Project Details - Riverbed Sand Mining Project Sr. No. Details Particulars PROPOSAL 1. Name of Lease Holder Maheshbhai Mangabhai Oad (Proprietor) 2. Location address M/s. MAHESHBHAI MANGABHAI OAD Opp. Survey No:13,14,22 to 25 On River Bed “Tapi” Vill:Kanaja ,Tehsil: ,Dist:Tapi 3. Applicability of the CRZ Notification, The Project is not fall in CRZ notified area. 2011 4. Lease Area (Hectares) Sand Lease Area: 2-45 -00 Hectors 5. Co-ordinates of the lease area Sr.No. Latitude Longitude 1. 21°16'16.01 "N 73°22 '46.58 "E 2. 21°16'10.99 "N 73°22'47.42 "E 3. 21°16'10.0 3"N 73°22'41.97 "E 4. 21°16'14.91 "N 73°22'40.89 "E

6. Ownership of Land (Govt. / Private The lease area is river bed of Tapi owned by Govt. Land) The district collector has allotted the lease to Mr. Maheshbhai Mangabhai O ad. 7. Status of Operation (New project OR Existing Project operational since 2006. Existing project operating since ____) 8. Status of Lease (Lease no., date of issue, Existing Lease lease period, date of application for  Order No.:GS/QL/6820/05/7402 to 7406 lease renewal, etc.)  Area: 2-45-00 Ha.( Opp. Survey No:13,14,22 to 25 On River Bed “Tapi” Vill:Kanaja ,Tehsil:Vyara ,Dist:Tapi)  Lease Issue Date: 11/11/2006  Lease Period: Three years from issue date.  Lease renewal application date-02/05/2012 9. Sand Reserve (MT) --- 10. Rate of Mining of Sand (MT/Month) 100,000 MT/year, 8300 MT/month ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS 11. If located within 15 Km, aerial distance Name Distance (Km) of the lease area from the nearest: i. National Park / Wildlife Sanctuary / Waghai National Park @ 54 km in S direction Biosphere Reserve: Purna Wildlife Sanctuary @ 51 km in SE direction ii. Reserve Forest / Protected Forest: None --- iii. Human Habitation : Vill.-Kanaja @ 1.26 km in S direction Bedkuva Dur @ 1.66 km in SE direction iv. Railway Line : Vyara Railway Station @ 17 km in S direction Vyara - Railway line: @ 17.17 km in SW


Sr. No. Details Particulars direction v. Road : NH-56 @ 1.34 km in SW direction vi. Notified / Protected Archaeological --- sites : vii. Social infrastructures, e.g. school, Nalanda High School, @ 5.4 km in S direction hospital, historic / cultural / Moticher religious places, defence KAPS Hospital @ 8.4 km in S direction establishments, etc. : Jalaram mandir @ 5.2km in S direction 12. Width of riverbed (Meters) 420 meters 13. Average depth of water at lease area 3 m (Meters) 14. Average thickness of sand deposit at lease 3.5 meter. area (Meters) 15. Details on Riparian vegetation,  The floral diversity of the study area includes including endemic and endangered variety of trees & shrubs. Plants that offer rich species of fauna, if any timber such as Teak, Babul etc., plants with medicinal values such as Neem, Nilgiri, Tulsi, etc., and plants that offers fruits and vegetables are observed.  The faunal diversity includes a wide range of birds, mammals, reptiles & insects.  There is no national park/Sanctuary; Elephant/Tiger reserve area within 25 km from the project site.  The No endemic or endangered species of flora and fauna species have been available within 5 km area. 16. Geo-hydrology of the river, flow Please refer Environmental Study Report (perennial, seasonal, etc.), sediment transport characteristics / replenishment potential, etc.

