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South Australian Police Gazette 1947 Ref. AU5103-1947 ISBN: 978 1 921494 86 4

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BY AUTHORITY: K. M. STEVENSON , Government Printer, Adelaide.

1948. A IND E X

A Adler, Richard Oscar, convicted, 173. Adonas, Antonio, complainant, 13. Aarons, Henry, naval deserter, 397; recovered, 405. Advertiser Newspapers Ltd., bicycle stolen, 77; motor car Aarons, Sidney, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, 67. stolen,202; car recovered,222. Abbott, Charles Anthony Lempriere, complaint withdrawn, 49. Aebi, Stella Rose, watch lost or stolen, 468. Abbott, Derick Athol Lempriere, complaint withdrawn, 49. Aero Motors, garage broken into, 54. Abbott, Lily May, complainant, 299. Agius, Alfred Reginald, convicted, 205; warrant for, 322; Abbott, May Adelaide, watch lost or stolen, 78; recovered, 89. paid, 484. Abbott, Thomas Burtrum, bicycle stolen, 8. Agnew, Louis Paul, complainant, 224; convicted, 290. Abdulla, Gilbert, warrant for, 64; pays portion, 150; pays Agosstenelli, John Paul, naval deserter, 204. balance, 168. Ahrens, Arthur Collin, convicted, 319. Abdulla, William, warrant for, 168; arrested, 228; discharged, Aidinis, John, money stolen, 420. 246. Aidinis, Mary, offenders arrested for larceny on, 7; com- Abel, William Frederick, convicted, 155. plainant, 11. Abernethy, Rupert Havelock, complainant, 12. Aidinis, Mary Lillian, suspected of larceny, 420. Abinett, William Joseph, convicted, 417. Aikman, George Ernest, convicted, 182. Aborigines Act, exemptions granted under, 25, 44 177, 255, Air, Raymond, convicted, 116. 2,651321, 372, 445, 463, 473; exemptions revoked, 293, 372. Aird, Archibald, complainant, 433. Abraham, John, convicted, 21'6. Aird, Archibald James, convicted, 12. Abrahams, A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 448. Air Flow Refrigeration Ltd., factory broken into, 304. Abrahams, Lawrence W. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Aiston, Leo James, convicted, 451. Abrook, Kathleen Laura, bicycle stolen, 8. Aiston, Malcolm Roland Peter, missing friend, 326; absconder, Abrook, Wallace Alfred John, alias Wallace John Alfred 331 (2) ; missing friend located, 377; absconder located, Abrook, special inquiry re absconding, 284; warrant for, 411; convicted, 433. 285. Aitchison, Norman Murdock, shop broken into, 169. Abrook, Wallace John Alfred, see Wallace Alfred John Abrook. Aitchison, William, dog stolen or strayed, 449; recovered, 460. Abrook, William Nicholas, bicycle stolen, 249. Aitken, Donald Kingsford, released on bond, 338. Absolom, Peter Silveana, convicted, 49. Aitken, Lanfrier Alexander Charles, convicted, 32. Acland, John Ewart, released on bond, 127. Aitken, Tom Harris, naval deserter, 58; recovered, 251. Adam, Arthur James, warrant for, 294. Aiyasamy, Vadival, alias Barry, committed for trial, 252; nolle Adam, John, warrant for, 239. Prosequi entered, 379. Adam, Susan Veronica, aliases Susan Veronica Kumrow, Susan Akerley, Mervyn Raymond, naval deserter recovered, 366. Veronica Fraser, committed for trial, 252; nolle prosequi Alafaci, Paul, motor car stolen, 430; recovered, 439. entered,379. Albino, Frank Perry, deserts wife, 57. Adams, see William Gilbert Thomas. Alcock, Donald Morton, shop broken into, 275. Adams, Aileen Annie, complainant, 182. Alcock, Harold, convicted, 31. Adams, Alfred Arthur, fails to maintain, 96; warrants for, Alder, Kenneth Hatton (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 89; 132, 150; missing friend, 326. recovered, 98. Adams, Eileen, see Muriel Eileen Burrell. Alderson, Peter Kevin (gazetted as Peter Kevin Anderson), Adams, Eileen Jean, obtains warrant for Alfred Arthur Adams, correction in discharge, 16. 150. Aldridge, Allan Douglas, complaint dismissed, 328. Adams, Elvira Annie, complainant, 406. Aldridge, Kara Paquita, suit stolen, 55. Adams, George Herbert (Vie.), motor car stolen, 78. Aldridge, S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 212; recovered, 222. Adams, Horace Rex, convicted, 470. Aldridge, Vivian Glen, convicted, 128. Adams, Jane Susan, house broken into, 428. Alexander, Apostolo, complainant, 145. Adams, Janet, necklace lost or stolen, 477. Alexander, Doris Elizabeth (trading as F. Beer), wallet, etc., Adams, Jean, fails to maintain, 294. stolen,458. Adams, L. W. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 277. Alexander, Elizabeth, convicted, 233. Adams, Maurice Francis, bicycle stolen, 133; recovered, 143. Alexander, Francis, petrol, etc., stolen, 343; recovered, offender Adams, Pty. Ltd., offenders admit breakings on 88 (2). arrested, 403; complainant, 407. Adams, Robert John Samuel, house broken into, 428. Alexander, Frank Maxwell, deserts wife; 116; arrested, 269; Adams, Vivian Harold, complainant, 388. deserts wife, 376. Adamson, Edward Russell, remanded to Vic., 452. Alexander, Frederick A., convicted, 451. Adamson, John Beveredge, convicted, 32. Alexander, Gilbert Myles, kitbag, etc., stolen, 249. Adamson, Ruth Hazel Minto, naval deserter recovered, 366. Alexander, J. R. and Son, factory broken into, 88; portion Adamson, William Kenneth (trading as Radio Services), com- property recovered, 240. plainant, 397. Alexander, James, remanded to Alice Springs, 405. Adcock, Charles Henry, convicted, 440. Alexander, John, trolley stolen, 421. Addison, Judith Laird, clothing stolen, 141. Alexander, Joseph William, complainant, 356. Adelaide Auctions and Agency Ltd. ( Kenneth Clifford Steers, Alexander, John Frederick, convicted, 356. part owner), complainant, 232; shop broken into, 420. Alexander, John William Hill, naval deserter, 386; recovered, Adelaide Club Incorporated, complainant, 262. 449. Adelaide Car Service Ltd., complainant, 183. Alexander, Lucy Henrietta, missing friend, 243; located, 251. Adelaide Cement Co., electric, motor stolen, 97. Alexander, Stanley Gordon, missing friend, 172; located, 243; Adelaide Chemical and Fertilizer Co. Ltd.; complainant, 206. convicted, 356. Adelaide Children's Hospital Inc., complainant, 39. Alexander, William David Norman, discharged, 41; warrant Adelaide Co-operative Soc. Ltd., convicted, 357. for 132; arrested, 200; convicted, 206; discharged, 235; Adelaide Dyers and Dry Cleaners (Arthur John McGee, committed for sentence, 252; convicted, 379. proprietor), factory broken into, 169. Allan and Starks (Qld.), utility stolen, 89; recovered, 98. Adelaide Joinery Works Ltd., office broken into, 122; property Allan, David, bicycle stolen, 438; recovered, 448. recovered,229. Allan, Frederick Alexander, bicycle stolen, 180. Adelaide Medical Society, wireless stolen, 7. Allan, Herbert, see Herbert Allen. Adelaide Milk Supply Co-operative Ltd., complainant, 31. Allan, J., see Gordon Vincent Millard. Adelaide Milling Co. (Arthur William Coleman, manager), Allan, John Felix, house broken into, 4, 5. wheat sacks stolen, 458. Allan, Mark, naval deserter recovered, 91. Adelaide Safe Deposit (Executor Trustee and Agency Co. of Allan, Robert George, complainant, 407. S.A. Ltd.), offender arrested for officebreaking on, 323; Allans Ltd., wireless stolen, 413. complainant, 327. Allard, James Joseph Francis, alias Jones, convicted, 182, 244, Adelaide Saw Works, saws stolen, 133. 291; discharged, 292, 408; convicted, 489. Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd., complainant, 164, 290, 337, 346, Allard, Kathleen Mary Veronica, aliases Aquilina, Kathleen 405. Rodigues Gil, discharged, 15. Adelaide Steam Tug Co., complainant, 337. Allen, see Michael Henry Ryan. Adelman, (Vie.), motor car stolen, 115; recovered, 124. Allen, see Alan James Westbury. Adey, Cyril Allan Drummond, convicted and motor driver's Allen, Albert Ernest, fails to maintain, 121. licence cancelled, 425. Allen, Albert John, bicycle stolen, 133; recovered, 143. Adison, Allan, see Allan Adison Thomas. Allen, Benjamin, see Francis F'erney. Adkins, Allan Bryce (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 325. Allen, C. J., estate of (E. S. Allen, executor), clock stolen, 6. Adlam, Dolscie, complainant, 406. Allen, Lassie. Diana, clothing, etc., stolen, 421. Adler, Leo (trading as Electro Help), shop broken into, 160; Allen, E. S., see estate of C. J. Allen. complainant, 261. Allen, Edward Thomas, bicycle stolen, 213. iv. INDEX.

Allen, George Alexander, convicted, 70. Andolfatta, Luirino, dismissed under Offenders Probation Act, Allen, Graham Upton (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242; recovered, 397. 316. Andraivitch, Boris Riss, see Rex William Pearce. Allen, Herbert (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 439. Andres, June Mary, bicycle stolen, 448;• recovered, 468. Allen, Herbert, alias Herbert Allan, warrant for, 75; arrested, Andrew, Charles Lloyd, convicted, 451. 104; convicted, 116; discharged, 130; arrested for steal- Andrew, Maxine Olive, brooch lost or stolen, 115. ing bicycle, 171; convicted, 173; discharged, 252; con- Andrew, Stanley Roger, convicted, 451. victed, 432; discharged, 481. Andrew, Thomas, see Thomas Andrew Morton. Allen, John, see Jack Garrett. Andrewartha, Percival William Francis, complainant, 379. Allen, John, stolen property recovered, 7. Andrews, Albert Andrew, see Thomas Andrew Morton. Allen, John Howard, house broken into, 75. Andrews, Albert Morton, see Thomas Andrew Morton. Allen, Leonard James, convicted and motor driver's licence Andrews, Albert Percy, inquest on body of, 91. cancelled, 300. Andrews, Alma, information dismissed, 489. Allen, Marjory Ada, bicycle stolen, 267; recovered, 277. Andrews, Alwyn Edgar Frederick, bicycle stolen, 486. Allen, Oscar Charles Joseph, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 259. Andrews, Arthur William John, shop broken into, 5. Allen, Reuben John, naval deserter, 326; recovered, 355. Andrews, Bertram, see Leslie Williams. Allen, Robert Thomas, warrant for, 35. Andrews, Clara, see Clara Ellen Brown. Allen, William Arthur, convicted, 155, 328; discharged, 481. Andrews, Bernard, suspected of officebreaking, 383. Allen, William Henry, wheelbarrow stolen, 66. Andrews, Donald Alan Francis, convicted, 59; discharged, 102; Allingham, George Lester, convicted, 204. convicted, 116, 308; warrant for, 362; arrested, 428. Allis, J. P. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 315; recovered, 439. Andrews, Douglas, see Thomas Andrew Morton. Allison, Vernon, see Victor Allison. Andrews, Edward Thomas, see Edward Thomas. Allison, Victor, aliases Vernon Allison, Arthur Fowler, Arthur Andrews, H. (N. ,S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 458. Turner, convicted, 243. Andrews, Harry, watch lost or stolen, 231. Allison, William Milbourne, convicted, 70. Andrews, Herbert, see Herbert Anderson. Allister, Alwyne Bruce, convicted, 233; correction, 262. Andrews, Leslie Charles, see Leslie Williams. Allnutt, Marion E. L. (Commander), see Women's Australian Andrews, Mary, bicycle stolen, 315; number supplied, 324. National Service. Andrews, Neil, naval deserter, 116; recovered, 125; naval Alm, Herbert Edwin, complainant, 224. deserter, 154; recovered, 251. Almond, Richard Gooding, convicted, 377. Andrews, Ronald George, otherwise Ross Gordon Andrews, Almond, William Wesley, see S.A. Government (Harbors warrant for, 18 (2) ; arrested, 87. Board). Andrews, Ross Gordon, see Ronald George Andrews. Altschwager, Alan James, convicted, 478. Andrews, Thomas, see Thomas Andrew Morton. Altschwager, Donald William, convicted, 196. Andrews, William, obtains warrant for Thomas George Daffey, Altschwager, Reginald James, convicted, 327. 132. Alva, R. L., suspected of shopbreaking, 240. Anear, Bernard John, binoculars stolen, 46. Alver, Frederick Cecil, electric motor stolen, 179. Anesbury, James Wilson, fails to maintain, 285; warrant for, Amadio, Benjamin, suspected of larceny, 6; missing friend, 294; arrested, 446_ (2). 10; located, 31; not now suspected, 37. Angel, Albert Walter, convicted, 346. Amadio, Giovanni, cheque stolen, 6; cleared up, 37. Angel, Roy George, convicted, 70. Amateur Turf Club Incorporated, complainant, 156. Angel, William Roy, garage broken into, property recovered, Amato, Domenico, convicted, 308. 45. Amber and Sutton, complainant, 397. Angelico, Antonio, alien, 2; arrested, 483. Amber, William John, dinghy stolen, 343; recovered, 353. Angelin, Peter Ralph, revolver stolen, 221. Amee, Charles Alfred, convicted, 116. Angie, Alfred Victor, discharged, 389. Amelia, Stefano, alien located, 103. Angie, Noel Thomas, discharged, 208. Amelunxen, Manfred Alfons Bernard von, alien, 95; located, Angie, Norman, released on bond, 377. 103; alien, 199. Angley, James Vincent, indicted to Supreme Court, 232; con- Ames, Harry, alias Williams, arrested on warrant, 200; con- victed, 301. victed, 206; discharged, 234. Angliss, W. & Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., complainant, 109, 196, Amoore, Nell, convicted, 379. 233. Amor, Donald, drum lost or stolen, 376; recovered, 386. Angorichina Hostel, pump lost or stolen, 38; recovered, 57. Amos, John Maxwell, convicted, 462. Angus, Thomas Henry, convicted, 417; correction, 425. Anastasas, Antonios George, convicted, 155. Annear, David, convicted, 205. Anders, Alice Helena, brooch lost or stolen, 99. Annette, Edith, see Patricia Annette Ralph. Anderson, see Julius Stenberg. Ansell, James Vincent, naval deserter, 68. Anderson, see William Lionel Mattner. Anspach, Leslie Jacob, convicted and motor driver's licence Anderson, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. suspended, 82. Anderson, Charles Bernard, convicted, 101. Antcliffe, Gault Alexander, satchel stolen, 267; recovered, 296. Anderson, Charles Thomas, complainant, 196. Apac ' Industries Ltd., complainant, 327. Anderson, Colin Eric, convicted and motor driver's licence sus- Apilt, L. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 143; recovered, 316. pended, 358. Apostolidis, Michael, shop broken into, 4. Anderson, Elio Walter, alien located, 411. Appleton, Dick, see Harold Richard Appleton. Anderson, Donald Keith, sheep stolen or strayed, 344. Appleton, Ernest Oscar Poppano, complainant, 432. Anderson, Edgar Rudolph, bicycle stolen, 364. Appleton, Harold Richard, aliases Charles Moburn, Richard Anderson, G. B., Air Force deserter recovered, 260. Appleton, Dick Appleton, arrested on warrent, 294; con- Anderson, George Borge, bicycle stolen, 459. victed, 299; discharged, 453; warrant for, 456; pays Anderson, Gustav Gotthold, see Gustav Gottlieb Anderson. portion, 474. Anderson, Gustav Gottlieb, otherwise Gustav Gotthold Ander- Appleton, Lillian Teresa, alias Lillian Theresa Appleton, dis- son, convicted, 416. charged, 61, 184; convicted, 432. Anderson, Gwendoline, complainant, 144. Appleton, Lillian Theresa, see Lillian Teresa Appleton. Anderson, Herbert, aliases Herbert Andrews, George Dusting, Appleton, Richard, see Harold Richard Appleton. Herbert Alic Wilson, convicted, 12; discharged, 166. Applications for positions in the Public Service:- Anderson, Herbert, see George Harris. Aborigines Department, 37, 209. Anderson, James, see Hugh Henry Stafford Lumley. Country Local Courts Department, 237. Anderson, Jean, ring stolen, 66. Fisheries and Game Department, 237. Anderson, Jim, see Unknown Man. Harbors Board Department, 237 (2). Anderson, John Edward, bicycle stolen, 315; recovered, 325. Immigration, Publicity, and Tourist Bureau, 237. Anderson, John Joseph, convicted, 489. Lands Department, 237. Anderson, Leslie, hotel broken into, 257. Magill Boys' Training School, 25, 209(2). Anderson, Magnus Wilhelm, aliases William Anderson, Magnus Mines Department, 371. William Anderson, convicted, 48; discharged, 111; con- Printing and Stationery Department, 371. victed, 450. Public Works Department, 371. Anderson, Magnus William, see Magnus Wilhelm Anderson. Supreme Court Department, 237. Anderson, Matron Edith, watch stolen, 467. Aquilina, see Kathleen Mary Veronica Allard. Anderson, Maurice V., see Thomas Cook and Son (Aust.), Arbon, Oswald Howard, complainant, 183. Pty. Ltd. Arbon, Robert Fulton, convicted, 39. Anderson, Maxwell Maclure (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 404. Arbon, Thomas Walter, complainant, 367. Anderson, Peter Charles, bicycle stolen, 106; recovered, 124. Archibald, Carlyle Morris Irving, naval deserter recovered, 366. Anderson, Peter Kevin, see Peter Kevin Alderson. Argent, Edna, absconder, 177; located, 191. Anderson, Robert Alfred, convicted, 233. Argent, Joe, see Joseph Argent. Anderson, Ronald, see James Hamilton Gogall. Argent, Joseph, alias Joe Argent, convicted, 13; complaint dis- Anderson, Susan, discharged, 147. missed, -14; convicted, 50; warrant for, 87; discharged, Anderson, Thomas Edward, discharged, 197; missing friend. 111; warrant for, 210; pays portion, 446; arrested, 446. 260; located, 269. Argent, Joseph Horace, convicted, 173. Anderson, Victor Bedwell, suitcase stolen, '429; additional Argent, Roy, committed for sentence, 59; cited in inquest, 116; property, 467. convicted, 196. Anderson, William, see Magnus Wilhelm Anderson. Arkenstall, K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 56. Anderton, John Knight, naval deserter recovered, 366. Armenoris, Peter, complaint dismissed, 280. INDEX. V.

Amour, Earl, naval deserter, 317; recovered, 345; naval Atkinson, Leonard (trading as F. J. Atkinson), convicted, 32. deserter, 449. Atkinson, Leonard Leslie, arrested on warrant, 383. Amour, Richard Clive, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 385. Atkinson, Lillian May, complainant, 407. Armstrong, see Percival Granville Walsh. Atkinson, Mervyn Henry, convicted, 245. Armstrong, George, naval deserter recovered, 90. Atkinson, Neville Rupert, offenders arrested for stealing Armstrong, James Joseph, complainant, 109. bicycle of, 29,. Armstrong, John (Mrs.) (N.S.W.), house broken into, 123. Atkinson, Norman Murray, arrested on warrant, 4; missing Armstrong, Leslie Maxwell, convicted, 300. friend located, 21; fails to maintain, 159. Armstrong, Lucy May, convicted, 216. Atkinson, Robert Charles, arrested for housebreaking, 141; Armstrong, Margaret Isabel, fowls stolen, 438. convicted, 183. Armstrong, Peter, aliases Phillip Armstrong, Peter Haynes, Atkinson, Robert Leonard, convicted, 32. George Lewis, Peter Bradley, committed for trial, 233; Atkinson, Thomas Walker, committed for trial, 291; released convicted, 319. on bond, 379. Armstrong, Phillip, see Peter Armstrong: Atlas Electrical Co. Ltd., battery service, etc., stolen, 351. Armstrong, Rex William, suit, etc., stolen, 286; property Atta Drive Yourself (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 249; recovered, recovered, offender arrested, 315; complainant, 327. 268, 288; motor car stolen, 395; recovered, 487. Armstrong, T. A. (Qld.), trailer stolen, 153; recovered, 242. Attiwill, Martin William, convicted, 174. Armstrong, Thomas Joseph, discharged, 418. Attwood, James William, convicted, 117. Armstrong, Thomas Michael (Dr.) (N.S.W.), house broken Atwell, James Webber, convicted, 406. into, 123. Aubert, Grace Irene, clothing stolen, 295. Armstrong, William John, aliases Gustav Johansson, John Aubin, James, complainant, 118; discharged, 137; complaint Gustav Johansson, William John Johansson, Edward John dismissed, 451. Johansson, convicted, 378, 406; discharged, 408. Audoss, William Edward, convicted, 356. Army Disposals, see Sven John Kallin. Aufderhelde, Maxwell Edward, watch stolen, 19. Arnensen, Leslie John, see Leslie John Arnesen. Auhl, Ian Leslie, convicted, 92. Arnesen, Leslie John, alias Leslie John Arnensen, committed Auld, Michael, field glasses stolen, 169. for trial, 32; case made remanet, 129; nolle prosequi Auld, Nicol, bicycle stolen, 202; recovered, 297. entered, 174; case made remanet, 196. Aultschwager, Neil Frederick, convicted, 92. Arnold, A. E. R., convicted, 379. Aust, Arthur Henry, fails to maintain, 294; portion paid, 464, Arnold, C., Mrs., fur stolen, 384. 474. Arnold, F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297. Austin, Barney Alfred, convicted, 244. Arnold, Freda May, bicycle stolen, 468. Austin, James Rutherford, bicycle stolen, 29; recovered, 38. Arnold, Frederick Charles Grimley, alias F. James, discharged, Australasian Conference Association Ltd., see Sanatorium 33, 110; warrant for, 121; arrested, 132; convicted, 183; Health Food Co. discharged, 281; convicted, 290; discharged, 442. Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, South Aus- Arnold, John Edward, convicted, 432; discharged, 480. tralian Branch, complainant, 70. Arnold, Robert Arthur, house broken into, 192. Australian Advertisers (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 66; Arnold, Thomas, clothing, etc., stolen, 315. recovered,89. Arntsen, Anders, committed for sentence, 488. Australian Cotton Textile Industries Ltd. (Actil), complainant, Arriola, Desmond Thomas, ring lost or stolen, 415. 406. Arrowsmith, Leslie Raymond, naval deserter, 431. Australian Dry Cleaners, clothing stolen, 364. Arthur, John Lawrence, convicted, 318. Australian Honey Producers Co-op. Society Ltd., moneys, etc., Arthur, Valda May, missing friend, 204; located, 232. stolen, 374. Arthur, Victor Charles, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, 213. Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women Inc., com- Arthur. William Nelson, see Findon Bakery. plainant, 397. Arthurson, James Thomas, see Great Northern Hotel. Australian Master Builders Co. (Herbert Edward Alfred McCarthy, proprietor), factory broken into, 220. Arthurson, Thomas Alfred, convicted and motor driver's licence Australian National Airways (N.S.W.), watch movements suspended, 50. stolen, 296. Asbestos Cement Co. Ltd., complainant, 49. Australian Provincial Assurance Association Ltd., com- Asche, Darrel Wilson, clothing stolen, 324. plainant, 232. Ash, William Herbert, complainant, 215. Australian Salt Co. Ltd., complainant, 290; shed stolen, 324. Ashby, Anthony Roy, see Anton Roy Ashby. Australian Steamship Co., cigarettes stolen, 161. Ashby, Anton Roy, alias Anthony Roy Ashby, committed for Australian Wheat Board- trial, 60; convicted, 129. Goondooloo, wheat stolen, 28, 76. Ashby, August James, bicycle stolen, 385. Port Adelaide, complainant, 252, 279. Ashe, Roy, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 153. Port Adelaide-Gladstone, cornsacks stolen, 276, 324. Ashe, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 306; recovered, 316. Australian Wines Ltd., office broken into, 351. Ashenden, Jack William, naval deserter recovered, 366. Australian Workers Union, motor car stolen, 230; recovered, Asher, Alexander Lawrence, fowls stolen, 395; bicycle stolen, 297. 438. Auto Auctions (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 315; recovered, 325. Asher, Sydney Victor, convicted, 450. Avery, Thomas, warrant for, 18. Ashford Clothing Co. (Israel Golovsky, proprietor), factory Awege, Gilbert Cedric, convicted, 252. broken into, 54; portion property recovered, offender Axon, Walter James, convicted, 117. arrested, 141; complainant, 146, 243; material, etc., stolen, Ayliffe, William Lionel, convicted, 93. 267. Ayling, Cuthbert Milne, convicted, 80. Ashford Service Station (Owen James Harrison, proprietor), hose stolen, 314; pressure gauges lost or stolen, 316; hose recovered,324; gauges recovered, 335. Ashley, Joseph, see William Scannel. Ashley, Peter Morris Arthur, convicted and motor driver's B licence cancelled, 207. Babidge, R. and Sons, factory broken into, 474. Ashman, Leonard Frederick, complainant, 58. Bach, Kenneth Geoffrey, convicted, 471. Ashton, Allan George, Discharged, 33, 41; convicted, 60, 261; Back, Joan, ring lost or stolen, 21; recovered, 30. discharged, 338. Back, Richard William, warrant for, 436; paid, 484. Ashton, George Allen, convicted, 328. Backhouse, Cecil Vivian, aliases J. Harris, J. Murray, M. A. Ashton, James William, see Joseph Byrne. Rogers, suspected of larceny of bicycle, 344, 306 (2) ; Ashton, Joseph George (Vic.), bus chassis stolen, 306. arrested for larceny of bicycles, 487 (3) ; convicted, 488. Ashton, William Raymond, complainant, 116. Backler, Eric Lincoln, convicted, 39, 60. Ashwin, Edward Herbert, convicted, 80. Backler, John Francis, complainant, 70, 136. Ashwin, Frank, watch lost or stolen, 242. Backler, William Thomas, released on bond, 244. Askew, Richard Arthur, naval deserter recovered, 90. Backshall, William Henry, see Hallett Hotel. Asley, Joseph, see William Scannel. Backstrom, Nils Verner, utility drill stolen, 249. Asplin, Maxwell Walter, suspected of housebreaking, 36. Bacon, James John, released on bond, 470. Aston, Phillip Francis, convicted, 173; discharged, 175. Badeock, Peter Ronald, dismissed under O.P. Act, 116. Aston, Ronald Frederick, convicted, 490. Baddock, Leslie Thomas, clothing, etc., stolen, 334. Astor, Allan, suspected of larceny, 364. Badenoch, James Lancelot, complainant, 479. Atkins, Francis, convicted, 300. Badenoch, Malcolm Eric, convicted and driver's licence can- Atkins, Herbert Alfred, bicycle stolen, 180. celled, 471. Atkins, John William, convicted, 14. Badenoch, Robert William, convicted and motor driver's licence Atkins, Leslie John, convicted, 205. cancelled, 471. Atkins, William Edward, convicted, 100. Badenoch, Vernon Thomas, convicted, 155. Atkinson, F. J. (Leonard Atkinson, trading as), see Leonard Badenock, Vernon Thomas, sheep stolen or strayed, 288. Atkinson. Badger, Harry, see Harold Badger. Atkinson, Jack, convicted, 128. Badger, Harold, aliases Harry Badger, Harry Taylor,- con- Atkinson, James Henry, convicted, 81. victed, 368; discharged, 389. Atkinson, Janice Lorraine, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 344. Badman, Alexander, convicted, 117. Atkinson, Kenneth, convicted, 204, 424. Bagalene, Bernard, overcoat lost or stolen, 277. Atkinson, Leonard, convicted, 327. Baggott, Allan Frederick, house broken into, 5. vi. INDEX.

Baggs, Annie Muriel Rose, handbag lost or stolen, 344. Ball, Norman Athol (Qld.), special inquiry re fraudulent con- Bagnall, E. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 162; recovered, 181. version on, 139; Robert Graham Selby, alias Robert George Bagot, J., saw stolen, 465. Primmer, has been arrested for this offence, 191; com- Bagshaw, Lawrence Gilbert, released on bond, 14. plainant, 196. Bahniseh, Bernhard Theodor, convicted, 337. Ball, Raymond John, convicted, 128. Bail, Ronald Leslie, bicycle stolen, 343. Ball, Robert Petherton, convicted, 81. Bailetti, Guiseppe, gun stolen, further description of, 324. Ball, Ronald Leonard, aliases Joseph Leahy, Arthur Priest, Bailey, see John Edward Browne. Lawrence Leonard Selby, Ronald Leonard Leahy, Ronald Bailey, Albert Victor, discharged, 61. Leonard Selby, Ronald Leonard Parker, Ronald Joseph Bailey, Charles Masterman, motor car stolen, 375; recovered, Brown, discharged, 120. offenders arrested, 396; complainant, 398. Ballam, F. H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Bailey, Cyril Edward, micrometers stolen, 114. Ballans, Minna Amelia, convicted, 451. Bailey, Frank Leo, complainant, 127. Ballantyne, Theodore Fergus, axle and hubs stolen, 476. Bailey, George Walter, fowls stolen, 429. Ballantyne, Theodore Fergus, see South Western Manufactur- Bailey, J., see Walter James Bailey. ing Company Limited. Bailey, James McGregor, warrant for, 64. Ballard, William, camera stolen, 56. Bailey, John Weir (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 375. Ballek, M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 458. Bailey, Lucy Joan, complainant, 172. Balnaves, Geoffrey, convicted, 434. Bailey, Martin John Benjamin (trading as E. K. Harker and Balnaves, Ivan John, watch lost or stolen, 288. Company), shop broken into, 257. Balnaves, Stuart Dawson, convicted, 108. Bailey, Robert Keith, committed for trial, 59; convicted, 196. Bamford, Elizabeth May, alias Elizabeth May Just, discharged, Bailey, Walter James (gazetted as J. Bailey), sports coat 130; complaint dismissed, 205; convicted, 215; discharged, stolen, 114; offender arrested and property recovered, 234; complaint dismissed, 290; discharged, 347; convicted, 152; complainant, 155. 387, 441; discharged, 480. Baillee, Grace Emily Muriel, offender arrested for larceny on, Bamford, George E., naval deserter recovered, 91. 7; complainant, 11. Bampton, Harold Maxwell, convicted, 23. Baillie, Isabella Muriel, offender arrested for larceny on, 7. Bampton, Keith Lancelot, bicycle stolen, 124; recovered, 153. Bain, Horace Donald, complaint withdrawn, 216. Bandcock, Irene Elizabeth, bicycle stolen, 438. Bain, Robert Vernon Stewart, camera stolen, 267. Bandick, Raymond John, convicted, 441. Bain, Thomas James, bicycle stolen, 170. Bandle, Ivy, ring lost or stolen, 21; recovered, 386. Bainger, Dawn, overcoat stolen, 457. Bank of Adelaide (Cleve Branch), complainant, 346. Baird, Elsie, convicted, 407. Banks, Dennis Milton, suit coat stolen; 114; recovered, 123. Baird, Gabriel Richard, battery stolen, 193. Banks, Donald Edward, convicted, 245. Baird, Gwenda Rosemary, complainant, 92. Banks, Frank Herbert, naval deserter, 125; recovered, 181. Baird, Roland, committed for trial, 92; not guilty on grounds Banner, William Alexander, deserts wife, 415. of insanity and to be kept in strict custody until the Banner, William Arthur, bicycle -stolen, 324; recovered,, 354. Governor's pleasure be known, 196. Bannerman, Jack William Charles, convicted, 424. Bairstow, Clarence Abraham, convicted, 182. Banning, Catherine Teresa, towels and pillowcases stolen, 413. Bairstow and Crossman, see Gwynneth Marjorie Crossman, Bannister, Clarence William, convicted, 251. see also Raymond Bairstow. Bannister, John Henry, convicted, 204, 309, 470. Bairstow, Clem Edward, convicted, 81. Bannon, Keith Noel, naval deserter, 30. Bannon, Patrick Joseph, warrant for, 393. Bairstow, Raymond (trading as Bairstow and Grossman), con- Barakovich, A. (N.S.W.), motor lorry stolen, 375; recovered, victed and motor driver's licence disqualified, 82. 385. Baker, Alwyn Bowman, house broken into, 373; offender Barber, Mervyn Oswald John, convicted, 291. arrested,property recovered,403. Barber, Sydney Bruce, convicted, 233, 478. Baker, Annie Elizabeth, house broken into, 248; offender Barbour, Michael, convicted, 182; discharged, 217. arrested, 313.- Barbour, Reginald Gordon, convicted, 182; discharged, 217. Baker, Charles Walter Howard, complaint dismissed, 346. Barbridge, Peter, arrested on warrant, 393. Baker, Clifford Wesley, convicted and motor driver's licence Barclay, Samuel Clive, tools stolen, 465. suspended, 368. Bard, John, complainant, 337. Baker, Edward Joseph Charles Robert, naval deserter Barfield, Charles, see Ivan Henry Dunstan. recovered, 91. Barilla, Guiseppe (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. Baker, Eric Edwin, inquest on body of, 450. Barker, Brigadier L. E. S., tyre and tubes stolen, 413. Baker, Frank Norton, convicted and motor driver's licence Barilla, Guiseppe (N.S.W.), alien, 210. disqualified, 184. Barkell, Keith, released on bond, 16. Baker, George Henry, aliases Gerald Henry Bartsch, Robert Barker, Alwyn Bowman, complainant, 407. Watson, Cyril Henry Bartsch, Gerald Henry Bartsh, dis- Barker, Benjamin, bicycle stolen, 124; recovered, 231. charged, 320. Barker, Edward George, complainant, 215. Baker, Gladys Beatrice, missing friend, 21; located, 31. Barker, George, convicted, 378. Baker, Harold Vernon, fails to maintain, 96; portion paid, Barker, J. G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 38; recovered, 57. 104, 122, 228. Barker, John, convicted, 155. Baker, Herbert Harry, house broken into,' 248; offender Barker, John Raymond, camera lost or stolen, 477. arrested, 313. Barker, Mary, watch lost or stolen, 423. Baker, John, see William Casey. Barker, Patrick Phillip, convicted, 424. Baker, John Richard, garage broken into, 201; tool box Barker, Reginald, complainant, 279. recovered,239. Barlow, Bruce, motor car stolen, 241; recovered, 259. Baker, Kevin, bicycle stolen, 8. Barlow, Harvey Raymond, watch lost or stolen, 203. Baker, Malcolm Roydon, complainant, 424. Barmby, John Samuel, convicted, 338; absconder, 445; located, Baker, Reginald Harold, convicted, 69; discharged, 166. 456. Baker, Russell John, naval deserter, 48; recovered, 440. Barmby, Vernon Robert, committed for sentence, 127; con- Baker, Stanley James Simpson, convicted and motor driver's victed, 174. licence disqualified, 471. Barmera Hotel, complainant, 244. Baker, Stella Joyce, ring recovered, 21. Barnes, Alfred Leslie, naval deserter, 38. Baker, Warren Vivian, complainant, 146. Barnes, Alan, complainant, 136. Baker, William George, complaint dismissed, 452. Barnes, Christina, handbag stolen, 275. Bakewell, Mary Gwendoline (N.S.W.), special inquiry , for Barnes, Douglas Edward, complainant, 388. murder of, reward extended, 63. Barnes, Frank R., naval deserter recovered, 90. Bald, Mervyn Lindsay, convicted, 279, 280. Barnes, Frederick Percival Graham, gelding stolen or strayed, Bald, Raymond Norman, convicted and motor driver's licence recovered,9. suspended, 491. Barnes, Herbert Roderick, fails to maintain, 159. Bald, Ronald Bruce, convicted, 155. Barnes, J., Proprietary (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 276; Baldock, Barbara, bicycle stolen, 277; number of bicycle, 306; recovered, 376. recovered, 316. Barnes, Lillian, ring lost or stolen, 460. Baldock, Donald Leslie, motor cycle stolen, 98; portion Barnes, Malcolm George, complainant, 368. recovered, 307. Barnes, Melva Irene, convicted, 270. Baldock, Ernest, convicted and motor driver' s licence sus- Barnes; Percy William, convicted, 356, pended, 101, Barnes, Richard Jeffery, false pretences on, 200. Baldock, Yvonne Eveline, bracelet lost or stolen, 30; recovered, Barnes, W. A. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 487. 89. Barnett, Frank Stewart, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Baldwin, James William, convicted, 338. Barnett, Kevin Frank, convicted, 244. Baldwin, Mervyn Hurtle, convicted and motor driver's licence Barnett, Phillip Humphries, convicted, 196. cancelled, 40. Barnett, Samuel Joseph, rim, tyre, and tube stolen, 437. Baldwinson, Mrs., cardigan stolen, 114; off ender arrested, 152. Barney, see William John Stewart Pymble (N.S.W.). Balestrin, Antonio, missing friend, 397; located, 431. Barr, Alick James, complaint dismissed and convicted, 13; Balestrin, Rena Guistina, complainant, 489. special inquiry, valueless cheque, passing on, 464. Balfour, James Richard, warrant for, 122; paid, 150; warrant Barr, John, naval deserter recovered, 91. for 168; withdrawn, 192; warrant for, 484. Barr, John David, warrant for, 456; amount paid, 474. INDEX. vii.

Barr, Marjorie Doris, convicted, 461. Bates, Leslie Charles, complainant, 224. Barraclough, James Eric, shop broken into , 295; number of Bates, Lewis Bruce, convicted, 109. wireless, 304. Bates, William Walter, convicted and motor driver's licence Barratt , see Henry Charles Barrett. suspended, 319. Barrett, Alice Maude, property recovered, 123. Bateup, George Peter Wilson, convicted and motor driver's Barrett, Bevis Percival John Samuel, inquest on body of, 11. licence disquali fied, 452. Barrett, David, naval deserter recovered, 9. Bath, Douglas Walter, aliases Brown, Joseph Bloe, Ronald Barrett , Geoffrey Bernhard, convicted, 101: Cavendish, Ronald Cavendish Brown, arrested on warrant, Barrett, George James, convicted, 337. 140; committed for trial, 165; convicted, 245; discharged, Barrett, Henry Charles, alias Barratt, convicted, 155; dis- 492. charged, 197. Batinich , Mate , see Matthew Battinich. Barrett, Herbert Cloyed, complainant, 337. Batinich, Mathew, see Matthew Battinich. Barrett , Maxwell Ernest , see Maxwell Ernest Bensch. Batley, Harry Rees, arrested on warrant, 114. Barrett, Samuel William, convicted, 452. Batson, Colin, bicycle stolen, 354; recovered, 365. Barron, Colin, complainant, 215. Batt, Frederick James Walter, naval deserter, 326. Barrowman, Alexander Hutchinson, complainant, 70; 136. Batt, Jack Martin, dinghy stolen, 141; recovered, 162. Barry, see Vadival Aiyasamy. Battams, Ronald Henry, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, offender Barry, Arthur Francis, motor cycle stolen, 241. arrested, 67. Barry, Frederick Russell, bicycle stolen, 142. Batten, Dudley William, convicted and motor driver's licence Barry, George Alfred, alias George Aloysius Barry, convicted, suspended, 40. 93; discharged, 147. Batten, H. R. (N.S.W.), motor truck, recovered, 20. Barry, George Aloysius, see George Alfred Barry. Battinich, Mathew, see Matthew Mattinich. Barry, James, see Keith Paul James Berry. Battinich, Matthew, aliases Mathew Battinich, Mate Batinich, Barry, R. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen , 29; recovered, 143. Mathew Batinich, fails to maintain, pays portion, 3; Barry, Vivien Ernest Charles, convicted, 452. arrested on warrant, 64; discharged, 147. Bartel , Maurice Allen, convicted, 31. Batty, Katie Elizabeth,, bicycle stolen, 77; recovered, 124. Barter, John Joseph, overcoat stolen, 447; property recovered, Battye, Tom Littlewood, complainant, 156. offender arrested, 476. Bauer, A., cigarettes stolen, 133; offenders arrested, 162. Bartholomew , Albert, committed for trial , 291; case made Bauer, George, complainant, 183. remanet , 379; convicted, 408. Bauer , Michael , complainant, 40. Bartholomew, Fred (trading as Pritchard and Bartholomew), Baum, Hamilton Edward, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 171. complainant, 93. Baum, Hermann Ferdinand, convicted, 31. Bartle, Keith William, bicycle stolen, 422; recovered, 430. Baverstock , Murray Desmond, complainant, 128. Bartle, Percy Joseph James, convicted, 165. Bawden, Arthur Frederick, saws stolen, 324. Bartlett , Alfred Ernest, convicted, 127. Bawdon, Patricia, complainant, 109. Bartlett , Arnold Hallam , shop broken into, 474. Bawhy, Bruce Ernest, watch lost or stolen, 396; recovered, 449. Bartlett, Cecil A., convicted, 182. Baxter, see James Peter Francis Bernasochi. Bartlett, Clarence Edmund, see S.A. Government, Aborigines Baxter, man named, suspected of larceny from Keith Oster, Department, Meningie. 287. Bartlett, Doreen, complainant, 110. Baxter, Albert Ronald, convicted, 262. Bartlett, G. E. (Qld.), stolen motor cycle recovered, 222. Baxter, E. P. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 152. Bartlett, Gerald Arthur, trousers stolen, 413; recovered, 448. Baxter, Herbert Henry, workshop broken into, 4. Bartlett, Herman James Colin, aliases George Albert Pierson, Baxter, Thomas Edward, missing friend, 116; warrant for, Alexander John Jamieson, Darky Delton, Joseph Albert 132; missing friend located, 135; arrested on warrant, 140. Delton, George Albert Pearson, Harold John James, Ray- Baxton, J. H., see James Henry Fairweather. mond Campbell Bartlett, Joseph Albert Clarke, convicted, Bayer, Sydney Keith, obtains provisional warrant for Arthur 417; discharged, 492. Gene Lovering, 445. Bartlett, Hilda Stella, watch lost or stolen, 143. Bayley, E., R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Bartlett, John, convicted, 417. Bayley and Grimster, (Vic.-S.A.), oil circuit breaker lost or Bartlett, Leslie, workshop broken into, 45. stolen, 203. Bartlett, Raymond Campbell, see Herman James Colin Bartlett. Bayley, William Henry, convicted, 245. Bartlett, Robert Neil, complainant, 31. Baylis, Dorothy May, bicycle stolen, 267; recovered, 277. Bartlett, T. E. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 297; recovered, 307. Bayliss, John William, naval deserter, 469. Bartlow, Claus Bernard, convicted, 309. Baynes, Roy Ambrose, obtains warrant for Norman Patrick Bartly, Ralph, anchor stolen, 413. Ryan and Leonard Ross Wilson, 313. Barton, Cyril , naval deserter recovered, 91. Beacham, Roland Ralph, bicycle stolen, 335. Barton, Edward Thomas George, convicted, 432. Beal, Ernest George, complainant, 60. Barton , Eric, see Eric Ivan Taylor. Beale, Agnas Veronica, convicted, 129; discharged, 442. Barton, Francis James, aliases Thomas Anthony Patrick Wood- Beale, Reginald, complainant, 68. ruff, Frank Barton, Joseph Martin, Thomas Doyle, warrant Beaney, William Stanley, motor cycle stolen, 268; engine No., for, 303 , 322; arrested , 362 (2 ) ; discharged, 389. 277. Barton, Frank , see Francis James Barton. Beard, John Richard, naval deserter, 449. Barton, Leonard Samuel (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Beard, Robert Clair, convicted, 39. Barton, Rex Arthur, convicted, 101. Beard, Walter Fisher, convicted, 117. Barton, Walter, suspected of larceny, Arthur Clarke arrested Beardmore , R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 486. for this offence, 7. Beare, Alton Henry, convicted and motor driver's licence sus- Bartram, Robert Keith, convicted, 50. pended, 14. Bartsch, Eric Arthur, convicted, 434. Beare, Percy, see Sunbeam cycle works. Bartsch, Gerald Henry, see George Henry Baker. Beasley, Colin Harold, remanded to N.S.W., 14. Bartsch, Patricia Margaret, missing friend, 478. Beasley , Leonard, complainant, 377. Bartsh, Cyril Henry, see George Henry Baker. Beasley , Ronald Kenneth , complainant , 22; money , etc., stolen, Bartsh , Gerald Henry , see George Henry Baker. 333. Barunga , Patricia Mary , complainant, 127. Beasley, Stephen Henry, convicted, 270. Barwick, Nurse, clothing stolen, 123. Beasley, Vernon Harold, convicted, 233. Basaran, Ambrosham, convicted, 164; discharged, 320. Beaston, Ralph Huntley, convicted, 308; arrested on warrant, Basheer, David, complainant, 135. 313; convicted, 318; discharged, 347; remanded to Vic- Basheer , James , complainant, 155. toria, 356. Bass , Jack, stall broken into, 229. Beath, Francis George Michael, arrested for larceny, 123; Bass , Joseph, ring stolen, 221; convicted, 299. convicted, 127; discharged, 147. Bass , K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 385. Beaton, Edward Gibson, convicted, 70; warrant for, 322; con- Bassett, Harry, bicycle stolen, 162. victed, 346 ; amounts paid on warrant, 362; warrant for Bassett, , warrant for, 484. 428; paid, 436. Bassindale , Albert Edward, naval deserter recovered , 90 (2). Beattie, Elwyn John, convicted, 13. Bassingwaite , Walter, convicted, 440. Beattie, John, naval deserter recovered, 90. Basso, Gottardo, convicted, 270. Beatty, George William, missing friend, 91; convicted, 92; Bastian, Amy, complainant, 60. missing friend located, 108; convicted, 128; discharged, Bastian, Hezekiah , convicted, 49. 147; discharged, 156; deserts wife, 298. Bastian, Richard Henry, discharged, 471; convicted, 488. Beatty, Harold Archibald, convicted and motor driver's licence Bastow, Ian Roderick , naval deserter, 469. disquali fied, 442. Batchelor, Arthur Ronald, convicted, 377. Beaty, Brian Edward, informations dimissed, 196. Batchelor , Henry Francis, naval deserter recovered, 90. Beauchamp, Geoffrey, convicted, 22; arrested for larceny, 38. Beck, Alfred Charles, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 162. Bateman , M. F. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen , 78; recovered, 222. Beck, Arthur Leonard, convicted, 32. Bateman , Peter , gramophone stolen, 374. Beck , Claude James, convicted, 406. Bates, Arthur, convicted, 128; discharged, 156. , , Bates, George Albert, convicted and motor driver 's licence dis- Beck Edith Mabel bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 222. qualified, 81. Beck, Frederick James, bicycle stolen, 267. Bates , Henry William, naval deserter, 423. Beek, Joan Marie, complainant, 433. Beck, Paul , watch stolen, 364. Bates , Jeannette Linda, complainant, 489. viii. INDEX.

Becker, Colin Edward, kitbag stolen, 420. Bennett, Phillip Aron, naval deserter, 125. Becker, Marie Florence May, warrant for, 350. Bennett, Ronald James Ernest, naval deserter, 317; recovered, Beckett, Bruce Patrick, convicted, 462. 405. Beckett, Robert James, released on bond, 406. Bennett, Ronald John Leslie, convicted, 49. Beckham, Ronald Clifford, clothing stolen, 305; recovered, Bennett, Thomas William, convicted and motor driver's licence offender arrested, 375; complainant, 379; convicted and disqualified, 225. motor driver's licence disqualified, 459. Bennetta, Joseph Ross, committed for trial at inquest on body Beckwith, Arthur Ray, drills, etc., stolen, 193. of Mary Liddle, 450; committed for trial (coroner's war- Beckwith, Lewis Roy, naval deserter recovered, 366. rant), 451. - Beckwith, Percival Roy, alias MacDonnell, convicted, 70, 416. Bennetts, Eric Dudley, bicycle stolen, 306. Bedford, James Thomas, alias James Thomas (N.T.), pro- Bennetts, Leslie Thomas, see Leslie Thomas Broadhurst. visional warrant withdrawn, 411; arrested for larceny, Bennie, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124. 438; committed for sentence, 440; convicted, 453. Bennier, Desmond Kenneth, information dismissed, 451. Bedford, John William, convicted and motor driver's licence Benner, Stanley Gilbert, complainant, 127. cancelled, 51. Benny, Geoffrey Kenelin, convicted and motor driver's licence Bedford Park Sanatorium, complainant, 300. suspended, 281; suitcase, etc., stolen, 352. Bedford, Robert, convicted, 308. Benny, Gordon George, released on bond, 196. Beecroft, Alfred (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 325. Bensch, Douglas John, committed for trial, 14; convicted, 129; Beenke, Frederick John, naval deserter recovered, 366. discharged, 443. Beer, Albert Percival, convicted, 224. Benseh, Johann Paul, convicted, 22. Beer, Douglas Gordon, maintenance warrant withdrawn, 45. Bensch, Lawrence Malcolm, committed for trial at inquest on Beer, F., see Doris Elizabeth Alexander. body of John Oscar Handke, 214; committed for trial, Beer, Leonard Noel, convicted, 136. 224; case made remanet, 301; discharged, 310; convicted Beer, Raymond Clarence, convicted, 70. and motor driver's licence cancelled, 319 (2). Beer, Robert Norman, convicted, 13 6 ; dinghy stolen, 421; Bensch, Maxwell Ernest, aliases Maxwell Ernest Bench, Max- recovered,438. well Ernest Barrett, convicted, 387; warrant for, 412; Beerworth, James Michael, convicted, 232. arrested, 436; discharged, 462. Beerworth, Jane Gertrude, convicted, 232. Benson, George Samuel, released on bond, 128. Begbie, Joan, see Lillian June Mattner. Benson, Phyllis Isobell, complainant, 128. Begg, Barbara, suitcase and ' contents stolen, 133. Bent, Ellen, frock lost or stolen, 57; recovered, 68. Begg, Lancelot, motor car stolen, 458. Bentley, C. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 222. Behenna, Herbert Alfred, see Bertron Electric Company. Bentley, F. N. (Qld.), utility stolen, 78; recovered, 115. Beiler, Donald Kingsley, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 125. Bentley, G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 343. Beinke, Ralph Westley, convicted, 233. Bentley, Howard (Vic.), motor car recovered, 30. Seitz, James Charles, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 242. Bentley, Victor, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 289. Bell, see Thomas James Lorraine McFarlane. Benton, Edward, aliases Francis William Bennett, Edward Bell, Alfred Edward, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 143. Denton, Francis Percy Bennett, Frank Bennett, discharged, Bell, B. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 212; recovered, 231. 24; convicted, 40, 59; discharged, 61, 120; convicted, 206; Bell, Donald Roy, see Douglas Harry Black. discharged, 225, 270; convicted, 300; warrant for, 402, Bell, Jack, see John Henry Bell. 446. Bell, James, complainant, 489. Benz, Leslie Albert, missing friend, 39; located, 48; convicted, Bell, James William, see Thomas Tames Lorraine McFarlane. 117, 398. Bell, John Henry, alias Jack Bell, convicted, 388. Berchicci, Angelo (Vie.), alien, 95, 190; arrested, 483. Bell, John Joseph, committed for sentence, 204; released on Beresford, L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 221; recovered, 231. bond, 301. Beresford, Roger, see Bobbie McClements. Bell, Leslie, committed for trial, 405, Beresford, Rose Florence, bicycle stolen, 20. Bell, Nigel John, convicted, 318. Berg, E. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 78; recovered, 98. Bell, Peter Colin Noel, released under O.P. Act, 11. Berg, James, alias Dawson, warrant for, 464. Bell, Reginald William, convicted, 13. Berger, L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 180; recovered, 213. Bell, Robert (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, 213. Bergin, Alma, overcoat lost or stolen, 21. Bell, Roy, see Francis Forney. Bergin, Noel Walter, see Noel Walter Lawrence Bergin. Bell, Stephen, see Ronald William Kite. Bergin, Noel Walter Lawrence, aliases B. Frieker, O. Moulden, Bell, Ted (W.A.), wanted for larceny of motor car, 162. J. West, Noel Walter Bergin, suspected of larceny, 46; Bell, Walter Edward, complainant, 233. arrested for larceny, 152; information dismissed, 155; Bell, Warren Charles, naval deserter, 289. special inquiry for re false pretences on Harris Scarfe Belling, Carl Willie, house broken into, 75; offender arrested, Ltd. and Foy and Gibsons, 167 (3) ; convicted, 173; dis- 313; complainant, 317. charged, 225. Bellinger, Arthur Maxwell, complainant, 93. Bergin, Patrick Joseph, convicted, 49; discharged, 119; con- Bellinger, Thomas Henry Clinton, convicted, 280. victed, 290; discharged, 359. Bellshaw, Jack Ashley, convicted, 12. Bergstrom, Victor (Vie.), alien, 74. Belsborow, William Jack, complainant, 356. Berkeley Hotel, complainant, 432. Belton, Andrew Maurice, convicted, 327. Berman, Gerard, complaint dismissed, 11. Belton, Frederick Paul, convicted, 136. Bermingham, Richard James, convicted, 346. Belton, Murray James, convicted, 126, 136. Bernasochi, James Peter Francis, alias Baxter, convicted, 425; Benbolt, Douglas Henry, discharged, 16. discharged, 462. Benbolt, George, committed for sentence, 244; convicted, 319. Berno, Alberto, complaint dismissed, 205. Benbow, J. C. Ltd., complainant, 69. Berri Co-operative Winery and Distillery, cement, etc., stolen, Benbows Garage (Samuel Eric Mundy, proprietor), batteries 6; complainant, 318. stolen, 447. Berry, Betty Fay, complainant, 164. Bench, Maxwell Ernest, see Maxwell Ernest Benseh. Berry, Dean Walter, housebreaking and larceny on, additional Bendisi, Peter, money, etc., stolen, 333; recovered, 364. property, 5, 6. Benger, Freda Martha, bicycle stolen, 344; recovered, 354. Berry, James Albert, naval deserter, 449. Benger, Raymond Richard, complainant, 461. Berry, Keith Paul James, known as James Barry, James Faye Benham, William Douglas, convicted, 328. (N.S.W.), provisional warrant for, 247. Benn, A. T. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 170, 171. Berry, Leonard John, committed for trial, 262; arrested for Bennets; Leslie Walter, convicted and motor driver's licence housebreaking, 295; convicted, 319; discharged, 409. disqualified, 206. Berry, Newton Day (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242. Bennett, Alfred George, overcoat stolen, 161. Berry, Raymond, convicted and motor drivers licence can- Bennett, Charles, naval deserter recovered, 91. celled, 452; correction, 460. Bennett, Edwin William Robert, missing friend, 31; recovered, Berry, Vernon, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 386. 39. ,Berry,Victor Hugh, complainant, 356. Bennett, Elizabeth Ethelberga, bicycle stolen, 171; recovered, ,Berryman,Ernest Keith, convicted, 490. 181. Bert, man known as, see Herbert William Guise. Bennett, Ellis Iving Morris, complainant, 126. Bert, see Allen Joseph Johnson. Bennett, Enid Mary, complainant, 479. Bertel, Stanley, see Stewart Ivor William Johnson. Bennett, Eunice, attache case, etc., stolen, 106. Berthand, Noel Aubrey, suitcase, etc., stolen, 97. Bennett, Francis Percy, see Edward Benton. Bertouch, Kenneth Carl Von, complaint withdrawn, 109. Bennett, Francis William, see Edward Benton. Bertram, Walter, complainant, 39 (2). Bennett, Frank, see Edward Benton. Bertron Electric Co. (Ronald Wells and Herbert Alfred Bennett, Graham Bruce, convicted, 12, 300. Behenna, proprietors),shop broken into, 373, 374; com- Bennett, Henry Thomas, complainant, 452. plainant, 398; offender arrested for shopbreaking on, 457. Bennett, Herbert Frederick Charles, complainant, 490. Besanko, Margaret, complainant, 13. Bennett, Hurtle Edward, bicycle stolen, 315. !Besanko, Rhodney Eustice, complaint withdrawn, 279. Bennett, James Leonard, complaints dismissed, 318. IBeschizza, Luigi, alien, 265. Bennett, Keith Leonard, convicted, 356. ,Belford, Edward (Vic.), motor car stolen, 107. Bennett, Kenneth John, convicted, 368. Best, see Kevin Bestt. Bennett, Leslie Walter, convicted, 101. Best, Clyde Tom, dinghy lost or stolen, 48. Bennett, Percy Emmerson, bicycle stolen, 8; ,-recovered, 38. Best, Eric Raymond, watch stolen, 352; recovered, 364. INDEX. ix.

Best , Frank, see Percival Granville Walsh. Bishop, Mervyn Aubrey Roy, convicted, 279. Best, George William, convicted, 81. Bishop, Stanley Charles, complaint withdrawn, 346. Best, Laurence Douglas, naval deserter, 298. Bitmead, Thomas Alfred, warrant for, 132. Bestt, Kevin, otherwise Best, released on bond, 93; convicted, Bjork, Olaf Einar, alien, 95. 378. Blaak, Jacob, convicted, 13. Beswick, Robert Bartlett, convicted, 299. Black, Alfred, see Alfred Cornelius. Bethel, George William, aliases George Nile, George William Black, Alfred Edward, complaint dismissed, 300. Bethell, discharged, 61; convicted, 92. Black Bull Hotel Ltd., complainant, 423 (2). Bethell, George William, see George William Bethel. Black, Cecil Raymond, complainant, 243. Betteridge , Leslie, naval deserter, 298; cancelled, 431. Black, Douglas Harry, aliases James Norton, Donald Roy Bell, Betts, Albert Edwards, gelding stolen or strayed, 365; case made remanet, 16; convicted, 129. recovered, 386. Black, Geoffrey Arthur, convicted, 117. Betts , William, naval deserter recovered, 91. Black, George David, saddle, etc., stolen, 170; complainant, Betts , William James, Dr., medical instruments stolen, 55. 417. Bevan, Dorothy Louis Grace, watch, etc., stolen, 77; recovered, Black, Kevin Edward, released under O.P. Act, 13. 88. Black, Lena Josephine, suspected of larceny, 37. Black, Ruth, tricycle stolen, 396; recovered, 415. Bevan, Douglas John, released on bond, 76. Blackborough, Stanley Henry, convicted, 70. Bevan, Ernest, arrested and imprisoned on warrant, 114; war- Blackeby, Douglas Ernest, wireless set stolen, 202. rant for, 256; arrested, 313; warrant for 342; arrested, 412. Blacketer, Henry, convicted, 11. Bevan, Raymond, clothing stolen, 384. Blackley, Laurence Frank, information dismissed, 489. Bevan, Robert Alexander, complainant, 70. Blackley, Margaret, complainant, 489. Bevan , Tom, convicted, 337; discharged, 358. Blacklock, Kenneth George, electric motor stolen, 212. Bevear, Maxwell John, naval deserter, 154. Blackman, Howard Edward, see Hedleys Proprietary Ltd. Bews, Eustace John, see John Eustace Bews. Blacks Limited, complainant, 470. Bews , John Eustace, aliases John Watson, John Eustace, Blackshaw, Edward, complainant, 328. EustaceJohn Bews, discharged, 60; warrantfor, 132; Blackstone, Eric, naval deserter, recovered, 91. arrested, 150. 10; Blackwell, Albert Frederick Henry, convicted, 23; discharged, Bey, Albert, complainant, 126. 111, 462. Beycheim, Horace William, see Horace William Beythien. Blackwell, Roy Noel, arrested for larceny, 142; convicted, 145. Beyer, Theodore William John, gazetted as Theodore William Blackwood, David John, convicted, 291; discharged, 301. John Buyer, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Blagrove, Desmond, convicted, 279. qualified, 434; correction, 460. Blaiklock, Reginald Stanley, convicted, 432. Beythien, Horace William, gazetted as Horace William Bey- Blair, Alexander Thomas Smith, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, chiem, convicted and motor driver's licence disqualified, 414. 671"71. Blair, William, complainant, 22, Bezzene , John Peter, complainant, 432. Blair, William Horace, warrant for, 456. Bickford, A. M. & Sons. Lta., complainant, 243. Blake, Dennis Richard, alias Dennis Richard Buries, complain- Bickmore, Edward Thomas, fowls stolen, 413. ant, 117; convicted, 461. Bickle, Alfred Gordon, complainant, 69; convicted, 69. Blake, Eileen, missing friend, 478; located, 488, Bickle, Leslie, gelding stolen or strayed, 163; recovered, 214. Blake, George, see George Ings. Bickley, Beryl, missing friend, 116; recovered, 126. Blake, Harold, absconder, 256; returned, 265; absconder, 322; Bickley, Maurice James, convicted, 23. located,332. Bickley, Ronald Arthur, see Maurice Wilbur Albert Noble. Blake, Iris Rebecca, convicted, 11. Bicknell, William Leonard, aliases Walter James, DeSpain, Blake, James, absconder, 350; recovered, 373; convicted, 417. John Carroll, convicted, 387; discharged, 389. Blake, Jimmy, see Donald King. Bickmore, Frederick Walter, convicted, 407. Blake, Joan Evelyn, missing friend, 181; located, 214. Bicknell, William Leonard, convicted, 441. Blake, John William Bernard, naval deserter, 355; recovered, Biddle, Allison Merle, special inquiry for Leslie Michael 405. William Charles Wells for larceny as a bailee on Blake, Mary, missing friend, located, 488. (alleged), 190; recovered, 411. 478; Blake, Maxwell (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 29; recovered, 57. Biddle, William Francis John, warrant for, 132; arrested, 2110, Blake, Ronald Stanley, gent's bicycle stolen, 414. convicted, 215; correction, 270; discharged, 320. Blake, Stanley, convicted, 461. Bieg, Kingsley Christian, convicted, 299, 451. Blakes, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 430. Bielby, Doris Irene, otherwise Jackson, missing friend, 317. Blanchard, Julian Ralph, house broken into, 169; portion Big Eva, see Eva Jean Sanders. recovered, 342. Biggs, Harry, naval deserter, 423; cancelled, 431. Blanchtown Cafe (Arthur Wesley Farley, proprietor), com- Biglands, Kenneth James, convicted and driver's licence can- plainant, 433. celled, 234. Bland Radio Ltd., complainant, 145, 347. Bignell, Kenneth James, convicted, 308; canvas tent stolen, 41 3. Bigwood, Blanche Ethel, complainant, 461. Blaneysee Thomas Martin Dowe. Blaschke, Leo Theodore, convicted, 461. Bigwood, Richard Arthur, complainant, 280. Bigwood, William James, warrant for, 402. Blasi, Arthur Henry Kingston, complainant, 126. Blencawe, A. R. (N.S.W.), Ford tipper stolen, 404. Bile, John, absconder, 132. Blenkiron, Cyril James, block and tackle stolen, 97. Biles, Charles Leslie, absconder, 139; arrested, 150; absconder, Blewitt, A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 404. 150;arrested, 159; convicted, 164; absconder arrested, Bliss, Edwin Alfred, complaints withdrawn, 377. 178;arrested for larceny of bicycle,194, 203, 213; con- Bloch and Behrens (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, victed, 215. Biles, Violet Verna, missing friend, 154; recovered, 163. 89. Bill, see Bucko Young. Bloe, Joseph, see Douglas Walter Bath. Bloffwitch, Howard William, warrant for, 18; imprisoned, 54. Billinge, Ernest George, convicted, 13. Bloffwitch, Thomas Kevin, convicted, 93. Billinghurst, Gytha Daphne, convicted, 318. Billinghurst, Harry, motor cycle stolen, 180. Blomski, Isaac, fur.stolen, 384. Billings, Kevin, convicted, 450. Blondie, see Shirley Joan Wagner. Bilney, Pearl Christina, special inquiry for Bert Davis, other- Blood, John, blankets, etc., stolen, 6; complainant, 39; blankets recovered,56. wise Alfred Williams, alias Ron Osborne, for fraudulent conversion on, 238; offender arrested, 293; complainant, Bloomfield, A. (N.S.W.), jeep stolen, 56. 299. Bloomfield, Desmond Rutledge, clothing, etc., stolen, 241. Binding, Ivy Levenia, watch lost or stolen,431. Blucher, Robert Desmond, bicycle stolen, 287; recovered, 297. Binding, Leonard Harold, convicted, 490. Blue, (W.A.), wanted for larceny of motor car, 162. Bingham, Kenneth James, naval deserter, 243. Blue Bell Motor Cycle Works (Barton Victor Wagener, pro- Binns, Kenneth Charles, bicycle stolen, 142. prietor), shop broken into, 36; portion property Binstead, Francis Henry, see Hotel St. Vincent. recovered,105. Bint, John, see Walter John Wray. Blum, Oscar Kurt, shop broken into, 304; offender arrested, Birch, William Hector, convicted, 136. portion recovered, 333; complainant, 338. Bird, Colin, bicycle recovered, 143. Blundell, Neil Hammond, released on bond, 69. Bird, Edwin, bicycle stolen, 448; recovered, 459. Blunt, Harold James, microphone stolen, 202. Bird, Leslie James, bicycle stolen, 316; recovered, 325. Blyth, Howard Gordon, watch stolen, 46. Bird, Lorna, convicted, 69. Boaden, Ivan John, missing friend, 355. Bird, William Dennis, naval deserter, recovered, 38. Boaden, William Alfred, missing friend, 48; deserts wife, 90; Birks, Charles and Co. Ltd., complainant, 173, 216; overcoat, arrested, 144; missing friend recovered, 144; committed etc., stolen, 352. for trial, 145; convicted, 245; discharged, 492. Birnie, William, naval deserter recovered, 91. Boakes, A. W., see Ronald Henry Harrison. Bisbrown, Donald Hartley, complainant, 206. 'Board, LeMilda Olive, complainant, 280. Bishop, see Elsie May Heaps. Boat Fittings Ltd., wheel, tyre, and tube stolen, 420. Bishop, Desmond John, dismissed under O.P. Act, 490. Bock, Kenneth Albert (Qld.), provisional warrant, 401. Bishop, Frank, see John Colin Michell. Boden, Arthur, missing friend, 355. Bishop, Frank Bruce Chartres, convicted, 452. Boden, Marjory Mary, handbag stolen, 151. Bishop, George William, convicted, 22. Boehm Brothers, complainant, 461. B x. INDEX.

Boehm, Ernest, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 396. Bourke, Horace John Conway, discharged, 33; warrant for, Boehm, Melvin Bernhard, convicted and motor driver's licence 150; arrested, 210; discharged, 225; convicted, 387; dis- suspended, 118. charged, 389; convicted, 406; discharged, 408. Boehm, Rolfe Vernon, clothing, etc., stolen, 169. Bourke, James, alias James Joseph Sheridan, committed for Boehm, William Arthur, convicted, 93. trial, 398; complaint withdrawn, 452. Boehme, Marie, material, etc., stolen, 352, 353; portion Bourke, Robert, see Allen George Coffey. recovered,458. Bourke, William George, known as Buddy and Joe (Vic.), Boggie, Donald (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 448. missing friend, 326; located, 416. Bohle, S. W. & G. S. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 486. Bourne and Son (George Horatio Bourne, manager), shop Boitcheff, Stefan, complainant, 252. broken into, 96, 383. Boitcheff, George, complainant, 252. Bourne, F. and Son, material stolen, 466. Bohlin, Gustaf Nicholas, discharged, 197. Bourne, George Horatio, see Bourne and Son. Boland, John Francis, warrant for, 238; convicted, 300. Bourne, Herbert Cornelius, bicycle stolen, 296. Boland, Mitchell David, convicted, 80. Bourne, Lauri Emery, see Globe Hotel. Boland, Raymond, discharged, 119. Bovill, James Joseph, convicted, 155; discharged, 197. Bolestrin, Rena, missing friend, 214; located, 231. Bow, A. D., R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Bolto, Phyllis, special inquiry re false pretences on, 86; Bowden, Alexander George, convicted, 49. offender arrested, 191. Bowden, Andrew Ward, convicted and motor driver's licence Bolton, Mervyn Roy, convicted, 440. disqualified, 206. Bon Accord Hotel, complainant, 50. Bowden, James Edwin William, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, Bond, James Cyril (trading as Bondee Ladies Wear), com- 143. plainant, 156; material stolen, 295. Bowden, Kevin, otherwise Kevin Bowdren, Kevin Patrick Bond, James William, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Bowdren, suspected of larceny on Bernard Pike, 7; not Bond, June Ann, purse, etc., lost or stolen, 386. now suspected, 20; deserts wife and family, 48; arrested, Bond, Leonard, released on bond, 388. 79; fails to maintain, 219; arrested, 256; discharged, 310. Bond, Robert, golf bag stolen, 403. Bowden, William, complainant, 479. Bond, William Vincent, suitcase, etc., stolen, 37. Bowdren, Kevin, see Kevin Bowden. Bondee Ladies Wear, see James Cyril Bond. Bowdren, Kevin Patrick, see Kevin Bowden. Bone, Dean Gordon, licence suspension lifted, 118. Bowen, Francis, see John Patrick Thomas. Bone, Jim, naval deserter, 10. Bowen, Nigel (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 134. Bone, Sidney Alan, naval deserter,316; recovered,469. Bowen, T., naval deserter recovered, 91. Bonnar, Donald Murray, convicted, 462. Bower, Henry John, convicted, 59. Bonnar, Malcolm Faxton, bicycle stolen, 325; recovered, 335. Bowering, David Norman, complainant, 398. Bonner, Edward William, naval deserter recovered, 90. Bowering, Norman, special inquiry larceny on, 372; offender Bonner, Martin (N.S.W.), alien located, 227. arrested, 382, 393. Bonney, Gilbert Walter, fails to maintain, 18; amounts paid, Bowering Refrigeration Service, factory broken into, 351; 45; fails to maintain, 294; paid, 373. additional particulars, 373. Bonney, William Gerald, obtains warrant for Norman Patrick Bowering, William Wheatley, committed larceny of bicycle, Ryan and Leonard Ross Wilson, 313. 250; convicted, 252; committed for trial, 291; convicted, Bonnin, Gertrude Avis, complainant, 280. 379. Bonnington, Eon, clothing stolen, 296; additional property, 343. Bowers, Edward, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Bonola, Thomas Frederick, alias Thomas Breasley, convicted, qualified, 471. 424. Bowhey, Ross Kevin, missing friend, 243. Bonosdios, Oselio, bicycle stolen, 180. Bowker, John, naval deserter recovered, 90. Bontempo, Geoffredo (N.S.W.), alien surrendered, 35. Bowkett, Ernest Desmond (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Book, F. D., and Shepheard, clothing stolen, 170. Bowley, Maxwell Richard, warrant for, 342. Boomer, D. C., R.A.A.F. deserter, 30; recovered, 477. Bowman, Irene, complainant, 182 (2). Bowman, Phillip (Vic.), motor car stolen, 325. Boon, Kenneth James, motor car stolen, 37; recovered, 57. Bowman, Robert, naval deserter recovered, 91. Booser, Herbert Geoffrey, naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Bowman, William John, complainant, 388. Boote, Bruce Clarence John, complainant, 452. Bown, Edward, convicted, 136. Bootes, Frederick, convicted and motor driver's licence sus- Bown, Stanley, warrant for, 18. pended, 146. Bown, Sydney Edward, convicted, 300. Booth, Brian, discharged, 34; correction, 82. Bowtell, B. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 324. Booth, Henry Lawrence, wanted for housebreaking and lar- Box, Joan, watch stolen, 306; recovered, offender arrested, ceny, 394 (2). 334; complainant, 337. Boothby, Brinsley Brooke (Vic.), motor car stolen, 268; Box, Kingsley Alick, convicted, 128. recovered, 277. Box, May Evelyn, bicycle recovered, 38. Boothby, John Lisle, convicted, 50, 60. Box, Ronald Allan, complainant, 388. Boothey, Maxwell Ernest, complainant, 308. Box, Ronald Arthur, convicted, 110. Boots, James, released on bond, 291. Boxall, Albert William, suspected of larceny, 37. Boraccino, Nicola (N.S.W.), alien surrendered to custody, 74. Boxall, Frederick William, see The Tobacco Company of S.A. Borden, Gertrude, see Winston Hotel. Ltd. Borlace, Richard, bicycle stolen, 78. Boyall, Marcus Marie William, not now suspected of larceny, Borlace, Roy James, mare stolen or strayed, 365; recovered, 47. 386. Boyall, Roma Effie Marcus, ring stolen, 47. Borlace, Violet Maud, sheep stolen or strayed, 269. Boyce, Allan, halters stolen, 315. Boyle, James Frederick, missing friend, 126. Boyce, Frank W., naval deserter, 336; cancelled, 431. Borman, Clarence Edgar, convicted, 233. Boyce, Frederick Charles, pocket watch lost or stolen, 250. Bornholm, Victor Edward Neils, fails to maintain, 228. Boyd, Kenneth, naval deserter, 449. Borrett, Jeffrey, convicted, 488. Boyd, Walter, convicted, 441. Borthwick, Thomas and Sons (Aust.) Ltd., complainant, 280. Boyle, Leslie Robert, bicycle stolen, 287; recovered, 297. Bosisto, Maxwell Cameron, paid amounts on warrant, 168. Boyle, Malcolm Charles, provisional warrant for, 139, Boyle, Thomas, pearls stolen, 241; recovered, 315, Boss, Leslie Walter, convicted and motor driver's licence sus- pended, 280. Boyle, William Lester, shop broken into, 342; suitlengths Bosse, Frank Eric, convicted, 174. stolen, 421. Boston, Perce, suspected of larceny, 258; no further action, 267. Brabant, Von, Johannes Gerardus Manuel Petrocus Maria Bosworth, John, warrant for, 373. Francissen, see Johannes Gerardus Manuel Petrocus Bosworth, Joy, absconder, 332; located, 341. Maria Francissen Van Brabant. Bosworth, Stanley, convicted, 244. Brabyn, Colin Raymond, absconder, 96; warrant withdrawn, Both, Edmund Frank, complainant, 232. 132. Bott, Ernest James, bicycle stolen, 448. Brabyn, James Henry, convicted, 183; missing friend, 243; Bott, Irving Francis, motor cycle generator stolen, 66. located,269. Bott, Leo Stanley, telescope stolen, 76. Brace, Audrey Louisa, special inquiry, false pretences on, Botten, James Raymond, convicted, 196. 349; offender arrested, 392; complainant, 397. Bottger, Kevin Desmond, convicted, 233. Brace, Ethel Clarice, house broken into, 201. Bottrall, Mr., kitbag, etc., stolen, 363. Brace, Gordon, suspected of housebreaking, 201. Boucaut, David Penn, kitbag, etc., stolen, 275 recovered, 287. Bracegirdle,Ronald Cecil, complainant, 127. Boner, Lloyd Eh.mcke, binoculars stolen, 457. Bracken, Norman Alexander, convicted, 173. Boulger, see Barry Sylvester Frost. Bradbury, Terence Ralph, naval deserter, 326; cancelled, 431. Boulter, John Thomas, complainant, 289. BradeY, John Murray, deserts wife, 57; missing friend located, Boulter, Lawrence Charles, convicted, 346. 126. Boundy, Arthur John, convicted, 479. Bradfield, John Anthony, bicycle recovered, 9. Bourke, see Clifford Jones. Bradfield, Yvonne Lillian Dawn, missing friend, 181; located,. Bourke, Charles Edward, aliases Charles Lewis Peoples, Charles 195. Ryan, Allan Mulligan, Charles Lewis Lane, discharged, Bradley, Andrew, warrant for, 446. 82; complaint withdrawn, 406. Bradley, Carmel Ben-edicts, dress ring lost or stolen, 250. Bourke, F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 438. Bradley, Charles Patrick, see Patrick Bradley. INDEX. Xi.

Bradley, Delia , complainant, 31. Bridges, Lawrence Arnold, commits housebreaking, 151; Bradley, Hazel Adelaide, rings stolen, 212. information dismissed, 156. Bradley, Herbert, released on bond, 489. Bridgewater, William Edward, convicted, 146. Bradley, Patrick, alias Charles Patrick Bradley, convicted, 367. Brigden, Dorothy Hannah, convicted, 432. Bradley, Peter, see Peter Armstrong. Brigg, Geoffrey Beverley, complainant, 109. Bradock, William John, convicted and, motor driver's licence Briggs, Honora Margaret, committed for trial (inquest), 58; disqualified, 225. committed for trial (coroner's warrant), 69; released on Bradshaw, B., naval deserter recovered, 91. _ bond, 196. Bradshaw, Cyril Courtney, convictea, 425. Briggs, Joseph Parle, complainant, 309. Bradshaw, Sheila Margory, missing friend, •31; located, 68. Briggs, Kevin George, bicycle stolen, 439; number of bicycle, Bradshaw, Thomas (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 67. 448; recovered, 459. Bradtke, Otto Erwin, see Loxton Joinery Works. Briggs, Roger Francis Kenneth, released on bond, 337. Brady, see Edgar Dalton. Bright, Ivan, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 415. Brady, C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 315. Bright, James Frederick, complainant, 479. Brady, Desmond John, released on bond, 93. Brimblecombe, George Frederick and Son, shed broken into, Brady, Edmund Alfred, bicycle stolen, 77. 87. Brady, James, convicted, 425. Brimblecombe, R. P. and Sons Ltd., mechanical hammer Brady, James Herbert, warrant for, 464. stolen, 202; shed broken into, 456; wheels stolen, 457; Brady, James Joseph, warrant for, 168; arrested, 178; war- wheelbarrow stolen, 467; property recovered, 476. rant for, 248; arrested,313. Brindley, R. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Brady, Lawrence Bernard, convicted, 93; discharged, 380. Brisbanes Radio and Electrical, wireless stolen, 65. Brady, Michael A., bicycle stolen, 343; recovered, 354. Bristow, Edward George Leonard, dismissed under O.P. Act, Brady, Michael Ignatius, shop broken into, 428. 216. Brady, Murray Wilfred, convicted, 327. Bristow, Ellis Abraham, complainant, 100. Brady, Patrick Luke, clothing stolen, 229. British Tube Mills Pty. Ltd., complainant, 327. Brady, Thomas, convicted, 59. British Phosphate Commissioners (Norman Fraser, chief Brady, Thomas Porter, ducks stolen, 486. clerk), office broken into, 229; additional property, 239. Braendler, Arthur Edgar, convicted, 479. British Seamen's Mission, complainant, 252. Braendler, Edgar, complainant, 32. Brittain, Julia Ruth, released on 'bond, 11; missing friend, Braendler, John Edward, overcoat stolen, 201. 144; located, 308. Braham, Charles William, see William Charles Brame. Brittain, Stanley, coat stolen, 447. Braham, Russell William, naval deserter, 223. Britton, John Skatheway, see Findon Bakery. Braidwood, Glen Horace, arrested on warrant, 178. Broad. Desmond James, released on bond, 347. Brailsford, Ronala Herbert, discharged, 72. Broad, Albert, convicted, 406. Braim, Gilbert, clothing stolen, 363; offender arrested, 430. Broadbent, Anne Frances, ring lost or stolen, 107; recovered, 116. Braithwaite, Francis William, wanted for housebreaking and Broadbent, Derek Eawin, complainant, 204. larceny, 394 (2). Broadbent, Ethel Laura, handbag, etc., stolen, 352. Brame, William Charles, alias William Charles Braham, con- Broadbent, Fergus Donald, special inquiry, assault and robbery victeu, 261, 291; disenarged, 310. on, 419. Bramfield, Irene, discharged, 41. Broadbent, Walter, naval deserter, 317; cancelled, 431. Branch, Arthur (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 430. Broadfoot, Ronald Eeginald, convicted, 110; discharged, 166. Brand, Robert, clothing stolen, 431. Brandt, Eric, warrant for, 473. Broadhurst, Leslie Thomas, aliases James Snell, Leslie Branner, Marjory Murray, ring lost or stolen, 468. Thomas Bennetts, Thomas Laidlaw, convicted, 252; dis- Branson (abo.), convicted, 145; discharged, 147. charged, 339. Branson, Kenneth George, house broken into, 54-55. Broadstock, Donald George, arrested for larceny of motor Branson, Leslie Nicholas (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 277. cycle, 386; convicted, 388; absconder, 427; arrested, 436; Branson, Reginald Hugh Lance, convicted, 59. convicted, 441. Branson, Robert Pax, convicted, 59. Broadstock, Douglas Victor, convicted and motor driver's Brassell, John Patrick, convicted, 117. licence disqualified, 82. Braun, see William Clayton Bray. Broadstock, Jack Harmer, see John Harmer Broadstock. Bray, George, see George Watson. Broadstock, John Harmer, otherwise Jack Harmer Broad- Bray, Horace Edwin, convicted, 183. stock, convicted, 92; commits garagebreaking, 257; Bray, Joseph Samuel, warrant for, 332; arrested, 350. acquitted and case made remanet, 301; committed for Bray, K. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 438. trial, 308; released on bond, 319. Bray, Spadgy, see lDteorge Watson. Brockin, Audrey, see Margaret Waltham. Bray, vv illiam Clayton, aliases John Veness, William Clayton Brock, Robert Charles, bicycle stolen, 142. Brown, Braun, convicted, 346, 368 (3) ; complaint with- Brock, A., suspected of housebreaking, 87. Brockhirzon, Hank, alias Mervyn Nickolls, discharged, 369. drawn, 406; convicted, 425; warrant for 464. Braybrook, Glen Thomas, convicted, -290. Brockhoff, Theodore Arthur, convicted, 12. Brazzale, Belsamino, typewriter stolen, 286. Brockman, Ernest Alfred, committed for trial, 406. Breakey, Jack, alias John Breakey, committed for trial, 70; Broderick, Peter, see John Andrew Macklin. released on bond, 196. Brodie, B. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 171. Breakey, John, see Jack Breakey. Brodie, Gwenneth Ethel, ring lost or stolen, 422; recovered, Breasley, Thomas, see Thomas Frederick Bonola. 431. Brebner, Ellen Margaret, ring stolen, 240. Brodie, June Edith, convicted, 244. Brecht, David Belmont, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, 67. Brodie, Pauline Evelyn, watch lost or stolen, 194. Breinsky, Norman, ring lost or stolen, 250. Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty. Ltd., fan stolen, 179; Breman, John Kenneth, bicycle stolen, 213; recovered, 222. saw stolen, 240; lavatory seats stolen, 333; complainant, 378, 432 (3). Brennan, Albert James, see John Albert Brennan. Broken Hill Associated Smelters Co-operative Council (trading Brennan, Anthony William, convicted and driver's licence as Port Pirie Co-operative Stores), complainant, 388. disqualified, 146. Brennan, Elizabeth Ellen, case lost or stolen, 288. Broken Hill Proprietary Company Ltd., complainant, 127, Brennan, F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 98. 145; generator, etc., stolen, 152; complainant, 155; Brennan, James Albert, see John Albert Brennan. milling cutter stolen, 170; additional property, 179; time Brennan, John Albert, aliases James Albert Brennan, John switches stolen, 212; complainant, 279. Albert Harris, John Albert Byrne, Albert James Brennan, Brokenshire, Hilda May, convicted and motor driver's licence discharged, 339. suspended, 452. Brennan, John Ernest, house broken into, 122. Bromley, John, convicted, 215. Brennan, John Kenneth, bicycle stolen, 414; recovered, 431. Bromley, William James, naval deserter recovered, 355. Brennan, Leo Noel, convicted, 145. Bronson's Dry Cleaners (Lawrence David Bronson, manager), Brennan, Martin, see Lewis Grant. workshop broken into, 229; complainant, 280; offender Brennan, Patricia Ruth, watch stolen, 46; arrested for workshopbreaking on, 286. Brennan, William, see Lewis Grant. Bronson, Lawrence David, see Bronson's Dry Cleaners. Brereton, Edna Bona, formerly Gibbons, missing friend, 116. Bronzer, R. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 171; recovered, 181. Brereton, Mary Frances (Vic.), false pretences on, warrant Brook, Cyril Patrick, naval deserter, 355; recovered, 376. for George MacFarlane withdrawn, 139. Brook, James Garrard, complainant, 173. Breuer, Claude Herbert, discharged, 120-130. Brook, June Elizabeth, obtains warrant for Milton George Brewer, John Burton, convicted, 461. Thomas, 178; complainant, 289. Brewer, M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Brooker, Jack Lauer, complainant, 127. Brewer, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 438; recovered, 448. Brookes, Ernest James, see Ernest James Brooks. Brewster, Edward Arthur, convicted, 146. Brookes, Raymond Gaylard, convicted, 206. Brice, Audrey Dorothy, coat stolen, 364. Brookfield, Norman, suspected of breach of Hire Purchase Brice, Beryl Margaret, complainant, 289. Agreement Act, 447. Brice, Michael David, convicted and motor driver' s licence Brookman, Anthony, complainant, 233. cancelled, 216. Brooks, Alfred, see Albert Sydney Hunt. Bridge, Kenneth Stanley, convicted, 488. Brooks, Colin James, bicycle recovered, 9. Bridges, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 152. Brooks, David, complainant, 406. xii. INDEX.

Brooks, Elizabeth Irene, see Eunice Merle Myers. Brown, Maxwell Charles, bicycle stolen, 306; portion recovered, Brooks, Ernest James, travelling rug stolen, 249. 316. Brooks,, Ernest James, aliases Roberts, E. G. Hollard, Ernest Brown, Melva, bicycle stolen, 297. James Brookes, Essery, special inquiry for re forgery and Brown, Mervyn R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 67. uttering, arrested, 209; committed for trial, 216; released Brown, Myrtle May, bicycle stolen, 458. on bond, 301; warrant for, 428. Brown, N. L., suspected of larceny, 305. Brooks, Frederick Walter, complaint dismissed, 12. Brown, Mrs. P. C., fur coat stolen, 1.69. Brooks, George Alfred, complaint dismissed, 12. Brown, Pamela Dawn, special inquiry for unknown man for Brooks, Herbert Andrew, inquest on body of, 423. attempted indecent action, 35. Brooks, James Cornelius, complainant, 471. Brown, Philip Voules, convicted, 379. Brooks, Jean Margaret, committed for trial, 471. Brown, Reginald Leonard, bicycle stolen, 162. Brooks, John Henry, convicted, 39; arrested for larceny, 88. Brown, Reginald Thomas, complaint withdrawn, 215. Brooks, Joseph Roy Kingsley, warrant for, 104. Brown, Rex Selwyn, unlawful use of general traders plates, 341. Brooks„ Lionel Alfred, see Mount Gambier Hotel. Brown, Robert Edward, information dismissed, 204; convicted, Brooks, Marjorie Isobel, house broken into, 394; additional 232. property, 428, 484. Brown, Ronald Cavendish, see Douglas Walter Bath. Brown, Ronald Joseph, see Ronald Leonard Ball. Brooks, Mitchel, complainant, 127. Brown, Ronald Keith, convicted, 32. Brooks, Rodney Earl (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Brown, Rose, special inquiry for unknown man for assault on, Brooks, Roy, released on bond, 128. Brooksby, John Clarence William, committed for trial, 309; 199; complainant, 261. released on bond, 425. Brown, Rose Agnes, complainant, 70. Brown, Roy, convicted, 470. Brooksby, Ronald Alfred, bicycle stolen, 344; recovered, 354. Brown, Russell Thomas, information dismissed, 280. Brooksby, Walter Henry George, convicted and motor driver's Brown, Shirley, brooch lost or stolen, 396. licence disqualified, 398. Brown, Thelma Isabel, complainant, 11. Broomfield, John James, bicycle stolen, 193. Brown, Thomas Milton, wheels, etc., stolen, 240. Broomfields Ltd. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 459; recovered, Brown, Walter and Sons Proprietary Ltd., lathe chuck stolen, 477. Broster, Dorothy Jean, aliases Sloan, Klaffer, convicted, 48.; 466. Brown, Warren Bernard, convicted, 318. discharged, 156. Brown, William, warrant for, 168; amounts paid, 210. Brotherstone, John, naval deserter recovered, 91. Brown, William Charles, warrant for, 274. Brotherstone, John Henry, naval deserter recovered, 90. Brown, William Clayton, see William Clayton Bray. Brough, Arthur James, warrant for, 44; amounts paid, 75. Brown, William Oliver, dinghy stolen, 55; information dis- Browes, Clifford, naval deserter recovered, 91. missed, 215. Browmen, A. and Sons (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 430; Brown, Zeta Mary, convicted, 407. recovered,439. Browne, John Edward, alias Bailey, convicted, 367, 388; dis- Brown, see Douglas Walter Bath. charged, 408. Brown, see Les Spanner. Browne, John Stewart, complainant, 291 (2). Brown, Albert, discharged, 34; complaint withdrawn, 91; con- Browne, Joseph Thomas, sheep stolen or strayed, 68. victed, 92; discharged, 156; convicted, 183; discharged, Browne, S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 142; recovered, 162. 281; warrant for, 342; discharged, 347; arrested, 351; Browning, Jack Arnold, convicted, 101; warrant for, 104; por- convicted, 377; committed for trial, 471. tion paid, 168. Brown, Albert Edmund (trading as General Distributors), com- Brownlow, John, suitcase stolen, 229. plainant, 270. Bruce, David Wilfred, naval deserter, 125. Brown, Arthur, convicted, 261. Bruce, Jack (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 375. Brown, Arthur Victor, convicted, 173. Bruce, John William, see John Joseph Smith. Brown, Athol Charles, convicted, 450. Bruce, Leslie Cameron, convicted, 31. Brown, Beavan Harold, bicycle stolen, 77; recovered, 107. Bruch, Herbert (Vic.), obtains provisional warrant for Arthur Brown, Beverley Francine, complainant, 32. Norman Lynch, 349. Brown, C., naval deserter recovered, 90. Bruckmann, Edwin Walter, committed for trial, 270; convicted, Brown, C., see Clarence Brown. 379. Brown, Clara Ellan, alias Clara Andrews, convicted, 40. Bruer, Michael Jeffrey Gartrell, convicted, 14. Brown, Clarence (trading as C. Brown), factory broken into, Brumby, Wilfred Henry, convicted, 441. 96; property recovered,132. Brun, Keith Le (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 430. Brown, Colin Thomas, released on bond, 378. Bruno, Gaspari (N.S.W.), alien arrested, 35. Brown, Collin (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 222. Bruntnell, Edwin, British seaman deserter, warrant for, 210. Brown, Douglas James, complainant, 433. Bruzzese, Saverio (W.A.), alien, 210. Brown, Edith Eleanor, watch lost or stolen, 423. Bryan, Claude John Dennis (Tas-S.A.), coffee jug, etc., stolen, Brown, Edward (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 306. 97. Brown, Edward Charles, naval deserter recovered, 90. Bryan, William Henry, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Brown, Ernest, committed for sentence, 433; convicted, 453. Bryant, Charles Henry, naval deserter recovered, 366. Brown, Ernest Desmond, naval deserter, 90. Bryant, Edith Mariana, committed for trial (coroner's war- Brown, Ernest Frederick, convicted, 109. rant), 367. Brown, Ernest Robert, bicycle stolen, 353. Bryant, Edward George, house broken into, 402. Brown, Frank, see John Patrick Thomas. Bryant, Ethel May, alias Ethel May Marlow, discharged, 33, Brown, Frank Reginald, convicted, 183, 327. 110, 175; information dismissed, 206; discharged, 217, 252. Brown, Frederick, rule stolen, 333. Bryant, Frank, see Percival Granville Walsh. Brown, Frederick, see Leslie Stephen Smith. Bryant, Hugh, convicted, 252. Brown, Geoffrey, overcoat stolen, 421. Bryant, Ivan Clifford, convicted, 156. Brown, Harold Leslie, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 431. Bryant, James, see Allan Reginald Robinson. Brown, Harold Lindon, convicted, 135. Bryant, Leslie John, bicycle stolen, 276. Brown, Harry, see Clarence Edgar White. Bryant, Thomas Harry, warrant for, 239; paid, 256. Brown, Henry James, convicted, 108; warrant for, 342; paid, Bryce, James Kay, house broken into, 27. 362. Bryce, Ronald Charles, convicted, 479. Brown, Herbert Harold, complainant, 39. Bryce-Maurice, Lionel Edward, see Lional Edward Lindsay Brown, Ian Sydney, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 259. Bryce Coppleman. Brown, J., believed identical with John Allan Potts (Vie.), Bryson, Clement Oakford, convicted, 100. special inquiry for, wanted for false pretences, 25. Buchan, G. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 364; recovered, 376. Brown, Jack Archibald, see John Archibald Brown. Buchanan, Alexander Keith, carburettor stolen, 364. Brown, James, convicted, 299, 417. Buchanan, Norman Stanley, see Christopher Caswell. Brown, Joe, see Kenneth Albert Symonds. Buck, see Edwin James Friday. Brown, John Archibald, alias Jack Archibald Brown (N.S. W.), Buck, Ada Lillian, see Ada Lydia Ryan. provisional warrant for, 419. Buck, Jeffery, complainant, 69. Brown, John Edward, convicted, 109. Buck, Laurence Neil, naval deserter, 163. Brown, John Henry, see Michael Mannix Maher. Buckerfield, Margaret Rose, complainant, 491. Brown, John Henry, convicted, 80. Buckingham, Yvonne, complainant, 470. Brown, Karl Graeme (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 98. Buckland, L. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Brown, Keith Dennis, convicted, 452. Buckley, , warrant for, 464. Brown, Kenneth John, naval deserter, 449; recovered, 469. Buckley, John William, dismissed under O.P. Act, 279. Brown, Kenneth Norman, complainant, 416. Buckley, Thomas, imprisoned on warrant, 168. Brown, L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Buckskin, Ross Mervyn, warrant for, 36; imprisoned, 54. Brown, Laurence, see Lawrence Brown. Bucton, Muriel Edith, bicycle stolen, 221; number of bicycle, Brown, Lawrence, discharged, 184. 230; recovered, 242. Brown, Lawrence, otherwise Laurence Brown, convicted, 155; Budahskie, Francis Frederick, see Francis Frederick Kartin- paid amount on warrant, 294; convicted, 308. yerie. Brown, Leo Leslie, special inquiry for unknown man for Budahskie, Jack, see Francis Frederick Kartinyerie. assault on, 199; complainant, 261. Budden, Rose, money stolen, 46. Brown, Lewis Andrew James, complainant, 479. Buddy, see William George Bourke (Vic.). INDEX.

Budgen Jewellers Ltd., ring stolen, 333; recovered, offender Burke, Kenneth Leslie, naval deserter recovered, 90. arrested, 403; complainant, 406, 461; watch stolen, 466. Burke, Patrick, naval deserter recovered, 90. Budgen , Phyllis Mary, ring stolen, 333; recovered, offender Burke, William, naval deserter recovered, 90. arrested, 403. Burkham, Peter, suspected of larceny, 437. Budworth , Peter, naval deserter recovered, 91. Burkitt, A. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 354; recovered, 376. Bugg , Arnold, complainant, 489. Burleigh, Harry (N.S.W.), shopbreaking on, 18; amended list Bugg, Edward Charles, wireless set stolen; 267. of property, 27. Bugg , Robert Keith, released under O.P. Act, 146. Burleigh, Raymond Thomas, see John Patri)ek Thomas. Buick, Nigel, canoe stolen, 161. Burles, D., naval deserter recovered, 91. Buik, Leslie Norman, bicycle stolen, 259;' recovered, 268. Buries , Dennis Richard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Bulfield , John, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 385. Buries, Dennis Richard, see Dennis Richard Blake. Bulfield, Olive Irene, convicted, 206. Burling, R. T. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 250; recovered, 277. Bull, Bruce Henry, missing friend, 195; located, 251. Burman, Alexander Herbert, naval deserter, 316; recovered, Bull, Frederick Charles, convicted and motor driver's licence 365. disqualified, 71. Burnard, H. G. & Co., shop broken into, 285. Bull, Keith Graham, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Burnard, Walter Frank, convicted, 424. qualified, 165. Burnell, Edith May, convicted, 243. Bull, Lucy Maud, bicycle stolen, 133; recovered, 143. Burner, Donald William, convicted, 32. Bull, William Roy, convicted, 79; warrant for, 168; arrested, Burner, William Donald, convicted, 69. 465. Burness, James, bicycle stolen, 202; recovered, 213. Bulla, Frank Victor, arrested for storebreaking, 429; released Burnett & Gallen (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 315; recovered, on bond, 434. 376. Bulleine, Roy Francis, wheel, tyre, and tube stolen, 342. Burnett, Arthur Wilfred George, convicted, 433. Buller, Harold Claude, warrant for, 26; convicted, 127. Burnett, Bertram Charles Thomas, naval deserter recovered, Buller, Ronald, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 134. 48. Bulloch, John, convicted, 12. Burnett, John Albert, warrant for, 285; arrested, 342. Bulloch, John Kay, see John Kay Bullock. Burnham, Gordon, complainant, 50. Bullock, Colin George, alias Colin George Woods, convicted, Burns, Albert Bateman, convicted, 308. 109. Burns, Albert Gordon, clothing stolen, 241. Bullock Cycles Ltd., see Frank Petherbridge Selth. Burns, Alice, see Lavender Garden. Bullock , James Royden, wireless set stolen, 267. Burns, Allan Woodrow, convicted and driver's licence dis- Bullock, John, warrant for, 200. qualified, 146. Bullock, John Alexander, convicted, 441. Burns, Arthur Graham, house broken into, 211; additional Bullock, John Kay, alias John Kay Bulloch, discharged, 33. property, 257. Burns, Bobby, see Robert J. Burns. Bullock, Joyce, watch lost or stolen, 78. Bullon , Robert James, bicycle stolen, 194. Burns, Ernest John, convicted, 126. Bully (aborigine), convicted, 49; discharged, 51. Burns, Jack, see Lionel Albert George Hockey. Burns, John Patrick, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 367. Bulmer, C. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 395. Burns, John Reginald, complainant, 80. Bulmer, George Joseph, committed for trial, 416. Bummer , Jimmie, see James Scott. Burns, Linda, see Lavender Garden. Burns, Maxwell Barry, convicted, 80. Bungay, Arthur, kitbag and contents stolen, 28; complainant, 127. Burns, Norman Victor, see Victor McCarthy. Bunge (Australia) Pty. Ltd. (Eric William Chittleborough, Burns Philp, shirts stolen, 314; handkerchiefs, etc., stolen, manager), office broken into, 466. 394; recovered,403. Bungey, Edward James, convicted, 269; convicted and motor Burns, Robert Storrie, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, driver's licence suspended, 453. 136. Burns, Ronald, naval deserter, 365. Bungey, Ken Walter, bicycle stolen, 170; recovered, 181. Burns, Robert J., or Bobby Burns, special inquiry, wanted Bungey, Messrs. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., iron stolen, 385. Bunney, Bronte, case, etc., stolen, 394; recovered, 430. for passing valueless cheque, 411. Burr, Desmond Albert, convicted, 216. Bunyon, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 38. Burrell, Eileen, see Muriel Eileen Burrell. Burchard, Dympna P., complainant, 489. Burchell, Henry James, convicted, 357. Burrell, Muriel Eileen, aliases Eileen Burrell, Eileen Adams, Burchett, Colin Frederick, overcoat stolen, 287. Mary Smith, convicted, 337; discharged, 347. Burdett, John Charles, bicycle stolen, 448. Burrows, B. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Burdett, Leonard Levick, bicycle stolen, 202; recovered, 222. Burrows, Frederick William, discharged, 94; warrant for, 456. Burdett, William Frederick, convicted, 100. Burrows, Leonard James Marnes, bicycle stolen, 9.8. Burfield, Harold Samuel, convicted, 215. Burrows, Robert George, complainant, 205. Burfitt, Alfred Samuel, paid amounts on warrant, 373. Burrumbeet and Windemere Farmers' Co-op. Society Ltd. (Vie.), motor truck stolen, 153. Burfitt Selth and Co. Ltd., serviette rings, etc., stolen, 19. Burston, Norman Lindsay, watch lost or stolen, 431. Burford, Alfred James, shop broken into, 54, 151. Burt, Malcolm John, dismissed under O.P. Act, 109. Burford, Alick Arthur, convicted, 215. Burt, Robert Henry, convicted, 109; discharged, 130. Burford , Iris Jean, bicycle stolen, 395; recovered, 404. Burton, see William Henry Taylor. Burford, Olive Irene Mary, purse, etc., stolen, 201. Burton, George Henry, tarpaulin stolen, 343. Burford, Thomas William, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, 306. Burton, N. S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 38; recovered, 354. Burford, Travers Carr, convicted and motor driver's licence Burton, William Harold, watch stolen, 142. suspended, 174. Burton, William Russell, bicycle stolen, 458; recovered, 487. Burg, Lancelot Frederick, sports coat, -etc., stolen, 65. Burzacott, Jeffrey William, naval deserter, 154. Burge, Elaine June, missing friend, 269; located, 278; com- Busbridge, Rodney Keith, arrested for storebreaking, 429; plainant, 291, 368. released on bond, 434. Burger, Elsie, watch, etc., stolen, 28. Bushell, Alan -Lawrence Neal, convicted and motor driver's Burgess, see Ethel Francis Mitchell. lice-needisqualified, 338. Burgess, Albert Royal, alias Conto Burgess, convicted, 338; Bushell, Winifred, bicycle stolen, 142. discharged, 408. Business and Engineering Equipment Pty. Ltd., complainant, Burgess, Arnold Murray, convicted, 70. 461. Burgess, Conto, see Albert Royal Burgess. Business Investments Pty. Ltd. (Qld.), see W. J. Ground- Burgess, Arthur F. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 143; recovered, water. 171. Bussey, W. M. (N.S.W.), motor cycle recovered, 78. Burgess, Burton Hubert, cigarettes, etc., stolen, 47; offender Butch (W.A.), wanted for larceny of motor car, 162. arrested, 142; complainant, 145. Butcher, J. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 395. Burgess, Ethel May, shop broken into, 446. Butler, A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen , 29; recovered, 38. Burgess, Frederick Arthur, bicycle stolen, 230, recovered, 250. Butler, George, convicted, 101. Burgess, Hilda May, convicted, 223. Butler, George Francis, convicted, 215. Burgess, Howard Vincent, discharged, 136. Butler, Hugh Paterson, convicted and complaint withdrawn, Burgess, June, absconder, 177; located, 191. 70. Burgess, Lewis Donaldson, attache case, etc., lost or stolen, 67. Butler, J. W., Mr., suit stolen, 169. Burgess, Lloyd Douglas, convicted and motor driver's licence Butler, J. P. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 250; recovered, 259. suspended, 358. Butler, James Henry, convicted for breaking, correction, 14. Burgess, Nancy Howard, complainant, 136. Butler, K. (N.S.W.); motor cycle stolen, 448; recovered, 459, Burgess, Noel J., naval deserter, 397. 468. Burgess, Valerie Heather, complainant, 470. Butler, L. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 404; recovered, Buring, Phillip Rushton, revolver stolen, 323. 487. Burke, Frank Royston, pays fine and costs , 114 (2) ; convicted, Butler, Robert Arthur, bicycle stolen, 476. 215; warrant for, 285; arrested, 428. Butler, Roy, convicted, 328. Burke, Harry Daniel , fails to maintain, 393; pays portion, Butler, William Henry, clothing stolen, 248. 412,arrested, 446. Butler-Nixon, William, pays amount on warrant, 64. Burke, James, convicted, 425. Butler-Sincock, John St. V., camera stolen, 141. Burke, John Clement, released on bond, 406. Butterfield, Ellenor Elsie, watch lost or stolen, 9. Burke, John Lawrence, amounts paid on warrant, 178. Butterworth, R. 0., estate of, complainant, 173. INDEX.

Butterys Ltd., office broken into, 239. Cameron, Ian David, convicted, 479. Buxton, Betty L., overcoat stolen, 394. Cameron, J., naval deserter recovered, 91. Buyer, Theodore William John, see Theodore William John Cameron, Jessie Violet, suitcase and contents stolen, 161; Beyer. additional property stolen, 258. Buyers Limited, scissors stolen, 106. Cameron, Jim, see Jack Campbell Turner. Buzacott Wolseley Ltd. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 29; Cameron, John, see Ernest Campbell. recovered, 38. Cameron , John, clothing , etc., stolen , 66; recovered, 77. Byatt, Keith (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 375. Cameron, John Sinclair , convicted, 233. Byerlee, Ronald Percival, sheep stolen or strayed, 288. Cameron , Ray, suspected of larceny, 152. Byrne, boxer, see Joseph Byrne. Cameron, Susan Emma, complainant, 70. Byrne, Desmond Joseph, complainant, 327. Cameron, William , complainant, 50. Byrne, Doreen Mavis, watch lost or stolen, 316. Cameron, William, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Byrne, E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 180; recovered, 213. qualified , 225, 453. Byrne, Elmo Ethel, missing friend, 298; located, 308. Camilleri , Roy Leslie , watch stolen, 7. Byrne, Francis Joseph, see Joseph Byrne. Camlin, William Colvin, see William Colvin Camblin. Byrne, Henry Creighton, fails to maintain, 332; pays por- Camm, Robert Harold John, house broken into, 45. tion, 419. Campagnia , Maria, complainant, 424. Byrne, Hugh Alexander, warrant for, 45; paid, 140. Campagnola , Luigi , timber stolen , 170; portion recovered, Byrne, John Albert, see John Albert Brennan. offender arrested , 180; complainant, 184. Byrne, Joseph, aliases James Delaney, Francis Joseph Byrne, Campain, Oswald Ambrose , house broken into, 65, 75 ; cleared James Gleary, James William Ashton, Boxer Byrne, dis- up, 88. charged, 320. Campain , Robert Oswald, motor cycle stolen, 142; recovered, Byrne, Leslie Ernest, complainant, 183. 163. Byrnes, Michael, suspected of larceny, 161. Campbell, A. L. (Vic .), motor car stolen, 242. Byrnes, Oliver George, complainant, 461. Campbell , Alexander , shop broken into, 295. Byrnes, Peter Vincent, tools, etc., stolen, 160. Campbell , Allan, see Desmond Allan Campbell. Byrnes, Reginald, suspected of larceny, 161. Campbell , Alice , missing friend, 478. Byron, Desmond Allan, see Desmond Allan Campbell. Campbell, Anthony Hillman, naval deserter, 278. Byrt, Vincent Brian, convicted, 318. Campbell, Bernard, garage broken into, 402. Bytheway, Frederick James, naval deserter recovered, 91. Campbell , Daniel Owen, complainant, 40. Campbell , Desmond Allan , aliases Allan Campbell, Desmond Allan Byron, committed for trial , 58; convicted, 129; discharged, 208. Campbell , Donald, house broken into, 36. C Campbell, Donald, convicted, 22. Campbell , Donald Alexander ,' alias Joseph Miller , arrested on Cabin Service Station (irnest Henry March, manager), warrants (2), 54; suspected of larceny , 56 (2) ; arrested hydraulic jack stolen, 133. for larceny , 67; convicted , 69; discharged, 71; warrant for, Cable, William Francis, complainant, 163. 150; arrested, 168; discharged , 197, 217. Cable, William Lionel, see Gordon Vincent Millard. Cabot, Austin Philip, convicted, 424. Campbell , Donald William , arrested on warrant, 428. Cabot, Bert Cyril, convicted, 378. Campbell, Ernest, aliases John Cameron , Swain, convicted, Cabot, George William, complainant, 309. 173; discharged, 226. Caddy, Richard Ernest, convicted, 117. Campbell , Gordon Vincent, fail to maintain, 121. Caesar Fabrics, Italian rayon stolen, 276. Campbell , Ida Doris Murial, complainant, 40. Cahill, E. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 486. Campbell, John, naval deserter recovered, 366. Cahill, Edward John Lawrence, leather bag, etc., stolen, 201; Campbell , Laurel, information dismissed, 215. recovered, 230. Campbell, Laurence, see Laurence Henry Johnson. Cahill, Eileen Alice, suspected of larceny, 37. Campbell , Leslie, see Richard Chapman. Cahill, George, suspected of larceny, 275, 315. Campbell , Lois Guelda , watch lost or stolen, 354. Cahill, George, aliases John George Cahill, Jack Cahill, I'Lick- Campbell , M. & Co. (N.S. W.), motor car stolen, 180; lack" Cahill, committed for trial, 59; convicted, 196. recovered, 222. Cahill, Jack, see George Cahill. Campbell , Merva Stella , convicted , 32; warrant for, 200; Cahill, John George, see George Cahill. amounts paid, 211. Cahill, "Licklack," see George Cahill. Campbell , Peter, absconder , 150; recovered, 159. Cahill, Thomas Joseph, warrant for, 150. Campbell, Peter John, aliases Peter John Kelly , William Cahill, William Francis, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 375. Archibald Williams, Collins, warrant for , 150; arrested, Cain, John, complainant, 461. 294; convicted , 377; warrant for, 412. Cain, John Alexander, complaint dismissed, 337. Campbell, Raymond George , complainant, 215. Cain, Kenneth Thomas, bicycle stolen, 476. Campbell , Raymond John , committed for sentence , 184; con- Cain, Susan, convicted, 461. victed, 245. Cains, Walter Hugh, bicycle stolen, 67; recovered, 143; com- Campbell , Robert, naval deserter , 10, 21 ; recovered , 58, 91. mitted for trial, 206; arrested for housebreaking and Campbell , Ross, wireless stolen, 211. larceny, 211 (10) ; arrested for larceny of bicycle, 213; Campbell , Sydney Roylston, convicted, 461. convicted, 301. Campbell , Victor Noel , naval deserter recovered, 317; dis- Cairns, Daniel (Vic.), motor cycle recovered, 57. charged, 338 ; naval deserter, 355. Cairns, Keith Crighton, bicycle, stolen, 422; recovered, 430. Campbell , William, complainant, 356; convicted, 398. Calabornes, Stanley, convicted, 145; complaints withdrawn, Campbell , William Edwin , bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, 107. 416. Campbell, William Henry, British seaman deserter, 362; Calban, Anne, brooch lost or stolen, 171. recovered, 383. Calder, Frank Stafford, complaint withdrawn,. 490. Campbell , William John, convicted , 33; conviction set aside on Caldicott, Earle Sanders, hand truck stolen, 55; recovered, appeal , 206; setting aside of conviction upheld, 280. 133; convicted and driver's licence disqualified, 146. Camphor Joe , see Walter Hugh Jobson. Caldwell, Donald Alexander, warrants for, 3. Cananzi, Pacifico ( N.S.W.), alien , arrested, 35. Caldwell, Lorraine Vera, bicycle recovered, 250. Candlett , Colin Langley , convicted , 101, 146; warrant for, 350; Caldwell, Lorna Harriet, complainant, 100. complainant, 356; arrested on warrant, 362. Caledonian Society Incorporated, fans stolen, 76 Candy, George Henry, naval deserter, 154. Calf, Eileen, see Eileen Higgins. Cane, Wilfred Hastings , convicted, 244. Calf, Frank, see Frank Finlay. Canham, Donald Cooper , see Donald Frederick Canham. California Cafe (John Saridis and George Menos, proprietors), Canham, Donald Frederick , alias Donald Cooper Canham, con- shop broken into, 150; correction, 160. victed, 379. Callingham, William Edward, convicted, 172. Canham, Eileen Agnes , complaint withdrawn, 379. Calluthers, W. P. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 250; recovered, Canham , Harry Raymond, ali as Geoffrey Simpson, discharged, 268. 119. Calnan, Owen, naval deserter, 423. Canham, John, suitcase and contents stolen, 133; additional Calvary Hospital, complainant, 60. property , 179; complaint dismissed, 379. Cama, James, complainant, 490. Canham, Kathleen, convicted, 379. Camblin, William Calvin, see William Colvin Camblin. Cann, H . J. (N.S.W .), motor car stolen, 486. Camblin, William Colvin, otherwise William Calvin Camblin, Cann, L., and Sons , complainant , 32; electric motor stolen, 258; William Colvin Camlin, suspected of larceny, 286; arrested, shop broken into, 313. 315; convicted, 327; discharged, 389. Cannon, Clarence, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered , 143; com- Camellleri, Regina, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 396. plainant, 145. Cameron, Alexander, convicted, 12. Cant, Douglas George, complainant, 308. Cameron, Allan, convicted, 172. Canute, Robert Leslie , complainant, 367. Cameron, Colin, bicycle stolen, 230. Capell , Alan Lorimer ( Vic.), motor car stolen, 242. Cameron, Douglas Patrick, see Douglas Patrick Kelly. Capella, Max, see Christopher Caswell. Cameron, Ewan, convicted, 479. Caple, James Tucker , convicted, 450. Cameron, Frederick George, convicted, 462. Caple, Leslie Arthur Hurtle , convicted, 450; discharged, 472. Cameron, Hugh Vincent, see Vincent Michael Donnelly. Caporn , Clara, complainant, 109. INDEX. xv.

Capper, Lionel, released under Offenders Probation Act, 146. Carter, Mervyn Winzel, convicted, 32; warrant for, 191; Capper, Sidney Roby, complainant, 387. amounts paid, 210. Caputo, Giovannie, watch stolen, 267. Carter, Patricia, complainant, 356. Carbery, James, inquest on body of, 298, 299. Carter, Richard Stephen, convicted, 290. Carbine, Keith Theodore, convicted, 388. Carter, Sydney Frederick, fail to maintain, 121. Card, M. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 448. Carter, Wilfred George, convicted, 405. ' Cardassis, George, wheel, tyre, and tube stolen, 352. Carter, William Arthur, tools stolen, 465. Careless, Donald Herbert, naval deserter, 172. Carter, William Edward, convicted, 440. Carey, Harold Michael, trowels, etc., stolen, 429. Carter, William T., naval deserter, recovered, 90. Carey, J. W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324; recovered, 422. Carthew, Claudius Roberto, shotgun stolen, 486. Carey, John Frederick, warrant for, 87; amounts paid, 265. Cartledge, D. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 133; recovered, Carey, Patrick, naval deserter, recovered, 366. 143. Carey, Raymond Keith, discharged, 358. Cartledge, H. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 250; recovered, Carlier, Colin Walter, released on bond,- 50. 259. Carlson, Moira (Vic.), motor car stolen, 468; recovered, 487. Carty, Leo Augustine, convicted, 14. Carlton, Frank, see Everett Frank Lindsay (U.S.A.). Carty, Michael, convicted, 14, 252. Carlyle, Leslie Morton, convicted, 145; - discharged, 147. Carver, Norman Samuel, convicted and driver's licence can- Carmichael, Hubert George, see Palladium Dance Hall. celled, 128. Caruso, Rocco, convicted and driver's licence suspended, 407. Carmichael, John Duncan, bicycle stolen, 213; number of bicycle,222. Caruso, Carmelo, convicted and driver's licence suspended, 408. Carver, Richard Cecil Ashton, complainant, 452 (2). Carmichael, Robert James Oliver, deserts wife, arrested, 10; Casbolt, Harold John, naval deserter, 355. discharged, 130; warrant for 219, 265. Case, Ivy (N.S.W.), special inquiry for three unknown men Carn, William Colin, convicted, 290; discharged, 329. for housebreaking on, 177; assault and robbery on pro- Carnaby, William, naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. visional warrant for Keith Paul James Berry, 247. Carne, Isabella, clothing, etc., stolen, 240. Case, Norman William, naval deserter, 376. Carnegie, Vincent, naval deserter, 365. Case, Raymond Francis, arrested on warrant, 54; discharged, Carney, Graham Maxwell, convicted, 127. 94. Carpenter, Edward, released on bond, 59. Case, William James, convicted, 407. Carpenter, John, camera stolen, 169; recovered, 202. Casey, Boyce James, convicted, 345. Carpenter, Malcolm, convicted, 204. Casey, Colin Roy, missing friend, 126; located, 135. Carpenter, Thomas, complainant, 59. Casey, Gerald Patrick, missing friend, 58; located, 68; missing Carpenter, William Edward, convicted, 70. friend, 204; located, 251. Carr, Pearl Petral Maria, complainant, 233. Casey, James Vivian, convicted, 12. Carr, Percival Staines, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Casey, John Patrick, convicted, 128. 14. Casey, Kenneth John Harcourt, missing friend, 48; located, Carr, Robert, warrant for, 26; amount paid, 87; fails to main- 232. tain, 256. Casey, Leslie John, committed for trial, 232; convicted, 319; Carr, Wilfred Abram, convicted, 155. discharged, 491. Carracher, Allan John, convicted, 299-. Casey, Leslie Meaney, arrested on warrant, 18. Carragher, Charles Edward John, convicted and driver's licence Casey, R.A. (Qld.), auto cycle stolen, 414; recovered, 439. cancelled, 262. Casey, William, aliases William Hampson, David Tennant, Carrawger, Matthew, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Halliday Smith, John Baker, William Hampen, George 156. Temple, William Percy Hampson, discharged, 119; con- Carrig Chemists (Whyalla) Ltd., complainant, 398, 452. victed, 479. Carrison, Ronald Charles, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, 67. Cash, Leonard George, naval deserter, 397; recovered, 460. Carroll, Ivor John, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 153. Cash, Pius Leo, convicted, 308. Carroll, Ivor Newton, house broken into, 332. Cashion, Thomas, complainant, 12. Carroll, John, see William Leonard Bicknell. Caskey, Bessie Helena, complainant, 462. Carroll, Leonard Alan, windscreen stolen, 384. Casling, Reginald Herbert, bicycle stolen, 486. Carroll, Maurice Ronald, dismissed under Offender's Probation Casoni-Perugini, Ezio, see Ezio Casoni Perugini. Act, 397. Cassar, Hilda Edith, complainant, 425. Carroll, May, see Emily Katherine Matthews. Cassar, Salvatore, alias Jim Tonal convicted, 13. Carroll, Patrick Kevin, bicycle stolen, 222; recovered, 231. Casserley, John Robert, naval deserter, 405; arrested, 431. Carroll, Thomas Christopher, convicted, 183. Cassidy, Bruce Irvine, naval deserter, 397. Carroll, Tommy, see Thomas Martin Dowe. Cassidy, Jack, alias Petral Jack, convicted, 14. Carroll, Vincent Joseph, complainant, 216. Castle, Ada Jean, string of pearls lost or stolen, 260. Carruthers, Alfred John, convicted, 14; admits stealing bicycles, Castles, Margaret Patricia, missing friend, 355. 29, 30; arrested for larceny of bicycle, 297. Caswell, Christopher, aliases Norman Stanley Buchanan, Carruthers, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Stephen Caswell', Max Capella, Tex Caswell, discharged, Carruthers, John, bicycle stolen, 364. 41; convicted, 60. Carruthers, John Hyacinth, convicted, 39. Caswell, Stephen, see Christopher Caswell. Carruthers, Thomas Joseph, convicted, 368; convicted and Caswell, Tex, see Christopher Caswell. motor driver's licence disqualified, 459. Catalda, Vito (W.A.), alien, 210. Carson, Leslie Charles, see Leslie Francis Carson. Catchlove, Howard Verdun Lamnos, attache case stolen, 314. Carson, Leslie Francis, aliases Leslie P.. Carson, Leslie William Catchpool, Vida Gladys, released on bond, 224. Craige, Midge Carson, Midget Carson, Leslie Charles Cates, John Mortimer, warrant for, 75. Carson, Leslie Francis Williams, special inquiry, suspected Catford, E., see unknown woman giving name of. of larceny, 464. Cathcart, David William Balfour, naval deserter, 163; recovered, Carson, Leslie P., see Leslie Francis Carson. 223. Carson, Midge, see Leslie Francis Carson. Catherwood, Frederick, remanded to Victoria, 368. Carson, Midget, see Leslie Francis Carson. Catholic Convent of the Angel of the Good Shepherd, fowls Carson, Ronald John, otherwise Ronnie Carson, suspected of stolen, 429. larceny, 394; arrested, 448; convicted, 452. Catt, David Ronald, motor car stolen, 276; recovered, 297. Carson, Ronnie, see Ronald John Carson. Cattermole, John Edward, discharged, 166. Carson, Vernon Roy, suspected of larceny from William John Cau, P. E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 414. Elson, 55. Cavanagh, Edward James, dismissed on parent's bond, 117. Carter, Betty, complainant, 356. Cavanagh, Robert Edwin, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 404. Carter, Claude Walter, bicycle stolen, 77. Cavanagh, William Desmond, convicted, 416. Carter, Dudley, suspected of shopbreaking and larceny, 26; Cavanagh, Robert Edwin, bicycle stolen, 476. arrested, 55; convicted, 60. Cavanah, Lloyd Alfred, watch stolen, 314. Carter, Esma May, released on bond, 425. Cave, Gordon Harold, convicted, 261. Carter, Francis Leonard, convicted, 327. Cave, Kenneth, complainant, 451. Carter, Frederick John, complainant, 356. Cave, Sydney Edmund, convicted, 164. Carter, Frederick Newman, warrant for, 160; paid, 168. Cavender, Phillip Frederick, convicted and driver's licence dis- Carter, Frederick Rafael, committed for trial, 356; remanded qualified, 165. for sentence, 453. Cavendish, Ronald, see Douglas Walter Bath. Carter, G. E. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 181. Cavenett, Oscar Stanley, complainant, 338. Carter, George Frederick Walter, bicycle stolen, 180. Cavenett, Ronald Henry, bicycle stolen, 152. Carter, George Nelson, convicted, 388. Caville, Lawrence Arthur William, dismissed under Offender's Carter, Graham George, jacket lost or stolen, 268. Probation Act, 490. Carter, Harry Michael, arrested for shopbreaking and larceny, Cawee, Jean, complainant, 58. 457. Cawthorne, Cyril, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Carter, Havelock Freeland, warrant for, 456; amount paid, qualified, 300. 474; convicted, 489. Cazzolato, Antillio, cow stolen or strayed, 386; recovered, 405. Carter, Jack, bicycle stolen, 448; recovered, 476. Cellulose Aust. Pty. Ltd., inquest on fire, 377. Carter, James William, towels stolen, 438. Centofanti, Francesco, information dismissed, 489. Carter, Lawrence George, bicycle stolen, 133. Central Slipping Company, pontoon stolen, 66; recovered, 123. xvi. INDEX.

