Local Government Boundary Commission For Report No. 390 LOCAL GOVERSKHTT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR E

CHAIRMAN Sir Nicholas Morrison KC3


M5MBERS Lady Borden Mr J T Brocktank Mr R S Thornton CBE. DL Mr D P Harrison Professor G E Cherry To the. Rt Hon.William Whitelaw, CH KG MP Secretary of State for the Home Department


1. The last Order under Section 51 of the Act 1972 in relation to electoral arrangements for districts in the county of Hertfordshire was made' on 29 November 1978. As required by Section 63 and Schedule 9 of the Act we have now reviewed the electoral arrangements for that county, using the procedures we had set out in our Report No 6.

2. We informed the Hertfordshire County Council in a consultation letter dated

30 April 1979 that we proposed to conduct the review, and sent copies of the lettei to all local authorities and meetings in the county, to the MPs representing the constituencies concerned, to the headquarters of the main political parties and to the editors both of local newspauers circulating in the county and of the local government press. Notices in the local press announced the start of the review and invited comments from"members of the public and from interested bodies.

3. On 20 September 1979 the County Council submitted to us a draft scheme in which they suggested 77 electoral divisions for the county, each returning one member in accordance with Section 6(2)(a) of the Act.

^. We considered this"scheme together with the views expressed by local interests. On 1J February 1980 we issued draft proposals which we sent to all those who had received our consultation letter, or commented on the County

Council's draft scheme. Notices were inserted in the local press announcing that the draft proposals had been issued and could-be inspected at the County Council's offices.

5. We based our draft proposals on the County Council's draft scheme, though we made certain modifications designed to improve the balance between divisions or districts. Several of these modifications were derived frcm local comments made about the draft scheme. 6. The modifications we made were as follows:

(a) District

We renamed the County Council's proposed ' South East' electoral

division 'Waltham Cross1.

(b) District

We replaced the 7 electoral divisions proposed by the County Council by an

alternative scheme for 7 divisions proposed by the Hertsmere District Labour


(c) District

V.'e renamed the County Council's proposed St Paul's electoral division

' and Codicote1.

(d) District

We replaced 6 of the 10 electoral divisions proposed by the County Council

by 6 divisions proposed by the St Albans Constituency Labour Party.

7- We received comments in response to our draft proposals from the County Council,

three district councils, five parish councils, two town councils, .four district

councillors, one parish councillor, twenty-six political associations, two

residents/ratepayers' associations, one pensioners' association and "forty-eight

individuals. A list of those who wrote to us is given at Appendix 1 to this Report.

8. The Hertfordshire County Council accepted our draft proposals for all districts

with the exception of Hertsmere and St Albans. With regard to Hertsmere they

contended that the arrangements in their draft scheme were preferable to those in

our draft proposals as they followed recognised boundaries, particularly in the

Potters Bar area, preserved the historical connection between and

Borehamwood and kept the village of within a single division. The County

Council also stated that the inequalities of representation contained -in their

draft scheme for Hertsmere would be mitigated by alterations in planned development,"__. though complete revised forecast figures of electorate for the areas involved were not available and the full implications of these alterations could not be examined in detail 9.- In relation to the St Albans District the County Council contended that our draft proposals had no numerical advantage over their original scheme, which had avoided splitting the Parish of and combining rural and urban wards in the same division.

10. The other comments we received can be summarised as follows:

(a) The Hertfordshire County Conservative Federation and the East

Hertfordshire Conservative and Unionist Association both objected to

our draft proposals for the Hertsmere and St Albans districts and

supported the draft scheme put forward by the County Council.

(b) Hertfordshire County Labour Party supported our draft proposals and

in particular the proposals for Hertsmere and St Albans.

(c) Dacoruia District

Dacor^m District Council, the Constituency Conservative Association, the Branch of the Young Conservatives and four private individuals wrote in support of our draft proposals. Another private individual wrote suggesting alternative names for the Bridgewater electoral division.

