The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Department of Veterinary Pathology Conference Coordinator Matthew Wegner, DVM Major, Veterinary Corps, U.S. Army Department of Veterinary Pathology Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Registry of Veterinary Pathology WEDNESDAY SLIDE CONFERENCE 2010-2011 Conference 6 22 September 2010 Conference Moderator: COL (Ret) Marc E. Mattix, DVM, MSS, Diplomate ACVP Regional Western Pathologists, PC Bozeman, MT CASE I: S 1120/08 (AFIP 3133964). Signalment: 2-year-old, female, Guereza monkey (Colobus guereza). History: The monkey was housed in an open-range recreation park together with numerous other monkeys of the same species and in close contact to other animal species and human visitors. Clinically, a poor body condition, dyspnoea and abdominal discomfort were noticed for two days prior to death. Gross Pathology: Necropsy revealed a poor body condition and moderate hyperplasia of hepatic and 1-1. Liver, guereza monkey. Approximately 30%of the liver tissue is gastric lymph nodes. Approximately 30% of the liver replaced by multifocal to coalescing, variably demarcated, irregularly tissue was replaced by multifocal to coalescing, shaped, pale yellow, occasionally slightly elevated nodules of 0.5-4.0 variably demarcated, irregularly shaped, pale yellow, cm in diameter. Photographs courtesy of Department of Pathology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany, occasionally slightly elevated nodules measuring 0.5 -
[email protected] 4.0 cm in diameter. On the cut surface, they showed a pale yellow coloration and a dry, elastic consistency. In addition, a moderate multifocal fibrino-necrotizing Aerobic and anaerobic microbiological cultures of the gastritis and mild acute diffuse catarrhal enteritis were liver resulted in a mild amount of α-hemolytic observed.