Chabrell, Vera Evelyn, complainant, 346. Cherry, Alice, committed for trial, 136; case made remanet, Chadwick, Gladys, watch lost or stolen, 422; recovered, 431. 174; nolle prosequi entered, 245. Chadwick, Ronald (N.S.W.), obtains provisional warrant for Cherry, Eric Clyde, aliases Sherry, Dickson, Eldridge, Nelson, Eric Thomas Hannon, 445. Walter James Spencer, James Edwards, convicted, 14; Chakley, William, see Robert Williams (Vie.). warrant for, 139. Chalkley, Sextus Robert, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Cherry, John Gordon, naval deserter, 30; recovered, 48. Chamberlain, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Matthews. Chessa, Giovanni, information dismissed, 346. Chamberlain, Harry Lowins, information dismissed, 196. Chessman, William Herbert, watch stolen, 161; recovered, 170. Chamberlain, Sydney John, bicycle stolen, 88. Chester, Rhonda Elain, missing friend, 308; located, 326. Chambers, Alfred Verne, suit stolen, 151; recovered, 180. Chesterfield, Dolly, complainant, 32. Chambers, Austin Frank, electric motor stolen, 201. Chesterfield, Ethel, convicted, 136. Chambers, Clara Caroline, obtains warrant for Rex William Chesterman, Victor Harvey, convicted, 290. Pearce, 210. Cheyne, Arthur, missing friend, 125. Chambers, Harold Richard, convicted, 451. Cheyne, Louisa Man, missing friend, 48; located, 100. Chambers, Leslie Malcolm, bicycle stolen, 20. Chiesa, Albert, convicted, 452. Champion, Bernard Charles Cyril, naval deserter, 488. Chiesa, Lando, complainant, 215. Champions Ltd., wireless stolen, 394. Children's Hospital Inc., complainant, 70. Chancellor, Ronald James, naval deserter, 99. Childs, Albert Edward, convicted, 416. Chang, K. S. Francis (Vie.), alien, 219. Childs, Alfred, missing friend, 204; located, 278. Chant, G. A., saw stolen, 465. Childs, E. E. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 98; recovered, 213. Chapel, Joyce, commits larceny of bicycle, 231. Childs, Margaret, bicycle stolen, 20; recovered, 47; bicycle Chaplin, Alfred Thomas, convicted, 308. stolen, 212; recovered, 287. Chaplin, George Lionel, aliases Lionel George Chaplin, Long- Childs, Phyllis, stolen property recovered, 20. fellow, discharged, 235; convicted, 279; discharged, 329. Childs, Raymond, released on bond, 398. Chaplin, Herbert Arthur Ross, barometer stolen, 305; Childs, Richard James, convicted, 49; discharged, 94; warrant recovered, 343. for, 427; arrested, 436. Chaplin, Lawrence Sydney George, convicted, 489. Chiles, Reginald Theodore, convicted, 379. Chaplin, Leonard Percy, rug stolen, 276. Chilman, Leonard George, motor car stolen and reward offered, Chaplin, Lionel George, see George Lionel Chaplin. 8; reward raised, 20; recovered and offenders located, 115. Chaplin, William Albert, convicted, 470. Chilton, Algie, see Alvan Stewart Hartley Taylor. Chapman, see James William Smith. Chilton, Cyril Ivor, convicted, 387; appeal dismissed, 452. Chapman, Archibald Sydney, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, China Import Co., money, etc., stolen, 275. 194. Chinner, Margaret Daphne, clothing stolen, 141. Chapman, Arthur Robert, bicycle stolen, 268; recovered, 288. Chirgwin, Lionel Joseph, convicted, 433. Chapman, Betty Joyce, complainant, 417. Chisler, John (Vie.), motor car stolen, 335. Chapman, Colin , convicted, 233. Chiswick, Maurice John, Air Force deserter recovered, 477. Chapman, Douglas Sidney, naval deserter, recovered, 10; naval Unittleborough, Eric William, see Bunge (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Chapman, Edward William John, bicycle stolen, 353; recovered, Chittleborough, Robert Howard, offender arrested for shop- 414. breaking on, 88. Chapman, Frank Edward, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 153. Chittock, Alfred Ernest, kitbag, etc., stolen, 105; recovered, Chapman, Frank Emery, shotgun stolen, 201. 114. Chapman, Hedley Thomas, house broken into, 229. Chivell, Ernest Henry, committed for sentence, 59, 71; con- Chapman, James Harold, complainant, 155. victed, 196; discharged, 246. Chapman, J. T. and Sons, sheep stolen or strayed, 89. Chown, Rex, bicycle stolen, 222; recovered, 250. Chapman, Keith Raymond, tools stolen, 352. Christian, Erick, convicted, 108. Chapman, Peggy Lister, watch stolen, 55. Christianson, Rudolph Nathaniel, convicted, 164, 232. Chapman, Reginald Bernard, convicted, 126. Christie, Edwin John Robert, warrant for, 150. Chapman, Richard, aliases Leslie Campbell, Richard Mon- Chrysler Dodge De Soto Distributors Ltd. (formerly Richards govin, Robert Chapman, special inquiry, wanted for lar- Industries Ltd.), complainant, 12, 398; wireless stolen, ceny, 159; photo, 167; arrested, 177; committed for 403; complainant, 432, 490. trial, 183; warrant for, 248. Chugg, Charles Henry, naval deserter recovered, 366. Chapman, Richard William, convicted, 318. Churcher, Joseph Clarence, discharged, 369. Chapman, Robert, see Richard Chapman. Churchett, William Joseph, arrested for wife desertion, 21; Chapman, Ronald Henry, released on bond, 318. convicted and committed for trial, 22; convicted, 129; dis- Chapman, William Ross, convicted, 318. charged, 198. Chapman, Winifred Kathleen, complainant, 174. Churchill, Frederick Spencer, aliases George Frederick Spencer Chappel, Robert Michael Grant, released under Offender's Churchill, George Arthur Herschel, Arthur Frederick Probation Act, 261. Herschel, Frederick Spencer Satchel, convicted, 81; dis- Chappell, Allan, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. charged, 156; convicted, 346; discharged, 409; convicted, Chappell, Donald Richard Charles, convicted, 346. 470. Chappell, George, bicycle stolen, 47; recovered, 67. Churchill, George Frederick Spencer, see Frederick Spencer Chappell, Harold Owen George, obtains warrant for Frederick Churchill. Henry James Smith, 228. Churchett, Winifred Olive, alias Shanks, complainant, 22; sus- Chapple, John Henry, suspected of larceny, 413, 448. pected of larceny, 37. Charles, Norman Howard, bicycle stolen, 486. Churchman, Colin, see Norman Reese Churchman. Charles, Thomas, see Thomas Lawson Karpany. Churchman, Norman Reece, see Norman Reese Churchman. Charlesworth, Doris, remanded to Victoria, 432. Churchman, Norman Reese, aliases Norman Reece Churchman,, Charlesworth, Vincent John, complainant, 290. Colin Churchman, convicted, 41-7; discharged, 481. Charlick, Glen Havelock, wallet, etc., lost or stolen, 365. Chynoweth, Maxwell Allan, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 396. Charlick, William Ltd., motor car stolen, 212; recovered, 231; Cilento, Salvadore Leo, convicted, 14. clothes airers lost or stolen, 231. Cimarosti, Bruno, convicted, 224. Charlie (aborigine), complainant, 13; committed for sentence, Cincotta, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 241; recovered, 250. 13. Cirillo, Larry (Qld.-S.A.), tools, etc., stolen, 335. Charlie, Ernabella (aborigine), convicted, 39; discharged, 41. Cirillo, Pasquale, alien, 95. Charlton, Nancy Neale, released on bond, 327. Citarelli, Vittorio, alien, 95. Charlton, Robert Curry, watch lost or stolen, 21. City, Taxi Service Co., special inquiry re false pretences on, Charlton, Walter Adam, convicted, 233. 121; wheel, tyre, and tube, etc., stolen, 275; recovered, Charlton, William Henderson, tent lost or stolen, 487. 296; offender arrested for false pretences on, 331. Charnock, Albert Edward, watch stolen, 257. Clady, A. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 297. Chase, Reginald Lisle, convicted, 50. Clair, John & Co., see Adolph Johan Eckert. Chater, K. W. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 404; recovered, 439. Clancy, James, see Albert Jones. Chaytor, R. A. (N. S .W.), motor car stolen, 29; recovered, 57. Clancy, James Joseph, convicted, 144; discharged, 175; con- victed, 357; discharged, 442. Cheeks (Reginald Donald Farquharson, manager), frock stolen, Clancy, Ross Percival, convicted, 378. 56. Clancy, Vincent Alfred, convicted, 424. Cheeseman, Leonard Sydney, watch stolen, 106. Clare (woman known as), suspected of larceny, 179. Cheesman, Alfred John, bicycle stolen, 115. Cheesman, Arthur William Pierce, convicted, 16; discharged, Clarebrough, John Walter, see Phillips Electrical Industries of 443. Aust. Ltd. Cheetham, Dennis Humphrey, convicted, 451. Clark, A. (man signing name of), suspected of officebreaking, Chellew and Sons (Herbert Chellew, owner), suitlengths 105. stolen, 413. Clark, A. G.. (man giving name of), suspected of officebreaking, Chellew, Herbert, see Chellew and Sons. 114. Cheney, Edward Peter, convicted, 224. Clark, Anthony, see Arthur Robert Clark. Cheney, Eric Darcy, bicycle stolen, 203; recovered, 213. Clark, Arthur Oxley, see Arthur Robert Clark. Chengadoo, Tima, complainant, 252. Clark, Arthur Robert, aliases Anthony Clark, Tony Clark, Chynoweth, Donald Wilfred, committed for trial, 23; convicted, Arthur Oxley Clark, George Harcourt, George Downing,, 129. Thompson, discharged, 72. INDEX. i Clark, Arthur William, convicted, 92; warrant for, 210; paid, Clements, Carmen Josephine, convicted, 337; correction, 347, 248. 379. Clark, Brian Colin, convicted, 461. Clements, W. E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 98; recovered, 57. Clark, Cecil Arthur, convicted, 129; discharged, 359. Clements, William, convicted, 233. Clark, Clarence Albert Arthur, committed for trial, 205; Clements, William Arthur, see William Greenslade. acquitted, 301. Clendinnen, Allan Deaker, convicted, 12. Clark, Colin Hardy, convicted, 452. Cleveland, F. A. & Sons (Frederick Grainge Cleveland and Clark, Eric Edward, convicted and motor-driver's licence can- Frank Hannington Cleveland, proprietors), complainant, celled, 358. 291, 377. Clark, George, money stolen, 485. Cleveland, Frank Hannington, see F. A. Cleveland & Sons. Clark, Herbert, bicycle stolen, 268. Cleveland, Frederick Grainge, see F. A. Cleveland & Sons. Clark, Hubert Churchill, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 422. Cliffe, E. D., naval deserter recovered, 91. Clark, James Harold, warrant for, 150; paid, 168. Clifford Bros. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 334; recovered, Clark,Jean, bicycle stolen,3Q6; recovered,316. 354. Clark, John Gillespie, convicted, 367. Clifford, Frederick, motor cycle stolen, 142. Clark, John Stopani, naval deserter recovered, 10. Clifford, Harold P. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 203. Clark, Keith John, alias Kevin Skelley, convicted, 451. Clifford, Jack, see Jack Clifford Whitehead. Clark, Leslie Francis, house broken into, 45. Clifford, James P., complainant, 117. Clark, Maxwell Robert, fowls stolen, 395. Clifford, Leslie Adlington, house broken into, 27. Clark, Mervyn Ross, see Ross Mervyn Clark. Clifford, M. K., complainant, 117. Clark, Michael, see Michael Madigan. Cliff ord Theatres Ltd. (William Howard Clarke, manager), Clark, Neville Darrel (gazetted as Neville Erroll Darrell), complainant, 136, 216. bicycle stolen, 267; recovered, 297. Clifford, Timothy Patrick, convicted, 300; warrant for, 419; Clark, R. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 142. arrested, 446. Clark, Robert, committed for trial, 155; convicted, 245. Clift, Alfred Horace, convicted, 93. Clark, Ross Mervein, see Ross Mervyn Clark. Clift, Olive Mary, alias Hanrahan, arrested for larceny, 37; Clark, Ross Mervyn, aliases Ross Mervein Clark, Mervyn Ross convicted, 48. Clark, Kevin Hopkins, Kevin McLean, K. M. Kevin, war- Clifton, Alwyn Brian, convicted, 23. rant for, 18; located in Vic., arrest still desired, 96; Clifton, Florence Hepzibah, complainant, 327. commits larceny, 97. Clifton, P. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 334. Clark, Thelma, case, etc., stolen, 466; recovered, 476. Clinton, Arthur Henry, arrested for larceny, 47. Clark, Thomas Harold, shop broken into, 220. Clintons Transport Ltd., motor truck stolen, 230. Clark, Thomas Jameson, fails to maintain, 332. Cloak, Norman James, motor car stolen, 106; recovered, 115. Clark, Tony, see Arthur Robert Clark. Clohessy, J. H., suspected of larceny, 296. Clark, Victor Allan, convicted, 224. Close, Stanley William, see William Arthur Eddy. Clark, William, committed for sentence, 59; arrested for lar- Clothier, Malcolm Colin, committed for trial, 416. ceny, 66; committed for sentence, 70; convicted, 196; dis- Clough, Alfred George, convicted, 69. charged, 246. Clough, J. (N.S.W.), trailer stolen, 98. Clarke, see William Lionel Mattner. Clough, Joan Margaret, bicycle stolen, 29. Clarke, Arthur, arrested for larceny, 7. Clunne, Edward J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 66; recovered, Clarke, B., see Bernard Kenrick Gibbons. 78. Clarke, E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 170; recovered, 231. Clutterbuck, Gaenor Elizabeth, missing friend, 366. Clarke, F. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 315; recovered, 376. Coad, Edward Clifford, deserts wife, 415; suspected of lar- Clarke, Florence Hildaguard, offender arrested for larceny on, ceny, 447. 7. Coad, Harold James, convicted, 289; discharged, 320. Clarke, Francis, convicted, 337. Coad, James Henry, discharged, 166. Clarke, Francis Joseph, convicted, 244. Coad, Kenneth Vincent, complainant, 406. Clarke, Graham William, bicycle stolen, 353; recovered, 404. Coad, Maxwell Garnet, suspected of housebreaking, 446; con- Clarke, Harold, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- victed, 451; warrant for, 473. qualified, 252. Coad, Robert, convicted, 145, 243. Clarke, Harold Clyde, complainant, 173. Coast Steamships Ltd., corsets stolen, 343. Clarke, Harry, complainant, 337. Coates, Albert Percival, bicycle stolen, 106. Clarke, Jack, complainant, 232. Coates, Noel, suspected of larceny, 384. Clarke, James, absconder, 64; located, 104. Coates, Snowy, suspected of larceny, 384. Clarke, John Cornelius, special inquiry re valueless cheque Coats, Maurice Ray, convicted and motor driver's licence sus- passed on, 372; wheel, tyre, and tube stolen, 458. pended, 60. Clarke, John Desmond, convicted, 101. Cobb, Alfred Stanton, complainant, 204. Clarke, Joseph, discharged, 24. Cochrane, Frederick Harold, commits indecency offences, 25, Clarke, Joseph Albert, see Herman James Colin Bartlett. 26; information dismissed, 33. Clarke, Keith James, convicted, 117. Cock, Alfred Harold, see Alfred Coates Griffin. Clarke, Kevin Benjamin, aliases L. R. Dodd, J. L. Davies, T. P. Cock, Annie Fay, money stolen, 46. Kierley, suspected of shopbreaking, 211; arrested for Cock, Catherine Agnes, see Catherine Agnes Marlow. stealing motor car, 213; information dismissed, 215; con- Cock, George Edward Josiah, convicted, 243. victed, 216; arrested for breaking offence, 286; arrested Cockburn Hotel (Leslie Melville Gumley, licensee), com- for stealing motor car, 287; convicted, 289 (2). plainant, 291. Clarke, Mary Lillian, house broken into, 97. Cocker, Colin Stanley, convicted, 31. Clarke, Mary Patricia, complainant, 14. Cocking, John William, naval deserter, 278. Clarke, Percival George, convicted, 442; warrant for, 446. Cockings Carriers, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 365; recovered, 376; Clarke, Raymond, convicted, 80. tarpaulin stolen, 374; tarpaulin lost or stolen, 468; Clarke, Robert, convicted, 165, 174. lost tarpaulin recovered,477. Clarke, Robert William, special inquiry re forgery on, 293. Cockington, Lancelot Jasper, convicted and motor driver's Clarke, Ron, suspected of larceny, 458. licence disqualified, 184. Clarke, Ronald Keith, bicycle stolen, 134; recovered, 143. Cocks, Bruce Gordon, watch, etc., stolen, 28. Clarke, Samuel, overcoat stolen, 141. Cocks, Harold Mulvihill, complainant, 279. Clarke, 'Stephen Walter, complainant, 232. Cocks, Kathleen Peggy, complainant, 279. Clarke, William Charles, complainant, 368. Cocks, Kevin William, see Kevin William Cox. Clarke, William Howard, see Clifford Theatres Ltd. Cocks, Maurice Frank, convicted, 367; correction, 389. Clarke, William Henry, convicted, 183. Cocoran, John Bernard, complainant, 59. Clarksons Ltd., complainant, 182; carpet stolen, 202; com- Codey, Edward, naval deserter, 195; recovered, 214. plainant, 270. Cody, Moira Ruth, complainant, 32. Claughton, Roy, trousers stolen, 160. Coe, George, tools stolen, 87. Clauston, J. H., complainant, 279. Coe, Ivy, hotel broken into, 363. Clavell, Edward William, bicycle stolen, 171; recovered, 194. Coffey, Allen George, aliases Robert Bourke, George Joseph Clavell, Samuel Eden, convicted, 376. McCulloch, Joseph Davies, Joseph Davis, George Connel, Claxton, Fergus, bicycle stolen, 142. George Joseph Tyler, William Constano, Joseph Dunne, Clay, Alexander Grossman, naval deserter recovered, 366. George McConnell, George McCullock, discharged, 198; Clayson, Robert Andy, trousers stolen, 267. committed for trial, 261; convicted, 319. Clayton, Edward William, motor cycle stolen, 97. Coghlan, J., convicted, 183. Clayton, George Freeman, convicted and motor driver's licence Coghlan, James, convicted, 309. suspended, 71. Coghlan, John Terence, coat stolen, 475. Clayton, John Lamb, house broken into, 140. Coghlan, Lena Lily, clothing stolen, 295. Clayton, Walter (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Coglan, see Rowland Lionel MeMannis. Cleary, Bertram Ernest, naval deserter, 30; recovered, 38. Coglin, see Rowland Lionel McMannis. Cleary, Douglas John, convicted, 182. Coglin, Charles, blankets, etc., stolen, 295. Cleary, Percival Frank, see Percival William Cleary. Cohen, George Alfred, convicted and motor driver's licence Cleary, Percival William, alias Percival Frank Cleary, dis- cancelled, 207. charged, 71; convicted,489. Cohen, Hans (Vic.), alien, 15. Clelland, C. E. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 29; recovered, 57. Cohen, Henry, see Lewis James Cohen. C xviii, . INDEX.

Cohen, L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 458. Colton, Geoffrey Frank, convicted and motor driver's licence Cohen, Leslie Leonard, alias Leonard Leslie Gray, special suspended, 128, 136. inquiry, wanted for false pretences, 86; arrested, 191. Colton, Palmer & Preston Ltd., complainant, 173, 216; Cohen, Lewis James (trading as Henry Cohen), complainant, watches, etc., stolen, 333; wireless stolen, 351; factory 489. broken into, 363; additional property, 363; complainant, Cohen, Max (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 476. 441, 490. Cohen, R. S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 29. Columbus, Alexander John, complainant, 290. Cohen, Samuel William, see Greenwood Amusement Archery. Colwill, Eber Jim, convicted, 116. Cohen, Violet Laurel, bicycle stolen, 134; recovered, 143. Comley, Sydney William James, convicted, 291. Cohn, Dorothy Julia, suitcase, etc., stolen, 384. Comleys Ltd., see William Gardiner Northcote. Coker, see Richard James Grewdson. Commercial Bank of Australasia Ltd., factory broken into, Colagiovanni, Michele (Vic.), alien, 190. 229; property recovered, offender arrested, 323; com- Colban, H. C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle recovered, 20. plainant, 327. Colbert, D. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 213; recovered, 222. Commercial Motors Ltd., bicycle stolen, 170. Colbert, Thomas James, missing friend located, 21. Commercial Travellers Association of S.A. Inc., complainant, Colbert, Thomas Michael, convicted, 146. 299; billiard cue stolen, 429. Coldstream Refrigerators Ltd., block and tackle stolen, 66; Commissioner of National Park, complainant, 215. complainant, 116 (2), 206. Commonwealth Government- Cole, Alan Ronald, naval deserter, 108. Aircraft Production Department, complainant, 440. Cole, Alfred, naval deserter recovered, 90. Civil Aviation Department, Parafield, aeroplane parts, Cole, Alfred (Vic.), motor car stolen, 143; correction, 162; etc., stolen, 19. recovered,325. Defence Department- Cole, Alfred George, convicted, 416. Adelaide, cotton duck stolen, 88; complainant, 205, Cole, James Leslie, fails to maintain, 104; pays portion, 113, 122, 132, 140, 150, 168, 191, 200, 248. 425. Alberton, offenders arrested for drill hall breaking Cole, John A. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 385. Cole, Keith Michael, naval deserter recovered, 366. on, 36 ; complainant, 39. Cole, Kenneth, complaint dismissed, 101. Colonel Light Gardens, horses stolen or strayed, 38; recovered, 68. Cole, Maureen Phyllis, complainant, 233. Hampstead, tools, etc., stolen, 374. Cole, William John, see Robert William Cooper. Loveday, harness stolen, 28; recovered, 88; com- Coleman, Alexander Charles, shoes stolen, 19. Coleman, Arthur William, see Adelaide Milling Co. plainant, 164; tree-puller stolen, 240. , jeep and utility stolen, 29; truck Coleman, Charles Thomas, convicted, 173. and trailer recovered, 181; motor cycle recovered, Coleman, David Murray, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 268. 259; jeep stolen, 324; recovered, 335; jeeps Coleman, Ivan Howard, convicted, 461. stolen, 448; waggon stolen, 459; jeep stolen, 486. Coleman, Violet Olive, mare stolen or strayed, 278; recovered, 335. Port Adelaide rifle range, shed broken into, 18. Coles, Alexander Hector, convicted and motor driver's licence Port Pirie, complainant, 407. suspended, 358. Queensland, jeep stolen, 8; motor car stolen, 29, 67; Coles, G. J. & Co., complainant, 135, 379. jeep stolen, 67 (2) ; utility stolen, 124; jeep Coles, Henry Edgar, complainant, 378. stolen, 162, 1.80; utility stolen, 202; motor cycle Coles, Herbert John, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 344. stolen, 375. Coles, Jeffrey Donald, complainant, 182. Victoria, jeep stolen, 29; recovered, 57. Colgan, Francis Patrick, convicted, 489. Wayville, copper stolen, 7. Colgan, Lawrence Patrick Francis, convicted, 327. Department of Interior, Queensland, jeep stolen, 78. Coliero, Phillip, complainant, 205. Disposals Commission- Collard, E. N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 422. Mount Gambier, generators, etc., stolen, 249. Collas, William R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324; recovered, Unley, sewing machine head stolen, 133. 4,68. Food Service Section, complainant, 224. Collaton, Edward Michael, arrested on warrant, 26. Information Department, New South Wales, cameras Colledge,A.W. (Qld.), trailer stolen, 354. stolen, 485. Collegiate School of St. Peter, complainant, 261 (2). Munitions Department- Collett, Keith William, suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 468. Adelaide, complainant, 100, 215. Collier, John Isadore, convicted, 490. Finsbury, electric motor stolen, 65; electric grinder Collier, John Walter Marlow, bicycle stolen, 249. stolen, 66; canvas cover stolen, 66; electric Colliers Interstate Transport Pty. Ltd. (Vic.), obtains pro- fans stolen, 114; lens stolen, 141; electric visional warrant for Leslie James Gleeson, 190; offender motors, etc., stolen, 161; bells stolen, 179; spray arrested, 456. gun stolen, 212; motor stolen, 343; rotary set- Colling,Leonard, naval deserter recovered, 90. back stolen, 447. Collings, Dean Harold, bicycle stolen, 277; recovered, 297. Collins, see Peter John Campbell. Penfield and Finsbury, rubber belts, etc., stolen, Collins, Charles, see Everett Frank Lindsay (U.S.A.). 151. Port Pirie, bicycle stolen, 115. Collins, Collin Sylvester, fails to maintain, 64; suitcase, etc., Unley, tents stolen, 88. lost or stolen, 107; arrested on warrant, 114; suitcase recovered,125; overcoat lost or stolen,222. Navy Department- Collins, Edward Albert, bicycle stolen, 152. Adelaide, complainant, 441. Collins, Eileen Patricia, missing friend, 251; located, 269. Birkenhead, towels, etc., stolen, 88; ditty bags, etc., Collins, Herbert John, released on bond, 356. stolen, 240. Collins, Horace Ernest, crockery, etc., stolen, 467. New South Wales, motor car stolen, 29; recovered, 38. Collins, Ivan Dudley, complainant, 59. Pensions Department, Adelaide, complainant, 290. Collins, Ivan Harry, convicted and motor driver's licence sus- Postmaster-General's Department- pended, 442. Adelaide, complainant, 58, 60, 144, 41-6; wheel, etc., Collins, J., see John Francis Hanley. stolen, 429. Collins, John Henry, house broken into, 140. Berri, telephone, etc., stolen, 89. Collins, John James, watch lost or stolen, 38. Cheltenham, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 316; recovered, Collins, John Malcolm, bicycle recovered, 134. 335. Collins, Joseph Leonard John, complainant, 433. Glenelg, complainant, 388. Collins, Leonard, warrant for, 159. Henley Beach, wheel, etc., stolen, 249. Collins, Leonard John, missing friend, 260; located, 298. Nelshaby-Port Pirie, electric detector lost or stolen, Collins, Leslie James, convicted, 216. 298. Collins, Nora Margaret, complainant, 356. New South Wales, motor truck stolen , 315; recovered, Collins, Patricia Margaret, bicycle stolen, 467; recovered, 487. 354. Collins, R., motor cycle recovered, 47. Port Pirie, complainant, 338. Collins, R. A. (Qld.), motor truck recovered, 30. South Africa-South Australia, property recovered, 133. Collins, Robert, tools stolen, 46. Strathalbyn, complainant, 489. Collins, Stephen George, wheel, etc., lost or stolen, 288; Public Works Department, New South Wales, crab winch recovered,325. stolen, 458. Collins, Victor Rueben, convicted, 490. Railways Department- Collins, Victor Rupert Frederick, convicted, 127. Hesso, tents stolen, 179. Collins, William, naval deserter recovered, 366. Northern Territory-South Australia, tarpaulins stolen, Collis, C. (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 20. 212; portion recovered, 230. Colmer, Lavinia Kathryne, complainant, 357. Port Augusta, complainant , 155; 224. Colombo, Alexander Amelia, naval deserter recovered, 366. Port Augusta-Parachilna, tyres stolen, 476. Colonial Sugar Refining Co., store broken into, 229. Quorn, saw spindle stolen , 76; complainant, 172. Colotti, Giovanni, bicycle stolen, 396. Tarcoola, coffee pot stolen, 114; offender arrested, Colquhoun, David, overcoat stolen, 394; additional property, 152. 475. Victoria-South Australia, oil circuit breaker, etc., Colquist, Harold Leonard, bicycle stolen, 213. lost or stolen,203. INDEX.

Repatriation Department- Cook, William Richard, convicted, 318. Adelaide, Rehabilitation Commission, complainant, Cooke, Frank Wilbur, see Wilbur Frank Cooke, 290. Cooke, Hubert Alfred, convicted, 145. Belair Sanatorium, wireless set, etc., stolen, 314. Cooke, Kevin Lees, electric motor stolen, 241. Keswick Hospital, complainant, 100. Cooke, L. S. (man giving name of), sold stolen bicycle, 142. Royal Australian Air Force- Cooke, Wilbur Frank, aliases Frank Wilbur Cooke, H. Jack- Adelaide, attache case, etc., stolen, 305; offender son, J. Fenton, h. Roberts, Alwyn Charles William, Alwyn arrested, 324. Richard Crawford, Michael L. Wislang, warrants for, Keswick, stop watch stolen, 249. 54; warrants withdrawn, 140 (2), 160. Mallala, complainant, 80. Cooley, William Olive Edmund, bicycle recovered, 297. Mount Gambier, complainant, 109. Coombe, Elsie May, special inquiry re valueless cheque passed Queensland, motor utility recovered, .47; motor truck on, 17, 44. stolen, 222 (3); motor truck stolen, 230; motor Coombe, Ernest Jack, alias John Ernest Coombe, convicted, truck recovered,242; jeep recovered, 365; motor 357. car recovered, 448. Coombe, Fay Rita, see Fay Rita Holmes. Shipping Department (N.S.W.-S.A.), binoculars stolen, Coombe, John Arthur Thomas, perambulator stolen, 466. 352. Coombe, John Ernest, see Ernest Jack Coombe. Coombe, Lady Frances, ring stolen, 466. Works and Housing Department- Coombe, Meredith Sharman, offender arrested for indecent Adelaide, jacks stolen, 485. assault on, 3; complainant, 13. Finsbury North, fog lamps stoles. 485. Coombe, Norman Thomas, complainant, 32. Port Pirie, forge, etc., stolen, 56; test metre stolen, Coomber, Cyril Everard James, convicted and motor driver's 437; electric motor stolen, 447. licence cancelled, 368. Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia , complainant, 233. Coombes, K., naval deserter, 10; recovered, 21. Condie, Malcolm McKendie, convicted, 50; discharged, 130; Coombs, Cecil Edward, see Edward Cecil Coombs. information dismissed, 433. Coombs, Edward Cecil, aliases E. Martin, Cecil Edward Condon, Michael, warrant for, 228. Coombs, complaint withdrawn, 13; suspected of larceny Conlan, Derik, see Vincent Arthur Jones. of motor car, 37; motor car recovered, 89; committed Conlon, Richard Ronald, see Semaphore Club. for trial, 183; convicted, 301. Conn, Robert, convicted, 327. Coombs, Ronald John, released on bond, 432. Connally, Frederick James, horse stolen or strayed, 488. Coombs, William, complainant, 109. Connel, George, see Allen George Coffey. Coonan, Ralph Edward, convicted, 146. Connell, Matthew, see Matthew Joseph Connell. Cooney, Lindsay John, convicted, 309. Connell, Matthew Joseph, aliases Matthew Joseph O'Connell, Cooney, William James, bicycle stolen, 395. Matthew Connell, Mathew O'Connell, convicted, 173; Cooper & Sons Ltd., complainant, 244. discharged, 197, 253; convicted, 291; discharged, 338; Cooper, Ada Lillian, see Ada Lydia Ryan. convicted, 377; discharged, 399; convicted, 407. Cooper, Alick Jeffrey, warrant for, 350. Connole, Betty Margaret, purse stolen, 55. Cooper, Alwyn Vernon, fails to maintain, 265; deserts wife, Connole, Frederick Joseph, aliases Patrick Joseph Conole, 449. Frederick Joseph Conole, discharged, 119; convicted, 129; Cooper, Andrew E. (N.S.W.), utility recovered, 9. warrant for, 191; arrested, 200; convicted, 379; dis- Cooper, C. (man signing name of), suspected of housebreak- charged, 408, 462. ing, 342. Connole, Joseph, committed for trial, 39. Cooper, Edward, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91, 431. Connor, Douglas (Vic.), utility stolen, 29. Cooper, Eric Ronald, convicted, 244; fails to maintain, 373; Connor, V. H. (Qld.), motor car recovered, 9. pays arrears, 393. Connors, Desmond, naval deserter, 405. Cooper, Henry James, naval deserter, 316. Connors, T. H., air force deserter recovered, 477. Cooper, Henry Thomas, complaint dismissed , 224; re-hearing Connors, William John, convicted, 128; discharges, 226. ordered on appeal, 262. Connorty, James, convicted, 127. Cooper, Henry Thomas, bicycle recovered, 9. Conole, Frederick Joseph, see Frederick Joseph Connole. Cooper, J. F., naval deserter recovered, 90. Conole, Patrick Joseph, see Frederick Joseph Connole. Cooper, James, discharged, 16. Conquest, John P., rifle lost or stolen, 288; number supplied, Cooper, James Donald, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 124; 298. complainant, 490. Conrad, INorman Walter, naval deserter, 469. Cooper, James William George, naval deserter recovered, 366. Conran, J. M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 404. Cooper, Kenneth, complainant, 417. Conrey, Winifred, coat stolen, 141. Cooper, Kenneth Harold, convicted, 173; warrant for, 350; Conroy, Andrew Francis, convicted, 461. paid, 465. Conroy, Mary Elsie, bicycle stolen, 143; recovered, 153. Cooper, Margaret Jane, bicycle stolen, 124. Considine, Henry (Vic.), motor car stolen, 476; recovered, Cooper, Melville Sylvester, clothing stolen, 249; convicted, 487. 470. Considine, Leo Ross, convicted, 60; complaint aismissed, 290. Cooper, Robert William, alias William John Cole (N.S.W.), Considine, Leo Ross, watch lost or stolen, 20. provisional warrant for withdrawn, 44. Constable, Ronald Lous, discharged, 234. Cooper, Samuel Lawrence, convicted, 100. Constano, William, see Allen George Coffey. Cooper, Stanley Henry , convicted, 70. Convery, Edmund, convicted, 81. Cooper, Walter Arthur (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 404; Conway, Adrian Phillip Robert, dismissed under Offenders recovered,439. Probation Act, 127. Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd. (W.A. ), galvanized iron Conway, Andrew Ernest, see Andrew Ernest Nunn. stolen, 447; off ender arrested, 476. Conway, Ernest, see Andrew Ernest Nunn. Coote, A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 344. Conway, John Alfred Michael, see Langton Motors Ltd. Coote, Alfred Charles, fowls stolen, 403. Conway, Martin (Vie.), utility stolen, 487. Cooter, Robert Benjamin , bicycle stolen, 28. Conway, Neil Francis, convicted, 299; discharged, 409. Cope, Ernest Edwin , convicted, 290. Conway, Norman Maitland, convicted, 109. Cope, Malva, ring lost or stolen, 57. Cook, A. C. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 268; recovered, 365. Cope, Phyllis Emily, house broken into, 87; off ender arrested, Cook, Allen E., see Paul Eugene Gunsser. 151; complainant, 156. Cook, Arthur John, convicted, 377. Copley, Lindsay George, convicted, 357. Cook, Arthur William James, complainant, 215. Copley, Murray Stanley, convicted, 378, 388. Cook, Bert, see Hubert Koch. Copley, William Harold, clothing stolen, 314; convicted and Cook, Brian, alias Johnston, arrested for stealing bicycle, motor driver 's licence cancelled, 418. 30; convicted, 31, 136. Copp, George H., naval deserter recovered, 90. Cook Bros., wireless set stolen, 374. Cook, Charles (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 162. Coppleman, Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce, aliases Sydney Cook, Charlie, see Everett Frank Lindsay (U.S.A.). Rollings, George Henry William Sixon, George Dixon, Cook, Clarence William, see Franz Campbell Greenberg. Elliot Rollins, Sydney Elliot Rollins, Fred Jackson, Cook, Derrick Ronald, complainant, 388. Lionel Edward Lindsay, Lionel Edward Bryce- Maurice, Cook, Elizabeth Hilda, bicycle stolen, 66; recovered, 89. discharged, 34. Corbel, see Ronald Arthur Poulton. Cook, Frank, house broken into, 36; complainant, 164; addi- Corbell, Ronald Arthur, see Ronald Arthur Poulton. tional property 229; complainant, 232, 406. Cook, Frederick George, motor can stolen, 88. Corbett, Donald Charles (Vic.), obtains provisional warrant Cook, Irene Joyce, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 414. for Francis Wilfred Wilkins, 473. Corbin, Colleen, material stolen, 296; recovered, 315. Cook, John Thomas, convicted, 49. Cook, Mary Jane, handbag stolen, 314. Corcoran, M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 98; recovered, 107. Cook, Richard Donald, warrant for, 3. Corfield, Charles, convicted, 183. Cook Son & Co. Ltd., blankets, etc., stolen, 151. Corfield, Muriel Adelaide, cutlery, etc., lost or stolen, 67. Cook, Thomas & Son (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. (Maurice V. Cormack, James Hugh, fowls stolen, 438. Anderson, manager), typewriter stolen, 437. Cornelius, Alfred, aliases Cecil Alfred Cornelius , Alfred Cook, William, watch lost or stolen, 298. Nicholls, Alfred Black, discharged, 33. Cook, William Gladstone, portion of property recovered in Cornelius, Cecil Alfred, see Alfred Cornelius. shopbreaking on, 45. Cornell, Albert Sydney, convicted, 406. xx. INDEX.

Cornell, Ltd. (Vic.-S.A.), electric motor stolen, 97. Cowley, Desmond Cleve, convicted and motor driver 's licence Cornell & Co., ether stolen, 323; recovered, 375. suspended, 93. Cornell, Sydney, bicycle stolen, 306; recovered, 325. Cowley, Frederick George, naval deserter, 68; cancelled, 431. Corner, John Russell, clothing stolen, 296. Cowley, Mavis Doreen, complainant, 49. Corney, Brian John, convicted, 461. Cowling, Avis , overcoat stolen, 384. Corney, John, convicted and motor driver's licence suspended, Cowman, Cyril John, tyres and tubes stolen, 467. 110; fails to maintain, 265. Cox, Albert Kevin, money stolen, 151. Cornish, Harold William, convicted, 12. Cox, Alfred Bertram, lambs stolen or strayed, 376. Cornish, Lawrence Hamlyn, convicted, 100. Cox, Barbara, absconder, 256; arrested, 265. Cornish, Ronald Keith, convicted, 398. Cox Bros. Ltd ., wireless stolen, 413; hats stolen, 457. Cornwall, Frank Edwin, naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Cox, Catherine Agnes, see Catherine Agnes Marlow. Corot and Co., clothing stolen, 170. Cox, Edward Jeffries, naval deserter, 172; recovered, 195. Corpe, Frieda Minna, convicted and motor driver's licence Cox, Edwin John, warrant for, 265. disqualified, 225. Cox, Errol Desmond, convicted, 262. Corporations and district councils of- Cox, George, naval deserter, 125. Adelaide, complainant, 31, 39, 377; timber stolen, 466. C'ox, George, cow stolen or strayed, 203. Burnside, tarpaulin stolen, 46. Cox, Howard Benjamin, warrant for, 474. Mitcham, complainant, 433. Cox, James Joseph, convicted, 108. Mount Gambier, complainant, 280. Cox, James Norman Victor, naval deserter, 108; recovered, 125. Murray Bridge, complainant, 299. Cox, John, naval deserter recovered, 91. Onkaparinga, grease cups, etc., stolen, 76; tools stolen, Cox, Kevin William, alias Kevin William Cocks, convicted, 93. 485. Cox, L. G. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 259; recovered, 325. Penola, complainant, 59. Cox, Murray Graham, convicted, 346, 388. Robertstown, grease gun stolen, 403. Cox, P. L., workshop broken into, 201; offender arrested, 286. St. Peters, complainant, 216, 251. Cox, Paula Alice, watch lost or stolen, 222. Unley, complainant, 368. Cox, Percival, complainant, 289. Wallaroo, complainant, 216. Cox, William Francis, convicted, 461. Cox, William Walter, convicted, 279. Correll, C., see Beryl Marrian Weaver. Coy, P. D. S. (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 9. Correll, William Lewis, watch lost or stolen, 487. Cracknell, Maureen, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 20. Cosgrove, Edward Burton, convicted, 490. Crafter, Thomas Albert, convicted, 280, 451. Cosgrove, Francis, committed for trial, 433. Craggs, Harold Leo, complainant, 145. Cosgrove, Leslie Gordon, convicted and motor driver's licence Craig, James, see Trevor David Charles Thomas. suspended, 33. Craig, Janet Catherine, lost handbag recovered, 30. Cosgrove, Norman Edward, complainant, 22. Craig, William, see William Smith. Cosgrove, Ronald James, bicycle stolen, 396; recovered, 404. Craige, Leslie William, see Leslie Francis Carson. Costello, Brian Maurice, convicted, 196. Craigon, J. E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 414. Costello, Hazel Margaret, pearls lost or stolen, 231. Cramond, William Thomas, convicted, 183. Costello, Patrick, see Leo Kennedy. Crampton, Charles Frederick John, house broken into, 27. Costello, Patrick Kennedy, see Leo Kennedy. Crane, Christopher John, see Bret Joseph Dale. Costello, Vincent Paul, wheel, etc., stolen, 420. Cranston, James Veitch, watch lost or stolen, 194. Cotter, B. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 414. Cranston, Mary, collar lost or stolen, 344; recovered, 354. Cotter, Colin Walter, absconder, 285; arrested, 294. Crantz, E. E. (Mrs.), complainant, 100 (2). Cotter, Dorothy June, released on bond, 270; suspected of lar- Cranwell, Horace Ingerson, convicted, 299. ceny, 305; missing friend, 307; located, 317; arrested for Cranz, Esther Elizabeth (Vie.), motor car stolen, 78. larceny, 324; absconder, 331; located, 341. Crapp and Hawkes Ltd., warehouse broken into, 248. Cotter, John Lexford, committed for trial, 50; case made Crase, Alfred Owen, convicted, 216. remanet, 129 (2) ; nolle prosequi entered, 174; case made Craske, Margaret Mary, ring stolen, 105. remanet, 196. Crassis, Joseph, see Robert Paul Scragg. Cotter, June, absconder, 464; arrested, 473. Cratsis, Despina, handbag, etc., stolen, 27. Cotter, L. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 29. C'ratsis, Stravros, house broken into, 27; reward offered, 229. Cotter, Patricia Gwendoline, clothing stolen, 305; offenders Craven, J. & Co. Ltd., complainant, 173, 398. arrested,property recovered,324. Crawford, Alwyn Richard, see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Cottingham, Franklin Robert, naval deserter, 195; recovered, Crawford, Hartley, convicted, 100. 214. Crawford, Katherine Oxenham, warrant for, 121. Cotton, Nelson Edwin, fails to maintain, 121 (2) ; deserts wife, Crawford, Sydney George Francis, camera stolen, 485. 415; arrested, 446, 450; discharged, 471. Crawford, W. C., see James Henry Fairweather. Cotton, Raymond Francis, naval deserter, 440; recovered, 477. Crawley, Alfred George William, naval deserter recovered, 366. Cottrell, John Vincent, convicted, 195, 205. Creacy, Alexander, naval deserter recovered, 366. Couch, Alfred Oliver Goldsworthy, convicted, 424. Creamer, Madge, bicycle stolen, 88; number supplied, 221. Couche, William Arthur, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, Crease, Kevin Frederick, complainant, 135. offendersarrested, 213. Creasey, Albert, house broken into, 36. Coughlin, Erick, see Vincent Arthur Jones. Creasey, Linda Eleanor, convicted, 378. Coughman, David Charles, coat, etc., stolen, 46. Creek, Bernard, convicted, 244. Coulter, Albert Laurence, convicted, 425. Creek, Bernard Joseph, complaint dismissed, 290. Coulter, Alfred John, convicted, 378. Creek, Leslie Alfred, convicted, 16; discharged, 282. Coulter, Ernest, sheets, etc., stolen, 46. Creswell, Barbara, necklace lost or stolen, 288. Coulter, Margaret, pencil, etc., stolen, 352. Creswell, C. V. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 364; recovered, 468. Coulter, Reginald Edward Henry, bicycle stolen, 170; recovered, Creswell, Richard Thomas, committed for trial, 291; released 181. on bond, 379. Coulter, Thomas Henry, complainant, 145. Crewdson, Richard James, alias Cokct, convicted, 441. Coulthard, Daisy May, house broken into, 132. Crickmar, Phillip Christopher, portion of property in house- Coulthard, William Baird, convicted, 126. breaking and larceny recovered, 229. Coun, B. V. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 315; recovered, 325. Crickmar, Thomas Henry, convicted, 223; warrant for, 312; Country Women's Association, complainant, 398. pays portion, 484. Couper, William Fraser, bicycle stolen, 448; recovered, 468. Crilly, Doreen Gladys May, complainant, 70. Courtney, Harold Edwin, arrested on warrant, 323. Crimson, Sydney Frank John, naval deserter recovered, 58. Cousins, James Trevor, missing friend, 278; located, 317. Crisford, Maxwell Harold, bicycle stolen, 268. Cousins, Maxwell Keith, warrant for, 322. Crispe, John Edward, bicycle stolen, 221; recovered, 231. Coute, Russell (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 203. Critchley, Kevin James (N.S.W.-S.A.), suitcase , etc., stolen, Coutts, Alec Arthur, see Alex Arthur Coutts. 447; offender arrested, 486. Coutts, Alex Arthur, otherwise Alec Arthur Coutts, convicted, Critchley, Kevin James Wallace, convicted, 164. 92, 110; discharged, 198; convicted, 425. Crittenden, Clarence Robert, magneto stolen , 6; convicted, Couzner, Alice Eliza, convicted, 328. 367 ; convicted and motor driver's licence suspended, 399. Couzner, Raymond Hartley, convicted and motor driver's Croak, Michael James (N.S.W.), watch stolen, 141. licence cancelled, 442. Crocker, Harold, bicycle stolen, 422; recovered, 431. Coveney, Hilda (N.S.W.), house broken into, 65; portion Crocker, Ivy Jean, complainant, 205. recovered,192. Crockford, Clarence Charles, complainant, 205. Cowan, Annie May, fur lost or stolen, 163. Croekford, Colin Ross , convicted, 405. Cowan, Clive, case lost or stolen, 268. Croft, Robert Neville, convicted, 461. Cowan, Edward, otherwise Cowans, convicted, 32; conviction Crofton, Gweneth Maud, bicycle stolen, 142. affirmed on appeal, 118; appeal dismissed, 234; discharged, Crombie, John, bicycle stolen, 476. 320. Cromock, W. W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Cowan, Joseph Edgar, naval deserter recovered, 90. Cronenburg, I. (N.S.W.), see Isaac Cronerburg. Cowan, Patrick John, warrant for, 484. Cronerburg, Isaac ( gazetted as I. Cronenburg) war bonds, Cowans, see Edward Cowan. etc., stolen, 18, 27. Coward, Harold Edward, warrant for, 238. Cronin , see William Spooner. Coward, Malcolm William, naval deserter recovered, 366. Cronin, Emiel John , convicted, 270. INDEX.

Crook, Alfred Howard, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 449; recovered, Curnow, Stanley Keith, discharged, 72; convicted, 358; dis- 468. charged, 409. Crook, Frederick Patrick, aliases George Henry Roberts, Curnow, Wallace, naval deserter recovered, 366. Frederick Patrick Crooks, discharged, 102, 147. Currie, Daniel, convicted, 269; discharged, 292. Crook, William Henry, convicted, 291. Currie, John, warrant for, 18. Crooks, D. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 162. Curtin, Alan Edward Frederick, convicted, 388. Crooks, Frederick Patrick, see Frederick Patrick Crook. Curtin, Allan Charles, convicted, 346. Cropper, Reginald Norman, missing friend, 214; located, 251; Curtin, Donald, bicycle stolen, .334; recovered, 354. convicted and motor driver's licence* disqualified, 280. Curtin, Thelma Joyce, missing friend located, 10. Crosby, see Arthur Edward Gill. Curtis, Arthur Frederick, see Frederick Arthur Curtis. Crosby, R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 241; recovered, 250. Curtis, Donald Howard, committed for trial, 406. Crosier, Kenneth, dismissed under Offenders Probation Act, Curtis, Frank Robert, rug stolen, 266; recovered, 334. 490. Curtis, Frederick Arthur, alias Arthur Frederick Curtis, dis- Crosland, Harrie Neithan, house broken into, 160. charged, 15; convicted and motor driver's licence sus- Crosland, John, kitbag, etc., stolen, 160. pended, 358; discharged, 399. Cross, see Robert Jenkinson. Curtis, George, released on bond, 461. Cross, Cyril John, naval deserter recovered, 90. Curtis, George Leslie, convicted, 262. Cross, James Thomas, aliases James Thomas O'Connell, Curtis, George Mervyn, convicted, 216. Hoppy Cross, committed for trial,, 243; released on Curtis, Helen, bicycle stolen, 56, 66. bond, 319. Curtis, Ivan John, complaint withdrawn, 59. Cross, Kathleen Patricia, complainant, 233. Curtis, John Dew, watch lost or stolen, 260. Cross, Percival Gogan Hearn, naval deserter recovered, 366. Curtis, Kevin Albert, spotlight stolen, 267; additional pro- Cross, R. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 170. perty, 295. Cross, Thomas Alfred (N.S.W.), special inquiry re larceny Curtis, Lawrence Leslie, discharged, 41; convicted, 127. on, 322; offender arrested, 473. Curtis, Maurice Francis, convicted, 126; discharged, 147 Crosser, Hermann Franz, see Hermann Franz Grosser. complaint dismissed, 416. Crossman, Gwynneth Marjory (trading as Bairstow & Cross- Curtis, Robert William, released on bond, 461. man),complaints dismissed, 81. Curtis, Sydney Lloyd, house broken into, 36. Crossman, Wesley Llewellyn, arrested on warrant, 104. Curtis, Walter Riley, convicted, 49, 309. Crotty, Robert Fullerton, convicted, 49; discharged, 1t,, 472. Curyer, Gertrude Irene, complainant, 13. Crouch, Edwin James Gilmore, released on bond, 224. Cusumano, Salvatore, alien arrested, 483. Crouch, Neville (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 38. Cush, James Leslie, convicted, 356; discharged, 359; warrant Crouch, Reginald Milford, complainant, 387. for, 428. Crouche, Donald Alfred, sheep stolen or strayed, 415. Cushion, Clement John, convicted, 204. Croucher, Consie Stella, handbag, etc., lost or stolen, 260. Cushion, Michael Edward, convicted, 416. Crow, James Francis, naval deserter, 355. Cutelle, Michelanglo (N.S.W.), alien located, 53. Crowe & Newcombe Ltd., wheel, etc., stolen, 353. Cuthbert, Jack, convicted, 146; discharged, 282. Crowe, Edward William, convicted, 79. Cuthie, Marjorie Camilla, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 386. Crowe, James, clothing stolen, 384. Cutler, Thomas John, naval deserter, 243. Crowe, James Francis, convicted, 405, 441. Cutten, see Beverley Seaton. Crowe, John William, convicted, 346; discharged, 409. Cutterford, W. R. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 8; recovered, 78. Crowe, Mavis Jean, watch lost or stolen, 288; recovered, 307. Cutting, Frederick George, tools stolen, 241. Cutting, John, convicted, 204. Crowe, Michael Charles Francis, convicted, 109; discharged, Cutting, John Thomas, complainant, 424. 137; convicted, 337. Cutting, Margaret, missing friend, 278; located, 317. Crowe, Michael Peter, complainant, 388. Cutting, Stephen William, complaint dismissed, 23; committed Crowe, Robert Henry, convicted, 80. for trial, 479. Crowder, Donald, bicycle stolen, 193; number supplied, 202. Cys, Keith Martin, convicted, 233. Crowhurst, Leo, bicycle stolen, 221. Crowley, Donald Albert, camera stolen, 314. Crowley, Ivy Dorothy, watch lost or stolen, 439. Crowther, Cyril Robert Herbert, naval deserter, 397. Crowther, Edwin Alfred, naval deserter recovered, 90. D Croxton, Thomas Benjamin, complainant, 367. Dadleff, Margaret Mary, released on bond, 280. Crozier, Douglas William Wallace, convicted, 215. Daenke, Horace Edward, convicted, 309. Crumpton, Robert Thomas, convicted and motor driver's Daf, Benjamin Carl, clothing, etc., stolen, 258. licence disqualified, 319; discharged, 399; committed for Daffey, Thomas George, aliases Wright, Thomas Johnston, trial, 416. Alfred McGeorge, Walters, warrant for, 132. Cruse, Alfred Owen, complainant, 93, 109. Dahl, Walter Richard, convicted, 328; discharged, 481. Cruse, Cyril George, convicted, 69. Dahlenburg, Leigh, released on bond, 368. Cruse, Jean, complainant, 69. Dairy Farmers (N.S.W.), milk wagon stolen, 67; recovered, 78. Cryer, Maxwell Morris, convicted, 469. Daisy (half-caste aborigine), complainant, 478. Cudmore, Dorritt Louise, necklace lost or stolen, 57. Dale, Bret Joseph, alias Christopher John Crane, convicted, 13; Cudmore, Tommey, convicted, 81. discharged, 15; warrant for, 64; pays fine and costs, 96. Cugliaandro, Pasquale (N.S.W.), alien arrested, 227. Dale, Herbert Alexander, complainant, 489. Cull, James, complainant, 22. Dale, Roy, suspected of larceny, 221. Cull, Patrick Joseph, alias Charles Nelson, convicted, 40; Dale, Roy Allen, released on bond, 289. discharged, 51; warrant for, 86; arrested, 200; dis- Dale, William Thomas, convicted, 23. charged, 418; convicted, 442; discharged, 442; convicted, Daley, Charles H., see New Treasury Hotel. 469, 490. Daley, Elsie Christina, wristwatch lost or stolen, 477. Culley, Lloyd Manson, wheel, etc., stolen, 221. Daley, Henry Patrick, naval deserter recovered, 90. Cullin, Pam, tennis racquet lost or stolen, 396. Daley, Mary Margaret, brooch lost or stolen, 57. Cullinan, Lawrence James, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 396. Dalgety and Company Limited, complainant, 441. Cullinan, Patrick James Percival (Silver Top Taxi Service Dalgety and Company (Qld.), motor car stolen, 448. Pty. Ltd.), special inquiry re robbery under arms on, Dalhousie Steam and Motor Ship Company (J. Rawlings and 131. Son, agents), clock stolen, 429. Culling, Caroline, clock stolen, 343. Dalitz, Ella May, watch stolen, 267. Culshaw, Margaret, otherwise Marguerite Culshaw, missing Dallass, James, see James Hamilton Gogall. friend, 214; located, 232; missing friend, 251; located, Dallison, Martha Louisa, complainant, 50. 260. Dalmonte, John, see James Wilson Culshaw, Marguerite, see Margaret Culshaw. Dalton, Edgar, aliases Gray, Brady, Harris, convicted, 12. Cummins, Ivan James, convicted, 216. Dalton, Edward (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242. Cummins Milling Co., cornsacks stolen, 296. Dalton, Edward Francis (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Cummins, Nita, convicted, 13. Dalton, Everett Frank (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Cummins, Roland James, missing friend, 108; located, 116. Dalton, Thomas, committed for trial, 432. Cundy, Allen Roy, convicted, 31. Daly, Daisy Irene, warrant for, pays portion, 3; pays fine and Cundy, Hurtle Steven, convicted and motor driver's licence costs, 104. cancelled, 14. Daly, George, see James John Daniels. Cunningham, Allan, watch stolen, 141. Daly, John, warrant for, 350. Cunningham, John, pays fine and costs, 140. Daly, John Joseph, discharged, 338. Curl, Robert Francis, pony stolen or strayed, 335; recovered, Daly, Leslie Beresford, inquest on body of, 126. 386. Daly, Mortlock Dominic, bag, etc., lost or stolen, 107. Curnan, R. (Qld.), utility stolen, 78; recovered, 134. Dalzell, Mary Teresa, bicycle stolen, 212. Curnow, Bridget Margaret, special inquiry re false pretences Dalziel, Robert Frank, shed broken into, 332, 333. on, 121; offender arrested, 331. Danels, Leo James, see James John Daniels. Curnow, Dorothy Ratehel, see Dorothy Ratchel Taylor. Daniel, Frank Stanley, convicted, 59. Curnow, Ronald Jeffery, mare stolen or strayed, 288; Daniel, John Hamlyn, convicted, 440. recovered, 316. Daniel, Murray Gilbert, released on bond, 367. INDEX,

Daniel, Robert Vivian, convicted and driver' s licence dis- Davies, Vincent Harold, discharged, 399. qualified, 118. Davies, William Vivian, convicted, 206; discharged, 225. iianiel, Walter James, convicted, 407. Davis, see Maurice Dias. Daniel, William Nattress, convicted, 434. Davis, Albert Ronald, complaint dismissed, 144. Daniell, George Henry, naval deserter, 298; recovered, 345. Davis, Allan, see Thomas Carl Lacy. Daniels, Alfred Ernest, convicted, 135. Davis, Allan, warrant for, 274, 313. Daniels, Alfred Edward Gordon, committed for trial, 164; Davis, Allan Clive, convicted, 126. released under Offenders Probation Act, 245. Davis, Edward Sydney, convicted, 407. Davis, Bert, suspected of larceny, 38. Daniels, Arthur Raymond, convicted, 92; arrested for storeroom- breaking, 161 (2) ; arrested for larceny, 162 (2) ; com- Davis, Bert, aliases Alfred Williams, Ron Osborne, Bertie mitted for trial, 164 (2) ; convicted, 245; discharged, 492. Davis, special inquiry wanted for fraudulent conversion, Daniels, James John, aliases Harry Graham, Lee John Daniels, 238; arrested, 293; committed for trial, 299; convicted, Leo James Danels, George Saby, George Daly, James 408; discharged, 491. Joseph Daniels, arrested on warrant, 456. Davis, Bertie, see Bert Davis. Davis, Daphne Irene, complainant, 163. Daniels, James Joseph, see James John Daniels. Davis, Donald Keith, naval deserter, 90; recovered, 108. Daniels, Lee John, see James John Daniels. Davis, Douglas Cook, naval deserter, 116; recovered, 298. Darks, J., and Company (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 277. Davis, Frederick, see Ozone Theatres Ltd., Colonel Light Dansie, Howard Clifton, convicted, 479. Danners, James, racing cycle wheels stolen, 474. Gardens. Davis, Hedley George, complaint dismissed, 81. Darby, Reginald Ambrose Henry, convicted, 347. Davis, James, see James Wilson. Darcy, Leslie John, warrant for, 121; convicted, 183. Davis, James August, alias John August Davis, convicted, 378; Darcy, Mrs. (Great Northern Hotel), complainant, 367. discharged, 443. Dare, Joy, warrant for, 74. Davis, John, warrant for, 350. Darkin, Sydney Edward, convicted, 31; warrant for, 122; Davis, John August, see James August Davis. arrested, 211. Davis, Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. Darley, Albert, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 90, 91. Davis, Joseph, complainant, 417. Darley, Thomas Henry, watch stolen, 6; recovered, 37. Davis, Kenneth Arnold, convicted, 127; warrant for, 210; pays Darling, John and Son, iron stolen, 7; wheat stolen, 28; com- plainant, 49. fine and costs, 446; convicted, 470. Davis, Kingsley Neil, dismissed under Offenders Probation Darlington, R. L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 422; recovered, Act, 318. 439. Davis, Lawrence William, missing friend located, 91. D'Arlion, E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 276; recovered, 365. Davis, Leonard, naval deserter recovered, 366. Darrell, Neville Erroll, see Neville Darrell Clark. Davis, Leslie Ernest George, complainant, 328. Dart, Jack Hope, convicted, M9. Davis, Margaret Jean (Vic.), house broken into, provisional Dart, William, complainant, 81. warrant for Frederick William Mills, 131; withdrawn, 411. Dartmoor Hotel, complainant, 388. Davis, Melva Evelyn, complainant, 92. Darwin, J., naval deserter recovered, 91. Davis, Phillip Clarence, convicted, 173. Davenport, Brian Ronald, convicted, 144; discharged, 175. Davis, Ross, discharged, 111. Davenport, John Kenneth, absconder, 373; warrant for with- Davis, Roy, suspected of larceny, 485. drawn, 393. Davis, Sarah Jane, convicted, 49. Davenport, Leonard Terence, complainant, 128. Davis, Mooney, see Stanley Davis. Davenport, Maxwell Kevin, re-ieased on bond, 417. Davis, Shirley Kathleen, complainant, 232. Davey, A. and Sons (N.S.W.), motor utility stolen, 468. Davis, Stanley, alias Mooney Davis, warrant for, 159; dis- Davey, David Samuel James, fails to maintain, 342. charged, 217; arrested on warrant, 239; discharged, 271. Davey, Edward Arnold, committed for sentence, 308; con- victed, 379. Davis, Stanley Edwin, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 90; naval Davey, Jack Gordon, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 386. deserter,278. Davey, John, shop broken into, offenders arrested, 6; com- Davis, Sydney Gordon, convicted, 252. plaiiiant, 13. Davis, Thomas, convicted, 233. Davey, Kenneth James, convicted, 434. Davis, Titus Rowland, complainant, 245. Davey, William Newton George, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, Davis, Walter, naval deserter recovered, 90. 162. Davis, William (Qld.), special inquiry wanted for absconding David, Daniel (aborigine), aliases Daniel Davids, Pompy from bail, 372. Michael, discharged, 271, 418. Davison, Donald, convicted, 328; warrant for, 342, 373. David, David Calell (Wheatsheaf Hotel), complainant, 356, Davy, McDonald Joseph, bicycle stolen, 221; recovered, 231. 357;convicted, 452. Daw, Edmund Wickham, complainant, 204. Davidison, Janet, wireless set stolen, 267. Daw, Kevin Joseph, naval deserter, 488. Davids, Daniel, see Daniel David. Dawe, Frank, convicted, 60, 309. Davidson, B. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 324; recovered, Dawe, Olive Dora, warrant for, 75. 335. Dawes, Allen Christopher, watch stolen, 324. Davidson, Ian Grant, released under Offenders Probation Act, Dawes, Edgar Rowland, dinghy lost or stolen, recovered, 268. 144. Dawkins, Lawrence Patrick, naval deserter, 243. Davidson, Jack, bicycle stolen, 153; recovered, 163. Dawkins, Leonard Hume, convicted, 290. Davidson, John James, sleevelinks, etc., stolen, 179; recovered, Daws, Bonnie Christine, complainant, 117. 221. Daws, Pamela Marie, complainant, 117. Davidson, Raymond Alfred, naval deserter, 204. Dawson, see James Berg. Davidson, T. S. (N.S.W.), motor cycle recovered, 288. Dawson, Ada Rubina, convicted, 92; warrant for, 342; arrested, Davidson, Thomas Peter, convicted, 462. 428; information dismissed, 461. Davies, Arthur Stinson, convicted, 280; discharged, 292. Dawson, Alfred, pays portion of fine and costs, 474. Davies, B. M. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 162; recovered, Dawson, Edward James, convicted, 126. 181. Dawson, Elizabeth Mary, bicycle stolen, 439; recovered, 487. Davies, Cathrine Anderson, hats lost or stolen, 449. Dawson, Geoffrey Raymond, complainant, 262. Davies, Cecil Ernest, brief case, etc., stolen, 457. Dawson, George, suspected of larceny, 258; no further action, Davies, Cecil Ray, arrested for larceny of motor cycle, 386; 267. convicted, 388. Dawson, H., see Jack Campbell Turner. Davies, Charles, see W. A. L. Thomas Limited. Dawson, Herbert John, see Jack Campbell Turner. Davies, Dean Robert, stolen motor cycle recovered, 107. Dawson, J. H., clock stolen, 353. Davies, Emily Isabel, convicted, 347. Dawson, Keith, watch stolen, 295. Davies, Ethel Bowser, clothing stolen, 352; recovered, 364. Dawson, Kenneth Mervyn, arrested on warrant, 456. Davies, Eunice (Vic.), may be in company of James Hamilton Dawson, Rhonda, missing friend, 125. Gogall, wanted for passing valueless cheques, 2. Dawson, Rhonda June, convicted, 461. Davies, Gordon , naval deserter, 386. Dawson, 'Ronald, complainant, 224. Davies, Harold Glen, convicted, 347. Dawson, V. H. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 242; recovered, 250. Davies, J. L., see Kevin Benjamin Clarke. Dawson, William George, binoculars, etc., stolen, 323. Davies, John, convicted, 40; appeal upheld, 425. Day, Allan Keith, absconder, warrant for withdrawn, 311. Davies, John James, see W. A. L. Thomas Limited. Day, Andrew John, complainant, 461. Davies, Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. Day, " Bluey ", see James Edward Day. Davies, Joseph, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, 118. Day, Cyril Frank, naval deserter recovered, 91. Davies, Leslie, naval deserter recovered, 90. Day, Donald Arthur, information dismissed, 116. Davies, Llewellyn John, watch lost or stolen, 431. Day, Edward James, see James Edward Day. Davies, Merle, bicycle stolen , 212; recovered, Trevor David Day, Elsie May, convicted, 172. Moore committed this offence, 250; complainant, 328. Day, James Edward, aliases Edward James Day, " Bluey" Davies, Monica Olive May, clothing stolen, 170. Day, discharged, 118, 165; convicted, 182, 205; discharged, Davies, Norman, naval deserter, 317; recovered, 431. 207; warrant for, 436; arrested, 446. Davies, Norman Thomas Irvine, convicted, 379. Day, John Herbert, convicted, 174. Davies, R. F., see Lionel Herbert Nielson. Day, Richard John, complainant, 206. Davies, Rodney Stone, convicted, 206. Day, Robert Hugh John, vacuum cleaner stolen, 374; recovered, Davies, Stephen John, warrant for, 312. 438. INDEX.

Day, Rosalie, convicted, 441. Denton, Harold Andrew, alias Harold Andrew Harvey, con- Day, Sydney, watch lost or stolen, 325. victed, 79, 378; discharged, 443. Day, William, alias Albert George Smith, special inquiry re Denton, Lindsay Gordon, convicted, 13. false pretences, 121; suspected for larceny, 123; arrested DePasquale, Ralph, convicted, 116. on special inquiry, 331; arrested for larceny, 334. Derbyshire, Alice May, missing friend, 223; located, 243. Day, William Henry, convicted, 441. Dermody, Roy John, convicted, 165. Dayey, Patricia, travelling bag lost or stolen, 125. DeRosa, Gennaro (Vic), alien, 95; arrested, 139, 483 Daylesford, s.s., see s.s. Daylesford. Derrick, Lilian Judith, complainant, 433. Daylite Limited, electric drill stolen, 179. Derrick, Maurice Malcolm, convicted, 433. Daymon, Alice Maud, attache case lost or stolen, 203; recovered, Derrick, Morris, missing friend, 367; located, 431. 214. Deserters, all Royal Navy deserters cancelled, 433. Daymond, Ronald Wilfred, convicted, 80. DeSousa, Mrs., complainant, 110. D'Cruz, Joseph, convicted, 478. DeSouza, Kathleen Florence, complainant, 81. Dean, Dawn, inquest on body of, 367. DeSpain, see William Leonard Bicknell. Dean, Frank, convicted, .345; correction, 407. Dethmore, Lawrie, convicted, 204. Dean, George, suspected for larceny, 161. Dethmore, William, complaint dismissed, 280. Dean, George Henry, house broken into, 160. Detmold, Colton Percival, shed broken into, 96. Dean, Gwenneth Margaret, diamond lost or stolen, 386. Deuvle, F. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 202; recovered, 222. Dean, John Frederick, convicted, 204; discharged, 281. Devenish, Ronald Leslie, aliases R. De La Rue, J. Pointon, Dean, Laurie Percival, convicted and driver's licence can- R. L. Heslop, special inquiry for, 274; arrested, 284; celled, 81. convicted, 367. Deane, Elva Jean, case, etc., stolen, 352.. Devenport, Willi (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Deane, Kevin Irwin, complaint dismissed, 489. Deverix, Gordon James, discharged, 15. DeBord, S. F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 468. Devine, Raymond, see John Patrick Thomas. DeBroughe, Thomas Leslie, convicted, 146. Devitt, James, discharged, 34; warrant for, 191; arrested, 332. Declouzel, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Devlin, Hugh Thomas, arrested for shopbreaking, 295; con- Deeble, Ernest William, money, etc., stolen, 221. victed, 300. Deeble, Herbert Stanley, convicted, 92. Devlin, Nelson, convicted, 308; correction, 319. Deebles, Robert John, complainant, 328. Devoogd, Arthur Gordon, complainant, 388. Deed, James Lawrence, convicted, 490. Dew, Lurline Winifred, watch stolen, 403. Deed, Raymond, bicycle stolen, 250; recovered, 268. Dew, Melville Jack, shop broken into, 342; property recovered, Deeley, see Clifford Jones. 428. Deeley, Audrey Howard, coat stolen, 202. Dewhurst, Allan (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242; recovered, 439. Deer, Ellis John, convicted, 279. Dextrel, George Otto, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Degenaro, Guiseppe Dominico, convicted, 49. 165. Degenhardt, Walter James, convicted, 388. Diaffaldi, Marco (W.A.), alien, 210. DeGilio, Colin John, missing friend, 163; located, 172. Diall, W. J. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 385; recovered, 439. DeGilio, Harry, convicted and driver's licence suspended, 110, Diamond, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. 136. Dias, Maurice, aliases Davis, Swanston, William Miller, con- DeHaven, June, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered, 316. victed, 451, 461 (2), 469. Deiley, Mabel Beatrice Maud, watch lost or stolen, 404. Dibben, William Frederick Charles, convicted, 12. DeKievit, Keith Clyde, kitbag, etc., stolen, 304. Dick, Alec Robert, convicted, 215. DeKuyper, Sydney James, aliases George Giles, Frank Stevens, Dick, Robert, convicted, 346. discharged, 120; convicted, 328; committed for trial, 387, Dickennson, Howard Leslie, released under Offenders Probation 432. Act, 14. DeKuyper, Sydney James, convicted, 337. Dicker, George William, arrested for deserting wife, 48. Delaine, Margaret Anne, complainant, 270. Dicker, W. G., suspected of larceny, 374. Delaney, Brian O'Malley, bicycle stolen, 231; recovered, 242; Dickerson, Alexander Charles, convicted, 416 (2). committed for trial, 406. Dickeson, Clyde William, convicted and driver's licence can- Delaney, Desmond, warrant for, 350. celled, 14. Delaney, James, see Joseph Byrne. Dickinson, Francis John, camera stolen, 413. De La Rue, R., see Ronald Leslie Deverish. Dickinson, Neville, naval deserter, 298. Delbridge, James Forsyth, naval deserter recovered, 366. Dickinson, George William, see Mumzone Products Ltd. Del Fabro, Ugo, see Ugo Del Fabbro. Dickson, see Eric Clyde Cherry. Delia, Reginald Malcolm, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 20. Dickson, Andrew Alfred, discharged, 359. Deller, L. A. (Qld.), motor utility stolen, 404. Dickson, Norman Stanley, convicted, 308. Delloglio, Bartolomeo, bicycle stolen, 142. Dickson, Robert, fowls stolen, 437. Delmonte, John, see James Wilson. Dickson, William Eric, convicted, 49. Delton, Darby, see Herman James Colin Bartlett. Dieckmann, Otto Frederick, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 98. Delton, Joseph Albert, see Herman James Colin Bartlett. DiFiore, Philipo (Vic.), alien, 113; arrested, 139; alien, 167; Delzoppo, John Maurice, convicted, 300; warrant for, 350 (2). arrested, 331; alien recaptured, 382. DeMack, Joseph Carl, fowls stolen, 437. Digance, William Frederick, convicted, 32. Demell, Claude, complainant, 128. Digby, Henry (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 47; recovered, 67. Dempsey, Earl Northcote, aliases John Grantham, Earl North- Dignance, Herbert Gladstone, bicycle stolen, 287. cott Dempsey, Earl North Korth Dempsey, convicted, 12; Dignon, Betty Joan, complainant, 291. discharged, 166; inquest on body of, 269. Dignon, Charles Edwin Walter, absconder warrant withdrawn, Dempsey, Earl Northcott, see Earl Northeote Dempsey. 274. Dempsey, Earl North Korth, see Earl Northcote Dempsey. Dillon, Allan (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 316; recovered, 335. Dempsey, Elaine, warrant for, 74. Dillon, James, naval deserter recovered, 366. Dempster, Greta Eliman, complainant, 93. Dillon, John James, committed for trial, 356; acquitted, 408. Dempster, Hilda, complainant, 93. Dillon, Malcolm Robert, inquest on body of, 91. Denham, J., suspected of larceny, 448. Dingle, Walter Bowering, complainant, 346. Denham, S. G. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 459; recovered, Dingwell, Ronald Lindsay, released on bond, 377. 477. Dinham, William Maxwell, alias Jones, discharged, 120; com- Denholme, J., special inquiry for, 341: located, 392. mitted for trial, 387. DeNicolo Brothers, shop broken into, 402, 403; offender Dinsdale, Thomas Edward, convicted, 49. arrested,484. Diprose, Sydney Clarence, convicted, 70. Denman, Arthur Henry, alias A. Harrison, convicted, 69; dis- Ditchfield, Richard James, convicted, 406. charged, 119; committed for trial, 233; convicted, 301. Dittmar, Brien Joseph, overcoat stolen, 324; recovered, 334. Dennes, Maxwell Lloyd, arrested for drill-hall breaking, 36; con- Dittmarr, Allan Thomas, tools stolen, 161. victed, released on bond, 129. Dittrich, R. P., truck tyre stolen, 475. 39; Dix, B. J., R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Dennis, Alfred Frederick, alias Gerry Dennis, arrested on war- Dix, Colin Graham, escaped mental defective, 372; located, rant, 373. Dennis, Claude Leo, complainant, 406. 382. Dennis, Edgar Howard, complainant, 451. Dix, Leslie Ernest, coat stolen, 46; recovered, 56. Dennis, Gerry, see Alfred Frederick Dennis. Dixon, Alice, watches stolen, 141. Dennis, Lance, kitbag, etc., stolen, 304; recovered and offender Dixon, Charles H., Ltd., factory broken into, 363. arrested,323. Dixon, Ellen, complainant, 183. Dennis, Raymond Allan, convicted, 280. Dixon, Elsie, convicted, 146. Dennis, Ronald Douglas, complainant, 100. Dixon, George, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Dennis, William John, tools stolen, 27. Dixon, George Raymond, convicted, 144. Denniss, Peter, warrant for, 484. Dixon, Leonard Elliott, convicted, 117. Denny, John William, alias Edward Henry Horace Ryan, con- Dixon, Shirley, convicted, 387. victed, 79. Dixon, Sydney Johnston, convicted, 279. Dent, Mona Bertha, complainant, 60. Dobbie, A. W. and Co., offender admits shopbreaking on, 88. Denton, Annie Fox, spectacles lost or stolen, 468. Dobie, Matthew Roderick, complainant, 424. Denton, Edward, see Edward Benton. Doble, Gordon William, bicycle stolen, 486. Denton, Edward Arthur, convicted, 232. Dobson, Anne, watch lost or stolen, 316. xxiv. INDEX.

Dobson, John William, convicted, 452. Dost, Herbert Benjamin, convicted, 367. Docherty, John Edwin, convicted, 261, 318. Dott, Ernest Reginald, convicted, 16; discharged, 217. Dodd, Bertha, pendant stolen, 37. Doudy, Cecil Roy, overcoat stolen, 258; recovered and offender Dodd, Charlotte Josephine, complainant, 489. arrested, 315 ; complainant, 317. Dodd, F. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 459. Doudy, Colin George, convicted, 39. Dodd, John Bishop, committed for trial, 261; convicted, 319; Dougherty, B. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. discharged, 492. Douglas, C. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 395. Dodd, L. R., see Kevin Benjamin Clarke. Douglas, Gordon, naval deserter recovered, 21. Dodd, Roy Edward, watch lost or stolen, 9; recovered, 21. Douglas, Robert Glen, takes out warrant for Michael L. Wis- Dodd, Veronica, ring lost or stolen, 134. lang, 54. Dodd, Walter Edwin, convicted, 338. Douglas, Samuel, fibre case lost or stolen, 260; recovered, 307. Doddridge, Claude Melville, released on bond, 379. Douglas, iSholto John, medical instrument stolen, 141; offender Doddridge, Muriel Julia, complainant, 379. arrested, 152; complainant, 163. Doe, William, convicted, 49; warrant for, forwarded to keeper Douglas, William Graham, bicycle stolen, 202; recovered, 222. Mount Gambier Gaol for execution, 54. Douglass, Norman Bronte, armshairs lost or stolen, 449. Doecke, Johannes Rudolph, warrant for withdrawn, 168. Douglas-Smith, Margaret, complainant, 205. Doetsch, Hans, shirts stolen, 55. Doulton, R. O. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 152. Doggan, Ronald Raphael, bicycle stolen, 487. Dover, Lawrence, bicycle stolen, 67; recovered, 143. Dogwell, Ronald, trousers stolen, 467. Dow, Ivy Evelyn, bicycle stolen, 78. Doherty, Lancelot Charles, absconder, warrant for withdrawn, Dow, Norman Keith, absconder, warrant for, 285; arrested, 256. 311. Doherty, Rodney Edward, bicycle stolen, 153. Dowd, Ernest Henry, money stolen, 275. Doherty, Roy Edward, watch stolen, 276; complainant, 309; Dowdell, Anne Noreen, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 242. recovered, offender arrested, 315. Dowdle, Leslie, convicted, 14. Dohnt, Norman Lindsay, convicted, 128. Dowdy, Charles William, convicted, 81. Dolan, Constance Ruth, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 375. Dowe, Thomas Martin, aliases Blanc, Robertson, Tommy Car- Dolan, Francis, convicted, 136. roll, convicted, 224; warrant for, 256, 303, 322. Dolan, Horace Leslie, convicted, 206. Dower, Harry, motor launch stolen, 221; recovered, 249. Dolling, Friedrich Edwin, convicted, 299. Dower, Leonard James, complainant, 69. Dolphin, Edgar Leslie, sheep stolen or strayed, 316. Dower, Vincent John, house broken into, 239. Domaschenz, Laurie Frederick, see Lawrence Frederick Dowling, Eric Dennis, convicted, 291. Domashenz. Dowling, Terence Robert, dismissed under Offenders Pro- Domashenz, Lawrence Frederick aliases Lawrence Frederick bation Act, 309. Domeschenz, Laurie Frederick Domaschenz, Domishing, Dowling, Thomas Ambrose, bicycle stolen, 29. Domasheze, Webber, warrant for, 26; arrested, 45; dis- Dowling, William Henry, convicted, 251. charged, 61. Down, Leonard Lawson, obtains warrant for Ronald Kevin Domasheze, see Lawrence Frederick Domashenz. Woods, 373. Domeschenz,Lawrence Frederick, see Lawrence Frederick Downer, Shirley Robin, arrested for larceny, 334; convicted, Domashenz. 337; correction, 347; warrant for, 484. Dominic, Harold, see Harold Allen Smith. Downes, Betty, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 396. Domishing, see Lawrence Frederick Domeschenz. Downes, G., naval deserter recovered, 91. Donaghey, Frederick Owen, . convicted, 126. Downes, William Herbert, complainant, 280. Donaldson, David, see David John Morris. Downing, Frederick, aliases John Ryan, William Frederick Donaldson, Donald Graham, complainant, 387. Lawrence, suspected of housebreaking, 87; not now sus- Donaldson, Ian McGregor, convicted and driver's licence dis- pected, offender arrested, 151. qualified, 234. Downing, George, see Arthur Robert Clark. Donaldson, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Downing, John, motor car stolen, 162. Donaldson, Robert George, convicted and driver's licence can- Downing, Reginald Wilbert Pearce, convicted, 49. celled, 216. Downs, Albert Bruce Charles, discharged, 443. Donaldson, Theodore W. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459; Downs, Brian Arthur, committed for trial, 261; convicted, recovered, 468. 319, 346; discharged, 492. Donati, Antonio, convicted, 488. Dowse, John W. D., naval deserter recovered, 91. Donati, Giovannie (N.S.W.), alien located, 53. Dowsett, G. (N.S.W.) motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 134. Doney, Clifford Hocking, convicted, 309. Dowtell, K. G. (Qld. ), motor cycle stolen, 20; recovered, 57. Donhardt, Johann Rudolph, alias Rudolph Paul Donhardt, dis- Doyle, Beatrice Maude, sheets, etc., stolen, 230. charged, 369. Doyle, Ernest Albert, complaints withdrawn, 406. Donhardt, Rudolph Paul, see Johann Rudolph Donhardt. Doyle, George Arthur, convicted, 470; discharged, 472. Donnon, Pearl Mary, watch lost or stolen, 354. Doyle, Hilda Marjorie, ring lost or stolen, 38; recovered, 48. Donnell, Arthur John, bicycle stolen, 222. Doyle, Hugh Errol, suitcase stolen, 458; convicted, 479; dis- Donnellan,Dorothy May, watch lost or stolen, 143. charged, 480. Donnellan, Edward James, convicted, 300. Doyle, Kenneth, bicycle stolen, 153; recovered, 163. Donnellan, Frances Cecelia, ring lost or stolen, 107. Doyle, Kevin Joseph, naval deserter, 289. Donnellan, John Joseph, warrant for, 64. Doyle, Peter John, see James Joseph Mallon. Donnelle, Charles Francis, see Charles Francis Martin Doolan. Doyle, Thomas, see Francis James Barton. Donnelly, Vincent Michael, alias Hugh Vincent Cameron, con- Doyle, Victor Anzac, see Victor John Doyle. victed, 11. Doyle, Victor Edward, see Victor McCarthy. Donnon, Owen Francis, overcoat stolen, 267. Doyle, Victor John, alias Victor Anzac Doyle, discharged, 282. Donoghue, Edward, discharged, 207. Doyle, William James, convicted, 14. Donohue, Arthur Leslie, convicted, 92; warrant for, 228. Drabsch, Peter, inquest on body of, 126. Donohue, Nora Emma, convicted, 109. Drager, James William, bicycle stolen, 249; recovered, 268. Donovan, Daniel Michael (Vic.), motor utility stolen, 153; D-rage, John Vincent, convicted, 397. recovered, 181. Drake, George William, special inquiry, false pretences on, 44; Donovan, Edward Patrick, naval deserter, 154. offender arrested, 210; complainant, 216. Donovan, John, naval deserter, 405; recovered, 431. Drake, William Henry, alias William Henry Ryan, convicted, Doody, Alice N. M. K., overcoat lost or stolen, 194. 300. Doody, Thomas John, discharged, 471. Draper, Herbert Thomas (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 171. Doolan, Charles Francis Martin, aliases Francis Doolan, Drayman, H. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 439; recovered, 487. Charles Francis Donnelle, convicted, 14; discharged, 197; Drew, Frank, motor cycle stolen, 8; recovered, 57. released on bond, 205. Drew, Frank Selwyn, complainant, 224 (3). Doolan, Francis, see Charles Francis Martin Doolan. Drew, Reginald, complainant, 270. Dooland, Barbara, convicted, 328. Drew, Reginald Robert William, coat stolen, 475. Doorey, Harold Raymond, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Drew, William, convicted, 136. Doorey, Howard Raymond, aliases Sawyer, Wallace, Sergeant Drewett, Raymond Lee, committed for trial, 406. Wallace, Raymond Howard Doorey, James Raymond Dring, J., see John Dring. O'Brien, Harold Raymond Doorey, convicted, 13; dis- Dring, John, shoes stolen, 46; dress material and suiting charged, 72. stolen, 66 (3) ; material stolen, 76; frockings and suiting Doorey, Raymond Howard, see Howard Raymond Doorey. stolen, 97 (2) ; material stolen, 106, 133, 395. Dopson, Patricia, also known as Martin, Swinebach, missing Drinkwater, Roland Harry, arrested for larceny, 7; released friend, 79. on bond, 13; committed for trial, 417. Doran, Clarence Roy, wheelbarrow stolen, 205; recovered, 315. Drinkwater, Royden George, tools stolen, 161. Dore, K. E. (Qld.), stolen motor cycle recovered, 222. Drinkwater, Thomas Walter Stanley, suitcase, etc., lost or Dorman, Kenneth Perry, motor cycle stolen, 259; recovered, stolen, 30. 297. Driscoll, David Patrick, convicted, 440. Dorman, Lois, clothing stolen, 249 Driscoll, Dennis, warrant for, 303; arrested, 313. Dorotich, Mick, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, 347. Driscoll, John, see Jack Campbell Turner. Dorsett, Richard Hartley, mare stolen or strayed, 469. Druce, David Edward, convicted and driver 's licence dis- Dorsett, Ronald John, complainant, 367. qualified, 460. Dost, Alfred Walter, convicted, 367. Druitt, J., see John Joseph Sullivan. INDEX. xxv.

Drum, Karl (Vic.), motor car stolen, 115; recovered, 194. Dunstan, Ivan Henry, alias Charles Barfield, convicted, 13. Drummond, Arnold Lawrence, convicted, 49. Dunstan, Josephine Bayliss, suitcase, etc., stolen, 384. Drury, Arthur, convicted, 164. Dunstan, Leonard Keith, see Reginald David Dunstan. Drury, Arthur Francis, convicted, 39; information dismissed, Dunstan, R. M. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 353; recovered, 491. 365. Dry, Keith Ian, complaint dismissed, 356; information dis- Dunstan, Reginald David, alias Leonard Keith Dunstan, con- missed, 357. victed, 479. Drysdale, Jessie Ellen, missing friend located, 10. Dunstan, Richard English, motor cycle stolen, 142; recovered, Ducat, Daniel, see Daniel Dukat. 171; convicted and driver's licence disqualified, 184. Duck, Nellie Alma, convicted, 206. Dunstan, Rupert Hilary, convicted and driver's licence dis. Duckett, George Edward, naval deserter recovered, 366. qualified, 41. Duckmanton, Landseer Samuel, complainant, 291. Dunston, Allan Eugene, see Paul Eugene Gunsser. Dudgeon, George, shop broken into, 266. Durbin, Alfred Thomas, bicycle stolen, 29; recovered, 38. Dudley, K. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Durham, John Dudley, battery stolen, 296. Duell, Cliff, suspected of housebreaking, 28. Durkan, James, see John Colin Michell. Duerkopp, Rudolph (Vic.), alien, 293. Durrant, Edwin W., naval deserter recovered, 91. Duff, Ronald, naval deserter, 154; recovered, 181. Durrant, Sylvia Merle, see Sylvia Merle Hall. Duff, Robert James, convicted, 407. Duruk, Phillip, bicycle stolen, 28. Duffield, Gordon Lauriston, warrant for, 304; amounts paid, Durwood, Cynthia Isabell, house broken into, 65; offender 313. arrested, 313. Duffield, Robert Henry, bicycle stolen, '98. Dusting, George, see Herbert Anderson. Duffus, Leslie Albert John, complainant, 337. Duthy, William George, warrant for wife desertion withdrawn, Duffy (man named), suspected of larceny, 7. 316. Duffy, Edwin Sydney James, kitbag, etc., stolen, 66. Dutschke, Erwin Ronald, complainant, 204. Duffy, Pat, see Peter Joseph Duffy. Dutton, John Hansborough, lambs stolen or strayed, 415. Duffy, Peter Joseph, alias Pat Duffy, convicted, 23; discharged, Dutton, Rosemary, glasses stolen, 394. 61. Duval, Frank, see Lawrence Harold Raymond Jones. Dugan, Ephie Doris, clothing, etc., stolen, 437, 438; com- Duval, John Swift, convicted, 22, 33. plainant, 479; offender arrested, property recovered, 486. Dux Heaters Ltd. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 66; recovered, Dugan, Ernest Alfred Charles, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 171. 396. Dwyer, Donald, absconder, 228; arrested, 238; arrested for Dugan, Ernest Sydney, complainant, 479. larceny of bicycle, 277. Dugan, Mary, child's pusher, etc., lost or stolen, 250; Dwyer, E. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 89; recovered, 162. recovered, 260. Dwyer, Patrick Francis Austin, convicted, 50; warrant for, 96. Duggan, David George, convicted, 479. Dwyer, Thomas Henry Joseph, inquest on body of, 478. Duggan, Hillary Clifton, warrant for, 168. Dyball, Raymond, committed for trial, 451. Duggan, L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 162. Dyer, Charles (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Duggan, Murray, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 20. Dyer, Charles W., naval deserter recovered, 90. Duggan, Thomas, see Thomas Andrew Morton. Dyer, Ernest Allan, convicted, 328. Iluggin, James William, convicted, 406. Dyer, John A. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 259. Dukat, Daniel, alias Daniel Ducat, discharged, 15; convicted, Dyer, Roy Francis Percy, convicted, 69. 23. Dyett, Charles Norton, complainant, 461. Duke, Eric, complainant, 440. Dyett, Leonard Keith, convicted, 93; complainant, 117; dis- Dulwich Hill Home Science School (N.S.W.), storeroom charged, 157; information dismissed, 232; convicted, 233; broken into, 76. discharged, 281; released on bond, 461; discharged, 491. Dumbrell, A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124. Dyett, Mabel, complainant, 461. Dunbar, Dora, discharged, 147. Dynon, David Brian, convicted, 205. Dunbar, George, galvanized iron stolen, 403. Dyson, Ernest Edward, barley, etc., stolen, 485. Duncan and Co. Ltd., complainant, 155, 156. Dyson, Joseph, convicted, 407. Duncan, Donald C. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 396. Duncan, Effie Bennett, camera, etc., stolen, 151. Dyson, Kelvin Keith, arrested for drill-hall breaking, 36; con- Duncan, Ernest William, convicted, 39; discharged, 198. victed, 39; arrested for cabinbreaking, 105; convicted, Duncan, Jessie Maria, see Queen Adelaide Club. 108; released on bond, 129. Duncan, John, see John Colin Michell. Duncan, John Anthony, naval deserter, 355. Duncan, Roy, see John Colin Michell. Dundas, H. see K. Quigley. E Dundas, L., see K. Quigley. Eagle (abo.), convicted, 13; discharged, 16. Dunkley, L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, 231. Earl, Allan Gordon, convicted, 40, 232. Dunkley, Robert Harry, convicted, 432, 462. Earl, George, convicted, 145. Dunkley, Sophie Louisa, complainant; 12. Earl of Aberdeen Hotel Ltd. (Edward Harold White, Licen- Dunlite Electrical Co. Ltd. (Lloyd B. Dunn, manager), work- see), complainant, 39. shop broken into, 465. Earl, Roy Francis, convicted, 70. Dunlop, D. A. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Earle, Clarence Percy, complainant, 441. Dunn, Alfred Eldred Thomas, bicycle stolen, 438; recovered, Earle, George Gordon Ray, discharged, 369. 448. Eason, Frederick, naval deserter, 58; recovered, 397. Dunn, "Diver," see Cyril Francis Dunne. Easson, D., see Helena Lydia Easson. Dunn, E. R. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 448. Easson, Helena Lydia (trading as D. Easson) complainant, Dunn, Francis Laurence, complaint withdrawn, 377. 398. Dunn, Gordon Clarendon, convicted, 346. East, David Samuel, convicted, 357. Dunn, Jack Galton, complaint dismissed, 387. Easter, Daphne, missing friend, 336; located, 397. Dunn, John Michael, bicycle stolen, offender arrested, 213. Eastermond, Robert Malcolm, convicted, 216. Dunn, John William, glasses stolen, 37. Eastham, Robert Henry, complainant, 126. Dunn, Leonard Maurice, convicted, 93. Eastman, G. F., see Keith Edward Simpson. Dunn, Lloyd B., see Dunlite Electrical Co. Ltd. Eastwell, Valerie Dawn (N.S.W.), special inquiry re dis- Dunn, Nellie Olive, complainant, 216. appearance of, reward extended, 199. Dunn, Percival Alexander, complainant, 173. Eastwood Rechabite Cricket Club, shed broken into, 105. Dunn, Percy, see Jack Campbell Turner. Eaton, Alfred John, convicted, 451. Dunn, Percy Ralph, convicted, 69. Eaton, Mary Ella, cape, lost or stolen, 203. Dunn, Raymond Lawrence, committed for trial, 346. Eatts, Edwin Hector, purse stolen, 429. Dunn, Richard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Ebbott, Rex Harry, overcoat stolen, 179. Dunn, Valerie Joan, convicted, 145. Ebelt, Irwin, rabbit traps stolen, 334. Dunn, W. A. S. & Co., stocks and dies, etc., stolen, 314. Eblan, Naomi Mary, complainant, 309. Eblen, George Joseph, complainant, 309. Dunne, Cyril Francis, aliases "Diver" Dunne, "Diver" Eblen, Vincent Michael, complainant, 309. Dunn, committed for trial, 31; acquitted, 129; discharged, Ebsary, Lecie Edith, case, lost or stolen, 9; recovered, 99. 130; warrant for, 191. Dunne, "Diver, " see Cyril Francis Dunne. Eccles, William Pearson, aliases William Peason Eccles, Wil- Dunne, Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. liam Pearson Ecclos, convicted, 425; discharged, 471. Dunne, R. C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 67. Eccles, William Peason, see William Pearson Eccles. Dunnett. Reginald Paul, discharged, 41. Ecclos, William Pearson, see William Pearson Eccles. Dunning, Kenneth Edwin, electric drill stolen, 395. Echt, Jack (Vic), motor car stolen, 29; recovered, 222. Dunstall, Donald Roy, convicted, 338; discharged, 399. Eckert, Adolph John (trading as John Clair and Co.), com- Dunstall, Leo, complainant, 110. plainant, 309. Dunstan, Arnold Edward, convicted, 128. Eckert, Francis William, complaint dismissed, 489. Dunstan, Barbara, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 124. Eckhot-Simpson, Murray, bicycle stolen, 487. Dunstan, Douglas Haig, convicted and driver's licence sus- Eckland, Frederick Adolph, see Frederick Ecklund. pended, 262. Ecklund, Frederick, correct name Frederick Adolph Eckland, Dunstan, Florence Mary, convicted, 128. spectacles stolen, 221; house broken into, 248. D xxvi. INDEX.

Eclipse Motors Pty. Ltd. (Thomas Reuben Farwell, foreman), Ekins, William and Son, complainant, 300. showroom broken into, 394; complainant 490. Eklund, Julius, see Julius Stenberg. Economic Drapery Store, see Frank Rosewall James. Eland, Pamela Dawn, complainant, 406. Eddy, Arthur William, see William Arthur Eddy. Elder, Albert George, trousers stolen, 475. Eddy, Edmond Thomas Mills (trading as Eddys), shop broken Elder, Albert James, convicted and motor drivers licence sus- into, 87; complainant, 92. pended, 300. Eddy, Maxwell Elliott, convicted, 164. Elder Smith and Co. Ltd., cigarettes stolen, 161; oil stolen, Eddy, Reginald James, tools, etc., stolen, 374. 240; shed broken into, 295. Eddy, Walter John, warrant for, 75. Eldridge, see Eric Clyde Cherry. Eddy, William, alias William Edwards, discharged, 82. Eldridge, J. L. (Qld), motor cycle stolen, 354. Eddy, William Arthur, aliases Arthur William Eddy, Stanley Eldridge, K. (N.S.W.) motor cycle stolen, 241; recovered, 307. William Close, convicted, 13; discharged, 16; convicted, Electrical Motor Guarantee Co., Prop. Ltd., factorybreaking on ,60, 117; discharged, 119; convicted, 146; discharged, 234; provisional warrant withdrawn for Robert Symons, 2. convicted 300; discharged, 339; convicted, 346; dis- Electricity Trust of South Aust., complainant, 135. charged, 434; convicted, 489. Electro Help, see Leo Adler. Eddys, see Edmund Thomas Mills Eddy. Eley, Royston Cooper, complainant, 261. Eddys Warehouse, special inquiry re false pretences on, 74; Elieff, Elia Kristoff, see Eilia Kristoff. offender arrested, 86. Eliot, Edwin Thomas (Vic), motor car stolen, 124. Ede, Horace Henry, bicycle stolen 287; recovered, 297. Elkin, Ferdinand, pay envelope stolen, 27. Edgar, Harold, naval deserter, 172; recovered, 289. Ellicott, Albert, convicted, 69. Edgar, Victor William, convicted, 32. Ellicott, William Thompson, naval deserter, recovered, 366; Edgecombe, John Murray, bicycle stolen, 47. naval deserter, 488. Edis, Frank Hilton, complainant, 32. Elliot, Kenneth, convicted, 164. Edis, Frederick James, committed for trial, 32; ease made Elliott, man giving name of, suspected of larceny, 212. remanet, 129 (2) ; released on bond, 196. Elliott, Arthur George, kitbag stolen, 429. Edmeades, Lyall, bicycle stolen, 385. Elliott, Bertrand John, see The Northern Trading Co. Edments Ltd., flower pots, etc., stolen, 296; pearls, etc., stolen, Elliott Bros, racing pedals stolen, 305. 352. Elliott, Clyde Clifford, see Clifford Jones. Edmond, Arthur Alfred, overcoat, lost or stolen, 213. Elliott, Colin, bicycle stolen, 115; portion recovered, 194; con- Edmond, Victor R., see Victor McCarthy, 409. victed, 424. Edmonds, Hedley Maxwell, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Elliott, Diana Elizabeth, complainant, 357. Edmonds, Maurice James Christian, wallet, etc., lost or stolen, Elliott, Ellen, handbag, etc., stolen, 4. 277. Elliott, G. H. Pty Ltd. (Vic), obtains provisional warrant for Edmondson, Arthur Alfred, convicted, 387; discharged, 462. Thomas Keith Gale, 393; offender arrested, 435. Edmonson, C. C. (Qld), motor car stolen, 143; recovered, 325. Elliott, Hurtle, warrant ' for, 18; arrested, 132. Edmunds, Robert Lochtie, released on bond, 32; convicted, Elliott, John James, complainant, 92. 135; discharged, 175. Elliott, John Wilfred, complainant, 378. Edson, Donald Charles, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 414. Elliott, Laurie George, see The Northern Trading Co. Edson, Robert Ridley, engine stolen, 403. Elliott, Norman Bainbridge, convicted, 81. Edwards, Alan Peter, see Harold Pirie Evans. Elliott, Victor Percy, see The Northern Trading Co. Edwards, Arthur Ernest, convicted, 206; discharged, 358; con- Elliott, W. (N.S.W.) motor cycle stolen, 259; recovered, 344. victed and motordriver's licence disqualified, 442. Ellis, see Edward Joseph Bernard McKiernan. Edwards, Billy, see William Edwards. Ellis, Alan Edward, see Allan Edward Ellis. Edwards, Bob Vincent, complainant, 71. Ellis, Alfred, convicted, 251. Edwards, Colin Herbert, complainant, 379. Ellis, Alfred Hedley, convicted, 205; petrol stolen, 384. Edwards, Dr. D. (Vic.), stolen motor car recovered, 57. Ellis, Allan Edward, aliases Arthur Ellis, Allen Arthur Ellis, Edwards, Frederick David, fowls stolen, 438. Allen Edward Ellis, Alan Edward' Ellis, warrant for 150; Edwards, Gordon, dinghy, lost or stolen, 171; recovered, 194. arrested, 266; discharged, 380. Edwards, Gordon George, bicycle stolen, 212. Ellis, Allen Albert, convicted, and drivers licence cancelled, Edwards, Gordon Richard, convicted, 40; discharged, 147. 128. Edwards, Gwenda, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 297. Ellis, Allen Arthur, see Allan Edward Ellis. Edwards, Harold Ivan, complainant, 245; shop broken into, Ellis, Allen Edward, see Allan Edward Ellis. 457. Ellis and Clark, shop broken into, 420. Edwards, Harry Colin, convicted, 490. Ellis, Arthur, see Allan Edward Ellis. Edwards, Hazel, handbag stolen, 335. Ellis, Arthur Samuel, convicted, 216. Edwards, Henry Reginald, convicted, 49. Ellis, Benjamin Stratton, convicted, 206. Edwards, James, see Eric Clyde Cherry. Ellis, C. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124. Edwards, John, naval deserter recovered, 90 (2). Ellis, Dawn Fvelyn, complainant, 417. Edwards, Leon John, convicted, 128, 356. Ellis, Dean Aunger, complainant, 328; stolen bicycle recovered, Edwards, Lewis William, house broken into, property recov- 335. ered, 28. Ellis, Francis Nancurvas, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 396. Edwards, Lydia Martha (abo.), discharged, 41; convicted, Ellis, Frank Alfred, complainant, 127. 489. Ellis, Harold James,'to,ols stolen, 465. Edwards, Maxwell Albert, convicted, 441. Ellis, Harold Vincent, complainant, 337. Edwards, Peter Joseph George, convicted, 32. Ellis, Henry Edward, convicted, 109. Edwards, Reginald John, naval deserter recovered, 366. Ellis, J. H. (Qld), motor truck stolen, 67. Edwards, Ronald, kitbag, etc., stolen, 457; recovered, 467. Ellis, Jack Moore, convicted, 92; discharged; 119. Edwards, Ronald Keith, bicycle stolen, 297. Ellis, John William, complainant, 205. Edwards, Rupert Robert William, complainant, 196. Ellis, Kenneth Alfred, complainant, 398. Edwards, Valerie, brooch, lost or stolen, 213. Ellis, Leslie Wallace, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 414. Edwards, William (abo.), convicted, 489. Ellis, Mervyn Samuel Wyse (N.S.W.-S.A.) tools, etc., stolen, Edwards, William, see William. Eddy. 28;recovered, 77. Edwards, William, pays fine and costs, 4. Ellis, Penny, see Lois Mary Teresa Gardiner. Edwards, William, fails to maintain, 312. Ellis, Percy Osborne, convicted, 417. Edwards, William, aliases Billy Edwards, Willie Edwards, dis- Ellis, Richard George, complainant, 478. charged 102; convicted, 224; discharged, 310. Ellis, Verna, missing friend, 415; located, 423. Edwards, William, see William Edwards. Ellis, William Governor, bicycle stolen, 88. Effick, Neil, bicycle stolen, 430. Ellis, William Montague, convicted, 196. Egan, Arthur Edward, money stolen, 475. Ellison, Arthur Gordon, convicted, 461. Egan, George Henry, convicted, 337. Ellison, Harold, warrant for, 373. Egan, Leo Francis, convicted, 405. Ellison, Thomas Henry, alias Thomas Henry Harris, convicted, Eg•lestone, Olive, bicycle stolen, 29; recovered, 38. 12. Eglingtons Chromium Plating and Galvanizing Works Ltd., Elphick, James David, complainant, 479. complainant, 357. Elphick, Lucy, bicycle stolen, 57: recovered, 134. Ehrenberg, Henri, complainant, 32. Elsdon, John Henry, convicted. 215. Ehret, J. V. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 213. Elson, William John, watch stolen, 55. Eichner, Maxwell Moncrief, -tools stolen, 438; recovered, 458; Elsegood, John James, convicted and motor driver's licence offender arrested, 486; complainant, 489. disqualified, 368. Eickhoff, Alfred Charles, comnl,iinant, 433. Eltham, Josiah George, committed for trial, 206, 291; released Eiffe, C. J. (N.T.-S.A.), suspected of larceny, 212; one tar- on bond, 301; convicted, 379. paulin recovered, 230. Elvev, Ernest Kenneth, inquest on body of, 108. Fiffe, John Noel, convicted, 327; warrant for, 402. Emerson, Charles Henry, convicted, 173. Files, Kenneth John, convicted, 39; discharged, 198. Emes, Harold Ford, released under O.P. Act, 309. Eime, Irene Beryl Wanda, watch stolen, 267. Emes. Vera Madeline, complainant, 309. Eime, Jack, naval deserter recovered, 366. E.M.F. Electric Co. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen , 180; recov- Finem, Leslie Percy von, convicted, 31. ered, 213; motor car stolen , 353; recovered, 365. Eisemann, Murrav William, inquest on body of, 308. Emmett and Sons Ltd. (John George Emmett, manager), Fitzen, Horace Herbert, complainant, 126. electric motors, etc., stolen, 133; wheels stolen, 306. Eitzen, Thelma, suspected of larceny, 7. Emmett, John George, see Emmett and Sons Ltd. INDEX. xxvii.

Emming, Archibald Charles, complainant, 11. By, Louis Henry, convicted and motor driver's licence can- Emond, Ronald Victor, see Victor McCarthy. celled, 33. Emond, Victor Donald, see Victor McCarthy. By, Stanley Raymond, bicycle stolen, 316; recovered, 325. Emond, Victor Ronald, see Victor McCarthy. Eyles, S. C. and Co. (William David Moyses, manager), ware- Emovi, Saverio, alien arrested, 483. house broken into, 4. Enfield General Cemetery Trust, office broken into, 304; pro- perty recovered,323. Engel, Owen Keith, dismissed under O.P. Act, 346. England, Jeffrey, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. F England, R. E. (Qld), motor car stolen, 180; recovered, 194. Fabbro, Ugo Del, otherwise Ugo Del Fabro, committed for English, Jack, wireless set stolen, 258. trial, 233; convicted, 301; discharged, 369. English, James, bicycle stolen, 77; recovered, 107. Fabian, Kenneth Mervyn, convicted, 452. Ennis, Geoffrey Ernest, convicted, 491. Fadden, Michael John (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 242. Enright, Erol Dean, complainant, 308. Fady, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Enright, William George, fails to maintain, 200. Fader, Herbert George, bicycle stolen, 143; recovered, 153. Equity Trustee Executor and Agency Co., Ltd., complainant, Fahey, Bernard James, convicted, 377; correction, 398; com- 368. plainant, 471. Erasmus, Henry, otherwise Erasmus Henry, convicted, 356; Fahey, Leslie Charles, convicted, 279. discharged, 408. Fahey, William Stephen, bicycle stolen, 268. Ericksson, Eric Ronald, complainant, 182. Fairbanks, John Norman, convicted, 182; discharged, 208. Ericksson, R. E., see George William Heard. Fairbanks, Margaret, convicted, 182; discharged, 208. Erios, Irene IT., jewellery, etc., stolen, 27. Fairchild, J. C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77; recovered, Erler, George, attache case stolen, 141. 213. Ernabella Charlie (abo.), convicted, 39; discharged, 41. Fairfax and Roberts (N.S.W.), rings stolen, 133. Errey, Arthur Robert, tarpaulin, stolen, 314. Fairhurst, Jack, naval deserter recovered, 90. Errington, Peter Graham, bicycle stolen, 170. Fairlie, William Hamilton, warrant for, 191, 200; arrested, Essery, see Ernest James Brooks. 342. Essery, William and Son, factory broken into, 323. Fairweather, Andrew, house broken into, 114; property Etherington, Arthur Roy, naval deserter recovered, 366. recovered, offender arrested, 374. Ettrick Tennis Club, complainant, 451. Fairweather, James Henry, aliases James W. Lovegrove, J. H. Ettridge, Arthur Clarence, battery stolen, 467. Baxton, W. C. Crawford, J. B. Gorman, J. H. McKenzie, Ettridge, Joseph Edward, suspected of larceny, 307, 405. warrant for, 26; arrested, 36; convicted, 117; discharged, Ettridge, Madge, suspected of larceny 97. 119; committed for trial and committed for sentence, 233; Ettridge, Stanley Clarence, convicted, 22, 81; discharged, 188; convicted, 301. convicted, 279; discharged, 347. Fairweather, William Clement, committed for sentence, 60; Eudunda Farmers Co-operative Soc., Ltd., complainant, 145, convicted, 70; discharged, 166; convicted, 196. 155; special inquiry for Richard Chapman, wanted for Falk, P., and Co. Ltd. (Maxwell Ebdon Harris, salesman), larceny of suiting material from, 159; offender arrested larceny on, offender arrested, 7; complainant, 11. for larceny on, 170; complainant, 173; photo., 167; Falkenberg, Gordon Arthur, convicted, 470. offender arrested, 177; complainant, 183; tobacco stolen, Falla, Alan Neve, warrant for, 362; arrested, 436. 240; watch stolen, 305; complainant, 318; material stolen, Falland, Richard Rudolph, see Rudolph Richard Falland. 333; complainant, 398. Falland. Rudolph Richard, alias Richard Rudolph Falland, dis- Eustace, John, see John Eustace Dews. charged, 198, 409. Eustis, Vola Corinne, ring stolen, 7. Falls, G. (N...W.), motor car stolen, 438. Evans, A. (Qld), motor cycle stolen, 29. Falls, R. F. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 375; recovered, 415. Evans and Clarke (Donald Kirby Evans, trading as), binocu- Falvey, James Anthon, motor cycle stolen, 414; recovered, 431. lars stolen, 141; complainant, 368. Fanning, James Charles, convicted, 40, 290. Evans, Angus Ralph, complainant, 50. Fanning, Peter, see James Peter Morris. Evans, Brian Francis Patrick, complainant, 452. Farese, Gennaro, warrant for, 473. Evans, David Wyke, bicycle stolen, 20; recovered, 30. Fargher, Jack Vincent, convicted, 173. Evans, Donald Kirby, see Evans and Clarke. Farland, R. J. (N.S.W.), panel van stolen, 439; recovered, 468. Evans, Edwin Arthur, convicted, 81. Parley, Arthur Wesley, see Blanchetown Cafe. Evans, Francis Michael, convicted, 251. Farley, Henry Edward, released on bond, 100. Evans, George Henry, convicted, 308. Farmer, John Neil (trading as S.A. Saw and Tool Sharpening Evans, Gloria, released under O.P. Act, 100. Co.), complainant, 216. Evans, Harold Pirie, alias Alan Peters Edwards, convicted, Farmers Radio Service Company, wireless set stolen, 413. 205; discharged, 246. Farmer, R. (N.T.-S.A.), suspected of larceny, 212; one tar- Evans, Henry Urquhart, special inquiry for, wanted- for false paulin recovered, 230. pretences, 25; correction, 321. Farnham, Harold Austin, convicted and motor driver's licence Evans, James Joseph, fail to maintain, 121. disqualified, 281. Evans, John Michael, warrant for, 178; amounts paid, 211. Farnol, Jeffrey, see Francis Ferney. Evans, Keith John, see Reginald Richard Palmer. Farquharson, Reginald Donald, see Cheeks. Evans, Keith Percival, warrant for, 159; convicted and motor Parr, Horace Laurence, convicted, 405. drivers licence cancelled, 358; arrested on warrant, 383. Farr, Malcolm Laurence, bicycle stolen, 438; recovered, 487. Evans, M. M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77. Farr, Robert, convicted and motor driver's licence cancelled, Evans, Melville Henry Roy, convicted, 224. 81; warrant for, 200; arrested, 220. Evans, Norman Leonard, complainant, 14. Farr, Victor Augustus Charles, complainant, 135. Evans, Peter, bicycle stolen, 438; recovered, 459. Farr, Victor John, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Evans, Raymond Harold, committed for trial, 155; convicted, qualified, 40. 245. Farrar, Gordon Arthur, motor cycle stolen, 259; recovered, 297, Evans, Ross Bernard, bicycle stolen, 315. Farrar, John Rowlands, amounts paid on warrant, 304. Evans, Violet, bicycle stolen, 430. Farrell, Brian Albert, bicycle stolen, 403; recovered, 430. Evans, William, warrant for, 168. Farrell, Christopher, warrant for, 53; arrested and imprisoned, Evans, William Allen, released on bond, 146; arrested for 75. storebreaking, 429; convicted, 434. Farrell, Cyril Arthur George, ring stolen, 467; property Evans, William Joseph Ray, mainsail stolen, 114. recovered,offender arrested,476. Farrell, H. E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 355. Evans, William Ross, convicted and motor driver's licence Farrell, John, warrant for, arrested, warrant for, disqualified, 184; special inquiry, motor car stolen, 362; 150; 275; 373; arrested,428. watch lost or stolen,404. Farrell, Peter James, complaint dismissed, 406. Eve, Lindsay Thomas, convicted, 205. Farrell, Raymond William, convicted, 136. Evely, Allan Bennets, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Farrell, Ronald Herbert, committed for trial, 126; nolle qualified, 60. prosegxi entered, 174. Everett, Cecil Ernest G., convicted, 195. Farrugia, Samuel, open dinghy stolen, 249; recovered, 276. Everett, Ernest Arthur, convicted, 407. Fartch, Sinclair Laird, convicted, 80. Everett, Frank (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Farwell, Thomas Reuben, see Eclipse Motors Pty. Ltd. Everett, Toni, ring lost or stolen, 163; recovered, 181. Fasham, Allen John, bicycle stolen, 8; correction, 20. Everett, William Charles, motor cycle parts stolen, 352. Fashan, Leonard John, bicycle recovered, 9. Everingham, Ross Carlyle, convicted, 261; discharged, 339. Faucett, William Alexander, arrested for housebreaking, 18; Ewart, J. (N.S.W.), motor tipper stolen, 180., 181. released under O.P. A-ct, 22. Ewens, Albert Maxwell, motor cycle stolen, 8. Paulding,F. H. and Co. Ltd., complainant, 11;special inquiry Ewens, Edward Patrick, convicted and complaint withdrawn, re attempted false pretences on, 293; offender arrested in 244. Victoria, 362. Ewer, John Levison, rim, tyre, and tube stolen, 333. Faulkiner, Ben, complainant, 244. Executors of Merrange Estate (Vic.), utility stolen, 439; Faulkner, Joseph, convicted, 81. recovered, offender arrested, 487. Faunce, H. H., R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 260. Exon, E. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, 307. Fawk, Stanley James, house broken into, 45; offender arrested, Exter, Donald Dartnell, naval deserter recovered, 366. 211. xxviii. INDEX.

Fawcett, Elwyn Ralph, convicted, 40,6. Finlay, George Arthur, gelding, stolen or strayed, 223 ; recov- Faye, James, see Keith Paul James Berry. ered, offender arrested, 251; complainant, 261. Fazzalari, Nicola, convicted and motor drivers licence disquali- Finlayson, Alister Ronald, convicted, 347, 479. fied, 40. Finlayson, B. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 395. Fear, Gertrude Helen, warrant for, 294; amount paid, 412. Finlayson, R. J. Ltd., see Raymond Finlayson. Fear, James Alfred, alias William Jones, dismissed under Finlayson, Raymond (trading as R. J. Finlayson Ltd.), com- O.P. Act, 110. plainant, 318; wheel, tyre, and tube, lost or stolen, 386; Fear, Ronald Bruce, naval deserter, 376. recovered,396; sacks stolen,429. Featherstone, Harold Collis (trading as F. & V. Pressed Metal Finley, Frank, see Frank Finlay. Company), shop broken into, 65. Finnegan, William James, naval deserter recovered, 91. Fedderson, W. (N.S.W.) motor car stolen, 171; recovered, 385. Finney, H., British seaman deserter, warrant for, withdrawn, Feder, Leonard John, convicted, 205. 44. Feder, Norman Gellert, dinghy, lost or stolen, 9; recovered, Fiorini, Balando (Vic.), alien, 95; recaptured, 464. 30. Firth, Audrey Clair, pearls, lost or stolen, 422; recovered, 439. Feehan, Lawrence Edmund, filly, stolen or strayed, recovered, Firth, George, convicted, 92. 48. Fischer, Reginald Oswald, complainant, 328. Feeley, William Edley, kitbag, lost or stolen, 449; recovered, Fisher, (Dr.) Anthony Graham, wallet, etc., stolen, 141. 488. Felice, Vincenzo De (Vic), alien surrendered, 455. Fisher, E. T. and Co., see Sydney John Lower. Fellenberg, Alice Evelyn, complainant, 441. Fisher, J. W., R.A.A.F. deserter, recovered, 477 Fisher, Lance James, released on bond, 452. Fellows, Albert William Baden, committed for trial, 163, 184; Fisher, Margeret Irene, house broken into, 286; offender complaints withdrawn, 233; discharged, 492. arrested, property recovered, 363; complainant, 367. Fenn, Violet Alice, handbag stolen, 286. Fennamore, Norman Sylvester, see Norman James Sylvester. Fisher, Raymond, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Fennell, Charles Ernest, bicycle stolen, 180. Fisher, Richard Harold, missing friend, 91; located, 100. Fennell, Donald Clarence, convicted and drivers licence can- Fisher, Robert Hilson, complainant, 398, 452. celled, 71. Fisher, William Edward, complainant, 417. Fennell, Keith Albert, committed for trial, 291; convicted, Fitch, Herbert George, storeroom broken into, 342. 379. Fitch, Muriel May, spectacles lost or stolen, 477. Fentiman, Christopher John (Vic), motor car stolen, 194; Fitimurice, John, suspected of larceny, 314. recovered,222. Fitton, Frank, naval deserter, 154; recovered, 423. Fenton, Frederick William, convicted, 251. Fitzgerald (man named), suspected of larceny, 7. Fenton, J., see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Fitzgerald, David William, clothing, etc., stolen, 249. Fenton, William, amounts paid on warrant, 362. Fitzgerald, George, convicted, 183. Fenwick, Howard Roy, committed for trial, 127; released on Fitzgerald, Gerald, electric motor, etc., stolen, 123. bond, 174. Fitzgerald, James Anthony, convicted, 81. Fenwick, John William, convicted, 398. Fitzgerald, James Henry, watch, etc., stolen, 467. Fenwick, Peter, convicted, 461. Fitzgerald, Matthew John, convicted, 70. Ferguson, Albert Thomas Joseph, convicted, 491. Fitzgerald, Reginald Glen, convicted, 356. Ferguson, Alene Margaret, complainant, 406. Fitzgerald, Stanley Roy, convicted, 356. Ferguson, Arnold Percy, convicted, 215. Fitzgibbon, Margaret, warrant for, 74. Ferguson, John Patrick, motor car stolen, 242; recovered, 268. Fitzgibbon, Minnie, warrant for, 74. Ferguson, Robert Gordon, convicted and motor drivers licence Fitzmaurice, John, watch stolen, 352. disqualified, 471. Fitzpatrick, J., see Ronald William McIntosh. Fergusson, Thomas, convicted, 462. Fitzpatrick, J. E. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 20; recovered, Ferme, John Andrew, convicted, 244. 30. Ferney, Francis, aliases Leslie Tinman, Roy Bell, Jeffrey Fitzpatrick, John Joseph, convicted, 58; discharged, 137; con- Farnol, Benjamin Furney, Benjamin Allen, Benjamin victed, 215; discharged, 235; convicted, 346; discharged, Graham, convicted, 174. 443. Ferrall, Minden, American naval deserter, 10. Fitzpatrick, W., naval deserter recovered, 90. Ferravant, Joseph Charles Peter, missing friend, 68; located, Fitzroy Croquet Club, complainant, 433. 326. Fitzroy, F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 364. Ferris, Walter John Charles, convicted, 490. Fitzsimmons, Albert, convicted, 279. Fethers, Reginald Stanley,naval deserterrecovered, 366. Fitzsimmons, John H., naval deserter recovered, 91. Fettke, Ernest Alwyn, convicted, 173. Fiumana, Guiseppe (Vic.), alien, 382. Feurherdt, Oscar Waldemar, convicted, 12. Flack, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 353. Fiddes, Robert A., naval deserter, 376; recovered, 386. Flaherty, Desmond, naval deserter recovered, 366. Fidge, Edward Oliver, see Ernest Oliver Stephen Fidge. Flaherty, Kevin John, bicycle stolen, 153; recovered, 268. Fidge, Ernest Oliver Stephen, aliases Edward Oliver Fidge, Flaherty, Thomas William (N.S.W.), see Thomas William Ernest Stephens, warrant for, 26, 75; arrested and impris- Tracey. oned, 104 (2) ; convicted, 195; discharged, 217; warrant Flanagan, Hurtle Edward, discharged, 137. for, 322; arrested, 474. Flanagan, John James, convicted, 145; complainant, 155; cor- Fidler and Webb, mantel wireless stolen, 475. rection, 156. Fido-ck, Dean Henwood, convicted and motor drivers licence Flanagan, Michael Edward James, see Michael Edward James disqualified, 288. Flannagan. Fidock, Margaret Amelia, bicycle stolen, 37; recovered, 47. Flannagan, Edward Michael James, see Michael Edward James Fiegert, Adeline Elsa, special inquiry, false pretences on, 303. Flannagan. Field, Betty, bicycle stolen, 29; recovered, 38. Flannagan, Michael Edward James, aliases Michael Joseph Field, J. J. stolen motor vehicle recovered, 181. (N.S.W.) Flannigan, Michael Edward James Flanagan, Edward Field, John Alfred, naval deserter, 326. Michael James Flannagan, Michael James Malone, dis- Field, Leslie Alan, bicycle stolen, 468; recovered, 477. charged, 137; convicted, 145; discharged, 281; convicted, Fieldke, Reginald Clifford, watch, lost or stolen, 448. 379; discharged, 389. Fielke, Elizabeth Anne, complainant, 261. Flannigan, Michael Joseph, see Michael Edward James Flana- , Robert George, information dismissed, 252. gan. Fiest, Johannes Otto, convicted, 300. Flavel and Sons, chairs stolen, 202. Figgins, John Russell (Vie), motor cycle stolen, 89. Flavel, Cecil Gordon, complainant, 39, 279. Files, Muriel Kathleen, warrant for, 322. Fillmore, Arnold Richard, arrested on warrant, 4. Flavels (S.A.) Ltd., obtains warrant for George William Wil- liamson and aliases, 294. Filsell, Muriel, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 143. Fimeri, Arnold Patrick, complainant, 291, 377, 388. Fleet, Beverley Isabel, complainant, 406. Fimeri, Julius, watch stolen, 314. Flehr, see William Gilbert Thomas. Fimeri, Maxwell, bicycle stolen, 8. Fleming, Betty Mona (Vic.), missing friend, 423. Finch, Edwin, complainant, 224, 300. Fleming, Donald James, convicted, 50. Finch, Hector Reginald, convicted, 126. Fleming, John Andrew Ross, convicted, 289. Finch, L., naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Fleming, Neil, convicted, 279. Findlay, Francis, naval deserter recovered, 90. Fleming, Ronald James, naval deserter recovered, 366. Findlay, Frank, see Frank Finlay. Fleming, William Othneil, complaint dismissed, 93. Findlay, Kenneth George, naval deserter, 154; recovered, 163; Fleming, William Thomas, suit stolen, 412. naval deserter, 195; recovered, 204; naval deserter, 278. Flendary, D. G. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, 163. Findley, Keith Harry, watch stolen, 28; recovered, 230. Fletcher, Donald Ross, convicted, 432; discharged, 492. Findon Bakery (William Nelson Arthur and John Skatheway Fletcher, Edward Albert (W.A.), motor car stolen, 115; Britton, trading as) complainant, 337. recovered,124. Fink, Sadie (Vic.), motor car stolen, 89. Fletcher, Francis George, warrant for, 53; imprisoned, 64; Finlay, Arthur George, complainant, 406. warrant for, 168; arrested, 178; convicted, 406. Finlay, Arthur William Thomas, bicycle stolen, 8, recovered, Fletcher, Graham, absconder, 53; located, 74. 20. Fletcher, Harold Edward, bicycle stolen, 66; recovered, 107. Finlay. Frank, aliases Frank Finley, Frank Findlay, Frank Fletcher, John Edward, deserts wife, 355. Calf, discharged, 147; convicted, 173; discharged, 217. Fletcher, John Henry, convicted, 70. INDEX. xxix.