(d) District

East Hertfordshire District Council submitted no observations or. our

draft proposals. Parish Council wished their parish to

be transferred from the to the electoral

division. The East Herts Constituency Liberal Association and the

East Herts Divisional Liberal Association independently put forward the

same alternative scheme for the Bishop's Stortford area. A private

individual suggested'that the prefix '' be placed before the

names of the St Andrews and All Saints electoral divisions to avoid confusion with ecclesiastical of the same name, and also reiterated

suggestions he had previously made for the rearrangement of the district wards

forming the Hertford electoral divisions,

(e)" Hertsmere District

The Hertsmere Borough Council objected to our draft proposals for" all the

electoral divisions in the district on the grounds that they' used poor boundaries,

and supported the draft scheme put forward by the County Council. Cllr M Colne,

on behalf of the Liberal Association, objected to the Watling, Aldenhara

and Bushey Heath electoral divisions and supported the County Council's draft

scheme0 The South Hertfordshire Conservative Association objected to our draft

proposals for the , , Elstree and Bushey areas and supported

the County Council's draft scheme. The North Bushey Residents' Association,

Pensioners' Voice (North Bushey Branch) and a private individual all objected to

Bushey being included in the Aldenham electoral division on the grounds that the

two areas were too diverse for one county councillor to represent satisfactorily.

The South Hertfordshire Division Liberal Association put forward their own alter-

native to the Aldenham, West and Borehamwood East electoral divisions'*

Aldenhara Parish Council, the Radlett Ratepayers1 Association, the Radlett Branch -

of the South Herts Conservative Association, Borough Cllr G A Nunn, Parish

Councillor GDC Hicks and thirty-six.- individuals all objected to the proposals

for the Aldenhara and Watling electoral divisions on the grounds, broadly, that they

divided up the Aldenham and Radlett areas. Most of these comments, either

directly or by implication, favoured the draft scheme put forward by the County Councilo

Five separate Potters Bar branches of the south Herts Conservative

Association preferred the County Council's draft scheme, opposing our draft pro- posals for the Potters Bar area mainly on the grounds that they ignored well established electoral boundaries.

Our draft proposals were supported by Elstree Town Council, Potters Bar

Liberal Association, South Herts Constituency Labour Party (Borehaihwood Members' Branch), the South Herts Constituency Labour Party, Cllr J Nolan

and four private individuals.

(f) North Hertfordshire District

Royston Town Council wished us to include some of the surrounding rural

parishes with the town itself in the Royston electoral division.

Constituency Labour Party put forward suggestions for an adjustment to the

boundary between two divisions in the town of Hitchin; and Cllr M Stears

proposed the transfer of the parish of Kings Walden from the Offa to the

Knebsworth and electoral division.

(g) St Albans District

St Albans City Council made no observations on our draft proposals which

received support from Colney and Parish Councils, Batchwood

Branch (St Albans) Labour Party, St Albans Constituency Labour Party,

St Stephens Branch Labour Party, St Albans Constituency Labour Party,

Redbourn Branch, St Peters Branch Labour Party and two private individuals • Redbourn Parish Council expressing particular opposition to being included

in an electoral division with Parish as they would have been

in the County Council's draft scheme. Our proposals were opposed by the

Sandridge Parish Council and the St Albans Constituency Conservative

Association, who preferred the draft scheme for the reasons advanced by

the County Council and referred to in paragraph 9 above.

(h) District

Stevenage Borough Council had no observations to make and the only comment

received in relation to this district was from Cllr James Boyd, Leader of

the Conservative Group, Stevenage Borough Council, who supported our draft


(j) District

Watford Borough Council supported our draft proposals for the district.

11. When we came to reassess our draft proposals we took account of all the comments we had received and came to the following conclusions:- (a) District There appeared to be no support for the name change proposed by a private

"individual, and all the other comments were in support of our draft proposals, We decided therefore not to make the suggested change.

(b) East Hertfordshire District

We considered the .suggestions put forward, by the Little. Hadham Parish

Council about the boundary between the Braughing and Sawbridgeworth

divisions, and by the two Liberal Associations about the two Bishop's

Stortford divisions, but we saw no sufficient justification for accepting

them particularly in view of the more even standard of representation

achieved by our draft proposals. Nor did we see any advantage in placing

the prefix 'Hertford' before the 'All Saints1 and 'St Andrews1 electoral

divisions, as suggested by a private individual, or in adopting the

same private individual's suggestions for the arrangement of the Hertford


(c) Hertsmere District

The proposals for this district were by far the most contentious and

we gave particularly careful consideration to all the views expressed

about our draft proposals. It was clear that there was a considerable

measure of support for the view that we should, 'in whole or in part,

revert to the arrangements in the County Council's draft scheme. The

- draft proposals did, however, offer a better standard of representation

and it seemed to us unlikely that the changes in planned development to i which the County Council referred would have a significant effect on

