WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 PAGE FORTY HanrljMtfr Ettftitng Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock ’The Hartford County Amateur A bout Tow n Radio Association will present Average Daily Net Press Run a progrram, “ 120 Years of Brass The Weather The North Manchester Al-Anon For The jWeek Ended Pounding,’’ with a film on April 4, ion Clear and cool tonight; low family group will meet tonight technical operational instruc­ M orrell and 25 to low 30s. Tomorrow sunny, at 8 in the Parish House of tlie tion tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at pleasant; high in 60s. Zero SecSnd Congregational Church. the Veterans Memorial Club­ 15,695 chance of precipitation through­ The Thursday group will meet house, Sunset Ridge. out. at 8:30 p.m. at the Pathfinders 1st P rize Manchester— A City of Village Charm Club at 102 Norman St. Both The Rev. and Mrs. Koichl RARE TREA’TS INHAMS ’THE LAND OP HAMS groups meet weekly and are Kitano of Japan, instructors in VOL. LXXXX, NO. 160 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (OfaMslHed Advertisiiig on Page 26) open to friends and relatives the Far East Advanced School The family expects festive food for Easter, but the choice is up to you. MANCHESTER, CONN., ’THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS living with a drinking problem. of ’Theology of Manila, Philll- While ham seems to be the favorite, you can’t go wrong if you prefer to piiies, will speak and report on have Fresh Chicken, Rib Roast of Beef or Pork. If your traditional Easter The First Church of Christ, missions in the Orient at the feast calls for the Finest Fresh GENUINE SPRING LAMB, we have Scientist, will have its regular Mis.slonary service meeting at Lamb Legs ready for your order. Not every store has'this wonderful Wednesday testimony meeting 7:30 p.m. at the Calvary Church. Meskill Not Morrell Ham . it’s good news to find it 20c lb. below last year. Shank­ State House tonight at 8 at the church, M7 Assemblies of God. less . hockless . fat removed . it’s the ultimate in Flavor and fine N. Main St. The meeting is Pardue Shot open to the public. eating ham value for Easter. The loyalty day committee of ^Intimidated^ Kills Issue » the VF\V Post and Auxiliary will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at .the Post home. B y Threats Of Abortion Charles F, J. Morse Robert H. Franklin Gold Mine of ■HARTFORD (AP) —- Gov. HARTFORD (AP) — The In Bridgeport Miss Jane E. Hicook, a fresh­ man at Middlebury (Vt.) Col­ CBT Finance Forum Panelists ’Ihomas J. MesklU said ’Ihurs- abortion on Issue in the Con­ Bargains Direct day he will not be "intimidated" necticut Legislature died Wed­ lege. and David Hlcock, a jun­ BRIDGEPORT (AP)—John R. Pardue Jr., on trial ior in tlie Syracuse (N.Y.) Uni­ ’Two Manchester residents, tel. ’The forum is presented by threats of disorders In the nesday,- shot down in a House acting under threat of a guber­ From versity School of Art. have been Robert H. Franklin of 63 Arvlne every spring to bring Connecti­ ciUes this summer. for a series of bombings and a bank robbery in Dan­ cut town officials up to date on He made the comment when natorial- veto. bury last year was shot today as he attempted a daring named to the deans’ lists for PI. and Charles F. J. Morse of Manufacturer the first semester. 'They are the issues of local and national asked about a meeting he had ’Ihe rc41 call vote was 132-28 escape from the U.S. marshal’s office. 31 Princeton St., will participate daughter and son of Mr. and prominence. Wednesday with Ben Andrews to accept the Public Health and Pardue was shot twice by An- ------ - ROCKVILLE, Conn. — Is Mrs. H. Burton Hicock of 83 in a p>ahel discu.ssion, “ Govern­ of Danbury, state president of Safety Committee’,). unfarovable thony Dlrlenzo HI, the son of the yers_ Michael Koskerff, said. there anything more appeal­ the Naiional Association for the report on the measure liberal­ ing to a woman, especially at Phelps Rd. ment Services: Who Pays the U.S. marshal, Anthony Dlrlenzo ’John is In very bad shape.’' Piper?" at the Connecticut Advancement of Colored Peo­ izing Connecticut’s ancient abor­ Jr. Here is how the elder Dirienzo this exciting Springtime of Free Pap Test ple." . tion statute. the year than a big beautiful 'The Five Point Club, Temple Bank and Trust Co.’s annual Pardue was rushed to a hos- reconstructed the scene: Andrews called for continued Unless a -virtually imposslbile selection of spring sweaters