[DISTRIBUTED 1925. TO THE COUNCIL AND TO THE League of Nations C. 110. M. 51 m e m b e r s o f t h e LEAGUE.]

G e n e v a , March 4th, 1925.

S ubject L ist N o. 46


(Prepared by the Distribution Branch.)

Armaments, Reduction of Committees and Commissions, League Arms, Traffic in Composition of Convention concluded September io, 191g at St. Germain-en-Laye for the control of List issued February 15, 1925 bv Secretariat (Infor­ mation Section) giving Convention to supersede Conference, , Geneva Monthly Summary, Volume X", No. 1 Documents, Preparatory, for

('. 758. M. 258. 1924. IX* Council, League (C. C. O. 2) Investigation in the four States subjected to investi­ gation by Treaties of Neuilly, St. Germain, Trianon Note dated February 10, 1925 bv Secretary- and Versailles General forwarding Organisation with a view to exercise of right of C. 51. M. 28. 1925. IX (C. C. O. 8) Commissions of Investigation Composition of Assembly, League Presidents 5th Session, September-October 7924, Geneva 5th Committee to Note dated February 12, 1925 by Secretary- Minutes of General announcing appointment by President of Council, in accordance Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 28 with latter's resolution of December 9, 6th Committee to 1924, of Presidents of these four Com­ missions Minutes of C. 70. M. 35. [925 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 29 (C. P. C. t 6 t) 33rd Session, , Geneva Agenda for Text issued Februarv 11125, together with list of rapporteurs B C. 59. M. 31. 1925

Questions, Additional, to Bulgaria Execution of military, naval and air clauses of Treaty C. 59 (a). M. 31 (a). 1925 of Neuilly by Letter dated January 31, 1925 from Greek Govern­ Questions, 2nd Additional, to ment maintaining, in reply to Bulgarian Govern­ m ent’s letter of September 5, 1924 (A. 35 (b). C. 59 (b), M. 31 (b). 1925 1924), the exactitude of its previous statem ent (A. 35. 1924) concerning Bulgarian execution of Questions, 3rd Additional, to military clauses of this Treaty and referring to decision of December 16, 1924 of Conference of C. 59 (c). M. 31 (c). 1925 Ambassadors as proof of its contention

C. 43. M. 24. 1925. IX Questions, 4th Additional, to

* Indexed in detail in Annual Subject List for 1924. C. 59 (d). M. 31 (d). 1925

S. d. N. 175 {FO + 125 (A.) 3 25. imp, Sonor Frontier between Albania and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (continued) Monastery of St. Naoum, Allocation of Advisory Opinion (No. 9) given September 4, 192 | by Permanent Court of International Justice D to the effect that Principal Allied Powers have, by the decision of December 6, 1922 of Conference of Ambassadors, exhausted the mission contem­ Documents, League plated by the 2nd Assembly resolution of October 2, 1921 regarding (C. P. J. I., Series B, No. 9) List, Subject, (No. 44) of docum ents distributed to Acts and documents, including minutes of meeting Council and to States Members during December of Permanent Court (5th Session), relating to 1924 C. 5. M. 2. 1925 C. P. J. I., Series C, No. 5, Volume II

Note dated February 1925 by Secretary- General forwarding C. 3. M. 1. 1925


H Economics and Finance

Customs formalities Health Organisation Abolition of import and export prohibitions and Epidemics restrictions Report, Epidemiological, Monthly, of the Health Section dated February 15, 1925 L etter dated February 12, 1925 by Secretary- R. E. 75 General to Non-European States Members which have not replied to his letter of October 7, 1924 (C. L. 139 (a). 1924) urging these Govern­ ments to forward information asked for therein, before end of April 1925 C. L. 14. 1925 I

