Some of the Descendants of Jonathan Fabens of Marblehead
*•*. SOME OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JONATHAN FABENS, OF \ MARBLEHEAD. GEO. ATPERKINS, M.D., Mehbek New England Histouc Genealogical• Society. ,j / ift3 i i [From HistoricalCollections ofEssex Institute, Vol.XVHL] SALEM: $j** PRINTED FOR THE INSTITUTE.\^. fr% 4 4 JONATHAN FABENS Jl AND SOME OF HIS DESCENDANTS, Inthe records of the Probate Court of Essex County, Mass., Vol. 13, fol. 71, under date of July 2, 1668, is the Inventory of the estate of one Thomas Dill,of Mar blehead, seaman, who died at sea. — Dillappears to have been part owner, of the vessel, the Catch Prosperous, of Marblehead. Among the creditors of his estate is the name of "Jon fabins "to whom the estate was debtor to i the amount of £3-00-00. This is the first mention of the name of Fabens found upon the records of this region. Marblehead was settled in 1635 by Mr.Allerton and others, the General Court voting that year "that there should be aplantation at Marblehead." On May 2, 1648, the town contained forty-eight families. Itwas incorporated in1649, and in 1674 itcontained 114 householders and others. JoD fabins must, therefore, have been among the ear liest inhabitants of that ancient town, and old enough at the date of the above inventory, "the second day of July, 1668," to be engaged in business; itis not un reasonable, therefore, to suppose him to have been born previous to 1643. The name, as found upon the earlier records, is spelled ina variety of ways, Fabian, Fabin, Fabins and Fabens. We find it spelled in two ways in the same document, which was not unusual inearly times.
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