Roverway 2012

Name: Nickname: Country: Subcamp: Tribe: Tent: Motto: E-mail etc:

1 Layout Henna P. S. Graphics Jan Schulte-Tigges Printed by Otava Book Printing Ltd Thank you for the translations Translation Manager Juudit Ehrnsten Thank you for editorial support Sanni Aho Team leader for Camp Booklet Kalle Sipilä Internal Communication Manager Mari Voutilainen

2 Roverway 2012


Roverway 2003 in Portugal “People in motion” Roverway 2006 in Italy “Dare to share” Roverway 2009 in Iceland “Open up” Roverway 2012 in “See. Feel. Follow”

3 Index

Greetings from the Patron of Roverway 6 A Message from WOSM and WAGGGS 8 A Word from the Director of the 1st Roverway 10

Roverway 2012 Rules 12 Safety 20 How to act on place of emergency 20 Hygiene 22 Dining 22 Environment 23

The camp office 24 Subcamps 25 Cafés 34 Shopaway 37

4 About Roverway 38 Motto 38 Roverway Themes 39 RoverMomentum Project 40 TAPSA 40 Educationality on Paths 41 Tribe Time 42 Valleys 42 Festival Day 45

What is a great Scouting picture 46 IST 47

Rover Representatives 48 The Roverway Committee 49 A Greeting from the Roverway Director 50

My Roverway Fellows 56 Notes 60 5 Greetings from the Patron of Roverway

Dear Roverway 2012 participant,

Good to see you joining this great event! I am sure you will make lots of new friends and learn important things from other cultures, as there are Scouts and Guides present from dozens of different countries. Being active and unprejudiced, you will experience an unforgettable year of Scouting and Guiding. The society needs active, responsible young people – and that is what Scouting and Guiding produces. With the Roverway service projects, the meaning and effect of Scouting and Guiding for the whole society is well seen.

In Scouting and Guiding, I respect internationality, tolerance, growing into taking responsibility, and taking care of the nature. The Finnish culture and nature being visible in this context is a great thing.

I have warm thoughts for those Finnish volunteers who took this event as their responsibility to organize. The world gets smaller by travelling, studying and working over boundaries, as well as with the use of Internet and the social media, and with all international communication. Therefore, the international contacts and interactions taking place on Roverway 2012 will be hugely useful in the future.

Rovers and Rangers – are you prepared? It is time for Roverway.

6 Jyrki Katainen

Patron of Roverway Prime Minister of Finland

7 A Message from WOSM and WAGGGS

Dear friends in Scouting and Guiding

Dear friends in Scouting and Guiding

You made it! Welcome to Finland and Roverway 2012. Roverway is an official joint event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and The World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts (WAGGGS). We are both delighted that you are here and we are sure that you will have the time of your life.

Roverway is a very special event. It’s more than just a big camp! You have the opportunity to be a traveller, not just a tourist and we’d like to share some top tips with you to help you get the most from the experi- ence as you travel in Finland:

• Take time to reflect on who you are, why you are here and what you can do to make your time both enjoyable and pro ductive. Think and share! • Take time over the coming days to reach out to your new friends from across Europe and beyond. Smile and laugh! • Take time to appreciate the wonders of nature that you will encounter on your journey. Look and listen!

8 Both WOSM and WAGGGS will be around throughout the event. If you see us, come and say hello and let us know about the friendships that you have made, the adventures that you have had and what you plan to do after Roverway.

Have a great time and remember... see. feel. follow.

Yours in Scouting and Guiding

Craig Turpie Lara Tonna Chairman Chair European Scout Committee Europe Committee WAGGGS

9 Af Word rom the Director of the 1st Roverway

Roverway is you

“You don’t know me but I felt I should thank you for putting together RoverWay. It was a life changing experience” – The message came by email, a few months after RoverWay2003, signed by Eliza, a young rover that I hadn’t met personally but had attended the first edition of this event. And I felt (again) that we had achieved our purpose.

Since 2003, more than 10000 young women and men have experienced the unforgettable experience of sharing 8 days with other people from all over Europe. They were united by the common values of Scouting and Guiding, which set the scene when exploring cultures, living adven- tures, having fun, discovering ways of life, and finding commonalities and differences. This is what we always wanted from the beginning: to show, in practice, that it is possible to put together an exciting and meaningful event for young adults in Scouting and Guiding; an event that can be a true learning opportunity.

One of the secrets of the success of RoverWay has always been its shared ownership. It is not an event of the European Regions or the Organising Committee; it is an event of each National Organisation and, above all, of each participant. All of these are partners in a com- mon project and have their share in contributing for making it real. The enthusiasm and commitment of the participants has always been crucial. 10 Now, in 2012, RoverWay comes to Finland and I’m sure that it will be a fantastic event. And it will be a life changing experience: you just need to be open enough to see, feel, follow.