Fletcher, Morris, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Forth, Graham Lathem, arrested for stealing a bicycle, 89; qualified, 491. dismissed under O.P. Act, 92; released on bond, 93; Flight, Herbert Thomas, complainant, 118 (2). convicted, 270. Flinders Radio (Ralph E. Turner, proprietor), wireless set Foster, Archie Edward, discharged, 197. stolen, 413. Foster, Edward, naval deserter, 68; cancelled, 431. Flinn, Raymond John, see Raymond John McLaughlin. Foster, Henry J. (Vic.), motor car recovered, 9. Flint, Alexander, house broken into, offender arrested for Foster, Henry Terence, fails to maintain, 121. receiving on, 18; complainant, 22. Foster, Jack (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 47; recovered, 57. Flint, Reginald, complaint dismissed, 337. Foster, John, see James Wilson. Flint, Royce Ernest (Vic.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, Foster, Mick, suspected of larceny, 403. 256. Foster, Raymond Arthur, naval deserter, 163; recovered, 260; Flood, John Oadley, naval deserter, 204. naval deserter, 298. Flood, Les, convicted and motor driver's licence disqualified, Foster, Reginald John, convicted, 397. 358. Foster, Sydney, heifers stolen or strayed, 57; recovered, 68. Floody, Patrick Joseph, convicted, 280; discharged, 292. Foster, Walter Graham, convicted, 252. Flora, Emilio Della, complaint dismissed, 298. Foster, Wilfred (Vic.), motor ear stolen, S ; recovered, 57. Florance, Stanley Ivanhoe, convicted, 356. Fosters, drapers, shop broken into, 248; offender arrested, 295. Flores, J. A. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 306; recovered, 439. Fosters, see Philip Clarence Roy Young and Stella May Floris, Lorenzo (N.S.W.), alien surrendered, 35. Young. Fluck, Edward Gardiner, wireless set stolen, 201. Foti, Celestino (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. Flynn, Arnold Edward, wanted for larceny, 466. Foulkes, Reginald Roy, complainant, 23. Flynn, James John, convicted, 80. Fountain, Kenneth Gordon, convicted, 397. Flynn, John, alias John Kenyon, convicted, 388; discharged, Fowler, Arthur, see Victor Allison. 453. Fowler, Florence Lorna Borradaile, brooch lost or stolen, 9; Flynn, Myles Patrick, warrant for, 191. recovered, 30. Flynn, Raymond John, see Raymond John McLaughlin. Fowler, Hartley Charles, convicted, 174. Foale, Alwyn Jack, bicycle stolen, 38. Fowler, Ray Ronald, convicted, 471. Foale, Henry Harry, convicted, 290. Fox, Albert, see Albert Redden. Foale, Henry James, arrested on warrant, 26; convicted, 144. Fox, Albert Owen, bicycle stolen, 430; recovered, 448. Foale, Jean, missing friend, 163; located, 195. Fox Brothers, see Ernest Alfred Fox. Fogarty, Park Anthony, ewes stolen or strayed, 203. Fox, Douglas Charles, convicted, 451. Foggo, Mayo James, convicted, 70. Fox, Ernest Alfred (trading as Fox Brothers), complainant, Foley, see Raymond John Splatt. 337. Foley, Frank Joseph, fails to maintain, 342. Fox, Ernest Campbell, complainant, 145. Foley, Raymond John, convicted, 81. F'ox, F. (Qid. ), stolen motor cycle recovered, 222. Folkes, H.A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Fox, Patricia Agnes, convicted, 398. Folland, Kevin Harvey, convicted, 39. Fox, R. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 375. Fooks, Gertrude Caroline, complainant, 164. Fox, Reuben John, see Albert Redden. Foote, Harold (N.S.W.), special inquiry re grievous bodily Fox, William Robert, convicted, 108. harm on, offender arrested, 199. Foy and Gibson, material stolen, 19; special inquiry re false Foran, John William, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 414. pretences on, 113; offender arrested,167; clothing stolen, 258; wireless set stolen, 323. Forbes, Clarence John, convicted, 70; discharged, 72; warrant Foy, Patrick, naval deserter recovered, 91. for 402, 419; paid, 484 (2). Foy, Patrick Matthew, alias Scotty Foy, convicted, 243; 'Forbes, Colin Malcolm, motor cycle stolen, 9. warrant for, 266. Forbes, Hugh Murray, suspected of driving unregistered motor Foy, Scotty, see Patrick Matthew Foy. car, 411. Foyle, Lionel George, inquest on body of, 317. Forbes, Shiner O'Donnell, see Albert George O'Donnell. Frahm, Cyril, convicted and motor driver's licence suspended, F'orby, Norma Joan, complainant, 367. 459. Forby, Ronald, bicycle stolen, 37, 47. Frann, Victor Herbert, bicy.;le stolen, 194; recovered, 213. Ford, Francis Thorn, R.A.A.F. deserter, 125; recovered, 477. Frame, Gavin, warrant for, 383; arrested, 428. Ford, Glen, convicted, 182. Francis (man named), suspected of breaking (factory), 248; Ford, Harold Ernest, bicycle stolen, 57; recovered, 107. fly nets recovered, 333. Ford, Henry Michael, missing friend, 345; located, 367. Francis, Albert William George, complainant, 461. Ford, Herbert Henry John, naval deserter recovered, 90. Francis, Alfred, convicted, 100; discharged, 166; suspected of Ford, James Patrick, complainant, 92; discharged, 16-6; war- larceny of bicycle, 277; arrested for larceny of bicycle, rant for, 200; arrested, 211; discharged, 271; convicted, 297; convicted 300; discharged, 481. 290, 490. Francis, David (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 47; recovered, 57. Ford, John Joseph, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Francis, Ernest James, convicted, 173. qualified, 206. Francis, Harold, bicycle stolen, 250; recovered, 259. Ford, Kingsley Howard Bertram, wheel, tyre, and tube lost Francis, Herbert Roy, convicted, 462. or stolen, 376. Francis, Horace Frederick, warrant for, 159. Ford, Ronald Owen, alias HaroldGleeson, arrested on warrant, Francis, Margaret Jean, missing friend, 10; located, 31. 122. Francis, Marjorie Mildred, convicted, 128. Ford, Thomas Samuel, warrant for and photo of, 436. Francis, Patrick Joseph, naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Ford, William, alias Jack Williams, arrested and imprisoned Francis, Raymond Andrew, pistol stolen, 306. on warrants, 75; fails to maintain, 104; arrested and Francis, William, bicycle stolen, 422. imprisoned on warrant, 114; discharged, 185. Francis, William Frederick, deserts wife, 325. Ford, William Desmond, bicycle stolen, 133; recovered, 213. Francis, William Keith, complainant, 224. Ford, William Thomas, see William Thomas Hains. Francisco, Ronald, convicted, 128. Ford, William Vivian, complainant, 488. Franciss-en, Johannes, see Johannes Gerardus Manuel Petrocus Forde, Frank, warrant for, 74. Maria Franci.ssen Van Brabant. Forde, John Patrick, convicted, 81. Francissen, Johannes Gerardus Manuel, see Johannes Gerardus Fordham, Leslie Leonard (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 306. Manuel Petrocus Maria Francissen Van Brabant. Foreman, Frank, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, 107. Francois, Roger La, convicted, 398. Foreman, Ronald Wallace, naval deserter recovered, 68. Franklin, Benjamin, committed for trial, 327; acquitted, 408. Foreman, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 91. Franklin, C., warrant for, 342; arrested, 362. Forgan, Robert Latta, complaints dismissed, 329. Franklin, Cyril Bertram, naval deserter, 488. Formenti, John, deserts wife, 289. Franklin, Edna Evelyn, watch lost or stolen, 288; recovered, Formston, Sydney, complainant, 261. 298. Forrest, Franz, see Franz Campbell Greenberg. Franklin, Maxie, see Maxwell George Winkler. Forrest, Harry, see Franz Campbell Greenberg. Franklin, Noel Ferris, convicted, 50. Forrest, Harry Mervyn, complainant, 232; committed for Franklin, Norman Lawrence, naval deserter, recovered. 366. trial, 262; convicted, 319; discharged, 359. Frans,on, Albert George, coat stolen, 314; recovered, offender Forrest, William Allan, arrested for larceny of motor car, 386. arrested, 364; complainant, 368. Forrest, William Waldie, convicted and motor driver's lice-nee Franson, William Ernest, committed for trial, 204; convicted, cancelled, 281. 301. Forrester, Horace, rim, tyre, and tube stolen, 240. Franz, Leslie Norman, complainant, 433. Forsblom, Sven Walter, warrant for, 312; arrested, 323; Franz, Victor, suspected of larceny, 240. warrant for, 373. Fraser, see Ronald Vernon Wiles. Forsey, George Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 90. Fraser, Henry William George, mare stolen or strayed, 365; Forster, Clement, convicted, 117. recovered,386. Forsyth, Amy Gertrude, complainant, 478. Fraser, James Patrick, naval deserter, 326; recovered, 376; Forsyth, D. S. (Qld.), stolen motor cycle recovered, 222. naval deserter, 440. Forsyth, Dr. G., motor car stolen, 422. Fraser, John (N.S.W.), special inquiry for three unknown men Forsyth, Gordon, complainant, 416. for assault on, 177. Forsyth, John Augustine, convicted, 478. Fraser, John Allan, complainant, 451. Forsyth, Ronald Arthur John, bicycle stolen, 8. Fraser, John Roderick, complainant, 183. Forth, Cyril Hennessy, starter motors stolen, 395. Fraser, K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 78. INDEX.

Fraser, Kevin John, convicted, 49; committed for trial, 117; Fuller Brush Company (Sydney Aubrey Rector, manager), convicted, 245. suitcase stolen, 475. Fraser, Norman, see British Phosphate Commissioners. Fuller, Michael George Readwin, naval deserter recovered, 90. Fraser, Peter George, case stolen, 75; complainant, 317. Fuller, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 90. Fraser, Susan Veronica, see Susan Veronica Adam, alias Fullick, Desmond Ray, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 116; • Kumrow. naval deserter, 423: Fraser, Walter Marshall, discharged, 281. Fulton, Michael William, arrested on warrant, 4. Frayne, John, warrant for, 44. Fulwood, Cyril Charles, larceny oil, offender arrested, 20; Frazer, Ernest, naval deserter recovered, 91. complainant, 22. Frearson,Betty, bicycle stolen, 354, 486. Fulwood, Joy, committed for trial at inquest on body of an Fredericks, Ada Louise, suitcase and contents lost or stolen, infant male child, 450; committed for trial (coroner's 143;recovered, 153. warrant), 461. Freebairn, Gavin Alexander, complainant, 81. Funder, John, complainant, 13. Freeman, Charles Albert Frederick, discharged, 61. Fonder, shop broken into, offender arrested, 6. Freeman, Claude William Percival, convicted, 378. Funiciello,Guiseppe (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. Freeman, J. M., suspected of 'housebreaking, 248; not now Furber, Frederick William, absconded, 96; located, 121. suspected,313. Furnell, Clifford, complainant, 14. Freeman, James Thomas, complainant, 195. Furner, Thomas James, convicted, 243. Freeman, John Harold, convicted and driver's licence sus- Furney, Benjamin, see Francis Ferney. pended, 146. Furze, William David, convicted, 378. Freeman Motors Limited, garage broken into, 54; typewriter Fuss, Albert Beaufort, convicted and motor driver's licence stolen, 485. suspended, 51. Freeman, William Frederick, complainant, 417. Fuss, Aubrey Osborne, warrant for, 159. Freer, Arthur Henry Edward, convicted, 13. Fuss, William, complainant, 164. Freer, Betty Lorraine, suspected of larceny, 466; not now Fetcher, Dorothy Marguerite, case lost or stolen, 9; recovered, suspected, 486. 21. Freer, Margaret, alias Peggy Freer, amounts paid on warrant, Fyfe, Angus Manwarring, complainant, 164. 256. Freer, Peggy, see Margaret Freer. Freer, Richard George, complainant, 69; complaint dismissed, 69. a Freeth, Ray Edward, convicted, 432; discharged, 453. G. & C. Radio and Refrigeration Service (N.S.W.), motor Fremlin, Sydney James (Vic.), motor cycle recovered, 9. utility stolen, 162. Frethen, Steg Gunnar (Vic.), alien, 219. G. & S. Electrical Co. (Douglas Ray Whitburn, proprietor), Frick, George Louis, convicted, 233. shop broken into, 363; offender arrested, 420; complain- Frick, Robert Royston, convicted, 416. ant 425. Fricker, B., may be identical with O. Moulden, see Noel Walter Gabel, Alwin Carl, released on bond, 128. Laurence Bergin, wanted for false pretences, 2; Noel Gabel, Elizabeth Leila, complainant, 128. Walter Laurence Bergin committed this offence, 167. Gabrilides, Michael, convicted, 462. Pricker Brothers, magneto stolen, 151. Gadd, Eve Lynne, bicycle stolen, 124. Fricker, F'., wheels stolen, 19. Gadd, George Lenton, lens lost or stolen, 3-65; recovered, 386. Fricker, Frederick (trading as Frederick Fricker and Sons Gaertner, Malcolm Douglas Edward, convicted, 337. Ltd.), complainant, 432. Gaffney, C. L., case, etc., lost or stolen, 449. Pricker, Frederick, and Sons Ltd., see Frederick Fricker. Gafford, G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 343; recovered, 354. Fricker, Norman, hammer, etc., stolen, 27. Gaffy, Kevin James, naval deserter, 307; recovered, 326. Friday, Edwin James, known as Buck, suspected of larceny, Gafni, Miklos, suit lost or stolen, 268; recovered, 278. 275. Gage, Ronald Gilbert, phonograph lost or stolen, 335; recov- Friebe, Ord Ronald, complaint dismissed, 93; convicted, 261. ered, 344. Frisina, Antonio (W.A.), alien, 210. Galatis, Chrysostomos, house broken into, 105. Frisino, Antonio (W.A.), alien, 210. Galatis, Loulla, watch stolen, 267. Frith. E. H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 142. Galbraith, Peter, warrant for, 64; wanted for larceny, 115. Fretsche, Herbert, see Frederick Herbert Fritsehe. Gale, Allan, see Jack Campbell Turner. Frederick Herbert, aliases Herbert Fritsche, Fried- Fritsche, Gale, Arthur Oliver, obtains warrant for Rex Arthur Gale, 220; rich Herbert Fritschke, Herbert Fritsehe, discharged, 120; complainant, 280. correction, 185; convicted, 205; discharged, 234; con- Gale, Eileen, see Eileen Higgins. victed, 261; discharged, 262; convicted, 432; discharged, Gale, Mrs. see Gladys Jean Mills. 462. Gale, Ralph Bernard, convicted, 233. Fritsche,Herbert, see Frederick Herbert Fritsehe. Gale, Ray Norman, watch stolen, 46. Fritschke, Friedrich Herbert, see Frederick Herbert Fritsche. Gale, 'Rex Arthur, warrant for, 220; arrested, 239; suspected Fromm, Johannes August, convicted, 441. of larceny, 259; committed for trial, 280; arrested for Frost, Alan Leonard, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- factorybreaking, etc., 286 (3) ; convicted, 379, 408. qualified, 81. Gale, Thomas Keith (Vic.), provisional warrant for, 393; Frost, Barry Samuel, see Barry Sylvester Frost. arrested,435. Frost, Barry Sylvester, aliases Barry Samuel Frost, Boulger, Gall, Richard Batten, skirt, etc., stolen, 37. arrested for shopbreaking and larceny; 351; convicted, 356. Gallagher Bros., see T. Gallagher. Frost, Clarence Harry, suitcase, etc., stolen, 394. Gallagher, John Cyril, discharged, 166; committed for trial, Frost, Colin William, released on bond, 127. 300; convicted, 379. Frost, Frank, suspected of larceny, 7; not now suspected, 28. Gallagher, T. (known as Gallagher Bros.), shed broken into, Frost, Garfield Clifton, complainant, 379. 55. Frost, Harold, convicted, 434. Gallagher, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 366. Frost, Harry Robb, missing friend, 366, 367; located, 431; Gallas, Victor Hugo Conrad, overcoat stolen, 267. convicted,433. Galletto Bros. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 38. Frost, Herman Frank, fails to maintain, 383; arrested, 402. Gallifford, A. R., bicycle stolen, 98. Frost, Horace Walter Cecil, warrant for, 238; arrested, 323; Galliford, Allan, complainant, 40. kitbag, etc., lost or stolen, 415; warrant for, 419; paid, Galligan, John Francis, spectacles, etc., stolen, 353. 456;convicted, 470. Galligan, 'Thomas Henry, house broken into., 88. Frost, Leon Eric, convicted, 31. Gallimore, Thomas Leslie, convicted, 80. Frost, Shirley Joy, watch lost or stolen, 194. Gallizzi, Bruno (N.S'.W.), alien located, 53. Frost, William John, complainant, 49. Galman, Daniel, aliases Daniel Gorman, Goldman, Maloney, Fruechtenicht, Helmut, alien, 2. discharged, 71. F'rusher, Leslie Gibson, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 268. Galpin, Edgar James, convicted, 308; correction, 319. Fry, George Frederick, committed for trial, 11; case made Galvin, Harry William, bicycle stolen, 414. remanet, 129 (2). Galvin, Yvonne Florence May, bicycle stolen, 133; recovered, Fry, K. V. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 404. 231. Fry, Norman James, naval deserter recovered, 366. Galwey, Barbara Irene, complainant, 432. Fry, Vernon, missing friend, 488. Galwey, Joyce Irene, complainant, 378. Fry, Walter Michael, committed for trial, 318; released on Gamblines, Ltd., complainant, 126, 432. bond, 408. Gant, C.R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. F'ryar; Alan, convicted, 70. Gapes, C. (N.S.W.), stolen motor cycle recovered, 325. Fudge, William Clarence, fails to maintain, 220; arrested, Capper Bros. (Raymond Daniel Capper and Richard Cecil, 275; warrant for, 362; fails to maintain, 362; suspected Gapper, trading as), complainant, 388. of shopbreaking and larceny, 373, 374; suspected of lar- Gapper, Raymond Daniel, see Capper Bros. ceny of motor car, 375; arrested on warrant, 393; arrested Gapper, Richard Cecil, see Gapper Bros. fo larceny of motor car, 396; committed for sentence Garbutt. Thomas, naval deserter, 99: recovered, 144. and convicted, 398 (3) : convicted, 405; arrested for shop- Gard, Alfred James, complainant, 379. breaking and larceny, 457. Gardener, Jennifer Olive Mary, complainant, 291. Fullarton, Gwendoline Jean, released on bond, 109. Gardeners Supply Stores Co-operative Society Ltd., money Fullarton, James Brady, naval deserter recovered, 90. stolen, 55. INDEX.

`Gardiner, Edward Charles, naval deserter recovered, 91. Gentle, William Claude, aliases Claude William Gentle, Wil- Gardiner, Florence Elizabeth Ethel, aliases Mrs. E. Morris,. liam Claude Hocking, committed for trial, 424. Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Livesey, Stevens, Lockwood, Anderson, George, Albert , see Albert Vincent Stevens. MeEwen, Ethel Livesey, Gray, special inquiry for, wanted George, Alfred John, special inquiry re assault on, 86. for larceny, 349. George, Albert Sydney, bicycle stolen, 242. Gardiner, Henry James, complaint withdrawn, 290. George, Daisy Burnice , complainant, 460. Gardiner, John, complainant, 183. George, David , alias Scotty George, convicted, 388. Gardiner, John (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 66; recovered, 78. George, Donald Scott , see Jackets and Son. Ltd. Gardiner, Lois Mary Teresa, alias Penny Ellis, released on George, Edgar Norman, bicycle stolen, 306. bond, 261, 262. George, Geoffrey G., absconder, warrant for, 285; description, Gardiner, Wilbur Lincoln (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 1-62. 294; warrant withdrawn, 373. Gardner, Beryl Rae, watch lost or stolen, 288; recovered, 298. George, Graham Alfred, committed for trial , 68; convicted, Gardner, J. L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213. 129; discharged, 226. Gardner, John Allan, naval deserter, 204; located, 243; naval George, Joan Elva, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 134. deserter, 317. George, Raymond Edwin, convicted, 488. Gardner, John Charles, convicted, 279. George, Rex Lloyd , see George ' s Furniture Emporium. Gardner, Max, Kelvin, suit stolen, 475. George, Roy Herbert, convicted, 165. Gardner, Thomas Richard, convicted, 155. George, Scotty , see David George. Garet, Jack, see Jack Garrett. George, Thomas Allan, complainant , 346, 367, 460. Garland, Denis John, naval deserter recovered, 366. George, William, see George William Williamson. Garland, Thomas, naval, deserter, 58; recovered, 90; cancelled, George's Furnture Emporium (Rex Lloyd George, proprietor), 431. shop broken into, 201. Garnaut, Jack, convicted, 92; correction, 101; discharged, 175. Gepp, Beatrice , watch, etc., stolen , 28; recovered, 56. Garner, Allan Fiegl, watch stolen, 37; tent stolen, 37; tent Geraghty , John Augustine, convicted, 290. recovered, 56. Gerardi, Alfonso (Vic.), alien arrested , 74; alien, 190; Garner, C., naval deserter, 58; recovered, 144. arrested,483. Garner, Jendesy Arthur Edist, alias Lindsay Edward Garner, Germaine, William Alfred , naval deserter , 30; recovered, 48. information dismissed, 490. Gerrard, Gene , ring lost or stolen, 21. Garner, Lindsay Edward, see Jendesy Arthur Edist Garner. Gerrard , Leonard Keesing, watch stolen, 132. Garner, Roy John, Air, Force deserter, recovered, 260. Gerson, Franz (Vic.), alien, 401. Garrard, Elva May, missing friend, 260; located, 269. Gerson, Muriel (Vic.), alien, 401. Garrard, Gavin Edward, missing friend, 260; located, 269. Gertau, George Maxwell Jacob , committed for trial, 377. Garratt, William Richard, satchel. etc., stolen, 314. Gertig, Henley Edward, committed for trial, 491. Gethings , Jeremiah, complainant, 224. Garrett, Jack, aliases Merv Wickham, Jack Garet, John Allen, Gethrings , J. motor truck stolen, 375. convicted, committed for sentence, released on (Qld.), 173; 183; Geue, Douglas Melville, see Douglas Melvin Geue. bond, 319. Garrett, Roland Douglas, convicted, 416. Geue, Douglas Melvin, alias Douglas Melville Geue , convicted, Garrick, Thomas William Lewis, house broken into, 475. 461. Garritty, Lawrence Keith, convicted and drivers licence can- Geue, William David, fails to maintain, 121. celled, 81. Geyer, Frank, released on bond, 70. Garth, Edward John, discharged, 130. Geyer, Keith Frederick , convicted, 80. Garthie, H. W. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 259; recovered, 277. Geyle, Will . C. (Vic. ), motor car recovered, 57. Garvey, Daniel James Patrick O'Hanneran, warrant for, 26. Gibb, Murray Rolson, convicted, 233. Garwood, Ronald Alfred Douglas, overcoat stolen, 352. Gibb, William Francis, convicted, 318. Gaseoigne, Henry Fairfax, clock and watch stolen, 248; com- Gibbison, Edith Alice , brooch stolen, 485. plainant, 289. Gibbons, Bernard Kerrick, alias B. Clarke, convicted, 367. Gaskin, Grace, watch lost or stolen, recovered, 57. Gibbons, David S., naval deserter recovered, 90. Gaskin, Sydney, motor cycle and sidecar stolen, 123; recovered, Gibbons, Edna Bona, see Edna Bona Brereton. 162. Gibbs, Brian Anthony, discharged, 147; naval deserter, 317. Gaskin, Thomas Clifford, discharged, 207. Gibbs, Bright & Co., stolen property recovered , 133; com- Gaston, John William James, convicted, 291. plainant, 327. Gaston, Kevin John, convicted, 433. Gibbs, Donald George, arrested on warrant, 228. Gates, Colin Washington, bicycle stolen, 259; recovered, 277. Gibbs, Harold Rupert, convicted, 182. Gates, Edna Irene, nee Edna Irene Pudney, complainant, 300; Gibbs, James, convicted, 309. suspected of larceny, 458; arrested for larceny, 486; Gibbs, Stanley (Vic.), see George MacFarlane. released on bond, 490. Gibson, David Henry, bicycle stolen, 315. Gibson, Douglas, bicycle stolen , 56; recovered, 78. Gates, George Albert, convicted, 93. Gibson, Mavis Lillian, suitcase , etc., lost or stolen, 203. Gates, John, see James Wilson. Gates, Mervyn James, warrant for, 3. Gibson, Ninian Milne, convicted and driver ' s licence sus- Gates, Patricia Valmai, complainant, 205. pended, 407. Gates, William, convicted, 165. Gibson , Roy Harold , naval deserter, 260. Gaunt, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Gibson, Shirley Isabel , complainant, 280. Gavegan, Kitty, handbag stolen, 295. Gibson, William Henry, convicted and driver ' s licence dis- Gavin, Kevin Charles, alias Kevin Charles G 'Connor, com- qualified, 184. mitted for trial, 243; acquitted, 319; arrested for house- Giddings , Morreen Betty , absconder , warrant for withdrawn, breaking and larceny, 363; arrested for larceny, 364; com- 228. mitted for trial, 367; convicted, 408. Giddings , Ross, watch stolen, 37. Gavin, W.A. (Qld.), motor utility stolen, 354; recovered, 376. Geirsch, Edward Arnold, convicted, 270. Gavros, Basil, convicted, 299; warrant for, 332; paid, 402. Geersch, Ellen Christabel , missing friend , 345; located, 355. Gawthorne, Edward Charles, naval deserter, 163. Giffen, Edmund Barton, discharged , 234; convicted , 279, 328. Gay, Arthur William, tyre lost or stolen, 439; recovered, 449. Gifford, Grace , missing friend, 367. Gay, Gordon Keith, missing friend, 387; located, 397. Gifford, Ivy Winifred Louisa, rug, etc., stolen, 324. Gay, John Wesley, bicycle stolen, 38, 47. Gil, Kathleen Rodigues , see Kathleen Mary Veronica Allard. Gaywood, Rose (Vic.), motor car stolen, 203; recovered, 222. Gilbert, see Sydney Lloyd Heaps. Gazelle, Sydney, plaster cast stolen, 56. Gilbert, Clara Stella, complainant, 224. Gazzo, Guiseppe (Vic.), alien arrested, 265, 382. Gilbert, Frederick Rowland , shop broken into , 257; bicycle Gearing, Donald James, convicted, 279. recovered , 323; convicted, 346. Gebert, John, convicted, 173; discharged, 175; missing friend, Gilbert, J. C. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen , 78; recovered, 222. 195. Gilbert, Keith, suspected of larceny, 305. Gebhardt, Ludwigg Wilhelm, wool stolen, 364; recovered, 486. Gilbert, Leith Samuel, admit stealing bicycles , 29, 30 (2). Geddes, Charles & Co. Ltd., bicycle stolen, 28; complainant, Gilbert, Leith Samuel , complainant, 13. 155, 182, 357, 433; bicycle stolen, 486. Gilbert Motor Bodies Ltd., factory broken into, 150. Gee, Betty Fay, complainant, 291. Gilbert, Vivian Maurice, convicted, 251. Gee, Gordon, released on bond, 136. Gilbey, Evelyn Harold , convicted, 80. Gee, Robert (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 115. Gilbey, William Henry, watch stolen, 403. Geier, Ronald Keith, convicted, 216. Gilbride , Arthur Edward , convicted, 490. Geisler, Emma, watch lost or stolen, 439. Giles, A., warrant for, 342; correction, 373. Gelven. Edward Valentine, glasses lost or stolen, 213. Giles, Alexander Samuel, otherwise Alick Giles , discharged, General Distributors, see Albert Edmund Brown. 185. General Havelock Hotel (Merton Joseph Thompson, licensee), Giles, Alick , see Alexander Samuel Giles. complainant, 39. Giles, Dulcie, convicted, 22. General Motors-Holdens Ltd., electric drill stolen, 37; com- Giles, George , see Sydney James DeKuyper. plainant, 215; drills stolen, 421; complainant. 489. Giles, John, suitlength stolen, 333. General Motors-Holdens (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 422; Giles, John Brian , complainant , 290, 441. recovered, 439. Giles, Kevin John , complainant, 461. Gent, Lawrence Gerald, dismissed under Offenders Probation Giles, Maxwell Owen , missing friend , 99; located , 144; deserts Act, 327. fe, 153; arrested, 269. Gentle, Claude William, see William Claude Gentle. Giles, Rachel , missing friend, 298 ; located, 308. XXXll. INDEX.

Giles, Roy Clarence, alias Roy Clarence Hardacre, discharged, Glew, Robert John (N.S.W.), arrested for housebreaking and 119. larceny, 229. Giles, Stanley, bicycle stolen, 124. Glick, P. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297. Giles, Thomas Henry, ring stolen, 267. Globe Hotel (Jamestown) (Lauri Emery Bourne, licencee), Giles, William Keith, convicted, 22. complainant, 328. Gilfillan, Geoffrey, bicycle stolen, 89; recovered, 107. Globe Hotel (Port Adelaide), see Horace Watts. Gilford, Terence Conway, convicted, 155; warrant for, 220; Globe, If. K. F., Air Force deserter, 194; recovered, 477. pays fine and costs, 256. Glyde, Freda, complainant, 289. Gilio, Harry de, convicted and driver's licence suspended, 110. Goat Yard Billy (aborigine), convicted, 478; discharged, 480. Gill, Arthur Edward, aliases Anthony St. Clare, Scobie, Crosby, Gobell, Raymond Glen, convicted, 479. Anthony St. Clair, Gill, James McDonald, con- Goddard, Alfred Michael, naval deserter recovered, 366. victed, 22 (2) ; discharged, 120. Goddard, W. A., shirts stolen, 429. Gill, Captain, see Arthur Edward Gill. Godfrey, Albert James, wireless set stolen, 76. Gill, Donald Joseph, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, Godfrey, George Percival, shed broken into, 402. 234. Godkin, Joseph Slee, missing friend, 469. Gill, Douglas Oke, warrant for, 436; convicted, 442; arrested, Goesch, Francis Henry, overcoat stolen, 201. 465. Gogall, James Hamilton, aliases James Hamilton, James Gill, F. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 56; recovered, 78. Dallass, James Hamilton Gogell, James Hamilton Gogoll, Gill, Garret William, convicted, 12. Ronald Anderson (Vic.), special inquiry for, wanted for Gill, George Albert Magon, sheep stolen or strayed, 307. failing to appear, 2. Gill, Leonard Stanley, axle stolen, 193. Gogell, James Hamilton, see James Hamilton Gogall. Gill, Lillian May, ring stolen, 97. Gogler, Amos Edwin, house broken into, 141. Gill, S. A., tyres stolen, 476. Gogoll, James Hamilton, see James Hamilton Gogall. Gillard, Nathaniel James Richard, arrested for shedbreaking Gold Radio Service Pty, Ltd. (Qld.), special inquiry, larceny and larceny, 105; convicted, 109; discharged, 166. on, 372. Gillen, Irene Violet, complaint withdrawn, 309. Golden Mayfair Pty. Ltd. (Vie.), motor car stolen, 78. Gilles, Robert Roddick, watch lost or stolen, 9; recovered, 38. Goldfinch, Frank, committed for sentence, 387. Gillespie, Edward, see William Edward Roberts. Goldfinch, Matha Gertrude, fur lost or stolen, 344. Gillespie, George Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 366. Goldfinch, Ray, absconder, 74; located, 86. Gillespie, Maurice Stanley (N.S.W.), special inquiry, jeep Golding, Albert Nathaniel Arthur, handsaw stolen, 476. stolen, 227. Golding, C. W. K. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 170; recovered, Gillespie, Pamela, wristwatch lost or stolen, 477. 231. Gillett, Alfred Gordon, convicted, 270. Golding, Donald Leslie, bicycle stolen, 414; recovered, 422. Gillett, Raymond John, committed for trial, 174; case made Golding, Frank Albert, convicted, 356. remanet, 301, 319; acquitted, 379. Golding, Joseph Hector, arrested on warrant, 4; convicted, 14; Gillette Safety Razor Co. Pty. Ltd., typewriter stolen, 275. fails to maintain, 36; warrant for, 74; arrested, 122; Gillies, Alfred James, convicted, 407. discharged, 175; fails to maintain, 322; arrested 332; Gillies, Basil Cecil, naval deserter recovered, 366. discharged,453. Gillies, Clyde Leslie Rex, committed for trial, 433. Golding, Laurence Donald, watch stolen, 152; recovered, 180. Gillies, Dale, suspected of larceny, 88; discharged, 339. Golding, Norman, motor cycle stolen, 396; recovered, 415; Gillis, Leslie Norman, see Leslie William Gillis. parts of motor cycle stolen, 413. Golding, Walter Norman Francis, convicted, 32. Gillis, Leslie William, aliases John Henderson, McCarthy, Leslie Goldman, see Daniel Galman. Norman Gillis Norman Wilson; warrant for, 285; arrested, Goldney, Albert Phillip, convicted, 479. 313; convicted, 318; arrested for officebreaking and Goldney, Valda Veronica, convicted, 145. larceny, 351; committed foi sentence, 357; convicted, 408. Goldsack, James Grylls, complaint dismissed, 300. Gillis, Pauline, suitcase lost or stolen, 316; recovered, 325. Goldsbrough Mort & Co., wirenetting stolen, 486. Gillis, Ronald, suit, etc., stolen, 106. Goldsmith, Harry Emanuel, complainant, 279 (2). Gillman, Bryan James Marshall, complainant, 13. Goldsworthy, Charles Clifford, convicted, 424. Gillman, Louis Peter, deserts wife, 171. Goldsworthy, Geoffrey, Ltd., factory broken into, 295; addi- Gillon, John, convicted, 251. tional property stolen, 304; factory broken into, 351. Gilmore, Thomas George, naval deserter, 278; recovered, 345. Gollan, Alexander, alias Alick Golan, discharged, 471. Gingell, John Clifford, naval deserter recovered, 366. Gollan, Alick, see Alexander Gollan. Ginman, Allan Charles, arrested for factorybreaking, 27; Gollan, Wallace Lionel, convicted, 31; discharged. 33; con- arrested for shopbreaking, 28; committed for trial, 33; victed, 117; discharged, 119, 197; convicted, 300, 345; dis- complaint withdrawn, 93; convicted, 129. charged, 389. Ginn, Joan Norma (known as Joan Norma Norris) (N.S.W.), Golley, Beatrice Irene, complainant, 356. special inquiry re murder of, reward extended, 63, 285. Golley, Edward John, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 67. Ginn, John, information dismissed, 109. - Golley, Lorna May, missing friend, 416; located, 423; com- Girdham, Ronald Lindsay, complainant, 261. plainant, 441, 451. Gipps, Frederick Edmund, bicycle stolen, 221. Gollin & Co. Pty. Ltd., wringer lost or stolen, 39,6; recovered, Gitsham, Raymond Clifford, convicted and motor driver's 405; offender arrested for shedbreaking on, 437; com- licence cancelled, 417. plainant, 440. Gittings, Mabel Lillian, complainant, 462. Gollon & Co., see Gollin & Co. Pty. Ltd. Gittings, William Patrick, house broken into,, 394. Golly, Mrs., suspected of larceny, 7. Gladigau, Ronald Clemens, convicted, 450. Golovsky, Coleman, convicted, 101. Gladstone Institute Library Committee, complainant, 289. Golovsky, Israel (trading as Ashford Clothing Co.), see Ash- ford Clothing Co. Glanville, Jack Anzac, alias John Anzac Glanville, convicted at Golovsky, Israel, case made remanet, 16, 129; acquitted, 129. Supreme Court, 408. Gonsal, Robert, convicted, 309. Glanville, John Anzac, see Jack Anzac Glanville. Good, Helen Curtis, complainant, 417. Glanz, Conrad, convicted, 479. Good, Henry James, convicted, 490. Glasser, D. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 106; recovered, 124. Good, Horace Ezekial Thomas, convicted, 49. Glasson, George Richard, convicted, 490. Good, John Alfred Crowther, see John Alfred Crowther Goode. Glasson, John Edgar, house broken into, property recovered, Good, John Patrick, convicted, 93; discharged, 119. offenders located, 394. Goodall, Lorna (Vic.), motor car stolen, 29; recovered, 38. Glasson, Mary Shirley, aliases Mary Shirley Hayman, Shirley Goodchild, Thomas William, complainant, 174. Mary Hayman, convicted, 92, 172; discharged, 207. Goode, Durrant and Murray, Ltd., Clothing stolen, 315; Glasson, May, missing friend, 134; recovered, 144. material stolen, 395. Glasson, Ronald, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, 107. Goode, Harold Deykin, see Thomas Goode and Co. Glassonbury, Leonard Robert, house broken into, 75. Goode, John Alfred Crowther, aliases John Alfred Crowther Glastonbury, Francis Ivan Higgins, convicted, 424. Good, Savage, discharged, 358, 434. Glastonbury, Leonard Erick, bicycle stolen, 180. Goode, R. G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 38. Glazbrook, William, convicted, 337. Goode, Thomas and Co. (Harold Deykin Goode, manager), shop Glazebrook, James John, naval deserter recovered, 366. broken into, 27; offender arrested, 55; complainant, 60, Gleader, Ernest William, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 344. Goode, W. J. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 487. Gleary, James, see Joseph Byrne. Goodenough, Lizzie Ethel, inquest on fire in shop of, 387. Gledhill, Robert Leslie (W.A.), special inquiry for, suspected Goodey, Thomas Walter, convicted, 290. of larceny, 331. Goodfellow, Mrs. M., wireless set stolen, 374. Gleeson, Frederick Thomas, warrant for, 473, 484. Goodhart, Alice May, see Alice May Goodheart. Gleeson, Harold, see Ronald Owen Ford: Goodhart, George Elijah, see George Elijah Goodheart. Gleeson, Leo Anthony, warrant for, 383; convicted, 406. Goodheart, Alice May, jewellery stolen, 314; reward offered, Gleeson, Leslie James (Vic.), provisional warrant for, 190; 429. arrested,456. Goodheart, George Elijah, jewellery stolen, 314; reward Gleeson, Thomas, bicycle stolen, 180. offered, 429. Glen, Elsie Catherine Elizabeth, complainant, 479. Goodliff, Phyllis Margaret, false pretences on, 200. Glenelg Theatres Ltd., complainant, 68. Goodman, E. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 67; recovered, 78, Glennon, Thomas James Patrick, convicted and driver's licence Goodwin, John, suspected of larceny, 374. suspended, 40; motor car stolen, 47. Goodwin, John Vernon, naval deserter recovered, 90. INDEX. XXXIII.

Goodyear Rubber Co., tyres stolen, 475. Graham, Howard Hardie, complainant, 215. Goodyear Tyre Co. (Stanley William Stillwell, manager ), ware- Graham, J. F. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 124; recovered, 162. house broken into, 75; rig covers stolen, 106; offender Graham, John Norman, naval deserter recovered, 366. arrested for warehousebreaking, 179; complainant, 183. Graham, Lenarda Ivy, complainant, 205, 416. Goodyear, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 430. Graham, Lionel, fails to maintain, 160. Gordon and Gotch Ltd., suitcase, etc., stolen, 374. Graham, M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 468. Gordon, Alfred, missing friend, 478. Graham, Malcolm Roderick, convicted, 23. Gordon, Allan Howard, discharged, 292. Graham, Roma Ethel, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 171. Gordon, Arthur William, complainant, 319. Graham, Stanley James, suspected of larceny, 420. Gordon, Bernard Isaac, arrested for receiving property, 123; Graham, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 250. committed for trial, 127; convicted, 174. Graham, William, see Graham Brothers. Gordon, Douglas, golfbag, etc., stolen, 76. Grance, Walter E., naval deserter recovered, 90. Gordon, Duncan McIntyre, convicted, 49. Grant, Alan George Welsby, convicted, 416. Gordon, Frederick Stuart, house broken into, offender arrested, Grant, Colin Boyd, deserts wife, 223. 211. Grant,, D. F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 422; recovered, Gordon, Graham, suspected of larceny, 457. 439. Gordon, Helen, complainant, 462. Grant, Daniel, convicted, 173. Gordon, Jack, convicted, 328. Grant, Frederick William, bicycle stolen, 38. Gordon, James, warrant for, 446; pays fine and costs, 465. Grant, Jack (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Gordon, James, see Hugh Henry Stafford Lumley. Grant, Lewis, aliases Lawson, John McDonald, William Bren- Gordon, James William, convicted, 233. nan, Robert Taylor, Henry van Buren, James Taylor, Gordon, John Logan, complainant, 433- Martin Brennan, warrant for, 3; convicted, 32; arrested, Gordon, Leslie, released on bond, 433. 228 (2). Gordon, Mavis Ethel, complainant, 433. Grant, Malcolm, watch, etc., stolen, 66. Gordon, Mary, complainant, 14. Grant, Peter McCall, complainant, 165. Gordon, Melville Chris. clock stolen, 28. Grant, Robert Charles, convicted, 40. Gordon, Phillip John, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 277. Grant, Robert Gardiner escaped prisoner located, 113; sus- Gordon, Shirley Jean, warrant for, 350. pected of housebreaking, located, 114. Gordon, William Lewis, alias W. L. Gordon, special inquiry Grant, Sidney Neil, warrant for, 219. for, re false pretences, 74; arrested, 86; convicted, 92; Grantham, Bobby (aborigine), discharged, 102. warrant for, 160; pays fine and costs, 200. Grantham, John, see Earl Northcote Dempsey. Gordon, W. L., see William Lewis Gordon. Grantham, Ronald Albion, convicted, 398. Gore, Thomas, see Harry Laurence Murphy. Grantham, William, complainant, 22. Gorman, Clifford, see Clifford Jesse Slee. Gration, Roy, naval deserter, 204. Gorman, Daniel, see Daniel Galman. Graue, Paul Gerhard, typewriter stolen, 384. Gorman, J. B., see James Henry Fairweather. Graves, H. and Co., bicycle stolen, 306. Gorrie, W. D. (Qid.), motor cycle stolen, 115; recovered, 134. Graves, Rubina Minnie Jane, warrant for, 265. Gosden, Alexander Bosworth, convicted, 388. Graves, W. (N.S.W.), stolen motor utility recovered, 30. Gosden, Coralia, convicted, 11. Gray, see George Tommich. Gosden, Frank Victor, overcoat stolen, 267. Gray, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Gosling, Leonard William Edward, convicted, 12. Gray, see Edgar Dalton. Gosling, Percival Arthur, see A. H. Landseer Ltd. Gray, Abel William Roy, convicted, 244. Goss, Robert William, overcoat stolen, 394. Gray, Colin Westfield, bicycle stolen, 193. Goss, Victor John Vincent, convicted, 14. Gray, Edgar George, warrant for withdrawn, 402. Gosse, George, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, 110. Gray, Ellen Louise, bicycle stolen, 202 ; recovered, 242. Gothe, Edmund, see Hindmarsh 'Service Station. Gothe, Herbert William, see Hindmarsh Service Station. Gray, Eric Laurence, convicted and driver' s licence dis- Gottschalk, Albert August , missing friend, 10. qualified, 101. Gottschalk, Clement Hill, fails to maintain, 18; arrested, 64; Gray, Ernest Herbert, overcoat stolen, 403. discharged, 235; warrant for, 303; arrested, 313, fails to Gray, Francis Eric, discharged, 16. maintain, 484. Gray, Francis Stanley, alias Frank Francis Gray, discharged, Goudie, Lloyd George, special inquiry re false pretences on, 25; 481. correction,321. Gray, Francis Stanley, suitcase, etc., stolen, 437. Gough, Archibald Hugh McLean, motor cycle parts stolen, 66. Gray, Frank Francis, see Francis Stanley Gray. Gray, George, see Philip Duncan Redgrave. Gould, Christopher Joseph, convicted, 261; discharged, 281. Goulds Motors (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242; recovered, 288. Gray, George Edward, convicted, 101; complainant, 327 (2). Gouldthorp, Frank Edward, naval deserter recovered, 366. Gray, George James, see Percival Granville Walsh. Gourlay, William Charles, convicted and driver's licence can- Gray, Harold Ballington Thomas, wheel, tyre, and tube stolen, celled, 110. 447. Gove, Roy, aliases Groves, Edgar Charles Williams Gray, Herbert James, overcoat lost or stolen , 203; recovered, provisional warrant for, 247. 268. Govett, John William, warrant for, 3; arrested, 3,63. Gray, Howard Melville, convicted, 69; discharged, 119. Gow, see Alfred Leonard Thorne. Gray, James Henry, missing friend, 450; located, 469. Gow, Archibald William, convicted, 101; discharged, 156. Gray, John Arcus, convicted, 378. Gowen, Norman, naval deserter recovered, 90. Gray, Keith, alias Woods (N.S.W.), special inquiry, wanted Goyder, Florence Ivy, house broken into, 211. for larceny, 322; arrested,473. Gozlan , Gamal Moustafa (Vie.), alien, 219. Gray, Kevin Simon, discharged, 339. Grace, Archie Ransden, see Grace Brothers. Gray, Leonard Leslie, see Leslie Leonard Cohen. Grace Brothers (Archie Ransden Grace, manager ), office brckr Gray, Victor Edwin, naval deserter recovered, 90. into, 45. Gray, Wellesley Merlin, tyres stolen, 467. Grace, Cecil Gordon (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 396. Gray, William Robert, porthole frames stolen, 133. Grace, Lillian Alla Francis May, brooch lost or stolen, 21. Grayling, Mr., see South Australian Tailors. Grace, William Henry Clarence, complainant, 12. Graystone, Ronald Paterson, complainant, 224. Grady, James Eugene, convicted, 270. Grealy, C. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 143. Graeme, Donald (W.A.), suspected of larceny, 447; arrested, Great Northern Hotel, see Mrs. Darcy. 476. Great Northern Hotel (James Thomas Arthurson, licensee), Graetz, Bruno Richard, convicted and driver's licence sus- complainant, 93. pended, 207. Greatrex, John William, shop broken into, 151. Graetz, Charles, watch stolen, 65. Greaves, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Graetz, Heinrich Albert, complainant, 461. Greece, H. W., see Herbert William Guise. Graetz, Johannes Paul, convicted, 39. Greedy, Mervyn Ronald, see Ronald Green. Graham, see George Watson. Green, Mr., shop broken into, 141. Graham, Alan Edward, convicted, 80. Green, Alma, overcoat stolen, 466, recovered, 476. Graham, Albert Roy, complainant, 215. Green, Charles George, convicted, 31. Graham, Allan Walter, discharged, 369; convicted, 387; dis- Green, Ernest Harry, convicted, 22. charged, 443. Green, Geo. W., suspected of larceny, 241. Graham, Benjamin, see Francis Forney. Green, Gustav Paul, inquest on body of, 424. Graham, Bramwell McQuarry, convicted, 31. Green, Harold Leslie, convicted, 31. Graham Brothers (William Graham, proprietor), watch lost or Green, J, see Frederick Newland Reeves. stolen, 487. Green, James Vincent, complainant, 440. Graham, Edwin Sydney. convicted, 205; released on bond, 416. Green, John, see Robert Yates. Graham, Ernest Richard, complainant, 164. Green, John, see Albert Jones. Graham, Ethel Maude, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 162. Green, John, see Leo Kennedy. Graham, Florence Elizabeth, watch lost or stolen, 242. Green, Joseph Michael, see Joseph Murray Green. Graham, G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, 143. Green, Joseph Murray, alias Joseph Michael Green, convicted, Graham, Harold Fulham. convicted. 451. 23: discharged, 102; committed for trial, 346. Graham, Harry, see James John Daniels. Green, Peter Alfred, known as Todd, released on bond, 216. Graham, Horace Ernest. complainant, 479. Green, Phyllis, watch stolen, 46. Graham, Howard, complainant, 338. Green, Richard David , missing friend, 195. E xxxiv. INDEX.

Green, Robert J. (Vie.), motor car stolen, 242; recovered, Gripton, Rhonda Gladys, bicycle stolen, 476. 259. Grivell, Reginald, complainant, 164. Green, Ronald, alias Mervyn Ronald Greedy, convicted, 129; Grob, Pamela, wrist watch stolen or lost, 477. discharged, 370; correction, 389. Grocke, Paul Benno, leather overcoat stolen, 114. Green, Ross Verne, alias Ross Verran Green, convicted, 109; Grocke, Peter Brian, convicted, 232. dicharged, 147. Grogan, James Joseph, convicted, 126; warrant for, 350; Green, Ross Verran, see Ross Verne Green. paid, 436. Green, Victor William, released on bond, 31. Groome, Leo Ronald, complainant, 40. Green, William Henry, convicted and driver's licence can- Grose, Alan Joseph, missing friend, 21; located, 48. celled, 288. Grose, Albert Gordon, convicted, 59. Greenberg, Franz Campbell, aliases Harry Forrest, Raven, Grose, Eric Alan, convicted, 388. Splinter Greenberg, Franz Forrest, Clarence William Grose, Thomas Henry, convicted, 470; discharged, 472. Cook, discharged, 72. Grose, Thomas John, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Greenberg, J., naval deserter recovered, 366. qualified, 329. Greenberg, Splinter, see Franz Campbell Greenberg. Gross, Stanley Gordon Bassett, convicted, 164. Greenfield, Albert Harold, complainant, 14. Grosser, Herman Franz, gazetted as Hermann Franz Crosser, Greenhalgh, E. (N.S.W.), motor utility stolen, 208; recovered, convicted, 49; correction, 60. 277. Grosser, Stanley Raymond, convicted and motor driver's licence Greenhill, Douglas George, convicted, 407. disqualified, 207. Greenhill, Kelvin, released on bond, 261. Grossman, Frank, fails to maintain, 274. Greening, Dominic, known as Jimmy, missing friend, 289; Grosvenor, complainant, 11. located,367. Grosvenor, Cyril, complainant, 461. Greenshields, Alexander Dugald, complainant, 40. Grosvenor, Peter Milton, convicted, 489. Greenshields, George Patrick, convicted, 11. Groth, Charles Henry Albert, complainant, 50; convicted, 424. Greenslade, William, alias William Arthur Clements, dis- Groth, Edwin John, convicted, 155. charged, 15; convicted, 48; discharged, 130; convicted, Groundwater, W. J. (and Business Investments Pty. Ltd.) 317; discharged, 399. (Qld), motor cycle stolen, 162; recovered, 194. Greenwood, see Phyllis Lillian Zecchini. Grout, Irene, see Irene Williams. Greenwood Amusement Archery (Samuel William Cohen, mana- Groute, Irene, see Irene Williams. ger), shed broken into, 275. Grotto, Rina, see Rino Grotto. Greenwood, Edward Frederick, discharged, 15. Grotto, Rino, otherwise Rina Grotto, convicted, 22; discharged, Greenwood, Frederick George, missing friend, 48; deserts 51; motor cycle stolen, 414. wife, 78; located, 154; convicted, 397, 398; discharged, Grove-Jones, Peter Brian, clothing stolen, 46. 418. Grover, Julia (Vic.-S.A.), suitcase, -etc., lost or stolen, 99. Greenwood, James Alfred Taylor, absconder, 150; released Groves (N.S.W.), see Roy Gove. on bond, 165; warrant for withdrawn, 177. Groves, Clarence Albert, Advanx jack stolen, 275; recovered, Greer, James, naval deserter recovered, 366. 296. Greer, Reginald George, bicycle stolen, 353. Growden, Bruce Clifford, convicted, 58, 279. Greer, Ronald Joseph, jacket stolen, 333. Grubb, Eric Martin, motor cycle generator stolen, 19. Gregg, Leslie George, deserts wife, 10. Gruber, Georg (Vic.), alien, 35. Gregg, Thomas Andrew, convicted, 470. Grund, Hugh Bernard, kitbag, etc., stolen, 304. Gregory, Adysio, watch stolen, 179. Gubbon, John, convicted, 309. Gregory, Claude Wilfred, convicted, 39. Guerden, Leslie Gerard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Gregory, Donald Ralph, bicycle stolen, 458. Gregory, Edward (Victoria), motor cycle stolen, 47. Guerkin, Ronald George, alias Ronald George Guerking, Gregory, Jack Ross, bicycle stolen, 133; recovered, 153. released on recognizance, 129; committed for trial, 270; Gregory, Pamela Mavis, indecent assault on, 25. convicted, 379. Gregory, Stephen Alfred, see Stephen Charles Gregory. Guerking, Ronald George, see Ronald George Guerkin. Guesta, Francisco Della, committed for trial, 417. Gregory, Stephen Charles, alias Stephen Alfred Gregory, dis- charged, 16; warrant for, 140. Gugielmana, Domenico (N.S.W.), alien located, 53. Gugielmeti, Attlio (Vic.), alien, 95; arrested, 331; alien Greig, Robert, missing friend, 39; located, 68. Grenier, John, suspected of larceny from Peter Gillard Nation, recaptured, 382. 230. Guinea Airways Ltd., blankets lost or stolen, 307; recovered, 405. Grenville, Gordon Graham, overcoat, etc., stolen, 286; recovered, 296. Guise, H. W., see Herbert William Guise. Grenvold, Norman Charles, suit stolen, 296. Guise, Herbert William, aliases H. W. Guise, Bert Williams, Gresham Hotel, see Brian Read O'Brien. H. W. Greed, identical with H. Williams, known as Bert, Grey, i'rancis Stanley, convicted, 406. wanted for passing valuless cheque on Elsie May Coombe, Grey, J. N. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. 17; warrant for, 26, arrested on charges in Vic, 44 (2). Gridley, Douglas, bicycle stolen, 142. Guley, Oscar Richard, complaint dismissed, 299. Grieger, Lionel Sidney, convicted, 59. Gully, Alwyn Jack, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 38. Grieger, Reuben Harold, convicted, 100. Gully, Edward Lancelot, convicted, 128. Griff, Rose Gertrude, locket, etc., stolen, 46. Gulwell, Reginald, naval deserter recovered, 90, 91. Griff, Deborah, lady's watch case lost or stolen, 260. Gulyard, Donald, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 448. Griff, Mrs. S., ring stolen, 76. Gum, Clarence Henry, complainant, 215. Griff, Sydney Leslie, revolver stolen, 55; recovered, 123. Gum, Lancelot Clive, convicted, 81, 308. Griffen, Reginald Verdun, money stolen, 475. Gum, Raymond Frank, complainant, 14. Griffen, Trevor Leonard, complainant, 183. Gumley, Leslie Melville, see Cockburn Hotel. Griffen, Alfred Coates, alias Alfred Harold Cock, convicted, Gummow, Arthur Angus, suit stolen, 333. 367, 387; arrested for larceny, 438; discharged, 443. Gummow, Lillian, complainant, 388. Griffen Brothers (Raymond Griffen, manager), linen stolen, Gunderson, Gunner Kornelius, see Jacob Hall. 314; clothing stolen, 363. Gunn, Douglas Gard, complainant, 215. Griffen, Raymond, see Griffen Brothers. Gunn, Leslie Farquhar MacDonald, naval deserter recovered, Griffen. T. J. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 277; recovered, 288. 366. Griffith, Derek W. (Victoria), motor car stolen, 9. Gunn, Paul George, R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Griffiths, Alen Hamilton, convicted, 22; discharged, 51. Gunning, Cyril, E. C., naval deserter recovered, 10. Griffiths Bros. Ltd., convicted, 182. Gunning, Julienne Elizabeth, complainant, 50. Griffiths, Ernest Walker, complainant, 92. Gunson, Paul Eugene, see Paul Eugene Gunsser. Griffiths, George Albert, complaint withdrawn, 92. Gunsser, Paul Eugene, aliases Paul Eugene Gunson, Allan Griffiths, Claude Thomas, driver's licence suspended, 407. Eugene Dunston, Allen E. Cook, discharged, 370. Griffiths, John, convicted, 224. Gunter, Ross, convicted and driver's licence suspended, 71. Griffiths, John James (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 89. Gunther, M., gate stolen, 267. Griffiths, John Leslie, naval deserter recovered, 366. Guppy, Maxwell Ronald, convicted, 337; discharged, 399. Griffiths, John William, naval deserter recovered, 366. Gurner and Harding, motor car stolen, 395; recovered, 414. Grigg, Douglas Hugh, convicted, 49. Gurney, Douglas Massey, convicted, 337. Grigg, Elizabeth Emily Monica, convicted and motor driver's Gurney, Harold William, bicycle stolen, 430; recovered, 459. licence disqualified, 225. Gurney, Jack William, naval deserter recovered, 366. Grigg, G. R. (Qld)., motor cycle stolen, 47; recovered, 67. Gurney, Kenneth Raymond, suspected of larceny, 447. Grigg, Geoffrey Horace, convicted, 31. Gurney, William Hudson, convicted, 14. Griggs, Arden Michael, bicycle stolen, 459. Gurr, John James, convicted, 425. Griggs, Rosswell Allen, convicted, 461. Curry, Edward, camera stolen, 395. Grigsby, Reubin (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Gursanky, Lloyd Raymond, convicted and driver's licence Grillett, Mrs. W., clothing stolen, 123. suspended, 281. Grindell, Gordon Henry, see Gordon Henry Moore. Gursansky, Roy Oswald, tools stolen, 343. Grindley, Lawrence Steven, convicted, 232. Guthleben, Robert Leslie, convicted, 155. Grindley, Patrick, convicted, 11; discharged, 23; warrant for, Guthrie, William Storrie, convicted, 173. 53, 140. Guy, L., motor cycle stolen, 77. Grinter, Brian Frederick, convicted and driver's licence can- Guy, Mathew, wheelbarrow, etc., stolen, 160. celled, 110. Guy, Neil, shed broken into, 160 (3). INDEX. XXXV.

Guy, T. L., motor car stolen, 152; recovered, 162. Hall, W., see William John Orr. Guymer, K., tools stolen 96. Hall, William George, convicted, 109, 155. Guymer, Max William, bicycle stolen, 88. Hall, William James, inquest on body of, 326, 327. Gwynne, Claude Albert Arthur, discharged, 399. Hallard, James, naval deserter recovered, 68. Hallett, Allan Henry Joseph, complainant. 470. Hallett, George Henry, convicted, 407. Hallett Hotel (William Henry Backshall, licensee), complain- H ant, 92. Halley, Albert Edward, convicted and motor driver's licence Haarsma, Maurice John, committed for sentence, 461. disqualified, 425. Habberman, William Hollings, convicted, 462. Halliday, Edna Joyce, watch stolen, 133. Habib, Louis Michael, convicted and motor driver's licence Halliday, man named, suspected of larceny 56. cancelled, 480. Halliday, Ronald Stanley Edson, complaint withdrawn, 70. Habour, Leslie (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Hallion, Arthur, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 30. Haby, Hermann Gustav, complaint withdrawn and complaint Hallion, Mary Eileen, special inquiry, money, etc., stolen, 464. dismissed, 93. Hallion, Matthew James, convicted, 278; arrested for larceny Haby, Ronald Charles,. convicted, 308. of bicycle, 307. Hackett, Gordon Percival, identical with unknown man, com- Hallman, E. E. (N.S.W.) motor car stolen, 212, 213; recovered, mitted offence (P.G., 1946. page 442), 3. 231. Hackett, John Frank, convicted, 12. Hallmark Limited, material stolen, 466. Hackett, Maxwell Howell, warrant for, 373. Halls, Roy Edwin, dismissed under O.P. Act, 22. Hackett, Victor John, see Universal Guarantees Ltd. Halpin, John, naval deserter recovered, 90. Hackney, Leslie R. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 180; recovered, Halstead, Kelvin Ross, motor cycle stolen, 230. 203. Hambling, John, motor cycle stolen, 221; recovered, 242. Hackworthy, Harold George, house broken into, 323. Hambling, Lancelot Wilson, see Lancelot Wilson Hamling. Haddad, George, complainant, 291. Hamburger, Leslie Hamilton, see Leslie William Hamburger. Haddad, Samuel, cashbox, etc., stolen, 466. Hamburger, Leslie William, aliases Leslie William Hamilton, Hadden, Wilson William, see William Hadden Wilson. Leslie Hamilton Hamburger, William Hamilton, Albert Haddrick, Frank Allan, complainant, 233. Jackson, convicted, 22; discharged, 111. Hadfield Steel Works Ltd. (Arthur Charles Waters, general Hamden, Haseen Solomon, convicted, 183. manager (N.S.W.), factory broken into, 286. Hamdorf, Mabel Victoria, complainant, 100. Haebich, Audrey Ella, money stolen, 4. Hamer, W., naval deserter recovered, 91. Haebich,Lorna Lillian, suitcase, etc., stolen, 4. Haines,James Charles William, bicycle stolen, 142. Haebich,Stanley Claude, convicted, 308. Hamid, Abdul, convicted, 58. Haeft, Leonard Charles, bicycle stolen, 476. Hamiester, Gustav Ernst, bicycle stolen, 315; recovered, 325. Haese, Bernhardt Reinholdt Martin, convicted, 174. Hamilton, A. S. (N.S.W.) motor car stolen, 77. Hage, August Benno, committed for trial, 441. Hamilton, Alfred E., fieldglasses stolen, 323. Hage, Brian, bicycle stolen, 343. Hamilton, Brian, dismissed under O.P. Act, 14. Hagen, Hartley John, convicted, 309. Hamilton, Donald Edward, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 20. Haggard, Rodney Doveton, convicted, 489. Hamilton, Doreen, inquest on body of, 214. Haggett, Roland Robert, complainant, 432. Hamilton, Henry Patrick, missing friend, 91; located, 100. Hagstrom, Carl Peter, convicted, 377. Hamilton, James, see James Hamilton Gogall. Hahn, Frederick Roy, convicted, 470; warrant for, 484. Hamilton, James Alfred, committed for trial, 32; case made Haig, Selwyn Ross, garage broken into, 466. remanet and acquitted, 129 (2). Haigh, William, British merchant seaman deserter, 401. Hamilton, James William, watch, lost or stolen, 222. Haighs Ltd., factory broken into, 323. Hamilton, Leslie Francis, (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242. Haigs Motors, garage broken into 27. Hamilton, Leslie William, see Leslie William Hamburger. Haines and Stevens, shop broken into, 351. Hamilton, Robert Frank, convicted, 328; convicted and motor Haines, Frank Frederick, naval deserter, 214; arrested, 231; drivers licence cancelled, 479. discharged, 301. Hamilton, Ronald, naval deserter recovered, 90. Haines, George David, bicycle stolen, 277; recovered, 297. Hamilton, Ronald Arthur, complainant, 424. Haines,.Norman Anthony, discharged, 359. Hamilton, William, see Leslie William Hamburger. Haines, R. R. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 78; recovered, 222. Hamlin, Jim, see Jim Hamlyn. Haines, Reginald Thomas, convicted, 433. Hamling, Lancelot Wilson, alias Lancelot Wilson Hambling, Haines, William Edward, dismissed on bond, 156. committed for trial, 127; convicted, 174; discharged, 369. Hainsworth, G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 430. Hamlyn, Arthur James, convicted, 50; warrant for, 122. Hale, Bertram Alfred, bicycle stolen, 143; recovered, 163. Hamlyn, H., complainant, 244. Hale, Herbert M., see S.A. Government Museum. Hamlyn, Harold, suitcase and contents stolen, 133. Hall, Adrian Robert Frank, rim, tyre and tube, stolen, 395; Hamlyn, Jim, or Hamlin, suspected of larceny, 437. correction, 467. Hamlyn, William Kenneth, fails to maintain, 393. Hall, Alfred Clarence, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 12. Hammann, Reginald Laurence, watches, etc., stolen, 152; Hall, C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 180. complainant, 262. Hall, Clarence Alfred, complaint withdrawn, 244. Hammell, James Henry, dinghy lost or stolen, 260. Hall, Cyril Maxwell, naval deserter, 125; recovered, 134. Hammer, Albert David William, pigeons stolen, 467. Hall, Edmonds Gilmour, alias Eric Hall, arrested for larceny, Hammerstein, Augustus John, paid amounts on warrant, 192. 267; committed for sentence, convicted and complaint with- Hammerstein, Percy Arnold, convicted, 279. drawn, 270; convicted, 379. Hammill, James Henry, arrested for larceny, 287; convicted, Hall, Edward, see Frederick Edward Wall. 291; additional particulars, 309; discharged, 358. Hall, Edward Allen, naval deserter recovered, 366. Hammill, Joseph James, naval deserter, recovered, 355. Hall, George David, naval deserter, recovered, 3,66. Hammill, Leonard, attache case stolen, 275; recovered, 306. Hall, Eric, see Edmonds Gilmore Hall. Hammond, A. R. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 8; recovered, 30. Hall, Ernest, alias Patrick Hall, nolle prosequi, 16. Hammond, Albert Clinton George, convicted, 338. Hall, Frederick Arthur, bicycle stolen, 47; released on bond, Hammond, Arthur Moss, appeal dismissed, 23. 216. Hammond, Bertram Alfred George, convicted, 81. Hall, Glen, see Glen Hull. Hammond, Catherine Mary Kelly, complainant, 433. Hall, Harold Sinclair, convicted, 452. Hammond, Eric John, released on bond, 433; discharged, 462, Hall, Harry Edgar, motor car stolen, 315; recovered, 375. Hammond, H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 315; recovered, 354. Hall, Helen Beatrice, complainant, 100. Hammond, Harold Clifford, piano accordian stolen, 266. Hall, J., naval deserter recovered, 91. Hammond, John Douglas, deserts wife, 449'. Hall, Jacob, aliases Oscar Johnson, James Roland, Oscar Karl Hammond, Reginald Walter Roy, convicted, 489. Olsen, Harry Hansen, Gunner Kornelius Gunderson, Oscar Hammond, Stanley, otherwise Thomas George Stanley Ham- Johnson, John Nilson, Karl Johnson, discharged, 34. mond (N.S.W.), provisional warrant for, 238; warrant Hall, James Saunders, special inquiry; offender arrested for uttering on (P.G., 1944, page 2), 209. withdrawn, 265. Hall, John, fraudulent conversion, 132; offender arrested, 210. Hammond, Thomas George Stanley, see Stanley Hammond Hall, John Leslie, convicted, 135, 183. (N.S.W.). Hall, John Milton, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 258. Hammond, William'. convicted, 32; discharged, 33; warrant Hall, Lloyd Jack, convicted, 31. for, 219; convicted, 225; warrant for, 228; arrested, Hall, Olive Louisa, house broken into, 257. 266 (2). Hall Patrick, see Ernest Hall. Hammond, William, deserts wife, 289; arrested, 431; deserts Hall, Pritchard Morgan, house broken into, 412. wife, 460; arrested, 477. Hall, Richard Frederick, bicycle stolen, 385. Hamood, Brian, convicted and motor driver's licence suspended, Hall, Richard James, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 162. 425. Hall, Richard Noel, complainant, 489. Hampel, Ernest Reinhold, window frame stolen, 429. Hall, Robert Frank, missing friend, 289; located, 317. Hampen, William, see William Casey. Hall, Ronald Douglas, see Ronald Douglas Sims. Hampsen, William Percy, see William Casey. Hall, Ross Wentworth, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 268. Hampson, W. S. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 375. Hall, Sylvia Merle, alias Sylvia Merle Durrant, committed for Hampson, William, see William Casey. trial, 243; convicted, 243; nolle prosequi, 245;arrested Hams, Edward Charles, complainant, 233, 338. for larceny, 249. Hams, Frederick Lincoln, complainant, 155. xxxvi. -INDEX.

Hams, Leslie Clarence, convicted, 50; complaint dismissed, 155. Harbinson, Herbert, naval deserter, 21; recovered, 91. Hams, Ronald Robert, convicted, 173. Harcourt, Ethel Gladys (Vic.), motor car recovered, 9. Hamstead, William Herbert, see Gordon Vincent Millard. Harcourt, George, see Arthur Robert Clark. Hanby, Russell Cecil, complainant, 23. Iardacre, see L4oy Clarence Giles. Hancock, Albert, naval deserter recovered, 91. Hardacre, Harold, complainant, 79. Hancock, Arthur James, naval deserter, 90; cancelled, 431. Harden, Norman Rodger, complaint withdrawn, 346. Hancock, Clifford Charles Thomas, released on bond, 126. Harder, Edwin John, complainant, 407. Hancock, Harold Bertram, bicycle stolen, 37; recovered, 47; Harder, Johannes Christian, convicted, 462. complainant, 81. Hardie Trading Ltd. (George Bernard Jackson, manager), Hancock, Hilda Elizabeth, house broken into, 105; additional factory broken into,229. property, 114; offender arrested, 313. Harding, John Tobias, complainant, 11; discharged, 207. Hancock, Joan Loveday, complainant, 489. Harding, Lance Bernard, complainant, 345. Hancock, Lloyd Hebbard, watch stolen, 437. Harding, Lancelot Albin, convicted, 299. Hancock, Louis Henry, motor cycle stolen, 142; offender Hardingham, L. F. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77. arrested, 259. Hards, Edward Stanley, otherwise Ted Hardtz, suspected of Hancock, Martin Henry, convicted and motor driver's licence larceny, 276; convicted, 309; arrested for larceny, 315. disqualified, 442. Hards, Elsie Jean, convicted, 23. Hancock, Paula, frock stolen, 47. Hards, Ernest Percival, foal stolen or strayed, 153; recovered, rlancock, Robe it H., tools stolen, 465. 171. Hancock, Ronald Joseph, dismissed under O.P. Act, 196. Hardtz, Ted, see Edward Stanley Hards. Hancock, Steila, ring lost or stolen, 477. Hardy, Adelaide Olive, books stolen, 161. Hand, Jacob, inquest on body of, 326. Hardy, Aleck William, convicted, 397. Hand, Leonard Alwyn, bicycle stolen, 267; recovered, offender Hardy, Colin, convicted, 174. arrested 277; complainant, 280. Hardy, Colin Perry, absconder returned, 3; arrested for shop- Hand, Leslie Gordon, convicted, 338. breaking and larceny , 6; convicted, 13. Handby, Russell Cecil, pistol stolen, 343. Hardy, George, bicycle stolen, 213 ; recovered, 222. Handke, John Oscar, inquest on body of, 214; complainant, Hardy, John William, suspected of larceny, 106. 224. Hardy, John William, convicted, 50; discharged, 94. Handke, Walter Edwin, warrant for, 220 (2) ; arrested, 228, Hardy, Thomas and Sons Ltd., complainant , 12, 109, 232. 229; convicted, 232; discharged, 271. Hardy, Thomas Walter, flying suit stolen, 133. Handorf, Bernard Edward, overcoat stolen, 343. Harford, Barbara Ann, complainant, 318. Handtke, Alvin Godfrey, complaint withdrawn, 92. Harford, Edith Beryl , released on bond, 290. Handtke, Walter Edwin, warrant for, 427. Harford, George Norbert, bicycle recovered, 9. Hanel, Leslie Leonard Ray, suit stolen, 323. Harford, Ronald Keith, discharged , 119; committed for trial, Hanish, Arthur Theodore, convicted, 424. 318; convicted, 408. Hankins, Charles Alexander, see Robin Hood Hotel. Harford, Veronica Emily, complainant, 50. Hanks, William, tools stolen, 465. Hargrave , Charles Townsend , suitcase , etc., stolen, 257. Hanley, John Francis, aliases John Watson, J. Collins, con- Hargrave , Mervyn Maxwell , bicycle stolen , 8; frame recovered, victed, 109, 126; discharged, 165; convicted, 440; dis- 259. charged, 492. Hargrave , Wolseley Gordon , convicted, 440. Hanley,Thomas Joseph, naval deserter recovered, 366. Harker, E. K. and Co., see Martin John Benjamin Bailey. Hanlon, Brian John, convicted, 315. Harkin, Leonarl Norman, naval deserter, 214. Hanlon, John, kitbag, clothing, etc., stolen, 19. Harkness , Letitia Elma Milmot, watch lost or stolen, 335. Hanlon, S., estate of, ewes stolen or strayed, 298. Harley, A. W. ( N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 259. Hann, Bruce, convicted, 183. Harlow, Cecil , tray stolen, 230. Hann, Cecil, convicted, 49. Harman, Robert Henry, inquest on body of, 135. Hann, Fred, complainant, 49. Harmer, William Ross George , house broken into, 437. Hann, Leonard William, warrant for, 474. Harold, Lawrence Raymond , see Lawrence Harold Raymond Hann, Sydney George, bicycle stolen, 8. Jones. Hanna, Hugh, warrant for, 87. Harold, R., see Allan Joseph Owens. Hannaford, Ronda Merle, watch lost or stolen, 344; recovered, Harper, Frederick Hartley, convicted, 81, 128. 386. Harper, Heather Lorna , convicted, 451. Hannagan, Nicholas John (gazetted as Nicholas John Harring- Harper, Hugh Garnet , convicted and complaint withdrawn, 68. ton), bicycle stolen,152; recovered,171. Harper, J. (N.S.W. ), motor cycle stolen, 422. Hannagan, Patrick, inquest on body of, 144. Harradine , Cheryl Vanice, inquest on body of, 135. Hannam, Jack Stafford, fails to maintain, 228. Harrington , Frank Stanley, shop broken into, 484. Hannan, Harry Leslie Wilfred, gelding stolen or strayed, 386; Harrington, Mervyn William , watch stolen , 352; recovered, recovered, 396; complainant, 417. 385. Hanness, Albert, committed for sentence, 164; convicted, 319; Harrington, Nicholas John, see Nicholas John Hannagan. discharged, 480. IIarrip, Dorothy Irene, watch stolen, 65. Hannon, Eric Thomas (N.S.W.), provisional warrant for, 445. Harris, see Edgar Dalton. Hannon, John, naval deserter recovered, 366. Harris, A. ( Mr.), convicted, 164. Hanrahan, see Olive Mary Clift. Harris, Alfred Rowland, convicted, 196. Hanrahan, Claude Columba, complainant, 357. Harris, Arnold Keith, trowels stolen, 324. Hanrahan, James, clothing stolen, 305. Harris, Arthur , discharged , 245; convicted , 290; discharged, Hanrahan, Mathe, overcoat stolen, 305. 358; convicted , 358, 388; correction , 398; discharged, 399; Hanrahan, William, inquest on body of, 327. convicted , 441; discharged, 462. Hansen, Brian Douglas, absconder, 322; arrested, 341; Harris, Derek Howard, inquest on fire, 387. absconder, 350; arrested, 373; absconder, 373; arrested, Harris, Digby Ian, bicycle stolen, 142 ; recovered, 162. 393; arrested for larceny of bicycle, 396; convicted, 407; Harris, F., pine stolen, 447. convicted and dismissed under O.P. Act, 417 (2) ; con- Harris, Frank Bennett, complainant, 489. victed, 479. Harris, Frederick, naval deserter recovered, 90. Hansen, Harold James, convicted, 279. Harris, George , aliases William Johnstone , William Johnson, Hansen, Harry, see Jacob Hall. Herbert Anderson , James McKenzie , Herbert Montrose, Hansen, Howard Edward Joseph, convicted and motor driver's Montague Millions, Montrose , McCluer, James McKenzie, licence suspended, 310. convicted, 135, 145; warrant for, 160; warrants forwarded Hansen, Olaf (Vic.), alien located, 139. to Yatala Prison for execution , 178 (2 ) ; discharged, 235; Hansen, S. L., complainant, 80. released on bond, 387; convicted, 398. Hansen, Violet Muriel Mary, complainant, 92. Harris, George Alexander , convicted, 39; discharged, 198. Hanson and Yuncken, hot water urn stolen, 324. Harris, George Glen, nolle prosequi, remanet on other charges, Hanson, Edward George, missing friend, 58; located, 79; 16; convicted, appeal heard and dismissed, 71; discharged, arrested for factorybreaking and larceny, 105; convicted, 111. - 109. Harris, Gordon Robert, house broken into, 456, 457. Hanson, George, arrested for housebreaking and larceny, 313 Harris, Henry , naval deserter recovered , 10; naval deserter, (6) ; committed for trial, 317; nolle prosequi, 379. 58; recovered , 90; cancelled, 431. Hanson, George Herbert, naval c:esorter recovered, 91. Harris, Henry Corston , house broken into, 76; complainant, Hanson, Gladys Norma, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 375. 206; offender arrested for housebreaking on, 211. Hanson, Jimmy (aborigine), committed for sentence, 215; con- Harris, Isobel Ann, overcoat stolen, 430. victed, 319; discharged, 418. Harris, J., pine stolen, 447. Hanson, Norma Gladys, bicycle stolen, 89; recovered, 98. Harris, J., see Cecil William Backhouse. Hanson, Oswald Speakman, tool kit stolen, 229, 258. Harris, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Hanson, Patrick Charles, bicycle stolen, 258. Harris, Jack Stanley , convicted, 224. Hanson, T. F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Harris, John Albert, see John Albert Brennan. Hanson, Sydney Harry, watch lost or stolen, 231; recovered, Harris, John William, convicted, 100; arrested for factory- 250. breaking , 141; committed for sentence , 146; convicted, 174. Hanstead, Vincent, see Gordon Vincent Millard. Harris, Kathleen Dorinda, convicted, 206. Hanvey, Eric McPherson, watch stolen, 437. Harris, Kenneth Edward Charles , dismissed under O.P. Act, Harbard, Charles Samuel, house broken into, 105. 318. INDEX.

Harris, Lance Stanley, convicted, 490. Hartmann, Keith John, convicted, 337. Harris, Leonard Frederik, tools stolen, 161. Hartmann, Phillip Mervyn, convicted, 425. Harris, Louis (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242. Hartnell, James Edward (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 89. Harris, Maxwell Ebdon, see P. Falk and Co. Hartwig, Charles Frederick, suspected of larceny, 403. Harris, Murray Clifford, dismissed under O.P. Act, 318. Hartwig, Joseph Benjamin, maintenance, warrant withdrawn, Harris, Myrtle Janet Rebecca, house broken into, 122. 54. Harris, Norman Arthur, convicted, 59, Hartwig, Joseph Peter, dismissed under O.P. Act, 14. Harris, Olga, suspected of larceny, 295. Hartwig, Leopold Valintine, released on bond, 80. Harris, Raymond George, convicted, 16; discharged, 369. Hartz, Heinrick Wilhelm Martin, warrant for, 200; paid, 362. Harris, Reta, suspected of larceny, 46. Harvey, Alan Douglas, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 259. Harris, Richard 0., shotgun stolen, 141; i ecovered, 180. Harvey, Alick Vivian, complainant, 387. Harris, Ronald Leonard, deserts wife, arrested, 10. Harvey, Arthur, fails to maintain, 322; arrested, 373; dis- Harris, Ronald Osmond, sheets, etc., stolen, 353. charged, 418; warrant for, 427. Harris, Roy Norman, suitcase, etc., stolen, 7. Harvey, Clyde George, discharged, 24. Harris, S., motor car stolen, 395. Harvey, Colin Percy, absconder, 150; arrested, 210. Harris, Samuel John, complainant, 145., Harvey, Edith Mary, complainant, 40. Harris Scarfe Ltd., false pretences on, 2; cigarettes stolen, Harvey, Ernest Alvin, convicted, 489. 133; offenders arrested, 162; wireless set stolen, 170; Harvey, Erol David, see Harold David Harvey. special inquiry for B. Fricker and O. Moulden for false Harvey, Harold Andrew, see Harold Andrew Denton. pretences on, Noel Walter Laurence Bergin committed Harvey, Harold David, alias Errol David Harvey, discharged, this offence, 167 (2) ; complainant, 244 (2) ; warehouse 263; convicted, 280; released on bond, 461. entered, 257; wireless set stolen, 275; safe stolen, 286; Harvey, James, see Russell Stanley Kirby. special inquiry, false pretences on,' 303; complainant, Harvey, James Hope, clothing stolen, 333. 327; wireless stolen, 343; complainant, 368; warehouse Harvey, Joan, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered, 307. broken into. 374. Harvey, John Frederick, convicted, 59. Harvey, John Strathern, convicted, 308. Harris, Stewart Victor Roy, convicted and motor driver's licence disqualified, 101. Harvey, Kevin Percival Esdale, complainant. 308. Harvey, Margaret Christine, armlet, lost or stolen, recov- Harris, Sydney, see Sydney George Hill. 268; ered, 405. Harris, Sydney Bruce, bicycle stolen, 448. Harvey, Marrian, see Beatrice Miles. Harris, Thomas Edwin, see George William Williamson. Harvey, Percival William, sailing boat stolen, 343. Harris, Thomas Henry, see Thomas Henry Ellison. Harvey, Robert Colin, warrant for, 132. Harris, Thomas Towning, complaint dismissed, 461. Harvey, Robert George, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Harris, Valerie, bicycle stolen, 250. Harwood, Ashley Hubert, naval deserter, 405; recovered, 423. Harris, W., naval deserter recovered, 366. Harwood, Richard Redvers, attache case, etc., stolen, 168. Harris, Walter Jeffrey, complainant, 290. Haselgrove, Eric, canvas cover stolen, 7. Harris, Winifred May, bracelet lost or stolen, 448. Haseloff, Ivan Edward, missing friend, 134; recovered, 144. Harrison, see Larry Thomason. Haseloff, Ruth, missing friend, 336; located, 345. Harrison, A., see Arthur Henry Denman. Haskell, Edward, Charles, complainant, 164. Harrison, Albert Archibald, convicted, 441. Hassel, Margaret, complainant, 279. Harrison, Elsie Phyllis, clothing stolen, 295. Hassell, Harold John (Vic.), motor car stolen, 162. Harrison, Ephriam Daniel, bicycle stolen, 344; recovered, 354. Hasson, John, naval dese-rter recovered, 90. Harrison, Frederick, aliases Frederick Porter, Sydney Porter, Hastie, Ada Ruby, missing friend, 223; located, 278. Jack Hay, convicted, 172; discharged, 175. Hastie, H. J., naval deserter, 134. Harrison, Gilbert Ronald, convicted, 224. Hastwell, Robert Charles, suspected of larceny, 475. Harrison, Gordon, missing friend, 79; located, 91. Hatch, David James, convicted, 31. Harrison, James, see Stanley Joseph McMullin. Hatchard, Edward Thomas, convicted, 79. Harrison, Joseph, convicted, 280; discharged, 292. Hatcher, Mary Joyce, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 242. Harrison, Leonard William, tyre lost or stolen, 415; recovered, Hateley, John Alfred, complainant, 70, 136. 423. Hatha, see Rupert William Kathner. Harrison, Malcolm, convicted, 433. Haupt, Percival Norman, convicted. 01. Harrison, Owen James, see Ashford Service 'Station. Haunstrop and Company, engine stolen, 413. Harrison, Peter Samuel, alias Peter Jackson, convicted, 135; Hauschild, Lance Vernon, convicted, 337. discharged, 165. Hausler, Vera Alwine, complainant, 155. Harrison Ramsay, Pty. Ltd., offender arrested for shedbreak- Haven, June De, see June De Haven. ing on, 437; complainant, 440. Haveson, A. W., suit stolen, 428. Harrison, Raymond Norman, convicted, 479. Hawke, Alek John Garnet (N.S.W.), obtains provisional war- Harrison, Robert George, motor car stolen, 249; recovered, rant for George Holley, 401. 259. Hawke, Claude William, discharged, 184; convicted, 233; dis- Harrison, Ronald Harold James, complainant, 206. charged, 271;convicted, 398; discharged, 418. Harrison, Ronald Henry, aliases Ronald Dominic Williams, Hawke, Ellen Iva, shopping bag, lost or stolen, 448. R. H. Williams, A. W. Boakes, discharged, 34; convicted, Hawke, Lillian Alice May, bicycle stolen, 277; recovered, 117 (2) ; discharged, 198; suspected of larceny, 258; sus- offender arrested, 297; complainant, 300. pected of larceny of bicycle, 259; arrested for larceny, Hawke, Orville Wilbur, convicted and motor driver's licence 276; convicted, 280; discharged, 399. suspended, 184. Harrison, Roy, naval deserter, 326; cancelled, 431. Hawker, Arden Seymour, estate of, sheep, stolen or strayed, Harrison, Sydney William John, discharged, 235; convicted, 223. 290; discharged, 359. Hawker, Emmeline, pearls, etc., lost or stolen, 288. Harrison, T. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Hawker, Howard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Harrison, T. M. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 152. Hawkes, Clement Gordon, inquest on body of, 326. Harrison, Walter Covernton, cigarette case, etc., stolen, 151. Hawkes, Edward Charles, convicted and motor driver's licence Harrison, William Arthur Ernest, convicted, 204. disqualified, 425. Harrison, William Henry, gent's suit and overcoat stolen, 258; Hawkes, Ronald, see Ronald Clive McGinnis. bicycle stolen, 259; offender arrested for larceny on, 276; Hawkes, 'Ronald Murray, convicted and motor driver's licence complainant, 280. disqualified, 471. Harrison-Kulldulla, William Oscar, naval deserter, 365; recov- Hawthorn Bowling Club (A. H. Morphett, secretary), club- ered, 423. house broken into, 466. Harrold, Cyril Daniel, convicted and complaint dismissed, 225. Hawthorne, Laurie Walter, dismissed under O.P. Act, 279. Harrowfield, Robert Kenneth John, convicted, 417. Hay, Brian John, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, offender arrested, Harry, H. R. & Co., see Edward Owen Kiernan. 30. Harry, Victor Jack, shop broken into, 192. Hay, Clifford Raymond, alias Eric Walter James Muray, Hart, Allan Reginald, convicted, 367. discharged, 130. Hart, Clifford James, convicted, 417. Hay, Jack, see Frederick Harrison. Hart, Gordon Desmond, naval deserter recovered, 90. Hay, W. L., R.A.A.F. deserter, recovered, 477. Hart Manufacturing Co. (Mr. W. Mansfield, manager), factory Haycroft, Henry James, complainant, 59. broken into,428. Hart, Murray Louis John, naval deserter, recovered, 355. Hayes, Alfred Arthur, convicted, 127. Hart, Richard Howat, see Richard Howatt. Hayes, Elizabeth, convicted, 127. Hayes, Leslie, bicycle stolen, 56. Hart, Victor Claude, complainant, 291. Hartford, Paul C. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 38. Hayes, William Henry, convicted, 12. Harthill, Michael William Leslie Lewis, released on bond, 93. Haylock, Robert Stanley, convicted, 490. Hartland, Harry, complainant, 22. Hayman, Mary Shirley, see Mary Shirley Glasson. Hartley,, Alan Meredith, bicycle stolen, 276. Hayman, Shirley Mary, see Mary Shirley Glasson. Hartley, John Albert, naval deserter, recovered, 3,66. Hayman, W. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 124. Hartley, Neil Goldsmith, convicted, 128. Haynes, Allan George, convicted, 451. Hartman, Cecelia Kathleen, house broken into, 384. Haynes, David Reginald William, suitcase, etc., stolen, 276. Hartman, Gordon, kitbag, lost or stolen, 268; recovered, 278. Haynes, Frank, convicted, 206. Hartman, Stanley Percival, house broken into, 384. Haynes, George Maxwell, convicted, 424. Hartmann, Henry John, convicted, 70; warrant for, 322; Haynes, James Chilton, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 275; arrested, 363. recovered, 296. xxxviii. INDEX.

Haynes, Peter, see Peter Armstrong. Height, Clarence Allen, convicted, 116; discharged, 166. Haynes, Richard Charles, inquest on body of 79. Height, Ronald Edward, released on bond, 31. Haynes, William Henry, convicted, 164; discharged, 246. Heinicke, Allan Keith, convicted, 338. Haythorpe, Edward James, convicted, 417. Heinjus, Edgar, complainant, 164. Hayward, Charles Edward, complainant, 69. Heinrich, Emma, bicycle stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Hayward, D. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Heinrich, Friedrich Adolph Victor, convicted, 109. Hayward, Max Allan Jack, complaint withdrawn, 92. Heinrich, Martin Julius, magneto stolen, 193. Hayward, Myra Joy, complaint dismissed, 165; complainant, Heinrich, Rex Matthews, coat stolen, 342. 165. Heintz, Bruce William (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 404. Haywire and Company, tape stolen, 169. Heitman, Harry, convicted, 101. Haywood, Florence Emmie, ring stolen, 76. Heitmann, Robert George, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 316. Hazelhurst, Oliver Norman, convicted and motor driver's Helbig, Arthur Edwin, discharged, 282. licence cancelled, 60. Helbig, Johannes Bernhardt, convicted, 346. Hazell, Benjamin Rex, bicycle stolen, 106. Hele, Andrew, complainant, 416. Hazell, Kevin John, released under O.P. Act, 470. Hele, Florence Hazel, discharged, 320. Hazelwood, James Alfred, convicted, 23. Hele, Michael Henry, absconder, warrant for, 274; withdrawn, Heading, Charles John, fowls stolen, 403. 332, 419. Headon, Vera, complainant, 387. Hellett, Peter, British seaman deserter, 332. Healey, Lionel Stanford, warrant for, 139. Hellinger, R. (N.S.W.), panel van recovered, 20. Healey, Constance, convicted and motor driver 's licence sus- Hellyer, John William, see William John Hillyer. pended, 23. Hellyer, William John, see William John Hillyer. Healey, Vincent Michael, suitcase lost or stolen, 9. Helve, Joan, bicycle stolen, 241. Healing, A. G. and Co., bicycle stolen, 438. Helos, J., special inquiry re forge and utter on, 322. Healy, W. A. (Qld.), motor car recovered, 9. Hemmerling, Lionel Robert, see Lionel Ronald Hemmerling. Heaps, Elsie May, alliases Salotti, Bishop, convicted, 126; dis- Hemmerling,Lionel Ronald, otherwise Lionel Robert Hemmer- charged, 175. ling, committed for trial, 117; acquitted, 174. Heaps, Sydney George, see Sydney Lloyd Heaps. Henderson, Alfred George, released on bond, 261. Heaps, Sydney Lloyd, aliases Gilbert, Owen, Sydney George Henderson, Angus (Vic.), motor car stolen, 259; recovered, Heaps, Ray Owens, discharged, 197; warrant for, 294; 268. arrested,313. Henderson, C. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 47. Heard, G. W., see George William Heard. Henderson, Darryl Robert, complainant, 471. Heard, George William (trading as R. E. Ericksson and G. W. Henderson, Ian Grantley, convicted and motor driver's licence Heard), complainant, 182. cancelled, 234. Heard, James Edward, convicted, 195, 205; committed for Henderson, Irvine, arrested on warrant, 132. trial, 368. Henderson, J., convicted, 233. Heard, Rev. H. Roy, house broken into, 5. Henderson, James, discharged, 175, 271. Heard, Roy Patrick, aliases Joseph Patrick Hogan, Roy Henderson, James Patrick, convicted, 215. Patrick Hogan. Joseph Edward Thomas, convicted, 173; Henderson, Jim, convicted, 251. discharged, 253. Henderson, John, see Leslie William Gillis. Heard, Sydney Allan Morton, missing friend, 336; located, Henderson, John, see Raymond Willie Jones. 387; released on bond, 451. Henderson, John James (Vic.), motor car stolen, 153. Hearn, see Geoffrey James Threadgold. Henderson, Robert, naval deserter, 68; recovered, 108; naval Hearn, Clarrie, bicycle stolen, 375. deserter, 195; recovered,289. Heard, Dudley Ralph, iron, etc., stolen, 20. Henderson, Robert Edward, bicycle stolen, 468; recovered, 487. Hearn, Norman W. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 297. Henderson, Ronald, see Raymond William Jones. Hearn, Peter Hodgson, alias P. Wilson, convicted, 81. Henderson, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 89. Hearnden, John Howard, complainant, 13. Hendrickson, Donald Grant, convicted, 16; discharged, 282. Hearne, Harry, discharged, 82. Hendrie, Robert Dyett, convicted, 270, 346. Hearne, John, see Lionel Andrew John Hearne. Hendy, Charles Herbert, portmanteau, etc., stolen, 275; recov- Hearne, Lionel Andrew John, alias John Hearne, convicted, ered, 315. 205; discharged, 217. Henery, Leonard Ernest, warrant for, 3; 96; amounts paid, Hearnes, Geoffrey, complainant, 337. 239. Hearnshaw, George, convicted, 299. Heness, Francis Patrick, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Hearse, George Edwin (Vic.), motor truck stolen, 277. Heney, Kenneth Shannon, obtains warrant for Leslie Norman Heaslip, Alban Gregory, bicycle stolen, 8, 20; missing friend, Gillis and William John Player, 285; complainant, 357. 195; located,214. Henley, Charles, warrant for, 456. Heaslip, Norman Frank, complaint dismissed, 109. Henley, John Murray, bicycle stolen, 115. Heath, D. G., see Robies and Co. Hennessy, Morris Joseph, convicted, 23; discharged, 82. Heath, Ernest Egbert, material, etc., stolen, 466. Hennessy, Sydney Edward, convicted, 23. Heath, Frances Ellan, watch, etc., stolen, 458; recovered, Henry, Erasmus, see Henry Erasmus. offender arrested, 486; complainant, 490. Henry, Louis Mary, complainant, 318. Heath, G. L., see Robies and Co. Henschke, Harold Albert, convicted, 357. Heath, George Baden, convicted, 183. Henschke, Myrtle Alice, inquest on body of, 214. Heath, Henry Noel, bicycle stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Henshaw, Victor Frederick, bicycle stolen, S. Heath, H. N., see Robies and Co. Hentschke, Benno, Edgar, convicted, 206. Heath, Stanley Herbert, false pretences on, 200. Hepburn, Harry, convicted, 100. Heath, Trevor Carnarvon, missing friend, •415; located, 450. Hepburn, Luke Thomas, convicted, 100. Heathfield, Kenneth, bicycle stolen, 458; further particulars, Hepenstal, Charles Richard, bicycle stolen, 353; recovered, 365. 476. Heppner, Leonard Colin, convicted, 337. Heathfield, Ronald James, convicted, 128. Hepworth, John Aloysious, complaint withdrawn, 126. Heatley, Bertie Joseph, complainant, 23. Herbert, Gordon, convicted, and motor driver's licence disquali- Heaven, Dennis Hedley, released on bond, 470. fied, 101; warrant for, 192; amounts paid, 211. Herbert, John Frederick, convicted, and motor driver's licence Heaven, James Bartle, convicted, 195. disqualified, 262. Heaysman, Leslie, complainant, 290. Herbert, Mervyn James, complainant, 32. Hecker, John David, complainant, 50. Herde, Frederick Joseph, convicted, 299. Hector, John Alison, convicted, 416. Hergstrom, Ernest Helge, convicted, 109. Heddle, Rene, convicted, 270. Heritage, Gordon, ketch broken into, 18. Hedger, Horace Edwin, convicted, 127. Herkes, Gordon Andrew, gloves, etc., stolen, 374. Hedley's Proprietary Ltd. (Howard Edward Blackman, agent), Hermanson, Arthur Henry, tools stolen, 296. tennis frames, etc., stolen, 447. Hermel, Ronalda Albert, convicted, 93. Hedwirth, Charles Toulone, convicted, 22. Hermes, Allison, complainant, 478. Hefferman, Ivy May, sheets stolen, 412. Herneshaug, Peter,. convicted, 279. Hefferman, William Ernest, see William Ernest Heffernan. Heron, Mabel, otherwise Mable Heron, discharged, 16. Heffernan, David, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, 194. Heron, Mable, see Mabel Heron. Heffernan, James, convicted, 388. Heron, Robert Lancelot, complaint dismissed, 59. Heffernan, Lawrence Luke, convicted, 432. Herraman, Barry Graham, convicted, 196. Heffernan, Thomas Michael, convicted, 32; discharged, 61, Herraman, Brian John, convicted, 196. 130, 301; released on bond, 377. Herreen, Gregory Killian, convicted, 462. Heffernan, William Ernest, alas William Ernest Hefferman, Herreen, Kevin John, convicted, 338. discharged, 71; warrant for, 200; arrested, 228; warrant Herriott, Donald Irvine, complainant, 252. for, 412; arrested, 428. Herschel, Arthur Frederick, see Frederick Spencer Churchill. Hefford, Lindsay James, see Cobdogla Public School. Herschel, George Arthur, see Frederick Spencer Churchill. Hegarty, J. J., see ' London Baby Carriage Ltd. Hervey, Heather Sinclair, inquest on body of, 154. Hegarty, John Patrick, convicted and motor driver's licence Hese, Aubrey, convicted, 196. disqualified, 358, 459. Heaslop, Allan, bicycle stolen, 395; recovered, 414. Hegarty, Minnie Evelyn, convicted and motor driver's licence Heslop, Ian (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 78. cancelled, 338. Heslop, R. L., see Ronald Leslie Devenish. INDEX. xxxix.

Hession , Margaret Mary, bicycle stolen, 414; recovered, 430. Hillebrand, Robert Peter, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, offender Heuchan , Eric Alexander, alias Eric Alexander Smart, con- arrested, 250; complainant, 252. victed, 172; discharged, 226. Hillier, Clarence Frederick, bicycle stolen, 142. Heutling, Ernest, convicted, 308. Hillier, Frank, complainant, 224. Hewett, James Palmer, arrested on warrant, 228; convicted, Hillier, Gwendoline Maria, complainant, 172. 290; discharged, 320. Hillier, John, warrant for, 210. Hewitt, Allen Thomas Edward, alias Dasher Hewitt, nolle Hillier, Ronald Arthur Edward, wristwatch stolen, 475. prosequi, 16; convicted, 100, 109; appeq,l dismissed, 206, Hillier, Stanley, fails to maintain, 473. 338; discharged, 492. Hillier, Stanley, committed for trial, 32; convicted, 129. Hewitt, Clement George, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 422. Hillman, Edward John, convicted, 424. Hewitt, Hilda, fur, lost or stolen, 213. Hillman, Leslie, bicycle stolen, 259; recovered, 268. Hewitt, James William, convicted, 109. Hills Hoists Ltd. (Harold Eustace Hill Ling, manager), office Hewitt, Kenneth, naval deserter recovered, 90. broken into, 383. Hewitt, L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 67; recovered, 78. Hillyer, William John, aliases John William Hellyer, William Hewitt, Leonard Terence, complainant, 14. John Hellyer, convicted, 280; discharged, 329; released on Hewitt, Oliver Edward, convicted, 136; discharged, 217; con- bond,425,451. victed, 489. Hilton Croquet Club, balls stolen, 447. Hewitt, Sydney George, convicted, 164. Hinckley, Carrol Sydney, shop broken into, 141. Hewlett, Lindsay Samuel Charles, convicted, 338. Hincks, Wallace Packer, convicted, 416. Hewlett, Valda Pearl, convicted, 155. Hindmarsh Service Station (Herbert William Gothe and Heynen, Charles Ernest, pays amounts on warrant, 54; warrant Edmund Gothe, proprietors), garage broken into, 239. for, 342; portion paid, 362, 412, 456. Hinds, Les or Len (christian names believed), see Robert Hichs, Jack, see William Henry Orledge. Hinds. Hick, Julia, B., cushion stolen, 475. Hinds, Desmond, overcoat stolen, 333. Hickenbotham, A.D., suspected of larceny from Gordon Graham Hinds, Marine, wallet lost or stolen, 460. Grenville, 286. Hinds, Robert, alias Robert Hind, Les or Len Hinds, suspected Hickey, Francis Thomas, bicycle stolen, 430. of larceny, 467 (2) ; arrested for larceny, 476; convicted, Hickey, Jean, brooch, lost or stolen,396. 478. Hickman, Dorothy, released on bond, 319. Hines, Sarah, or Sarah Hynes, suspected of larceny from Rose Hicks, David Holme, convicted 117. Budden, 46. Hicks, Henry, garage broken into, 402. Hing, Paul, convicted, 195. Hicks, John Albert, discharged, 33. Hingle, D. N., naval deserter recovered, 90. Hicks, Michael Darcy, bicycle stolen, 171. Hinton, Henry Herbert, naval deserter recovered, 366. Hicks, Roseverre Gibson, convicted, and motor driver's licence Hinton, Joseph and Son (N.S.W.-S.A.) (Joseph Hinton, pro- cancelled, 442. prietor), crockery, etc., stolen, 276. Hicks, Una, purse, etc., stolen, 106. Hinton, Leonard Homer, bicycle stolen, 476; recovered, 487. Hienemann, Albert Rohde, money, etc., stolen, 304. Hiron, Phyllis. Marjorie, missing friend, 154. Hier, Daphne Joyce, wristlet watch stolen, 123. Hirsch, Lottie Grace, complainant, 433. Hiern, Raymond Alfred, bicycle stolen, 47; recovered, 57. Hirschaussen, John Walter, convicted, 39; discharged, 51. Higgie, Jimmie, escaped mental defective, 219; located, 227. Hirst, Albert William, stolen bicycle recovered, 296; offender Higgins, A. J., bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 325. arrested, 325; complainant, 328. Higgins, Dennis William, bicycle stolen, 47; recovered, 57. Hiscock, Edith Annie, watch stolen, 4. Higgins, Eileen, aliases Eileen Calf, Evelyn Higgins, Eileen Hiscock, Raymond John, missing friend, 416. Gale, discharged, 147; complainant, 244 (2), 387; dis- Hissey, Arthur Henry, convicted, 252. charged, 389; convicted, 432. Hissey, Gordon Walter, convicted and motor driver's licence Higgins, Evelyn, see Eileen Higgins. suspended, 471. Higgins, Fred, alias Scotty Higgins, warrant for, 44; arrested, Hissey, Maurice William, camera stolen, 258. 420; discharged, 442. Hitchcock, Harold Vernon, naval deserter, 251; recovered, 269. Higgins, G., naval deserterrecovered, 91. Hitchcock, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297; recovered, Higgins, Gordon (Vic.), motor car stolen, 143; correction, 162. 307.. Higgins, Ivor Alan, inquest on body of, 317. Hitchen, James, R.A.A.F. deserter, 326. Higgins, Michael, convicted and motor driver's licence disquali- Hoad, Charles, convicted, 183. fied, 358. Hoare, Frank James, warrant for, 87; pays fine and costs, 104. Higgins, Molly, discharged, 147; complainant, 173; discharged, Hoare, William Gordon, complainant, 204. 253. Hoath, Jack Stanley, convicted, 109, 398. Higgins, Ralph George, bicycle stolen, 170. Hobba, Leslie John, convicted, 470; discharged, 472. Higgins, Scotty, see Fred Higgins. Hobbs, Allan Kenneth, warrant for, pays fine and costs, 4. Highland Valley Pastoral Co. Ltd. (Arthur Herbert Wilkins, Hobbs Bros. (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 288. manager), hoggetts, stolen or strayed, 171. Hobby, Percy John, convicted, 31. Hilbig, Peter Bruce Carroll, convicted, 462. Hockey, Jack, see Lionel Albert George Hockey. Hilbig, Rex Eric, convicted, 433; 462. Hockey, Lionel Albert George, aliases Lionel Alfred George Hill, Albert, convicted, 31; discharged, 51. Hockey, Jack Hockey, Jack Burns, committed for trial, 70. Hill, Albert Edward, complainant, 215. Hockey, Lionel Alfred George, see Lionel Albert George Hill, Alfred Richard, convicted, 470. Hockey. Hill, Alice Jessie, handbag, lost or stolen, 431. Hocking, Desmond Henry, convicted, 479. Hill, Andrew Walter, complaint dismissed, 49; convicted, 117. Hocking, Edward Ernest, convicted, 337; discharged, 453. Hill, Charles Ralph, watch stolen, 161. Hocking, Frederick George, complainant, 270. Hill, Clem, convicted, 173. Hocking, Frederick Lionel, convicted, 69; complainant, 216. Hill, Dorothy Mary, alias Dorothy Magor, convicted, 135. Hocking, Frederick Roy, gelding stolen or strayed, 125; watch Hill, Edna May, complainant, 58. stolen, 275. Hill, Gordon, rug stolen, 429. Hocking, Jim Whitfield, watch lost or stolen, 431. Hill, Hiram, committed for trial, 59; named in inquest on body Hocking, Keith William, discharged, 16. of Frances Seamark, 116; convicted, 196. Hocking, M. (N.S.W), motor car stolen, 29; recovered, 38; Hill, Horace Jack, convicted, 173. motor car stolen, 438. Hill, John, bicycle recovered, offenders arrested, 9; com- Hocking, Reginald Dawson, convicted, 337. plainant, 12; convicted and driver's licence suspended, 270. Hocking, William Claude, see William Claude Gentle. Hill, Laurence, convicted, 279, 290. Hocking, Reginald, released on bond, 69. Hill, Leonard George, convicted, 11. Hocking, Reginald Dawson, convicted, 182. Hill, Leslie George, convicted, 490. Hocking, Richard Paul, complainant, 206. Hill, Lillian Jean, complainant, 59. Hocking, Shiela Jean, false pretences on, obtains warrant for Hill, Mary Darnton, larceny on, bracelet and cardic'an recov- George Wilson, 3; offender arrested, 211: complainant, 216. ered, 28; offender arrested, 106; complainant, 108. Hockings, Patricia Doris, bicycle stolen, 306; recovered, 325. Hill, Maurine Daphne, handbag, etc., lost or stolen, 354; recov- Hockley, Eric Ross, convicted, 232. ered, 431. Hockley, Herbert Milo, convicted, 440. Hill, Peter Graham, rim, tyre, and tube lost or stolen, 449. Hodder, Francis Joseph (Vic.), motor car stolen, 194. Hill, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 170. Hoddy, Gordon Selby, convicted, 270; discharged, 339. Hill, Ralph John, convicted, 100. Hodge, A.T. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 249; recovered, 259. Hill, Raymond Laurence, tools stolen, 374. Hodge, James Patrick, aliases John Patrick Hodge, Regan, Hill, Rodney, suit stolen, 96. discharged, 82; convicted, 127; discharged, 207; convicted, Hill, Ronald Frederick, complainant, 244. 232; discharged, 339, 491. Hill, Ross Edwin, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Hodge, John Patrick, see James Patrick Hodge. qualified, 262. Hodge, Merton Kenneth, arrested for larceny of motor cycle, Hill, Stanley, naval deserter, 289; cancelled, 431. 430;convicted, 432, 433. Hill, Stanley J., naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. Hodge, W. (N.T.-S.A.), suspected of larceny, 212; one tar- Hill, Sydney George, alias Sydney Harris, convicted, 58; dis- paulin recovered, 230. charged, 136. Hodge, Richard Jeffries, motor cycle wheels stolen, 413. Hill, William Charles, convicted, 280; amount paid, 474. Hodge, William Clarence, convicted and driver's licence dis- Hiller, Minna Paulene, coat and skirt stolen, 76. qualified, 165. xl. INDEX.

Hodgen, George, see John Colin Michell. Hollywood, Ernest Alfred, otherwise Alfred Ernest Hollywood, Hodgens, James Joseph, convicted and motor driver 's licence discharged, 225, 339, 418, 471. disqualified, 434. Hollywood, Frederick, convicted, 81. Hodges, Bertie Percival, discharged, 16. Holmes, Arthur Basil, bicycle stolen, 476; recovered, 487. Hodges, Garnet Edward, convicted and motor driver's licence Holmes Bros., timber stolen, 485. disqualified, 460. Holmes, Clement Theodore, bicycle stolen, 476. Hodges, Silven Lee Dean, alias Harold Russell, committed for Holmes, Fay Rita, otherwise Fay Rita Coombe, absconder, trial, 182; released on bond, 301. warrant withdrawn, 17; absconder, 177; located, 191; Hodgins, John Percival, naval deserter recovered, 366. absconder, 311; warrant withdrawn, 322; absconder, 331; Hodgson, Alfred Keith, convicted, 357. arrested, 373; absconder, 411; warrant for, 419; arrested, Hodgson, Basil Stanley, information dismissed, 490. 427; absconder, 464; arrested, 473. Hodgson, Coral Joy, basket, etc., stolen, 394; recovered, 430. Holmes, George Henry Archibald, pistol stolen, 395; recovered, Hodgson, Ernest William, naval deserter recovered, 366. offender arrested, 430. Hodgson, Leonard Vincent, complainant, 216. Holmes, Henry William Woodfield, discharged, 3-69, 453. Hodgson, William, naval deserter, 58; recovered, 90. Holmes, James, electric drill stolen, 333. Hodgson, William,, convicted, 224. Holmes, John Maxwell, complaint dismissed, 215. Hoff, Anna Mathilda, convicted, 146, 172; discharged, 263. Holmes, John Wilfred, naval deserter, 116; recovered, 125; Hoff, Carl Walter, complainant, 12. naval deserter, 397. Hoff, Daphne, convicted, 172. Holmes, Leslie Frederick Lindsay, see Leslie Frederick Sydney Hoff, John Andrew, convicted, 172. Holmes. Hoff, Kevin Leslie, complainant, 318; convicted, 346. Holmes, Leslie Frederick Sydney, otherwise Leslie Frederick Hoff, Martin Ernest, convicted, 155. Lindsay Holmes, arrested on warrant, 64; convicted, 109; Hoffman, John Devison, complainant, 388. discharged, 110. Hoff man, Friedrich Wilhelm, convicted, 174. Holmes, R. W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213. Hoffman, Valerie May, convicted, 262. Holmes, Ralph Haughton, complainant, 100 (2). Hoffnung, S. and Co. Ltd. (N.S.W.), watch movements stolen, Holstein, Beryl Helen, frock stolen, 47. 296. Holt, George, naval deserter recovered, 90. Hof man, Otto Alwin, alien, 103. Holt, J. R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 395. Hogan, Joseph Patrick, see Roy Patrick Heard. Holt, John William, convicted, 206; discharged, 262; con- Hogan, Kenneth Liston, camera lost or stolen, 171; recovered, victed, 280, 290, 291; discharged, 369; convicted, 378; 181. discharged, 443; convicted, 471. Hogan, Michael John, bicycle recovered, 30. Holtorf, A. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 162. Hogan, Roy Patrick, see Roy Patrick Heard. Homan, Claude Hector, convicted, 488. Hogan, Sydney Francis, complainant, 196. Homann, Heinz Joachim, alien arrested, 483. Hodgen, Donald James, overcoat lost or stolen, 439. Homecrafts Proprietary Ltd. (N.S.W.), obtains provisional Hogg, Adrian Gaynor, convicted, 261. warrant for Maxwell Leslie Hutchinson, 331. Hogg, Alan Huntley, naval deserter, 469. Homes, Harry William, suspected of larceny, 37. Hogg, C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 458. Hogan, Eunice Lorraine, complainant, 14. Hogg, Herbert (Vic.), motor car stolen, 297; recovered, 459. Honey, John Woodville, bicycle recovered, 9: bicycle stolen, Hogg, Ronald George, convicted, 328. 414; recovered, 430. Hohenstein, Robert Pallasser (Vic.), see Robert Pallasser- Honeybun, Donald, naval deserter recovered, 90 (2). Hohenstein. Honroth, Joan, complainant, 31. Hoile, Edward Murray, convicted and motor driver's licence, Honwitz, G., see Claude Horwitz. cancelled, 94. Hood, Clarence Douglas, committed for trial, 126; released Hoins, William Thomas, alias William Thomas Ford, con- on bond, 174. victed, 69. Hood, Frederick, complainant, 58. Holbert, Kendle Charles, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, 67; Hood, John, see James Wilson. bicycle stolen, 202. Hood, Neville John, convicted, 368. Holberton, John Cedric, committed for trial, 388. Hooper, Ernest Arthur, convicted, 101. Holdenson and Neilson Pty. Ltd. (Vic.), motor truck stolen, Hooper, Francis James, convicted, 462. 306;recovered, 376. Hooper, Leslie James, convicted, 31. Holder, Gustav Edmond Brabyn, known as Joseph Holder, Hooper, Myles Austral, convicted, 13. missing friend, 317; located, 336. Hooper, Rhonda Phyllis, complainant, 92. Holder, Harold Andrew, kitbag lost or stolen, 298; additional Hooper, Ronald Howard, convicted, 309. property, 307; portion recovered, 316. Hooper, Stanley Clyde, convicted, 461; discharged, 480, 481. Holder, John Gordon, convicted, 206. Hoopers Furnishing Arcade Ltd., complainant, 22. Holder, Joseph, see Gustav Edmond Brabyn Holde. Hopes, John Eric, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Holderson and Neilson (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 315. Hopewell, Edward Wallace, larceny on, offenders arrested, Holdfast Bay Club Incorporated, office broken into, 178. bicycle recovered, 30. Holdsworth, Noela, bicycle stolen, 242. Hopgood, Gwyn, watch lost or stolen, 376. Holdsworth, Ronald George, bicycle stolen, 448. Hopgood, Harold Adrian James, missing friend, 478. Hole, William Ronald, convicted, 59. Hopkins, Dean Henry, convicted, 244. Holker, Douglas James, committed for trial, 269; released on Hopkins, James Morris, bicycle stolen, 212, recovered, 242. bond, 380. Hopkins, K. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 143; recovered, 259. Holland, A. W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 385. Hopkins, Kevin, see Ross Mervyn Clark. Holland, Dennis Victor, convicted and motor driver's licence Hopkins, Frederick George, complainant, 406. cancelled, 398. Hopkins, W., see International Harvester Co. Ltd. Holland, Elizabeth Mary, inquest on body of, 58; complainant, Hoppe, B. (N.S.W.-S.A.), suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 449. 69. Hopper, Frederick William, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 142. Holland, Jack Edward Thomas, hammer stolen, 27. Hoppo, George, convicted, 100. Holland, T3hn, showcase broken into, 465. Ioppy Cross, see James Thomas Cross. Holland, Joseph, convicted, 128. Horan, Philomena Margaret, watch stolen, 305. Holland, Murray John, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Horder, Lillian Elsie, convicted, 432. Holland, Percival, suspected of larceny, 324. Horman, Horace James (gazetted as Horace James Harman), Holland, William, discharged, 16. bicycle recovered, offender • arrested, 115; complainant, Holland, William George, complainant, 346. 117. Hollard, E. G., see Ernest James Brooks. Horne, Edward Francis, missing friend, 397; located, 460. Hollberm, Thomas, wireless stolen, 65. Horne, James Francis, fails to maintain, 228. Holley, George (N.S.W.), provisional warrant for, 401. Horne, John David, bicycle recovered, 20. Holliday, Mavis, bicycle stolen, 258; recovered, 287. Horne, Stanley Forest, naval deserter, 116; cancelled, 431. Holliday, Robert Ernest, convicted, 424. Horrocks, Crawford Eardley, complainant, 110. •Hollidge, Geoffrey David, house broken into, 456. Horrocks, Lancelot G., naval deserter, 326. Hollingswood, Tom, convicted, 378. Horsell, John Bernard, watch lost or stolen, 344. Hollingsworth, Edward Mariner, convicted, 118. Horsell, John Stanley, convicted, 39; discharged, 82; con- Hollingsworth, Merton, suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 181. victed, 205, discharged, 235; convicted, 290; discharged. Hollis, Alfred Ernest, motor cycle stolen, 306; recovered, 325. 3')9: convicted, 388 (2) ; discharged, 480. Hollis, Edward Laurence, see Edward Lawrence Hollis. borsch, Recrinald Alfred, bicycle stolen, 9; recovered, 30. Hollis, Edward Lawrence, alias Edward Laurence Hollis, dis- Horsell, Robert Clive, convicted and motor driver's licence can- charged, 41, 175. celled, 459. Hollis, Thomas Albert, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 124. Horsfall, Henry Lancelot. motor cycle stolen, 133; recovered, Holloway, Francis John, Air Force deserter recovered, 260. offender arrested, 171. Holloway, Jack Ferguson, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 404. Horsnell, Harold Truscott, complainant, 252. Holloway, John Steven, complainant, 424. Horton, Alice, inquest on body of, 355. Holloway, Lawrence Edward, bicycle stolen, 439, 459; recovered, Horton, John Rees, convicted, 291. 468. Horton, 'Thomas Percival, absconder, 96; located, 121; con- Hollywood Studios, obtains warrant for Graham James Edward victed, 183, 232. Scarlett, 123. Horton, W. (N.S.W. ), motor cycle stolen, 297; recovered, 344; Hollywood, Alfred Ernest, see Ernest Alfred Hollywood. utility stolen, 458 and 459. INDEX. xli.