this comparison. The essential question therefore was whether there

were other features in the County Council's draft scheme arrangements

which gave them an overriding advantage over the draft proposals. In

looking at this question we distinguished between the two divisions for

the Potters Bar area on the one.hand, and the remaining five-divisions

of the district on the other, since the draft scheme and the draft

proposals followed a common boundary between these two parts of the

district. As far as the Potters Bar area was concerned the main advantages

claimed for the County Council's scheme were that it kept more closely to

clear, well-known, or traditional boundaries between communities. Whilst

we appreciated the value that was attached to this factor there was by

no means unanimity in favour of a departure from our draft proposals and

we did not see it as overriding the advantage of the more even standard

of representation produced by our draft proposals.

The issues in the remaining 5 divisions were more complex and were

inextricably interlinked. The main advantages claimed for the County

Council's draft scheme were that it preserved the historical connexion

between , that it represented Bushey as a complete ^

and separate community, and that it respected the unity of the Aldenham

parish and the village of Radlett. We were impressed by the wide variety

of organisations and individuals and the evident strength of their feelings

in opposition to our draft proposals, although there was also some support

for them from other quarters. It is true that our draft proposals would

have produced a more even standard of representation but the County Council's

draft scheme still represented an acceptable standard. We decided that on

balance it would be in the interests of,effective and convenient local

government to revert to the County Council's draft scheme for these five


:(d) -Worth Hertfordshire District The alternative arrangements suggested by Royston Town Council were no . better in, -terms -of^representational standards and we saw no other., advantage a that would lead us to prefer them to our draft, proposals. The suggestions made by the Hitchin Constituency Labour Party and by Cllr. Stears showed no significant .numerical improvement on our draft proposals; both involved the : division of district wards and we saw no advantage in adopting either. (e) St Albans district Both the draft scheme and the alternative we adopted as our draft proposals gave similar standards of representation. In adopting our draft proposals we had made our choice on the grounds that they would meet various local objections put forward against the County Council's draft scheme. These included comments from the parish of Wheathampstead objecting to the formation of an electoral division which joined them with Redbourn; Redbourn Parish Council also strongly resisted such a link when responding to our draft proposals. The St Albans City Council made no observations on our draft proposals and ss noted in para 10 (g) above there was specific support for them from a number of different quarters. While we gave careful consideration to the objections made by the County Council and others we decided against any modification of the arrangements we had proposed.

12. In the light of the conclusions listed in para 11 above we decided to confirm our draft proposals as our final proposals subject to the substitution of 5 of the divisions proposed by the County Council for Hertsmere^Bistrict as described in paragraph 11(c) above.

13. Details of these final proposals are set out in Schedules 1 and 2 to this report and on the attached map. Schedule 1 gives the names of the electoral divisions. A detailed description of the boundaries of the proposed electoral divisions, as defined on the map, is set out in Schedule 2.

PTJ3LICATION 14. In accordance with Section 60(5)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, a copy of this report'and a copy of the map are being sent to Hertfordshire County Council and will be available for inspection at the Council's main offices. Copies of this report (without map) are being sent to those who received the consultation letter and to those who made comments. L.S.



JOHN M RANKET (Deputy Chairman)






LESLIE GRBftSHAW (Secretary) 29 May 1980 APPENDIX 1


" Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire County Conservative Federation

East Hertfordshire Conservative and Unionist Association

Hertfordshire County Labour Party

DACORUM DISTRICT "."'.. Dacorura District Council Kernel Hempstead Constituency Conservative Association

Berkhamsted Branch of the Young Conservatives

Five private individuals


Little Hadhara Parish Council Sawbridgeworth

East Herts Constituency Liberal Association ( Bishop's Stortford ( Chantry Tho^lay East Herts EUvrcional Liberal Association ( Bishop's Stortford ( Central Parsonage One private individual


Hertsmere Borough Council

Elstree Town Council (( Boreham Wood Vest (Boreham Wood East, V/atling Potters Bar Liberal Association (Potters Bar, North East, ( " " South West

South Herts Constituency Labour Party (Borehamwood Members' Branch)