João Armando Member of the World Scout Committee

11 Roverway 2012 Rules

Roverway 2012 is a place for gathering, friendship and sharing in the spirit of Guiding and Scouting. Principles: Promise and Law.

Participants of Roverway 2012 and members of the various staff bodies are expected to adhere to the rules listed below.

During nine days, hundreds of very different people will live together and will have a huge opportunity to discover each other’s ways of acting, thinking and living. It is very important that all the participants on Roverway 2012 behave in an appropriate way, as this will help our intercultural and interpersonal exchange and make Roverway a successful event.

Participants, adult leaders or staff members who fail to observe these rules in any situation will be subjected to disciplinary measures. Any cost arising from such measures will be the responsibility of the person(s) involved to cover. Neither complaints nor requests for compensation will be accepted for inability to participate in activities because of disciplinary measures.

12 Identification

For safety and security reasons, all participants must wear their Roverway 2012 Identification card (ID) as well as their Guide/Scout scarf throughout the entire duration of Roverway 2012.

For reasons of health, educationality and safety, Roverway 2012 has declared itself as an event free of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Please take the following notes into consideration.


Carrying, consuming or selling alcoholic drinks during the event will not be tolerated.


Tobacco products will not be sold during the event. Smoking is only allowed during spare time and in areas specifically set aside and marked for that purpose. Throwing cigarette filters out in the nature is strictly forbidden to avoid forest fires. By Finnish law, persons under 18 years of age are forbidden to smoke or to possess tobacco products.


Possession, consumption or supply of any kind of illegal drugs is strictly forbidden. Anyone found in possession of, consuming or supplying such substances will be expelled from Roverway 2012 immediately. Possession and consumption of drugs (other than those for medical reasons) is strictly forbidden by Finnish law; all such matters will be handed over to the Finnish police.

13 Personal belongings, damage and losses

Participants are responsible for their own belongings at all times. Par- ticipants will be personally responsible for property damages resulting from improper actions and their consequences. Serious assault or theft will result in an immediate expulsion from Roverway 2012. All such matters will be handed over to the Finnish police.

Handicraft tools

It is permitted to bring handicraft tools to Roverway. Bringing or pos- sessing any kind of weapons such as firearms, “laser lights” or knives with blades longer than 12 cm is not allowed.

Uniform and clothing

Scout/Guide uniform should be worn on official occasions, namely:

- Opening Ceremony: See the Beginning – Let’s go Roverway! (July 20th) - Closing Ceremony: Keep in Touch (July 28th)

It is up to Tribe Leaders to decide which other occasions the uniform should be worn on.

In order to show respect to different cultures, participants should be appropriately dressed at all times.

14 Interpersonal relations

It is forbidden to indulge in attitudes, actions or activities which go against the physical, psychological or moral integrity of a person, or which may damage his or her emotional stability.

Participants are expected to show mutual respect and not to display attitudes of intimacy in public.


Please observe the timetables. Being on time is quite essential for the proper organization of activities.

In order to ensure that all participants are capable of participating fully in activities, silence will be observed from 24:00 to 07:00. Sub camps must be quiet during these times. During the Path stage, please follow the timetables set by your Tribe Leader.

Participants who wish to continue to socialize should respect these hours and move to the Hungry Hearts night café. Please remember that others may be sleeping when you return to your camp.

Commerce and gambling

Only the Roverway 2012 Committee can promote or allow authorized commerce on the site. Gambling is not allowed at any time.

15 Fire

During the Camp, open fire is only allowed in prepared fireplaces approved by the Security staff. Please respect fire regulations on the camp site as well as in places you visit during your Path.


Muscle-powered or motorized vehicles are forbidden on the Roverway 2012 camp site, except with permission from the Roverway 2012 com- mittee. Only service, security and emergency vehicles are allowed to enter when necessary. A special parking area will be provided outside the campsite for private vehicles and coaches.


Only people authorized by the Roverway Committee will be allowed to visit Roverway 2012.

On-site presence

In case of emergency, Roverway 2012 staff must be able to locate all participants.

For safety and security reasons, in the event of any need for absence from the site, please inform your Tribe Leader who should give his/ her permission. In case of any absence, these procedures should be followed.

16 Swimming

Swimming in the lakes on the camp site is only allowed in the marked areas. For environmental reasons, please do not use any kind of soap in the lake.

Please swim in company and not alone. Diving head first is not recom- mended due to shallows. Swimming is allowed between the hours of 07:00 and 23:00.