Horvat, Roy, coat stolen, 421. Hudson, George Percival, R.A.A.F. deserter, 269; recovered, Horwitz, Claude, gazetted as G. Honwitz (N.S.W.), motor car 365. stolen, 124; believed in S.A., 334. Hudson, K.M., R.A.A.F. deserter, recovered, 477. Hosie, Linda (Vie.), motor car stolen, 171. Hudson, Leslie Francis, naval deserter, 242. Hoskin, Alfred Thomas, bicycle stolen,-468; bicycle recovered, Hudson, Phyllis Mary, complainant, 48. 476. Hudswell, James, arrested on warrant 4. Hoskin , Elizabeth Jane, complainant, 441. Huelin, Harold George, bicycle stolen, 67, 78. Hoskin, Gilbert John, complainant, 441. Hueppauff, Theodor E., convicted, 80. Hoskin , Joseph James, convicted, 49; discharged, 111; dis- Hueppauff Walter Harold, complainant, 80. charged, 165, 370. Huff, Edward, complainant, 108. Hoskin, Leslie, complaint withdrawn, 59. Huggins, George, naval deserter, 68; recovered, 90. Hoskin, Leslie Gordon, convicted, 164. Hughes, Carl Frank, missing friend, 144; located, 154. Hosking, Alwyn Harold, tools stolen, 314. Hughes, Charles Abbott, convicted, 490. Hosking and Jenkins (Richard Ernest Hosking, 'proprietor), Hughes, Hugh, convicted, 368. complainant, 478. Hughes, James, naval deserter recovered, 90. Hughes, Jeffery John, complainant, 59. Hosking, Garth Mather, see State Motors Ltd. Hughes, John Clarence, committed for trial, 291; acquitted, Hosking, Gilford Hartley, complainant, 244. 380. Hosking, Richard Ernest, see Hosking and Jenkins. Hoskings , Bob, or Robert Hoskings or Bobby Hoskings, Hughes, R. A. H., naval deserter recovered, 366. suspected of larceny, 66; arrested for this offence, 180; Hughes, Vincent Thomas, complainant, 49, 327. Hughes, William, kitbag, clothing, etc., stolen, 249. convicted, 182. Hui Tong (Vie.), alien located, 139. Hoskings , Robert, see Bob Hoskings. Hoskins, George, complainant, 164. Hull, Alfred, warrant for, 484. Hoskins, Thelma Irene, watch lost or stolen, 376; recovered, Hull, Glen, otherwise Glennie Hull, Glen Hall, committed for 386. trial and committed for sentence, 244; convicted, 319; discharged, 409. Hoskins, Thomas, complainant, 31. Hull, Glennie, see Glen Hull. Hotel Adelaide Ltd., complainant 356. Hotel Franklin (Michael James Walsh, licensee), hotel Hull, Harold Stanley, bicycle stolen, 142. broken into, 45. Hulme, Doris Gertrude, bicycle recovered, 38. Hotel St Vincent (Francis Henry Binstead, manager), obtains Hulse, Arthur Hugh, convicted, 49. warrant for J. H. Tolmer, 220. Humble, Greta, schoolcase lost or stolen, 38. Hough, Emily Mary, released on bond, 69; arrested for Hume, S. G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 213. larceny,77; convicted,80. Hume Pipe Company (Australia) Ltd., complainant, 279. Hough, George, see George Henry Hough. Hume-Spry, Henry Willoughby, naval deserter, 108. Hough, George Henry, aliases George Hough, Skinner, sus- Hume Steel Limited, complainant, 279. pected of housebreaking, 257. Humphrey, Edwin Vincent, convicted, 117. House, Augustus Skinner, naval deserter recovered, 90. Humphrey, Ellen Olive, convicted, 300. House, Dorothy Anne Florence Elizabeth, complaint, 488. Humphrey, Jean, engagement ring stolen, 475. House, Ernest James, suspected of larceny, 276, 324. Humphrey, Thomas Debney, convicted, 23. House, James John, convicted, 425. Humphries, Mr. C. A., eiderdown stolen, 394. House, Thomas, see Thomas Smith. Humphries, Tom (Vic.), motor car stolen, 375; recovered, 386. Houston, Alexander William, bicycle stolen, 115, 124. Humphris, Brian, suspected of larceny, 258. Houston, David Houston McKella, convicted, 299. Hunderland, Olaf, warrant for, 373. Howard, Alfred John, portion paid on warrant, 140, 248, 304, Hunt, Albert Stanley, see Albert Sydney Hunt. 313, 322. Hunt, Albert Sydney, aliases Albert Stanley Hunt, Alfred Howard, Clarence Stanley, complainant, 164. Brooks, convicted, 13; discharged, 24; committed for Howard, Dorothea Louise, wheel, etc., stolen, 46; recovered, sentence, 70; convicted, 197. 115. Hunt, Archibald John, convicted, 14. Howard, Edward Niven, convicted, 50. Hunt, Clifford Daniel, warrant for, 393; paid, 402. Howard, Edwin John, convicted and driver' s licence suspended, Hunt, Clifton Daniel, complainant, 31. 207. Hunt, Cyril Leslie, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 13. Howard, George, fails to maintain, 412. Hunt, Desmond Roy, complainant, 338. Howard, Jean Beryl, complainant, 32. Hunt, Edwin (N.S.W.), factory broken into, obtains pro- Howard , Leonard Mayfield, convicted and driver 's licence dis- visional warrant for Roy Gove, aliases Groves, Edgar qualified, 262. Charles Williams, 247. Howard, Norman Robert, convicted, 183. Hunt, Elsie May, bicycle stolen, 486. Howard, Robert Herbert, radio chassis stolen, 457. Hunt, Mary Catherine, missing friend, 251; located, 260. Howard Smith Ltd., shed broken into, 65; offender arrested, Hunt, Ronald Joseph, released on bond, 92. 105, 141; complainant , 144; breast drill stolen, 212. Hunt, William Ross, convicted, 80. Howard, Wilfred Allen, complainant, 109. Hunter, Brian, released on bond, 291. Howarth, Walter, convicted, 300. Hunter, Daphne, sink, etc., stolen, 170. Howatt, Richard, aliases, Walter Charles White, Walter Charles Hunter, Graham, missing friend, 68. Ryan, Richard Howat Hart, convicted, 172; discharged, Hunter, Harold Stanley, shop broken into, offenders arrested, 175. 28; complainant, 33. Howden, John George, convicted, 145. Hunter, James, convicted, 100; additional information, 118. Howden, Michael John, released under O.P. Act, 144. Hunter, John, suit, etc., stolen, 485. Howden , Robert, released under O.P. Act, 144. Hunter, Kenneth Arthur, convicted, 433. Howe, Francis Edward , convicted and motor driver's licence Hunter, Sydney John Hill, naval deserter, 449. cancelled, 358. Hunter, W. J. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 344; recovered, Howe, George Ernest, bicycle stolen, 250. 376. Howe, Leo James, complainant, 109. Hunter, William, convicted, 269; appeal allowed, 398. Howe, Raymond John, released under O.P. Act, 245. Huppatz, Michael James, bicycle recovered, 20. Howell, Floris Betty May, complainant, 117. Hurcomb, Daphne Lucie, ring stolen, 66. Howell , Winifred, woollen costume, lost or stolen, 153. Hurle, Lawrence Leonard Henry, raincoat stolen, 36; Howes, Herbert Richard, convicted, 490. recovered,offender arrested,56. Tlowett, Norman Arthur, convicted. 12. Hurley, Arnold, suspected of larceny, 296. Howett. Walter Leonard, convicted, 60; discharged, 102. Hurley, Harold Herbert, convicted and complaint withdrawn, Rowland. James Garfield, convicted, 145. 81. Howlett, Dorothy, missing friend, 195; located, 214. Hurley, Michael Bartholomew, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, Howlett. Hezekiah Jex, warrant for, 303; paid, 323; warrant 143. for 456; arrested, 465. Hurling, Jack, motor car stolen, 77; recovered, offender Howley, Leo, bicycle stolen , 422; recovered, 430. arrested, 2T3; complainant, 215. Hownslow. William. watch, lost or stolen, 222. Hurst, Alan Clifton, naval deserter, 242; recovered, 289. Hovsted. William Francis Burrett, ring lost or stolen, 30. Hurst, Haigh, rim, tyre, and tube lost or stolen, 213. Hubbard, Arthur Valentine, complaint dismissed, 309. Hurst, Herbert Edward Henry, fails to maintain, 36; warrant Hubbard, Lurlien Bertha, complainant, 2i33. for, 96; pays fine and costs, 104; arrested, 228. Hubbard Motors Ltd., complainant, 387, 397, 407. Hurst, Norman Alexander, bicycle stolen, 67; recovered, 78. Huckel , Jeannette Margaret, indecent assault on , 2, 17; war- Hurst, R. W., naval deserter recovered, 90. rant issued for offender, 18; offender located in Victoria, Husband, William Charles, naval deserter recovered, 366. 95, 96. Huser, Sophoia Geach, watch stolen, 240; recovered, 296. Hudd, Allan Lancelot, motor cycle stolen, 353. Huskinson, Eleanor Elsie, wireless, etc., stolen, 123; recovered, Hudd, Arthur Edmund, convicted, 346. offender arrested, 334. Hudd, John Yeo, see Myponga Co-operative Dairying Society. Hustler and Co. Ltd. (trading as Ryans Emporium, R. J. Huddart Parker Ltd., complainant, 337. Tormey, manager), shop broken into, 200, 201; numbers Huddleston , Murray Charles, convicted, 279. of notes, 286; material stolen, 485. Huddleston, Rosina Florence, money stolen, 374. Hustler, Harry Fenwick, machine stolen, 421. Hudson, C. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 20. Hutchens, Clarence Reginald, convicted, 70. Hudson, Douglas, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Hutchens, Grantley Edwin, complaints dismissed, 406. Hudson, Douglas Henry Walter, convicted, 424. Hutchings, Clive Thomas, convicted, 318. F x1ii. INDEX.

Hutchins, Allan Henry, convicted, 109, 173. Glen Osmond, P.G., 1946, page 413, Frederick Harold Hutchins, George Henry, discharged, 130; convicted, 173; Cockrane admits committing this offence, 26; discharged, 226; warrant for, 285; paid, 313. unknown men wanted, 227, 294. Hutchins, George Thomas, convicted, 182; discharged, 217. Goodwood, 362. Hutchinson, Beverley, ring lost or stolen,9. Goodwood Park, 341. Hutchinson, Clifford Joseph (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 325. Hackney, 17; Frederick Harold Cochrane admits com- Hutchinson, Clive R., house broken into, 179; additional mitting P.G., 1946, page 422, offence, 26; property, 192. unknown man wanted, 104. Hutchinson, G. 'S., suitcase lost or stolen, 316. Kensington Park, 191. Hutchinson, Harold Henry, shed broken into, 466. Kent Town, 74, 436. Hutchinson, Jack Raymond, motor parts stolen, 55. Kilkenny, 17, 256; offender arrested for page 256 Hutchinson, Maxwell Leslie, aliases Kraeger, Nolan, Kerr off ence, 446. (N.S.W.), provisional warrant for, 331; arrested in Kingswood, Brian Leslie Johnson committed P.O., , 393. 1946, pages 118 and 442 offences, 17; unknown Hutchinson, Myrtle, halters stolen, 315. men wanted, 238, 322, 473. Hutchinson, Ronald George, convicted, 290. Kurrulta Park, 149. Hutchison, Hurtle Roy, complainant, 12. Largs Bay, 191. Hutt Street Private Hospital, complainant, 345. Leabrook, 191, 285. Hutton, Arthur Vincent, committed for trial, 243; released on Lockleys, 191. bond, 319. Malvern, 177. Hutton, Donald Ebeling, clock stolen, 352. Medindie, 393. Hutton, Rex Phillip, shop broken into, 179. Mile End, 86. Hutton, William Bernard, hose reels stolen, 179. Millswood, 44, 113, 191. Huxley, Llewellyn Roy, naval deserter, 108; recovered, 397; Mitcham, Brian Leslie Johnson committed P.G., 1946, naval deserter, 397; recovered, 477. page 334, offence, 17. Huxtable, Matthew Michael, complainant, 183. Myrtle Bank, 25. Hyam, Errol Alexander, spare wheel lost or stolen, 153; North Adelaide, 63, 121, 139, 274, 401, 436, 446 (2), recovered,214. 473; offender arrested for page 446 offences, 484. Hyde, George, convicted, 80; discharged, 118. North Unley, Brian Leslie Johnson committed P.G., Hyde, Henry Edward, convicted, 490. 1946, page 386 offence, 17; unknown men wanted, Hyland, Lawrence John, complainant, 205. 341, 427. Hylands Fish Factory (Norman O'Dea, manager), factory Norwood, 436. broken into, 220. Oaklands Estate, 484. Hynes, Patrick, convicted, 417. Parkside, Brian Leslie Johnson committed P.G., 1946, Hynes, Reginald James, bicycle stolen, 221; recovered, offender page 352, offence, 17; unknown men wanted, 199, arrested,231. 331, 372. Hynes, Sarah, see Sarah Hines. Payneham, Ronald Allen Marshall arrested for P.G., Hywood, Harold Kenneth James, discharged, 207. 1946, page 59, offence, 113. Port Adelaide, 131. Prospect, 25, 44, 113, 228, 294, 303, 311, 372; George I Eric Martin arrested for pages 228, 294, 303, 311 offences, 383. Ianni, Attilio, alien arrested, 483. Redfern, 372. Lisiello, Carmine, bicycle stolen, 37. Renown Park, 228; offender arrested, 446. Ida (aborigine), complainant, 356. Richmond, 149, 285, 412, 484. Idle, Edna Joyce. coat lost or stolen, 115. Rose Park, 256. Idle, Eric Allen, committed for trial, 416. Rosefield, 3. Idle, George Horace, deserts wife, 204. St. Peters, 64. If land, Henry Cecil, convicted, 318. Sandwell, 96, 199. Ifould, Charles Henry, complainant, 398. Seaton Park, P.G., 1946, pages 271 and 378, Robert Illman, Fay Christina, complainant, 309, 318. Lloyd Weseman admits committing these offences, lllingworth, Laura Pearl, fowls stolen, 413. 26. Imeson, Graham James, naval deserter, 355; recovered, 397. Semaphore, 228, 331. Impett, Charles Howard, convicted and driver's licence dis- Semaphore South, 303. qualified, 50. Somerton, Brian Leslie Johnson committed P.G., 1946, Ince, see George Ings. page 325, offence, 17. Ince, Edith Marie, missing friend located, 154. Thebarton, 25, 177, 322. Inces, Arthur Clarence, convicted, 433. Toorak Gardens, 464. Indecency offences- Torrens Lake, 372. Unknown men wanted- Torrensville, 177, 401. Adelaide, offender arrested for P.G., 1946, page 450, Tusmore, 350; offender arrested, 401. offence, 25; unknown men wanted, 35, 63, 74, 86, Unley, 455. 96, 104, 191 (2), 199, 285, 322, 350 (2), 401, Unleyy Park, Brian Leslie Johnson admits committing 412 (3), 419, 455, 483. P.G., 1946, page 325, offence, 17; unknown men Adelaide-Bowden, 331. wanted, 191, 256, 419. Allenby Gardens, 445. Victoria Park, 25. Ashford, 247. Wayville, 64. Avenue Park, 483. Walkerville North, 322; offender arrested, 383. Belair, 445. Wattle Park, 362. Birkenhead, 3; John Robson Oughton has been Welland, 3. arrested for this offence, 17; unknown man Westbourne Park, 210. wanted, 483. Woodlands Park, 473. Black Forest, 401. Woodville, 3. Bowden-Hindmarsh, 227; offender arrested, 294. Woodville North, 167. Brighton, 816. Persons concerned in indecency offences- Brompton, 331. Aikman, Bevan, indecently assaulted, 372. Brooklyn Park, 227; offender arrested, 311. Allen, Barbara Marion, indecently assaulted, 256. Camden, 3. Atkinson, Gloria Dawn, indecently assaulted, 227; Cheltenham, 3, 44 (2). offender arrested, 311. Clarence Park, Brian Leslie Johnson arrested for Behrndt, Yvette Erna, indecently assaulted, 74. offence on page 352 of 1946, 17. Bilney, Glenda Fay, indecently assaulted, 191. Cowandilla, 372. Brine, Shirley, indecently assaulted, 191. Croydon, 350. Broadribb, Meredith Fay, indecently assaulted, 285. Croydon Park Extension, 350. Butterworth, Joan Phyllis, assaulted, 483. Devon Park, 53. Buxton, Ruth Dorothea, indecently assaulted, 86. Dockville, 104. Clark, Mervyn Ross, see Ross Mervyn Clark. Enfield, 139. Clark, Ross Mervin, see Ross Mervyn Clark. Erindale, 238; offender arrested, 401. Clark, Ross Mervyn, aliases Ross Mervin Clark, Everard Park, 285, 303. Mervyn Ross Clark, Kevin Hopkins, Kevin Exeter, 247. McLean, K. M. Kevin, wanted for indecent Flinders Park, 35, 53; offender arrested for page 35 assault , 2, 17; located in Victoria, arrest still offence, 446. desired, 95. Fullarton, 53. Coles, Brian Charles, indecently assaulted, 228. Glenelg, 3, 25; P.G., 1946, page 466 offence, Allen Davis, Florence, indecently assaulted, 74. Hamilton Criffiths committed this offence, 26; Daws, Pamela Marie, offender arrested for indecent P.O., 1946, page 250, Gordon Percival Hackett assault on, 113. committed this offence, 53; unknown men wanted, Denny, Joan, indecently assaulted, 436. 191, 372, 401, 445. Duffield, Raymond John, indecently assaulted, 96. INDEX.

i Edwards, Maxwell Albert, arrested for indecency Innes, Bessie, pearls lost or stolen, 325. offences, 446 (3). Instant Electrical Company (William Dominic Smith, pro- Emes, Gloria, indecently assaulted, 412. prietor), shop broken into, 65, 211. Eland, Pamella Dawn, indecently assaulted, 238; International Harvester Co. Ltd. (W. Hopkins, manager), offender arrested, 401. wheel bearings stolen, 221; complainant, 225, 309. Fanning, Carmel, indecently assaulted, 372. Inverarity, William Cook, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 125. Fennell, Keith Albert, arrested for indecent assault, Inwood, Maureen Fay, dress stolen, 56. 311. Irvine, Charles William Thomas, convicted, 234. Fleet, Beverley Isobel, indecently assaulted, 350; Irvine, Donald. Mitchell, complainant, 39, 93. offender arrested, 401. Irvine, Mrs. E., foal stolen or strayed, 396. Gilham, Carlier Clarice, indecently assaulted, Brian Irvine, James Ronald, convicted, 126; discharged, 147; com- Leslie admits committing this offence, 17. plaint dismissed, 416. Grace, Margaret Joan, indecently assaulted, Brian Irvine, Norman Kenneth, larceny on, property recovered, 7. Leslie Johnson admits committing this offence, 17. Irvine, William James, convicted, 346. Gregory, Pamela Mavis, indecently assaulted, 25. Isaacs, Alfred Maurice (trading as Radio Salvage Co.), com- Griffiths, Alen Hamilton, committed offence, P.G., plainant, 309. 1946, page 466, 26. Isaacs, Maurice, gauntlets stolen in shopbreaking, 313. Hackett, Gordon Percival, admits committing P.G., Isaacs, Stanley Douglas, naval deserter recovered, 90, 91. 1946, page 450, offence, 53. Isberg, K. F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Henning, Nedra June, indecently assaulted, 322. Isola, Antonio, warrant for, 427, 428; arrested, 436, 484; com- Herbert, Desmond Charles, indecently assaulted, 63. mitted for trial, 490. Hollerhead, Pauline May, indecently assaulted, 350. Italino, Francesco, alias Frank Tully, alien, 86. Holthouse, Nancy Margaret, assaulted, 121. Ivanovic, Andriga, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, 118. Hopkins, Kevin, see Ross Mervyn Clark. Ivarsson, Svend Aage, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 116. Huckel, Jeanette Margaret, indecently assaulted, 2, Iversen, Harry, convicted, 205. 17; warrant issued for offender, 18. Ives, O. G. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 404. Hunter, Margaret Rose, indecently assaulted, 322. Ivins, Norman Edward, naval deserter recovered, 68. Jackman, Phyllis Dawn, gross indecency on, 331. Jackson, Hazel Dawn, indecently assaulted, 285. Johnson, Brian Leslie, committed P.O., 1946, pages J 118, 325, 352 (3), 386, and 442; offences, 17. Jones, Doreen Isabel, indecently assaulted, 445. Jachmann, Frederick Carl Wilhelm, complainant, 479. Kevin, K. M., see Ross Mervyn Clark. Jack, A. A. (N.S.W.), motor car, recovered, 20. Knight, Helen, indecently assaulted, 372. Jack, Irene, watch, lost or stolen, 48. Larkin, Alice, indecently assaulted, offender arrested, Jackets and Son Ltd. (Donald Scott George, manager), tar- 17. paulin stolen, 447. LeFrancois, Roger James, arrested for page 446 Jackson, see Clifford Jones. offences, 484. Jackson, A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 48.6. McLean, Kevin, see Ross Mervyn Clark. Jackson, Doris Irene, see Doris Irene Bielby. Marshall, Ronald Allen, arrested for indecent assault, Jackson, Albert, see Leslie William Hamburger. 113. Jackson, Bernard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Martin, Beverley, indecently assaulted, 331. Jackson, Edward, aliases John King, Edward Eddie Jackson, Martin, George Eric, arrested, 383 (4). Edward K. Jackson, King Jackson, convicted, 50; dis- Mogg, John Ferguson, arrested for indecent assault, charged, 51; convicted, 146; discharged, 165. 401 (2). Jackson, Edward Eddie, see Edward Jackson. Morgan, Doreen Elizabeth, assaulted, 412. Jackson, Edward K., see Edward Jackson. Moore, Carmen Patricia, indecently assaulted, 63. Jackson, Fay Irene, complaint withdrawn, 291. Moore, Dorothy, indecently assaulted, 341. Jackson, Fred, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Nitschke, Gordon Alex, indecently assaulted, 96. Jackson, George Bernard, see Hardie Trading Ltd. Oldfield, Marjorie Lucie, indecently assaulted, 199. Jackson, George Haydon, naval deserter, 38; recovered, 99. Olsen, Rita Mary, indecently assaulted, 331. Jackson, George Robert, discharged, 34. Oughton, John Robson, arrested for gross indecency, Jackson, George Thomas, complaint withdrawn, 291. 17. Jackson, Gordon, motor cycle stolen, 344; recovered, 386; com- Paul, Helen Lorraine, indecently assaulted, Brian plainant, 388. Leslie Johnson admits committing this offence, 17. Jackson, H., see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Piper, David Francis, arrested for indecent exposure, Jackson, Harold, see Harold Allen Smith. 294. Jackson, Jack Thomas, convicted, 126. Robson, Evelyn Mabel, indecently assaulted, 445. Jackson, John, see John Henry Phillipson. Rodgers, Ronald Malcolm, assaulted, 199. Jackson, King, see Edward Jackson. Rogers, Jessie, assaulted, 483. Jackson, Lambert Ross, bicycle stolen, 153; recovered, 163. Scroop, Roderick George, gross indecency on, 149. Jackson, Laurie A., naval deserter, 336. Shepherd, Janet, indecently assaulted, 412. Jackson, P., see Robert Watson Jackson. Silk, Betty Edith, assaulted, 191. Jackson, Percival Henshaw, watch, stolen, 395. Smith, Meryl Glenda, indecently assaulted, 483. Jackson, Peter, see Peter Samuel Harrison. Streeton, George Thomas, gross indecency on, 104. Jackson, Phyllis Isabella, complainant, 70. Sutherland, Maud Rosemary, indecently assaulted, 177. Jackson, Robert, see Robert Watson Jackson. Symons, Nellie Rose, indecently assaulted, 446; Jackson, Robert Watson, aliases Robert Watson Taylor, P. offender arrested, 484. Jackson, Robert Jackson, Robert Watson, convicted, 59; Traeger, Barbara Ruth, indecently assaulted, 372. discharged, 61; 119; convicted, 356; discharged, 453. Jackson, Ruby Maud, convicted, 318. Weekley, Betty, assaulted, 210. Jackson, S. V. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 98; recovered, 107. Industrial Acceptance Corporation Ltd. (Jack Webb, agent), Jacob, Cliff (Vic.), motor ear stolen, 375; recovered, 477. complainant, 11, 135; wireless stolen, 447. Jacobs, Gwendolyn, necklace, lost or stolen, 439. Industries Electrical Services (Alan Ralph Shearing, pro- Jacobs, Mervyn Ross, complainant, 69. prietor),workshop broken into,75. Infant Male Child, inquest on body of, 450. Jlacobs, Virginia Carolyn, complaint, 156. Jacobs, W. Ltd., complainant, 378. Ingaan, John R., motor car stolen, 162; recovered, 181. Jacobsen, Viggo, bicycle stolen, 438. Inge, Ernest Edward, inquest on body of, 298. Jacobson, Anna Katrina, gloves, stolen, 46. Inge, George, see George Ings. Jacques, Robert James, bicycle stolen, 115, 123; recovered, Ingerson, Leslie Alexander, complaint dismissed, 290. 134. Ingerson, Vernon Phillip (The British Knight Engineering Jacques, Thomas Walter, convicted, 397. Manufacturing Company), micrometers, etc., stolen, 114. Jacquier, Donald Goldberg. ce"mrnitted for trial, 471. Ingerwerson, Allan (Vic.), motor cycle recovered, 9. Jacquier, John Bertram, released on bond, 39. Ingham, Charles Edward, convicted, 12. Jacquier, Milton, imprisoned on maintenance arrears, 178; Ingham, Lawrence Jack, overcoat stolen, 192. discharged, 226. Ingham, Murray Leon, complaint dismissed, 69. Jacquier, Nancy May, missing friend, 397; located, 450. Inghram, Arthur Alfred, complainant, 39. Jacquire, Arthur, watch stolen, 19. Inglis, Frank Melksham, convicted, 398. Jaeger, Carew William Conrad, shed broken into, 465. Inglis, L. J., motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, 143. Jaekel. Alice Olive Ila, missing friend located, 10. Inglis, Leslie Raymond, R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 214. Jaensch, Glen Edgar, convicted, 479. Inglis, Peter (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 365. .Taenseh, Norman Edward, bicycle stolen, 242; recovered, 250. Inglis, Robert Jackson, naval deserter recovered, 48. Jaensch., Stanley Bernhard, kitbag, lost or stolen, 242; recov- Ingram, Edwin Frank, electric drill stolen, 221. ered, 250. Ingram, Roy James, released on bond, 118. Jaffer, Dorothy May, convicted, 262 . Ings, George, aliases George Turner, George Blake, Patrick Ja ffer, Purves, watch lost or stolen, 30; recovered, 48. Turner, Ince, Ings, George Inge, warrant for, 35; con- Johoor Khan, convicted, 80. victed, 70; discharged, 301; warrant for, 419. James, see Thomas James Lorraine McFarlane. Inkley, Albert George, convicted, 128. James, see Alfred Jones. Inkster, John Charles McRae, convicted, 279. James, see Emily Katherine Matthews. xliv. INDEX.

James; Alick George, bicycle stolen, 28; recovered, 47; Jenkin, William Henry Lawrence, watch stolen, 106; recovered, trousers stolen, 192; complainant, 290, 378. 123. James, Betty, bicycle stolen, 241. Jenkins, Douglas Grenville, alias Douglas Grenville Major, con- James, Darkie, see Frederick Harold James. victed, 367. James, Dorothy Beryl, complainant, 32. Jenkins, Douglas, see Douglas Patrick Kelly. James, Elizabeth, complainant, 433. Jenkins, Edwin Bryon, convicted, 291. James, F., see Frederick Charles Grimley Arnold. Jenkins, Edwin Clement, committed for trial, 291; acquitted, James, Frank Rosewall (trading as Economic Drapery Store), 380. complainant, 398, 452. Jenkins, Evan, complainant, 49. James, Frederick, committed for trial, 417; discharged, 491. Jenkins, Frank, rim, tyre, and tube stolen, 384. James, Frederick D., bicycle stolen, 208; recovered, 277. Jenkins, Frederick Leo, convicted, 290. James, Frederick Harold, alias Darkie James, convicted, 145. Jenkins, Florence Anne, convicted, 117. James, Frederick Leslie, released on bond, 433. Jenkins, James Oliver, committed for trial, 163; acquitted, 245. James, Gideon (Vic.), motor car stolen, 222. Jenkins, Rhonda, missing friend, 48; located, 79; convicted, James, Harold John, see Herman James Colin Bartlett. 101; discharged, 118; warrant for, 121. James, Henry Herbert, alias Herbert Henry James, committed Jenkins, Vernon Noel, suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 307; for trial, 11, 32; convicted, 129. recovered, 316. James, Herbert Henry, see Henry Herbert James. Jenkinson, Charles (Vic.), motor car stolen, 242. James, Jimmy, see Thomas Patrick Peter Paul Ryan. Jenkinson, Jack Oliver, fails to maintain, 200; arrested, 239; James, John Bevan, convicted, 328. discharged, 329. James, Kevin, convicted, 328; discharged, 443. 'Jenkinson, John Oliver, convicted, 291. James, Leslie, see Ernest William Pollard. Jenkinson, Joyce, missing friend, 134; located, 172. James, Maisie, see Emily Katherine Matthews. Jenkinson, Reginald Jack Warren, convicted and motor driver's James, Richard Ernest, convicted, 338. licence suspended, 369. James, S., see Alfred Leach. Jenkinson, Robert, alias Cross, convicted, 71; suspected of James, Vernon William, stretcher, lost or stolen, 9. larceny, 437. James, Walter, see William Leonard Bicknell. Jenner, Arthur Ronald, convicted, 378. James, William (Vic.), motor car stolen, 259. Jenner, P. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 8. James, William Charles, bicycle stolen, 212; recovered, 222. Jennings, Beth, ring lost or stolen, 386. Jamieson, Alan Livermore, convicted, 378. Jennings, Frederick Alfred Greahm, absconder, 132, 150; Jamieson, Alexander John, see Herman James Colin Bartlett. arrested, 159; convicted, 164; absconder arrested, 178; Jamieson, G. E. M. (N.S.W.), motor utility stolen, 259; arrested for larceny of bicycle, 213. recovered,268. Jennings, Gordon, naval deserter recovered, 91. Jamieson, Noel Henley, alias Arthur McDermott, convicted, Jennings, Jack, bicycle stolen, 468; recovered, 477. 357; warrant for, 393. Jennings, John Thomas Bennett,' naval deserter recovered, 366. Jamieson, Raymond William, bicycle stolen, 213; recovered, Jennings, Kenneth Edward, arrested for horse stealing, 251; 222. released on bond, 261, 319. Jamieson, Reginald Oswald, house broken into, 122; com- Jennings, Lillian May, shop broken into, 323. plainant, 206; offender arrested for housebreaking on, 211. Jensen, Alfred Ernest, convicted, 40. Jamieson, Robert Angus, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 194. Jensen, Richard Ian Broughton, motor cycle stolen, 414. Jamieson, William James Drayton, watch, lost or stolen, 89. Jensen, Robert William, naval deserter, 449. Jantke, Eric, discharged, 16. Jenzen, Albert George Theodor, convicted and motor driver's Jan Kennedy Studios, see Grace Webb. licence disqualified, 41. Jansen, Roland Carl, convicted, 215. Jenzen, Alfred Ernest, convicted, 389. Janson, C. A. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 439; recovered, 468. Jenzen, Leonard Alfred, convicted and driver's licence sus- Janssan, Lyall Kenneth, alias Lyall Kenneth Janssen, warrants pended, 101. for, 294 (2) ; arrested, 313 (2) ; convicted, 347; dis- Jerry, see E. W. Keogh. charged, 389. Jessup, Rupert William, attache case, etc., stolen, 152. Janssan, Phillip Stewart, camera, etc., stolen, 475; recovered, Jewaskiewitz, Stanislaus Martinous, complaint dismissed, 182. 486. Jewell, A. S. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Janssen, Lyall Kenneth, see Lyall Kenneth Jansson. Jewitt, John T•., naval deserter recovered, 90. Jansson, Ivan Lindsay, convicted, 182. Jewis, Edmond, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 414. Jansson, Lyall Kenneth, warrant for, 473. Jim, man named, suspected of larceny, 201. Janzow, Laura, watch, lost or stolen, 449. Jimmy, see Dominic Greening. Jarman, Gloria, see Beryl Marrian Weaver. Job]ing, Thomas, gelding stolen or strayed, 278; recovered, 289. Jarmax, J. R. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 396; recovered, 414. Jobson, Joseph, see Walter Hugh Jobson. Jarman, Mervyn Henry, naval deserter, 231; recovered, 397. Jobson, Walter Hugh, aliases Joseph Jobson, Camphor Joe, Jarman, Sylvia Evelyn, watches, etc., stolen, 19. warrant for, amounts paid, 26. Jarmyn, Arnold Raymond James, convicted, 39. Joe, see William George Bourke (Vic.). Jarmyn, Arthur William, convicted, 135. Johansen, Eric Harold, convicted, 225. Jarmyn, Brian Charles, bicycle stolen, 334. Johansson, Alfred, missing friend, 278. Jarrad, Edward George, complainant, 280. Johansson, Edward John, see William John Armstrong. Jarret, Constance Marie, missing friend, 251; located, 298; Johansson, Gustav, see William John Armstrong. missing friend, 345; located, 355. Johansson, John Gustav, see William John Armstrong. Jarrett, Carlien Dawn, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 171. Johansson, Kevin John, clothing stolen, 4-6. Jarrett, Grant Herbert, complainant, 127. Johansson, William John, see William John Armstrong. Jarrett, Herbert John, complainant, 127. John, A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, 134. Jarrett, Marley Olive, complainant, 127. John Bull Hotel Ltd. (Henry Clarence Thomas, managing Jarrett, Ronald R., cameras stolen, 241. director), money stolen, 466. Jarrett, Sydney George, complaints dismissed, 337. Johns, Alfred Allen, tools, etc., lost or stolen, 48. Jarvie, Gordon A. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 124. Johns, Alfred Clement, complainant, 32. Jarvis, Douglas Harwood, complainant, 80; clothing stolen, Johns, Arthur Keith, missing friend, 260; deserts wife, 278; 467;utility stolen, 468; portion clothing recovered, 476; warrant withdrawn, 376; missing friend, located, 377. utility recovered, 476. Johns, Colin, convicted, 405. Jarvis, Francis Rex, naval deserter recovered, 366. Johns, Gwynne Gordon, complainant, 183. Jarvis, H. S. C., tarpaulin stolen, 37; offender arrested, 77. Johns, Reuben, see Albert Redden. Jasper, Roy Gilbert, complaint dismissed, 261. Johns, Rex William, bicycle stolen, 467. Jasson, Edward John, admits breaking offences, 88 (4), case Johns, Thomas Stanley, convicted, 40. made remanet, 129; convicted, 130. Johnson, see George Harris. Jeffcott, Raymond, see James Charles Walls. Johnson, A. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Jeffery, Jack Dickson, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered, 307. Johnson, Albert, convicted, 92. Jeffery, Leila Enid, missing friend, 39; located, 58. Johnson, Alen Rex, see Albert Roy Lines. Jeffrey, Frederick Thomas, warrant for, 412; pays portion, Johnson, Allen Joseph, known as Bert (Vic.), missing friend, 436. 450. Jeffrey, Kathleen Mabel, purse lost or stolen, 477. Johnson, Archibald Pennington, naval deserter recovered, 90. Jeffries, Alan, see Vincent Arthur Jones. Johnson, Brian Leslie, convicted, 22. Jeffries, Arnold Seymour, convicted, 368, 490. Johnson, Carlton Henry, complainant, 59. Jeffries, Clement Ridley, horse stolen or strayed, 386; recovered, Johnson, Cathereen Francis, coat lost or stolen, 386; recovered, 405. 415. Jeffries, John Singleton, complainant, 356; gent's watch stolen, Johnson, Douglas Howard, convicted, 280. 413. Johnson, Edward Ray, complainant, 291. Jeffries, Kevin Robert Davis, bicycle stolen, 57, 78. Johnson, Frederick George, convicted, 127. Jellay, Valerie Muriel, warrant for, 74. Johnson; Frederick Michael, convicted, 127. Jellyman, Edward, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 251; naval Johnson, George, bicycle stolen, 268. deserter, 326; cancelled, 431. Johnson, George Arthur, bicycle stolen, 343; recovered, 354. Jenke, Gwen, warrant for, 150. Johnson, Gilbert James, naval deserter, 243. Jenkin, Ronald Earlwin, convicted and motor driver's licence Johnson, Harold Clifton, warrant for, 312. disqualified, 491. Johnson, Harold George, see Horace David Parham. INDEX. xlV.

Johnson, Harry, see Stewart Ivor William Johnson. Jones, Alfred Lindsay, warrant for, 1-68. Johnson, Herbert John, bicycle stolen, 8. Jones, Allan Clifford, convicted, 100 ; discharged, 111. Johnson, Herbert Laurence, convicted, 127. Jones, Annie Elizabeth Emma, complainant, 23. Johnson, Ivan John, socks lost or stolen, recovered, 48. Jones, Allen Raymond, convicted, 244. Johnson, J. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 134; recovered, 143. Jones, B. (N.S,W.), motor car stolen, 268. Johnson, K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, '414. Jones, Baden Roy, otherwise Bobbie J ones, Roy Jones , missing Johnson, Jack, see James Johnson. friend located, 68; convicted, 117; discharged, 156. Johnson, James, aliases Colin James Wilson, James Jones, Jack Jones, Barbara Fay, released on bond, 280. Johnson, James Wilson, convicted, 328; discharged, 380; Jones, Benjamin, convicted, 11. warrant for, 427. Jones, Bernard Andres, lawnmower stolen, 249. Johnson, Joseph, arrested on warrant, 160. Jones, Bobbie, see Baden Roy Jones. Johnson, Joseph Hall, convicted, 233. Jones Brothers, tools lost or stolen, 48; recovered, 57. Jones, Charles Edward, see Albert Jones. Johnson, K. E. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, Jones, Charles Gordon, convicted and driver' s licence sus- 134. pended, 60. Johnson, Karl, see Jacob Hall. Jones, Clifford, alias Jackson, Bourke, Deeley, Williams, Clyde Johnson, L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 438. Clifford Elliott, convicted, 145; discharged, 184. Johnson, Laurence Henry, alias Laurence Campbell, convicted, Jones, David James, convicted, 308; discharged, 310. 40. Jones, Dawn, missing friend, 231; located, 298. Johnson, Lawrence Walter Neil, convicted and motor drivers Jones, Dennis Albert, warrant for, 54; arrested, 285. licence suspended, 347. Jones, Donald Harries, naval deserter recovered, 91. Johnson, Leonard Albert, saddle stolen, 296. Jones, Edward, complainant, 388. Johnson, Leslie Richard, convicted, 135. Jones, Edwin Arthur, naval deserter, recovered, 317. Johnson, Lionel Rexon, convicted, 338. Jones, Ellen Irene, rug lost or stolen, 325. Johnson, Louis (Johnson's Drive Yourself) (N.S.W.), motor Jones, Emma Rosetta, complainant, 300. car stolen,29, 38; recovered,222. Jones, Farris Ferris Roy, watch lost or stolen, 107. Johnson, Myra Elizabeth, watch, lost or stolen, 242. Jones, Frank, see Lawrence Harold Raymond Jones. Johnson, Norman D., convicted, 183. Jones, Frank, complainant, 300. Johnson, Oscar, see Jacob Hall. Jones, Frederick Bruce, convicted, 81. Johnson, P. E. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 56. Jones, G. R. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 78. Johnson, R. P. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 170; recovered, Jones, George, suitcase, etc., stolen, 65. 181. Jones, George Henry, absconder, warrant withdrawn, 96 Johnson, Stanlaus Aubrey, satchel, bag, etc., stolen, 394; recov- Jones, George Maxwell, naval deserter recovered, 90. ered, 430. Jones, George Randall, warrant for, 294; arrested, 313; con- Johnson, Steve, bicycle recovered, 9. victed, 397; appeal upheld, 452; discharged, 491. Johnson, William, see George Harris. Jones, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 241. Johnson, William, see William John Rodgers. Jones, H. L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Johnson, William Ernest, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 404. Jones, Harold, convicted, 12. Johnsong Drive Yourself, see Louis Johnson. Jones, Harold Kenneth, tools stolen, 150. Johnsson, William George, complainant. Jones, Harold William, absconder, 150; convicted, 174; stolen Johnston, see Brian Cook. bicycle recovered,203; absconder arrested,210; bicycle Johnston,J. E. (N.S.W.) motor cycle stolen, 29. recovered,231. Johnston, J. & A. G. (trading as Oakbank Brewery), complain- Jones, Harry Richard, convicted and motor driver's licence ant, 243. cancelled, 281. Johnston, Jack Percival, convicted, 289; warrant for, 419. Jones, Irona Margaret Doreen, bicycle stolen, 268; recovered, Johnston, Leslie Roy, convicted, 289; committed for trial, 357; 277. released on bond, 380. Jones, J., naval deserter recovered, 90. Tohnston, Mary Elizabeth, bicycle stolen, 66; recovered, 98. Jones, James, see James Johnson. Johnston, N., naval deserter recovered, 91. Jones, James, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Johnston, Robert George (Vic.),motor cycle stolen, 107; Jones, John, see Raymond Willie Jones. recovered,124. Jones, John Aubrey, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 250. Johnston, Rosemarie Elizabeth, inquest on body of, 345. Jones, John Joseph, discharged, 147; fails to maintain, 350; Johnston, Samuel Douglas, bicycle stolen, 29; recovered, 38. arrested,362. Johnston, Thomas, see Thomas George Daffey. Jones, John Leslie, motor car stolen, 180; recovered , offender Johnston, W. (N.S.W.) motor cycle stolen, 89. arrested, 287; complainant, 289, 290. Johnston, William, complainant, 270. Jones, John Percival, see John Percy Jones. Johnstone, Allan Thomas (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 268. Jones, John Percy, aliases Percy John Jones, Phillip Leslie Johnstone, Balfour Clifford, convicted and motor driver's Jones, John Percival Jones, discharged, 15, 207. licence disqualified, 252. Jones, John Robert, convicted, 40; discharged, 51; warrant Johnstone, Edward William, see William Edward Roberts. for, 266. Johnstone, Ethel May, convicted, 417. Jones, John Walter, complainant, 22. Johnstone, John Keith, see Lindsay George Johnstone. Jones, Kay, released on bond, 490. Johnstone, Lindsay George, aliases Lindsay Gordon Johnstone, Jones, Lancelot Alexander, convicted, 308. John Keith Johnstone, wanted for larceny of motor car, Jones, Lancelot Alexander, convicted, 233; conviction quashed 115. on appeal, 262; convicted, 262. 'Johnstone, Lindsay Gordon, see Lindsay George Johnstone. Jones, Lawrence Harold Raymond, aliases Lawrence Raymond Johnstone, Reece James, convicted, 251. Harold, Frank Jones, Frank Duval, George Pearce, George Johnstone, Ronald, convicted, 80. Pierce, Lawrence Harry Raymond Jones, convicted, 129. Johnstone, William, see George Harris. Jones, Lawrence Harry Raymond, see Lawrence Harold Ray- Johnstone, William Archibald, naval deserter, recovered, 366. mond Jones. Joliffe, Arthur, bicycle stolen, 124; recovered, 134. ,Tones, Leonard Milton, aliases George Saunders, J. Scott, fails Jolley, Amelia Rose, cow, stolen or strayed, 298; recovered, to maintain, 274; arrested, 362; convicted, 387; dis- 307. charged, 418; convicted, 442; discharged, 442; convicted, Jolley, Frank, convicted, 23. 451; discharged, 471, 480; convicted, 490. Jolly, Jeffrey Lancelot, convicted, 461. Jones, Leslie (deceased), warrant for cancelled, 266. Jolly, Lewis Bernard, camera stolen, 36. Jones, Lindsay Bertram Duncan, inquest on body of, 22. Jolly, Louis George, complainant, 58. Jones, Milton, complainant, 357. Jolly, William Alfred Swinburne, outboard motor recovered, Jones, Norman William, bicycle stolen, 404. 202. Jones, Patrick St. Clair, bicycle stolen, 202. Jonas, Grahame Dalgleish, convicted, 118. Jones, Percy Albert, warrant for, 220. Jonathon, Arthur Frederick, fails to maintain, 96; arrested, Jones, Peter Brian Grove, see Peter Brian Grove-Jones. 168. Jones, Percy John, see John Percy Jones. Tones, see James Joseph Francis Allard. Jones, Phillip Leslie, see John Percy Jones. Jones, see Harold William A. Piening. Jones, Ralph Marshall, convicted and motor driver's licence Jones, see William Maxwell Dinham. disqualified, 319. Jones (man named), (Vic.), suspected of hotelbreaking, 257; Jones, Raymond William, see Raymond Willie Jones. not now suspected, 313. Jones, Raymond Willie, aliases Raymond William Jones, John Jones, Albert, aliases John McCarthy, Wilson, Pride, James Henderson, John Jones, Francis Lewis, Ronald Henderson, Clancy, Patrick Pryde, Alfred Charles Edward Jones, Francis Wills Lewis, convicted, 318; discharged, 329. James, John Green. Jack Maloney, Charles Edward Jones, Jones, Robert. absconder. 445: located, 464; absconder, 464; Jack McCarthy, Albert Charles Edward Jones, discharged, located, 483; absconder, 483. 15; convicted, 59; discharged, 120, 217, 252; convicted, Jones, Robert, camera stolen, 384. 261: discharged, 320. Jones, Robert Bruce, convicted and motor driver' s licence dis- Jones, Alfred Edward, fails to maintain, 350. qualified, 40; overcoat stolen, 385. Jones, Allan Robert, naval deserter, 415. Jones, Robert Raymond, admits stealing bicycles, 29, 30. Jones, Arthur, convicted, 407. Jones, Robert Samuel, complainant, 39. Jones, Alec Malcolm, complainant, 59. Jones, Robert Stanley Arthur, convicted, 146. Jones, Albert Charles Edward, see Albert Jones. Jones, Roy, see Baden Roy Jones. Jones, Alfred Charles Edward, see.Albert Jones. Jones, Samuel Albert, released on bond, 59. x1vi. INDEX.

Jones, Stanley John, naval deserter, 431. Karpany, William George, warrant for, 200; arrested, 228; Jones, Sydney Roy, convicted, 117. discharged, 246. Jones, Thomas R., trolley stolen, 421. Kartinyera, Oswald Saunders, see Oswald Saunders Kartinyeri. Jones, Trevor Roy, bicycle stolen, 143; recovered, 163. Kartinyeri, Archibald Arthur, alias Ranji Kartinyeri, warrant Jones, Vincent Arthur, aliases Derik Conlan, Vincent King, for, 191; arrested, 266. Erick Coughlin, Alan Jeffries, convicted, 129; discharged, Kartinyeri, Dorothy May, warrant for, 412; portion paid, 456; 369; correction, 389. paid, 465. Jones, W. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 67; recovered, 78. Kartinyeri, Francis Frederick, aliases Francis Frederick Jones, Walter, naval deserter recovered, 90 (2). Katinyeri, Jack Budahskie, Francis Frederick Budahskie, Jones, Walter Frederick, wheel stolen, 142. convicted, 156; warrant for, 178; discharged, 197; portion Jones, Wesley (Vic.), motor car stolen, 67; recovered, 78. of amounts paid on warrant, 220; paid, 239; convicted, Jones, William, see James Alfred Fear. 380; discharged, 443. Jones, William Ernest, naval deserter, 278; recovered, 460. Kartinyeri, Matthew Benjamin, warrant for, 168; arrested, Jones, William Thomas, complainant, 300. 210. Jonsson, A. (N.S.W.), stolen motor car recovered, 375. Kartinyeri, Oswald Saunders, alias Oswald Sanders Kartin- Jonsson, Richard Allen, complainant, 163. yeri, Oswald Saunders Kartinyera, Oswald Stewart Kar- Jordan, Frederick Herman, deserts wife, 460. tinyeri, warrant for 393; arrest, 402; discharged, 426; Jordan, Jack, committed for trial, 11; convicted, 129. convicted, 441. Jordon, Cyril Dawson, kitbag, etc., stolen, 212. Kartinyeri, Oswald Stewart, see Oswald Saunders Kartinyeri. Jorgensen, Bernard George, absconder, 191; located, 199. Kartinyeri, Philip Arthur, warrant for, 37; pays fine and costs, Jorgensen, Brian Anthony, discharged, 492. 104. Jorgensen, Donald Murray, complaint dismissed, 128. Kartinyeri, Ranji, see Archibald Arthur Kartinyeri. Jose, David Clarence, complainant, 70. Kartinyerie, Alban Miller, convicted, 470. Jose, Raymond Arthur, naval deserter, 99. Kartinyerie, James, convicted, 261. Joseph, Charles Arthur, pays amount on warrant, 54. Kartinyerie, Oswald Sanders, see Oswald Saunders Kartinyeri. Joseph, Charles Arthur, released on bond, 407. Katen, R. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, 259. Joseph, Eliza Mary, complainant, 471. Kater, Richard Henry, committed for trial, 232; convicted, Joseph, Francis, see Joseph William Nash. 319; discharged, 481. Joseph, John, bicycle stolen, 487. Kathner, R. W., see Rupert William Kathner. Joseph, John Edward, released on bond, 407. Kathner, Rupert William, aliases R. W. Kathner, Kaethner, Joseph, Thomas William, complaint dismissed, 367. Hatha, Pittman, Reecon, warrant for, 3. Joske, Ernest Alexander, convicted, 387. Kathner, Rupert William, convicted, 13. Joy, Peter Stevenson, convicted, 328. Katinyerie, Francis Frederick, see Francis Frederick Joy, Ronald James, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 459. Kartinyeri. Joyner, Florence Helen, clock stolen, 363; recovered, offender Kau, Hedwig Francis, stolen watch recovered, 395. arrested, 430; complainant, 433. Kavanagh, Francis James, see James Francis Kavanagh. Judd, Kenneth Oswald, released on bond, 93. Kavanagh, Gordon, convicted, 279. Jukes, Iris May, complainant, 434. Kavanagh, James Francis, aliases Francis James Kavanagh, Julian, Ivy Violet, complainant, 470. James Francis Kavanaugh, discharged, 15; correction, 24. Julian, Leonard Cornelius, released on bond, 470. Kavanaugh, James Francis, see James Francis Kavanagh. Julius Cohn and Co. Ltd., obtains warrant for Leslie Norman Kay, Bruce James (Vic.), suspected of hotelbreaking, 257; Gillis and William John Player, 285; complainant, 357. not now suspected, 313. Juncken, Carl, complainant, 356. Kay, John Robert, fails to maintain, 362; pays portion, 383; Juncken, Douglas Robert, convicted, 252. paid, 420. Junee (aborigine), complainant, 49. Kay, Thomas Albert, convicted, 101. Jung, Harold Rex, convicted, 116. Kay, William Robert Alden, spare wheel of car stolen, 133. Jung, Margaret, watch stolen, 324. Kaye, Diala (Vic.), motor car stolen, 430; recovered, 439. Jungfer, Carl Ernest Albert, complainant, 13. Kaye, Reginald Eddie, naval deserter recovered, 366. Jupe, Brian Frederick, convicted, 432. Kays, Bruce (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 487. Jurkek, Joseph, missing friend, 243. Kean, Veronica, watch lost or stolen, 89. Jury, Frederick, see Leslie Frederick Orchard. Keane, John Barry, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 287. Jury, Walter Murray, special inquiry, larceny on, 372. Keane, John Clifford, convicted for breaking, correction, 14. Just, Bill, see John William Just. Keane, John Lawrence, convicted, 40. Just, Elizabeth May, see Elizabeth May Bamford. Keane, Patrick Vincent, convicted, 243. Just, John William, alias Bill Just, convicted, 461. Keane, Vincent Patrick, tools stolen, 374. Kearin, Margaret, complainant, 48. Kearney, J. N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324. K Kearns, Ellen, diamond lost or stolen, 250. Keats, Audrey Joan, sheets, etc., stolen, 353. K.L.O. Industries, see Keith Leonard Odgers. Kee Hong, sheets stolen, 429. Kaeding, Merle Adeline, missing friend, 39; recovered, 144; Keefe, Raymond Mountefield, complainant, 69. complainant, 145. Keegan, Henry Francis, naval deserter, 30; recovered, 58. Kaethner, see Rupert William Kathner. Keen and Peek, storeroom broken into, 45. Kagelis, Jim, shop broken into, 104. Keen, see Roy Stuart Weir. Kahn, George, convicted, 289; warrant for, 332; paid, 363. Keen, Evelyn Martha, suspected of larceny, 212; property Kahn, Norman, convicted, 279. recovered, 2,21; released on bond, 337; arrested for lar- Kahn, Norman Leslie, see Norman Leslie Khan. ceny, 486; convicted, 491. Kain, John Michael, convicted, 441. Keen, Kathleen, clothing stolen, 212; property recovered, 221; Kain, Marjorie Eleanor, complainant, 319. complainant, 337. Kaine, Leo Alphonsos, convicted, 290. Keen, S. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Kakoschke, William Henry, information dismissed, 224. Keen, William George Jaffre, convicted and motor driver's Kallin, Sven, complainant, 173. licence ciancelled, 479, 480. Kallin, Sven John (trading as Army Disposals), showcase Keenan, Alice Maude, complainant, 300. broken into, 4; shop broken into, 104; wireless stolen, 457. Keenan, Colin Charles, dismissed under O.P. Act, 397. Kammermann, Herbert Basil, convicted and motor driver's Keenan, Donald, discharged, 359. licence cancelled, 460. Keenan, John, alias Joseph Patrick Keenan, convicted, 205; Kann, L. E. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 468. released on bond, 300; discharged, 380. Kappler and Co. (Raymond Frederick William Kappler, prin- Keenan, Joseph Patrick, see John Keenan. cipal), garage broken into, 27. Keene, C. M. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 404. Karakaxis, Tom, convicted, 109. Keil, Johannes Ewald, convicted, 173. Kargas, Petros Demetriou, complainant, 488. Keil, Otto Hugh Clarence, convicted, 59. Karopangera, Margaret, see Margaret O'Donnell. Keily, Andrew Ben, committed for sentence, 252; released on Karpaney, Carill Gilbert, see Carroll Gilbert Karpaney. bond, 425. Karpaney, Carol Gilbert, see Carroll Gilbert Karpaney. Keily, James, fails to maintain, 456. Karpaney, Carroll Gilbert, aliases Carill Gilbert Karpany, Carol Keily, John, complainant, 205. Gilbert Karpany, Karpany, arrested on warrant, 36; dis- Keily, Timothy John, money stolen, 132. charged, 185. Keipert, James, committed for trial, 50; case made remanet, Karpany, see Carroll Gilbert Karpaney. 129, 130; convicted, 130; nolle prosequi entered, 174; case Karpany, David John, warrant for, 220; arrested, 228; war- made remanet, 197. rant for, 304; arrested, 332. Kekewich, Francis Burton, complainant, 479. Karpany, Keith Edward, discharged, 380. Kelb, Ronald Alfred, motor cycle stolen, 8. Karpany, Margaret, convicted, 232; warrant for, 304; arrested, Kellaway, Raymond Lyle Reginald, convicted, 490. 323; discharged, 339. Kellaway, William, watch stolen, 295. Karpany, Thomas, convicted, 100. Kellett, Edgar, convicted, 126; discharged, 156. Karpany, Thomas Lauson, see Thomas Lawson Karpany. Kelley, Noel, convicted, 479. Karpany, Thomas Lawson, aliases Thomas Charles, Thomas Kellner, Ronald Graham, clothing stolen, 374. Lawson, Thomas Lauson Karpany, discharged, 175; con- Kellow, Burnard Erick, missing friend, 397. victed, 244; committed for trial, 244; acquitted, 319; Kellow, Eunice Madeline, missing friend, 397. information dismissed, 327; discharged, 359. Kelly, A. (Miss), handbag stolen, 403. INDEX. xlvii.

Kelly, Allan Ernest, suitcase, etc., stolen, 6. Keough, Lindon Lyell, convicted, 135. Kelly, D. F. R.A.A.F. deserter, recovered, 242. Keough, Peter Howard, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Kelly, Donald Patrick, see Douglas Patrick Kelly. Kepkey, B. R. (N.S.W.) motor cycle stolen, 77. Kelly, Douglas Patrick, aliases Donald Patrick Kelly, Douglas Ker, Murray, missing friend, 79. Jenkins, Douglas Patrick Cameron, convicted, 16; dis- Kerin, Frederick Michael, watch lost or stolen, 143. charged, 443. Kerin, Martin Joseph, convicted, 309. Kelly, Edwin James, bicycle stolen, 230. Kerley, Norman William, motor cycle stolen, 194. Kelly, Eileen Grace, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 375. Kernick, Neta Ruby, missing friend, 99; located, 116. Kelly, Francis Patrick, convicted, 23; warrant for, 113; Kerr, see Maxwell Leslie Hutchinson. arrested, 140. Kerr, Alexander, known as Pommy, convicted, 81; absconder, Kelly, George William, convicted, 23. 445; absconder warrant for, 456. Kelly, Harold John Anderson, committed for trial, 60; con- Kerr, Donald Playford, dishes stolen, 305. victed, 197; discharged, 198. Kerr, Gordon John Lawrence, alias Hambone Kerr, discharged, Kelly, James, see James Thomas Lahiff. 24; convicted, 93; discharged, 157; warrant for, 191, 192; Kelly, James Vincent Andrew, convicted, 291; warrant for, arrested, 220; convicted, 245; discharged, 246; complaint 304. dismissed, 290; convicted, 388; discharged, 480. Ke y, John, convicted, 40. ll Kerr, Hambone, see Gordon John Lawrence Kerr. Kelly, John Desmond, convicted, 110." Kelly, John Francis, convicted, 357; discharged, 389. Kerr, Jack, shop broken into, 446. Kelly, John Stewart, naval deserter, recovered, 21. Kerr, Laurence David Bruce, convicted and driver's licence sus- pended, 71. Kelly, Keith Victor, convicted and motor drivers licence dis- qualified, 471. Kerr, M. P. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 354. Kerr, Matthew, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 171. Kelly, Michael, warrant for, 484. Kelly, Patrick Joseph, convicted, 135. Kerr, Muriel Alice, complainant, 378. Kelly, Peter John, see Peter John Campbell. Kerr, Percy Alfred, convicted, 278. Kelly, T. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 353. Kerr, Ronald, motor car rim, tyre and tube stolen, 248. Kelly, William Joseph (N.Z.), special inquiry, wanted for Kerr, William (Vic.), motor car stolen, 306; recovered, 325. manslaughter, 393. Kerrison, Donald Stephen, convicted, 261. Kelsey, Patricia Alma, case, etc., stolen, 229; offender Kerrison, Rita Mavis, convicted, 262. arrested, 241; complainant, 244. Kerrison, Stephen George, complainant, 182. Kelton, Arthur Ross, complainant, 60. Kert, Tlmar Harold, alien, 149. Kelton, May Augusta, convicted, 60. Kettley, Phillip Walter, naval deserter recovered, 366. Kelvinators Ltd. (Mr., Marks, assistant manager), electric Kevin, K. M., see Ross Mervyn Clark. motor, etc. stolen, 151. Key, Alfred, convicted, 432. Kemp, Alfred Keith, warrant for, 210. Key, Brian, motor cycle stolen, 106; recovered, 194; complain- Kemp, Arthur George, convicted, 308. ant, 206. Kemp, Barbara Norah, watch lost or stolen, 203. Key Lorna Jessica, handbag, etc., stolen, 65; recovered, 88. Kemp, G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 486. Keyes, G. W. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 404. Kemp, Herbert John, see Kemps Nurseries Limited. Keynes, Arthur Samuel, bicycle recovered, 9. Kemp, IvIan Ralph, complainant, 280. Keyte, Edward George, convicted and motor driver's licence Kemp, Josephine, complainant 433. disqualified, 252. Kemp, Patricia, complainant, 128. Khan, Dean, convicted and motor driver's licence cancelled, Kemp, Peter, convicted, 59. 281; warrant! for, 436; paid, 446. Kempe, Humphrey C., sheep stolen or strayed, 223. Khan, Jahoor, convicted, 80. Kemps Nurseries Limited (Herbert John Kemp, managing Khan, Norman Leslie, alias Norman Leslie Kahn, convicted, director), office broken into, 192. 155; discharged, 329; convicted, 478. Kempster, Dreier Bates, released on bond, 39. Kidd, Alan, convicted, 128. Kempster, Harold Kingsley, bicycle stolen, 476. Kidd, Annan, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Kempster, Nestor Jessie, watch, lost or stolen, 477. Kidd, John Wark, convicted, 164. Kendall, Alexander Ernest, naval deserter, 68; recovered, 90. Kidman, see Percy Thompson. Kendall, Charles John, released on bond, 491. Kidman, William Thomas, complainant, ' 22; motor car Kendall, S., doors stolen, 287. recovered, offenders arrested, 38. Kendall, T., naval deserter, recovered, 90. Kiely, Adelaide, complainant, 337. Kendle, Clarence Gordon, convicted, 128. Kiely, Patrick Paul August, warrant for, 446; amount paid, Kendle, Kenneth Stanley, house broken into, 75 and 76. 474. Kennedy, Beatrice, complainant, 33. Kierley, T. P., see Kevin Benjamin Clarke. Kennedy, Clifton Wallace, complainant, 13. Kiernan and Company (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 277; Kennedy, Diana, complainant, 33. recovered,307. Kennedy, Dudley Oswald, convicted, 279. Kiernan, Edward Owen (trading as H. R. Harry and Co.), Kennedy, Francis, see John Patrick Thomas. office broken into, 211. Kennedy, Fred, inquest on body of, 108. Kievit, Keith Clyde De, see Keith Clyde DeKievit. Kennedy, G. B., see Colin L. Powell. Kightley, Richmond Hornsley, gazetted as Richmond Hornsby Kennedy, Roy William, complainant, 452. Knightly, convicted, 479; correction, 488. Kennedy, J. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 67; recovered, 78. Kiley, Mary, purse lost or stolen, 448. Kennedy, John Arthur Ernest, complainant, 93; discharged, Kilford, Herbert Frederick Ronald, released on bond, 357. 119; convicted, 126; warrant for, 228. Kennedy, John Glanville, warrant obtained by, withdrawn, 436. Kilford, Magdalene Mynett May, complainant, 357. Kennedy, Joseph, see Philip Duncan Redgrave. Kilmartin, John Patrick, watch lost or stolen, 194. Kennedy, Leo, aliases Patrick Costello, John Green, Patrick Kilpatrick, J. (N.T.-S.A.), suspected of larceny, 212; one Kennedy Costello, convicted, 204; discharged, 208. tarpaulin recovered, 230. Kennedy, M. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Kilpatrick, James Muir, convicted, 173. Kennedy, Richard, amounts paid on warrant, 420. Kilvoyne, J. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 241. Kennedy, Ronald John, warrant for, 168; amounts paid, 220. Kilworth, Victor Charles Dunlop, discharged, 110. Kennedy's Hire Service Cars, complainant, 452. Kimber, Thomas Robert Spencer, convicted, 109. Kennedy, Sydney, warrant for, 350. King, Alex Stewart (Vic.), motor car stolen, 203; recovered, Kennedy, W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 133; recovered, 162. 231. Kennett, Clarence, Frederick James, convicted, 173. King, Arthur Vernon, hearing aid stolen, 467. Kenewell. F., colt stolen OT strayed. 68; recovered, 89. King, Basil Patrick, bicycle stolen, 287; recovered, 297. Kennewell, William Richard (N.S.W.), missing friend, 423; King, Beryl Grace, ring lost or stolen, 153. located, 431. King, Donald, alias Jimmie Blake, convicted, 337. Kenniff,Edward, naval deserter recovered, 366. King, Elizabeth Mabel, rims, tyre, and tubes stolen, 275. Kenny, Clare Patrick, convicted, 318. King, Eric Everard, convicted, 327. Kenny, J. D. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 29. King, Ernest John, factory broken into, 239; portion recovered, Kenny, Jameq (Vic.), motor car stolen, 487. 286. Kensington, Bran Errol. naval deserter recovered, 366. King, George, complainant, 337. Kent, Alick, complainant, 92. King, Harold, motor car recovered, 9. Kent. Dudley George, convicted, 440; suspected of larceny, King, J. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 468; recovered, 487. 485. King, Jack Oliver, committed for trial, 216; convicted, 301. Kent, Francis Joseph, bicycle stolen, 344; recovered, 354. King, James (Vic.), motor car stolen, 325. Kent, Ross, convicted, 280. King, James, complainant, 215 Kent, William Henry, warrant for, 122. King, James and Sons Ltd., complainant, 215. Kenyon, John, see John Flynn. King, James Edward, arrested for larceny, 20; dismissed under Keogh, E. W., known as Jerry, special inquiry, wanted for O.P. Act, 22. passing valueless cheque. 411. King, John, see Edward Jackson. Keogh, Grace Ann, information dismissed, 205. King, Joseph, convicted, 155. Keogh, T. F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 448. King, Kenneth, naval deserter recovered, 91 (2). Keogh. John Ernest, convicted and motor driver's licence can- King, Lawrence Vernon, naval deserter recovered, 79; naval celled, 207. deserter, 242; recovered, 269. Keogh, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 91. INDEX.

King, Levington Samuel, convicted, 251. Knight, Edward Preston, Attorney-General files certificate King, Lorraine Eunice, bathers, etc., stolen, 394; recovered, declining to prosecute, 130; gelding stolen or strayed, offender arrested, 448; complainant, 452. 460; recovered, 488. King, Robert William, complainant, 195. Knight, Edwin Ray, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 268. King, Ronald Keith, bicycle stolen, 448; recovered, 459. Knight, Frank Henry C., naval deserter, 10 ; recovered, 30. King, Rowland, complainant, 69. Knight, Herbert Charles, convicted, 279. King, Victor Charles (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Knight, Linda Olive, gelding stolen or strayed, 242. King, Victor Howard, escaped mental defective, 177; arrested, Knight, Mary Melrose, saddle stolen, 374. 199;convicted, 367. Knight, Morton Fife, wheel, tyre, and tube lost or stolen, 460; King, Vincent, see Vincent Arthur Jones. recovered,488. King, William James, complainant, 23. Knight, Raymond, Attorney-General files certificate declining King, William Walter, complainant, 11. to prosecute, 130. King Robert, Motor Ship, obtains warrant for Owen Meyrich Knightley, Richmond Hornsby, see Richmond Hornsley Williams, 64. Kightley. Kingham, Frank Frederick, complainant, 164. Knighton, Mervyn John, bicycle stolen, 231; recovered, 242. Kingsley, A. (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 30. Knott, Mary Beryl, complainant, 59. Kingston, Dorothy, watch lost or stolen, 439; recovered, 449. Knowles, Alfred, naval deserter, 336; cancelled, 431. Kingston Improvement Society, complainant, 70. Knowles, Alfred John, dismissed under Offenders Probation Kingston, Nancy Yvonne, handbag, etc., stolen, 6; recovered, Act, 32. 20. Knowles, Allen Maxwell, warrant for, 36, 248. Kinnear, Kevin, convicted, 109. Knowles, Robert Gaston, released on bond, 135. Kinter, Joy Margaret, clothing, stolen, 466; offender arrested, Knowles, William Desmond, released on bond, 135. 486; complainant, 491. Knox, Elsie, convicted, 356. Kirby, John, tools stolen, 333. Knox, Francis Anthony, see John Patrick Thomas. Kirby, Russell Stanley, alias James. Harvey, discharged, 166; Knox, Mrs., see Elsie May Usher. remanded to Melbourne, 205. Knuckey, Leonard James, workshop broken into, 96; convicted, Kirk, see James Thomas Lahiff. 145; factory broken into, 295; additional property, 323. Kirk, K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213. Knuckey, Trevor Laurence, dismissed under O.P. Act, 356. Kirk, Lorna, complainant, 398. Koch, Hubert, otherwise Bert Cook, missing friend, 377. Kirkbride, Mabel Alfreda, house broken into, 201. Koch, Theodore Waldemar, see Lutheran Publishing Co. Kirkbright, Jack, naval deserter recovered, 90. Koehne, Paul, complainant, 164. Koennecke, A1win Lewis, dinghy lost or stolen, 48; recovered, Kirkham, Gordon John, inquest on body of, 405. 231. Kirkham, Oscar Chapman, convicted, 397. Kohler, John Andrew, garage broken into, spirit stolen, Kirkland, William George, complainant, 196. 105; 353. Kirkwood, G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 171. Kohler, Theodore George, rug stolen, 457. Kirkwood, Norman Kevin, naval deserter, 440. Kohlhagen, Kevin Reginald, released on bond, 69. Kirman, Richard, convicted, 135. Kohlhagen, Norman Reginald, convicted, 23; n(rrastled for Kirtley, Ralph William, naval deserter recovered, 366. larceny of bicycle, 115; convicted, 117; discharged, 146; Kirvan, Alsea Agnes, committed for trial, 441; correction, 452. warrant for, 274; arrested on warrant, 428; convicted, Kirven, Edward Thomas, see Thomas Edward Kirvan. 451. Kirven, Thomas Edward, aliases Edward Thomas Kirven, Kohlman, Harold Henry, see Douglas Roy McDonald. Thomas Edward Kirvin, warrant for, 266; convicted, 347; Kolosche, Desmond John, convicted, 69, 108. arrested on warrant, 350; discharged; 38,0; convicted, 489. Kolosche, Donald Edward, convicted, 69, 108. Kirvin, Thomas Edward, see Thomas Edward Kirven. Korbel, Franz, alien, 63. Kite, Ronald Westcourt, committed for trial, 22; released on Korean, Morris (Vic.), motor car stolen, 396. bond, 129. Kotsoglous, James, convicted, 368. Kite, Ronald William, alias Stephen Bell, absconder, 96; Kotz, Howard Clifford, warrant for, 484. arrested, 121; convicted, 156. Kouimanis, Dimitris (N.S.W.), alien located, 227. Kittel, Reginald, complainant, 183. Kouimanis, Helen (N.S.W.), alien located, 227. Kitto, Allan Leslie, house broken into, 351. Koutoupidis, M. (Qid.), motor car stolen, 142; recovered, 259. Kitto, Charles Albert, watch lost or stolen, 143. Koutsoukas, George, complainant, 155. Kitto, Dulcie Beryl, watch stolen, 351. Koutsouris, Christos Demetriou, convicted, 488. Kitto, Keith Ernest, house broken into, 351. Kowalick, Neil Murray, complainant, 80. Kitto, P. G., sheep stolen or strayed, 415; recovered, 423. Kowarzack, Lieutenant (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 249; Kitto, R. E., sheep stolen or strayed, 415; recovered, 423. recovered,288. Kitto, Richard Collingwood, convicted and motor driver's Kraft, Rex Leslie, bicycle stolen, 414; recovered, 422. licence disqualified, 369. Kraft Walker Cheese Company Pty. Ltd. (Vic.), motor truck Klaffer, see Dorothy Jean Broster. stolen, 107; recovered, 124. Klan, Frederick Charles, watch stolen, 114; offender arrested, Krahe, K. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. property recovered, 123; complainant, 127. Kranz, Olive Joyce, bicycle stolen, 268; recovered, 277. Klante, Rudolph Albert, convicted, 470. Krause, Malcolm Rex, motor cycle stolen, 98; offender arrested Klan,Hartley Gordon, complaint dismissed, 92. (motor cycle not recovered), 193; complainant, 195; Klan, Lloyd Malcolm, motor cycle stolen, 315; correction, 414. motor cycle recovered,422. Klein, Art, or Klien, suspected of larceny, 161. Kreager, see Maxwell Leslie Hutchinson. Kleisdorf, Ralf, convicted, 327. Kretchsmer, Nellie, complainant, 461.. Kleisner, John Charles, aliases M. Kleisner, John Reeds, John Krieg, Leslie Theodore, convicted, 164, 269. Charles Reids, J. C. Martin, discharged, 33; convicted, Krischock, Keith Frank, complainant, 23. 69; discharged, 246; arrested for larceny of bicycle, 277; Kristoff, Elia, known as Elia Kristoff Elieff, special inquiry, convicted, 280. wanted for passing valueless cheques, 372. Kleisner, M., see John Charles Kleisner. Kriticos, Connie, complainant, 337. Klemich, Oscar Arthur (trading as National Paper Bag Label Kropinyeri, Alban Richard, complainant, 478. and Carton Company), complainant, 357; office broken Kropinyerie, Margaret Joan, see Margaret Joan O'Donnell. into, 420. Kropinyerie, Richard William, warrant for, 122; paid 178; Klemm, Anna Marie Hedwig, convicted, 346. warrant for, 446; paid 465. Klemm, Emma Louisa, sheep stolen or strayed, 269. Kropinyeri, William Rowland, complainant, 478. Klien, Art, see Art Klein. Kruger, Clifford Ray, convicted, 479. Klingberg, Allen Alfred, complaints dismissed, 136. Krushka, John Keith, suitcase, etc., stolen 6; recovered, 56. Klingberg, Daryl James, convicted, 70. Krune, Harry, discharged, 408. Klingbiel, Victor Herman, shop broken into, 266. Krushka, John, suit stolen, 28. Klingenberg, Richard, see Karl Schmidt. Kubank, Edith, complainant, 70. Klitscher, Gerhard Oscar, convicted, 58. Kubisch, Dick, see John Richard Kubisch. Klose, Alfred Eric, dismissed under O.P. Act, 346. Kubisch, John Richard, known as Dick Kubisch, missing Klose, Helene Auguste Marie, inquest on body of, 478. friend, 223. Klose, Walter Alfred, complainant, 299. Kuchel, Avis, bracelet lost or stolen, 344; recovered, 405. Klutke, William, complainant, 196. Kuchel, David Charles, suitcase, etc., stolen, 88. Knapich, Antonio, alien located, 103. Kuchel, Heinrich Adolph, convicted, 127. Knapman, Dorothy Christine, case stolen, 37; recovered, 170. Kuehel, Heinrich Benjamin, convicted, 109. Kuchel, Laurel Ruby, complaint withdrawn, 243. Kneebone, Donald Robin, bicycle recovered, 30. Kuchel, Raymond Francis, convicted, 441. Knevilt, Jack Murray, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered,' 250. Kuchel, Robert Stanley, released on bond, 377. Knevitt, Norman Frederick, convicted, 164. Kuhn, Horace George, amounts paid on warrant, 192; arrested Knight, Albert Elphraim, ladder stolen, 447. for larceny of bicycle, 231; convicted, 232; information Knight, Albert Victor, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 124. dismissed, 233; discharged, 369. Knight, Alexander, bicycle recovered, 20. Kuhn, Phillip Jack, convicted, 232. Knight, Alfred William Roger, convicted, 290. Kulldulla, William Oscar Harrison, naval deserter recovered, Knight, Alma Joyce, nee Alma Joyce Mattner, arrested for 366. larceny, 7; released on bond, 11. Kullgren, Gunnan,, complaint withdrawn, 308. Knight, Aubrey Charles, complainant, 31. Kumrow, Susan Veronica. see Susan Veronica Adam. INDEX. xlix.

Kuna, Freda, see Margaret Waltham. Langcake, David Bertram, inquest on body of, 135. Kunkudja, (abo), complainant, 13. Langcake, James Stephen, see Reginald McCormack. Kunoth, Kenneth James, convicted, • 442. Langcake, Phoebe May, committee for trial, 11; ease made Kurtzer, Jack, bicycle stolen, 430. remanet, 129; Attorney-General files certificate declining Kygyk, Nemo, watch stolen, 28. to prosecute, 130. Langdon, see Mark Vincent Langton. Langdon, Arthur Louis, tools stolen, 87. Langdon, Geoffrey, tools stolen, 87. Lange, Albert Alfred, convicted, 424. L Lange, August Herbert, convicted, 40. Lange, Edgar Hugo Conrad, shopbreaking and larceny on, Laage, Hans (Vic.), alien, 274; arrested, 371. offender arrested, 45; complainant, 50. Lacey, Robert Daniel George, convicted, 367. Lange, Elenora Frieda, convicted, 108. Lacy, Thomas Carl, aliases, Allan C., Neenan, Allan Davis, Lange, Martin, convicted, 280; warrant for, 294, 312; paid, warrant for, 322. 332. Ladd, Jessie Ann, complainant, 233. Lange, Rodney Lloyd, complainant, 109. Ladd, Roy Leslie Joseph, complainant, 233. Langford, John Tasman, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Ladhams, Ronald Ernest, discharged, 82. Langham, Frederick William, kitbag and contents stolen, 258; Ladlow, Ronald Wilfred, released on bond, 451. recovered, 27'6. Lagergren, Genevie Mary, complainant, 206; house broken Langley, Douglas Albert, bicycle stolen, 20. into, offender arrested, 221. Langley, Leslie John, absconder, warrant for, 285; withdrawn, Lagergren, John David, complainant, 206. 350. Lagergren, Margaret, complainant, 206. Langley, Mary, bicycle stolen, 306. Lahiff, Dick, see James Thomas Lahiff. Langley, Richard Albert, convicted, 173; warrant for, 256. Lahiff, James Thomas, aliases James Kelly, Richard Lahiff, Langley, Theodore William, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, J. Merrett, Kirk, Dick Lahiff, James Kelly, convicted, 58; 153. discharged, 208; warrant for, 313; arrested, 323. Langlois, Edwin Arthur, convicted and motor driver's licence Lahiff, Richard, see James Thomas Lahiff. cancelled, 41. Laidler, Dorothy Gladys, complainant, 144. Langmead, Clarrie Roy, information dismissed, 451. Laidlaw, Thomas, see Leslie Thomas Broadhurst. Langsford, Kathleen Dorothy, convicted, 69. Laing, James, naval deserter recovered, 90. Langsford, Leslie John, alias Leslie John Lansford, discharged, Laing, William Sherrett, complainant, 441. 120. Laird, Charles, convicted, 23; discharged, 33. Langsfo,rd, Raymond Lance, steel rods stolen, 485. Laird, John Kenneth, naval deserter, 488. Langton, Amy, complainant, 22. Laity, J. R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 287; recovered, 316. Langton, Mark Vincent, aliases William Mark Vincent Langton, Lake, Colin James, convicted, 407. Langdon, William Stanley Reid, Martin Langton, con- Lalor, Roderick Clifford, naval deserter, recovered, 366. victed, 13; discharged, 94; warrant for, 312; arrested, Lamb, Bernard Blomfield, dinghy stolen, 192. 342; discharged, 434. Lamb, Bill, see John William Lamb. Langton Motors Limited (John Alfred Michael Conway, prop.), Lamb, Fred, see John William Lamb. garage broken into, 54; complainant, 93. Lamb, John William, known as Bill Lamb, Fred Lamb Langton, Martin, see Mark Vincent Langton. (N.S.W.), missing friend, 308; located, 355. Langton, William Mark Vincent, see Mark Vincent Langton. Lamb, Roy Harold, convicted, 206. Langworthy, Arthur, naval deserter recovered, 91. Lambden, Victor John, bicycle stolen, 124; recovered, 143. Lansford, Leslie John, see Leslie John Langsford. Lambe_t, Donald Alexander, bicycle stolen, 414, 422, 430. Lapham, William, discharged, 359. Lambert, Eunice, camera, lost or stolen, 307. Larcombe, Gordon Hurtle, convicted and motor driver' s licence Lambert, Harry Brook, field glasses, etc., stolen, 6. disqualified, 15. Lambert, John Stanley Maxwell, discharged, 234. Larden, Norman, convicted, 470. Lambert, Maurice Norman, complainant, 92. Larkin, Alice Joan, complainant, 22. Lambert, Peter, absconder arrested, 26. Larkin, J. (Qld.),motor car stolen,277; recovered,354. Lambert, William John, convicted, 318; discharged, 370. Larner, Clarence Roy Cleland, convicted, 327; discharged, 358. Lambley, M. L., R.A.A.F. deserter, 431; recovered, 449. Larson, Alfred John, convicted, 205; discharged, 245. Lamont, Clinton, complainant, 378. Last, John Edward Henry, convicted, 135. Lamont, Ian Adair, convicted, 145. Last, Robert Charles, convicted, 50. Lampard, Henry, convicted, 32. Latella, Giovanni, house broken into, 54; obtains warrant for Lampard, Walter Henry, convicted, 345, 407, 470. Wendy Selby, 86; property recovered, 132. Lampe, Francis Christopher, inquest one body of, 182. Lathan , Rowland Thomas, convicted and motor driver's licence Lampre, Frederick Clive, naval deserter, 90. suspended, 252. Lampre, Stanley Thomas, convicted, 23. Lathlean , Sophie Caroline Louisa Margaret , house broken into, Lamprill, P. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 458. 5. Lamshed, Joyce Iola, watch lost or stolen, 163. Lau Shui Lin (Vic.), alien located, 139. Lancaster, Joseph, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, offenders Laube, Jack, see John Joseph Laube. arrested,194. Laube, John Joseph , alias Jack Laube, Joseph John Leonard Land, Maple, fur, lost or stolen , 171; recovered, 181. Laube, convicted, 145, 252; discharged, 292. Landau, Samuel Izak (trading as Neuvelle Textiles), suit Laube, Joseph John Leonard, see John Joseph Laube. lengths stolen , 46; convicted and motor driver's licence Laube, Paul Raymond, convicted, 145, 252. disqualified, 216. Laube, Ronald Edgar, convicted, 299. Landolfi, Pasquale, alien, 95. Laubman and Pank (J. M. Wilson, manager), showcase broken Landseer, A. H. Ltd. (Percival Arthur Gosling, manager), into,4. tobacco, etc., stolen, 151; shop broken into, 240. Laubsch, Rudolph Frederick, convicted, 308. Lane, Allan Gregory, convicted, 462. Lauder, Alexander Duncan, dinghy lost or stolen , 415; recov- Lane, Arnold, tools stolen, 77; offender convicted, property ered, 423. recovered, 115; complainant, 117. Laundy, Brian John, convicted, 136. Lane, Barney, see Norman Thomas Henry Lane. Laundy, Eva Harriet, bicycle stolen, 8. Lane, Charles Lewis, see Charles Edward Bourke. Laurie, Mitchell, bicycle stolen, 458; recovered, 487. Lane, Ernest Alfred, garage broken into, 122. Laurie, Robin Maitland Buxton, fountain pen stolen. 123. Lane, Frank James, convicted, 417; discharged, 453. Lauterback, Clara Martha, handbag, lost or stolen, 288; recov- Lane, Frederick Alexander, convicted, 165; warrant for, 350. ered, 298. Lane, Geoffrey, naval deserter recovered, 91. Lavater, Caspar Whidborne, missing friend, 154. Lane, Harold Lovell, complainant, 23. Lavender, Garden (Alice Burns and Linda Burns, proprietors), Lane, Howard Harry, naval deserter, 30. complainant, 357. Lane, Norman Thomas Henry, alias Barney Lane, committed Laverty, Francis David , see Perfection Shirt and Pyjama Co. for trial, 261; warrant for, 322; arrested, 332; indicted Laverty, John James, convicted, 100. to Supreme Court, 379, failed to appear, recognizance Lavincton, David Raymond, complainant, 59. estreated, 380; convicted, 408. Lavis, Ronald Martin, wireless stolen, 353; property recov- Lane, Peter Ashley, case and contents, lost or stolen, 143; ered. offender arrested, 438; complainant, 440. recovered,153. Law. Alfred John, warrant for, 75. Lane, Ronald Edgar, arrested on warrant, 373; convicted, 379. Lawler, Ethel Margaret, sheets, etc., stolen, 88. Lane, Ronald George, suspected of larceny, 296. Lawman, Stanley, complainant, 452. Lang, Edmund Edward, complainant, 338. Lawn, Arthur Henry, warrant for, 228; arrested, 474 (2). Lang, Francis Donald Duffield, convicted, 232. Lawrence, Allan Keith, tools stolen, 466. Lang, Jack Gaston, tools stolen, 160. Lawrence, Caleb Arthur, saddle, etc., stolen, 141; ewes, stolen Lang, John William, complainant, 345. or strayed, 203. Lang, Rosina Blanche, complainant, 48. Lawrence, Charles Henry Walter. convicted, 451. Langbein, Colin Frederick, convicted, 40. Lawrence, Emily Ethel, bicycle stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Langbein, James A rchibald, complainant, 69. Lawrence, James Sydney, bicycle stolen, 422. Langbein, Kelvin Roy, blankets, lost or stolen, 48; recovered, Lawrence, Kenneth, J., naval deserter recovered, 90. 57. Lawrence, M. (N.S.W.). motor cycle stolen, 29. Langcake, Archibald, discharged, 166. Lawrence, Neil Lynn, bicycle stolen, 476. G 1. INDEX.

Lawrence, Roy, convicted, 245. LeLeu, Keith John, convicted, 243. Lawrence, William Frederick, see Frederick Downing. Lemon, Howard Vernon, complainant, 70. Lawrences Limited, complainant, 368. Lemon, Peter, convicted, 100. Lawrie, Eric Francis, committed for trial, 224; convicted and Lemose, D. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 404. motor driver's licence disqualified, 347; convicted, 426. Lenham, James, naval deserter, 449. Lawrie, Keith Harold, motor cycle stolen, 193; recovered, parts Lennard, Archibald William, convicted, 69. still missing, 231. Lennard, Donald Edward, committed for sentence, 69; con- Lawrie, L. T. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 107; recovered, 124. victed, 197; discharged, 246. Lawry, Newton Lindsay, naval deserter, 269; recovered, 278. Lennard, Hubert John, committed for trial, 440. Lawson, see Lewis Grant. Lennard, Thelma Ivy May, missing friend, 469. Lawson, see Charles Edward Nelson. Lennie (abo.), discharged, 102. Lawson, Cyril James, bicycle stolen, 316. Lennon, Donald Ross, convicted, 50. Lawson, Donald Gordon, convicted, 40; discharged, 119; con- Lennon, Michael, watch stolen, 403. victed, 163, 224, 232; discharged, 472. Lenroc Ltd., kodoscope projector stolen, 161; recovered, 202. Lawson, Elaine, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered; 307. Lenton, Major Roy Mandeville, complainant, 205. Lawson, Milton Edward Michael, convicted, 308, 433. Leon Wen (Vie.), alien located, 139. Lawson, Peter Thomas Henry, fails to maintain, 36. Leonard, Cyril, wireless set, etc., stolen, 314. Lawson, Thomas, see Thomas Lawson Karpany. Leonard, John, see Herbert Joseph Nash. Lawson, VioletRose, watch, lost or stolen, J. Leonard, John, complainant, 216. Lawton and Son Ltd., factory broken into, 323. Leonard, John Charles, convicted, 224. Lawton, J. and Sons, factory broken into, 275. Leonard, Nellie, released on bond, 252. Lawton, Vincent Ralph, complainant, 69. Leonard, Thomas James, warrant for, 484. Laycock,Clifford Arnold, released on bond, 50. Leonard, Thomas Joseph, identical with Tom Leonard sus- Lazaroff, Monty Mark, naval deserter recovered, 366. pected of larceny,28; arrested,123; convicted,128; war- Lazos, Michel, alien, 190. rant for, 220, 304. Leach, Alfred, aliases J. Symonds, S. James, arrested on war- Leonard, Tom, see Thomas Joseph Leonard. rant, 4, 26; discharged, 175; complainant, 183; convicted, Leonardi, Guiseppe, warrant for 427; committed for trial, 490. 196; discharged, 234. Leopold, Jeffrey Hugh, absconder, warrant withdrawn, 322. Leach, Beryl, bicycle stolen, 487. Leo-Wayman, Stanislaus, sheep, stolen or strayed, 449. Lea-Croft, James John, inquest on body of, 11. LePoidevin, Edgar Bailey, rubber boots, etc stolen, 161. Lea-Croft, William Donald, dismissed under O.P. Act, 173. LePoidevin, John, warrant withdrawn, 210. Leahy, Arthur (Vic.), autocycle stolen, 385. LePoidevin, Norman, convicted, 50. Leahy, Edward F., naval deserter, 326. LeRay, Robert Michael, convicted, 196; bicycle stolen, 268; Leahy Hospitality Hotels Royal Exchange Ltd., complainant, recovered,277. 440. Leschen, Alan Fred, complaint withdrawn, 300. Leahy, John James, house broken into, 54. Leske, Adolf Theodor, convicted, 251. Leahy, man named, suspected of larceny, 295. Leske, Erich Herbert, complainant, 49. Leahy, Raymond Benjamin, kitbag stolen, 437. Leslie, E.C., see Motor Parts and Service Ltd. Leahy, Reginald James, shop broken into, 45. Leslie, Keith Robert, money stolen, 104. Leahy; Ronald Joseph, see Ronald Leonard Ball. Lester, youth giving name of, suspected of laundrybreaking Leahy, Ronald Leonard, see Ronald Leonard Ball. and larceny, 383. Leahy, Vincent, complainant, 451. Lester, Harold William Vernon, alias Leonard McCabe, Joseph Leale, Thomas Rex, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Robert McCabe (N.S.W.), special inquiry, convicted for Lean, William, convicted, 127. inflicting grievous bodily harm on Harold Foote, 199. Leane, Eleanor Blanche, ring stolen, 97. LeSueur, Lyal James, alias Lyal James Todd, convicted, 441, Leane, Leonard Aubrey, complaint withdrawn, 308. 451. Leane-Silva, Norman James, complainant, 174, 357. Lear, Jack Edward, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Letcher, Thomas Charles Keith, bicycle stolen, 67; recovered, 281. offender arrested, 98; complainant, 100. Leary, Charles Herbert, complainant, 300. Leunig, Sydney Charles Richard, convicted, 127; warrant for, Leary, John Reginald, convicted and motor driver's licence 238; portion paid, 285. suspended, 118. Leverington, Joseph, see Arthur Gene Lovering. Leask, Yvonne Nancy, child's stroller stolen, 248. Leverington, Noel John, complainant, 433. Leatham, Arthur, clothing stolen, 305. Leverington, Ronald Walter, pays fine and costs, 4. Leckie, Ellen Rose, cow stolen or strayed, 316. Levey, George Harris (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 115. Lecky, Frank Stanley, convicted, 479. Levey, Kevin Richard, convicted, 233; correction, 262. Leddle, James (N.S.W.), Bedford utility stolen, 414. Levi, Andrew Martin, convicted, 40. Ledgard, Robert Holdsworth, special inquiry, larceny on, 372; Levitzke, Leslie Edwin, convicted, 80; discharged, 82. offender arrested, 382, 393; complainant, 398. Levitzke, Paul, complainant, 80. Ledger, Gladys, brooch stolen, 241. Lewan, Roland Thorold, convicted, 40. Ledger, Ronald Richard, watch lost or stolen, 30. Lewis, Arthur Alfred, convicted, 11; discharged, 41. LeDuff, Verner Gerald, convicted, 433. Lewis, Arthur Ambrose, complainant, 280. Lee, see George Watson. Lewis, Bob, released on bond, 156. Lee, Coleman, naval deserter recovered, 90. Lewis, Edward James, convicted, 489. Lee, Eva, missing friend, 440. Lewis, Francis, see Raymond Willie Jones. Lee, Frank Milton, clothing stolen, 36. Lewis, Francis Wills, see Raymond Willie Jones. Lee, Frederick (Vic.), motor car stolen, 124. Lewis, Frederick James, complainant, 172. Lee, Gordon Oakley, complainant, 398. Lewis, Garvey Arnold, motor car stolen, 78. Lee, Hurtle, committed for trial, 224; released on bond, 319. Lewis, George, see Peter Armstrong. Lee, James, naval deserter recovered, 91. Lewis, George, arrested on warrant, 3. Lee, Michael, convicted, 39; warrants for, 64; pays fine and Lewis, George Edward, convicted, 109; warrant for, 256. costs, 96. Lewis, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297. Lee, Olive, complainant, 182. Lewis, J. L., overalls stolen, 106. Lee, Phillip Keith, convicted and complaint dismissed, 71. Lewis, James Henry, warrant for, 113, 122. Lee, Phyllis (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324. Lewis, John S'., naval deserter recovered, 90. Lee, R. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 395. Lewis, John William, schoolbag, etc., stolen, 333; additional Lee, Roy Preston, fieldglasses stolen, 201. property, 343. Lee, Thomas, escaped mental defective, 393; located, 411. Lewis, John Wilson, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, Lee Transport Company Ltd., petrol, etc., stolen, 343; recov- 71; warrant for, 248. ered, offender arrested, 403; complainant, 407, 452. Lewis, Mary Ethel, complainant, 290. Lee, William, see Leslie Williams. Lee, William Howard, motor cycle parts stolen, 334. Lewis, Mercy Margaret May, released on bond, 92. Leeds Industries Limited, factory broken into, 87. Lewis, Milton, watch stolen, 19; complainant, 39; watch recov- Leek, George (Vic.), blitz buggy stolen, 194; recovered, 231. ered, 88. Leek, George Henry, convicted, 216. Lewis, Norman Lindsay, convicted, 397. Lees, Coleman, naval deserter recovered, 90. Lewis, Owen Horsley, convicted and driver's licence disquali- Lefevre, Edward Alexander, tailboard lost or stolen, 423; fied, 165; correction, 174. recovered, 449. Lewis, R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. LeFrancois, Roger James, convicted, ' 491. Lewis, Reginald Day, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, Leggett, Keith Laurence, naval deserter, 163; recovered, 336. 280; correction, 300. Leggott, J. A. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 306; recovered, 316. Lewis, Richard Lawrence, convicted, 22; arrested for larceny, Legoe, Richard John, sheep, stolen or strayed, 231; wool 38. stolen, 394; sheep stolen or strayed, 396; some sheep Lewis, Robert George, convicted, 116. recovered,477. Lewis, Ronald Edward, bicycle stolen, 38, 47. Lehman, Jeffrey Cecil, bicycle stolen, 306. Lewis Shoe Company, complainant, 22. Lehmann, James Albion. released on bond, 173. Lewis, Thomas George, warrant for, 256; convicted, 291. Lehmann, Leonard Frederick, tricycle stolen, 230; recovered, Lewis, Valentine Walter, bicycle stolen, 98. 250. Lewis, Walter Thomas, naval deserter, recovered, 366. LeLeu, Alfred William, released on hond. 174. Lewis, Wilfred, tools stolen, 161. INDEX. ii.

',ewis, William Theodore, convicted, 309; arrested for larceny, Little, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 486. 315; fails to maintain, 350; arrested 428; fails to main- Li vesey, E th el, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. tain, 484. Livesey, ( Mrs.), see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Lewthwaite , John Case , arrested for shopbret king and larceny, Livingston, George Chancery Emerson, deserts wife, 325; 457. missing friend, 326; warrant withdrawn, 336, missing 'Liascos, Constantinos, complainant, 290; special inquiry, 372. friend located, 345. Liberto, Umberto (N.S.W.), alien surrendered, 74. Livingston, Peter Raymond, admits breaking offences (4), 88; Liecione , Edward henry, convicted, 136, 204. case made remanet, 129; to be detainea during Governor's Liecione , Peter, suspected of larceny, 221. pleasure, 130. Liecione „ Ronald Keith, convicted, 109. Livingstone, George, convicted, 172, 196; complainant, 270. Liecione , Sidney Lewis King, convicted, 69; suspected of Livingstone, John Maxwell Russell, naval deserter recovered, larceny, 221; convicted, 327; discharged, 399. 355. Licences Granted- Livingstone, Robert Keith, naval deserter recovered, 366. Gold Buyers Licences, 73, 74, 190, 392. Lloya, Anne, ring lost or stolen, now recovered, 222. Hawkers Licences, 83, 187, 188, 189, 190, 238, 392, 463. Lloyd, Emily Marie, convicted, 164. Hide, Skin, & Wool Dealers Licences, 361, 382. Lloyd, George, naval deserter recovered, 21. Marine Store Collectors Licences, 83, 84, 85, 86, 190, 227, Lloyd, Harold Harry, complainant, 405. 392, 463. Llayd, Hugh Arthur, motor car stolen, 335. Money Lenders Licences, 361, 381. Lloyd, John Verecker, convicted, 279. Lichtenberger, H. R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77. Lloyd, Lillian, watch lost or stolen , 48; recovered, 78. Liddle, Mary, inquest on body of, 450; complainant, 451. Lloyd, Owen Rutherford, chocolates stolen, 152. Lidnos , S. (N.S.W.), taxi stolen, 77. Lloyd, Ronald Albert, naval deserter recovered, 90. Liebhardt, Albert Lyall Raymond, complainant, 338. Lloyd, Walter Ray, convicted, 338. Liebich Brothers, sheep stolen or strayed, 222. Lloydd, Mrs. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Liebich, Leslie Alwyn, house `broken into, 466. Lloyds Timber Mills, complainant, 59. Lightford, Marion Joan, missing friend, 308, located, 326. Loader, George Artciur, obtains warrant, 200. Lihou, Ford Alfred, complainant, 126. Loader, Kevin Harold, naval deserter, 307; recovered, 355. Lillie, John Francis, committed for trial, 261; special inquiry, Loader, Russell Richard, convicted, 441. 285; acquitted,319. Loades, William Edward E., convicted, 433. Limn , John Thomas Reginald (N.S.W.), provisional warrant Loats, James Henry, R.A.A.F. deserter, -68. for, 372; arrested, 382, 393. Lobb, Albert Edwin, committed for trial, 309; acquitted, 408. Lineraft, Beale and Co. Ltd. (Walter Alexander Powell, man- Lobb, J. V. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 212. ager, clothing stolen, 384. Lock, Brian Cornelius, watch lost and recovered, 9. Lind, Oscar (Vic.), motor stolen, 67; recovered, 78. Lock, Mavis Myrtle, convicted, 12. Lind, Walter James, complainant, 135. Lock, Norma May, complainant, 243. Lindemann, E. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 20, recovered, 30. Lock, Warner Herbert, convicted, 347. Lindent, Johanns M. Vander, (N.S.W.), alien, 53. Locke, Bruce, obtains warrant, 420. Lindgreen, Leslie Vaughan, convicted, 145; correction, 156. Locker, F. W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Lindley, Robert John, complainant, 215. Lockett, Anthony Joseph, clothing stolen, 241. Lindner, Edmond Charles Arthur, alias Ted Lindner, convicted, Lockett, Christopher Barry, convicted, 407. 261, discharged, 310; warrant for, 383, paid, 446. Lockhart, James Lawrence, convicted, 367. Lindner, James John, convicted, 290. Locking, Charles Kelvin, missing friend, 307; located, 32-6. Lindner, John Haig, complainant, 424. Lockwood, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Lindner, Julius Berthold, complainant, 80. Lockwood, Charles Victor Montgomery, bicycle stolen, 486. Lindner, Kathleen Mary, complainant, 13. Lockwood, Donald Charles Francis, complainant, 80; bicycle Lindner, Leslie Robert James, complainant, 327. stolen, 242; recovered, 250. Lindner, Robert Oakley, convicted, 291. Lockwood, Dorothy Hilda, shop broken into, 257. Lindner, Ronald George, convicted 440. Lockwood, IF. H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 56. Lindner, Sidney Fergus, convicted, 424. Lockwood, Stanley Roy, complainant, 164. Lindner, Ted, see Edmund Charles Arthur Lindner. Lodge, Gladys, convicted, 80. Lindner, Terence Elmore, convicted, 144. Loechel, Roy Leonard, complainant, 22. Lindner, William, convicted 479; convicted and driver 's licence Loeffler, Raymond Eric, complainant, 367. disqualified, 480. Lofts, Kenneth Cyril, convicted, 224. Lindquist, Ernest Laurence, discharged, 34. Loftus, Benjamin Arthur, complainant, 291. Lindquist, Joyce, missing friend, 440; located, 450. Loftus, Denis, naval deserter recovered, 21. Lindsay, Clarence, see Clarence Lindsay Merritt. Lofty, (man known as), suspected of larceny, 421, 430. Lindsay, Elliott Hamilton, bicycle stolen, 170; recovered, 181. Logan, David Frank, complainant, 40. Lindsay, Everett Frank, aliases, Charles E. Murphy, Edward Logan, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 277; recovered, 288. Francis Dalton, Everett Frank Dalton, Frank Carlton, Logan, John Percy, warrant for, 294. Charlie Cook, Frank Everett, Jack Grant, Charles Collins, Logos, Jim, convicted, 49. Harold Williams (U.S.A.), special inquiry, escaped from Lohmeyer, Vivian Keith, motor cycle recovered, offender custody, 293. arrested, 20; complainant, 22; complainant, 174. Lindsay, Gordon Brazil, complaint dismissed, 205. Lokan, Robert, trolley stolen, 287; bench cover stolen, 447. Lindsay, John Francis, convicted, 442. Lollo, Santo, complaint dismissed, 367. Lindsay, Lionel Edward, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Lomas, Jack, see John Lomas. Coppleman. Lomas, John, alias Jack Lomas, convicted, 92; arrested for Lindsay, Stanley Arthur, warrant for, 18; part paid, 26. breaking offences, 161 (2) ; arrested for larceny, 162 (2) ; Lindwall, Eric Henry, convicted, 126, discharged, 226. committed for trial, 164; convicted, 245; discharged, Lines, Albert Roy, alias Allen Rex Johnson, convicted, 442. 399; correction, 409. Lines, Donald John, convicted, 81. Lomax, T. H. (N.S'.W.), motor cycle stolen, 375. Lines, Herbert John, watch lost or stolen, 277. Lomman, Cecil .Louis and Melville Douglas, workshop broken Lines, Keith Morris, bicycle stolen, 170. into, 132. Lines, Lance Murray, convicted and licence cancelled, 156. Lomman, Melville, Douglas, see Cecil Louis Lomman. Ling, Alfred Victor Emanuel, committed, 470. London Baby-Carriage Limited (J. J. Hegarty, manager), Ling, Harold Eustace Hill, see Hills Hoist Ltd. factory broken into, 248; fly nets recovered, 333. Linke, Clarence, bicycle stolen, 430. Loney, E. L. (N.S.W:), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Linke, Frank Edgar, convicted, 216. Loney, Norman George, naval deserter, 397. Linke, Gustav Berthold, shed broken into, cleared up, 65. Long, B. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 315 ; recovered, 376. Linke, Leonard Frank, motor cycle stolen, 202. Long, Banks Peter, see Peter Banks Long. Linke, Percy Herbert, convicted, 309. Long, Ernest Sydney,bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 365. Linke, Victor Albert, wheel lost or stolen, 153; recovered, Long, Fred Seymour, see Frederick Seymour Long. 163; cultivator stolen, 179; recovered, 212; convicted, Long. Frederick Seymour, alias Fred Seymour Long, dis- 368. charged, 41, 94; convicted, 245; discharged , 339; warrant Linn, Margaret Dawn, watch stolen, 475. for, 427 ; paid , 436;" warrant for, 474. Linnane, Michael Moore, trousers stolen, 447. Long. Peter Banks, alias Banks Peter Long, warrant for, 44, Linnard, Charles James, convicted 452. 86; pays fine and costs , 104, 114; warrant for, 168; Linnett, Lionel John, convicted 234. arrested. 228; discharged . 246; warrant for, 484. Linney, Frederick Arthur, ship broken into, 304. Long, Robert H., tools, etc ., stolen, 160. Lintern, Albert William Frederick, generator stolen, 413. Long, Stanley John, complainant ( 2), 378. Linton, Frank, complainant, 346. Long. Von Doussa . bicycle stolen, 422; recovered, 430. Linton, Gerard (Vic.), utility stolen, 297;recovered, 307. Longfellow , see Lionel George Chaplin. Linton, Joseph, see Leslie Williams. Longhurst, Edmund Leonard, naval deserter , 336; cancelled, Lipert, Lewis, complainant, 346. 431. Liston. Alexander Campbell, arrested on warrant, 64; com- Lonahurst, Harold Sherwood, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, plaint dismissed, 70. 162. Little, Alfred, convicted, 368. T,ongmire. Malcolm Shaw, convicted and licence cancelled, 118. Little, Annie, complainant, 433. Longstaff. Robert Trevor. motor cycle stolen, 106. Little, Charles- Graham, bracelet lost or stolen, 316. Longworth. C. G. (N.S.W.). motor cycle stolen, 404. Little, Gordon Sydney Albert, complaint dismissed, 183. Loone, Alfred Ernest, naval deserter, 90. INDEX.

Lopez Brothers (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 98; recovered, Lutheran Publishing Co. (Theodore Waldemar Koch, employee), 107. special inquiry, false pretences on, 372. Lopez, Margaret, complainant, 12. Lutterell, Keith Gerard, see Claude Neon Limited. Lord, Gordon, complainant, 357. Lutze, Cyril Theodore, convicted, 491. Lord, Harold Allan, complainant, 289. Lutze, Ervin Keith, motor cycle parts stolen, 343. Lord, Harold Redgrave, complainant, 289. Luxmoore, Edgar Alexander, missing friend, 345; located, 397. Lord, John Stafford, see W. Thomas and Co. Ltd. Lyle, Jean, bicycle stolen, 467; recovered, 476. Lord, Phillip Arnold, amounts paid on warrant, 3. Lynch (man named), suspected of larceny, 7. Lorenz Brothers, motor wheel, etc., stolen, 46. Lynch, Allan Mervyn, R.A.A.F. deserter, 477. Lorenzin, Alfonso, complaint dismissed and complainant, 71. Lynch, Arthur Norman (Vic.), provisional warrant for, 349 Lorenzin, Antonio, complainant, 71; convicted, 71. Lynch, Conrad Robert, naval deserter recovered, 366. Lorenzin, Carolina, complainant, 71. Lynch, Frederick (Vic.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 134. Lorking, Francis Howard, complainant, 204. Lynch, John Joseph, warrant for, 362; arrested, 353; dis- Lott, Basil Weetman, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, charged, 470. 23. Lynch, John William, convicted, 81; convicted and driver's Loughlin, William, Frederick John, bicycle stolen, 276. licence cancelled, 118. Lou, Young Fui, otherwise Low Yung Fiu, discharged, 34. Lynch, Oscar Marcus, alias Reginald Morris, arrested for lar- Loughlin, William Frederick John, bicycle stolen, 276. ceny of motor utility, 487; convicted, 489. Lounder, Percival, arrested for breaking offences, 6 (3) ; con- Lynch, Ronald Edward, naval deserter, 423. victed, 13; absconder, 96; located, 121; suspected of Lynch, Thomas, alias Monagon, convicted, 40. larceny, 394, 403; absconder, 411; warrant withdrawn, Lynch, Thomas William, convicted, 206. 427. Lyne, Hamilton (Vie.), motor car recovered, 9. Lovatt, Thomas William, convicted, 23. Lynn, Elsie (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 287; recovered, 307. Love, Allan James Walter, convicted, 12. Lyon, B. B. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 277. Love, Arthur, see Arthur Gene Lovering. Lyon, George 'Thomas, committed for trial, 156; convicted, Love, Edward, see Frederick Edward Wall. 245; discharged. 492. Loveday, William Gilbert Francis Barron, rifle stolen, 106. Lyon, William Alexander, see John Graham Buxton. Lovegrove, James W., see James Henry Fairweather. Lyons, see Alfred John McGee. Lovell, Keith Charles, convicted, 205; discharged, 245. Lyons, Colin Henry, watch stolen, 105. Loveridge, Alfred Joseph, arrested on warrant, 323; convicted, Lyons, Denis Englis, coat lost or stolen, 107; warrant for, 328; discharged, 339; convicted, 405; discharged, 426; 420; paid, 436. convicted, 432. Lyons, Doreen. Loraine, bicycle stolen, 8. Loveridge, Felice Melbourne, complainant, 405, 432. Lyons, Vera Adelaide, house broken into, 105, 192; com- Loveridge, Frank, pays fine and costs, 256. plainant, 224. Lovering Arthur Gene, (N.S.W.), aliases William Lovery, Lysaght, John (Aust.), Prop. Ltd. (N.S.W.-S.A.), galvanized Joseph Leverington, Robert More, Arthur Love, suspected iron stolen, 287. of housebreaking, 229; provisional warrant for, 445. Lzamit, see Louis Zammitt. Lovery, William, see Arthur Gene Lovering. Lovett, Leonard Clifford, arrested for shopbreaking, 192. Lovis, Harry, deserts wife, 415. Low, Max Warren, complainant, 117. Mc S. S. Lowana, complainant, 155. Low Yung Fiu, see Lou Yung Fui. McAdam, Eric Dawson, shedbreaking on, 140. Lowe, Desmond John, released on bond, 117. McAlinden, Moses, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Lowe, R. E. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 170. Mc•Allinden, James, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Lower, Cecil Kenneth, convicted, 23. McAllister, David MeCray, see McGray McAllister. Lower, Sydney John (trading as E. T. Fisher and Co.), shop McAllister, David McGray, alias David McCray McAllister, broken into, 132, 151. discharged, 72; fails to maintain, 228. Lower, V. (,man named), suspected of larceny, 266. McAllister, Ernest, convicted, 126. Lowndes, Edward Joseph, obtains warrant, 64. McArdle, Harold Paul, magneto stolen, 457. Lowrey James, convicted and motor driver's licence cancelled, McArdle, Ian Grant, magneto stolen, 457. 347. McArthur, Albert John, convicted and complaint withdrawn, Lowrie, George, suspected of shopbreaking, 141. 93; warrant for, 350. Loxton, Ellen Vera, watch lost or stolen, 439. McArthur, Colin Raymond, convicted and driver's licence can- Loxton Joinery Works (Otto Erwin Bradtke, manager), motor celled,118. car stolen, 438. McArthur, Daniel Frederick, saddle stolen, 324. Loxton, Percival George, complainant, 172. McAskill, Hector, motor wheel, etc., stolen, 55. Lubcke, Reginald Clem, bicycle stolen, 249; recovered, 268. McAskill, Malcolm Ross, convicted and motor driver's licence Lucas, Claude Kenneth, convicted, 318; property stolen, 363. suspended, 480. Lucas, Francis Joseph, convicted, 346. McAttee, Kenneth Grant, wireless stolen, 37. Lucas, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 98. McAuley, Patrick Francis, complainant, 300. Lucas, Reginald Ernest, naval deserter recovered, 90. McAuley, S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 249; recovered; 259. Lucas, Walter Albert, complaint dismissed, 49. McAuliffe, E. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 89. Lucieer, Phillip, complainant, 22. McAvaney, Clifford Roy, complainant, 32. Lucivera, Leonard Michael, complainant, 195. McAvaney, Ivy Gwen, watch lost or stolen, 468; property Luck, Albert, wheel, etc., lost or stolen, 98. recovered,477. Ludewig, Percival Berthold, acquitted, 16. McBain, Alexander John, linen, etc., stolen, 169, 170. Lugg, Keith Victor John, committed for trial, 50; convicted, McBain, Basil John, naval deserter, 440. 130; discharged, 208. McBain, Lindsay, convicted, 183. Lugg, Lawrence Thomas, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 396. McBeath, Robert Bartley, released on bond, 357. Lugg, Yvonne Irene, bicycle stolen, 375, additional particulars, McBride, Colin Dudley, watch stolen, 421. 385; recovered, 396. McBride, Eileen Joseph, complainant, 109. Lugsch, Harry, alien, 86. McCabe, Dorothy Ellen, field glasses stolen, 76. Luhrs, Berthold Henry, missing friend located, 214. McCabe, Edward Sheridan, arrested on warrant, 275; warrant Luke, Barrington Clive, naval deserter, 423. for, 446. Lukes, Kenneth Edward, naval deserter recovered, 90. McCabe, Joseph Robert, see Harold William Vernon Lester Lukey, Arthur Gameau, convicted, 251. (N.S.W.). Luman, William, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, 194. McCabe, Leonard (N.S.W.), see Harold William Vernon Lester. Lumley, Colin Charles, complainant, 224. McCabe, Morris Leopold, clothing stolen, 28. Lumley, Helena Yvonne Jean, alias Helena Yvonne Jean McCabe, Stanley, see John Colin Michell. Smith, complainant, 135. McCafferty, Charles, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Lumley, Hugh Henry Stafford, aliases Albert Joseph Smith, McCallum, Allen Duncan, office broken into, 394. James Gordon, James Anderson, committed for trial, 135; McCallum, Donald Mathew, convicted, 407. convicted, 245; discharged, 481. McCallum, Gilbert Bruce (trading as Smith and Dove), com- Lundie, Albert Victor, convicted, 32. plainant, 425. Lunn, Allan Edmund, complainant, 32. McCallum, John Stuart, discharged, 462. Lunn, Ivor Edward, convicted, 32. McCalman, Malcolm, convicted, 224. Lunnis, Reginald Edward, motor cycle stolen, 57; recovered, McCann, Ralph M., clothing stolen, 257. 134. McCann, William Francis James, complainant, 14. Lupin, Arsene, see Raymond Lawrence Rolfe. McCardle, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Luscombe, Dawn Elizabeth, information dismissed, 416. McCarney, William John, arrested for factorybreaking, 27; Luscombe, Elsie, convicted, 50. and shopbreaking, 28; committed for trial, 33; com- Luscombe,John Edgar, arrested for stealing bicycle, 143; plaints withdrawn, 93; convicted, 129. convicted, 183. McCarral, Margaret, inquest on body of, 108. Luscombe,Kenneth Frederick George, clothing, etc., stolen, McCrthur, Lancelot Allan, convicted, 182. 258. McCarthy, see Leslie William Gillis. McCarthy, Charles Walter, arrested on warrant, 228. Luscombe,Kevin, committed larceny of bicycle, 414; informa- McCarthy, Daniel, warrant for, 150; paid, 239; warrant for, tion dismissed, 416. 383 ; arrested, 412. INDEX.

McCarthy, Elizabeth, brooch lost or stolen, 487. McDonald, N. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 422. McCarthy, Herbert Edward Alfred, see Australian Master McDonald, Nance Monica, complainant, 154. Builders Company. McDonald, Norman, naval deserter recovered, 90. McCarthy, Jack, see Albert Jones. McDonald, Patrick, naval deserter recovered, 90. McCarthy, John, see Albert Jones. McDonald, Robert, ketchbreaking on, 18. McCarthy, Joseph, convicted, 318; discharged, 370. McDonald, Simon J. (Vie.), motor truck stolen, 203. McCarthy, Joyce, camera stolen, 437. McDonald, Stuart Keith, released on bond, 442. McCarthy, Mary Agnes, brooch lost or stolen, 487. McDonald, Sydney Robert, convicted, 479. McCarthy, Merle Marion, complainant, 204. McDonald, William Bill, bicycle stolen, 123. McCarthy, Thomas, convicted, 80; discharged, 102; convicted, McDonald, Winifred Mary, convicted, 478. 204. McDonnell, Ella Mary, discharged, 245; convicted, 290; McCarthy, Victor, aliases, Victor R. Edmond, Victor Edward released on bond, 388. Doyle, Victor Ronald Emond, Victor Donald Emond, Ron- McDonnell, Lawrence Leo, convicted and motor driver's licence ald Victor Emond, Norman Victor Burns, discharged, 409. disqualified, 300. - McCarthy, W. E. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 430; recov- McDonough, Irene, convicted, 434. ered, 439. McDonough, Keith, watch stolen, 295. McCartney, Mary Carmen, complainant, 164. McDougall, Lindsay, tarpaulins stolen, 305. McCartney, William George, convicted, 81; discharged, 157. McDowall, Davina Adelaide S., saddle stolen, 97. McCaskill, Walter Lionel, watch lost or stolen, 181. McDowell, John Forbes, convicted, 59. McCaskill, Walter Lyon, camera stolen, 169; recovered, 212. McElroy, Lindsay, convicted, 451. McCauley, Albert George, convicted, 279. McEnnally and Goode, utility stolen, 89. McCauley, Thomas, alias 'Thomas McCawley, discharged, 165; McEntee, Francis Christopher, bicycle stolen, 230. fails to maintain, 266; warrant withdrawn, 323. McEntee, Geoffrey, warrant for, 220. McCawley, Thomas, see Thomas McCauley. McEntee, Theodore, complainant, 14. McClelland, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 395. McEvaney, Edward John, watch stolen, 266. McClements, Bobbie, aliases Robert McClements, Robert Me- McEvoy, Annie, ring lost or stolen, 468; recovered, 488. Farlane, R. Stone, Roger Beresford, discharged, 41; McEvoy, K. (Qld.), motor utility stolen, 259; recovered, 297. released on bond, 164; committed for trial, 291; convicted, McEvoy, Mavis, watch lost or stolen, 9. 380. McEvoy, Philip James, convicted, 173. McClements, Robert, see Bobbie McClements. McEwen, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. McClive, David Thomas Joseph, see David Thomas Joseph McEwen, Leo Stephen, deserts wife, warrant withdrawn, 30; McColive. commits garagebreaking, 257; convicted, 301; committed McClory, Sydney Wilfred, discharged, 453. for trial, 308. McCluer, see George Harris. McEwen, Malcolm Allan, money lost or stolen, 477. McClure, Albert, convicted, 128. McFarlane, A., motor cycle recovered, 20. McColgan, William H., naval deserter, recovered, 90. McFarlane, Allen John, see Jack Campbell Turner. MeColive,David Thomas Joseph, alias David Thomas Russell McFarlane, Elizabeth (Vic.), motor car stolen, 180; recovered, (gazetted as David Thomas Joseph McClive), convicted, 231. 127; correction, 146. McFarlane, Ernest, convicted, 164. McColl, Allan Charles, naval deserter, 469. McFarlane, Ita Margaret, bicycle stolen, 170; recovered,' 194. McCombie, William Cecil, convicted, 424; discharged, 462. McF'arlane, George Willis (Vie.), see George MacFarlane. McComish, Victor Harold Arnold, convicted and driver's licence McFarlane, Patrick, see John Colin Michell. disqualified, 40. McFarlane, Robert, see Bobbie McClements. McConnachy, Peter Alexander, convicted, 490. McFarlane, Robert, microphone stolen, 161. McConnell, Douglas Gordon, convicted, 245; correction, 252; McFarlane, James Thomas Lorraine, see Thomas James Lor- convicted, 289. raine McFarlane. McConnell, George, see Allen George Coffey. McFarlane, Thomas James Lorraine, aliases Powell Bell McConnell, R. S. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. James, James William Bell, James Thomas Lorraine McConnochie, Kevin Edward, remanded to Horsham, Victoria, McFarlane, convicted, 224; discharged, 282. 416. McGaffin, Ronald John Paul, absconder located, 17; absconder, McCormack, Eric John, naval deserter, 125; recovered, 144. 17; warrant for, 26; withdrawn, 113-; absconder, 167; McCormack, James, released on bond, 290. arrested, 191; arrested for housebreaking, 211; convicted, McCormack, James Joseph, convicted, 244. 216; absconder, 456; located, 483. McCormack, Lawrence Thomas, discharged, 24; convicted, 145; McGahtan, Michael Gordon, convicted, 470. discharged, 166, 282; convicted, 291, 387; discharged, 443. McGahey, John James Angas, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, McCormack (Mr.), suit stolen, 169. 250. McCormack, Michael Louis, wheat stolen, 467. MeGair,Herbert William Hugh, convicted, 368. McCormack, Reginald, alias James Stephen Langcake, sus- McGannon, Gregory Martin, naval deserter, 278. pected of larceny, 305; arrested, 375; convicted, 379; dis- McGeachie, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 249, 250; recovered, charged, 443. 259. McCormick, Samuel, naval deserter recovered, 90. McGee, Alfred John, aliases Lyons, McGhee, convicted, 49; McCory, Francis Joseph, watch stolen, 384. discharged, 82; convicted, 92; complaint dismissed, 145; McCracken, Elizabeth, jewellery stolen, 314. warrant for, 178 (2) ; arrested, 351 (2) ; discharged, MeCreight, Charles Victor, deserts wife, 344. 380; convicted, 442; discharged, 453. McCue, Robert Howard, arrested on warrant, 294. McGee, Arthur John, see Adelaide Dyers and Dry Cleaners. McCuish, Donald John, convicted, 12. McGee, Eileen Sylvia, convicted, 270. McCulkin, Leslie Joseph, alias Leslie John Williams, dis- McGee, Richard David, discharged, 102. charged, 110, warrants for, 121. McGeorge, Alfred, see Thomas George Daffey. McCulloch, George Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. McGhee, see Alfred John McGee. McCulloch, Henry David, naval deserter, 154; recovered, 397; McGillien, Thomas (Vic.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, naval deserter, 397. 134. McCulloch, John, deserts wife, 79. McGinley, John, naval deserter recovered, 10. McCullock, George, see Allen George Coffey. McGinnes, Ronald Clive, see Ronald Clive McGinnis. McCullock, Vincent Patrick, convicted 232. McGinnis, Ronald Clive, aliases Ronald Clive McGinnes, Ronald McCullough, William Percy, discharged, 34. Hawkes, George Raymond Rae McInnes, arrested on war- McDade, Joseph Patrick, convicted, 290; discharged, 301. rant, 140; convicted, 14-6; discharged, 234. McDermott, Arthur, see Noel Henley Jamieson. McGirr, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 241; recovered, 250. McDermott, John Aloysius, pigeon stolen, 447. McGlasson, Albert, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 125; shed broken McDermott, Richard, naval deserter recovered, 90. into, 383. McDonagh, W. G. (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 20. McGlew and Company Limited, factory broken into, 55. McDonald, Angas David, convicted, 100. McGorm, William Stanley, complainant, 101, 424. McDonald, C. (Old.), caravan stolen. 29: recovered, 67. McDonald, Donald, committed for trial, 232; released on bond, McGorman, Beatrice Elizabeth, jewellery, etc., stolen, 76. 319. McGorman, John Howard, house broken into, 76. McDonald, Douglas Roy, alias Harold Henry Kohlman, con- McGorman, William James, complainant, 440. victed, 425 (2) ; discharged, 426; convicted, 451. McGorrery, Frederick Stanley, convicted, 388; discharged, 453. McDonald, Geoffrey Colin (Vic.), motor car stolen, 354; recov- McGovern, Walter Beaumont, convicted, 196. ered, 365. McGowan, J., naval deserter recovered, 90. McDonald, Hamilton and Company Limited, complainant, 81. McGrail, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 90. McDonald, James, see Arthur Edward Gill. McGrane, William Francis, convicted, 318; discharged, 370. McDonald, John, see Lewis Grant. McGrath, Christopher Gerrard, complainant, 451. McDonald, John Mills, bicycle stolen, 422. McGrath, Emily, see Emily Katherine Matthews. McDonald, Katherine Ellicent (trading as Manganese Develop- McGrath, Lillian, see Emily Katherine Matthews. ment), tent, etc., stolen, 37; recovered, 66. McGregor, Coleen May, complainant, 433. McDonald, Keith, bicycle stolen, 97. McGregor, Davie, warrant for, 44;, arrested (paid), 248. McDonald, Kevin James, naval deserter, 289; recovered, 355. McGregor, J. W. and Sons Limited, complainant, 70. McDonald, Lorna Veronica, watch, etc., lost or stolen, 203; McGregor, Ray, complainant, 117. recovered, 231. McGrice, Lindsay Ronald, paid amounts on warrant, 64. McDonald, Malcolm Douglas, complainant, 406. McGuffy, Max, convicted, 407. liv. INDEX.

