Eastern Illinois University The Keep

October 1994

10-20-1994 Daily Eastern News: October 20, 1994 Eastern Illinois University

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This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1994 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in October by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Senate votes to restructure By DAVE HOSICK executives more accountable Student government editor to their constituents and Student Senate." After approving several A memorandum concerning minor changes, the Student the proposal reads that "for Senate voted Wednesday to the first time in Student place a referendum on next Government's history, there month's ballot to restructure will be a proper administra- the executive branch into four . tive hierarchy within the vice presidential positions. executive branch. Each offi­ The referendum, in the cer's jurisdiction is clearly form of an amendment to the defined." Student Government consti­ Under the approved tution, was proposed three changes to th.e amendment, weeks ago but was tabled the student body president is twice to give senate members required to hold a monthly time to discuss changes and public meeting with execu­ JOHN COX/ Staff photographer clarifications. tives. The amendment calls for The revised amendment All ears the positions of executive vice also separates the duties of Student Senate members Harvey Pettry and Nick Bart listen to a speaker at We dnesday president, financial vice pres­ the vice president of public night's senate meeting in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. ident, Board of Governors affairs from the responsibili­ Student Senate: Lord served 33 years as travel expenses for Eastern's trustee and chief of staffto be ties of the Charleston City • Approved a proposal to Eastern's president from IBHE student trustee, Gary changed to vice presidential Council representative. place a referendum on the 1895 to 1928, longer than any Owen. The proposal now goes positions of academic, finan­ The changes were submit­ Nov. 9 ballot asking for stu- other president. to the AB for approval of the cial, public and student ted by senate members Chris dents to agree to pay $4 over • Approved the allocation funds. affairs. Boyster, Amy Levine and the 1995-96 school year to of $2,186.25 to develop an • Approved Carolyn Student Body President Rick Tucker. have a statue of Livingston C. Illinois Board of Higher Magdziasz as the non-senate Blake Wood called fo r the In other business at Lord placed in the Library Education trustee travel restructure to "make the Tuesday's meeting, the Quad. fund. The fund would defray • See SENATE Page 2 Immunization laws affect Edgar, N etsch spring student registration argue taxes ByBRIANBUCBEL next semester. campuseditor Eastern studentswith out immunization records could have their academic records Studentswith no immunizations on record beingfrozen and be unable topre-register for in TV debate willbe unable to pre.registeras part of the the1995 s pringsemester. Healthce' Servi s renewedenforcement a of "Tb.isimmuniza tion requirementhas been CHICAGO (AP) - Jim make Illinois residents feel Edgar and Dawn Clark safer in his four years as gov­ mandat.edst.ate law; m effectfor years�"said Dr. RichardLa:rson, A SUllllnerreview by the Auditor General's directoro fthe Health Service. "We have .sitn­ N etsch clashed sharply in a ernor. televised debate Wednesday. "The ban on assault offioo found the percentag(:lofEastern stu- plybeen going easy somewhat onit for the dentswithout immunizationrecords was paateoupleyears. . He portrayed her as soft on weapons? He quit as soon as higherth8n what lawstate dictates. ... Asof Sept. 9� therewere 931 -students crime and eager to raise taxes, (Senate President James) A� tothe 1� :studentsmUst have . roughly9 pereento- whQ did not;have, the ,. while she said he had done lit- 'Pate' Philip opposed the ban," their rOOotdson filebefore the. pro tle in four years and was try- she said. unmu.niia·· ,ti,,,,.on peritnmturl2ation files. S incethe ,,. �· ... · . ing to evade a commitment on N etsch opened her portion , . . ,.. · . ,�, . t See�ox PO!Jf2 �,,;� ,,; . "· ,, ,, whether he would call for a of the debate by challenging tax increase after the election. Edgar to say whether he "She's voted for over 50 tax would call for a tax increase. Tuition forum to be held increases," Edgar said in the "If you are, they've a right first of two scheduled debates to know," she said. "If you're DAVE will By HOSICK chairman, said the forum where the money is coming between the rivals in therace not, they've a right to know ernment Studentgov editor offer students a better insight from and how the state is lack- for governor. how you intend to put the into the proposedtuition ke. ing in its fund g forEastern, hi in But the Democratic candi- state back together again." The Student Senate Uni­ 'The discussion will focus on students will realize why prob- date said Illinois' voters "are Millions of dollars in Medicaid versity Relations Committee the budget process, where the lems occur annually with tired of being lied to .... He'll payments have been deferred willhold a forum tonight to dis­ money comes from, who appro- tuition,"Pettry added. raise taxes after the election." to keep the state budget in cuss a likely tuition hikefor the priatesit and where it will most Although many expect that Edgar claimed that two-out- balance. The state's bond rat- next academic year and the pos­ likelygo," Pettrysaid. the increase will automatically of-three households would pay ing has been downgraded sibility of earmarking where Eastern President David be approved, Pettry said stu- more under a Netsch plan to twice as the balance in the additional funds from the hike Jorns, Lou Hencken, vice presi- dents should still attend the increase the income tax to general fund has grown thin­ might go. dent forstudent affairs, Student forum to voice their concerns to provide more school funding. ner and thinner in recent The forum will be held at Body President Blake Wood the administration to ensure She immediately denied that, years. 7:30 p.m. tonight the Taylor in and Gary Owen, Illinois Board that money generat.ed from the saying "Governor, we're going N etsch was asked if she Halllobby. of Higher Education student increase would be used effec- to send you back to school." might raise taxes beyond the The Board of Governors trust.ee, are scheduled to attend tively. "Time and time again she increase she already has pro- plans to vote at its Oct. 27 theforum. Pettry said many students has voted against tougher posed for school funding. meeting on a proposal that Pettry said the forum should have told him they would not penalties for violent crimi- "The answer is no," she would increase tuition for the answ ease er anyquestions and mind an increase if the money nals," Edgar declared. said. "I am not anticipating 1995-96 academic year by 3.5 to cam tensions students may have would be used to improve - Netsch countered that further increases. And I am 4percent. about theproposed hike. pus computer services and Edgar had done nothing to ., See EDGAR Page 2 Harvey Pettry, the committee ' "Hopefully, as people realiz.,;.e B;;,.;.;;;oo th.:;:;:.:Lib;;;: ·:;:.rary:;;.;;;;;;::.;. · ______: ____ ------Thursday, October 20, 1994 TheDall7 E88te:rn News Cyberspace harassment leads. to women-only networks SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - For and 'Here's how clever I can be.' It's For several weeks they filled it "Who'd you rather do?" game. women, logging on to the Internet an attempt to connect, not to show with their musings: "I love the way "They name names," said ECHO's can be the computer equivalent of off," said Fawn Fitter, a Bostonian they look at you intensely." Stacy Horn. "It's hysterical." walking past construction workers on who logs on to the women-only por­ "I love the way they smell after Some users on men-only confer­ their lunch break. tion of the WELL, a 10,000-person they exercise." ences have other things on their "R u horny?" come the messages. computer network based in "I like the way they play with their mind. "So what brings you here at this Sausalito, Calif. dogs." "I see us struggling with being hour?" There are at least 15 women-only Then as a holiday gift they copied male in this society, and dealing with "Wanna chat privately?" areas - or conferences - on bulletin the whole list over to a community pain and emotional hurt," said Dana Gender wasn't supposed to matter boards around the country, as well as conference, so that all the men could Lewis, a writer in Pennsylvania who in cyberspace. But try telling that to a smaller number of men-only spaces. read it. uses Meta Network. anyone who has ever logged on under Users must speak to an operator to "It really deepened our relation­ Gender-specific places on bulletin a name like Cindi or Veronica. prove their sex before they can log ship with each other," said Lisa boards have their dangers, however, Rather than deal with the postur­ on. Kimball, one of the network's as a recent case in California illus­ ing and harassment, many women Women-only spaces don't mean founders. trated. are logging on to women-only discus­ male bashing. Last year the women Over at New York City-based Last month, three students at sion groups scattered around of Meta Network in Washington ECHO's women's conference, a group Santa Rosa Junior College in cyberspace. started a topic called Celebrating of younger women recently started Northern California each won a "It's not all 'Here's how cool I am' Men. an on-line version of the ever-popular $15,000 settlement in a sex discrimi- FROM PAGE ONE

Senate_ Immunization1---______Service staff," Larson "There are some state that students can not •From Page 1 f From Page 1 said. "We have definitely schools that are even even start in the fall until announcement of Health elections co-chairwoman. had more (students) come tougher than this," Larson they have their immu­ Service's new enforcement • Approved the allocation of in than if we had not done added. "We have simply nizations on record. of the state law, Eastern $10,857.84 to be divided anything differently. Some established an enforce­ Students who are have has immunized or among four groups: the Appor­ of these students have ment policy." not been immunized can received immunization tionment Board, Student gotten four or five letters Currently, the health receive injections at the records for 179 students, Senate, University Board in the past asking them to service policy at the Health Service for $5 bringing the total to 752. Human Potential Committee come in to get the immu­ University of Illinois at apiece, with the addition "This has really put a and UB Special Events nizations. Champaign-Urbana says of a $25 late processing. load on the Health Committee.