Toilet areas should be treated with respect for privacy and in a way that ensures good functioning of the toilets.

Please wash your hands or use the disinfection liquids provided.


With so many people in the same place, we need everybody’s help to keep the area clean and to protect the environment. Let’s separate all the waste and put it in the bins available for this purpose.

17 Environment

The Finnish nature is sensitive, and therefore we ask you to keep the following in mind:

- kindly walk on the marked trails and paths whenever possible - use shampoos and soaps that are environmentally friendly, and even them as little as possible. - it is absolutely forbidden to cut trees. - Bushes may not be cut, with the exception of those that are in marked places used for activities or on the camp site - Never throw waste in the nature.


Mobile phones may be used and use of cellular data is encouraged to participate in online activities. Participants should, however, keep their mobile phones in silent mode during activities.


Camp security at Roverway 2012 is the responsibility of the Roverway security team. The team is composed of volunteers whose main re- sponsibility is to help participants follow these Roverway Rules. Every- body on Roverway 2012 is kindly asked to cooperate with the Security Team, identified clearly with reflective vests.

18 The Roverway 2012 Committee will evaluate any problems or cases where these rules have been disregarded and will involve Heads of Contingent in the actions to be taken.

The Roverway 2012 Committee will also consider and evaluate any omissions or exceptional cases that are not addressed by these rules.

I have read and accepted the Event Rules

______Participant’s signature

19 Safety

The participants of Roverway can be recognized by an ID card. Should you spot uninvited guests in the camp, please inform the safety organizaton.

The members of the safety organization can be recognized by their yellow vests. They see that the camp is safe and that everybody follows given instructions and camp rules.

If an accident happens to you, or you feel yourself ill, consult the first aid personnel. They have the competence to deal with numerous ailments. If need be, they will direct you for further care.

Making open fires is forbidden.

How to act on place of emergency

Acting in the appropriate way and according to common rules in a crisis situation is important also regarding information. A crisis situation in which these instructions are to be followed can be a relatively small incident on the camp. In small cases, following the instructions is a way to avoid rumours spreading within the camp. These instructions exist to ensure that dealing information is appropriate and uniform also in sudden and shocking situations.

Upon an incident, do the following:

- inspect the situation - save those in danger - call 112 20 - call for help from nearby - give first aid if needed - inform your tribe leader or the camp emergency number +358 40 450 7900 about the incident - stay settled and calm the people present - send people to receive help and guide it to the right place

There is professional health care and emergency personnel present on Roverway. They can be reached via the camp emergency number. The medicinal personnel of the event will contact their patient’s parents, guardians or close relatives in cooperation with the Head of Contingent if needed – this is not for camp participants to do! A professional person is aware of what the situation really is and can answer further questions if there should be any.

Do not reveal names or other personal information of those involved to outsiders. Neither tell outsiders estimations or assumptions about the situation. The words ”perhaps”, ”possibly” and ”likely” are forbidden. False information is hard to replace afterwards.

All information regarding the camp is handed out by the Roverway Communications Team – this applies to crisis situations as well. By co- ordinating the parting of information, the knowledge the media receive is attempted to be kept as correct and objective as possible. It is very inconsiderate to inform the media about a crisis before the matter has been handled with those involved. In addition to this, possible false information and gossip to reach the media is aimed to be kept at a minimum. Press personnel are to be directed to contact the Communi- cations Manager of the Guides and Scouts of Finland, Johanna Karonen. Matters involved in a possible police investigation are only communi- cated by Finnish state officials 21 Hygiene

Cleanliness on camp Mind the cleanliness of yourself and your surroundings on the camp! The showers in the camp area provide good washing-up facilities. Do your showering briskly and save water – time runs slowly for those in the line, and the one following you would like hot water, too! Please only use the soaps provided by the camp when you are washing up. The use of soap in a lake is forbidden. Before meals, hands are cleaned by disinfecting them. If your hands are dirty, please wash and dry them before applying disinfectant. Doing laundry in the showers on on the beach is forbidden.

Toilets There are lavatories in the camp area that are for both men and women. For men, there are urinals as well. Sitting throughout one’s business adds to the cleanliness of the lavatories. Non-biodegradable materials such as sanitary towels are not to be put in the lavatory seats. Toilet paper is only meant for toilet use. Facilities for washing hands, complete with soap and disinfectant, are provided adjacent to the lavatories. It is compulsory to wash one’s hands after visiting a lavatory.


The dining in Roverway is held in one big dining hall, where breakfast, lunch and dinner are served. Please wash your hands before dining, take your cutlery with you and wash it in the washing point in the dining hall straight after dining.

