Differential Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard Eli Biham1 Adi Shamir2 December 7, 2009 1Computer Science Department, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel. Email:
[email protected], WWW: http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/˜biham/. 2Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel. Email:
[email protected]. This versionofthebookisprocessedfromtheauthor’soriginalLaTeXfiles,andmaybe differentlypaginatedthantheprintedbookbySpringer(1993). Copyright:EliBihamandAdiShamir. Preface The security of iterated cryptosystems and hash functions has been an active research area for many years. The best known and most widely used function of this type is the Data Encryption Standard (DES). It was developed at IBM and adopted by the National Bureau of Standards in the mid 70’s, and has successfully withstood all the attacks published so far in the open literature. Since the introduction of DES, many other iterated cryptosystems were developed, but their design and analysis were based on ad-hoc heuristic arguments, with no theoretical justification. In this book, we develop a new type of cryptanalytic attack which can be successfully applied to many iterated cryptosystems and hash functions. It is primarily a chosen plaintext attack but under certain circumstances, it can also be applied as a known plaintext attack. We call it “differen- tial cryptanalysis”, since it analyzes the evolution of differences when two related plaintexts are encrypted under the same key. Differential cryptanalysis is the first published attack which is capable of breaking the full 16-round DES in less than 255 complexity. The data analysis phase computes the key by analyzing about 236 ciphertexts in 237 time.