Jane Lyle | 64 pages | 01 Mar 2011 | Eddison Books Ltd | 9781859061848 | English | United Kingdom Lovers Tarot Deck PDF Book

Classically, the energy of this card reminded us of the real challenges posed by romantic relationships, with the protagonist often shown in the act of making an either-or choice. To make good choices, you need to be clear about your personal beliefs and values — and stay true to them. The True Love Tarot is designed to give advice on finding love and on your love relationships. Universal Love Healing Oracle. These 2 sephiroth are emphasised due to them being opposites on the Tree of Life, which is the major theme of this card. The cards are heart-shaped and have an illustration on one side, and text in English and Hebrew on the reverse. And even if I did like the artwork, the cards are too big for my hands to shuffle comfortably. There is no judgment on what you choose to keep from the array of possibilities before you. Love Tarot. Its 78 cards can be used for individual readings, or love and relationship readings. All rights reserved. Second Edition Oriens Tarot Deck. This may not always be the easiest option. How does the book look like? The AlphaBet For Lovers is a card deck based on the Hebrew alphabet, designed to provide insight, advice and prophecy about love and relationships. Special thanks to T. The Heart Tarot "celebrates a vital, unimaginably potent force in our lives: love. We see fertility also represented by the spermatozoon in Symbolism:. Tarot de la Felicidad. The angel blesses them and reminds them of their union with Spirit. It's ideally suited for for advice, insight and solutions for matters of the heart. card reversed may indicate that you are going along with a divided situation because you have a vested interest in opposition. As we reveal our innermost selves to our beloved with all of our imperfect glories, we are truly exposed in both body and soul. Poppy's Love Cards is a set of over cards specifically for providing precise answers to questions of love and relationships. Here we have a sword which separates. All rights reserved. Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash Interested in finding out more about the animals represented in the tarot cards? Be willing to make some compromises, then stick with the commitments you finally make. The choice about who you want to be in this lifetime, how you connect with others and on what level. The art is flowing and feminine, and is designed to connect you with love, both in your relationship with yourself and with others. This interpretation portrays humanity before the fall, and can be thought to imply a different sort of choice -- the choice of evolution over perfection, or the choice of personal growth through relationship -- instead of a fantasy where everything falls into place perfectly and is taken care of without effort. The Love Tarot is a simple, majors-only set with collage cards of traditional Tarot imagery in a Victorian and classical looking style. Whispers of Love Oracle. It consists of images from old paintings cut and pasted into the symbols of the . Daring to love another brings us face to face with whatever is going on within ourselves, for better or for worse. This card has several layers of meaning:. Lovers Tarot Deck Writer

Sign up! The AlphaBet For Lovers is a card deck based on the Hebrew alphabet, designed to provide insight, advice and prophecy about love and relationships. The deck has 22 major arcana cards, 36 cards, and 7 chakra cards, all with gentle and beautiful illustrations. The Lovers path from Binah to Tiphareth on the Tree of Life is therefore represented in the symbolism of the card. This deck is not designed for readings, but for the drawing of a single card for meditation, contemplation and guidance. Buy from Amazon. It has 78 cards with fabric collages, which are in a similar detailed style as the Enchanted Tarot on the majors and court cards. The Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers is decorated in a gorgeously coloured, vibrant though rather eighties-looking , stained-glass style of imagery. The angel blesses them and reminds them of their union with Spirit. This truth is a rewarding but complicated conundrum, which all humans confront throughout their lives, for we are surrounded by relationships from our first breath. To partake of a higher ideal often requires sacrificing the lesser option. This is where we get the meaning of this card as defined by the seeking of a relationship but what Crowley tries to identify this card with occurs on a spiritual level of the soul being at one with the Father. Examining our preconceptions about love, the ways we yearn to connect with another, what we desire in a partner, is an act of self-illumination. Lovers Tarot. Internally, this represents our becoming whole whereby our life is in harmony with our spiritual will and purpose. Cloud for putting my thoughts into words and to the wonderful Auriel Nughtwell for tidiying it all up. It tells a story of ups and downs, of trials and exultations and lessons learned both painfully and gratefully. It is through the sword of creation that we recognise our individuality. This blog post will address any questions about the second edition deck. Get insights from our selected tarot advisors. The was about learning traditions, dogmas and structures such as mystical or religious groups or institutions. The Angel Love Cards show the user how to channel the power of the love angels, through 40 large-size cards and their associated quotes, prayers and actions. All rights reserved. It is the product of the union of the King and Queen:. You are attracted to someone but be advised that self-love self-worth, self-respect is a major key to a lasting relationship. About Us The Oriens Tarot Deck is an animal themed card deck that reflects nature through mythical and ethereal means, allowing you to spiritually connect with the universe and yourself through the exquisite art of divination. The Lovers Oracle is a romantic set of 44 heart- shaped cards, with images from Toni Carmine Salerno's art and short phrases meant to inspire love. The Lovers card is often a sign that you are facing a moral dilemma and must consider all consequences before acting. And even if I did like the artwork, the cards are too big for my hands to shuffle comfortably. Journey of Love. The choice — whenever you come across this card, you are at a love crossroads. This card has several layers of meaning:. Just watch out for choices that will produce dissatisfaction and discontent. Our top psychic advisors are here to provide the guidance, answers and clarity you need, whenever you need it. Skip to content. Modern decks tend to portray the feeling of romantic love with this card, showing Adam and Eve at the gates of Eden when everything was still perfect. It's ideally suited for for advice, insight and solutions for matters of the heart. Lion and Eagle. The Thoth Lovers Tarot Card contains much more symbolism than the Waite Card, with a heavy emphasis on alchemy that started with the Magus. Each card has a lushly detailed illustration and a gentle message of advice. They choose to be out there in and commit to their dreams and to a woman, but inside they remain a boy. You may find your relationships are strained and communication challenging. To make good choices, you need to be clear about your personal beliefs and values — and stay true to them. The Lover's Path Tarot combines gorgeous artwork, Tarot symbolism and love stories, and is ideal for use in readings about love, dating and relationships. Each card has an illustration by Toni Carmine Salerno on the front, and the meaning on a scroll on the back. The gratification of the personality eventually gives way to a call from spirit as the soul matures. The Lovers is also associated with the mutable air sign GEMINI The Twins which implies a choice needs to be made with this card and further extends the concept duality in this card. Our beliefs about love relationships can even embody our thoughts about how we feel the universe nurtures and supports us. Get 3 FREE minutes to try a live chat reading with any of our gifted psychics, astrologers, or Tarot readers today! Lovers Tarot Deck Reviews