22 Dining times at camp:

Breakfast 7 am till 10:30 am Lunch 11:30 am till 3 pm Dinner 6 pm till 9 pm (On the festival day, the dinner will be served during the programme)

Those observing Ramadan are served their own dinner in the central kitchen daily at 4 am till 5 am and 10 pm till 11 pm.


- What you take with you, you will also carry away with you. Remember to sort your rubbish! - Return empty lemonade bottles to cafés, it pays back! - Only take as much food as you can eat! - Use the shampoo provided by the camp – it’s environment friendly! - Close the shower while soaping – save water! - Keep the lavatories clean so the next in need will not have to cover every place with toilet paper

23 The camp office

Can’t you find a jamboree friend you know is on Roverway? Did you lose your hoodie? Would you like to get a note to the information board to be translated to French? You will find help in the camp office! There is an Info Point and a Lost & Found in the camp office. You will also find the Roverway translation team in the office. The translation team helps you at least with Finnish, Swedish, English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. The camp office also takes care about outgoing and incoming post, helps the staff copying and printing, and provides office supplies to each camp area.

The camp office is open daily from 8 am till 8 pm.

24 Subcamps

Roverway participants will be accommodated in three subcamps, and the IST people in their own subcamp. The subcamps are named after the features of Tapsa, the epic figure.

All four are also names of Finnish icebreaker ships, which are used to help other vessels navigate the frozen Baltic Sea during winters. Like icebreakers, scouts and guides can break through seemingly impossible obstacles, especially when working together.

25 THIS WAY RMO 4 Sisu [‘sisu] 7 Shopaway BROAD WAY Adventure´s Café

EUth House The subcamp Sisu’s leaders are Maarit Heikkinen and Kaisa Myrsky. TAPSAS TORG THIS WAY SISU is a characteristic of Finnish people. It describes a person that is ROVER tough, persistent, somewhat stubborn and has willpower not to give up MOMENTUM 4 VALLEY easily. If one is “pahansisuinen” it means that one is bad-tempered. Sisu 9 is an important part of Finnish national identity. 3 13

YOUR WAY8 20 2 12 Sisu is also a brand of Finnish trucks and working vehicles. There is also THAT WAY 7 a pastille called Sisu that has been manufactured here in Finland since 19 1 11 GNOL YAW 1928. A Finnish icebreaker that made its maiden voyage in 1976 is also 18 MY WAY6 AQUA SISU 17 named Sisu. ARENA 10 HIGH WAY 5 16 Finnish handicapped and disabled scouts are called “sisupartiolainen”. 15 Between 2010 and 2012 the name Sisu was given to 359 boy babies. 14 Ylinen 1 Also the the police chief of Duckburg (Chief O’Hara) is translated as LONG WAY Rautjärvi Simo Sisu in Finnish. Sisu is also a name for many sports clubs, as well 2 3 as a vodka. HARD WAY 12 4 5 13 1 E01 Ilomantsi 11 W02 Turku 14 6 15 2 E04 Viitasaari 12 S02 Savonlinna EASY WAY 3 E03 Vesanto 13 W05 Iniö INFO CENTRAL KITCHEN 4 N03 Keminmaa 14 E02 Kangasala SUB CAMP TOILETS 5 N01 Pello 15 N02 Pyhä SHOWER 6 S03 Hiidenvesi 16 S01Hepohiekka CAMP OFFICE 7 S13 Kirkkonummi 17 S01B CAFÉ 8 S07 Hämeenlinna 18 S05 Kymi 9 S07B 19 W04 Pori 10 W01 Perniö 20 W05 Iniö LEGENDS FOR NOTES YOU’LL MAKE YOURSELF FIRST AID OTHER SHOWERS, make your own note

RECYCLING DRINKING WATER, make your own note

26 THIS WAY RM 4 O 7 Shopaway BROAD WAY Adventure´s Café


3 9 13

YOUR WAY8 20 2 12 THAT WAY 7 19




Ylinen 1 LONG WAY Rautjärvi 2 3 HARD WAY 12 4 5 13 14 6 15 EASY WAY






RECYCLING DRINKING WATER, make your own note



SHOWER ACTIVITY VALLEY The subcamp Urho is led by Aino Kuhmonen and Marinka ”Mylläri” CAMP OFFICE CAFÉ Rossi. Urho stands for a hero, a courageous man. NATURE RESERVE LEGENDS FOR NOTES YOU’LL MAKE YOURSELF FIRST AID The best-known Finnish Urho is Urho Kekkonen, the eighth and most OTHER SHOWERS, make your own note

