MARIAN CATHOLIC COLLEGE 185 Wakaden Street GRIFFITH Phone: 69692400 Fax: 69625597 Email:
[email protected] Web: HANDBOOK FOR PARENTS "Since parents have given children their life, they are bound by a most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognised as the primary and principal educators…" Pope Paul VI October 28 1965 2 Welcome to the Marian Family Marian Catholic College prides itself on being a ‘community school’ where each individual is valued and their contribution is recognised and appreciated. It is, therefore, with great pleasure, that I formally welcome you as new members to this community. I hope that you will be surrounded by this community which has great love and care for its students. I am confident that our motto “ The Way, The Truth, The Life” will be fulfilled daily, as together, we give expression to Christ’s love and example by striving to fulfill our potential. The College’s student support and welfare programs are designed to ensure a safe, caring and supportive environment in which all students have the opportunity to achieve their best. We are proud of our College and of its students. The students work very hard and they achieve very good results both in the classroom and in extra-curricular activities. Some of these include Tournament of Minds, Music, Drama, Public Speaking, Art Club, Duke of Edinburgh Award, MUNA and representative sport. The main thing that teachers at Marian want to do is to support students’ learning. We will help students to build upon their strengths as well as to try to overcome their weaknesses.