appearance. momentum of a campaign that has But she made it plain that she .,From Page 1 "It's time for a governor who is more handed her one setback after another. hoped to dig herself out of the dol­ at least answering the questions. than just a pretty face,"Netsch said. The latest dismal news for Netsch drums, at least part way, by spotlight­ Good luck if you can get the governor Netsch sought to portray Edgar as a came in results of the latest Chicago ing Edgar's refusal to rule out a tax to answer." But Edgar said the propos­ do-nothing governor. Tribune poll published in the newspa­ increase. als Netsch has made so far in the cam­ . "Nothing has been done for the last per's Wednesday editions. She told a news conference at a p 8:igfi�utd c-ost so much that she four years," she said. Edgar held 61 percent to 22 percent Chicago grocery on Tuesday that the w$)Yld-needeven more revenue to pay "There- has been no action for four for Netsch in the Oct. 14-16 poll of 866 governor might be planning to reim­ for them all. · years.'' Edgar declared that he has probable voters. The error margin was pose a sales tax on food and medicine. "I think that the 42 percent presided over a dramatic recovery in 3 percentage points. Edgar replied that she was "trying increase in the state income tax is just the state's economy that has included Netsch's camp showed no signs of to divert attention from the corner­ starters, based on what she has sharp job growth. But Netsch said being discouraged. "I think you've stone of her campaign, which is to promised, and we have three weeks to that states such as Michigan have far heard her say a number of times that raise taxes." But Lt. go in the campaign," he said. outstripped Illinois in creating new she's never won a poll and never lost Gov. Bob Kustra said only hours One surprise forNetsch came when jobs. an election," said press aide Mike later that an increase in the cigarette she was asked to tell the audience Edgar asserted that he had been Kelleher. tax was "a possibility next year." more about herself personally. She has evenhanded in helping both down­ Edgar's advisers, accustomed to announcement of Health Service's been running anew television ad that state and Chicago, but his opponent winning every poll, said the unrelent­ new enforcement of the state law, likens her to someone named "Aunt said that he had backed off a number ing good news for the governor could Eastern has immunized or received Thelma," and she was asked to tell a of plans to help the metropolitan area breed overconfidence, a distinct dan­ immunization records for 179 stu­ bit about her personal thoughts and after they were opposed by Philip, R­ ger with more than three weeks to go dents, bringing the total to 752. feelings since voters don't really know Wood Dale. She cited a plan for a third before Election Day. "This has really put a load on the who "Aunt Thelma" is. major Chicago-area airport, riverboat "The governor will campaign from Health Service staff," Larson said. "I love to read . ... I make it to the gambling in the city and a ban on here on out just as if he had a narrow "We have definitely had more (stu­ opera, I make it to White Sox games," assault weapons. lead," press secretary Mike Lawrence dents) come in than if we had not she said. She said that she would in The governor spent much of said. "One concern I have is compla­ done anything differently. Some of some ways prefer to be home with her Wednesday afternoon resting in his cency ... The governor's energy levels these students have gotten four or husband, Walter, since Wednesday Chicago apartment and going over are high, and we're trying to make five letters in the past asking them to was their wedding anniversary. briefing books. sure the energy level stays up on the come in to get the immunizations. N etsch also clearly sought to soften Netsch, the state comptroller, clos­ part of his supporters.'' N etsch told "There are some state schools that her image with voters, some of whom eted herself with the high command of reporters Tuesday the debate did not are even tougher than this," Larson have told pollsters that they are put her campaign to prepare for one of her offer the chance for a dramatic stroke added. "We have simply established off by her professorial manner and few remaining chances to reverse the that would propel her into the lead. an enforcement policy."

The Daily Eastern News is published daily, Monday through Friday, in Charleston, IUinois, during fall and spring semesters and weeklytwice during the summer term except during schoolor vacations examinations, by the students ofEastern Illinois University. subscription price: $32 per semester, $16 for summer only, $60 all year.The Daily Eastern News is a member ofTheAssociated Press which is entitled to exclusive use of all articlesappearing in this paper. Theeditorials on Page 4 representthe majority opinion of the editorial board, all other opinion pieces are signed. TheDaily Eastern News edOOrialand business officesare located in the Buzzard Building, Eastern Illinois University. To contact editorial and business staff members, phone (217) 581-2812 or fax (217) 581-2923. Secondpostage class paid at Charleston, IL 61920. ISSN 0894-1599. Printed by Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920. Postmaster. Send --�""--r-noo-..,-""'1- addresschanges to TheDaily EasternNews, Room127 Buzzard Building, ® �'-"==-=�=-=.YIYINl

Kimball should quit horse racing as sign of faith Your turn Sheriff Jim Kimball's suspension from har­ ness racing last year raises troubling ethical Blood drive group '94, members of the Haiti Connec­ pants, but it's one thing to show questions about Coles County's chief law­ thanks students, tion were touched by the kindness spirit for fun and a completely differ­ enforcement officer and his off-duty habits. and charitableness of those who ent thing when it causes other stu­ Although the suspenston itself is not a citizens for help stopped by the Haiti Connection dents bodily harm. booth. I guess the Alpha Gamma Deltas serious offense, the mere hint of impropriety Dear editor: With the money you have so gen­ and the Delta Tau Deltas really "kic­ sullies Kimball's re-election bid next month. The Eastern Blood Drive Com­ erously donated, you have em­ ked" off Homecoming well, since Kimball, who has mittee and blood recipients would ployed 60 Haitians for three months they won first place for spirit and been s heriff since like to thank the following for their in the effort of constructing a build­ first place overall. I am now on Editorial support of the blood drive held from 1986, was sanctioned ing which will serve as a kitchen and crutches with a purple and green Sept. 26 through the 29. Thanks to a cafeteria, a health dinic and a ankle that is so swollen I can't even by the Illinois Racing Board after a horse of all the students, faculty and staff depot for distribution of food . wear a shoe. his tested positive for morphine. He was who donated blood -you helped You have helped provide food for The purpose of this letter was not banned for six months from the grounds of save many lives. the poor, you have sponsored pre­ to bash greeks, but I would like to �II race tracks and off-track facilities. Those students who volunteered natal nutrition dasses for women thank the fine members of Alpha their time to work at the blood drive I Kimball's horse Once a Night finished sec- and you have made it possible for us Gamma Delta and Delta Tau Delta are al5o greatly appreciated. We to take trips to Haiti to work and for ruining Homecoming for my t Park .Q�bJ ... �$it .4�.4tJairmon would also like to thank the faculty meet with the people of the country. friends and me. . ,fi onmsvnTe. Kimoa1l "'wa5 forced to forfeit a and staff who supported the blood Through the warmth of your AlyssaD. Catenaccl $650 purse after the horse was disqualified drive by promoting it in their dasses hearts and your generous hands, for failing a routine drug test. and encouraging their students to you have cared for many people Reader's views give blood. An inquiry did not show how morphine who were in desperate need. We We thank Dr. Pryor, Dr. Merritt are thankful to be working with a on Weaver votes got into the horse, but Kimball was held and Mike Chron, all from the speech conscious, caring community. Peace. was 'slanted' responsible as a trainer. He was not techni­ department, as well as all those stu­ E.astanConnecdon Hald members cally found guilty of injecting the narcotic. dents who made speeches about Deareditor: Morphine, commonly used as a painkiller the blood drive. Thank you to WEIU Homecoming spirit I read with interest the attack on for your support. Publicity is vital to in humans, can enhance performance in Rep. Mike Weaver by professorjohn a blood drive. is fine, but not when Allison on behalf of his colleague, horses, racing officials say. The following businesses are Mike's opponent. Kimball has denied injecting the horse and thanked for the publicity and sup­ it hurts someone After taking a doser look at the said he doesn't know how morphine got into port: The Bank of Charleston, Max Dear editor: bills he referenced, it became evi­ the animal's system. Market, Taco Bell, Eli Sidwell, Midas, A recent editorial in The Daily dent that his interpretation was a bit Blimpie and Dominoes. Eastern News stated that Home­ Voters should not assume Kimball was slanted. Mike's vote against using Thank you Ted from Copy Ex­ coming is for everyone. However, recyded rubber tires on highways responsible for drugging the horse. Still, the press, everyone from the Scheduling many of the smaller organizations was because of the 30-plus percent implication, however small, hurts his credi­ Office for all your help and Sgt. Ron and students who are not in an higher cost and would have meant

