Croat Med J. 2013;54:91-6 doi: 10.3325/cmj.2013.54.91

Science, safety, and trust: Lucia Martinelli1, Małgorzata Karbarz2, Helena Siipi3 the case of transgenic food 1Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Italy [email protected] 2University of Rzeszów, Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences, Kolbuszowa, Poland 3University of Turku, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy, Turku, Finland

Abstract Genetically modified (GM) food is discussed as an rial into plants, producing tobacco and petunia re- example of the controversial relation between the intrinsic sistant to antibiotics (3-5). A few months there followed uncertainty of the scientific approach and the demand of an insertion of a plant from one species into anoth- citizen-consumers to use products of science innovation er species, generating a sunflower expressing the bean that are known to be safe. On the whole, peer-reviewed phaseolin gene (6). Thereafter, gene transfer technology studies on GM food safety do not note significant health increased dramatically while expectations on applications risks, with a few exceptions, like the most renowned “Pusz- in agro-food genetic improvement were progressively tai affair” and the recent “Seralini case.” These latter studies rising. Besides overcoming conventional breeding con- have been disregarded by the scientific community, based straints, solutions of crucial worldwide human questions on incorrect experimental designs and statistic analysis. were foreseen, such as adequacy of food resources to be Such contradictory results show the complexity of risk available to the increasing world population and in partic- evaluation, and raise concerns in the citizen-consumers ular to the hungry countries; generation of healthier food against the GM food. A thoughtful consideration by scien- with enhanced nutritional values; development of an agri- tific community and decision makers of the moral values cultural practice more respectful to environmental issues, that are present in risk evaluation and risk management based on crops constructed to be intrinsically resistant to should be the most trustable answer to citizen-consumers the most relevant pests and diseases, thus free from chem- to their claim for clear and definitive answers concerning ical protection. safety/un-safety of GM food. As extensively reported in literature, molecular tool appli- In this essay in the series of articles from “Bio-Objects” re- cations in agriculture, human health, and food offer today search network supported by the Cooperation in Science remarkable opportunities even though more promises and Technology (COST) program (1), we focus on geneti- than concrete achievements on the market have been ac- cally modified (GM) plants for food production as are- complished. The further achievements are continually ex- markable example of a biotechnology innovation fitting pected based on the information accumulated through the “bio-object” classification. GM plants are defined as -or genetic research advancements (7). ganisms whose genomes have been modified applying re- combinant techniques (rDNA) by transferring extra genes GM plants as “bio-objects” or modulating (knockdown or knockout) genes already present in the species, with the aims of acquiring knowl- From 2000, while use of GM plants in agriculture was in- edge on gene functions, obtaining genetic improvement, creasingly becoming a consolidated practice and novel and yielding selected compounds (2). GM foods were entering into the market with a globally upward trend reaching nowadays 160 million hectares GM plant generation dates back already 30 years when at cultivated with biotech crops, concerns and passionate the Miami Winter Symposia of January 1983, three inde- social and political controversies replaced enthusias- pendent groups announced successful transfer of bacte- tic expectations from the biotech era (7). Biotech- 92 BIO-OBJECTS Croat Med J. 2013;54:91-6

nology application in agriculture soon became – and still according to Reg. 1829/2003/EC. Moreover, “the European is – a problematic issue and various countries all over the Union guarantees the traceability and labelling of GMOs world gradually adopted own regulations for production, and products produced from these organisms through- cultivation, import, and traceability of GM crops and their out the food chain. Traceability allows the monitoring and derivates to meet public demand of safety and to man- checking of information given on labels, the monitoring of age (perceived/true) technical risks, while biotech public effects on the environment and the withdrawal of products research suffered from funding cut off. from the market in cases where new scientific data dem- onstrate that the GMOs used in the product present an This new course, which we regard as a significant step of environmental or health risk” (Reg. 1830/2003/EC). Within a “bio-objectification” process, well portraits the contro- this