Chapter, OES, will meet tonight Municipal Finance Forum, pital, and authorities took his Mrs. Pardue talked with her Slated May 4 state funding of summer pro- series of reversals occurs, the and sportswear? at 7:30 at the. home of Mrs. April 14. wife into custody. She was husband through the bars of a While the trim has been In gframs In the innter cities and House action means Connecticut Yes, there’s one thing that’s John VonDeck Jr. of 70 Gerald Franklin, who is executive di- A uterine cancer deteetion found, dressed in a miniskirt small cell In the marshal’s of- warned that "this could be a ■women -will have to live with even more inviting than that. Dr., Vernon. Hostesses will be recter of the Connecticut Public changed to give you very and Ught sweater and carrying ice, and then she left, It’s a big beautiful selection program will be held in town very bad summer" if the pro­ the law that permits abortion Mrs. Wilbur Chadwick, Mrs. Expenditure Council Inc., is a the Pardue one-year-old child, A few moments later, about of sprl^ sweaters and on May 4 at a time and place little waste. No change ni grams are cut off, said Meskill, only to save their lives. Harry Case a.nd Mrs. Mary member of the Criminal Justice in a motel parking lot near the 10:16 a.m., as the cell door was sportswear at honest to good­ "I did not take his remarks ■^e vote killing the measure Beauregard. Information ’Task Force, serv­ to be announced. ’The Manches- has been made in it’s .proc- ;i: By Tobin of Albany federal building. opened to lead Pardue to the ness bargain prices. Not just as a threat,” said the g;aver- was the most resounding defeat 1 or 15 per cent off. but 30 ing as chairman of Its legis- ter Unit of the American Can- essing methods in 25 years iii Another Fine Ham nor. ever given abortion reform. U.S. District Court Judge Rob- courtr^m for resum p^ his . 40 . even 60% below Members of Campbell Council, lative working group. He has society urges women of ert C. Zampano immediately de- trial, he wheeled a i^ n d with a FIRST PRIZE HAMS MesklU said he was disappoint­ Similar bills were rejected in regular retail. KofC, will meet tonight at 7 :30 been a frequent speaker at na- _ . , because no better way has iij sawed-off shotgun in his hand ed by Andrews’ comments about the House on a 73-69 vote in dared a mistrial. Where can you get up to at the KofC Home and proceed ticnal coherences on govern- area who have n e v j had a and yelled, "Freeze." 60% off on smart sweaters mental reform. He has been P»P ‘ «st to take part in the been found to produce a iii the meeting, which he thought 1967 and 89-49 in 1969. The hospital did not immedi­ The young Dlrlenzo pulled his and sportswear . only one to the Qulsh Funeral Home, 225 ---------- ----- ----- — ---- , _ _ Whole or Butt Half, Short Shank "had been a good session.” ately issue a report on Pardue’s Main St. for a recitation of the associated with the Commission program. true fully-baked ham. Republican Gov. Thomas J. place . direct from the Meskill indicated that he is Meskill has stated flatly he will condition, but one of his law- (8«o Page Biglit) rosarv for the late Robert J. on Governmental Efficiency, The Mobile Cancer Control actual manufacturer . 14 to 16 Lh. Size exploring ways to get more help veto any major abortion reform from New Englands’ largest Campbell, a member. conducting research on the op- Unit of the Connecticut Division 1 .1 9 l b . to the cities, including a hous­ blU that gets to his desk. sweater mill . ROOSE­ erations of municipal, county of the American Cancer Society 11 to 13 lb. size 9 9 ^ II>- VELT MILLS. and state government in Mary­ will bring the supplies and ing program which he could not ’Die RepuMicans Wednesday ’Their doors are open to the land. equipment for the examinations. Buy a whole or half Morrell Hockless 1st Prize i b . yet disclose. 'He emphtusiced that lined up 61-19 against the abor­ public and they offer true he did not want to raise the tion bill. In 1967 and 1969, GOP mill savings on American Fire C alls Morse joined the Hartford Uterine cancer will kill over Ham in 13 to 15 lb. sizes, ii: Ham lb. 9 1 .0 9 hopes and expectations of poor representatives voted over- Weekly Death Toll Made sweaters. Here is the Courant in 1963. He spent six 13,000 women this year,’ ’ Mrs. people If he could not deliver. wdielmlngly in favor of similar greatest gold mine of sweater years in basic training in gov­ Herbert L.
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