South.Herts Constituency Labour Party

Cllr H Colne on behalf of the Bushey Liberal Watling/Bushey Heath/ Association Aldenham

Cllr J Nolan

South Hertfordshire Conservative Association

North Bushey Residents' Association Aldenham

Pensioners' Voice Aldenham South Hertfordshire Division Liberal Association Aldenhara/Borehcimwood V/est/ Borchaniv/ood Evict DIVISION '

Radlett Ratepayers' Association Aldenham/Watlins

Radlett Branch of the South Hertfordshire Conservative Association

Aldenham Parish Council

Cllr G D C Hicks

South Hertfordshire Conservative Association Potters Bar North East/ Potters Bar West - Cranborne Branch Potters Bar South West South Hertfordshire Conservative Association Potters Bar North Ward Branch

South Hertfordshire Conservative Association Potters Bar East Ward Branch

South Hertfordshire Conservative Association Potters Bar South Ward Branch

Forty private individuals

South Hertfordshire Conservative Association Potters Bar Central Ward Branch


Royston Town Council Royston/ North Herts Rural

Hitchin Constituency Labour Party -Hitchin North East/Hitchin South

Cllr M Stears Offa/Knebworth + Codicote • ..


London Colney Parish Council

Redbourn Parish Council

Batchwood Branch (St Albans) Labour Party

St Stephens Branch Labour Party

St Albans Constituency Labour Party

St Albans Constituency Labour Party, Redbourn Branch Verulam

St Peters Branch, St Albans Constituency Labour Party

Sandridge Parish Council Marshalswick/.'/heathanpstead

St Albans Conservative Association

Two private individuals STEVENAGE -DISTRICT'- • •

Cllr J Boyd, Leader, Conservative Group, Stevenage Borough Council WATFORD DISTRICT. ;-

\7atford Borough Council SCHEDULE 1





Cheshunt Central

Cheshunt North

Cheshunt West

Hoddesdbn North


Waltham Cross




Kernel Hempstead East

Kernel Hempstead North East

Kernel Henpstead North West

Kernel Hempstead St Pauls

Kernel Hempstead South East

Kernel Hempstesd Town

King-*s Langley



Bishop's Stortford Central Parsonage Bishop's Stortford Chantry Thorley Braughing

Hertford Rural

Gt Andrews

Sawbridgeworth Ware North Ware South BOROUGH OF HEBTSMERE

Bushey, Heath Bushey North Elstree Lyndhurst Potters Bar North East Potters Bar South West Watling

DISTRICT OF WORTH HERTFORDSHIHS Hitchln North East Hitchin South Knebworth and Codicote East and Letchworth North West Letchworth South North Herte Rural Offa Hoyston

DISTRICT OP ST. ALBANS Colney 1 North East Harpenden South West Marshalswiek 'St AlbanS' East •St Albans South -St Aloans Vest St Stephens Verulam .. Wheathampetead

BOROUGH OF 5TE7MAGE Bedwell Broadvater . Chells , Old Stevenage "• St Nicholas . Shephall DISTRICT OP THREE RI7EHS Croxley Park Hickmansworth

BOROUGH 0? WATFORD Callowland Legatts Central Oxhey Meriden Tudor Hascot Park Vicarage Holywell .W oodside Stanborough

DISTRICT OF HATPIELD Haldens Hatfield East Hatfield North Hatfield South North Myoma Welwyn - South Welwyn Garden City West

The proposed electoral divisions are shown on a map which can be inspected at the Council's offices. A description of the boundaries of the proposed electoral divisions shown on the map is attached at Schedule 2* SCHEDULE 2


Note: Where a boundary is described as following a road, railway, river, canal or similar feature it should be deemed to follow the centre line of the feature unless otherwise stated.



