Queens Oeindrila Dube and S.P
WORKING PAPER · NO. 2019-120 Queens Oeindrila Dube and S.P. Harish AUGUST 2019 5757 S. University Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 Main: 773.702.5599 bfi.uchicago.edu Queens ∗ Oeindrila Dubey S.P. Harishz University of Chicago and NBER College of William & Mary August 2019 Abstract Do states experience more peace under female leadership? We examine this ques- tion in the context of Europe over the 15th-20th centuries. We instrument queenly rule using gender of the first born and whether the previous monarchs had a sister. We find that polities led by queens participated in war more than polities led by kings. More- over, aggressive participation varied by marital status. Single queens were attacked more than single kings. However, married queens attacked more than married kings. These results suggest that asymmetries in the division of labor positioned married queens to be able to pursue more aggressive war policies. JEL Classification Codes: N43, D74, H56, F51, J16, J20 ∗First draft: April 1, 2015. We are grateful to the editor (Emir Kamenica) and five anonymous referees for their insightful suggestions. We would also like to thank Sendhil Mullainathan for numerous discus- sions that directly benefited the paper. We also thank Guido Alfani, Katherine Casey, Latika Chaudhury, Mark Dincecco, Francesco Drago, Arindrajit Dube, James Fearon, Thiemo Fetzer, Andrej Kokkonen, Stelios Michaelopoulos, William Monter, Aprajit Mahajan, Rohini Pande, Debraj Ray, David Roodman, Frances Rosenbluth, Jake Shapiro, Alastair Smith, Hans-Joachim Voth and Austin Wright, as well as participants from seminars and conferences at Harvard, Stanford, Paris School of Economics, Vancouver School of Eco- nomics, Yale, CUNY, Berkeley, University of Chicago, New York University, Bocconi, UCSD, EEA-2016, APSA-2015, MPSA-2015, and Barcelona-GSE Summer Forum 2015, for a multitude of helpful comments.
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