 7:30 p.m. Tenebrae rg q u e rt^ b ^ 4 ^ . Julie the g r o ^ together cult Court 11. WllUmantlc, April 10 a.m. ’’The c L e s .” children’s ^ ^ H a v e rr ^ r m ^ of the An- classes designed to show 27 VERNON CIRCLE | | | | I 1^ I ■'ppT,p(, .•> n.,SOftfS -^ 'XT service, 1:80 p.m. The U tuigy „ ^ ,^vtor Lutheran Caiurch, ^ ^ e ^ Environmental Action them how to get more for their Police i said a car driven by j VERNON. CONN BF V Bf W M W ( ( f fr Good Friday, 7:30 p.m. The W lm ^ r , 7.16 ^ m . ^ r v - (-jg^jcU for use of school fa- shopping dollars. Eric R. Heath, 24 of Amstoni Stations of the Cross. ‘ce of Tenebrae with Holy Com- ^mygg during Earth Week was ______Concordia Lutheran Church, munion. turned doa^. The boetfd pointed —I 7:30 p.m. Tenebrae Service. J°*m s E p t s r o ^ Church, that Jt was policy not to South United Methodist Vernon, 10 Ante-Commun- gnyoAe use the school fa- Church, noon to 3 p.m. ’’Seven * * * I?. * ciUties for any fimctton dur- Lost Words of Jesus on the P'”*' tXlmr P s ^ c - vactRlon periods. Cross.” ipating churches are First C3on- ^^.g navgri was given sug- North United Methodist Rregatlonal Church of Vernon, _ggtions on other possibilities to 1 it II ^ nneA AFA 01 ^ Church, 8 p.m. Good Friday Talcottvllle Congregational explore. PLAIN JANE worrfiip service. Church and Unltai Congrega- ’ school was recently sub- Emanuel Lutheran Church, ^<>*“ 1 Church, RockvlUe. jgg^ inspection by the 7:30 p.m. Tenebrae service pre- Maurice Church, Bolton, gj^^^g Health Department, said sented by the youth of the ccxi - ® P-m. Liturgy of the Passion jjj.g chamberlain, after which gregatlon. Death of The Lord, and 7 :30 notqd some minor recommen- Salvation Army, 7:30 p.m. P-™- Ecumenical service of dattops. One of these was with Service of Meditation with Brig. ^ Stations of the Cross. Slides capacity , MIA. i», TM »n. m. M. eft of God), 7:30 p.m. Prayer to*' Congregational Church, the posslbUlty of a new Service and celebration of the St. George’s Ejrfscopal water tank, get cost estimates “Come to think of it, wasn’t it just after they got Lord’s Supper. Church, all of Bolton. gnd discuss the matter at ’ a their new trash*smasher that he said he was Area Roman Catholic Church- 7 . . subsequent meeting. . going to build his own garage?” es that will observe Good Fri- “ y « « *>ave lefteyer mashed The board was Informed of day with Masses and special potatoes, pack them In a tall ptons the staff and children




g) WlhrWIAIsc.TJAIU»tti.NtOft The Princess used to be such good food always tastes special at But the thing everybody enjoyed «* " most, was watching the princess eat. LANCELOT BY COKER and PENN a picky eater until one day someone else's castle, doesn't it? The king enjoyed a choice steak Come over to Burger Castle THAT NDW ALL WE when the royal family stopped at / LANCe, WHY PION'r YDU \ I THINK IT'S JUST fv - ■ . .-X, a- .X. -.X V DO SOMETHING AKXJT ) THE PLACE FDR SC3UNI7S HAVE TO DO Burger Castle. The Princess sandwich, and the queen loved tonight, and watch your I THAfT OR'ACKER WALL ' 7 AN AeSfl'RACT FINE' IS © iv e IT A prince or princess eating, too. PAINTING .' TITLE / promptly sailed through a big bowl her fish fillet. The other royal 'X of soup, two giant burgers, children polished off an -BUKGER You'll love it... especially / j £ ! : s r x \ f 4)aiaMwsAa»l>u»iii * Aittt’kDtit royal treasury gets tapped le li ffitot A CiMrtwr rearjwirffehM*: the rest of the royal family were and a couple of roast beef -I- 't A , POVL. ) */• l/WHlSSioNl c*eN«iWpe«»*iMM|>------»a>eii>ws Tzwa'HiurtSirt. tucking in their napkins. I guess sandwiches with cokes. for the feast. 13? ' A i ^ i i

Q \s01 MIDDLE TURNPIKE C IWI W NU, Uc. Caff, Yl OmI Faatvret C».p. (

PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONfJ., THURSDAY, ARRIL 8, 1971 MANCHe I t ER Ev e n in g HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN.. 'THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE ’TWENTY-FIVE American League Roundup: Short of Plate hy One Foot TheDRYSidel Black Hawks’ Hull Converts Power Play w Carlos Almost May-ed Home Run o f Sports TWINS . BREWERS — O rr Scores NEW YORK (AP) — “I knew I missed it,” he con­ ing, got Manager Chuck Tanner slam by Melton highlighted a Giants, Plus Rivals, five-run sixth. Carlos May. Then again, fessed. "I was too busy shaking off to a sparkling AL debut Bert Blyleven, who turned 20 iliiiiiiiiiliiiililiii By d e a n r . y o s t hands.” on TMesday, dazzled Milwaukee B efore R e f IL, he may not. Touch home with their twin win. They bat­ ORIOLES - SENATORS — Catcher Gene Tenace spotted tled from a 4-0 deficit in the on four hits eind Harmon Klll- Three of Four Tracks Open R'acing Season plate, that is. the boo-boo, appealed to umpire ’The world champion Orioles Match hi NBA Tilts The rest of the Chicago White opener—Sal Bando slammed a opened their season on a trium­ ebrew belted his 480th career C alls F oul Jim Odom and Carlos suddenly ’Three of the four area stock car tracks have success­ Sox know the way home and three-run homer for the A’s— phant note, although they had went from three-run homer to tiomer—a two-run shot in the fully opened their 1971 racing season with Stafford NEW YORK (AP)—^The battle of giants and the they took the route 18 times with BUI Melton and Walt Wil­ to wipe out a 2-0 WashingUm struggle between long-standing rivals . i. . that’s the two-run triple. liams homering {Uad tied the first inning—to pace the ’IVlns. Wednesday while sweeping the lead, buUt on RBI singles by isles'S* he match ups when the National Basketball Association Oakland A’s 6-5, 12-4 In the first Elsewhere in the American score in the seventh on Rick Joe Foy and Elliott Maddox. opened ■with a follow-the-leader ley, R.I., won a record 10 vie- wouldn’t be missed when playoffs resume Friday afternoon and night in Milwau­ opening doubleheader In major League, BalUmore edged Wash­ McKinney’s pinch single. ’The BalUmore scored in the third ANGELS - ROYALS — affair as Steve Evonsion topped tories last season. Also, he is he left the game, but the kee and New York. league history. ington 3-2, Minnesota blanked winning run scored when center on two singles, a sacrifice and Pitcher Tom Murphy drove in ^ ertson complimenting Alcindor, the 66-lap feature. At the Water­ the only driver to win two back Philadelphia Flyers made The giants are Lew Alcindor, Carlos almost May-ed It. He Milwaukee 4-0 and California fielder Rick Monday booted the an infield out; in the fouiih on two runs with a double and tripped Kansas City 7-3. Boston, ford Speed Bowl, a non-sanction- to back Saturday night shows no such provision when 7-f*o^r-3^‘^ i : : ^ r cen"ter"‘^QfThe Hi® are strong favorites. negoUated 369 of the 360 feet ball. an error, wild pitch and Elite single and spaced 10 Kansas Cleveland, Detroit and the New ed track Jerry Glaudue won the . . .Gary Bettenhausen, in a Milwaukee Bucks, and 7-1 Wilt T'®^ ‘>^® ^^®” around the bases without in­ Jay Johnstone’s' homer got Hendricks’ single, and won it in City hits as California beat the Jost a player against ^i. 1 I A All T A 1 times In five games during the York Yankees were not sched­ 30-lap main event and at Chamberlain of the Los Angeles season cident after blasting the ball the Sox started in the nightcap the fifth on singles by Dave Royals. The Angels rapped out sprint car h o i^ the one lap Chicago Black Hawks. uled. Thompson . Speedway, Bob record Lakers, and they will pair off ^ into the seats. The last foot and May’s homer-triple made it Johnson and Boog Powell and 12 hits, including a double and at 87.484 mph or 20.56 ^.^ree Umes a Philadelphia The defending NBA champion Santos in the No. 41, rode to seconds. . .J^aynard Troyer, Friday night in the opener of proved elusive. So did the 3-0. Oakland caught up in the Frank Robinson’s double. Dave two singles by Jerry Moses, a player was whistled off the ice . Knlcks opened with a 112-111 WHITE SOX - A’ — victory In the mechanical-mar­ who flipped at Daytona Interna­ their best-of-seven games West- , , _ t> „ » * . plate. Carlos stepped over it fourth but Mike Andrews desHv- McNally scattered nine hits and homer by Ken McMullen and for a penalty and three times em Conference fin^ victory over the Bullets, a typi­ red feature. tional Speedway during the run­ and merrily continued on into The White Sox, who blazed ered a two-run tie-breaking > ^ p p ed the Senators for the two hits each for Alex Johnson the Black Hawks converted the cally down the wire finish be- Three-time national modified ning of the 5(X>, is back on the the dugout. their way through spring train­ double in the fifth and a grand 20th Ume in 24 decisions. and Sandy Alomar. power play, twice by Bobby The BalUmore Bullets and j^gen the two clubs. New York champion ]^gs’ Stevens reUred racing circuit again. ’Troyer, Hull, for a 6-2 victory in their the New York Knicks square j,as eliminated the Bullets from after holding the lead due to driving a Ford, finished 20th play­ off in the second game of their playoffs the past two sea- steering difflculUes and Hop last Sunday in the Atlanta 600. off opener. Eastem Division final, which goji3_ firgt 4.0 and last year 4-3, Flood Loses Terrell Says Harrington, piloting the famed He received serious head injur­ Orr got the Boston Bruins off started ’Tuesday night with an- ^nd beat Baltimore four No. IT, formerly driven by Ray ies in the 600 accident. . .From to a good start in defense of (AP photo) other bruising, hard fought straight times this