BESTSELLERS – NEW YORK TIMES HARDCOVER NONFICTION January 2018 Borrowers may request these titles from the NJ State Library by contacting the Circulation Desk at 609-278-2640 x 104 {voice} Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm or by email:
[email protected]. If you would like to receive this list via email please submit your address to
[email protected]. Current email recipients need not resubmit their addresses. This list is also available online: and choose Selected New Books Lists. 796.323 Abd Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem. Coach Wooden and me : our 50 year friendship on and off the court. Grand Central Publishing, 2017. 290 pages. 153.6 Ald Alda, Alan. If I understood you, would I have this look on my face? : my adventures in the art and science of relating and communicating. Random House, 2017. 213 pages. 813.54 Ale Alexie, Sherman. You don’t have to say you love me : a memoir. Little, Brown and Company, 2017. 457 pages. 324.973 All Allen, Jonathan. Shattered : inside Hillary Clinton’s doomed campaign. Crown, 2017. 464 pages. 973 And Andersen, Kurt. Fantasyland : how America went haywire : a 500 year history. Random House, 2017. 462 pages. 973.932 Bid Biden, Joseph R. Promise me, Dad : a year of hope, hardship, and purpose. Flatiron Books, 2017. 260 pages. 363.738 Blo Bloomberg, Michael. Climate of hope : how cities, businesses, and citizens can save the planet. St. Martin’s Press, 2017. 264 pages. 324.973 Bra Brazile, Donna. Hacks : the inside story of the break-ins and breakdowns that put Donald Trump in the White House.