regulatory framework, specific recommendations were versial interactions occurring when science innovations formulated by EFSA (13). Accordingly, the evaluation of GM break into society. GM plants, accordingly, as other “biolog- plants’ potential effects on the environment are based on a ical creatures” of agriculture and medicine research, bear case-by-case basis, following a step-by-step assessment ap- some crucial features of “bio-objects.” They are constructed proach, which takes into account crucial aspects of hazards and manipulated biologies on the fine line between “nat- and risks such as their persistence, invasiveness, and inter- ural” and “non-natural”/“artificial” that have hybridity (thus actions with other organisms, the production systems, the evoking the language of the “unnatural”) and are poten- receiving environment, and the biogeochemical processes, tially useful for enhancing human life quality, resulting in as well as their effects on human and animal health. This the challenge of conventional natural, cultural, scientific evaluation is meant to be supported by independent ex- and institutional orderings (8,9). Moreover, they have po- perts and based on the most accredited and updated sci- tential to move between domains, shifting from agricul- entific knowledge on the topic. ture (the “first-generation GM plants,” whose modifications are aimed at solving agronomic constraints), nutrition (the After 1995, assessment of health impact of GM plants has “second-generation” GM plants, whose modifications are been the subject of extensive peer reviewed scientific lit- aimed at enhancing nutritional values) and health and in- erature, which has been mostly focused on maize, soybean dustry (the “third generation” GM plants, whose modifica- (the primary transgenic crops distributed on the market), tions are aimed at farming specific compounds to be ad- rice, and potato. Together with in vitro analysis, long-term opted in pharmaceutical and health care). and multigenerational feeding studies were mainly per- formed on rats as model system, besides mice, cows, and Bio-social impacts of GM plants have been extensively re- fish, by assessing body and organ weight, hematological ported in literature (10) and at the Web sites of various as- values, enzyme activities, organ and tissue histopathologi- sociations and no-profit organizations involved in social cal examination and transgenic DNA detection. According issues and environment protection, while perceived risks to comprehensive studies (14), in which the most accred- related to hybridity and “crawling” across genetic barriers ited scientific papers on feeding trials have been analyzed (11), as well as the significance of human intervention in on the basis of certified experimental and statistical pa- Nature (12), have been already considered. rameters (15,16), no significant health risks were found, and possible differences detected between transgenic Here, focusing on human health risk, as evaluated by scien- feedings and their isogenic counterparts were considered tific community and institutional organs, we aim to discuss of no biological or toxicological significance. Worth stress- GM food as an example of “bio-object,” which enlightens ing, in the few studies where indications of no nutrition- the controversial relation between the intrinsic uncertainty al equivalence or altered parameters were reported, thus of the scientific approach and the demand of citizen-con- supporting health hazard, severe incorrect experimental sumers to use the products of science innovation that are designs with detrimental effects on statistical analysis have known to be safe. been advocated within the scientific community, hence rejecting these results (14). Risk evaluation Controversial cases Release of GM crops in open field and on the market is au- thorized all over the world according to various regula- Among the first animal feeding studies on GM diet to be tions and policies of different countries, and in Europe independently peer reviewed, the most renowned is the Martinelli et al: Science, safety, and trust: the case of transgenic food 93

one conducted at the Rowett Research Institute, Scot- rupting effects of herbicide as well as the overexpression land, also known as “Pusztai affair” (17), which resulted for of the transgene in the GM maize and its metabolic conse- the researcher in suspension and banning from speaking quences. Together with the data originated from the study, publicly, and ended up with the not renewing his annual doubts on the reliability of official risk evaluation meth- contract. Also co-author reported on suffering from mob- ods were raised, in particular concerning duration of the bing, while The Lancet, which published this work as a let- long-term evaluation (15,16). Moreover, in the concluding ter was object of criticism. This study aimed at evaluating remarks, further studies were forecasted concerning the the effects of short-term rat feeding