McGuinness, Edward John, fails to maintain, 64. McKenzie , Ronald, aliases Stewart, Morris (Vic.), provisional McGuinness, Gabriel, tricycle stolen, 193. warrant for, 255. McGuire, Edward, opals stolen, 413. McKenzie, Recta Nellie, ring lost or stolen , recovered, 9. McGuire, Frederick Lawrence, bicycle stolen, 404. McKenzie, William George, discharged, 41. McGuire, John, complainant, 416. McHugh, Douglas George, see Douglas George McHughes. McKeough , Edmond James , overcoat stolen, 430. McHugh, Francis Joseph, convicted, 205. McKiernan , Edward Joseph Bernard, aliases Ellis, Edward McHugh, George, convicted, 81. May, convicted , 39; discharged, 102; warrant for, 168; McHugh, George Thomas, inquest on the body of, 431. arested, 200 ; warrant for, 256; arrested , 266; convicted, McHugh, Reginald Bertram, convicted, 356. 442. McHughes, David Keith, alias Keith McHughes, convicted, McKillop, F. J. (N.S.W. ), motor truck stolen , 134; recovered, 398; discharged, 434. 162. McHughes, Douglas George, alias Douglas George McHugh, McKillop , George Ramsey , convicted, 397. warrant for, 26, 45; imprisoned on warrants, 54 (2) ; Noel Francis, naval deserter, 317. warrant for, 87; discharged, 102; arrested and imprisoned MeKillop, on warrant, 114; discharged, 156. McKinnon , Alex Edward, aliases Alexander Edward McKinnon, McHughes, Keith, see David Keith McHughes. Alexander McKenna, convicted , 32, 49; discharged, 51, Mcllwraith McEachern Limited, ship broken into, 304. 72; convicted , 173; discharged, 217, 263; convicted, 291; McInerney, Simon Peter, warrants for, 139. discharged, 310; warrant for, 373 ( 2) ; arrested, 456. McInerney, Melva Lorna, missing friend located, 31. McKinnon , Alexander Edward, see Alex Edward McKinnon. McInnes, Donald, see Whyalla Hotel Limited. McKinnon , Colin Caul, special inquiry, wanted for false pre- McInnes, George Raymond Rae, see Ronald Clive McGinnes. tences , 349; arrested , 392; convicted, 397. McInnes, Ronald Arthur, convicted, 451. McKinnon , Ivan Frederick , convicted and complaint with- Mclnness, Elizabeth Sara, mare stolen or strayed, 223. drawn, 225. McInnis, Colin Robert, convicted and motor driver's licence McKinnon, James Allan, convicted, 328, 424. suspended, 389. McKirdy, Don, cot lost or stolen, 307. McIntosh, see Larry Thomason. McLachlan, Arnold Edward, suspected of larceny, 343. McIntosh, Bruce, cement, etc., stolen, 46. McLachlan , George, convicted, 92. McIntosh, Colin Harold, R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 21. McLachlan , Horace , complainant, 206. McIntosh, David (Vic.), utility stolen, 375; recovered, 386. McLaren , L. G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen , 468; recovered, McIntosh, Ernest Lawree (N.S.W.), see Ernest Lawree Mayo. 487. McIntosh, Islay, brooch lost or stolen,181; recovered,214. McLaren , William Gilpert, wethers stolen or strayed, 203. McIntosh, R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 306; recovered, 316. McLaughlin , Lydia, watch , etc., stolen , 88; recovered, 364. McIntosh, Ronald William, alias J. Fitzpatrick, convicted, 117; McLaughlin , Raymond John, aliases Michael O 'Loughlin, Ray- committed for sentence, 155; discharged, 185; convicted, mond John Flynn, Raymond John Flinn , suspected of lar- 245. ceny, 161; arrested , 202; convicted and committed for McIntyre, see Emily Katherine Matthews. trial , 205; convicted, 301. McIntyre, Alwyn Ronald Vallise, admits breaking offences McLaugh li n Brothers , panel van stolen, 395. (4), 88; case made remanet, 129; to be detained during McLaurie , T. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen , 315; recovered, 325. Governor's pleasure, 130. McLean, Angus , packing cases stolen, 305. McIntyre, Christabel Ethel, convicted, 4uo. McLean, Edward , complainant, 22. McIntyre, Darrell Rodney Vaughton, suspected of larceny of McLean , Frank Carr , convicted, 14. bicycle, 67; missing friend, 79; arrested for larceny of McLean , George Albert William, wheel , tyre, and tube stolen, bicycle, 98; dismissed under O.P. Act, 100; arrested for larceny of bicycle, 107; convicted, 110; absconder, 322; McLean , James Robert , convicted, 279. arrested, 341; absconder, 350; arrested, 373; convicted, McLean, John, house broken into, 304. 379; dismissed under O.P. Act, 417. McLean, John Charles, deserts wife, 171. McIntyre, Frank Taylor, overcoat lost or stolen, 386. McLean, Kevin , see Ross Mervyn Clark. McIntyre, Harley Raymond Maurice, suspected of larceny of McLean , Mavis, complainant, 14. bicycle, 67; missing friend, 79; arrested for larceny of McLean, Ralph Joseph, bicycle stolen, 152. bicycle, 98; dismissed under O.P. Act, 100; arrested for McLean , Robert Neil , convicted, 432. larceny of bicycle, 107; convicted, 110; absconder, 322; McLean, Robert William , bicycle stolen , 170; recovered, 181. arrested, 341; convicted, 379; complaint dismissed, 417. McLean, William , convicted, 3,68. McIntyre, James Duncan, complaint dismissed, 215. McLean, William, see William MacLean. McIntyre, Kenneth William, convicted, 40; arrested for larceny McLeay, Archibald , trousers , etc., stolen, 160. of bicycle, 115;( convicted, 117; discharged, 24,6. McLeay, Susanna, special inquiry for , unknown man wanted McIntyre, May, see Emily Katherine Matthews. for assault on, 255. Mctvor, Albert Arthur, convicted, 407. McLellan, Walter Law Hume, convicted, 196. McKay, Alexander, bicycle stolen, 276; recovered, 325. McLelland, John Henry , warrant for, 45. McKay, Alexander, naval deserter, 365. McLennan , Donald Bruce , watch stolen, 353. McKay, Alfred John, convicted, 135; admits committing lar- McLennon , Raymond Alexander , motor seat stolen, 352. ceny, 162 (2) ; discharged, 217. McLeod, Angus , committed for trial, 379. McKay, Alfred John, bicycle stolen, 414- recovered, 422. McLeod , Arthur Edward, complainant , 70, 136. McKay, Bernard Vincent, warrant for, 18; amounts paid, 45; McLeod, Darrell Phillip, warrant for, 160. convicted and complaint withdrawn, 270. McLeod , Finlay Alexander , committed for trial, 378. McKay, H. V. Massey Harris Proprietary Limited, warehouse McLeod, Frank Norman , complainant, 432. broken into, 168. McLeod, Hugh Alexander , complainant, 155. McKay, James Arthur, released under O.P. Act, 32; to enter McLeod, John Hector, case and contents stolen, 28; offender into a bond to keep the peace, 128. located,portion property recovered,97. McKay, Lorna Annie, complainant, 32, 128. McLoughlin , Edith May , house broken into , 36; complainant, McKay, Mr., complainant, 224. 206; offender arrested for housebreaking on, 211. McKay, Valmai Hilda, absconder, 167; arrested, 191; missing McLoughlin, John Michael , binoculars, etc., stolen , 36; com- friend, 308; absconder, 311; arrested, 373; missing friend plainant, 206; offender arrested for larceny on, 211. located, 377. McLoughlin, Norman , naval deserter recovered, 90. McKay, William, naval deserter recovered, 90. McLoughlin , Peter, merchant seaman deserter, 104. McKee, Harold Watson, convicted, 398. McMahon , Arthur , naval deserter recovered, 90. McKenna, Alexander, see Alex Edward McKinnon. McMahon, Arthur William, released on bond, 23. McKenna, Anthony Richard, convicted, 100. McMahon, Cornelius William , naval deserter recovered, 366.. McKenna, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, 288. McMahon , David Gerald, complainant, 406. McKenna, John Stanislaus, naval deserter recovered, 91. McMahon, Edward David, missing friend , 269; located, 289.. McKenna, Robert James, complainant, 309. McMahon, Francis Edward, convicted, 377. McKenzie, man named, suspected of larceny, 287. McMahon, Francis John , fail to maintain , 113; arrested, 122. McKenzie, Alan Charles, convicted, 405. McMahon, Irene, bicycle stolen, 306. McKenzie, Allen Keith, bicycle stolen, 106; recovered, 115. McMahon, J. (N.S.W .), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 162., McKenzie, Cyril Lawrence, convicted, 126. McMahon, June Rose, warrant for, 75. McKenzie, David (Vic.), motor car stolen, 143; recovered, 181. McMahon, Kenneth Anthony, stolen bicycle recovered, 316. McKenzie, Dougald, complainant, 164. McMahon, Peter Kennedy , warrant for, 75. McKenzie, J. H., see James Henry Fairweather. McMahon , Thomas Patrick , discharged , 94; convicted, 433. McKenzie, Jack, aliases Henry Wheeler, Jack Swan, Roy Reid, McMahon , Thomas William, naval deserter recovered, 90. arrested on warrant, 428. McMahon, William Joseph , bicycle stolen, 335; recovered, 354.. McKenzie, James, see George Harris. McMannis , Leslie William , convicted and motor driver's- McKenzie, James, naval deserter recovered, 90. licence cancelled, 329. McKenzie, John Ruthben, dismissed under O.P. Act, 327. McMannis , Robert John, see Rowland Lionel McMannis. McKenzie, Norman, see Nangwarry Football Club. McMannis, Rowland Lionel , aliases Robert John McMannis,, McKenzie, Norman Charles (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 194. Robert Maitland, Coglan, Coglin , H. C. Victars, The Flying McKenzie, Peter, convicted, 434. Doctor , special inquiry, suspected of false pretences, 372, McKenzie, Reginald (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 57. McMannus, Coli n , see Colin McManus. McKenzie, Richard Colin, naval deserter recovered, 30. McManus, Coleman , see Colin McManus. INDEX. 1v.

McManus, Colin, alias Colin Maloney, Coleman McManus, Maconachie, S. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 222; recovered, Colin McMannus, convicted, 417; discharged, 492. 288. McMartin, James Finlay, convicted, 109. Macri, Domenico (N.S.W.), alien, 190; arrested, 331; alien McMillan, Alfred James, convicted, and licence disqualified, recaptured, 382. 14'6. Maddeford, Robert James, amounts paid on warrant, 266. McMillan, Donald John, alias Donald John Miller, convicted, Madden, Leonard George, warrant for, 75, 86; arrested (2), 110; discharged, 119. 122; convicted 127; discharged, 198; warrant for, McMillan, Roy Norman, convicted, 252. 256, 274; arrested, 373; discharges, 472. McMullen, Stanley Joseph, see Stanley Joseph McMullin. Madden, William Joseph, discharged, 33, 102 ; convicted, McMullin, Stanley Joseph, aliases Stanley Joseph McMullen, 127; discharged, 165; convicted, 388; discharged, 443. James Harrison, imprisoned on warrant, 54; convicted,59; Maddern, Roy James, convicted, 23. discharged. 61. Maddick, F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297; recovered, McMurray, Edwin Alexander, naval deserter, 336; recovered, 307. 345. Maddigan, Clement Edward Victor, convicted, 368. McMurrich, G. S., R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Maddigan, James Lawrence, convicted, 59. McMurtrie, William Thomas, convicted, 233. Maddocks, Colin William David, discharged, 339. McNair, Kaye Isobel, inquest on body of, 135. Maddocks, Queenie Ivy, convicted, 22; warrant for, 87. McNally, Brian, see Clifford, Jesse Slee. Maddon, K. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 106; recovered, 134. McNally, Cedric Ivan, bicycle stolen, 193. Madge, Daisy Isabel, convicted, 172; bond, lost or stolen, 365. McNally, Harold, convicted, 441. Madigan, Clarence Roy, convicted, 327. McNamara, Leo. Edward, convicted, 251. Madigan, James, see Michael Madigan. McNamara, Leo Joseph, convicted, 471. Madigan, John Francis, convicted, 357. McNamee, Albert, bicycle stolen, 422; recovered, 430. Madigan, Mary Ann, handbag, lost or stolen, 376; recovered, McNay, Bernard, naval deserter recovered, 90. 386. McNeil, George, overcoat stolen, 286 ; recovered, offender Madigan, Michael, aliases Michael Clark, Michael Mason, arrested,430. Frank Ryan, James Madigan, arrested on warrant, 4; McNeil, John Albert Charles, convicted, 251. convicted, 129. McNeil, Kathleen Jean, watch lost or stolen, 107. Madigan, Michael William, convicted, 155. McNeilly, Charles Moore, bicycle stolen, 353; recovered, 396. Madigan, William Michael, complainant, 69. McNeilly, Margaret Lillian, released on bond, 16. Madsen, Christian, otherwise Christopher Madsen, valueless McNerney, Jacquiline Alma Honora, complainant, 327. cheque passed on, obtains warrant for James Henry Fair- McNicholl, J. L. (N.S.W.) motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, weather, 26; offender arrested, 36; complainant, 117. 259. Madsen, Christopher, see Christian Madsen. McPhail, Leonard Hugh, discharged, 263. Maeder, Yvonne, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 250. McPhee, Daphne Patricia, complainant, 13-6. Maetze, Harold James Carl, discharged, 320. McPhee, Hector Vaughan, pays fine and costs, 104. Magill, Reginald, warrant for, 474. McPhee, Keith, convicted, 91. Maggio, Andrea (Vic.), alien located, 139. McPherson, A., air force deserter, recovered, 260. Maggs, Mary Ann, complainant, 165. McPherson, John Harold, warrant for, 104; arrested, 132. Maggs, R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 106; recovered, 124. McPherson, W. J. C. (N.S.W.) utility stolen, 353; recovered, Magnus, James Diver, watch stolen, 375. 365. Magor, Dorothy, see Dorothy Mary Hill. McPherson, William, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 144. Magor, Wilfred Wesley, shop broken into, 465. McQuade, Francis, naval deserter recovered, 90. Magrath, Frederick, remanded to Victoria, 357. McRae, John. Francis, inquest on body of, 269; complainant, Maguire, Wesley Robert, convicted, 252; discharged, 358. 319. Mahar, Francis Ivan Ralph, convicted, 59. McRae, Keith Gollan, cocker spaniel stolen or strayed, 134. Maher, George, convicted, 13; discharged, 34. McRae, Neil, horse, stolen or strayed, 488. Maher, Harold Charles, alias Harold Gregory Maher, dis- McRoberts, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 91. charged, 157. MeStoker, Sydney Maxwell, naval deserter, 223; cancelled, 431. Maher, Harold Gregory, see Harold Charles Maher. McSweeney, C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Maher, Mannix, see Michael Mannix Maher. McTackett, Vincent Edwin, naval deserter recovered, 366. Maher, Michael Mannix, aliases John Henry Brown, Mannix McTavish, Phillip Raymond, naval deserter recovered, 366. Maher, Michael Thomas Maher, convicted, 356; correction, MMVicar, Allan, special inquiry for, re forge and utter, 322. 379; believed to have stolen property, 413; discharged, 453. McVicar, Leonard John Douglas, complainant, 80. Maher, Michael Thomas, see Michael Mannix Maher. McWhinney, James, convicted, 117. Maher, Patrick, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Maher, Sister H. C., handbag, etc., stolen, 6. Maher, William Patrick (Vic.), motor car stolen, 335. Mahler, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 430; recovered, 476. M Mahomed, Saleh, convicted, 183. Mahon, William James, complainant, 182. MacDiamond, Thomas, clothing, etc., stolen, 314. Mahoney, Clement John, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, offender MacDonald, Angus, convicted, 101. arrested, 67. MacDonald, John, see Joseph Lindsay Ritchie. Mahoney, Frederick, clothing stolen, 258; recovered, 296. MacDonald, John Cameron, Air Force deserter recovered, 477. Mahoney, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 459. MacDonald, Ronald Malcolm, naval deserter, 58 Maidment, Jock Gordon, house broken into, 6. MacDonnell, see Percival Roy Beckwith. Maitland Hospital, complainant, 215. MaeDonnell, William Aitchison, convicted, 470. Maitland, Robert, see Rowland Lionel McMannus. MacFarlane, George, aliases George Willis McFarlane, George Major, Douglas Grenville, see Douglas Grenville Jenkins. Willis, Stanley Gibbs (Vic.), provisional warrant with- Major, Frank Siegfroy, convicted, 328; warrant for, 464, 465. drawn, 139. Major, H. R., see National Pictures. MacGillieuddy, Olive Ann, earrings stolen, 37. Major, Hugh, convicted, 81; discharged, 137; convicted, 182; MaeGowan, L. S., arrested on warrant, 36. discharged, 38,9; convicted, 471; discharged, 491. MacGregor, Robin Jeffery Frederick, see Frederick Cyril Maker, N. P. (N. & W.), motor-cycle stolen, 422. Pearce. Malavolta, Fulvio, convicted, 174; committed for trial, 328; MacLacklan, Paul (Mrs. and Mr., suspected of larceny, 413. released on bond, 426. Mack, Herbert, alias Herbert Talmage Mack, warrant for, 3; Malcolm, Alexander Bruce, convicted, 13; arrested for larceny pays fine and costs, 104. of utility, 487; convicted, 489. Mack, Herbert Talmage, see Herbert Mack. Malcolm, Doris Josie, alias Joyce Doreen Malcolm, missing Mackay, John, naval deserter, recovered, 90. friend, 345. Mackay, Mr. (Qld.), truck stolen, 115; recovered, 124. Malcolm, Joyce Doreen, see Doris Josie Malcolm. Mackay, Norah Agnes, house broken into, 45; complainant, Malcolm, William (Vic.), motor car stolen, 459. 462. Malcolmn, Thomas Stuart Boyd, complainant, 262. Mackay, Thomas, naval deserter, 405; arrested, 431. Maldoon, James, naval deserter recovered, 91. MacKenzie, Angus, convicted, 470. Male, Alfred Edwin, convicted, 93. MacKenzie, James, see George Harris. Male, Norman William, radio stolen, 141; obtains warrant for MacKinley, Keith William, complainant, 357. Macklin, Alfred Charles, committed for trial, 462. J. Bruce Sinclair, 456. Macklin, Diana, bicycle stolen, 37. Malera, Ruth, suitcase stolen, 363. Macklin, Jack Harry, garage broken into, 285. Maley, Fay Joydice, ring stolen, 46; offender arrested, Macklin, John Andrew, alias Peter Broderick, arrested on war- property recovered, 152; complainant, 155. rant, (2), 4; warrant for, 150. Maley, Reginald Alfred, kitbag, etc., lost or stolen, 194; Macklin, Leonard William, convicted, 377. recovered,203. Macklin, Thomas Arnold, instrument board stolen, 193. Malin, Leslie, fibre case, clothing, etc., stolen, 249. Mackrill, Kevin William, naval deserter, 195; recovered, 298; Malino, Robert, wheel, tyre, and tube stolen, 437. naval deserter, 376; recovered, 460. Mallan, Margaret, house broken into, 76; portion recovered, MacLean, William, alias William McLean, convicted, 49; dis- 412. charged, 94. Mallan, Valleck Cartwright, complainant, 93. MacLennan, Donald, clothing, etc., stolen, 364. Mallcott, Grace Alice, convicted, 232. MacMillan, Malcolm, convicted, 450. Mallen, Walter Waverley, convicted, 405. INDEX.

Mallon, James Joseph, aliases James Joseph Maloney, Peter Marlow, Catherine Agnes, aliases Catherine Agnes Staples, Cox, John Doyle, Peter Maloney, convicted, 398; discharged, Cock, convicted, 39; discharged, 102. 399. Marlow, Ethel May, see Ethel May Bryant. Mallon, J. L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 459; recovered, 477. Marner, Ellen Violet, clothing, etc., stolen, 287. Mallon, Walleck Cartwright, see Telephone Rentals Limited. Marnin, Angas James, see Angas James Martin. Malloy, Monica, overcoat stolen, 7. Marrabel Primary School, see Education Department. Malone, Edward Vincent, convicted, 416. Marrow, Robert, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Malone, Fred, corsets lost or stolen, 242; recovered, 278. Mars, Edwin John, see John Colin Michell. Malone, James Vincent, convicted and motor driver's licence Mars, Ray, see John Colin Michell. disqualified, 225. Marschall, Maurice Harold, convicted, 346. Malone, John Bartholomew, complainant, 388. Marsh, Eric, clothing stolen, 55. Malone, Michael James, see Michael Edward James Flannagan. Marsh, Francis, see Francis Michael Smith. Malone, Michael Joseph, convicted, 299. Marsh, Frederick James, see Frederick James Marshall. Maloney, see Daniel Galman. Marsh, John, see Rupert John Marsh. Maloney, see Donald Caird Stephen. Marsh, John Nelson, mare stolen or strayed, 488. Maloney, Charles, convicted, 216. Marsh, Rupert John, aliases John Marsh, George Williams, John Williams, George Williamson, discharged, 33; war- Maloney, Colin, see Colin McManus. rant for 139. Maloney, H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, 250. Marshall, Albert Edward, convicted, 145. Maloney, Jack, see Alfred Jones. Marshall, Bonython Bosanquet, house broken into, offender Maloney, James Joseph, see James Joseph Mallon. arrested,295. Maloney, Peter, see James Joseph Mallon. Marshall Brothers, building material stolen, 161. Malony, Shirley, case, etc., lost or stolen, 365; recovered, 386. Marshall, Charles Andrew, amounts paid on warrant, 26. Malthouse, Arthur Murray, bicycle stolen, 287; recovered, 325. Marshall, Charley James, see Frederick James Marshall. Malthouse, James Alexander Harold, bicycle stolen, 335. Marshall, Frederick James, aliases Frederick James Marsh, Maltschoss, Dulcie Doris, watch lost or stolen, 203. Charley James Marshall, Smith, Frederick John Turner, Malvern Methodist Church, inquest on fire at, 91. convicted, 319; discharged, 358; convicted, 405; dis- Malycha, Andrew Stenislaus, convicted, 345. charged, 408. Malycha, John George, convicted, 69, 182; discharged, 197; Marshall, Colin Arthur, clothing, etc., stolen, 314. convicted, 232; complainant, 262; discharged, 271; fails Marshall, Donald Louis, complainant, 11. to maintain, 275. Marshall, E. F., cart stolen, 306. Mander, Arthur Raymond, convicted, 70. Marshall, Edgar Frank, complainant, 59, 368. Mander, Aubrey Keith, complainant, 490. Marshall, Ernest Rupert, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Maney, Ian Matthew, convicted, 183. Marshall, J. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Maney, Mathew George, convicted, 164. Marshall, James, convicted, 433. Manganese Development, see Katherine Ellicent McDonald. Marshall, John Anthony, released under Offender's Probation Manic, John Maurice, convicted, 245. Act, 13. Mann, Donald Gower, overcoat stolen, 437. Marshall, Kenneth Lawrence, shop broken into, 294; and 295. Mann, Eric Leonard, complaint dismissed, 388. Marshall, Kevin John, released under Offender's Probation Mann, Ernest Woodville, stocks and dies stolen, 305. Act, 144. Mann, William Joseph, commits garagebreaking, 257; con- Marshall, Norman, binoculars, lost or stolen, 448; number of, victed, 301; committed for trial, 308. 468. Mann, William Sellan, convicted, 318. Marshall, Peter, hat stolen, 161; offender arrested, 202; com- Mannequin Modes Pty. Ltd., shop broken into, 351; portion plainant, 205. recovered, offender arrested, 457. Marshall, Phyllis, suspected of larceny, 37, 170. Manners, Allen Edgar, convicted and motor driver's licence Marshall, Richard Eric, naval deserter, recovered, 366. disqualified, 452. Marshall, Robert Dean,, bicycle stolen, 20. Manners, Joseph Howard, overcoat stolen, 169. Marshall, Robert Duncan, motor cycle stolen, 47. Manning, Doreen Lilian, complainant, 31. Marshall, Robert James, dismissed under Offender's Probation Manning, H. E. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 353; recovered, Act, 144. 439. Marshall, Robert John, convicted, 329; discharged, 329. Manning, John, convicted, 407. Marshall, Ronald Allen, custody and control of Children's Wel. Manning, S. E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 438; recovered, f areDepartment, 117. 448. Marshall, Walter Philmore, shop broken into, 45. Manning, William John, convicted, 318. Marshell, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle and box stolen, 414. Mannings, Ralph Charles, convicted, 215. Marshman, George (Vic.), motor car stolen, 306. Mannion, Patrick, bicycle stolen, 66. Marshman, Ivy Pearl, ring, lost or stolen, 487. Manoel, Barry William, convicted, 318. Marsland, William Kemble, complaint withdrawn, 417. Manos, Peter, convicted, 299. Martiensen, Paul Adolph, complainant, 118. Mansbridge, Edward Howard, naval deserter recovered, 269. Martin, see Patricia Dopson. Mansbridge, John Bruce, convicted, 357. Martin and Leak (N.S.W.), blitz waggon stolen, 230; recov- Manser, Jack James, complaint dismissed, 48. ered, 250. Mansfield, G. W., overcoat stolen, 428. Martin, A. R., motor cycle stolen, 422. Mansfield, Henry Bernhard, convicted, 23. Martin, Allan Mervyn, convicted, 31, 117; discharged, 119, Mansfield, Laurence Erless, bicycle stolen, 315; recovered, 325. 197; convicted, 261; discharged, 399; convicted, 433; dis- Mansfield, Mavis, watch stolen, 56. charged, 492. Mansfield, Raymond Henry, convicted and driver's licence can- Martin, Allan Reginald, warrant for, 465. celled, 40. Martin, Angas James (correct name Angas James Marnin), Mansfield, Mr. W., see Hart Manufacturing Company. bicycle stolen, 29; 'correct names, 38. Mara, A., naval deserter recovered, 91. Martin, Audrey Frank Edwin, complainant, 22. March, Clement, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 80. Martin, Bryan Garfield, watch, lost or stolen, 203; recovered, March, Ernest Henry, see Cabin Service Station. 242. March, Marjorie Kathleen, missing friend, 386; located, 405. Martin, Charles Baxter, bicycle stolen, 107; recovered, 115; March, Robert Rex, missing friend, 386; located, 405. complainant, 261. Marchant, Edward George, warrant for, 419; arrested, 428. Martin, Charles Frederick, motor cycle stolen, 430. Marchant, Leonard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Martin, Colin, electric motor, etc., stolen, 123. Marchant, Roby Frederick, convicted, 92. Martin, C. H. and Company, Limited., complainant, 479. Marcow, P. S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 375; recovered, 385. Martin, Cyril Edward, released on bond, 433. Martin, E., see Edward Cecil Coombs. Marcus, Eila, convicted, 470. Martin, Eileen, fur lost or stolen, recovered, 335. Marcus, Percy Charles, convicted, 100. 325; Martin, Eileen Evelyn, bicycle stolen, recovered, 250. Marcus, Ruby Ellen, complainant, 100. 230; Martin, Eileen Loie, house broken into, 122. Marcus, William Elliott, bicycle stolen, 56. Martin, Eric Ernest, Singer motor car engine stolen, 28. Margitich, Frederick Stephen, complainant, 164; motor parts Martin, Ernest Robert James, special inquiry for unknown stolen, 364; complainant, 387; recovered, 438. man for robbery on, 104; false report, 209. Maria, Solverio De, horse stolen or strayed, 405; recovered, 449. Martin, Fred Saunders, watch stolen, .66; recovered, offender Mariani, Erminio (N.S.W.), alien surrendered, 35. arrested, 180; complainant, 182. Mariner, Dr. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 486. Martin, Frederick Ernest, convicted, 70. Mariner, J., wash trough stolen, 395. Martin, G., see John Joseph Smith. Markham, John, see Charles Newman. Martin. George, .kitbag, etc., stolen, 295; additional property, Marklew, Denis John, missing friend, 58; recovered, 68. 305. Marks, Beryl, missing friend, 336; located, 397. Martin, George -Eric, convicted, 388 (2). Marks, David (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 430; recovered, 439. Martin, George William, clothing, etc., stolen, 287. Marks, H. M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Martin, Harold and Company, radio stolen, 141. Marks (Mr.), see Kelvinators Limited. Martin, Harry John, deserts wife, 431; fails to maintain, 436, Marks, Robert Charles, convicted, 183. Martin, Hazel Daphne, convicted, 490. Marks, William August, complainant, 183. Martin, Helena Mary, diamond ring, lost or stolen, 415. Marland, Leo Robert, convicted, 328. Martin, Henry, convicted. 300. Marlow, Alan Frank, complaint dismissed, 290. Martin, J. C., see John Charles Kleisner. 1ND EX. lvii.

Martin, James , horse, stolen or strayed, 335. Matson, Isaac Michael, convicted, 451. Martin, James Henry William, mare , stolen or strayed, 181; Matters, Bede Patrick Darcy, missing friend, 79. recovered, 231. Matters, Reginald Francis, cigarette case lost or stolen, 288; Martin, James Joseph, convicted and motor driver' s licence recovered, 307. suspended, 425. Matters, Rex Francis, office broken into, 295. Martin, Jeannette May, pony, lost or stolen, 194; recovered, Matthew, Valmar • Edna May, jewellery stolen, 403. 203. Matthews, Alf, suspected of larceny, 55. Martin, James Ross, leghorn hens stolen, 412. Matthews, Allan Edward, dinghy lost or stolen, 99 ; recovered, Martin, Joan, complainant, 206. 134. Martin , John, convicted, 69. Matthews, Egryn Horace, convicted, 398, 432. Martin, John and Company Limited, suiting material stolen, Matthews, Elizabeth, alias Elizabeth Chamberlain, convicted, 19; watches stolen, 105 (2) ; additional property, 114; 109; discharged, 118. clothing stolen, 161 (2); complainant, 183; offenders Matthews, Emily Katherine, aliases Emily Poulton, James, arrested for larceny on, 193 (2) ; complainant, 196 (4) ; McIntyre, Panto, Lillian McGrath, May Carroll, Emily special inquiry for unknown woman for false pretences on, McGrath, Maisie James, May McIntyre, Emily Mathews, 210; complainant, 280, 327, 368, 406; wireless stolen, discharged, 15; convicted, 39; discharged, 60, 102; con- 409, 447; workshop broken into, 465.; wireless stolen, 466; victed, 109, 116; discharged, 136; convicted, 156; dis- material stolen, 485; complainant, 491. charged, 234, 263, 281, 369; convicted, 387; discharged, Martin, John Trevor, absconder, 139; arrested, 150; absconder, 418; warrant for, 436, 446; arrested, 456 (2) ; discharged, 150; convicted, 164; absconder arrested, 178; arrested for 462, 480. larceny of bicycle, 194, 203, 213; convicted, 215. Matthews, H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 212. Martin, Joseph, see Francis James Barton. Matthews, Harry Royden, complainant, 417. Martin , Keith Clair, shovels, picks, etc., stolen, 258; no further Matthews, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 241; recovered, 250. action, 267. Matthews, Jack, convicted, 110. Martin, Lawrence David, shot gun stolen, 296. Matthews, James, wallet lost or stolen, 396. Martin, Leith William McNiven, convicted and driver' s licence Matthews, John Clarence, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 20; cancelled, 60. complainant, 328. Martin, Leonard Erie, warrant for, 139. Matthews, Mary Josephine, convicted, 206. Martin, Leonard Henry, discharged, 119. Matthews, Oliver Jack, bicycle stolen, 335; recovered, 354. Martin, Leonard Randall, convicted, 92. Matthews, Percival Neild, complainant, 116. Martin, Leslie, motor cycle stolen, 47; recovered, 57. Matthews, Raymond Herbert, convicted, 490. Martin, Leslie (may be identical with Leslie Melville Martin), Matthews, Richard James (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 259. suspected of shopbreaking, 141. Matthews, Roy, convicted, 69; complainant, 69. Martin, Leslie John, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 213. Matthewson, Ernest Trevor, convicted, 110; arrested and Martin, Leslie Melville, see Leslie Martin. imprisoned on warrant, 114; discharged, 130; warrant Martin, Margaret Ellen, convicted, 279. for, 313 (2). Martin, Otto Albert, convicted, 378. Mattner, Lillian June, aliases June Roberts, Joan Begbie, con- Martin, Peg, bicycle stolen, 47, 56. victed, 270. Martin, Peter, convicted, 469. Mattner, William Lionel, aliases Anderson, Clarke, Watkins, Martin, Raymond, see Robert Williams. convicted, 109; discharged, 166. Martin, Reginald James, convicted, 173. Mattnerr, Wesley Maitland, convicted, 346. Martin, Robert, see Robert Williams. Mattschoss, Allan Raymond, convicted, 49. Martin, Ronald D., suspected of larceny, 106. Matz, Kathleen Mary, ring lost or stolen, 431. Martin, Ronald Gilbert, suit lost or stolen, 404; recovered, 415. Mau, Kenneth Bradshaw, bicycle stolen, 306; recovered, 344; Martin, Stanley, warrant for, 18. offender arrested, 487. Martin,Stanley Bamford, house broken into, offenders known, Maughan, Meredith Edwin James, convicted, 11. 394. Maul, Charles Donald, fails to maintain, 248. Martin, Thomas Joseph, convicted, 126. Maunder, Ernest William, convicted, 244. Martin, Thomas William, convicted, 432. Maunder, Leslie Harold, committed for trial, 433. Martin, Virgil John, convicted, 479. Mauriello, Mario (N.S.W.), alien, 35; arrested, 331; alien Martin, Vivienne Joyce, complainant, 433. recaptured,382. Martin, Wilf red George, convicted, 318. Mayor, Leslie Harry Thompson, naval deserter recovered, 366. Martin, William (Vic.), motor car recovered, 30. Mavromatis, Mary Angelo, absconder warrant withdrawn, 362. Martin, William Edward, naval deserter, 307; recovered, 326. Mawson, Sir Douglas, magneto stolen, 457. Martin, William Roy, motor car stolen, 202; recovered, 222. Maxfield, Audrey, clock stolen, 240. Martin, William Silvester, wallet, etc., stolen, 7. Maxfield, Clement Raymond, bicycle stolen, 123; recovered, 134. Martindale, Aileen, convicted, 128. Maxted, Alfred R. (Vic.), motor car recovered, 9. Martis, Christopher, information dismissed, 338. Maxted, William John Cyril, motor wheel stolen, 141. Maschnedt, John Alexander, bicycle recovered, 9. Maxwell, Donald George, discharged, 33. Mashford, Reginald Carlisle, complainant, 407. Maxwell, Donald Russell, complainant, 462. Maskell , Arthur, complainant, 280. Maxwell, Ernest Murray, convicted and driver's licence can- Maskell , Rhonda, watch lost or stolen, 21. celled, 110. Mason, Dudley William, complainant, 308. Maxwell, G. H. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 334; recovered, 376. Mason, Geraldine Margaret, released on bond, 100; com- Maxwell, James, naval deserter, 68; recovered, 108; warrant plaint, withdrawn, 126. for 132. Mason, H. W., see George William Williamson. Maxwell, Reginald John, convicted, 388. Mason, Henrietta Elizabeth, complainant, 11. Maxwell, Ruby Gladys, complainant, 462. Mason, Jerry, bicycle stolen, 28; recovered, 57. May, Alfred Herbert, shed broken into, 257. Mason, Michael, see Michael Madigan. May, Ben, see Beverley Stuart May. Mason , Stanley L., complainant, 425. May, Betty Carleon, missing friend, 79. Masorgo, Adriano (N.S.W.), alien located, 53. May, Beverley Stuart, alias Ben May, committed for trial, 183; Massera, Pasquale (Vic.), alien, 95. convicted, 301; discharged, 443. Massarenti , Anterio (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. May, Carleon Mary, missing friend, 79. Massey, William G. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 20; recovered, May, Edward, see Edward Joseph Bernard McKiernan. 30. May, Eunice Merle, see Eunice Merle Myers. Masson, Alexander Walter, bicycle stolen , 259; recovered, 268. May, George (Vic.), jewellery, etc., stolen, 276; complainant, Masters, Eric Leslie, convicted, 261. 368. Masters, Percy Randall, rug, etc., stolen, 457. May, George Edward, convicted, 367. Masterton , J. A., R.A.A.F. deserter, 172. May, James Edward, convicted, 126; sheep stolen or strayed, Matheson , Herbert Gordon, naval deserter, 125. 415; mare stolen or strayed, 423; recovered, 431. Matheson , James Roy, committed for trial, 244; released on May, Joseph William, bicycle stolen, 458. bond, 319. May, Lenford William, alias Linford William May, convicted, Matheson , Margaret, watch lost or stolen, 181. 100; discharged, 246. Matheson , Matilda, complainant, 356. May, Linford William, see Lenford William May. Matheson , Ronald William, watch stolen, 384. May, Margaret Nancy, complainant, 59. Matheson , W. A. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 364 ; recovered, May, Pamela Viola, watch stolen, 403. 376. May, Peter, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. Mathews, Alan Davidson, convicted, 40. May, R. L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 106; recovered, 250. Mathews, Clement John, convicted and driver ' s licence sus- May, Robert Stanley, dinghy lost or stolen, 48; recovered, 57. pended, 82. May, Thelma Mabel, table cloth, etc., stolen, 88. Mathews, Ella, brooch, etc., lost or stolen, 153. May, Walter Charles, convicted, 243. Mathews, Emily, see Emily Katherine Matthews. May, William Henry, convicted, 80; discharged, 157; con- Mathews, Harold Vernon, convicted, 48. victed, 367; discharged, 442. Mathews , Llandaff Brisbane , convicted, 442. Maybank, Loris Edith, watch lost or stolen, 9. Mathias, Cleveland Stirling , 'convicted and driver ' s licence can- Mayes, Clive William, rim, tyre, and tube lost or stolen, 386; celled, 280. recovered,405. Mathison , Ella Violet, motor car recovered, 45. _ Mayes, Ernest Laurie (N.S.W.), see Ernest Laurie Mayo. Matison, Dr ., vacuum cleaner stolen, 412. Mayes, H. (N.S.W.), motor. cycle stolen, 458. H iviii . INDEX.

Mayfairs (Qld.), motor cycle recovered, 78. Merritt, Mervyn Frank, committed for trial, 59; fraudulent Mayfield, Reginald Gordon, convicted, 318. conversion on, obtains warrant for William Biddle, 132; Mayger, Archibald Roy, convicted, 101; convicted and licence convicted, 197; offender arrested on warrant for disqualified, 146. fraudulent conversion on, 210; complainant, 215. Mayger, John Frederick, kitbag and contents stolen, 123. Mesecke, Harold Leo, convicted, 490. Mayger, Leslie Hiram, convicted, 80; convicted and driver's Mesecke, Jack, overcoat stolen from shed, 413. licence suspended, 101. Messenger, Gertrude, purse, etc., lost or stolen, 288; recovered, Mayger, Reginald Ross, convicted, 59. 298. Maylin, Oliver Clifford, complainant, 232. Messenger, S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 29. Mayman, Barbara Ann, complainant, 33. Metcalf, Stanley Leonard, complainant, 50. Mayman, Thomas John, convicted, 451. Methodist Church Trust (Raymond Stanley Talbot, secretary), Maynard, Bruce Hall, convicted, 12. hall broken into, 55. Maynard, Frederick, mare stolen or strayed, 431; recovered, Methodist Home Mission Department, camera stolen, 323. 439. Methodist Ladies College, inquest on fire at, 108. Maynard, Harrold Alfred Raymond, missing friend, 387; Metro Furnishers (Rosslyn Ernest Rule, manager ), special located, 460. inquiry re false pretences on, 86; offender arrested, 191; Maynard, John, bicycle stolen, 134; recovered, 143. wireless set stolen , 457; bedspread, etc., stolen, 457, 466. Maynard, R. B. & Co. Pty. Ltd., obtains warrant for Thomas Metropolitan and Export Abattoirs Board, complainant, 289, Samuel Ford, 436. 388; convicted, 432. Mayne, Adrienne, complainant, 32. Metters Limited, complainant, 22, 109. Mayne, Barry Frederick, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 396. Metzger, Jean, watch lost or stolen, 404. Mayo, Ernest Lawree, aliases Ernest Lawree McIntosh, Ernest Meyers, Eunice Merle, see Eunice Merle Myers. Laurie Mayes (N.S.W.), provisional warrant for, 255. Meyers, Frederick, suspected of larceny, 447. Mays, Della Mary, inquest on body of, 144. Meynell, George Edwin Castleton, convicted, 378. Mazey, Alfred John James, convicted, 397; discharged, 434. Meynell, John Dowey, bicycle stolen, 414. Mazey, Harold Roy, convicted, 136. Michael, Alan John, convicted, 424. Mazzola, Ottario (Vic.), alien arrested, 331; alien recaptured, Michael, Costas, deserts wife, 431. 382. Michael, Pompy, discharged, 271. Mazzone, Domenico Anthony, released on bond, 490. Michael, R. (N.S.W.), stolen motor cycle recovered, 181. Mazzone, Pierino, dismissed under O.P. Act, 490. Michel, Colin, see John Colin Michell. Mead, Frederick Tennyson, sheep stolen or strayed, 134. Michel, John Colin, see John Colin Michell. Meadlam, Richard, convicted, 356. Michell, Cecil, see John Cecil Michell. Meadows, Daphne May, complainant, 69. Michell, George Howard, tricycle stolen, 430; recovered, 448. Meadows, Valda Maureen, complainant, 69. Michell, John Colin, aliases Colin Nash, John Colin Nash, John Mealey, Brian James Darley, absconder, 53; warrant for with- Duncan, Edwin John Mars, Frank Bishop, Stanley McCabe, drawn, 64; absconder, warrant for, 191; located, 199. George Hodgen, Daniel O'Reilly, Patrick McFarlane, Mealing, C. G. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 47; recovered, 277. Thomas Nash, James Durkan, Jack Thompson, Joseph Measday, Frank Marlow, convicted, 101. Thompson, John Colin Michel, Colin Michel, Charles Nash, Meates, Claude William, complainant, 299. Roy Duncan, Cecil Michell, Ray Mars, convicted, 156, Meats, Claude (Vic.), motor car stolen, 259; recovered, 277. 164, 205; discharged, 246. Mebberson, Noel Charles, bicycle stolen, 153; recovered, 163. Michell, Leonard Francis, warrant for, 44, 64. Medagli, Guilio, alien arrested, 483. Mickam, Clement Edgar, tarpaulin, lost or stolen, 57 Medlow, Thomas James, bicycle stolen, 287; recovered, 297. Mickan,Dave Mjqxwell, convicted, 81. Medwell, Reginald William George, convicted, 109. Mickan, Orgine Elizabeth, sheep stolen or strayed, 488. Medwell, Robert Edward, garage broken into, 229. Middlebrook, Albert, naval deserter, 32,6; recovered, 365. Meegan, Eugen Patric, convicted, 224. Middleton, 'S. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 315; recovered, Meegan, Richard Joseph, complaint dismissed, 327. 325. Megaw & Hogg, mantel radio stolen, 19. Middlewood, Joseph Ronald, house broken into; 266. Megaw, Brian Roy, bicycle stolen, 89; No. of bicycle, 107. Mid-Northern Electricity Company Limited, complainant, 59. Meggitt's Limited, complainant,' 23. Mieglich, David Victor, convicted, 450. Mei, Rizzlero (Vic.), alien, 190; alien recaptured, 382. Miels, David Alfred, convicted, 244. Melbourne Steamship Company, complainant, 155, 440. Miels, William Henry, bicycle stolen, 134; recovered, 316. Mighall, Edward George William bicycle stolen, 153; recovered, Melhuish, Richard (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 316; recovered, 325. 163. Milbank, Francis Sydney Harold, house broken into, 18. Meljam Proprietary Limited (Vic.), motor car stolen, 354; Milbank, Kevin Noel, missing friend, 336; located, 345. recovered, 376. Milburn, James, complainant, 164. Mellett, John, fails to maintain, 113. Milburn, Francis, control Children's Welfare Dept, 407. Melmeth, Robert Edward, see Alan James Westbury. Milera, Douglas Gerald (abo.), convicted, 489. Melvaine, L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 89. Milera, Milton Eli, committed for trial, 92; convicted, 197; Melville, Colin, tyre lost or stolen, 222; complainant, 308. discharged, 409. Melville, Stanley, convicted, 356. Miles, Beatrice, aliases Bee Miles, Grace Richards, Marrian Memoli, Alfonso (Vic.), alien arrested, 371; alien recaptured, Harvey, convicted, 100; discharged, 16; convicted, 22; dis- 382. charged, 51. Menconi, Gugielmo (W.A.), alien, 210. Miles, Bee, see Beatrice Miles. Mendelawitz, Mark, case stolen, 437. Miles, George, garage broken into, 402. Mendelsshon, Max Milian Robert, complaint dismissed, 300. Miles, James, convicted, 145. Mendham, Beryl Marrian, see Beryl Marrian Weaver. Miles, Kenneth George, motor cycle stolen, 162; portion Menge, Heinrich (Vic.), alien arrested, 2. recovered,422. Mennie, James Con, naval deserter recovered, 366. Miley, Owen Campbell, naval deserter, 195. Mennie, W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 364; recovered, 376. Milford, Lawrence Ernest, clothing, lost or stolen, 386. Menos, George, see California Cafe. Milham, Albert Bernhard, valueless cheque passed on, obtains Menz, Albert Stanley, bicycle stolen, 258. warrant, 26, 44. Menzel, Friedrich August, trough and wire stolen, 28. Milham. John Colin Leaf, complainant, 204. Menzies, Jan, bracelet lost or stolen, 242. Milich,Carl George, discharged, 418. Mercer, Joan Mary, complainant, 489. Milich, Frederick, see Friedrich Carl Wilhelm Milieh. Mercer, Stanley Ivan, convicted, 489. Milich, Friedrich Carl Wilhelm, otherwise Frederick Milieh, Merchant, Clement Laurance, convicted, 196. convicted, 450. Mereieca, John Robert, watch lost or stolen, 231; recovered, Milich, Reginald Gilmore, convicted, 357. 250. Mill, Lillian Edith, arrested for larceny, 374; released on Meres, A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 241; recovered, 250. bond, 379. Merrett, Clarence Lindsay, see Clarence Lindsay Merritt. Mill, Norman Henry, information dismissed, 196. Merrett, Dorothy Paula, clothing stolen, 151; portion Millar, David, convicted, 397. recovered,202. Millar, John Marr, R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Merrett, Freda Elsie Sophie, convicted, 145. Millar. William Keith, complaint dismissed, 377; convicted, Merrett, Gordon Albert James, convicted, 269. 378. Merrett, Harold George, warrant for, 342; pays portion, 362; Millard, Gabriella Joan, handbag, etc., stolen, 88. 436. Millard, Gordon Vincent, aliases William Herbert Millard, Merrett, J., see James Thomas Lahiff. Vincent Hanstead, William Herbert Hamstead, William Lionel Cable, J. Allan, arrested on warrant, 18; Merrett, Stanley Cyril, convicted, 269. clothing stolen, 106; convicted, 135, 145, 155, 164; discharged, 184; Merrifield, Violet Edith, watch lost or stolen, 487. warrant for 210, arrested, 256; committed for sentence, Merriman, Douglas Arthur, naval deserter recovered, 90. 289; convicted, 380. Merrit, Lindsay, see Clarence Lindsay Merritt. Millard, Kathleen, coat stolen, 88. Merritt, Clarence Lindsay, aliases Clarence Lindsay Merrett, Millard, William Herbert, see Gordon Vincent Millard. Lindsay Merrit, Clarence Lindsay, Lofty Merritt, dis- Millbank, F. C. and Sons , paste, etc., stolen, 342. charged, 120. Milledge Brothers (Victoria), motor cycle stolen, 459. Merritt, James, convicted, 127. Milledge, William James, house broken into, 104. Merritt, Lofty, see Clarence Lindsay Merritt. Miller, Alexander, see Alexander James Miller. INDEX. lix.

Miller, Alex ander James, alias Alexander Miller, warrant for, Missing motor traders' plates, 44, 53, 74, 131, 167, 219, 303, 53; convicted, 60; arrested and imprisoned on warrant, 445. 64; discharged, 71, 82, 339; convicted, 387; discharged, Missing vehicles licensing discs, 2, 17, 25, 95, 121, 199, 219, 480; convicted,490. 255, 445. Miller, Alfred Wilfred (Victoria), bicycle stolen, 107. Mitchell, A., see Aubrey Mitchell. Miller, Allan Ross, committed for trial, 433. Mitchell, Alan Raymond, see Allan Raymond Mitchell. Miller, Allan William George, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, Mitchell, Alexander, suit, etc., stolen, 286; offender arrested, 143. 324. Miller, Amy, convicted, 299. Mitchell, Allan Raymond, alias Alan Raymond Mitchell, war- Miller, Arthur Hartley, watch stolen, 7; arrested on warrant, rant for 26, 64 (2), 87; arrested, 132, 140; discharged, 140; complaint dismissed, 164. 165; convicted, 205; discharged, 225. Miller, Barbara, watch stolen, 66. Mitchell, Aubrey, otherwise A. Mitchell, suspected of larceny, Miller, Bruce, warrant for, 484. 37; arrested for this offence, 77; convicted, 80. Miller, Donald John, see Donald John McMillan. Mitchell, Ben James, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Mitchell, Bernard, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Miller, Elizabeth Katherine, convicted, 92. Miller, Ernest Charles, sand scoop, stolen, 267; recovered, 315. Mitchell, C. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 38. Mitchell, Donald Ashby, convicted and driver's licence dis- Miller, Francis Charles Vincent, discharged, 147; warrant for, 168; deserts wife, 335. qualified, 110. Miller, Frederick Edward, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 414; Mitchell, Edward Thomas, obtains warrant for Arthur William complainant, 416. James Pannell, 383. Mitchell, Ethel Francis, known as Burgess or Norton , missing Miller, George Edward, convicted, 127; discharged, 130. friend, 91. Miller, Hugh Gilchrist, pays fine and costs, 87 (2) ; con- victed, 145. Mitchell, Francis John (trading as Mitchell Repair Service), oxygen acetylene cylinders, lost or stolen, 194; complain- Miller, James Cornelius, convicted, 183. ant, 261; oxygen cylinder recovered, 298. Miller, Jessie Gavin, watch stolen, 267. Mitchell, Gladys, complainant, 127. Miller, Joseph, see Donald Alexander Campbell. Mitchell, Graham Westlake, bicycle stolen, 404; number of Miller, Leslie, complainant, 50. bicycle, 422; recovered, 487. Miller, Malcolm William, surgical case and instruments, lost or Mitchell, James Brunnel, watch stolen, 458; recovered, 476. stolen, 171. Mitchell, James McNicol, convicted, 92. Miller, Meivyn Verral, convicted, 117; convicted and licence Mitchell, John Percy, warrant for, 248. cancelled, 146. Mitchell, John Alfred Maurice, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, Miller, Murray, shop broken into, 383; binoculars stolen, 394. offender arrested, 67. Miller, Phyllis, complainant, 300. Mitchell, Kenneth John, larceny on, offender arrested, 7; com- Miller, Reginald, warrant for, 200. plainant, 13. Miller, Rex, convicted, 100. Mitchell, M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 343; recovered, 354. Miller, Robert Aitkenhead, convicted, 59. Mitchell, Marjorie Jean, watch, etc., lost or stolen, 203; Miller, Ronald, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 20. recovered,214. Miller, Ronald James, convicted, 11. Mitchell, Mark Ledingham, harness stolen, 212; complainant, Miller, Stewart Ivor William, aliases Harry Johnson, Stanley 289. Bertel, convicted, 367; convicted, and motor driver's Mitchell, Murray Alexander, convicted, 261. licence disqualified, 399; discharged, 408. Mitchell, Percival Clarence, complainant, 22. Miller, T. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 89; recovered, 124. Mitchell, Reginald Gordon, valueless cheque on, obtains warant Miller, Thomas, convicted, 441. for Rupert William Kathner, 3. Miller, Valma Elsie, watch, lost or stolen, 344. Mitchell Repair Service, see Francis John Mitchell. Miller, Victor Pearce, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 194. Mitchell, Richard and Sons, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 439. Miller, William, see Maurice Dias. Mitchell, Thomas Grayson, warrant for, 86; convicted, 93. Miller, William Joseph, see William Joseph Murphy. Mittigar, Guiseppe, obtains warrant for Percy West, 402. Miller, William Joseph, see Winston Hotel. Mitton, Ewart Wilfred, writing case, etc., lost or stolen, 307. Miller, William Robert, discharged, 111; convicted, 337; com- Mitton, Gordon Herbert, warrant for, 464; paid, 484; con- mitted for trial, 452. victed,490. Millhouse, Amie, complainant, 117. Mitzie's Beauty Salon, see Walter Sehlatter. Millhouse, Reginald Charles John, convicted, 452. Moat, Reginald William, complainant, 280. Milligan, Gordon, committed for trial, 11, 32; convicted, 129. Moate, H. V. R.A.A.F. deserter, 307; recovered, 469. Millikan, Colin David, bicycle stolen, ISO; recovered, 194. Mobbs, H. V., R.A.A.F. deserter, 307; recovered, 469. Milliken, L. J. (Queensland), motor cycle stolen, 56. Mobbs, Reginald Joseph, convicted, 318. Milling, Caroline Peace, bicycle stolen, 258; recovered, 277. Mobray, Desmond Colin, watch stolen, 421; recovered, 430. Millions, Montague, see George Harris. Moburn, Charles, see Harold Richard Appleton. Mills, Allan Robert, warrant for, 322. Modra, John Ernest, absconder, warrant withdrawn, 228; Mills, Clifford Walter, suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 288. warrant for withdrawn, 294; convicted, 300. Mills, Frederick Walter (Vic.), provisional warrant for, 131; Moffatt, man named, suspected of larceny, 287. arrested, warrant withdrawn, 411. Moffatt, Edgar St. Clair, wallet stolen, 457, 458. Mills, Gladys Jean, alias Mrs. Gale, released on bond, 183. Moffatt, Edward, arrested on warrant, 456. Mills, Roy George, gent's gold watch, lost or stolen, 260. Mogg, John Ferguson, committed for trial, 406. Mills, Samuel J., motor cycle stolen, 306. Mogg, Valentine Howard, convicted, 378. Mills, William Jack, convicted, 196; warrant for, 266. Moir, Isobella Jean, ring lost or stolen, 354. Mills, William James Alfred, naval deserter, 317; cancelled, Molfetas, Steve, suspected of larceny, 420. 431. Moll, Freida Amelia, inquest on body of, 345. Milne, Alice Maud, complainant, 243. Moller, Colin, convicted, 126; discharged, 226. Milne, Clarence, see Clarence Stubbings. Molloy, Clarence George, convicted, 23; released on bona, 60; Milne, Murray, bicycle stolen, 476. convicted, 300. Milne, Noel Thomas, (Victoria), motor cycle stolen, 1'1. Molloy, Mark, complainant, 433; convicted, 433; discharged, Milne, Robert Charles, rug stolen, 421. 434. Milne, William Edward, convicted, 31. Molloy, Patricia Mary, complainant, 136. Milroy, Dr. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 435; recovered, 448. Mollross, Edward Thomas, complainant, 490. Milsom, Victor, alias Milson, convicted, 205; discharged, 234. Moloney, Brian Aloysius, convicted, 23. Milson, Victor, see Victor Milsom. Moloney,James Leslie, naval deserter, 223; located, 251. Milton, Dennis William, complainant, 261. Molony, Edward Augustin, complainant,' 252. Milton, Gerald White, bicycle stolen, 267; recovered, 306. Molony, Felix Briea, bicycle stolen, 78; offender arrested, 115; Milton, Peter, convicted, 417. complainant, 117. Milton, William, wristlet watch stolen, 258. Monaghan (N.S.W.), Jeep stolen, 181. Minda Home Incorporated, complainant, 318. Monaghan, John, bicycle stolen, 259; recovered, 268. Minear, Joyce Vivienne, see Joyce Vivienne Vickery-Howe. Monagon, see Thomas Lynch. Mineral Deposits (N.S.W.), jeep stolen, 29; recovered, 98. Monarto Presbysterian Church Trustees, complainant, 441. Minerals Pty. Ltd., complainant, 368. Money, Maurice, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Minerds, Clifford Maurice, bicycle stolen, 335. Monford, Edward (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 143. Mines, Alice, missing friend, 478. Mongavin, Richard, see Richard Chapman. Minge, Berthold Heinrich, convicted, 163, 215; discharged, 246. Monuovin, Richard, see Richard Chapman. Minnett, Dr. R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Monkman, Roy, convicted, 155; discharged, 197. Minnis, Peter William, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered, 316. Monk--. Arthur John, house broken into, 97; additional pro- Mintram, Leslie, naval deserter, recovered, 68. perty, 114. Minty, Douglas, discharged, 71. Monohan, Robert V. (Vie.) motor car recovered, 30. Miranda, Leonard, complainant, 261. Monopoli, Frank Alwyn, bicycle stolen, 230. Mirk, Thomas Rottrey, watch stolen, 437. Montague, Frederick Herbert, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered, Missing motor number plates, 63, 131, 255, 265, 303. 307. Missing motor registration discs, 2, 17, 25, 35, 44, 53, 63, 74, Montague, R. E., R.A.A.F. deserter, recovered, 477. 86, 95, 113, 121, 131, 139, 149, 167, 177, 190, 199 1 209 1 219 5 Montrose, see George Harris. 227, 238, 255, 265, 273, 284 , 293, 303 , 311, 321, 331. 341 7 Montrose, Herbert, see George Harris. 349, 371, 392, 401, 411, 427, 435, 445, 455 , 463, 473, 483. Moodie, Sinclair Alexander, convicted, 13. ix. INDEX.

Moody, Ann Sylvester, complainant, 165. Morris, Elvera Ruth, missing friend, 99; located, 154. Moody, Georgina Charlotte, spectacles, lost or stolen, 460; Morris, Ernest, complainant, 206. recovered,468. Morris, Ethel Irene, convicted, 406. Moody, Percival Stephen, glasses stolen, 97. Morris, Francis Joseph, discharged, 359. Moody, Phillip Hubert, convicted, 50. Morris, Harry, sheep, stolen or strayed, 354. Moody, Thomas Albert, heifer stolen or strayed, 386; recov- Morris, Heather, complaints withdrawn, 109. ered, 405. Morris, Herbert Denis, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 457. Mooney, Douglas Albert, haversack, etc., stolen, 201. Morris, Hubert, naval deserter, 30; recovered, 336. Mooney, Keith Raymond, missing friend, 58; located, 68. Morris, Jack Lennard, convicted, 440. Moony, Harold Sawyer, otherwise Harold Sawyer-Mooney, Morris, James Peter, aliases Peter Fanning, Terence O 'Brien, motor cycle stolen, 202; recovered, offender arrested, 287; James Neale, convicted, 280, 356; discharged, 453; con- complainant, 290. victed 478. Moore, A. L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, Morris, Joseph Patrick, glasses, lost or stolen, 376; recovered, 375. 396. Moore, Charles and Co. Ltd., necklet stolen, 201; complainant, Morris, Linda Adelaide, alias Linda Adelaide Rohde, convicted, 434, 441. 289; discharged, 310; convicted, 406; discharged, 434. Moore, D.C. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 20. Morris, M. E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 213. Moore, Desmond Roy (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 468. Morris, Mary, convicted, 109. Moore, Edward Arthur, warrant for, 45; imprisoned, 54; Morris, May Adelaide, ear-ring lost or stolen, 163; recovered, warrant for, 200; arrested, 266; warrant for, 3,62. 171. Moore, Eric and Co. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 458. Morris, (Mrs. E.), see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Moore, Frank Clifford, convicted, 440. Morris, Owen Hutchinson, complainant, 23. Moore, Gordon Henry, alias Gordon Henry Grindell, convicted, Morris, Peter Haydn, warrant for , 304. 12. Morris, R. H. (Qld.), chevrolet truck stolen, 306. Moore, Henry George T., bicycle stolen, 37. Morris, Reginald, see Oscar Marcus Lynch. Moore, Jack, see Ozone Theatres Limited. Morris, Sylvia Mavis, complainant, 368. Moore, Kenneth Mervyn, committed for trial, 135; acquitted, 1Glorris, Terence David, admits breaking offences (4) 88; case 174. made remanet, 129; to be detained during the Governor's Moore, Kenneth Ryan, convicted, 206. pleasure, 130. Moore, Lawrence J., naval deserter, 298. Morros, W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Moore, Mabel Margaret, house broken into, 456. Morrisey, Joseph (Vic.), motor car stolen, 143. Moore, Marjory, ring lost or stolen, 171. Morrissey, James Edward Joseph, missing friend, 251. Moore, Maurice John, convicted, 244. Morrish, Mary Jane, shirt stolen, 364. Moore, Richard Leycester, see Richard Leycester Woore. Morrison, A. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Moore, Robert Edward, imprisoned on warrant for mainten- Morrison, Archibald William, convicted, 59. ance, 45; fails to maintain, 168; portion paid, 248, 285, Morrison, Claude Reginald, complainant, 79. 313, 332, 362, 373. Morrison, Dennis Sydney, complaint withdrawn, 92. Moore, Robert Ronald, convicted, 244. Morrison, Harold, convicted, 490. Moore, Trevor David, missing friend, 144; commits larceny of Morrison, James, convicted, 14. bicycle, 250; information withdrawn, 261; absconder, 294; Morrison, Murray John, pays amounts of warrant, 1,60. arrested. 322;complaint withdrawn, 328; absconder, 349; Morrison, Stirling Archibald, released on bond, ' 358. arrested, 362; absconder, 373: arrested, 402; absconder, Morriss, Aubrey Harold, books, etc., stolen, 394. 401; located, 411; absconder, 464; arrested, 473. Morriss, Linda Adelaide, arrested for larceny, 403. Moore, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 250 ; recovered, 259. Morse, Peter E., naval deserter, recovered, 90. Morath, D. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 486. Mortensen, S. R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 422; recovered, Morcom, Alfred James, rug lost or stolen, 376; recovered, 386. 439., Morcom, Harold Leslie, complainant, 406. Mortess, Donald Rex, alias Stanley Howard Ullyett, R.A.A.F. Morcom, M. A. (N.S.W.-S.A.), suitcase, etc., stolen, 421. deserter,153; recovered,172. Morcom, Robert William, complainant, 135. Mortess, Ivan Walker, complainant, 92. Morcombe, Frederick James, garage broken into, 150. Mortimer, Joan, see Dorothy May O'Loughlin. Morcombe, Keith Russell, bicycle stolen, 221; recovered, 231. Mortimer, William, convicted, 164; discharged, 207. Morden, Clifford Joseph, generator, lost or stolen, 213. Morton, James Alphonces, convicted and motor driver's licence More, Robert, see Arthur Gene Lovering. suspended, 262; convicted, 356. Moreton, Arthur Edward, fails to maintain, 256. Morton, Kathleen Mabel, lost or stolen, property recovered, Morgan, Donald Reginald, convicted, 128; discharged, 226. 260. Morgan, F. (N.T.-S.A.), suspected of larceny, 212; one tar- Morton, Muriel May, complainant, 224. paulin recovered, 230. Morton, Nancy, case, etc., stolen, 88. Morgan, Francis, complainant, 224. Morton, Thomas Andrew, aliases Norton, Wilson, Albert Andrew Morgan, Frank, motor cycle stolen, 259; portion recovered, Andrews, Albert Morton Andrews, Thomas Andrews, Thomas 307. Duggan, Douglas Andrews, Thomas Andrew, convicted, 22; Morgan, George Richard, convicted, 204. discharged, 102; convicted, 224, 280; arrested for shop- Morgan, Hannah, or Sterio , suspected of garagebreaking, 27. breaking, 295; committed for trial, 300; information dis- Morgan, Harold Alden, shop broken into, 6. missed, 397; convicted, 408. Morgan, H. E. (N.S.W.), motor ear recovered, 30. Morton, Sydney Allan, missing friend, located, 21. Morgan, J., naval deserter, recovered, 91. Moschetti, Frederick William, convicted, 337; absconder, 445; Morgan, Joyce Leila, bracelet, lost or stolen, 468. located, 456. Morgan, Laurence Ryde, convicted and motor driver's licence Mosel, Robert Russel, convicted, 155. disquali fied, 207. Moseley, Ivan Ernest, cow stolen or strayed, 278. Morgan, R. B. (N.S.W .), motor car stolen , 230; recovered, 242. Moseley,James George, gelding and wethers stolen or strayed, Morgan, Ruby, bicycle stolen, 171. 415 (2). Morgan and Sons, shed broken into, 412. Moseley, May Elizabeth, ring, lost or stolen, 153. Morgan, Tony, or Sterio, suspected of garagebreaking, 27. Moses, Michael Norman Stanley, discharged, 226. Morgan, William Stephen, shirts, etc., stolen, 152. Mosey, M. E. and J. A. S., sheep stolen or strayed, 488. Morice, G. R., R.A.A.F. deserter, 307. Mosley,George, naval deserter, 99; cancelled,431. Morice, John Patrick Spencer, house broken into, 169; addi- Mosley, W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 152; recovered, 162. tional property, 179; portion recovered, 229. Moss, Albert (Vic.), motor car stolen, 335;recovered, 354. Morley, Keith George, shop broken into, 351; property recov- Moss, D. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, 162. ered, 384; offender arrested, 437; complainant, 441. Moss, Elizabeth, complaint withdrawn, 216. Morley, Leonard, mare stolen or strayed, 469. Moss, Frederick, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Morley,Norman George, see PatrickJames Brian Gordon Moss, Henry, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 182. Peake. Moss, Leonard Tasman, naval deserter, 355; recovered, 469. Moroney, Alfred Thomas, convicted and motor driver's licence Mossop, Gwenda Jean, indecent assault on, 3. disqualified, 425. Mostert, Jack, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 39. Morphett, Roy Leslie Garfield, complainant, 377. Moten, (Brigadier-General), Murray John, housebreaking on, Morralee, Arnold Melvin, house broken into, 26. 6; offender arrested, 211. Morralee, Francis Maud, bracelet stolen, 28; recovered, 5' Mothers and Babies Health Association, office broken into, 313. Morrell, C. H., see Lewis Alex Morrell. Motor Cut Lawn Service (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 422. Morrell, Cyril Howard, warrant withdrawn, 75. Motor Parts and Service Limited (E. C. Leslie, manager), Morrell, Gilmore Willis Edwin, clothing stolen, 334. storeroom broken into, 266; attache case, etc., stolen, 384. Morrell, Lewis Alex, trading as C. H. Morrell, house broker Motor Rewind and Service, books, etc., stolen, 106. into, 45; chuck, etc., stolen, 267; shop broken into, 295; Motor Trader's Limited (N.S.W.), utility recovered, 20. electricmotor stolen,437. Motteram and Sons, Limited, complainant, 136. Morris, see Ronald McKenzie. Moulden, Ethel, watch,-lost or stolen, 163. Morris, Ernest Charles Oscar , convicted and motor driver's Moulden, Harold William, complainant, 128. licence disqualified, 480. Moulders, O., may be -identicalwith B. Fricker, see Noel Walter Morris, David John, otherwise, David Donaldson, arrested for Laurence Bergin„ shopbreaking and larceny , 45; admits houelbreaking, 45; Moulds, Geoffrey John,, bicycle stolen , 267; recovered, 306; committed for trial , 50; convicted, 129. off, ender arrested, 487. . Morris, Eddy Clifton, complainant, 144. Moulds, Lancelot Warick, complainant, 432. INDEX.

Moulds, William Lavis , bicycle stolen , 230; recovered , offender Murphy, Denise Margaret, bracelet, etc., stolen, 46. arrested, 277. Murphy, Edward Ivan, complainant, 262. Moult, Gordon Hubert , R.A.A.F. deserter , recovered, 477. Murphy, Harry Laurence, aliases Tich Murphy, Thomas Gove, Moulton, Ivan Robert, sports coat, lost or stolen , 153; recov- H. Vaughton, suspected of larceny, 4:1, 438; convicted, , ered, 168. 479; arrested for larceny; 486 (2) ; arrested for larceny Mount, Clifford Andrew, convicted, 357. of utility, 487. Mount Gambier Hotel ( Lionel Alfred Brooks, licensee), com- Murphy, J. F. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 268; recovered, plainant, 318. 376. Mountford , Helen Mary Amelia, radio stolen, 46. Murphy, Jack, discharged, 380; convicted, 442. Mountstephen , Albert John, discharged, 434. Murphy, John, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 100. Mourant, E ., naval deserter , recovered, 91. Murphy, John Thomas, convicted, 172. Mowbray, Ronald David, committed for trial, 135; released Murphy, Kenneth Peter, convicted, 13, 14; convicted and motor under Offenders Probation Act, 245. driver's licence disqualified, 452. Mowbray, William Ellery, fails to maintain, 412. Murphy, Kenneth Samuel, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, offender Moaon, L. J. (N.S. W.), motor car stolen, 180 ; recovered, 344. arrested, 89; complainant, 92. Moyle, Ernest Albert, watch stolen, 7; recovered, 28. Murphy, Leslie Gwyn, rim, tyro and tube lost or stolen, 439; Moyle, Frank , see Old Colonist Hotel. recovered, 477. Moyle, John William Basil , overcoat stolen, 395. Murphy, Leslie James, watch stolen, 179. Moyle, Keith Harold, convicted, 308. Murphy, Maxwell John, motor cycle stolen, 8; recovered, 57. Moyses, William David, see S. C. Eyles and Company. Murphy, Michael Joseph, complainant, 156. Mucklow, Kenneth Alfred Frank , complainant, 32. Murphy, Peter Philip, dismissed under Offender's Probation Mudford, Norman , complainant, 183. Act, 116; released on bond, 163; bicycle stolen, 202; Mudge, Edna Estrella , complaint withdrawn, 368. recovered,213. Mudge, James, absconder , 150; arrested, 178. Murphy, Phyllis Elizabeth, bicycle stolen, 230. Mudge, John Frederick , absconder , 64; located , 104; absconder, Murphy, Richard Bruce, naval deserter, recovered, 366, 131; warrant for, 150; absconder , 167; warrant for, with- Murphy, Ronald George, complainant, 397. drawn, 178; returned to institution , 199; absconder, 219; Murphy, Ross, committed for sentence, 337. located, 247; 'absconder , 256; warrant for, 265; withdrawn, Murphy, Thomas Robert, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 250. 294. Murphy, Tich, see Harry Laurence Murphy. Mudge, Leonard Maxwell , dinghy lost or stolen, 78. Murphy, William Joseph, alias William Joseph Miller, con- Mudie, Cuthbert ( gazetted as Cuthbert Muirden ), house broken victed, 11; discharged 15, 110, 118; convicted, 127, 145; into, 5; correction and additional property, 27. discharged, 165, 197; 399, 426. Muella, E . T. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29; recovered, Murphy, William Patrick, warrant for, 266. 89. Murray, Alexander Shuttleworth, convicted, 22. Muir, John, convicted , 377, 452. Murray, Alice Caroline Churchell, inquest on body of, 182. Muir, William Ashby, clothing stolen, 201. Mur"v, Arthur, alias Arthur Alfred William Murray, suspected Muirden, Cuthbert , see Cuthbert Mudge, of larceny, 193, 314. Muirson, Ethel , clothing , etc., stolen, 170. Murray, Arthur Alfred William, see Arthur Murray. Muirson, Ethel Lorraine , bicycle stolen, 180. Murray, Arthur William, missing friend, 108; located, 154. Mulachy, James, motor cycle stolen , 153; recovered, 203. Murray, Cyril Cowan, complainant, 22. Mulconray , Theresa Kathleen , complainant, 117. Mules, Thomas Redding, money stolen, 76. Murray, E. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Mullan, Peter , alias Mullen , convicted, 356. Murray, Eric Walter James, see Clifford Raymond Hay. ,Mullan, Reginald Albert, alias Reginald Allan Mullan, con- Murray, J, see Cecil Vivian Backhouse. victed, 280 ; discharged , 380; released on bond, 426. Murray, James Allan, bicycle stolen, 213; recovered, 297. Mullan, Reginald Allan, see Reginald Albert Mullan. Murray, John, complaint dismissed, 39. Mullan, Robert Arthur, convicted, 50. Murray Magdalene, missing friend, 460; located, 478. Mullen, see Peter Mullan. Murray Philip Gordon, arrested for larceny, 403 (2) ; con- Mullen, Ida (Vic. ), motor car stolen , 448; recovered, 468. victed, 407; committed for sentence, 407. Mullen, Robert Arthur James, convicted, 479. Murray, Roma, suspected of larceny, 6, 56. Murray, Ronald Arthur, convicted, 299, 452. Mullen, William Henry, complainant, 14. Murray, William Bruce, discharged, 359. Mullens, Horace Edgar Charles, convicted, 145. Murray, William David, bicycle stolen, 142. Muller, Carl Wilhelm Paul ( Vic.), alien, 219. Murrin, Dora Alice, missing friend, 172; located, 181. Muller, Frank Leonard , convicted, 388. Muller, Roland Oscar, convicted, 337. Murrin, Kevin James, complainant, 470. Muller, Stanley Rodd, bicycle stolen, 297 ; recovered, 307. Murrin, Lawrence Ivor, complainant, 470. Mulligan, Allan , see Charles Edward Bourke. Murrin, Theodore Lionel, complainant, 101; convicted, 470. Mullins, George Alfred , bicycle stolen , 47; recovered, 89. Musalino, Guiseppe, aliases Guiseppe Antonio Musolino, Gui- Mullins, Henry, convicted, 127. seppe Antonio Musilino, discharged, 15; convicted, 32; Mullins, Joseph , convicted and motor driver's licence can- complaint withdrawn, 58. celled, 434. Musco, Carlo, alien, 95. Mullins, Leonard John , bicycle stolen , 364; recovered, 385. Musgrave, Henry, inquest on body of, 223. Mullins, Lillian Doreen, convicted, 155. Musilino, Guiseppe Antonio, see Guiseppe Musalino. Mulvany, Robert Arthur , naval deserter , 336; cancelled, 431. Musolino, Guiseppe, see Guiseppe Musalino. Mulvey, John Joseph , convicted , 22; arrested for larceny, 38. Muspratt, Percy Elphistone, convicted and drivers's licence Mumford, E. G., kitbag , etc., stolen, 46. disqualified, 33. Mumford , Ross, overcoat stolen , 306; recovered, 324. Mustan, Eminor Lovina, complainant, 318. Mumzone Products Ltd. (George William Dickinson , traveller). Mustard, Elsie Kate, convicted, 279. jack stolen, 276. Muster, Louis Theodore, convicted, 40. Munce, Raymond J., suspected of larceny, 364. Mutooroo Pastoral Co., Ltd., complainant, 451. Munce, Mrs. R. J. , suspected of larceny, 3,64. Mutton, Allan Wylie, paint brushes, etc., stolen, 46. Munchenberg, Berthold Gustav, convicted,59. Mutton, Howard James Charles, money, etc., stolen, 429. Mundy, Leonard, housebreaking on, 140. Myer Emporium (S.A.) Limited, complainant, 60 (2) ; wireless Mundy, Mervyn George, convicted, 101. set stolen, 192; complainant, 290, 379, 425,' 433; cases Mundy, Samuel Eric, see Benbow's garage. stolen, 475. Munro, Colin Alexander , convicted, 346. Myer Emporium (Vic.), Limited, complainant, 280. Munro, Edward Thomas, inquest on body of, 195. ,Myers, Douglas Gilbert, clothing stolen, 485. Munro, George Clark, complainant, 12. Myers, Edward Albert, kitbag, etc., lost or stolen, 98. Munro, Lindsay, rifle, etc. stolen, 458. Myers, Eunice Merle, aliases Eunice Merle May, Elizabeth Munro, William Duncan , remanded to Victoria, 109. Irene Brooks, Eunice Merle Meyers, Wendy Selby, Wendy Munro, William Richard, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 162. Stephens, warrant for, 86; commits housebreaking, war- Munson, John Arthur , overcoat stolen, 287. rant issued for arrest, 132. Munt, Robert David , warrant for, 36; amounts paid, 45. .Myers, Marjorie June, ring, etc., stolen, 485. Muntz, Hazel Pearl ( Vic.), motor car stolen, 404. ;Myers, Nene, brooch stolen, 364; recovered, 403. Munzer, Bernard Franz Michael, convicted, 155. Myers, Percival Charles, naval deserter, 58; recovered 90. Murch, Charles, Murray, fowls stolen, 438. Myler, F. O. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 202; recovered, 222. Murch, Colin-Lloyd, convicted, 346. Myponga Co-Operative Dairying Society (John Yeo Hudd, Murdoch, Douglas Bruce, overcoat and jewellery stolen, 212. manager), wheel tyre and tube, lost or stolen, 448. Murdoch, John, heifer stolen or strayed, 153. Murdock, Ernest David , rim, tyre and tube lost or stolen, 316; recovered, 344. Murdock, John William , released on recognizance, 129. N Murdock, Roland Edwin , convicted and motor driver's licence disqualified, 288. Nadilo, Paul Duran; convicted and motor driver's licence can- M6rphj, Andrew; tools stolen, 96. celled, '368. Murphy, Brian Leslie, dismissed under Offender is Probation Nagel, Harold Frederick, gear box stolen, 305. Act, _T16: Nagel, Harry, discharged, 339. - - Murphy, Charles E. (U.S.A. ), see Everett Frank titids,ay. Naithsmith, Thomas, ketcllbr' eakfng on,, 18. lxii. INDEX.

Najar, Alfred Stanton (N.S.W.), house broken into, 169; Nelson, Roy Alfred, wireless set stolen, 275; number of, 324. offender arrested, portion recovered, 229. Nelson, William Henry, suit, etc., stolen, 161. Nalty, Jerry, bicycle stolen, 296; recovered, 307. Nenke, Colin,plane stolen, 241. Namana, Frank Norman, discharged, 119. Nenke, Frank Eric, convicted, 378. Nancarrow, James Wallace, arrested for shopbreaking and Neon, Claude Limited (Keith Gerard Lutterell, manager), larceny, 6; committed for trial, 13; convicted, 129, 328, complainant, 80; office broken into, 97; portion property 416. recovered,105. Nangwarry Football Club (Norman McKenzie, secretary), com- Nesbit, Charles Owen, convicted and driver's licence disquali- plainant, 183. fied, 184. Nankivell, Eldrid Cecil, escaped mental defective, 341; located, Nesbit, Trevor Lyall, released on bond, 328. 362. Nesbitt, Robert, watch stolen, 352; recovered, 429. Nankivell, Gwenda Irene, bicycle stolen, 202. Ness, A. H., brushes stolen, 429. Nankivelle, Laurel May, bicycle recovered, 9. Ness, J. (N.S.W.) motor car stolen, 98; recovered, 107. Napoleon Hotel, complainant, 417. Nestor, Bruce Ambrose, watch stolen, 141. Nash, Albert Charles, convicted, 1'64. Nethercott, Carrie, purse, etc., lost or stolen, 365; recovered, Nash, Charles, see John Colin Michell. 449. Nash, Colin, see John Colin Michell. Netherlands East Indies Government, motor cycle stolen, 143. Nash, Gordon Pearce Adrian, naval deserter, 440, recovered, Netherton, Annie, gold ring stolen, 249. 477. Netherton, Samuel, gold pocket watch stolen, 249. Nash, Herbert Joseph, aliases Bernard Rosenberg, Herbert Netherton, William John, complainant, 252. Stone Rosenberry, Herbert Rodgers, John Roberts, John Nettleback, Max Otto, convicted, 441. Leonard, convicted, 327; warrant for, 393. Nettleton, Son and Company, warehouse broken into, 428. Nash, John Colin, see John Colin Michell. Nettoon, Thomas, alias Tommy Nettoon (abo.), discharged, Nash, James Dennis, convicted, 100. 15; convicted, 58; discharged, 82; convicted, 92; com- Nash, Joseph William, alias Francis Joseph, discharged, 51. mitted for trial, 92; convicted, 197; discharged, 409; war- Nash, Lloyd Leslie, kitbag, etc., stolen, 403; recovered, 413. rant for, 446; complainant, 451; arrested on warrant, 465; Nash, Thomas, see John Colin Michell. convicted, 470. Nathan, Raymond Arthur, convicted, 378; warrant for, 419; Nettoon, Tommy, see Thomas Nettoon. paid, 446. Neuvelle, Textiles, see Samuel Izak Landau. Nation, Peter Gilliard, ring, etc., stolen, 230. Neville, Alfred Edwin, gelding stolen or strayed, 269; recov- National Bank of Australasia Limited, complainant, 127. ered, 278. National Paper Bag Label and Carton Company, see Oscar Neville, Kenneth Boyce, released on O.P. Act, 128. Arthur Klemick. Neville, Murray George Freestun, complainant, 145. National Pictures (H. R. Major, manager), film stolen, 296; Neville, Raymond Riddick, complaint withdrawn, 135. recovered,315. Neville, Robert Hamilton, convicted, 135. Nations, G. (N.S.W.), motor utility recovered, 259. Nevin, Reginald Dunstan, discharged, 369. Naughton, James, see Allan Reginald Robinson. Newberry, Beaty Hilda, bicycle stolen, 276; recovered, offender Naughton, John Charles, naval deserter, recovered, 366. arrested, 297. Naughton, Joseph, see Allan Reginald Robinson. Newbold, Edith Joy, bicycle stolen, 194. Naughton, Roderick Michael, bicycle- stolen, 7; recovered, 20. Newbold, Mary Edith Hannah, complainant, 269. Newbury, Ernest Ford, offender arrested for larceny on, 267; Navy, R.A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen d30. complainant, 270; Nayda, Joy Fay Mary, bicyce stolen, 287; recovered, 297.' Newbury, William Charles, complaint dismissed, 356. Naylon, Mark Matthew, warrant for 419. Newchurch, Allan Edward, convicted, 13. Naylor. David George Lamberton, absconder, 177; convicted, Newchurch, Clarence Brian, convicted, 40, 127; discharged, 388. 156. Neagle, Francis Joseph, naval deserter, 90; recovered, 125. Newchurch, Maxwell, see Maxwell Geoffrey Newchurch. Neagle, Gerald Ivan, gazetted as Ivan Gerald Neagle; con- Newchurch, Maxwell Geoffrey, aliases Maxwell Newchurch, victed and motor driver's licence cancelled, 418; correc- Maxwell Joffre Newchurch, Jack Williams, Maxwell Jef- tion, 425. frey Newchurch, arrested on warrant, 122; discharged, Neagle, Ivan Gerald, see Gerald Ivan Neagle. 147; convicted, 173; discharged, 217, 263. Neal, Arthur R. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 107; recovered, 115. Newchurch, Maxwell Jeffrey, see Maxwell Geoffrey Newchurch. Neal, George Norman, dismissed under O.P. Act, 216. Newchurch, Maxwell Joffre, see Maxwell Geoffrey Newchurch. Neal, William James, bicycle recovered, 9. Newchurch, Timothy Jack Johnson, warrants for, 121; paid, Neale, Douglas Charles, released on bond, 252. 140. Neale, Frederick Herbert, convicted, 11; (2), warrant for 26; Newcomb, Ronald Alfred, naval deserter, 326; recovered, 423. arrested,36; convicted,58; discharged, 61; warrant for, Newcombe, Albert, naval deserter, recovered, 90. 86. Newcombe, William, camera stolen, 221. Neale, Ira, complaint withdrawn, 279. Newell, Dawn, bicycle stolen, 106. Neale, James, see James Peter Morris. Newell, Eleanor Elizabeth, ring lost or stolen, 98. Neary, William Joseph, arrested for larceny, 420; committed Newell, Norman Raymond, complaint dismissed, and complain- for trial, 425. ant, 337. Neate, Arthur, camera stolen, 97. Newell, Rachiel Sylvia, suitcases etc., stolen, 305. Neate, Arthur Horace, complaint dismissed, 93. Newett Brothers (Frederick Claude Newett, and John Terry Neate, William Murray, complaint dismissed, 425. Newett trading as), shop broken into, 332. Neenan, Allan C., see Thomas Carl Lacy. Newett, Frederick Caude, see Newett Brothers. Nemis. H. L. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 89. Newett, John Terry, see Newett Brothers. Neideck, Paul Herman, hose stolen, 374. Newment, Maurice. motor car stolen, 343; recovered, 375. Nelsen, Norman Phillip, convicted, 101. Newhousen, Jack Harold, paid amounts on warrant, 75 (2). Neilson, August (Vic.), alien, 219. Newlan. George, naval deserter, recovered, 68. Neilson, Catherine Margaret, suitcase, et,., stolen, 352; recov- Newland. Susannah Lucy Joyce. housebreaking and larceny on, ered, 448. portion property recovered, 114. Neilson, Charles, see Charles Edward Nelson. Newlina, Percival Roy, complainant, 50. Neilson, Gustav Berkeld, see Gustav Berkeld Nelson. Newling, Roger Charles Morphett, convicted, 81. Neilson, R. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 277; recovered, 354, Newman, Charles, aliases Patrick William Wright, Albert Neilson, Victor, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Rutter, John Markham, Charles Rutter, warrant for, 168; Neldner, J. E., hoggets stolen or strayed, 386. warrant for. 248-, arrested, 275; warrant for, 304. Nelson, see Eric Clyde Cherry. Newman, Clarence, naval deserter recovered, 91. Nelson, Albert Henry, complaint dismissed, 4-16. Newman, Elsie, money, etc., stolen, 193. Nelson, Arthur Edward, alias Roy Dennis WWrillmont, committed Newman, Kevin John, convicted and motor driver's licence can- for trial. 93: convicte', 182; acc+uitted, 197. celled, 288. Nelson, Charles, see Patrick Joseph Cull. Newman, Lancelot, hair clippers, stolen, 275. Nelson, Charles Edward, aliases Charles Neilson, Lawson, con- Newman, Rees, kitbag stolen, 266. victed, 452, 461. Newman, Svdney Clair, dinghy lost or stolen, 9; recovered, 21. Nelson, Charles Edward, aliases Edward Charles Nelson, Taylor, Newman, William George, complainant, 244. discharged, 166; convicted. 299; discharged, 409. New South Wales Government, Department of Health, motor Nelson, Edward Charles, see Charles Edward Nelson. e-r stolen, 66. Nelson, Ernest Aucust, complainant, 450. New South Wales Government, Dulwich Hill Home Science Nelson, Francis William, convicted, 441. School. storeroom broken into, 76. Nelson, Gustav Berkeld (Vic.), otherwise Gustav Berkeld New South Wales Government, Police Department, motor cycle Neilson. alien, 219; arrested, 371. stolen, 404. Nelson, Herbert, wheel, tyro and tube stolen, 364. New South Wales Government, Railways Department, motor Nelson, John Alfred, shop broken into, 402. cycle stolen, 56. Nelson, L., (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213. New South Wales Motors (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 170; Nelson, Leonard Frederick, bicycle stolen, 287. recovered,231. Nelson, (Mrs.), see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. New Treasury Hotel (Charles H. Daley, proprietor (Vie.), Nelson, Oscar Edward, clothing, etc., stolen. '65; offender hotel broken into, 257, 313. arrested, property recovered, 105; complainant, 109. News Limited, stolen bicycle recovered, 89; bicycle stolen, 438; Nelson, Paul Hermann, complainant, 270. recovered,487. INDEX.

Newton, Frank Lewis, complainant, 367. Noakes, Robert Mervyn, discharged, 207. Newton, John William, bicycle stolen, 375. Nobes, Lloyd George, hatbag, etc., lost or stolen, 422. Newton MeLaren Limited, factory broken into, additional pro- Nobes,Peter Vernon, gazetted as Peter Vernon Nodes, con- perty, 87; store broken into, 178; complainant, 216, 261; victed, 291; correction,- 338; discharged, 339. offender arrested for storebreaking on, property recovered, Noble, Brian Keith David, naval deserter, 144; recovered, 223. 266; portion recovered, 363; complainant, 452; 2 wire- Noble, Elsie May, missing friend, 251. lesses stolen, 475; car radio stolen, 475. Noble, John Albert, complainant, 232. Newton, Noel, naval deserter, 195; cancelled, 431. Noble, Maurice Wilbur, see Maurice Wilbert Albert Noble. Newton, R. W. (Vie.), motor car stolen, 385; recovered, 415. Noble, Maurice Wilber Albert, aliases Maurice Wilbur Noble, Newton, William Robert, fails to to maintain, 53; portion Ronald Arthur Bickley, J. N. Rowan, committed for trial paid, 248, 322, 464. and information dismissed, 14; case made remanet, 301; Neyland, Edward George, convicted, 451. convicted, 319. Nichol, G., naval deserter, 68; recovered, 90. Noble, P. F., R.A.A.F. deserter, 90; recovered, 477. Nicholas, Angus Constantine, dinghy stolen, 458. Noble, Reginald Ray, generator stolen, etc., 152. Nicholas, Charles Albert, mail bag, etc., stolen, 7; recovered, Nockolds, Maurice James, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 9. 20. Nodes, Peter Vernon, see Peter Vernon Nobes. Nicholas, Charlotte Bernadette, wrist watch lost or stolen, 477. Nolan, see Maxwell Leslie Hutchinson. Nicholas, Harry, convicted, 368. Nolan, Dennis, harness stolen, 56. Nicholas, Henry, complainant, 50. Nolan, L. H. (N.S.W.) motor car stolen, 438. Nicholas, Jim, complainant, 462. Nolan, Laurence, alias Laurence Norman, released on bond, Nicholls, Alfred, see Alfred Cornelius. 206. Nicholls, Angelena, complainant, 13. Nolan, Michael, housebreaking and larceny on, 114; offender Nicholls, B. J., R.A.A.F. deserter, 269; recovered, 278. arrested, 211. Nicholls, Claude Rudolph, committed for trial, 327; acquitted, Nolan, Michael Francis, complainant, 206. 408. Nolan, Raymond John, released on bond, 452. Nicholls, Ernest Kenneth, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Nolan, Robert Michael, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Nicholls, Grace Amelia, complainant, 270. Nolan, Rose, complainant, 206. Nicholls, John, naval deserter, 366; cancelled, 431. Nolan, V. M., R.A.A.F. deserter, 325. Nicholls, Kenneth William (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 171; Noolan, Darcy John, absconder, 238; located, 247. recovered, 203. Noonan, Carmel, missing friend, 231; located, 243. Nicholls, P. J. (man signing the name of), suspected of Noonan, Margaret S., missing friend, 231; located, 243. larceny from Peter James Nicholls, 286. Nordan, Benjamin, alias Benjamin Nordin, convicted, 299; Nicholls, Peter James, kitbag stolen, etc., 286. discharged, 339. Nicholls, S. R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77. Nordin, Benjamin, see Benjamin Nordan. Nicholls, William John, released on bond, 163. Norm (man known as), suspected of larceny, 421, 430. Nicholls, William Richard, wireless set stolen, 305. Norman, Arthur Henry Gordon Roy, watch lost or stolen, 57. Nicholson, G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 98: recovered, 107; Norman, Frank, motor cycle stolen, 259. Nicholson, John Emanuel, see Robin Hood Hotel. Norman, Laurence, see Laurence Nolan. Nicholson, John Shaw, convicted, 356. Norman, Sydney John, convicted, 279. Nickolls, Mervyn, see Hank Biockhirzon. Norman, William James, war bonds stolen, 19; portion cashed, Nicks, James Errol, driver's licence suspended, 407. 230. Nicks, Phillip Raymond, bicycle stolen, 315; recovered, 325. Normann, Frederick William Theodore, convicted, 145. Nickus, Joseph, discharged, 320; convicted, 387. Norris, Annie, suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 325; recovered, 344. Nicol, Edna Lillian, complainant, 145. Norris, Arthur Kenneth, naval deserter, 154. Nicol, Gilbert James, warrant for 350. Norris, Brien Desmond, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Nicoll, George Stratton, convicted and licence suspended, 262. Norris, Joan Norma (N.S'.W.), see Joan Norma Ginn. Nicolle, Lance, tools stolen, 75. Norris, R. E. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 404. Nicotra, Samuel, bicycle stolen, 20; recovered, 162. Norris, Stanley Ernest Roy, kitbag stolen, 240; recovered, 249. Nieass, Lily Dora Mary, complainant, 327. Norsworthy, Kenneth Raymond, convicted, 101. Nieddu, Michele (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. North, Charles Ferdinand, complaint dismissed, 49 Niehus, Fred Eric Roy, see Frederick Eric Ray Niehus. North, William, naval deserter, recovered, 21. Niehus, Frederick Eric Ray, alias Fred Eric Roy Niehus, com- Northcote, Raymond Allen, see Vidale Products Limited. mitted for trial, convicted, discharged, 208. 60; 130, Northcote, William Gardiner, (trading as Comleys Limited), Niehus, Leonard Denyer, complainant, 70, 136. complainant, 69, 432. Nieling, Daniel Richard, convicted, 357. Northey, Eric Lindsay, complainant, 233. Nielsen, Knud Richard, released on bond, 23. Northey, Thalia, missing friend, 326; located, 355. Nielsen, Lionel Herbert, gazetted as R. F. Davies, R.A.A.F. Northfote, R. L., (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124. deserter, 125; recovered, 278; R.A.A.F. deserter, 289; cor- Norton, See Ethel Francis Mitchell. rection, 460. Norton, see Thomas Andrew Morton. Nielson, Alice May, bicycle stolen, 287; recovered, 297. Norton, Hubert Thomas, rim, tyre and tube lost or stolen, 386; Nihil, Leslie Eugene, convicted, 425; warrant for, 456. recovered, 396. Nile, George, see George William Bethel. Norton, James, see Douglas Harry Black. Nilsen, John, see Jacob Hall. Norton, James, see Allan Reginald Robinson. Nilsen, John Alfred Lawrence, watch lost or stolen, 396; recov- Norton, Jean, purse, etc., stolen, 46. ered, 449. Norton, Joseph, see Allen Reginald Robinson. Nilsen, Oliver J. and Company Limited, wireless set stolen, 323. Norton, Leonard, see Allen Reginald Robinson. Nilsson, Pryce Charles, workshop broken into, 160. Norton, T eslie Joseph (N.S.W.), provisional warrant for, 382. Nilsson, Sven August, overcoat, etc., stolen, 333. Norton, Reginald John, complainant, 261. Nimis, Guerrimo, alien located, 103. Norton, Turner Robert, convicted, 367. Nimon, Getta, convicted, 224. Norval, Hazel Eileen, ring lost or stolen, 396. Ninnes, Allan Herbert, bicycle stolen, 396; recovered, 422. Noske, Frederick Martin, motor cycle stolen, 395; recovered, Ninnes, Horace Leslie, complainant, 80. 468. Nisbet, Robert George, tarpaulin lost or stolen, 423. Nourse, William Frederick, hicvelP stolen. 20, 37. Nitschke, Albert Roland Erwin (trading as Ern Nitschke), Nowlan, Michael (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 439. shop broken into,65. Noyce, Ronald, naval deserter, 79; recovered, 91. Nitschke, Alfred Arthur, plough shears stolen, 413; recovered, Noyes Bros. (Melbourne), Limited,' complainant, 39, 93 ; bicycle 430. stolen, 276; complainant, 309. Nitschke, Alfred Herman, convicted, 280. Nugent, Charles, sheep stolen or strayed, 386; recovered, 449. Nitschke, Arthur Edward, convicted, 388. Nugent. Michael Joseph. bicycle stolen. 476. Nitschke, Brian Allan, convicted, 377. Nunn, Andrew Ernest, aliases Andrew Ernest Conway, Ernest Nitschke, Ern, see Albert Roland Erwin Nitschke. Conway, convicted, 173, 195; discharged, 207, 226. Nitschke, Gustav Martin, convicted, 378, 434. Nunn. Georv`e Marshall, convicted and motor driver's licence Nitschke, (Mrs.) H. R. (Vic.-S.A.), capes stolen, 467. cancelled, 389. Nitschke, Hermann Arthur, complainant, 3-68. Nunes. Robert William Francis, naval deserter, 21; recovered, Nitschke, Norman Nathan, fails to maintain, 285. 440;naval deserter, 440. Nitschke, Peter John, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 171. Nurio,otpa Community Hotel, complainant, 116. Nitschke, Sydney Arthur, convicted, 346. Nurse, Alfred Henry, complainant, 309. Nitschke, Victor Werner, pistol stolen, 76. Nuske, Arnold (Vic.), motors cycle stolen, 162. Nitz, James Albert, convicted, 450. Nuske, Johannes Rudolph, convicted, 101. Nixon, Gordon William, convicted, 50. Nuske, Rodney Benjamin, convicted, 433. Nikon, I. R., wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 296. Nussio, Guiseppe, complaint dismissed, 417. Nixon, William Butler, see William Butler Nixon. Nyland, George Henry, naval deserter recovered, 91. Noack, Dorothy Muriel, complainant, 470. Noack, Walter Henry, complaint withdrawn, 92; complainant, 92; watch lost or stolen, 143; complainant, 358; con- 0 victed, 470. Noakes, Harold Ronald, released on bond, 233. Oakbank Brewery, see J. and A. G. Johnston. Noakes, Lily May, complainant, 233. Oakley, Edgar Sydney, gladstone bag, etc., stolen, 6. lxiv. INDEX.

Oakley, Norman Victor, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 260; O'Donohue, Michael John, convicted, 224. naval deserter, 317. O'Donovan, Patrick (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 335. Oates, Albert Edward Keith, dinghy stolen, 6. O'Driscoll, Frank John, missing friend, 278. Oates, Stanley James, R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Oehlrich, John Albert, see John Herbert Oehlrich. Oatway, Charles Alexander, bicycle stolen, 212; convicted, 388. Oehlrich, John Herbert, alias John Albert Oehlrich , convicted, Oberman, Edward, convicted, 368. 32; discharged, 110. Oberman, R. S. (N.S.W.), stolen motor car recovered, 20. O'Flaherty, Percival George, warrant for, 210; arrested, 285; O'Brien (man believed named), suspected of larceny, 152. convicted, 442 ; discharged, 453. O'Brien, Arnold Ernest, see Arnold Joseph O'Brien. O'Flaherty, Raymond (N.S.W.), see Thomas William Tracey. O'Brien, Arnold Ernest Joseph, see Arnold Joseph O'Brien. O'Flaherty, Thomas William, see '1 homas William Tracey. O'Brien, Arnold Joseph, aliases Arnold Ernest O'Brien, Arnold Ogg, Mary, pendant lost or stolen, 344. Ernest Joseph O'Brien, discharged, 24. Ogilvie, Douglas Herbert, convicted, 309. O'Brien, Brian Read (manager of Gresham Hotel), pistol lost Ogilvy, Alexander Kenneth, convicted, 461. or stolen, 57; complainant, 164, 215. O'Grady, Eugene Richard, complaint withdrawn, 489. O'Brien, Eileen Elizabeth, complainant, 290. O'Halloran, Aloysius Vincent, convicted, 417. O'Brien, Francis Timothy, motor car stolen, 267; recovered, O'Hara, Edward, naval deserter, 68; cancelled, 431. offender arrested, 287. O'Hara, John, complainant, 40. O'Brien, Herbert George, convicted, 234. O'Hara, Robert Victor, bicycle stolen, 8. O'Brien J. (Mrs.), see South Australian Hotel Ltd. O'Hara, Stanley William, generator stolen, 333 and 334. O'Brian, J. B. (N.S.W.), motor ear stolen, 334; recovered, Ohlsen, Melva Ruby, pen, etc., stolen, 97. 354. O'Keefe, Arthur Stephen, convicted, 216. O'Brien, James Patrick, convicted, 155; discharged, 184. O'Keefe, Daniel Francis, watch lost or stolen, 344. O'Brien, James Raymond, see Howard Raymond Doorey. O'Keefe, Harold, warrant for, 160. O'Brien, John - Chaston, complainant, 145. O'Keefe, John, see John Joseph Smith. O'Brien, John James, complainant, 92. O'Keefe, William Patrick, convicted, 432. O'Brien, Kevin James, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, 78. O'Keefe, John, see John Joseph Smith. O'Brien, Leo, convicted, 69. Okes, Herbert, alias Herbert Oakes, discharged, 481. O'Brien, Leo Dennis, complaint dismissed, 440; convicted, 440. Old Colonist Hotel (Frank Moyle, licensee), complainant, 407. O'Brien, Leslie Newell, attache case, etc., stolen, 374. Olaf (Christian name believed), suspected of larceny, 384. O'Brien, Patrick, warrant for, 464. Oldfield, Peter John, absconder, warrant for, 191; withdrawn, O'Brien, Terence, convicted, 462. 219. O'Brien, Terence, see James Peter Morris. Oldham, Robert, complainant, 262. O'Brien, William Stephen, released on bond, 92. Olds, Darkie, see Ronald Stuart Olds. Obst, Mervin Ronald, convicted, 233. Olds, Joseph, house broken into, 6; offender arrested, 141. Obst, Viola Rita, complainant, 116. Olds, Ronald Stewart, see Ronald Stuart Olds. s.s. Ocean Liberty, complainant, 164. Olds, Ronald Stuart, aliases Ronald Stewart Olds, Darkie Olds, Ochse, Ellen Kathleen (known as Nellie Kathleen Ochse), convicted, 155, 270; warrant for, 285; discharged, 292; complainant, 204. 327 (2). warrant for, 322. Ochse, Florence Myrtle, committed for trial, 204; convicted, Olds, Theodore Richard, complaint withdrawn, 318. 301. Ole, Desmond Francis, naval deserter, 405. Ochse, N. K., see Ellen Kathleen Ochse. O'Leary, Allan Robert, pays fine and costs, 96; convicted and Oehse, Nellie Kathleen, see Ellen Kathleen Ochse. driver's licence suspended, 262. O'Cleary, Peter, convicted, 318. O'Leary, Austin, convicted, 12; discharged, 61. O'Connell, -Dennis Frederick, complaint dismissed, 59. O'Leary, Elizabeth Joyce, released under Offenders Probation O'Connell, James Patrick, discharged, 471. Act, 144. O'Connell, James Thomas, see James Thomas Cross. O'Leary,James Patrick, house broken into, 55; offender O'Connell, John Joseph, convicted, 308. arrested, 313. O'Connell, Kenneth Thomas, naval deserter, 449 ; recovered, O'Leary, Kevin Edmund, watch stolen, 429; recovered, 448. 460. O'Leary, Lyall John, naval deserter, 365. O'Connell, Matthew Joseph, see Matthew Joseph Connell. O'Leary, Marv Margaret, handbag, etc. stolen, 6 O'Connell, Reginald, cafe, etc., stolen, 295. O'Connor, (man named), suspected of larceny, 314. Oliff, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 89. O'Connor, Francis Charles, discharged, 471. Olive, William Roy, escaped mental defective, 393; located, O'Connor, Freddy, see George Frederick O'Connor. 411. Oliver (nursed named), suspected of larceny, 46. O'Connor, George Frederick, alias Freddy O'Connor, convicted, Oliver, Arnold, see Edward Arnold Oliver. 243; discharged,263; warrantfor, 332; paysportion, Oliver, Arnold Francis, see Edward Arnold Oliver. 342, 362; balance paid, 393; convicted, 470. Oliver, Diana Elizabeth Merle, suitcase, clothing, etc. stolen, O'Connor, Gladys Anne, complainant, 58. 18. O'Connor, John Reginald, alias Reginald John O'Connor, dis- Oliver, Donald, complainant, 337. charged, 16. Oliver, Edward Arnold, aliases Arnold Oliver, Arnold Francis O'Connor, Keven Charles, see Kevin Charles Gavin. Oliver, Mollie Oliver, Arnold Francis Olivier, convicted, O'Connor, Kevin Cyril, naval deserter recovered, 366. 318, discharged, 453. O'Connor, Reginald John, see John Reginald O'Connor. Oliver, Frederick Cecil, workshop broken into, 122. O'Connor, T. and Sons, ladder stolen, 286. Oliver, Harold Charles John, sheep stolen or strayed, 289. O'Connor, Thomas John, complainant, 58. Oliver, Hazel Jean, bicycle stolen, 29; recovered, 38. O'Connor, Vincent Daniel, committed for sentence, 135; con- Oliver, Mollie, see Edward Arnold Oliver. victed. 174; discharged, 281. Oliver Racquet Co., factory broken into, 123. O'Crane, F. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Oliver, Reginald Colin, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered , offenders O'Daniell. Leonard, motor car stolen. 315; recovered, 325. arrested 203. Oldie. John William. mainte"anee arrears nail. 2110. Oliver, Samuel Knipe, complainant. 432. O'Dea, James Donnybrook, see James Joseph O'Dea. Oliver, Warren David, committed for trial, 156; convicted, 245. O'Dea, James Joseph, alias James Donnybrook O'Dea, con- Olivier, Leo Thomas, convicted, 299. victed, 100; discharged, 235. O'Dea, Norman, see Hylands Fish Factory. Ollivier, Arnold Francis, see Edward Arnold Oliver. O'Dea, Raymond John, complaint dismissed, 100. Ologinta, Theodore Lavrangas , released on bond, 490. Odell, Percy Noel. convicted. 205; discharged, 245. O'Loughlin, Alfred, convicted, 195. Odgers, Keith Leonard (trading as K.L.O. industries), com- O'Loughlin, Dorothy May, alias Joan Mortimer, arrested for plainant, 183. larceny, 241; convicted, 244; discharged, 281. O'Doherty, Dennis John, convicted and driver' s licence can- O'Loughlin. John William Laurence, convicted, 357; dis- celled, 379. charged, 442. O"nnnahue, Margaret. fowls stolen. 429, O'Loughlin, Martin James, binoculars stolen, 161. O'Donnell, Albert Bert, see Albert George O'Donnell. O'Loughlin, Michael, see Raymond John McLaughlin. O'Donnell, Albert George, aliases Albert Bert O'Donnell,, O'Loughlin, Ronald Keith, arrested on warrant, 75; missing Shiner O'Donnell, Forbes, convicted, 92; discharged, 137. friend located, 79; released on bond, 93. O'Donnell Bros. Ltd., complainant. 309. Olsen, Donald Keith, watch lost or stolen , 163; recovered, 242. O'Donnell, Jack William, convicted, 346. Olsen, Emily Ann, clothing stolen, 19. O'Donnell, Jamejs Thomas, complainant, 13. Olsen, George, alias George Olson, discharged, 34; convicted, O'Donnell, John Alfred, tyre lost or stolen, 98. 70: discharged, '111; warrant for, 464. O'Donnell, Leslie Colin, convicted, 280. Olsen, Oscar Karl, see Jacob Hall. O'Donnell, Margaret Joan, aliases Margaret Karopangera, Olsen, S. B. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Margaret Joan Kropinyerie. warrant for, 178; arrested, Olson, Carl Anton (Vic.), alien, 139. 332: discharged, 338; warrant for, 412. Olson, Eric Maurice, sports coat stolen, 475. O'Donnell, Stanley James, field glasses stolen, 229. Olson, George, see George Olsen. O'Donoahue, Geoffrey, convicted, 244. Olssen. Percival Leslie, warrant for, pays portion, 3, 36, 192, o'Donoghue, James Keith, complainant, 233. 228 304 , 332, 383, 474. ' O'Donoghue, Patrick James, convicted, 367. Olsson. Glen Melville, bicycle stolen, 8; amended description, O'Donoghue, T. 0. (QId.), motor cycle stolen, 277; recovered, 29. - - 307. ' - + Olsson, Noel Holmquist, released on bond, 14.- - INDEX. lxv.

O'Mahoney, Moyra, cape stolen, 97. Owens, Allan Joseph, aliases Allen Joseph Owens, Allen Owen, O'Malley, Patricia, watch lost or stolen, 78. R. Harold, discharged, 15; arrested on warrant, 285. O'Malley, Ronald Raymond, bicycle stolen, 287. Owens, Allen Joseph, see Allan Joseph Owens. O'Malley, Thomas Andrew, convicted, 14. Owens, Edwin, warrant for, 150, paid, 228. O'Neil, Arthur Raymond, convicted, 490. Owens, Ernest William, cutlery stolen, 114. O'Neil, Frank, shop broken into, 294 and 295. Owens, Jack Albert, convicted, 490. O'Neil, Joseph, see Joseph O'Neill. Owens, Ray, see Sydney Lloyd Heaps. O'Neill, Alice Kathleen, inquest on the body of, 108; com- Owers, Thomas Rupert, complainant, 270. plainant, 172. Oxford, Maurice Charles, released on recognizance, 129. O'Neill, Beryl Olive, convicted, 406. Oxlade, Alan Walter, convicted, 101. O'Neill, Cynthia Janice, complainant, 117. Oxlade, Audrey, complainant, 461. O'Neill, Joseph, aliases Joseph O'Neil, Joseph O'Niel, dis- Ozone Theatres Ltd., Col. Light Gardens (Frederick Davis, charged, 72; convicted, 173. manager), threatre broken into, 257. Ongley, John Henry, complainant, 11. Ozone Theatres, Kensington (Ewen Waterman, Chairman of O'Nieall, Terence, convicted, 309. Directors), theatre broken into, 275. O'Niel, Joseph, see Joseph O'Neill. Ozone Theatres Ltd. (Jack Moore, manager), film stolen, 114. Onley, Alma May, complainant, 3-67. Oppy, William Robert, naval deserter, 116. Opseth, Helge (Vic.), alien, 401. P Optical Products Pty. Ltd. (Vic.), warehouse broken into 475. Oram, Eileen Joyce, discharged, 339 ; r2le-,sed on bond, 367. Pacific Theatre, complainant, 69. Orchard, Frederick Luke, see Leslie Frederick Orchard. Packer, Brian George, convicted, 182. Packer, Edgar Ronald, convicted and licence disqualified, 128, Orchard, Leslie, see Leslie Frederick Orchard. 136. Orchard, Leslie Frederick, aliases Frederick Luke Orchard, Packer, William Alfred, complainant, 31. Frederick Jury, Leslie Orchard, discharged, 41, 51. Packham, Mervyn Henry, convicted, 490. O'Reilly, Daniel, see John Colin Michell. Paddick, Thelma Loas, gold ring stolen, 475. O'Reilly, Gerald, discharged, 434; warrant for 484. Paddy (abo.), convicted, 356. O'Reilly, Mary Catherine, clothing stolen, 170. Padrotta, Irene May, convicted, 216. O'Reilly, Thomas Edward John, convicted and driver' s licence Paech, Darcy Douglas, convicted, 22. disqualified, 81. Paech, Ida Maurine, convicted, 252. Organ, William Westley Charles, clothing stolen, 201. Paech, Graham Vincent, convicted, 406. O'Rielly, William John Thomas, convicted, 300; discharged, Paech, Percy Leonard, arrested on warrant, 26. 329. Paech, Robert Walter, convicted, 224. Orledge, William Henry, alias Jack Hicks, suspected of larceny, Page, Douglas Alwin, watch, lost or stolen, 277. 447; arrested for shopbreaking, 484; arrested for larceny, Page, Isaac Leonard, carpet lost or stolen, 163; recovered, 486(2). 181. Ormes, Allan Ernest, naval deserter recovered, 366.. Page, James, watch stolen, 46. Orr, William John, alias W. Hall, arrested for larceny, 364; Page, John Henderick, ewes, stolen or strayed, 214; recovered, convicted, 368. 2-69. Orrock, David Mitchell, convicted, 165. Page, Laural Pearl, bicycle stolen, 354; recovered, 365. Ortmann, Rudolph Donald, house broken inito, 122. Page, Nola Bessie Jean, complainant, 215. Ortmann, Sara Ann, watch stolen, 122. Page, Roy, bicycle stolen, 422. Ortorizzi, Sevelino, offenders located for housebreaking on, 114. Pagliari, Guiseppe, alien arrested, 483. Osborn, Joan Lucy, bicycle stolen, 66. Pahl, Reinhold Hermann, socks, etc., stolen, 275; offender Osborn, M. J. T., estate of, complainant, 291. arrested,property recovered,343. Osborn, Mary Jane Turnbull, complainant, 291. Paige, Charlie Ashley, ring, lost or stolen, 460. Osborn, Maud Evelyn, ring lost or stolen, 404. Paige, William George, bicycle stolen, 115. Osborn, Phyllis Agatha, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 385. Paine, C. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 343; recovered, 376. Osborne, Dorothy May, complainant- 300. Painter, Henry Joseph, bicycle stolen, 77; recovered, 89. Osborne, Frank Williarnl, discharged, 94. Pais, Floria, complainant, 100. - Osborne, Henry, clothing, etc. stolen, 420. Pake, Shaquir Mustafa, convicted and motor drivers licence Osborne, Joyce Marian, inquest on body of 108. suspended, 460. Osborne, Reginald, naval deserter, 21, 195; recovered, 298. Palena, Peter, convicted, 80. Osborne, Ron, see Bert Davis. Paliey, Charles Arthur, naval deserter, recovered, 10. Osborne, Ronald John, arrested for larceny, 193; released on Palk-,Arthur Joseph, complainant, 156. ' bond, 196. Palladium Dance Hall (Hubert George Carmichael, promoter), Osborne, Roy Douglas, convicted, 22. complainant, 378. O'Shaughnessy, Patrick A., naval deserter recovered, 90. Pallasser-Hohenstein, Robert (Vic.), alien 35. O'Shea, James Patrick, see Patrick Joseph O'Shea. Palleschi, Carmine (Vic.), alien recaptured, 382. O'Shea, Joseph Patrick, see Patrick Joseph O'Shea. Palmer anu 2oster, see Arthur Frederick Palmer. O'Shea, Patrick Joseph, aliases Joseph Patrick O'Shea, James Palmer, Arthur Frederick (trading as Palmer and Foster), complainant, 434.' Patrick Shea, Joseph Patrick Shea, James Patrick O'Shea, Palmer, Brian Taylor, convicted, 49. warrant for, 150; arrested, 200; discharged, 225. Palmer, Frederick Charles, suspected of larceny, 46. Osman, Russell Vincent, lamp stolen, 324 Palmer,6Reginald Richard, alias Keith John Evans, convicted, Ormond, Alfred Edward, convicted, 328. Ossers, M. E., brooch lost or stolen, 335. Palmer, Robert John, bicycle recovered, 20. Oster, Keith, suitcase, etc., stolen. 287 Palmer, Valentine Raymond, committed for trial, 452. Osterstock, Esther Annie, complainant, 60. Pamiter, Winifred Maud, inquest on body of, 317. O'Sullivan, see Larry Thomason. Panes, Lynden Staney, alias Frank Cedric Stockdale, convicted, O'Sullivan, Daniel, see Harry Semmens. 417. O'Sullivan, Lionel Patrick, naval deserter recovered, 366. Panizza, Peter, complainant, 135. O'Sullivan, Marjorie Joyce, complainant, 478. Panizzon, Vittore, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 420. Oswald, E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 107; recovered, 124. Pankhurst Gordon, convicted, 279. Oswald, T. P. (N.S.W.), panel van stolen, 353; recovered, 365. Pannach, Gordon Howard, suitcase stolen, 447. O'Toole, Laurence Leo, convicted, 225. Pannell, Arthur William James, special inquiry, wanted for O'Toole, Lawrence Ernest Charles, naval deserter, 195; recov- passing valueless cheque and larceny, 362; special inquiry, ered, 298. warrant for, 382; warrant for, 383. O'Toole, Matthew Norman, naval deserter recovered, 366. Pannell, E. E. (N.S.W.-S.A.), suitcase and contents lost or O'Toole, Patrick, British seaman deserter, 349. stolen, 125. Oughton, John Robson, committed for trial, 22; convicted, 129. Pantazis, George, complainant, 269. Ouvrier, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Panto., see Emily Katherine Matthews. Overs, Noel Rupert, naval deserter, 449. Pantzer, Ronald Lawrence, bicycle stolen, 395; recovered, 448. Overton, Loris (Vie.), motor car stolen , 29; recovered, 78. Papadopoulos, Doris Marion, complainant, 14. Overton, Milton Samuel, complainant, 356. Papale, Felice, alien, 95. Owen, see Sydney Lloyd Heaps. Papearella, Genaro, convicted, 49. Owen, Allen, see Allan Joseph Owens. Papi, Attario (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. Owen, H. G. (N.S'.W.), motor car stolen, 89. Papourella, Michele, convicted, 388. Owen, John Owen, convicted, 81; discharged, 118. Pappagalo, Vito Rudolph, inquest on body of, 154. Owen, John Wesley, absconder arrested, 3. Pappin, Miss J., suspected of larceny, 394, 448. Owen, Leonard G. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 422. Para Wirra (1939), Ltd. (John Flinders Pilgrim, secretary), Owen, Patricia Mary, complainant, 262. larceny on, additional property, 212. Owen, Phyllis Francis, absconder warrant for, 64; arrested, Parade Drapers, shop broken into, 257. 74; complaint withdrawn, 126; custody of Children's Wel- Paradice, John, rim, tyre and tube stolen, 286. fare Department, 127. Paramount Pictures, film stolen, 296; recovered, 315. Owen, Rodney Morris, bicycle stolen, 123; recovered, 134. Parasine, Sister, watch stolen, 133. Owen, -Thomas, naval deserter, 317. Parente, Orazio, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, Owen-Cooper, Coral Margaret, complainant, 327. 174. I lxvi. INDEX.