Get insights from our selected tarot advisors. The Lovers Oracle is a romantic set of 44 heart-shaped cards, with images from Toni Carmine Salerno's art and short phrases meant to inspire love. It is the product of the union of the King and Queen:. The images on this card in different decks have varied more than most, because we have had so many ways of looking at sex and relationships across cultures and centuries. The gratification of the personality eventually gives way to a call from spirit as the soul matures. They begin with our dependence upon our parents for our very existence, and continue as we grow through our friendships. It is through the sword of creation that we recognise our individuality. The art is pretty and vibrant, with the 78 scene paintings cut into different shapes and set into a white background. Use this time to work on yourself, be the best you can be, and you will be attract those people that reflect and support you. This interpretation portrays humanity before the fall, and can be thought to imply a different sort of choice -- the choice of evolution over perfection, or the choice of personal growth through relationship -- instead of a fantasy where everything falls into place perfectly and is taken care of without effort. The Romance Angels Oracle has 44 cards designed especially for relationship and love readings. Have we made decisions in life which make us a reflection of our spiritual purpose in the world? True Love Tarot. Its 78 cards can be used for individual readings, or love and relationship readings. Trust your intuition along with your rational intellect, and once you make your choice, carry it out with conviction. Depth of feelings shared in a relationship are not mutual. Lover's Path Tarot. Art Nouveau Tarot. Angel Love Cards. This is a revised and expanded edition, with new messages of advice and an extra card. The Lovers can signify a beautiful, soul connection relationship. Psychics are not employees or representatives of Kasamba. Toggle navigation. The Lover's Path Tarot is from Kris Waldherr, artist of the Goddess Tarot , and features love stories and legends from all over the world linked with the tarot archetypes. Also representing the WILL to find unity, which is behind the purification process he undergoes through meditation and spiritual practise. Crowley says it is also a sign of:. Here are some more fun facts about them! All rights reserved. Love Pack. He will become an independent, responsible individual. Black child stands opposite white King, white child stands opposite white Queen, so we have the idea of opposites. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Romance Angels Oracle.

Lovers Tarot Deck Read Online

In choosing the young wife, the man will start a new life where he assumes real responsibilities. Not having enough self-love and self-respect. The Lovers is essentially about choice. He has a gold crown representing . Romantic Tarot. As we reveal our innermost selves to our beloved with all of our imperfect glories, we are truly exposed in both body and soul. Blog Posts. The Lovers Oracle is a romantic set of 44 heart-shaped cards, with images from Toni Carmine Salerno's art and short phrases meant to inspire love. I thought the cutting and pasting was done pretty sloppily, and the images are not strong because little thought must have been given to the meaning of the card. It has 78 cards with fabric collages, which are in a similar detailed style as the Enchanted Tarot on the majors and court cards. The Love Pack is a divination deck of 84 cards especially for new relationships, expanding your partner potential, and those seeking love and romance. The Journey of Love is an oracle set with 70 stunning cards painted by visionary artist, Rassouli. Have we made decisions in life which make us a reflection of our spiritual purpose in the world? Behind the woman stands a tall apple tree, with a snake winding its way up the trunk. A powerful message is waiting for you! The Tarot de la Felicidad or Tarot of Happiness is a Spanish, non-traditional tarot deck simplified for questions of love. Related to the Magus and ruled by Mercury. Contact us. The soul of this relationship is wounded, with the healthy give-and-take balance long forgotten. The AlphaBet For Lovers. maximiz.pdf