

To Adjourn


Purpose of the qualified motion to adjourn.

This motion can be worded so as to remind members of the next meeting.


Member I move that this meeting be adjourned until our next meeting on April 5 in this room.

Chair Is there a second?

Member I second the motion.

Notes: Needs a second

Can be discussed

Can be amended

Majority vote


The Motion to Adjourn

1. What is the advantage of the qualified motion to adjourn over the unqualified motion to adjourn for most FFA chapters?

The qualified form of the motion can be debated, amended, and worded so that members are reminded of the next meeting.

2. When might it be desirable for a minority group to introduce an unqualified motion to adjourn?

It would be desirable for a minority group to introduce an unqualified motion to adjourn when they wish to delay, postpone, or prevent consideration of an item of business or a motion to which they are opposed.

3. What might be a desirable amendment to a qualified motion to adjourn?

A desirable amendment would be amendments setting the location and time of the next meeting.


To Call for a Question of Privilege

Purpose : When the rights, privileges, or even the comfort of the assembly demand immediate action.

Examples :

*Put main motion on the

Member I rise to a question of group privilege.

Chair State your question.

Member The P.A. system should be turned up so we can hear.

Chair Your request is granted. Will the sentinel turn up the volume?

Notes : You do not have to get recognition from the chair.

No second


No amendment

Usually decided by chair. If not, needs a vote

Put main motion on floor


To Call for a Question of Privilege

1. If the meeting room was too warm, what would be followed to have the temperature lowered?

To request that the room temperature be lowered, a member would have to rise to a question or privilege. The chair would either decide for the group or put the question to a vote.

2. If the Chair stated that the meeting room was comfortable and the temperature was not to be lowered and you were in disagreement, how would you put the matter to a vote?

If I , as a member, differed with the Chair on a ruling I would immediately after the ruling, direct an from the decision of the chair so that the matter would be put to a vote.

3. What procedure would you follow in order to be excused from a meeting to go to another room?

If I, as a member, wanted to go to another room I would rise to a question of personal privilege and ask the Chair for permission to be excused.

4. Is a question of privilege in order when other business is on the floor? Why?

Yes. A question of privilege is a privileged motion and so important that it takes precedence over all other matters on the floor.


To Call for the

Purpose : commonly use this motion to bring a motion to vote before the opposing side can gain enough votes for their position.

Examples :

*Put a main motion on the floor


Member I move the previous question.

Chair The previous question has been called for on the motion. This motion requires a 2/3 vote for passage. All in favor of ending debate, indicate so by standing. Be seated. All opposed same sign.

Passed: There being 2/3 in favor of ending debate, we shall proceed to vote upon the question.


Failed: Lacking a 2/3 majority, the previous question fails and the main motion are still open for discussion.

Notes : Need a second

No debate

No amendments

2/3 vote


To Call for the Previous Question

What would you do if you were the presiding officer and:

1. A member moved the previous question on the main motion when an amendment was also pending?

The Chairman should state, “The previous question has been called for. Since an amendment is pending and has not yet been voted the previous question will not include this amendment.”

2. A member moved the previous question during discussion of a primary amendment when a secondary amendment was also pending?

The Chairman should state, “The previous question has been called for. Since neither the amendment nor the amendment to the amendment have been voted, the previous question will not include either.”

3. A member called for the previous question only on the secondary amendment?

The Chairman should state, “The previous question has been called for on the secondary amendment. We will now vote on whether to consider this amendment at this time.”

4. A member called for the previous question before the main motion has been seconded?

The Chairman should call the member out of order and ask if there is a second to the pending main motion.


To Postpone Definitely

Purpose : This motion puts off or defers action on a main motion which is before the assembly and fixes a definite time for its future consideration.

Examples : *Put a motion on the floor.

Member I move that the motion to buy a new truck be postponed to the next regular meeting in June.

Notes : Need a second

Is debatable

Is amendable

Majority vote


To Postpone Definitely

1. What is the advantage of the motion to postpone definitely over the motion to table a main motion?

The advantage of the motion to postpone definitely over the motion to table is that the motion to postpone definitely only defers action to a specified time whereas the motion to table defers action until a majority of members wishes to bring the motion back before the group.

2. Is the motion to postpone definitely usually used as a means of eliminating the intent of the main motion which is postponed?

No, the motion to postpone definitely only defers action on the motion to a specified time. It does not eliminate intent.

3. Can the motion to postpone definitely be used as a device to kill a main motion?

No, the motion to postpone definitely can only be used to defer action on a main motion.

4. How does debate on the motion to postpone definitely differ from debate on a main motion?

Debate on the motion to postpone definitely is limited to the reasons for postponing, and cannot address the main motion.


To a Motion

Purpose : Amending a motion is to modify, i.e. change the wording and is in some cases the meaning of the main motion.

Examples : *Put a motion on the floor, get a second and start discussing.


(Inserting) I move to amend the motion by inserting the word Ford.

(Striking Out & Inserting) I move to amend the motion by striking out the word Ford and inserting the word GMC.

(Striking Out) I move to amend the motion by striking out the word Ford.

(Adding) I move to amend the motion by adding the words “For less than $1,000 dollars.”

Notes : Need a second

Need to debate

Can be amended

Majority vote


To Amend a Motion

What would you do if you were the presiding officer and:

1. A member offered an amendment to a motion which the rules of order define as not amendable?

As chairman, I would rule the member out of order and tell him/her that the rules of order define this motion as not amendable.

2. Two members rose and asked for recognition at the same time?

As chairman, I would recognize one of the members. If one had not had an opportunity to speak, I would recognize that person first.