regular sea- H e O w e s A li, Hendrick, also had to pull off NASCAR headquarters in Day­ their Stanley Cup title by scor­ g r o u n d PLAY— New York Rangers’ goalie Ed Giacomin lies sprawled on game that has marked the after losing twice. But al- G>urt F igh t, the five-elghths-mlle oval. tona Beach, Fla., President Bill ing Cne goal and assisting on ice as ’ forward Garry Monahan stumbles during action. meetings cf the teams the past most every game has been a Mechanical breakdowns con- Prance has sent out word that another, enough for a 3-1 victo­ three years. thriller. No Surprise F lo y d B ou t tinue to .haunt the stock car all circuit competitors, from ry over Montreal, despite Orr’s Alcindor, the NBA’s Most Baltimore gave the Knicks favorites, but come May 1, when hobby class to grand nationals, absence the final 11 minutes. Palmer, Player Cronod Choices Valuable Player, led the Bucks quite a run ’Tuesday night des­ Tlie New York Rangers had a NEW YORK (AP) — Ernie the all-new Stafford oval opens will have the approved nylon to the best record in the league pite the absence of all-NBA for­ 'BAL’ITMORE (AP) — Curt rougher time as they had to Terrell says he came back to for competion, watch out. The ■window screen on the drivers’ this season and to an easy 4-1 ward Gus Johnson, out with Flood didn’t make any progress ceme from two goals back in in his $3.1 million suit against the ring because “ I owe that drivers and machines should be side, effective May 1. victory over San Francisco in aching knees.. But he hopes to ready for the full 22-race sea- • • • the final 20 minutes, 3 seconds the conference semifinals. return Friday afternoon. baseball on Wednesday, but he guy a beating.” for a '5-4 victory over Toronto. Nicklaus Nervous earned emother $6 11.11 by play­ ’The 6-foot-6 heavyw^ght, now son. (Chamberlain, with both Jerry 'The second game of the West- • • • SGftball Program In the only surprise result, ing against the Baltimore Ori- 32, referred to ex-heavyweight West and Elgin Baylor side- em series will be, played Sun- After a successful basketball fourth place Minnesota upended lined with injuries, carried the day afternoon In Milwaukee be- cHes. king Muhammad All. Six-Cylilnders season by Manchester’s Rec De­ second place St. Louis 3-2 in St. Lakers past (Chicago 4-3 in an fore the teams move to Los An- JuM before taking the field “I also owe Floyd Patterson Also featured at Stafford is On Eve of Masters partment, the ever-popular slow- Louis in a West match. inspired performance of de- geles Wednesday and next Fri- against the Orioles, the $100,- a beating,” added Terrell, the the All-American slx-cycllnder pitch softball program is just Ail four games were the fense and rebounding. day nights. 000-a-yetir outfielder for the former World Boxing Associ­ division. Started last year, only around the comer, openers of best-of-7 game divi­ AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — Jack Nicklaus, the man Senators learned he had lost who’s won everything—^^twice, has a churning stomach- This ■will be the first time Al- The third and fourth games of ation heavyweight champion. three cars showed up for the Several teams have made the sion semifinals, with the second COUNTRYCLUB , , , , . clndor and Chamberlain have the Eastern series will be in another batUe in his anUtrust Following are Uie starting '”rhat’s what I’m fighting for first show. By the season’s end, big jump Into the classy Silk games scheduled for Thursday ful of nerves during preparation for the 35th Masters_____ faced each other in a playoff Baltimore Sunday afternoon suit. now—^that and a chance at the night at the same sites times, pairings, handicaps for Golf Tournament. ------almost 30 cars were competing city League with the other four Nick- 8'®'"'®" Oscar Rob- and Wednesday night. ” We anUcipated that,” Flood' title,” he said Wednesday at a for the $100 purse. leagues in town changing field Hull got the West champion Saturday’s Four Ball, Best Ball. ”My insides were flopping,” !>®^'>re the PGA,” said ^ d of a decision by a three- press conference for a triple- This year more and more locations once again, Black Hawks started with a 20- Gold Tournament at fthe Man- said the (Jolden Bear. ”A tpUr- laus, g^ulping a whale-sized dish judge U.S. Carcult Ctourt of Ap­ header television fight card May young drivers have been getting Tedford’s Barbers ■will join foot slap shot past goalie Doug 6hester Coumry Club. Full nament like the Masters. U.S. *®® cream that shattered his peals in New York which up­ famed diet for the moment. Utah Meets Defending Champs _____ 3 in which he is one of the fea­ the urge to drive, build and the Silk City loop with Mbriarty Favell in the firdt period with handicaps will be used. Open, PGA or BriUsh Open al­ held an earlier dismissal of ^ ’■■(Tiat wculd’ve been worth tured boxers. He wlU meet race and will make their debut Brothers forming a new club. Larry Hale in the penalty box.' ways creates that condition.” Flood’s claims by Federal 6:69 Oleksinski (6), Lomba (11), putting a couple of bucks on.” BrazU’s Luis Faustino Pires in at the half-mile track. Many The latter will also sponsor After Pat Stapleton made It Mattem (14), McLafferty (16) (jolf’s lone “double grand Judge Irving Ben Owper. Nicklaus, according to the a 10-rounder in Chicago. modified drivers and six cyclln. baseball in the Hartford ’Twilight 2-0 and Philadelphia’s Bill Les- 7:06 Dotenin (6), LaPrancis (12), slammer” made one mistake in ” We knew that no lower uk hit on a power play, Hull Monaco (16), Conran (17) his Masiters Umetable. Being a Las Vegas oddsmaklng genius, Pacers Nip Pros, That fightwU Istart off the der creations will be unveiled League. 7:13 McFarland (7). Phelan (12), court would overrule a previous came on again with the clin­ homebody of note, Nicklaus is now a mere 100-1 to add the electronic triple. It will be fol­ at this time. Word has it that the beautiful MIkoIowski (16). PagUughi (18) Supreme Court decisicMi,” Flood cher at 6:24 of the second peri­ 7:20 Eich (4), Berger (12), Haye.f chartered an airplane Sunday Masters and two Opens to his lowed by another 10-rounder in Already completed and awalt- sports complex at Charter Oak (14), Kenney (18) said. od with Ed Van Impe off the nlg^t and went to his more- 1971 accomplishments. Toronto matching Jbnmy Ellis, 7:27 WUkoa (9), Pond (13), C. Flood claims he was forced Ing the April 24 practice date at park will not be dominated by ice. Edwards (16), Weiman (28) than-humble Florida abode to The Masters’ field of 77 got Win ABA Series another former WBA heavy­ Stafford Is a car owned by this the hard pushing Silk City Div­ 7:34 O. Lorentzen (—), Putz (12), into ’’peonage” by baseball’s Doug Jarrett added sUll an­ Hultine (16). Benoit (19) see his family. rolling today with Billy Casper reserve clause system, but the weight champion from Louis­ ■writer, with the tool-turner and ision but will have the other other power play goal in the pe­ 7:41 Belanger (7), Hamilton (10), “While I was home, my stom­ defending the tiUe he won in a MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)—The Indiana Pacers won ville, and George Chuvalo, the driver being Greg Pox. He also four leagues playing at least Miller (—), Zamaltis (19) written appeallate decision by GUIDED TOUR—Chicago White Sox third baseman Bill Melton is all smiles riod as the Flyers streak of los­ 7:48 Baminghamngh (9), Homans ach erupted,” he said. ” I was playeff from croes-town San 102-101 over the Memphis Pros in overtime Wednesday Canadian champion, and finally handled the mechanics on Bob one game a night there giving (9), Magllcic (15). E, Anderson (20) Diego pal Gene LitUer in an 18- — ‘ I - 1 " ' ------Judge Sterry R. Waterman said as he nears home plate after h’+<'’ng grandslam homer against Oakland. Jay ing in Chicago since joining the sitting there, wonting to be prC' night to conclude the American Basketball Associa- a 15-rounder billed “ for the LeDoux’ car that won an unbe- everyone a fair shake at the 7:65 (f. Bog^nl (5), Horvath (10), Flood ’’retains the opUcn not to Jolyistone points to plate as Mike Andrews, Lee Richard and Lee Maye NHL in 1967 remained intact. D. Anderson (15), Remes (22) paring my game and eager to hole playoff last spring. tion’s West Division semifinal series. The Pacers meet (AP photo) play baseball at all.” heavyweight championship of lleveable 11 ■victories last sea- facilities and possibly the state’s Orr, the highest scoring de­ 8:02 Staum (9). Dyment (il), D, get the Masters started. I want Nicklaus. Casper and famed watch. Latter also hit one outside of park but failed to touch home plate. Tarca (—). Stephens (19) j, ytah in the division finals starting Monday. HOT PANTS—Latest on the baseball scene is these two charming young girls ” We readily acknowiledge the Americas” in Oakland, Ca­ No. 1 softball diamond. 8:09 Daley (6), Bates (—), Rohan this one, want it badly “BlgFour” c t ^ t e r p ^ Ar- Memphis, ' ' * * * fenseman in NHL history, put the four who are decked out in hot pants at Oakland, Debbie Sivyer and Mary Bar­ that plaintiff is caught in a lif., between unbeaten George Slnce then, L^Doux has sold the host Bruins ahead with a (16), Schaffer (19) Nicklaus has crossed every nold Palmer and Gary Player— jesges to Indiana in Uie f®nding champions, and it looks 8:16 Curtis (9), T. F. Kelley (10), .