Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática Belo Horizonte, MG, 20 a 24 de Setembro de 2014 CONNECTIONS BETWEEN SCREW THEORY AND CARTAN'S CONNECTIONS Diego Colon´ ∗ ∗Laborat´orio de Automa¸c~aoe Controle - LAC/PTC, Escola Polit´ecnica da USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trav 3, 158 Cidade Universit´aria, S~ao Paulo, BRAZIL Email:
[email protected] Abstract| In this paper some relations that exist between expressions in Screw Theory of Robotics and Differential Geometry, from the point of view of Cartan, are presented. The ideas were inspired in books of Differential Geometry, Lie groups and Lie algebras and its applications. The Cartan's connection is the initial concept, followed by the covariant derivative. It is presented how kinematics and dynamics are obtained, in case of pure rotations and general movement in Euclidean space. The generalization of these concepts to Riemannian manifolds are then presented, and some conclusions are drawn concerning the possibility of kinematic chain calculations in such space (propagation of velocities). Finally, the idea of using connections and covariant derivatives are extended to multi-frame cases (as is common in Robotics) in Euclidean space. Keywords| Screw Theory, Riemannian geometry, Cartan's Connection. Resumo| Este artigo apresenta algumas rela¸c~oesexistentes entre express~oese formula¸c~oes em Rob´otica (em particular na Teoria das Helic´oides) com Geometria Diferencial do ponto de vista de Cartan. A id´eiade partida foi inspirada em livros de Geometria Diferential e suas aplica¸c~oes.A conex~ao de Cartan ´eo ponto de partida para a interpreta¸c~aoposterior, assim como a derivada covariante.