Statistics Bulletin, M onthly, of Intellectual Co-operation Instruction of youth in aims of the League Jan u ary 1925 Letter dated February 12, 1925 from Secretary- Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Volume VI, No. 1 * General to States which have replied to his letter of (C. L. 110. 1923), quoting reso­ lution adopted September 23, 1924 bv 5th As­ sembly which instructed the Secretariat to inves­ tigate means by which efforts towards this end might be developed and co-ordinated and to F report to 6th Assembly, and requesting any information, further to that contained in previous reply, likely to assist the Secretariat in the pre­ paration of this report C. L. 11. 1925 Frontier between Albania and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes Letter dated February 12, 1925 from Secretary- Aggressions in region of General to certain Associations quoting resolu­ tion adopted September 23, 1924 by 5th Assembly Letter dated February 9, 1925 from Albanian which instructed Secretariat to investigate means Government (M. Blinisliti) requesting withdrawal by which efforts towards this end might be co-or­ from agenda of 33rd Council Session of request dinated and developed and to report to 6th As­ (C. 836 (1). M. 270. 1924) of December 20, 1924, sembly, and requesting these Associations to be made by preceding Albanian Government in good enough to communicate their views 011 this virtue of Article 15 of Covenant, regarding question aggressions of Serbian bands C. L. 11 (b). 1925

C. 68. M. 34. 1925. V II Letter dated February 13, 1925 from Secretary- General to States which have not replied to his Telegram dated F ebruary 12, 1925 from new Alba­ letter of October 1923 (C. L. n o . 1923), quoting nian Government stating it considers that accu­ resolution adopted September 23, 1924 by 5th sations made against Serb, Croat and Slovene Assembly which instructed Secretariat to inves­ Government by preceding Albanian Government tigate means by which efforts towards this end in its letters of December 18 and 20, 1924 (C. 836 might be developed and co-ordinated and to report (i).M . 270. 1924) are unfounded to 6th Assembly, requesting replies to his letter of October 1923 as to steps which these Govern­ C. 77. M. 39. 1925. V II ments intend to take towards this end and any information likely to be useful in the preparation of this report * Distributed to certain States only. C. L. n (a). 1925 ■

Intellectual Co-operation (continued)

Life and Work, Intellectual, in the following country


Publication issued February 1925 by Intellectual M Co-operation Committee entitled The Univer­ sities, by Henri Reverdin, Expert of this Com­ Mandates mittee A M andates C. I. C. I., Brochure No. 40 (Series 2)* Iraq, British Mandate for Frontier between Turkey and Iraq Property, Literary and Artistic, Protection of Commission to study question of Conventions of Berne regarding Author’s right Letter dated January 27, 1925 from Turkish Adhesion to Government repeating protest and decla­ ration contained in its telegram of January Letter dated February 19, 1925 from Secretary- 26, 1925 General to certain States Members and Non- C. 41. M. 33. 1925. VII Members quoting resolution of Intellectual Co-operation Committee and approved Sep­ Telegram dated Jan u ary 26, 1925 from tember 9, 1924 by Council, requesting these Turkish Government protesting against States to consider possibility of adhesion British Government’s statement that the to these convention, sannexing copy of Acts presence of the two Turkish interpreters in force regarding these Conventions, a (Nazim Bey and Fettali Bey) with this notice published by International Bureau Commission is dangerous to peaceful for the Protection of Literary and Artistic conditions and that it cannot guarantee Works at Berne and announcing financial their lives, and declaring that it holds obligations to be met by signatories of this the British Government responsible for Convention the security of these members C. L. 15. 1925 C. 41. M. 33. 1925. V II

Telegram dated January 30, 1925 from British Government submitting its state­ ment of case of interpreters to Turkish assessors on C. 41. M. 33. 1925. V II J Telegram dated January 31, 1925 from President of this Commission summarising Journal, Official conditions requested by Commission with regard to the liberty and security of the Supplements, Special Turkish Delegation on Volumes issued during February 1925 C. 41. M. 33. 1925. V II Official Journal, Special Supplements No. 28 and 29 Telegram dated February 4, 1925 from Turk­ ish Government, supplementing informa­ Volume issued January 1925 tion contained in its previous letter with regard to British Government’s protest Official Journal, 6th Year, No. 1* against the presence of two Turkish interpreters on this Commission and stating that it accepts any protection for its delegates which the Commission considers necessary, provided that the dignity and freedom of movement of the delegates is respected C. 46. M. 25. 1925. V II L Corrections to C. 76. M. 38. 1925. VII