Broxbourne Borough wards of: Bury Green Cheshunt Central

CHESHUNT NORTH ED Broxbourne Borough wards of: Cheshunt North Wormley and Turnford


Broxbourne Borough wards of: End

Goffs Oak



Broxbourne Borough wards of: Hoddesdon North Rye Park


Broxbourne Borough wards of: Broxbourne

Hoddesdon Town ED

Broxbourne Borough wards of: Theobalds Waltham Cross North Waltham Cross South


BERKHAMSTED ED Dacorum District wards of: Berkhamsted Central Berkhamsted East Berkhamsted West

BRIDGEWATER ED Dacorum District wards of: Flamstead and

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD EAST ED Dacorum District wards of: Adeyfield East Leverstock Green

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD NORTH EAST ED Dacorum District wards of: Cupid Green Grove. Hill

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD NORTH WEST ED Dacorum District wards of: Chaulden Gadebridge Warners End HEMEL HEMPSTEAD SOUTH EAST ED Dacorum District wards of: Crabtree


Dacorum District wards of: Adeyfield West Highfield


Dacorum District wards of: Boxmoor Central South


Dacorum District wards of: 'and

Kings Langley


Dacorum District wards of: and Wigginton Central Tring East Tring West



East Hertfordshire District wards of: Hertford Bengeo Hertford Kingsmead


East Hertfordshire District wards of: Bishop's Stortford Central Bishop's Stortford Parsonage BISHOP'S STORTFORD CHANTRY THQRLEY ED East Hertfordshire District wards of: Bishop's Stortford Chantry Bishop's Stortford Thorley

BRAUGHING ED East Hertfordshire District wards of: Braughing Little Hadham Muntlen

HERTFORD RURAL ED East Hertfordshire District wards of: Little Amwell Stapleford Tewia Watton-at-Stone

SAWBRIDGEWORTH ED East Hertfordshire District wards of: Sawbridgeworth

ST ANDREWS ED East Hertfordshire District wards of: Hertford Castle Hertford Sele WAfiE NOETH ED East Hertfordshire District wards of: Standon St Mary Ware St Mary's Ware Trinity

WAfiE SOOTH ED East Hertfordshire District wards of: Great Amwell Stanstead Ware Christ church Ware Priory


BDSHET HEATH ED Hertsmere Borough wards of: Heath North Heath South

BUSHET NORTH ED Hertsmere Borough Wards of: Hill St James East St James West

ED Hertsmere Borough Wards of: Els tree Hillside Ke nil worth

LTNDHURST ED Hertsmere Borough Wards of: Brookmeadow Cowley lyndhurst POTTERS BAR NORTH EAST ED Hertsmere Borough wards of: Potters Bar East Potters Bar North

POTTERS BAR SOUTH WEST ED Hertsmere Borough wards of: Potters Bar Central Potters Bar South Potters Bar West

WATLING ED Hertsmere Borough wards of: Aldenham East Aldenham West Campions


HITCHIN NORTH EAST ED North Hertfordshire District wards of: Bearton Walsworth

HITCHIN SOUTH ED North Hertfordshire District wards of: Highbury Priory

KNEBWORTH AND CODICOTE ED North Hertfordshire District wards of: Codicote Hitchwood Kimpton Knebworth LETCHWORTH EAST AND BALDOCK ED North Hertfordshire District wards of: Baldock Letchworth East

LETCHWORTH NORTH WEST ED North Hertfordshire District wards of: Grange Wilbury

LETCHWOETH SOUTH ED North Hertfordshire District wards of: Letchworth South East Letchworth South West


North Hertfordshire District wards of: Arbury


Newsells Sandon Weston


North Hertfordshire District wards of; Cadwell





North Hertfordshire District wards of: Royston East


COLNEY ED St Albans Borough wards of:

HAHPENDEN NORTH EAST ED St Albans Borough wards of: Harpenden East Harpenden North

HARPENDEN SODTH. WEST ED St Albans Borough wards of: Harpenden South Harpenden West

ST ALBANS EAST ED St Albans Borough wards of: Ashley Clarence

ST ALBANS SOUTH ED St Albans Borough wards of: Cunnigham Sopwell

ST ALBANS WEST ED St Albans Borough wards of: Batchwood

St Peters

ST STEPHENS ED St Albans Borough wards of: Park Street


St Albans Borough wards of: Marshalswich North

Marshalswick South

VERULAM ED St Albans Borough wards of; Redbourn


WHEATHAMPSTEAD ED St Albans Borough wards of: Sandridge Wheathampstead



Stevenage Borough wards of: Bedwell Plash

Monkswood and that part of Pin Green Borough Ward commencing at the point where the northern boundary of Pin Green Borough Ward meets Lonsdale Road, thence southwards along said road to the road known as Webb Rise, thence eastwards along said road to Archer Road, thence southwards and southeastwards along said road to and continuing southeastwards along the access road south of Nos 35^ to Jkk Archer Road and the access path south of No 3^2 Archer Road to the southeastern boundary of Pin Green Borough Ward, thence southwestwards along said boundary and the southern boundary of said borough ward to the western boundary of said borough ward, thence generally northwards along said western boundary to and eastwards along the northern boundary of Pin Green Borough Ward to the point of commencement. .10

EROADWATER ED- ' ' Stevenage Borough wards of: Longraeadow


CHELLS ED Stevenage Borough wards of: Chells Mobbsbury and'that part of Pin Green Borough Ward not included in Bedwell Electoral Division.