17. Width and condition of access road (kutcha / pucca) to the lease area. Status of Type Width of road Access road (Meter) Project site to kachha Road 7.0 kachha road Pacca road to pakka road 6.5 to NH - 56

DETAILS ON MINING / EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES 18. Type of mining (Manual / Semi- Semi-mechanized. (By excavating the mineral) mechanized / Mechanised). 19. Equipments to be used (bulldozers,  Sand excavator with pump hydraulic excavators, JCB, scrapers,  Truck loaders, Diesel Pump, etc.) 20. Minimum setback distance from river 40 meters


Sr. No. Details Particulars bank (Meters) 21. Minimum buffer distance from bridge  Ukai Dam: 23 km in E direction piers / water intake wells / irrigation  No nearby bridge . structures 22. Minimum distance of stockpiles / 30 meters vehicle loading place from the river bank 23. Maximum depth of sand removal (3 m 3 meters (from top of the of the sand deposition) or water depth whichever is less) 24. Man power requirement 15 -20 workers 25. No. of working days in a year 200 days 26. Time of working hours in a day 8.00 am to 6 pm ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 27. Measures proposed for protection of Please refer Environmental Study Report. environmental attributes like riverbed, riparian vegetation, water, air, human health, etc. 28. Details on transportation route & measures proposed for control of Status of Type Width of road fugitive emission during transportation Access road (Meter) Project site to kachha Road 7.0 to Pacca Road Pacca Road to pakka road 6.5 NH - 56

For measures proposed for control of fugitive emission during transportation. Please refer Environmental Study Report.

29. Plan for tree plantation in riparian area / road sides in at least 20% of lease Types of plants No. of plants area, numbers & types of species and I II III budgetary outlay for the same Year Year Year Nilgiri, Neem, Tamarind,Banyan, etc. local species 250 250 200 Total 700

30. Plan for restoration / reclamation None




• I, Mr. MAHESHBHAI MANGABHAI OAD have been extracting the sand (minor mineral) Opp. Survey No:13,14,22 to 25 On River Bed “Tapi” Vill:Kanaja ,Tehsil:Vyara ,Dist:Tapi since 2006. Lease area is river bed of Tapi owned by Government. We hold the lease on the name of Maheshbhai Mangabhai Oad. We are applying to regularize the existing Sand mining activity. The mining area of the unit is 2-45-00 ha that is less than 5 ha. Our sand lease area is not falling under CRZ area. Therefore, Project falls under category B (B2) of schedule 1(a), as per the EIA Notification, September 2006. Therefore, it requires prior Environment Clearance.

• Status of operation & Status of Lease are summarized as under….

 Existing project operating since 2006.  Lease Order No: GS/QL/6820/05/7402 to 7406  Lease Area: 2.45 hec( Opp. Survey No:13,14,22 to 25 On River Bed “Tapi” Vill:Kanaja ,Tehsil:Vyara ,Dist:Tapi )  Lease Issue:11/11/2006  Lease Period: Three Years from issue date. 11/11/2006  Lease Renewal Application date: 02/05/2012 (Applied for Lease Renewal)

• Co-ordinates of the corners of lease area(Latitude and Longitude)

S. N. Latitude Longitude A 21°16'16.01"N 73°22'46.58"E B 21°16'10.99"N 73°22'47.42"E C 21°16'10.03"N 73°22'41.97"E D 21°16'14.91"N 73°22'40.89"E


 There is no forest, Wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive area present within 10 km area from the project site.  Unit does not require electricity during the mining activity.  In sand mining activity, water required for domestic, dust suppression & tree plantation only. The requirement is met by surface water & bore well water (nearby village).  No hazardous waste is generated during mining activity. Municipal Solid Waste generation during activity is of minor quantity. One dustbin has been provided at the identified place to store all domestic waste & disposed to nearby Gram Panchayat site.