• i* * __ —-1i ------1 *. —i_ j ..rJAVi ’M’oafzii-o tuiAQ like they’re going to do It ry are ball girls with Charlie Finley’s Athletics in the American League. most frustrating predicament, Foreman of Hayward, Calif., his racer to a Hebron enthusiast New Coaches long slap shot in the first peri­ Turley (16), Bengston (17) m ajor golf barrier except win- with nine Masters titles be­ playoff ended the squad’s sea­ a predicament which defend­ and Gregorio Pei^ta oif Argen­ and LeDoux, a Manchester resi­ Jack Redmond ■will handle 8:23 (^ n ln (2), Ackerman (11), nlng the “ B ig Four” all in one tween them—clutched most of again. RSox Sport Victory Si od while Montreal was two men Karzes (14), Evangelista (21) ® ^ , son in Its new home. The Pros ants have zealously seized upon tina. dent, will drive a modified. the tennis coaching chores at short. 8:30 Glguere (9), Manchester (12), calendar year. ’The ,31-year-old the favoritism and crowd inter­ were formerly the New Orleans Man, just think. We lose with great perspicacity,” Wa­ Loren Cassina, the president • * * M. Slbrinsz (14), D. J. McCarthy blond bom ber captured the est as the Masters began. three games by a total of four National League Baseball Roundup East Catholic High this season. After Montreal pulled even on (23) Buccaneers. terman wrote. of the firm which set v$> the John FeVgxison’s power play PGA title six week? ago at ” I’m playing well and the points. I’ll have all summer to Racing Notes Although there aren’t any courts 8:37 Riggott (9), Watson ( 11). ’The pros lost the last three Flood declined E^clflc com­ show, said the Chicago fight Wlgren (—), Brown (17) Palm Beach Gardens—five putting will tell,” said Palmer, think about that. But I don’t Ed Flemke, the versatile at East, the Eagles ■will use goal that trickled past goalie 8:44 SchUUng (18). C. D. Me* games In the series by a total ment until he had heard frcm would go on at 9;1S p.m., EOT, miles from his Florida doors­ a trim athletic specimen at age think we should be discouraged. Starting Long Road driver from New Britain, has the well - groomed courts at Geriy CJheevers, Orr assisted earthy (11), Sldnner (16). Boris (19) his attorneys, but in New York foUowed by Tonxito at 10 p.m. on Wayne Cashman’s Up in 8:61 C^rison (6), Pnndie (10), tep—and is facing step No. 2. 41. l‘ c“ai^’V'‘^e“^ ^ ‘iii^'i;r™g ExcepraT‘”toe Vnd" we were Alou Stays in Shape on Bench, twice welcomed new promoters Wickham Park. . . Despite a Pessini (16). Jacobsen (17) the Masters’ oiarter handily, 114-98, but won the lawyers reiterated their in- CLEVELAND (AP) — George Scot, catcher Duane Jo- rin after coUecUng a doulde EnjT and then by Oakland at midway through the second pe­ “ So, Jimmy the Greek said I with becoming right on those guys.” at Stafford. Driving the 2X, he ruling by the CIAC barring 8:68 Beath (6). Genoveal Geno^ (10), Du- the next two by slim margins— tentlon to pursue the case to m. Boston Red Sox still center fielder Billy Co- and two singles in the opener. 10:46 p.m, EDT. riod.- bols (16). Piclardi (—) was 500-to.l for the Big Four first five-time champion.” won the season opener under females from running, with 9:06 Shaw (7). Ferguson (12). 106-104 and 91-90. the Supreme Court. ’ nigUaro ana second baseman ’’They’re going to have to idtch Cassina said the three flghts ■However, Orr wasn’t around Mai Aariow and last year re­ males, the girls behind some Bonodies (16). Dlk (22) And the fina.’j game was a Yesterday’ s Stars ‘"The Supreme Court chooses sportmg Victory smiles, Doug Griffin. to me. And that means I’m wUl be seen In each of the are- for the finish when he was 9:12 Novak (7), Rosenthal (10), B A T T IN G—B 111 Melton, Responds When Called to JPlay hard pushing efforts by track Moffat (13). Angell (18) cliff-hanger. A clutch bucket by the cases It wante to hear,” moved into Cleveland today Kaako experimented In spring going to get better pitches to nas and In about 300 theatera peated when Jack Arute took called for holding with 10:56 White Sox, socked two homers, coaches and parents, are form­ 9:19 Conklin (9). Levltow (12), the Pros’ Oiarlie Williams tied gers with one out and a man on home nm of the season and Flood said. ”I just hope ours , . o+oi-f n f a training, using Griffin in the hit. I feel real loose up there, coast-to-coast by closed circuit over command . . .Bill Slater left in the game and made an Culbert (16), Moneiia (19) one a g^i^nd slam, and a single NEW YORK (AP) — ing girl track teams. Patricia 9:26 Gozza (9). Wodos (10). the contest at 90-90 and sent it first In the ninth. He coaxed 593rd of his career and Clete will be one of them.” ^or m e Stan oi a nine- jeadoff spot, Aparicio second, and It’s a nice feeling.” television. He said the fights was the first track champion at uncomplimentary remark to and drove in six runs as Chi­ Just because Jesus Alou is Nielson will handle the grow­ Barry (16), Clemintlno (23) Into overtime. plnch-hltter Richie Allen into, a Boyer knocked in another run Flood filed hia suit vdien he game trip which also will Yaz third and Smith In the The Red Sox left Boston hop- wlU be telecast live by satellite the oval, when it changed from referee John Ashley, He wound 9:33 Naktenis (9), R. Gardella cago swept Oakland 6-5, 12-4 in sitting on a bench, it ing prog(ram at Manchester (10), Forstrom (16), D. Edwards Memphis, however, fell be­ game-ending double play. In a two-run seventh that car- was traded by the St. L«uls viniffi WnaViirur. cleanup spot. However, the Ing to make a prophet of Coach to Hawaii and South America. dirt to asphalt. . .Defending up with a misconduct and had the first opening day twin bill (19) hind early in the extra period doesn t mean he’s sitting ’ • • ried AUanta over CinclnnnaU. Cardinals to the HUladei’iphla ' y waamug manager decided last week to Eddie Popowskl. ______araenoo. NASCAR modfled champion. High. East Catholic is also field' to be restrained from going aft­ * 9:40 Moriarty (8). A. Calamarl in major league history. and never was able to catch up. still. CARDS - CUBS — UnUl the Braves’ rally, they PhlUles after the 1989 season. cOB And Detroit. take some pressure off Griffin, When things looked grim in Fred DeSarro from Hope Val- ing a female squad. er Ashley. (10), Creed (16). Frank (24) PITCHING—Bert Blyleven, 9:47 Cobum (8), Lipinskl (10). Wlt.h less than one minute to ” I try to stay in shape, who Jose Cardenal and Joe Hague had been about to reach Reds’ He claimed the reserve clause, launched a rookie, while putting two dan-__ Florida__ training._____ Pop told ev- Skinner (16), (hooper (24) Twins, blanked Milwaukee 4-0 The Rangers, dowm 4-2, go, Indiana guard Bill Keller knows what will happen?” says each drove in four runs as the starter Jim McGlothlin for Only which binds a player to one their campaign with a 3-1 vlcto- gerous hitters in front of Yas- eryone in sight: ’“Don’t worry, 9:54 N. Clark (9). Flllorama (12). on four hits. pulled up on Bob Nevin’s goal Lochappell (16), Shennir^ (22) sank a foul shot to give his club the Houston Astros’ outfielder cardinals capitalized bn five one hit. team unless he Is traded or re- "Y nt home against the New trzemskl. we’ll be all right once the bell that glanced off Toronto de­ 10:01 W. Cla.'k (1), B(Seiko * (13). who’s In an unaccustomed re- cub errors. ’The losers coughed The Reds, who had 10 hits off leased, violates the Sherman. ’Tuesday, named Smith, who appears destined rings.” ’Die bell rang ’Tuesday, Turner (16), Irish (24) a 93-96 lead. fenseman Bob Baun’s skate 10:08------Foster (9), ‘ J. MlAcalone (12). Memphis had a chance to tie serve role this season. j^ne unearned runs as third R/m Reed and Cecil TTnahaw Antl-’Tnist Act, alcng With anti- right-hander Sonny Siebert to to have his finest season, fig- and the Red Sox were all right. with only three seconds left in Herdlc (13). C. Davis (20) . _ _ . .... C U 4 U ______-.-.J nn«knopen thAthe ttirAA.oramAthree-game seriesQAVlAa uHfhwith ures that he1 -- ___ will111 1benefit______-.1 . mere______Now____ .^1Pop has predicted 1. . . the.. 10:16 Prior (9), Mlgllore (12). it, but a shot by Jimmy Jones trust laws of the itates and Ca- Freak Mishap the second period. Vonorio (13) Hohenthal (17) 1971 COMETS for^A^^^^ns^^^A^JIf. their run in the sixth on slid away, and Keller drew an­ baseman Joe Peiritone com- . double bv Johnnv Bench, a the Indians. batting ahead of Yastrzemskl Red Sox will win seven of the Vic Hadfleld then opened the 1():22 Ansaldi (8), Teels (11). es Dodgers. Herman (16), Symons (17) ' other intentional foul -with 23 by Mercury mltted two errors apiece. .„„^alk to Bemie Carbo and a After sitting out the 1970 sea- Cleveland, pitted 8-2 by its than behind him. nine games on the trip. If they third period with his second ’Itie St. Louis Cardinals 10:2^ Zemke (6), CThiistensen (11). seconds left. He sank both southnaw Steve Carltnn a ifl. aimrle hv Hal McRae Unshaw case was heard, bpener against Detridt, had Sud- “ I’m seeing pitches I never do. Pop will be the toast of the goal of the game and Walt Schardt (15), Perry (17) 10:38 Wilks (5). Swale (12). Hunt shots, and the Pros were out of crushed the CSilcago Cubs 14-3; j j ^ checked c ^ e d eff* a Red rally in the signed with Washington den Sam McDowell waiting for saw before,” Smith said with a town in Boston. Tkaezuk ap plied the clincher from S2217. (14), Engberg (20) it. on a brilliant breakaway 6:44 10:43 (Sroobert (8), Melley (11), Strikes Unitas E. McNamara (15), Harvey (16) Wililams hit a three-pointer Diego 7-3 In tne oilier National t> i* j i ^i_ ^ Senators on Mondav fire-balling southpaw, had a 20- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS into the period. Dave Keon and MORIARTY I^wu. w.d»«toy. w. record last season. 