bility as an officer of the law. Osborne and all of the other officers organization at all may no longer · fewer highway miles or increased Although Kimball's tenure has been most­ from the University Police want to take part in the week's taxes. Department. activities due to the aggressiveness ly free of problems, there's a pall of dishon­ Mike voted against local pesticide The committee and blood recipi­ of several fraternities and sororities. rules because of the patchwork quilt esty hanging over the final weeks of his cam­ ents thank the following student BACCHUS met at 8:30 p.m. in the of different laws that would have paign. organizations for their hard work at lobby of Taylor Hall to go together as made enforcement a nightmare, so Voters may start to doubt the motives of a the blood drive, with publicity and a group to the pep rally/bonfire. he instead opted for a state-wide sheriff connected to an illegal drug incidel'lt, for donations: ROTC, Eta Sigma Since we are a rather small group provision. Gamma health sorority, Alpha Phi and we arrived early, we vyere able the same sheriff who is quick to tout his What we need are more thought­ Omega, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, Delta to get a good spot up in front, next ful legislators like Mike Weaver who department's drug-fighting efforts. Sigma Pi and RHA. to the band. will study the effects of a bill rather As a show of good faith, Kimball ought to We cannot express enough how We were not there long though, than just seethe title and decide it take the suspension as a lesson of sorts and much we appreciate all of you. because approximately t 5 minutes looks nice. Mike has worked hard to remove himself from harness racing. That There is no possible way to list every later the Alpha Gamma Deltas and keep our taxes frorn skyrocketing individual who was wit us in some the Delta Tau Deltas arrived behind would help put to rest doubts about his sin­ due to liberal policies that would capacity or another. You know who us. increasethe scope and cost of gov­ cerity going into the Nov. 8 election. you are. THANKYOU! One of the Delta Tau Deltas ernment in our lives. The county sheriff is trusted with a Eastern Blood Drive Committee shouted to push all the girls up to I, for one, will continue to support tremendous amount of authority, and voters the front, and the Alpha Garns be­ less government, local service and rightfully expect him to be a model of good Haiti Connection gan to shove and elbow through the Mike Weaver. conduct. thanks students, members of BACCHUS. Rhonda Dueker Unfortunately, I am in an ankle brace residents for support from a previous injury and was un­ Uolumn pollc7 able to move out of their way fast Deareditor: enough. One of the "ladies" of Al- The Daily Eastern News encour­ The members of the Haiti Con- pha Gamma Delta kicked me in my ages readers to submit guest nection would like to thank you, the injured ankle. columns concerning any topic or residents of Charleston and Eastern As I stood in the midst of these issue that may be relevant to our �time is ,.:.: left-haa.4ed torm of students, for your generosity_and girls with tears streaming down my readership. . . &vm•11 endea,vor. · continuing support in our efforts. face, only one of them even had the . Columns should be �estricted to Before the school year had start- common decency to ask me if I was no mo(e than two typewritten ed, you had. helped raise more than OK or if I needed help. -spaced pages and must $2,000 for our projects in Haiti at . I know that spirit points are .. indude the author's name and tele­ l a · 9W{run Al-Joumhurriya newspa­ Tapering Waists CIU CIU the mosque of Baghdad's per office, causing no casual­ Lengths Zippers E!8 to the EIU E!8 Religious Affairs Ministry, ties. CIU CIU killing one man and seriously There has been a string of Phyllis Combs communit E!8CIU y CIUE!8 wounding five. bombings over the last two Seamstress • 345-4546 El8c1uc1uc1uc1uc1uc1uc1uc1uc1uc1uc1uc1u Ela Iraqi television identified � years as U.N. sanctions CIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIUCIU CIU the fatality as Attallah imposed after Iraq's August Mohammed Salah, director of pound in the north Baghdad 1990 invasion of Kuwait throt­ the endowments office. It said district of Bab al-Moaddam. tled the country's economy, Adult Children of Alcoholics three of the wounded from the There was no claim of causing widespread hunger time bomb, which contained 6 responsibility, but the TV and poverty. Is it time fo r you to talk, trust, pounds of explosives, were blamed "agents hired by the But not all these attacks and feel? women. enemies of Iraq." have been reported by the offi­ The television quoted civil That is usually considered cial media as the government Call the Counseling Center at 581-3413 defense officials as saying the to be a reference to Kurdish sought to play down public dis­ explosives had been wrapped separatists or Iranian-linked content. Grau p for learning in a safe atmosphere in batteries and ignited at 11 Shiite Muslim rebels who The TV images of Wed­ a.m. with a homemade detona­ launched ill-fated uprisings nesday's bombing showed win­ Tuesday, 5:00-6: 30pm tor powered by the batteries. against the Baghdad regime in dows of the rooms were shat­ The TV showed pictures of March 1991 following Iraq's tered and the frame of the alu­ the victims covered in blood Gulf War defeat. minum ceiling collapsed into and bandages following the The last such attack was the wreckage of broken glass blast inside the walled com- Aug. 22, when a booby-trapped and desks. University Board presents Cheerleaders fear fowl territory IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP)- Ahh, remember the dent wouldbring a chickenand throwit from the good old days when you could enjoy an occasion­ upper deck. Time that baby just right, you know, al dead chicken? At the University of Iowa, they about two seconds before the gun, and bang­ do. splat! Thatchicken would land right on the floor. It looks likethe fun is over, though. "That was a pretty funny deal back then." LIVE on Campus! Security has been stepped up at Kinnick Iowa hasn't played in the Fieldhouse since Stadium during fo otball games, and the cheer­ 1983, but someone has carried thechicken tradi­ Comedienne leaders have been moved away from the student tion at least once to the fo otball stadium. section because of debris raining down from the No serious injuries have been reported, but stands. And it's not just dead chickens, either. Michele Anderson, Iowa's spirit coordinator, was Liz Winstead It's coins, marshmallows, bottles and eggs. grazedby a broken bottle last year. Saturday, October 22, 1994 In this case, however, we know which came And she said she saw a man in the chest first. It was the chicken. with a chicken. 1 Opm Union Rathskellar "Back in the old Fieldhouse theyused to use a "Iknow it sounds funny, but it's not," she said. Admission-$ 1 Students starter'sgun at basketball games and you'd have She has decided to move her cheerleaders - this real loud 'Bang!'" recalled George Wine, away from their customary northwest corner of llllwii:'TY $ 3 General Public 1111!.2.::;r'" Iowa's sports information director emeritus. the stadium - away from fowl territory, so to "Funny is as Funny Does"- Forest Tucker Rick Gump "Evecy once in a while some smart-aleck stu- speak.

Th ursday at Put a Spell on your friends Mother'sNEW .. with a Boo Personal • �Bottles Rolling Rock � ; 20 oz. prafts Longnecks! 1 $100 Boo .,.,,.,. ".'"·""�"'Ba r Drinks -....."' Persona.ls Ho.me of the JERRY, will be in the DROP $2 Pitcher! • • DEAD! lcehouse & Lite on Ta p j Friday, Oct. ELAINE 28th Edition UNIVERSIN THEATRE of The Daily • PPesenfs 1 Eastern News. 1'M COLD & LONELY AND THE BOURGEOIS Deadline: TH ERE ARE ·GENTLEMAN Wed.nesday,. • • A Comedy By Moliere • Oct:� 2.6th. j ON THE MAINSTAGE at 2,:QO pm

. Doudna fine Arts Center ..., . 8:00 pm October 20 .. 22, 26 .. 29 Bring ad and payment to j Student Publications 2:00 pm October 23, 30 Business Office, Buzzard Bldg., Rm. 127. $ 8 Adults All ads must be in the Business $ 6 Seniors f# Yo uth Office by 2pm, Oct 26th. Boo Ads will be published $ 6 EIU Faculty f# Staff Fri., Oct. 28th. "

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Coll 581 - 3110 for Ticket Information and Reservations• Address______The Unlvenlty11-e Tlcbt Ol'llc:e iiopenlimn Ito 5 pm Mon. thru Fri. 11111 one hour bebe eachperlbrnmlc:e. Pllllona withare opec:lalneeds requestedto provideodwnce llOlificallon. r n "I - "'.,. . .. . The Daily Ea8te:rn New• Thursday, October 20, 1994 Israeli peace hopes dulled by bombing TEL AV IV, Israel (AP) - would be tightened for The terror at the edges of the Clinton's visit. quest for Middle East peace Also shattered was the exploded Wednesday when a Clinton condemns bombing peace of mind Israelis prize in bomb on a crowded city bus Tel Aviv, a lively seaside WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton porters of terrorism. killed 22 people and turned a condemned the bombing in Tel Aviv on "You can conclude that we have regular metropolis that often seems a bustling street into a scene Wednesday as "an outrage against the con­ and direct conversations with the govern­ refuge from the bloodshed of from a slaughterhouse. science of the world" and held to his plan to ment of Syria on the subject," Michael the Arab-Israeli conflict. The attack, the worst in go to the Middle East next week to promote McCu'rry, the department spokesman, said. "It's like Russian roulette Israel in 16 years, wounded peace between Israel and the Arabs. However, other U. S. officials said Syria living in this country," said 48 people. He urged other nations to deny haven and was not being singled out. Hamas has sup­ Ronny Levy. "Every day Police blamed it on a sui­ support for those responsible for the worst port throughout the region and "we are ask­ someone else gets killed." cide bomber. attack the city has sustained in nearly 20 ing for the help of government leaders every­ Israel sealed off the Gaza Some Israelis cried for years. In Damascus, U. S. Ambassador where." Strip and West Bank after the vengeance against the Islamic Christopher Ross urged Syrian foreign min­ Israel's ambassador, Itamar Rabinovich, mid-morning blast, claimed radicals who have claimed istry officials to use their influence in mili­ said Hamas "is not a Syria-oriented outfit." by the radical Islamic group responsibility forthree major tant circles. "Iran is the address," Rabinovich said at a Hamas in a statement read in attacks in 10 days. "We are casting a wide net, appealing to news conference. Gaza mosques. Shouts of "Death to the friends and foes alike," said a senior State Sudan also backed the gr0up in the past, The group also was blamed Arabs!" were heard from Department official of the renewed U.S. cam­ but the support is tapering off, the ambas­ for a Sept. 10 shooting spree bystanders on the seaside paign to deprive terrorist groups of sanctuary sador said. in Jerusalem that killed two city's main thoroughfare as and unhi:µnpered travel between countries. At the same time, he called on the bystanders. Militants then severed arms and legs were Department officials said Hamas, a funda­ Palestinian authority in Gaza to dismantle kidnapped a soldier, killing gathered for burial, some mentalist group funded mostly by Iran, Hamas' structure there and said Arabs were him just as commandos from on top of four-story apparently was responsible for the bombing realizing Hamas was as much a threat to stormed their safehouse buildings. that killed 22 people and wounded 48 on a them as to Israelis. Friday. A commando and "It will end. It has to end. inainTel Aviv thoroughfare. Clinton is weighing a visit to Damascus as three militants were also We will tear them to bits," "It must be made plain that this kind of part of his trip. His main purpose would be to killed. said President Ezer Weizman, incident is not cost-free for Hamas," encourage President Hafez Assad to come to Officials indicated Israel who called for "extraordinary Secretary of State Warren Christopher said terms with Israel. When they met in January might respond with an action" to root out Islamic as he added his denunciation of "these really in Geneva, Switzerland, the Syrian leader unprecedented blow against extremists. Hamas' armed wing, Izzedine hideous acts against civilians." declared peace was a "strategic option," but · Police suspected a West Iran and Syria are among seven countries the two sides are in disagreement on territo­ al-Qassam. Rabin cut short a trip to Bank fugitive known as "The the State Department has identified as sup- ry, security and peace terms. Engineer" of planning the London, rushing back to con- attack, according to Israeli sult with security officials news reports. he would seek legislative final political settlement that bombing reminded Israelis of and Cabinet ministers. The attack sparked anti­ backing for a wide-ranging will divorce Israelis from the their continued vulnerability Dozens of demonstrators out­ government protests around crackdown on the fundamen­ Palestinians of West Bank to terrorism, even as the side his Defense Ministry the country and gave Prime talists, while at the same and Gaza Strip. country prepares to sign a office greeted him with chants Minister Yitzhak Rabin little time pressing ahead in peace "We need a separation peace agreement with Jordan of "Rabin Resign." Angry choice but to retaliate against talks with the Palestine between us and the Pa­ next week. demonstrators also gathered extremist groups who oppose Liberation Organization. lestinians, not just for days President Clinton said he at Dizengoff Square near the Israel-Arab peace-making. Departing from his cau­ but as a way of life," Rabin still would attend the ceremo- scene of the blast, in In a dramatic television tious approach to peacemak­ said. ny on the Israel-Jordan bor- Jerusalem and throughout address, an angry Rabin said ing, he stressed the need for a The apparent suicide der. Israel Radio said security the country. . .:: , rJ.3a1L, 'IUJ'.l.Jllb nor.t.srmo'ln.i. a.hoq<:l ?.';oiwol ;_,iv,.� . ....r .... , 1 .U"l. t..L I ,.... -=.)iJ�'Jci ;:fU..11V' .H fll. ':IJHU '(. l�·Jl'.l