• Size/ Magnitude Of Operation

 Production capacity (Mining area/Mining Rate)  Extraction of the sand @ 100,000 MT/YEAR (Approx .) from an area of 2-45-00 ha (Opp. Survey No:13,14,22 to 25 On River Bed “Tapi” Vill:Kanaja ,Tehsil:Vyara ,Dist:Tapi)

Mining Details

Sr. Details Explantion No. 1. Lease Area 2-45 -00 ha 2. Rate of Production 100 ,000 MT/Yr , 8300 MT/month 3. Method of mining Semi Mechanized (By excavating the mineral) 4. Extent of mechanization Suction Extractor,Truck and Tractors Trolley

 DETAIL OF ENVIRONMENT SETTING  The lease is on riverbed of Tapi. There is no forest, Wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive area within 10 km from the project site. The details of water bodies and nearwst park are mentioned below:

Sr. If located within 15 km, aerial Name Distance(Km) No. distance of the lease area from the nearest:

i. National park/Wildlife Waghai National Park @ 54 km in S direction Sanctuary/Biosphere Reserve: Purna Wildlife @ 51 km in SE direction Sanctuary ii. Reserve Forest/Projected None --- Forest: iii. Human Habitation: Kanaja @ 1.26 km in S direction


Bedkuva Dur @ 1.66 km in SE direction iv. Railway Line Vyara Railway Station @17 km in S direction Vyara- Surat Railway @ 17.17 km in SW line: direction

v. Road: NH-56 @ 1.34 km in SW direction vi. Notified/Protected None --- Archaeological sites: vii Social infrastructures, e.g. Nalanda High School @ 5.4 km in S direction school, hospital, historic/ KAPS Hospital @ 8.4 km in W direction Jalaram mandir, @ 5.2km in W direction Moticher

• Width of Riverbed  Width of Riverbed: 420 meter

• Geo-hydrological Detail of River Tapi

 The river Tapi originates near Multal in Betul district in Madhya Paradesh at an elevation of 752m above msl. The Total Length of this West flowing river from its origin to its out fall into the sea is 724 km. For the first 282km the river flows in , Out of which 54km forms the common boundary with state. It flows for 228 km in Maharashtra before entering . Traversing a length of 214 km in Gujarat, the Tapi River joins Arabian Sea in the Gulf of Cambay after flowing past the Surat city. The river receives tidal influence for a length of about 25 km upstream from the mouth.


• Lower Tapi Zone

 Brief description: Lower Tapi Basin consist main Tapi stream from Ukai Reservoir to its mouth in the Gulf of Cambay. The Lower Tapi Basin extends over an area of 2920 The length of the Tapi River in Lower Tapi Basin is 129 km. There are a series of rapids for a distance of about 32 km. between Kakrapar and aamalpur. Through the Kakrapar rapids, the river falls by nearly 4.6 mtr. In the last reach, the river passes through the Gujarat plains and after flowing past Surat city, empties into the Gulf of Cambay. The tidal influence is felt up to 25 km from its mouth in the Gulf of Cambay {after completion of a Weir cum Causeway at Singanpur near Surat city.}

• Sediment transport characteristics

 A baseline study of the Tapti River was conducted to determine the basic physical and chemical characteristics of the sediment. Surat station was selected along the study area sediment characteristics revealed sandy to loamy(muddy) sand soils with pH of 7.01. Values of organic carbon 0.380%, Electric conductivity 3.99 dsm-1, Available Nitrogen 170.2 kg/ha, Phosphorous 190.0 kg/ha. Available Potassium estimated 367 kg/ha. The exchangeable Ca and Mg present in Tapti river sediment collected from Surat stations is 15.00 & 20.11 me/100 mg respectively. • Width and condition of access road (kutcha/pucca) to the lease area.

 Mode of Transportation of mineral and Transportation route.  Mode of Transportation of material: Trucks (10 Mt & 16 MT)  Transportation route: as below


Access road status

Status of Access road Type Width of road (Meter) Project site to Kachha Kachha Road 7.0 Road Pacca Roadto NH 56 Pakka Road 6.5


• Method of Mining

 Mining of the minerals is done by excavating the mineral from active channel or Floodplain or terrace.  Mining of the minerals is done by excavating the mineral in ½ meter strip. Then the mining is restricted up to 2 m depth only. • We are doing the mining of the minerals (sand) by dredging (by using suction excavator) the minerals through the floating pipeline from in-stream active channel i.e. Opp. Survey No:13,14,22 to 25 On River Bed “Tapi” Vill:Kanaja ,Tehsil:Vyara ,Dist:Tapi from an area of 2-45-00 ha. • Average depth of Water at lease area is:  Max:10.0 m to 12.0 m Min: 04.0 m to 06.0 m • The Average thickness of sand lease area is : 4.0 m

• Type of mining is: Semi Mechanized ( By excavating the mineral)

• Equipments used are: Sand excavator with pump & truck.