Telegram dated February 5, 1925 from Labour Organisation, International Commission (M. de Wirzen) to Turkish Conference, International, of Government insisting on necessity for Turkish Government to declare that it 2nd Session, June-, Genoa confirms the view held by its assessor Conventions adopted by (Djevad Pasha) that British Government’s authorisation for Turkish delegation to Ratification by Belgium of certain move about freely and conduct enquiry with discreet protection is compatible with Note dated February 25, 1925 by Secretary- the dignity of the delegation and with General announcing deposit of instrument of conduct of the enquiry C. L. 13. 1925. V C. 76. M. 38. 1925. V II

* English text only * Indexed in detail in Annual Subject I.ist for 1924 — 4 ~

Mandates (continued) A M andates (continued)

Iraq, British Mandate for (continued) Frontier between Turkey and Iraq (continued) Commission to study question of (continued) N

Telegram dated February 6, 1925 from Turk­ ish Government to Commission, declaring that British Government’s authorisation Near East for Turkish delegation to move about Refugees, Armenian, in freely and conduct enquiry with discreet protection considered by Djevad Pasha Payment by certain banks of sums owed and resto­ to be compatible with conduct of enquiry ration of securities to and with dignity of Turkish Government is acceptable to the Turkish Government See : N EA R EAST Refugees in C. 76. M. 38. 1925. V II

Refugees in Telegram dated February 14, 1925 from British Government expressing confidence Exchange of Greek and Turkish populations that the Commission will have dispelled Case of (Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople any impression that British Government or Iraq authorities are endeavouring to Telegram dated February 11, 1925 from Greek prevent a full and impartial investigation by Government protesting against Turkish expul­ sion of (Ecumenical Patriarch of Constan­ C. 75. M. 37. 1925. V II tinople as contrary to Lausanne Agreement regarding constitution of Patriarchate and constituting infringement of exchange con­ vention and decisions of Mixed Commission, appealing to Council under Article 11 of the Mavromatis Palestine Concessions Covenant and requesting insertion of this question 011 agenda of 33rd Council Session Judgment (No. 2) given August 30, 1924 by Permanent Court of International Justice upholding preliminary C. 57. M. 30. 1925. V II objection of British Government in so far as it relates to claim in respect of works at Jaffa and rejecting it in so far as it relates to works in Jeru­ Payment by certain banks of sums owed and resto­ salem together wirth the separate dissenting opinions ration of securities to of Lord Finlay and MM. Moore, de Bustamante, Oda and Persoa (C. P. J. I., Series A, No. 2, and Errata) Letter dated February 11, 1925 from Greek Government announcing that it hopes to con­ Acts and documents, including minutes of Per­ clude an arrangement with regard to the manent Court (5th Session) and speeches made deposits made by Armenian and Greek refugees thereat, relating to in certain banks C. 85. M. 43. 1925. I C. P. J. I., Series C, No. 5, Volume I

Letter dated February 16, 1925 from Greek Government (M. Dendramis) announcing that Note dated February 1925 by Secretary-General banks in Turkey have refused, on instructions forwarding of Turkish Government, to return deposits C. 3. M. 1. 1925 made by Greek refugees C. 85. M. 43. 1925. I

