Algorithms and Hardware Designs for Decimal Multiplication
Algorithms and Hardware Designs for Decimal Multiplication by Mark A. Erle Presented to the Graduate and Research Committee of Lehigh University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Engineering Lehigh University November 21, 2008 Approved and recommended for acceptance as a dissertation in partial ful¯llment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Date Accepted Date Dissertation Committee: Dr. Mark G. Arnold Chair Dr. Meghanad D. Wagh Member Dr. Brian D. Davison Member Dr. Michael J. Schulte External Member Dr. Eric M. Schwarz External Member Dr. William M. Pottenger External Member iii This dissertation is dedicated to Michele, Laura, Kristin, and Amy. v Acknowledgements Along the path to completing this dissertation, I have traversed the birth of my third daughter, the passing of my mother, and the passing of my father. Fortunately, I have not been alone, for I have been traveling with God, family, and friends. I am appreciative of the support I received from IBM all along the way. There are several colleagues with whom I had the good fortune to collaborate on several papers, and to whom I am very grateful, namely Dr. Eric Schwarz, Mr. Brian Hickmann, and Dr. Liang-Kai Wang. Additionally, I am thankful for the guidance and assistance from my dissertation committee which includes Dr. Michael Schulte, Dr. Mark Arnold, Dr. Meghanad Wagh, Dr. Brian Davison, Dr. Eric Schwarz, and Dr. William Pottenger. In particular, I am indebted to Dr. Schulte for his mentorship, encouragement, and rapport. Now, ¯nding myself at the end of this path, I see two roads diverging..
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