with GM potatoes ex- assessment of “other mutagenic and metabolic effects of pressing the nivalis agglutinin (GNA) gene the edible GMO, which, according to Authors, ‘cannot be developed to increase nematode and insect resistance. excluded’” (18). Histological observations of the stomach, jejunum, ileum, cecum, and colon showed that the presence of GNA in These alarming results and related pictures of rats bearing the diets, irrespective of whether originating from trans- tumors resonated in the media and on the internet, open- genic potatoes or from control potato diets supplement- ing a renewed concern in citizen-consumers against the ed with GNA, was associated with significantly greater use of biotech applications in food and feed, and motivat- mucosal thickness of the stomach when compared with ing criticism by various actors involved in biotech matters controls. By contrast, a potent proliferative effect on the (20). As for governments, the French and Russian launched jejunum was observed in GM potato-based diet, an out- investigations into the safety of NK603, and Russia and Ka- come not observed in controls or in rats fed with control zakhstan placed temporary bans on its imports. Scientif- potatoes but added with GNA. This latter result was inter- ic community – with few exceptions (21) – replied with a preted as the effect of the gene transfer technique, such as quantity of opinions and response letters from top scien- the plant vector used for transferring the exogene or some tists, where the Seralini study was dismissed and a more form of positioning effect in the potato genome caused solid peer-review system in scientific journals was claimed by the exogene insertion. Two official audits (respectively for (22). As for institutions deputed to safety evaluation, by Rowett Institute and the Royal Society) stated that the EFSA delivered its final statement (also in agreement with data did not support conclusions and severe experimen- the independent assessments by organizations of Bel- tal drawbacks were remarked, such as poorly designed ex- gium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and the Nether- periments, presence of uncertainties in the composition of lands) (23), which recommended rejection of this paper as diets, inadequate rat number, incorrect statistical methods, scientifically unsound and stated a no need to re-examine and lacking consistency within experiments. On the other its previous safety evaluations of maize NK603. Weakness- hand, this study has been the banner of anti-GMO move- es in the methodology and experimental design, leading ment for attributing interference by biotech companies on to misleading conclusions, were the basic faults assessed GM safety evaluation. in this paper in particular deriving from the use of inap- propriate animal line bearing a natural tumor formation The “Seralini case” (18) is the most recent example of con- rate of more than 50% and the minimal size of animal sam- troversy associated with scientific publications on GM food ple which was in contrast with the internationally recom- evaluation. Authors aimed at assessing the long-term tox- mended standards for a proper nutritional or toxicological icity of the commercial formulation of Roundup herbicide assessment of a GM line. Controversial results concerning and the maize line NK603 (Monsanto Corp., USA) harbor- the dose-dependency between mortality or cancerogen- ing the gene encoding a glyphosate tolerant form of the esis of either the herbicide supplemented- or the maize enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase NK603-diets were also pointed out. (EPSPS) and developed to allow the use of the herbicide glyphosate as a weed control option in corn (19). As com- Science, safety, and trust pared with its nearest isogenic non transgenic counterpart, rat feeding for two years with maize NK603 with or without A proper scientific risk evaluation requires specific scien- supplements of the herbicide, resulted in severe kidney tific knowledge, and, as above described, controversies re- nephropathies and a significant sex-dependent increased garding risk evaluation are still common within the sci- mortality, development of large mammary tumors in fe- entific community. This makes lay people, in their safety males and liver congestions and necrosis in males. These considerations, dependent on interpretations and ex- outcomes were explained as a non linear endocrine-dis- planations provided by scientists and the media. Ac- 94 BIO-OBJECTS Croat Med J. 2013;54:91-6

