For Immediate Release Contact: Elizabeth Cooke, Communications Manager
[email protected] (212) 691-6500 x210 NEW YORK LIVE ARTS presents Big Dance Theater’s Ich, Kürbisgeist October 31 – November 2, 5 - 9 at 7:30 pm Nov 1, 2, 8 and 9 at 10:00pm New York, NY, October 14, 2013 – New York Live Arts presents Big Dance Theater’s (BDT) Ich, Kürbisgeist, October 31 – November 2, and November 5 – 9 at 7:30pm, and November 1, 2, 8 and 9 at 10:00pm, as part of its signature program, the Replay Series. An “impressively inscrutable” (The New York Times) work directed by Paul Lazar, co-directed and choreographed by Annie-B Parson and written by Sibyl Kempson, a playwright of works “authentic, appealing, and…thrill[ing]” (Village Voice), Ich Kürbisgeist returns to the stage just in time for Halloween. “I’m thrilled to kick-off this year’s Replay Series productions with the devilishly smart and deliciously zany mash-up, Ich, Kürbisgeist,” says Carla Peterson, Artistic Director of New York Live Arts. “The Replay Series is designed to bring back outstanding works that recently or in decades past catalyzed new ways of thinking for artists and audiences alike. This work beckons viewers inside its utterly fantastical, language-rich world, and I’m excited for us to have the opportunity to enable more people to experience Ich, Kürbisgeist.” Originally co-commissioned by Performance Space 122 and The Chocolate Factory and premiered at The Chocolate Factory in 2012, Ich, Kürbisgeist is set in a harsh, quasi-medieval landscape facing destruction, populated by a community speaking a rigorous, specific and completely invented language, where each word is a somewhat-recognizable amalgam of English, Swedish, German and Sid Caesar.