10:50 Matava (5). Senbcnottl (i2), with a second showing to make ^ 12 Community College Nine American Leogoo BALTIMORE (A P)—John Unitas, who missed rela­ Paul Henderson each scored Griffiths (15). Eigncr Sr. (19) grounds postpbned the Mon- Williams got Chi­ Boston Manager Eddie Kasko 10:67 Letmon (9), Hendriques (11). the final count look more inter­ cago its other runs with a two- GIANTS - PADRES — East tively few games while being knocked around for 16 twice to give visiting Torwito BROTHERS treal-New York contest. hoped that Siebert would contin­ Atamian (13). Tracy (21) esting, but it made no differ­ W o rld Swim W. L. Pet OA. years in the National Football League, finds his career its early lead. 11:04 Kiemon (8), Barrls (—). I.-, ( UNTDl! M I{I:K'I • • • *^® Dick Dietz, Ken Henderson ue to pitch the way he did in Opens With Douhleheader Eigner Jr. (16) ence. M \\( IIKM I i: _ Baltimore 1 01.000 — Danny Grant set up one third n : r ...... AS’TROS - DODGERS — St. Louis, aided by three er- and WUle Mays unloaded pre-season exhibition games. in sudden jeopardy because of a freak off-season in- 1:11 Glgllo (9), Rockwell .(12). “When they got i^yslcal, we _ Manchester Community Col- (South Windsor High) at first Boston 01.000 — period goal by J. Parise and Fly dal (15). Lombardo (17) I’ lKinr (>|:i',-)l3.'> Alou broke into the line-up r°rs, scored five unearned runs homers and Gaylord Perry 11:18 C. Hamilton...... (9), Annulli got physical,” said Indiana for­ R e co rd Set The veteran hurler, who had a lege opens its baseball seascxi base, John Goodrow (C3heney Detroit 01.000 — jury. “ It’s a staggering thing, not then scored the winner himself after Jim Wynn sprained his third, with Cardenal’s pitched a four-hitter for San The 87-year-old quarterback „s personally,” (10). Angel (15). Butkes (—) ward Roger Brown. “We’ve 15-8 record, capped an excellent on. Saturday in Middletown Tech) at second base, Ray Wa^. 1 .500 H at 7:12 In Minnesota’s -victory 11:26 Atherton (9). Butler (11), back while at bat. ’The new- two-run single off losing pitcher BYancisco. Henderson hit a solo spring with a route-going vlcto- against Middlesex Community Camposeo, short stop, and New York ruptured his right Achilles ten- Klosterman, the Colts’ White (13) Carpenter (17) been playing together three 1 .000 1 over St. Louis. Tlje Blues cut 11:32 Kristof (8), B. Pavis (12), com er delivered three singles ^*^1 Hands the key blow. Hague homer in the second, Dietz a By F e m a le don while playing padcDe bail years, and that meant a tot ry over the Yankees last week- (tollege. Wally Juszczyk (Putnam) at the (Cleveland 1 .000 1 general manager, “ but because the deficit with six seconds left Meegan (13). Lloyd (17) (AP photo) off Dodger ace Don Suttton, in- delivered two of the runs with a two-run shot in the fourth and PULLMAN, Wash. (AP) — ®*'d. ’The Cougars have been prac- h''t-comer. rinry rv>,-r.,>y mjl Wednesday with teammate 11:39 Provost (5). Ogden (12), when the situations were John Unitas has contributed so on a goal by Gary Unger. MIoganoski (15), D'Amato (30) MASTERS-MASTER—Four-time Masterss winner eluding the go-ahead run that ^"Sl® a six-run sixth for St. Mays smacked his 630th career ^niere isn’t much a lass’ o f only Except for the pitching, Kas: Uclng regiTlarly for ’tlu-’ee vveelw Hawver (Manchester High) Md' Chlcairo Tbm Matte, and underwent sur­ much to professional f‘ meeting. three-part sUps. amounting to $10.00. PLUS FI6URE 8 Atlanta 2 OIDOO of the NFL passing records, • SHOCK ABSORBERS I WHEEL BEARINGS ____ Eastern, a'way. According to^OTtor**lt^'” Btlll Competition continues -with But it is a start and the relief SNOW San Fran. 2 01.000 ___ was injured In the first half of WHITE — Jeanne Also on the injury list U cen- early vet and anvthinF could qualifying this afternoon and felt by Samuels, Mayor John V. Walsh 152. ------J MS 200-yard Houartmi 1 .687 hi the Super Bowl game against No. 2 No. 7270 DAIWA REEL • COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEMS terfielder Roger ’Talbot. ’The happen, Lindsay and others who backed flashy outfielder may need an free style, 400-yard individual Los Angelea 1 2 .839 Ih i the DallEis Cowboys, but the A/lOO / Rod-Matching Combo. 95.95 the first legal offtrack betting AND OF COURSE MERCANTILE — Hank Mi- operation on his ankles after an medley and 400-yard medley re- San Diego 0 2 .(XW 2 Colts went on to win, 16-13. Cincinnati system in the country is ex­ YOUR TIRES chaud 154-417, Henry Wisneski accident during a soccer match ilay for both the men and wom­ 0 2 .000 2 Since he started with BalU- No. 3 BERKLEY TRILENE MONOFILAMENT LINE more in 1966, Unitas has suf- pressed in an OTB advertlse- 196-876, John PfaiUlps 135-141- lust fall. M el D aniels en divisions. Beaulto 4 lb. 6 lb. 8 lb. 10 lb. 12 lb. test. Buy 1 spool at our 896, Buckminster 151-360, The pitching staff is comprls- B ria n Job of the Santa Clara b^keT’ribTr'punTtured = — Fo*f, Cpur*e«»u« Service - Harry Montreal at New Yoi* post­ reg. discount price—get second spool connected at t/t Henry Frey 146-360, Bill Faber ®d of four strong hurlers. Brad Swim Club bettered his own poned lung, dlakx:ated fingers, tom ?Sh^) price. MON.-'rUES.-WED.-FSl. 8 a.m.-5-.SO p.m.—'IHURS. 8 a.m.-8 p.m.—SAT. 8 a.m .-l plm. listed American record of 57 knee certllege, broken ver- (wnew; 149-362, John Aceto 140-362, Steurer and hard-throwing Jim V oted ABA’s St. Louis 14, Chicago flat in the 100-yard breaststroke 9 ’Tony Vann 141, Stan Mirucki Balesano loom to be the one- X . , .u . o , ... No. 4 #400 oz. American Made Aluminum Frame THE MOST EXCITING with. a 66.9. Tiom Bruce of Atlanto 3, Cincinnati i 146-358, Joe Vlnsko 137-365, Ed men ■with Jeff Maher and MVP Aw ard Houston 2, Los Angeles i Trout Net 75c WE HONOR Tomklel 362, Sonny Chandler A1 Noske also seeing some UCLA^^iowever, has a time of RACE IN THE WORLD San Francisco 7, San Diego 56.8 peh^^ off his victory in 3 Gmeral Admission S3D0 361, Sam Uttle 379, Bill Colby mound duty. NEW YORK (AP) — Other clubs not scheduled. First base position is wide ^®: the National Collegiate Athletic U.^!Ly,' .it.r J? »•■” H WU«> • y.». No. 5 Full Size Canvas Fishing Creel $1.25 /m aste/ A R C O <> Childron. under 12 N l _____ open with two junior left hand- AssociaUon Championship at Thursday’s Gaines Hta „ d m . i « g » p » 1 THEIffTflMtWcARO j Montreal, (ftenko 18-1 1 ) at In 1966 foUowing corporaUons in the country.’ Rts. Stats Pkont 737-1438 era battling for the sack along V alu^le Player in the Ameri- Iowa, two weeks ago. puncture. COME IN AND SEE OUB FINE SELECTION OF FISHING BLOSSOMS — June Sanborn New Yoric (Gentry 9-9) knee surgery, he was' aldellned At the moment, however, the AT with Steurer. A1 Rodonls, up BMketball Association to- The nisht session ended with TACKLE (FRESH f t SAI/T WATER) AND CAMPING EQUIP­ _ __ flav I'isnn naloolcvv* AW T a a I v T V a I w W ^ operation is $5.5 million in debt V m-M2 Joyce Nicola 187, Irene and Dmi day. Conimlsaioner Jack Ekriph ^ne upset when Prank Heckl of Chicago (Holtzman 17-11) at for four games. UP TO S MONTHS TO PAT RIVERSIDE PARK due to a series of delays involv­ MENT. WE ALSO HAVE; BADMINTON SETS - BASEBALLS Mahr 127. cjarlson, a transfer student from announced. jjjg University cf Southern (3ali- Houston (Blllingham 18-9), •me elbow tendonitis kept Un­ - SOFISALLS - BATS - PirCHBACIKS • BASKETBALLS night itas out o l action almost the en- ing lal^r problems, kinks in the WITH BACKBOARDS - CAMPING EQUIPMENT SUCH AS East Catholic, are prime candi- The 6-foot-9 center also was fcml.a won the 100-yard but- ...... computer MANCHESm TIRE, INC. 8PICE—Jean Miller 125-351, dates. named to the All-Star team, terfly in 49.6, beating in the BASEBALL WEATHER?— Cheney Tech was scheduled to open its Wme base­ San Francisco (Stone 0-0) at are 1968 season, but a rigorous m^UmlllKm-licyelM 11 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN M d WHIPPL^ Hdp WontHd-Mole 36 A r tic le s For S a le Room s W ithout Board 59 1969 YAM AH A 200 c c , street T H IS aU B IS VWJYis n V Apartm ents - Flats - Housos For Sok 72 Hottsos For Sok 7 2 Out of Town scrambler, excellent condition. W jc • Arucc UA\m preclat- ADVERTISING 8243. THEA^ETING- lefrtgerator and linens provid­ tato Assoclatos, Inc. 6439139. upholstering, plumbing, elec­ R ay H olcom be, R ea ltors, 644- ted. T. J. (Jrockett, Realtore, ed. 801 M ain St. 649-8302. trical, wooilworking, sign PHILBRICK 1386. CLASSIFIBD ADVERTISING DEFT. HOURS 1970 OSSA Pioneer, excellent SrSu"”-" g£Tu,».^. .ss;:: 643-1577. NEIAR Main St., 4-room apart­ painting shop, etc. Central. condition. Must sell. $900. Call ment, waU-to-waU carpeting, OOVENTOY — Up off Daley 8 AJL to 4:90 PJL PART™mpU»n»,..».