Open but Not Free — Publishing in the 21St Century Martin Frank, Ph.D
PERSPECTIVE For the Sake of Inquiry and Knowledge Research culture is far from knowledge. The new technology Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the full text of this arti- monolithic. Systems that underpin is the internet. The public good cle at scholarly communication will mi- they make possible is the world- grate to open access by fits and wide electronic distribution of From MIT Libraries, Massachusetts Insti- starts as discipline-appropriate op- the peer-reviewed journal litera- tute of Technology, Cambridge. tions emerge. Meanwhile, experi- ture and completely free and un- 1. Budapest Open Access Initiative (http:// ments will be run, start-ups will restricted access to it by all scien- flourish or perish, and new com- tists, scholars, teachers, students, openaccess/read). munication tools will emerge, and other curious minds.” 2. Bethesda Statement on Open Access Pub- lishing ( because, as the Bethesda Open There is no doubt that the pub- handle/1/4725199/suber_bethesda Access Statement puts it, “an old lic interests vested in funding .htm?sequence=1). tradition and a new technology agencies, universities, libraries, 3. Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities have converged to make possible and authors, together with the ( an unprecedented public good. power and reach of the Internet, berlin_declaration.pdf). The old tradition is the willingness have created a compelling and nec- 4. Suber P. Open access. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012. of scientists and scholars to pub- essary momentum for open ac- 5.
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