“Well, What's Going on at the Cathedral Now?”
ISSUE 57 A Newsletter published by the Catholic Bishop of Christchurch June 2004 “Well, what’s going on at the Cathedral now?” That question was asked and answered strengthening the building without of $140,000, totalling thirty-four years ago in a large black and detriment to its intrinsic beauty. They $700,000 for which we white leaflet distributed throughout the recommended the interior bracing are most grateful. Diocese. It introduced the Cathedral of both the dome and twin towers, a Working drawings were Conservation Project (1970–75). With horizontal reinforced concrete overlay of completed in December the same vision and courage that the mezzanine floor and the pediment 2003, and three contractors with brought the building into being, Bishop across the portico, the reinforcement experience in strengthening buildings Brian Ashby had taken the decision of both the external and internal were invited to submit tenders. The to clean and repair the external fabric balustrades with horizontal steel ties tender accepted was that of Lund and of the Cathedral and to re-order and and vertical rods, the reinforcing of Son, who carried out similar work on refurbish the interior to meet the needs every second column in the gallery, the Anglican Cathedral. of liturgical change. and steel and wire bracing to the three Bridging finance has been arranged external crosses and the sculptured Strangely, history has a way of through the Catholic Development repeating itself, and the time has come angels atop the façade. Fund so that the work may be carried to answer that same question again: After preliminary drawings had been out in a single operation rather than “Well, what’s going on at the Cathedral completed, an application was made piecemeal when the grants become now?” to the Christchurch City Council for available, and the Diocese has since For some time, scientists and resource consent and the funding of assumed responsibility for all financial, insurance, and related matters associated engineers have been predicting a major the project.
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