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once THURS DAY OCT20, 1994 TllE Duu:EdDiw NEww

t1IdMllD'IBD IEBTirlBI ·OluBBD I !.__• _._._.P_. 1f:___dTBD _ _ __, I I.__ _.bo_PD_D�______. I I ...... • � la �· _�...... · . _ _.__._. I l...____.._•1lB�· £11j@O_· _• _I :au:•:eBr.rD1wa YO U CAN SHIP YO UR STUFF SPRING BREAK- AMERICAS Loving Couple wishes to give SUBLESSOR NEEDED FOR 1 Female sublessor needed Sp. '95. UPS, MAIL, FED EX., 24-HOUR #1 SPRING BREAK COMPANY! your baby a lifetime of happiness BEDROOM APT. CLOSE TO If interested call 348-7532. POUVI FAX, MONEY ORDERS, KEYS CANCUN, BAHAMAS, and dreams come true. Call us CAMPUS. FURNISHED. 2 -����---- 10/21 & ROOMMATES CAN LIVE FOR Sp. '95 9th st. across from MADE. PRIVAT E MAIL BOXES DAYTONA, & PA NAMA! 110% anytime, Deb Jim 1 (800)708- 8648. CLOSE TO WHAT YO U'RE PAY ­ Buzzard. Unfurnished 1 bedroom IN THE NEW MAILBOX AND LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE! The Daily Eastern Ne ws ------10/31 ING FOR HOUSING. SPRING apt. Rent-best reasonable offer. PA RCEL DEPOT AT TOKENS. ORGANIZE 15 FRIENDS AND cannot be responsible for Frank and Suaznne, a loving cou­ SEM. CALL EVENINGS 345- Water & trash incl. Call Christy 345- OPEN 7 DAYS. TRAVEL FREE! EARN HIGH­ more than one day's incor­ ple of an adopted child, are look­ 6739. 3499. ______ca9/2 ,8, EST COMMISSIONS! (800) 32- ______rect insertion. Report ing to find a little brother of sister. CA 10/19,21 ,24. 10/28 HOME TOWN SECRETA RIAL TRAVEL. Parents are well educated, finan­ errors immediately at 581- SERVICE will type your research ______CA 10/10,12, cially secure, with great friends 2812. A corrected ad will papers, thesis, reports, business BOTANY MAJORS & PLANT and big families. We live in a appear in the nextedition. letters. 345-7341 , leave message LOVERS: We are needing quaint village with a very good

All classified advertising ______school system and have a loving (}AJtlPlJM 10/20 MOTIVATED individuals to work ()I..lftl I MINORITY TODAY MEETING 6 the MUST meet the 2 p.m. at our GARDEN CENTER & comfortable home. Can help with will be at p.m. tonight in the MacLab in medical expenses. Call our Newsroom in Buzzard Building. deadline to appear in the GREEN HOUSE. Must enjoy lawyer collect. KIRSTEN KAPPA OMOICRON NU meeting will be at 5 p.m. tonight in Kiehm Hall next day's publication. Any working with customers and CROUSE BAYS (2 17) 345-6099. room 11O.a cei monthly meeting will be at 7 p.m. tonight in buzzard ads processed AFTER 2 have a sense of humor! If inter­ ______10/3 1 Audit orium. ested apply Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. p.m. will be published in SPRING BREAK 95 America's #1 AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES association meeting will be at 5 p.m. the following day's newspa­ Spring Break Company! Cancun, Four Seasons Garden Center. tonight at the African American Cultural Center. per. Ads cannot be canceled Bahamas, Daytona & Panama! S. 4th Street, Charleston. MULTICULTURAL STUDENT UNION weekly meeting will be at 8 p.m. AFTER the 2 p.m. dead­ 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! ______10/21 tonight in the Kansas room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Organize 15 friends and TRAV­ EARN CASH STUFFING OMEGA PSI PHI "Sexy Lady Contest" will be at 8 p.m. tonight in the line. Three sublessors needed for ENVELOPES AT HOME. ALL Rathskeller in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. For information Classified ads must be EL FREE! Earn hights commis­ vacant 2 bedroom apt. $1 85 per 348-8029 581 -8026. sions! (800) 32-TRAVEL MATERIALS PROVIDED. SEND month, spring semester call call or paid in advance. Only INTERVARSETY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP -.,.----,--,-_,... ca9/27,29, SASE TO CENTRAL large group worship will be at accounts with established Darin, Derek, or Dan 345-6939. NOW HIRING!! STO P- THE FAST DISTRIBUTORS, P.O. BOX 10075, ______10/26 7 p.m. tonight in the Charleston/Mattoon room in the Martin Luther King Jr. credit may be billed. FOOD CYCLE! WE OFFER A OLATHE, KS 66051 . Sublessor needed Sp '95 University Union. WOMEN'S STUDIES COUNCIL meeting will be at 2 p.m. today in the Paris All Advertising submit­ PROFESSIONAL AT MO­ 10/25 semester. $250/month, utilities room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. ted to The Daily Eastern Ac-".P=-cPC-CS-No-=-w-s""E""IN,.,.G-A'""'c'""'c""'EPTED included, efficiency apt. Call 348- SPHERE, PA ID TRAINING, DPMA MEETING WILL Ne ws is subject to approval 1545. be at 6 p.m. tonight in Coleman Hall room 109A. GREAT PAY, LEARN A SKILL FOR OUR ACTIVITIES, HABILl­ ARMY ROTC LAB 10/24 will be at 3 p.m. today in the Union Gallery. We will be and may be revised, reject­ FOR THE FUTURE. PART TIME TATION AND DIETARY DEPT. _N _E _E D_ F_E _M _A_L _E _S_U_B_L_ E-S SOR conducting training on Land Navigation. The uniform will be BDU's, soft cap, ed, or canceled at any time. EVENINGS AVAILABLE WITH FT AND PT, ALL SHIFTS AVAIL­ UNTIL END OF SPRING SEM. black boots, pen and paper. ABLE. FT HAS. STARTS AT The Daily Eastern Ne ws FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES. CALL RENT $202.50 OWN ROOM! BAPTIST STUDENT UNION Bible study will be at 7 p.m. tonight in the assumes no liability if for 348-5250. $5.30 WI INCREASE TO $5.50 345-7362. Neoga room in he Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Power .hour of any reason it becomes nec­ ______1211 2 AFTER 90 DAYS (INSURANCE ______10/26 prayer begins at 6:30. essary to omit an advertise­ ALASKA EMPLOY MENT­ PKG. AND OTHER BENEFITS, Sublessor needed for 1 bedroom EASTERN FORUM RADIO program "Aristiole Returns" with guests David ment. Students Needed! Fishing ALSO). WHY WORK FOR MINI­ Park Place Apartment for Spring Carwell, Political Science department, and Roy Lanham from haitl Industry. Earn up to $3,000- MUM WHEN YOU CAN WORK '95, 348-7679. Connection will be from 12:30 to 1 p.m. today on WEIU-FM. RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION $6,000+ per month. Room and FOR US? APPLY AT 738 18TH _ 10/2 1 weekly meeting will be at 5 p.m. tonight DIBEUTORI board! Transportation! Male or ST. CHAS. IL, 61 920. E.O.E. 71 """-3,_ f,,_e _m_ a...,.le s_u,....bl,_e-s-so_ r_s_n-e eded. in Lawson Hall. Early dinner is at 4:15 p.m. in Taylor/Lawson dining service. Furnished house on 2nd st. BLACK GREEK COUNCIL service committee will meet at 6 p.m. tonight In Female. No experience neces­ ______12/9 liEBTICEM $145/mo. Denise of Rebecca the Walkway of the Martin Luther king Jr. University Union. sary. Call (206)545-4155 ext Available now: FT and PT jani­ 345-7293. BLACK STUDENT UNION intramural co-ed basketball will be at 8:45 p.m. A57382. torial and laundry positions. OFFERED _____.ca 10/20,21 ,24,26. tonight at Lantz Gym. Bring valid l.D.'s 10/24 Starting pay $5.00/hr. w/ varying Tiu.TEL phi gamma nu meeting will be at 6 p.m. tonight in Lumpkin Hall room 122. C.,,.-RU,.,.l...,.S""'E_S_H_l.,,..PS--N""O..,..W-H �IRING- shifts. Apply at 738 18th St. There will be an active meeting. Chas. II, 61920. E.O.E. TBA.IMNG/li