RECYCLING long-reigning (1956-1982) . The name Urho has DRINKING WATER, make your own note been given to 373 boys between 2010 and 2012. Urho is also a brand of beer in Finland. An icebreaker also exists, built in the 1970s, who was

YAW GNOL YAW baptised by president Urho Kekkonen. Urho is a part of the name of MY WAY AQUA SISU several Finnish sports clubs, as well as a TV channel. ARENA HIGH WAY

Café Rainbow

1 S09 Helsinki 12 E05 Jyväskylä Ylinen Rautjärvi LONG WAY 2 S09B 13 N04 Pallas

3 W08 Salo 14 S04 Rantasalmi HARD WAY 4 E08 Orivesi 15 W06 Kokemäki 5 S10 Merihaka 16 E06 Toijala 6 W09 Nauvo 17 N05 Rovaniemi 7 E13 Teisko 18 S06 Päijänne EASY WAY 8 W10 Harjavalta 19 W07 Samsaari 9 Jilmo1 20 E07 Ylöjärvi URHO 10 Jilmo 2 21 N06 Posio 11 TYHJÄ 22 S11 Stadi LONG WAY






RECYCLING DRINKING WATER, make your own note



Café Rainbow

Ylinen 1 LONG WAY Rautjärvi 2 3 HARD WAY 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 EASY WAY 8 16 9 17 10 18 11 19URHO 20 21 LONG WAY 22

29 Tarmo [‘tarmo] Holland House Café

19 LIVE 18 YOUR LIFE The leaders of Tarmo are Janne Mäyrä and Jyri-Petteri Paloposki. BY-THE-WAY 17 CREATIVE CORNER 16 Tarmo means persistence, willpower and the kick inside. 20 21 The name Tarmo has been given to 68 men between 2010 and 2012. 15 22 14 Famous Tarmos are, among others, the legendary Finnish ”diva actor” 13 3 Tarmo Manni and Tarmo Lähikauppias (Tarmo the Local Store Clerk), 2 1 ONE WAY11 12 ANOT HER WAY 6 the mascot of a chain of local stores. 10 9 CONTINGENT TENTS-AREA TARMO 5 THIS WAY 8 THAT WAY Many Finnish sports clubs use the name Tarmo. Two icebreakers have also been named Tarmo: the first one was baptised as early as 1907, and 4 7 Shopaway

the latter in 1963. The elder Tarmo is the oldest icebreaker in the world. BROAD WAY Adventure´s Café

EUth House TAPSAS TORG THIS WAY ROVER 1 W15 Eura 12 S15 Rajamäki MOMENTUM 4 VALLEY 2 W 14 Kuuskajaskari 13 N07 Kilpisjärvi 9 3 W13 Kankaanpää 14 S20 3 13 4 W12 Nagu 15 N08 Raudanjoki YOUR WAY8 20 5 W 11 Rymättylä 16 E12 Lempäälä THAT WAY 2 12 7 6 S19 Mäntsälä 17 E10 Tampere

7 S18 Porosalmi 18 empty INFO CENTRAL KITCHEN 8 S17 Esbo 19 empty SUB CAMP TOILETS 9 S16 Lahemaa 20 empty SHOWER 10 N09 Hailuoto 21 E09 Kuopio ACTIVITY VALLEY CAMP OFFICE 11 N10 Ylläs 22 E11 Lahti CAFÉ Ylinen Rautjärvi NATURE RESERVE


RECYCLING DRINKING WATER, make your own note 30 Holland House Café

19 LIVE 18 YOUR LIFE BY-THE-WAY 17 CREATIVE CORNER 16 20 21 15 22 14


4 7 Shopaway BROAD WAY Adventure´s Café


3 9 13 YOUR WAY8 20 2 12 THAT WAY 7





RECYCLING DRINKING WATER, make your own note 31 WISDOM HILL IST RELAX Voima [‘voima] AREA might, force, power, strength, vigour, sinew, momentum Pitkänniemenjärvi

Holland House Café We invite all the IST members and HoC’s as well as all the adults (over

22 years) to stay at Service Sub Camp Voima , located on a peaceful LIVE lakeside, during Roverway. We offer you world class camping experi- YOUR LIFE ence in the woods with excellent office and other services, new inter- national friends and unforgettable memories. WHICH WAY

The Voima office is the powerhub of the Service Sub Camp. It’s the MILK Y WAY place where you will find answers to your questions about the camp VOIMA program, IST tasks and much more. Come and meet our multicultural and ever so helpful staff! THIS WAY

At your service are our fine team of experienced scouts: Service Sub Camp Manager Minna Nousiainen Deputy Service Sub Camp Manager Lasse Lehtinen

Service Sub Camp Office Team Leader Kristina “Kiki” Lagerroos THIS WAY Service Sub Camp Service Team Leader Harri “Hapa” Halmejärvi WHICH WAY Come and feel the Force at Voima! FOREST FUN








Holland House Café













RECYCLING 33 DRINKING WATER, make your own note Cafés

If there’s one thing that Scouts and Guides of all ages and all nationalities like to do, it’s to meet new people and do fun stuff. And the best place to do just that is at the café.