«r SKluS 848-0648. > MAiNCHESTER — Pitkin St. between 0-7 p.rb., 646-0046. ROOM with kitchen privileges, alr-coniU tionlng, w asher «w«i Rd., Just listed, 4-room Ranch three evenings a week, Man­ Stately ll-room Cniontel, in Rent electric rfiampooer $1. centraUy located, 14 Arch St. ilryer, all appUances, heat and IDEIAL inofesslonal office AGENCY for only $11,900. T.J. Crockett, OWT CLOSING TIME FDR CLASSIFIED ADVT. HONDA CU76, 1970 sUver and chester area. Call Dee or Joe one of Mjuicheeter premier lo- Pinewood Furniture Shop. hot water, garage Included. space for rent. EYee peuklng, SOUTH WINDSOR, Birch HUl, R ea ltor, 643-1677. g ra y . E lxcellent conm, 2 fuU baths, 2 fireplaces, market, moilem, immacidate, ahoaa a s a WENEEPACOM/VIITTEE \ experienced bartenbar O o., 77 HiUlard St., luxe apartment. AppUances, occu p a n cy. CaU 643-7071 a fte r Ranch. Catheilral catUag ______—-— - — ------good condition, $20. C all 643- 4 -8 ing throughout, complete ap- smaU cottage on property In $6,000. Wolverton Agency, Re­ OROWING family forces sale ^ Manchester. heat, two alr-condlUoners 6 p.m . Uving room, fireplace, 3 bed­ 1332. Garden - ^rin - pUanees, vanity bath. Central­ business zone. Ooixl investment, a ltors, 649-2813. o f 1968 O pel R a llye M odel 92. wall-to-wall carpeting. Charles rooms, garage. Treed lot. Dairy Prom ts 50 ly located. $175 monthly. R. D. RCXJKVILLE: — Five - room exceUent potential. Four-speed, many extras, low L esperance 649-7620. $36,900. H ayee A g en cy , 646- Muttlock, 643-3693. house in the country. Three- UANCHE8TBR — ExceUent 1 3 Building ControcHng 14 Painting - Papering 21 Business Opportunity 2B ARE THE CHILDREN 0131. BOX LETTERS mileage. Price negotiable. 643- Business Services MAC APPLES $1. per 16 qt. bedrooms, clean, nicely deco­ DUPLEX—7-7, Handy location. AA aoiie kit, half acre phis, EAST HARTFORD, 4 rooms house, 2 bed- 4638. LEON CnSSZYNSKI builder — KOSCXJT and Dare to be Great DRIVING YOU NUTS? basket. Botti’s Fruit (Farm, rated. 568-8908, after 4. $38,600. L akew ood Gtarcls a rea, elty SHARPENING flervlea —Saws, B. H. MA<30WAN JR. second floor, neWer home,' Door, p xr^ e car- ® l»7l L NIA. SOUTH WINDSOR — 3-bedroom FWr Yd new homes custom built, re­ franchise for sale. Great busi­ 260 B ush H ill R d ., M anchester. utlUtles, CaU Mr. Zimmsr, 1967 OLDSMDBILE Cutlass Su­ knives, axes, shears, skatea, interior and exterior painting, Are the bills piling up? Do RCKSCLEDGE:—Dynamic 9-room Ranch, perfect for young cou­ modeling, am apartment ___ thedral ceiling living and dining BEAUTIFUL Forest HUls sec- istlcaUy priced in mid 20s. CaU 1969 VOLKSWAGEN square- work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ USED furniture for sale, good ment, second floor, adults, no 1035. any aus in com e p rod u cer. hot water, appUances, anil Howat For Sok 72 Houses For Sok 72 satlle home in an exceUent lo- ter, 120' frontage, $11,700. CaU 742-6379 a fter 7 p .m . Saturday, 7 :8 0 4 . 64S-TBU. NAME your own price, paint­ 649-7363 after 6 p.m. 6499469. ing blind boa ads win 649-4291. T. J. Crockett Realtors, 643- 643-7026 fire p la ce included. $230 per O lit of Tawn cation. 2-car garage. Peterman, Broker, 649-9404. itaaira to protaet tfedr ing, pi^)erhanglng, removal. MANCHESTER — To settle es­ 7.7 ACREiS, beautiful view, T ____ W antod - Roal isterta 77 STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, 1677. SINGER touch and sew with month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ MANGHEISTER — Builgettng? F o r R e n t M antlty oan follow *klB HALUCARK DuUdiiig Oo. For Prompt aervlce, fully insured. tate, 7-room older Colmilal. Blx- room custom Ranch, 3 baths, .TU8T OBF PORTER ST.—4- TOLLAND — 3 hirillWng kite, 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, g ood run­ fireplaces, flagstone terraces. home improvement, aihlUtoiiB, tor, 649-4635. Oiooee these one - bedrootn ALL CASH for irour property p roced u re: SatlsfacUon guaranteed. Call FUIXi-TIME punch press oper­ cabinet. Mcnogranu, hems, ceUent cmdltlan, IH khtbs, family room, 2-car garage, bedroom Dutch Colonial with an $6,6®® total. ToUand, acre lot, ning condition, $400. 643-0618. AU concrete repairs, both in­ rec rooms, garages, roofing, apartments. Refrigerator, BOL’TON — 3-room cottage, within 34 boun. Avoid red Jerry Kenney 647-95M. ators, 40-hour week. Apply in embrole, instant service. Hayes gutters. Free estimatea. AU person, Gayle Mfg. Co-, 1068C lent coniUtloa. Gueranteed. m ents avaU able now . $156-$160 Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Realtors,. 849-0334. living and lUnlng rooitu, eat-ln acre, $6,900. Other land Hayae th e b ox in an envwiBpe — 1968 FIA T , 860 Spyder, low scaping. Reasonably priced. TV antenna, launilry teciUUes, 6-10 p .m ., 1-223-4400. wortc guaranteed. •te-Ktr. INSIDE—outalde painting. Spe- ThUand St., East Hartford. FiU price now |M or 7 month­ per memth including heat and ------kitchen, larare family room. A g en cy , 646-0131. Agency, 6469131. address to tha Oaaalftod mileage, many extras. $926 or CaU 643-0661. aU - chester, 4 romns, fuU Rosort Praperty 1961 VOLKSW AGEN. CaU 649- moving large appUances.______fits. See Mr. J. Hammond, and parking. Alr-comUtioners Cape, with rec room, 1% baths, beautifuUy decorated home, 649-4635. in the ueual manner. work, correctlcas or related ------^------pUances, waU-to-waU luupet- basement, breeseway, wall-to'WaU carpeting, dish- in 1970. 0097. M anager. and garages, optional. Imme- MAiNCHEJSTER—4 rooms, first F o r S o k 7 4 Burning barrels deUvered, $4. DORMERS, garages, porches, SPECIALIZING In celling flrir, convenient, nice neigh­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER DUNE Buggy — Custom paint, ______re c room s, room a»" year ’round Ranch. Aluminum LEGAL Lost ood Found 1 $1,800. or best offer. 289-6131, residential and eiwinmjiweini siecial In c., 648-8166, basement, heat and appUances rooms. H i baths, aluminum fireplace, formal dining room, ^ ^ — gifts is Your Gift GcUlery at call Suburban Floor Mainten­ sured! For free estliiiatea caU MUto » Loomis 8L, mime to Prison An- ______._ '9 1 6 2 . carpeting, appUances. wlU hold pubUo hearings on steering suspension, posi-trac- nlngs. Incluiled. $236 per month. Paul 'VERNON — Ehctra nice two- siding and trim. Preferred 4 bedrooms, ttlnmlniim siding, COVENTRY LAKE — Wator- Watkins, m Main St. Your an ce, 649-9229. ______649-9668. If no answer 648-63U. neers). Inside palntiiig, peter­ utlUtles. CaU a fter 6 p .m ., 649- ROCKVILLE — 2-room fiir- B olton D og W arden, 649-5900. 1909 MOB British racing green. **ASONRY work aU types. Flre- PUgrirn Mllto, Oakland St., perlence in correctional or re- $175. Automatic washer, 326. tow, 8469834.______®®” -______biing Ranch home, abounding Mountain Road, Rural Resi­ ing, celUngs, etc. No Job too 4666. nished, aU utlUtles, $30. week­ 7 5 nnnitiHnn Uonv on. “ RING clesn up, Isiuiscaplng places, nlacea. steps,atens. sidewalks, walls,walls. lated fields. Submit resume to Alr-cortunity employer, apartment bulliling. Total elec­ Business L ocotioiis If possible, v4clnlty downtown garages. room, fireplace, aluminum atd- Item 3 Burger King Corpora­ visor. Free training by quaU- state. Mahogany first floor, large flroplaood Uv­ famUy room, spacious tree 1964 FALCON, good condition, TREE SERVICE (Soucier)— aervlce. J. D. Real Estate no pets, $180 per month rent, one o ffic e 12 x 12, ca ll 649- in Manchester near KfCXJ. OaU which Regulations prohibit, WANTED—chairs. Friends who LEGAL secretary, Manchester. In 3 w eeks! 872-3661,. Musical instn— sutf 53 ing room, formal dining room, shaded lot, close to new Route $176. Call 9 -a.m. to 9 p.m., Trees cut, building lots clear­ A ssoc. 648-5139. $180 lease security. CaU James 2741 o r 649-6688. 1-466-9161. MANCHESTER — Custom built above location. were kind eiuugh to borrow Raised Ranch. Two fireplaces, modern kitchen with buUt-lns, 1-84, Louis Dlmock Realty, 643-1676. ed, trees topped. Got a tree ■ M i ami. SW~.t ^ J. Gessay at 8769134. AU persons interested may at­ them, wlU they be kind enough ------Paving - Driveways 14-A m o r t g a g e s , loans, first. NICE two-room front office. SINGLE woman desires 3 or 4- PASEK 2H baths, 4 large bodrooms. problem! WeU worth phone ntotiUw old, has aU shots. $30. ExceUent condition. Asking two garages, gorgeous private R E ALTO RS—MLS 649-9833. tend these hearings. to return them. R. Michael CUTLASS, 4-door, 3-speed All HiHiTHi work — repair r refinlshing, floors BIDWBLL Homs Imptwsmsnt needed. Atoo part-time post- WELSH pony — chUdren's pet, sise 12-14, exceUent condition, FOR RENT H utchins A g en cy , 649-0324. two air-conditioners, private WAN^TED to rent 8 or 4-bed­ altunlnum elding, sundeck and TODAY stripped and polished. R R Oik. E iqiert tastaUaUoo o t ahip tlons available. CaU Mrs. Fltz- broken for carts. $100 with $30. La^’s green and blue INOOiME TAX proparaUon. OU 19®® FORD Galaxy converUble, ft BusilMU OppOrtUUlty 2B basement. Washer and dryer room older home or apart­ patio. Two-car garage. $37,600. SIX-ROOM Oblcnlal in exceUent geraid at 666-7620. gear. Terms arranged. Good tweed Ehigllsh riding coat, else Dan Mosler, 649-8329 or 347- Ttaunderblrd engine. (Jail 61»- Floor Care, 625-4392. mlnum aldiiig, gutters ment for famUy of 4. Reason­ Merritt Agency, 646-1180. condition. Dream condition, trim.. Roofing Inatallattnn and 14, Uke new, $10. 876-9168 or hookup. G.E. iqniUeneee knd 3116. 1024. home essential. CaU 643-7026. 3,700 ab le. CaU 289-7187. with built-in oven-range dish­ ANY type of yardwork, towns ropairs. 84»6486, 321-9106. MA’TURE woman, evenings, 4-9 872-8160. gas heat. Charles Lroperance, SHELIi DEALERSHIP FOUR-FAMILY in fine ccndl- washer. Fireplace. Upper 20s. Good-Looking Pretty Set mowed, hedges trimmed, gen­ p.m. InclucUng Satuntoy 2-9 ------6t6-T830. tlcn. Good investment proper­ PHILBRICK eral gardening. CaU 6499908 P ft 8 Roofing — Itoofing and p.m. Apply in person. Card A rticles For Sole Wolverton Agency, Realtors, INCOME TAXES prepared, by T^ICkt — TrOCtOW ______5 4 5 MHBRON — Newer S-bedroom Business Property ty. 40s. Wolverton Agency, after 6 p.m. repairs done realistically. Free NOW AVAILABLE GaUery, Manchester Parkade. Wonted - To Dny 5B 649-2803. SQUARE F o r S o k 7 0 R ea ltors, 649-381S. Marvin Baker. CaU 648-0267. igee CHEVROLET, % ton plck- ______estimates. ' Mancheater. 