ACROSS 30 Positive, for a 54 Where Holstein shutterbug cows originated 1 Snacks in Santa 31 Mugged a HCatch some Rosalia snoozer rays & Uprig ht Shaven, as a Classified Ad Form 14 Aligned 33 Husky runners 17 priest ' s head 1e Elephantine 35 Gouda's cousin 37 Berlin one HFix , as ______17 Rainier locale Name: boundaries 11 Globe flatten er , 38 One kind of Address: ______in a way clutch 81 Rooming-house convenience 11 Interest rate : 41 Sarge , for one Phone: ______Student O Ye s O No Abbr. 41 Playwright- 82 Foul- ups 20 Negotiates a lyricist Comden a Qui et firework _ Dates to run ______puddle 48Buff M " Hero and 22 -- Khan Ad to read: 48 Reuniongoer Leander" 23 Superman ' s episode mother 49 Harry Golden' s "-- in 21 Lake resort America" 28 Galway Bay DOWN isles IOWate red silk 27 Accommodate 12 --rug t Charteris 19 -- openers u Altiplano tuber detective Simon -- 57 2 Alligator pear 3 Old telephone 11 exchange

------Under Classification of: 4 Stop -- dime

Expiration code (office use only) ______I Slangy instants e Private eye Puzzle byA. Dllll9I 118'11 Person accepting ad ______Compositor _____ 7 Kind of town ae It's south of the 40 Dutch coin IO Fable's point no. words/days Amount due:$ ____ _ a Think alike Caucasus 41Notarize It Tackles a The eldest rrtan neighbors Payment: Q Cash Q Check Cl Credit tResins n lingerie item 44Most M " T e lncredibl 10 Actress Zadora 30T ree with edible h seeds Scroogelike Check number______1 t Least of the n Apply makeup •Fair seHollow Great lakes constructions MTime of yr. 20 cents per word first day ad runs. 14 cents per word each consec­ :M Auntsand 12 Rallying cries -- -- others 47 -la-la IO and away utive day thereafter. Students with valid ID 15 cents per word first t3 Not an easy •Ill -fated day. 10 cents per word each consecutive day. 15 word minimum. boss bullfighter Student ads must be paid in advance. 15 Blockhead •Placefor DEADLINE 2 P.M. PREVIOUS DAY-NO EXCEPTIONS 2t Clod brooding The News reservesthe right to edit or refuse ads 24More than • \996Oly mpics considered libelous or in bad taste. enough site

P. M. WTW0-2 WCIA-3 WAND-7 17 ESPN-24 USA-26 WGN-16 9C WILL-12 UF-40 Fox-8 55 DSC-33 WEIU-9 51 TBS-18

6:00 News News News SportsCenter Wings Love Connection MacNeil, Lehrer DesigningWomen Roseanne Beyond 2000 Lamb Chop ... Boss? (6:05) 6:30 NBC News Entmt. To night Wheel of Fortune Weekend Kickoff Wings Jelfersons Designing Women Roseanne Next Step Reading Rainbow ... Boss? (6:35)

7:00 Wheel of Fortune Due South My So Called Dog Show Murder She Wrote Gift of Love Illinois Gardner Unsolved Mysteries Martin World of Wonder Little House on Native Americana 7:30 Cops Life This Old House Living Singles Amazing America The Prairie

8:00 Mad About You Connie Chung McKenna Great American Movie: The Black Sheep Pirate Fire Movie: Little Girt New York Undercowr Movie Magic St. Elsewhere 8:30 Friends Events Companion Squadron Ants... Lost Know Zones 9:00 Seinfeld Chicago Hope Primetime Live Pool News Mystery! Star Trek: The Next Beyond2000 News 9:30 Madman/People Generation America/Wholey 10:00 ER News News Windsurfing Wings Night Court Being Served? UnsolvedMysteries Cops Wortd of Wonder Red/Green Show 10:30 David (10:35) Married... (10:35) SportsCenter Wings Simon & Simon Movie: Cops Amazing America Movie: DATHURYS 9 OCT20, 1994 TllEDuo:EwmwlWEWW