You have multiple diverse choicses around the campsite to find the best café for you and your new friends. Along with official cafés, you *may* find some hidden cafés as well, if you look hard enough.

All cafés will have some programme every day, some of which is more quiet, some more noisy. Find your sweet spot - the cafés are there for YOU!

34 Hungry Hearts

This is where EVERYTHING happens! Explore Roverway in full and hang around with EVERYBODY! Bands, DJ’s and all Nightless Night and never-never-ending Party!! The Night Café will also provide you late evening snacks and food - remember to bring your own plate and cup!

Size: 1500 Location: Outside camp, 750 m East from dining hall Open: 20.00 – 04.00

Holland House

The Holland House brings the best of the Dutch Café culture to Roverway, from early morning to late evening. You can expect a relaxed start of the day with fresh coffee in the morning and friendly entertainment in the afternoon. We kick off the evening with all kind of active programs and top it all off with a great party until closing time. Every day has its own theme, so make sure to bring your Queens-day outfit, rock-and-roll gear, air guitars and bloemetjesjurken. See you at the Holland House!

Size: 300 Location: By the lake Pitkäniemenjärvi, North end of That Way Open: 08.00 – 00.00 35 Café Rainbow

Café Rainbow is in the heart of every Scout and Guides - diverse, chal- lenging, encouraging and easy to get along. We offer you talks, open mic evenings and have lots of real life stories to share. This is where you’ll most likely find someone to talk to and get new insights. Visit us - it is really worth it!

Size: 150 Location: Next to Water Valley, South end of That Way Open: 10.00 – 22.00

Adventurers’ café

This is a perfect place for everyone who needs tasty food or good com- pany - at any time! At Adventurers’ café, you can get yourself everything from a sandwich to a decent meal. We also offer coffee, snacks and fresh fruits. Here, you can play a variety of board games or cards - or just relax and make new friends, write a message on our message wall and continue to new adventures.

Size: 100 Location: Next to dining hall Open: 24/7

36 Shopaway

If you have lost your toothbrush, where do you go? If you need something sweet to eat, where do you go? If all your t-shirts are dirty, where do you go? If your spoon is damaged, where do you go?

Of course you´ll go shopping.

At the Roverway camp site you can also go shopping. You will find RoverShop along That Way right next to Adventures Café.

When you pop in the shop you will find candies, soft drinks, some personal hygiene items, batteries, handkerchiefs, mosquito repellents, dining utensils, plasters, condoms… Almost everything you might need.

Naturally we offer you also official Roverway 2012 products. T-shirts, mugs, bags etc. But the best way to ensure your own t-shirt and other magnificent products is to buy those beforehand from the web shop

Don´t forget to take addresses of your family and all your friends with you because at the shop you can find smashing Roverway 2012 postcards. And of course we have unique Roverway stamps – but only limited edition.

The shop is at your service from 10 am to 10 pm.


37 About Roverway


The Roverway motto – see.fee.follow – is intentionally written in lower case and without spaces. The motto accurately (how accurately, that is yours to decide) describes the way a Rover builds his views of the world.

First, you get familiar with things by seeing or hearing, for example. After that, you can try them out, learn how they feel to you personally. Finally, the decision is yours about which path to follow.

The motto tries to encourage everyone to see the world from different points of view, feel everything the world has to offer and also to make some choices related to one’s life path.

38 Roverway Themes

Roverway is about discovering new things about yourself, others, society and nature. The Themes of Roverway 2012 are:

►► Self-management and well-being (Understanding Self) ►► The Path and The Camp - patrols and teams (Understanding Others) ►► RoverMomentum: making a difference in society (Understanding Society) ►► Environmentalism (Undestanding Nature)

The Roverway logo holds up these educational themes and the colours and emblems symbolizing them. Purple signifies the relationship to oneself, yellow the relationship to others, red the relationship to society, and green the relationship to nature.

39 RoverMomentum Project

RoverMomentum is about making a difference in society. It’s about teamwork. It’s about volunteering for service and making the world a better place. RoverMomentum started with Be Prepared! and continues during the camp at RoverMomentum Valley to gather ideas, strength and spirit.