Minorities in Greece

Minority, Bulgarian

Protocol signed September 29, 1924 by Greek Government, President of Council and Secretary- General deciding that Colonel Corfe and Major o de Roover, members of the Greco-Bulgarian Mixed Emigration Commission, shall assist the Greek Government to perform its duties to pro­ tect Bulgarian minorities and outlining the form Organisations, International which this assistance should take Bulletin, Quarterly, dated January 1925 of information on work of Letter dated February n, 1925 from Greek Government quoting resolution adopted Feb­ Quarterly Bulletin of International ruary 3, 1925 by the Greek National Assembly Organisations, No. 10 rejecting this Protocol and requesting insertion of this question on agenda of 33rd Council Supplement to Session Quarterly Bulletin of International Organisations, C. 54. M. 32. 1925. I No. 10, Supplement - 5 -

Poor, Legal Assistance for (continued) Arrangements, International, for (continued) Institutions, Laws and Regulations in existence concerning Questionnaire dated February 1925 by Secretary- General regarding C. L. 16. 1925, Annex

Letter dated February 24, 1925 from Secretary- General to States Members and Non-Members Permanent Court of International Justice annexing 5th Assembly’s resolution (A. 91. Advisory Opinions given by 1924) on this question, announcing receipt Acts and documents relating to of gift of money to facilitate execution of measures proposed therein, transmitting a Publication issued February 1925 by Perm anent copy of his report to the Assembly (A. 34. Court containing 1924) and forwarding C. P. J. I., Series C, No. 5, Volume II C. L. 16. 1925 Publications, Obscene Note dated February 1925 by Secretary- Suppression of Circulation of and Traffic in General forwarding C. 3. M. 1. 1925 Convention, International, concluded September 12, 1923 a t Geneva on J udgments given by Ratification by Austria of Acts and documents relating to Note dated February 4, 1925 by Secretary- Publication issued February 1925 by Permanent General announcing deposit of instrument of Court containing C. L. 2. 1925. V C. P. J. I., Series C, No. 5, Volume I

Note dated February 1925 by Secretary- General forwarding C. 3. M. 1. 1925

5th Session, June-Septem ber 1924, The Hague Saar Basin Minutes of meetings held June 17, July 15, 16 and Gendarmerie, Local, in August 30, 1924, relating to Judgm ent No. 2 Development of C. P. J. I., Series C, No. 5, Volume I Letter dated February 17, 1925 from Governing Commission (M. Rault) submitting information Note dated February 1925 by Secretary-General requested by M. Salandra in his report (C. 504. forwarding 1924) to Council of , informa­ C. 3. M. 1. 1925. V tion concerning police forces apart from gen­ darmerie in existence in the Saar, together Minutes of meetings held July 23-September 4, with programme for increase of 250 men in 1924, relating to Advisory Opinion No. 9 this gendarmerie during financial year 1925- 1926 C. P. J. I., Series C, No. 5, Volume II C. 84. M. 42. 1925. 1 L etter dated February 19, 1925 from German Note dated February 1925 by Secretary-General Government (M. Stresemann) stating it must forwarding oppose any further postponement of the com­ C. 3. M. 1. 1925. V pletion of establishment of the local gendar­ merie and the consequent withdrawal of French Poor, Legal Assistance for troops C. 92. M. 46. 1925. I Arrangements, International, for Governing Commission Authorities, National, to answer enquiries regarding Administration, General, of Saar bv Letter dated February 26, 1925 from Secretary- M emorandum dated January 10, 1925 from General to States Members and Non-Members representatives of certain political parties in referring to the 5th Assembly’s resolution the Advisory Council of Saar, entitled A buses (A. 91.1924) deciding to invite States to no­ in the Administration of the Territory of the Saar minate such an authority and requesting them to state their attitude in this matter C. 50. M. 27. J9 2 5 . I Annex * C. L. 17. 1925 Letter dated January 29, 1925 from Governing Commission forwarding above-mentioned me­ Convention (draft) regarding morandum, stating that it has no observa­ tions to make thereon but protesting against Letter dated February 26, 1925 from Secretary- the libellous accusations made therein against General to States Members and Non-Members the Chairman „ referring to resolution (A. 91. 1924) of 5th C. 50. M. 27. 1925. I Assembly deciding to ask States whether they would be disposed to become parties to a Con­ Minutes (extract) of meeting held January 28, vention based on principles formulated in 1925 by Governing Commission, deciding, Articles 20 to 23 of Hague Convention of July in the absence of the Chairman, to authorise *7, 1905 and whether they would desire to forwarding of above-mentioned letter and modify such principles, and asking the above- memorandum mentioned States to state their attitude in this C. 50. M. 27. 1925. I m atter