DORM SIZE REFRIGERATO RS FOUND: BLACK WITH WHITE PA RTY HEADQUARTERS IS MAGS: CONGRATULATIONS ALPHA GAM FOOTBALL: IT Delta Zeta: Thanks for an experi­ AND MICROWAV ES FOR TUMMY KITTEN. LITTER AT GRAND BALL COSTUMES ON GETTING LAVALIERED WAS A PLEASURE COACH­ ence I will never forget. It was RENT. TRAINED. IF YO URS OR CALL 348-7746. & MORE! NEW LOCATION: TO FELIX. LOVE, YOU ROOM­ ING YO U. YO U WILL truly an honor. Love, To m. ______WO ULD LIKE TO ·owN-FREE. 12/1 2 609 6TH FROM 1 OAM-9PM M­ MATES. ALWAYS BE CHAMPIONS IN ______10/20 LARGE 1 BEDROOM APT. 1 CALL 348-0190 OR 581 -5283. F, 10-5 SAT. OVER 4,000 COS­ ______10/20 OUR EYES. THANKS FOR BECKY VAN SWOL OF BLOCK FROM CAMPUS, FUR­ ______10/2 1 TUMES FOR RENT, PLUS AMY LEVINE OF ALPHA THE THRILLS!! TROY, SIGMA KAPPA- CONGRATU­ NISH ED, WATER & TRASH LOST: Small gold chain ACCESSORIES, PROPS, SIGMA ALPHA: KLUTCH, CHAD. LATIONS ON GETTING PA ID, $237/MONTH, SPRING bracelet. If found, please call WIGS, MAKEUP, MAGIC, AND CONGRATULATIONS ON ______10 /2 1 PINNED TO ERIK TRELLA SEMESTER. 345-2423 MUST 581-2377. JUGGLING SUPPLIES, NOV­ BEING PA N HELLENIC ANGELA COSENZA-CON­ OF KDR! DO I SEE A RING SEE! ______10/24 ELTIES AND PARTY GOODS. CABINET MEMBER OF THE GRATS ON ENTERING 1- IN THE NEAR FUTURE?? ______10/21 GREEN RAIN SLICKER LOST Large 2 Bedroom townhome for ON ART WORK IN FROM OF CALL 345-2617- MONTH. ALPHA LOVE, WEEK. I AM SO PROUD OF LOVE, NICKI! 2,3,or 4 people in wooded loca­ COLEMAN HALL. IF FOUND CHARLESTO NS PLACE FOR YO UR SISTERS. YO U. A-PHI LOVE, LORI. ______10/20 tion. Available now, close to PLEASE CALL 581-8131 . FUN! ______10 /20 ______10 /20 Hey Sig Eps! Lets get out to the campus. Call 345-2363. THANK YO U. ______10/3 1 ALPHA PHI NEW MEMBERS­ MAGS & SEAN: Finally, my softball fields and watch the ______11/2 ______10/24 We buy CDs, cassettes, and You girls are the best! Keep parents get lavaliered! Grand Slam. vinyl. Call 234-3668, Music up the great work this week! Hooray! Nicole. ______10 /21 exchange. Love, Bridget and Amy. ______10/20 GOOD LUCK TO THE SORORl­ ______1 0/25 ______10 /20 PAU LA & TORI-Never fear fo r Tl ES PARTICIPATING IN THE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS CONGRATULATIONS TO mom's night is here. Sigma love, SIG EP GRAND SLAM. THE COSTUME ADULT RENTALS, PRE LAW CLUB is sponsoring SALE- NORMA IS RETIRING, LISA ALBERT OF PHI SIGMA ??. MEN OF SIGMA PHI EPSILON. CHILDREN'S FOR SALE. JUDGE CINI on THURSDAY SO NORMA'S BRIDAL TRAIN SIGMA on getting lavaliered ______10/20 ______10/21 BROA DWAY BAZAAR, Oct. 20 at 7pm, Rm 21 3. IS CLOSING DECEMBER 31 . to Rick Hoffman of Delta TERESA, CONGRATULATIONS Capones is the best spot for your MATTOON 235-4844. __ca 10,11 ,12,17,18,19,20 EVERYTHING IS REDUCED­ Sigma Phi. Phi Sig love, ON MAKING "THE TEAM" private function. Book your date ______10/28 PICTURE THIS: YOU IN THE WEDDING GOWNS, B-MAIDS, Christina. LOVE, KATHY, BRENDA, today. 348-0288. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. YEARBOOK. ALL THIS WEEK CRUISE, PA RTY AND ______1 0/20 DEBBIE. ______ca 10/20,26, Complete system including PHOTOS TA KEN IN PAG EANT GOWNS, AND Ty ler Doty: Thank you so ____ _:___ _ 10/20 printer only $500. Call Chris at PA NTHERS LAIR IN UNION WEDDING ACCESSORIES. much for the romantic candle­ 800-289-5685. MCD'S. DO IT TODAY. 308 N. CENTRAL, PA RIS IL. light dinner! XOXO Frank. ______1 2/2 8 256 bY1e chips of RAM for IBM ______10/2 1 217-463-2 120. ______10 /20 PC. $10 per chip. Call Mike at SPRING BREAK- NASSAU/ ______10/2 1 CONG RATULATIONS JILL 2462. PA RADISE ISLAND, CANCUN Rush Phi Sigma Sigma! Rush BRUGGEMAN O N JR. SURPRISE ______10/20 AND JAMAICA from $299. Air, Phi Sigma Sigma! Rush Phi PA NHEL PRESIDENT AND SEVEN ROOM RANCH WITH Hotel, Transfers, Parties and Sigma Sigma. JEN ASHBY, THE PUBLIC BASEMENT, PRIME LOCATION More. Organize small group­ ______1 0/20 REL ATIONS CHAIR FOR JR. ON SCENIC, SHADY LOT ON 7 YOUR earn FREE trip plus commis­ To night! AT Panthers, Old PAN HEL! YO UR ALPHA PHI AC RE PRIVAT E LAKE. . 1/2 2 1/2 sions! Call 1-800-822-0321. Style Bottles $1 .00. Try SISTERS ARE VERY PROUD ) � . . CAR . ; GARAGE. CALL (217) ______11/2 Thirsty's old Shooter Bar, sell­ OF YO U! · ...... ' .. . .. • . . . 345-7839. ,/.1· GOOD LUCK ALPHA PHI, ______FR tE··· N.· o· ing beer signs clocks, cheap! 10/20 ______1 0/20 DELTA ZETA, PHI BETA CHI, ______10/2 1 AZ AD- Happy 21st Birthday Complete D.J. System with ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA, THE LADIES OF ALPHA Chump! Have a great day, lights, $4,000. Contact 258- ALPHA SIGMA TAU, PHI GAMMA DELTA THANK YO U FRIGHT! Love, Susannah. 8679 or leave message. SIGMA SIGMA AND SIGMA FOR THE HONOR OF ELECT- ______1 0/20 ______10 /21 KAPPA ALL THIS WEEK IN Ta ndy 1400 Laptop Computer, 1 NG ME TO REPRESENT SIGMA KAPPA FOOTBALL external monitor and software THE SOFTBALL TOURNEY. YO UR HOUSE THIS PA ST TEAM: YO U GUYS HAD A for $275. 581 -2974. THE MEN OF SIGMA PHI YEAR. IT TRULY WAS AN GREAT SEASON, AND ONCE ______10/21 EPSILON . EXPERIENCE I'll NEVER AGAIN IT WAS MY PLEA­ GREAT OFFER! CB 750 Honda ______10/20 FORG ET. YO U GUYS ARE SURE TO BE YO UR COACH. Automatic 1979. Great Running THE MEN OF SIGMA PHI THE GREATEST! LOVE, THANKS JASON. $850 0. B. 0. 581 -81 27/ 345- EPSILON would like to wish the BRETT. ______10 /20 6727. best of luck to all the sororities ______10/20 LISA STRANZ- I am so excited ______10/25 participating in the 2ND ANNU­ Get your photos shot for the to have you as my daughter. CUSTOM VA N. ICE Place a '82 BOX, 4 AL SIG EP. GRAND SLAM. yearbook 1 Oa-6p all this week Keep smiling you'll know who I PLUSH CAPTAIN SEATS, ______10/20 a Pa nthers Lair in Union am soon. Sigma Love, Mom. BENCH/BED. NEEDS COS­ BIRTHDAY AD ______ALPHA PHI SOFTBALL: GET Mc D's. 10/20 -r. IC"H • METIC WORK, NEW TIRES. NH) (\. ... , ;"°Q ;\/\fith a g:" .. u.n.'ll RgADY TO REPEAT IN THE ______10/2 1 MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY­ •I n• •i •' ., $1 200 CALL 581 -6251 . ·r .• .. 2ND ANNUAL SIG EP GRAND Sisters by chance. Friends by CLEAN OUT YO UR CLOSETS P1---fOTO AN E>�' ______10 /2 1 SLAM. LETS DO IT AGAIN! Choice. Phi Sigma Sigma. AND DONATE WARM Football Tickets for Parents MESSAGE YO UR COACHES. ______CLO THES AND BLANKETS Weekend- Two Adults- $7.00 10/20 In ______10/20 each an three students- $4.50 YO U ARE INVITED TO TO THE HOMELESS. each. Call 348-0950. AMY COLLINS OF AST: Keep ATT END A RECEPTION FOR SATUR DAY OCT. 22, 9-1 . Th e Dally up the good work! Yo ur sister _____ca 10/20,21,24. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES DROP OFF POINTS INCLUDE Eas�ern BLUE 18 SPEED GIANT love you! MONDAY, OCT. 24 4-6PM WALMART AND LOBBIES OF MOUNTAIN BIKE. GOOD ______10/20 RATH SKELLER.HOSTED BY CARMAN, ANDREWS, Ne W'.s CONDITION $150.00 OBO. THANKS NEW MEMBERS OF UNIVERSITY DEMOCRATIC. TAYLOR, LSD. ITEMS ARE (Deadline: 3 Business Days CALL 345-5473 ASK FOR AST, we had a rockin' time last FOOD, REFRESHMENTS AND DONATED TO THE PORT 2 Before Ad is fo run) JUSTIN. night. Love, the actives. DOOR PRIZES. SHELTER FOR THE HOME­

______10/20 ______1 0/24 LESS OF CHICAGO. Phi Sigma Sigma informal rush Attention Psych. Majors: I'm a ______10/20 tonight, Thurs Oct.20, at 7pm schizophrenic. And so am I. SIGMA NU- Get psyched up for R.S.V.P. Corie at 671 9. And so am I. Gameball Run this weekend!! ______10/20 ______10/20 ______10/20 LOST: Male Lahso Apso with PRELAW CLUB IS SPONSOR­ Tracy Masunas of Alpha Sigma SARAH ROMANS: Thanks for long brown and gray hair. Purdue ING VARIOUS SPEAKERS ON Alpha: Congratulations on everything, I had alot of fun! collar. Call 345-6781/ Reward! THURSDAY OCT. 20 AT 7 PM being elected as our new Rush Tau Love, your daughter. ______1 0/20 LOST: Green $ Navy Alpha RM 213. Chair. We know you will do and ______10/20 Sigma Alpha pullover around _____CA 10/1 0,11 ,12, Awesome job. Alpha love, your Attention Eastern Undergrads, Rec. services. Reward call 345- Attention Eastern Undergrads, sisters. transfer if you need help. 7439. transfer if you need help. ______10/20 ______10/20 ______10/2 1 ______10/20

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Wa tterson

I 1"0JG\\\ IT W� �"l1>Cf 'fl:S":iE.S ! Q:) I \.IEAQ.P ""UMP. l\\ �\U. OOT 1\E DOOR! �E™l1'¥i �Q)�. OO�stEPS! OJTCS\OE . AMO W.� S\IRE. � P\9.'St ' QI.\ ITS M(:)T *i - P\.E�'St! 'iES, 1\UMG SCAA."<� 'IES ' 'tE5!

*The 10 words for $1 is available to any non-commercial indi­ vidual who wishes to sell an item or items priced lower than $300 (max. of 3 items). NO CHANGES OR REFUNDS. All items must be priced. ALL ADS MUST BE PRE-PAID.