649- BCRBBNEUJ loam, sand, gravel, ______apartment, children welcome, IN MANCHESTER HOUSEKEBPEIR — Middle- carpeting, appUances, heat, $37,000 — 4-BEDROOM Gar­ up, set for camper, many ex­ 1616, C oventry 743-8388. processed gravel, stone, flU. WANTED — antique ftmiiture, MANOHEISTEUI H , M ain St, 8- AGENCY INCOME TAXES prepared In aged or. young woman to Uve hat water, pexUag. Im m edi­ ACRE WOODED LOT rison Colonial, 3 baths, double tras. $1,350. 646-0070. H ousehold Services 13*A Also buUdoser and backhoe pewter, oU palatliMs or room Colonial, ideal for doc- your home by appointment. in and keep luxise for busi­ ate occupancy. |1B6 monthly. FEET Newer 6Vi-room Ranch. Modern garage, 2 flrepJaces, 880’ treed CaU H . H . WUson, 649-6606. EARN |16,000-$80,000. service and drain fields, othsr antique Items. Any quaa- tois, lawyers, many other pro­ REALTORS 1966 CHEVROLET. % ton pick- cuglOM made drukertea, rilp R oofing Olid nessman and two school-age 3489883, 449-3871. built-in kitchen. CaU now. Only lot, buUt 1066, Im m aculate Geosge H. GiUflng, Andover Hartteon’s, 6469209, fessional people and business­ up. Original owner. $900. 876- cover. u>d rou^toilsterl^ CMlIHlOyS chUilren. Phone 649-7842, 649- 741-7886. 1®6 Oakland Street. $24,900. M eyer R ea ltors, 643-0606. RIDE needed to UOonn dally ______I B - A es. Rare offering. FYechette 7308 after 6 p.m. I . ■ Ambitious man desired now 5190. UNUSUAL one-bedroom du- $1.35 per sq. ft. from B olton . P lea se ca ll 643- Budget terms. EstatUsbed in Realtors, 647-9993. MANCHESriER 1946. Days, 634-OlM, svanlxigs, ROOETNG — Specialising re- NEED tires? 40 per cent ills- WANTED used restaurant, tav- iriex. EliU-private basement 646-4200 9904. J E B P — 1966 pickup tru ck , new for brand new 8-bay ranch 649-7860. palling roofs of aU Mnils, new BOOKKEEPER — Secretary, count. Premium, first line, em, hotel, gnxery store, bank- H eat, appU ances included. $190 Suitably tor machine shop or JOIN THE PROUD ONES brakes, new clutch, hyiln^turn style service staUon now light manufacturing. WlU PASEK WANTED ride to Pratt ft Whlt- roofs, gutter work, chimneys experience preferred, Monday- wide ovals, prowlers, truck rapcy equipment. Also have 3 per month. Paul W. Dougan, with this Ansaldi built, ten- under construction at Route rent all or divide to suit Investm eiit Property HEJALTORS-^dLS LUDLOW Rd. — Builder’s ney. East Hartford, Gate 6, **®P bumper. OaU 643- TWO handymen want a variety cleai^ and repair^. 80 years Friday, 89:80, Ernest Reed ft Urea. Cote’s Discount Station, fkx>r8 of used equipment for' R ealtor,- 649-4636. year old, brick friMited, * secixid riilft, from corner Bank ®®u2. cf Jobs by n St., pliances, carpeting, air-condi­ PROPERTY ished family room, on half room, carpeting, drapes, sU CaU 875-7837 a fter 6:30 p .m . FOUR FAMILY, AU four-room (McDonald’s vicinity, to Consti­ RBWBAViNG of bums. moOi- H ootiug oud Plum biug 17 desires to be his own boas. one day or two mornings a stone, manure, pool, and patio H a rtfoid . tioning included, $220 per Francis E. Boland With three offlcea and tour a cre lot. P rice $36,li00. CaU appUances. Heavily wooded apartments. Four garages. tution Plaza, hours 8-4:10. CaU holes* zippers repsired. Win- ______week. 646-4224. sand. 643-9604. month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ 4-room iq>artments. Indudes John McLaughUn, 6499306 lot. Reduced to $64,600. Peter A uto AcceSSOHeS-TIlOS 6 dow shades made to measure SAM WATSON Plumbing and HOUSEUiOLD lots — Antiques, tor, 649-4636. Agency ranges, refrigerators and Shows care. Low 60s. Wolver­ 046-4643 after 6 p.m. SHELL OFFERS for details. A . T h om e, 040-8381. aU else Venetian blinds. Keys Heating, Bathroixn remodel­ MONEY Isn’t everything — ALUMINUM sheets bric-a-brac, locks, frames, garbage dlqpooals. Ebccellent ton A g en cy , R ea ltors, 649-2813. 427 FORD engine, exceUent msile whUe you wait. ing and repairs. Free they say, but it’s awfuUy nice. printing ptotes, .009 thick, 38x glassware. We buy estates, 815 BROAD ST. ' revenue, near Main St. running conilitlon, very low • EhcceUent high volume po­ And selling Avon Is an awfuUy M A Y 1st • • R • • MAINOHEISTER — A reaUy Autofflobilos For Sole 4 reoordera for renL Marlow’s, mates. CaU 649-88M. 86” , 36 cants each or 6 for fl- milage Peildler, Auctioneer, MANCHESTER g;reat neighboihood. Near For­ mileage, designed for racing, ten tial nice way to earn that money. 64S-6TU. BARROWS and WALLACE CJo. 867 M ain St., 6494B21. 420 Lake St., Bd ciHidlUon. $30. 742- work, concrete work, roofs and CUSTOM tailored tallies’ ilress- IF. YOU .AB THE MAN— pradmatoly 12 hours weekly, stery cleaner. Rent ‘electric ------649-6651 100 appointment only. Ageney, 8480181. City water and sewers, two- banks, air-conditioned, auto­ MANCHEfiTESt — Six - famUy (2.3^) top coupe. Bucket aeata, con­ 6369. . Ught trucking. CaU 646-6496. es, suits, alterations and FO R M l ilE INFORMA- ^»ply In person, Monday— shampooer $1. Olcott Variety ■ ______» ____ matic fire sprinkler. Apply unit centraUy locctted. EJxcel- ...... ___ ..u. «>ne heat p lu s w orkshop, sole, power steering, power ------costume Jewelry In your atone Friday, 99, 867 East Center St. Store. ttOOmS WIWOMf OOOfd Of 466 M AIN ST. first-flo o r, 3 ■ noN GALL o co ju x rr, Mariow's, 867 Main SL lent income producer. Price CHARLES LESPERANCE laundry and office aroa. Made brakes. Real sharp car. Flxme T railon — SPRING GLBAN-UPS — Yanis preference. 646-1133. rooms, heated. $120. Security. has been reduced for quick of carpeting. Two baths, two- raising a famUy Asking WEEK DAYS 1-336-9401 MR. MATERIAL handler, h ^ AKAI M9 stereo tape recorder, THOMPSON House—Cot- zone heat. Electric kitchen. “ cleaned. Also attics, cellars, ■ ■ — ------One or two adults. No stove or BUSINESS site, highway loca­ sale. T.J. Oockett, Realtor, 649-7620 M obile Homos 6 - A working, husky fellow wanted, with two realistic speakers. tage St., centraUy located, Beautiful family room, 80s. garages, trash removed, EYee ------PALUMBO, NI<3HrS AND refrig era tor. 646-2436. tion, modern showrooms, of­ 643-1677. \ afternoons, evenings and Sat­ $276. Phone 7439364. targe pleasantly furnished 1966 UNOOLN convertible, 32,- NEWPORT, 2 beiliooms, estim atea. 538-0670 anytim e. M o v i n g ~ WEEK ENDS 1-6669160 MR. fices, storage and parking. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, piVE-ROOM house with new urdays, driver’s Ucense. In­ rooms, parking. imiture, 619 Etost MUldle k BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. PrM Naoa, Aawtaa ans ZIP A t c o m e r o f N o. 662 M iddle MANCHESTER Uy treed lot. Large, kitchen — TWO FAMILY 6-6, with main- Hutchins Agency, Roattors, very good condition. Many ex- rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, Oscar Hebert, M6-3048. T’pke., Manchester. Middle-aged man wanted part-time; 7-11 p.m., Mon- Manchester Parkade eMilViiKiir«/tSit-& i^iS CODE aaa Styla M obtr. tras. 7^-9167 after 6. Turai^ke East ft Ferguson dining area. Fireplace. Must tenance-free siding. Two bed- 648 8334. 1962 m e r c u r y , V 8, 4-iloor, adiUtions and garages. CsU R ockville day-Thursday. Must have clean record, experience ^1 and 2-bedroom ^>art-^ Manchester 6499306 Sse Banett, Uaaehestor The Spring ft Summer Road. New luxurious, 2-bed­ be seen. $28,600. Wolverton rooms each apartment. Two- Evesiss Heiale. 1139 ATE. TOm C orbitt, 643-0086. ACT NOW and get a free esti­ INTMRBflTED In learning lu­ ments. On bus line. Ai^U- U a NCHEHTSJR — Throe-bed­ *71 ALBUM is 65fi includes good running condltiixi, $175. Sell lead free “AMOCO” not necessary but helpful to perform duties for room Town Hotue. Ihi baths; Agency, Realtors, 049-2813. car garage. WiUverton Agen- o r AKEBICAS, HEW TOBK. postage and handling. 'ntree-piece Ford mag wheels, Auto Driving School 7-A mate and a new screw driver. brication and servicing of Central air conditioning; pa­ ances, carpeting, heat and . room Raised Ranch. Large H.Y. UM6. DORMERS, flush, regular, set- R. C. Construcflan ComptUiy tmcksT Work from mobile local restaurant. Call for interview 9 a.m. - 6 pm . Land For Sok 71 ------cy. Realtors, 649-2813. SU VZAS M lira-a tn ip i far 14” , $60. 649-8360. tio; 3-car garage; laundry ^hot water. For aiqxilnt-^ CUSTOM 6-room Ranch on ______Utchen and dining araa with Met NHW, SSims «ns ZIP tack atett M tka yaarl Mtera SKILLED, cixirteous instruc­ Put younelf a step ahead of CMI, fo li Maker aeS ttss. back. ’Ihe unique vogue, on personalized uistom painting. units In Hartford area. AU room; AU electric Heat and ment or further Inforaut- F80UTH WINDSOR — 9 acres, beautiful______160x300____ lot,_ _ 2_____ fire- MANCHESTER______— 8H ______buUt-lns, plus formal dining pitet* aei airtcUMt far all 12. tors. New dual controlled cars. com petlU oo. CaU 668-0181 The Spring and Summer at03-SS4, Ikclaan paatan m4 1966 OLOSMDBILB “96” con- Ranches, Add-a-level and interior, exterior, anttqutaig, fringe benefits, uniforms and Deluxe G.E. appliances. ^tion, caU anytime, ' Industrial'zone, 3.3 acres com­ places, 2-car garage and a con- Chpe. ElreplAce, formal din- room, two-fuU baths, finished You’re never too old to leam. (toys. Blvenlngs 1-266-2706, 875-5352 Adulto-lmmediate occupancy *71 B asic FASHION B ook is vertiUe. Alr-conilitionlng, all raised ranches. Shells ixdy. staining, furniture refinlshing. tools fumtsheil, $3. per hour to mercial zoned. Broker, E. L. venient walk-out lower level, 'big room, 3% bedrooms. Wad- family room, two-car garage. Register now for spring f appointment call $360.00. Open Saturday ft 646-2623 Dlmlow, 2899716, 7499427. ReaUy must be seen, middle deU Schotd area. Low 30’s. La- Nice lot. Bhcceptlcnal value at and handling. p.m . Ing lessons. 