C. L. 17. 1925. V * Distributed to iuii States Members of Council only. — 6 -

Saar Basin (continued) Transit and Communications (continued) Governing Commission (continued) Inland Navigation Composition of Letter dated February 12, 1925 from Secretary- General to European States Members, quoting Note dated February 6, 1925 by Secretary- extract from resolution adopted by Sub-Com­ General announcing expiration, on March 31, mittee for Inland Navigation and approved by 1925, of mandates of five members of this 5th Assembly, deciding enquiry into the position Commission and also of M. Rault’s mandate of inland navigation in Europe from the technical as Chairman, notifying Council of consequent and commercial administrative points of view, necessity for it to appoint the members of this requesting before June 1, 1925 any information Commission and th e Chairman to hold office which might come within the scope of this enquiry, from that date enumerating points to which this information C. 47. M. 26. 1925. I might refer, announcing Committee’s intention to institute special enquiry into Rhine and Danube Report, (21st) Periodical, dated February 3, 1925, systems and requesting Governments to give for period October 1 to December 31, 1924 their assistance to expert appointed to earn­ out this enquiry _ , T mi C. 39. M. 22. 1925. I ^ y C. L. 12, 1925. V III

Insurance, Accident, in Ports, Maritime, International Regime of M em orandum dated February 5, 1925 from the Convention and Statute concluded December 9, “ Volklingen Association” of victims of accidents 1924 at Geneva on (C. 686. M. 246. 1924) sustained in the course of employment, requesting Adhesion of France to modification of system of C. 79. M. 40. 1925. I Letter dated February 4, 1925 from Secretary- General to States Members, Germany and Turkey, announcing adhesion of France, L etter dated February 9, 1925 from Governing subject to ratification and in accordance Commission explaining the system of accident with declaration quoted therein insurance in force in Saar and submitting C. L. 9. 1925. V its observations on Replacing C. L. 184. 1924. Y C. 79. M. 40. 1925. I Railways, International Regime of Troops, French, in Sub-Committee for Transport by Rail of Advisory Increase in local gendarmerie in accordance with and Technical Committee for Communications withdrawal of and Transit See : SAAR BASIN See : TRANSIT AND COMMUNICATIONS Gendarmerie, Local, in Advisory and Technical Committee for Sub-Committee for Transport by Rail Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast Declaration signed , 1921 at Barcelona recognising Ratification by Sweden of Note dated February 4, 1925 by Secretary- General announcing deposit of instrument of C. L. 6. 1925. V Road Traffic Transit and Communications Committee, Special, of Enquiry on Advisory and Technical Committee for See : TRANSIT AND COMMUNICATIONS Sub-Committee for Transport by Rail Advisory and Technical Committee for 4th Session, , Paris Sub-Committee, Special, of Enquiry on Road M inutes of Traffic C. 11, M. 6. 1925. V III (C. C, T/V.F/4th Session/P.V) Treaties, Conventions and Engagements, International List of treaties (Nos. 795-808) and adhesions, denun­ ciations, ratifications, etc., registered during January Sub-Committee, Special, of Enquiry on Road Traffic 1925 1st Session, October 1924, Paris Registration of Treaties, List No. 40 Minutes of C. 8. M. 4. 1925. V III Freedom of Transit w Convention and Statute concluded April 20, 1921 a t Barcelona on Work of the League Ratification by Sweden of Summaries issued 1924 by Secretariat (Information N ote dated February 4, 1925 by Secretary- Section) on work of the League during that year General announcing deposit of instrument of Index to C. L. 6. 1925. V Monthly Summary, Volume V, No. 1