Name: ------BY GARRY TRUDEAU Doonesbury Address: ______Phone: ______

l?£liPEC7; 15 5Qffe­ CF� Dates to run ______"!HIN6 7Hl¥T!f;eA/lNel1. tfl'5 _ �ATAN IN51R/J CTIVB BP� ROH8.ll'5 FW!iT... Message: (one word per line) I RDu. m I

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....-- . - - .: :--.·� -. ------�- -- . -- - 10 Thursday, Qctober 20, 1994 TheDaily Eastern News Panther swimmers ready for season todrop its men swimming and wrestling Padovan, who is in his 29th Men look to season programs while starting a women's soc­ Lady Panthers year as the swimming coach, cer program to decrease the disparity believes that Hisgen, as well as with improved team between men andwomen athletes. try to concentrate Annell Metzger and Shelley "We're still trying to boost the morale Untersee, will be the key players ByJOHN BATES a little bit, because every body is still a on last year with on the 26-person roster, but he StaffWI1ter little down about it," Wrone said. expects the Lady Panthers to rely "They sat there and digested every­ male teammates more on the team's depth. The men's swimming team will begin thing," Padovan said. "It's kind of a situ­ By JOHN BAT ES "A lot of teams might have 10 its final season this weekend stemming ation - do you just quit and walk away? Staff writer key people," Padovan said. from the Title IX cuts about a month Well, the people who are not planning to "Whether we're going to win or ago, but with an improved team, it might transfer or look otherwise, this is their Unlike their male counterparts, lose is going to be done mostly on begoing out in style. last real shot at it, and they're going to the Lady Panthers' swimming balance or depth rather than five "We're much improved from over a give it their all. And anyone who's look­ days are not numbered, but that or six individuals. We're going to year ago, which was a much improved ing to transfer someplace next year also doesn't mean that their season depend on 18 people." team prior to that," said coach Ray having a good season is important. will not to be affected, too. With the exception of five new Pa dovan. "We are the best balanced "We know we have a very competitive "We're one team. We really swimmers, Padovan said this we've had in a long time, all the way group and we're looking forward toit. We don't view ourselves as two year's team is similar to last sea­ through from freshmen on up to senior don't like what's going to happen next teams," said coach Ray Padovan. son's, which finished with a 5-6 class. I wouldn't say that we have any year, but as far as this season, we're get­ "We train together, and when we record. national qualifiers, but we have some ting more and more enthused as we are travel, all of our meets are togeth­ He also expects the Lady extremely talented and versatile swim­ getting over the negative part of it." er. When you're with someone all Panthers to finish their conf er­ mers." The swimming team's schedule begins year and in contact with them ence season a little closer to The 24-man roster, which is up from at Millikin on Friday, Northeastern eight months a year, they're every Western Illinois since Western has 19 last year, includes co -captains Jason Illinois on Saturday and Northern Iowa bit as much of a part of your team a new coach and a number of new Wrone and Ron Steffy, who will be lead­ on Oct. 29. The Panthers will then play as if you were actually competing swimmers. Valparaiso is also ing an "exceptional" freshmen class the following four teams at home : the same events against each expected to be of Eastern's caliber. including Dan Cherwin, Doug Habben, Bradley on Nov. 3, Indianapolis on Nov. other. Eastern's schedule begins on Drew Sheperdson, Scott Propst and 5, St. Louis on Nov. 17 and Evansville on "We really don't view ourselves Friday at Millikin, followed by the MikeBlaylock. Dec. 9. as two different teams. We are a start of their conference schedule Despite its above average roster the The Panther Invitational will be held swim team." at Northeastern Illinois on team has to contend with distractions on Nov. 11-12. The Mid-Continent "It's been really rough, but I Saturday. Their season ends with left in the wake of the Title IX ruling, a Conference Championship will be on think it's making us closer," said the Mid-Continent Conference civil rights clause which forced Eastern Feb. 23 -25 inBuff alo. junior Maridee Hisgen. Championship on Feb. 23-25.

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State Fann Insurance Companies · Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois · An Equal Opportunity Employer The Dall7 EW!ltern New8 Thursday, October 20, 1994 ll Bears' Harris ready for fullback job LAKE FOREST (AP) - and everything," Harris said ly get groomed for the fullback fullback. His blocking is some­ Chicago Bears rookie Wednesday as the Bears got position," said Harris. thinghe's had to work on since Thu rsday Raymont Harris one day ready for Sunday's game in "Unfortunately, (after) what making the transition to full­ Jeff & Adam expected to be a starter. He Detroit. happened to him, I've had to back. couldn't have guessed how Harris started for Hoge two step up quicker. He let me "It's gotten a lot better. I've LIVE soon. weeks ago, carrying seven know that there will be good graded terrible, to awful, to all Acoustic Jam Merril Hoge's retirement times for28 yards and catch­ times and bad times, and l right," said Harris. Night Monday because of two con­ ing three passes for 18 more. have to take them both in "He needs to keep blocking cussions has moved Harris The fifth-leading rusher in stride." ifhe wants the ball. He's come Pitcher Draft $3 into the position of top full­ Ohio State history, Harris was "Raymont is probably as a long way from being a tail­ Keystone Ice back. converted to fullback in train­ excited as anybody. He's a very back. I like that progression," Harris, at age 23, is ready to ing camp since the Bears solid player," said Bears quar­ said Bears coach Dave Cans step in and follow the man already had Lewis Tillman, terback Erik Kramer, ready to Wannstedt. 75¢ - $1 Mixers who's been teaching him the Tim Worley and Robert Green face his old team Sunday after Harris said he's not feeling 25¢ Hot Dogs new position. as tailbacks. missing three games with a any additional pressure to per­ "I always had an idea I "He's been someone who has separated shoulde� form because he's a rookie or would be playing, but I never been like somewhat of a men­ "Personally, I'm going to miss because he's a starter so early thought it would be this soon," tor to me," Harris said of Hoge. Merrilbeing back there. I wish in his career. In his final game he said. "I came in with the idea I he was back there. We just with Ohio State, he gained 235 Students, "Don't get me wrong, I came would be like his protege or have to go on." yards on 39 carries and scored & into this situation knowing I understudy and watch and see Harris, at 6-foot and 225 three touchdowns in a Holiday Staff, :Jacu[tg are invited to attenda was a fourth-round draft pick what he would do and hopeful- pounds, is not oversized for Bowl victory over BYU. !l{ecep tionfo r 'DemocraticCarnf iaates UNLV purchases ex-coach's contract :Mo nday, Octo6er 24, 1994 LAS VEGAS (AP) - UNLV moved to "We do not have a deal at this time," more than $300,000 a year, including 4 to GP:M get its basketball program in order Guinn told a morning meeting of the money paid under the university's shoe :M.£/1('Union !l{a tfis/(gffer Wednesday, finalizing a $1.8 million buy­ University of Nevada Board of Regents. contract. out of Rollie Massimino's contract and set­ "We do not have the chemistry to make "I personally don't · think they deserve Hosted fJy tingcheaper terms for thenew coach. that a doable deal." the biggest and fa nciest office at the uni­ 'University'Democrats Whether the new coach would be for­ Guinn told regents that ifGrgurich was versity," Guinn said. "I don't think we :Fo od, �jr esfunents, and mer UNLV assistant Tim Grgurich or an not hired Wednesday, UNLV would tum should pay a coach $1 million, $800,000 or interim coach hiredjust for the upcoming to an interim coach to take over the pro­ even $500,000." 'lJoorPrizes wiff6e provUfed season remained up in the air pending a gram for the upcoming season while a Guinn made the comments to regents late afternoon deadline set by UNLV new perIJlanentcoach was being sought. called into special session to consider the interim president Kenny Guinn. "We have been talking to other people," buyout of Massimino's contract reached "I want some action one way or anoth­ he said. "The basketball season has last week with the former coach. Under er," Guinn said. "I've got to have a recom­ begun. There's not a lot of people avail­ the buyout, Massimino will get about mendation today. Wehave an obligation to able. But we will find someone to put on $375,000 a year forfive years. these student-athletes." Grgurich the court." Regents voted 8-3 to approve the buy­ reportedly had agreed in principle to take Whoever that is will find himself coach­ out after hearingGuinn say it was prefer­ thejob, but Guinn said there were person­ ing at a salary far less than the nearly able to battling it out in court with al differences between Grgurich and ath­ $900,000 annual pact that Massimino Massimino. Guinn said he did not fire letic director Jim Weaver that had to be enjoyed. Massimino, whom he said initiated the