Stevenage Borough wards of: Old Stevenage Symonds Green


Stevenage Borough wards of: Bandley Hill Shephall

ST NICHOLAS ED Stevenage Borough wards of: Martins Wood

St Nicholas Wellfield



Three Rivers District wards of: Abbots Langley Bedmond Langleybury Leavesden 11


Three Rivers District wards of: Chorleywood Chorleywood West

CROXLEY ED Three Rivers District wards of: - - Croxley Green North Croxley Green South

OXHEY PARK ED Three Rivers District wards of: Moor Park Oxhey Hall

/ RICKMANSWQRTH ED Three Rivers District wards of: Maple Cross and West Hyde Mill End Money Hill


Three Rivers District wards of: Ashridge Hayling • - ' Northwick

BOROUGH OF WATFORD CALLOWLAM3 LEGGATTS ED Watford Borough wards of: Callowland Leggatts -5 12 ' '


Watford Borough wards of: Central


MERIDEN TUDOR ED Watford Borough wards of: Meriden



Watford Borough wards of: Nascot Park


Watford Borough wards of: Holywell


WOODSIDE STANBOROUGH ED Watford Borough wards of: Stanborough , Woodside



Welwyn Hatfield District ward of: Haldens and that part of Sherrards District Ward commencing at the point where the eastern boundary of Sherrards District Ward crosses the road known as Knightsfield, thence northwestwards along said road to Digswell Road, .thence northeastwards along said road to Bessemer Road, thence northwestwards along said road to a point opposite the field boundary adjacent to the footpath southwest of Digswell Park Lodge, thence northeastwards to and along said field boundary to Digswell Park Road, thence eastwards along said road to a point opposite the field boundary adjacent to the footpath leading northeastwards to No 32 Hertford Road, thence northwards to and northeastwards along said field boundary to the northern boundary of Sherrards District Ward, thence southeastwards along said boundary to and southwestwards along the eastern boundary of said district ward to the point of commencement.


Welwyn Hatfield District Ward of: Hatfield East and that part of and Redhall District Ward being the Welham

Green Ward of the parish of North Myraras.

HATFIELD NORTH ED Welwyn Hatfield District wards of: Hatfield Central Hatfield North

HATFIELD SOUTH ED Welwyn Hatfield District ward of: Hatfield South and that part of Welham Green and Redhall District Ward being the Redhall

Ward of the parish of .

NORTH MYMMS ED Welwyn Hatfield District wards of and Little Heath Northaw


Welwyn Hatfield District wards of: Welwyn East

Welwyn West and that part of Sherrards District Ward commencing at the point where the northern boundary of Sherrards District Ward meets the northwestern boundary of Haldens Electoral Division, thence generally southwestwards along said electoral division boundary to the road known as Knightsfield, thence northwestwards along said road to a point in prolongation southeastwards of the northern boundary of No 7? Great Dell, thence northwestwards along said prolongation, the northern boundary of said property and its prolongation northwestwards to the eastern boundary of Temple Wood, thence southwestwards along said eastern boundary to and generally northwestwards along the southeastern boundary of said wood to the northwestern corner of No 11 Nut Grove, thence northwestwards in a straight line to the easternmost corner of the unnumbered buildings adjoining No 8 Digswell Hill, on the western boundary of Sherrards District Ward, thence generally northeastwards and southeastwards along the said western and northern boundaries of Sherrards District Ward to the point of commencement.

WELWYN GARDEN CITY SOUTH ED Welwyn Hatfield District wards of: Hollybush Howlands

WELWYN GARDEN CITY WEST ED Welwyn Hatfield District wards of: Handside Peartree and that part of Sherrards District Ward not included in Haldens Electoral Division and Welwyn Electoral Division.