Pargeter, Jack Holton, complainant, 22. Patterson, Harold George, complainant, 441. Parham, Frank Lewis, released under O.P. Act, 14; convicted, Patterson, Roger, missing friend, 58. 80; discharged, 94; warrant for, 220; paid, 436. Pattinson, Harry, convicted, 128; discharged, 136. Parham, Horace David, alias Harold George Johnson, con- Paul, Harry Ernest, convicted, 406. victed, 13; discharged, 157; convicted, 308; discharged, Paul, Helen Lorraine, complainant, 22. 389. Paul, William, naval deserter, 449. Parham, Mable Lillian, watch, lost or stolen, 354. Paule, Thelma May Violet, complainant, 407. Parish, Allan Leslie, complainant, 280. Pavier, Leonard Bruce, released on bond, 32. Parish, William Thomas, discharged, 234. Pavlich, Charles George, convicted, 488. Park, Sydney Albert Benson, convicted, 252. Pavlous, Vasilios, bicycle stolen, 162; complainant, 261. Parker, Albert James, convicted, 93. Pawelski, Bernard David, convicted, 328. Parker Brothers Limited (Lionel Robert Parker, manager), Payne, Arthur Richard John, naval deserter, recovered, 366. factory broken into, 105; type writer stolen, 384. Payne, C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 306. Parker, Francis Gerrard, warrant nor, 350. Payne, Collin Frederick, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered, 316. Parker, H. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 170; recovered, 181. Payne, Graham Alfred Vincent, sheep, stolen or strayed, 57. Parker, Ivan Harold, house broken into, 420. Payne, Herbert, watch stolen, 202; recovered, 353. Parker, John Cadell, convicted, 70. Payne, Herbert Lea, complainant, 318. Parker, Leslie George, convicted, 478. Payne, John Frederick Munton (), (may take name Parker, Lionel Robert, see Parker Brothers Limited. of Peter Williams), missing friend, 99; located, 416. Parker, Patricia, watch stolen, 457. Payne, John William, convicted, 461. Parker, Ralph William, sheep stolen or strayed, 488. Payne, Kevin Leslie, bicycle stolen 385, ; recovered, 396. Parker, Raymond Ernest, convicted, 183. Payne, Randolph John Stewart, convicted, 109. Parker, Richard, convicted, 145. Payne, Richard, bed mattress, etc., stolen, 258. Parker, Richard, see Karl Schmidt. Payne, Richard Douglas, complainant, 40. Parker, Ronald Leonard, see Ronald Leonard Ball. Payne, Robert H. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 414. Parkin, Donald Henry, convicted, 164. Payne, Stanley George, committed for trial, 261; convicted, Parkins, S. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 77; recovered, 89. 319. Parkinson, Frank Herbert, convicted, 407. Payne, Sydney, see Trevor Waddington. Parkinson, Tom, suspected of larceny, 106. Payne, Walter Charles, convicted, 300. Parkwynd Private Hospital, housebreaking on, 4; complainant, Payne, William (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 67; recovered, 78. 461. Payne, Wynette Adelaide, watch lost or stolen, 487. Parkyn, Lionel Lewis, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Paynter Maxwell Henry, complainant, 164. 270. Paynting, Harold, warrant for, 402. Parkyn, John Andrew James, fails to maintain, 427. Payton, Frank, warrant for, 36. Parnell, Harry, complainant, 379. Peach, Frank, arrested for larceny of motor cycle, 20; con- Parr, Dorothy Patricia, watch stolen, 286. victed and complaint dismissed, 22; convicted and Parrish, Bertie, naval deserter, recovered; 366. driver's licence suspended, 23; discharged, 61. Parrish, William Thomas, convicted and driver's licence sus- Peachy, Sidney Victor, naval deserter, 336; cancelled, 431. pended, 71. Peacock, Jack, convicted, 126; discharged, 226. Parsons and Robertson Limited, complainant, 146. Peacock, Kenneth Ernest Alfred, naval deserter recovered, 90 Parjsons, Geoffrey B. Angus, gate stolen, 267. Peacock Leather Company (Lawrence Reginald Sheidow, man- Parsons, James, convicted, 128. ager ), factory broken into, 457. Parsons, John Patrick, convicted, 70. Peacock, Richard, convicted and driver's licence suspended, 50, Parsons, Maxwell George, complainant, 244. Peake, Alex, pays portion of amount on warrant, 64; pays fine Parsons, Rex Keith, watch, lost or stolen, 404; recovered, 415. and costs, 96. Parsons, William Hilton, suspected of larceny, 37. Peake. Patrick James Brian Gordon, alias Norman George Parsons, William John, Mauser pistol stolen, 475; recovered, Morley, discharged, 399; suspected of larceny, 475. 486. Peake, Ronald John, complainant, 279. Parthenas, M. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 98. Peake, William Edward, complainant, 13. Parton, Eric Moss, field glasses stolen, 46. Peake, William Henry, arrested and imprisoned, 104. Parton, Jack, remanded to Horsham, Victoria, 416. Pearce, Albert James, convicted and driver' s licence sus- Partridge, Harry Herbert, complainant, 317. pended, 71 Partridge, Prudence Muriel, complainant, 309. Pearce, Alfred James, convicted, 388. Partridge, Ronald John, released on bond, 163. Pearce, Allan, shop broken into, 257; electric motor stolen, Partridge, Roy Lionel, complainant, 309. 352. Pasche, Cecil Vincent, convicted, 479. Pearce, Amy Hazel, bicycle stolen, 88. Pascoe and Company Limited (Percival Charles Rodda, man- Pearce, Bruce Arthur, convicted, 461; naval deserter, 488. ager ), tools stolen, 457; additional property, 466. Pearce, Charlie, suspected of larceny, 275; arrested for larceny, Pascoe, Clifford Leo, otherwise Leo Clifford Pascoe, convicted, 343. 11; discharged, 23; convicted, 32, 270; discharged, 292; Pearce, Colin James, complainant, 388. convicted, 329; discharged, 329; convicted, 347; warrant Pearce. Frederick Cyril, alias Robin Jeffery Frederick Mac- for 383; arrested, 465; discharged. 480. Gregor, remanded to Melbourne, 205. Pascoe, Leslie Henwood, nolle prosequi and convicted, 16; Pearce, Charles Henry, discharged, 245. discharged, 480. Pearce, George, see Lawrence Harold Raymond Jones. Pascoe Engineering Company, wheels stolen, 287. Pearce, Graham Ronald , see Ronald Graham Pearce. Pascoe, Ernest John, motor wheel, stolen, 37. Pearce, Leonard Victor, convicted, 388. Pascoe, Frederick Henry, pays fine and costs, 256. Pearce, Frederick Eldridge, convicted, 451. Pascoe, James Daniel, bicycle stolen, 134; recovered, 163. Pearce, Rex, William , alias Boris Riss Andraivitch, warrant Pascoe, Leo Clifford, see Clifford Leo Pascoe. for, 210. Pascoe, Donald Sydney, bicycle stolen, 203; portion of bicycle Pearce, Robert William, complainant, 182. recovered,213. Pearce, Ronald Graham, aliases Graham Ronald Pearce, Ronald Pascoe, Tim Hamilton, convicted and motor driver's licence Grayham Pearce, committed for trial , 20,6; arrested for cancelled, 270. larceny of motor cycle, 287: committed for sentence. 290; Pascoe, Victor Norman, convicted, 155. complainant , 291; committed for sentence, 299; released Pascoe, William Harold, missing friend, 326; located, 345. on bond, 301; convicted, 380. Pasquill, Valentine, Walter, convicted, 206. Pearce, Ronald Grayham, see Ronald Graham Pearce. Passmore, Jon Lawrence, suitcase , etc., stolen, 56. Pearce, Sheila Gertrude, handbag, etc., stolen, 151; handbag Pat, Sydney Night, motor cycle stolen, 107. minis money recovered. 202. Patching, Edward Owen Murray, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, Pearce, Shirley Dawn, complainant, 59. off ender arrested, 396. Pearce. William, bicycle stolen, 180. Patching, George James, convicted and driver' s licence dis- Pearce, William James, suitcase, lost or stolen, 325; recov- qualified, 118. ered , 354. Paterson, Cecil McGregor, obtains warrant for Ernest James Pearce, William Joffre, bicycle stolen, 414. Brooks, 428. Pearman, Alfred Arthur, bicycle stolen. 162; recovered, 171. Paterson, Dennis, Craig, watch stolen, 88. Pearman. Ernest Daniel, clock stolen, 395. Paterson, Frederick Albert, convicted, 451. Pearse. Mabel Catherine, watch, lost or stolen, 171; recovered, Paterson, James Peter, convicted, 451. 242. Paterson, Robert Leslie, fails to maintain, 26; pays, arrears, Pearson, Charles Mason. complainant, 80. 96. Pearson , Christopher Albin, bicycle stolen, 458. Paterson, S. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 133; recovered, 143. Pearson, George Albert, see Herman James Colin Bartlett. Patman , William James, shop broken into, 484. Pearson, Tru Herbert, convicted, 31. Patmore, Alan Reginald, naval deserter, 336. Pearson , Raymond Henry, convicted and motor driver's licence Patten, Thomas Henry, horse, stolen or strayed, 415; recov- disqualified, 338. ered, 431. Pearson , Stanley Arthur, naval deserter recovered, 90. Patterson , Donald George, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 250; Pearson. William Ernest, naval deserter recovered, 355. convicted, 261. Peart, Thomas Albert, bicycle stolen. 221; recovered, 250. Patterson , Gerald (Vic.), motor car stolen , 115; recovered, Peatey, William Alexander, alias William Alexander Peaty, 134. discharged, 94; warrant for. 238 ; arrested, 266. Patterson , Harold Audley, complaint withdrawn, 12. Peaty, William Alexander, see William Alexander Peatey. INDEX. lxvii.

Pecarovich, Fanny, complainant, 205 Peters, Emily (Vie.), motor car stolen, 259. Peck, J. S., complainant, 290. Peters, Frank Roy, bicycle stolen, 56. Pederzolli , Arcangelo, offenders located for housbreaking on, Peters,, Joyce, watch lost or stolen, 125. 114. Peters, William Noel, inquest on body of, 269. Pedlar, Murdoch John, see Murdoch John Pedler. Petersen, Albert Oswald, complainant, 450. Pedler , Murdoch John, alias Murdoch John Pedlar, discharged, Petersen Frederick William, convicted, 215. 184. Peterson, Charles, dinghy lost or stolen, 143. Peek , R. (N.S.W.), stolen motor cycle recovered, 468. Peterson, J. E. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 385; recovered, Peeks Limited, material, etc., stolen, 352; material stolen, 413. 414. Peever, R. (Qld), motor cycle stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Peterson, Keith, inquest on body of, 33-6. Peel, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 91. Peterson, Norman, bicycle stolen, 344. Peile, William, complaint dismissed, 328. Peterson, Sophus, convicted, 117. Pelgrave, Edward Frank, convicted, 80, 368. Peterson, Sydney James, convicted, 389. Pelham, Ellen, house broken into, 160. Petherbridge, Sylvia May, complainant, 70. Penalurick , Silas Leonard, convicted, 299. Pethick, Stuart George, kitbag stolen, 276. Penberthy, William, absconder, 74; located, 86; absconder, Petney,. Clarence, see Robe Hotel. 132. ' Petney, James Robert, complainant, 461. Penburthy, O. W., (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Petral, Jack, see Jack Cassidy. Pender, Alan Leslie, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Petrie, J. K, (Qld.), Willy's jeep, stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Pendle, Yvonne Mary, bicycle stolen, 448; recovered, 459. Petrie, R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 180; recovered, 213. Penfold, William Charles Frederick, discharged, 119. Petroff, Roy, convicted, 80. Penfolds Wines Proprietary Limited, factory broken into, 351. Pettingill, Ronald, complainant, 233. Penglis, Savos Antonio, inquest on body of, 345. Pettit, Thomas Allan Stewart, convicted and complaint with- Penhall, Eric James, discharged, 15. drawn, 49. Penn, Ann Laffey, handbag stolen, 421. - Pettrey, Glenmore James, convicted, 173. Penn, John, bicycle stolen, 29,6. Pezzimento, Domenico, alien arrested, 2. Penna, Gilbert Louis, convicted, 407. Pfeiffer, Colin Desmond, complaint dismissed, 308. Penna, John, complainant, 441. Pfeiffer, Frederick Arthur, complainant, 183. Pennay, W. J. (N.S.W.), lorry stolen, 297; recovered, 307. Pfeiffer, Friedrich G., motor car stolen, 37; recovered, 89. Penney, Allan John, released on bond, 388. Pfeiffer, Leonard Norman, convicted, 165. Penney, Colin Brian, released on bond, 385. Pfeiffer, Milton Colin, bicycle stolen, 194; recovered, 325. Penney, Robert Thomas, released on bond, 11. Pfeiffer, Sylvia Monica, missing friend, 100. Pennicuick, Stewart Russell (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 242. Pfeiler, Malcolm Herbert, bicycle stolen, 458. Pennington, Arthur Turbille, bicycle stolen, 396; recovered, Pfitzner, Brian Keith, convicted, 136. 414. Pflaum, Peter, bicycle stolen, 430. Pennington, Ernest, naval deserter recovered, 90. Phelps, Philip John, bicycle stolen, 20; recovered, 47. Peno, Laurence, watch, lost or stolen, 21. Philipson, John Henry, see John Henry Phillipson. Penrose, Leonard William, bicycle stolen, 47. Phillips, Allan, released under Offenders Probation Act, 232. Pentland, Joseph, convicted, 280. Phillips, Allan John, convicted, 144. Penton, John, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Phillips, Clifford Charles John, convicted, 479. Peoples, Charles Lewis, see Charles Edward Bourke. Phillips, Doris May, complainant, 488. Peoplestores Limited, shopbreaking on, 4; offender arrested, Phillips Electrical Industries of Australia Limited (John 123; complainant, 127; special inquiry, offender arrested Walter Clarebrough, manager), warehouse broken into, for forgery on, 209; complainant, 233, 434. 383. Pepper, Henry William, complainant, 14. Phillips, Ernest Warren, complainant, 488. Pepperell, Lionel Arthur (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 78; recov- Phillips, Frederick Joseph, convicted, 243. ered, 231. Phillips, G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Percival, Douglas Ray, complainant, 269. Phillips, George Edward, convicted, 70. Percival, Samuel George, naval deserter recovered, 90. Phillips, Gladys, bedspread stolen, 266. Percy, Reginald Harold, arrested on warrants and imprisoned, Phillips, Jeffery William, convicted, 12. 3; discharged, 23; convicted, 69; missing friend located, Phillips, Joseph Edward, convicted, 378. 91; warrant for, 342. Phillips, Len, suspected of larceny, 305, 343. Percy, Reginald Harry, convicted, 12. Phillips, M. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 343; recovered,, Perdelwitz, Nerich August Frederick, convicted, 49. 354. Perfection Shirt and Pyjama Company (Francis David Phillips, Mona Eileen, factory broken into, 363. Laverty, proprietor), factory broken into, 211; additional Phillips, Mostyn, clothing, etc., stolen, 193. property,239. Phillips, Roy Warich, spare wheel, etc., stolen, 141. Pericles , Jack, see Silica Bricks Australia Limited. Phillips, W. J. A. naval deserter, 307; cancelled, 431. Perkins, Clarence Theodore, complainant, 224 (3). Phillips, Wilfred Joseph, bicycle stolen, 414; recovered, 448. Perkins, Ella Myrtle, convicted, 126. Phillipson, Christopher Boiston, convicted, 338, 346. Perkins, John Charles, convicted, 127. Phillipson, Harry, see John Henry Phillipson. Perkins, Norman Roy, convicted, 126. Phillipson, John Henry, 'a'liases Harry Phillipson, John Henry Perkins, Richard James, suitcase, etc., stolen, 65. Philipson, John Jackson, discharged, 370; convicted, 407; Perna, Guiseppe, convicted, 127. 425;discharged, 453; convicted, 470; arrested for larceny, Perosino , Vittorio (Vic.), alien, 2, 35. 476;convicted, 489. Perry, Archibald Charles, convicted, 126; discharged, 235. Phillis, Keith, trowel stolen, 456. Perry, Arthur Walter, warrant for, 3. Philp, Inga, motor car stolen, 422. Perry, Arthur Wilfred, convicted, 31; discharged, 51. Philp, Iris, inquest on body of, 232. Perry, Arthur Ross Clayton, complainant, 261. Philps, Malcolm Boyce, released on bond, 80. Perry, Brian William, complainant, 291. Phipps, Brian Joseph, dismissed under O.P. Act, 216. Perry Brothers '(Henry Alfred Perry, part-owner), money etc., Phipps, Harry' Desmond, convicted, 489. stolen, 437. Photographic Supplies Limited, bicycle stolen, 8; recovered, 20. Perry, Doctor L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 385. Pick, John Stanton, convicted and motor driver's licence can- Perry Engineering Company Limited, complainant, 172, 205; celled, 338. tools stolen, 333. Picken, Madge Veronica, ring lost or stolen, 134. Perry, Frank, complainant, 368. Pickering, Catherine Rose, pillow slips, etc., stolen, 343. Perry, Frederick Henry. committed for trial, 92; convicted, Pickering, Jean Margaret, brooch lost or stolen , 354; recov- 174: discharged, 359. ered, 386. Perry Furniture Company (J. M. Perry, proprietor), office Pickert, Alan Eric, convicted, 278 (2). broken into, 474. Pickett, Bernard, convicted, 462. Perry, Henry Alfred, see Perry Brothers. Pickett, Thomas Francis, discharged, 418. Perry, J. M., see Perry Furniture Company. Pickin, Elma, watch, lost or stolen, 386. Perry, Kevin John, convicted, 318. Pickles, Charles Patrick, naval deserter recovered, 91. Perry, Ronald Senior, house broken into, 97. Piening, Harold William A., alias Jones, absconder, warrant Perry, Thomas Leslie, information withdrawn, 128. for withdrawn, 256. Perryman. Robert John, naval deserter, recovered. 366. Pierce, George. see Lawrence Harold Raymond Jones. Perugini , Ezio Casoni , alias Ezio Casoni -Perugini , discharged, Pierce, Jack E. (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 8. 34, Pierson, George Albert. see Herman James Colin Bartlett. Pese , Johann August Wilhelm, convicted and motor driver's Pietrangelo, Nicola (Vic.), alien, 95; arrested, 371; alien licence suspended. 288. recaptured, 382. Petagna, Giovanni ( gazetted as Biovanni Petagna ), watch Pietrobelli, Domenico (N.S.W.), alien surrendered, 35. stolen, 152. Piggott. Henry William, convicted, 93. Peter , see Henry George Smith. Pike, Bernard, suit, etc. . stolen, 7; recovered, 20. Peter , (abo.), convicted, 416. Pike, Glenn, bicycle stolen , 47; recovered, 89. Peter Pan Studios, camera stolen, 437. Pike, Stanley Arthur, convicted, 164. Peterborough Catholic Church, complainant, 309. Pike, Harold -Stanley, see Robert James Stewart. Peterborough Soldiers Memorial Hospital , complainant, 60. Pile, F. L. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 180. Peters, Chris , arrested on warrant , 304; committed for trial, Pilgrim, John Flinders, see Para Wirra ( 1939 ), Limited. 337; released on bond, 408. Pilkington , Douglas Nuttall , naval deserter , recovered, 90. lxviii. INDEX.

Piller, Jack William Robert, convicted, 357. Jefferson, G. W., 321. Pilton, Sidney Garnet, convicted, 243. Liersch, C. R., 321. Pimlo-tt, Rose Ann, convicted, 425. Merrett, B. C., 303. Pin, Angelo (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. Sparkes, C. U., 321. Pinchbeck, Albert Alfred, convicted, 11. Passed in Law and Education- Pinchbeck, June Marion, material stolen, 29-6; recovered, 315. Boyce, C. E., 303. Pink, Lance Herbert Colin, bicycle stolen, 486. Canney, L. F., 321. Pinkie, Archibald Sydney, arrested on warrant, 3. Coonan, J. M., 321. Pinnington, Ruby May, handbag lost or stolen, 439; recov- Gregory, R. W., 303. ered, 449. Hudson, C. E. C., 483. Pioneer Tourist Coaches Limited, special inquiry for unknown Jarvis, L. V., 321. man for larceny on, 104; false report, 2 09. Kuchenmeister, H. G., 303. Piper, David Francis, convicted, 251. Lippett, L. W., 321. Piper, Joan Mary, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 250. Mensforth, C. E., 483. Piper, Ernest Roy, convicted, 406. Moroney, L. P., 321. Piper, W. A. (Majestic Hotel), vacuum cleaner stolen, 286; Richardson, F. H., 483. recovered, offender arrested, 364. Ridland, W., 483. Pisani, Colin Emanuel, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Samuels, L. E., 321. Pisaturo, Ricardo (Vic.)„alien recaptured, 464. Semrnler, V. A., 321. Pitcher, Adolph, complainant, 215. Sharpe, K. G., 483. Pitcher, Edwin Keith, convicted and motor driver's licence Passed in Law and Fingerprint- disqualified, 425. Pitcher, Henrietta, clothing stolen, 295. O'Malley, D. A. K., 321. Pitcher, John Lewis Victor, see John Lewis Victor Schinckel. Passed in Shorthand- Pitman, Arthur Alfred, complainant, 327. Blyth,J. C., 321. Pitson, Colin Blake, convicted, 59. Syllabus, 103, 283. Pitt, John Gordon, released on bond, 32. Timetable, 237. Pitt, K. N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 142; recovered, 213. Honourable Mentions- Pitt, Limited (Vivian George. Watt, manager), office broken Baddams, W.P.C., 209. into, 97; complainant, 215; wireless set stolen, 287; Blyth, M.T.C., 341. number of wireless, 296. Chambers, M.T.S., 341. Pittard, Norman Bruce, convicted, 441. Cock, P.C., 283. Pittman, see Rupert William Kathner. Eaton, M. H., 237. Pivot Transport Company (Vic.), motor truck stolen, 277. Gage, R. G., 1. Pixley, Henry Edgar, see Henry Edgar Puxley. Gill, Det. Sgt., 463. Pizzi, Edwardo, alien arrested, 2. Goldfinch, F.C., 209. Place, Leslie Garfield, convicted, 300. Harvey, Det., 177, 411. Place, Stanley Malcolm, motor cycle stolen, 47; recovered, 57; Keough, W.P.C., 4-63. recovered, 107. Kluge, A. A., 113. Platt, Phyllis Doreen, bicycle stolen, 343; recovered, 354. Laing, F.C., 473. Platt, Rhonda Myrtle, bicycle stolen, 476; recovered, 487. Laslett, W.P.C., 463. Platten, John, released on bond, 291. Lenton, Det., 237. Platten, Newell James, bicycle stolen, 476. Marker, P.C.C., 63. Platten, Walter Douglas Keith, information dismissed, 406. Martin, P.C., 63. Platten, Norman Dudley, convicted, 31. Nash, M.C., 121. Player, John William, bicycle stolen, 287. Northcutt, P.C., 341. Player, William John, alias Peter Wilson, warrant for 285; O'Malley, P.C.C., 177, 411. arrested, 313; convicted, 318; arrested for officebreaking Schlein, M.C., 121. and larceny, 351; committed for sentence, 357; convicted, Slee, W.P.C., 463. 408. Vogelesang, Det., 177. Plew, Errol Gordon, convicted, 318. Wuttke, P.C.C., 237. Pleydell, John Joseph, see James Wilson. Instructions- Pluck, Charles Henry, released on bond, 300. Accidents, marking of roads at scene of, 255; atten- Plummer, Albert, missing friend, 478. tion to be paid to cause of, 273. Pobjoy, Clifford 'Ernest Kingsley, naval deserter recovered, Aliens Registration Section situated at Creseo House, 366. 445. Pobke, Friedrich Wilhelm, complainant, 377. Animals, care of, 483. Pocock, Alan Edward, convicted, 346. Anzac• Day celebrations, 149. Pocock, Alwyne Andrew, convicted, 50, 127. Approved Defence Projects, protection of, 247. Pocock, James Robertson, convicted, 279. Bush Fire warnings to be broadcast, 1, 2. Pocock, Rhonda Enid, complainant, 470. Communications, priority of, 149. Pointing, William Henry, released on bond, 356. Criminal Record Book to, be called Summary Juris- Pointon, Donald James, watch lost or stolen, 9; property diction Offences Record Book, 349. recovered, 477. Duty Stamp on reimbursements of out of pocket Pointon, Edward Ray, complainant, 174. expenses, 473. Pole, Stanley, complainant, 329. Envelopes, economy in use of, 103. Poletta, George, motor car stolen, 306; recovered, 325. Gazette, 1948, first issue of, 483. Police- Income Tax Returns, 255. Annual Police Ball, 321. Internees and prisoners of war, repatriation of, 435. Appeal Board- Juvenile Offenders, punishment of, 284. Sergt. Holloway appointed, 159. King's Police Gold Medal Essay, 255. Inspector Symes and E. W. J. appointed, Lifebuoys, officers to report condition of, 341. 238. Lord Mayor's Food for Britain Appeal, 113. Nominations for, 455. Motor car, unregistered, suspected of being driven, Christmas Greetings, 483. 411. City WatbTi House Recreation Rooms, balance sheet, 312. Motor vehicles carrying passengers for fare or hire, Divisions and Stations, 1. control of, 273. Municipal Tramways Trust, Police officers travelling Examinations- Passed in Education- on, 455. Petrol, conservation of, 483. Carroll, J. S.,,321. Petrol tickets, issue of, 321. Huxley, A. J. M., 321. Knight, A. J., 303. Phenyle tins, return of empty, 2. Lorenzo, F. E., 321. Prisoners of war and internees, repatriation of, 435. Radio Operator, applications for, 149. MacIntosh, E., 303. Maddaford, R. L., 303. Ration Cards, distribution of, 435, 463. Pitt, C. K., 303. Remounts,238. Secondhand Dealers Licences, renewal of, 435. Phin, A. A. 303. Semi-trailers, re lights on, 463. Passed in Education and Fingerprint- Spirits, illicit, reward offered, 382. Lamshed, K. H., 321. Satisticalcollection, 43, 149, 209. Passed in Fingerprint- Taxation rebates, 238. Brideson, G. W., 321. Telephone, McLaren Vale Police Station, 255. Burg, L. F., 321. Tobacco, illicit manufacture of, 382. Collaton, D. M., 321. Typewriters, use of private machines- on official busi- Smith, W. L., 321. ness, 63. Streeter, C. S., 321. Typing paper, economy in use of, 303. Passed in Law- Uniforms, tenders accepted, 209; change of and orders Armitage, J. H. A., 303. for, 265. Fry, A. C., 303. Vaughan House Girls' Reformatory, 427. INDEX.

Vehicles Licensing registration discs, 349. Pope, Barbara Elizabeth, complainant, 22. Wheat, thefts of, 199, 293. Pope, Glyn Haddy, convicted, 155. Width of load permit under Road Traffic Act, 159, Pope, Harrold Frank, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, 134. 190. Pope, Hilda Hay, complaint withdrawn, 91. Wine, excisable, unlawful manufacture of, 382. Pope, Lawrence Ralph, complaints dismissed, 117. Pensions Fund- Pope, Maxwell Alfred, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 194. Thirtieth Annual Report, 273, 274, Pope Products Limited, clutch, etc., stolen, 333; recovered, Promotions- 343 ; electric fan stolen, 485. Barker, Edward George, 219. Pope, Ronald Malcolm, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 162. Buttfield, James Andrew, 219. Pope, Sydney William, fails to maintain, 322; amounts paid, Button, L.- E., 265. 362. Delderfield, W. J., 265. Porra, Georgina Zoe, complainant, 100. Draper, L. D., 63. Port Adelaide Steam Laundry, factory broken into, 65; Duthie, W., 265. offender arrested property recovered, 105; complainant, Fry, Alfred Charles, 349. 109; factory broken into, 229; complainant, 280; offen- Gollan, H. A., 371. der arrested, for factorybreaking on, 286. Grow, H. C., 265. Port Elliot Life Saving Club, rope line stolen, 7. Harris, W. S., 227. Port Elliot Picture Committee, electric voltmeter stolen, 249. Homes, F., 227. Port Lincoln Fisheries Pty., Limited, complainant, 155. Kinch, J., 63., ,-.- Port Pirie Co-operative Stores, complainant, 224. McCallum, S. E. G., 63. Port Pirie Co-operative Stores, see Broken Hill Associated McGrath, G. P. C., 63. Smelters Co-operative council. O'Sullivan, T., 265. Porter, Frederick, see Frederick Harrison. Palmer, A. E., 63. Porter, Frederick George, watch, etc., stolen, 37. Partridge, W. B., 265. Porter, Harold John, deserts wife, 376; arrested, 405. Ridgley, J. 11., 265. Porter, Herbert Edward, convicted, 406. Ross, S. A., 227. Porter, Robert John, complainant, 50. Ryan, Gerald George, 219. Porter, Ronald Frederick, naval deserter, 108; recovered, 116. Sharman, Francis James, 219. Porter, Sydney, see Frederick Harrison. Smith, George Victor, 219. Porteus, Bruce, British merchant seaman deserter, 401. Streeter, C. S., 63. Possingham, Dudley, tools stolen, 240. Turner, P., 63. Possingham, Frederick Arthur, convicted, 40. Walsh, J. B. V., 265. Possingham, Gilbert Edgar, overcoat stolen, 403; bicycle stolen,404; recovered,439. Regulations and Instructions- Possingham, James Alfred, convicted, 127. Accidents, 273 (2). Possingham, John Edgar, complainant, 491. Allowances, 311, 391, 455. Possingham, Marjorie Louise, ring, lost or stolen, 298. Arrests, 321. Possingham, Norman George, convicted, 424. Cell guards, 1; correction, 17. Postlethwaite, John Alexander, convicted, 432. Committals for trial, 227. Potato Board, complainant, 40. Diplomatic Corps, cars of members of, 411. Potter, Arthur Thomas, convicted, 432. Estates, intestate, 131. Potter, Clarence Henry, bicycle stolen, 133; recovered, 181. Extraneous duties, payment on long service leave, 455. Potter, Colin, absconder, 401; located, 411. Fingerprints, 1. Potter, Horace John, warrant for, 18; arrested, 36. Hours of duty, 311; amended, 321. Potter, Ralph Victor, shop broken into, 266; offender arrested, Leave of absence, 311. 295. Motor vehicles, 63. Potter, William James, fails to maintain , 26; arrested, 122; Pay, 43, 391. discharged, 185. Property, requisition for stores , etc., 73. Potts, Benjamin George, bicycle stolen, 467. Stamps, postage, 293. Potts, Ernest Arthur, complainant, 346. Time off for attending Court in Police Cases, 283. Potts, Frederick Robert, discharged, 34. Uniform 199, 247, 283, 455. Potts, George, complainant, 308. Wanted List Photo. Supplement, 382. Potts, John Allan, see J. Brown. Sick and Accident Fund- Potts, Roma Jean, complainant, 23. Annual meeting of, 265. Poultney, William Fielder, suspected of larceny, 437. 'S'tatement of receipts and expenditure, 284. Poulton, Edgar Arthur, convicted, 39; complainant , 93; con- Stations Opened- victed, 116; discharged, 130; convicted, 261; discharged, McLaren Vale, 159. 281, 443. Unexecuted Warrants, 1. Poulton, Emily, see Emily Katherine Matthews. Widows' and Orphans' Fund, 86, 321. Poulton, Ronald Arthur, alias Ronald Arthur Corbell, arrested Politis, Constine George, lamp stolen, 4a7; recovered, 486. for larceny, 9; convicted, 12; discharged, 82, 380. Polkinghorne , Doris May, ring stolen, 457. Poulton, Ronald Leslie, discharged, 72. Polkinghorne, Gladys Maud, complaint dismissed, 135. Poulton, W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 1,62. Polkinghorne, Raymond, arrested on warrant, 220; convicted, Pounsett, Donald Sydney, complaint dismissed, 164; remitted 224; discharged, 234; warrant for, 350; imprisoned, 484. for hearing on appeal, 262; complainant, 462. Polkinghorne, Raymond C., absconder, warrant for, 285; des- Pounsett, Dorothy Georgena Lillian , ring lost or stolen, 439. cription, 294. Powell, see Thomas James Lorraine McFarlane. Polkinghorne, Walter Lindsay, convicted, 251. Powell, Alan Edward, complainant, 368, 407. Pollard, Barbara Fay, complainant, 461. Powell, Blanche Clarice Joyce, complainant, 215. Pollard, Bert Nelson, convicted, 80. Powell, Colin L., alias G. B. Kennedy, warrant for, 256. Pollard, Ernest William, alias Leslie James, convicted, 145. Powell , Douglas Nelson , convicted, 22. Pollard, George William, convicted, 182. Powell, George (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 468. Pollard, Herbert Oliver, warrant for, 436; paid, 446. Powell, Jonathon Morris, special inquiry, larceny on, property Pollard, Leo James, complainant, 93. recovered,349. Pollard, William Jack, discharged, 33. Powell, Mrs. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Pollard, William Lionel, inquest on body of, 232. Powell, Valmai Dawn, clothing stolen, 429. Polley, Alleyn Malcolm Cooper, naval deserter, 365. Powell, Walter Alexander, see Lincraft Beale and Company Pollitt, Martyn, dinghy, lost or stolen, 344. Limited. Pollock, Nancy, watch, lost or stolen, 57. Powell, William Abraham, complainant, 14. Polomka, Kenneth Brian, released on bond, 388. Powell, William Joseph, complaint withdrawn, 405. Poison, Angas John, golf clubs stolen. 212; recovered, 249. Power, Barnie, see Bernard Lewis Power. Poison's Refrigeration- Service Limited, bicycle stolen, 267. Power , Bernard Lewis , aliases Bernie Power, Barnie Power, Pomeroy, L. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 29. discharged, 197. Pomery, Edwin Rupert, convicted and driver' s licence sus- Power, Bernie , see Bernard Lewis Power. pended, 288. Power, Clement James, bicycle stolen, 258. Pommy, see Alexander Kerr. Power, Darcy James, convicted, 291. Pompey (abo.), committed for sentence, 215; convicted, 320; Power,. John Francis, complainant, 173. discharged, 418. Power, Lucy May, diamond ring lost or stolen, 260. Ponires, Vasil, complainant, 387. Power , Vincent , complainant, 328. Pontelandolfo, Michele, alien located, 159. Poyner, Betty Irene Jane, released on bond, 118. Pontifex, Stanley (Vie.), motor car stolen, 143. Poyner, Harold Thomas William, convicted, 491. Ponzoni, Francesco, alien, 95. Poynton, J., see Ronald Leslie Devenish. Poole, Dennis, naval deserter , 21; recovered, 58. Poynton , R., see James Wilson. Poole, John, Kevin, absconder warrant for, 247; withdrawn, Pratt, B. S. J., complainant, 407. 341. Pratt, H. E. M. (Mrs.), jewellery, etc., stolen , 384 and 385. _ Poole, Victor, knives stolen, 437. Pratt, IT. J. (Qld.), motor car recovered, _9. Pope, Albert Leslie, camera, lost or stolen, 260; recovered, Pratt, John Thomas, complainant, 367. offender arrested . 335; complainant, 338. Pratt, William Laurence , e'onvicted, 70. Pope, Aliver Edgar, bicycle recovered, 9. Preece,1@agar Alleii complaint withdrawn 50. 1xx. INDEX.

Preece, Mollie Lockhart, watch stolen, 6; complainant, 243; Pryde, Patrick, see Albert Jones. offender arrested for offence on page 6, 249. Pryor, Alfred James, inquest on body of, 214. Preiss, Motors, engine stolen, 46; recovered, 66. Pryor, C. E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 297; recovered, 307. Preiss, William Hebery, gelding, stolen or strayed, 181. Przibilla, Carl Arthur Frederick, complainant, 462. Prendergast, James Patrick, complainant, 216. Puddy, Albert Ernest, complainant, 406. Presley, Duncan Robert, complainant, 289. Pudney, Edna Irene, see Edna Irene Gates. Press, Mervyn Denholm, convicted, 49. Pudney, Reginald Wilfred, bicycle stolen, 324; recovered, 344. Pressed Metal Company, F. and V., see Harold Collis Feather- Pugh, Robert Vincent, remanded to Victoria, 11. stone and also Martin William Edward Voit. Pugh, Wallace Brian, warrant for, 96; paid amounts, 168, 239. Prestage, Edward Trevor, discharged, 226. Pullan, Jack, naval deserter recovered, 90. Preston, Albert Frederick, complainant, 356. Pulleine, Arthur Luard, convicted and driver's licence can- Preston Motors (Vie.), motor car stolen, 162. celled, 479. Preston, Ronda Mary, complainant, 183. Pulleine, Bob, suspected of larceny, 46; not now suspected, 66. Preston, William Henry, convicted, 431. Pullin, Caralie Evon, bicycle stolen, 171; recovered, 194. Prests, Limited, convicted, 22; complainant, 145; showcase Pullman, Emile, convicted, 346. broken into, 169; complainant, 387, 432. Pullman, Emily, bracelet stolen, 36; recovered, 56. Prestwood, Ronald Charles, fails to maintain, 419. Pullyn, Ivor James Horace, information dismissed, 338. Pretty, Ronald, bicycle stolen, 430. Pumpa, Alfred Lionel, convicted, 270. Pretty, William George, convicted and complaint withdrawn, Pundo, Luigi, alien arrested, 159. 182; convicted, 417. Pupeter, Anton, convicted, 60. Price, Bryan, dwelling-house breaking on, 18; convicted, 3,67. Purcell, Eric Norman, motor cycle stolen, 395; recovered, 414; Price, Fred, complainant, 357. offender arrested, 430; complainant, 433. Price, George Valentine, convicted and driver's licence sus- Purcell, John Horace, warrant for, 256; arrested, 342. pended, 51. Purvis, James, see James Stewart. Price, Isobel, dwelling-house breaking on, 18. Putland, Garnet Keith, motor cycle stolen, complainant, Price, Jack Reginald, kitbag, etc., stolen, 335; recovered, 386. 123; 206. Price, John Alexander, warrant for, 86. Puxley, Henry Edgar, alias Henry Edgar Pixley, committed Price, John Henry Edward, complainant, 471. for trial, 206; case madq remanet, 301; acquitted, 320. Price, Kelvin John Dallas, bicycle stolen, 268. Puzzuoli, Giovanni (Vie.), alien surrendered, 455. Price, Maxwell Brian, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 203. Pye, D. W. (N.S.W.), motor jeep stolen, 250; recovered, 259. Price, 0. J. (N.S.W.), motor truck stolen, 315; recovered 335. Pyle, Maxwell Thomas, bicycle recovered, 20. Price, Ralph Clyde Farren, housebreaking on, 18. Pymble, William John Stewart, known as Barney (N.S.W.), Price, Robert Kenneth Joseph, naval deserter, 181. missing friend, 326; located, 387. Price, Sydney Albert, convicted, 59, 100; discharged, 137; convicted, 172; correction, 175; convicted, 184; deserts wife, 194; arrested, 450; convicted, 451. Price, William Lionel, convicted and motor driver's licence disqualified, 434. Q Pride, see Albert Jones. Prideaux, Stanley Livingstone, horse, stolen or strayed, 223; Quaiotti, Danilo, alien arrested, 483. recovered,231. Qualmann, Clarence Edgar, convicted, 117. Prideaux, William George, convicted, 327. Quarman, Neville, naval deserter, 376; recovered, 386. Prider, Jack, complaints dismissed, 233. Quarrel, Samuel, complainant, 367. Pridham, Douglas Ross, complainant, 155. Quarries Industries Limited, wheelbarrow stolen, 343; motor Pridham, Garnet William, convicted, 338. parts stolen, 485. Pridham, William Thomas, committed for trial, 206; nolle Queama, Ernie, complainant, 14. prosequi- entered, 301. Queen Adelaide Club (Jessie Maria Duncan, secretary), club Priest, Arthur, see Ronald Leonard Ball. broken into, 294. Priest, Barry, see Raymond James Priest. Queensland Estates Company (Qld.), utility stolen, 8. Priest, Joseph, see Raymond James Priest. Queiripel, Douglas Joseph, missing friend located, 10. Priest, Raymond G., see Raymond James Priest. Querrie, John, naval deserter, recovered, 3,66. Priest, Raymond James, aliases Roy James Preist, Raymond Quigley,K. (H.and L. Dundas,proprietors), material stolen, G. Priest, Barry Priest, Joseph Priest, discharged, 246. 179. Priest, Roy James, see Raymond James Priest. Quince, E. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 162; recovered, Priestly, Frederick, complainant, 58. 250. Prime, Lois Elaine, overcoat stolen, 476. Quinlan, Thomas Edgar, convicted, 128. Prime, Neville Worden, shorts stolen, 476. Quinn, Angas Patrick, convicted, 441. Prime, Stanley Moyle, convicted, 299. Quinn, Archibald, convicted, 80. Prime, Stella, overcoat stolen, 476. Quinn, Douglas, suspected of larceny, 353. Prime, William Kenneth, ring stolen, 476. Quinn, Helen Marie, convicted, 441. Primmer, Robert George, see Robert Graham Selby. Quinn, Herbert John, discharged, 389. Prince (abo.), convicted, 356. Quinn, James, bicycle stolen, 20; recovered, 30. Prince Alfred College, college broken into, 428. Quinn, John, convicted, 388, 416; correction, 417. Prince, George, warrant for, 220. Quiiin, John Michael, convicted, 33. Prince, Harrold, complainant, 81. Quinn, Maurice Ryan, convicted, 488. Prince, Herbert Gordon, fails to maintain, 18. Quinn, Owen Thomas, alias Allan Woods, convicted, 417; dis- Princehorn, A. (N.S'.W.), utility stolen, 107; recovered, 124. charged, 481. Prior, Arthur James Jubilee, convicted 145. Quinn, Victor Kellick, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 59. Prior, K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 142. Quinn, Victor William Charles, naval deserter, recovered, 99. Prior, Samuel, special inquiry, valueless cheque passed on, 362; Quintal, Horace Edward, convicted, 93. special inquiry, obtains warrant for Arthur William James Quintel, Francis William, complainant, 109. Pannell, 382, 383. Quintrell, John Thomas, complaint withdrawn, 279. Prisk, Ralph Tennyson, convicted and motor driver's licence Quintrell, Reginald Sylvanus, convicted, 470: cancelled, 491. Quintrell, William Leslie, convicted, 490. Pritchard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Pritchard and Bartholomew, see Fred Bartholomew. Pritchard, Colin Marshall, committed for trial, 327; released on bond, 408. R Pritchard, George Ernest, stolen bicycle recovered, 344. Pritchard, I., naval deserter recovered, 91. Rabone, Samuel, naval deserter, 68; recovered, 144. Pritchard, John William, see John Lewis Victor Schinckel. Radbone, Gordon Jeffrey, frock, lost or stolen, 47. Pritchard, Leonard Charles, complainant, 93. Radbone, Ross James, convicted, 118. Pritchard, Meirion, convicted, 491. Radburn, A. F. (N.S. W.), motor cycle stolen, 89. Pritchard. Sarah Eugenie, convicted, 270. Radcliffe, Frank Pennington, convicted, 328. Probert, Clyde Arthur, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Radcliffe, William McLean, bicycle stolen, 365. 71. Radford, Ronald Marston, rim, tyre and tube stolen, 333. Probert, John, convicted, 328. Radio Corporation Proprietary Limited (H•erbert William Proctor. Errol Brouah. convicted, 13; discharged, 24. Woodcock, manager), office broken into, 373. Proiettisterbini, Antonio (Vie.), alien, 295; recaptured, 464. Radio Salvage. Company, see Alfred Maurice Isaacs. Promnitz, Norman Edgar, convicted, 93. Radio Services Limited, wireless set stolen, 258. Prospect Garden Tennis Club (Bruce Easton Wallace, see), Radio Services, see William Kenneth Adamson. tennis nets stolen, 413. Rado, Hilda Mary, watch stolen, 88. Pronesti, Michel Angelo (N.S.W.), alien, 210; alien surren- Radomi, Johann Herman, discharged, 166. dered, 455. Radoslovitch, William Samuel, bicycle stolen, 414; recovered, Proudman, Christopher Ross, wheel, tvre and tube stolen, 333. 459. Prouse, Lloyd Shepherd, convicted, 244. R"ae, George Raymond, see Ronald Clive McGinnis. Prout, Vera, missing friend located, 10. Rafferty, Luke Carter, naval deserter, 298; recovered, 365. Proviettioierbini, Antonio, see Antonio Proiettisterbini. Raggatt, Jack, convicted, 440. Provost, S. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Raggatt, Marie Helen, complainant, 144. INDEX.

Raggatt, Muriel Jean, watch stolen, 66; offender arrested, Raybould, John (Vic.), motor car stolen, 57; recovered, 98. 123; complainant, 127. Raymond, E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 375; recovered, 385. Rago, Francesco (Vic.), alien arrested, 331; alien, 341; Rayner, Edward, convicted, 450; discharged, 491. arrested, 483. Rayner, Hartley Kenneth, inquest on body of, 172. Raharman, Badrumdan Abdul, convicted, 59. Rea, Patrick Anthony, convicted, 145; discharged, 156. Raine, Hannah Elizabeth, frock stolen, 28, Rea, Thomas, naval deserter recovered, 90. Rainer, Edward George, convicted, 251. Rea, William Henry, camera stolen, 437. Raines, Douglas Milton, bicycle stolen, '98; recovered, 107. Read, Arthur Edward, complaint dismissed, 165. Raines, Ernest James, arrested on warrant, 322. Read, Brian Robert, alias Bryan Ronald-Read, convicted, 70, Raines, Frank (Vic.), motor truck stolen, 194; recovered, 222. 388, 479. Rainsford, Douglas Peter, convicted and driver's licence can- Read, Bryan Ronald, see Brian Robert Read. celled, 33. Read, Edward, bicycle stolen, 375. Rainsford, Frederick John, known as John Rainsford, missing Read, Frank William, discharged, 157. friend,450; located,478. Read, John, suspected of larceny, 395. Rainsford, James, discharged, 118. Read, Ronald Ernest, overcoat stolen, 429. Rainsford, John, see Frederick John Rainsford. Reading, Francis, watch, lost or stolen, 316; recovered, 335. Rainsford, Percival, convicted, 299. Reading, Nell, ear-ring, lost or stolen, 21. Ralenson, Allan Wallace, convicted,. 13, 14. Reardon, James Maurice, bicycle stolen, 385. Ralph, A. E. and Company, see Albert Edward Ralph. Reato, Luigi, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, 252. Ralph, Albert Edward (trading as A. E. Ralph and Company), Real, Robert J., naval deserter, recovered, 366. complainant, 398. Rechner, Reginald Max, dwellinghouse broken into, 160. Ralph, Arthur Leonard, motor cycle stolen, 123; recovered, Rector, Sydney Aubrey, see Fuller Brush Company. 213. Red Comb Egg Co-operative Society Limited, tarpaulin, lost or Ralph, Edith, see Patricia Annette Ralph. stolen,recovered, 9. Ralph, Edith Annette, see Patricia Annette Ralph. Red Cross Society, complainant, 100. Ralph, James Hynam, complainant, 93. Redden, Albert, aliases Albert Fox, Reuben John Fox, Reuben Ralph, Patricia, see Patricia Annette Ralph. Johns, Alexander Redden, warrant for, 139; arrested, 168; Ralph, Patricia Annette, aliases Edith Annette, Edith Ralph, discharged, 480. Patricia Ralph, Jean Ann Thomas, Patricia Joyce Ralph, Redden, Alexander, see Albert Redden. Edith Annette Ralph, convicted, 101; discharged, 118. Redden, Gwennith Bett, ring, lost or stolen, 115; recovered, Ralph, Patricia Joyce, see Patricia Annette Ralph. 125. Ramage, Douglas Condah, convicted, 11. Redden, Murray Albert, convicted, 172. Ramna, Leslie Francis, convicted, 251; kitbag, etc., stolen, Redden, T. P., Estate of, lambs stolen or strayed, 231. 258. Reddin, Nancy Gwenneth, ring, lost or stolen, 487. Ramster, John Gordon, warrant for, 304. Redfern, Stuart, naval deserter, 125; recovered, 144. Rana, Frank, convicted, 356. Redford, Alan John, released on bond, 174; convicted, 491. Ranalli, Giovanni, alien, 95. Redgrave, Philip, see Philip Duncan Redgrave. Randall, Allan William Ernest, naval deserter, 269. Redgrave, Philip Duncan, aliases Frederick Wilson, Frederick Randall, Bernard John, complainant, 196. James Wilson, George Gray, Philip Redgrave, Philip Red- Randall, Cyril Thomas, convicted and motor driver's licence groves, Sweeny, Joseph Kennedy, convicted, 378; dis- cancelled, 398. charged, 389; 442; warrant for, 474, imprisoned, 404. Randall, Douglas Roy, bicycle stolen, 56; recovered, 242. Redgroves, Philip, see Philip Duncan Redgrave. Randall, Ivy Sarah, bicycle stolen, 28. Redhead, John Robert, convicted, 79. Randall, Kenneth David, convicted, 216. Redman, Arthur Shirley, complainant, 319. Randall, Ronald Archibald, convicted, 59. Redman, Leslie Maxwell, convicted, 319. Randall. Wilfred, naval deserter recovered, 91. Reed, Daphne Merle, complainant, 50. Randalli, Giovanni, alien, 2. Reed, George Albert, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 194. Randell, Albert Lindley, alias Linley Albert Randell, warrant Reed, Sidney Hayter, convicted, 251. for withdrawn, 436. Reed, T. Thornton, see St. Theodore's Church of England. Randell, John Beavis, complaint dismissed, 328. Reed, Victor Ralph, inquest on body of, 31. Randell, Linley Albert, see Albert Lindley Randell. Reedman, Sydney James, convicted, 182. Randell, Sidney Enfield, convicted, 289. Reeds, John, see John Charles Kleisner. Randle, George, suitcase, etc., stolen, 286. Rees, Enid Marie, ear-rings, etc., stolen, 384; offender arrested, Randle, Roy 'Stanley, see Roy Stanley Sparks. 430. Ranger, Albert, motor cycle stolen, 153. Rees, Joyce Aileen, complainant, 93. Rankin, Alfred Alexander, naval deserter, recovered, 3,66. Rees, Thomas, convicted, 243. Rankine, Abel John, warrant for, 191; amounts paid, 200; Rees, William Frederick Peter, convicted, 262. warrant for, 383; arrested, 393. Reese, Gordon Harold, complaint withdrawn, 356. Rankine, Annie Isobel, warrant for, 412; paid, 420. Reeson, see Rupert William Kathner. Rankine, Harold Rufus, convicted, 23; warrant for, 456; Reeve, Newland Frederick, see Frederick Newland Reeves. amounts paid, 474. Reeve, Robert William Ernest, overcoat, lost or stolen, 222. Rankine, Nancy Bundey, watch, lost or stolen, 98; recovered, Reeves, Frederick Newland, aliases Newland Frederick Reeve, 107. J. Green, Woods, discharged, 120. Rankine, Nora Marguerite, missing friend, 289; recovered, 298. Reeves, George William Herbert, complaint dismissed, 116. Rankine, Reginald, see Reginald Ridgeway Rankine. Regan, see James Patrick Hodge. Rankine, Reginald Ridgway, aliases Ridgeway Rankine, Ridg- Regan, Allan, see Donald Caird Stephen. way Rankine, Reginald Rankine, warrant for, 75; pays Regan, Charles Michael Bernard, arrested for larceny of fine and costs`, 96; warrant for, 168, 191, 192; arrested, bicycle, 153; convicted, 173; discharged, 339. 21011 211; discharged, 225, 253; convicted, 451; dis- Reginald M. Ketch, ketchbreaking, 18. charged, 462; warrant for, 474. Reichstein, Linda Helena, convicted, 300. Rankine, Ridgeway, see Reginald Rankine. Reid, Barbara, bicycle stolen,57; recovered,98. Rankine, Ridgway, see Reginald Rankine. Reid, Charles Allan, arrested for deserting wife, 57; fails to Rankine, Violet Winifred, convicted, 32; warrant for, 192; maintain, 275. arrested, 304. Reid, Charles Victor, naval deserter, recovered, 3,66. Ransome, H. A. (N.S.W.), trailer stolen, 459. Reid, David Gillie, complainant, 433. Rasheed,Naseeby, convicted,251. Reid, Harrold Armenius, deserts wife, 223. Rasheed,Naseed, motor car stolen,385; recovered,396. Reid, Malcolm Clair, golf clubs stolen, 28; offender arrested, Rasmussan, C. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 364; recovered, 376. 123;complainant, 128. Ratukadja, Sadrak, committed for trial, 118; case made Reid, Mary, bicycle stolen, S. remanet, 174; nolle prosequi, 245. Reid, Mary Patricia, bicycle 'stolen, 193. Ratzner, Allen Lewis, missing friend, 172, located, 181. Reid, R., frock stolen, 296. Raven, Cyril Arthur, suitlengths stolen, 413. Reid, Robert, clothing, etc., stolen, 7. Raven, see Franz Campbell Greenberg. Reid, Rosa, brooch, lost or stolen, 194. Rawlings, Arthur, missing friend, 278; located, 298. Reid, Roy, see Jack McKenzie. Rawlings, J. and son Limited, offices broken into, 211; wireless Reid, William, naval deserter, 336; recovered, 460. sets stolen, 230, 240. Reid, William Stanley, see Mark Vincent Langton. Rawlings, J. and Son, see Dalhousie Steam and Motor Ship Reids, John Charles, see John Charles Kleisner. Company. Reiiffier, see Carl Rox1ey. Rawlings, Lance Lyall Vincent, released on bond, 183. Reilly, R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen , 297; recovered, 307. Rawlins, Clarence Allan, arrested for larceny, 47; information Reimann, Kevin Paul, convicted, 461. dismissed, 48. Reinertsen, Robert Ray, convicted, 32. Rawnsley, Frank William, complainant, 49. Reiter, Donaldson Clemmens, missing friend, 79; located, 181. Rawolle, Heinrich Freidrick Paul, convicted, 204; sheep stolen Remphrey, Leonard Richard, convicted, 252. or strayed, 488. Renalson, Allan Wallace, stall broken into, 342; description Ray, Charles, see Charles Rogan. of property, 351. Ray, John, bicycle stolen, 170; recovered, 277. Rendell, Howard Wyndham, watches stolen, 106. Ray, Stephen, wireless stolen, 421. Renfrey, Samuel Edward, bicycle stolen, 276; recovered, 307. Ray, Walter John, see Walter John Wray. Renmark Fruitgrowers Co-operative 'Society Limited, engine Ray, William, convicted, 50. stolen, 306; recovered, 315. INDEX.

Renmark Hospital, complainant, 12. Richter, Mabel Thelma, warrant for, 427. Renowden, Owen James, committed for trial, 461. Rickard, Rachel Cathrine, bicycle stolen, 29. Renshaw, James Leslie, released on bond, 318. Rickard, William Joseph Murray, discharged, 292. Rent-A-Car Company (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 78; motor Ricketts, Sidney Arnold Brodie, convicted, 470. ear stolen,89; recovered,344. Ricketts, William Henry, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 250. Renton, Samuel Percy, bicycle stolen, 414.. Riddell, James Stuart, naval deserter, 154; recovered, 376. Reschke, Lewis St. Kilda, convicted, 109. Riddle, Charles Edward (Canberra), special inquiry for, re Reserve Bank of New Zealand, (N.Z.), Government Stock Cer- wife desertion, 95; arrested, 191. tificates stolen, 305. Riddle, Claude Humston, trousers stolen, 122. Retallick and Edyvean, watch stolen, 55. Riddle, Leslie, suspected of larceny, 179. Retallick, Kevin Douglas, motor cycle stolen, 123; recovered, Ridgway, Ross (Vie.), motor car stolen, 222. 153. Riding, William Edward, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 153. Returned Sailors Soldiers and Airmen's Imperial League of Ridout, Walter Edward, naval deserter, 307; cancelled, 431. Australia (Angaston Branch), special inquiry, re value- Rieben, Otto Von, complainant, 60. less cheque passed on, 411. Riebke, Paul Heinrick, convicted, 299. Returned Sailors Soldiers and Airmen's Imperial League of Riedel, Felix Daniel, bicycle recovered, 124. Australia, complainant, 50. Riedel, Oscar Ewald, complainant, 215. Returned Sailors Soldiers and Airmen's Imperial League of Riedel, Walter Gerhard, complainant, 279, 290. Australia (Unley Branch), billiard cloth stolen, 161. Rigney, Cyril Rufus, convicted, 32. Revell, Marie Kathleen, bicycle stolen, 276; recovered, 287. Rigney, Howard Vernon, discharged, 110; convicted, 155; Revelman, Lionel (Vic.), motor car stolen, 180. recovered, 222. warrant for, 220; portion paid, 239, 256, 275; arrested, Reynolds, Dorothy, suspected of larceny, 305; arrested for 285; discharged, 310; warrant for, 373; arrested, 383. larceny, 324. Rigney, Ivan, warrant for, 87; pays fine and costs, 114. Reynolds, Fay Elizabeth, complainant, 261. Rigney, Percy, discharged, 119; convicted, 145; discharged, Reynolds, H. C. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 476. 197; warrant for, 428; arrested, 446. Reynolds, Harry Philcox, paint, etc., stolen, 19. Rigney, Ralph Raymond, convicted, 441. Reynolds, Mary Veronica, bicycle stolen, 20. Rigney, Spencer Lewis, convicted, 300. Reynolds, Reginald (Vic.), motor car stolen, 259; recovered, Rigney, Wilfred, warrant for, 192; arrested, 211. 277. Riley, Frederick William Harvey, complaint dismissed, 347. Reynolds, Ronald Albert, complainant, 127. Riley, James, warrant for, 132. Reynolds, Wallace Leith, complaint dismissed, 22. Riley, James Thomas (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 194. Rhind, Roy Elliott, convicted, 252. Riley, Richard, naval deserter recovered, 90. Rhoden, Geoffrey (Vic.), motor car recovered, 57. Rimes, Audrey Edna, clothing, etc., stolen, 421. Rhodes, W. and T. Limited (Mr. Williams, secretary), shop Ring, J. F., (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 250; recovered, 259. broken into, 97; complainant, 183, Ripley, L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 324. Rhue, Maureen Fay, complainant, 117. Ritche, P., R.A.A.F. deserter, 278. Riardon, Alexander Graham, bicycle stolen, 315. Ritchie, A. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 133; recovered, Ricardo, Herbert John, naval deserter, recovered, 366. 143. Rice, Bernard William, naval deserter, 242; recovered, 440; Ritchie, Arthur Charles, naval deserter, recovered, 366. convicted, 450; discharged, 462. Ritchie, Charles Lawrence, see Raymond Lawrence Rolfe. Rice, Edward, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Ritchie, Charles Thomas, see Raymond Lawrence Rolfe. Rice, H., naval deserter recovered, 90. Ritchie, Joseph Lindsay, alias John MacDonald, arrested on Rice, Percival, complainant, 135. warrant, 256; discharged, 310; warrant for, 383. Richard, Harry Tomlin, missing friend, 387; located, 397. Rittner, Arthur Colin, naval deserter, recovered, 36,6. Richards, Albert Norman, warrants for, 160; amounts paid, River Murchison, s.s., complainant, 40. 192;warrant for, 294; arrested, 313; warrant for, 402. Rix, Anthony Walter Knibb, bicycle stolen, 106; recovered, Richards, Charles Henry, warrant for, 220; arrested, 373; 306. warrant for, 412; arrested, 456. Rix, Kevin Claude John, convicted, 127. Richards, Colin George, convicted, 346. Rix, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 222. Richards, David Wintera, arrested for stealing bicycle, 143; R.K.O. Pictures (Australasia) Proprietary Limited, film lost convicted, 145; discharged, 147. or stolen, 260. Richards, Gordon Bennett, con_victed. 14; warrant for, 248. Roach, Emanuel, arrested for shopbreakin and larceny, 457. Richards, Grace, see Beatrice Miles. Roach, Winifred Mary, missing friend, 308; located, 326. Richards, Henry Cocker, convicted, 337. Roachock, Maxwell Price, convicted, 50; discharged, 110. Richards Industries Limited, see Chrysler Dodge Desoto Dis- Robarts, Albert, see Albert Roberts. tributors Limited. Robb, Barbara Ruth (Birkenhead), gross indecency on, 3; Richards, James Allan, kitbag, etc., stolen, 333; recovered, complainant, 22. 353. Robbins, Johnathan James, convicted, 425. Richards, John Alfred, bicycle stolen, 375. Robe Hotel, (Clarence Petney, licensee), complainant, 279. Richards, John Frederick, convicted, 279. Roberti, Betty Angeline, released on bond, 144. Richards, Kenneth Nelson, convicted, 345. Roberti, Irene Dawn, released on bond, 144. Richards, Leonard, convicted, 489. Roberts, (man, known as), suspected of larceny, 421, 430. Richards, Leopold. convicted, 128; warrant for, 160. Roberts, see Ernest James Brooks. Richards, Leslie Herbert, fails to maintain, 464. Roberts, Albert, otherwise Albert Robarts, convicted, 345; Richards, Margaret Lorraine, brooch stolen, 394. discharged, 380. Richards, Mervyn Clifford, aliases Milton M. C. Richards, Roberts, Albert Leonard, aliases William Williams, Leonard David Williams, arrested for shopbreaking, 295. Albert Roberts, detained during Governor's pleasure, 129. Richards, Milton M. C., see Mervyn Clifford Richards. Roberts, Alfred, bicycle stolen, 395. Richards, R. H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Roberts, Alfred Edgar, inquest on body of, 440. Richards, Richard Henry, convicted, 328. Roberts, Alfred William, convicted, 424; missing friend, 440. Richards, Ronald John, wrist watch stolen, 19; bicycle stolen, Roberts, Alwyn Harry, bicycle stolen, 47; recovered, 124. 448. Roberts, Bessie Barnett, watch, lost or stolen, 115. Richards, Shirley Terry, see 'Shirley Joan Wagner. Roberts, Bruce, complainant, 261. Richards, William Arthur, naval deserter recovered, 366. Roberts, Charles Richard, see Charles Richard Rogers. Richards, William Henry, convicted, 216. Roberts, E., see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Richardson, see Alan James Westbury. Roberts, Eric James, rifle, etc., stolen, 458. Richardson. Allan Kensington, complaint withdrawn, 368; Roberts,*Frank W., suspected of larceny, 37; not now suspected, correction, 379. 66. Richardson. Charles and Sons Limited, inquest on fire, 387; Roberts, George (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 143. complainant, 397. Roberts, George, discharged, 443; correction, 453. Richardson, Eric William, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 125; Roberts, George Henry, see Frederick Patrick Crook. naval deserter, 144; recovered, 163. Roberts, Harold, complaint dismissed, 440. Richardson, John Arthur, absconder, 427. Roberts, Ivy Alice, obtains warrant for Harold Stanley Pike, Richardson, Mary, shopping bag stolen, 429. 402. Richardson, Ralph Vercoe, convicted, 451. Roberts, Janet Hannah, arrested on warrant, 150. Richardson, Robert William, trousers, etc., stolen, 429. Roberts, John, see Herbert Joseph Nash. Richardson, Trevor Maxwell, warrant for, 44; paid, 54.. Roberts, John James, convicted, 490. Richardson, Williapi Alexander, convicted and committed for Roberts, June, see Lillian June Mattner. trial, 233; case made remanet, 320; convicted, 338; nolle Roberts, Lawrence Francis, remanded to Horsham, Victoria, prosequi, 380. 416. Richardson, William Lawrence. bicycle stolen, 364. Roberts, Leonard Albert, see Albert Leonard Roberts. Richmond, John Weems, convicted, 224. Roberts, Leonard Vercoe, complainant, 23. Richmond, William Henry, convicted, 127; convicted and Roberts, Percy William,- complainant, 22. driver's licence suspended, 245. Roberts, Ray L., (Vic.), motor car stolen, 20; recovered, 38. Richter, Alliert Lloyd, convicted, 117, 279; discharged, 310; Roberts, Reginald Oliver, convicted, 378. convicted, 407. Roberts, Richard John, convicted, 388. Richter, Dorothy May, released on bond, 145; arrested for Roberts, S. (N.S.W.); motor cycle stolen, 438. larceny, 170. Roberts, Thomas Dawson, vice stolen, 193; recovered, 202; Richter, Eric 'S. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 468. house broken into, 363. INDEX.

Roberts, Thomas Percival, arrested on warrant, 239 (2) ; war- Rodger, Samuel, complainant, 109; committed for trial, 478. rant for, 275 ; convicted, 318 ; arrested, 420. Rodgers, Frank, convicted, 155; warrant for, 210; paid, 228. Roberts, Una Muriel, complainant, 135. Rodgers, Herbert, see Herbert Joseph Nash. Roberts, W. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 458. Rodgers, William John, alias William Johnson, convicted, 387. Roberts, Walter, see Frederick Allan Williams. Roe, Joseph Henry, convicted, 23. Roberts, Walter, naval deserter recovered,' 90. Roe, Ray, convicted, 204. Roberts, William David, convicted, 356. Roebuck, Harold Keith, committed for trial, 93; released on Roberts, William Edward, aliases Edward William Johnstone, bond, 197. Edward Gillespie, convicted, 50; discharged, 94. Roether, August William, complainant, 145. Robertson, see Thomas Martin Dowe. Rogan, Charles, alias Charles Ray, convicted, 470. Robertson, A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124. Rogers, Alec Ross, convicted, 327. Robertson, Angus, convicted, 224, Rogers, Arthur Wilson, convicted, 489. Robertson, Clarence William, convicted, 441. Rogers, Charles Richard, alias Charles Richard Roberts, con- Robertson, Enna Mary, convicted, 433. victed, 451. Robertson, Fay Beatrice, ring, lost or stolen, 48; recovered, Rogers, Frederick Thomas, convicted, 59. 57. Rogers, Gloria, bicycle stolen, 395; recovered, 414. Robertson , Harry James, convicted and complaint withdrawn, Rogers, Gwendoline, complainant, 262. 50; discharged, 111, 184; convicted, 441; discharged, 480. Rogers, Harold George, shop broken into, 304; property recov- Robertson, Hugh Watson, naval deserter, 58; recovered, 144. ered, offenders arrested, 351; complainant, 356. Robertson, John Douglas, suitcase stolen, 65. Rogers, Henry Smith, complainant, 14. Robertson, Kenneth (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 222. Rogers, James Haincourt, convicted, 81. Robertson, Margaret Elizabeth, missing friend, 125, 172; Rogers, Kenneth Ivan, convicted, 40. located,214. Rogers, Lionel Leige, convicted, 144. Robertson, Robert, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Rogers, M.A., see Cecil Vivian Backhouse. Robertson, Robert Edward, bicycle stolen, 334. Rogers, Max William, convicted, 116. Robertson, Shirley Marie, watch, lost or stolen, 316. Rogers, Reginald Keith, naval .deserter, 440. Robertson, William, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. Rogers, Reuben Thomas Ford, complainant, 174. Robertson, William Allen, convicted, 11. Rogers, Ronald John, naval deserter, 415; recovered, 469. Robertson, William Thomas, complainant, 116. Rogers, Wilhelmina, complainant, 174. Robies and Company (G. L. Heath, D. G. Heath and H. N. Rogers, William John, convicted, 144. Heath, joint proprietors), complainant , 93; sho(p broken Rohde, Donald Heinrick, watch stolen, 447. into, 1,68, 332. Rohde, Leslie Richard, released on bond, 136; bicycle stolen, Robin Hood Hotel (John Emanuel Nicholson and Charles 142; recovered, 162. Alexander Hankins, licensees), houslbreaking on, offender Rohde, Linda Adelaide, see Linda Adelaide Morris. arrested, 45. Rohde, Mary Edna, house broken into, 446. Robins, Anthony, complainant, 327. Rohl, Ernest (Vic.), motor car stolen, 171; recovered, 203. Robins, Harold, convicted, 328. Rohrsheim, William Herbert, convicted and complaint with- Robins, Harold Arthur, shop broken into and larceny, 412. drawn, 59. Robins, Lorcene Blanche, Complainant, 346. Roland, James, see Jacob Hall. Robinson (man named), suspected of larceny, 403. Rolf. Charles Walter, information dismissed, 378. Robinson, A. E. and Sons (Sydney Arthur Robinson, manager), Rolfe, Frederick Charles, suspected of larceny, 151, 202. factory broken into, 75. Rolfe, Raymond Lawrence, aliases Charles Lawrence Ritchie, Robinson, Al-ek Alfred, commits housebreaking, 437; con- Charles Thomas Ritchie, Arsene Lupin, committed for victed, 441. trial and complaint withdrawn, 39; convicted, 130. Robinson, Allan Reginald, aliases. James Norton, Joseph Roll, Roma Kathleen, complainant, 406. Norton, James Bryant, Roy Wilson, Leonard Norton, Rollings, Sydney, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Copple- James Naughton, Joseph Naughton, discharged, 320. man. Robinson, Arthur, naval deserter, 116; cancelled, 431. Rollins, Elliot, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Coppleman. Robinson, Arthur Harold, convicted, 345. Rollins, Kevin Arthur, convicted, 109. Robinson, Barry Moore Westley, convicted, 127. Rollins, Sydney Elliot, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Bryce Robinson, Brian Reginald, dismissed under O.P. Act, and Coppleman. released on bond, 215. Rollison, R. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297. Robinson, Charles Frederick, alias J')hn S'tewart (N.S.W.), Romeo, Domenico (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. special inquiry for re larceny of jeep, 227; arrested, 372. Ronan, Raymond John, convicted, 424. Robinson, Charles Theodore, house broken into, 266; additional Ronnie (abo.), convicted, 80; discharged, 82. property, 295. Ronson, Clive William, warrant for, 294. Robinson, Colin James, complaint withdrawn, 424. Rook, Kevin Maxwell, complainant, 81. Robinson, Douglas, watch, lost cr stolen, 431. Rool, Colin, golf sticks stolen, 170. Robinson, Douglas Cray, convicted, 356. Rooney, see Eric Ivan Taylor. Robinson, Erie Alfred, electric motor stolen, 241. Rooney, Colin Carden, dinghy lost or stolen, 431. Robinson, Gordon Allan, convicted and driver's licence sus- Roope, George Frederick, naval deserter recovered, 90. pended, 101. Roper, Fay Lynette, (Vic.), missing friend, 68; located, 100. Robinson, Henry Milton, convicted and motor driver's licence Roper, Lela May, complainant, 327. disqualified, 225; warrant for, 275; paid, 285. Roper, Lorna Daphne (Vic.), missing friend, 68; located, 100 Robinson, J. (Qld.), ford truck stolen, 202; recovered, 222. Rorke, James, complainant, 479. Robinson, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 107. Rosa, Gennaro De, alien, 95. Robinson, James William, see James William Smith. Rosato, Guiseppe. (Vic.), alien arrested, 265; alien, 293; Robinson, John Lee, convicted and drivers licence cancelled, arrested,483. 379. Rose Russell, convicted, 423. 'Robinson,John Lewis, warrant for, 160. Rose, Ruth Doreen, watch, lost or stolen, 242. Robinson, Leonard, mare, stolen or strayed, 316; recovered, Rosen, B. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 56; recovered, 67. 365. Rosenberg, Alfred, convicted, 59. Robinson, Leonard Roy, complainant, 261. Rosenberg, Bernard, see Herbert Joseph Nash. Robinson, M. E., camera, lost or stolen, 335. Rosenberg, Samuel, complainant, 232. Robinson, Marion, complainant, 232. Rosenberry, see Herbert Joseph Nash. Robinson, Murray, convicted, 69. Rrosenthal, Robert Charles, released on bond, 196. Robinson, Robert Samuel, convicted and driver's licence can- Rosevear, Alfred Charles, convicted, 244. celled, 206. Rosewall, Robert Walker, bicycle stolen, 259; recovered, 277. Robinson, S. W., suspected of larceny,28, 77. RoseY, Lawrence James, complainant, 81. Robinson, Sydney Arthur, see A. E. Robinson and Sons. Rosman, Minna Julie Marie, handbag, etc., stolen, 384. Robinson, T. H., R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 181. boss, Alan Joseph, convicted, 126; discharged, 226. Robinson, Thomas, discharged, 24; convicted, 39. Ross. Albert Victor. alias Harold Victor Ross, convicted, 39 Robinson, Thomas William, naval deserter, 68; cancelled, 431. (2) ; discharged, 61. Robjent, Edward Richard, watch stolen, 56. Ross, Alexander James, convicted, 462. Robson, Alfred George, imprisoned on warrant, 54; discharged, Ross, Ernest Frederick, convicted, 232; warrant for, 275. 119. Ross. Gwenneth Rosemary, camera, lost or stolen , 396; recov- Robson, Andrew, naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. ered, 415. Robson, Marion, ring, lost or stolen, 376. Ross, Harold Victor, see Albert Victor Ross. Robson, Robert, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Ross, Harold William, released on bond, 261. Roche, Brothers Proprietary Limited, wheel, tyre and tube, Ross. Jack, convicted, 172, 299. stolen, 353, correction, 364. Ross, John. naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Rockliff, Ivor (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 414; recovered, 439. Ross. John Patrick, arrested on warrant, 4; fails to maintain, Rodda, Edgar, complainant, 93. 220. Rodda, Percival. Charles, see Pascoe and Company Limited. Ross, John William, bicycle stolen, 230; recovered, 242. Rodda, Wilfred Lionel, complainant, 224. Ross, Lawrence Victor, convicted, 215. Rodda, William (Vic.), panel van stolen, 385. Ross, N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 170; recovered, 181. Roddock, Alexander Cooper, horse stolen or strayed, 423. Ross, Peter Low, convicted and motor driver' s licence dis- Roderick, Raymond Jestyn, convicted, 108. qualified, 270; warrant for, 474. Rodert, Edwin Julius, convicted, 206. Ross, Remington, suspected of larceny, 46. K lxxiv. INDEX.

Ross, S. H., naval deserter, recovered, 366. Russell, Richard Max, convicted, 60. Ross, Walter Angus, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 439. Russell, Walter Alfred, tricycle stolen, 180. Ross, William John Donald, arrested for storebreaking, 429; Russell, William Leslie Basil Stopani, complainant, 128. convicted, 434. Russo, Alfio (N.S.W.), alien, arrested, 227; alien recaptured, Ross, William Leslie Albert, convicted, 327. 382. Rossack, Malcolm Grantley, convicted, 243. Russon, Phillipa Lorraine, rug, lost or stolen, 439. Rosselli, Guido (Vic.), alien, 2, 35. Rust, H. W. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 468. Rossiter, Henry James, complaint withdrawn and convicted, Rutgers, Brian, released on bond, 40. 31. Rutherford, A. B. (Qid.), motor cycle stolen, 142. Rossiter, Peter Alfred, complainant, 308. Rutherford, Keith Charles, arrested on warrant, 436. Rossler, Joseph, inquest on body of, 154. Rutter, Albert, see Charles Newman. Rotella, Salvatore (N.S.W.), alien, arrested, 227. Rutter, Charles,, see Charles Newman. Rothall, Lawrence Arthur, convicted, 128. Buxton, John Graham, alias William Alexander Lyon, com- Rothe, Herbert Victor, convicted, 50, 60. mitted for trial, 309; convicted, 380; correction, 389. Rothwell, Clifford (Vic.), motor car stolen, 29. Ryan, Acka, see Michael Henry Ryan. Rouhana, Clement, complainant, 70, 136. Ryan, Ada Irene, frock stolen, offender arrested, 77; com- Round, Leonard Ronald, complainant, 432. plainant, 80. Rout, John Wingate, bicycle stolen, 7. Ryan, Ada Lydia, aliases Ada Lillian Cooper, Ada Lillian Routledge, Alexander Bruce, convicted, 251. Buck, convicted, 244. Routledge, Helen Lindsay, convicted, 58. Ryan, Alexander Rudyard, complaint dismissed, 22. Routley, Russell Charles, convicted, 346. Ryan, Carolyn Frances, complainant, 441. Rowan, Dorothy Kathleen, convicted, 48. Ryan, Charles, see Charles Edward Bourke. Rowan, Francis Basil, committed for sentence, 378. Ryan, Dennis, naval deserter recovered, 90. Rowan, J. N., see Maurice Wilber Albert Noble. Ryan, Desmond Francis, convicted, 59. Rowan, Reginald William, complainant, 280. Rvan, Donald, released on bond, 328. Rowan, Thomas David, complainant, 14. Ryan, Donald Benedict, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, 107. Rowe, see Samuel Spencer Sampson. Ryan, Donald Hume, discharged, 72. Rowe, Ernest Thomas, camera stolen, 7. Ryan, Edward Henry Horace, see John William Denny. Rowe, Garnet Pearson Lewis, complainant, 452. Ryan, Edward Joseph, house broken into, 420. Rowe, Gordon, bicycle stolen, 97; recovered, 107. Ryan, Ellen (Vic.), complainant, 11 (2). Rowe, Gordon Gwynne, bicycle stolen, 296; recovered, 325. Ryan, Ellen Margaret, case lost or stolen, 477. Rowe, Grace Lillian, ring, lost or stolen, 203; recovered, 223. Ryan, Frank, see Michael Madigan. Rowe, Leslie Charles, see Lindsay Charles Rowe. Ryan, Frederick Joseph, convicted, 300. Rowe, Lindsay Charles, aliases Lindsay George Rowe, Leslie Ryan, George Stanley, convicted, 182. Charles Rowe, convicted and complaint dismissed, 100. Ryan, Hanora, suit case, etc., stolen, 421. Rowe, Lindsay George, see Lindsay Charles Rowe. Ryan, Henry Charles, discharged, 16. Rowe, Norman Clive, complainant, 184. Ryan, Henry Francis, convicted, 232; discharged, 263. Rowe, R. W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 343; recovered, 385. Ryan, Henry Joseph, discharged, 72. Rowe, Roy William Bruce, conviction corrected, 14. Ryan, James Michael, convicted, 233. Rowe, Thomas Norman, convicted, 244. Ryan, James Patrick, canvas stolen, 212. Rowland, John Alfred, attache case, etc., stolen, 305; offender Ryan, James Vincent, committed for sentence, 252; convicted, arrested, 324. 380. Rowland, John Henry, naval deserter, 125; recovered, 163. Ryan, John, see Frederick Downing. Rowlands, James William, complainant, 215. Ryan, John Henry, convicted, 108, 290. Rowlands, William Alfred John, convicted, and motor driver's Ryan, John Joseph, committed for trial, 406. licence suspended, 491. Ryan, John Stewart (N.S.W.), shop broken into, 45. Rowley, Leslie Deacon, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Ryan, Joseph Martin, warrant for, 239. Rowlinson, D. (N:S'.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297. Ryan, Joseph Roger, deserts wife, 171 and 172; warrant for, Rowny, Arnold Glencoe Kingsley, complainant, 117. 178; imprisoned, 200; arrested for wife desertion, 204; Rowston, A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 364; recovered, 376. warrant for, 322. Roxlev, Carl, alias Reiffler, convicted, 135; committed for trial, Ryan, Kate Margaret (N.S.W.), house broken into, 65; por- 368. tion recovered,192. Roy, Dorothy, complainant, 425. Ryan, Kevin William, complaints dismissed, 280. Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society (Incorporated), Ryan, Maurice Blakeney, bicycle stolen, 222. complainant, 461. Ryan, Michael Henry, alias Acka Ryan, Allen, warrant for, Royal Antedeluvian Order of Buffaloes, complainant, 379; 446; arrested on warrant, 474 (2). special inquiry, forgery and uttering on, 464. Ryan, Norman Patrick, committed for trial, 308; warrant Royal, Frederick G. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 430. for, 313; acquitted, 380; warrant for, 419. Royal Navy (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 259; motor car Ryan, Patricia, missing friend, 214; located, 423. stolen, 334; recovered, 376; all deserter warrants can- Ryan, Robert William, arrested on warrant, 420. celled, 431, 440. Ryan, Thomas Alfred, convicted, 345, 479. Royal Netherland Forces (Qld.), jeep stolen, 180; recovered, Ryan, Thomas Francis, shop broken into, 351. 222. Ryan, Thomas Michael, convicted, 32, 488. Royal Netherlands Navy, jeep stolen, 171. Ryan, Thomas Patrick Peter Paul, alias Jimmy James, con- Royals, John Henry, bicycle stolen, 385. victed, 136. Royals, John Osmond, complainant, 261. Ryan, Tom, discharged, 462; convicted, 489. Rozee, Colin, complainant, 388. Ryan, Walter Charles, see Walter Charles White, see also Rozee, Ronald George, complainant, 22. Richard Howatt. Rozla, Marie Gertrude, frock stolen, 475. Ryan, William, bicycle stolen, 306; recovered, 316. Rudd, Michael Chade, shop broken into, 75. Ryan, William Edward, convicted, 244; warrant for, 313; Rudd, Thomas Edward, naval deserter, 125. paid, 402. Rudd, William James, larceny on, property recovered, 7. Ryan, William Henry, see William Henry Drake. Ruddle, George Archer. information dismissed, 327. Ryan, William Scott, bicycle stolen, 438; portion recovered, Ruediger, Patricia Lesley, bicycle stolen, 67. 448. Rule, Rosslyn Ernest, see Metro Furnishers. Roans Emporium, see Hustler and Company Limited. Rullo, Guisenpe (N.S.W.), alien, 17; arrested, 35. Ryle, Frederick Charles, discharged, 217. Rumball,Wilfred Shirley, overcoat lost or stolen,260; recov- Rzeszkowski, Lois, complainant, 136. ered, 288. Rundle, Clive Lawrence, convicted, 224. Rundle, Lorraine Mary, watch lost or stolen, 487. Rungie, F. L., vases stolen, 267. Runnquist, G. (N.S.W.), motor utility stolen, 259; recovered, S 268. Sabben, Alice Gwendoline S., complainant, 146. Ruscica, Matteo (Vic.), alien surrendered, 455. Sabel, Johannes Paul Theodore, complainant, 451. Ruskin, David Edward, watch stolen, 384. Sabine, G. W. L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 459; recovered, Ruskin, Edward Gottlive Herman, warrant for, 350; paid, 383. 477. Russ, Jack Hocking, stolen bicycle recovered, 306; offender Saby, George, see James John Daniels. arrested, 487. Sach, Alan Ivan, clothing stolen, 201; motor car stolen, 364; Russell, Alexander John, convicted, 461. recovered,422. Russell, Barbara Heather, complainant, 357. Sach, Willette, ring, lost or stolen, 21. Russell, Catherine, complainant, 357. Sadilek, Richard Augustine, convicted, 128. Russell, Colin Maxwell, convicted, 205. Sadler, Mary Ellen, complainant, 291. Russell, David Thomas, see David Thomas Joseph McColive. Sadler, Minnie Maud, missing friend, 39; located, 100. Russell, Harold, see Silven Lee Dean Hodges. Saegenschnitter, Bernard Alwin, magneto stolen , 258; rubber Russell, James Henry, convicted, 205. hose stolen, 413; complainant, 441. Russell, John Frederick, convicted, 490. Sailly, Claudia, rug stolen, 305. Russell, John Kevin Sarsfield, information dismissed, 357. Saint, Herbert Charles , discharged, 82. Russell, Leslie William, complainant, 232 (2). St. Arnaud, William Albert, convicted, 11; discharged, 15. Russell, Raymond George, complaint dismissed, 327. St. Clair, Anthony, see Arthur Edward Gill. INDEX. lxxv.

St. Clare, Anthony, see Arthur Edward Gill, Sargent, June, warrant for, 64. St. Columba's Church, inquest on fire, 299. Saridis, John, see California Cafe. St. Joseph's Orphanage, complainant, 39. Sarre, Dr. Malcolm Glen, electric razor stolen, 141. St. Margaret's, Church Council, complainant, 462. Satchel, Frederick Spencer, see Frederick Spencer Churchill. St. Peters Cathedral, music room breaking on, 323. Satchwell, John James, dismissed under O.P. Act, 337. St. Petrus Evangelical Lutheran Church Incorporated, com- Satterley, Ronald Frederick, convicted, 70. plainant, 80. Battler, Darrel, clock stolen, 384; recovered, offender arrested, St. Theodore's Church of England (T. Thornton Reid, rector), 430; complainant, 433. silk brocade stolen, 77. Sattler, Kathleen Rose, jewellery, etc., stolen, 384; recovered, St. Vincent, George Victor, alias Vic. Wilson, convicted for offender arrested, 430; complainant, 433. indecent assault, 3; convicted, 13. Sauerwald, Francis Alexander, convicted, 117. Salagaras, Con, convicted, 22. Sauerwald, Mavis Doreen, missing friend, 469. Salagaras, Sid, complainant, 155. Saunders, Ashley Frank, naval deserter recovered, 366. Saleh Mahomed, see Saleh Mahomed. Saunders, Dudley Keith, warrant for, 427. .Sallia, Nemer, shop broken into, 168. Saunders, Edward John, convicted, 490. Saligari, Kevin John, committed for trial (coroner's warrant), Saunders, Ella Hutton, complainant, 489. 108, 172; not guilty on grounds of insanity and kept Saunders, Evelen Avis, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 354. in Adelaide Gaol till Governor's pleasure, 174. Saunders, Frederick Phillip, see Phillip Stewart Webb. Sallustio, Giovanni (Vic.), alien, 95; located, 103; alien, Saunders, George, see Leonard Milton Jones. 190; arrested,483. Saunders, Harry, convicted, 345; warrant for, 383; overcoat, Salmon, George Daniel, bicycle stolen, 202. etc., stolen, 403. Salmon, Lionel Thomas, naval deserter, 58; cancelled, 431. Saunders, John, bicycle stolen, 353; recovered, 375. Salotti, see Elsie May Heaps. Saunders, Kenneth John David, shed broken into, 474. Salotti, Domenico, arrested on warrant, 332. Saunders, M. F. R.A.A.F. deserter, 194. Salt, Edwin Walter, motor car stolen, 395; recovered, 414. Saunders, Victor Albert, naval deserter recovered, 90. Salunder, Nellie Lorraine, see Nellie Lorraine Sulander. Saunders, Vivian Harcourt, complainant, 117 (2). Salvation Army Auxiliary Company Limited, complainant, 308. Saunders, Wendelyn Miell, bicycle stolen, 395; recovered, 404. Salvation Army Men's Home, Whitmore Square, complainant, Saunders, William Romauld, dismissed under O.P. 4.ct, 116. 205. Saunderson, Kevin John, warrant for, 427. Salvation Army Prison Gate Brigade and Men's Home, com- Savage, see John Alfred Crowther Goode. plainant, 442. Savage, Alexander, naval deserter recovered, 90. Salverson, Robert George, complainant, 155. Savery's Pianos Limited, complainant, 156. Salvi, Bernardino (N.S.W.), alien surrendered, 35. Savi, Giovanni (N:S".W.), alien located, 53. Sambell, Mrs. L. C., bedspread, etc., lost or stolen, 415. Savin-Mb&y, William Francis, suitcase, etc., stolen, 403. Sampson, Allan Edwin, convicted, 378. Savings Bank of South Australia, complainant, 128; special Sampson, Arthur William, bicycle stolen, 47. inquiry forgery on, 293. Sampson, Cynthia Catherine, missing friend, 326; located, Savings Bank of S.A. (Port Adelaide, branch), complainant, 345. 318. Sampson, Leslie Albert, convicted, 290. Sawdy, C. A. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 334; recovered, 354. Sampson, Leslie Albert, complainant, 50 (2). Sawers, Dorothy Mary E., tea towels, etc., stolen, 151; brooch Sampson, Samuel Spencer, aliases Walters, Rowe, convicted, lost or stolen,260. 424; discharged, 462. Sawford, Clifford George, dinghy, lost or stolen, 431; recov- Samson, Allen William, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 194. ered, 488. Samuel, Charles Graham, convicted, 70. Sawford, Frederick George, barometer, etc., stolen, 287. Samuelli, Privator, alien, 167, 435. Sawford, James William, convicted, 299. Sanatorium Health Food Company (Australasian Conference Sawtell, A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 250. Association Limited), office broken into, offenders arrested, Sawtell, Vernon Sydney, convicted, 173. 323; complainant, 327. Sawyer, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Sandell, Ronald Charles, convicted and driver's licence can- Sawyer, Albert Keith, convicted, 155; discharged, 184. celled, 118. Sawyer-Mooney, Harold, see Harold Sawyer Moony. Sandercock, Jack Leonard, convicted, 223. Sax, Brian Manuel, bicycle stolen, 88; recovered, 98. Sanders, Elsie. watch lost nr sto 1en, 30; recovered, 38. Saxby, Harold Henry, case made remanet, 129; acquitted, 130. Sanders, Eva Jean, alias Big Eva, acquitted, 16. Sayer, Frank Leonard, complainant, 206. Sanders, K. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Scadden, Reginald Schadel, convicted, 291. Sanders, Percival Thomas, complainant, 14. Scaffadi, Michele, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 385. Sanders, Rose, convicted, 357. Scales, Thomas Michael, convicted, 92. Sanders, William John, convicted, 357. Scammell, Robert Gray, motor car stolen, 268; reward offered, Sanderson, Dorothy May, ring lost or stolen, 107. 277; offender arrested, 386. Sanderson, Gerald Alan, naval deserter, 355. Scammell. William, see William Scammel. S'andery, Albert Raymond, convicted, 196; complainant, 280. Scanlan, George Thomas, complainant, 14. Sandery, Mervyn Ralph, convicted and complaint withdrawn, Scannell, James, convicted, 291. 13. Scannell, Patrick William, discharged, 301. Sandery, Ralph Alan, complainant, 136. Scannell, William, aliases William Scammell, Joseph Ashley, Sandery, Reginald, fail to maintain, 113; arrested, 228 (2) ; James Sullivan, Joseph Asley, convicted, 215; discharged, discharged, 234. 281; warrant for, 446. Sandery, Wilfred Ernest, alias William Edward Sandery, dis- Scarfe, Jack Alfred, complainant, 232. charged 271. Scarlett Graham James Edward, wanted for larceny and forgery Sandery, William Edward, see Wilfred Ernest 'Sandery. and uttering, 123. Sandford, Albert Donald, convicted and driver's licence sus- Schaefer, Arthur Erwin, convicted, 101. pended, 60; convicted, 378. Schahinger, Colin Alfred, paid amounts on warrant, 75; con- Sandford, Robert Ronald, convicted, 405. victed. 155. S'andison, William James, convicted, 164; discharged, 197; Schadel, Walter Gustav. complainant, 425. convicted, 416. Scharader, Miss M., clothing stolen,. 123. Sandow, K., convicted, 489. Scharrer, Marjorie (Vic.), motor truck stolen, 98; recovered, Sandretti, Maurizio, discharged, 34. 231. Sands, Augustus John, information dismissed, 490. Schauer, Willie, (Vic.), alien 401. Sands, Leslie Ausiter, committed for trial, 489. Scheiwe, Stanley Herbert, convicted, 135. Sands, Reginald Samuel George, convicted, 252. Schiemenz, Evan James, alias E. J. Taylor, fail to maintain, Sands and McDougall, Pty. Limited, complainant, 425. 113; arrested, 150; convicted, 173; warrant for, 266; Sandwell, Roy Leslie, escaped prisoner located in N.S.W., 113; arrested, 285. suspected of housebreaking, located in N.S.W., 114. Schifferle, T. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 344; recovered, 354. Sanford, Geoffrey John, clothing stolen, 249. Schiller, Erwin, sheep stolen or strayed, 386. Sanford, William John, naval deserter recovered, 90. Schiller, Frederick Hermann, complainant, 479. 'S'anocci, J. (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 30. Schiller, Herbert Valentine (trading as Ziegler and Schiller), Sanotti, J. IT. (Qld.), motorcycle stolen, 306, recovered, 316. complainant, 80. Sansbury, Kenneth Edward, discharged, 41; convicted, 244; Schiller, Ross David, convicted, 378, 434. committed for trial, 244; discharged, 282; acquitted, 320; Schilling, Allan Gilmour, convicted, 434. information dismissed, 327. Schilling, Horace Howard, bicycle stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Sansbury, Malcolm Terrence, warrant for, 122; arrested, 228; Schinckel, John Lewis Victor, aliases John Lewis Victor Pitcher, discharged, 252. John William Pritchard, John Victor Lewis Schinckel, Sansbury, Richard Alfred, arrested on warrant, 4; discharged, complaint withdrawn, 101: released on bond, 127; dis- 16. charoyed, 136. 184. 207. 271; convicted, 279, 290, 291; Sansbury, Terence Charles, aliases Terry Sansbury, Terrance discharged, 320, 369; convicted, 377, 378, 387; discharged, Charles Sansbury, discharged, 71; 94; 130; warrant for, 453. 168; arrested and imprisoned, 192; discharged, 208. Schinckel, John Victor Lewis, see John Lewis Victor Schinckel. Sansbury, Terrance Charles, see Terence Charles Sansbury. 1 Schiphorst, Alwyne Johannes ter, convicted, 32; discharged, Sansbury, Terry, see Terence Charles 'S'ansbury. 111. Sansbury, Valerie, complaint dismissed, 101. Schlatter, Walter (trading as Mitzi's Beauty Saloon), com- Sansbury, Welseley, convicted, 204. plainant, 461. lxxvi. INDEX.

Schlink, Charles, hoggets, stolen or strayed, 181; recovered, Scott, Donald Balfour, naval deserter, 30; recovered, 116; 251. naval deserter, 386. Schlinker, G. C. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 439. Scott, Frederick Albert, camera stolen, 314. Schloithe, August Rudolph, war savings certificates stolen, Scott H. J., naval deserter recovered, 90. 485. Scott, Harry, warrant for, 210; paid, 239. Schluter, Adolph Irwin, convicted, 308. Scott, J., see Leonard Milton Jones. Schmid, Robinson John Bentham, convicted, 388. Scott, James, alias Jimmie Bummer, convicted; 155. Schmidt, Hans, see Karl Schmidt. Scott, John Douglas, complainant, 308. Schmidt, Herbert Geoffrey, convicted and licence disqualified, Scott, John Percival, convicted, 308. 129; convicted, 328. Scott, Keith Warren, absconder, warrant for, 274; withdrawn, Schmidt, Karl, aliases Hans Schmidt, Richard Smith, Richard 402. Klingenberg, Richard Parker, Richard Ludwig Karl Hans Scott, Nellie May, convicted, 424. Schmidt (Vic.), alien, 35; arrested, 44; alien, 349. Scott, R,. V., R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. Schmidt, Norman George, convicted, 346. Scott, Robert Ivor, convicted and licence cancelled, 146. Schmidt, Oswald Max, see Oswald Max Smith. Scott, Robert Mavin Hunter, naval deserter recovered, 21. Schmidt, Richard Ludwig Karl Hans, see Karl Schmidt. Scott, Robert Morris, bicycle stolen, 97; recovered, 143. Schmook, Robert Wilson, complaint dismissed, 433. Scott, Roy Allen, naval desterer recovered, 38. Schnaars, Herbert Albert, committed for trial, 215; convicted, Scott, Royal Donald, complainant, 49. discharged, 480. 320; Scott, Sadie Myfina Lilian, bicycle stolen, 334; recovered, 344. Schnettker, Frank, released on bond, 183. Schober, Heinrich Norman, magneto stolen, 352. Scott, Stephen, inquest no body of, 260. Schocroft,William Henry, bicycle stolen, 403; recovered, 414. Scott, T. W. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 142; recovered, 194. Schofield, J. and Sons (William Stanley Schofield, proprietor), Scott, W. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 468; recovered, 487. office broken into, 420. Scott, W. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 162. Schofield, William Stanley, see J. Schofield and Sons. Scott, Walter Lindsay, complainant, 398. Scholefield, Dorothy Edna, house broken into, 342; property Scott, William Alfred, convicted, 128. recovered, 374; complainant, 379. Scott, William Oxley, bicycle stolen, 343; recovered, 354. Scholefield, Dorothy Winsome, complainant, 379. Scottney-Turbill, Reginald, aliases Reginald Howard Scottney- Scholfield and Martin, tarpulin lost or stolen, 288. Turnbill, Reginald Howard Scottney Turbill, discharged, Scholfield, Stanley William, electric motor stolen, 305. 225. Scholz, Arnold Ernest, kit bag, etc., lost or stolen, 396. Scottney-Turnbill, Reginald Howard, see Reginald Scottney- Scholz, Arthur Charles Henry, see Arthur Schultz. Turbill. Scholz, Arthur Henry, see Arthur Schultz. Scougall, William James, clothing,, etc., stolen, 287; com- Scholz, Edward, aliases Arthur Schulz, Charles Schultz, con- plainant, 309; property recovered, offender arrested, 315. victed, 367, discharged, 434. Scourse, Raymond, naval deserter, 21; recovered, 144. Sehonknecht, H. (Qld.), motor car stolen, 124. Scowcroft, J. B., watch, etc., stolen, 437. Sehottelius, Albert William, released on bond, 470. Scown, A. G. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 297; recovered, 325. Schottelius,Gladys Freda, complainant, 470. Scragg, Robert Paul, alias Joseph Crassis, convicted, 309; Schroeter, Keven Maurice, convicted, 92. discharged, 347. Schubert, Cyril Angas, convicted, 425. Scrimshaw, Verion George, convicted, 406. Schubert, John Richard Paul, convicted and motor driver's Scriven, Mary, complainant, 11. licence disqualified, 225. Scriven, R. E. G. (Qld.), utility stolen, 430. Schubert, Walter Murray, convicted and motor driver's licence disqualified, 471. Scroop, Walter James, bicycle stolen, 212; recovered, 231. Schuberth, Cyril, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Scrutton, Albert Jesse, shop broken into, 6; additional pro- Schuetz, Leonard Arthur, watch stolen, 37. perty, 27. Schultz, Alfred Milro, convicted, 424. Scrutton, Phyllis Elsie, shop broken into, 6; additional pro- perty, 27. Schultz, Arthur, aliases Arthur Henry Scholz, Arthur Charles Scully, F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124. Henry Scholz, discharged, 442. Schultz, Francis Alfred, complaint dismissed, 59. Scully, Matthew Joseph, convicted and licence cancelled, 146. Schultz, Frederick Arthur, complainant, 232. Scutt, David, rug, etc., stolen, 295. Schultz, Harold Friedrich Max, otherwise Carl Frederick Max Seafarers Fish Processing Works, complainant, 261. Schulz, complainant, 215. Seagrim, Alexander Thomas, bicycle stolen, 315; recovered, Schultz, Lawrence Herman, complainant, 70. 325. Schultz, Leonard James, arrested for larceny, 180; convicted, Seagrim, Norman Jack, bicycle stolen, 276; recovered, 306. 184. Seal, George Ernest Sydney, convicted, 216. Schultz, Murray Edward, arrested for cargoshed breaking, 141; Seaman, Avenal Essie, complainant, 252. convicted, 144; arrested for shedbreaking, 437; con- Seaman, Harold David George, complainant, 378. victed, 440. Seamark, Eliza, complainant, 59. Schultz, Norman Herbert, convicted, 479; discharged, 480. Seamark, Frances, complainant, 59; inquest on body of, 116. Schultz, Norman John, aliases Norman Waters, Leslie Taylor, Searcy, Geraldine, gelding stolen or strayed, 460; recovered, convicted, 22; suspected of larceny, 06; offender arrested, 488. 123; custody of C.W. and P.R. Department, 127. Searcy, John E., wheel caps stolen, 403. Schultz, Peggy, absconder, 159; arrested, 178. Searcy, Paul Edward, filly stolen or strayed, 396; recovered, Schultze, Alfred James, convicted and driver's licence can- 405. celled, 281. Searle, Jack, convicted, 50, 244, 270; committed for trial, Schultze, Charles. see Edward Scholz. 289; convicted,380. Schulz, Alwin Edgar, complainant, 470. Searle, Kenneth Reginald, deserts wife, arrested, 30. Schulz, Arthur, see Edward Scholz. Searle, Lorraine, -watch stolen, 363; recovered, offender Schulz, Carl Frederick Max, see Harold Friedrich Max arrested, 403. Schultz. Searle, Richard Edward John, arrested on warrant, 228. 'Schulz, Desmond, released on bond, 432. Searle, Richard Tercy, fails to maintain, 160; warrant for, Schulz, George Henry, convicted, 338, 424. 200. Schulz, Leslie, released on bond, 432. Searle, Ross Lorraine, absconder, 228; arrested, 238. Schulz, Louis Waldemar, convicted, 183. Sears, Kingsley Palmer Vincent, workshop broken into, 160. Schulz, Margaret Jean, shopbreakinm on, 5. Searson, John Albert, convicted, 215. Schulz, Stanley Ernest, convicted, 299. Scary, Robert Carl, clothing stolen, 106; additional property Schulze, Kenneth Brian, bicycle stolen:, 78. stolen, 152. Schumacher, Herbert Edwin, motor wheel, tyre and tube Seaton, Beverley, otherwise Cutten, absconder, 96. stolen, 19. Seaton, Kenneth, naval deserter recovered, 58. Schumann, Roy Henry, motor cycle stolen, 249; recovered, Sebestyan, Paul Joseph, missing friend, 336; located, 416; 259. dismissed under O.P. Act, 424. Schutz, Elmore Osmond, convicted, 109. Secca#ien, Guirino, wheel, tyre and tube lost or stolen, 20; Schutz, Ronald Milton, caused death of Myrtle Alice Henschke recovered,30. while riding motor cycle, 214. Seccomb, Royce, bicycle stolen, 422; recovered, 459. Schutze, Albert Ronald, bicycle stolen, 20. Seccombe, James Edward, complainant, 50. Schwark, Alfred August, convicted and disqualified from Seeker, Kenneth Douglas, bicycle stolen, 422; recovered, 430. obtaining driver's licence, 136. Seddon, Clyde, warrant for, 140; arrested, 150. Schwartz, Frederick Roy, vacuum cleaner stolen, 314. Seddon, Gordon David LeMsssurier, attache case, etc., stolen, Schwartz, Ronald Morris, bicycle stolen, 212. 374. Schwarz, Clifton Friedrich Wilhelm, convicted, 270. SedgleY, John Walter Raymond, complainant, 69. Scobie, see Arthur Edward Gill. Sedgwick, Frank, naval deserter recovered, 90. Scodro, Giovanni, complainant, 346. Sedunary, Clifton Sergeant, see Defence Department, Port Scoble , Keith Louis, convicted, 11. Adelaide Rifle Range. Scopelitis, Elizabeth, watch lost or stolen, 307; recovered, Seekampe, Angas E lliott , convicted, 367. 325. Seendent,. Van (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Scott, Bonnar Limited, complainant, 357. Seidel, Howard August Lorenz, . convicted, 367, , Scott, Charles Blee, watch stolen, 485. Selby, Lawrence Leonard, see Ronald Leonard Ball. INDEX.

Selby, Robert Graham, alias Robert George Primmer (Qld.), Sheehan, Margaret Maomi, complainant, 216. special inquiry for, wanted for fraudulent conversion, Sheehan, Maxwell James, custody and control of C. W. and 139; offender arrested, 191; remanded to Brisbane and P. R. Department, 11. complaints withdrawn, 196; suspected of larceny, 221. Sheehy, Bede Thomas, naval deserter, 405; recovered, 423; Selby, Ronald Leonard, see Ronald Leonard Ball. naval deserter, 460. Selby, Sydney William, convicted, 328. Sheehy, Lawrence Keating, otherwise Lawrence Keating Selby, Wendy, see Eunice Merle Myers. Sheedy, discharged, 82. Sellar, Donald Richard, convicted, 309. S'heidow, Allan Edward, tools stolen, 276. Sellars, Frederick Graham, convicted, 451. Sheidow, Lawrence Reginald, see Peacock Leather Company. Sellick,Jack Gilbert, bicycle stolen, 296; recovered, 344. Sheldon, Geoffrey Thomas, warrant for, 402; paid, 420. Sellick, Louisa, complainant, 22. Sheldon, William John, arrested for larceny of motor cycle, Sellner, Walter Lawrence, convicted, 49: 171; committed larceny of motor cycle, 259. Selth, Frank Petherbridge (trading as Bullock Cycles Shell Company of Australia Limited, complainant, 205; level Limited), complainant, 318, 357, 388. stolen,240; wax lost or stolen,277; recovered,298. Selth, John William, convicted, 469. Shelley, Max Robert, convicted and motor driver's licence, Selth, Moira Hope, convicted, 183. suspended, 417. Semaphore Cricket Club (Richard Ronald Conlon, honorary Shemmeld, Ralph Oliver, complaints dismissed, 461. secretary), complainant, 299. Shennan, Mary Grace, handbag and contents stolen, 249. Semler, Harold Norman Matthews, convicted, 204. Shenton, George Avery, suitcase, etc., stolen, 286; recovered, Semmens, Harry, alias Daniel O'Sullivan, convicted, 279; dis- offender arrested, 364. charged, 339; convicted, 346. Shephard, Vera Mary, convicted, 300. Semmens, Leonard, naval deserter recovered, 326. Shepherd, David Ronald, bicycle stolen, 106; recovered, 115. Senior, Elizabeth Eva, sports coat stolen, 466. Shepherd, George, naval deserter recovered, 91. Senior, Spencer William, convicted, 308. Shepherd, John Albert, convicted, 328. Seppelt, B. & Sons Limited, complainant, 50. Shepherd, Mary Maud, watch lost or stolen, 422. Senerino, L. J. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Shepherd, Richard, wireless set stolen, 421; complainant, 479; Seward, Ivor Raymond, naval deserter recovered, 90. offender arrested for larceny on, property recovered, 486. Sewell, Andree, gelding stolen or strayed, 365. Shepherd, Winston Lloyd, complainant, 32. Sewell, Douglas John, convicted, 406. Shepherdson, Lydina Marion, watch lost or stolen, 222. Selxton, Brian John, released on bond, 233. Shepley, R., woman signing name of, special inquiry for, wanted for false pretences, 303. Sexton, Joseph Clement, complainant, 11. Sheppard, Alan Reginald, convicted, 291. Sexton, Leo Joseph, watch stolen, 106; inquest on body of, Sheppard, Ernest, complainant, 31. 154. Sheppard, James, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. Sexton, Margaret Maxwell, complainant, 451. Sheppard, Leonard Livesey, complainant, 31. Sexton, William Alfred, released on bond, 233. Sheppard, Mona Fanny, watch lost or stolen, 21; recovered, Seydler, E. M. E., complainant, 69. 57. Seys, Annie May, bicycle stolen, 28; recovered, 47; offen- Sheraton, George (Vic.), motor car stolen, 439. ders arrested, 107; complainant, 110. Sheridan, James Joseph, see James Bourke. Seys, William Stanley, bicycle stolen, 414; recovered, 422. Sheridan, John Joseph, convicted, 356. Shackleford, Maxwell Leonard, released on recognizance, 32. Sheridan, Neville, complainant, 387. Shadforth,Elizabeth, brooch lost or stolen,431; recovered, Sheridan, Shirley, watch lost or stolen, 134. 439. Sharing, W., naval deserter recovered, 90. Shaghnessy, Patrick, convicted, 452. Sheringham, William (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 20. Shailer, Brian Francis, naval deserter, 376. Sherrah, David William George, inquest on body of, 278. Shallow, Raymond, naval deserter, 204; recovered, 397; naval Sherridan, Kerry, convicted, 309; warrant for, 383. deserter,469. Sherry, see Eric Clyde Cherry. Shammall, Ivan, convicted, 243. Sherwood, William Lionel, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. Shanahan, see Walter James Wilson. Shetlat, William Alfred, discharged, 166. Shanks, see Winifred Olive Churchett. Shields, see Frank Patrick Shiels. Shannon, Harold, see Harry Williams. Shields, Henry Charles, motor cycle stolen, 306. Shannon, Howard Huntley, convicted and driver's licence Shields, John William, complaint withdrawn, 101. suspended, 407. Shields, Kevin William, absconder, 53; recovered, 64; com- Shannon, J. (N.S.W.), G.M.C. motor recovered, 20. mitted to Magill Reformatory, 136; absconder, 167; con- Shannon, Vincent Phillip, bicycle stolen, 134. victed, 174; absconder arrested, 191; arrested for Sharman, Amos, convicted, 80. housebreaking and larceny, 211; convicted, 216. Sharmon, G. T. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77. Shiells, see Frank Patrick Shiels. Sharp, Elizabeth, complainant, 327. Shiels, Frank Patrick, aliases Shields, Shiells, discharged, 263. Sharp, John Davis, see John Davis Sharpe. S'hiels, Milton Joseph, convicted, 357. Sharp, Neil Edward, released on bond, 367. Shiers, Gloria Eleanor, watch stolen, 88. Sharp, Peter Hamilton, convicted, 416 (2). Shiers, Lionel Alfred, convicted, 337. Sharp, Spike, see John Davis Sharpe. Shill, Fred Jubilee, complainant, 388. Sharp, Spikey, see John Davis Sharpe. Shillabeer, Janice Ethel May, inquest on body of, 326. Sharpe, Dora, complainant, 244. Shillingford, Albert Raymond Thomas, deserts wife, 355; Sharpe, Dorothy May, complainant, 156. arrested, 365. Sharpe, John Davis, aliases John Davis Sharp, Spike Sharp, Shilton, Maxwell Albert, convicted and licence disqualified, 262. Spikey Sharp, convicted, 22; arrested for larceny, 38; Shipard, Leslie Arthur, complainant, 32. discharged, 271; convicted, 377. Shipard, Roy Wilfred, complainant, 155. Sharpe, Ronald George, arrested on warrant, 342 (2). Shipp, 'Sydney Frederick, convicted, 356. Sharpe, Ronald Wiltshire, trousers, etc., stolen, 457. Shipton, Allan William, complainant, 173. Sharrad, Frederick Clarence, warrant for, pays portion, 3; Shirlock, Brian Leslie, bicycle stolen, 344. paid in full, 87. Shoppee, Clarence Collett, obtains warrant for Peter Galbraith, Shaw, Edward Albert, complaint withdawn, 91. 64. Shaw, Harold Leslie, naval deserter, 317; cancelled, 431. Shorrocks, Chas. IT.,naval deserter recovered, 90. Shaw, John Cedric, convicted, 290. Short, Betty Margaret, handbag lost or stolen, 21; recovered, Shaw, Leslie Raymond, convicted, 233. 30. Shaw, Roy Glanville, convicted, 309. Short, Ernest George, convicted, 327; discharged, 369. Shaw, William Hay, convicted, 13. Short, Henry Arthur, motor cycle stolen, 459; recovered, 468. Shea, James Patrick, see Patrick Joseph O'Shea. Short, Kenneth Ernest George, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, Shea, Joseph Patrick, see Patrick Joseph O'Shea. 396. Shea, William James, tools stolen, 333. Short, Lionel James, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, 213. Shearer, Alwyn Huxley, wringer stolen, 221. Short, Sidney James, convicted, 206. Shearer, Clarence, arrested and imprisoned on warrant, 178 Shoumack, Joseph Henry, convicted, 470. (2) ; discharged, 197. Shugg, Raymond Leslie, naval deserter, 223. Shearer, Clive Trafford, complainant, 407. Shurven, Herbert Edward, convicted, 262. Shearer, Melvin Thomas Irvine, coat, etc., lost or stolen, 194; Shuttleworth and Letchford, complainant, 13. recovered, 203. Sibbold, J., complainant, 109. Shearing, Alan Ralph, see Industries Electrical Services. Sibley,Arthur, kitbac lost or stolen,415. Sibley. Beatrice Myrtle, watch lost or stolen, 67. Shearing, Mark, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Siddall, Violet Marjory, ring lost or stolen, 67; recovered, 89. Shearwin, Jean, rind lost or stolen, 153. Sidwell, K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 89. Sheath, H. C. (N.S.W.), motor car recovered, 20. 'S'iebert, Francis Joseph, convicted, 60. Sheather, Frederick Benham, motor cycle stolen, 98. Siebert, Joseph, gramophone motors stolen, 212. Sheedy, John, escaped mental defective, 341; located, 362. Siebert, Joseph Bartholomew, complainant, 232. Sheedy, John, absconder,, 483. Sielly, Charles Maxwell, naval deserter, recovered, 355. Sheedy, Lawrence- Keating, see Lawrence Keating Sheehy. Sierp, Frederick Cuthbert, fails to maintain, 427. Sheehy, T._ J (N.S.W.). motor _car stolen , 98';' recovered, 124. Sheedy, William John, convicted, 110. Silica Bricks Australia Limited (Jack Pericles, -manager),, shed Sheehan, Cornelius, house broken into, 178; offenders arrested, broken into, 412. 211; complainant, 216. Silk Brothers Limited, typewriter stolen, 429. lxxviii. INDEX.

Silk, Patricia, absconder, 303 ; arrested, 332. Slaby, Henrich Jacob, convicted and driver's licence suspended, Silke, Frederick George, warrant for, 266; arrested, 323; 347. warrant for, 373. Sladden, Albert Horace, inquest on body of, 299. Silks, Limited, showcase broken into, 428. Sladdin, John Mauldy, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 153. Silva, Joseph William, convicted, 80, 397. Slade, Keith William, typewriter, lost or stolen, 250; recov- Silva, N. J. and Sons Limited, obtains warrant for Leslie ered, 268. Norman Gillis and William John Player, 285; complain- Slann, Frederick Walter, alias F. L. Stacey, correction to ant, 357. Group Photo's, 95; discharged, 359. Silver and Killicoat, complainant, 308. Slape, Leo Edward, fails to maintain, 248; arrested, 256. Silver Top Taxi Service Pty. Limited, see Patrick James Slater,Harry, convicted, 39. . Percival Cullinan. Slater, John William, fieldglasses stolen, 179. Silver, William Joseph, arrested on warrant, 4. Slater, Lola Florence, convicted, 388. Simersall, Mervyn Sidney, released on bond, 279. SlatteryDudley Stewart, house broken into, 122; property Simes, Maysie Hall, complainant, 442. recovered, offender arrested, 373. Simmonds, Evelyn, case made remanet, 129; released under Slattery, John Charles, absconder, 167; suspected of ware- 0 . P. Act, 130. housebreaking and larceny, 168; arrested for warehouse- Simmonds, Howard Leslie Gladstone, complainant, 367. breaking and factorybreaking, 179 (2) ; convicted, 183; Simmonds, Kenneth Robert, bicycle recovered, 259. arrested, 210; convicted, 262. S'imins, Albert Edward, convicted, 14. Slattery, Robert, complainant, 489. Simms, Rupert, shoes stolen, 394. Slaughter, James Sydney, arrested for storebreaking, 429; Simon, Henry Frederick, bicycle recovered, 9. released on bond, 434. Simon, Louis Rudolph, convicted, 23. Slavin-Molloy, Donald Douglas, bicycle stolen, 296; recovered, Simons, Colin Arthur, number of stolen bicycle, 230. 307. Simons, Geoffrey Ray, missing friend, 58; located, 79; convicted Sleader, Kenneth Frederick, complainant, 11. and motor driver's licence disqualified, 398. Sleader, Thomas Charles, bicycle stolen, 38. Simons, Helen, pendant lost or stolen, 439; recovered, 449. Slee, Clifford Jesse, aliases Richard James Slee, Clifford Simpson, see Unknown Man, giving name of. Gorman, Brian McNally, discharged, 15, 82; convicted, Simpson, Dorothy Hallett, camera stolen, 447; property recov- 117; discharged, 165; convicted, 318; discharged, 399. ered, 476. Slee, Elizabeth, complainant, 417. Simpson, Emma Bertha Maria, watch lost or stolen, 268. Slee, Richard James, see Clifford Jesse Slee. Simpson, Frank Broadbent, convicted, 245. Sleep, Alatha May, utility stolen, 438; reward offered, 458; Simpson, Geoffrey, see Harry Raymond Canham. recovered, offenders arrested, 487; complainant, 489 (2); Simpson, George G. (N.S.W), motor cycle stolen, 67; recov- Sleep, Richard Harold, convicted, 117. ered, 78. Sleigh, Elizabeth, rug, etc., stolen, 363 and 364. Simpson, K. E., missing friend, 108; located, 116. Sloan, see Dorothy Jean Broster. Simpson, Keith Edward, aliases Jack West, G. F. Eastman, Slorack, S. J. (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 430. missing friend, 278; suspected of larceny of bicycle, 296; Slutzkin, (Mrs.) Mary, flat broken into, 55. located,317; arrested for larceny,323, 324 (2); arrested Smale, Robert Keith, committed for sentence; 232; released for larceny of bicycle, 325; complaint dismissed, 328. on bond, 320. Simpson, Minnie, ring lost or stolen, 153; recovered, 214. Small, Bruce Proprietary Limited (N.S.W.), shopbreaking on, Simpson, Phyllis May, wallet, etc., stolen, 305. 6; storeroom broken into, 456. Simpson, Raymond Herbert, convicted, 93; discharged, 480. Small, Bruce Limited, shop broken into, 465. Simpson, Raymond Leonard, naval deserter, 386. Small, Campbell Dominick, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, 194. Simpson, Raymond Penley, missing friend, 79. Small, Charles James, convicted and motor driver's licence Simpson, S. C. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 29. disqualified, 225. 'Sims, George Thomas Charles, convicted, 13. Small, George Reden, complainant, 50. Sims, John, warrant for, 140; amounts paid, 178. Small, George William, see Smalls Limited. Sims, Ronald Douglas, alias Ronald Douglas Hall, convicted, Small, John Ernest, bicycle stolen, 221; number of, 230; con- 470. victed,441. Sims, Stuart Spencer, watch stolen, 384. Smallacombe, Frank William, complainant, 69. Sims, Thomas Murray, complainant, 232. Smallacombe, Sydney George, convicted, 441; correction, 452; Sinclair, J. Bruce, warrant for, 456. discharged,491. Sinclair, John Benjamin, bicycle stolen, 170; recovered, 181. Smalls, Limited (George William Small, managing director), Sinclair, John T., house broken into, 229; additional property, electric drill stolen, 141; sink and drainboard stolen, 161. 239. Smart, Eric Alexander, see Eric Alexander Heuchan. Sinclair, William Keith, complainant, 291. Smart, Hedley Thomas, committed for trial, 117; acquitted, Sincock, Dorothy Lorna, bicycle stolen, 134; recovered, 143. 174. Singer Sewing Machine Company, complainant, 69. Smart, Henry, warrant for, 150. Singh, Edith, absconder, 104; located, 113. Smart, Inez Alice, watch lost or stolen, 181. Singh, Lillian Esther, bicycle recovered, 9. Smart, Leonard W., naval deserter, 10. -Singstock, Margaret, warrant for withdrawn, 210. Smart, Pearl Petral Maria, motor car stolen, -221. Sinisi. Leonardo (Vic.), alien arrested, 371, 382. Smart, Thomas Keith, convicted, 81, 478. Sior, William Francis Edwin, offenders arrested for shop Smart, William Harold, bicycle stolen, 467. breaking on, 192; brooches not recovered,201. Sitarenos, Jim, complainant, 337.. Smartt, Alexander William, convicted, 144. Sixon, George Henry William, see Lionel Edward Lindsay Smedley,Colin Lorenzo, convicted, 346. Bryce Coppleman. Smedley, John Frederick, garage broken into, 248; complain- Sjostrom, Rex Edward, convicted, 280. ant, 357. Skau, Kristoffer Andreas Kristensen, convicted, 14; warrant Smellie. Robert William, convicted, 80. for, 26; arrested, 36. Smit, Eric, convicted, 489. Skelley, George Dallis, released on bond, 451. Smith, see Frederick James Marshall. Skelley, Kevin, see Keith John Clark. Smith, Adelaide Elizabeth, watch lost or stolen, 171. Shelley, Muriel Elizabeth, complainant, 451. Smith. Albert (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 448; recovered, 459; Skelton, Herbert John, fails to maintain, 3; arrested, 26; dis- 468. charged 408. Smith, Albert George, see William Day. Skewes, Cecil John, convicted, 346. Smith, Albert Joseph, see Hugh Henry Stafford Lumley. Skewes, Miss, shopbreakinm on, 141. Smith, Albert Murray, convicted. 59; discharged, 119. Skewes, Leslie, see Leslie Walsh. Smith. Alex and Company Limited, storeroombreaking on, 4; Skey, Thomas, convicted, 39. offenders arrested, 429. Skinner, see George Henry Hough. Smith, Alexander, convicted, 182. Skinner, Brian John, watch stolen, 67. Smith, Alfred Arthur, information dismissed, 32. Skinner, Derick St. Clair, complainant, 11. Smith, Alfred Keith. convicted, 50. Skinner, Ernest Bernard, bicycle stolen, 259; recovered, 268. Smith, Alfrel Rodney, naval deserter, 79; recovered, 99. Skinner, Leonard George, naval deserter, 125; recovered, 181. Smith, Alice May, complainant, 135. Skinner, Lloyd, house broken into, 211. Smith, Allen Gillett, convicted, 462. Skinner, Lvall Pearce, complainant, 69. Smith, Allen John, watch stolen,, 343. Skinner, Maxwell Karl (Vic.), escaped prisoner, 177. Smith, Alton Keith, released on recognizance, 32. Skinner, Stanley, naval deserter recovered, 90. Smith, Archibald Henry, convicted, 205. Skipper, Kathleen Elizabeth, fur lost or stolen, 288. Smith. Archibald Roy, house broken into, offender arrested, Skipton, Horace Arthur Harry, dwelling-house broken into, 211. 160. Smith, Arthur' Alfred. convicted, 309. Skjaerun, N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 277; recovered, 288. Smith, Arthur Edward, naval deserter recovered, 3,66. Skurray, John Wood, complaint dismissed, 328. Smith, Arthur Henry, complainant, 69. Skurray, Maxwell Edward, wristlet watch stolen, 258. Smith, Arthur Yates, convicted, 204. Skuse, Francis William, convicted, 31. Smith, Beaumont Lancelot Bertram, war savings certificates, S'kuthorpe,James Richard, alias Richard James Skuthorpe, etc.. stolen. 87: complainant, 183. convicted, 39; discharged, 41. Smith, C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213. Skuthorpe. Richard James, see James Richard •Skuthorpe. 'S'mith, Cecelia Mavis, arrested for larceny, 106; released on Sky, Eric N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 414. bond, 108. INDEX. lxxix.