Release your power after the main event – make your society better with RoverMomentum Project. TAPSA

Who’s that bloke with a four-coloured hat – T.A.P.?

Tapsa is en epic figure, whom you will probably meet many a times during Roverway. The nickname Tapsa is derived from Finnish mythology, and its forest king, Tapio.

Tapsa wears square spectacles and the T.A.P., which is a four-coloured hat. The shape of that hat has drawn inspiration from the ”väiski” head- wear worn by Väinämöinen, the protagonist of the national epic Kal- evala. Other parts of Tapsa’s appearance may vary greatly, though.

Tapsa is a youngish Finn, and a Scout/Guide, of course. Full of energy, curiosity and sense of humour (sometimes a bit weird, like Finns tend 40 to be sometimes). He is well aware of his own roots, but at the same time he swims like a fish in the sea in other cultures and social circles. He speaks excellent English and is curious to learn all possible languages - or at least new words and phrases. What would you like to teach him?

Our modern Tapsa also knows how to enjoy life in nature, especially in the great Finnish woods. He likes to turn an ordinary day into a small adventure. He easily combines latest technology and good scout- ing skills. You will never have a dull moment with him. Tapsa’s attitude in life is to rather see possibilities than obstacles. ”If there is will, there is a way” is his motto.

Tapsa knows how to make people feel at home - with a good laugh or a good story, songs, gatherings, surprises. He is easy to travel withand he also finds more in fellow walkers than meets the eye. Educationality on Paths

Every Path is a unique adventure somewhere in Finland. Together with your tribe, you will discover something unforgettable. You will learn new things about Finnish nature and culture as well as about yourself and others.

All the Paths are different but they also have some features in common. During each, Path you will experience the beautiful Finnish nature. You will also get an opportunity to introduce your own country and culture by preparing some traditional food and teaching others a traditional 41 game or a play or share a best practice with your Tribe. You will also experience a real Finnish Sauna. Each Path includes a half-day service project. The idea is that everyone will do some voluntary work that benefits the community. You will also have an opportunity to take part in a spiritual mo- ment, for example an evening meditation.

Tribe Time Tribe Moment is a daily moment of reflection - sharing thoughts, experiences and feelings - between tribe members, led by the tribe leader. Themes change, and mental burden gets lighter. Valleys All valleys have both activities that are made alone and those wherein you can make new friends. The RoverMomentun valley is to be completed in patrols. The contents of each valley is derived from the Roverway themes.

Live Your Life

Levees breaking? Want to ruin a car or two? Running out of hours in your day? Looking for the meaning of life? When did you last spend a while dream- ing? Want to simply blow soap bubbles? Don’t panic - the Live Your Life valley might offer some pieces for you to build a good life from.

42 Forest Fun

Challenge yourself in wild activities in the Finnish woods! Activities on the ground, in trees and in between them.

Creative Corner

Have you been thinking you wouldn’t be creative? Let’s prove that thought wrong! Set your inner Picasso free – you can’t fail here! You can let your creativity flow in categories of your choice. There’s a wide selection of different activities from crocheted graffitis and making music to chainsaw artists and dustbin art.

Aqua Arena

There’s 62 % of what within you? What is one of the basic elements of life? What substance only appears naturally in three states?

Sea beast or landlubber – no matter. In the Aqua Arena you may show your skills, get over your fears and increase your knowledge. Here, you can do almost everything water has to offer, you can observe water without touch- ing it, and learn what an important substance water essentially is.

43 RoverMomentum Valley

RoverMomentum – a youth initiative activity! At the RoverMomentum Valley, your patrol will be guided through an empowering journey that enables you to take part in RoverMomentum. It’s all about Guides and Scouts creating a better world and it starts right from your own doorstep when you get back home again. Imagine hundreds of RoverMomentum Projects around the Europe. Imagine the Impact. Imagine the Momentum!

44 Festival Day

Loverway Midsummer Festival

Love is in the air! On Thursday July 26th, the Loverway Midsummer Festival will be held at Evo, where different people and cultures face each other in a peachy atmosphere. The whole Roverway gets to attend the market bustle as we help the heroes of the day to over- come obstacles and rush through fire and snow towards the one they love. Along the journey, messages of love and peace will also be sent to the world outside Evo, and the most peculiar of Finnish sports will be tried. Or have you tossed a mobile phone or carried a wife earlier?

After the adventure, the market and a dinner made on open fire, the festival day will climax with a shared spectacle. The Finnish midnight sun, the best of friends, the Loverway-dance, glitter and crackling... you will see!