3. As you called for the vote on an amendment, a member asked for a restatement of the amendment and the motion to be voted on?

As chairman, I would restate the amendment and the motion to be voted on.

4. An amendment was offered but received no second?

As chairman, I would state that this motion dies from a lack of support and carry on with the original motion.

5. A member, after being recognized, offered the third amendment to the original motion when two amendments were already on the floor?

As chairman, I would rule this member out of order and tell him/her that there can only be two amendments on the floor at one time.


To Object to the Consideration of a Question

Purpose : Used to prevent discussion of matters which are not worthy of attention

*Put a motion on the floor but do not start discussion.

Member I object to the consideration of the question.

Chair There is objection to considering this question.

A two-thirds negative vote is necessary to prevent consideration. Those in favor of considering this question please rise.

Those opposed, please rise.

Failed There being 2/3 of the members opposed, the matter is dismissed for this session.

Passed There being less than 2/3 opposed, the objection has lost and the matter is again open for discussion.

Notes : No second

No debatable

No amendable

2/3 vote required


To Object to the Consideration of a Question

1. What should the Chair do if someone objects to the consideration of a question after several members have debated the main motion?

As chairman, I would rule this member out of order and tell him/her that an objection must be made before debate has occurred.

2. What would the Chair do if someone objected to the consideration of a motion to refer to a ?

As chairman, I would rule this member out of order and tell him/her that only main motions may be the subject of objections.

3. What would a member do if a Chairman called for a simple majority vote on an objection?

A member would rise to a and tell the chairman that an objection to the consideration of a question requires a two-thirds negative vote.


To Rise to a Point of Order

Purpose : Ordinarily, the motion is used by members to call attention to errors made by other members which are not corrected by the chair in the course of a meeting.

*The chair must make an error such as not asking for a second.

Member I rise to a point of order.

Chair State your point.

Member You forget to ask for a second.

Chair Your point is well taken. Is there a second?


Your point is not well taken. I did ask for a second.

Notes : No second

No debate

No amendments

No vote


To Rise to a Point of Order

What would you do if you were the presiding officer and:

1. A member rose to a point of order?

As chairman, I would ask the member to “state your point” and make a ruling as to whether the member’s point of order is sustained or not sustained.

2. The point of order to which a member had risen was not appropriate?

Your point is not well taken or the point of order is not sustained and give the reasons for the decision.

3. You noticed that you made an error in your procedure or in a ruling?

I would announce that I had made an error and correct it.


To Suspend the Rules

Purpose : This motion is desirable when the best interests of the organization are served by a temporary suspension of the written rules which govern its operation.

Member I move that we suspend the rule that states we can only spend $50 on an item unless it is in the budget.

Notes : Requires a second

No debate

No amendment

2/3 vote required


Motion to Suspend the Rules

What would you do if you were the presiding officer and:

1. A member stated this motion, “I move that we suspend the rules”?

As chairman, I would ask, “Which rule do you wish to suspend?”

2. A member offered an amendment to the motion to suspend only a certain rule?

Call the member out of order and tell him/her that the motion to suspend the rules cannot be amended.

3. You wanted to save time by eliminating the necessity of a motion in order to adopt the of the last meeting as required by the rules of the organization?

As chairman, I would ask for “general consent.”

4. When you asked for “general consent” to carry out a stated procedure, one member objected?

I would call for a motion to suspend the rules and carry on with proper parliamentary procedure.


To Rescind a Motion

Purpose : The motion to rescind or cancels a main motion which has been passed during the current meeting or at a previous meeting.

Member I move to rescind the motion passed last June, which requires all FFA members to attend camp.

Chair Will the secretary please read this motion rescind as well as the motion regarding ALL FFA members to attend camp.

Notes : Can be debatable

Is amendable

A 2/3 majority

Needs a second


To Rescind a Motion

1. What is the difference between rescinding a motion and reconsidering a motion?

In rescinding a motion you cancel out a main motion which has been passed at a previous meeting; there is no time limit. In reconsidering you cancel the main motion after is passage, but applies only during the meeting when the motion is made.

2. Can a member who voted for a motion vote to rescind it?

Yes. Any member can vote on the motion to rescind.

3. Is the motion to rescind retroactive? Why not?

No, a motion to rescind is not retroactive because you cannot undo actions that have taken place from the passage of the main motion up to the time it is rescinded.

4. Can a motion to rescind be received for a motion which has been in effect for five years or more?

Yes, there is no time limit in terms of when a motion may be rescinded.


To Change the Presiding Officer

Purpose : There are times when it may be desirable for another officer or even a member to serve as chairman for a limited time.

*Put a main motion on the floor. After the second, the chair will state the following:

Chair Will John please come forward and preside, so I may discuss this motion?

*The new chairman should carry out the motion. Then he will state the following:

New Chair Would the original chairman please return to the chair?


To Leave and to Return to the President’s Station

1. What should you say if you were the presiding officer, you wanted another person to preside and the vice president was absent?

I would call another officer, or member, to assume the chair in my absence, and give the reason for changing presiding officers.

2. When should the gavel be used by the person assuming the chair?

One rap of the gavel should be made as soon as the temporary chairman assumes the president’s station.

3. What might be an example of an inappropriate time to call for a new presiding officer?

There is no inappropriate time.

4. What are some appropriate reasons for the presiding officer to turn the chair over to someone else?

The presiding officer may wish to discuss a motion or when it may be embarrassing to preside, or when it is necessary to leave the meeting room.