Smith, Cecil George (W.A.-Qld.), tin trunks , etc., lost or stolen, Smith, Leslie Stephen, bicycle stolen, 486. 67 and 68. Smith, Leslie Stephen, alias Frederick Brown, discharged, 33, Smith, Charles Alexander , convicted , 433; discharged, 492. 175. Smith, Charles Frederick , naval deserter recovered, 90. Smith, Leslie William (gazetted as Leslie William Swift), con- Smith, Charlie, naval deserter recovered, 366. victed, 127, 135. Smith, Claude , convicted , 204, 216 ; discharged, 281. Smith, Lewis Keith, complaint dismissed and convicted, 12. Smith, Dennis Ferham, naval deserter recovered, 90. Smith, Lucy Geneivieve, watch lost or stolen, 354; recovered, Smith, Derek John , convicted, 69. 386. Smith, Desmond , see Desmond Francis Smith. Smith, Malcolm Ross, bicycle stolen, 267; number of bicycle, Smith, Desmond Francis, missing friend located, 10; convicted, 276. 31; warrant for, 54; pays fine and costs , 114; convicted, Smith, Margaret, complainant, 183. 127; 128. Smith, Margaret June, complainant, 309. Smith, Donald (Vic.), motor cycle recovered, 9. Smith, Mary, see Muriel Eileen Burrell. Smith, Donald William James, convicted, 215. Smith, Mary Riba, overcoat lost or stolen, 468. Smith, Doreen Joan, complainant, 144. Smith, Matthew Albert Claude, convicted, 224. Smith, Dorothy May, music case, etc., stolen, •286. Smith, Max, warrant for, 456. Smith, Douglas Barian, convicted, 216. Smith, Maxi Drew, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Smith, Douglas Darian, camera lens, lost or stolen, 231; por- 452. tion of property recovered, 242. Smith, Mervyn Gordon, magneto stolen, 193. Smith, E. R. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. Smith, Mervyn Ronald, complainant, 22. Smith, Edward, naval deserter recovered, 91. Smith, Michael Edward, convicted, 469. Smith, Edward Ford, complainant, 470. Smith, Murray Rufus, bicycle stolen, 67. Smith, Edward William, complainant, 470. Smith, Neville Norman Charles, released on bond, 368. Smith, Elaine Lockhart, watch lost or stolen, 143. Smith, Noel Sinclair George, naval deserter, 90. Smith, Eric James, convicted, 12. Smith, Norman Crittenden, convicted, 424. Smith, Ernest and Company Limited, complainant, 127; wire- Smith, Oswald Max, sometimes known as, Oswald Max less set stolen, 193; wireless set stolen, 287; number of Schmidt, inquest on body of, 469. wireless, 296. Smith, R. J., warrant for, 18. Smith, Ernest Alfred, convicted, 204. Smith, R. L. and Company (Ralph L. Smith, managing Smith, Ernest Charles, information dismissed, 451; suspected director), factory broken into, 87; offender arrested, 179; of larceny, 475. complainant, 183. Smith, Ernest John, information dismissed, 327. Smith, Ralph, convicted, 92. Smith, Ernest Maxwell, bicycle stolen, 241. Smith, Ralph L., see R. L. Smith and Company. Smith, Francis Michael, gazetted as , warrant Smith, Ralph Lewis, house broken' into, 456 and 457. for, 420; correction, 428. Smith, Ray, absconder, 150; recovered, 159. Smith, Frank Cohue, convicted and motor driver's licence can- Smith, Rex Graham, convicted, 424. celled, 207. Smith, Richard, see Karl Schmidt. Smith, Frank Hugh, released on bond and convicted, 40. Smith, Richard Joseph Crawford, convicted, 424. Smith, Frank Stanley Mitchell, complaint withdrawn, 451. Smith, Robert James, kitbag, etc., stolen, 170. Smith, Frederick Albert George, naval deserter recovered, 366. 'Smith, Robert Joshua, convicted, 40. Smith, Frederick Henry James, warrant for, 228. Smith, Ronald, naval deserter, 21, 243; recovered, 289, 4 31. Smith, Garfield Stanley (abo.), convicted, 489. Smith, Ronald Arthur Thomas, convicted, 470. Smith, Gavin Viner, golf bag, etc., stolen, 384; recovered, Smith, Ross Oliver, convicted, 251. offender arrested, 430. Smith, Ross Robert, information dismissed, 93. Smith, George, naval deserter recovered, 90. Smith, Roy Stanley, convicted, 432; discharged, 453. Smith, George, see Victor Clarence Winkler. Smith, S. (Mrs.), complainant, 128. Smith, George Harold, missing friend, 317; deserts wife, 33-6. Smith, S. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 180. Smith, George Quorn, watch lost or stolen, 89 ; additional Smith, Samuel Serle, see Simon Smith. property, 125. Smith, Selwyn Frederick, convicted, 244. Smith, Gertrude, necklet lost or stolen, 297. Smith, Shirley Gwendoline, missing friend located, 21; missing Smith, Guy E., rim tyre, and tube stolen, 343; recovered friend, 377; located, 387. offender arrested, 403; complainant, 407. Smith, Simon, alias Samuel Serle Smith, arrested on warrant, Smith, Halliday, see William Casey. 256; discharged, 271. Smith, Harold, convicted, 441. Smith, Simon David, warrant for, 446; paid, 484. Smith, Harold Allen, aliases Harold Jackson, Harold Dominic, 'Smith, Stanley Garfield, complainant, 216; convicted, 216; discharged, 443. warrant for, 474. Smith, Harry, binoculars stolen, 240. Smith, Stanley Ivan, naval deserter, 68; cancelled, 431. Smith, Heather Charmaine, bicycle stolen, 487. Smith, Stuart, bicycle stolen, 375; complainant, 407. Smith, Helena Yvonne Jean, see Helena Yvonne Jean Lumley. Smith, Thelma May, complainant, 424. Smith, Henry George, known as Peter, missing friend, 423; Smith, Thomas, alias Thomas House, discharged, 207. located,450. Smith, Thomas James, convicted, 309; discharged, 310; special Smith, Herbert Charles, convicted, 416 (2). inquiry, wanted for larceny, 372; arrested on another Smith, Herbert John, warrant for, 342. charge, 382; arrested, 393; convicted, 398 (2) ; discharged, Smith, Hilda Anne, clothing stolen, 19. 399; warrant for, 446. Smith, Howard Limited, shedbreaking on, 65: offender Smith, Thomas Patrick, complainant, 328. arrested, 105, 141; complainant, 144; breast drill stolen, Smith, 'Thomas Wilfred, motor car stolen, 276; recovered, 297. 212. Smith, Thora Madge, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 153. Smith, Hugh Bone, bicycle stolen, 276. Smith, Thorald Francis John, aliases John 'Spring, John Smith, Smith, James, convicted, 223. Thorold Francis John Smith, convicted, 79, 80; warrant Smith, James Sydney, convicted, 173; discharged, 208. for, 122, 17S; convicted, 244; arrested on warrant, 256; Smith, James William, aliases James William Robinson, Chap- discharged, 263; convicted, 379. man, absconder, 393; withdrawn, 436. Smith, Thorold Francis John, see Thorald Francis John Smith. Smith, Janet, complainant, 251. Smith, Thorold James, kitbag stolen, recovered, 47. Smith, Joan Dawn, bicycle stolen, 221. 'Smith, Valerie Dawn, complainant, 470. Smith, John, complainant, 416. Smith, Vera Constance, complainant, 216. Smith, John, see Thorold Francis John Smith. Smith, Vernon John, complaint dismissed, 215. Smith, John Henry, complaint withdrawn, 470. Smith, Victoria Eva Irene, missing friend, 125; recovered, 144. Smith, John Howard, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, Smith, Walter E., watch lost or stolen, 376. 216. Smith, Warren Edward, convicted, 279. Smith, John Joseph, aliases John O'Keefe, John 'Symons, (1. Smith, Willam, naval deserter recovered, 90. Martin, John O'Keefe, John William Bruce, discharged, Smith, William, arrested for larceny of bicycle, 222. 369. Smith, William, alias William Craig, convicted, 12; warrant Smith, John Le Gallez, fails to maintain, 350. for, 140. Smith, John Murdock, convicted, 470. Smith, William Alexander, convicted, 224. Smith, John Ross, convicted, 279; warrant for, 373. Smith, William Dominic, see Instant Electrical Company. Smith, Joseph, naval deserter recovered, 90. Smith, William George, naval deserter, recovered, 366; con Smith, Joseph, Sydney, see Wearproof Hosiery. victed, 433. Smith, Keith Maxwell, deserts wife, 269. Smith, William Gordon, watch stolen, 286. Smith, Kenneth Gordon Reuben, complainant, 319. Smith, William Patrick, arrested for shopbreaking, 192. Smith, Kevin Harold, bicycle stolen, 77. Smitham, George Wesley, bicycle stolen, 259; recovered, 268. Smith, L. F. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 249; recovered, 259. Smithson, Herbert, see John Smithson. Smith, Lawrence Howard Ross, convicted, 378. Smithson, John, alias Herbert Smithson, convicted, 424. Smith, Leon, warrant for, 350. Smyth, Lady (Vic.), jewellery stolen, 334; portion recovered, Smith, Leslie, complainant, 441. offender arrested, 438. Smith, Leslie Albert, convicted, 70. Smythe, C. (N.S'.W.), motor car stolen, 353. Smith, Leslie Albert Joseph, convicted, 299, 388. Smythe, L. R. (Qld.), stolen motor cycle recovered, 222. Smith, Leslie Eric, warrant for, 104. Snashall, Howard Edwin, bicycle stolen, 78; recovered, 89. Smith, Leslie Harold, naval deserter recovered, 366. Sneddon, Patrick, warrant for, 160; arrested and imprisoned, Smith, Leslie Henry, naval deserter, 154; recovered, 163. 192. lxxx. INDEX.

Snell, James, see Leslie Thomas Broadhurst. Goodwood Technical School, inquest on fire at preen, Snellgrove,George, convicted and driver'slicence suspended, ises of, 260. 491. Hatherleigh, schoolhouse broken into, 75. Sneyd, Dorothy, see Torrens House Private Hospital. Le Fevre Peninsula Technical School, complainant, Snow, Gordon, convicted, 13; discharged, 24. 280. Snow, Howard John, released under O.P. Act, 146. Magill, school broken into, 304. Snow, Ilma Helena, watch lost or stolen, 376; recovered, 415. Marrabel Primary School, complainant, 12. Snow, Raymond John, released on bond, 145. Redhill Public School, complainant, 109. Soar, James Arthur, convicted, 377. Sandwell, schoolhouse broken into, 239; offender Soliani, Mario (N.S.W.), alien surrendered to, custody, 74. arrested, 286, Seller, Lou, suspected of larceny, 258; no further action, 267. Wallaroo Public School, complainant, 23. Solley, H. G. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 395; recovered, 414. Whyalla, film winder lost or stolen, 307. Sollustio, Giovanni, alien, 2. Woodville, clothes hoist stolen, 276. golly,James Witter, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, 153; com- Electricity Trust- plainant, 173. Hendon, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 287. Solomon, Albert, (Vic.), motor car stolen, 365. Osborne, canvas stolen, 287. Solomon, N. and Company Limited, complainant, 378, 489. Engineering and Water Supply Department- Solomons, Isabella Jane, ear-ring, lost or stolen, 277. Glossop, wheels stolen, 202. Solomons, L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 459. Lock, complainant, 461. Somerfield (abo.), complainant, 215. Loxton, complainant, 270 (2), 357. Somerville, Robert Matthew, convicted, 261. Minnipa, complainant, 224. Sommer, Dudley Cuthbert, complainant, 216. Murdinga, office broken into, 394. Sommer, Ethel May, complainant, 491. Murray Bridge, complainant, 100. Sommer, Raymond- Frederick, kitbag stolen, 438. Port Lincoln, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 276. Sommers, David Osmond, convicted, 80. Port Lincoln-Murdinga, fuel pump stolen, 333. Sorrell, Bertice, house broken into, 239. Sorrell, Brian Albert, kitbag and clothing stolen, 248; recov- Harbors Board Department- ered, 258. Birkenhead, offenders arrested for shedbreaking on, Sorrell, George Cornelius, convicted, 127; warrant for, 178. 437; complainant, 440. Sorrell, Gilbert Speake, complainant, 289. Glanville (William Wesley Almond, works manager), Sorrell, Harry Randolph, house broken into, 239. dredge broken into, 402. Sorrell, Norman Robert, house broken into, 239. Port Adelaide, complainant, 109, 144; shed broken S'oulsby, Frederick, tools stolen, 241. into, 295. Soulsby, George, house broken into, 178. Tumby Bay, complainant, 416. Souter, Arthur Roy Selwyn, convicted, 433. Highways and Local Government Department- S.A. Brass Engineering Company Limited, complainant, 216. Penola, complainant, 407. S.A. Caledonian Society Incorporated (Nancy Tansell, secre- Gulnare, scoop stolen, 305. tary), hall broken into, 160. Moonta, complainant, 204. S.A. Hardwoods Limited, complainant, 462. Port Pirie, complainant, 48. S.A. Rubber Mills Limited, complainant, 244. Warnertown, wheelbarrows stolen, 7; tent fly recov- S.A. Salvage Company, complainant, 434. ered, offenders arrested, 47. S.A. Saw and Tool Sharpening Company, see John Neil Farmer. Hospitals Department- S.A. Tailors, (Mr. Grayling, manager), factory broken into, Adelaide, Nurses quarters, complainant, 126. 332. Bedford Park Sanatorium, complainant, 328. South Australian Brewing Company, keg, lost or stolen, 460; Northfield, complainant, 50. recovered,468. Housing Trust, wire stolen, 413. South Australian Brush Company, bicycle stolen, 98. Lands Department- South Australian Cold Stores, cash bag, etc., stolen, 76. Adelaide, 244. South Australian Farmers Co-Operative Union Limited (Ronald Caroline-Mount Schank, steel tape measure lost or Frederick Ward, manager), complainant, 13; sheep stolen, 250; recovered, 268. stolen or strayed, 89; complain' nt, 224, 318, 388, 398. Loveday, flooring boards stolen, 193; complainant, South Australian Gas Company Limited, bath heater, etc., 233, 388. stolen, 169; sink heater, etc., stolen. 230; tarpaulin lost or Penola, complainant, 252, 308. stolen, 277; recovered, 298; sink heater, etc., recovered, Mines Department- 324. Moonta, complainant, 59. South Australian Hotel Limited (Mrs. J. O'Brien, licensee), Minister of Agriculture- clock stolen, 485. Tailem Bend, complainant, 101. South Australian Wheat Board, complainant, 233. Museum (Herbert M. Hale, director), butterfly specimens South, Charles William, complainant, 289. stolen, 46; recovered, Colin W. Wyatt suspected, 161. South Coast Drive Yourself Company (Qld.), jeep stolen, 20; Police Department- recovered,30. Adelaide, torch stolen, 65; complainant, 116, 126, 318. 'S'outh Coast District Hospital, complainant, 172. Barmera, complainant, 80, 92. Bute, complainant, 417. South, Kenneth Gordon, convicted and driver's licence sus- Glenelg, complainant, 378. pended, 40. Hawker, complainant, 262. South, P., motor cycle stolen, 297. Murray Bridge, -complainant, 156. South Western Manufacturing Company Limited (Theodore Plympton, complainant, 155. Fergus Ballantyne, manager), office broken into, 114. Port Augusta, complainant, 49. South, William Albert, naval deserter, 163. Quorn, complainant, 195. Southam, Colin Roy, convicted, 59. Renmark, complainant, 9 Southam, Leslie Gordon, amounts of warrant paid, 18. Tarcoola, complainant, 40. So,utheott, Clifford Michell, wireless stolen, 394. Thebarton, complainant, 127. 'Southgate, Edgar Harry, cigarette lighter, etc., stolen, 7. Southwood, John Taunton, heifer stolen or strayed, 325. Public Stores Department- Adelaide, complainant, 205. 'outh Australian Government- Mile End, storeroom broken into, 105 (2) ; offenders Aborigines Department- arrested, 161 (2) ; complainant, 164 (2). Point McLeay (Clarence Edmund Bartlett, manager), Northfield, material lost or stolen, 134; recovered, 144. sheep stolen or strayed, 134; panel van stolen, Railways Department- 334; recovered, 344; complainant, 356, Adelaide, complainant, 31, 40 (3), 69, 101; dress Point Pearce, complainant, 195, 328. material stolen, 123; complainant , 127, 135 (2), Agricultural Department, attache case, etc., stolen, 152; 18'2, 290 (2), 291 (3), 300; kitbag , etc., stolen, complainant, 164; sheep stolen or strayed, 325. 363; complainant, 387 (4), 425, 441. 442 (3), Architect-in-Chief's Department- 451 (2), 462, 469, 470, 489, 490 (5), 491. Adelaide, electric motor stolen, 221; wrapper stolen, Adelaide-Naracoorte, suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 396. 429. Beachport, tarpaulin stolen, 151; recovered, 193. Children's Welfare and Public Relief Department- Blyth-Mile End, tobacco stolen, 240. Adelaide, complainant, 405, 441. Bordertown, complainant, 59, 398, 416. Director-General of Medical Services (Morris Hospital, Bridgewater, lamp stolen, 201. Northfield), complainant, 49. Cockburn, complainant, 424. Education Department- Cummins, complainant, 432. Adelaide, complainant, 11. Gawler, complainant, 377. Black Forest School, complainant, 183. Highbury, electric motor stolen, 212. Cobdo,gla Public School Committee (Lindsay James Islington, grinding machine stolen, 161. Hefford. chairman), cement and scythe stolen, 485. Karoonda, complainant, 244. Colonel Light Gardens Public School, complainant, Kimba, complainant, 204. 144. Kulde, tarpaulins stolen, 267. Etheltoiii Public School, complainant, 280. Loxton, chain stolen, 55. INDEX.

Railways Department-continued. Bergin, Noel Walter Laurence, aliases B. Fricker, O. Mile End, suiting material stolen 19 (2) ; serviette Moulden, J. West, wanted for false pretences, 2, 113; rings, etc., stolen, 19; towels stolen, 19; shoes admits offences, 167 (3). stolen, 46; engine stolen, 46; dress material and Bert, see Herbert William Guise. suiting stolen, 66 (3); engine recovered, 66; Best, Frank, see Percival Granville Walsh. material stolen, 76 (3); frocking and suiting Biddle, Allison Merle, alleged larceny as a bailee on, 190; stolen, 97 (2) ; rig covers, etc., stolen, 106 (3) ; recovered, 411. material, saws and cigarettes stolen, 133 (4) ; Bilney, Pearl Christina, fraudulent conversion on, 238; clothing stolen, 161 (2) ; offenders arrested, 162 offender arrested,293. (2) ; wireless sets stolen, 230, 240; carton of Bolto, Phyllis, false pretences on, 86; Leslie Leonard clothing stolen, 258; material stolen, 267; vases Cohen committed this offence, 191. stolen, 267; Italian rayon stolen, 276; frocks Bowering, Norman, larceny on, 372; Thomas James Smith, stolen, 296; shirts stolen, 314; wireless sets arrested other charges, 382; Smith arrested for this stolen, 413 (2); material stolen, 413; shirts offence, 393. stolen, 429; two wireless sets stolen, 475; car Brace, Audrey Louisa, false pretences on, 349; offender radio stolen, 475; material stolen, 485 (2). arrested, 392. Mile End-Clare, brushes stolen, 429. Broajl.bent, Fergus Donald, assault and robbery on, 419. Mile End-Kybybolite, bedspread, etc., lost or stolen, Brookes, Ernest James, see Ernest James Brooks. 415. Brooks, Ernest James, aliases Roberts, E. G. Hollard, Mile End-Morgan, tobacco, etc., stolen, 151. Ernest James Brookes, arrested for forgery and utter- Mile End-Nuriootpa, truck tyre stolen, 475. ing, 209. Mount Gambier, complainant, 451. Brown, J., believed identical with John Allan Potts (Vic.), Murray Bridge Refreshment Rooms, complainant, 280. wanted for false pretences, 25. N.S.W.-S.A., cigarettes, etc., stolen, 19; clothing, etc., Brown, Leo Leslie, unknown man wanted,for assault on, lost or stolen, 250; dress material stolen, 314; 199. suitcase and material stolen, 421, 447; cases Brown, Pamela Dawn, unknown man wanted for attempt- stolen, 475; tyres stolen, 475; recovered, offender ing indecent act on, 35. arrested, 486. Brown, Rose, unknown man wanted for assault on, 199. Naracoorte, complainant, 224. Bryant, Frank, see Percival Granville Walsh. N.T.-S.A., canvas tarpaulins stolen, 212; one tar- Burns, Bobby, see Robert J. Burns. paulin recovered, 230. Burns, Robert J., alias Bobby Burns, wanted for passing Outer Harbour, clock stolen, 88. valueless cheque, 411. Poochera, cornsacks stolen,485. Cameron, Jim, see Jack Campbell Turner. Port Adelaide, complainant, 163, 357 (2) ; material Campbell, Leslie, see Richard Chapman. stolen, 395. Carlton, Frank (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Port Lincoln, complainant, 23, 155. Carson, Leslie Charles, see Leslie Francis Carson. Port Pirie, complainant, 144; galvanized iron stolen, Carson, Leslie Francis, aliases Leslie P. Carson, Leslie 170; complainant, 182 (3), 252. William Craige, Midge Carson, Midget Carson, Leslie Riverton, complainant, 145, 146 (3). Charles Carson, Leslie Francis Williams, suspected of Snowtown, complainant, 108. larceny, 464. Sydney-Port Pirie, clothing stolen, 170. Carson, Leslie P., see Leslie Francis Carson. Tailem Bend, complainant, 126, 309. Carson, Midge, see Leslie Francis Carson. Terowie, complainant, 13; bed sheets stolen, 19; com- Carson, Midget, see Leslie Francis Carson. plainant, 81. Case, Ivy (N.S.W.), three unknown men wanted for house- Victoria-South Australia, capes stolen, 467. breaking on, 177. Wallaroo, clothing stolen, 123. Catford, E., wanted for false pretences, 210. Wolseley, complainant, 70, 145, 232. Chapman, Richard, aliases Leslie Campbell, Richard Mon- Wolseley-Penola, pump stolen, 77. gavin, Richard Mongovin, wanted for larceny, 159; Wudinna, corn sacks stolen, 447; recovered, 458. photo. of, 167; arrested, 177. Sewerage Department- City Taxi Service Company, false pretences on, 121; Woodville Gardens, petrol stolen, 106. offender arrested, 331. Tourist Bureau, complainant, 479. Clarke, John Cornelius, valuless cheque passed on, 372. Woods and Forests Department (Norman E. White, Clarke, Robert William, forgery on, 293. forester),tools stolen,56. Coglan, see Rowland Lionel McMannis. Souza, Kathleen Florence De, see Kathleen Florence DeSouza. Coglin, see Rowland Lionel McMannis. Sowter, Roy Selwyn, complainant, 206. Cohen, Leslie Leonard, alias Leonard Leslie Gray, wanted Spall, E. R. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 404. for false pretences, 86; located in Victoria, 191. Spall, Noel Claude Seymour, convicted, 22, 33, 451; assaulted Collins, Charles (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Reginald William Maurice Wynne-Jones probably causing Commercial Hotel, Naracoorte, J. Denholm wanted for death, 478; convicted, 490. failing to pay for meals and accommodation, 341; Spangler, Brian Charles, bicycle stolen, 180; recovered, offender located, 392. offenders arrested, 203; complainant, 205. Cook, Charles (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Spanner, Les, otherwise, Brown, suspected of larceny, 458. Coombe, Elsie May, valueless cheque passed on, 17; Spargo, see Edwin Benjamin Tregaskis. offender arrested similar charges, 44, Spark, Archibald Francis, convicted, 80. Craige, Leslie William, see Leslie Francis Carson. Spark, John Francis Patrick, convicted, 58. Cross Thomas Alfred, larceny on, 322; offenders arrested, Sparkes, Roofer, see Roy 'Stanley Sparks. 473. Sparkes, Buffer, see Roy Stanley Sparks. Sparkes, Roy Stanley, see Roy Stanley Sparks. Cullinan, Patrick James Percival (Silver Top Taxi Ser- Sparks, Albert William John, convicted, 93. vice Pty., Limited), robbery under arms, on, 131. Sparks, Brian IT.. naval deserter recovered, 91. Curnow, Bridget Margaret, false pretences on, 121; Sparks, Roy Stanley, aliases Roy Stanley Sparkes, Roy Stanley offender arrested, 331. Dallass, James, see James Hamilton Gogall. Randle, Buffer Sparkes, Boofer Sparkes, dise''h reed, 166; Dalton, Edward Francis (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank committed for trial, 261; acquitted, 320; warrant for, 332. Lindsay. Sparnon, Arthur Clarence, motor buckboard stolen, 133; com- plainant, 233. Dalton, Everett Frank (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Sparrow, Gordon Keith, bicycle stolen, 476. Lindsay. Sparrow, Kevin Robert, convicted, 416. Davies, Eunice (Vic.), may be in company of James Ham- Sparrow, Leslie Kenneth George, naval deserter, 298; can- ilton Gogall, who is wanted for passing valueless celled, 431. cheques, 2. Sparshott, Harold Stanley, bicycle stolen, 315; recovered, 335. Davis, Bert, aliases Alfred Williams, Ron Osborne, wanted Speake, Russell, dismissed under O.P. Act, 14. for fraudulent conversion, 238; arrested, 293. Spears, Gordon Thomas, convicted, 357. Davis, James, see James Wilson. Spears, Keith, bicycle stolen,56. Davis, William (Qld.), wanted for absconding from bail, 372. Special Inquiry- Abrook; Wallace Alfred John, alias Wallace John Alfred Dawson, H., see Jack Campbell Turner. Abrook, wanted for escaping from Kuitpo Colony, Dawson, Herbert John, see Jack Campbell Turner. warrant for, 284. Day, William, alias Albert George Smith, wanted for false Abrook, Wallace John Alfred, see Wallace Alfred John pretences, 121; arrested in Sydney, 331. Abrook. De La Rue, R., see Ronald Leslie Devenish. Anderson, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Denholm, J., wanted for failing to pay for hotel meals Anderson, Ronald, see James Hamilton Gogall. and accommodation, 341, located, 392. Armstrong, see Percival Granville Walsh. Devenish, Ronald Leslie, aliases R. De La Rue. J. Povnton, Bakewell, Mary Gwendoline (N.S.W.), murder of, reward R. L. H'eslon, wanted for passing valueless cheque, extended, 63. 274: arrested.284. Ball. Norman Athol (O1 ,1.), fraudulent conversion on, 139; Drake, Geore'e William, false pretences on, 44; offender offender arrested, 191. arrested,210. Barr, Alick James, valueless cheque passed on, 464. Driscoll, John, see Jack Campbell Turner.. L lxxxii. INDEX.

Special Inquiry-continued. Maitland, Robert, see Rowland Lionel McMannis. Dunn, Percy, see Jack Campbell Turner. Martin, Ernest Robert James, robbery on, 104; false Eastwell, Valerie Dawn (N.S.W.>, disappearance of, report,209. reward extended, 199. Martin, John and Company Limited, false pretences on, Eddys Warehouse, false pretences on, 74; offender 210. arrested,86. Metro Furnishers, false pretences on, 86; Leslie Leonard Elieff, Elia Kristoff, see Elia Kristoff. Cohen committed for this offence, 191. Eudunda Farmers Co-operative Society Limited, larceny Mongavin, Richard, see Richard Chapman. on, 159; photo. of offender, 167; offender arrested, Mongovin, Richard, see Richard Chapman. 177. Morris, Mrs. E., see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Evans, Henry Urquhart, wanted for false pretences, 25; Moulden, 0., see Noel Walter Laurence Bergin. correction, 321. Murphy, Charles E. (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Evans, William Ross, motor car stolen, 362. McCabe, Joseph Robert (N.S.W.), see Harold William Everett, Frank (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Vernon Lester. Faulding, F. H., and Company, attempted false pretences McCabe, Leonard (N.S.W.), see Harold William Vernon on, 2933; offender arrested in Victoria, 362. Lester. Fiegert, Adelaide Elsa, false pretences on, 303. McEwen, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Flaherty, Thomas William (N.S.W.), see Thomas William McFarlane, Allen John, see Jack Campbell Turner. Tracey. McKinnon, Colin Caul, wanted for false pretences, 349; Foote, Harold (N.S.W.), grievous bodily harm on, offender arrested,392. arrested,199. McLeay, Susannah, assault on, 255. Foster, John, see James Wilson. McMannis, Robert John, see Rowland Lionel McMannis. Foy and Gibsons, false pretences on, 113; offender McMannis, Rowland Lionel, aliases Robert John arrested, 167. M.eMannis, Robert Maitland, Coglan, Coglin, H. C. Fraser, see Ronald Vernon Wiles. Vicars, The Flying Doctor, suspected of false pre- Fraser, John (N.S.W.), three Unknown Men wanted for tences, 372. assault on, 177. MeVicar,Allan, wanted for forgery, 322. Frisker, B., see Noel Walter Laurence Bergin. Nelson, (Mrs.), see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Gale, Allan, see Jack Campbell Turner. Norris, Joan Norma (N.S.W.), see Joan Norma Ginn. Gardiner, Florence Elizabeth Ethel, aliases Mrs. E. Morris, O'Flaherty, Raymond (N.S'.W.), see Thomas William Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Livesay , Stevens, Lockwood, Tracey. Anderson, McEwen, Ethel Livesey, Gray, wanted for O'Flaherty, Thomas William (N.S.W.), see Thomas larceny,property recovered,349. William Tracey. George, Alfred John, assault on, 86. Osborne, Ron, see Bert Davis, Gillespie, Maurice Stanley (N.S.W.), jeep stolen, 227; Pannell, Arthur William James, wanted for passing value- offender arrested, 372. less cheque and larceny, 362; warrant for, 382. Ginn, Joan Norma, known as Joan Norma Norris Peoplestores Limited, off ender arrested for forgery on, (N.S.W.), murderer of wanted, reward extended, 63, (P.G., 1944, page 2), 209. 285. Pioneer Tourist Coaches Pty., Limited, larceny on, 104; Gledhill, Robert Leslie (W.A.), suspected of larceny, 331. false report, 209. Gogall , James Hamilton, aliases James Hamilton, James Potts, John Allan, see J. Brown. Dallass, James Hamilton Gogell, James Hamilton Powell, Jonathan Morris, larceny on, property recovered, Gogoll, Ronald Anderson (Vic.), wanted for abscond- 349. ing from bail, 2. Poynton, J., see Ronald Leslie Devenish. Gogeh, James Hamilton, see James Hamilton Gogall. Poynton, R., see James Wilson. Gogoll, James Hamilton, see James Hamilton Gogall. Primmer, Robert George, see Robert Graham Selby. Gold Radio, Service Pty., Limited (Qld.), larceny on, 372. Prior , Samuel, valueless cheque passed on , 362; obtains Gordon, William Lewis, see W. L. Gordon. warrant for Arthur William James Pannell, 382. Gordon, W. L., may be identical with William Lewis Returned Sailors, Soldiers, and Airmen's Imperial League Gordon, wanted for false pretences , 74; arrested, 86. of Australia ( Angaston Branch ), valueless cheque Goudie, Lloyd George, false pretences on, 25; correc- passed on, 411. tion, 321. Riddle, Charles Edward (Canberra), wanted for wife Grant, Jack (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. desertion, 95; arrested, 191. Gray, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Roberts, see Ernest James Brooks. Gray, George James, see Percival Granville Walsh. Robinson, Charles Frederick, alias John Stewart (N.S.W.), Gray, Keith, alias Woods (N.S'.W.), wanted for larceny wanted for larceny of jeep, 227; arrested, 372. on, 322; arrested in Queensland, 473. Royal kntedeluvian Order of Buffaloes Lodge, forgery Gray, Leonard Leslie, see Leslie Leonard Cohen. and uttering on, 464. Greece, H. W., see Herbert William Guise. Savings Bank of S.A., forgery on, 293. Guise, H. W., see Herbert William Guise. Selby, Robert Graham, alias Robert George Primmer Guise, Herbert William, aliases H. W. Guise, Bert Williams, (Qld.), wanted for fraudulent conversion, 139; H. W. Greece, H. Williams, Bert, wanted for passing arrested,191. valueless cheque, 17; warrant for, 26; arrested on Shepley, R., woman giving name of, wanted for false similar charges in Victoria, 44. pretences, 303. Hall, James Saunders, offender arrested for uttering on Silver Top Taxi Service Pty., Limited, see Patrick James (P.G., 1944, page 2), 209. Percival Cullinan. Hallion, Mary Eileen, money, etc., stolen, 464. Smith, Albert George, see William Day. Hamilton, James, see James Hamilton Gogall. Smith, Thomas James, wanted for larceny, 372: arrested Harris Scarfe Limited, false pretences on, 2; offender on another charge, 382: arrested for this offence, 393. admits offence, 167 (3) ; false pretences on, 303. Steele, Henry Ernest, assaulted and robbed, 311. Helos, J., forgery and uttering on, 322. Stephen, Donald Caird, killed by hit and run motorist, Heslop, R. L., see Ronald Leslie Devenish. 159. Hollard, E. G.. see Ernest James Brooks. Stevens, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Jerry, see E. W. Keogh. Stewart, John (N.S.W.), see Charles Frederick Robinson. Jury, Walter Murray, larceny on, 372. Sweeney, Ernest H. L., valueless cheque passed on, 411. Kelly, William Joseph, (N.Z.), wanted for manslaughter, The Flying Doctor, see Rowland Lionel MeMannis. 393. Thodav Supreme Rai lo, valueless cheques passed on, 274; Keogh, E. W., known as Jerry, wanted for passing value- offenders arrested, 284. less cheque, 411. Thompson, Arthur Hilton (Vic.), may be in company of Koch, Theodore Waldemar, see Lutheran Publishing Com- J. Brown, believed identical with John Allan Potts. pany. 25. Kristoff, Elia, alias Elia Kristoff Elieff, wanted for Thompson,Rodney, see Ronald Vernon Wiles. passing valueless cheques, 372. Tracey, Thomas William, aliases Thomas William Flaherty, Ledgard, Robert H., larceny on, 372; offender arrested, Thomas William O'Flaherty. Thomas William 382, 393. Tracy, Raymond O'Flaherty (N.S.W.), murderer of Lester, Harold William Vernon, aliases Leonard McCabe, wanted , reward extended, 199, 392. Joseph Robert McCabe. convicted for inflicting Tracy, Thomas William (N.S.W.), see Thomas William grievous bodily harm, 199. Tracey. Liaseos Constantinos, valueless eheoues passed on, 372. Tripp, Keith, wanted for forgery and uttering, 464. Lillie, John Francis, robbery on, 285. Turner Jack Campbell, aliases Herbert John Dawson, Lindsay, Everett Frank, aliases Charles F. Murphy, Percy Dunn. Albert Wallacn, John Driscoll, Ben Edward Francis Dalton, Everett Frank Dalton, Frank Willis. Jim Cameron. Allan Gale, Allen John McFar- r ,rlton. Charlie Cook, Frank Everett, Jack Grant, lane, H. Dawson, Wallace, Wilson, wanted for false Charles Collins, Harold Williams, (U.S.A.), murderer, pretences,44; arrested,210. wanted for escaninq from legal custody, 293. Unknown Man, wanted for forgery, 293. Livesey. Ethel. see Florence Elizab-th Ethel rardiner. T7nl-nown Man, wanted for assault, 255. ( Mrs.). see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. Livesey, Unknown man (believed identical with Leonard McCabe, Lockwood, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. ri7i- Joseph Robert McCabe (N.S.W.), see Harold Lutheran Publishing Company (Theodore Waldemar Koch, William Vernon Lester. employee ), false pretences on, 372. I' INDEX. lxxxiii.

Special Inquiry-continued. S.s. River Murchison, complainant, 40. Unknown Man, wanted for assault, 199. M.v. Waimana, complainant, 441. Unknown- Man, wanted for attempted indecent act, 35. Staben, Lorna Edna, absconder, 131; warrant for, 150; with- Unknown Man, wanted for robbery, 104; false report, 209. drawn, 311. Unknown Man, giving name of J. West, see Noel Walter Stacey, Frank Stuart, garagebreaking on, 140; offenders Laurence Bergin. arrested,257. Unknown Man, wanted for assault and robbery, 311. Stacey, Frederick Raymond, convicted and licence suspended, Unknown Man, wanted for passing valueless cheque, 464. 262. Uknown Men (2), giving names of J. Poynton and R. Stacey, Jean, case, etc., stolen, 363. Poynton, see Ronald Leslie Devenish and James Stacey, John Hector, complaint dismissed, 173. Wilson. Stacey, Percival James, motor cycle stolen, 414. Unknown Men (2), wanted for assault, 86. Stacey, Phillis Dawn, bicycle stolen, 354; recovered, 365. Unknown Men (2), wanted for robbery, 285. Stacey, Rex William, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Unknown Men (3), wanted for assault and robbery, 419. 118. Unknown Men (3), (N.S..W.), wanted for housebreaking Stacey, William Hector, convicted, 470. and assault, 177. Stackpoole, Lawrence Henry, bicycle stolen, 267. Unknown Men (3), wanted for robbery under arms 131. Stacy, Rex William, bicycle stolen, 385. Unknown Woman, giving name of E. Catford, see E. Cat- Staehr, Roma Georgina, complainant, 155. ford. Staehr, Walter Hugo, fails to maintain, 393; amounts paid, Unknown Woman, giving name of R. Shepley, see R. 412; fails to maintain, 474. Shepley. Staffe, David James, convicted, 440; discharged, 462. Vicars, H. C., see Rowland Lionel McMannis. Stagg, Colin, motor cycle parts stolen, 395. Wallace, see Jack Campbell Turner. Staker, Jack, convicted, 461. Wallace, Albert, see Jack Campbell Turner. Sotalini, Joe, convicted, 173. Walsh, Frank, see Percival Granville Walsh. Stammers, Roy, naval deserter recovered, 91. Walsh, Patrick Kelly, see Percival Granville Walsh. Standard Concrete Constructor, jeep stolen, 181. Walsh, Percival Granville, aliases Patrick Kelly Walsh, Standeven, Ross George (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 277. Frank Walsh, Armstrong, Frank Best, Frank Bryant, Standish, William Herbert, watch stolen, 466. George James Gray, wanted for attempted false pre- tences, 293; arrested similar offences in Victoria, 362. Standley, Clifford George, complaint dismissed, 261. Wells, Leslie Michael William Charles, wanted for larceny Standley, Linda, complaint dismissed, 261. as a bailee, 190; property recovered, whereabouts of, Stanford, Maxwell McGregor, warrant for, 294 (2) ; committed still desired, 411. for trial, 357; paid, 383 (2) ; correction 393. West, J., man giving name of, see Noel Walter Laurence Stanley, Albert Ernest, suspected of larceny, 37. Bergin. Stanley, Barrie Roy, see Barry Roy Stanley. Wiles, Ronald Vernon, aliases Rodney Thompson, Fraser, Stanley, Barry Roy, otherwise VBarrie Roy Stanley, convicted, wanted for false pretences, 303. 12; discharged, 72. Williams, Alfred, see Bert Davis. Stanley, Donald Elliott, watch stolen, 374. Williams, Bert, see Herbert William Guise. Stanley, John, suspected of larceny, 37. Williams, H., see Herbert William Guise. Stanley,John Roland, naval deserter recovered, 366. Williams, Harold (U.S.A.), see Everett Frank Lindsay. Stanley,Lindsay Edgar Raymond, fails to maintain,64. Williams, Leslie Francis, see Leslie Francis Carson. Stanley, Raymond Clarence, convicted, 206. Willis, Ben, see Jack Campbell Turner. Stanton,Lewis Oliver, trading as StantonsElectrical and Wilson, George, see Jack Campbell Turner. Radio Service, shop broken into, 363. Wilson, James, aliases R. Poynton, James Davis, John Stanton's Electrical and Radio Service, see Lewis Oliver Foster, wanted for passing valueless cheque, 274; Stanton. arrested, 284. Stanton, Valmai Jean, convicted, 60; discharged, 102. Wilson, Jim, wanted for uttering, 322. Stanton, Walter Charles, suit, etc., stolen, 37; complainant, Wingrove, Stephen (N.Z.), murderer of wanted, 393. 174. Woodrow, Harold Leslie (W.A.), larceny on, 331. Stanway, Lance Graham, naval deserter, 58; recovered, 108. Woods, (N.S.W.), see Keith Gray. Staple, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Speck, Harold, complainant, 92. Staples, Bryan Arthur, watch stolen, 7. Speck, Ralph, convicted, 452. Staples, Catherine Agnes, see Catherine Agnes Marlow. Speck, Reginald Roy, bicycle stolen, 47. Stapleton, John Alphonsus, bicycle stolen, 180. Speed, Ronald Stewart, convicted, 23. Stapleton, M. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 142. Speelmeiyer, Heindrickus Hermanus, convicted, 145. Stapleton, Margaret Ann, complainant, 309. Spencer, Arthur Leonard, complainant, 224. Stapleton, Paul James, starter motor stolen, 395. Spencer, Colin George, arrested for larceny of bicycle, 30; con- Stapleton, Reginald, John, convicted, 58. victed, 31. Stappleton, William James, bicycle stolen, 404; recovered, 414. Spencer, David, convicted, 356; information dismissed, 357. Starke, Laurence Glen, committed for trial, 378. Spencer, Dorothy, escaped mental defective, 177; located, 191. Starkey, Reuben Charles, jack stolen, 7. Spencer, Harry T., naval deserter, 10; cancelled, 431. Spencer, Ian, naval deserter, 214; located, 243; naval deserter, Starr, Cecil Leonard Berry, housebreaking on, 5. 344; recovered,423. Starr, Colin Charles, convicted, 71. Spencer, James, released on bond, 174. State Motors Limited (Garth Mather Hosking, manager), Spencer, Leonard Albert, naval deserter, recovered, 366. showroom broken into, 332, 402. Spencer, Walter James, see Eric Clyde Cherry. Stateffensen,Jean, frock stolen,151; recovered,180. Spencer, William John, bicycle stolen, 8. Stead, Kenneth Alfred, released on bond, 461. Spender, Clarence Spencer, complaint dismissed, 39. Steamship Eng. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 297; recovered, 307. Spice, Then James, convicted, 243. Steans, Ian Douglas, see Ian Douglas Young. Spicer, Leslie Charles (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 335. Steed, Edith May, released on bond, 270. Spiller, A. B. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 67. Steele, Colin Henry William, tennis racquet stolen, 420. Spinks, Harry Mossop, convicted, 244. Steele, Daniel, warrant for, 44; arrested, 362. Spittle, Phillip W., naval deserter, 90; cancelled, 431. Steele, Ganger, tents stolen, 179. Splatt, R aymond John, aliases Ronald Wilson, Foley, dis-' Steele, Henry Ernest, warrant for, 122, 220 (2) ; arrested, charged, 41, 235. , 323 (4). Spooner, Charles William, committed for trial, 144; released Steele. Henry Ernest, special inquiry, assaulted and robbed, under Offenders Probation Act, 245. 311. Spooner, William, otherwise Cronin, missing friend, 415; Steele, John Roland, R.A.A.F., deserter recovered, 477. located,469. Steele, Joyce, brooch, etc., stolen, 306; recovered, 334. Sprigg, Alan Maxwell, complainant, 470. Steele, Roy, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 396. Spriggs, Norman Edward, convicted, 145; discharged, 226. Steele, William, bicycle stolen, 354. Spring, John, see Thorald Francis John Smnith. Steers, Kenneth Clifford, see Adelaide Auctions and Agency Springwall, J. A. (N.S.W.), jeep stolen, 439. Limited. Spry, Alyce Jean, shopbreaking on, 5. Stefano, Petro De., complainant, 328. Spurling, Gustav Lindsay Vincent, convicted, 128. Stefofskv, Theo, complainant, 290. Spurritt, Brian Leonard, control Children's Welfare Depart- Steike, Harold John, clothing stolen, 384. ment, 406; convicted, 441. Stein, Bernard Royal, camera, etc., stolen, 55; offender S.s. Barrwon, complainant, 337. arrested, portion recovered, 115; complainant, 116. S.s. Cycle, comulainant, 155. Steiner, Betty Dorothy, watch lost or stolen, 20. Ss. 7)aylesford, complainant, 109, 144. Steinke, Douglas Leonard, shop-breaking on, 5. Ss. Dombe, ship broken into, 304. M.v. Dunt q4oon, complainant, 440. Steinwedel, Elsie Vera, ring lost or stolen, 143. S.s. Empire Swordsman, complainant, 80. Stellinc, Roy Ferdinand, naval deserter. 154; recovered, 204. S.s. Fort Latouur, comulainant, 80. Stenberg, Julius, aliases Julius Eklund, Anderson, warrant for, S.s. Kinq David, complainant, 327. 140: amounts paid. 192. S.s. Kinq Robert, complainant, 81, 225. Stennett, Prank Edward, complainant, 356. S.s. Lowarna, complainant. 155. Stennett, Lillian Mary, complainant, 356. - S.s. ?acedon, complainant, 441. Stenoff, Dennis, inquest on body of, 126. S.s. Ocean Liberty, complainant, 164. Stephen, Alexander Frank, bicycle stolen, 28; recovered, 38. lxxxiv. INDEX.

Stephen, Donald Caird Dyer, aliases Donald Caird Stephens, Stewart, Ronald, Theodore Wallace, discharged, 166. Donald Caird Stevens, Allan Regan, Maloney, convicted, Stewart, Roy Edmond, convicted, 345. 39, 40; discharged, 41; special inquiry re death of, 159; Stewart, Shirley Rae, frock stolen, 47. inquest on body of, 223. Stewart, William, warrant for, 313. Stephen, Victor Francis Joseph, R.A.A.F., deserter recovered, Steytler, Maud De Villiers, dishes, etc., stolen, 305; portion 477. recovered, additional property, 429. Stephens, Anthony Abboud, convicted, 243. Sthan, Antiuias Dioncios, convicted, 182. Stephens, Clement Albion, convicted, 108. 'Steicke, Ewold Rudolph, convicted, 261. Stephens, Daphne Margaret, complainant, 387. Stiller, Raymond Ernest, clothing lost or stolen, 99; convicted Stephens, Donald Caird, see Donald Caird Dyer Stephen. and driver's licence suspended, 369. Stephens, Ernest, see Ernest Oliver Stephen Fidge. Stillwell, Stanley William, see Goodyear Tyre Company, com- Stephens, Ida Laurel, warrant for, 3. plainant, 183. Stephens, John Sarnden, information dismissed, 155. Stirling, Alice, rug, etc., stolen, 363, 364; complainant, 417. Stephens, Kevin Douglas, committed for trial, 38 7. Stitt, Ronald, alias Ronald Swift, suspected of workshop- Stephens, Kevin James, naval deserter, 336. breaking, 4. Stephens, Kevin John, otherwise, Stevens, convicted, 92; dis- Stobbart, Frederick H., missing friend, 423. charged, 110; convicted, 155, 164, 205 (2) ; discharged, Stock, Arthur John, garage broken into, 465. 207; convicted, 279, 290; discharged, 339; convicted, 388; Stock, Colin Ernest, convicted, 59. committed for trial, 452. Stock, S. F., R.A.A.F., deserterrecovered, 469. Stephens, Maxwell William, complaint withdrawn, 173. Stockbridge, Edgar Lambert, house broken into, 105; property Stephens, Oswald John, special inquiry for, re service of sum- recovered,offender arrested,374. mons on, 2. Stockdale, Frank Cedric, see Lynden Staney Panes. 'Stephens, Wendy, see Eunice Merle Myers. Stockdale, Ian Raymond, convicted, 14. Stephenson, A. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 56; recovered, Stocker, Albert George Bry, warrant for, 64; missing friend, 67. 79. Stephenson, Edward Butler, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered Stocker, Henry Charles, coat, etc., lost or stolen, 354; recov- 259. ered, 415. 'Stephenson, Ernest Keith, stolen motor cycle recovered, 376. Stocker, Jeffrey Clive, arrested for larceny, 486; convicted, Stephenson, Gladys Louisa, complainant, 432. 489. Sterio, Hannah, see Hannah Morgan. Stockman, Mervyn Max, convicted, 432. Sterio, Tony, see Tony Morgan. Stockman, Milton Edward, convicted, 432. Sterling, W. A. (Qld.), Willys jeep stolen, • 7Q: recovered, Stockwell, Colin Alfred, complaint withdrawn, 406. 124. Stockwell, Charles Alfred, complainant, 156. Stern, Bernnal (Vic.), motor car stolen, 396. Stodden, John Humphrey, complainant, 434. Stevens, see Kevin John Stephens. Stoeckel, Herbert Alfred, convicted and driver's licence can- Stevens, see Florence Elizabeth Ethel Gardiner. celled, 165. Stevens, Albert Victor, suspected of shop-breaking and larceny, Stokes, Barbara, rug stolen, 475. 373 and 374; suspected of larceny of motor ear, 375; Stokes, Frederick Claude, convicted, 470. Stanley Clarence 'Stevensconvicted of these offences,396, Stokes, R., see Robert William Stokes. 457. Stokes, Rcbert William, alias R. Stokes, arrested on warrant, Stevens, Albert Vincent, aliases Alfred Vincent Stevens, Albert 132. George, discharged, 15; warrants for (2), 122; arrested Stone, Frederick Arthur, dinghy stolen, 458. imprisoned, 248, 256; discharged, 339; convicted, 387. Stone, George I. G., naval deserter recovered, 91. Stevens, Alfred Vincent, see Albert Vincent Stevens. Stone, Herbert, see Herbert Joseph Nash. Stevens, Bruce Graham, complainant, 182. Stone, Leslie James, naval deserter recovered, 366. Stevens, Charles Frederick Howard, ladder stolen, 221. Stone, R., see Bobbie McClements. Stevens, Colin Perreis, clothing, etc., stolen, 201. Stone, Raymond George, battery stolen, 296; recovered, 315. Stevens, Donald Caird, see Donald Caird Stephen. Stonehouse, David, complainant, 356. 'Stevens, Donald Frank, complainant, 479. Stonyfell Quarries Limited, complainant, 358. Stevens, Frank, see Sydney James DeKuyper. Stopp, Isobel Mary, complainant 424. 'Stevens, George Francis, alias George Frederick Stevens, com- Storem, Charles Mark, complaint dismissed, 279. plaint dismissed. 39; discharged, 82; convicted, 244; dis- Storey, G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 277. charged, 245, 281,' 380; convicted, 417; discharged, 462. Storr, Leslie Charles, discharged, 409. Stevens, George Frederick, see George Francis Stevens. Starr,E.' and Sons, clothing stolen, 179. Stevens, Gilbert Andrew, warrant for, 132. Stott, and Hoare, typewriters stolen, 211. Stevens, Kenneth Stanley, arrested for housebreaking and Stow, Oswald Henry, fails to maintain, 191; arrested, 304. larceny, 373, 374 (2). Strahan, Anthony William, complainant, 232. Stevens, Kevin John, see Kevin John Stephens. Strang, Herbert Edward, suit lengths stolen, 384. Stevens, Reginald Jeffrey, fails to maintain, 332. Strange, Harry Leslie, inquest on body of, 345. Stevens, Stanley Clarence, discharged, 246; arrested for Strapps, Victor Makin, bicycle stolen, 98; recovered, 115. larceny of motor car, 396; committed for sentence and Stratford, A. J. Pty., Limited, complainant, 441. convicted, 398 (3) ; arrested for shopbreaking and larceny, Stratford, John Bartley, convicted, 461. 457. Stratford, Leslie George, convicted, 300. Stevens, William Harry, inquest on body of, 79. Stratton, Keith 'Sutton, convicted, 144. Stevens, William John, convicted, 489. Strauss, Frederick Terrence, released on bond, 490. Stevenson, Alfred, complainant, 136. Stredder, William, convicted, 216. Stevenson, Eric Robert, naval deserter, 307. Street, Maurice Victor, naval deserter recovered, 90 Stewart (Vie.), see Ronald McKenzie. Street, Maxwell Nevill,' convicted, 155. 'Stewart,A. G., air force deserter recovered, 405. Street, Robert James, convicted, 155. 'Stewart, Arthur Archibald Allen, house broken into, 36. Street, Thomas John, convicted, 417. Stewart, Baden William, shop broken into, offenders arrested, Street, Vera Catherine, complainant, 460. 6; complainant, 13. Streets, William Charles, naval deserter, 144, 344. Stewart, Bert, convicted, 490. Strefford, Reginald, complainant, 462. Stewart, Clement Francis, convicted, 356; discharged, 399. Stretton, Edward (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 66; recovered, Stewart, Donald Skinner, convicted, 135. 78. Stewart, Edward Alexander Charles, naval deserter, 195; Stribling, David Lawrie, complainant, 280. arrested, 204; discharged, 271. Stringer, Lancelot Edward, convicted, 6 9. Stewart, Edward Nigel, complainant, 164. Stringer, William Charles, naval deserter, 316; recovered, 469. Stewart, Ernest Bradley Neil, otherwise Stuart, discharged, Stockbridge, Edgar Lambert, house broken into, 105. 359. Stromburg Carlson Limited, cartridges stolen, 212. Stewart, Ernest Reginald, naval deserter, 195; arrested, 204; Strong, C. W. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 250; recovered, discharged, 263. 288. Stewart, George Francis, arrested for shopbreaking, 192. Strong, E. and J. (N.S.W.), jeep stolen, 180; recovered, 259. Stewart, Graham William, bicycle stolen, 422. Stroude, Ivy Amelia, watch lost or stolen, 316. Stewart, H. M., complainant, 109. Stuart, Fee Ernest Bradley Neil Stewart. Stewart, James, alias James Purvis, warrant for, 220. Stuart, Alina Lurline, complainant, 100. Stewart, Jamps Charles, committed for trial, 164, 184; con Stuart, Allan James, convicted, 92. victed, 245. Stuart, Charles Leslie, committed for trial, 164, 184; convicted, Stewart, John (N.S.W.), see Charles Frederick Robinson. 245. Stewart, John Eckett, overcoat, etc., stolen, 385. Stuart, Duncan, complainant, 378. Stewart, Keith, convicted, 451. Stuart, Kelvin Charles, otherwise, Kelvin Stewart, absconder, Stewart, Kelvin. see Kelvin Charles Stuart. 86; located in Victoria, 311; warrant for withdrawn, 373. Stewart, L. (Qld.), motor cycle, 124; recovered, 134. Stuart, Malcolm, haversack, etc., stolen, 212. Stewart, R. (N.S_W.) , motor cycle stolen, 458. Stuart, Ronald Dean, convicted, 489. Stewart, Raymond James, convicted. 232. Stuart, Shirley, overcoat lost or stolen, 213. Stewart. Robert James. aliases Harold Stanley Pike, Robert Stubbin•s, Clarence, alias Clarence Milne, arrested and impris- John Stewart. convicted, 368; warrant for, 402; correc- oned on warrants, 64 (2) ; warrant for, 160; arrested and tion, 407; appeal dismissed, 452. imprisoned, 192. Stewart, Robert John, see Robert James Stewart. Stubbs, James, shop broken into, 313. INDEX. lxxxv.

Stubing, Edith, complainant, 69. Sweeney, Ernest H. L., special inquiry re valueless cheque Stuckey, Herman, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, passed on, 411. 225. Sweeney, John Gordon, complainant, 184. Sturges, Ronald Walter, complainant, 233. Sweeney, William, mare stolen or strayed, 38. Sturgess , Alice Jane, case and money stolen, 485. Sweeney, William Thomas, convicted, 215. Sturm, John, convicted, 488. Sweetland, Robert Henry, naval deserter, recovered, 355. Stuth, Arnold Charles, naval deserter, 397; recovered, 405; Sweetman, George Robertson, kitbag, etc., stolen, 485. naval deserter,469; recovered,477. Sweetman, James, convicted, 183. Styles , George Matthew, convicted and driver's licence dis- Swenson, Alex Edwin, fishing net stolen, 212; recovered, 241. qualified, 234. Swenson, John Edward, convicted, 450. Suck, Albert Edward, convicted, 12. Swift, Biian Herbert, camera stolen, 37. Suckling, Donald Frederick Walter, bicycle stolen, 467. Swift, Leslie William, see Leslie William Smith. Swift, Michael Dennis, absconder, 26 ; suspected of housebreak- Suddert, C P. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 38; recovered, 57. ing, 27; warrant for, 35; arrested, 393. Sugars, Keith, arrested on warrant, 402. Swift, Ronald, see Ronald Stitt. Suigenor , William) John, see William John ISurgenor. Swiggs, Edward Gerald, convicted, 224. Sulander,Nellie Loraine, otherwise Nellie Loraine Salunder Swiggs, Myrtle Florence, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 396. convicted, 70, 93; discharged, 102; convicted, 215; dis- Swinger, Stanley Raynold, complainant, 405. charged, 292. Swinden, Kenneth William, watch lost or stolen, 153; con- Sullander, John William, complainant, 69. victed, and driver's licence suspended, 347; convicted, Sullings , Norman John, naval deserter, 154; recovered, 195. 388. Sullivan, Bernard, - discharged, 16; suitcase, etc., stolen, 65; S'winebach, see Patricia Dopson. recovered,106. Swingler, Henry, complaint dismissed, 278. Sullivan, Bertie William, alias Berty William Sullivan, dis- Swinson, Harry, alias G. Wilson, committed for sentence, 378; charged, 16, 41; convicted, 69; discharged, 82, 130, 137, remanded for sentence, 426. 184. Syer, Peter John, bicycle stolen, 221; recovered, 414. Sullivan , Berty William, see Bertie William Sullivan. Sykes, Ernest James, complaints dismissed and withdrawn, Sullivan, Charles James, convicted, 155; discharged, 197. 224. Sykes, R. J., bicycle stolen, 38. Sullivan, Dennis, arrested, 122; discharged, 185; convicted, 300, 451. Sykes, Samuel, naval deserter recovered, 90. Sylvester, E. G., naval deserter, 68; cancelled, 431. Sullivan, James, see William Scannel. Sylvester, Norman James, alias Norman Sylvester Fennamore, Sullivan, John James, arrested on warrant, 275. (Qid.), arrested on provisional warrant, 17. Sullivan, John Joseph, alias J. Druitt, convicted, 12; dis- Sym Choon and Company Limited, convicted, 92. 72. Symes, J. G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 468. Sullivan, Matthew, discharged, 271. Symes, Leonard, convicted, 93. Sullivan, Peter, convicted, 289; warrant for, 332; paid, 363. Symonds, Henry William, convicted, 433. Sullivan, Stanley James, convicted, 478. Symonds, J., see Alfred Leach. Sully, George, bicycle stolen, 259; recovered, 288. Symonds, John, naval deserter recovered, 355. Summers, Ernest, naval deserter recovered, 90. Symonds, Kenneth Albert, alias Joe Brown, convicted, 424. Summers , Harry, see Harold Whitford. Symonds, Margaret Lydia, missing friend, 336; located, 345. Summerscale, P., naval deserter recovered, 90. Symons,' Alfred, wheel tyres, tube lost or stolen, 171; recov- Summerton, Gayton Mansfield, convicted, 69. ered, 181. Summerville, W. C. (Qld.), motor cycle and motor utility Symons, C. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recovered, 89. stolen, 364; motor cycle recovered, 376. Symons, John, see John, Joseph Smith. Sumner, Andrew .Gibson, convicted, 129; discharged, 198; Symons, John Allen, bicycle stolen, 77; recovered, 89. warrant for, 373. Symons, Nellie Rose, complainant, 491. Sumner, Colin -Rex, breach of recognizance, no order made, 16; Symons, Robert, bicycle stolen, 258; recovered, 268. convicted, 197; discharged, 246, 418; committed for Symons, Robert (Vic.), provisional warrant for withdrawn, 2. sentence, 489. Sync, Irene, see Irene Williams. Sumner, Desmond Major, convicted, 32; warrant for, 192; Syrette, Norman, convicted, 491. arrested, 342; discharged, 434. Syvret, Harold Gladstone, convicted, 357. Sumner, Edward Luke, alias Everett Luke Sumner, warrant for, 285; amounts paid, 294. Sumner, Everett Luke, see Edward Luke Sumner. Sumner, Herbert Jasper, warrant for, 168; amounts paid, 220. T Sunbeam Cycle Works (Percy Beare, proprietor), workshop broken into,474. Tabman, Reginald George, naval deserter recovered, 366. Sundell, Andrew Herman, alien, 219. Taft, Morris (Vic.), house broken into, 240. Sunman, Gillian Ann, complainant, 309. Tagliaferri, `Giacomo (W.A.), alien, 210. Sunners , P. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 343; recovered, 354. Tagoc, James Edward, convicted, 368; discharged, 399. Sunstrom, Arnold, complainant, 261. Tait, Mary Eileen Philomena, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 179. Super Elliotts, bicycle stolen, 241. Talbot, Geoffrey Gilbert, offenders admit shopbreaking on, 88. Super Service Dry Cleaners, laundry broken into, 383. Talbot, Iris, complainant, 424. Supple, Beryl Florence Winifred, complainant, 406 (2). Talbot, Joseph Anthoney, -complainant, 23; convicted, 70. - Surfield, Alfred Smith, convicted, 479. Talbot, Raymond Stanley, see Methodist Church Trust. Surgenor, William John, alias, William John Suigenor, dis- Talbot, Reginald Backman, complaint withdrawn, 387. charged, 301; convicted, 368; discharged, 426, 480. Talbot, Sydney, convicted, 126. Suters, Alfred, suitcase and contents stolen, 151. Tall, Sidney John, convicted, 261. Sutherland, John Desmond, convicted, 397. Tamblenni, Lorrence Logan, alias Lorrence Logan Tamblyn,- Sutherland, S. J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 334; recovered; convicted, 299, 398. 354. Tamblyn, Brian Eric, bicycle stolen, 47; recovered, 67. Sutter, Leon, convicted, and driver's licence disqualified, 491. Tamblyn, H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 143. Sutton, Albert Vincent James, convicted, 80. Tamblyn, Keith Pengilley, house broken into, 36. Sutton, Alfred William, convicted, 433. Tamblyn, Lorrence Logan, see Lorrence Logan Tamblennie. Sutton, Anthony Kearnon, fails to maintain, 40. Tams, Harry Summer, bicycle stolen, 221; recovered, 259. Sutton, Arthur William, convicted, 416. Tancock, Ronald James, convicted and driver's licence dis- Sutton, Charles, clothing stolen, 384. qualified, 71. Sutton, Colin Howard, see Lawrence Graham Sutton. Tannebring, John Edward, warrant for, 96; arrested and Sutton, Gerald Leon, watch stolen, 286. imprisoned, 114. Sutton, Laurie Graham, see Lawrence Graham Sutton. Tanner, Christopher Harry, oars stolen, 437; recovered, 448. Sutton, Lawrence Graham, aliases Laurie Graham Sutton, Tanner, Reginald John, convicted, 59. Colin Howard Sutton, convicted, 60; discharged, 301. Tansell, Nancy, see S.A. Caledonian Society Incorporated. Sutton , W. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 124. Tapp, Arthur Oskar Reynolds, convicted, 262. Sutton, William Frederick (Vic.), see Francis Wilfred Wilkins. Tapp, Joseph Edward, bicycle stolen, 47. Swain, see Ernest Campbell. Tapps, Raymond Kenneth, inquest on body of, 223. Swain, Howard Victor, arrested on warrant, 4. Tapscott, Alen Barry, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 181. Swain, P. (N.S.W.), motor' car stolen, 212; recovered, 231. Taranto, Tolomeo (Vic.), motor car stolen, 259. Swan, Jack, see Jack McKenzie. Tarquinio, Domenico, alien arrested, 362; recaptured, 382. Swan, James Arthur, warrant for, 26. Tarrant, John David, convicted, 118. Swan, Ronald Tremaine, bicycle stolen, 162. Tasker, Louis, diamond, lost or stolen, 194. Swann, Adelaide Grace, convicted, 50. Tassie, Alexander Drysdale Burdak, complainant, 489. Swann, George Wallace, complainant, 196. Tassie, Leslie Gemmel, complainant, 388. Swannon , N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124. Tate, Albert Vincent, convicted, 32. Swanson , Henry Albert, convicted, 110. Tattersall, Arncld, naval deserter, 33,6: cancelled, 431. Swansson , Raymond Morris, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 404. Tavener, Norman James Victor, complainant, 470. gwanston , see Maurice Dias. Taverner, Albert John, sheets, lost or stolen, 222. Swanston , Arthur John Mark, naval deserter, 260. Taverner, Gwendolen Mary, inquest on body of, 416. Swanton , Maude, missing friend, 68; located, 79. Taylor, see Charles Edward Nelson. Sweeney, see Philip Duncan Redgrave. Taylor, Alan I olmes, complainant, 232. INDEX.

Taylor, Alex, convicted, 387. Temple, J. A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Taylor, Alfred Ernest, convicted, 80. Templeton, Walter Angas, tools stolen, 150. Taylor, Alfred Stephen, house broken into, 239. Tennant, David, see William Casey. Taylor, Alfred Stewart Hartley, see Alvan Stewart Hartley Ter °Shiphorst, Alwyne Johannes, see S'chiphorst, Alwyn Taylor. Johannes Ter. Taylor, Alfred Thomas, discharged, 34; convicted, 70; dis- Terrell, George Haywood, convicted and driver's licence dis- charged, 111; convicted, 368; discharged, 443. qualified, 50, 51. Taylor, Aloysius Alfred, wheel, tyre and tube stolen, 230. Terry, George, warrant for, 484. Taylor, Alvan Stewart Hartley, aliases Alvan Stuart Taylor, Thatcher, Bernard, naval deserter recovered, 91. Alfred Stewart Hartley Taylor, Algie Chilton, convicted, 'Thatcher, Graham Lawrence, absconder, 132; arrested, 167. 13; fails to maintain, 06; warrant for, 140; arrested, 160; The British Knight Engineering Manufacturing Company discharged, 235; fails to maintain, 474. (Kernon Phillip Ingerson, engineer), factory broken into, Taylor, Alvan Stuart, see Alvan Stewart Hartley Taylor. 114. Taylor, Brian Wilfred, committed for trial, 23; custody of The Federal Limited (trading as The Grosvenor), complainant, Children's Welfare Department, 129. 60, 407. Taylor, Clarence, Leslie, complainant, 398. The Flying Doctor, see Rowland Lionel McMannis. Taylor, Clem Richard, pistol, lost or stolen, 222; recovered, The Globe Proprietary Limited, complainant, 398. 335. The Grosvenor, see The Federal Limited. Taylor, Derrick, convicted, 318. The Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women, complainant, 244. Taylor, Dorothy Ratchel, otherwise, Dorothy Ratchel Curnow, The Northern Trading Company (Bertrand John Elliott, Victor ,complainant, 145. Percy Elliott, and Laurie George Elliott, trading as), Taylor, E. J., see Evan James Schiemenz. complainant, 378. Taylor, Edna Alice, complainant, 11. The Tobacco Company of South Australia (America-S.A.), Taylor, Edward Charles, naval deserter, 68. Frederick William Bo_-all, sales manager, hair clippers Taylor, Eric John, convicted, 357; discharged, 389; convicted, stolen, 421 (2). 432. Theel, Ann Christel, complainant, 368. Taylor, Eric Ivan, aliases Ernest Ivan Taylor, Rooney, Eric Thelmas Clothing Manufacturers, dress material stolen, 314. Barton, committed for trial, 165; acquitted, 245; Theobald, Howard Wesley, rim, tyre and tube stolen, 192. remanded to Tasmania, 289.' Theodore Bruce and Company Limited, model sailing ship stolen, 374. Taylor, Ernest Ivan, see, Eric Ivan Taylor. Theodore, Peter (N.S.W.), obtains provisional warrant for Taylor, Freda Grace, fails to maintain, 436. Leslie Joseph Norton, 382. Taylor, Frederick William, committed for trial, 470. Thiedeke, C. R. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 142. Taylor, G. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 152; recovered, 181. Thiel, Desmond John, bicycle stolen, 29. Taylor, Gordon, convicted, 397. Thiele, Harold John, released on bond, 488. Taylor, Graham Worsley, see Graham Worsley Wholagan. Thiele, Ivan Neil, convicted for breaking, correction, 14. Taylor, Harold Ernest, information dismissed, 11. Thiele, Lvall George, convicted for breaking, correction, it. Taylor, Harry, see Harold Badger. Thiele, Max Edgar, overcoat, stolen, 437. Taylor, Harry Kenneth, committed for trial, 397. Thiele, Percy Cyril, convicted, 440. Taylor, J. N. and Company (James Taylor, manager), com- Thiele, Reginald Stanley, complaint withdrawn, 12. plainant, shop broken into, description of pro- 100; 229; Thiele, Theodore Clarence, convicted, 378. perty, 239. Thiele, William Lancelot, convicted, 407. Taylor, Jack Barton, see Jack Bertram Taylor. Thiele, William John, convicted, 154. Taylor, Jack Bertram, otherwise Jack Barton Taylor, tools Thiem, Lillie Elizabeth, complainant, 461. stolen, 241; shop broken into, 257. Thoday, Allan Oswald, see Thoday's Supreme Radio. Taylor, Jack Matthew, trowel stolen, 456. Thoday's Supreme Radio (Allan Oswald Thoday, proprietor), Taylor, James, see J: N. Taylor and Company. special inquiry re valueless cheques passed on, 274; Taylor, James, see Lewis Grant. offenders arrested, 284; complainant, 367; wireless stolen, Taylor, John, mare, stolen or strayed, 163; recovered, 214. 437. Taylor, John, convicted, 50; narrant for, 160; portion paid, Thodey, Seth, money stolen, 363. 464; amount paid, 474. Thomas, see Victor Clarence Winkler. Taylor, John Milton, bicycle stolen, 468; recovered, 487. Thomas, Alan, warrant for 53. Taylor, John Thomas, eonx'icted and driver's licence sus- Thomas, Alfred James, complainant, 40. pended, 81. Thomas, Allan Adison, alias Allan Adison, fails to maintain, Taylor, K. A., naval deserter, recovered, 91. 132. Taylor, Kenneth Harry, alias Kenneth Harvey Taylor, con- Thomas, Annette Eleanor Gwiadys, handbag stolen, 314. victed, 182; discharged, 226. Thomas, Arthur Lionel Murray, complainant, 155. Taylor, Laurie, bicycle stolen, 249. Thomas, Benjamin, convicted, 270. Taylor, Leonard Clive Lancelot, complainant, 261. Thomas, Bessie, convicted, 136, Taylor, Leslie, see Norman John Schultz. Thomas, Brice Kevin, convicted, 299. Taylor, Maxwell Lindsay, watch, lost or stolen, 431; recov- Thomas, Bruce Norman, arrested for larceny, 403, 430 ered, 449. convicted, 433. Taylor, Melville Reginald, convicted, 49. Thomas, Christina Emily Pearl, convicted, 337. Taylor, Patricia Aileen, bicycle stolen, 153; recovered, 213. Thomas, Colin Gilbert, convicted, 215. Taylor, Raymond Edward, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Thomas, Dago, see Edward Thomas. Taylor, Richard Arthur, coat lost or stolen, 298. Thomas, Edward, naval deserter recovered, 91. Taylor, Robert, see Lewis Grant. Thomas, Edward, aliases Leslie T atimer Thomas, Latimer Taylor, Robert Frederick, released on bond, 12. Livingstone Thomas, Dago Thomas, Edward Thomas Taylor, Robert Watson, see Robert Watson Jackson. Andrews, discharged, 15: naval deserter recovered, 91; Taylor, Sydney Allinson, convicted, 100. warrant for 96; arrested, 140; warrant for-, 200, 210; Taylor, W., youth giving name of, suspected of laundry- arrested on warrant. 266; convicted, 338; discharged, 380. breaking and larceny, 38"'. Thomas, Edward Arnold, comm,lainaht, 417. Taylor, Wilfred Ernest, convicted, 216; discharged, 234; con- 'T'homas, Frank, see John Patrick Thomas. victed, 2,61; discharged, 339; warrant for, 402; arrested, Thomas, Frank, convicted, 173, 195; discharged, 207, 217. 412;convicted, 433; discharged, 434, 453; convicted, 471. Thomas, Frank, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Taylor, William Edward, rabbit traps stolen, 458. Thomas, F. E., tarpaulin stolen, 413. Taylor, William Henry, aliases Wingy Taylor, Burton, dis- Thomas, George Joseph, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 108. eharged, 175. Thomas, George Victor, kitbag lost or stolen, 477. Taylor, William Walter, fails to maintain, 18; arrears paid, Thomas, Gerwin, convicted, 318. 26. Thomas, Harold Frederick, naval deserter, 317. Taylor, Wingy, see William Henry Taylor. Thomas, Harry, naval deserter recovered, 366. Teague, John Joseph, discharged, 15; warrant for, 140; Thomas, Henry Clarence, see John Bull Hotel Limited. amount paid, 200. Thomas, J. and Sons, complainant, 451. Teague, Kenneth John, convicted, 452. Thomas, Jack. arrested for larceny, 152; convicted, 155; dis- Teakle, Roy Allan, convicted, 50. charged, 253. Tedesco, Assuntadel, convicted, 261. Thomas, James, see James Thomas Bedford. Tedesco, Guiseppe Del, complaint dismissed, 261. Thomas, Jean Ann, see Patricia Annette Ralph. Tee, Arthur Edgar, convicted, 251. Thomas, Jimmy, suspected of larceny, 437. Tee, Leslie Colin, convicted, 329. Thomas, John Andrew, coat lost or stolen, 48; recovered, 57. Teeman, Bruce, suspected of larceny, 46, 47. 'Phomas, John Dudley, convicted. 92, 279. Telephone Rentals Limited (Walleck Cartwright Mallon, man- Thomas, John Patrick, aliases Francis Anthony Knox, Ray- aging director), factory broken into, offenders arrested, mond Devine, Francis T`ennedy, Raymond Thomas BUT- 27; complainant, 33. Leigh. Francis Bowen, Frank Brown, Frank Thomas, con- Telfer, Cathcart William, mare stolen or strayed, 335; recov- victed.' 233. ered, 355. Thom-s. Joseph Edward, see Roy Patrick Heard. Telford, Douglas Thomas, convicted, 300. Thom-!s, Kenneth William, naval deserter, 90; recovered, 108; Tellam, William John, convicted, 269. iaval dPSerter, 195; located, 243; naval deserter, 251; Tembv, William Kenneth, wireless stolen, 421. Tocated. 317. Temple, George, see William Casey. Thomas, Latimer Livingston, see Edward Thomas. INDEX. lxxxvii.

Thomas, Leslie Latimer, see Edward Thomas. Thomson, Vincent Giles, alias Vincent Giles Thompson, com- Thomas, Lindsay, bicycle stolen, 268; recovered, 297. mitted for trial, 11; convicted, 16; discharged, 208; com- Thomas, Lindsay Miller, convicted, 388. mitted for trial, 397. Thorne, Alfred Leonard, aliases Bobby Thorne, Gow, Robert Thomas, Milton George, warrant for, 178; arrested, 211; con- victed, 289, 338; discharged, 426. Thorne, fails to maintain, 304; arrested, 446; discharged, 491. Thomas, Oswald, Edward, warrant for, 362. Thorne, Bobby, see Alfred Leonard Thorne. Thomas, Phillip Alan, convicted, 433. Thorne, Irven Charles, convicted, 433. Thomas, Robert Gordon, convicted and driver 's licence sus- Thorne, Robert, see Alfred Leonard Thorne. pended, 358. Thornly, H. J. (N.S.W.),'niotor car stolen, 152; recovered, 162. Thomas, Ronald, committed for trial, 32; convicted, 129; dis- Thornton, Annie Arrowel, released on bond, 441. charged, 282; convicted, 337; discharged, 408. Thornton, Cyril Walter, suspected of larceny, 7. Thomas, Ronald Alfred, dismissed under ;O.P. Act, released on Thornton, Frank, complainant, 337. bond, 215. Thornton, James Seth Fleming, naval deserter, 336; recovered, Thomas, Trevor David Charles, alias James Craig, convicted, 345. 432; discharged, 453; released on bond, 490. Thornycroft Limited (N.S.W.), motor utility stolen, 250; Thomas, W. and Company Limited (John Stafford Lord, man- recovered, 268. ager), bags stolen, 324; wheat etc., stolen, 353. Thoroughgood, Joseph John, convicted, 291. Thomas, W. A. L. Limited (John James Davies and Charles Thorp, Wallace John, naval deserter recovered, 355. Davies managers), factory broken into, 5. Thorpe, David Edwin Watts, complainant, 216. Thomas, Walter (Vic.), motor car recovered, 78. Thorpe, Ernest Ronald, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 30. Thomas, William, warrant for, 192; convicted, 328; dis- Thorpe, Keith Robert, convicted, 117. Thorpe, N. H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 414. charged, 329; amounts paid, 474. Thorpe, William (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 38; recovered, 57. Thomas, William Gilbert, aliases Flehr, Adams, Wells, con- Threadgold, Geoffrey Jamc,s, aliases Geoffrey James Thredgold, victed, 357; discharged, 389. James Thredgold, Hearn, warrant for, 132, 150; with- Thomas, William John, bicycle stolen, 315; recovered, 335. drawn, 323; arrested on warrant, 332; discharged, 480. Thomas, William Leonard, convicted, 80, 183. Thredgold, James, see Geoffrey James Threadgold. Thomas, Yvonne, complainant, 280. Threadgold, Roy Thomas, generator stolen, 429. Thomason , Larry, aliases O'Sullivan, McIntosh, Harrison Threadgold, Wilfred Ellis, committed for sentence, 128; remanded to Victoria, 11. released on bond, 174. Thompson , see Arthur Robert Clark. Thredgold, Geoffrey James, see Geoffrey James Threadgold. Thompson, Alfred George, bicycle stolen, 89; recovered, 98. Thredgold, Harrold Maidment, house broken into, 27. Thompson , Alfred Lewis, bicycle stolen, 115. Thredgold, Kenneth Leon, money stolen, 27. Thompson , Allen, see Leslie William Hamburger. Threlfall, George Henry, convicted, 11; discharged, 33. Thompson , Arthur Hilton (Vie.), may be in company of J. Thulborn, James Harold, bicycle stolen, 353; recovered, 385. Brown believed identical with John Allan Potts, 25. Thurgood, Reginald George, see Ronald George Thurgood. Thompson , Bazil Lionel Clarence, missing friend located, 10; Thurgood, Ronald George, alias Reginald George Thurgood, warrant for, 96. discharged, 235. Thompson , Bill (man giving name of), suspected of shop- Thurston, Stanley Robert George, convicted, 92. breaking, 428. Thyer, Ross Butler Inn, complainant, 110. Thompson , Bruce, inquest on body of, 317. Tibbles, Clyde Herschell, convicted, 204. Thompson , Bruce Elliott, convicted, 109. Tibbles, Joseph Arthur, bicycle stolen, 20; recovered, 57. Thompson , Charles Harold, convicted, 338. Tice, George Percy, complainant, 117. Thompson , Charles Pratt, see Charles Pratt Thomson. Tidswell, Douglas Bertram, arrested for housebreaking and Thompson , Clyde Frederick, bicycle stolen, 98. larceny, 403. Thompson , Collin Gillespie, alias John Gillespie Thompson, Tidswell, Douglas Bertram, committed for trial, 407. convicted, 92; discharged, 118; warrant for, 200; amounts Tidswell, James Lindsay Gottholdt, convicted, 233. paid, 266; convicted, 290; discharged, 359, 418; con- Tiedeman, Walter Lewis, convicted and driver's licence sus- victed, 441, 462; discharged, 481. pended, 471. Thompson, Cora, absconder, 177; located, 191. Tieman, Robert Bruce, convicted, 183, 406. Thompson, Desmond, mare st{glen or strayed, 68; recovered, Tierney, Anne Marguerite, house broken into, 257. 78. Tieste, Mavis Charity, inquest on body of, 182. Thompson, Edward Francis Melville, convicted, 433. Tikkakoski, Oskari, warrant for, 140; paid, 150. Thompson, Emily Jean, watch lost or stolen, 163. Tilbrook, Maurice Henry, house broken into, 122; offender Thompson, Ernest, convicted, 357. arrested, 313; complainant, 317. Thompson, Ernest Richard, complaint withdrawn, 367; iron Tilbrook, Terry, suspected of larceny, 467; arrested for stolen, 394. larceny,476. Thompson, Florence Maud, gas stove stolen, 323. Tilbrook, Thelma Junita Jane. ring stolen, 7; recovered, 47. Thompson, Frederick, complaint dismissed, 14. Tiller, C. F., naval deserter recovered, 91. Thompson, Gordon, warrant for, 239. Tiller, Norman Alfred, convicted and driver's licence disquali- Thompson, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 334; recovered, 354. fied, 369. Thompson, Jack, see John Colin Miichell. Tillett, A. S. Proprietary Limited, electric grinder stolen, 413. Thompson, John Gillespie, see Colin Gillespie Thompson. Tiller, William Frederick, complainant, 100. Thompson, John Robert, complainant, 328. Tilley, Edward Arma, see Edwin Arma Tilley. Thompson, Joseph, see John Colin Michell. Tillev. Edwin Arma, alias Edward Arma Tilley, discharged, Thompson, Kenneth John, convicted, 450. 263. Thompson, Leslie Rogers, convicted and driver' s license dis- Tilley,Frank, missing friend, 91; located, 108. qualified, 262. Tilley,George Ernest, wallet lost or stolen,423. Thompson , M. D. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 222. Tilley, Robert Harley, watch lost or stolen, 365. Thompson, Merton Joseph, see General Havelock Hotel. Tilly, William Charles, convicted, 309. Thompson, Patricia Dawn, bicycle stolen, 375. Timms, Jeffery Hope, deserts wife, 214. Thompson, Percy, alias Kidman, convicted, 128. Timms, Reginald James, naval deserter, 163; recovered, 345. Thompson, Richard Henry, cabin broken into, offender arrested, Tink, Gordon Leslie, convicted, 357. 105; complainant, 108. Tinman, Leslie, see Francis Ferney. Thompson, Robert Henry Stafford, convicted, 173. Tiplady, Eric, naval deserter recovered, 90. Thompson, Robert James, fail to maintain, 122; pays arrears, Tiepins, Leonard Augustine. bicycle stolen, 385. 436. Tito, Carmine Del, (N.S.W.), alien located, 53. Thompson, Robert John, convicted, 110; discharged, 119. Tiver, Brian Ross, convicted, 1 00. Thompson, Rodney, see Ronald Vernon Wiles. Todd, Allan Clifford, warrant for, 464. Thompson, Stanley Richard, convicted, 109, 232; discharged, Todd, -Brian Ray, absconder, 427; warrant issued, 436. 282. Todd, Dennis, complainant, 280. Thompson , T. J., known as Tassy Thompson, suspected of Todd. Graham Charles. missinir friend, 135; located, 154; dis- larceny, 106, 152. missed under O.P. Act, 183; convicted, 206; dismissed, Thompson, Tassy, see T. J. Thompson, under O.P. Act, 216. Thompson, Valentine Archer, convicted, 432. Todd, Lyal James, see Lyal James LeSueur. Thompson, Vincent Giles, see Vincent Giles Thomson. Todd, Peter Alfred, see Peter Alfred Green. Thompson, Violet May, warrant for, 160, 304. Todd, Rav, warrant for, withdrawn, 456. Thompson, William, see George William Williamson. Toft, Leonard Roy, convicted and driver's licence suspended, Thompson, William, naval deserter, 440. 389. Thompson, Wilton, warrant for, 402. Tohl, William James, jacket stolen, 324. Thomson, Albert Hugh, convicted, 252. Tolhurst, Thomas Frederick, rim tyre and tube stolen, 212. Thomson, Andrew Fleming, tools stolen, 465. Tolley, Ian, watch stolen, 421. Thomson, Charles Pratt, otherwise Charles Pratt Thompson; Tolley, Reginald Lester, convicted and driver's licence disquali- watch lost or stolen, 57; recovered, 68. fied, 452. Thomson, Hugh, complainant, 233. Thomson , James Wilson, convicted, 243. Tolley Scott and Tolley Limited, complainant, 434. Thomson, Morris Thomas, see Vincent Giles Thomson. Tollis, William Edward, see Alan James Westbury. Thomson, Sydney William, pistol stolen, 106. Tollis, William James, see Alan James Westbury. lxxxviii. INDEX.

Tolmer, J. H. (believed identical with James Herbert Tolmer), Tregilgas, Harry Spencer, convicted and driver 's licence can- warrant for, 220. celled,234. Tolmer, James Herbert, see J. H. Tolmer. Tregonning, Donald John Kennedy, bicycle stolen, 142; recov- Tomich, George, see George Tommich. ered, 222. • Tomlinson, Herbert Mordecai, house broken into, 466. Treleaven , Jack Bastien, convicted, 49. Tommich, George, alias George Tomich, Gray, arrested for Treloar, Kevin Bruce, released on bond, 489. unlawfully using motor cycle, 193; convicted, 195; dis- Trenaman, Lennox Alexander, complainant, 328. charged, 235. Trengove, Frederick William, stolen bicycle recovered, off ender Tompkins, John Francis, naval deserter recovered, 91. arrested, 222; complainant, 224. Toms, Lindsay Gordon, suitcase stolen, 202. Trengove, Maxwell John, released on bond, 31. Trengrove, Ralph T'reloar, house broken into, 87. Tonkes, Keith Howard Roy, alias Keith Harold Roy Tonkes, Trenowden, Leonard Roy, complainant, 440. arrested and imprisoned on warrant, 192; fails to main- Trenwith, Dorothy May, ring lost or stolen, 404. tain, 256. Trestrail, Ruth Ethel, missing friend, 10 ; located, 31. Tonkes, Keith Harold Roy, see Keith Howard Roy Tonkes. Trevener, Leslie Bruce (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 365; recov- Tonkin, Frederick Charles, shop broken into, 342. ered, 376. Tonkin, Garnet Linden, watch stolen, 7. Trevitt, Eileen Rhoda, convicted, 117. Tonkin, Joseph Raphael, bicycle stolen, 142, 194. Tonkin, Kenneth Charles, convicted, 378. Trevaskis, William, shop broken into, 257. Trevorrow, George, information dismissed , 270; convicted, 328. Tonkin, Ronald Herbert, eon-oiitted for trial, 136; convicted, 245;discharged, 409. Trevorrow, Irene, larceny on, property recovered,7. Tonkin, Sydney Allan, commits larceny, 202. Trevorrow, Richard Charles, information dismissed, 32. Trew, Evelyn Ruth, brooch lost or stolen, 57. Tonks, Harriet, complainant, 92. Trewick, Henry, naval deserter recovered, 90, 91. Toogood, John, bicycle stolen, 133. Trewin, Francis (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 143; recovered, Toohey, John, suspected of larceny, 141. Toole, Ronald Francis, 'stretcher, etc., stolen, 249. 242. Trezise, Richard William, convicted, 416. Tooze, Mabel Olga, complainant, 243. Trigger, Murray, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, Topalsavvas, Sam, convicted and licence disqualified, 136. 234. Topsfield, John Robert Langley, wheel, tyre and tube lost or stolen,231; recovered,250. Trim, Alfred Ernest, complainant, 471. Trim, John Frederick, complainant, 270, 356. Tormey, R. J., see Hustler and-Company Limited. Tornus, Carman, see Carmine Tornusciolo. Trimmer, Leslie Raymond, complainant, 478. Trinne, Esther Edna, discharged, 137. Tornusciolo, Carmine, alias Carman Tornus, discharged, 399. Triplett, Edward George, house broken into, 384. Torrens House Private Hospital (Dorothy Sneyd, sister-in- Tripp, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 250. ,charge), case stolen, 6; recovered, 37. Tripp, Keith, convicted, 93; warrant for, 412; special inquiry Torsney, Elsie Ida, missing friend, 181; located, 214. wanted for forge and utter, 464; arrested, 474. Tory, Juhan, alien, 149. Trood, Edith Maud, complainant, 406. Tosin, Joseph Bruno (Vic.), alien located, 419. Trood, Edward, convicted, 406. Tostevin, Leonard, tools stolen, 6.. Tropeano, Rocco,, convicted, 49. Tovey, Richard (Vic.), stolen motor car recovered, 9. Trotman, Thomas John, bicycie stolen, 375. Tovey, Stanley (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 222; recovered, 259. Trott, Colin Alfred, convicted, 100. Towes, John, complainant, 165. Trotta, Mario, hose stolen, 403. Towns, Clifford Joseph, convicted, 50. Trotter, Clyde Henry Alexander, factory broken into, 384. Townsend, Annie Eva Christina, complainant, 183 (2). Trout, Francis William Georg(. aliases Percival Francis Wil- Townsend, Donald William, shop broken into, 457. liams, Frank William George Trout, George Trout, dis. Townsend, Francis John, coat, etc., lost or stolen, 404; recov- charged, 34; convicted, 165; discharged , 217; released on ered, 449. bond, 327, 328. Townsend, Graham, bicycle stolen, 276. Trout, Frank William George, see Francis William George Townsend, William Wallace Gordon, complainant, 59. Trout. Towse, D. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 468. Trout, George, see Francis William George Trout. Towser, (abo.), convicted, 356. Trowbridge, Edgar Ralph, wheel tyre and tube lost or stolen, Toy, Elizabeth Eileen Cloewn, convicted, 479. 460; property recovered,477. Tozer, A. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 277; recovered, 307. Trowse, Gurney Lindsay, wheel tyre and tube stolen, 230. Tracey, George Stephen, aliases George Stephen Treacey, Trowse, Joseph, convicted, 470. George Stephen Treacy, pays fine and costs, 18; warrant Trowse, Shirley Joan, bicycle stolen, S. for, 140; amounts paid, 211; convicted, 327. Troy, Nelson Jack, fails to maintain, 256. Tracey, Leslie George, alias George \ATilliams, convicted, 442; Trudgen. Theodore George, convicted and driver 's licence dis- discharged, 480. qualified, 184. Tracey, Thomas William, aliases Thomas William Flaherty, Truman, L. H., tools stolen, 465. Thomas William O'Flaherty, Thomas William Tracey, Trustees of Holy Trinity Church, obtains warrant for James Raymond O'Flaherty (N.S.W.), special inquiry for, re Patrick Ford, 200; offender arrested, 211; complainant, murderer of, reward extended, 199, 392. 290. Tracy, Thomas William (N.S.W.), see Thomas William Tracey. Trustees of St. Paul's Church of Engrland, complainant, 196. Traeger, Alma, sheets and towels stolen, 413. Tselentis, Haralambos, complainant, 109. TraeLyer, Carl Bernard, fails to maintain, 332; arrested, 436; Tsirgiotis, Eug'elleos, convicted, 290. discharged, 453. Tubercular Aid Society, pump lost or stolen, 38; recovered, 57. Traeger, Mona Beryl, missing friend, 355. Tuck, William Clement, naval deserter recovered, 90. Traganoff, Ivan, suspected of larceny, 475. Tucker, Felix Norman, alias Norman Tucker, convicted, 100; Trans-Australia Air Lines, complainant, 69. discharged, 147. Train, Norman John, convicted and driver's licence can- Tucker. Leslie Alan, shop broken into, 87; additional pro- celled, 129. perty, 97. Travers, John Aloysius, convicted, 244. Tieker, Mona, ring lost or stolen, 89. Travers, Ronald Eric, convicted, 377; warrant for, 402. Tucker, Norman, see Felix Norman Tucker. Travis. Leo Ernest, convicted and driver's licence disqualified, Tucker, Ronald George Francis, larceny on, property recov- 225. ered, 7, offender arrested, 66; complainant, 70. Travis, T. C. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen. 29; recovered, 57. Tuckey, Arthur William, discharged, 119. Treacey, George Stephen, see George Stephen Tracey. Turkey, Herbert George, complainant, 205. Treace, George Stephen, see George Stephen Tracey. Tuckwell, Desmond Henry Charles, convicted, 126; discharged, Treadwell. Leslie Arthur, Zaval deserter, recovered, 91. 226. Trea-us, William, convicted, 356. Tuckwell, Patrick John, convicted, 182. Treble, Claude William, convicted, 126. Tuckwell, Teresa Mary, released on bond, 182. Tredrea, Frederick Thomas, convicted, 224. Tugwell, Evelyn Vera Elizabeth, inquest on body of, 478. Tredrea, Maxwell Theodore, bicycle stolen, 467; recovered, 476. Tully, Frank, see Francesco Italino. Tredrea, Rosellen Christina, shop broken into, 465. Tunbridge, K. T. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 180. Treeby, Harry, convicted, 215; correction, 225. Tuncks, James Roy (Qld.), bicycle stolen, 78. Tregaskis, Edward Bernard, see Edwin Bernard Tregaskis. Tunda, Luigi, otherwise Luigi Tundo (Vic.), alien, 95; Tregaskis, Edwin Benjamin, alias Spargo, committed for trial, arrested, 159; alien, 435. 261; arrested for storebreaking, 266; convicted, 320; Tundo, Luigi (Vic.), see Luigi Tunda. arrested for factory and officebreaking and larceny, 32S Tune, Julia Maud, costume lost or stolen, 268. (2) ; arrested for larceny of bicycle, 325; committed for Tung Yep, T. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 180. trial, 327. Tuohy, Keith Caulfield, complainant, 14. Tregaskis, Edwin Bernard, alias Edward Bernard Tregaskis, Tuohy. Maurice Gerald, missing friend, 488. discharged, 119; convicted, 145, 205, 233; discharged, Turbill, D. P. and Company, shop broken into, 420. 282; convicted, 417; committed for trial, 452. Turbill, Reginald Howard Scottney, see Reginald Scottney- Tregenza, Henry, warrant for, 239; arrested, 285. Turbill. Tregenza, Reginald Thomas, convicted, 425. Turnbull, Dorothy. complaint dismissed , and complainant, 165, Treaen7a, Travers Bartlett Clifford, instrument panel stolen, Turnbull, Gordon McLeod, knife stolen, 76. 343. Turnbull, Miss AT., suitcase, etc., lost or stolen, 396. Tregilgas, Clive William, bicycle stolen, 241. Turnbull, Robert Harold, amounts of warrant paid, 18. INDEX.

Turnbull, Wilfred Ernest, convicted, 490. Unknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 75. Turner, Arthur, see Victor Allison. TJ',nknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 76. Turner, Brian, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 385. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 88. Turner, Ernest Urban, convicted, 145. Unknown Man, special inquiry for, re robbery, 104. Turner, Frederick John, see Frederick James Marshall. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 106.' Turner, George, see George Ings. ' Unknown Man, giving name, of J. West, special inquiry for re Turner, George William, overcoat stolen, 266; recovered, 296. false pretences, 113. Turner, Helen, clothing stolen, 363; recovered, 385. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 141. Turner, Henry David, bicycle stolen, 38. Unknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 178. Turner, Henry Joseph, complainant, 92. Unknown Man, special inquiry for re assault, 199. 'Turner, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 297. Unknown Man (N.S.W.), believed identical with Leonard Turner, Jack Campbell, aliases Herbert John Dawson, Percy McCabe, alias Joseph Robert McCabe, special inquiry for, Dunn, Albert Wallace, John Driscoll, Ben Willis, Jim re inflicting grievous bodily harm, Harold William Vernon Cameron, Allan Gale, Allen John McFarlane, H. Dawson, Lester has been convicted for this offence, 199. Wallace, George Wilson, special inquiry for, wanted for Unknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 200. false pretences, 44; arrested, 210, 211; convicted, 216. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 212. Turner, James A., stolen motor car recovered, 3.86. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 221. Turner, Keith Arnold, alias Keith Andrew Turner, committed Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 258. for trial, 11; case made remanet, 129; convicted, 130; Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 275. convicted on appeal, 245. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 286; Keith Edward Turner, Keith Andrew, see Keith Arnold Turner. Simpson committed this off ence, 324. Turner, Leonard Arthur, convicted, 117. Unknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 286. Turner, Noel Alfred, convicted, 224. Unknown Man, giving name of Simpson, suspected of larceny, Turner, Patricia Utting, convicted, 417. 286. Turner, Patrick, see George Ings. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 286. Turner, Ralph E., see Flinders Radio. Unknown Man (believed to have Christian name William), sus- Turner, Percy Augustus (Vic.), motor car stolen, 396; recov- pected of larceny, 287. ered,415. Unknown Man, special inquiry for, re forgery, 293. Turner, Reginald Bernard, stolen, bicycle recovered, 20. Unknown Man, suspected of clubroombreaking, 294. Turner, Ronald Jack, bicycle stolen, 37. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 295. Turner, Sydney Thomas, see Turners Garage. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 296. Turner, Trevor, discharged, 137. Unknown Man, suspected of shopbreaking, 304 (2). Turner, W., British seaman deserter, warrant for, withdrawn, Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 305. 44. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 305. Turner, William Henry, convicted, 173. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 305; Keith Edward Turner, Yvonne (Vic.), motor car stolen, 143; recovered, 163. Simpson committed this offence, 324. Turners Garage (Sydney Thomas Turner, proprietor), garage Unknown Man (giving name of John Clarence Williams), sus- broken into,484. pected of larceny, 306. Turnoch, Ernest William, naval deserter recovered, 90. Unknown Man, special inquiry for, re assault and robbery, Turvey, Brian, naval deserter, 10; recovered, 91. 311. Twaites, Alfred James, convicted and driver's licence dis- Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 314. qualified, 102. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 333. Twells, Harold, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Unknown Man, suspected of factorybreaking, 351. Twining, Frank, planes stolen, 179. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 352. Tyler, George Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 352. Tylor, Graham, binoculars lost or stolen, 449. Unknown Man, suspected of hotelbreaking, 363. Tymmons, Bertram James, brown mare stolen or strayed, 251; Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 363; Bruce Norman recovered, 289. Thomas committed this offence, 430. Tymms, Robert William, convicted and driver's licence can- Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 384. celled, 33. Unknown Man (Christian name believed Olaf), suspected of Tyrell, Colin Maxwell, absconder warrant for, 247; arrested, larceny,384. 274. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 384. Tyrell, L. (N.S.W.), motor ear stolen, 162. Unknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 394. Tyson, Arthur Ronald, convicted, 233. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 403. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 413. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 421. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 421. U Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 437. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 447. Uff, Harold, naval deserter recovered, 90.. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 458. Ube,Ernest Richard, convicted, 196. Unknown Man, special inquiry for, re valueless cheque, 464. Uhe, Hilda Gertrude, complainant, 377. Unknown Man, suspected of showcasebreaking, 465. Ullyett, Stanley Howard,-see Donald Rex Mortess. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 485. Umlauf, William Henry August, convicted, 461. TTnknown Man, suspected of larceny, 485. Unaipon, Telfer, see Telford Ralph Unaipon. Unknown Men (two), suspected of housebreaking, 4; sus- Unaipon, Telford Ralph, aliases Telfor Ralph Uniapon Telfer pected of shopbreaking, 5. Unaipon, warrant for, 3; discharged, 16; arrested, 26; Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny of motor car, 37; discharged, 41. car recovered,89. Unbehaun and Johnstone, shop broken into, 168; complainant, Unknown Men (two), special inquiry for, re assault, 86. 356- (2). Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny, 97. Underdown, Annie Sophia, jewellery stolen, 28; recovered, 47. Unknown Men (two), suspected of factorybreaking, 105. Underdown, Douglas, convicted, 377. Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny, 133. Underdown, Ethel Aileen, complainant, 232. Unknown Men (two) (one believed named R. L. Alva), sus- Underwood, Austral Alick, shop broken into, 342. pected of shopbreaking, 240. Underwood, John, suspected of larceny, 76. Unknown Men (two), suspected of housebreaking, 239. Underwood, Max,, suspected of larceny, 106. Unknown Men (two), suspected of warehousebreaking, 257. Uniapon, Telfor Ralph, see Telford Ralph Unaipon. Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny of motor car, 268; Unicombe, A. G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 221. William Allan Forrest arrested for this offence, 386. Union Bank of Australia (Naracoorte Branch), obtains war- Unknown Men (two) (giving name of J. Poynton and R. rant for Norman Thomas Lane, 322. Poynton), special inquiry for, re passing valueless cheques, Union, Steamship Co. of New Zealand Ltd., complainant, 290. 274; Ronald Leslie Devenish and James Wilson arrested Uhnited Motors Ltd., garage broken into, 304, 420. for this offence, 284. Universal Guarantees Ltd. (Victor John Hackett, manager), Unknown Men (two), special inquiry for, re robbery, 285. office broken into, 373. Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny, 296, 343. University of Adelaide, micrometer, etc., stolen, 304. Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny 296. Unknown Boy, suspected of larceny, 38. Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny, 314. Unknown half-caste aborigines (three), suspected of larceny of Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny, 333. bicycles, 56 (2) ; Donald Alexander Campbell and Fred- Unknown Men (two), suspected of warehousebreaking, 374. erick Thomas Wassa arrested, 67. Unknown Men (two), suspected of larceny, 458. Unknown Man, suspected of shopbreaking, 5. `Unknown Men (three), suspected of shopbreaking, 104. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 6. Unknown Men (three), special inquiry for, re robbery under Unknown, Man, suspected of larceny, 7. arms, 131. Unknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 18. Unknown Men, (three) (N.S.W.), special inquiry for, re house- Unknown Man, suspected of larceny 28. breaking and assault 177. Unknown Man, special inquiry for, re attempted indecency, 35. TTnknown Men (three), suspected of larceny, 249. Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 46. Unknown Men (three), special inquiry for, re assault and Unknown Man, suspected of larceny, 55. robbery, 419. Unknown Man, suspected of housebreaking, 65. TTnknown Men (three), suspected of larceny, 457 and 458. Unkown Man, suspected of larceny, 66. Unknown Men (three), suspected of larceny, 467. M xe. INDEX.

Unknown Alen (four) (W.A.), (giving names of Butch, Ted Vickery-Howe, Joyce Vivienne, nee Minear, missing friend, 460; Bell, Blue, and name unknown), wanted for larceny of located, 469. motor car, 162. Vickery-Howe, Merilyn Joy, missing friend, 460; located, 469. Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 19. Victorian Government (Railways Dept.) N.S.W.-Adelaide, cloth- Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 56. ing, etc., lost or stolen, 250. Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 76. Victorsen, Maud, watch lost or stolen, 78. Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 88. Victorsen, William, complaint dismissed, 215. Unknown Woman (giving naive of E. Catford), special inquiry Vidale Products Ltd. (Raymond Allen Northeote, manager), for, re false pretences, 210. office broken into, 140; additional property, 178. Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 295. Vienna, William George, warrant for, 393. Unknown Woman (giving name of R. Shepley), special inquiry Vigar, Lawrence, convicted, 489. for, re false pretences, 303. Vignola, Verne, released on bond, 216. Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 333; Linda Adelaide Vilarde, Antonio, otherwise Antonio Vilardi, released on bond, Morris convicted for this offence, 403. 424. Unknown, Woman, suspected of larceny, 352. Vilardi, Antonio., see Antonio Vilarde. Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 485. Villani, Anthony (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Unknown Woman, suspected of larceny, 485. Vinall, Allan,- see Vinall Egg Company. Unknown Women (two), in company with Leslie Martin and Vinall Egg Company (Allan Vinall, assistant manager), factory George Lawrie, suspected of shopbreaking, 141. broken into, 229; offender arrested, 323; complainant, Unknown Women (two), suspected of larceny, 485. 327. Unknown Youth, suspected of larceny, 65. Vinall, Frederick Iva, convicted and driver' s licence disquali- Unknown Youth, suspected of larceny, 315. fied, 460. Unknown Youth, suspected of shopbreakirig, 457. Vinall, Keith Frederick, convicted and driver' s licence can- Unknown Youth, suspected of larceny, 484. celled. Unknown Youth, suspected of housebreaking, 484. Vince, Ida Beatrice, gold pendant lost or stolen, 21. Unknown Youths (two), suspected of larceny, 374. Vincent, Brian Kenneth, dismissed under O.P. Act, released on Unwin, John Joseph (N;S.W.), suspected of housebreaking, bond, 215. 229. Vincent, H. (Qld.), utility stolen, 107; recovered, 115. Upton, Robert Maxwell William Alexander, watch lost or Vincent, Lloyd Lincoln, naval deserter recovered, 172; dis- stolen, 297. charged, 234. Upward, George Roy, complainant, 368. Vincent, Thomas Aloysius, convicted, 440. Uren, Catherine, alias Katherine Uren, discharged, 94. Vincent, Vivian Valentine, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Uren, Jean Ivy, complainant, 433. Vincent, Walter, naval deserter, recovered, 21. Uren, Katherine, see Catherine Uren. Vincent, William Bradley, house broken into, 105. Uren, William Norman, released on bond, 433. Vincentz, Carl Joseph, aliases Joseph Hubert Vincentz, Joseph Urquhart, George, naval deserter recovered, 366. Karl Vincentz, discharged, 369. Usher, Elsie May, alias Mrs. Knox, convicted, 233. Vincentz, Joseph Hubert, see Carl Joseph Vincentz. Utting, Ernest Alfred, bicycle stolen, 344; recovered, 354. Vincentz, Joseph Karl, see Carl Joseph Vincentz. Vine, Betty Rita, discharged, 380. Vine Inn Communityl Hotel, complainant, 144. Viner, Leslie Albert, convicted, 109. V Vines, Arthur (Vic.), motor car stolen, 29; recovered, 78. Vinpani, Phyllis Dorothy, complainant, 441. Vactrix Electrical Appliances Ltd., vacuum cleaners stolen, 240. Vinson, William George, convicted and driver' s licence dis- Vagg, Alfred John, discharged, 320. qualified, 459. Vale, C. (N.S.W.) motor car stolen, 30-6. Virgin, Gordon Ernest, inquest on body of, 432. Vale, John Robert, released on bond, 279. Virgin, Mora, missing friend, 440; located, 450. Valente, Guiseppe, fishing net stolen, 221; property recoverd, Vitella, Salvatore (N.S.W.), alien surrendered, 35. offender arrested, 287; complainant, 291. Vivian, Gertrude Olive, complainant, 79. Valentine, Beatrice May, complainant, 405. Vivian, James Edward, grease gun stolen, 241. Valentine, L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 124; recovered, 134. Vivian, Victor Rhodes, bicycle stolen, 8; complaint withdrawn, Valentine, Nellie, complainant, 280. 69; complainant,69; releasedon bond, 79; bicycle recov- Valenzise, Pasquale (Vic.), alien recaptured, 464; arrested, ered, 89. 483. Vivian, William Henry Russell, convicted , 270; information Valiance, Spencer Vincent, convicted, 23. dismissed, 337. Valpied, James Arthur, convicted, 378. Vizard, Imilda Catherine, inquest on body of, 336 and 337. Voege, Sydney Ronald, convicted, 81. Van Brabant, Johannes Gerardus Manuel Petrocus Maria Fran- Voge, Charles Henry George, complainant, 39. cissen, aliases Johannes Gerardus Manuel Francissen, Vogel, George Henry, released on bond, 434. Johannes Francissen, arrested for larceny, 7; committed Vogelsang, Arthur Heinrick, tools stolen, 150. for trial, 11; convicted 129. Vogt, Paul Reinhart, convicted, 244. Van Buren, Henry,,seel Lewis Grant. Vanborg, Peter, convicted, 280. Voigt, Verdun Raymond, convicted, 164. Voit, Martin William Edward (trading as F.} and V. Pressed Vanderway, Jacob, warrant for, 178; amounts paid, 192. Van Der Weeson, Alice, released under O.P. Act, 100. Metal Company), shop broken into, 65; factory broken into, 179. Van Seendent (N.S'.W.), motor cycle stolen, 29. Von Amelunxen, Manfred Alfons Bernard, alien, 95; located, Varcoe, Henry, wreaths stolen, 193. 103. Varcoe, Ivy Irene, complainant, 377. Von Bertouch, Kenneth Carl, complaint withdrawn, 109. Varcoe, Nelson Dennis, warrant for, 18, 36; imprisoned on Von Einem, Leslie Percy. see Einem, Leslie Percy von. warrants, 54 (2) ; discharged, 82. Voniero, Bruna Inez Omelia, complainant, 417. Varney, Leslie Clifford, complainant, 32. Vonow, Colin Charles, missing friend, 355. Vaughton, H., see Harry Laurence Murphy. Von Rieben, Otto, see Otto von Rieben. Vause, Harry Edward, dismissed on bond, 451. Vovos, Stamitis, see Stan Vovos. Vawser, James Alfred, deserts wife, 68. Vovos, Stan, or Stamitis Vovos. convicted, 32. Veal, Sydney Mint, complainant, 58. Vozzo, Francesco, convicted, 244. Veale, Roma Mary, bicycle stolen, 297; recovered, 344. Vranes, Matt, _convicted, 173. Vearing, Allen John, convicted and motor driver's licence dis- Vreught, F. J. M. De, alien, 53. qualified, 417. Vearing, Doris, convicted without a penalty, 136. Vears, Anthony Douglas, naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Veness, see William Clayton Bray. Venning, Arthur Donald, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 171. w Venning, Kathleen Elsa, convicted, 308. Waddington, Trevor, alias Sydney Payne, discharged, 166; con- Venning, Victor Albert, released on bond, 405. victed, 490. Verdamadis, N., attache case stolen, 27. Waddon, D., naval deserter, recovered, 91. Vere, Vera (Vic.), motor car stolen, 20; recovered, 487. Wade, Edward Charles, discharged, 82, 165; convicted, 300, Vernon, Ronald James, naval deserter, 108; recovered, 125. 358, 387; discharged, 453. Verrall, Alfred Percival, bicycle stolen, 476. Wade, Kenneth John, warrant for, 36; pays fine and costs, 96; Verrall, Cyril Stanley, convicted and motor driver's licence convicted, 155. disqualified, 442. Wade, Myrtle Louisa, money stolen, 122. Verrall, Keith Trevor, bicycle stolen, 468; recovered, 487. Wadham, Alfred James, see Frederick James Wadham and Verrier, William Alfred, house broken into, 151. Sons. Verrier, Yvonne, money stolen, 151. Wadham, Frederick James, and Sons (Alfred James Wadham, Vesty, Edward John, convicted, 416. joint partner), factory broken into, 104, 323. Vicars, H. C., see Rowland Lionel MeMannis. Wager, Howard George Bernard, motor car stolen, 343; recov- Vickers, Alan Arthur, complainant, 280. ered, 365. Vickers, Evelyn, suspected of larceny, 475. Wag'1and, Jean Estelle, complainant, 93. Vickers, Herbert Arthur, dinghy lost or stolen, 134; recov- Wagner, Alvera Helen, showcase broken into, 45. ered, 181. Wagner, Barton Victor, see Blue Bell Motor Cycle Works. INDEX. xci.

Wagner, Carl Wilhelm, complainant, 109. Waller, Gladys May, complainant, 59. Wagner, Paul Herman, convicted and complaint withdrawn, 13; Waller, Leslie Alfred, convicted, 13. showcase broken into, 45. Waller, R. H. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 334; recovered, 344. Wagner, Paul Herman Max, bicycle stolen,, 203; complainant, Waller, William George, arrested for larceny, 7; information 278; bicycle recovered, offender arrested, 307. dismissed, 11; convicted, 101. Wagner, Richard Keith, convicted, 432. Wallis, Frederick, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Wagner, Shirley Joan, alias Shirley Terry Richards, Blondie, Wallis, Hughie McKenzie (trading as Wallis Refrigeration convicted, 14; discharged, 71; convicted, 101; convicted and service), complainant, 79. for portion of housebreaking proceeds found in possession Wallis, John William Russell, naval deserter, recovered, 366. of, 394; complainant, 488. Wallis, Leslie Raymond, watch stolen, 467; property recovered, Wahlquist, Yula Lenore, watch lost or stolen, 125. offender arrested, 476. Waite, George Oliver, fails to maintain, 18; portion paid, 36. Wallis Refrigeration and Service, see Hughie McKenzie Wallis. Waite, George William, tool box, etc., stolen, 202. Wallman, Florence May, pearls, lost or stolen, 449. Waites, Helen Margaret, see Margaret Waltham. Wallman, Kriewald and Palmer, complainant, 69. Wake, Claude Russ, fails to maintain, 160; arrested, 428. Walls, James Charles, alias Raymond Jeffcott, convicted, 145; Wake, Garton Laurence, convicted, 318. discharged, 156. Wakefield, Bertram John, convicted, 270. Wallschetzky, Carl Herman, watch stolen, 180. Wakefield, Elsie Adelaide, complainant, 93. Wally, John, naval deserter, 48; recovered, 68. Wakefield, Gordon, saddle stolen, 364. Walpole, Cocky, see Edward Walpole. Wakefield, Henry, convicted and driver's licence cancelled, Walpole, Edward, alias Cocky Walpole, suspected of larceny, 14. 258, 315; warrant for, 419, 436. Wakefield, Neil, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, 259. Walsh, Christopher, naval deserter, 298; cancelled, 431. Wakefield Street Private Hospital, Ltd., housebreaking on, 4. Walsh, David Leonard, deserts wife, 30; arrested, 134. Wakefield, Thomas Colin, released on bond, 155. Walsh, Frank, see Percival Granville Walsh. Wakeham, Frederick John, committed for trial, 70; correc- Walsh, Herbert, complainant, 182. tion, 81; released on bond, 197. Walsh, Jack, released on bond, 358. Wakelin, William Alfred, convicted, 416. Walsh, James, convicted and motor driver's licence disquali- Walden, Charles Edward, convicted, 12. fied,418. Waldhuter, Alwin Oscar, complainant, 441. Walsh, John, convicted, 126; discharged, 136; warrant for, Walding, Allan Archibald, see Archibald Allen Walding. 350; complainant, 470. Walding, Archibald Allen, alias Allan Archibald Walding, Walsh, John Donald, convicted, 489. convicted, 92; discharged, 157. Walsh, John-Laurence, alias Frank Jack Williams, convicted, Waldron, Geoffrey William, convicted, 49. 13. Waldron, Leslie Edward, convicted, 70; discharged, 102. Walsh, Joseph Gerald, convicted, 328. Wales, Ronald S. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 143. Walsh, Kevin Patrick, convicted, 270. Walker, Alexander John K., motor cycle stolen, 448; recov- Walsh, Leslie, alias Leslie Skewes, discharged, 246. ered, 459. Walsh, Leo Stanley, discharged, 235. Walker, Alfred, overcoat, lost or stolen, 231. Walsh, Linda Pearl, convicted, 60. Walker, Alfred Joseph, convicted and motor driver's licence Walsh, Matthew William, convicted, 155. suspended, 418. Walsh, Michael James, see Hotel Franklin, Walker, Arthur Douglas, warrant for, 464. Walsh, Patrick Kelly, see Percival Granville Walsh. Walker, Eric, convicted, 31. Walsh, Percival Granville, aliases Patrick Kelly Walsh, Frank Walker, G. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 98. Walsh, Armstrong, Frank Best, Frank Bryant, George Walker, Irene Veronica, missing friend, 423; located, 469. James Gray, special inquiry for, wanted for attempted Walker, J. L. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 124. false pretences, 293; arrested in Victoria, 362. Walsh, Raymond Joseph Swift, convicted and driver's licence Walker, James Ross, bicycle stolen, 89; recovered, 107. Walker, Joan Irene, missing friend, 423; located, 469. cancelled, 174. Walker, John Stanley, convicted, 244. Walsh, Vincent Kevin, warrant for, 54; amounts paid, 192; Walker, Kevin John, information dismissed, 182. watch, lost or stolen, 316; recovered, 344. Walker, Linda Maria, complainant, 101. Walsh, W. M., (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 1353. Walker, Olive Grace, handbag, etc., stolen, 374; recovered, Walsh, William, bicycle, stolen, 296. 413. Walter, Arthur Edwards, complainant, 433. Walker, Pam Ann, missing friend, 423; located, 469. Walter, David John, complaint dismissed, 243. Walker, Raymond Matthew, warrant for, 3; arrested, 54; dis- Walter, Hugh Filmer, wheat stolen, 305; recovered, 315. charged, 71; convicted, 356. Walters, see Thomas George Daffey. Walker, Walter Edward James, committed for sentence, 280; Walters, see Samuel Spencer Sampson. released on bond, 380. Walters, Annie, complainant, 433. Walker's General Store, complainant, 69. Walters, Florence, released on bond, 244. Walkley, Florence Marita, house broken into, 201. Walters, Francis Roy, naval deserter, 278; recovered, 365. Walkley, Herbert Francis, bicycle stolen, 375; recovered, 396. Walters, Henri, motor car stolen, 180; recovered, 194. Walkley, Norman Alexander, convicted and driver's licence Walters, Hugh Filmer, complainant, 244. suspended, 94; committed for trial, 174; released on bond, Walters, Kenneth John Edwin, convicted, 270. 301. Walters, Phillip, see Phillip Walters. Walkom, Colin Douglas, hotel broken into, 45. Walters, Phillip, larceny on, offender convicted, bicycle recov- Wall, C. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 250. ered, 30; complainant, 31. Wall, Edward, see Frederick; Edward Wall. Walters, Ronald Frederick, overcoat stolen, 413. Wall, Frederick Edward, aliases Edward Love, Edward Hall, Walters, Sidney Herbert, factory' broken into and larceny, 412. Edward Wall, Frederick Thomas Wall, arrested and Waltham, Margaret, aliases Audrey Brockin, Helen Margaret imprisoned on warrant, 64; convicted, 215; discharged, Waites, Freda Kuna, Helen Margaret Whaite, suspected of 281, 310; convicted, 368; complaint withdrawn, 425; larceny, 334; arrested,438. inquest on body of, 432. Walton, Alfred, convicted, 71. Wall, Frederick Thomas, see Frederick Edward Wall. Walton, Ambrose, bicycle stolen,202. Wall, Marion (Vic.), motor ear stolen, 47. Walton, Colin, watch, etc., stolen, 201. Wallace, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Walton, Geoffrey John, convicted, 388. Wallace, see Jack Campbell Turner. Walton, James (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 277. Wallace, Albert, see Jack Campbell Turner. Walton, Keith Harley, watch, lost or stolen, 171. Wallace, Bruce Easton, see Prospect Gardens Tennis Club. Wandke, Harry Theodore, complainant, 40. Wallace, Clara, complainant, 92. Wang Ching Shan (Vie.), alien, 341. Wallace, Douglas Robert George, alias Frank Wilson, dis- Wanganeen, Alice Laurel, complainant, 489. charged, 34; convicted, 49; discharged, 119; convicted, Wanganeen, Benny, see Cecil Alva Wanganeen. 451, 461, 471; discharged, 480. Wanganeen, Cecil Alva, alias Benny Wanganeen, discharged, Wallace, Frederick Hamblin, convicted, 337. 61; convicted, 92; correction 101; discharged, 166; war- Wallace, John James, convicted, 173. rant for, 228; arrested, 256; discharged, 281. Wallace, Lance Arthur, house broken into, 87; offender Wanganeen, Emily, released on bond, 489. arrested, 211. Wanganeen, Glen Anzac, warrant for, 26; convicted, 31, 40; Wallace, P. J. (N.S.W.), utility stolen, 459. correction, 60; warrant for withdrawn, 75; discharged, Wallace, Phyllis Olive, missing friend, 345. 111. Wallace, Ray Gordon, warrant for, 3,6. Wanganeen, Leslie Norman, arrested on warrant, 4; warrant Wallace, Robert-Bryan, naval deserter, 195; recovered, 223. for, 256; amounts paid, 304. Wallace, Sergeant, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Wanzek, Hans Edgar George Johannes, fails to maintain, paid Wallace, Stanley David, skates, lost or stolen, 376. balance of arrears, 4. Wallace, T'. J. (Qid.), motor cycle recovered, 9. Waples, Reginald James Victor, complainant, 14. Wallaroo-Mt. Lvell Fertilizers, bicycle stolen, 241; recovered, Ward, A. L. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324; recovered, 335. 297; bags, lost or stolen, 376. Ward,Frederick Edward, convicted, 11. Wallaroo Town Council, complainant, 31. Warrl, Gordon Oliver, convicted and driver's licence disquali- Wallent, F. C. G. and Sons, Limited, obtains warrant for Colin fied, 71. L. Powell, 256. Ward, IT., man giving name of, suspected of larceny of bicycle, Wallent. Harry Godfried, doors stolen, 447. 396. Waller, Bill, suspected of hotelbreaking and larceny, 45. Ward, H. G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 486. xcii. INDEX.