• Minimum setback distance from river bank is: 40 meter

• Minimum Buffer distance from Bridge: No nearby bridge • Minimum distance of Stockpiles/Vehicle loading place from the river bank is: 30 meter

• Man Power requirement: 15-20 people

• Average No. of Working days in a year: 200 days (Approx)

• Time of Working hours in a day is: 8.00 am to 6.00 pm



 Over –extraction of sand can destabilize channels and banks, and/or affect the ecologic functioning of rivers.  In-stream extraction of sand from below the water level of a stream generally causes more changes to the natural hydrologic processes than limiting extraction to a reference point above the water level.  Extracting sand from a large river or stream will generally create less impact than extracting the same amount of material from a smaller river or stream.  The potential impacts of sand extraction are as under…… a) Bed degradation and Consequent effects on channel and bank stability b) Increased sediment loads, decreased water clarity; c) Changes in channel morphology and disturbance of ecologically important roughness elements in the river bed; d) Ecological effects on bird nesting, fish migration, etc. e) Modification of the riparian zone(Wet land) including bank erosion; f) Discharges from equipment and refuelling; g) Reduction in groundwater elevations; h) Impacts on Structures and access; i) Impacts on Coastal processes.

 Impact on Air Environment Sources:  Fugitive emission occurs due to movement of vehicles on roads. The quantity of emissions depends on various aspects like climatic conditions, moisture in the soil , speed of the vehicle, frequency of the vehicles etc.  The key air emissions from the project are dusting combustion of fuel from the transportation vehicles as well as material handling , The main air pollutants will be particular matter, nitrogen dioxide and sulpher dioxide  The mined sand is transported to the sites through 10/16 MT Trucks.  The loading operation is manual/ mechanical using material handling equipment. IMPACTS:  Respiratory dust generation system can be damaged of Workers/people living in nearby area due to.  Frequent movement of heavily loaded vehicles across the river banks not only imposes land stability problems but also pollutes the river water through Oil/gasoline spillage.

 IMPACT OF NOISE  Transportation vehicles used for the transportation of mineral area a source of Noise Pollution at the Mine site.



 The physical composition and Stability of substrates are altered as a result of in- stream mining and most of these physical effects may exacerbate sediment entrainment in the channel. Excess sediment is considered the greatest pollutant in water and constitutes one of the major environmental factors in the degradation of stream fisheries.  If the mining is not carried out in a uniform manner then I will disturb the river flow/course in the terms of its uniformity. Unplanned mining activities can lead to river channel shifting as well as degradation of land, causing loss of properties and degradation of landscape. Some physical impacts are under…. 1. The Undercutting and Collapse of river banks, 2. The loss of adjacent land and/or structures, 3. Upstream erosion as a result of an increase in channel slope and changes in flow velocity 4. Downstream erosion due to increased carrying capacity of the stream, downstream changes in patterns of Deposition and changes in channel bed and habitat type. 5. Riverbed lowering 6. Changing the course of the riverbed

 Impact on Water Environment  Mining may cause lowering of riverbed level as well as river water level resulting in lowering of groundwater table due to excessive extraction and draining out of groundwater from the adjacent areas. This may cause shortage of water for the vegetation and human settlements in the vicinity.  Indiscriminate sand mining from the rivers can lead to destruction of riparian vegetation which acts are resting and nesting grounds of many migratory birds.  The in stream fish wealth of the rivers may be decreased year after year consequent to unabated sand mining and subsequent habitat loss.  Extensive use of high power suction pumps for extraction of sand from the river has aggravated the salt water intrusion problems especially in the lowland river reaches.  Effects directly related to extraction and to changes in geomorphology include increased sedimentation, turbidity, and bank full widths, higher stream temperatures, reduced dissolved oxygen, decreased wetted periods in riparian wetlands, and degraded riparian habitat.

