Atchafalaya Basin Management Coastal Wetlands Loss And
and coal geochemistry of Gulf Coast scale topographic maps (1 inch on the the elevation and shape of terrain. The coal-bearing intervals to better under- map represents 2,000 feet on the ground) maps are useful for civil engineering, stand the region’s resources. Planned for Louisiana. The maps depict land- land-use planning, resource monitoring, results of the study include geologic scape features such as lakes and streams, hiking, camping, exploring, and fishing and stratigraphic interpretations char- highways and railroads, boundaries, and expeditions. The map revisions for 1999 acterizing the coal and digital, geo- geographic names. Contour lines depict are shown in figure 6. As the Nation’s largest earth-science and ARK. graphical-referenced data bases that civilian mapping agency, the U.S. Geologi- will include stratigraphic and geochem- cal Survey (USGS) works in cooperation 92 30 Atchafalaya B. Boeuf LOUISIANA ical information. with many Federal, State, and local orga- Basin nizations to provide reliable and impartial 92 00 Baton Mapping Partnerships scientific information to resource manag- MISS. Rouge TEX. ers, planners, and others throughout the RAPIDES The USGS, in partnership with the country. This information is gathered in 31 00 AVOYELLES every state by USGS scientists to minimize Cocodrie Louisiana Office of the Oil Spill Coor- Lake GULF OF MEXICO the loss of life and property from natural dinator, several Federal agencies, and a EVANGELINE 91 30 disasters, contribute to the conservation private aerial mapping company, has B. and sound management of the Nation’s Grosse completed about 95 percent coverage ST. LANDRY POINTE natural resources, and enhance the quality COUPEE of color infrared aerial photography of of life by monitoring water, biological, Tete 30 30 ATCHAFALAYA WEST the State, as part of the National Aerial energy, and mineral resources.
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