Ward, Marjorie Drew, handbag, etc., stolen, 296. Wattchow, Theodore Wilhelm, convicted, 101. Ward, Reginald Kenneth, naval deserter, 326; recovered, 423. Watters, John, convicted, 433. Ward, Robert Edward, convicted, 196. Watters, John Cecil, complaints dismissed, 347. Ward, Ronald Frederick, see S.A. Farmers Union. Watters, Robert Frederick, convicted, 183. Wardrop, Thomas Lionel, rifle, lost or stolen, 21. Watters, William Geoffrey, convicted, 93, 100. Ware, Emerald Frank Lorraine, convicted, 40. Watton, Ivor, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Ware, George J., see George James Ware. Watts, Arthur Naughton, naval deserter, 307. Ware, George James, otherwise George J. Ware, arrested on Watts, Edward Alexander Barton, arrested for larceny, 335; warrant, 313; committed for trial, 317 ; case made convicted, 338. remanet, 408. Watts, Horace (licensee of Globe Hotel, Port Adelaide), value- Ware, Jessie, complainant, 13. less cheque passed on, 26; complainant, 59; complainant, Warenga, Hermann, tools stolen, 6. 117. Warhurst, Arthur Stanley, convicted, 215. Watts, Joyce Daphne, watch, lost or stolen, 404; recovered, Warhurst, Russell Milton , discharged, 23. 449. Warin, Dorothy Constance, convicted, 216. Watts, Leslie Gordon, bicycle stolen, 287; recovered, 325; Warner, Frederick John, complainant, 479. warrant for, 464. Warner, Herbert George, complainant, 479. Watts, Rose, complainant, 233. Warner, Henry John Alwyn, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, Watts, Vera, wheel, etc., stolen, 295 and 296. 124. Wauchope, Vance Ince, convicted, 80. Warner, Mrs. R., see Beryl Marrian Weaver. Waugh, B. H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 259. Warner, Ross, missing friend , 450; located, 478; convicted, Waugh, Edith (Vic.), motor car recovered, 30. 479. Waugh, J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 213; recovered, 277. Warnes , G. W., galvanized iron stolen, 1.70. Waye, Reginald Gordon, arrested on warrant, 18. Warnock, Archibald John, convicted, 291. Wayland, K. P. (N.S.W.), motor star stolen 29. Warnock, Edward Alexander, convicted, 39; discharged, 41. Weal, Edwin (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 430. Warnock, Frederick Claude, bicycle stolen, 306, Wearne, Reginald Bennett, complainant, 338. Warnock, Thomas Edward, released on bond, 12. Wearproof Hosiery (N.S.W.) (Joseph Sydney Smith, manager), Warrambool Town Band, caravan broken into, 27. warehouse broken into, 239. Warren, Jack Theodor, suitcase and contents lost or stolen, Weathers, John Thomas Watson, convicted, 13; discharged, 125. 23; warrant for, 96. Warren, Beryl, see Beryl Marrian Weaver. Warren, Claude Ernest, convicted, 441. Weaver, Beryl Marion, see Beryl Marrian Weaver. Weaver, Beryl Marrian, aliases Shiela Beryl Marrian Weaver, Warren, Horace Victor, bicycle stolen, 414. Warren, J. T., clothing, etc., lost ^r stolen, 250. Beryl Warren, Mrs. R. Warner, Beryl Marion Weaver, Gloria Jarman. C. Correll, Beryl Marrian Mendham, Warren, Kenneth Maxwell Morrison, imprisoned on warrant, arrested on warrant, 257; convicted, 261. 54; discharged, 102; warrant for, 248; fails to maintain, 256. Weaver, Cyril Arthur William, naval deserter, 79, 365. Weaver, Shiela Beryl Marrian, see Beryl Marrian Weaver. Warren, Leonard Arthur, bicycle stolen , 142; recovered, 162. Warren, Ronald, convicted, 451. Weaver, Thomas Alexander, fails to maintain, 36; portion Warren, Stephen , dinghy stolen, 192. paid, 239, 304; warrant withdrawn, 323. Warrior, Douglas Miller, absconder, 64; located, 74. Weaver, William Alfred, convicted, 215. Washington, Howard Elliott, handlebars stolen, 192. Webb, Albert, convicted, 183. Wasley, Stephen, inquest on body of, 469. Webb, Arthur Verdun, released on bond, 216. Wassa, Frederick Thomas, suspected of larceny 56 (2) ; Webb, Colin George, convicted, 291. arrested for larceny, 67; convicted, 69, 479. Webb, Donald Ralph, complainant, 328. Wastell, Roy Ernest, convicted, 432. Webb, Edward William Clive, complaints withdrawn and Watchman, Walter Stanley, iron stolen, 296. dismissed, 319. Waterman, Ewen, see Ozone Theatres , K ensington. Webb, Eric Allan, convicted, 461. Waters, Albert, naval deserter , recovered, 90. Webb, Ernest Glanville, discharged, 184. Webb, Frederick George, house broken into, portion property Waters, Albert, fails to maintain , 220; pays portion , 228, 285; recovered,6. paid balance, 313. Webb, Frederick George, naval deserter, recovered, 366 (2). Waters, Allan Leslie, complainant, 490. Webb, Grace (trading as Jan Kennedy Studios) (W.A.), Waters, Archie, convicted, 470. camera stolen, 19. Waters, Arthur Charles (N.S.W.), see Hadfield Steel Works. Webb, J. H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 171; recovered, 297, Waters, Daniel (N.T.), withdraws provisional warrant, 411. 307. Waters, Donald Vincent, convicted, 91. Webb, Jack, see Industrial Acceptance Corp. Ltd. Waters, John William, convicted, 12. Webb, Phillips Stewart, alias Frederick Phillip Saunders, con- Waters, Lorna Thelma, bicycle stolen, 277; recovered, 487. victed, 319; discharged, 380. Waters, Norman, see Norman John Schultz. Webb, Stella, absconder warrant for, 191; missing friend, 195; Waters, Russell, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, 222. missing friend located, 232; absconder located, 256. Waters, Victor Ernest, convicted, 206. Webb, Thomas and Son, complainant, 224. Waters, William Charles, convicted, 451. Webb, William, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Waters, Winifred Sophia Louisa, watch, lost or stolen, 325; Webber, see Lawrence Frederick Domashenz. recovered, 335. Webber, Boyce Maxwell, naval deserter, 344. Watkin, Ronald James, naval deserter, 181; recovered, 289. Webber, Donald Henry James, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Watkins, see William Lionel Mattner. Webber, Hugh, complainant, 128. Watkins, Charles Henry, discharged, 175. Weber, Dorothy Dawn, convicted, 327; absconder, 341; Watkins, Charles Henry, convicted, 205. arrested, 393; convicted, 417; absconder 464; arrested, Watkins, Clive, convicted, 489. 473. Watkins, Neta Roy, mare stolen or strayed, 203; recovered, Weber, Hazel Dardenella, complainant, 358. 242. Weber, William Daniel Cornelius, discharged, 34. Watson, Alexander Wentworth, warrant for, 313; arrested, Webster, Albert Arthur Joseph Vernon, convicted, 12. 322. Webster, Alfred Arthur, complainant, 432. Watson, Claude, committed for trial, 461. Webster, Edwin Nelson, convicted, 70. Watson, Colin Weir, sheep stolen or strayed, 260; recovered, Webster, Frank Archibald, warrant for 64. 449. Watson, Florence Edith, committed for trial, 416. Wedding, A. F. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 487. Watson, Frederick George Edward, committed for sentence, Wedding, Florence Joan, complainant, 378. 357. Wedding, Reginald Allen, complainant, 300. Watson, George (Vic.), motor car stolen, 8; recovered, 47. Wedding, William Alfred Percy, remanded to Victoria, 378. Weeks, Valerie, watch, lost or stolen, 213; recovered, 223. Watson, George, aliases Graham, Lee, George Bray, Spadgy Ween, Robert William, bicycle stolen, 38; recovered, 47. Bray, discharged,, 359; suspected of larceny, 457 and 458; Weeson, Alice Van Der, released under Offenders Probation convicted, 461, 469; warrant for, 484. Act, 100. Watson, J. H. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 468; recovered, 487. Weetra, Hubert James, see James Weetra. Watson, James Henry Joseph, complainant, 416. Weetra, James, aliases Hubert James Weetra, James McLeay Watson, Jim, convicted, 357. Weetra, warrant for, 44, 96; pays fine and costs, 104; Watson, John, see John Eustace Bews. warrant for, 168, 266; arrested, 275; convicted, 327; Watson, John, see John Francis Hanley. arrested on warrant, 393; warrant for, 456; amount paid, Watson, Murray Thomas, bicycle stolen, 89; recovered, 98. 474. Watson, Robert, see George Henry Baker. Watson, Robert, see Robert Watson Jackson, Weetra, James McLeay, see James Weetra. Watson, Ronald Walter, bicycle stolen, 259. Weetxra, Leonard, discharged, 82; warrant for, 332; arrested, Watson, Rosina Olive, complainant, 357. 363. Watson, Thomas, convicted, 39; discharged, 198. Wegener, Richard Albert, attache case, etc., stolen, 374; Watson, William Henry, complainant, 244. offender arrested, 486. Watt, Elsie Ray, convicted, 270. Weich, Hairy William, suitcase , etc., stolen, 76; recovered, Watt, Evelyn, bicycle stolen, 439; recovered, 487. 152. Watt. Vivian George, gazetted as Vivian George White, see Weidenback, Charles Richard, convicted, 31. Pitt Limited. Weidenhofer, John Taminga, cigarette case stolen, 437. INDEX.

Weinert, Wilhelm Friedrich, suspected of larceny, 364. Wheaton, Maxwell,, convicted, 70. Weir, Charles Norman, shop broken into, 54. Wheatsheaf Hotel, see David Calell David. Weir, James Bar, fails to maintain 54; arrested, 64. Wheeler, Charles, convicted, 93. Weir, Roy Stewart, alias Roy Stuart Weir, Keen, committed Wheeler, Everard, bicycle stolen, 364; recovered, 375. for trial, 155; convicted, 245; discharged, 492. Wheeler, George Thomas, shed broken into, 323. Weir, Roy Stuart, see Roy Stewart Weir. Wheeler, Harry (Vic.), motor car stolen, 306; recovered, 325. Weir, Sydney John, pump stolen, 77; - magneto, etc., stolen, Wheeler, Henry, see Jack McKenzie. 334; complainant, 490. Wheeler, Leonard William, convicted, 155. Weir, William Edward, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Wheeler, Robert, complainant, 243, 261. Weise, P. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, .180; recovered, 213. Wheeler, Robert, shop broken into, 178. Weiss, Carl Bernhardt, complainant, 117.' Wheeler, Ronald Victor, convicted, 155. Welch, George Thomas, convicted, 32. Wheeler, Ronda Doraine, released on bond, 346. Weld, G. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 56; recovered, 67. Whelan, Dorothy, towels, etc., stolen, 240. Welland Potteries Ltd., complainant, 14. Whelan, Elizabeth, complaint dismissed, 347. Wellings, Jack, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Whelan, Gerald Kevin, naval deserter, 269; recovered, 405. Wells, see William Gilbert Thomas. Whelan, Gordon James, complaints withdrawn and dismissed, Wells, Alfred, convicted, 182. 39; convicted, 69; convicted, 432. Wells, Dudley Noel, spare wheel, lost or stolen, 67; recovered, Whelan, Ida Margaret, complainant, 39. 99. Whenan, Ronda Vera, complainant, 23. Wells, George Gilbert, convicted, 92; convicted and driver's Whenan, Sheila Marjorie, obtains warrant for Albert George licence disqualified, 110. Bry Stocker, 64. Wells, John Alexander, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Wells, Kevin George (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 459. Whetstone, Thomas William, Air Force deserter, recovered, 260. Whimpering Arthur, see Arthur Henry Whyte. Wells, Leslie Michael William Charles, arrested for larceny, Whimpress, Harold, convicted, 337. 56; information dismissed, 69; special inquiry, re larceny as bailee (alleged), 190; property recovered, Wells' where- Whimpress, Thomas James Alexander, committed for trial, abouts still desired, 411. 243; convicted, 320; discharged, 409. Wells, R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 259. Whinnen, Robert Wilson, convicted and motor driver' s licence Wells, Ronald, see The Bertron Electric Company. cancelled, 389. Wells, William Neil, convicted, 299; discharged, 409. Whisson, Peter Burnett, watch, lost or stolen, 38; recovered, Welsh , Bernice Margaret, see Bernice Marjorie Welsh. 48. Welsh, Bernice Marjorie, aliases Burnie>e Welsh, Bernice Mar- Whitaker, Raymond David, missing friend, 21; located, 31. garet Welsh, discharged, 347. Whitbourne, W. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77. Welsh, Bernice, see Bernice Marjorie Welsh. Whitbread, Edward James, convicted, 49. Welsh, Cecil Francis, warrant for, 96 (2). Whitburn, Douglas Ray, see G. & S. Electrical Co. Welsh, Howard Lindsay (Vic.), motor truck stolen , 259; recov- Whitburn, Keith Oswald, convicted, 70. ered, 268. WhiteyA. (N.S.W.),motor cycle stolen, 124; recovered, 143. Welsh, Jean, complainant, 224. White, Albert Alfred, complainant, 164. Welsh, John Moore, discharged, 111. White, Albert William, convicted, 269. Weman, David Henry, complaint dismissed, 261. White, Barbara, missing friend, 317; located, 326. Wendt, Harold Carl, complainant, 59. Whitey Basil Baxter, watch, lost or stolen, 9. Wenham, George Joseph, discharged, 443. White, C. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 213. Wenham, Vincent Sylvester, convicted, 309; arrested, 313; White, Charles Alexander, convicted, 379. discharged, 408. White, Clarence Edgar, alias Harry Brown, convicted, 442; Went, Frederick James, complainant, 146. discharged,442. Wenzel, Lindsay Arnold, war bonds, lost or stolen, 460. White, Colin, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Werner, Elizabeth Jean, convicted, 206. WhiteyD., gramophone records stolen, 447. Werner, Windeck (Vie.), alien, 74. Daniel (Vic.), utility stolen, 385. Wescombe, Richard James, complainant, 338. Whitey Wesslink, Herman, motor cycle, stolen, 414. White, Donald Alexander, watch, stolen, 46; recovered, 66% West, Austin John, convicted, 299. White, Edith Maud, complainant, 163. West, Barbara Fay, bicycle stolen, 194; recovered, off ender White, Edward Harold, see Earl of Aberdeen Hotel Ltd. arrested , 231; complainant, 232. White, Edwin Watmough, dinghy stolen, recovered, 241. West, Edward, naval deserter, recovered, 90. White, F. J. (Qld.), motor cycle stolen, 78, 180. West, George, discharged, 156. WhiteyGlen Arthur, watch, lost or stolen,231. West, J. (man giving name of), see Noel Walter Laurence White, H. S. (Qld.) motor cycle stolen, 439; recovered, 468. Bergin, special inquiry for, re false pretences, 113; Noel White, Henry Hector, convicted, 116. Walter Laurence Bergin committed this offence, 167. White, James Henry, inquest on fire, 355. West, Jack, see Keith Edward Simpson. White, John, convicted, 164. West, John Clair, kitbag, etc., stolen, 457; recovered, 467. White, John Vernon, R.A.A.F. deserter recovered, 477. West, Kevin Reginald, complainant, 424. WhiteyJoyce, absconder, 401; located, 411. West, Marjorie Evelyn, watch stolen, 457. White, Laurence Peter, discharged, 175; arrested for larceny, West, Percy, warrant for, 402. 193;convicted, 196. West, Richard Harold Hehire, convicted, 146. White, Lawrence Edward, convicted, 367; correction, 379. West, Robert, warrant for, 304; fails to maintain, 350; White, Lawrie, man giving name of, suspected of larceny, 429. arrested, 362 (2) ; discharged, 418. White, Leslie Norman, missing friend, 181; located, 214. West, Sidney Gordon, suspected of offeebreaking and larceny, White, M. C., air force deserter recovered, 477. 383. White, Norman E., see S.A. Govt., Woods and Forest Dept. West, William Gordon, tyre lost or stolen, 487. WhiteyPhillips Prescott, shop broken into, 384. Westbury, Alan James, aliases Melmeth, Allen, Richardson, White, Robert Edwin Warren, bicycle stolen, 115; recovered, William James Tollis, William Edward Tollis, convicted, offender arrested, 1143. 424; committed for sentence, 460. White, Reginald Newland, convicted, 244. Westcott, John, see James Wilson. White, Rex Robert, convicted, 489. Westerman, Herbert Walker, naval deserter, recovered, 366. White, Robert Edward, convicted, 406. Western, Dianne, suspected of larceny, 276. White, Robert, convicted, 299. Western, Peter (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 124. White, Thomas G., naval deserter, 326. Westley, Aubrey Clifton, complainant, 378. White, Vivian George, see Pitt Limited, see also Vivian George Weston, Desmond W. J., naval deserter, 10; recovered, 30. Watt. Weston, Peter Clyde, motor cycle parts stolen, 179. White, Walter Charles, see Richard Howatt. Weston, Thomas, suspected of larceny, 249. White, Walter Charles, alias Walter Charles Ryan, convicted, Westover, Harry, complainant, 22. 164. Westphalen, Herbert Ennis, bicycle stolen, 152. Whitehead, Jack Clifford, alias Jack Clifford, discharged, 15; Westwood, Cecil Roy, discharged, 263. convicted, 206, 233; discharged, 282; convicted, 417. Westwood, Keith Bruce, naval deserter, 278. Whitehead, Joseph Leonard, cornsacks stolen, 296. Wetherall, William James, convicted, 378. Whitehead, R., naval deserter recovered, 91. Wetherby, D. F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 98; recovered, Whitehead, Robert Arthur, naval deserter, 154; cancelled, 431. 107. ' Whitehorn, Norman Colin, convicted, 367. Whaite, Helen Margaret, see Margaret Waltham. Whitehorn, Roy Hedley, complaint dismissed, 346. Whaite, Robert Ashton, complaint dismissed, 251. Whitford, Harold, alias Harry Summers, information dis- Whalan, Norman Cecil, naval deserter, recovered, 366. missed, 232. Whale, Percy Alfred, bicycle stolen, 134; recovered, 143. Whaley, I. J. (N.S.W.). motor car stolen, 133. Whitford, Murial Edith, watch, lost or stolen , 344; recovered, Whaley, Ivy Ann, complainant, 269. 354. Whaley, Percival Harold, convicted, 269. Whiting, Alick Leslie, convicted, 155. Wharton, John (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 448; recovered, Whiting, John Vernon, bicycle stolen, 468. 459. Whiting, Roy H. (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 414. Wheare, John Arthur, kitbag, etc., stolen, 106; recovered, 115. Whitman, Doris Ethel Irene, handbag, lost or stolen, 376; Wheater, F., naval deserter recovered, 91. recovered,439. Wheatley, Max, Ian (N.S.W.), jewellery, etc., stolen, 193, 314. Whitrow, Kenneth Brian, bicycle stolen, 258. xciv. INDEX.

Whittaker, Albert Edward, dog, stolen or strayed, 355; recov- i Williams, see Clifford Jones. ered, 376. Williams, A., complainant, 109. Whittaker, Cecil Coote, complainant, 417. Williams, Alan Fyfe, complainant, 337. Whittam, John Douglas, watch stolen, 47. Williams, Albert E., naval deserter, recovered, 366. Whittingham, Henry James, convicted, 127. Williams, Albert Roy, deserts wife, 204. Whittingham, Robert John William, convicted, 144, 299. Williams, Alfred, tools stolen, 465 and 466. Whittingslowe Engineering Co. Ltd., office broken into, 257; Williams, Alfred Horace, complainant, 117. obtains warrant for Leslie Norman Gillis and William Williams, Alfred, see Bert Davis. John Player, 285; portion property recovered, offenders Williams, Alfred Palmer, complaint dismissed, 204. arrested, 351; complainant, 357. Williams, Alice, convicted, 461. Whittington, Ralph Colin, convicted and driver's licence dis- Williams, Allen, bicycle stolen, 476; recovered, 487. qualified, 329. Williams, Alwyn Charles, see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Whittington, Ronald, suit stolen, 161; offender arrested, 202. Williams, Amy May, discharged, 301; convicted, 368; dis- Whittington, Ronald William, complainant, 205. charged, 389. Whittle, Harold John, missing friend, 223, located, 243. Williams,. Berry, complainant, 80. Whittle, Judith Ann, purse, etc., lost or stolen, 98; recovered, Williams, Bert, see Herbert William Guise. 116. Williams, Bill, suspected of houelbreaking and larceny, 45. Whittle, Mary Edith, missing friend, 223; located, 243. Williams, Charles Edward, complaint dismissed, 308. Wholagan, Graham Worsley, alias Graham Worsley Taylor, Williams, Charles Thomas, complainant, 2-61. convicted, 164.; discharged, 166; convicted, 196; dis- Williams, Clive Arnold, camera stolen, 364. charged, 234. Williams, Clive Remfrey, convicted, 183. Whyalla Hotel Ltd. (Donald McInnes, licensee), complainant, Williams, Colin Gordon, fails to maintain, 332; arrested, 446. 452. Williams, David, ,see Mervyn Clifford Richards. Whysell, Thomas, complainant, 145. Williams, Donald Francis, complainant, 196. Whyte, Arthur Henry, alias Whimpering Arthur, warrant for, Williams Drive Company (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77; recov- 3; committed for trial, 183; amounts paid on warrant, ered, 89; motor car stolen, 430. 200; convicted, 301. Williams, Edgar Charles (N.S.W.), see Roy Gove. Whyte, Edgar Wallace, convicted and driver's licence can- Williams, Edmund John, mare stolen or strayed, 423; recov- celled, 338. ered, 460. Whyte, John, complainant, 164. Williams, Eric John, convicted, 357. Whyte, William James, convicted, 60. Williams, Ernest George, discharged, 102; warrant for, 140. Wickam, Leonard John, complainant, 49. Williams, Foster, complainant 387, 433. Wickes, Steve, and Son, paint gun stolen, 429. Williams, Frances Anne, binoculars stolen, 447. Wickham, Glynn Anthony, released on bond, 368. Williams, Francis Roy, convicted, 299. Wickham, Merv., see Jack Garrett. Williams, Frank Jack, see John Laurence Walsh. Wicks, Frederick Ralph, kitbag, etc., stolen, 485. Williams, Frederick Allan, alias Walter Roberts, committed Wicks, Joyce Veronica, watch stolen, 6. for trial, 478. Wiemers, S. J. (Qld.), motor truck stolen, 354. Williams, Frederick Francis, convicted, 309; appeal dismissed, Wiener, Louis Egbert Leopold, convicted, 379. 452. Wienert, Ethel Elizabeth, wrist watch, etc., stolen, 475. Williams, George, see Leslie George Tracey. Wiese, Eric Wilfred, convicted, 69. Williams, George, see Rupert John Marsh. Wiese, Rosey, shot gun stolen, 161. Williams, George James, convicted, 309. Wiggins, Percy, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Williams, George Murtho, convicted and driver's licence sus- VWrighton, Harold, convicted, 204, 424. pended, 14. Wignall, Colin, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Williams, Gilbert Barnett George, missing friend, 91; located, Wilby, Gladys, bicycle stolen, 448; recovered, 459. 116. Wild, George Henry, Naval deserter, 99; cancelled, 431. Williams, Gilbert Lewis, arrested on warrant, 18. Wildash. Donald Bathurst, convicted, 251; convicted and Williams, Gordon Clyde, naval deserter, recovered, 355. licence ' suspended, 252. Williams, IT., see Herbert William Guise. Wildash, Emily Geraldine, housebreaking on, 6 . Willia,ms, Harold, see Everett Frank Lindsay. Wilde, see John Samuel Wylde. Williams, Harold, see Harry Williams. Wildsmith, Donald Rocke, complainant, 261. Williams, Harry, house broken into, 104. Wildsmith, Ida, complainant, 261. Williams, Harry, see Harry Ames. Wiles, Alexander, warrant for, 75. Williams, Harry, aliases Harold Williams, Harold Shannon, Wiles, Phillip William Luxmore, fails to maintain, 122. convicted, 356; discharged, 369. Wiles,Raymond William, stolen bicycle recovered, offenders Williams, Harry Edward, discharged, 16. admit committing larceny, 30. Williams, Hartley, convicted, 224. Wiles, Ronald Vernon, aliases Rodney Thompson, Fraser, Williams, Herbert Clifford, discharged, 34. special inquiry, wanted for false pretences, 303. Williams, Herbert Opie, convicted, 14. Wilhelmsen, Wilhelm, Agency Pty. Ltd. (Vic.), opals stolen, Williams, Ian, saddle stolen, 221. 133. Williams, Irene, aliases. Irene Grout, Irene Syne, Irene Wilke, Robert, axle and bearing stolen, 384; recovered, 395. Angelina Maude Williams, Irone Groute, suspected of Wilkeson, Sydney Charles, motor cycle parts stolen, 333. larceny, 55; convicted, '60; arrested for larceny, 115; dis- Wilkins, Arthur Herbert, see Highland Valley Pastoral Co. m;ssecl under Offenders Probation Act, 116. Ltd. Williams, Irene Angelina Maude, see Irene Williams. Wilkins, Charles Desmond, complainant, 182. Williams, Jack; see Maxwell Geoffrey Newchurch. Wilkins, Daphne Iris, convicted, 13. Williams, Jack, see William Ford. Wilkins, Doris Thelma, complainant, 377, 378 (3), 379. Williams, James Alexander, discharged, 15; convicted, 215; Wilkins, Francis Wilfred, alias William Frederick Sutton discharged,271. (Vic.), provisional warrant for, 473. Williams, James Andrew, missing friend, 355. Wilkins, Joseph Valentine, convicted, 338. Williams, James Clarence, missing friend, 144; deserts wife, Wilkins, Lillian May, convicted, 327. 163. Wilkins, Margaret Olive, missing friend, 79; located, 154. Williams, Jeffrey George, convicted, 450. Wilkins, Sidney, missing friend, 79; located, 154. Williams, Jesse, obtains warrant for William Clarence Fudge, Wilkins, Doris Thelma, complainant, 406. 362; complainant, 405. Wilkins, Percival Edward, released on bond, 406. Williams, John, see Rupert John Marsh. Wilkins, Thomas Charles, committed for trial, 378. Williams, John, convicted, 261. Wilkinson and Company Ltd., complainant, 126. Williams, John (Vic.), motor car stolen, 171. Wilkinson, Dauhine, obtains warrant for Guiseppi Leonardi and Williams, John Albert, convicted, 216. Antonio Isola, 427 and 428 (2) ; complainant, 490. Williams, John Allan, motor car stolen, 353; recovered, 385. Wilkinson, Fred, air force deserter recovered, 477. Williams, John Arthur, pays portion warrant, 18, 44; balance Wilkinson, Joan, inquest on body of, 469. paid, 54. Wilkinson, Raymond Roy, alias RoyRaymond Wilkinson, con- Williams, John Clarence, man giving name of, suspected of victed, 279 (2) ; convicted and motor driver's licence dis- larceny of bicycle, 306. qualified, 329; discharged, 358. Williams, John Edwin, shop broken into, 45,6. Wilkinson, Roy Raymond, see Raymond Roy Wilkinson. Williams, John James, bicycle stolen, 422; recovered, 439. Wilkinson, Vernon (Vic.), motor car stolen, 115; recovered, Williams, Joseph. William, convicted and motor driver's licence 124. disqualified, 347. Wilks, Allen Crawford, watch, lost or stolen, 354. Williams, Kattileen Caroline, committed for trial, 117; released Wilks, Joseph, naval deserter, recovered, 91. on bond,, 174. Wilks, Kelvin Edwin, complainant, 173. Williams, Kevin Rex, missing friend, 460; located, 469. Will, Alexander Raymond, convicted, 432. Williams, Les, see Leslie Williams. Wlillassen, Thorleif, convicted, 252. Williams, Leslie, aliases Leslie Charles Andrews, Joseph Willeourt, Sarah, convicted, 489. Linton, William Lee, Bertram Andrews, Les Williams, sus- Willcox, Laurence Arnold, convicted, 5165. pected of larceny, 258; convicted 261 and 262; discharged, William, see unknown man believed to have christian name of 310; arrested for larceny, 315; convicted, 317; discharged, William. 408; convicted, 491. William (abo.), convicted, 356; discharged, 359. Williams, Leslie Francis, see Leslie Francis Carson. William, L.P., motor cycle stolen, 448. Williams, Leslie John, see Leslie Joseph Medulkin. INDEX. xcv.

Williams, Louisa Alexander, bangle lost or stolen, 107; recov- Wilson, Charles Verrett, warrant for, 383; amounts paid, 420. ered, 116. Wilson, Clifford John, bicycle stolen, 28; recovered, 38. Williams, Marcus, clothing stolen, 123. Wilson, Colin James, see James Johnson. Williams, Mr., see W. and T. Rhodes, Limited. Wilson, Denis John, bicycle stolen, 143; recovered, 153. Williams, Morris, bicycle stolen, 47. Wilson, Douglas Thomas, naval deserter, recovered, 366. absconder, 131; warrant now issued, 167; arrested, 199; Wilson, Edward, convicted, 205. convicted,, 215 (2). Wilson, Eileen Mary, house broken into, 200. Williams, Owen Meyrick, warrant for, 64; arrested on war- Wilson, Emanuel George Hamilton, warrant for, 192; arrested, rant, 104, 114; convicted, 117; discharged, 246. 229; discharged, 246. Williams, Patricia Mary, custody and control of C.W. &, P.R. Wilson, Erland Zane, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Dept., 32. Wilson, Frank,, see Douglas Robert George Wallace. Williams, Patrick Stanislaus, convicted, 146. Wilson, Frederick, see Philip Duncan Redgrave. Williams, Percival Francis,,see Francis William George Trout. Wilson, Frederick James, see Philip Duncan Redgrave. Williams, Percy, arrested on warrant and imprisoned, 3. Wilson, G., see Harry Swinson. Williams, Peter, see John Frederick Munton Payne. Wilson, Garnett, warrant for, 228; paid 239. Williams, R. H., see Ronald Henry Harrison. Wilson, George, may be identical with Jack Campbell, Turner, Williams, R. H. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. warrant for, 3. Williams, Robert, aliases William Chakley, Raymond Martin, Wilson, George Hugh Leonard, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Robert Martin (Vic.), provisional warrant for, 149. Wilson, George Stanley, complainant, 451. Willams, Ron, absconder, 167; located, 199. Wilson, George William, bicycle stolen, 438. Williams, Ronald Dominic, see Ronald Henry Harrison. Wilson, Gordon Delville, naval deserter, 269. Williams, Ronald Edward, absconder, 177; warrant withdrawn, Wilson, H. J. (N.S.W.), jeep stolen, 395; recovered, 414. 210. Wilson, Hamilton Lance, arrested for larceny, 67; convicted, Williams, Ronald Edward, alias Manego, fails to maintain, 86; 69. arrested and imprisoned, 114; discharged, 165; convicted, Wilson, Hazel Judith, missing friend, 298; located, 308; 279. missing friend, 317; located, 326; missing friend, 336; Williams, Ronald Samuel, absconder, 113; recovered, 121; located, 355; absconder, 411; warrant for, 419; convicted, Williams, Ronald Samuel, convicted, 224, 309; absconder, 341; 425; obtains warrant for Guiseppi Leonardi and Antonio arrested, 362. Isola, 427 (2) ; absconder located, 445; absconder, 464; Williams, Shirley, bicycle stolen, 222; recovered, 297. arrested, 473; complainant, 490. Williams, T. &. J. (Thomas Henry Williams, owner), factory broken into, 151. Wilson, Herbert Alic, see Herbert Anderson. Williams, Thomas Henry, see T. and J. Williams. Wilson, Howard Hadden, clothing, etc., stolen, 78. Williams, Timothy Seymour, convicted, 461. Wilson, J. M., see Laubman and Pank. Williams, Valerie, absconder, 256; returned, 265. Wilson, J. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 77. Wilson, Jack Stuart, clothing stolen, 258. Williams, William, see Albert Leonard Roberts. Williams, William, air force deserter, recovered, 214. Wilson, James, see. James Johnson. Williams, William Archibald, see Peter John Campbell. Wilson, James, aliases,R. Poynton, James Davis, John Foster, Williams, William Christopher, convicted, 196; discharged, 253. John Delmonte, John Joseph Pleydell, John Gates, John Williams, William John, discharged, 409. Westcott, John Hood, John Dalmonte, special inquiry Williams, William Joseph, overcoat stolen, 314. wanted for passing valueless cheque, 274; arrested for Williamson, Alan (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 487. passing valueless cheques, 284; convicted, 367; discharged, Williamson, Clive Howard, complainant, 100. 492. Williamson, Frank Mervyn, bicycle -tolen, 422; recovered, 431. Wilson, James Frederick, naval deserter, 355; recovered, 397. Williamson, George, see Rupert John Marsh. Wilson, Jim, special inquiry for, re forge and utter, 322 Williamson, George Henry, discharged, 147. Wilson, John, convicted, 69. , Williamson, George William. alias William George, Thomas Wilson, John Murray (Vic.), motor car stolen, 459. Edwin Harris, H. W. Mason, William Thompson, warrant Wilson, John T., motor ear stolen, 422. for, 294. Wilson, Joyce Marjorie, brooch stolen, 394. Williamson, Hilton Christopher, naval deserter, 344. Wilson, K. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 315. Williamson, Jaeelene Joan, complainant, 367. Wilson, Keith, clothing stolen, 123. Williamson, R. M. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 414. Wilson, Keith Gardyn, convicted and motor driver's licence Williamson, Thomas Charles, convicted, 337. suspended,,309. Willing, Francis Lawrence, convicted, 488. Wilson, Keith Gordon, bakelite case, etc., lost or stolen, 250. Willis, Ben, see Jack Campbell Turner. Wilson, Keith Lionel, complainant, 155. Willis, Carl, absconder, 322; located, 332. Wilson, L. I. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 324; recovered, 335. Willis, Edward J. (Vic.), motor car stolen, 414. Wilson, Lawrence E. (Vie.), motor cycle stolen,. recovIere d, Willis, George (Vic.), see George McFarlane. 439. Willis, Keith Maurice, garage broken into, 351. Wilson, Leonard Mark, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Wgllmont, Roy Dennis, see Arthur Edward Nelson. Wilson, Leonard Ross, committed for trial, 308; warrant for, Willmott, Cecil Francis, warr',nt for, q42. 313; acquitted, 380; warrant for 420. Willmott, Sydney Clarence, deserts wife, 116; arrested, 231. Wilson, Leslie A., tools stolen, 465. Willoughby, Francis Malcolm, discharged, 111. Wilson, Leslie Ernest, bicycle stolen, 78; recovered, 107. Willoughby, Frederick George, British seaman deserter, 455. Wilson, Leslie Herbert, arrested on warrant, 362; dischatrged, Willoughby, Frederick Thomas, committed for trial, 243; con- 369. victed, 320; discharged, 492. Wilson, Maxwell Henry, arrested for larceny, 333; committed Willoughby, Maurice Norman, convicted, 318. for sentence, 338; complaint withdrawn, 345. Wills, Brian, absconder, 265; warrant withdrawn, 294. Wilson, Mervyn Leslie, convicted, 32. Wills, Denby William, convicted, 357, discharged, 492. Wilson, Michael A., warrant for, 86. Wills, Frederick James, convicted, 368. Wilson, Minnie Doreen, fountain pen, etc., stolen, 351; addi- Wills, Geo. and Co., Ltd., complainant, 225. tional particulars, 373. Wills, Howard James, shop broken into, 87. Wilson, Norman, complaint dismissed, 290. Wills, Cecil James, see Keith James Wills. Wilson, Peter, see William John Player. Wills, Keith James, aliases Kessell James Wills, Cecil James Wilson, Oliver, overcoat' stolen, 295. Wills, Kestle James Wills, warrant for, 18, 362; arrested, Wilson, P., see Peter Hodgson Hearn. 373; convicted, 377; discharged, 399. Wilson, Norman, see Leslie William Gillis. Wills, Kessell James, see Keith James Wills. Wilson, Peter William, complaint dismissed, 290. Wills, Kestle James, see Keith James Wills. Wilson, Norman, see Leslie William Gillis.' Willsi Sales Branch, cigarettes stolen, 19. Wilson, Proctor Martin, warrant for, 200; amounts paid, 211. Willsmore Carrying Co., material stolen, 76; complainant, 406 Wilson, Raymond Earl, complaint withdrawn, 165. Wilson, Richard, naval deserter, 99; recovered, 144. Willshire, Clarence George Leslie, convicted, 318. Wilson, Robert, naval deserter, 90. Wilsdon, George Harris, convicted, 93. Wilson, Robert Kenneth, released on bond, 118. Wilsdon, Ronald Lyall, complainant, 164. Wilson, Ronald, see Raymond John Splatt. Wilsen, Joan, purse, etc., lbst or stolen, recovered, 38. Wilson, Roy, see Allan Reginald Robinson. Wilsmore, Alic Clifford, convicted, 270. Wilson, S. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 375; recovered, Wilson, see Thomas Andrew Morton. 385. Wilson (man named), suspected of shopbreaking, 5. Wilson, Scotty, see William Hadden Wilson. Wilson, see Albert Jones. Wilson, Terence Charles, convicted, 32; warrant for, 192; Wilson, A. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, recovered, 316. arrested,211. Wilson, Albert John, convicted, 80. Wilson, Vie. see George Victor St.. Vincent. Wilson, Alice Jean, complainant, 164. Wilson, Annie Vinard, watch lost or stolen, 125; recovered, Wilson, W. F. (Qld.), utility stolen, 334; recovered, 376. 134. Wilson, Walter James, alias Shanahan, convicted, 49; fails to Wilson, Arthur Albert, complainant, 416. maintain, 86; warrant for, 140; arrested, 178; convicted, Wilson, Arthur Lyle Compton, convicted, 100; discharged, 369. 182; discharged, 24,6; fails to maintain, 350; warrant Wilson, Baxter William, kitbag, etc., stolen, 97. for, 362; convicted, 377; arrested, 383. Wilson, Bernie George, convicted, 49. Wilson, William, warrant for, 266. Wilson, Charles Edward, clothing stolen, 384. Wilson, William Daigh, compass stolen, 467. xcvi. INDEX.

Wilson, William Hadden, aliases Scotty Wilson, Wilson William Wood, T., naval deserter, recovered, 91. Hadden, fails to maintain, 36; imprisoned, 45; dis- Wood, Thomas Neville, motor car stolen, 123; recovered, 181. charged, 156; fails to maintain, 342; arrested, 383. Wood, William Frank, convicted, 174. Wilson, William Jack, bicycle stolen, 385; recovered, 414. Woodberry, Ronald Ernesta (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 259. Wilton, Alexander George Henry, convicted, 164. Woodbury, William, (Vic.), motor cycle stolen, 57. Wilton Confections Limited, complainant, 196. Woodcock, Herbert William, see Radio Corporation Prop. Ltd. Windle, B. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 67. Woodford, William Joy, ct mplainant, 397. Windle Engineering Co., lathe parts stolen, 161. Woodhead, Graham Verne,4envicted and motor driver' s licence Windsor, Lawrence Edward, bicycle stolen, 343; recovered, cancelled, 216. 422. Woodhouse, Maxwell Ross, • mplainant, 406. Windsor, Percy, complainant, 12, 13. Woodhouse, L. (N.S.W.), or cycle stolen, 395; recovered, Windsor, Robert Charles, arrested for larceny of bicycle, 203; 414. ' convicted, 205. Woodlands, Ronald Edgar, evicted, 308. Winfield, Edwin Joseph, information dismissed, 244. Woodings, William Percy, complainant, 479. Wingate, Ronald Vivian, arrested for shopbreaking and Woodlands, Charles Ezra, overalls, -etc., stolen, 19. larceny, 351; convicted, 356. Woodley, Eric, absconder, 150; recovered, 159. Wingrove, Stephen (N.Z.), special inquiry, for murderer of, Woodley Wines Ltd., complainant, 50, 232. 393: Woodroofe, Alfred John, , '!as Thomas Alfred Woodroofe, Winkler, Kenneth Allan, convicted, 12. discharged, 15. Winkler, Maxwell George, alias Maxie Franklin, convicted, 117. Woodroofe, Thomas Alfred, see Alfred John Woodroofe. Winkler, Victor Clarence, aliases George Smith, Thomas, Woodrow, Harold Leslie (W.A.), special inquiry, larceny on, deserts wife, 78. 331. Winnall, Eleanor Manley, complainant, 13. Woodruff, Thomas,Anthony liatrick, see Francis James Barton. Winstanley, Frank, complainant, 184. Woods, (N.S.W.), see Keith Gray. Winston, Easton Clarence, alias Euston Clarence Winston, Woods, see Frederick Newland Reeves. convicted, 101; discharged, 338. Woods, Albert Scott, convicted, 440. Winston, Euston Clarence, see Easton Clarence Winston. Woods, Allan, see Owen Thomas Quinn. Winston Hotel (William Joseph Miller and Gertrude Bordon, Woods, Colin George, see Colin George Bullock. , proprietors), office broken into, 5. Woods, Douglas Griffin, committed for trial, 215; acquitted, Winter, Athol John, discharged, 120. 245. Winter, Colin Albert, fountain pen, lost or stolen, 277; recov- Woods, George Henry, bicycle stolen, 430. ered, 298. Woods, J. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 375; recovered, 385. Winter, Geoffrey Dargan, naval deserter, 449; recovered, 488. Woods, James Arthur, kitbag, lost or stolen, 9. Winter, Henry Fyfe, complainant, 270. Woods, James Arthur, complainant, 11. Winter, Dr. Karl Berthold, camera stolen, 106. Woods, Lindley James, complainant, 92. Winter, J. A. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 77. Woods, N. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 213; recovered, 222. Winter, Ross Gordon, convicted and motor driver's licence Woods, Peter, complainant, 174. cancelled, 347. Woods, Raymond Walkden, complainant, 261. Winter, William Henry, convicted and • licence cancelled, 146; Woods, Ronald Kevin, warrant-'?or, 573. missing friend, located, 231. Woods, William Warren, air force deserter, recovered, 477. Winter, William James, fieldglassesstolen, 394. Woodthorpe, Patricia Anne, released on bond, 398. Winters, Hiram George, see, George Maher. Woodward, Frederick A. J., naval deserter, 10; recovered, 30. Winters, Norman Carl, convicted, 479. Woodward, Raymond Alexander, bicycle stolen, 193; recovered, Winton, Don, complainant, 367. Winton, Gordon Oliver, warrant for, 18; arrested, 26. Woolaughan,Offender arrested, Pearl, watch 231; stolen, complainant, 276; recovered, 232. 324. Wirth, Edwin Herbert, bicycle stolen, 171. Woolcock, Norman Edward Ernest, discharged, 369. Wisdom, Alfred, bicycle stolen, 142; recovered, 213. Woolford, Donald Andrew, see Donald Arnold Woolford. Wise, Raymond John, complaint dismissed, 80. Woolford, Donald Arnold, alias, Donald Andrew Woolford, Wise, William Carlyle, complainant, 252. Douglas Arnold Woolford, convicted, 182; discharged, Wiseman, Robert Lloyd, alias Robert Roy Wiseman, arrested 263;convicted, 433. on indecent exposure charge, 26; convicted, 32; discharged, Woolford, Donald Ellis, sheep stolen or strayed, 469. 94. Woolford, Douglas Arnold, see Donald Arnold Woolford. Wiseman, Robert Roy, see Robert Lloyd Wiseman. Woollacott, Arthur Charles, wheel, tyre and tube, lost or stolen, Wishart, Elsie Jean, convicted, 60. 365; recovered,396. Wislang, Michael L., see Wilbur Frank Cooke. Woollacott, John Robert Charles, wheel, tyre and tube , lost or Witford, Shirley Isobel, complaint dismissed, 174. stolen.365; recovered,396. Withall, Christobel Rose, convicted, 173. Woollatt Brothers Ltd., -complainant, 318. Witheridge, E. J. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 67. Woolley, S. R. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 133. Withers, Howard George, convicted and motor driver's licence Woolston, Alfred Edwin, convicted, 244. disqualified, 398. Wooltana Industries, comm-olainant, 318: convicted, 479. Withy, Spencer Frederick, bicycle stolen, 106. Woonton, Arthur, naval deserter, recovered, 91. Witney, Ronald William, bicycle stolen, 37. Woore, Richard Leycester, gazetted as Richard Leycestor Wittingham, Hildegarde, cigarette ease, lost or stolen, 365; Moore, convicted and motor driver's licence cancelled, 347; recovered,415. correction, 358. Wittke, George Frank, information dismissed, 378. Worden, Gilbert, watch stolen, 305. Worden, Marv Ruth Mildred, complainant, 318. Wohlemberg, Albert Martin, convicted, 434. Woite, Frederick Ernest, convicted, 377; discharged, 399. Worden, William John Leslie, committed for trial at inquest Wolfgang, Bock, complainant, 11. on fire at. Charles Richardson and Sons Ltd., 387; com- Wolk, E. (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 315; recovered, 325. mitted for trial (coroner's warrant), 397. Wombat, Annie, discharged, 111, 310. Worden, Wilton, amounts paid on warrant, 363., Wombey, F. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 56; recovered, 89. Workers Educational Association, office broken into, 294. Women's Australian Auxiliary Naval Service, typewriter Workman, Edgar Percival, complainant, 261. stolen,351. Worral, Owen Woods, convicted, 101. Women's Australian Naval Service (commander, Marion E. Worrall, Adella Edith, bicycle stolen, 221; recovered, 297. L. Allnutt), bugle stolen, 151. recovered, offender arrested, 325. Womersley, Albert, convicted, 183. Worrall, Ernest. warrant for, pays fine and cost, 4. Wood, A. D., motor car stolen, 459. Worrall, Kenneth Joseph, arrested on warrant for wife deser- Wood, Alan Mervyn, released on bond, 379. tion, 214. Wood, Albert Edward, bicycle stolen, 152; recovered, offender Worslev, Thomas, convicted, 328; discharged, 329. arrested, 171; complainant, 173. Wort, S. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 486. Wood, Alexander Nimmo, naval deserter, recovered, 366. Worthly, Colins Frank, inquest on body of, 478. Wood, Alfred John, complainant, 318. Worthley, Lionel Videon, shop broken into, offenders arrested, Wood, Charles Ernest, attache case stolen, 240. 6; complainant, 13. Wood, Edith May, brooch, lost or stolen, 431; recovered, 439. Wotton, Jack Alfred, convicted, 357. Wray, John Walter, convicted, 328; inquest on body o f, 416, Wood, Ernest Leslie, convicted and driver's licence suspended, Wray, Walter John. aliases Walter John Ray, John B, int, con- 82. victed, 23; discharged, 102, 358, 399, 406, 480; suspected Wood, Eugene Florence Ella, bicycle stolen, 354; recovered, of larceny, - 485. 376. Wood, G. Son and Co. Ltd., storeroom broken into, 27. Wright, see Thomas ,George Daffey. Wood, Francis Albert, convicted, 406. Wright, Alfred John, convicted, 309. Wood, John Edwin, pan stolen, 458. Wright, Charles Edward Lewis, convicted, 14. Wood, Mervyn Charles, bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 171. Wright, Colin Kavanagh, convicted, 337. Wood, Noel Westley, complaint dismissed, 356. Wright, Dennis, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Wood, Norman, William, convicted, 337. Wright, Donovan, convicted, 182. Wood, Raymond Lelland, bicycle stolen. 221; recovered, 316. Wright, Frederick Thomas, bicycle stolen, 324. Wood, Richard, naval deserter, recovered, 90. Wright, George Manuel, complainant, 338. Wood Stores, towels stolen, 19. WAght, George Thomas, warrant for, 332. Wood, Stewart Ashworth, watch stolen, 88. Wright, Gordon Eddell, overcoat stolen, 6. INDEX. xcvii.

Wright, Harold James , convicted, 328. Young, Francis Murray, suitcase, etc., stolen, 76. Wright, Helen Margaret, complainant 60. Young, Frank Hastings, shop broken into, 141. Wright, Horace Malcolm , convicted a3id motor driver 's licence Young, G. M. B., R.A.A.F. deserter, recovered, 298. cancelled, 418. Young, Gilbert James Groves, blacksmith's shop broken into, Wright, John Edward , complaint dismissed, 136. 275. Wright, Leon Alfred , bicycle stolen , 47 6, recovered 288. Young, Gordon St. John, convicted, 32; warrant for, 87; naval Wright, Leslie Mervyn,convicted, 156, arrested for larceny of deserter, 90. motor car , 287; convicted, 290. Young, Hugh Alexander, naval deserter, 79; cancelled 431. Wright, Lloyd Charles, convicted, Young, Hugh Edward; convicted, 232; discharged, 329. Wright, Melville William, complai ; ,,,withdrawn, 328. Young, Ian -Douglas, alias,, Ian Douglas Steans, convicted, Wright, Nellie Annie, warrant for 65. 233; discharged, 253. Wright, Norman William (Vie.), ,)4iotor cycle stolen, 268; Young, James Woodrow, watch stolen, 56. recovered, 307. Young, John,- bicycle stolen, 162; recovered, 171. Wright, Patrick William, see Charles Newman. Young, Lionel William, complaint withdrawn, 12. Wright, Ralph, watch stolen, 438. Young Men's Christian Association of Port Pirie (Incorpor- Wright, Robert, warrant for, 393. ated), complainant, 337. Wright, Thomas, committed for triz)) 11; case made remanet Young, Patrick Joseph Augustine, bicycle stolen, 458. 129-130; case made remanet , X74; case made remanet, Young, Philip Clarence Roy, trading as Fosters, complainant, 197; acquitted, 245. 300 (2), 327. Wright, Thomas, watch stolen, 447. Young, Robert Alfred, arrested for store-breaking, 429; Wright, William James , watch stolen or lost, 4-60. released on bond, 434. Wright, William Tiver, tennis racquet stolen, 447. Young, Robert Harold, released on bond, 470. Wundke, Philip, complainant, 378. Young, Shirley, suspected of larceny of clothing, etc., 19. Wurfel, Gordon Frederick John, wireless set stolen, 258. Young, Spencer, convicted, 13; warrant for, 294. Wurm, John , bicycle stolen, 476. Young, Stella May, trading as Fosters, complainant, 300 (2). Wu Su Ling, discharged, 208. Young, Stephen, watch stolen, 353. Wyatt, Clarence Leslie, naval deserter, 289. Young, William Edward, complaint withdrawn, 12. Wyatt, Colin W., suspected of larceny , 46; property recovered Youngina, Philip, complainant, 244. in possession of, 161. Youngman, Cyril Ernest, alias Ernest Youngman, arrested for Wyatt, Edgar Harold, fails to maintain, 332. larceny, 9; convicted, 12; discharged, 94. Wyatt, Frank , complainant, 433. Youngman, Lois Thelma, complainant, 252. Wyatt, George Dennis, naval deserter, 30; recovered, 48. Youngman, Melton Steve, fails to maintain, 228; arrested, Wyatt, Shirley Evaline, complainant, 479. 256; discharged, 292. Wyatt, William Alfred, convicted, 357. Young Women's Christian Association Residential Club, com- Wyld, Norman Arnold Samuel, complaints withdrawn, 405. plainant, 309. Wylde, Charles Eric, complainant, 13. Yuen Fah Cheing, motor cycle stolen, 438; recovered, 448. Wylde, Harold Eustace, complainant, 13. Yuile, Elizabeth Rosina Alice, missing friend, 377; located, Wylde, John Samuel, aliases John Stewart Wylde , Wilde, con- 387. victed, 232; discharged, 281. Wylde, John Stewart, see John Samuel Wylde. Wyley, Thomas Leo, bicycle stolen, 193. Wylie, Eric Gordon , discharged, 217. Wyman, Kenneth James, complaint dismissed , 356; informa- z tion dismissed, 357. Zadow, Theodore Dudley, convicted, 417. Wyman, Vincent Albert, naval deserter , recovered, 366. Zagami, Stefano, convicted, 31. Wynne-Jones , Reginald William Maurice, inquest on body of, Zakaria, alien, 2. 478; complainant, 490. Zammitt, Louis, aliases Lzamit, L. Zemmit, convicted, 290; discharged, 359. Zammit, Peter, committed for trial, 11; case made remanet, Y 129; nolle prosequi, 130. Zampichelli, Vincenzo (Vie.), alien, 95; arrested, 331; recap- tured, 382. Yanz, K., motor, cycle stolen, 343. Zanker, Hermann Oswald, convicted, 80, 206. Yard, Dudley, convicted and complainant, 337. Zanker, Leslie, information dismissed under Offenders' Proba- Yard, Dudley Frank, convicted and driver's licence suspended, tion Act, 291. 41. - Zappacosta, Mario (N.S.W.), alien recovered, 35. Yarrie, Eden, convicted, 204. Zappia, Nicola, discharged, 16. Yarrow, Bonnie Mary, convicted, 70. Zbierski, Arthur Herbert, convicted, 22. Yates, Arthur Cecil, complainant, 135. Zbierski, Doreen Mary, complainant, 22. Yates, Clement John, convicted, 224; warrant for, 313; Zbierski, Frank Clifton Howard, warrant for, 350; paid, 436. arrested,323. Zbierski, Raymond Hannaford, released on bond, 22. Yates, Robert, alias John Green, discharged, 41; warrant for, 228; arrested, 256; discharged, 281; warrant for, 474. Zecchini, Phyllis Lilian, formerly Greenwood, missing friend, Yates, Ronald (Vie.), motor cycle stolen, 107. 440; located, 450. Yates, Ronald Charles, bicycle stolen, 403; recovered, 414. Zecchini, Ross, naval deserter, 99. Yates, William Roland, convicted, 478. Zed, Pearle Violet, pony stolen or strayed, 153; recovered, 325. Yeates, Henry William, convicted, 424. Zemmitt, L., see Louis Zammitt. Yeend, Ronald Albert, tools stolen, 133. Zerbe, Lorna Dorothea, ring stolen, 240. Yellow Cabs (S'.A.) Limited, complainant, 81. Ziegler and Schiller, see Charles Frederick Ziegler and Herbert Yellow Express Carriers, material stolen, 395. Valentine Schiller. Yeo, Albert Roy, convicted, 164. Ziegler, Charles Frederick (trading as Ziegler and Schiller), Yeo, John Allan Edward, naval deserter recovered, 90. complainant, 80. - Yeoman, Pearl Dorothy, leather handbag stolen, 475. Ziem, Colin Rex, fails to maintain, 436; arrested, 465. Yeomans, Dorothy Alice, complainant, 49. Zietse, William Alfred, convicted, 93. Yesberg, R. C. (N.S.W.), motor cycle stolen, 152; recovered, Zimmer, William Alfred, convicted, 172. 162, Zimmerman, Johannes Alfred, complaint withdrawn, 328. Yin, Gordon Henry, convicted, 327; discharged, 359. Zimmermann, Alfred Walter, complainant, 378. Youdell, Murray William, kitbag and clothing stolen, 248. Zimmermann, Paul Hermann, convicted, 49. Youels, Kenrick Percy, bicycle stolen, 258; recovered, 268. Zinnick, Charles Frederick, clothing stolen, 384. Young, Andrew Martin, complainant, 60. Zito, Domenico, alien arrested, 483. Young, Annie Gertrude, statue stolen, 179. Zoanetti, Innocenitti, offenders located for housebreaking, 114. Young, Bucko, known as Bill, suspected of larceny, 19. Zubrinich, (Mrs.), handbag stolen, 114; offender arrested, 152. Young, C., (N.S.W.), motor car stolen, 89. Zuchelt. Victor Edward, convicted and driver's licence disquali- Young, Charles Frank, convicted, 470. fied, 369. Young, Charlie (abo,.), convicted, 13; discharged, 16. Zucker, Edwin William, convicted, 12; committed for sentence, Young, Edward Keith, missing friend, 289; located, 317. 318; released on bond, 408. INDEX TO GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS ISSUED IN SUPPLEMENTS.

Year ended 31st December, 1947.

Name. Photo. N o. Name. Photo. No. A Collins, Leonard John, aliases L. J. Collins, Leonard J. 2360 Alderson, Peter Kevin, alias Peter Kevin Anderson 2335 Collins John Collins ...... Alick, Thomas, see Charles Edward Bourke. "ollins, Marie, aliases, Mary McLachlan, Marie Moore 2340 Allan, Herbert, see Herbert Allen. Conlan, Derick, see Vincent Arthur Jones. Allen, Herbert, alias Herbert Allan 2443 Connel, George, see Allen George Coffey. Anderson, Herbert, see William Johnstone. Constano, William, see Allen George Coffey. Anderson, Peter Kevin, see' Peter Kevin Alderson. Conway, Neil Francis ...... 2503 Arsene, Lupin, see Raymond Lawrence Rolfe. Corbell, Ronald Arthur, alias RonaldArthur Poulton .. 2376 Ash, Hurtle Victor ...... 2323 Coughlin, Erick, see Vincent Arthur Jones. Ashton, Allan George ...... 2467 Crawford, W. C., see James Henry Fairweather. Crosby, see Arthur Edward Gill. Cushing, Arthur, see John Barry Isles. B Cuthbert, Jack ...... 2449 Bailey, Dudley Mortimer ...... 2336 2371 Barkell, Keith ...... D Barmby, Vernon Robert ...... 2479 Barry, John, see John Barry Isles. Dalton, John William, aliases, John William Rogan, Baxton, J. H., see James Henry Fairweather. John William Seabrooke, John Brogan, John Jarvis, Beale, Agnes Veronica ...... 2407 William Henry Rosser ...... 2341 Bell, John Joseph ...... 2480 Davey, Edward Arnold ...... 2504 Bender, Cyril Alfred Charles ...... 2324 Davies, Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. Benjamin, Kenneth Samuel . 2299 Davis, Bert, aliases Bertie Davis, Alfred Williams, Ron Bergin, Noel Walter Lawrence, aliases B. Fricker, Osborne ...... 2505 0. Moulden, J. West ...... 2445 Davis, Bertie, see Bert Davis. Bergin, Patrick Joseph ...... 2300 Davis, Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. Bishop, Frank, see John Colin Michell. DeKuyper, Sydney James, aliases George Giles, Frank Boland, Raymond ...... 2395 Stevens ...... 2396 Booth, Brian 2408 Del Fabro, Ugo ...... 2483 Bourke, Charles Edward, aliases, Charles Lewis Peoples, Denman, Arthur Henry, alias A. Harrison ...... 2484 Charles Ryan, Allan Mulligan, Charles Lewis Lane, Dinham, William Maxwell, alias Jones ...... 2397 Thomas Alick, John Edwards, Archibald Alexander Dodd, John Bishop .. .. • . • • • • .. .. 2326 Frater .. •• •. .• 2372 Doorey, Harold Raymond, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Bourke, Robert, see Allen George Coffey. Doorey, Howard Raymond, aliases Raymond Howard Brailsford, Ronald Herbert . . . . 2373 Doorey, James Raymond O'Brien, Harold Raymond Brennan, James Albert, see John Albert Brennan. Doorey, Sawyer, Wallace ...... 2413 Brennan, John Albert, aliases, James Albert Brennan, Doorey, Raymond Howard, see Howard Raymond John Albert Harris, John Albert Byrne ...... 2337 Doorey. Brennan, Martin, see Lewis Grant. Downing, Frederick, alias John Ryan, William Frederick Brennan, William, see Lewis Grant. Lawrence ...... 2302 Broadbent, Alan Ivan, alias Wain ...... 2325 Downing, George, see Arthur Robert Clark. Brogan, John, see John William Dalton. Doyle, Victor Anzac, see Victor John Doyle Brookes, Ernest James, aliases Ernest James Brooks, Doyle, Victor Edward, see Victor McCarthy. Roberts, E. G. Hollard . .. 2481 Doyle, Victor John, alias victorAnzac Doyle ...... 2450 Brooks, Ernest James, see Ernest James Brookes. Druitt, J., see John Joseph Sullivan. Brown, Albert 2444 Duffy, Pat, see Peter Joseph Duffy. Buchanan, Norman Stanley, see Christopher Caswell. Duffy, Peter Joseph, aliases Pat Duffy, L. 'T. Fryer 2414 Burns, Norman Victor, see Victor McCarthy. Duncan, Ray, see John Colin Michell. Burt, Robert Henry ...... 2409 Dunne, Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. Byrne, John Albert, see "John Albert Brennan. Durkan, James, see John Colin Michell.

C E Cains, Walter Hugh .. .. • • .. - 2482 Eddy, William alias William Edwards .. .. . 2377 Calabornes, James ...... 2410 Edis, Percival Inman ...... 2303 Campbell, (Daniel Owen .. .. 2301 Edmond, Victor R., see Victor McCarthy. Campbell, Leslie, aliases Richard Mongovin, Richard Edmunds, Robert Lochtie ...... 2433 Mongavin, Richard Chapman, Robert Chapman 2411 Edwards, Alan Peter, see Harold Pirie Evans. Canham, Harry Raymond, alias Geoffrey 'Simpson 2412 Edwards, John, see Charles Edward Bourke. Cappella, Max, 'see Christopher Caswell. Edwards, William, see William Eddy. Castle, Norman Robert, see Norman Warren Castle. Elliott, Alan Maxwell ...... 2361 Castle, Norman Warren, alias Norman Robert Castle 2338 Elphick, Leonard Charles ...... 2304 Caswell, Christopher, aliases, Norman Stanley Buchanan, Eltham, Josiah George ...... 2485 Stephen Caswell, Max Cappella, Tex Caswell .. .. 2359 Emond, Ronald Victor, see Victor McCarthy. Caswell, Stephen, see Christopher Caswell. Emond, Victor Donald, see Victor McCarthy. Caswell, Tex, see Christopher Caswell. Emond, Victor Ronald, see Victor McCarthy. Cattermole, John Edward ...... 2339 Engel, Frederick Herman, alias Harry Smith .. .. 2305 Chaplin, George Lionel, aliases Lionel George Chaplin, Evans, Harold Pirie, alias Alan Peter Edwards .. .. 2342 Longfellow ...... 2446 Everingham , Ross Carlyle ...... 2486 Chaplin, Lionel George, see George Lionel Chaplin. Chapman, Richard, see Leslie Campbell. Chapman, Robert, see Leslie Campbell. F Cheesman, Arthur William Pierce ...... 2374 Fairweather, James Henry, aliases James W. Lovegrove, Chenoweth, Donald Wilfred ...... 2468 J. H. Baxton, W. C. Crawford, J. B. Gorman, J. H. Chilton, Algie, see Alvan Stewart Hartley Taylor. McKenzie ...... 2487 Chivell, Ernest Henry ...... 2447 Fairweather, William Clement ...... 2488 Churchett, William Joseph ...... 2431 Farrell, James ...... 2306 Clark, Anthony, see Arthur Robert Clark. Foley, see Raymond John Splatt. Clark, Arthur Oxley, see Arthur Robert Clark. Ford, Francis Escott, alias Henry Ford ...... 2343 Clark, Arthur Robert, aliases, Anthony Clark, Tony Clark, Ford, Henry, see Francis Escott Ford. Arthur Oxley Clark, George Harcourt, George Down- Forrest, Harry Mervyn ...... 2307 ing, Thompson ...... 2375 Francis, David ...... 2344 Clark, Tony, see Arthur Robert Clark. Francissen, Jan, see Johannes Gerardus Manuel Petro- Clark, William ...... 2448 cus Maria Francissen Van Brabant. Coffey, Allen George, aliases Robert Bourke, George Francissen, Johannes, see Johannes Gerardus Manuel Joseph McCulloch, Joseph Davies, Joseph Davis, Petrocus Maria Francissen Van Brabant. George Connel. George Joseph Tyler, William Con- Franson, William Ernest ...... 2489 stano, Joseph Dunne, George McConnell ...... 2432 Frater, Archibald Alexander, see Charles Edward Collins, John, see Leonard John Collins. Bourke. Collins, L. J., see Leonard John Collins. Fricker, B., see Noel Walter Lawrence Bergin. Collins, Leonard J., see Leonard John Collins. Fryer, L. T., see Peter Joseph Duffy. 2 INDEX.

Name. Photo. N o. Name. Photo. N o. G K Gallagher, Jack, see John Cyril Gallagher. Kelly, Douglas Patrick...... 2364 Gallagher, John Cyril, otherwise Jack Gallagher .. .. 2345 Kelly, Harold John Anderson ...... 2437 Garvey, see Daniel James Patrick O'Hanneran Garvie Kennedy, John Arthur Ernest .r...... 2438 Garvie, Daniel James Patrick O'Hanneran, alias Garvey 2327 King, Jack Oliver, aliases Leslie Graham, James George Gaskin, Thomas Clifford ...... 2451 Miller, Jack Thomas Reid ...... 249'6 Gavin, Kevin Charles, alias Kevin Charles O'Connor 2506 King, Vincent, see Vincent Arthur Jones. George, Graham Alfred ...... 2434 Kleisner, John Charles, aliases M. Kleisner, John Reeds, Giles, George, see Sydney James DeKuyper. John Charles Reids, J. C. Martin ...... 2380 Gill, Arthur Edward, aliases, Anthony St. Clair, Anthony Kleisner, M., see John Charles Kleisner. St. Clare, Captain Gill, James McDonald, Scobie, Crosby ...... 2398 L Gill, Captain, see Arthur Edward Gill. Ladhams, Ronald Ernest ...... 2347 Ginman, Allan Charles ...... 2399 Lampard, Walter Henry ...... 2419 Good, John Patrick ...... 2415 Lane, Charles Lewis, see Charles Edward Bourke. Gordon, John William, see John Barry Isles. Langsford, Leslie John, see Leslie John Lansford. Gordon, William Lewis, alias W. Wallis ...... 2400 Lansford, Leslie John, alias Leslie John Langsford .. 2348 Gorman, J. B., see James Henry Fairweather. Lawrence, William Frederick, see Frederick Downing. Graham, Leslie, see Jack Oliver King. Lawson, Donald Gordon ...... 2420 Grant, Lewis, aliases John McDonald, Martin Brennan, Lawson, Hugh, see Lewis Grant. Hugh Lawson, James Taylor, Harry Van Buren, Lennard, Donald Edward ...... 2455 William Brennan, Robert Taylor ...... 2308 Lindner, Frederick Harold, alias Lloyd Lindner 2439 Gray, Francis Eric ...... 2469 Lindner, Lloyd, see Frederick Harold Lindner. Greedy, Ronald, see Ronald Green. Lindquist, Ernest Laurence ...... 2381 Green, Ronald, alias Ronald Greedy ...... 2416 Lloyd, George Harry ...... 2329 Greenwood, Frederick George ...... 2309 Longfellow, see George Lionel Chaplin. Griffiths, Alan Hamilton ...... 2362 Lovegrove, James W., see James Henry Fairweather. Grindell, Gordon Henry, see Gordon Henry Moore. Lugg, Keith Victor John ...... 2456 Grotto,, Rino ...... 2435 Lyons, William Alexander , see John GrahamRuxton. Guerkin, Ronald George, dlias Ronald George Guerking 2507 Lyons, Dr . Norman , see Norman Douglas Smillie. Guerking, Ronald George, see Ronald George Guerkin. Gunderson, Gunner Kornelius, see Jacob Hall Mc McCabe, Stanley, see John Colin Michell. H McCarney, William John .. .. . 2401 Haines, Norman Anthony ...... 2508 McCarthy, Victor, aliases Victor R. Edmond, Victor Hall, Edmonds Gilmore, alias Eric Hall ...... 2509 Edward Doyle, Victor Ronald Emond, Victor Donald Hall, Erie, see Edmonds Gilmore Hall. Emond, Ronald Victor Emond,- Norman Victor Burns 2511 Hall, Jacob, aliases Oscar Johnson, James Roland, Oscar McClements, Bobbie, aliases Robert McClements, Robert Karl Olsen, Harry Hansen, Gunner Kornelius Gunder- McFarlane, R. Stone ...... 2402 son, John Nilsen, Karl Johnson ...... 2378 McClements, Robert, see Bobbie McClements. Hambling, Lancelot Wilson, see Lancelot Wilson Ham- McCluer, see William Johnstone. ling. McConnell, George, see Allen George Coffey. Hamling, Lancelot Wilson, alias Lancelot Wilson Hamb- McCulloch, George Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. ling 2490 McCullough, William Percy ...... 2351 Hamlyn, Kenneth William, aliases George Thomas, Tex McDonald, Donald ...... 2512 Thomas, William Kenneth Hamlyn 2310 McDonald, James, see Arthur Edward Gill Hamlyn, William Kenneth, see Kenneth William McDonald, John, see Lewis Grant. Hamlyn. McFarlane, Patrick, see John Colin Michell. Hansen, Harry, see Jacob Hall. McFarlane, Robert, see Bobbie McClements. Harcourt, George, see Arthur Robert Clark. McIntyre, Kenneth William ...... 2331 Harford, Ronald Keith ...... 2417 McKay, Alfred John ...... 2460 Harris, George, see William Johnstone. McKenzie, J. H., see James Henry Fairweather. Harris, John Albert, see John Albert Brennan. McKenzie, James, see William Johnstone. Harris, John William, aliases Clive Smith, Monk .. .. 2491 McLachlan; Mary, see Marie Collins. Harrison, A. see Arthur Henry Denman. McTerby, Jock, see Keith Charles Tervey. Hash, Charles, see John Colin Michell. MeTervey,Keith John, see Keith Charles Tervey. Hastings, Kenneth Frederick George ...... 2311 MeTervy, John Keith, see Keith Charles Tervey. Helbig, Arthur Edwin ...... 2470 McWaters, George William Stanley ...... 2352 Hendrickson, Donald Grant ...... 2452 Hennessy, Maurice Joseph ...... 2379 M Hewett, James Palmer ...... • .. .. 2492 Mabarrack, Maurice ...... 2421 Hillier, Stanley ...... 2453 MacKenzie, James, see William Johnstone. -Hodgson, George, +see John Colin Michell. Maher, George, alias Hiram George Winters ...... 2365 Hollard, E. G., see Ernest James Brookes. Mahoney, Thomas James ...... , 2471 Holt, John William ...... 2493 Mars, Edwin James, see John Colin Michell. -Hood, Clarence Douglas ...... 2494 Mars, Ray, see John Colin Michell. Hywood, Harold Kenneth James ...... 2436 Marsh, Frederick James, see Frederick James Marshall. Marshall, Charley James, see Frederick James Marshall. I Marshall, Frederick James, aliases Frederick James Marsh, Charley James Marshall, Smith ...... 2510 Isles, John Barry, aliases, John Barry, Arthur Cushing, Martin, Allan Mervyn ...... 2330 John William Gordon ...... 2346 Martin, J. C., see John Charles Kleisner. Matthews, Henry John, see Francis Jackson. J Matthewson, Ernest 'Trevor ...... 2422 Jackson, Francis, aliases Harold Roy Middleton, Henry May, Lenford William, otherwise Linford William May 2457 John Middleton, Henry John Matthews ...... 2312 May, Linford William, see Lenford William May. James, Henry Herbert, alias Herbert Henry James 2495 Menzies, Donald Ross ...... 2382 James, Herbert Henry, see Henry Herbert James. Michel, Colin, see John Colin Michell. Jarvis, John, see John William Dalton. Michel, John Colin, see John Colin Michell. Jeffries, Alan, see Vincent Arthur Jones. Michell, Cecil, see John Colin. Michell. Johnson, see Norman Douglas Smillie. Michell, John Colin, aliases John Colin Michel, Colin Johnson, Karl, see Jacob Hall. Michel, Colin Nash, Charles Nash, John Colin Nash, Johnson, Oscar, see Jacob Hall. Ray Duncan, Edwin James Mars, Frank Bishop, Johnson, William, see William Johnstone. Stanley McCabe, George Hodgson, Daniel O'Reilly, Johnstone, John Keith, see Lindsay George Johnstone. Patrick McFarlane, Thomas Nash, James Durkan, Cecil Johnstone, Lindsay George, aliases Lindsay Gordon Michell, Ray Mars, Charles Hash, Jack Thompson .. 2458 Johnstone, John Keith Johnstone ...... 2328 Middleton, Harold Roy, see Francis Jackson. Johnstone, Lindsay Gordon, see Lindsay George John- Middleton, Henry John, see Francis Jackson. stone. Miller, James George, see Jack Oliver King. Johnstone, William, aliases, William Johnson, Herbert Milligan, Gordon ...... 2497 Anderson, George Harris, James McKenzie, Herbert, Millions, Montague, see WilliamJohnstone. Montrose, Montague Millions, Montrose, McCluer, Mingo,Berthold Heinrich ...... 2459 James MacKenzie ...... 2454 Mongavin, Richard, see Leslie Campbell. Jones, see William Maxwell Dinham. Mongovin, Richard, see Leslie Campbell. Jones, John Benjamin ...... 2363 Monk, see John William Harris. Jones, Vincent Arthur, aliases Derick Conlan, Vincent Montrose, Herbert, see William Johnstone. King, Erick Coughlin, Alan Jeffries ...... 2418 Moore, Gordon Henry, alias Gordon Henry Grindell 2349 Jury, Frederick, see Leslie Frederick Orchard. Moore, Harry, alias Henry Moore ...... 2350 INDEX. 3

Name. Photo. No. Name. Photo. No. Moore, Henry, see Harry Moore. Smith, see Frederick James Marshall. Moore, Marie, see Marie Collins. Smith, Clive, see John William Harris. Morgan, Keith Charles, see Keith Charles Tervey. Smith, Harry, see Frederick Herman Engel. Moses, Michael Norman Stanley .. , ...... 2423 Smith, Percival Charles 2426 Moulden, 0., see Noel Walter Lawrence Bergin. Splatt, Raymond John, aliases Ronald Wilson, Foley 2427 Mulligan, Allan, see Charles Edward Bourke. Stacey, F. L., see Frederick.Walter Slann. Murray, John Thomas ...... , . .. . . 2313 Stanley, Barrie Roy, alias Barry Roy Stanley ...... 2428 Murray, William Bruce ...... 2498 Stanley, Barry Roy, see Barrie Roy Stanley Stevens, Frank, see Sydney James DeKuyper. Stevens, Stanley Clarence ...... 2389 N Stone, 'R., see Bobbie McClements. 2440 Namana, Frank Norman . , Storr, Leslie Charles ...... 2369 Nash, Charles, see John Colin Michell. Sullivan, John Joseph, alias J. Druitt ...... 2390 Nash, Colin, see John Colin Michell. Summers, Harry, see Harold Whitford. Nash, John Colin, see John Colin Michell. Swift, Michael Dennis ...... 2429 Nash, Thomas, see John,Colin Michell. Neale, Frederick Herbert ...... 2366 Niehus, Frederick Eric Ray ...... 2441 T 2333 Niehus, Kevin Frederick ...... 2314 Taylor, Alfred David Nilsen, John, see Jacob Hall. Taylor, Alvan Stewart Hartley, alias Algie Chilton .. 247`4 Noakes, Robert Mervyn .. , . 2367 Taylor, James, see Lewis Grant. Taylor, Robert, see Lewis Grant. Tellam, John ...... 2370 0 Terschiphorst, Alwyne Johannes ...... 2475 O'Brien, James Raymond, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Tervey, Keith Charles, aliases , John Keith McTervy, O'Connor, Kevin Charles, see Kevin Charles Gavin. Keith Charles Morgan, Keith John MeTervey, Brian O'Dea, Cyril ...... 2315 Herbert Turvey, Keith Charles Turvey, Jock McTerby, Olsen, Oscar Karl, see Jacob Hall. Roberts, Keith Charles Tervy ...... 2318 Orchard, Frederick Luke, see Leslie Frederick Orchard„ Tervy, Keith Charles, see Keith Charles Tervey. Orchard, Leslie Frederick, aliases Frederick Luke Thomas, George, see Kenneth William Hamlyn. Orchard, Frederick Jury ...... 2383 Thomas, Ronald .. .. 2465 O'Regan, Norbert Cecil, see Norman Patrick Ryan. Thomas, Tex, see Kenneth William Hamlyn. O'Regan, Norbert Joseph, see Norman Patrick Ryan. Thompson, see Arthur Robert Clark. O'Regan, Norman Patrick, see Norman Patrick Ryan. Thompson, Jack, see John Colin Michell. O'Reilly, Daniel, see John Colin Michell. Threadgold, Wilfred Ellis ...... 2501 Osborne, Ron, see Bert Davis. Thurgood, Reginald George, see RonaldGeorge Thurgood. Oughton, John Robson ...... 2403 Thurgood, Ronald George, alias Reginald George Thur- good ...... 2391 P Tuckey, Arthur William ...... 2404 Turner, Keith Arnold ...... , . 2476 Pascoe, Clifford Leo, alias Leo Clifford Pascoe .. .. , , 2368 Turvey, Brian Herbert, see Keith Charles Tervey. Pascoe, Leo Clifford, see Clifford Leo Pascoe. Turvey, Keith Charles, see Keith Charles Tervey. Pascoe, Leslie Henwood ...... 2384 Tyler, George Joseph, see Allen George Coffey. Peach, Frank ...... 2385 Pearce, Graham Ronald, see Ronald Graham Pearce. U Pearce, Ronald Graham, aliases Graham Ronald Pearce, Uren, Richard .. . . 2319 Ronald Grayham Pearce ...... , . 2499 Pearce, Ronald Grayham, see Ronald Graham Pearce. Peoples, Charles Lewis, see Charles Edward Bourke. V Perry, Archibald Charles ...... 2461 Van Brabant, Dr. see Johannes Gerardus Manuel Petro- Perry, Frederick Henry ...... 2500 eus Maria Francissen Van Brabant. Pollard, William Jack ...... 2386 Van Brabant, Johannes Gerardus Manuel Petroe'us Potts, Frederick Robert .. .. 2462 Maria Francissen, aliases Johannes Francissen, Jan Poulton, Ronald Arthur, see Ronald Arthur Corbell. Francissen, Dr. Van Brabant ...... 2405 Poulton, Ronald Leslie ...... 2424 Van Buren, Henry, see Lewis Grant. Pudney, Archie Oliver , , , , ...... 2316 w R Wain, see Alan Ivan Broadbent. Reeds, John, see John Charles Kleisner Wakefield, Harold Dennis, see Ronald Dennis Wakefield. Regan, Lila May . , . . 2387 Wakefield, Ronald Dennis, alias Harold Dennis Wake- Reid, Jack Thomas, see Jack Oliver King. field ...... 2356 Reids, John Charles, see John Charles Kleisner. Wallace, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Ritchie, Charles Lawrence, see Raymond Lawrence Rolfe. Wallis, W., see William Lewis Gordon. Roberts, see Keith Charles Tervey. Walsh, Leo Stanley ...... 2320 Roberts, see Ernest James Brookes. Warhurst, Russell Milton ...... 2392 Roberts, Clarence ...... 2317 Wells, Leslie Michael William Charles .. , . .. .. 2321 Robertson, Harry James, alias Harry James Robinson 2472 Wells, William Neil ...... 2514 Robinson, Harry James, see Harry James Robertson. West, J., see Noel Walter Lawrence Bergin. Rogan, John William, see John William Dalton. Whimpering, Arthur, see Arthur Henry Whyte. Roland, James, see Jacob Hall. White, Laurence Peter ...... , . 2430 Rolfe, Raymond Lawrence, aliases Charles Lawrence Whitford, Harold, alias HarrySummers ...... 2477 Ritchie, Arsene Lupin ...... 2442 Whyte, Arthur Henry, alias Whimpering Arthur .. .. 2502 Rose, Robert Raymond Lenton ...... 2332 Wild, see John Samuel Wylde. Rosser, William Henry, see John William Dalton. Williams, Alfred, see Bert Davis. Ruxton, John Graham, alias William Alexander Lyon 2513 Williams, William John .. .. 2357 Ryan, Charles, see Charles Edward Bourke. Willmott, Ernest Charles, see Edward Charles Wilmot. Ryan, Donald Hume ...... 2463 Wilmot, Edington Charles, see Edward Charles Wilmot. Ryan, Henry Charles ...... 2473 Wilmot, Edward Charles, aliases Edward Charles Wil- Ryan, Henry Joseph ...... 2464 son, Edward George Wilson, " Tassie" Wilmot, Ryan, John, see Frederick Downing. Ernest Charles Willmott, Eddington Charles Wilmot 2358 Ryan, Norman Patrick, aliases Norbert Joseph Wilmot, "Tassie," see Edward Charles Wilmot. O'Regan, Norbert Cecil O'Regan, Norman Patrick Wilson, Arthur Lyle Compton .. . , , .. 2466 O'Regan 2353 Wilson, Edward Charles, see Edward Charles Wilmot. Wilson, Edward George, see Edward Charles Wilmot. Wilson, Leonard Ross ...... 2322 S Wilson, Ronald, see Raymond John Splatt. St. Clair, Anthony, see Arthur Edward Gill. Winter, Athol John ...... 2406 St. Clare, Anthony, see Arthur Edward Gill. Winters, Hiram George, see George Maher. Sawyer, see Howard Raymond Doorey. Wiseman, Robert Lloyd, alias Robert Roy Wiseman.. 2393 Schiphorst,Alwyne Johannes Ter ...... 2475 Wiseman, Robert Roy, see Robert Lloyd Wiseman. Scobie, see Arthur Edward Gill. Wylde, John Samuel, aliases John Stewart Wylde, Wild 2478 Scroop, Leslie Roy ...... 2388 Wylde, John Stewart, see John Samuel Wylde. Seabrooke, John William, see John William Dalton. Simpson, Geoffrey, see Harry Raymond Canham. Y Skuthorpe, James Richard, alias Richard James Sku- thorpe .. .. . ,...... ,. 2425 Youngman, Cyril Ernest, see Ernest Youngman. Skuthorpe, . Richard James, see James Richard Skuthorpe. Youngman, Ernest, alias Cyril Ernest Youngman .. 2394 Slann, Frederick Walter, alias F. L. Stacey .. . .. 2354 Smillie, Norman Douglas, aliases Dr. Norman Lyons, z 2355 Zanker, Oswald Frederick .. .. , , , . , , 2334


WEDNESDAY , 12th NOVEMBER, 1947. No. 6.

NOTE .- Unless otherwise stated the arrest of these persons is not desired outside this State.

11. SCARLETT , GRAHAM JAMES EDWARD, aliases Dennis McCarthy Hardman , Ronald W. Lewis. Native of Vic., labourer, born 1924, 5ft. 11in., thin build, medium complexion, brown hair, thin face, sometimes wears glasses. Vic. Special Photo. 131E. Wanted for questioning regarding larceny of a camera from Hollywood Studios and forgery and uttering. (P.G., 1947, page 123, " Stealing in Dwellings, Etc."-C.4245).

No warrant. Any information gained, Detective Vogelesang, C.I. Branch, to be notified immediately.

12. GRAHAM, STANLEY JAMES . Native of Vic., born 11/1/24, 5ft. 8in., medium build, fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, long scar inside of right thumb. F.P.C. 25/3, W/W, IMO/IMM, 15/11. Vic. photo. book 28/260 and Vic. photo. Supplement 77/1944.

Wanted for questioning regarding larceny from the dwelling of Henry Osborne at Adelaide on 29/10/47. (P.G., 1947, page 420, " Stealing in Dwellings, Etc. -C.14427). No warrant. Any information gained, Detective Harper, C.I. Branch, to be notified immediately.

13. DAFFEY, THOMAS GEORGE , aliases Alfred McGeorge , Thomas Smith, Thomas George Johnston, Thomas George Wright, Alfred Walters. Native of Qld., carpenter and seaman, born 1902, 5ft. 84in., slim build, fresh complexion, reddish hair, grey eyes, scar left index finger, left shoulderblade, right side of abdomen, very large nose. F.P.C. 30/22, ./U, 1/00. Qld. photo book 53/228, and N.S.W. 150/120. Wanted on warrant for unlawfully using a motor truck, the property of William Andrews, at Port Augusta on 27/3/47 (P.G., 1947, page 132, " Warrants Issued "- C.4416). Forty one previous convictions for stealing, breaking offence, false pretences, indecent assault, unlawfully using motor vehicles. Warrant filed at Port Augusta.


DESERTING WIVES, FAMILIES, ETC. No. PMX109373, FRANK HENRY C. KNIGHT, cook, born 16/12/22, 5ft. 10in., dark complexion, browns hair and eyes, ADELAIDE.-LESLIE GEORGE GREGG, charged, with scar both arms; from H.M.S. Golden Hind,16/12/46. War. rant filed at C.I. cruetly to Hope Gregg on 4/12/46, 21/11/46 and on other B.-(C.75.) occasions during preceding six months; wilful neglect to pro- No. PMX107082, ALBERT DARLEY, cook, born 5/8/24, vide reasonable maintenance for complainant since about 5ft. 6in., fresh complexion, brown hair and eyes, sear on both 18/11/46; and wilful neglect to provide reasonable maintenance knees; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, 20/12/46. Warrant filed at for complaiiiant's children, Patricia Ann Gregg and Veronica C.I.B.- (C.7.6.) Mary Gregg, since about 18/11/46. S.A., labourer, 32 years, No. PJX630172, ROBERT CAMPBELL, able seaman, born 5ft. 9in., large build, dark complexion, dark-brown hair, blue 19/10/25, 5ft. 9in., fresh complexion, fair hair, blue eyes; from eyes, two top joints off index finger left hand. To be brought H.M.S. Golden Hind, 18/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.- before the P.C., Adelaide. Warrant filed at C.I.B.- (C.78. ) (C.15743/46.) No.DJX34 8093, HARRY T. SPENCER,able seaman, born Executed. 7/8/18, 5ft. 7in., fair complexion and hair, blue eyes; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, 11/11/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.- ADELAIDE.-P.G., 1946, page 389.-ROBERT JAMES OLIVER CARMICHAEL has been arrested at Adelaide by Det. (C.79.) Huie and P.C. Const. Draper.-(C.100-37/46.) No. -CKX663436, E. COOPER, stoker, born 6/6/22, 5ft. 4in,, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes; from H.M.S. Golden EDWARD•STOWN. P.G., 1946, page 445.-RONALD Hind, 21/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.80.) LEONARD HARRIS has been arrested at Glenelg by Det. Strangway and P.C. Const. Rawson on information of Sergt. No. 27414, JIM BONE, ordinary seaman , born 10/5/28, S. R. Stewart.-(C.14596/46.) 5ft. 62in., medium complexion, brown hair, green eyes, scar back of right hand; from H.M.A.a. Penguin, 23/11/46. War- rant filed at C.I.B.- (C.176. ) Recovered. DESERTERS FROM H.M. SERVICE. CHARLES ARTHUR PALEY (P.G., 1945, page 397).- (C.14163/45.) NAVAL. DOUGLAS SIDNEY CHAPMAN (P.G., 1946, page 141).- No. 29397, ERNEST RONALD THORPE, ordinary seaman, (C.5051/46.) born 25/10/28, 5ft. llin., medium complexion, brown hair and H. HARRIS (P.G., 1946, page 479).-(C. 16679/46.) eyes; from H.M.A.S. Hobart, 19/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.- (C.17358/46. ) JOHN McGINLEY (P.G., 1946, page 435.-(C.15213/46.) No. 31961, JOHN PATRICK BURNS, able seaman, born CYRIL E. C. GUNNING (P.G., 1946, page 380).- 26/11/25, 5ft. 9Iin., medium complexion, dark-brown hair, blue (C.13404/46.) eyes, scar left ankle; from H.M.A.S. Penguin, 4/12/46. War- JOHN STOPANI CLARK (P.G., 1946, page 275).- rant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17235/46.) (C.9479/46.) No. PJX420783, STANLEY J. HILL, able seaman, born 7/8/25, 5ft. Sin., fresh complexion, dark hair, blue eyes; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, 4/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.- ABSENTEES FROM U.S. NAVY. (C.17361/46.) MINDEN FERRALL, fireman, first class, No. 3858464, born No. PLX700947, LEONARD W. SMART, steward, born 31/8/1914, 5ft. 1041in., 156 lb., ruddy complexion, blue eyes, 14/2/27, 5ft. 7in., fresh complexion, fair hair, blue-grey eyes, medium brown hair, thin and receding forehead, fin. sear mole left forearm and left breast; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, right temple, fin. diameter scar left shin, eagle, crossed guns 6/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17362/46.) and 76 left forearm, white race; deserted from Navy Repair No. DJX581133, BRIAN TURVEY, able seaman, born Unit, No. 3002, Subic Bay, Luzon, Phillipine Islands, 8/9 /45. 18/6/27, 5ft. 10in., fresh complexion, brown hair, light-blue -(C.41.) eyes, scar left cheek; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, 20/1/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17363/46.) No. DKX554857, PETER MAY, stoker first class, born 28/6/24, 5ft. 5in., fresh complexion, brown hair, light-blue MISSING FRIENDS. eyes, tattoo left forearm, hole left shoulder; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, 6/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17364/46.) CUDLEE CREEK.-RUTH ETHEL TRESTRAIL, S.A., No. CJX565111, WILLIAM ROBERTSON, able seaman, home duties, born 1925, about 5ft. Sin., medium build, dark- born 24/7/26, 5ft. Sin., pimply complexion, brown hair and brown hair, hazel eyes, sear above right eye towards top of eyes, scar front left thigh, tattoo right forearm, small tattoo head; missing from her home at Cudlee Creek since about mark left hand, small scars right thigh and left knee; from 15/11/46. Inquiry on behalf of Edna Maude Trestrail, mother, H.M.S. Golden Hind, 6/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.- reasiding as above.-(0.17499/46.) (C.17365/46.) EAST MARDEN.-BENJAMIN AMADIO, Italy, 19 years, No. L'TX596127, JEFFREY, ENGLAND, stoker, age not 5ft. 9in., medium build, dark complexion, black hair, browns stated, 5ft. Sin., fresh complexion, dark hair, brown eyes; from eyes, short turned-up nose, wearing check sports coat and H.M.S. Golden Hind, 7/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.- trousers; missing from his home at Wicks Lane, East Marden, (C.17366/46.) since 1/1/47. Inquiry on behalf of Giovanni Amadio, father, No. POX117280, ALLAN CHAPPELL, marine, born residing as above.-(C.9.) 13/12/23, 5ft. 5iin., fresh complexion, brown hair and eyes, NEW MILE END.-ALBERT AUGUST GOTTSCHALK, scar left elbow; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, 10/12/46. War- S.A., welder, 21 years, 5ft. 10in., strong build, dark complexion, rant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17367/46.) dark-brown hair, brown eyes, oval face, bayonet scar left side No. PJX696093, JAMES SHEPPARD, able seaman, no of jaw, believed to be wearing a navy-blue serge suit, pale- further description available; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, green shirt, black shoes and carrying a leather kitbag; missing 4/8/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17368/46.) from his home at 235 Henley Beach Road, New Mile End. Inquiry on behalf of Albert George Inkley, residing 70 Jervois No. CJX558746, WILLIAM LIONEL SHERWOOD, able sea- Street, Torrensville.-(C.97.) man, born 3/12/23, 5ft. 10in., fresh complexion, fair hair, blue PROSPECT GARDENS.-MARGARET JEAN FRANCIS, eyes; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, 6/12/46. Warrant filed at waitress, • 17 years, 5ft. 9in., strong build, medium complexion, C.I.B.- (C.17369/46. ) dark hair, blue eyes, false teeth in front, wearing green slacxs; No. DKX159628, ERIC BLACKSTONE, stoker, born missing from her home at 23 Livingstone Avenue, Prospect 25/11/23, 5ft. 9in., fresh complexion, fair hair, hazel eyes, Gardens, since 30/12/46. Inquiry on behalf of Henry Francis, scald scar right knee and scars under left knee; from H.M.S. residing as above.-(C.17597/4'6.) Golden Hind, 6/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17370/46.) Cleared Up or Located. No. CJX539637, FREDERICK A. J. WOODWARD, able. sea- man, born 24/11/26, 5ft. 8-lin., fresh complexion, brown ADELAIDE.-P.G., 1946, page 488.-JESSIE ELLEN hair, blue eyes, scar right kneo and right forearm; from DRYSDALE.- (C.16985/46. ) H.M.S. Golden Hind, 16/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B. ADELAIDE.-P.G., 1946, page 470.-DOUGLAS JOSEPH -(C.17371/46.) QUE IRIPE L.- (C.16411/46. ) No. FAAFX105153, DESMOND W. J. WESTON, naval air- ADELAIDE.-P.G., 1946, page 488.-DESMOND SMITH.- man, born 12/8/24, 5ft. 2in., fair complexion and hair, blue (C.17110/46.) eyes, operational scar right groin; from H.M.S. Golden Hind, CAMPBELLTOWN.-BAZIL LIONEL CLARENCL 16/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(0.17372/46.) TROMP SON.- (C.16410/46. ) No. 28792, STANLEY EDWIN DAVIS, stoker second class, CROYDON EXTENSION.-P.O ., 1946, page 488.-VERA born 13/3/28, 5ft. S-lin., fresh complexion, brown hair, hazel PROUT.- (C.17083/46. ) eyes, scar inner and outer side of right leg; from H.M.A.S. Penguin, 4/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.17596/4-6.) HELMSDALE.-P.G., 1946, page 488.-ALICE OLIVE ILA JAEKEL.- (C.17082/46. ) No. POX119364, K. COOMBES, royal marine, age not stated, 5ft. 7in., ruddy complexion, brown hair, blue eyes; from H.M.S. PORT ADELAIDE.-P.G,, 1946, page 488.-THELMA Golden Hind, 23/12/46. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.74.) JOYCE CURTIN.-(C.17167/46.) 40 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. [January 29, 1947.

ALFRED ERNEST JENZEN (34), summons, drive unregis- ALAN DAVIDSON MATHEWS (21), summons, breach tered motor buckboard; fined £4 and costs 10s., or 14 days. Bush Fires Act; fined £5 and costs 10s. (paid,). Det. Giles Const. Richardson. P.C., Yorketown, 21/1/47.-(C'.1290.) and P.C. Const. Lamshed. P.C., Port Pirie, 21/l/47.-(0.1256.) LOUIS THEODORE MUSTEI (25), summons, drive motor GLEN A]VZAC WANGANEEN (20), by Consts. Mutch and car without due care; fined 10s. and costs 10s., or seven days. C. C. Allen, larceny from DAVID FRANK LOGAN; one Sergt. Stokes and Const. Deed. P.C., Mannum, 23/l/47.- month. P.C., Wolseley, 20,/1/47.-(0.1226.) (C.1291.) CLARENCE BRIAN NEWCHURCH (23), by Consts. JOHN KELLY (51), summons, drive motor car without due Mutch and C. C. Allen, larceny from DANIEL OWEN CAMP- care; fined 10s. and costs 7s. 6d., or seven days. Sergt. Stokes BELL; four months. P.C., Wolseley, 20/1/47.-(C.1227.) and Const. Deed. P.C., Mannum, 23/1/47.-(0.1292.) ROBERT JOSHUA SMITH (28), summons, drive motor KENNETH WILLIAM McINTYRE (33), by Const. car without due care; fined £1 and costs 10s. (paid). Consts. Hincks, unlawfully, use a motor car the property of ALEX- Venning and Bateman. P.C., Stirling West, 22/1/47.- ANDER DUGALD GREENSHIELDS; fined £20, costs 7s. 6d., (C.1228.) and compensation £1 15s., or three months. P.C., Cummins, JOHN LAWRENCE KEANE (29), summons, breach of 22/1/47.-(C.1293.) section 189 of the Licensing Act ; fined £5 and costs 12s. 6d. ROBERT CHARLES GRANT (66), summons, drive motor Consts. Ness and Minahan. P.C., Adelaide, 22/l/47.-(C.1230.) car without due care; fined £1 and costs 10s., or seven days. ANDREW MARTIN LEVI (28), summons, breach of Lot- Sergt. Scott and Const. Jolly. P.C., Port Adelaide, 23/1/47.- tery and Gaming Act (nit-keeper) ; fined £10 and costs 10s., (C.1294.) or 28 days. Consts. Parry, Stephens, Ness, and Minahan. EMERALD FRANK LORRAINE WARE (31), by P.C. P.C., Prospect, 23/l/47.-(C.1232.) Consts. Rawlings, Hirschausen, Guly, and Matthias, unlawful JOHN DAVIES (61), summons, breach of section 161 of possession of property of s.s. RIVER MURCHISON and the Licensing Act (sly grog) ; two months. Sergt. Hillary POTATO BOARD, fined £5 and costs 7s. 6d., or 14 days. and Consts. Atkinson and J. D. Hansberry. P.C., Adelaide, P.C., Port Adelaide, 24/1/47.-(0.1295.) 23/l/47.-(C.1233.) COLIN FREDERICK LANGBEIN (18), summons, drive DONALD CAIRD STEPHEN (45), by Const. Carr, idle and motor lorry without due care fined £1 10s. and costs 10s., or disorderly; fined 10s. and costs 7s. 6d., or three days. P.C., three days. Const. Rosewall. P.C., Woodside, 23/1/47.- Truro, 22/l/47.-(C.1234.) (0.1296.) Motor Drivers' Licences Cancelled or Suspended. JAMES CHARLES FANNING (35), by Consts. A. R. V. Giles and McInnes, disorderly behaviour; fined £1 and costs KENNETH GORDON SOUTH, summons, permit uninsured 7s. 6d., or seven days. P.C., Plympton, 24/1/47.-(0.1297.) motor cycle to be driven, fined £20 (reduced to £5) and 'costs 10s., or 14 days, and licence suspended for three months CLARA ELLAN BROWN, alias CLARA ANDREWS (59), (reduced to seven days) (expired 27/1/47). Consts. Watkins by Sergt. Holloway, Woman P. Const. Anderson, and Consts. and Barker. T.C., Adelaide, 21/1/47. Description: -Aust., Inkley and Ragiess, idle and disorderly; 14 days. P.C., Mount mechanic, born 1922, 5ft. 2in., slight build, dark complexion Gambier, 21/l/47.-(C.1298.) and hair, blue eyes, residing at 27 Eighth Avenue, St. Peters.- THOMAS LYNCH, alias MONAGON (43), by Const. War- (C.1170.) ner, wilfully damaging property of the POLICE DEPART- RAYMOND HENRY MANSFIELD, summons, drive motor MENT ; fined £5, costs 7s. 6d., and compensation £4, or 14 cycle at speed dangerous; fined £10 and costs 10s., or 14 days, days. P.C., Tarcoola, 23/1/47.-(0.1299.) and licence cancelled for ore month (expired 18/1/47). Consts. AUGUST HERBERT LANGE (46), summons, drive motor Howie and Dillon. T.C., Adelaide, 19/12/46. Description:- truck without due care; fined £1 and costs £1 6s., or 72 hours. S.A., storeman, born 1926, 5ft. 10in., medium build, brown P.C. Const. Forby. P.C., Port Lincoln, 24/1/47.-(C.1300.) complexion and hair, blue eyes, residing at Ayr Avenue, Seaton ALLAN GORDON EARLE (13) and LAURENCE HENRY Park.- (0.17645/46.) JOHNSON, alias LAURENCE CAMPBELL (13), summons, VICTOR JOHN FARR, summons, drive unregistered motor housebreaking and larceny on EDITH MARY HARVEY, each cycle, fined 10s. and costs 10s., or two days; and uninsured, committed to care and custody of Children's Welfare Depart- fined £20 (reduced to £10), or 14 days, and driver's licence ment until 18 years of age; further charges against each of disqualified for seven days (expired 26/12/46). Consts. Crowle receiving on the same complainant and of housebreaking and and Rosevear. T.C., Adelaide, 20/12/46. Description :-S.A., larceny and receiving on IDA DORIS MURIEL CAMPBELL fitter and turner, 23 years, 5ft. 10in., medium, build, fair com- not proceeded with ; and a further charge against Johnson of plexion, brown hair, blue eyes, residing at 48 Alpha Road, housebreaking and larceny on RICHARD DOUGLAS PAYNE Prospect.- (C.17644/46.) was not proceeded with. Consts. Ryan and Hanney. J.C., DUDLEY WILLIAM BATTEN, summons, drive unregistered Salisbury, 24/l/47.-(C.1301.) motor car, fined £2 and costs 10s.; and uninsured, fined £2 FRANCIS WILLIAM BENNETT (55), by Railway Con- (amounts paid), and driver's licence No. 157252 suspended for stable Hughes and Woman P. Consts. Ey and Virgo, unlawfully 12 days (expires 31/1/47). Consts. Mertin and Forth. P.C., on premises of the RAILWAYS DEPARTMENT; fined £2 and Lameroo, 20/1/47. Description: -S.A., agent and carrier, born costs 7s. 6d., or 14 days. P.C., Adelaide, 26/11/46.- 1927, 5ft. 7in., thin build, fair complexion, brown hair and (C.17649/46.) eyes, residing at Lameroo.-(C.1171.) PATRICK JOSEPH CULL (59), by Railway Constable NICOLA FAZZALARI, summons, drive motor truck to right Hughes, unlawfully on premises of the RAILWAYS DEPART- of double white lines; fined £4 and costs 10s., or seven days, MENT; six weeks. P.C., Adelaide, 20/12/46.-(C.17648/46.) and licence disqualified for two months (expired 25/1/47). Consts. Sharman, Dinan and Trotter. T.C., Adelaide, 26/11/46. JOHN ROBERT JONES (56), by Railway Constable Description:-Italy, marketgardener, 5ft. Sin.,medium build, Hughes, unlawfully on premises of the RAILWAYS DEPART- dark complexion, brown hair and eyes, residing at Hardys MENT; six weeks. P.C., Adelaide, 20/12/46.-(C.17647/46.) Road, Underdale.-(0.17646/46&.) DONALD GORDON LAWSON (23), by Consts. Denley and VICTOR HAROLD ARNOLD McCOMLSH, summons, Blyth, unlawfully use a motor car the property of MICHAEL permit unregistered motor car to be driven, fined 10s., or 24 BAUER; three months. P.C., Adelaide, 24/1/47.-(C.668.) hours; and uninsured, fined £20 and costs 10s., or four weeks KENNETH IVAN ROGERS (22) and FRANK HUGH and licence disqualified for three months (expires 24/2/47). SMITH (19), summons, unlawfully interfering with a motor Consts. D. A. Smith and Boylan. T.C., Adelaide, 25/11/46. cycle, the property of HARRY THEODORE WANDKE, Rogers Description: -S.A., tool hardener, 28 years, 5ft. 9in., medium fined £2 10s. and costs 10s., or seven days, and Smith released build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes, residing at 197 on bond for 12 months; and unlawfully on the premises of Torrens Road, Kilkenny.-(C.17642/46.) same complainant, Rogers fined £1 and costs 10s., or three ROBERT BRUCE JONES, summons, drive unregistered days, and Smith convicted without a penalty. Consts. Hopkins motor car, fined 10s. and costs 10s., or two days; and uninsured, and J. W. White. P.C., Whyalla, 22/1/47.-(C.1304.) fined £20, or 21 days, and disqualified from holding a licence THOMAS STANLEY JOHNS (21), summons, assaulting for three months (expires 16/3/47). Consts. D. A. Smith and JOHN O'HARA; fined £10 and costs 7s. 6d., or one month. Boylan. T.C., Adelaide, 17/12/46. Description:-S.A., Const. Hineks. P.C., Cummins, 20/1/47.-(C.1305.) mechanic, born 1927, 5ft. 7in., slight build, dark complexion and hair, brown eyes, resides at Torrens Road, Cheltenham.- GORDON RICHARD EDWARDS (18), by P.C. Consts. (C.17643/46.) Marker and Const. T. L. Martin, larceny from ALLAN GALLI- FORD; two months. P.C., Whyalla, 22/1/47.-(C.1306.) THOMAS JAMES PATRICK GLENNON, summons, drive unregistered motor car, fined £1 and costs 10s., or three days; FREDERICK ARTHUR POSSINGHAM (39), summons, and uninsured, fined £20 (reduced to £5), and licence suspended assaulting ALFRED JAMES THOMAS; fined £10 and costs for seven days (expired 27/1/47). Consts. G. R. Smith and 18s., or 21 days. Sergt. Fitzgerald and Det. Flint. P.C., Norley. 'T.C., Adelaide, 21/1/47. Description: -Aust., jockey, Renmark, 23/1/47.-(0.1307.) 19 years, medium build, fair complexion, residing at 333 Marion ROLAND THOROLD LEWAN (52), summons, breach Road, Plympton.- (C.1107. ) Marine Stores Act; fined 10s. and costs 10s., or 24 hours. Det. MERVYN HURTLE BALDWIN, summons, drive motor Packman and Consts. Crowle and McCallum. P.C., Adelaide, cycle without due care; fined £5 and costs 10s., or seven days, 23/l/47.-(C.1308.) and licence cancelled for one month (expires 12/2/47). Consts. BRIAN RUTGERS (15), summons, larceny (bicycle) from Brown and. Northcott. P.C., Adelaide, 13/1/47. Description:- LEO RONALD GROOME; released on father's bond for 12 Aust.,apprentice fitter and turner, 21 years,5ft. Sin.,stout months. Det. Giles, P.C. Const. Lamshed, and Const. Brooks. build, fresh complexion, red hair, hazel eyes, residing at 99 J.C., Port Pirie, 21/1/47.-(0.1309.) Torrens Road, Kilkenny.- (C.1113. ) 44 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. [February 5, 1947.

MISSING MOTOR REGISTRATION DISCS. EXEMPTIONS GRANTED UNDER THE ABORIGINES Reg. No. Make of Vehicle. ACT. 1014 New Imperial motor cycle. PATRICK MAXWELL WAYE, BESSIE WAVE, PAT- 2412 Motor trailer. RICIA MARGARET WAYE, and PATRICK GORDON 3792 Levis motor cycle. WAVE, of Leigh Creek; WILLIAM SMITH, MOLLIE 3925 Motor trailer. SMITH, BETTY SMITl, DOREEN JOAN SMITH, GRETA 4676 Trailer. SMITH, WILLIAM FREDERICK SMITH, and BEVERLEY 5693 Panther motor cycle. SMITH, of Wudinna; ALFRED CAMERON, senior, of Men- ingie; HARRY TAYLOR, of Wallaroo; and' ROY GILES, 5940 Trailer. of Nildottie.-(C.587.) 6146 Trailer. 8264 Trailer. 11-599 Horse float. 11-773 Caravan. BRITISH SEAMEN DESERTERS. 81-978 Excelsior motor cycle. P.G., 1946, page 243.-The warrants for W. TURNER and 83-372 B.S.A. motor cycle. H. FINNEY have been withdrawn.-(C.8011/46.) 87-359 Triumph motor cycle. 96-877 Panther motor cycle. 97-659 Raleigh motor cycle. 98-687 Harley Davidson motor cycle. INDECENCY OFFENCES. 140-721 Ford motor car. CHELTENHAM.-At about 12.30 p.m. on 28/1/47, an UNKNOWN MAN indecently exposed himself in Woodstock Street. Description :-About 26 years, 5ft. 9in., thin build, medium complexion, brown curly hair, and wearing a sports suit with a check open neck shirt. No warrant.-(C.1358.) MISSING MOTOR TRADERS' PLATES. CHELTENHAM.-At about 12.30 p.m. on 28/1/47, an J. N. Taylor & Co. Ltd. report Traders' Plates No. T.940 UNKNOWN MAN indecently exposed himself in Woodstock missing. Street. Description.-About 26 years, about 5ft. 9in., thin build, medium. complexion, brown curly hair, and wearing a grey sports suit and a cheek open neck shirt. No warrant. -(C.1633.) PROSPECT.-At about 12.25 p.m. on 3/2/47, an UN- ALIENS. KNOWN YOUTH indecently exposed himself on the front VICTORIA.- P.G., 1946, page 27, and 1947, page 35.- verandah of 6 Muriel Street. Description.-About 16 years, KARL SCHMIDT , aliases HANS SCHMIDT, RICHARD about 5ft. 8in., thin build, sallow complexion, black hair, dark SMITH, RICHARD KLINGENBERG , RICHARD PARKER, eyes, and wearing khaki shorts, white cotton athletic singlet, RICHARD LUDWIG KARL HANS SCHMIDT has been and either sandals or sandshoes. No warrant.-(C.1632.) arrested at , Werribee , Victoria .-( C.1219.) MILLSWOOD.-At about 11.30 a.m. on 27/1/47, an UNKNOWN MAN indecently exposed himself in Northgate Street. Description.-About 21 years, about 5ft. 8in., thin build, fair complexion, red hair, wearing brown sports coat and khaki trousers.-(C.1595.) PROVISIONAL WARRANTS.

Executed. WARRANTS ISSUED. NEW SOUTH WALES.-P.G., 1946, page 449.-The pro- visional warrant for ROBERT WILLIAM COOPER, alias ADELAIDE.-ARTHUR JAMES BROUGH, non-payment of WILLIAM JOHN COLE, has been withdrawn.-(C.14636/46.) fine and costs (£1 17s.), or five days, for drunkenness. S.A., labourer, born 1885, 5ft. 3in., medium build and complexion, brown hair, blue eyes (left artificial). Warrant filed at C.I.B. -- (C.725.) ADELAIDE.-FRED HIGGINS, alias SCOTTY HIGGINS, SPECIAL INQUIRY. non-payment of fine and costs (£3 12s. 6d.), or 14 days, for half-caste aborigine drinking liquor. S.A., labourer, born 1896, 6ft. lin.. strong build, dark hair, brown eyes. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.772.) ADELAIDE.-PETER BANKS LONG, non-payment of fine and costs (£4), or eight days, for aborigine drinking liquor. S.A., labourer, born 1894, 5ft. 6in., strong build, dark-grey hair, brown eyes, left little finger deformed. Warrant filed at C.I.B., (0.788.) ADELAIDE.-LEONARD FRANCIS MICHELL, non-pay- ment of fine and costs (£2 3s. 3d.), or eight days, for drunkenness. S.A., labourer, born 1893, 5ft. 6in., sturdy build, fair complexion, brown hair and eyes. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.879.) ADELAIDE.-TREVORMAXWELL RICHA :ftDSON, non- payment of fine and costs (£2 2s. 6d.), or four days, for speed over intersection. Engineer, no further description. Warrant filed at, C.I.B.- (C.881. ) ADELAIDE.-DANIEL STEELE, non-payment of fine and costs (£1 12s.), or three days, for drunkenness. Scotland, sea- JACK CAMPBELL TURNER. man or labourer, born 1912, 5ft. 8in., medium build, fair com- plexion and hair, hazel eyes. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(0.785.) ADELAIDE.-The above is a photograph of JACK CAMP- BELL TURNER, aliases HERBERT JOHN DAWSON, ADELAIDE.-JAMES WEETRA, non-payment of fine and PERCY DUNN, ALBERT WALLACE, JOHN DRISCOLL, costs (£3), or four days, for half-caste aborigine in possession BEN WILLIS, JIM CAMERON, ALLAN GALE, ALLEN of liquor. S.A., labourer, born 1918, 5ft. 6in., sturdy build, JOHN McFARLANE, whose photograph has been identified as black hair, brown eyes. Warrant filed at C.I.B.-(C.789.) that of a man giving the names of H. DAWSON, and WAL- ADELAIDE.-P.G., 1947, page 26. -Re H. W. GREECE, ACE, who obtained the sum of £30 from GEORGE WILLIAM aliases H. W. GUISE, BERT WILLIAMS, HERBERT DRAKE by falsely pretending that he was a beneficiary under WILLIAM GUISE, wanted for passing valueless cheque on the will of his father in England and that he had inherited ALBERT BERNARD MILHAM; he has been arrested on the sum of £190,000 and that he was in possession of a bank similar charges in Melbourne. He is identical with H. W IL- draft for £5,000. Description.-England, labourer, born 1883, LIAMS, known as BERT.-(C.17632/46.) 5f t. 412in., stout build, fair complexion, grey hair and eyes, BARMERA.-DAVIE McGREGOR, non-payment of fine and wearing Donegal tweed suit, black shoes, and grey felt hat costs (£1 6s. 6d.), or seven days, for drunkenness. S.A., (Vic. Group Photo. No. 99 of 1946 and. N.S.W. Photo. Book labourer, born 1884, 5ft. 10in., medium build, ruddy complexion, 161/189). May be identical with GEORGE WILSON (see grey hair and eyes. Warrant field at C.1.B.-(C.17640/46.) P.G., 1947, page 3, "Warrants Issued"). Extradition expenses being considered. If located, detain and notify Det. BARMERA.-P.G., 1946, page 394, and 1947, page 18.- McConnell immediately.=(C.17476/46.) JOHN ARTHUR WILLIAMS has paid the amount of £3, leaving a balance of £4 3s. still owing.-(0.13216/46.) ADELAIDE. P.G., 1947, page 17.-Re H. WILLIAMS, known as BERT, wanted for passing valueless cheque on BERRI.-JOHN FRAYNE, non-payment of fine and costs ELSIE MAY COOMBE ; he has been arrested on similar (£2 13s.), or 48 hours on each, for drunkenness. N.S.W., charges in Melbourne. He is identical with H. W. GREECE, labourer; born 1893, 5ft. 8in., slim build, fresh complexion, aliases H. W. GUISE, BERT WILLIAMS, HERBERT grey hair, blue eyes. Warrants (two) filed at C.I.B.- WILLIAM GUISE.-(C.17632/46.) (C.17641/46.) 84 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN POLICE GAZETTE. [March 5, 1947.

310 Beck, Raymond Alfred, Commercial Street East, 143 Dowell, Frederick Francis, 16 Harris Street, Mount Gambier ...... Y102 Exeter ...... W815 102 Beevor, Horatio Fitzroy, 67 Essington Lewis 28 Dower, Leonard James, James Street, Alberton Avenue, Whyalla . Y21 Y171 184 Bennett, Clarence Thomas Reginald, 108 Wright 127 Drury, Charlie, 33 Chapel Street, Thebarton .. .. W824 Street, Adelaide .. . Y327 160 Dry, Kenneth Alfred, 72 Margaret Street, North 84 Bermingham, William Ambrose, 8 Hartland Adelaide.. .. Y14 Avenue, Black Forest ...... Y312 147 Dungey , Warren Edgar , 65 Queen Street , Norwood Y195 328 Berry, Keith, Jonathan Street, Clare ...... Y255 137 Earle , George Gordon Roy, t2 Percy Court, 77 Birmingham, Richard James, 49 Maria Street, Adelaide ...... Y331 Thebarton .. .. W860 15 Easton , Evan Cyril , 12 Agnes Street , Port Pirie W419 193 Bishop, Laurence Vivian, 62 Herbert Street, 196 Easton , Rubin Peter, Blackwood Estate .. .. . W729 Whyalla • W936 370 Edwards , Wilfred Caleb George , 19 Eastwood 355 Bishop, Sydney Charles, 20 Cromwell Street, Terrace, Eastwood .. .. Y298 Adelaide Y283 29 Evans, Lionel Charles , 13 Hughes Street, North 7 Blight, Alfred Cyril, 13 Sixth Street, Bowden Y29 Unley ., Y228 223 Blight, Herbert Sydney, 15 Sixth Street, Bowden Y249 352 Evans , Victor Hampstead , 39 Capper Street, 230 Bolton, William, 1 Crewe Street, Henley Beach W513 Kent Town .. Y279 63 Bonnici, Gaetano (Joe), 15 Shannon Place, City . W365 154 Evans , William James , 43 Essex Street , Goodwood W397 1.31 Booth, Stanley John, 19 Seventh Street, Bowden W836 163 Feeley , William Edley , 22 Hastings Street, Glenelg Gr.385 W955 259 Boundy, Francis Wilfred, Ardrossan ...... 244 Feeney , William Luke , 193 Hanson Street, City W781 130 Brady, Thomas, 4 Cromwell Road, Kilburn . .. Y321 236 Fettke, Fredrich Walter, Box 17, Morgan .. W821 34 Brammy, Frederick Norman, 25 Second Avenue, Woodville Gardens ...... Y282 212 Fischer , James Henry , 38 Alabama Avenue, 297 Brammy, Keith Albert, 25 Second Avenue, Wood- Prospect W950 ville Gardens ...... W618 83 Fischer , Lewis Henry Albert, 38 Alabama 323 Brant, Alfred Edward, 108 Cremorne Street, Avenue, Prospect .. W993 Unley . W849 115 Fix, Johann Carl August, 34 Rundle Street, Kent 159 Brooks, Francis Alexander, 45 Gladstone Avenue, Town Y197 Magill W853 123 Flavel , Roy Clifford, 24 Scott Street , Parkside W646 186 Brooks, Ralph Desmond, 5 Piper Street, Solomon- 97 Fowler, William Thomas, 51 Gilbert Street, town...... W954 Adelaide ...... W117 176 Browne, John Herbert, Strathalbyn ...... R65 199 Fry, George Ernest, 86 Crittenden Road, Flinders 256 Bullock, Thomas Leslie, 16 Trennery Court, City W156 Park .. .. W861 58 Burgess, Albert Edward, 22 Eighth Street, Port 68 Gabb, William Thomas, 42 St. Lawrence Avenue, Pirie West .. .. Y3 Edwardstown .. .. W814 11 Burgess, Alec Murray, 16 Marion Court, Adelaide W945 311 Gascoigne , Anthony Harvey , 41 Curzon Street, 106 Burgess, Alfred Henry, 14 Deacon Avenue, Rich- Camden .. Y47 mond . Y123 188 Gauei , George, 3 Dankel Avenue, Kensington .. Y318 17 Campbell, Alan James, 204 Grote Street, Adelaide Y6 165 Gelstone , Richard Hastings, Barmera ...... W964 351 Campbell, Herbert Stanley, c/o Mrs. R. Berry, 47 Gepp, Harold Gordon James, Sutherland Street, Jonathan Street, Clare .. .. Y278 Largs Bay ...... Y307 322 Cardona, Carmelo, 229A Wright Street, Adelaide Y138 22 Gluyas , Beaumont Allen, 152 Brighton Road, 235 Carpenter, William, Box 13, Burra ...... Y91 Hove ...... W973 101 Carr, Frederick Arthur, 29 Burwood Avenue, Fins- 336 Goodfellow , Francis Lawrence , 28 Corryton Street, bury Y314 Adelaide .. Y263 120 Carter, Charles, 61 Victoria Street, Queenstown W719 145 Gow, Stewart William, 8 James Street, Adelaide W759 194 Carter, Kenneth Gordon, 61 Victoria Street, 219 Graham , Noel Francis, O'Halloran Terrace, Mount Y329 Queenstown . Gambier ...... Y333 93 Carter, Richard Stephen, 42 Stafford Street, 113 Gregory , Charles, 17th Street, Renmark ...... Y107 Y74 Adelaide . 56 Guerin , Alphonsus Joseph, 4 Daly Street, South 87 Childs, Ronald Spencer, 73 Ayers Avenue, Mitcham Plympton ...... W603 Y269 Park ...... 319 Gunther , Carl Heinrich , 8 Albert Street, Good- 202 Christensen, Frank Lawrance, 223 Hart Street, wood .. B108 W979 Glanville ...... 162 Hagan , Hartley John , 7 Scott Street , Port Pirie Y274 347 Clark, Stanley, Brighton Road, Seacliff ...... West .. .. W959 W540 3 21 Clark, William Edward Cuthbert, Mylor .. 157 Hall, Francis Henry Robert , Box 29, Loxton W504 Y72 312 Clark, William John, Pasteur Avenue, Blackwood 278 Hammond , Maxwell Gordon , Pinkmore Place, off Y184 90 Clement, Victor Earl, 53 Queen Street, Adelaide Wright Street , Adelaide ...... Y198 271 Clemow, Walter Lenard, Pridmore Road, Glen 151 Hanisch , Alfred Ferdinand , 8 Albert Street, W713 Osmond ...... Goodwood Park ...... W668 358 Coekell, William John Hardy, 191 Robin Road, 239 Harrison , Reynold, 23 Denman Street , Exeter W130 Y286 Semaphore ...... 263 Hass, John Henry, S unnyside , near Wallaroo .. .. Y210 179 Cocksedge, Kenneth John William, 5 Hanson 298 Hatherly , Herbert James , Lyrup ...... W911 W818 Street, Adelaide ...... 146 Hector , Gilbert Henry , Wolfe Street , Jamestown Y18r Ember, Noarlunga ...... Y53 289 Collins, Sidney 135 He ff ernan , Patrick, 1S Sydney Place , Adelaide .. W905 182 Cooper, Robert William Arthur, 31 Emilie Street, 70 Heffernan, Patrick William John, 1S Sydney Sefton Park . . Y246 Place, Adelaide ...... W649 360 Cooper, Walter Gordon, 92 William Street, 366 Hendry, Albert Edward, 10 Wadham Street, Norwood ...... Y288 W176 Brompton .. Y293 75 Cotton, Pbilladelphia Muir]fead, Naracoorte 189 Hewitt, James Richard, 34 Sturt Street, Adelaide Y319 54 Coulter, Cecil Leonard, 109 Torrens Road, 363 Holmes, Harold Cecil Bannister, 26 Parade, Y93 Brompton . Norwood . Y291 132 Coulter, Frederick John, Balmoral Road, Para- 224 Boltzmann, Theodore Ernest, 162 Gouger Street, dise ...... W709 Y164 Adelaide Y87 273 Coulter, Robert John, 58 John Street, Hindmarsh 200 Hood, Albert Edward, 11 Dankel Avenue, 52 Coulter, Thomas Henry, 16 Tripney Avenue, Peter- Kensington ...... Y156 W300 borough 104 Hopkins, George Sydney, 30 Glyde Street, Albert 10 Cowan, Henry Edward, 457 Churchill Road, G382 Park .. .. W635 Kilburn 19 Rotten, Ronald Camden, 21 Margaret Street, 305 Cox, Clem Francis Mervyn, 22 Little Sturt Norwood ...... Y4 Y26 Street, Adelaide 302 Ruddy, Harry, 15 Kate Court, Adelaide ...... Y65 136 Cox, Ellis Bertie George, 22 Little Sturt Street, 234 Hutchinson, . Ronald Wilfred, Bond Avenue, Adelaide B1.317 Victor Harbour .. . . W956 282 Craven, Albert John Colin, 22 Bernie Avenue, Y324 122 Jocey, Harold Alexander, 75 Magill Road, North Kensington Park ...... Stepney ...... Y311 335 Crocker, Jack, 1 Illman Street, Port Pine .. Y262 Y157 61 Johnson, Henry William Roy, 21 Sydenham 69 Dahl, Edward Otto, Ceduna ...... Road, Norwood . W230 59 Daniel, James Moore, 51 Tarragon Street, Mile W255 111 Johnson, Richard William, 11 Park Street, Glan- End .. dove ...... Y191 119 Daniells, Harold William, Lewis Street, Port Y62 16 Johnson, Thomas, 17 Bosanquet Avenue, Prospect Y175 Lincoln ...... 215 Jones, Allan William, Boggs Road, Mitcham .. Y218 290 Danzie, Edward Ernest William, Gawler Terrace, Port Lincoln ...... Y30 250 Jones, Kendle Mitchell, 45 Fourth Street, Brompton ...... Y96 134 Dent, Robert James, Port Elliot . . W648 155 Kastberg, Ernest William, 84 King William 350 Digance, Frederick James, Box 109, Port Augusta Y277 Street, Kent Town ...... Y308 91 Keeley, Alfred Augustine, 18 Beans Road, 26 Donovan, William John, Wattle Avenue, Royal Y223 Southwark ...... W864 Getting around this CD

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TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there.