worked out. Guinn said the new coach will not earn buyout talks. I t" !§ Rison, Sanders fined $7 ,500 for fight' ·· SANTA CLARA, Calif. fight's "instigator," the league team he would not contest the thing as was previously (AP) - Deion Sanders and found both players at fault. the fine. presented," Seifert said. "Not Andre Rison were fined "Obviously, we have a poli­ "I expected to be fined," that that makes any differ­ 7:15, 9:45 $7,500 each by the NFL on cy against fighting and obvi­ Sanders said. "I've got to live ence. It doesn't make him Tenninal Velocity(PG-13) 7:00, 9:30 Wednesday for their weekend ously both players were in with what I did. I respect the right. In that situation, fight in which they traded violation of that policy," NFL decision." you're just not supposed to do slaps and punches in the spokesman Reggie Roberts Rison was not immediately that." middle of the field. said. "Both players have been available for comment. A Sanders said he had The skirmish came during fined $7 ,500 and as far we're message seeking his reaction bumped Rison hard while "'...., the second quarter of the San concerned that's the end of was leftwith the Falcons. defending him on a previous Francisco 49ers' 42-3 rout of it.' San Francisco coach play and inadvertently poked Hip Hop Night the Atlanta Falcons at the Roberts said the fines will George Seifert said he wasn't him in the eye. Rison then Georgia Dome. The game be distributed to a charity of surprised both players were retaliated on the next play, was Sanders' first against his the offending player's choice. fined. getting underneath his face­ w/D.J. Dave Shields former team since joining Should they choose to appeal, "I think the interesting mask and jamming Sanders ana DJ. Doc D San Francisco as a free agent they must do so in writing to thing that came out of it, beneath the chin. The two Sept. 15. commissioner Paul with everybody viewing the began to exchange blows furi­ a No Alcohol Event Though game officials Tagliabue. film, was that Deion was not ously before officials broke it penalized Sanders as the Sanders said through the necessarily the instigator of up. 17 and over Admission Offensive $2°01 0-close • FromPage 12 put freshman Anton Manuel on the month ago. 509 VanBuren 345-2380 outside in the Panthers' three wideout But with the dismissal of Bill said of the attitude of his former set. Korosec and with fullback Bryan starter. "It's got to be a tremendous dis­ • The Panthers are also hurting in Jasker still sidelined with a knee appointment to him, but he's getting the backfield, only taking four running injury, Eastern has simply run out of over that. (And) we'd certainly consider backs to Macomb this weekend. bodies. (playing Mauch at quarterback) Freshmen Kelvyn Russell and Ibrahim "There's no alternative," Spoo said. depending on how bad it gets. Bawa will back up starters Willie High "Hopefully, they can get their assign­ LUNCH SPECIALS "Fve talked to Pete, because he's got and Chris Hicks at tailback and full­ ments completed, and naturally, we to keep himself mentally ready, which back respectively, but the rookie duo hope that they can pick up what needs • Grilled tenderloin with - he will." has only one game of college experi­ to be done." cup of 5oup or 5alad Eastern also plans to move flanker ence, that being Bawa's extended play­ • Beef and noodles, real Greg Jensik to the slot receiver and ing time against Lock Haven State a - Complied by Randy Liss ma5hed potatoes, vegetable and roll • Spinach and cheese Dempsey ��- omelette, muffinand • From Page 12 I thinknot . ply a ·reality check. ran for another three against a choice offru it or salad The seven teams Alcorn If Alcorn State was in the hapless Prairie View team How many Division I-A State (5-2) has played are a Gateway Conference and which has yet to win a game. EVENING SPECIALS teams does McNair face? combined 19-25. And in the McNair ran up big numbers, Prairie View has been Mon-Sat AFTER 5PM None. But he still deserves a most recent Sagarin ratings of most would simply say, 'Big outscored 263-44 this season Reisman? all the NCAA Division I foot­ deal - He's playing against but still people think this is •Pot Roaet ball programs, only two of teams like Eastern and thetype ofcompetition against How many Butkus Award GREAT BREAKFASTS candidates does he come those teams rank above Southern Illinois.'" which to base a Heisman con­ EVERY MORNING! across? Eastern Illinois. And theywould be right. tender. None. Ye t still Heisman This is not a slam on the Most recently, McN air Ye ah right. And Ron Powlus 409 7th St.• 345-7427 material? Panthers in any way but sim- threw forfive touchdowns and is the nextJoe Montana. Paul Reichert receives suspension Dempsey was a re­ weeks. pensions Reichert and back­ Backup QB sult of an Freshman Mark Swinning up quarterback Mark sports writer exchange will make his first collegiate Doherty are serving. blames verbal of words start on Saturday, after Spoo And, in an emergency role, between bypassed previous starter receiver Greg Jensik has exchange with himself Pete Mauch. been nominated to make the and Spoo. Mauch had started East­ calls for the Panthers. QB doesn't Coach Spoo "I guess ern's first six games, but will The suspension of By PAUL DEMPSEY you could now serve as the No. 2 quar­ Reichert adds to a frustrat­ Staff writer call it terback behind Swinning. ing season for the junior deserve the that," Because of the dismissal of transfer. Ron Reichert Backup quarterback Ron Reichert all-purpose running back Bill Reichert transferred to attention Reichert is serving a one­ said of the Korosec last week, Mauch Eastern fr om Northern game suspension and will disagreement. "I don't want will be returning punts - a Illinois in the spring after a Let me get this straight. not make the trip to Macomb to talk about it now. I'd just position he gained some falling out with the Huskie Quarterback Steve McN air this weekend for Eastern's be digging my own grave." experience in last season. coaching staff. is tearing �p the defenses of game against Western The quarterback depth The third string quarter­ Reichert had hoped for such teams as Mississippi Illinois, said Panther head chart for the game against back forthe Western game is more playing time but has Valley State (2-5), Tennessee­ coach Bob Spoo Wednesday. Western now takes on an walk-on Tim Gross who has been stuck in a reserve role Chattanooga (2-4) and Reichert did not want to interesting shape after not had any game experi­ since Mauch won the start­ Prairie View (0-7), and peo­ discuss the situation, but did events that have shaken the ence, but will make the trip ing QB job at the start of the ple want to give him the confirm that the suspension Panther camp the past two because of the one-game sus- Eastern football season. Reisman Trophy? Are they on drugs? Reisman trophies go to players on Division I-A pro­ Hamelin grams (mostly major pro­ grams) plain and simple. There are no exceptions. gets AL But still McNair, who plays on Division I-AA Alcorn State, has been thrust rookie of into the Reisman limelight by the so-called football "experts" simply because he the · year is running up huge numbers NEW YORK (AP) - Bob against teams that would Hamelin, who inherited have a tou$h time beating Kansas City's designated Ea§fe@. ilµ Hois! hitting job fr om George 'McNair-a-mania has got­ Brett and became one of the ten so bad that the Liberty league's best sluggers, was Bowl's selection committee an easy winner Wednesday has considered Alcorn State as AL rookie of the year. for its annual game, even Hamelin was the first DH though bowl teams must win to win the rookie award, and six games against Division I­ 1JJh JON COX/ Staff photographer the first Royals player to A opponents. Michelle Maccallum switches strokes between laps during We dnesday 's practice at earn it since Lou Piniella in The Braves play zero I-A Lantz pool. See stories on the men's and women's swim teams on Page 10. 1969. The honor, now named opponents. the Jackie Robinson Rookie What's next, the National Award, was first presented Championship teams being in 194 7 to one major lea­ considered for the Super Offensive line not intact guer. Bowl? Heading into its bye week, the Eastern Eastern has already lost Hamelin hit 24 home The argument is not football team was hoping the week off would starting guard Don Mensik runs, drove in 65 runs and whether or not McN air is a heal its extremely banged-up offensive line. for the season to a knee batted .282. He led AL rook­ good quarterback. But things haven't quite gone as planned. inj ury suffered against the ies in homers, RBis, runs He is. The Panthers' front five will be minus left University of Texas at El (64), hits (88), doubles (25), I would even go so faras to tackle Duane Conway, arguably their best Paso. walks (56) and games (101) say he is a great quarter­ offensive lineman, when they travel to • Injuries to the offen­ when the players' strike back. Macomb to face Western Illinois Saturday. sive line has not only hurt started Aug. 12. · But great quarterbacks do Conway has been hindered by a strained Football the offense, but the "I did spend quite a few not necessarily make tricep muscle for the past few weeks, an notebook defense has been affected years in the minor leagues. I Reisman winners. injury that hasn't cleared up like coaches as well. Backups have definitely paid my dues," he Todd Collins (Michigan) thought it might, and which will keep the been forced into playing against the No. 1 said. "That does make it a and Kordell Stewart senior tackle out of action for at least two defense in practice the past two weeks so as little more rewarding." (Colorado) are great quarter­ weeks. to not get anyone any more hurt than they Hamelin, who also played backs but the talent level "He's scheduled to get an MRI Thursday in already are on the offensive line. 24 games at fi rst base, they're competing with has Chicago," said Panther trainer Rob Doyle. "He "We stayed fundamental last week," said received 25 of 28 first-place made them longshots at best can't play for at least two weeks. We'll find defensive coordinator John Smith. "We're votes in balloting by the forthe Reisman. out more on Friday or early Monday after his healthy, but the offense is hurting us in that Baseball Writers Association The argument is whether test." we've got to have the offense simulate of America. He also got or not McNair is the best col­ "He tore another portion of that, so we're Western Illinois. three second-place votes and lege football playerin the going to wait on some medical advice, and let "With all the injuries, we're going against a finished with 134 points. nation. him rest at least a couple of weeks," coach bunch of Rudys'." Cleveland outfielder But no one will ever know Bob Spoo said. • With freshman Mark Swinning starting Manny Ramirez, who hit because his talent level is not With Conway out, Aaron Hill, who was at quarterback and Mark Doherty serving his .269 with 17 home runs and being tested by a Division I-A nursing a knee injury himself after the one-game suspension this week, Spoo added 60 RBis, was runner-up with defenselike that of Illinois or · Northern Iowa game, will move from guard to to the controversy at the position by announc­ 44 points. Texas outfielder Washington State. left tackle, while sophomore Charlie Roche ing that Ron Reichert will not make the trip Rusty Greer, who hit .314 Even teams like Michigan will fillin at left guard. to Western either. with 46 RBis and also made or Southern Cal, who don't Right tackle Mike Richart has also been Walk-on Tim Grose will travel with the a diving catch that finished even rank in the top 30 battered this season, but the Panthers are squad as the Panthers' No. 3 quarterback off ' perfect defensively in the nation, confident he'll be able to hold up for the behind Swinning and former starter Pete game, got the other three would cut McNair's remainder of the year. Mauch. But Spoo said Mauch will return first-place votes and was Reisman-like numbers in "He's wearing a shoulder harness on his punts and kicks in Saturday's game, and third with 42 points. half simply because the tal­ right arm, and he's got surgery scheduled could even take some snaps if Swinning fal­ The NL rookie award will ent level on that of an even after the season on his left elbow, for which ters badly. be announced Thursday. average I-A football team is he's wearing a real fancy brace," Doyle said. "I think he's getting better each day," Spoo Hamelin, 26, was drafted far superior to that of a "He's kind of like a bionic person right now, x by the Royals in 1988. Division I-AA program. Despite showing power, his wearing all these things and like six rolls of f See OFFENSIVE Page 11 tape, but these are all protective measures." progress to the majors was • II lie , '- See DEMPSEY Page 11 slowed by back problems.