 Impact on Topography and Drainage Pattern Unplanned mining activities and stocking of unwanted material near the river bank can affect the natural topography of the river bed. Mining pits are responsible for river channel shifting as well as degradation of land and landscape.

 Impact on Soil No major impact on soil of study area is envisaged due to mining activities as the minerals are replenish able and get replenished every year.


 Impacts on Biological Environment Excessive sediment deposition for replenishment/refilling of pits affect turbidity, prevent the penetration of light require for photosynthesis of micro and macro flora which intern reduces food avaibility for aquatic fauna. Increase in river gradient may cause excessive erosion causing adverse effect on stream habitats. Riparian flora and fauna suffer seriously from riverbank slumping, channel incision, lowering of water table, etc., as a result of the direct removal of vegetation along the river banks, bank undercutting and channel incision.



 Air Quality Management • There will be emission from combustion of fuels from the transportation vehicles and material handling. • Besides this, to control the emission further regular preventive maintenance of equipments will be carried out on contractual basis. • It shall be ensured that all transportation vehicles should carry a valid PUC certificate. • Plantation will be carried out on approach roads & nearby vicinity of river bank. • Regular water sprinkling on road will be carried out to avoid dustiness due to vehicular transportation. • Speed of vehicles is maintained within the prescribed limits. • Trucks are not over loaded and should be maintained to the body level. • Condition of all trucks will be well maintained. • Old age trucks will not be utilized.

 Noise Management • No other equipments except the transportation vehicles and excavator (As and when required) for loading will be allowed. Noise generated by these equipments shall be intermittent and does not cause any impact. • All vehicles which create high noise will be avoided. • Plantation will be carried out on approach roads & nearby vicinity of river bank. • Proper maintenance of vehicles would be ensured. • Mining activity will be restricted to day time only.

 Management for Land Use Pattern including Change of River Course. • The sediment will accumulate /replenish every year during rainy season. • The minerals will be collected in a uniform way so that the river flow/ channel shall not get disturbed. • Scrapping/ dredging of minerals shall be started from the centre towards bank periphery in half meter slice so that the river course does not get affected and a barrier of at least 3 meter will be left at both side of bank side for safety of banks. • Unused material including mineral or spillage (If any) will not be stocked on the bank side as it will hinder the flow of river in monsoon. • Suitable mitigation measures will be adopted to avoid water logging.

 Water Quality Management


• No waste water will be generated from the mining activity of minerals as the project only involves scraping of Sand from river bed. • Mining will not intersect the Water level. • Mining will be done well above the riverbed water table therefore impact on water regime is not anticipated.

 Solid Waste Management • No solid waste will be generated from the sand mining operations. • Unused material including mineral or spillage (if any) will not be stocked on the banks side in river bed as it will hinder the flow of river in monsoon season.

 Socio Economic Environment  The deployed labourers will be from nearby villages.

 Occupational health & Safety • Dust masks will be provided to the workers, working in the dust prone zones. • Study will be conducted to identify, occupational health hazards if any. • Workers will be informed and trained about occupational health hazardous if identified. • Any workers health related problem will be properly addressed. • Adequate PPEs are provide to the workers during mining activity such as dust mask, ear plug, life jacket, safety shoes, etc.

 Greenbelt Development and Plantation Programme • As the lease area falls in river bed, plantation & green belt development is not possible within the lease area. • Unit is proposed to carry out plantation in the vicinity of river banks, along the approach roads, around Govt. buildings, schools. The Local species will be planted as per the GPCB guidelines.

 Plan for tree plantation and budgetary outlay for the same:


Details of Year wise tree plantation programme

No. of plants

Type of plants I Year II Year III Year

Nilgiri, Neam, Banyan, Tamarind etc. local 250 250 200 Species… Total 700

Budgetary Outlay

The estimated cost of plantation as well as maintenance for 3 years will be as under,

Sr. Particulars Approximate Approximate No . recurring cost capital cost per annum(Rs. IN (Rs. IN Lac) Lac) 1. Green Belt 0.5 1.5 TOTAL 0.5 1.5