cordingly, the question of trust is inherently embedded in son (33-35)? The aim of science (truth) and risk analysis the safety discussion. Because of the progressive collec- (safety) are not the same, and risk analysis is intimately con- tion of data and uncertainties presented above, GM food nected to the following question: Which should be a suf- may be regarded as a “bio-object” that crosses back and ficient amount of evidence for safety or unsafety claims? In forward the boundaries of “safe/unsafe” and “well known/ the “Pusztai affair” and “Seralini case,” the critics necessarily still to be known.” Thus, it is worth asking, how should the took a stand in this question when stating that these stud- controversial relation between the intrinsic uncertainty of ies did not provide sufficient evidence for unsafety of a GM the science and citizen-consumers’ desire to eat food that crop. We suggest that the controversy as well as the prob- is known to be safe be understood and managed? lem of trust may at least partly lie in a mistaken assump- tion that views concerning these moral value questions It should be pointed out that citizen-consumers are quite are commonly shared in the academia as well as in pub- well aware of uncertainty features of scientific knowledge lic sphere, as already pointed out: “what is typically called and are not demanding or expecting a “zero risk:” they ‘public rejection of science’ is properly described as pub- rather complain that uncertainties are not taken seriously lic rejection of commitments based on value commitment enough in decision-making concerning GMOs and in risk that are misunderstood and misrepresented by scientists communication with the public (24). This may be a part of and policy experts as solely scientifically determined” (36). the reason for their unwillingness to consume GM food, as Thus, building trust, as well as understanding and solving long as no specific benefits from choosing GM products the controversy, requires making the moral values visible are perceived (25,26). Besides, the unwillingness to eat GM for all parties concerned and accepting them as topic of food cannot be explained merely by referring to consum- both public and academic discussion. ers’ lack of knowledge regarding the risk evaluation. The deficit model type of thinking (the paradigm “more knowl- If we are right about the presence of value questions and edge – more acceptance”) has been criticized on theoreti- disagreements concerning values in risk evaluation and cal and empirical grounds for overemphasizing the role of management, being trustworthy may require acknowl- scientific ignorance in attitude formation (11,27-29). None- edging them and spelling them out in science communi- theless, it should be remarked that this assumption is still a cation. However, it has been noted that “being trustworthy common mindset in the scientific community, and shapes cannot be limited to increasing transparency and provid- science communication, public engagement initiatives, ing information to consumers;” it further requires acting and policymaking (29-31). Thus, it has been suggested in a predictable manner, taking one’s responsibilities seri- that scientists and decision-makers should concentrate in ously (32), and maybe also “including citizen-consumers being trustworthy, instead of focusing merely on provid- into decision-making” (37). The requirement for engaging ing information about scientific and values issues (32). But the public in the decision-making concerning GM plants is how to be trustworthy? also pointed out by European Union (Reg. 2001/18/EC), ac- cording to which “member states shall […] consult the public Moral values and value evaluations and, where appropriate, groups on the proposed deliberate re- lease.” The European practice, however, has been criticized Risk evaluation and risk management are usually present- as being too concentrated on purely scientific points and ed as fundamentally and primarily scientific undertaking. less concerned about the value questions, which seem to In the “Pusztai affair” and “Seralini case,” for example, the be left without notice. Since most citizen-consumers are public and academic discussion was related merely to sci- unable to carry out scientific risks evaluations, the consul- entific issues, or at least issues that have been presented tation practice leaves them a very limited (if not absent) as a matter of science. However, moral value questions possibility to really affect the decisions made (38). Thus, if –evaluations on what is morally right and wrong, desirable building trustworthiness requires real (not just apparent) and undesirable – are necessarily present in risk evaluation possibilities to affect decision, the current European prac- and risk management. These include: How big risks are ac- tice seems unlikely to contribute to being trustworthy. ceptable? Which risks should we take? How safe is safe enough? Which of the identified possible consequences Uncertainty and demand for safety are risks (undesirable) and which benefits (desirable)? How severe are the identified risks? To whom may the Finally, we would like to ask whether the question “Are GM risks fall? Which are the suitable objects of compari- crops safe/dangerous to human health?” is sensible and Martinelli et al: Science, safety, and trust: the case of transgenic food 95

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