45 What is a great Scouting picture

* Participant age groups * Many scouts, not just one. Preferably both girls and boys. * Having fun, action, meeting people, doing something out of the ordinary * On Roverway, we want to show especially multiple nationalities and the Roverway educational objectives

Following some key principles may help in taking great photos, in general but especially when shooting for media: Photography is not about technical things, it is about capturing moments. When action is on, focus on it, not on your camera. Versatility is a virtue. Shoot from far and from close, potrait and landscape. From above and from below, but people mostly at eye level. Also, when people are moving, capture various movement directions. Often it is also good to leave ”air” around the subject for the layout process. If you don’t have time to frame, shoot wide and concentrate on focusing. If you are a dedicated photographer (of a path, on camp Roverway has it’s own photographers), it is your right and responsibility to go to the places which give the best shots. In the middle of camp fire ring, or onto the highest rock if needed. Be bold, but not foolhardy or arrogant. If people don’t like you, it’ll show in the photos.

On camp site, Communications will have a photo “drop off point”, where paths can bring their own photos. As a reward we offer a chance of being published and a backup of your photos (i.e. we keep all your photos in a secure hard drive, and should you lose them, we can return them to you).

46 IST Service team info

Each IST works in his/her own tasks in certain shifts, acting punctually. The starting time of the task means in Finland that the IST has to be in that time ready to work with the equipment needed. It is good to be at the work place 15 minutes before the duty starts, if the contact person does not tell otherwise.

Being ill is the only reason to skip the work: in that case the IST has to contact the contact person before the start of the work.

The ISTs arrive the camp straight after the opening ceremony and take part to the construction camp. ISTs camp in the Voima-subcamp during the whole camp.

IST training and programme

Each IST have a right for proper training for their tasks during the camp. General training will be held during the construction camp and each contact person takes care of the training of his or her own ISTs. During the construction camp, there will also be relaxing programme for ISTs.

More info: Camp info, Voima subcamp office, Facebook IST group and

47 ROVER REPresentatives


The voice of the participant has been heard in planning Roverway. Rover Representatives are a group of youths who have been involved in the project by telling the voluntary makers of the event what a good Rover event consists of. There are 25 of us, and we represent the contingents of different countries. It all began when we met in Finland last August and gave our contribution to the Roverway plans. After that, idealizing and con- versation have been continued in Rover Reps Goes Internet meetings. We find it important that Roverway offers challenges, chances to true human contact and a wow!-experience to the participants. We have brought a Rover’s point of view to the planning of Roverway, so that the event would be a successful experience to you exactly.

48 The Roverway Committee

Roverway 2012 is managed and led by the Roverway Committee.

Roverway Director Juho Toivola Roverway Deputy Director Jukka Tulivuori Camp Director Jari Korhonen Communications Director Tanja Lumiala-Huokuniemi Education Director Jaakko “Piitu” Piitulainen Finance Director Anu Helle HR Director Lauri “Muppe” Hilander Path Director Annika Rajala Roverway Office Director Veli-Matti “Velkka” Lammentausta Service Director Lauri Kaski

Employees Roverway Project Manager Ville Salo Roverway Project Coordinator Anna Väänänen Roverway Project Intern Antoine Delebarre, Louis Marbach

You can contact the Roverway Committee and Project Office by email: [email protected] 49 A Greeting from the Roverway Director

Dear friend in Guiding and Scouting,

The preparations for this Roverway started in September 2009 when four members of the current Roverway Committee decided to apply for the event. Since then, we have been working hard to deliver the best. Hundreds of people have given countless hours to prepare paths, camp as well as forming and supporting national contingents for the event. Many thanks to these volunteers and professionals for their selfless input!

During the nine days of the main event, you have had the chance to explore Finland together with friends from all over the world. Hopefully building international friendships and learning new skills that you will be able to take home with you. The motto of the event, “see.feel.follow.” is the shortest possible way to express what Roverway 2012 is all about.

To see. To see is to have the courage to open your eyes. To see is to take things at face value without losing sight of what’s important. To see is to understand all the opportunities and choices available in their broadest sense.

50 To feel. To feel is to be brave, explore and go forward despite initial difficulties or sudden setbacks. To feel is to discover and to outside your comfort zone to test your limits. To feel is to make choices based on your personal view of the world, after careful consideration and weighing of different options.

To follow. To follow is to be true to your values. To follow is to follow your own path and to paddle your own canoe. To follow is to trust, to believe and to be persistent. To follow the way. Roverway.

Juho Toivola Roverway Director

51 52 53

55 My Roverway Fellows

Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______

56 My Roverway Fellows

Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______

57 My Roverway Fellows

Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______

58 My Roverway Fellows

Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______Name: ______Nationality: ______Tribe: ______E-mail: ______

59 Notes

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______63 See.Feel.Follow.