647-1668. rick J. O arr, 643-7926. 0<)<)2. 688-2333. Sunday 1:00-6:00 p.m. or caU SO’s. CaU Warren E. Howland Penta .Agency, Realtor, 648- $81,800. J.D. Real Estate Aa- 6tt-7iS6 for appointment. Brokers Invited. \ R ea ltor, 6431108. 2440. socia tes, 646-1698. THUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Average Daily Net Press Ron The Weather lEitPtting l$?raUi For The Week Ended Partly cloudy tonight; lows 35 A p r ii4 ,ie n to 40. Tomorrow mosUy sunny, mild alter early cloudiness; high iianrl|p0tpr lum itm BpraUi in eos. Only 20 per cent chance A bout Town 15,695 of any precipitation. The Ix>yal Circle of Kings Mm ehe$ter- - ••A City o f ViUagm Charm Daughters will meet Monday at 7:46 p.m. in the Fellowship Room of Center Cwigregational VOL. LXXXX, NO. 161 TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1971 (CbuwUIed AdveiUsliig on Page 36) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Church. Hostesses for the eve­ aURGEir WITH I ning are Mrs. Carrie Johnson and Mrs. Alice Clark. '>4691 The Drt^In Center of the South United Methodist Oiurch j OPEN SUNDAY THRU FRIDAY Pardue Remains Warning will. <^n tonight at 7 p.m. in the Youth Lounge. Renewed On Politburo Brezhnev Full Ooepel Christian Feliow- ship, Interdenominational, will On Critical List Candy Eggs have a dble study and open discussion tonight at 7 :S0 at HARTFORD (AP) — Choco­ Orange Hall.' late Easter eggs containing metal shavings are being sold The Mountsdn Laurel Chap­ FRIDAY ONLYDOORBUSTERSH After Shooting throughout Connecticut . and Chief; Kosygin Demoted ter of Sweet Adelines wlil re­ should not be eaten. State Son- hearse tonight at 8 the Russian BRIDGEPORT (AP)—John R. Pardue Jr,, shot down sumer Protection Commissioner By MICHAEL JOHNSON A m erican N ational C enter, 213 ! in a desperate attempt to escape from federal lockup, Barbara Dunn said ’Thursday. Associated Press Writer Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. teens and womens GLEEM II TOOTHPASTE remained in critical.condition Friday at a Bridgeport ’The problem is even more w The rehearsal is open to all I Priced for ONE DAY Only! hospital nearly 24 hours after emergency surgery. severe than indicated in earlier MOSCOW (A P )— Com­ women Interested in joining this | Pardue was felled by three — ------wsumings about the eggs, Mrs. munist Party chief Leonid four-part harmony chorus. 6V4-OZ. FAMILY SIZE Dunn said after she had some BIG BOYS & JR. BOYS STRAP *N BUCKLE shots fired from about seven sandwiched a $28,000 robbeiy of I. Brezhnev was confirmed of the candy tested at the state feet by a young guard as he the Union Sairings Bank. ’Ihe in the Soviet Union’s top The North United Methodist | Regular 79c leveled a heavy caliber, sawed- chain of Incidents lasted only 10 laboratory in New Haven. Church will not have a Tene- off rifle at a marshal—who is ’The earlier warning had cited job today but Nikolai V. m inutes. Podgomy emerged as the brae Service tonight as reported | New Spring CASUALS the guard’s father — during a The first blast went off at the chocolate eggs wraiq;>ed in foil in last night’s Herald. break In his trial on bomUng poUce station, knocking out offi­ and sold in one pound plastic country’s No. 2 man. 'Podgoniy, shunted off to toe and bank robbery charges. cial communications fbr a time. bags. Hie eggs containing metal shavings, according, to the orlg- ceremonial role of ]»«sident of The clean water committee of I A - spokesman - _ .. r' said . his . *nien the bank was robbed, - - - . the Manchester Jaycees will SUITS condiUon early Friday remained ^nd a bomb went off there Just warning, were sold only in toe Soviet Union six years ago, meet 'tonight at 8:30 at the j LIM IT 1 crtOcal and the prognosis guard- after the two bandits fled. And 'll** package and were 'was listed right after Brezhnev hom e o f Joseph L aw ler o f 202 j P^B OUSTOMBB ed-the same report as issued memento later, the getaway car labeled “made In Belgium." in toe ruling Politburo an- Autumn St. ^ 3 after a long Thursday afternoon ——They - were imported by toe nxxmced by toe peuly chief at operation. (8 m Page Ten) Frankford Candy and Chocolate toe close of the 24th party con­ The Hockanum River Unear j 'Pardue’s pretty wife, Nancy, Co. of Philadelphia. gress. Podgomy’s advancement Park coordinating committee j K O TEX Feminine Napkins was in custody under $260,000 This information was Incom­ puriied Premier Alexei N. Kosy­ will meet tonight at 7:30 at the I bond, charged with aiding and plete, Mrs. Dunn said after gin down to third place. Municipal Building, to review abettbig attempted esciq>e. Guard Felt learning toe result of state The advancement of Po4gmv slides of the river taken in BOX OF 40 Authorities said she smuggled testing. ny was viewed as an attempt to For the lady on the go! . . . New strap ’n buckle limit toe obvious bid Brezhnev Manchester and 'Vernon and REG. or SUPER the gun into the third-floor lock­ She said she found contamin­ plan a walk around Union P/^ey are Viktor served. household cleaner. Three of toe buUets hit toe AP PoUtleal Writer speech. In which he rejected set- heard In toe briefing,’’ than In man in toe Soviet power lineup, y. Grishin, chief of toe Moscow prisoner, one in toe chest, one ^ a Bridgeport hospital Fri- WASamOTON (AP) — The ting a fixed terminal date. toe speechspeech, he said. ^®s an advocate* of more con- party; Dlnmukhamed A Kunay- St. Maurice’s Church of Bol­ in toe kidney, one in toe stom- „ ^ N o -F a u lt’ W hlte Houm and toe Senate’s Later, press secretary Ronald „ „ „ sumer goods production when ev, first secretary of toe party ton will have Maundy Thursday I Pardue, 28, was on trial in Xap RepubUcan have spUt pubi- l . Ziegler told reporters “I sneftoer Carl A lb ^ ^ Me ^ ***®® popular, a sup- h, Kazakhstan and a iwotoge ot services tonight. At 8 there will I Paidue’s weapon, a .808 caU- Icly on whether President Nixon think It would be Incorrect to Democrats at toe brief- ®* Nikita Khrushebev’s Brezhnev, and taadlmir V. be a Supper of the Lord and ber rifle, was iever fired, au- “T*®® TTrw l^ lV P n ^has Indicated a target date for say at this Ume that toe Presl- conveved a slmUar imores de-Stallnlzatiwi drive, and an shcherbitsky, premier of toe from 9 to midnight there will [ thoriUes said. ‘*‘*®*® *** Danbury last X vr X F^ ^ X V withdwLWAlwithdrawal fmmfrom VietniVietnam. dent has a specific date that he conveyea a simuar impres- ^ ^ Brezhnev, uta^ine. ' be an Adoration. _ . year. The escape attempt oc- GOP Leader Hu^ Scott, R- feels this plan (U.S. withdraw- „ ’ . Podgomy, whose n^e in t o s fourth is Fyodor D. Kula^ » -J?*® a® he w a T b e ln g led b a ck Pa., and DemooraUc Whip Rob- al) will be completed by.” . „ ® Russian means "at toe bottom the party secretariat’s spe- P. aty Hoyltal said P ^ u e yent ^ the courtroom, and toe judge Year’s Study toe early hours “sometimes declared a mistrial after toe -•n*® P®n™y‘ van ia RepubU can f f S l m M m r s l J d *^® cla list in C u l t u r e . ^ awake, sometimes asleep.” AU. DBT CLEANINO riiooUng. HARTTORD (AP) — "No- tai withdrawal by Jan. 20, 1973, made clear his beUef that Nixon imLrlsi^ *^"*‘®*' ^ Kunayev, Shcherbitsky. and The spokesman added he was ------spoke in a different view In toe me very aeimue impression y,e KremUn oMer. Brezhnev Kulakov are known .Brezhnev PROFESSIONALLY TO Dlrienso said he was in toe fauH" auto insurance wUl be stu- u,g 1^,4 his current term. lufylng trouble breathing despite made this clear when he read men and Grishin, to a lesser de- DONE ON PREMISES ceUblock with his father and two died this year but barring major gut toe White House said toe (8m Page Bight) surgery to Improve his respira­ Podgomy’s name ahead of Ko­ B Y OWNER other officers when Pardue and unlikely reversal, it wUl not president has no specific dead- PABBADE dJBANEBS tion. sygin’s in Ustlng toe 16 PoUtbu- (8m Page Bight) M. made his bid for freedom. become law. une. 402 West Middle Tumidke The Thursday chapter in toe ro members at toe conclusion of He said he was In toe process Two committees were consid- gcott and Byrd said in sep- the 24th Soviet CMimunlst par­ lo^ P ^ue caM was only toe of opening a door leading to toe ering toe proposal, which Is conferences Nixon Scattered Cong Attacks Hit ty congress. ’ ®*®i?u.®* ^ *"®*1®!L ®*i through which Pardue backed by Insurance InteresU t^em toe impression of At toe last congress, in 1966, ci^ b le et^i^beginnlng with would go to toe courtroom when and op p o^ by the legal pro- having a final Vietnam pullout Allied Bases in Highlands Podgomy was listed third, Insurgents **'®K*^® P ^ u e and his young- j,e heard Pardue.say, “Freeze." feasion. They voted unanimously datewhen he briefed CMgres- behind Kosygin. er brother, James, are accused «Altoough I never knew him In joint session Thursday to set jeaders prior to his na- SAIGON (AP) — North Viet- ters said five civilians were FrequenUy called Khrush- of committing. to Wd before, this Ume I thought up a one-year study of toe plan, uonwlde address Wednesday It was Feb. 13 in Danbury The sponsor of the no-fault in- namese and Viet Cong tixxipe WU®1 23 clvlUans and two chev’s heir in toe Seen Routing when three bomb explosionB (8m Page Mlae) soldiers were wounded in toe at- leadership, Podgomy has tous airance bill prompUy vowed to briefing also prompted made scattered haraaslng at- made something of a come- seek enough votes to pry the Republican Sen. Mark O. Hat- tacks at bases in the central About 30 Viet Cong sappers back. But it is too early to say Ceylon Police items listed below friday7P.M.tol0P.H.0nl le^UUm out of com^ttoe and ^ o r s g o n . a longUme crit- highlands. ON SALE moving under toe cover of a whether he is in a position—or subject it to floor acUon. ic of toe war, to attack Nixon. A U.S. unit was attacked 26 mortar barrage attacked troops even wants—to challenge Brezh- Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, D- Editor’s Note; Tlie fidkywlng 28 N orth St. T e l. 428-9001 Penn Central ^ Hatfield said he got no such miles northwest of Saigon and the U.S. 20th Engineer Bri- nev for toe No. 1 spot. dispatch from Associated Press W lL U M A N n O LADIES DEPT. LADIES DEPT. MENS & BOYS DEPT. MENS & BOYS DEPT. DOMESTIC DEPT. ImpresslM In listening to Nix- six Americans were wounded. ^^de 28 miles northwest of Sal- In 1966, Brezhnev deprived correHMndent MMt RoMnbhim Easter Dinners cert roridei^$40 mUUon In In- ''^ 7 mortaro hit ^ e ^ef^ d^wn today. SU Podgomy of his seat on toe par- telephoned to Londco, bdt Railroad Says ^Conspiracy^ mirance nremiuma President to alUed air bases, a South Viet- Americans were wounded and ty secretariat and engineered the censM- interrupted toe call Par Exeeflence MISSES' MEN'S & BOYS' Tt« mate nrovlslMB are a re- ®P®®* ^ camouflaged Ian- namese division headquarters three vehicles were damaged by his nomination as chiefand of refusedstate, to connect it again. Ham in Plneai^leMadlera PEASANT BOYS’ DRESS or SHEET nnirement toat an Individual’s K®®*® ®® t**®* t**® American peo- and two cities. Another attack mortar, rocket-propelled gre- a largely ceremonial Job which By MOBT B08ENBLUM. Sauce, Spring Lamb and' Led to Bankruptcy Court ^own insuranceInsurance compemycomnanv payoav for Pl® ®” **’^ c*®®*"” “ P ^ govemment-spon- „a4e and smaJl arms fire before can mean the decUne of a p<«U- Minted Pear, Duckling in Or­ HOT PANTS sored rally of Viet Cong defec- me sai^iera ' were driven back cM cEueer. It was considered Aeaoclsted PrsM Writer BLOUSES DRESS SOCKS SPORT SHIRTS eiccident injuries and damages t h i 1 tors in the Mekong Delta. ange Sauce, Prime Rib with BLANKEIS B y L IN D E B Specifically, toe defendants ’Ihe White House reacted Inl- COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP) — A Yorkshire Pudding, Lobster Stripes & Solids In fabulous polyester and were accused of; (8 m Page Four) tlally tq Scott’s comments with South Vietnamese headquar- (8 m Page Tea) (8 m Page T m ) 24-hour curfew was ordered cotton denim. Sizes 6<13. Associated Press Writer with Crabmeat Dressing and —Manipulating their control throughout Ceylon today as PHQiADELFHlA (AP) more . . . all with Asparagus Reg- $ 4 2 2 and power over Penn Central in- some sources estimated insur­ A $ 1 4 4 Reg- Two fwm er financial officers of in HoUandaise, four potato .. __ __ w .ii vestments, and particularly the gents battling toe government choices and other seasonal the Penn Central, a former Wall ____ outnumbered security forces 'liig. $^^88 L27 X Street Investment banker and rich pension funds. vegetables. Luscious d( Value A 1-57 —Manipulating their control three to one. But p lea se, reserv e qulck^ two companies have been ac­ Small, outlying police t>osts stretch nylon in assorted colors . . . Dacron & polyester blends with long and power over favorable rela­ a bunny. 4jN Beautiful prints in 100% acetate. Sizes cused by the nation’s biggest were reported being abandoned 32-38. One size fits aU. coUars. Sizes 8-16. 100% cotton In large 60x78 size. railroad of secretly manlpulat- tionships which toe railroad had S erving 12 to ing Penn Central resources for with various banks because of as officers fled to larger en- Plaids and White | camimients. their personal gain. large loans' made by Perm Cen­ Reliable Informatian was dif­ ’Ihelr actions resulted in huge tral and deposits maintained in ficult to obtain, but some esti­ financial losses and drove toe toe banks. WIG DEPT. mates put toe number of insur­ COSMETIC DEPT. COSMETIC DEPT. HOUSEWARE DEPT. HOUSEWARE DEPT. railroad into reoiganization un­ —Exploiting Information and gents as high as 80,000. The gov­ der toe federal bankmptcy law, knowledge about Penn Central NEW u s e d ! ernment’s security forces total a civil complaint filed Tliursday affairs, by virtue of their insider KING SIZE 26,000 men. in U.6. District Court charged. status, for their own private EDGE BRECK LARGE 12-OZ. SWINGER purposes and for toe benefit of Otoer reports suggested the The giant transportation firm seeks recovery of millions of Penphil Co., du Pont (F.I.) rebels had 100,000 sympathisers TV TABLES Glore Forgan and otoer “tip- among Ceylon’s is million peo­ LARGEST SELECTION OF TUMBLER WIGS doHars lost through toe “ unlaw­ SHAVE BOMB ple. SHAMPOO p e e s ." ful conqpiracy and conduct” No. NfeHf BfCYCLSS IN THE Prime Minister Slrimavo Ban- VERNON AREA dollar amount, was qielled out. —Profiting by purchases and Named In toe action were: sales of shares made by Penn daranaike p rep a red a ra d io iq>- Profe : AnembM R*$. Reg. Rn- Reg- $ ^ 0 0 -D avid C. Bevan, Gladwyne, Central through gains, commis­ peal “as a woman and a moth­ Pa., former chairman of toe sions and otoer considerations er” for parents to persuade J7 Penn Central finance commit­ received by themselves and by their sons not to join the rebel­ 99c g 93e 1 1949 § lion, vtolch is led by an otgani- tee. Penphil Go. \ —William R. Gerstnecker, Gerstnecker said he hadn’t z a t i o n ^ militant MOntist stu- 1 ' L arg e a% -oz. size. 7-oz. size, choice of normal, dry or oUy. • Crystal Iced Design sturdily built . . . BeautifuUy decorated. 100% Modacryie syntoeUc material | Philadelphia, former Penn Cen­ seen toe complaint and declined d^atsT ^ Af thia Your choice of wanted colors. < tral treasurer. comment. Bevan and Hodge At this point, the censor cut F i ? ^ 9 P j t l F a I F j t ^ r a Roeenblum off. In an earlier —Charles J. Hodge, Short coukln’t be reached. HiUs, N.J., former partner of du The railroad’s trustees, now dispatch today he reported; 1 COSMETIC DEPT. COSMETIC DEPT. AUTOMOTIVE DEPT. The Communist minister of HOUSEWARE DEPT. Pont (F.I.) Glore P ^ an , Inc.,a handling the reorganization ef­ SOLID ONE-PIECE New YorY bndeerage house. fort which began last June 21, of housing boradcast that “the PRESTONE —PenidiU Co., a Pennzylvanla recently reported Penn Central situation was under control,’’ POST ROAD SHOPFiNQ PLAZA 1 HOUR after HOUR corporation In which Bevan, $481 million during IVili but reports from outlying areas LISTERINE Hodge and Oerstnlcker were cMipared with a railroad oper- said government units were ask­ MAIN STREETr ROUTE 30 AUTO MAT 2S-lb. Rag ing for more arms and rein­ VERNON, CONN. 872-31BS WINDSHIELD IMrlnclpol organizers. Beyan’s atlng deficit of $91 milUen in brother Da'vld, a lawyer,. Is sec- ]^9Q9. forcements. EXPERT REPAIRS 1 DEODORANT MOUTH WASH Charcoal Briquets rotary-treasurer of Penphil. >nie complaint said Bevan, The streets of Colombo were .ON BKnrCLES WASHER Reg- $ 4 9 9 —Du Pont (F.I.) Glore For- uodge and <3eratnecker created deserted. MON. thru 8AT. gan, Inc., which under Hodge’s peiq)Ui Oo. in 1962 “and there- A U.S. Embassy spokesman B:30AJM. to 6:30 PjM. 1 Reg. Rag- dlrecUon acted as principal in- after covertly utilized and ma- said the 200 Americans in Col­ CLOSED THURS. *TIL 1:30 PJM. 347 X Reg. vestment advleer to Penn Oen- nj^Milated all of toe resourcM of ombo appeared to be in no dan­ OPEN FRI. EVE. 'TIL 0 PJM. 1.79 S f 4 , s $ i tral. Penn Central over which they ger but had been warned to ex-^ ••-SHARPENING ••• 1 1J9 ^ 8 ^ 1i29 Bevan and Gerstnecker were 1,^^ centred not for toe best in- erclse caution. There were no Qt "W r X SpeciaUy priced for 3-hour sale only! fired by the Penn Central board terests of PMn Central and its now plans to evacuate any for­ ■ROTARY LAWN MOWER BLADES] 32-OZ. econom y size of directors shortly before the shareholderB, but for their own eig n ers. ■ 8-oz. antl-perspirant spray ALSO KNIVES, SCISSORS, ETC. Special summer formula . Made with real hickory railroad filed for reorganization, private, personal profit, gain, The government said it was We koBot Chaige Cud* ^ 1' MR...... J...... ^ “Defendants employed decep- aggrandizement and unjust en- extending the 3 p.m. to 6 a.m. tlve practices and secrecy to rlchment and that of Penphil.’’ curfew because Friday was a ALL BICYCLES A REPAIRS avoid detection, and they fraud- Through Penn Central dlver- On the Mount of Olives religious holiday. However, OUARANTEEb NEWINGTON! ulently coticealed their cotitplr- gKjcatlon investments Bevan, site where the Bible says Jesus wept on his final entry into Informed sources said It was WETHERSFIELD! BLOOMFIELD! MANCHESTER! ncy and violations,’’ the suit __ Monk lights candles at services in Dominus Flevit Church on TRADE-INS ACCEPTED Jerusalem. (See story on Good Friday on Page 5.) (AP Photo) (8 T m ) 3375 BERLIN TPKE! 1 130 SILAS DEANE H WAY 1051 BLUE HILLS AVE. PARKADE SHOPPING CTR, changed. (8m Page Bight) Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusal^Ri- The, church murks the